Beautiful do-it-yourself children's bed. Do-it-yourself children's bed: drawings, photos, manufacturing materials Make a do-it-yourself children's bed from wood

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Is there not enough space in the children's room for separate cots? Assemble a children's wooden bunk bed with your own hands. We have prepared design options for you, accompanied them with diagrams and drawings, and will show you the algorithm for making such a bed with your own hands, illustrating with photo and video materials.

A bunk bed for children or teenagers can also be made from metal, but not everyone will have a neat welded structure, and the appearance of such sleeping places is not very childish. Therefore, we will consider making beds from wood and lumber, since these are inexpensive and easy-to-work materials, warm, beautiful and homely.

Bed frame materials

Scroll wood materials, from which you can make a bed, is quite long. Let's highlight the most common ones.

1. Array. Expensive material and quite difficult to prepare and manufacture if you do not have experience working with it. Experience is important here. Although products made from solid wood are the most beautiful and durable, they still don’t use a children’s bed for very long - children grow up and begin to need other sleeping places.

2. Lumber - edged or planed boards, timber - the most common and easy-to-work materials, provided that you are confident in proper drying, otherwise load-bearing structure can "lead".

3. MDF - wood fiber board. The formaldehyde emission of the material is at the same level as that of ordinary wood. When drilling, it generates dust without forming chips. Laminated MDF looks very attractive. An uncoated slab requires additional finishing, such as varnishing. Can be ordered individual elements beds in a furniture shop or sawing shop: everything will be carefully cut out and the edges will be glued on.

4. Chipboard - particle board. Formaldehyde emissions are increased without a sealed coating, excluding class E1 slabs. Easy to saw, but does not hold screws well. Suitable for unloaded parts, such as drawers mounted under the bottom of the bed. Backrests can be made from laminated chipboard (laminated chipboard), decorative panels— the film coating prevents formaldehyde from evaporating, but it is important that the ends of the slabs are covered with film.

5. Furniture board - a slab glued together from individual blocks natural wood. Beautiful, durable, even allows you to carve, but requires skill in operation, as it has internal stresses that must be taken into account.

When purchasing fittings, you should give preference to steel hardware. Aluminum ones are much less durable and rigid.

Methods for connecting wooden knots

When making a bed, you may need various connections horizontally, vertically, and the formation of corners. This can be done different ways. We present some of them for your reference.

1 - half-tree connection; 2 - “claw” connection

1 - complete cutting; 2—cutting is not complete; 3 - steel corner

1 - connection with rectangular keys; 2 - connection with keys " dovetail"; 3 - connection to the main tenon

Design options (drawings and decor)

Bunk beds can have different designs and be decorated in a variety of ways. So, the upper tier can be located exactly above the lower one, offset, leaving space for a cabinet, or perpendicular to it. The staircase may consist of drawers. Another option is steps, which are hinged lids on drawers. The bed frame can also be supplemented with drawers located under the lower mattress. To do this you will need guides - runners. Sometimes something else is added to the bed: a table, shelves, a pencil case or sports equipment.

Below are drawings of some beds with basic dimensions.

And now a few design ideas that can inspire you to create an original one. bunk bed. Please note how some models use absolutely “waste” materials - slabs, branches, trunks, driftwood.

Bed for real Mowgli and Robinson Crusoe

Man-made fairy tale

Bed - sports corner

Bed - playground

Bed - house

Coupe bed

Bed for teenagers. Material: laminated MDF

Method for making a bunk bed

Some of the most inexpensive materials- boards and beams made of pine. It is from these that we will make a two-story bed.

Material calculation

When making a bed, you need to keep in mind that not only a child can sit on the lower bed, so the distance to the bottom of the upper bed should not be less than 85 cm. The size of sleeping places in the case of purchased mattresses is determined by their width and length. If you make your own mattresses from two layers of foam rubber in a thick fabric cover, then the dimensions are taken based on personal preferences.

The figure below shows the individual elements of the bed, and the table shows the purpose, dimensions and number of pieces.

1 — vertical racks(legs); 2 — external linings for the racks; 3 - boards of the supporting frame; 4 - upper and lower headboard strips; 5 — central headboard bar; 6 — side guards; 7 — staircase railing; 8 - steps of the stairs

Qty Size, mm Name
4 38x76x1730 Vertical racks
4 38x76x1730 Blanks for external linings for vertical posts
4 38x140x2030 Bed support frame boards
4 32x44x1850 Longitudinal mattress support bars (not shown in the picture)
24 20x76x1000 Transverse mattress support slats (not shown in the picture), cut in place
8 20x140x914 Upper and lower headboard/footboard slats
4 20x90x914 Headboard/footboard center slats
1 20x90x1510 Stair railing
3 20x64x482 Stair steps
2 20x90x1800 Fence railings, cut to the right size during installation

Assembly units

A bed is furniture consisting of several assembly units, which are then assembled into a single unit. Identical parts can be cut by holding them together with a vice or clamp, so they will turn out absolutely identical. Before assembly, you need to make sure that everything wooden parts cleaned, smooth and free of burrs. It is better to work with a special wood sander or grinder.

1. Headboard and footboard

These are two almost mirror-like elements. The difference is that the fence rails are built into the footboard as shown in the pictures below.

Headboard and footboard

Detailed layout with dimensions of headboard and footboard

Installation order: 1 - dowel 8 mm; 2 - the stand and backrest slats are drilled simultaneously; 3 - this part is attached after assembling all other parts of the headboard

2. Elements of the supporting frame

To assemble two supporting frames, you will need four prepared boards - the longitudinal components of the frame. To ensure the reliability of the structure, the longitudinal strip must be glued to the board and additionally screwed with screws to the middle of the thickness of the board. Between the bars glued to the longitudinal support strip of the mattress, transverse slats will be laid - the base for the mattress.

Design and dimensions of the supporting frame board

3. Details of stairs and railings

The railing of the fence is simply a processed board, the railing of the stairs is a board with a cut for mounting on the frame. Places for fastening the steps must be marked in advance, and make sure that the screws for fixing them do not fall on the frame screws.

1 — cutouts 38 mm; 2 — places of fastening of steps; 3 — stair steps, 3 pcs.; 4 - fence

4. Frame assembly

The footboard and headboard are connected at the bottom to the boards of the supporting frame using screws. After this, the transverse slats and mattress holders are laid, and the outermost ones are filed in the corners for tight installation. There is no need to secure them. The second tier is assembled in the same way.

5. Assembling stairs and railings

The stairs and railing are simply fixed to the frame with screws. If desired, the fence can be made on the side of the wall - for the lower and upper beds. Then you will need four more planks.

Now the wood can be painted and varnished, mattresses can be laid - and the bed is ready!

In conclusion, we suggest watching a video about making a bunk crib for real princesses.

Video. Part one

Video. Part two

Children grow up quickly, and furniture is quite expensive. In a regular crib, a child can sleep for three, maximum four years. Soon you will again have to buy an expensive bed that meets safety and comfort standards. The bed should be as comfortable and functional as possible. In fact, a do-it-yourself bed for a child is made “on time”, you can do it :)

To make a baby crib with your own hands, you do not need any professional skills, and the process will take a maximum of 3-4 days. Drawings and photos for manufacturing are provided on the Internet. From them it is clear: the process of making a crib is simple and exciting. The main thing is to use only quality materials and carefully think through the entire process from start to finish. As a result, both the child and the baby himself will be happy. IN in this case Instructions are provided for making a crib for a five-year-old child. Of course, he will be able to sleep in it until he is seven years old. But if the baby has a large build, the parameters of the blanks can be changed upward.

On video: review of a crib. Important points Constructive decisions, useful tricks.

Advantages of a do-it-yourself crib

IN furniture stores there are a huge variety of crib models for different ages. You can see cribs made of wood, chipboard, fiberboard and plastic. We provide exclusive models made of artificial and natural rattan, photos of which can be seen in catalogs. But the first factor in choosing a crib for a child should be the material from which the piece of furniture is made.

The crib must be made exclusively of solid wood. It can provide the required strength and durability. We pay attention to the treatment of corners and the safety of all surfaces. If necessary, we clean the shields over the entire surface.

The only drawback of wooden furniture sold in most stores is its sky-high cost. Good model such a crib will cost about 25 thousand rubles, and not everyone considers such costs appropriate, given that the bed will last the child a maximum of 4 years.

A DIY children's bed will cost parents a maximum of 17 thousand. This is taking into account that the highest quality and environmentally friendly materials will be used. clean materials. Designing and making a crib yourself has such advantages over purchasing finished product in a furniture store:

  • you have the opportunity to design a model that will fit perfectly into the interior of the room and will have the necessary parameters, the height of the sides and the size of the drawers;
  • confidence in the quality of the piece of furniture. If your child jumps on the bed, you won’t worry that the bottom will accidentally break right under him;
  • enjoyment of the process of creating a crib. The baby will even be able to help dad in this important process.

Materials and tools

Before you purchase necessary materials and tools, you should carefully consider the entire process of creating a piece of furniture. Consider whether you are truly ready to complete this process. It is better to do all the work outside the house, as it will be quite difficult to get rid of dust and sawdust. If there is no possibility of privacy in a separate room, you should cover the entire upholstered furniture and remove the carpet from the floor.

You should find detailed drawings of a crib on the Internet or magazines with step by step photos. But if you have experience in carpentry, and have previously encountered the design of furniture, you can do without them. The main thing is to make drawings accurate to the centimeter.

Then we start purchasing materials. We will need:

  • furniture panels made of wood;
  • aluminum corners;
  • self-tapping screws of different calibers;
  • wheels for drawers;
  • a lattice base for the crib, which can easily be replaced with a sheet of regular plywood of good quality.

The tools you will need are a drill, a jigsaw and a grinder. You should also get a piece sandpaper for processing corners and cuts.

All materials can be easily purchased at a hardware store. You need to buy another mattress; for a child it is better to choose a good, high-quality orthopedic mattress.

High-quality mattresses are available on the Internet at reasonable prices; their photos and characteristics will allow you to familiarize yourself with the products in detail. Even with this purchase, the cost of the bed will remain more acceptable than when purchasing a finished product in a store.

To ensure that the dimensions of the mattress and crib match, it is better to first buy a mattress, and only after that proceed to drawings of the crib.

Instructions for making a crib with your own hands

After you decide on the size and appearance of a bed for a child, look at photos of popular models on the Internet and find the necessary drawings, you can begin making a royal bed for your baby.

Instructions for making a crib are as follows:

  • We mark all the parts on wooden boards. It is better to use a regular lead pencil, which, if necessary, can be easily washed off with a sponge and detergent. Don’t forget to immediately mark the sides and the higher headboard: otherwise, it will have to be installed additionally in the future;
  • Use a jigsaw to cut out all the details. Here we carefully monitor straight line cut. We seal the cut edges with paper tape;
  • if you decide to draw complex shapes on the side of the crib and its headboard, you can use improvised means as a form. For example - a plate, glass or bottle;
  • in accordance with the length of the sides, we cut out aluminum corners and drill 4-5 holes in them for self-tapping screws;
  • We screw the corners to the bottom of the sides so that the base of the mattress rests on them. At the same time, they will increase the strength of the structure;
  • to connect all parts of the crib, it is better to lay it on its side;
  • we process decorative holes (if any) with sandpaper; it is better to do the same with sharp corners;
  • if the shields are made with high quality, their surface will be smooth and will not require additional processing. But for beauty, the crib can be opened with primer and varnish. Although one impregnation of a pleasant shade will be enough;
  • It is better to use for fastening parts special couplers instead of ordinary self-tapping screws. This is both more reliable and more convenient;
  • We assemble the drawers. The best option– two large drawers so that you can put large toys and bedding in them;
  • if desired, you can make low legs for the crib, and you should not forget about the metal corners for them;
  • We lay the mattress on the base and lay down the bed linen. The baby crib is ready with your own hands.
    By the way, you can order cutting of materials at a hardware store, having previously provided all the dimensions of the parts.

It is important for parents that their children grow up in comfortable atmosphere, and their sleep was not in danger. If a person has a minimum set of tools and basic knowledge, then DIY children's bed it won't be difficult to do, provided you have it on hand photo, product sketch, blueprints. The arrangement of such furniture is simple.

Layout and dimensions of a crib for a newborn

Parents know that a crib for a baby, especially from one year to four years This is especially important because the child sleeps a lot. The right furniture is the key to a comfortable sleep. For small apartments, such a crib in a nursery can also replace a playpen.
It is easy to make in two to three days and provides all the subtleties and nuances for the child’s comfort.

The right furniture is the key to a comfortable sleep

The first step is to figure out what elements this structure will consist of.

  • Mattress. It is selected based on the weight and age of the baby, so it is better not to make it yourself, but simply purchase it in a store. The purchased mattress was developed jointly with orthopedists and takes into account all the body’s needs for comfortable sleep and correct formation children's spine. Mattresses are divided into two main types: spring block and without springs. The version with springs can be on an independent spring block (each spring is placed in a separate bag made of nonwoven fabric and the load on such a mattress is distributed pointwise) and on a dependent spring block (the springs are united by a metal frame, and the weight of the sleeper is distributed evenly over the entire area of ​​the product).

    Comfortable hanging baby cot

    These mattresses are best purchased for children over 5 years old. And for children with low weight, products on a springless block are recommended, where the frame itself, as a rule, consists of polyurethane foam or foam rubber and, depending on the degree of rigidity, can be supplemented with coconut coir or other materials.

  • Frame. This element is made based on the size assumed by the mattress sleeping place. The material for it is most often planed board.
  • Lamels. These parts of the product are designed to support the mattress from below and are strips inserted into the furniture frame. They form a lattice with a distance between each other of about 5 cm (for ventilation of the mattress).

    Making a baby crib with your own hands, master class with drawings and photos

  • Sidewalls. They provide a barrier to prevent the child from falling out of the crib. Depending on the wishes of the parent, they can be high or low, solid or carved. Byltsa (back of the product). At the headboard their height will be higher than at the feet.

    Drawings and photos of a crib for a master class

  • Legs. This element can be made with your own hands or purchased at a specialty store. furniture fittings. They can be initially planed on the sides of the crib, or they can be screwed to it.

Crib drawing

Deciding on the model

In a children's room, several types of beds are most often used:

  • With drawers
  • Loft bed
  • Bunk bed (if there are two kids in the room)

If the premises of the children's room do not allow placing in the room big bed, but you need a compact model that can save square meters, then it is better to choose a design with drawers. Boxes are used for storage bed linen, toys, children's things and everything that does not fit in a child's chest of drawers or cabinets.

Baby cot on two levels for small children

In order for the furniture to turn out to be of high quality, it is necessary to select environmentally friendly materials for its manufacture. Ideal material there will be thick plywood or wood. MDF or chipboard, which are popular in the furniture industry, should not be purchased for the manufacture of structures due to the adhesives used in the manufacture of materials. Chemical substances can negatively affect the baby’s body, causing allergies.

Original bed for stylish interior children's room

Advice: It is not recommended to make a crib smaller than 1.5 * 0.6 meters, but you should not make it larger than 1.8 * 0.7 meters. A child will quickly outgrow a small crib, and if you make it too big, the baby will not feel comfortable in it.

The base for such furniture is made solid; it can be purchased ready-made, or you can simply use a sheet of plywood instead.
Its dimensions should be based on the size of the purchased mattress. A lattice can be purchased as a base, but plywood can be used as an option, since baby weight not that big.

The ideal material would be thick plywood or wood.

Wooden shield. It is better to use wood with a low resin content, for example, birch, linden. The size of the shield is recommended to be two meters long, 60 centimeters wide and about 3 centimeters thick.

On the furniture board, the future outline of the workpiece is drawn with chalk according to the dimensions of the sketch. If it is necessary to make holes on the sides of the structure, then they are drawn using a champagne glass or using a regular glass.

Furniture board and plywood can be cut by purchasing them in a store. As a rule, most stores have such services, but it is necessary to provide dimensions in millimeters and patterns. It is recommended to make the cut yourself using a jigsaw, but if you don’t have a jigsaw at hand, you can cut the materials with a regular saw.

Furniture board and plywood can be cut by purchasing them in a store.

After cutting, all wooden elements are sanded using sandpaper so that the materials from which the crib is made do not scratch the baby’s delicate skin.

If it is not possible to find angles made of aluminum, then they are cut from aluminum profile. The details of the bed must correspond to the sketch drawings. And the length of the corner from the profile should match the length of the side back of the furniture. These fasteners have holes for inserting self-tapping screws. The sides are attached with corners to the bed frame or plywood base, and this structure is tightened with eight self-tapping screws.

Original children's bed in the shape of a car for a boy

Initially, the parts are attached on one side, then the future workpiece is turned over to the side. According to the diagram, you should periodically check the order of fastening of the elements and the location of the parts. To ensure that the product is stable and strong, watch out for distortions and displacements of parts relative to each other. The bed walls are attached to each other and pulled together; if there are no holes in the walls, then they are made using a drill.

The frame part of the product is ready, it’s time to assemble the back, which will be located above the child’s head. If desired, it can be made in any shape, the main thing is that this piece of furniture fully fulfills its function, that is, protects the baby from injury.

Carved wooden crib for a newborn baby

Very often, small children raise their heads up in their sleep, so the sides here should be at least 10 centimeters in height. Another benefit of high sides and headboards is that they prevent toys and bedding from being thrown out of the bed.

Original baby crib for a boy

We make a headboard: we take a furniture board, from it, if desired, you can make a carved back that looks beautiful and noble or decorate it. The design of the headboard and backrest at the feet should match so that the design looks organic.

We make a headboard: we take a furniture board, from it, if desired, you can make a carved back that looks beautiful and noble or decorate it.

We screw the legs to the bed body itself, which we purchase at a furniture fittings store. We do this using long-length self-tapping screws.

All elements of the bed frame are additionally carefully polished, right down to the slots and cutouts, so that the child does not get hurt by putting his fingers in the slot.

Tip: A smooth sanded surface can be achieved using a drill with an attachment or a grinding machine.

Decorated, polished backrests are attached to a frame frame. So that the fasteners are not visible, they are drilled from below, pointing the drill upward. Cutting holes should be as careful as possible, because this part is easy to damage. We make the hole for the tie ourselves; it will be difficult to make it in this place with a drill. If the wood used to make the crib is soft, the hole will easily break through.

So that the fasteners are not visible, they are drilled from below, pointing the drill upward

The configuration of the crib suggests that the storage boxes are not attached to the bed frame, but have the form of roll-out cabinets. Drawers should be equipped with wheels so that the storage container can be rolled out.

Stylish wooden crib for a baby

If the apartment owner decides to change the configuration of the crib so that the drawers can be pulled out, then a transverse rail is attached to the bottom of the workpiece, and the product itself will stand on the side slats. In this case, the sidewalls are made higher than previously planned by several centimeters, equal to the height of the drawers. The drawer itself is placed on guides.

Wooden crib for a bright and airy room

For the boxes, we take plywood with a thickness of 1.2 cm, cut out the bottom and walls of the box, and tighten it together with self-tapping screws. Additionally, the box is glued, because the things in the box carry a load on the structure. We attach the wheels to the bottom of the assembled box.

Bright spacious room with a cot

The legs on the bed, if you decide to make them yourself, are made from leftovers furniture board or from scraps of timber square shape. Attach the legs to the furniture frame with self-tapping screws.

For the boxes, we take plywood with a thickness of 1.2 cm, cut out the bottom and walls of the box, and tighten it together with self-tapping screws.

Decorating the bed

When the work is completed, it is recommended to give the product a finished look. It is recommended to pass it upholstery fabric for furniture. First, parts 2–3 centimeters larger than the main parts are cut out of the fabric and overlocked so that they do not fray. The fabric is fastened with a furniture stapler, and its sections are hidden inside the crib so as not to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the structure. During decoration, the fabric is stretched to prevent creases, folds and bubbles from appearing.

A crib for the smallest family member and a small bedroom

Another finishing option would be to varnish the crib frame, headboard, and backrest at the feet. To do this, it is recommended to use quick-drying water-based varnishes. Treatment with stain will be more environmentally friendly for furniture in a children's room. It is recommended to first sand and polish all parts using a drill with an attachment.

For decorative look drawers, their fronts make them bright MDF panels or LDPS in blue, pink, light yellow, lilac and other colors.

From the first days, you want to surround your child with everything that is best, safe, reliable, and most importantly, something that will serve faithfully for many years until the baby grows up.For this purpose, as a rule, they choose natural materials, unable to lay a “mine” for future oncological diseases, thereby protecting the child from the first days.

Parents always want their children to grow up in a healthy atmosphere.

A crib is a baby's first fortress. It is there that he sleeps, enjoys life, begins to explore the world, studying everything that surrounds him.But how can you be sure that the coating and materials of the baby bed are safe? Only by making it with your own hands.

It is very important to protect the fragile body from the harmful influences of the external environment.

Smart dads who have their hands in place know very well- You can only be confident in something when you have tried it and done it yourself. This is the main advantage of the product. Why is that? Let's do a little comparison.

Factory Homemade
Advantages Flaws Advantages Flaws
Don’t waste time - go, buy or order Not always high quality material Do you know what it's made of? Manufacturing is labor-intensive and time-consuming
No guarantee of design reliability Reliable design - tested it myself
The coating is not always of high quality High-quality coating - I selected it myself
Often the surface of the product is not treated The surface is thoroughly cleaned - after all, the child will “crawl” on it

If you have certain skills, you can make a bed with your own hands.

Design and construction of a baby crib

From appearance The comfort of the room, how the child will like it, its convenience and the rational distribution of living space depend on the children's bed.

Thus, design and construction are interrelated.

We all want something original and unusual, unusual for everyday life. But let's be realistic. Why complicate life with an elaborate design of a children's bed in the shape of a car, airplane, baby elephant or steamship, if they are difficult to make? In addition, if there is no specialized tool, such as a thickness planer, milling machine with CNC, band saw and another? By choosing such a design, you can ruin all the wood without achieving what you want.

Let's focus on a classic crib without frills and tricks, which, although difficult, is quite possible to make from solid wood with your own hands.

The best material for a children's bed is solid wood

Wood is the most preferred material, has no contraindications, is absolutely inert. While chipboard, fibreboard, OSB, MDF and plywood contain fillers that have a detrimental effect on the body and also do not tolerate mechanical stress well.

Wooden furniture is always a noble, natural and cozy accent in the interior.

The main feature of all the listed materials that negatively affect use is the presence of formaldehyde in the composition, chemical compound, used in medicine for disinfection.As you can see, it’s not without reason that we recommend choosing solid wood. Required condition– well dried. Do not use raw boards, they will look back and you won’t have time: the structure will fall apart, the material will crack and twist. It is optimal if the wood dried on racks for three to four years, in a shaded place, protected from moisture.

But if there is no such thing, then machine-dried wood will do.

In addition to the boards you will need:

  • Self-tapping screws, bolts (for fastening parts);
  • Metal corners (will give additional rigidity to corner joints);
  • Beams, slats (for a mattress stand);
  • Lamels are flexible planks 15-20 mm thick, made of hard wood (oak, acacia).

Before you begin a crib making project, you need to purchase materials.

Tools - a reliable assistant to the master

The complexity of the work depends not only on the design of the product and materials, but also on the availability of tools. Having a real carpentry workshop in your arsenal, you can easily make any product. But what if there is nothing except a garage and a workbench? Can I start working?

No problem! Every man has everything he needs. And we need:

  • Drill, with a set of wood drills;
  • Planer for cleaning wooden blanks;
  • Hacksaw for cutting;
  • Set of files for grooves.

A necessary set of tools, without which the entire work project would be impossible.

Having a manual milling machine will greatly facilitate the work of assembling a crib, but if you don’t have one, we’ll make do with the above.

Application hand router makes work easier.

Some features of joinery

To make the furniture reliable, special joinery joints are used in its manufacture. Unlike conventional nail or self-tapping fasteners, such fasteners are more resistant to loosening, do not “fall apart,” and are resistant to mechanical damage.

The main task of choosing a connection method is decorativeness, the desire to make it beautiful and invisible.

Such a connection consists of a blind or through groove and a shank that fits freely into the groove. They are fastened with wood glue. The size of each groove and shank is selected individually, based on the thickness wooden blank(slats, beams, boards).

When such a connection is made taking into account the arrangement of wood fibers and its texture, it gives the impression that the product is made from whole piece tree.

First, mark the boundaries of the groove or shank with a pencil. Then an incision of the required depth for the shank is made with a hacksaw, and the groove is drilled out with a drill. Use a chisel to remove excess wood. The edges of the product are smoothed with needle files.If you have a router, set the cutting depth and mill necessary details. Additionally, using copy ring, which comes with the machine, you can easily make grooves of the desired size.

Making a baby crib with your own hands

  1. We decide on the dimensions of the product. You need to start from the dimensions of the mattress on which the child will sleep. We take the standard size - 1200x600 mm.

    The frame of the crib consists of the backrests and the base itself, on which the mattress will later be laid.

  2. The lower part of the crib is determined so as not to interfere with the child getting onto the bed. For children from 4 to 6 years old it is 35 cm.

    Bed foot board diagram.

  3. Surface treatment. It is necessary to manufacture the parts of the product, bringing them to same size. Support frame A timber cut into 6 identical pieces with 25 mm grooves attached for securing the lamellas will serve.

    The base of the bed will be 4 boards 35 mm thick and 7 mm wide.

  4. We calculate the calculation of the backrest. To do this, add the thickness of the board to the width of the bed. If there are railings, we make an allowance of 25 mm, taking into account their volume.

    Children's bed headboard diagram.

  5. The rods for the backrest are made from 20x20 mm slats. For fastening at the ends we make a spiked connection.

    Decorative headboard with legs for a children's bed.

  6. We assemble the frame. Boards and bed bases are connected to each other using shanks and grooves. For reliability, we strengthen the corners, metal corners, screwing them with bolts or self-tapping screws.

    The holes should have the same depth, which is equal to half the length of this piece of wood.

  7. We attach the base of the mattress to the bed frame using spiked joints.

    Before assembling the bed, you need to check the parts for chips and various defects.

  8. We insert the slats into the prepared grooves on the base of the mattress.

    You should not save money if there are few of them, in the future they will quickly break.

  9. We attach the sides and back to the frame.

    After assembly, we clean the surface and varnish it at least three times.

Note! All tenon joints are secured using wood glue. Under its influence, the tree not only holds together, but also swells, securely fixing inside the groove.

Crib house - a cozy fairy tale

We all remember the unique feeling and mystery of huts made from blankets. So why not pamper your baby and improve his crib by “building” his own house for him, in which he can sleep so comfortably?

To do this, during the manufacture of the back of the crib, we will make some adjustments.

Namely, by making the railing a little larger, first using a hacksaw or miter saw cutting off their tops at an angle of 75 0.We attach the bases of the “roof” of our house to them. It is better to secure the connection with tenons, but given the complexity of such a product, self-tapping screws are also suitable, the main thing is- don't forget to glue it.

The last step will be to attach the ridge beam, which will connect the base of the frame of our “house”.

Thus, the baby will receive a personal “fairy tale” made with caring hands dads and reliable roof a blanket thrown by mom will serve.

Put maximum effort, care and love into your product, and such a bed will give your child good dreams, and you - joy and satisfaction from the work done.

Of course, what we have described does not reflect all the subtleties of the process of making a children’s bed with your own hands. During your work, you will encounter many obstacles, and you will have to figure out the nuances more than once. However, we hope that the instructions for making simple furniture that can increase paternal authority to a new level will be useful to both the young father and the head of a family with many children.

VIDEO: DIY bed-house.

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DIY children's bed: drawings, photos, manufacturing materials

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of good sleep for a child’s health. That’s why it’s so important to get a comfortable and safe bed. By the way, you don’t have to buy furniture to decorate a child’s bedroom, because you can assemble it yourself. Read on to learn how to do this correctly.

Elements of a baby cot

Before we start making a children's bed, let's decide what distinguishes it from its adult counterparts. Among the distinctive features:

  • Dimensions. Mattresses for children's beds are shorter and narrower than their adult counterparts (see table standard sizes sleeping mattresses).
  • Number and location of beds. The bed in children's furniture is not made double, more often it is a single design. If you need to accommodate two children, the structure is assembled in two tiers.
  • Operational safety. Quality furniture for a children's room does not have sharp corners or traumatic parts.
  • Decorative design. Furniture for a children's room should not be boring and visually attractive to the child.

Let's summarize the points listed. A children's bed is made from the same elements as its adult counterparts, that is, it uses a supporting frame around the perimeter, mattress holder slats, a mattress, etc. But all these elements have smaller dimensions and are made of environmentally friendly materials.

Elements in the design of children's furniture are rounded at the corners and painted in bright colors. Important point– to ensure safety, the design of most children's beds uses high sides. The use of such elements is mandatory in cribs for children under 3 years of age.

Deciding on the model

The choice of children's bed design determines:

  • Children's age. The dimensions of the bed depend on age - the older the child, the larger the bed.
  • Amount of children. A single-tier bed is built for one child, and as the number of children increases, the number of tiers increases.
  • Gender of the child. The gender of a child affects decorative design furniture.
  • Features of the room. In a spacious nursery you can install several single-tier beds, but in a cramped room the structure is built in several tiers.
  • Project budget. Material capabilities determine what materials the furniture can be assembled from.

Basic details of wooden beds

The design of a single single-tier children's bed consists of a supporting frame, which is assembled from boards and encircles the product around the perimeter. At the corners of the supporting frame there are vertical supports that serve as legs and as side holders.

At the top of the supports there are horizontal boards - sides. Sideboards for older children are installed on three sides of the bed, and for children younger age four at a time.

Along the inner perimeter of the frame there are slats that will hold the mattress. At the bottom of the bed there is free space in which there are drawers for storing linen and bedding.

The design of a bunk bed repeats the design of a single-tier structure with the difference that two beds are supported on the same supports. To make it easy to climb onto the second tier, the design uses ladder. To ensure safety, the side of the second tier is located on four sides.


Illustrations Materials and their description

Solid wood lumber. Boards, timber, furniture panels are solid wood, environmentally friendly safe materials, which I primarily recommend for assembling children's furniture.

Metal. Children's beds can be assembled from rolled metal, provided that welds will be neat.

Particle board(chipboard). Chipboard - not the best option in respect of environmental safety. But because affordable price Laminated chipboard is still the most popular and in demand material.

Oriented Strand Board (OSB). From the point of view of environmental safety, OSB is worse than chipboard, since the formaldehyde content in these boards is higher. If OSB is used to make furniture, it must be provided that the surface is covered with several continuous layers of varnish.

Fiberboard– auxiliary material . Fiberboard(Fibreboard) is used as a construction material, which is used to line the bottom of drawers or cover the top of the bed.

About fasteners

If you are making a bed from lumber or particle boards, for fastening you will need confirmations - universal fasteners in the form of screws with an increased thread pitch. In order to provide greater strength to the confirmations, you can use dowels - wooden choppers that are driven into pre-drilled holes.

You will also need L-shaped corner perforated plates and self-tapping screws to secure them.

Available for sale corner mounts regular and reinforced with scarves on the fold, as shown in the photo. When choosing, we give preference to reinforced plates, as they are stronger and more reliable.

About accessories

A children's bed is a simple structure, where the list of special fittings is limited to guides for tilting the front wall, pendulum mechanism for rocking cradles, etc. At self-assembly you can limit yourself to rollers for drawers, as well as hinges and latches for the folding front wall.

Necessary tool

The choice of tool depends on what the furniture will be assembled from. To work with lumber you need basic set carpentry equipment, including drill, screwdriver, jigsaw, router, 5 mm hex key, measuring tool. You will also need free place, where you can cut out the necessary parts and then assemble them together.

Wooden bed

After we have decided on the choice of materials, fastening hardware and fittings, we will consider how to assemble it with our own hands wooden furniture for a children's room. As an example, I offer instructions for assembling a typical bunk bed shown in the drawing.

The structure assembled according to the proposed scheme is durable, neat and at the same time budget-friendly in terms of materials. The most important thing is that such a bed is not difficult to make yourself, even if such work is being done for the first time.

Illustrations Making a crib with drawers

Materials and tools. To assemble this bed you need pine or beech boards with a section of 35×100 mm and 25×100 mm. To process wood you will need Miter saw, router, drill, confirmation wrench, screwdriver.

Cutting out the details. From a 35×100 board we cut 4 pieces 1900 mm long, 4 pieces 1810 mm long and 4 pieces 800 mm long. On workpieces 1810 mm long we make grooves 35×100 mm as shown in the photo.

We make legs (supports). As shown in the photo, we attach transverse crossbars into the grooves of the vertical supports, which will be the head and foot of the bed on the upper and lower tier.

Assembling the bed and installing the ladder. After the end units of the bed are ready, we attach the longitudinal boards and safety barriers.

We install slats—mattress holders—in the inner perimeter of the upper and lower beds. We assemble a ladder from a board and a rounded block if round timber no steps can be made from boards.

Installation of drawer fronts. We assemble the boxes from boards as a rectangular frame, with a bottom attached at the bottom.

For convenience and safety of operation, we make the fronts of the drawers without handles with recesses, as shown in the photo. At the bottom of the boxes we attach roll-out rollers.

Let's take a closer look at the operations you will encounter during assembly.

Illustrations Assembly process details

Screwing in confirmations. To screw in the confirmat, we drill a hole - for this we use a drill with a special cutter. If there is no special drill, drill a hole the length of the confirmation and a diameter of 3 mm. Then we expand the edge of the hole made to 5 mm to a depth of 5 mm and get a recess under the head of the confirmation.

We screw the confirmat so that its head is completely recessed into the wood. Subsequently, the mounting hole will be closed with a decorative plug.

Holes for dowels. To install the dowel, holes of the appropriate diameter are drilled in the parts to be connected, most often 6 or 8 mm. The depth of the hole in each of the connected parts is 15 or 20 mm (depending on the length of the dowel).

The dowel is driven into the wood with or without preliminary application of glue.

Making the base for the mattress. For installation orthopedic mattress You can purchase ready-made lamellas, like those shown in the photo, or you can cut the same pieces of boards yourself.

A barrier is made from a block along the inner perimeter of the bed, onto which prepared lamellas are laid.

The lamella base is suitable for hard mattresses. If the mattress is soft, the base is made not of lamellas, but of a solid plywood sheet.

Installation of swing facades. As an alternative drawers You can install hinged fronts at the bottom of the bed. Installation of facades is carried out using conventional adjustable hinges.

Decorating the bed. Finished furniture can be treated with stain and varnished if it is wooden. In other cases, painting is the preferred option.

Alternatively, a bed made of wood or chipboard can be upholstered with fabric pre-pasted with foam rubber.

Homemade bed-car

Illustrations Assembling the car bed

Support frame. Assembled from furniture board rectangular frame- box. Gaps are cut out from one of the ends of the box using a jigsaw to imitate a radiator grille, headlights, etc.

Imitation windshield . Openings are made on the sides of the body through which the child will enter the structure. At the distance at which the hood is expected to end, we attach a frame assembled from slats.

Installing the Drawer Lid. The lid of the bedding box, imitating a hood, is attached to a piano hinge at the front of the bed. At the same stage, the wheel rims are attached to the sides.

Mattress holders. Inside assembled box a plywood sheet is installed on which the mattress is laid.

Primer and painting. After the bed is assembled, the surface is primed and painted.

Considering complex design furniture, for working with paint and varnish materials It is preferable to use a brush. The choice of paint is not important, the main thing is that it is completely dry before use.

Let's sum it up

Now you know how and what to make a children's bed from. If according to the proposed step by step guide If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to the article.

August 5, 2018

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