Which paint for radiators is better to choose? How to paint a heating radiator: step-by-step instructions How to paint a cast-iron heating radiator

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Cast iron heating radiators - veterans heating systems

You are planning to renovate your home - you have a lot of plans, projects, ideas that you really want to bring to life. Walk around the apartment, assessing the scope of work, making notes - what to repair, what to replace, what to refuse in principle. The list of work is growing quickly, and the list of projected financial expenses is growing even faster. And then your gaze comes across the venerable “grandfather” in the living room - the good old cast-iron heating radiator. And you are thinking - should you keep it and restore it, or throw it away and replace it with something more modern?

Don’t rush to abandon these veteran heating systems - at correct handling they are quite capable of serving you for a long time and faithfully. Did you know that cast iron heating radiators were invented back in 1857 by the Frenchman Franz San Galli and since then have faithfully served to heat any type of room. There are good reasons for this, namely the following qualities:

  1. Excellent heat dissipation;
  2. High temperature inertia - that is, our batteries heat up for a long time, but also cool down for a very long time, leaving the room warm and heated long time;
  3. Low hydraulic resistance - the coolant, circulating inside the radiators, encounters almost no resistance and there is no need for forced circulation;
  4. Durability - just look how many years these “dinosaurs” can serve without losing their qualities;
  5. Corrosion resistance - cast iron is slightly susceptible to corrosion, which significantly affects the durability of the product.

As you can see, there are a lot of advantages and it’s too early to write off old heating batteries in the trash. As for the unattractive appearance, the product can always be painted, this will certainly solve the problem.

Preparing heating radiators for painting

So, before painting, you need to properly prepare the surface of the battery. This is necessary so that the paint applies evenly and correctly, so that good adhesion to the surface is ensured, so that over time the coating does not chip off or fall off. So, let's look at the preparation process step by step:

  1. First you need to thoroughly wipe the surface of the unit, completely removing dust, debris, various kinds pollution;
  2. As a rule, our “veterans” are covered with old paint in many layers and reliably to the point of fossilization - all this must be removed before painting. For this purpose, we use various types of chemical removers based on solvents and acids. We carefully read the instructions, apply the substance to the surface, wait for the time specified in the instructions and proceed to remove the “fossils”;
  3. Old paint softens under the influence of chemical removers and we can remove it using a spatula and special hard brushes. However, it must be remembered that removers do not work on paints produced before the middle of the last century, since they were made from natural ingredients;
  4. So, the old coating has been removed and you can proceed to the next stage - sanding the surface with sandpaper. We agree - the work is dreary, requiring remarkable patience, but absolutely necessary if we want to paint our battery with high quality;
  5. And at the end, the surface should be primed with a special primer so that the paint adheres well and holds tightly.

Choosing paint for radiators

Now is the time to ask yourself a legitimate and entirely appropriate question:

“What would be a better way to choose what paint to paint our battery with?”

There are a number possible options coatings for cast iron radiators, and which one to choose is up to you, of course.

Our coating must have the following properties:

  1. Heat resistance - that is, not destroyed under the influence of temperatures up to 80 degrees Celsius;
  2. Environmentally friendly - the coating should not have any negative impacts on the human body;
  3. The coating must protect the surface of the unit from corrosion;
  4. The ability to retain its original color for a long time.

Let's look at what we can use to paint our battery.

  1. Alkyd enamel - quite durable, strong, capable for a long time maintain the integrity of the structure. However, after application, a specific chemical smell lingers for a long time. Therefore, if you decide to paint the surface with this enamel, wear a respirator;
  2. Water-dispersed acrylic enamel- dries quickly, has no pungent odor, is durable and strong. The disadvantage is that for painting heating radiators you need to choose only special heat-resistant enamels;
  3. Acrylic enamel with solvent - does not require surface priming, is easy to apply, dries quickly, and does not have a strong chemical odor. However, there are difficulties with solvents and this paint cannot be shaded with the desired color.

You can cover the battery with ordinary oil paint, but this is unlikely to make the unit more attractive - oil paint is simply not intended for such purposes. And there is an opinion that heat transfer may suffer from this.

Be sure to pay attention to important detail - Batteries must be painted cold! When painting a heated surface, the paint applies unevenly, bubbles, and wrinkles. Therefore, all work of this kind should be carried out during the non-heating season.


So, as you have seen, you should not rush to get rid of old cast iron radiators. Being in good working order, if painted correctly, they can look attractive and will provide warmth to you and your home for a long time.

Almost every apartment has heating devices. If the apartment has just been purchased, the happy owners of the home have many questions related to repairs. For example, how to paint a radiator and what color?

What is a heating battery?

  1. Firstly is a heating element that creates the necessary comfortable temperature in room;
  2. Secondly- This metal device, subject to corrosive processes;
  3. Third– this is an element that, one way or another, catches the eye. This means that it must be properly executed.

Having completed all the steps to install a heating system in an apartment, many people wonder what paint to paint the radiators with? After all, I don’t want to be like everyone else. In this case, you need to understand what needs to be done to independently complete the task.

Our article will discuss how and how to update a heating battery, as well as how to do the work yourself.

Choice of colors

Typically, heating equipment is painted in the most boring colors:

  • green,
  • blue,
  • yellow, etc.

These colors are not at all pleasing to the eyes of some people. On the contrary, they repel with their primitive design.

What color to paint the radiators is up to you. But when choosing paint to update heating appliances, it is better to focus on light, less conspicuous colors. For example, white or slightly grayish.

ON A NOTE! In order to understand how to paint batteries in an original way, it is best to focus on a pre-compiled design project. But in any case, you need to remember that devices painted in light colors reflect heat well! Therefore, it is advisable to use light shades as the design of the radiator.

Selecting materials

The choice of materials for updating heating devices with your own hands must be approached with a certain degree of responsibility. To paint radiators and radiators, it is necessary to select appropriate materials, given that heating devices are subject to a colossal range of temperature changes. ().

In general, materials must meet the following criteria:

  • Excellent resistance to temperature changes (heat resistance);
  • High degree of tenacity varnish painting materials with a processed base;
  • Protection of the metal of the heating element from the effects of severe corrosive processes.

Let's consider which materials meet the above requirements:

  • Oil based materials- a relic of past times. They are also produced and used in some cases. May be suitable for updating the surface of radiators or other elements. But in any case, they are already quite outdated, as they are being replaced by more high-tech compounds.
  • Compositions on alkyd based – at temperatures above 90°C, they perfectly retain their structure. They adhere quite firmly to the base. Less susceptible to mechanical stress, but have an unpleasant specific odor. The price of the material is relatively high.

  • Compositions based on acrylic, water-dispersion– after application they set instantly. They practically do not have a particularly noticeable, unpleasant odor. Suitable for indoor work.
  • Compositions on acrylic base with the addition of chemical solvents. It can be applied to a previously unprimed base (which is not recommended). High levels of moisture resistance and preservation of the original color. They have a glossy structure. Perfect for such work.
  • You can also use fire-retardant metal paints Polistil. Or alternatively, Zinga conductive paint may be suitable. These types of materials are great for protecting metal elements from corrosion processes and temperature changes.

As you can see, pick up required material not difficult, given the rich assortment.

We paint the battery ourselves

When carrying out activities to paint a particular surface, it must first be prepared. And heating elements are no exception.

Preparing the surface of the batteries

Instructions for preparing the battery before painting are as follows:

  1. Removing old peeling paint coating by using construction hair dryer and hard;
  2. Thoroughly clean the surface with sandpaper (coarse-grained);
  3. Removing dust after work with a regular rag or vacuum cleaner;
  4. Prime the surface with special heat-resistant compounds intended for such purposes.

We hope you understand how to prepare the battery for painting. Let's move on to the painting itself.

To work you will need the paint itself and a brush, or electric spray gun. You should also have a clean cloth and gloves ready. Paint needs to be applied thin layers at least twice. Moreover, each layer must be thoroughly dried.

If work is carried out on hot radiators, then you need to paint very quickly, as there is a possibility of the material setting instantly. However, it is highly advisable to paint this surface when it is not heated.

TIP: When carrying out work, do not forget to ventilate the room by opening window vents and turning on the air conditioner. If work is being carried out, for example, in the bathroom, turn on the hood and open the doors.

If it is possible to update the heating element without removing it from its place or disassembling it, then the whole job can be greatly simplified for you.

Things to consider

Please note that painting aluminum radiators modern samples, originally painted in the factory, are not the most the best option. The thing is that at the factory, paint is applied to heating devices in a certain way using special equipment, which allows the surface of the heating element to be evenly coated by spraying with a thin, especially durable film, which in turn ensures uniform heat transfer.

And in case self-application paint on the surface of the radiator, you will, one way or another, disrupt the thermal conductivity characteristics of the heating element.

TIP: The best way to paint radiators is by spraying with electric sprayers. These devices allow you to apply a thin layer of material, while painting hard-to-reach places between the rib plates and without leaving sagging or smudges of material.


Now you know how to properly paint radiators in an apartment. A painted old heating device will be practically no different from a new one if the technology for performing the work when updating it yourself is followed ().

To finally resolve this issue, we suggest watching the video in this article as an alternative.

There are quite a lot of reasons why you simply need to paint radiators: major or redecorating premises, replacing or updating an old heating battery, or, for example, the old color does not suit the new kitchen interior. In addition, chips often form on batteries that need to be painted over. In general, the reasons may be different, but how to properly paint batteries and not lose their thermal conductivity, read our article.

Why paint the radiator

In our harsh climate, we cannot do without additional heating sources. Of course, modern technologies do not stand still and more and more often systems are installed in houses, but the batteries we are used to can still be found in many houses.

It’s not easy without radiators in our climate. Such cast-iron, bulky structures are only appropriate in an industrial loft style.

Batteries, no matter how useful they are in winter time years, are constantly subject to criticism. Their design rarely fits into the interior of the room.

Alternatively, they can be hidden behind false kitchen panels, but in this case you risk “losing” some of the heat.

In addition to their bulky and awkward design, batteries are not easy to care for. Firstly, they perfectly collect dust, which needs to be periodically “swept out” using all sorts of tricks. But periodically they need to be painted, which is even more difficult. Let's look at how to do this correctly step by step.

Painting the battery outside the heating season


The first step is to remove old paint. Due to the fact that the design of the battery makes many of its places difficult to reach, it is not possible to clean it the old-fashioned way using a metal brush.

A soldering iron or hot air gun will not work. Since in the first case the structure can be damaged, and in the second it is simply useless.

The best way to clean a battery from old paint is a variety of chemical removers.

Paint remover can remove paint even in hard to reach places Oh

Of course, this method also has its drawbacks, but it still gives top scores. The remover works on the principle of a solvent. It penetrates the paint layer, softens it and then scrapes off the old paint quite easily with a putty knife or metal scraper. Among other things, the remover does not damage metal or wood, so it can be used before batteries.

When working with the substance, hold the bottle with the neck away from you so as not to accidentally inhale aggressive vapors of the liquid. The room must be well ventilated.

How to paint batteries:

The process of painting radiators

  • apply wash;
  • remove old paint;
  • rust must be sanded off;
  • treat the battery with a degreaser (white spirit or slightly alkaline solution);
  • if necessary, apply a primer;
  • After drying, you can apply the main color.
  1. Batteries should only be painted when they are cold.. Therefore, it is better to postpone all work to a time when the heating season has already ended. If the need arises in the autumn-winter season, turn off the valves and wait until it cools completely.
  2. If you have to apply paint to warm radiators, use a spray can or apply a very thin layer. The whole difficulty of applying paint to a hot surface is that brush marks remain. In addition, if the paint is changed, the batteries will become stained.
  3. Radiators can only be connected after the paint has completely dried.

Interesting colored batteries will become a highlight of the kitchen

The room must be ventilated. If this is not possible, use a respirator.

How to choose the right paint for heating radiators:

Choosing the Right Paint

When choosing paint for heating radiators, you should take into account several requirements that the product must meet:

  1. Heat resistance. Since batteries are, in principle, a heating device, the paint must be heat-resistant. Keep this in mind when choosing paint that is resistant to high temperatures.
  2. Non-toxic. When heated, the paint may release bad smell as well as toxic substances that can cause allergies, headaches and even poisoning.
  3. The shine of the paint is provided by acrylic, but it is worth remembering that when painting the room there will be a rather pungent odor. An unpleasant odor may not disappear for quite a long time - the room must be ventilated for several days. Comply with paint

It is worth noting that acrylic paints are among the most durable and resistant. In addition, acrylic paint is wear-resistant and not subject to abrasion.

How to choose a beautiful color for painting or drawing

Classic color for radiators: white or silver. But if you wish, you can paint it in any other color.

Classic white batteries can be decorated in interesting ways

A battery painted with bronze or copper paint will look very interesting in the kitchen.

Dark-colored batteries dissipate heat better

Batteries give off heat best dark colors. As an option, you can finish the back wall, which gives off heat perfectly. If the radiators in your apartment are not too hot, choose a dark palette for them. Chocolate, dark gray or marsh batteries will look good. You can draw a still life or landscape on the batteries, or make one. The most interesting thing will be the flow of the pattern onto the battery.

Interestingly designed batteries will become the highlight of the kitchen

If you approach the coloring of batteries creatively, you can turn this awkward element into an interesting design move.

Decorate your batteries in a beautiful style

How do you like this Khokhloma

Simple but tasteful

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Many owners of houses or apartments are in no hurry to replace old-style cast-iron batteries, which function normally, with new models. Despite their venerable age, these radiators can serve faithfully for many more decades. True, it is necessary to periodically put them in order. Over time they lose their aesthetic appearance, cracks form on the paint layer and paint peels off. And in these places traces may appear, which may not be dangerous for cast iron, but very much spoil the overall picture of corrosion. This means it’s time for another coloring.

Other types also require updating of the protective and decorative coating, especially since for steel batteries or convectors, pockets of emerging corrosion can generally become fatal. Yes, and aluminum or bimetallic heating devices Over time, too, sometimes it is necessary to “refresh” or even repaint it in a different color, in accordance with the intended decoration of the room.

In this publication we’ll just look at how to paint a heating radiator yourself? The main nuances regarding preparation for this procedure, the choice of paint and its practical application. And this information needs to be known even before the planning stage of such work.

Criteria for choosing paint for batteries

Not just any paint is suitable for heating radiators. It's all about those special conditions operation, which are typical for these heating devices.

Therefore, when choosing a composition, you need to choose one of the options made specifically for application to heating radiators. If the manufacturer has not specified the purpose of the paint, then you should pay attention to such characteristics as heat resistance.

So, when purchasing paint, you need to study the following parameters:

  • Resistance to elevated temperatures. The paint layer applied to a metal surface must be able to withstand heating up to 80÷90 degrees, without losing its protective and decorative qualities and without emitting odors.
  • High adhesion. This quality will help create reliable adhesion of the paint to the surface of the battery - the coating will not begin to peel off under the influence of temperature changes.
  • Anti-corrosion protection. The paint must contain components that can protect the metal from external aggressive influences. This is especially true for steel and cast iron radiators.
  • Color resistance to fading or yellowing. This is a very important quality of paint, and if it is not taken into account, it is possible that the painting will soon have to be done a second time.
  • Resistance of decorative coating to abrasion. When the radiator comes into contact with various hard objects (for example, when rearranging furniture or during children's games), as well as items of clothing, which are often dried on radiators, the paint layer should not become covered with small scratches, become thinner and begin to “see through.”
  • Environmental Safety. The paint should not contain components that, when heated, can emit toxic fumes that can harm the health of residents of the house or apartment. The coating should not create any odors in any operating mode of the batteries.

Selectable paint good quality must meet all of the above criteria in combination. However, for some of the characteristics, such as adhesion, to really work, the surface of the radiator must be properly prepared. If you miss this important stage of painting, the coating may not last long, and the entire process will have to be repeated, taking into account the mistakes made.

What paints can be used for radiators

If previously oil paints were mainly used to paint batteries, and at best enamel options (simply due to the paucity of the assortment on sale), today the choice of compositions is so wide that it is worth understanding their characteristics and identifying the optimal one.

Oil paint

Despite the availability of other types of paints in specialized stores, some homeowners prefer the “old fashioned way” to purchase time-tested compositions made from organic oils for painting batteries. This line of paints belongs to inexpensive options, perhaps that is why it is not losing its popularity.

Characteristic features of oil compositions:

  • They have excellent hiding power and create a layer on the metal surface that has high density and strength.
  • The paint is resistant to high temperatures.
  • The compositions do not emit toxic fumes after drying.
  • The coating demonstrates good resistance to mechanical loads and abrasion.

Oil-based compositions also have their own quite numerous disadvantages. Therefore, many homeowners have long abandoned them:

  • When painted, the compositions emit a specific tart odor that does not disappear from the premises for a long time.
  • The paint takes a very long time to dry, leaving unsightly marks, especially on vertical surfaces.
  • The composition has a rather thick consistency and poor spreadability, so it is not easy to apply it in an even layer.

Over time, a layer of oil paint takes on an unrespectable appearance, turning from white to a dirty yellow or cream color.

  • Oil coatings white are prone to yellowing, which means that the decorative value of such a coating will be very doubtful after just a couple of seasons.
  • The material does not have high anti-corrosion qualities, so rust often forms under its layer, showing through in spots.

Despite the fact that oil paints are affordable, today literally only a few consumers choose them - all because of the above-mentioned disadvantages. In addition, they are significantly inferior in their characteristics to analogues made on other bases.

Conclusion - it’s better not to mess with it, despite the affordable price.

Alkyd enamels

This type of paint composition contains pigments and additives embedded in pentaphthalic or glypthal varnish. Alkyd paints have a number of advantages that make them a fairly popular material:

Alkyd enamel specially designed for painting batteries, as reflected on the label

  • The alkyd composition creates a uniform, smooth coating on the surface of radiators, giving them an aesthetic appearance.
  • The paint does not turn yellow or fade, and also has high adhesive properties.
  • The coating can reliably protect the metal from external aggressive influences.
  • Alkyd paints are highly wear resistant.
  • The ability to withstand high temperatures makes this decorative coating durable.
  • The wide range of shades available for sale allows you to choose the paint most suitable for the intended finish.
  • The advantage is the affordable cost of such paints and varnishes.

Alkyd enamels are divided into several types, depending on the base on which they are produced. Moreover, each of the options has both its “pros” and “cons”.

  • Solvent-based enamel (white spirit) creates an aesthetic glossy layer on the surface. However, when applied, the composition emits a sharp, pungent odor. Despite this, the material remains in demand due to its affordable cost and relatively quick drying.
  • Organosilicon-based enamel creates a matte layer on the surface of the batteries. The paint is heat-resistant and can withstand heating up to 600 degrees without damage (which is impossible in principle on heating radiators). Such formulations are offered both in the form of a suspension, packaged in jars, and in the form of an aerosol.

If you plan to purchase odorless paint, then the solvent-based option should be immediately rejected. White spirit, which is part of the paint, gives it a sharp, unpleasant odor that persists for a long time even after painting. In addition, when the batteries are very hot, the smell can also appear even after some time.

Prices for “Krafor” enamel for radiators

Krafor enamel for radiators

Acrylic enamels

Heat-resistant acrylic enamels are very popular among consumers, as they have a large number of advantages, which include the following characteristics:

Acrylic enamels can create a matte, semi-matte or glossy finish on the surface

  • Acrylic enamel creates a smooth and even coating on a metal surface. As the composition dries, polymerization of its components occurs, as a result of which the applied layer visually resembles plastic.
  • Acrylic heat-resistant paints do not emit a sharp unpleasant odor both during their application and during the operation of heating devices.
  • This type of paint composition dries quickly - their setting period ranges from 10 to 90 minutes, depending on the components and production technology. The layer completely dries approximately 5 hours after its application.
  • Acrylic enamels have a medium thickness; they are convenient to apply to vertical surfaces, as they adhere well to them, do not spread and do not create smudges.
  • Big choice acrylic paints from different manufacturers allows you to choose the option that suits the buyer most, both in terms of cost, composition and shade.

Despite a considerable number of advantages, acrylic enamels also have their disadvantages, which include the low resistance of the coating to mechanical stress.

Having chosen acrylic compounds, when purchasing them you should Special attention pay attention to such characteristics as the operating temperature range, as well as the specific purpose of the paint.

To obtain the proper coloring effect, the enamel is applied to the prepared surface in two layers. In addition, after applying both the first and second layers, it is necessary to ensure that the surface is protected from moisture during the drying period.

Among acrylic enamels, popular compositions can be distinguished - these are “VD-AK-1179” and “Thermakrill”.

  • “VD-AK-1179” enamel is applied to the well-primed surface of the battery. The first coat of paint dries for about two hours, after which the second coat can be applied. Complete drying of the composition occurs one day after applying the second layer.

Universal acrylic enamel “VGT VD-AK-1179” is fully suitable for painting heating radiators

  • “Thermakrill” paint of the “Alp Enamel” brand differs from its analogues in the anti-corrosion additives it contains. This type of enamel is designed to be applied not only to cast iron radiators heating, but also for batteries made of stainless steel, aluminum, titanium alloys and low-carbon steel. The paint has a specific smell, but it dissipates fairly quickly. The applied composition sets within 30 minutes, and complete drying occurs two days after applying the second layer of enamel.

Dispersion acrylic paint

This type of acrylic paint is different in that it can be used during the heating season, that is, when the radiators are heated to high temperatures. Dispersion acrylic compositions are practically odorless, easy to apply in an even layer and dry quickly.

The paint has high decorative and performance characteristics, does not change color during operation and does not crack under the influence of high temperatures. It is capable of creating matte or glossy surfaces - this is what the store pays attention to when choosing.

One of the popular compositions of this type is paint for radiators “Dulux Master Lux Aqua 40”

Master Lux Aqua 40 paint from Dulux is especially popular among consumers. When applying it, some features should be taken into account. So, for the first layer, the paint is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 - this turns out to be a kind of primer that prepares the surface for the next painting layers. And they are already applied with undiluted paint.

You can name a few more compositions that, according to consumer reviews, have proven themselves with best side- this is “Aqua-Heizkorperlack” of the Dufa company, “Element” of the Eskaro brand, as well as Tiora, Thermo and Dufa Retail. All these paints do not have unpleasant odors, dry quickly and create very durable and neat coatings.

Silicone paints

These types of paints are made on the basis of silicone mixed with aqueous or organic solvents.

The features of silicone compounds include the following qualities:

  • High temperature resistance. Silicone coating able to withstand any temperature conditions heating systems without losing the integrity of the layer and its aesthetics.
  • Convenient and easy to apply. If you choose this coating option, then it doesn’t even require additional preparation. metal surfaces radiators.
  • Long service life. Silicone is resistant to mechanical influences, including abrasion. The surfaces are easy to clean. Including using detergents.
  • It is not at all afraid of ultraviolet radiation - the surfaces will not fade. It’s not for nothing that silicone paints are widely used to decorate building facades.

The only drawback of silicone compounds is their high price. But, considering the duration of operation without loss of external data, the fact that you do not have to spend time and money on painting batteries every two to three years, the price seems quite justified.

Other paint options for radiators

In addition to the types of paints listed above, suitable or specially designed for painting batteries, other paints and varnishes made on other bases can also be used. Or modifications of the already mentioned compositions with additional ingredients.

From a variety of paints for radiators, you can choose the one that suits both characteristics and price

  • Paints made on the basis of silicate resins . This version of paint forms an elastic and dense layer on surfaces that is resistant to temperature changes. The compositions have excellent adhesive properties and do not require additional training surfaces. The disadvantages of this material include an unpleasant, pungent odor during the period of applying the paint and until it dries completely.

One of the texture options created with hammer paint

  • Hammer paints - this is a variety alkyd compositions, but creating not a traditionally smooth coating, but interesting textured patterns of small cracks or a surface with an embossed effect. This option is impossible would be better suited for older models of cast iron batteries. The texture they create will perfectly hide the roughness that is always present on these radiator models.

  • Some homeowners prefer to paint the batteries - silver coin , which consists of aluminum powder and varnish or drying oil. This composition withstands high temperatures well and can be applied both to a prepared base and to old paint. It is necessary to immediately warn that the composition has a persistent, pungent odor, so after painting the room must be immediately well ventilated. As for the decorativeness of this approach, let everyone decide for themselves how appropriate such decoration is, say, in a residential area.

Preparing batteries for painting

The process of preparing radiators for painting is very important stage work, as it is necessary to perform several tasks:

  • One of the tasks is to increase the adhesive properties of materials, as well as protect the metal from corrosion.
  • If the batteries are old, covered with several layers of paint, cleaning them is necessary to increase heat transfer.

It is recommended to carry out all work both on preparing surfaces and painting them at the end of the heating season. An exception may be the use of paints and primers designed for application to hot surfaces.

So, preparing radiators for painting consists of several operations:

  • Cleaning surfaces from dust and greasy deposits. Dust accumulated inside the sections is removed using a vacuum cleaner with a crevice nozzle or a narrow brush. You can also use the wet cleaning method using water with detergents. If grease stains have formed on the battery, which often happens in kitchen conditions, then you can remove them with dishwashing detergent. If necessary, apply a damp cloth to heavily soiled areas, under which greasy spots soften and will be easier to clean off.

  • Removing rust and old paint . Next, new batteries must be cleaned of rust, and old batteries must be cleaned of numerous layers of paint. There are two cleaning methods - mechanical and chemical.

— Mechanical method more labor-intensive and will take quite a lot of time. It is carried out using a metal brush mounted on a grinding machine or in a chuck. electric drill. However, this method is only suitable for . Modern batteries made of thin sheet steel or non-ferrous metals can be seriously damaged by a hard wire brush. In any case, you should work at low speeds. The paint on the surface of the batteries must be completely removed.

Another cleaning method is to use chemical compositions, with the help of which paint or rust is washed off from surfaces. The compositions are produced in the form of a solution, paste, gel or aerosol.

Remover for removing paint from wood and metal surfaces

Each of the chemical composition options is used differently - on the packaging the manufacturer gives instructions for their use, which must be strictly followed. For example, paste-like substances are applied to surfaces using a brush with natural bristles, after which the battery is covered with plastic film for a period determined by the manufacturer. The exposure time can vary from twenty minutes to several hours. The paint should soften, after which it is removed from wide surfaces with a spatula, and its remains mechanically using a wire brush.

Aerosol versions of washes are convenient to use, since when sprayed they penetrate into the most inaccessible places in the radiator sections. The principle of operation of these compositions is comparable to any type of remover - the paint is softened, then removed with a spatula and brush.

However, it should be warned that chemical compositions- not harmless. They have a pungent, pungent odor, so the room where they are used must be well ventilated. In addition, it is necessary to protect the respiratory tract with a respirator, and your hands with protective gloves. When choosing this cleaning method, it is necessary to purchase compounds that indicate that they are safe when applied to metal.

  • Radiator priming . The next step Primer is being applied to cleaned surfaces. This treatment is intended to prevent the appearance of corrosion pockets, as well as to create optimal conditions for adhesion of painting materials. The composition chosen for priming must be intended for metal surfaces and be compatible with the paint that will be used to paint the radiators.

If you buy paint domestic production, then it’s good for it soil will do GF-021. When using paint compositions foreign manufacturers You can use Sigma or Dulux primer.

The final stage of painting begins after the primer layer has completely dried.

Painting radiators

When starting to paint, it is recommended to adhere to the following rule - apply the paint in thin layers. If you try to paint radiators with one thick layer, you will hardly be able to get a neat finish. smooth surface. A large number of paint applied once to the vertical surfaces of batteries creates unaesthetic smudges and unevenness. That's why best option- paint the devices in two thin layers: the first will create a base and cover the natural color of the metal or primer, and the second will finally even out the finish and give the radiators an aesthetic appearance.

Cast iron radiators

These are perhaps the most inconvenient batteries to paint - due to complex shape, pronounced ribbing and visible internal cavities.

To paint cast iron radiators you will need several brushes different widths, and most importantly - mounted on handles of various configurations.

In order to reach hard-to-reach places inside the sections, you will definitely need a brush with a curved long handle, which will greatly simplify the painting process.

The first step is to paint the upper areas inside the batteries, then the lower ones. Next, they move on to the external, front surfaces.

Coloring facade surfaces, after the internal areas are completed, it will seem like a real vacation

The outer surfaces of the radiator also begin to paint from the top, gradually moving down. This technology is explained by the fact that in the event of a careless mistake or leak, it can be immediately picked up with a brush, that is, the defect can be corrected.

The first layer should be thin, but cover all surfaces of the radiator without leaving unpainted areas.

The second painting is carried out only after the first layer has completely dried. The setting and drying time of the paint is indicated by the manufacturer on its packaging.

If after the first layer has dried, smudges or unevenness are detected, then before the second painting the surface should be treated with fine-grained sandpaper.

Since cast iron radiators, as a rule, most often require regular painting, to help the home craftsman, there is an online calculator below that allows you to calculate in advance the required amount of paint. The necessary explanations for the calculations are also attached.

If you do not live in an African hut or an old hut with stove heating, then your house probably has radiators. This means that sooner or later there will be a need to paint them. This process must be approached with all responsibility, because the careless appearance of heating radiators can ruin any interior - from the simplest to the most sophisticated.

First you need to decide on the choice of paint. If you are a follower traditional solutions, then most likely your choice will be classic white or silver. However modern designers suggest not to limit your imagination and select color scheme for a battery in harmony with general design premises. It may be tender pastel shades, repeating the color of the bedroom walls; bright floral motifs for a children's room or a light, unobtrusive pattern for the living room.

You should know that not every type of paint is suitable for coating a battery. The paint must meet the following requirements:

  • be resistant to high temperatures (up to 80° C);
  • do not release toxic substances into the air;
  • protect the battery surface from corrosion;
  • do not change its appearance and do not peel off.

Several types of paints satisfy these conditions: acrylic enamel, water-dispersion emulsion, alkyd and oil paint. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Eg, alkyd paint provides the consumer with a wide range of options to choose from color shades. It lays smoothly and beautifully on the surface to be painted and is highly wear-resistant. Unfortunately, this paint has a specific odor, which often appears after drying - when the battery is heated. Acrylic enamel also has a sharp, unpleasant smell of solvent. However, after it dries completely (this process takes several days), it disappears. It leaves a beautiful glossy shine that lasts for a long time. They dry quickly and have no strong odor water-dispersion paints. When purchasing such paint, you should pay attention to the presence of the marking “for heating radiators”.

Having decided on the choice of paint, we move on to the most difficult and time-consuming part of the work - preparing the batteries for painting. At this stage, it is necessary to remove the old paint and get rid of rust (if it appeared on the battery during operation). We carefully wipe the radiators with a damp cloth to remove dust and dirt. To make the process of removing old paint easier, you can use next appointment: thoroughly treat the batteries with any washing solution and cover with film (it is important to remember that the solution is applied to a dry surface). After some time, namely an hour and a half, the paint can be easily removed with a spatula or grinder. Some home craftsmen use a metal brush attached to a drill for this purpose.

When conducting repair work Don’t forget about your health - protect your hands with construction gloves and your respiratory tract with a respirator.

The next step is leveling the surface to be painted. By using sandpaper We carefully clean the batteries, paying special attention to places where rust has formed - it must be completely removed. We degrease the prepared surface with a slightly alkaline solution and coat it with an anti-corrosion primer. You should know that many modern paints contain a primer and rust protection elements in their composition. You can find out about this from the labeling on the jar. When using this paint, no pre-treatment of the battery is required.

Your radiators are now ready to be painted. It is important to remember that paint can only be applied to cold batteries. Otherwise, all the effort you expended on cleaning the surface will be in vain - the paint will not lie smoothly and may become covered with bubbles or uneven spots. Therefore, when working with batteries, choose a time between heating seasons. If possible, it is recommended to first disconnect the battery from the pipes - this will greatly facilitate the painting process. Don’t forget to take care of the safety of the floor - cover it with newspapers, unnecessary paper or cellophane.

The most in a convenient way is spraying paint from a spray bottle or a special can. By performing simple manipulations described in the instructions for using the spray paint, you can achieve even application of the paint over the entire surface of the radiator, including hard-to-reach places.

Also, soft brushes and foam rollers small diameter. It is advisable to start painting from the least accessible surfaces, using brushes with curved handles. On front side It is convenient to apply paint using a roller. To avoid smudges, you should start painting radiators from the top, gradually working your way down to their bottom. Make sure that the paint is distributed in a thin, even layer, this will ensure an even color over the entire surface. After the first coat is applied, allow the batteries to dry thoroughly. Then cover them with a second coat of paint, following the same recommendations.

Thus, with a little effort and skill, you can turn your old battery into a new worthy piece of furniture.


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