Wood paint for outdoor use: selection and application. Technology for painting wooden products and surfaces How to paint wood with enamel

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The high performance and aesthetic characteristics of wood are slightly overshadowed by some of the disadvantages of this material. Wooden structures, especially those located outdoors or in damp rooms, without appropriate treatment darken, lose their natural beauty, can rot, and be affected by harmful insects and fungi. It will help you avoid all these unpleasant moments correct processing wood with paints and varnishes for various purposes. Also, painting wood allows you to emphasize its unique appearance and bring it to life. original solutions designer.

Why paint lumber products?

Wood, unlike brick, concrete, metal... is a living material. It is " a cozy home, and sometimes tasty food" for numerous fungi and insects. These creatures in the process of life can cause significant damage to wooden products - mold appears, color changes, and sometimes even complete destruction of the part can occur. Wood constantly changes its humidity, equalizing it with the humidity of the surrounding air. This feature leads to a change in structure and shape wooden structures- processes such as swelling/shrinkage, warping, cracking occur. Untreated wood deteriorates in the sun (aging), becomes dirty, and wears out during long-term use. Among other things, the tree is on fire.

Available for sale today huge selection means to protect wooden structures from all of the above problems. They differ in their purpose and composition. These can be: antiseptics and fire retardants (fire protection), paints and varnishes, stains, wood primers, oils...

Wood paints

Their choice today is incredibly large, from color variety to narrow specialization. The composition of the paint includes pigments, binders, solvents and fillers. The main difference from varnish is its opacity, but, interestingly, varnish can act as a binder, an important part of a complex composition. Depending on the percentage of it contained in the composition, paints are divided into: matte, glossy, semi-matte and semi-gloss.

The material can be used both for decorative purposes and to protect wooden structures from the negative effects of moisture, ultraviolet radiation and microorganisms. There is currently no clear division of compositions into decorative and protective, since each product combines (to a greater or lesser extent) these two functions.

Wood paints are divided according to their composition; the area will depend on it. possible use material. The following types of paints are usually used to treat wooden surfaces:

  • emulsion;
  • alkyd;
  • epoxy.

In emulsion paints, pigments and binders are distributed in aquatic environment, in this case a stable emulsion that is practically indelible with water is formed. These compositions are divided into:

  • water-based;
  • water-dispersed;
  • acrylic;
  • latex;
  • polyvinyl acetate (PVA).

The main difference between water-based and water-dispersion paints is that the former can be washed off with water over time, but this does not happen with the latter. These compositions are absolutely environmentally friendly; you can safely use them indoors in any room. Due to low frost resistance, it is not recommended for outdoor use.

The binding element of acrylic paints is acrylic resins. The compositions have high elasticity and strength. Ideal for processing wooden structures outdoors - significantly reduces warping and cracking, and can bridge cracks up to 0.5 mm.

Latex paints are characterized by a strong water-repellent effect and can heal cracks up to 1 mm wide. Their main disadvantage is their high cost.

PVA paints are inexpensive. However, due to low water resistance, it can only be used for internal processing. At the same time, they are resistant to oils and fats and are environmentally friendly.

Alkyd paints come in oil and enamel paints. The connecting element in in this case acts as an alkyd resin.

Oil compositions are made using drying oil; gasoline, white spirit, and turpentine are used as diluents. Such paints are inexpensive, but they dry for a long time and emit a certain amount of harmful substances, so they are best used for outdoor work.

Enamel paints are made from varnish. After they dry, glossy surfaces are formed. The compositions can be used to treat wooden surfaces both inside and outside; paint (especially nitro-enamel) dries very quickly. The material is waterproof and perfectly protects wood from ultraviolet radiation.

Epoxy paints are particularly durable. They are used where wooden structures are subject to increased loads and need to be protected from abrasion - floors, staircases, etc.

Varnishes for wood

Varnish is a solution of natural or synthetic resin in different solvents(acetone, water, alcohol, essential oils) to a semi-liquid or liquid consistency. After drying, they form a transparent (unlike paint) film on a wooden surface. There are compounds that change the color/shade of wood and emphasize its natural beauty.

Varnishes for treating wooden surfaces, depending on the characteristics and chemical formula, are divided into several main categories.

  • Water-based varnish is a one-component (requiring surface priming before application) odorless, water-based composition. Eco-friendly, great for both indoor and outdoor external processing, can be applied with any in an accessible way. Main disadvantage - for a long time drying (about a day).
  • Polyurethane varnish is the most commonly used varnish today. Its popularity is explained by the optimal drying time/price/durability ratio. Varnishes of this type are either one-component or two-component (self-priming). They are made on the basis of solvents, so their smell is sharp and unpleasant. Most often used for surfaces under load to protect them from abrasion.
  • Nitrovarnish (nitrocellulose varnish) - inexpensive material. Used to cover economy class furniture and other small wooden parts and mass produced products. It dries quickly, but the wear resistance and light fastness of this varnish is low, and over time the coating may peel off.
  • Acrylic varnish - characterized by high strength, excellent light fastness, wide choice performance in brilliance. Main disadvantages - high price And long time drying.
  • Polyester varnish - rarely used in narrow areas ( musical instruments and other products where a thick layer is required paint coating). Application requires special equipment (a paint gun), and the composition is also highly toxic.
  • Shellac varnish - rarely used, in most cases, in the manufacture of very expensive furniture self made using “antique” technology. The basis is special resin shellac, secreted by exotic insects - lac bugs. In addition to treating wooden surfaces, shellac varnish is used as a dielectric, and also for the production of high-quality nail polish.


Stain is a special material that is applied to wooden surfaces to give them the color of a particular type of wood. Most often used to make inexpensive wood look expensive. For example, if you paint pine with a special stain, it will look like oak. These compounds do not form a film on the surface of a board or beam, but penetrate deep into the surface.

There are several types of stains, depending on the composition:

  • nitromortars are made on the basis of solvents;
  • water-based - water-based;
  • alcohol based;
  • wax based.

Today, these compounds not only give wood certain type, and are often used as primers for clear varnishes. Some types of stains are used as antiseptics and protection of wooden structures from ultraviolet radiation and rapid wear. They are sold either as a concentrate or as ready-made solutions, or in the form of powders.

Other specialized wood protection products

Such materials include:

  • primers for wood;
  • fire protection means;
  • oils

Without priming wooden surfaces, high-quality painting or varnishing will not be possible. For these purposes there are special compounds, applied during the preparation of wood for processing. Primers penetrate deep into the structure and form a waterproof film. At the same time, the consumption of paints and varnishes is significantly reduced. Finish coating It turns out evenly and fits well.

Fire and bioprotection is a general name for a group of materials intended for antiseptic and protection of wooden structures from fire. Today, in most cases, such compositions are characterized by a complex effect, that is, they contain both fire retardants (fire-fighting components) and substances that prevent microorganisms and harmful insects from multiplying in the wood structure. Fire protection products are produced in different options- surface compounds and impregnations that change or do not change the color of wood materials.

Oils - special means for the treatment of wooden surfaces, intended primarily to protect them from negative influences high humidity. Paints and varnishes “work” the same way, but oils differ in some significant features:

  • do not create an impenetrable film on the surface;
  • do not change the shades and color of the processed products;
  • penetrate into the structure through capillaries, displacing moisture and air from the wood.

Nowadays you can find waxes and oils for wood on sale. different types- natural (linen, tung), mineral, combined.

High-quality painting of boards or timber without careful preliminary preparation it won't work. Before painting, the surfaces must be cleaned of dust and dirt. Knots, tars and other defects should be removed, cracks should be filled with putty if necessary. by special means. Special attention You should pay attention to grinding the surfaces, which will definitely affect the finished result.

The recommended air temperature during work should be approximately in the range from plus 5 to plus 30 degrees, humidity - no higher than 70-75 percent.
It is also necessary to understand that it is strictly not recommended to paint “wet” wood. The humidity of the processed products should not exceed 20 percent. Otherwise, the quality and durability of the coating inside will suffer. wooden blank moisture becomes clogged, with all the ensuing consequences.

It is very important to thoroughly prime the board or timber before painting/varnishing; we discussed the benefits of primers for wood above.

After the first layer has dried, it makes sense to sand it with fine sandpaper to remove lint.

Be sure to maintain a time interval between approaches so that the layers have time to dry completely.

Work should be carried out according to the “wet on wet” principle, preferably at an average pace. Both haste and delay can be harmful.

Brushes, rollers, and spray guns can be used as painting tools. But sometimes the product can only be applied using special equipment, for example, a paint gun; this will always be indicated in the instructions for use.

Always (!) before buying varnish or paint and before using paint and varnish, you should carefully read the instructions for use. And, of course, follow it strictly.

Wooden floor, doors, windows - they all periodically require repair and painting. Instead of calling a specialist every time, you can prepare for this work and do it.

To paint a tree you need:

  • painting material;
  • brush;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • putty knife;
  • construction hair dryer or chemical cleaner;
  • sandpaper.


Selection of painting material

There are many types of wood paints and varnishes available on the market in various shades, degrees of transparency and gloss. Choose the covering material depending on the type of wood and the design of the room.

Oil enamels are suitable for all types of wood (including resinous ones). They are good for covering rough surfaces, since these enamels are highly wear-resistant.

For cosmetic repairs use acrylic enamels. They are water soluble and less wear resistant than oil based ones. They do not have such a pronounced shine. Acrylic enamels dry quickly and are suitable for all types of wood (except resinous).

To obtain a transparent coating, use varnishes - oil-based or water-based polyurethane. The former are more wear-resistant, but water-based ones dry faster. Varnishes can also be tinted, with the addition of stains.

Prepare equipment for painting

Choose a brush. If you are working with small details, stock up on small brushes. To polish the surface you will need sandpaper, preferably fine sandpaper.

Prepare the surface before painting wood

If there is already one or more layers of paint on it that is peeling off and does not adhere well, it is better to peel it off. To do this, use construction hairdryer- under its influence the old paint will peel off, remove it with a spatula.


Instead of a hairdryer, you can use chemical cleaners (leavers). After the chemical cleaner, wipe the wood with vinegar and clean water to neutralize the resulting alkali. If old layer The paint is relatively even and holds tightly; you can get by with putty. After this, remove dust from the surface - wipe with a lint-free cloth.


Often wooden surfaces require puttying. To ensure that the paint lays evenly, repair defects, scratches and holes, if any. Use putty, smooth it out carefully so that there is no need for sanding later. Better take a thin brush. Keep in mind that once the putty hardens, you will no longer be able to level it perfectly.

Removing irregularities and holes

To close up large holes, use construction foam, and the excess can be cut off with a knife when the foam hardens. If there are small uneven areas, sand the surface. sandpaper. Coat the putty with drying oil before painting to avoid cracks.


You can prime the surface immediately before painting (although this is not necessary). A primer is advisable, especially when the surface is uneven. A primer is an impregnating material that forms a uniform film on the surface. It seals pores, glues dust, reduces the consumption of varnishes and paints, and extends the service life of wood. Apply one coat of primer and wait at least two hours before painting.


Start painting. Run the brush over the wood several vertical stripes, each time re-dipping it into the paint. Spread the paint over the surface. So color it all.

To protect yourself, wear a respirator and gloves, especially when working with a hair dryer and chemical cleaners.

Start work in the morning, in good light.

Painting wood is considered a rather complex undertaking that requires adherence to certain rules. Various can be used for work paint and varnish compositions, but before applying a decorative protective layer, the base must be properly prepared using special mixtures. Only comprehensive implementation all stages guarantees a beautiful and durable coating.

There are several types of painting of wooden surfaces finishing materials. Each option differs in composition and appearance the resulting coverage.


Wood paints are consistently popular. They allow you to renew the surface, but hide the natural texture. If the technology is followed, the result is a coating that is distinguished by individuality and a magnificent decorative effect.

The following compositions can be used in the work:

  • Oily. This variety is currently used quite rarely. This is explained by many negative qualities, which the mixture has. Among them, the sharp and toxic odor, as well as the long drying time, stand out. The composition is used for painting wooden bases and household products.

  • Alkyd enamels. This option, like the previous one, has become less popular, but demand remains at a good level. This is because the mixture is excellent for outdoor woodwork. After application, a thin film is formed on the surface, thanks to which it is possible to emphasize the texture of the base. In addition, enamel has low vapor permeability, which reduces the risk of wood deformation when exposed to moisture. They are not durable.

Epoxy coatings are characterized by high strength and resistance to abrasion, as well as the effects of various chemical substances and solvents

Thus, to the question: is it possible water-based paint paint wood, the answer is yes. These products are considered the most preferable. It not only has excellent characteristics, but is also well tinted, which allows you to realize your design imagination.


When deciding what to paint a tree with, be sure to take into account that paint is not the only option, an excellent alternative is varnish. It is a composition based on natural or synthetic resins. Can be used as a solvent various substances, which determine the properties of the material. The resulting film can be transparent or change (emphasize) the texture of the wood.

Several composition options are suitable for work:

  1. Polyurethane. It is most in demand because it dries quickly and has excellent durability. But due to the presence of a solvent in the composition, it has a specific odor.
  2. Water. Suitable for work outdoors and inside the house. It is environmentally friendly, but requires impregnation of the base with a primer. It may take up to 24 hours to dry.
  3. Acrylic. A modern composition with good decorative qualities. The disadvantage is the high price.
  4. Nitrolac. It has low light fastness and is suitable for working with inexpensive furniture.

Varnish can be an independent coating or an auxiliary protective coating when applying paint to wooden surfaces. In this case, you need to choose the right foundation to achieve the best effect.

Other dye options

These may be the following substances:

Regardless of the material chosen, the surface is coated with colorless varnish.

Selecting a pre-treatment agent

Such mixtures include:

  • Drying oil. It is applied to protect the base from any harmful influences. It is better to lay several layers to achieve deep penetration. Can be used before oil paints in order to reduce their consumption.

Drying oil Oxol consists of 55% natural oil component, 40% white spirit, 5% drying agent, therefore, compared to natural drying oil its cost is lower and it dries faster
  • Oil. Parts that are close to the ground or immersed in it are processed.

  • Special antiseptics. Protect from microorganisms and insects, prevent rotting.

  • Fire retardants. Do not allow the fire to spread quickly.

Important! Impregnation is carried out carefully and in advance so that the wood has time to absorb required quantity composition.

The procedure for performing painting work

Painting technology wooden products assumes that the work will be carried out in several stages:

  1. Selection and preparation of tools.
  2. Preparation and processing of the base.
  3. Painting.
  4. Additional processing (if necessary).

All processes are carried out carefully. It should be remembered that wood is a capricious material and is easily deformed.


For painting you may need:

  • Spray gun and compressor. This system allows you to process large plots in a short period of time. At home, an alternative can be a mechanical sprayer.
  • Brush. Required for painting hard to reach places, as well as for interior painting.
  • Roller. It is better to choose a fur coat with medium-length pile.
  • Convenient container. If you plan to paint with hand tools.
  • Rags. To quickly correct errors.

Everything necessary is prepared in advance.

Preparing wooden surfaces for painting

Preparation has a special role to play. If you follow all the procedures correctly, then no problems will arise in the future.

Process diagram:

  1. If surfaces have previously been treated, they are thoroughly cleaned of the existing coating. For this purpose, mechanical, chemical or thermal method. The main thing is that the base must be completely clean.
  2. To properly prepare a work site, you need to assess its condition. If the previous coating quickly deteriorated, the reasons for this are first identified and eliminated. Yes, on wooden facade influenced by water that drains from the roof. In the absence of a drainage system, the impact will be destructive.
  3. Grinding in progress. This procedure is necessary for both new and old grounds. The resulting dust is removed.
  4. Traces of resin are cleaned off, areas are washed with white spirit.
  5. The surface is treated protective equipment. Fire retardants and antiseptics are applied first. Then, if necessary, the areas most susceptible to destruction are coated with oils. The impregnation is applied in several layers with a roller and brush.
  6. Further work is carried out after complete drying. Existing cracks and defects are covered with special putty. After it has set, the areas are sanded.
  7. Primer is applied. If required, it is necessary to treat the surface with drying oil or stain.

The coating is left to dry thoroughly; it is unacceptable to act on a wet base.

Applying paint

Attention! It is necessary to carry out work outside or inside at optimal temperature and humidity levels, which depend on the selected composition.

Painting wooden surfaces is carried out as follows:

  1. The process starts from the corner when working with walls, facades, floors and ceilings and from one of the ends when designing objects, furniture, and individual wooden elements.
  2. Application of oil and alkyd paints carried out with vertical strokes. Next, the composition is rubbed well, after which the movements become horizontal. Acrylic paints can be immediately laid horizontally (along the grain of the wood).
  3. The first layer is considered the base layer. To do this, the solution can be diluted slightly to ensure better styling. The second layer (if painting occurs in three layers) creates solid foundation. After this, in places of defects, the surface is ground with fine abrasive. The last coating is applied most carefully.
  4. Spraying tools make it much easier to work over large areas. But when using them, the movements should be uniform and at the same distance from the base.

If required, after drying, a layer of varnish is placed on top. It not only protects the paint, but also adds shine.

Technology of painting wood with varnish

Varnishing is carried out after preparing the surface. If a colorless composition is used, then the base can be treated with stain to give the desired shade.

The varnishing process itself looks like this:

  1. The first layer is applied evenly. Drips should be avoided.
  2. To achieve a better effect, grinding is carried out. It allows you to remove invisible imperfections.

    On a note! Many craftsmen advise sanding after laying the second layer. But this depends on the viscosity of the varnish: with a thinner consistency, the first coating cannot be sanded.

  3. The second layer is laid. The main thing is to distribute the mixture evenly to avoid its accumulation in some places.
  4. The third layer completes the work.

When applying all coatings, wait until the previous one has completely dried. If necessary, the product is polished after a few days.

Decorative painting

There are tips to help you do better visual effect with your own hands:

  • Painting under bleached oak. The easiest way is to cover the surface with stain suitable color. It is much more difficult to produce such paint; complex tinting is required for this.
  • To obtain a bleached wood color, a pigment (acrylic or polyurethane) primer is used. It is diluted and applied to the surface. A similar effect can be achieved by using oil with a similar color. After installation, the base is treated with wax and rubbed.
  • Patination is used for an antique effect. It is recommended to use special compositions: paste, liquid patina or beveled varnish.

If desired, you can get any decorative result.

Remember Tom Sawyer, who assured his friend that painting a fence was easy and enjoyable? This will happen, but only if you prepare well for this process and follow a few rules.

  • 1 of 1

On the picture:

To paint a wall you will need more than just a brush. Also prepare a scraper and spatula for removing paint and resin, a technical hair dryer, and a small roller with a cuvette (special tray) for paint. And of course flat brushes of different sizes.

How to prepare the surface

1. Dry and remove the fungus. You can only paint dry wood. Moreover, it is not affected by fungus and mold. We wash both off the surface, sand the wood and coat it with an antifungal agent. Including neighboring areas, as they may be contaminated.

? If there is a lot of resin

Need additional processing . Otherwise, the wood paint will not bond well to the surface. We use ammonia or cellulose solvent.

2. Removing knots. They are almost always present on new wood. Scrape the resin from the knots with a spatula. If it appears again, we heat the wood with a technical hair dryer, and then get rid of the resin. Carefully sand the wood with sandpaper. We remove the resulting dust with extraction gasoline, and cover the places where there were knots with shellac - it does not allow the resin to stand out.

Using a spatula, you need to remove the resin from the knots;
If resin appears constantly, the knot releasing the resin must be heated using a technical hair dryer and removed with a spatula;
The wood should be sanded thoroughly with sandpaper;
It is better to remove the resulting dust with a cloth soaked in extraction gasoline;
Knots should be painted with shellac, which will retain the resin released from them.

3. We remove the old coating. Old varnish and sand the paint with sandpaper or, if they are cracked and falling off, remove them completely: heat them with a technical hair dryer and scrape them off with a spatula. But be careful: hot air can cause a fire. To soften the varnish, you can use a paint remover.

4. We putty the surface and remove cavities. There is a special wood putty for this. Then we sand everything with fine-grained sandpaper and remove dust with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

5. Degrease the surface. Nitro solvent or extraction gasoline are suitable.

Important notes about primer

Why is it necessary to prime? Firstly, so that the wood paint adheres better to the surface. Secondly, the primer reduces paint consumption: it will not be absorbed into the wood. Finally, to prevent tannin stains from appearing.

If you repaint

On top old paint , we use the same type of paint. As an exception, acrylate can be placed on oil. On the contrary - under no circumstances!
On top of nail heads. Treated with special protective composition. Otherwise, the paint around them will soon darken.
If you are painting a door that has locks, handles, etc.. Either we remove it for the period of painting, or we protect it with mounting tape

In the photo: Door Country T-25 Legnoform

How to prime a wooden surface? Outside, we use an antiseptic primer. It will protect the tree from weather conditions, rot and insects. Inside - ordinary. To do this, take drying oil or a colorless wood primer. Drying oil is diluted with solvent in equal proportions.

How to prime? Stir the primer before application. If you plan to prime with drying oil, then its first layer should be applied after diluting with a solvent in a 1:1 ratio. The wooden surface is primed with a brush; you can start painting only after a day.

Principles for choosing paint

For outdoors: paints with high elasticity- they will not crack due to changes in humidity. For the street you can take oil, alkyd and alkyd oil paints. Although leading manufacturers have long been producing more environmentally friendly water-based wood paints intended for outdoor use.

For home: water-dispersed. They are durable, environmentally friendly, and the surface painted with them “breathes.”

How to paint correctly

All photos from the article

Don't know how or what to paint with? wooden bench outdoors so that the color lasts as long as possible, despite negative impact environmental factors? It turns out that many summer residents and owners face this problem. country houses who want to refresh and diversify the exterior of a construction project.

In fact, painting the wood outside your home is not difficult, as there are many exterior paints available in the market. In addition, there is special methods coloring that guarantees an optimal and at the same time durable result.

Choosing the right paint for wood means success in decorating a country house

So, how and with what to paint wood outdoors?

Factors that negatively affect the life of a painted surface

Before painting a wooden bench on the street, let's try to determine what factors negatively affect the condition of the paintwork.

Among these factors we note the following:

  • The porous structure of lumber, prone to absorb paints and varnishes. As a result, paint and varnish materials have to be applied in several layers, which significantly increases the cost of the finished result.
  • Direct rays of sunlight combined with ultraviolet radiation are another negative factor, from which ordinary paintwork materials literally burn out. As a result, the painted surface through certain time looks faded and unkempt.
  • Atmospheric precipitation partly softens paintwork materials, leading to their swelling, and partly simply washes away the paint, exposing the surface of the wood.
  • Seasonal temperature fluctuations lead to the formation of microcracks on the surface of paintwork materials. Of course, during operation the number and size of cracks only increases.

How to deal with negative consequences the listed factors?

Requirements for paints and varnishes for exterior use

High-quality outdoor paint for wood should have the following qualities:

  • Resistance to ultraviolet radiation and long-term exposure to direct sun rays. Such paints and varnishes will retain their original freshness and brightness of color for a long time, as they will not fade or fade.
  • Good hiding power, as a result of which it will be possible to reduce the consumption of applied materials.
  • Resistance to temperature fluctuations - this quality is achieved due to the elasticity of the paintwork. As a result, freezing and heating the paint does not become hard and does not crack.
  • Hydrophobicity of the applied paint coating. This quality prevents moisture from penetrating into the paint layer through micropores. As a result, the coating life will be longer.

Important: According to GOSTs, paints and varnishes for outdoor use must last at least 5 years without changing their aesthetic and performance characteristics.

Main types of paints and varnishes for exterior work

If you are wondering how to paint a tree outside, the following categories of paints and varnishes may be useful to you:

  • Acrylic paints have become widespread due to their environmental friendliness and ease of use.. In addition, the price of such materials is low, which makes decorating wooden surfaces not only simple, but also affordable.


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