Barbecue plus smokehouse with your own hands drawings. How to make the right metal smokehouse with your own hands

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In our country, almost every owner of a dacha or personal plot barbecue available. Except physical labor in the lap of nature, you also want to relax, while tasting delicious fried meat. What else could be better? It turns out it can! Along with barbecue, there is the opportunity to prepare excellent smoked delicacies.

Features of barbecues

What is a smokehouse grill? In a word, this is a design that allows you to cook delicious kebab, juicy steak and, above all, smoked fish. Due to the fact that the smoke does not simply escape, but is directed into the smoking chamber, the operation of such a device is more functional.

By appearance, an ordinary kebab maker is familiar to any person.

The option of combining it with a smokehouse or grill allows you to give any product a unique taste and aroma.

Selected species designs can include both cold and hot smoking in their functionality. It is recommended to take this nuance into account when designing a smokehouse. In addition, fryers can be either portable or stationary.

Smokehouses are also divided according to the type of fuel used:

  • solid combustible material - firewood, briquettes, charcoal;
  • gas ignition - most likely, this will be a type of air fryer, and not a fryer;
  • electricity is a popular option for home grills, but meat cooked on similar devices, for some reason they call it “artificial”.

Preference is most often given to metal structures. Making such a device is much easier. A metal barbecue-smokehouse is much more compact and cheaper to operate. If the project involves the presence of wheels, then there will be no special hassle with moving.

Types of structures

From a design point of view, metal smokehouse grills have a much simpler look than solid brick samples. In addition, such a grill does not take up much space. Even when the design is already ready, there is always the opportunity to add or change something.

The advantages of a metal barbecue-smokehouse can be summarized as follows:

  • convenient operation;
  • increased functionality;
  • the design is quite compact;
  • ready-made factory options are available, as are the materials for their manufacture;
  • simplicity and ease of assembly, a large number of appearance options.

In fact, such designs have no disadvantages, except for the additional external processing when everything is assembled with your own hands. Sometimes you can hear remarks that homemade barbecues It turns out to be a clumsy look, but this cannot be said about all models. It is also necessary to remember that the metal heats up quickly and if you are careless, you can get burned.

Residents of private houses or summer residents, who prefer to spend most of their time on their site, eventually begin to think about building a multi-purpose structure for cooking. Outdoor ovens, made according to the “three in one” version, combining a grill, a smokehouse and a barbecue in stationary version can become a favorite place for hosts and guests to hang out during parties.

During the construction of such structures you can get invaluable experience on the construction of stoves and fireplace making.

The knowledge gained can be useful in the future when installing a fireplace or stove inside the house.

A do-it-yourself brick project will soon become a kind of outdoor kitchen on a personal plot. Subsequently, if time and energy allow, it will be possible to jointly add an Asian tandoor oven, a cutting table with a sink, a place to store firewood and a small household stove. In order to further protect yourself from bad weather, and the stove from the destructive effects of moisture, it is recommended to install your stove in a gazebo under a roof or under a canopy. Measures should also be taken into account fire safety and causing inconvenience to neighbors.

Today there are many models of stationary smokehouse grills available. But on the other hand, it would be useful to show your imagination and create your own project that meets all your needs.

But certain factors must still be present:

  • optimal cost and quality of materials and work;
  • as long a service life as possible;
  • presence of several functions in operation;
  • competent design and location;
  • protection from weather conditions.

Well, now a little about the advantages of a brick grill:

  • A brick grill will last a long time, because this material, unlike metal, does not corrode.
  • Brickwork retains heat well, which allows you to save on fuel and prepare a well-fried dish.
  • Brick, of course, also costs money, but it is cheaper and easier to acquire. In addition, it is more convenient to work with it without having special tools.

The disadvantages include the impossibility of moving to another place and the large size.

However, if it is not possible to work with metal, then a brick smokehouse will be one of the optimal options arrangement of a personal plot.

Materials for production

Traditionally, nature lovers who prefer country holidays cook meat and other products on fresh air. You can buy a grill in a store or make it yourself. In any case, the question will always arise about the choice of material from which this device is made.

Typically used to make barbecues:

  • metal;
  • stone or brick;
  • concrete.

For mobile barbecues, a metal structure is most often used, while for stationary structures brick is most often used, although mixed options are also allowed.

A metal grill-smokehouse can be cast from a cast iron alloy or welded from steel elements.

Often there are forged samples, distinguished by quite beautiful decorative elements. Wrought iron grill less susceptible to high temperatures.

However, in metal structures there are some shortcomings. If you don’t consider expensive artistic models, then metal kebab makers made independently look much worse against the general background summer cottage. In addition, metal parts are more often susceptible to corrosion, so it is recommended to use stainless steel in manufacturing ( stainless steel) or treat all parts of the grill with a fire-resistant coating.

Barbecue smokehouses built of stone have a more presentable appearance and, of course, fit perfectly into the design of the summer cottage. But it must be taken into account that too frequent use such a device significantly reduces its service life. Experts recommend using special fastening solutions and metal inserts in the initial stages of building a brick barbecue to make the structure stable. For masonry it is necessary to use fire-resistant bricks and in no case silicate bricks.

In addition, home craftsmen offer another interesting design.

Since garden plots have different sizes, it can sometimes be difficult to decide on the size to fit into general interior dachas Therefore, along with collapsible metal structures, a version of a barbecue-smokehouse made from a gas cylinder appeared. This version of the grill is simple and low cost.

Each material used to make barbecues has its own advantages:

  • stone is distinguished by its durability;
  • brick retains heat for a long time;
  • metal grill- the smokehouse warms up very quickly.

Therefore, when choosing a material, it is best to be guided by your own preferences.

How to make a grill-smokehouse with your own hands?

Well-drawn drawings are always considered the principle when creating a structure. On the vastness of the World Wide Web you can find many options. However, any drawing should be carefully checked for accuracy, otherwise it will be difficult to correct errors later.

Distinctive features various samples provide the opportunity to use the roaster not only for frying, but also for smoking food. The multifunctional design has the advantage of saving space, time and money. However, all these factors should be taken into account at the design stage.

In most cases, when constructing a brazier or smokehouse, preference is given to metal.

On initial stage the diagram must contain all dimensions and tolerances so that there is no confusion in the future during assembly.

In addition to standard smokehouse samples, you can use a construction option consisting of two metal barrels. Two old gas cylinders are ideal for this. This version is more massive and would more likely be classified as stationary structures, because moving such a fryer will require the help of several people.

The construction of a brick smokehouse begins with pouring the base. After the foundation has gained strength, you can begin laying bricks that have been previously soaked in water. Soaking is required so that the brick does not absorb moisture from the mortar in the future. Varieties must be used kiln brick resistant to high heat.

Hello. Today I want to tell you how you can make a small smokehouse for hot smoking, which does not take up much space and can be easily stored in a pantry/shed in the country. In addition, you can take it with you on a picnic - after all, it is an addition to the barbecue.

To begin with, I want to talk about how I myself came to this idea. As a child (I come from a village), we had a large stationary smokehouse. Later I built the same one at the dacha... and it remained practically unclaimed! After all, in the village they smoked meat and sausages in large quantities - when they cut a wild boar, they had to prepare it for long-term storage about two hundred kilograms of meat and lard. So they smoked it in the form of sausages and other smoked meats... A city dweller needs to smoke a small portion of meat or fish for a completely different purpose - just to enjoy the taste of fresh smoked meats... In addition, the smoking process itself is not a problem for a city dweller either. routine work (as in the village), but an element of relaxation and entertainment!... (After all, for example, in barbecue we value not only the taste, but also the cooking process itself)...

So I came to the conclusion that what I needed was a “mobile” smokehouse - a small one that could not only be used at the dacha, but also taken “out into nature”. Having sifted through mountains of information, I “invented” a device that I want to tell you about.

To make it I needed:
1. Sheet black metal, 1 mm thick.
2. Metal grate with a cell of 20 by 10, or 10 by 10 mm.
3. Four M6 bolts, 20 mm long.
4. Trimming metal pipe, internal diameter 15 mm.
5. A piece of reinforcement (1 meter), 16 mm in diameter. (for legs)
6. Rod with a diameter of 8 mm.
7. Cuttings of profile pipes with a thin wall.

So, let's begin. First of all, I made the body itself. He is metal box with lid.

I made the body itself from a metal sheet 1 mm thick. I had access to bending machine, so I bent everything out of one sheet and welded only the ends. If you do not have such an opportunity, then you can cut out each wall and bottom separately and weld them together. The top needs folds to secure the lid. They can be made by welding a corner of thin metal measuring 15 by 15 mm to the edge. And this corner, in turn, can be made if you cut along profile pipe. For example, from cutting a pipe with a cross-section of 30 by 30 mm, we will get the four corners we need.

The lid is a rectangle made of the same metal, on one of the narrow sides of which a bend is made (or a corner is welded). In addition, for ease of carrying and opening the lid, I welded two handles from a metal rod - one in the center (for carrying):

And the second - at the end, on the curved part (for opening/closing the lid itself):

In order for the lid to close like a “cabinet,” I formed a groove in the upper part by welding another corner inside our smokehouse, and made the end wall a little lower - the width of this groove:

Let's talk separately about the size of our smokehouse. I made the height of the side walls 15 centimeters, and, as practice in using the smokehouse has shown, this height turned out to be optimal. But I won’t give the other sizes here. After all, this smokehouse is placed on the grill. Therefore, based on the size of your grill, make your smokehouse. I would advise making the width 20-30 mm larger than the width of the grill. And the length is arbitrary. (Of course, it should not be longer than the grill).

In order to prevent the smokehouse from falling off the grill, I welded a piece of pipe on the bottom in the corners.

I selected the distance between them so that they fit tightly into the corners of my grill.
At the same time, the idea came to me to add another “option” - the possibility of using a smokehouse without a barbecue, installing it over a smoldering fire. To do this, I made four of these “legs” from sixteen reinforcement:

I welded metal “nickels” at the ends. Mine are round because I used die cutting waste that I picked up at a metalworking plant. You can just weld square scraps sheet metal.:

Using a grinder with a grinding wheel, I adjusted the other ends to the diameter of my pipes, and they are now inserted, forming legs 30 centimeters high.

It would be necessary to drill holes in the tubes and cut threads. So that the legs can be clamped with screws. Otherwise they fall out while you put them on.))) But, as I already said, this is just an “option” - I’ve never used it without a grill... And if I ever use it once, it’s easier to hold the legs))) ). And you can do this if you want...

So, the body is ready. Now - the inner filling. I made a baking tray for collecting fat from the same sheet. (Although, it was possible to take a thinner one... But I had it, and I had to buy a thinner one))). External dimensions- the dimensions of the smokehouse, and then on each side the side is bent 90 degrees, 10 mm high. As a result, we will get minus 20 mm from the width and the same amount from the length. Since we have 15 mm wide bends along the edge of the smokehouse body, when inserting the baking sheet, you will need to tilt it slightly in width. And it will fit along the length, because we only have a bend on one side. That is, this is how we get the maximum area that will allow us to invest it.

I welded slots in the corners, and in the middle, for ease of insertion/removal, I welded a handle:

This baking sheet should not lie on the bottom, because we will be adding oak chips to the bottom. So I made legs for it by welding four M6 bolts, 20 mm long.

So this element is ready:

The next step I made a grate on which the products for smoking will be placed directly. I made it from a piece of reinforcing mesh with a cell of 10 by 20 mm.

You can make it from any suitable grating, but under no circumstances should it be galvanized!!!

To make it more convenient to place and remove the grate with food, I welded two handles. I made them from scraps of stainless steel. I still have them from a failed grill making project. (I talked about this in my previous publications).

Along the perimeter, to strengthen the grille, I also welded strips of stainless steel:

Inside the housing you need to make stops on which the grille will rest. It should be located about five centimeters above the baking sheet. Therefore, I welded a corner to the side walls at a distance of 70 mm from the bottom (the baking tray will take 20 mm from us, and we will leave 50 mm above it to the grate

All! All elements are ready!
For smoking I use the following purchased oak chips:

You can, of course, prepare it yourself, dry it... but it’s lazy!!!))) It costs a penny, is sold in many places, but you need little of it.

We pour wood chips thin layer to the bottom of our smokehouse (Of course, the package must be opened for this)))).

Over time, many devices for cooking outdoors are collected on the site. All this requires space, I want to combine at least something. Brazier with metal smokehouse – good example such a combination.

The grill-smokehouse will allow you to fry food on skewers and smoke it. This is very convenient and expands your culinary possibilities.

In all such structures we see:

  • Completely metal product;
  • Closing Dutch oven;
  • The size is larger than a regular barbecue.

The easiest way is to make a hot smoked grill. And less material will be required, and it will be more compact, and the design will be simpler. But sometimes they do it with a cold smoked smokehouse.

No matter how tempting the possibility of smoking with cold smoke may be, you need to take into account that this is a very long process, while hot smoking is not much longer than the time of usual cooking of meat.


Among other things, you need to decide whether your design will be mobile (portable, transportable in a car) or conditionally stationary (intended only for the site).

The design and durability of the barbecue with smokehouse depends on this choice.

Lightweight models are made as collapsible as possible. They have 2 mm iron on them.

On the contrary, constructions for the site are made more reliable (without quickly dismountable elements) and heavier. Which has a positive effect on service life. In addition, they are usually more spacious.

Based on the type of manufacturing, one can distinguish between welded and forged smokehouse grills.

Welded models are supported by a lower price and speed of production. But they turn out to be very utilitarian in appearance. A forged version can come out of the hands of a master with a very original look.

Already on sale ready-made options barbecues with smokehouse (almost all for hot smoking). We cannot guarantee that you will be 100% satisfied with these models. Making a barbecue with a smokehouse with your own hands is a way to bring your ideas to life.

Non-standard and decorative solutions will cost significantly more if ordered externally.

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. More space is needed for a separate grill and a separate smokehouse. Compactness is an absolute plus of a barbecue with a smokehouse.
  2. In one device you can both fry and smoke (or you can combine it: fry and smoke to enhance the taste). This versatility is a plus of the combined design.
  3. At the same time, functional models are simple in design and their manufacturing labor intensity is low. With basic skills in working with metal, it’s not difficult to do – a plus.
  4. It's convenient to use one device rather than switching from one to another, or worse, having to get something out of the shed and prepare it.
  5. With a few exceptions, the structures, if not mobile, are at least adapted to moving around the site. And even if at first this does not seem like a plus. But if you put your equipment away for storage during the off-season, you will agree that this is a necessary advantage.
  6. Iron rusts, and heat further promotes corrosion. As a result, the metal grill can take on an untidy appearance. This minus is compensated by timely processing and modern technology.

Place on site

Earlier we learned that the grill-smokehouse can be moved around the site. This is very convenient: now the sun is blinding here or an unpleasant wind is blowing, but in the evening the place will become pleasant and hospitable (and in some places it’s the other way around).

It is important to respect and not tease neighbors.

If there is a gazebo nearby, the chimney should be higher than its roof so that smoke does not blow inside.

Fire safety

The grill is a source of fire, and to prevent this fire from causing trouble, you need to follow the recommendations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations:

  • There must be at least 5 m from any buildings, trees, bushes to the brazier;
  • There should be no hanging branches over the brazier;
  • There should be no flammable objects on the site;
  • Combustible materials must be removed 2 m from the fryer (this also applies to furniture);
  • Smoke should not blow into buildings and recreational areas (this also applies to neighboring houses);
  • Do not leave a lit grill unattended;
  • Do not use “Ignition” liquids and their analogues for ignition;
  • When preparing barbecue, place a container of water or a working fire extinguisher nearby;
  • The site must be free of grass and made of non-combustible materials.

The best option

There are many options for barbecue smokehouses. And regardless of whether you buy or make it yourself, it’s worth taking into account your wishes.

What you need to pay attention to:

  • Size. Dimensions depend on the size of the company and the load on the smokehouse.
  • Mobility. Should the unit be light (relatively) and dismountable or heavy and reliable?
  • Do you choose functionality or do you need a decorative model?

Do it yourself

The first thing you need to do is a drawing diagram with all the dimensions. All accessories that you want to install are also indicated there.

The drawing will allow you to correctly order the material and check whether it fits future design in the place where you plan to put it.

When determining sizes, be guided by:

  • Number of edibles (skewers are arranged in increments of 8-10 cm);
  • The maximum size of the piece that you want to place in the smokehouse (consider also whether this piece will lie there horizontally or vertically);
  • Is smoking hot or cold?

Once the image of the product has been outlined, work can begin.

Working with metal

The easiest way is to choose 2 mm thick steel for the structure. A thicker sheet will be more difficult to bend and the structure will be heavy.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the barbecue box. It comes in three types:

  • For this type, prepare a strip of metal, the width of which will be about 20 cm. Its length should be equal to the sum of all sides of the product. The strip must be bent in three places at right angles. Let's do weld at one point.
  • It can be quite difficult to find long sheets metal, so we suggest taking a different route. Separately cut out the four sides of the future product and weld them. It turns out quickly and accurately.
  • If you want to make a barbecue with your own hands, but do not have a welding machine, then there is a way out of this situation. To do this, we cut out the walls of the grill, making each of them with an allowance of about 2 cm. We bend it along the entire length at a right angle. We make 2 holes on the bend and screw in the bolts.

As for the bottom, there are two options:

  • welding;
  • bolted connection.

For a portable barbecue with a smokehouse, all protruding components are bolted.

Simple hot smoked smokehouse

In our case, the smokehouse is a removable element. This box with a shelf is placed on the grill when smoking.

  1. First, cut out the sheet according to the drawing and roll up the box. We weld the seams. Align the top edge.
  2. From the same material we fold a corner. We weld it to the upper edge of the box from the outside so that a “groove” is formed. This is a water seal for the lid.
  3. Weld ledges for shelves in the box to the walls. Fold up the corners from the box material (there should already be enough scraps).
  4. Make a lid, don't forget the handle and pipe for the smoke to escape.
  5. Weld a pipe along the chimney to remove smoke from the smokehouse.
  6. The shelves are made from perforated steel sheets (light alloys cannot be used). Or from the same material as the box, making many holes with a drill.
  7. Cover the outside. Leave the shelves unpainted.

Video. how to make a smokehouse:

If you decide that the mother’s smoke does not bother you, then you don’t have to make a chimney and water seal, but we recommend doing so.

Cold smoked smokehouse

In this option, the smokehouse gases should have a temperature of 30-40 o C. And the smokehouse itself should not be additionally heated.

A thermometer in the smokehouse will come in handy.

Cooling of the smoke is achieved through a long chimney between the smoke generator and the smoking cabinet.

Sometimes a water heat exchanger is inserted into the chimney (in the simplest version, a container of water into which the chimney loop is immersed), this can significantly reduce the length of the chimney.

If desired, you can make it compact, but usually spacious designs come out.

Additional items

What can you add:

  • various handles;
  • chimney;
  • table top;
  • additional shelves;
  • covers.


The design needs to be checked. Is everything opened and closed, inserted, disassembled, etc.

Remove burrs wherever you find them.

Cover the outside.

Artem Shavelsky


There are various devices for cooking meat and fish at the dacha or in the garden - grill, barbecue, smoker. But installing all these devices requires a lot of space. The multifunctional installation of a barbecue with a metal smokehouse all in one will help you save it.

Metal smokehouse grill

These are devices that allow you to cook food. different ways. Depending on their purpose, they differ from each other in different parameters:

  • Elements for cooking. Smoking chamber, space for installing skewers, grill grates, cauldron, regular pans, plus a sink and countertop.
  • Number of fireboxes. In some designs there is one firebox, the fire and smoke from which are directed to the products using dampers; in other devices there are several fireboxes, one for each element.
  • Material of manufacture. This could be brick, sheet metal or gas cylinders.
  • Installation location. Metal devices can be carried or transported to the place of food preparation; brick structures are stationary and are built on personal plots. Smokehouses that look like a Russian stove or fireplace can be installed in a room or in the kitchen of a private home.

Metal grill-smokehouse for cooking

Barbecues with smokehouse for a summer residence

Smoking installations used in the country are intended for periodic use mainly in summer period and the construction of large brick structures is impractical. The exception is the dacha, where the owners come in winter to ski or meet New Year. In this case brick smokehouse combined with a Russian stove or fireplace.

Outdoor metal smokehouses must be stored away from the rain after use. Therefore, when choosing a design, preference is given to collapsible structures or mobile ones on wheels.

Brick grill with smokehouse

Material for making the grill-smokehouse

There are two types of materials from which barbecue smokehouses are made - brick and metal. Each material has its own characteristics.

Brick grill with smokehouse

A brick grill is similar in appearance and design to a stove and is built according to similar rules:

  • red or fire-resistant bricks are used, but not silicate;
  • masonry is carried out on a special or clay solution;
  • the structure has a lot of weight, so before construction it is necessary to lay the foundation;
  • When installing a smokehouse on the street, the construction site must be chosen taking into account the wind rose.
has a long service life and can be supplemented with a tandoor, sink or countertop immediately or some time after the start of operation.

Drawing of a brick grill-smokehouse for hot and cold smoking

Barbecue with metal smokehouse

These units are smaller in size and functionality than brick ones, but are cheaper and can be moved from place to place. This barbecue smokehouse is equipped with a grill and a hot smoking chamber, and in some designs, cold smoking.

Processing of food with smoke is carried out simultaneously with the preparation of barbecue meat on a fryer.

These structures can be made from different materials:

The main condition is that the thickness of the metal should not be less than 2mm, and for the grate, metal thicker than 5mm is selected.

The grill with smokehouse is made of durable metal

Features of different metal barbecue smokehouses

Devices can be made from metal different designs and size. Such installations are easier to manufacture and cheaper than brick ones, but have less functionality and service life.

These devices are used for hot smoking. Best suited for cold smoking.

Hot smoked smokehouse on the grill

These are the most simple devices. The smoking chamber in them is located in the chimney, located next to the grill:

  1. The fire is lit next to the smokehouse or in its lower part.
  2. Due to natural draft, smoke reaches the food.

This barbecue smokehouse can be made from a regular barbecue. The disadvantage of the installation is the low smoke density in the chamber. To improve smoking efficiency, the grill is covered with metal sheets.

A replacement for this device in a city apartment is an oven with a grill grate.

Hot smoked smokehouse made from a regular barbecue

Brazier 3 in 1: smokehouse grill and barbecue

More successful is a three-in-one setup, which has a grill with a lid that covers the fire and food. This will allow you to direct all the smoke from the coals to the smoked meats and cook the food on the grill over the fire, barbecue on the grill and smoke in the smoking chamber.

The grill lid should be hinged and convex in shape to avoid contact with the meat. For ease of opening, a handle, preferably wooden, is additionally attached to it.

Operating modes depend on the location of the firewood, products and lid:

  • barbecue - food in the middle compartment, firewood next to it, lid closed;
  • grill - food is placed over the fire, the lid is open;
  • hot smoking - meat and fish are placed on a grill in the middle compartment, firewood is in an additional firebox;
  • cold smoking - firewood in the firebox, products in the smoking chamber.

3 in 1 grill operation diagram

Barbecue with roof and smokehouse

It is advisable to complement the metal grill with a roof. This will make it heavier and more difficult to move to another place, but it protects the cook from the rain and makes the cooking process more comfortable. To make the apparatus lighter, the roof can be removable or be a separate metal structure.

IN brick grill smokehouses usually do not have a roof. These are stationary structures, which are most often built in gazebos under a common canopy with a dining table.

Barbecue smokehouse with roof

Barbecue smokehouse "Steam Locomotive"

A 3 in 1 smokehouse can be made not only from steel sheets. Interesting view have smokehouses made of large diameter pipes or gas cylinders. This unit can be painted with black heat-resistant paint and installed on wheels.

This will give the body original look steam locomotive, especially if you decorate it further forged elements and other details.

Barbecue with smokehouse Steam locomotive

Ovens with barbecue and smoking

Brick smokehouses with a barbecue, countertop and sink are more expensive than metal ones, and require bricklaying skills to build, but such a complex serves as a decoration for a personal plot. These structures are designed for long-term operation, comparable to the service life of the private house itself.

Oven grill smokehouse 3 in 1

These brick structures are designed for preparing products on the grill, in a cauldron and hot smoked snacks.

The operating principle of these installations is similar to metal smokehouses:

  • meat on the grill and in a cauldron is prepared by burning wood under the cooking surface;
  • To prepare a barbecue, the grill with meat must be covered with a lid;
  • smoking is carried out when an additional firebox is activated.

Brick construction of a barbecue with a smokehouse 3 in 1

Barbecue grill fireplace smokehouse in the form of an oven

When building a fireplace in a residential building or in a country house, it can be supplemented with a barbecue, barbecue or smokehouse:

  • to install skewers or a grill grate, the fireplace grate must have a smooth top edge, and a metal rod Ø15-20mm must be installed at a distance of 5 cm from the back wall;
  • When preparing a barbecue, the food is covered with a removable lid;
  • The smoking chamber is located in the extension of the chimney.

To reduce the escape of smoke into the room, the door smoking cabinet It is advisable to do it in another room.

A fireplace with barbecue and smokehouse is made in the form of a stove

Oven brazier cauldron smokehouse all in one

When building a brick smokehouse in the courtyard of a private house, you can combine all types of devices in one bottle - barbecue, cold or hot smoked smokehouse, cauldron, tandoor oven. They are complemented by a sink, countertop, firewood storage and cupboard.

The design of such buildings is drawn up individually, taking into account the terrain and the wishes of the customer.

Do-it-yourself two-level barbecue smokehouse

This is a smokehouse cylindrical, similar to a potbelly stove. A special feature of this installation is the presence of two fireboxes located one above the other, a removable barbecue grill and a hinged lid.

Cooking methods depend on what kind of firebox the firewood is in:

  • Grill. Firewood in the top firebox, the lid is open.
  • B-B-Q. The firewood is at the top, the lid is closed.
  • Hot smoking. Firewood, or better yet, smoldering coals below, the lid closed.

You can make such an installation yourself from a piece of Ø600mm pipe with a length of 1000mm.

  1. Starting from the bottom edge, a door for the blower is cut out in the front wall, 10 cm high and 30 cm wide.
  2. A 30x50cm lower firebox door is cut out 5cm from the bottom door.
  3. A 30x50cm door for the upper firebox is cut out 10cm from the top edge.
  4. A circle Ø600mm is cut out of sheet metal 3mm thick and attached to the lower edge of the smokehouse body.
  5. 4 legs are welded from the bottom from pieces of pipe Ø50mm and 50mm long.
  6. From a sheet of metal 5mm thick, 2 circles are cut out for grates Ø570mm.
  7. A large number of holes Ø10-20mm are drilled in the circles.
  8. The first grate is fixed between the blower and the lower firebox.
  9. A second grille is attached under the top door.
  10. The previously cut pieces of the front wall are attached to the hinges.
  11. Pieces of 2x40mm strip are welded along the edges of the doors and are fixed in open position hooks or latches are attached.
  12. At a distance of 5cm from the top edge, attach 4 M16 nuts to the side walls, onto which the grill grate is placed.
  13. A grill grate Ø570mm is made from stainless steel tubes or rods.
  14. For the lid, cut a piece of the same pipe 100mm long.
  15. Cut a circle Ø600mm from metal 2mm thick and attach it to a piece of pipe.
  16. Place the lid on its hinges and attach the handle to it.

The device is assembled using electric welding or bolted connections. To adjust the draft, a damper is installed in the lid. Step-by-step instruction for its manufacture consists of the following points:

  1. 3 holes Ø20mm are drilled in the center, arranged in a triangle.
  2. A circle Ø80mm is cut from sheet steel 2mm thick.
  3. Holes are drilled in the circle similar to the holes in the lid.
  4. A Ø5mm hole is drilled between the holes in the center of the triangle.
  5. A handle is attached to the edge of the damper.
  6. The damper and cover are connected with an M5 bolt.

To increase the density and reduce the smoke temperature during smoking, wet sawdust and hardwood chips are placed on the coals.

Drawing of a two-level grill with a smokehouse

Do-it-yourself brick grill with smokehouse

In this design, above the firebox there is hob, and on the side there is a grill combined with a smoking chamber. Under the barbecue there is a compartment for firewood. To smoke food, the grill is covered with a removable or stationary door.

The masonry is made using fireclay mixture or clay mortar. Before construction begins, a concrete foundation is laid.

Making a barbecue with a smokehouse with your own hands from brick

Arrangement of grill smokehouse

With your own hands, the grill is laid out according to a serial drawing, or order. This is a diagram of the arrangement of bricks separately for each row with a description of the masonry features:

  1. Rows 1 and 2 - a solid base is laid out.
  2. Starting from the 3rd row, a blower and firewood are formed.
  3. Rows 3 and 4 - the door is installed.
  4. Row 5 - the blower door is closed.
  5. 6th row - a grate is installed.
  6. 7-9 row - the firebox door is installed.
  7. 8th row - steel sheet the firewood is covered.
  8. Row 10 - the firebox door is closed.
  9. The hob is installed in the 11th row.
  10. From the 12th row, the laying of the barbecue and smoking chamber begins.
  11. In rows 14-23, fasteners for grates are placed in the walls of the smokehouse.
  12. In rows 17-22 the grill is broken by an arch.
  13. In the 23rd row, the cooking compartment is covered with a 5mm thick steel sheet.
  14. In the 24th row, a Ø20mm steel rod is laid above the smokehouse for hanging products and the laying of the chimney begins.

To install some elements, the brick must be trimmed. This is easier to do if you wet it first.

Layout of bricks when laying out a barbecue

Order drawing of laying out a barbecue with a smokehouse

Spend time in nature, even in own yard under a fragrant barbecue. What could be better? Maybe! At the same time, cook excellent smoked meats! This is possible with a barbecue, grill and smoker in one.

What is a barbecue smokehouse?

Everything you need in one, that’s what this design can be called. Thanks to the thoughtful placement of components, you can simultaneously cook juicy steaks on the grill, delicious kebabs on the grill, and, as an addition to everything, smoke fish.

Due to the fact that the smoke that is formed when cooking on the barbecue does not come out, but moves towards the container with smoked meats. This way you can use this design more economically and functionally.

Externally, a standard grill is known to everyone. The combined option with a smokehouse or a barbecue with it will allow you to “smoke” and bring any product to the desired taste. The smoke perfectly envelops the food in the smoking chamber, thereby bringing the taste to perfection.

On a note! Some options can implement cold and hot smoking. This point must be taken into account when designing.

The convenience of the design is that it is more compact and cheaper to manufacture, as well as to purchase. Metal grills and smokehouses are especially popular among handymen. After all, they can be prepared from scrap materials, and equipped with wheels, they can be easily moved to the right place.

The design of such structures is much simpler than their brick counterparts. In addition, they take up little space. The design is simple, there are additional functional areas in this version. You can even add it when the product is completely ready.

Advantages and disadvantages

Such a multifunctional smokehouse has clear advantages, including:

  • compactness;
  • improved functionality:
  • Availability differs finished goods and materials for their manufacture;
  • a lot of variations, ease of manufacture;
  • ease of use.

There are no shortcomings as such, the peculiarity is that additional sanding and painting are needed if you do it yourself. Sometimes you can hear the opinion that the look is rough, but this cannot be said about all models made by hand.

Materials and tools for manufacturing

To make a barbecue with a smokehouse you will need a metal body. It might be old gas cylinder, barrel, cauldrons and other similar containers. If you don’t have any of these at hand, you can make a cubic structure by welding sheets of metal of suitable thickness together.

The most simple designs grill/barbecue with lid and air supply. These options only have hot smoking available. The design is more complex, it provides a separate chamber for firewood with an outlet to the barbecue section. To make it possible to smoke in this one, another chamber is mounted, and cooled smoke passes through it.

The tools you need are a grinder with a metal disc, welding inverter, electrodes. Depending on the material used, curtains, bolts. To give a finished look to the design metal fittings, corners, wooden boards, paint, varnish.

Metal grill smokehouse

In order to create a man-made grill with a metal smokehouse, you can use an old gas cylinder. IN in this case There will be 2 of them - the grill itself and the smoke generator.

Important! Before starting cutting and welding work, the cylinder must be completely emptied of gasoline. It is best to do this away from home, as the smell will be quite strong.

The next stage: dismantling the taps that shut off the gas; they are not needed in a barbecue with a smokehouse. Preparing the cylinder includes completely displacing the gas; to do this, after twisting the valve, fill the cylinders with water and let them stand for a couple of days.

Making a smoke generator

  • The prepared balloon must be cut using a grinder so that a 50 cm flask is formed. On one side the cylinder will be in its original form, on the other it will be cut off, and it is to this that the second part of the structure will be attached.
  • You need to make a hole for ventilation. The cut piece itself will be the lid, so you can adjust the draft. The blower will be located below. In order to be able to move it here and there, you need to weld the guides. In this case, a metal corner was used. A handle is welded to the lid itself.
  • The top should be cut out. The height of the remaining body is approximately 2/3 of the total height.
  • Weld a metal corner inside; it supports the grate, which can be used as any grated surface.
  • Secure the cover using hinges and welding.
  • Weld the cut cylinder dome into place.
  • A hole should be made in the upper part of the firebox cylinder for connection to the barbecue.

Making a barbecue

  • You need a standard cylinder; by analogy with a smoke generator, make a hole in it for the blower, only it is not located in the center, but closer to the edge where the smoke generator will be attached.
  • The lid will be along its entire length, the height of the remaining part will also be approximately 2/3 of the total height of the container.
  • There will be grates inside, we will use them to support them metal corners, weld them too.
  • Place the lid on the hinges.
  • You need to make cuts and holes on the body. This is needed for skewers. On the part of the grill, which is located where the lid closes, there are cuts about 1 cm in height, the thickness required for the available skewers. WITH reverse side(under the loops) their holes will be pierced by those same skewers.
  • For convenience, attach handles to the lid.
  • Make a cut for joining with the firebox and for welding the pipe. If the smaller cylinder has it at the top, then the barbecue has it at the bottom, approximately the same shape as the smoke generator. The size of the cut for the pipe depends on the available diameter.


The grill and smoke generator must be placed on metal legs, it is best to weld them. The height of the combustion chamber should be located below the grill.

Assembly should be carried out only after welding the legs. The components of the smokehouse grill are connected by welding. Weld the chimney pipe. After sanding, smoothing the seams and painting with fire-resistant paint.

The base for the grill-smokehouse can not be welded immediately; when fastening the components, use a temporary base. After, having welded a suitable one (in height, size, additional functions), thoroughly secure.

In the area of ​​the barbecue, you should make a protrusion from the corner for installing a shelf. It is convenient to place cooking utensils and dishes on it.


By analogy, you can make a barbecue smokehouse. The sequence of work is similar, but there is no need to make cuts. And fix the corners in two places. The grate rests on the first row, and the cooking grate on the second. The smoke will do the same. Smoking in this case will be hotter.


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