Small blue flowers are perennials. Garden flowers and plants with blue flowers

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To date garden plots, flower beds and window sills in apartments are decorated with a variety of ornamental plants. The abundance of colors, shapes and sizes of plants delights the eyes of gardeners and their guests. Plants with flowers of all shades of blue, from blue to dark blue, are gaining popularity. The blue shades of flowers are very reminiscent of the sky, and that is why they are gradually winning the love of flower growers.

Blue flowers: symbol of the sky

Thanks to the efforts of breeding scientists, today many new varieties have been developed plants with blue and blue flowers. As outside observers note, plants with blue and blue flowers amaze with the richness of their colors. In addition, blue and light blue go well with other colors.

So, The most popular colors of all shades of blue are:

  • African lily or agapanthus;
  • ageratum;
  • wrestler or aconite;
  • small periwinkle;
  • oak speedwell;
  • hyacinth;
  • spring;
  • garden hydrangea;
  • blue tulips.

It should be remembered that in nature, pure blue flowers are extremely rare; most plants have shades of blue.

Blue flowers

Agapanthus or African lily is an indoor plant with blue flowers of extraordinary beauty (pictured). Belongs to the onion family, genus Agapanthus. Quite a low plant (no more than 70 cm in height). The leaves are large, fleshy, collected in fluffy rosettes. Flowers of various colors, including bluish and blue, are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences.

The plant blooms from summer to late autumn. Recently, the plant has been actively cultivated at home. Most popular among indoor plants Three types are considered:

  • Agapanthus orientalis;
  • Agapanthus bellflower;
  • Agapanthus umbellata.

The plant is photophilous and thrives in sunlight. Optimal temperature cultivation is considered to be 15–25 degrees Celsius. Does not require painstaking care, watering must be regular, requires replanting.

Ageratum variety Blue Mink belongs to the aster family. This is a small bush (no more than 60 cm in height), with triangular or diamond-shaped leaves, the stems are straight, pubescent, the number of stems is quite large. Ageratum bears fruit, the fruits are in the form of a pentagonal achene.

The blue flowers are fluffy, small, reminiscent of dandelions. Flower growers often plant entire flowery carpets; the bush is also popularly called a “dry stream.”

Wolfsbane or fighter

There has always been a trail of legends and traditions around this plant. According to one version, aconite appeared after the dog Cerberus, guardian of the entrance to Tartarus, appeared in Greece along with Hercules. From his poisonous saliva that fell on the ground, a plant appeared.

The wrestler (in the picture) is of small size (60–130 cm in height) perennial herbs , with a straight, less often curly stem (up to 400 cm in length). The leaves are lobe-shaped, dark green in color, and arranged alternately. The blue flowers vaguely resemble a bell. It tolerates winter well, does not require painstaking care, and tolerates transplantation well. They are actively cultivated by flower growers in gardens and front gardens.

Fully poisonous plant. When working with flowers, all precautions must be taken. It is recommended to plant out of the reach of animals and small children.

Small - a small plant with blue flowers, surrounded by mystical stories. The height of periwinkle is about 40 cm, the stem is branched, straight, less often creeping. Flowering begins in May, pale blue or dark blue flowers appear on the stems. The flowers are solitary, the pedicels are long, about 3–4 cm in diameter.

The leaves of periwinkle are attached to the stem using short cuttings, are elliptical in shape, fleshy, dense to the touch, and shiny. The top of the leaf is juicy green, the bottom is paler, grayish green.

The plant bears fruit, the fruits begin to ripen in June. Famous for its healing properties.

Veronica dubravnaya

The plant belongs to the genus Veronica, the plantain family.. The herbaceous perennial has creeping pubescent stems, the length of which varies from 10 to 40 cm. The leaves of Speedwell are ovoid, the edges are slightly jagged, about 2-3 cm long. They are attached to the stems using short cuttings.

The inflorescence is racemose, the axillary flowers have a bluish tint (pictured). The flowers are four-five-leaved, sometimes have a white edge or dark veins across the petals. It has long been grown by flower growers as decorative decoration garden or vegetable garden, prefers dry and shady places to grow. Widely distributed in Russia and Ukraine.

Hyacinth is accompanied by a beautiful legend: once upon a time the son of the king of Sparta, a young man named Hyacinth, challenged the gods Apollo and Zephyr. The young man competed with God in discus throwing, in no way inferior to the deity. Zephyr couldn't let a mortal win, so a gust of wind changed the trajectory of the disc's fall. It hit Hyacinth right in the face. The young man died from a mortal wound, and in the place where drops of Hyacinth’s blood fell, a tender bud grew.

belongs to the lily family, This perennial with a tuberous root system. The leaves are dense, juicy green in color, as if superimposed on each other. The flowers come in a variety of colors, including blue tones. The inflorescences are racemose, with many bell-like flowers.

There can be about 45 flowers on one stem.

Gentian or gentiana

Gentian classified as perennial shrub plants gentian family. It includes about 400 subspecies, small in stature, about 50-70 cm. In the natural environment, you can find specimens up to half a meter high.

The stem of gentian is erect, has basal leaves collected in a rosette. The leaves are mostly entire and can be ovoid or oblong. The flowers are solitary, less often collected in inflorescences, with straight vertical peduncles. They have the shape of a bell, blue, less often blue.

Gentiana has recently been cultivated in Russia, in areas where the climate is similar to the natural environment where the flower grows.

Garden hydrangea

Large-leaved is considered the most popular ornamental shrub (see picture). The bush is quite tall; there are specimens about 4 m high. This shrub is popularly called hydrania. Widely used in Russia to decorate gardens and parks.

Hydrangea leaves are quite large, juicy green tint, egg-shaped. The tips of the leaves are slightly pointed. The inflorescences are cluster-shaped, lush, of various colors, there are shades of blue. Vaguely reminiscent of lilac, the diameter of the inflorescence can reach 15 cm.

Flowering begins in June and ends in September - October. With the onset of cold weather, the leaves change color and become red-brown.

Blue and blue tulips were bred not so long ago by breeding scientists. Tulips are perennial bulbous plants and come in a wide variety of shades of blue. An ephemeroid herbaceous tulip, it goes through all stages of development in the spring: from the first leaves to death.

Tulips are quite popular among gardeners, special care does not require. He prefers regular watering; the soil for the tulip should have a loose surface.

Blue is the color of the sky and sea, calm, peace, joy. Flowers in a similar range will decorate any home and garden, and are also often used in a bride’s bouquet, along with buds with pink or lilac petals. It is interesting to consider in detail the blue flowers most suitable for home and garden cultivation.

Blue flowers: photos of the most famous species

The main blue flower is a delicate and elegant delphinium, which easily takes root in every garden in the middle zone. A particular variety with white and blue petals was bred in Nepal, but has already taken root in domestic areas. Externally, it is not much different from the more familiar varieties: the same long (up to 2.5 m) stem, from which almost 1 m is occupied by inflorescences arranged in a candle-like pattern, tapering towards the apex.

The bushes are spreading, the plant itself is a perennial. The variety “Summersky”, which belongs to the small-flowered group (diameter - 3.5 cm), is made in blue tones. The domestic variety “Blue Lace” is beautiful, as is the tall and spreading “Venus”. In addition, the flowers of the non-double group “Belladonna” are interesting for their blue petals: their bushes are low-growing (up to 1.5 m in height), with a racemose thick rhizome. Unfortunately, the seed germination rate of this hybrid is low. And in order for the delphinium to bloom again at the end of summer, after the first flowering it should be pruned.

The next well-known specimen with blue-blue flowers is lupine. In the shape of its inflorescences, it is similar to delphinium: the same tall arrow bushes, cone-shaped inflorescences, but completely closed buds. This is also a perennial that prefers semi-shaded areas and tolerates frost well, and therefore it is loved by gardeners in the middle zone. The bushes are low, rarely grow more than 0.5 m above the ground, and the flowers barely reach 1 cm in diameter. The variety with the simple name “Blue” is ideal for group plantings, blooms at the very beginning of summer, and can go into the second wave closer to August. It is recommended to plant it in spring, keeping a distance of 40 cm between seedlings.

Speaking about blue flowers, we cannot ignore the simple and Japanese bell. Its botanical name is campanula, and depending on the variety it is an annual, biennial or perennial. Among Japanese species The blue color is characteristic of the Takeshima bell, whose height is 0.6 m, and the flowers can be double or simple. The round bell is shorter, barely reaching 0.4 m in height. Gardeners use it to fill ridges and create borders; in addition, the plant looks good when cut.

Names and characteristics of varieties

Saturated color summer sky has morning glory - an annual bindweed, whose flowers can be made in various colors. Blue is characteristic of the “morningglory” variety, or it is also known as “heavenlyblue”. The height of such a vine in natural conditions reaches 5 m, in the middle zone it rarely exceeds 3 m. The diameter of the gramophone flowers is 10 cm, the core is white, darkens towards the edges, turning into an ultramarine blue hue. Interesting feature of this flower - its following the sun. In addition to the fact that it opens at sunrise and closes after lunch, the heads themselves turn, like those of sunflowers, following the movement of the solar disk. And also in cloudy weather they remain open throughout the daylight hours.

Dr. a moment characteristic of this variety of morning glory can be noticed when the flowers begin to fade: with outside, curling up, the petals change their hue from blue to purple. This is how it lives up to its biological name - tricolor. Since morning glory is a vine, when growing it is important to make supports for it, which can even be a fence or wall of a house, or you will have to lay it down and let it spread out like a dense carpet on the ground. Flowering for this plant begins in July.

Clematis are frequent guests in the garden. Most of their species have large flowers, reaching 15 cm in diameter, and their shapes vary depending on the variety: sharp-leaved stars or fluffy balls. Several specimens were made in blue colors, among which “BlueLight” is recognized as the most delicate, whose rounded petals are lavender-blue in color, and the core of the compact flower is terry. A notable difference between this variety and other terry varieties is the ability to bloom on both new and last year’s shoots. The plant is quite unpretentious, but in the middle zone it is recommended to protect it from the wind, and therefore not to plant it in areas open on all sides. The “GeneralSikorski” variety is close to it in color, having a slightly more saturated color, as well as larger flowers in diameter - up to 25 cm. The height of the plant in nature reaches 3 m.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the clematis variety “Lasurstern”, whose petals initially have a violet-blue color, but under the sun they fade to dark blue. The flowers can reach 20 cm in diameter; flowering begins at the end of May on last year's shoots. Most often, this variety is purchased for balconies and verandas. But the most beautiful clematis with sky-blue petals is considered to be the “Peled’Azur” variety. He doesn't have the most large flowers(up to 14 cm in diameter), the shoots themselves stretch up to 3 m in length, but they are ready to show off abundant flowering: from mid-summer the plant pleases the eye, dying only when severe frosts occur. Like previous variety, good for balconies, terraces, and other types of group and single plantings.

Pale blue flowers for the bride's bouquet

Searching for flowers by shade is most relevant for brides who want to hold a wedding in a certain range, and therefore begin to think in advance about what they will make up the bouquet from. What flowers can be included in it if there is an orientation towards all shades of blue?

Blue roses undoubtedly occupy a leading position. However, in most cases these are artificial specimens, since the bred varieties of roses begin to acquire a blue tint already at the moment of flowering, and therefore are not suitable for a wedding bouquet. If the bride wants a similar flower, it is unlikely to be alive. But you can replace roses with any other soft blue buds.

For example, the lush balls of hydrangea inflorescences look no worse. They are beautiful in combination with white alstroemerias, as well as when decorating the flower cores with small beads. What’s interesting is the ability to independently vary the shade of hydrangea inflorescences: if you grow it at home, add iron filings to the soil or stick a few nails in - this trick will help enhance the blue note in the petals.

The next blue flower worthy of a place in a wedding bouquet is muscari. In appearance, it resembles a long cone of small inflorescences, tapering towards the top. The variety "Muscaricoeruleum" is included in the Red Book because it is a rare species growing in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories. The plant is bulbous, early flowering, perennial, reproducing by seeds. In the bride's bouquet it is most often combined with white orchids and roses, and is also often diluted with hydrangeas.

A little less often, irises are included in such a composition. English varieties have both soft blue and almost azure blue petals. Their flowering period is early summer, all of June and part of July. In addition, some Dutch varieties that have the most early flowering- end of May and beginning of June. They all fall into the "Xiphium" group, which is grown mainly for cutting. The stems reach 45 cm in height, the bulbs are planted in October, and during the growing period the irises need active sun.

Blue is the color of the sky and sea, calm, peace, joy. Flowers in a similar range will decorate any home and garden, and are also often used in a bride’s bouquet, along with buds with pink or lilac petals. It is interesting to consider in detail the blue flowers most suitable for home and garden cultivation.

Blue flowers: photos of the most famous species

The main blue flower is a delicate and elegant delphinium, which easily takes root in every garden in the middle zone. A particular variety with white and blue petals was bred in Nepal, but has already taken root in domestic areas. Externally, it is not much different from the more familiar varieties: the same long (up to 2.5 m) stem, from which almost 1 m is occupied by inflorescences arranged in a candle-like pattern, tapering towards the apex.

The bushes are spreading, the plant itself is a perennial. The variety “Summersky”, which belongs to the small-flowered group (diameter - 3.5 cm), is made in blue tones. The domestic variety “Blue Lace” is beautiful, as is the tall and spreading “Venus”. In addition, the flowers of the non-double group “Belladonna” are interesting for their blue petals: their bushes are low-growing (up to 1.5 m in height), with a racemose thick rhizome. Unfortunately, the seed germination rate of this hybrid is low. And in order for the delphinium to bloom again at the end of summer, after the first flowering it should be pruned.

The next well-known specimen with blue-blue flowers is lupine. In the shape of its inflorescences, it is similar to delphinium: the same tall arrow bushes, cone-shaped inflorescences, but completely closed buds. This is also a perennial that prefers semi-shaded areas and tolerates frost well, and therefore it is loved by gardeners in the middle zone. The bushes are low, rarely grow more than 0.5 m above the ground, and the flowers barely reach 1 cm in diameter. The variety with the simple name “Blue” is ideal for group plantings, blooms at the very beginning of summer, and can go into the second wave closer to August. It is recommended to plant it in spring, keeping a distance of 40 cm between seedlings.

Speaking about blue flowers, we cannot ignore the simple and Japanese bell. Its botanical name is campanula, and depending on the variety it is an annual, biennial or perennial. Among Japanese species, the blue color is characteristic of the Takeshima bell, whose height is 0.6 m, and the flowers can be double or simple. The round bell is shorter, barely reaching 0.4 m in height. Gardeners use it to fill ridges and create borders; in addition, the plant looks good when cut.

Blue flowers: names and characteristics of varieties

The rich color of the summer sky has morning glory - an annual bindweed, whose flowers can be made in various colors. Blue is characteristic of the “morningglory” variety, or it is also known as “heavenlyblue”. The height of such a vine in natural conditions reaches 5 m, in the middle zone it rarely exceeds 3 m. The diameter of the gramophone flowers is 10 cm, the core is white, darkens towards the edges, turning into an ultramarine blue hue. An interesting feature of this flower is that it follows the sun. In addition to the fact that it opens at sunrise and closes after lunch, the heads themselves turn, like those of sunflowers, following the movement of the solar disk. And also in cloudy weather they remain open throughout the daylight hours.

Dr. a moment characteristic of this variety of morning glory can be noticed when the flowers begin to fade: on the outside, as they curl up, the petals change their hue from blue to purple. This is how it lives up to its biological name - tricolor. Since morning glory is a vine, when growing it is important to make supports for it, which can even be a fence or wall of a house, or you will have to lay it down and let it spread out like a dense carpet on the ground. Flowering for this plant begins in July.

Clematis are frequent guests in the garden. Most of their species have large flowers, reaching 15 cm in diameter, and their shapes vary depending on the variety: sharp-leaved stars or fluffy balls. Several specimens were made in blue colors, among which “BlueLight” is recognized as the most delicate, whose rounded petals are lavender-blue in color, and the core of the compact flower is terry. A notable difference between this variety and other terry varieties is the ability to bloom on both new and last year’s shoots. The plant is quite unpretentious, but in the middle zone it is recommended to protect it from the wind, and therefore not to plant it in areas open on all sides. The “GeneralSikorski” variety is close to it in color, having a slightly more saturated color, as well as larger flowers in diameter - up to 25 cm. The height of the plant in nature reaches 3 m.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the clematis variety “Lasurstern”, whose petals initially have a violet-blue color, but under the sun they fade to dark blue. The flowers can reach 20 cm in diameter; flowering begins at the end of May on last year's shoots. Most often, this variety is purchased for balconies and verandas. But the most beautiful clematis with sky-blue petals is considered to be the “Peled’Azur” variety. It does not have the largest flowers (up to 14 cm in diameter), the shoots themselves stretch up to 3 m in length, but it is ready to boast of abundant flowering: from mid-summer the plant pleases the eye, dying only when serious frosts occur. Like the previous variety, it is good for balconies, terraces, and other types of group and single plantings.

Pale blue flowers for the bride's bouquet

Searching for flowers by shade is most relevant for brides who want to hold a wedding in a certain color scheme, and therefore begin to think in advance about what they will use to make up the bouquet. What flowers can be included in it if there is an orientation towards all shades of blue?

Blue roses undoubtedly occupy a leading position. However, in most cases these are artificial specimens, since the bred varieties of roses begin to acquire a blue tint already at the moment of flowering, and therefore are not suitable for a wedding bouquet. If the bride wants a similar flower, it is unlikely to be alive. But you can replace roses with any other soft blue buds.

For example, the lush balls of hydrangea inflorescences look no worse. They are beautiful in combination with white alstroemerias, as well as when decorating the flower cores with small beads. What’s interesting is the ability to independently vary the shade of hydrangea inflorescences: if you grow it at home, add iron filings to the soil or stick a few nails in - this trick will help enhance the blue note in the petals.

The next blue flower worthy of a place in a wedding bouquet is muscari. In appearance, it resembles a long cone of small inflorescences, tapering towards the top. The variety "Muscaricoeruleum" is included in the Red Book because it is a rare species growing in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories. The plant is bulbous, early flowering, perennial, reproducing by seeds. In the bride's bouquet it is most often combined with white orchids and roses, and is also often diluted with hydrangeas.

A little less often, irises are included in such a composition. English varieties have both soft blue and almost azure blue petals. Their flowering period is early summer, all of June and part of July. In addition, some Dutch varieties, which have the earliest flowering - late May and early June, are also produced in blue tones. They all fall into the "Xiphium" group, which is grown mainly for cutting. The stems reach 45 cm in height, the bulbs are planted in October, and during the growing period the irises need active sun.

In addition, in wedding bouquets you can see rarer components: cornflowers and violets. They most often appear in the hands of brides who have decided on a celebration in the “rustic” style, when a magnificent wedding gives way to a more simple option. Therefore, it is also necessary to select a bouquet that is as unpretentious as possible, as if it had just been collected in a nearby clearing.

Blue flowers are a symbol of fidelity and hope, an unspoken promise to wait and preserve feelings. They were given before a long separation, and were also sent secretly as a sign of demonstrating that love was still alive. In the interior, flowers with petals of a blue hue have a calming effect, and also lighten and cool the appearance of the room.

Blue garden flowers are a bright spot in landscape design plot. Spring is the time to start tending to your garden. When choosing flowering garden plants, you want to choose something from all the variety of shades that will be not only original, but also pleasing to the eye. Many gardeners pay attention to perennials and annuals with blue flowers. These are the most common crops in Russian gardening. Garden plants with blue flowers are so diverse and attractive that it is difficult to do without them when creating beautiful landscape. Garden names blue flowers and photos can be viewed on this page - this information will allow you to choose the right perennials and annuals for your site, suitable species tall and short plants.

Blue is a symbol of purity, heavenly bliss and deep sea. There are many shades of this color, which are presented in a wide variety in the gardens of skilled gardeners. Natural colors combine and look great with others. Therefore, you can use blue garden flowers to create luxurious flower beds.

Many gardeners grow plants for cutting; for this they use tall crops. For borders, annuals and perennials with ground cover abilities or low-growing ones are suitable. We’ll talk about all this further and find out which garden plants with blue flowers are worth at least trying to grow on your site.

Look at the photos of blue garden flowers and continue to learn their names:

Tall garden blue flowers: perennial and annual

A tall group of plants is very appropriate if it is necessary to hide the shortcomings of the facades or the site itself. Almost all perennials and annuals with blue flowers are unpretentious and easy to grow, adapting to conditions. The color blue is a great distraction. Therefore, not only shrubs and subshrubs, but also vines are used as such a crop. Tall garden blue flowers can be grown as cut flowers. But it is worth noting that some varieties of blue flowers can be poisonous. They should not be grown near playgrounds or where pets live.

The most graceful tall perennial that can be grown as a garden plant is the delphinium. This is a large plant of the Ranunculaceae family, including about 450 varieties. The most common varieties are with purple flowers. Blue and white are rarer, but are even more popular among Russian flower growers. Delphinium is a tall plant, most varietal and hybrid varieties reach 120-200 cm in height. In other sources, the perennial is found under the names larkspur or spur. Delphinium flowers are large, collected in a dense inflorescence of a spike, located on a long flower stalk.

Hydrangea Sadovaya on acidic soils

On acidic soils, Hydrangea flowers turn blue. This perennial plant belongs to the Hydrangeaceae family and includes a huge number of varietal groups. Perennial forms can be grown in the garden. These include shrubs and subshrubs. Most popular look for open ground - Sadovaya hydrangea. It is the most resistant to climate change. Hydrangea blooms with small blue flowers, collected in umbrella inflorescences at the tops of the stems. Please note that on neutral soil the plant will be covered with snow-white or cream buds. To give them a blue color, you need to water the hydrangea with compounds that oxidize the soil.

Cornflower Mountain - brittle stems

Cornflower Mountain is garden plant with blue flowers and a crimson center. In our country it has spread so much that it is often found in growing wild. Basically they are wild cultivars. They quickly turn into weeds and easily reproduce by self-sowing. This is a particularly resistant plant to climate change. Mountain Cornflower is often grown for cutting or as a decoration for the front garden. The flower does not last long in the bouquet, but its aroma complements the floral symphony and makes it deeper. Mountain cornflowers grow mainly in groups. Therefore, the plant’s flowering is long and abundant. Despite the fact that there can only be one bud on one stem. You just don’t notice when the plant fades and new flowers appear to replace it. When caring for the crop, remember that cornflowers have brittle stems. They need to be planted so that the plant is not exposed to strong winds.

Wolfsbane or fighter

Aconite with blue flowers, or, as it is also called Fighter, is a poisonous plant and is not suitable for all gardeners. The perennial received its second name due to the structure of the corolla. The bud during the flowering period looks like a helmet. This is a very resilient crop. It survives in regions with severe frosts. The plant especially likes wet clay soils. Therefore, it is suitable for growing in riverside gardens. Aconite, like cornflower, develops quickly and can turn from cultivated plant into a weed, without proper care. Aconites bloom from mid-summer until frost. Some varieties set rattle fruits by the end of August. They attract children, but contact should be avoided as the Borets flower is poisonous.

Morning glory of the Convolvulaceae family

To decorate the facade of a building or gazebo, choose morning glory. Despite the fact that plants with purple shades of buds are more popular and persistent, the blue flowers of perennial vines look more delicate and attractive. This is a fragrant perennial that does not require care. Morning glory belongs to the Convolvulaceae family and is the largest genus, which includes about 450 species. The most common varieties are those with purple and blue flowers. The perennial is used not only to decorate facades, but also to create hedges and form flowering bushes. Morning glory “gets along” well with large trees. It clings with thin antennae to the branches of tall trees, beautifully enveloping them with flower vines.

Blue bulbous flowers

The large group of bulbous plants includes many garden plants that bloom with blue buds. Mostly bulbous flowers of blue and light blue are irises and gladioli. Calla lilies are more whimsical, especially of this shade. It is best to choose irises from the Siberian group if the region has a variable climate. Gladioli with blue flowers are unpretentious and are perfect for growing on the site. But please note that in cold weather the development of bulbous plants slows down. As for care, it is simple. The most important thing is that perennials should not be planted in soil with stagnant moisture. Bulbs under influence groundwater rot quickly. As for calla lilies, it is best to grow varieties with blue buds in baskets. They can be hidden in a shelter if the weather suddenly turns bad.

Ground cover and low growing plants with blue flowers

Low-growing and groundcover plants with blue flowers are used to decorate borders, rock gardens and slides. Many of them become excellent backgrounds for tall crops. Shrubs with white buds look especially beautiful against their background. Most of these plants are annuals. Therefore, you can safely update annually appearance your site by planting new specimens.

The most widespread and fastest growing crop for summer garden- petunias with blue flowers. These plants are very popular among gardeners. Hybrids with blue buds are not uncommon. They can be represented by terry or simple varieties. Some of them look like luxurious roses with a white border of corolla petals.

Petunias are ground cover plants. In warm regions they can be grown as a border, right in open ground. In cool parts of our country it is better to plant petunia in hanging planter and decorate your gazebo or yard with it. There are varieties with large and small flowers. Do not confuse petunia with calibrachoa. This plant blooms more profusely, turning into a huge ball of small buds of various shades with a yellow throat.

If you can create optimal conditions, then try growing blue bells. This is a ground cover garden plant with large buds. Bells are very popular as a border and hanging perennial. There are also annual forms. They bloom more brightly and abundantly than perennial varieties.

Fragrant lavender covers a large area with rapidly growing vertical stems. The plant blooms with blue flowers collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence at the tip of the shoot. Flower growers note the special aroma of the crop. But, on problem areas lavender will be a nuisance even for experienced gardener. It is very demanding to care for and may die if the soil and climatic conditions do not correspond to its whimsical character.

Spring primroses with blue flowers

Spring primroses include two of the most popular plants. The first is Hyacinths. The perennial blooms with small blue flowers collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence at the top of the stem. The garden plant reaches a height of no more than 35 cm. In this case, the inflorescence can be about 25 cm. Small blue flowers look fresh and attractive. Second spring plant- Anemones or delicate primrose. There are many shades in which the buds of this flower bloom. bulbous perennial. Blue is one of the most common. Such plants are gladly used for home-made in winter.

To create an attractive backdrop for flowering plants, you can use blackthorn or muscari. In Holland, entire paths are planted with it. The plant blooms with blue flowers in dense terminal clusters. Single plantings do not look as impressive as group ones. Muscari is an excellent background for daffodils, tulips and anemones.


Without being guided by the basic rules of color, you cannot correctly compose flower arrangements. Ornamental plants They have many shades and varied textures, which is very important for the perception of the whole picture.

In living nature, color almost always contains a large number of nuances. It may change due to lighting or environment. Finding a pure color is almost impossible. The most widespread colors in the plant world are violet, blue, lilac, blue, and lilac.

Blue Color Meaning

Since time immemorial, people have associated various things or concepts with a certain color. White color- light, cleanliness. Black shade - evil, hatred, night, death.

Blue flowers became a symbol of the sky and sea. You can find out what flowers of different shades mean from florists. Blue color can calm, create a feeling of comfort and tranquility, and help you fall asleep. This color also symbolizes contentment with life and stability, spirituality and intelligence.

The dark blue color inspires confidence, which is the reason for its use in business suits. Blue is the color of coolness, it calms and promotes better sleep. In nature, blue is less common than other colors.

The meaning of blue flowers

Blue flowers are one of the main signs of romance and infinity. The blue flower is meant to convey a message of desire and love to those who receive it. Therefore, knowing which blue flowers are used in which combinations will help in professionally creating flower arrangements.

Shades of blue in the garden

No one modern garden cannot do without bells, irises, aconites, lupins of various shades. However, since the blue range is heterogeneous, it makes sense to focus on each shade separately.

Bright blue flowers are rare in the plant world, and if they appear in the garden, they indicate nobility and great value. Gentian, Pushkinia, Muscari, Scylla, Chionodoxa ended up in our gardens, having migrated from forest glades and mountain meadows, where they are difficult to get, and therefore they are associated with something refined and expensive. Cornflowers with their blueness are akin to the sky.

Blue is a stricter color than blue. Dark blue flowers carry a stamp of mystery and royal nobility. True, so that the excessive use of cold blue flowers in gardens and flower beds does not lead to depression, experienced designers they strive to balance it with pastel colors. Traditionally, blue is well complemented by yellow and orange.

Every flower has its own season

Blue flowers are present in petunias, violets, and lobelias in the warm season. Blue flowers whose names are known to everyone are irises, cornflowers, and bluebells.

In March, blue hyacinths will be beautifully shaded by carnations, tulips, and red pelargoniums. Blue flowers look great against the snowy white background of daffodils. What do they mean different combinations flowers, explains floristry - one of the areas of aesthetics.

The greatest number of plants with dark blue flowers can be found in midsummer. These are the iris, anemone, delphinium, and gentian, revered by all. By the month of August, the baton of the blue leader is picked up by the bell.


Gardeners love to plant own plots flowers with blue and blue shades. As a result, flower beds are stunning with rich colors. When you admire them, you gain more strength. The blue shade is refreshing and caressing, combining perfectly with the colors of the rainbow. In floral arrangements it highlights warm shades of red and orange. The traditional combination is pink or yellow with blue. This combination in the garden is achieved if blue and blue hyacinths are planted in the flowerbed. Pink colour, as well as snake knotweed with forget-me-nots. The Brunner inflorescences look amazing, rising above the gold of the variegated hybrids.

When sunlight is intense, the blue tones partially lose their saturation, but in the garden it is easy to find a shady corner in which you can plant scillas, lungwort, periwinkles, brunnera and forget-me-nots. Some plants have blue foliage. They are also able to diversify garden compositions. Such plants include blue fescue, mertensia, and grate. There are also some hosta varieties that have blue foliage.

Seasons of Blue

When early spring arrives, plants that have blue flowers, joyfully awaken the earth, tired of winter, with the cheerful blue blossoms of crocuses and scillas.

The beginning of May is heralded by the blue bloom of the spring navel, Siberian brunners, forget-me-nots. All year round The small periwinkle with its leathery foliage serves as a decoration for the garden, and in spring blue and dark blue flowers bloom on it. In summer, the violet takes over the baton of blue flowers in the garden.

In June, low-growing steppe irises and aquilegias begin to bloom. July is decorated with blue delphiniums. In the midst of summer, lavender blooms. All summer, bells and lobelias decorate flower beds and flower beds. In addition to all this, there are many varieties of blue petunias. Even more varieties have shades of ink or purple. The blue flowering of cicerbite ends the summer.

Monochrome blue gardens

Monochrome gardens have become a new trend in garden design recently. If you skillfully use numerous shades of blue-blue, the garden will acquire a particularly romantic coloring, successfully relieving the stress of everyday life and calming the nerves.

After all, when flowers of various shades of blue bloom simultaneously in the garden, the atmosphere of the garden becomes bewitching and mysterious. If you correctly select and correctly plant representatives of the blue-blue flora, the garden will become visually much more spacious.

Flowers are a powerful compositional tool. Therefore, they are often used to place emphasis on important planning components. If a flower garden appears in the garden, where flowers of blue shades predominate in various combinations, this makes the garden stand out from many others, giving it an unusual flavor.

Means for reviving blue compositions

The main task that florists solve when creating a monochrome flower garden is to prevent it from becoming monotonous. Blue flowers harmonize perfectly with coreopsis and yellow anemones, cream astilbe, leaves and stems of carnation gray-blue color, light blue Pushkinia and Stachys. A composition of blue or blue with white, blue with silver-blue is associated with refreshing coolness and brings calm. A wonderful combination is obtained when combined with blue flowers of light roses and daylilies. The opposite calming effect is achieved by combinations with blue shades of yellow and orange.


The success of a composition containing a blue flower is largely determined by the chosen location for the flower garden and all the plants involved in it. When creating flower arrangements, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the plants, their growth rate, the texture of the leaves, and the requirements of agricultural technology. For example, anemones and delphiniums take root well in conditions where there is little moisture and fertilizer. You can find a large number of perennials that grow excellently in normal soil with good drainage and moderate humidity.

It is recommended to plant 3 seedlings representing each variety. This way they will grow faster, and you will achieve the desired result faster. If necessary, it is possible to reduce or increase the size of the flower garden by reducing or increasing the number of seedlings.

There is no need to expect stunning results right away. At first, the future beautiful corner will not make much of an impression. To disguise empty spaces in the gaps between seedlings, plant them ground cover plants- green or yellow lysimachia or blue awl-shaped phlox. Small stones make a good impression, which will be removed later.

When planning the composition of a flower garden, it is necessary to take into account that it will constantly undergo changes: each plant has its own flowering time, so in one bed there may be specimens that are just sprouting, that are in the flowering phase, and for which the time has come to wither. In order for the flower garden to look neat, fading plants must be removed in a timely manner.

Anyone who loves the romance of a spring garden should love the blue muscari, crocuses, primroses, and scillas that bloom luxuriantly in the shade of the trees. In the summer, Veronica, wrestler, and aquilegia look wonderful in flower beds and garden beds. Their beauty can once again be emphasized by perennials and annuals: asters, lobelia, borage, viola.

Container plantings

A variety of garden accessories will fit well into the thoughtful atmosphere created by plants: tables, armchairs, blue flower pots. Wooden wall, painted blue, will easily play the role of a bottomless sky and become a background for blue flowers planted in containers.

Such container plantings can refresh an existing garden design. It is optimal to plant bulbous plants at the beginning of spring, which will bring spring mood to the garden much earlier than other flowers. Flowerpots, tubs and baskets can serve as containers.

When creating a flower garden in blue, it is necessary to take into account that at dusk the blue color loses its expressiveness. Bright lighting, on the contrary, gives it saturation. To place blue plants, you should choose well-lit areas. If the garden is small, then it is better to plant blue flowers as a background for the white, red or yellow tones located in front. This will lead to a visual increase in the size of the garden.

In keeping with its surroundings, blue can create a sense of sophistication or be casual. If the landing site is successfully selected, it can deepen the space and create volume. In this case, it seems that he is “floating” in the air. If the blue color is located next to pink, it seems sophisticated and strikes with elegance, and if close to the dark blue color, it compacts flower arrangement, the blue color is almost weightless.

These properties are widely used when creating color compositions. For example, placing richer tones at the bottom of a composition instills a sense of stability. If you place more there bright hues, then there is a feeling of uncertainty and instability.


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