Is it possible to remove iron from water? Purifying water from a well from iron: methods and recommendations

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Most often, the water from the tap in an apartment or house cannot be drunk just like that, without purification. It may contain various impurities that, at a minimum, spoil the taste of water. In some cases it is possible harmful effects on the body (can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract or other systems).

Often water (even artesian water) can have a metallic taste, the same smell and a reddish sediment. In such cases, it is necessary to purify water from iron from a well, which can be done in several ways.

Possible reasons for increased iron concentration in water:

  1. If the soil contains deposits of sulfate ore or rocks of volcanic origin. In this case, even great depth at more than 50-60 m, water can contain more than 100 mg/l.
  2. If the soil is swampy. Swamp water may contain 1-5 ml/g of iron.
  3. If there is an industrial facility nearby: metallurgical, chemical, petrochemical, and it discharges wastewater into local water bodies. In this case, metals from the reservoir can be absorbed into the soil and enter underground sources.
  4. If the house has old rusty pipes (this is not relevant for wells, but for old high-rise buildings or for new buildings that are connected to the old water supply network).
  5. If the pH balance in the soil is disturbed.

Types of iron-containing impurities

Water may contain the following types of iron-containing impurities:

  1. Ferrous iron. Dissolved in water. Visually, a liquid with such an admixture may look normal (transparent, without noticeable sediment). With increased concentration, a metallic taste will appear, and if you leave an open container with liquid to settle, the water will take on a reddish tint.
  2. Trivalent. Insoluble: small particles of a reddish hue are visible in water, even without settling. Upon settling, a reddish precipitate forms.
  3. Bacterial metal (iron bacteria). A mixture hazardous to health and pipelines, which, in addition to iron, may contain mercury, cadmium, and lead. It appears as a slimy, soft deposit that remains on the surface of the cookware. An oily film may form on the surface of the water when standing in an open container.

Why is it important to remove iron from well water?

Possible consequences:

  • skin problems (after bathing, a feeling of dryness and tightness remains; with prolonged exposure, dermatitis and allergies may develop);
  • problems with the liver and kidneys, which have to constantly remove excess iron from the body;
  • the risk of heart attack increases;
  • the risk of developing cancer increases (primarily colon cancer, Bladder and esophagus).

Permissible concentration

Sanitary norm in the Russian Federation: 0.3 mg/l, in Europe - 0.2 mg/l. Water does not have such a concentration unpleasant odor or taste, there is no metallic precipitate in it, and there is no harm to health.

In water from wells, even deep-sea ones, the metal concentration can range from 0.6 to 21 mg/l.

How to understand that there is an increased concentration of iron in water?

Signs by which excess can be determined without analysis:

  1. Unboiled and unfiltered water has a metallic taste and smell. If the concentration exceeds 1.2 mg/l, the taste will be felt even in drinks (tea, coffee) and boiled water.
  2. Reddish streaks remain on the plumbing fixtures (sink, toilet, bathtub, shower stall), sometimes with sediment.

To more accurately identify the problem, you can:

  1. Do a paid analysis. approximate cost comprehensive analysis for the content of various impurities - 3000-3500 rubles.
  2. Pour unboiled water into a glass and leave to sit overnight. If a reddish precipitate appears after 1-2 days, the iron concentration is exceeded.
  3. Use an aquarist's kit (costs about 1000-1200 rubles). Used specifically for determining iron, according to the instructions.
  4. Use potassium permanganate. If you pour 2-3 tbsp into half a glass of potassium permanganate. l. water, and the solution will become dirty yellow - there is a lot of iron in the liquid, and you should not drink it.
  5. Use sulfosalicylic acid, ammonia and ammonia. The recipe is as follows: take 1 ml of ammonia, 1 ml of sulfosalicylic acid and 1 ml of ammonia. The reagents are poured into 25 ml (1 tbsp) of water and stirred. If after 15 minutes the solution turns yellowish, the metal concentration is increased.

Methods for purifying water from iron

Since iron contaminants in water are a common problem, we have come up with a solution to combat them. a large number of effective cleaning methods. There are industrial cleaning methods and devices for apartments and private houses.

Reverse osmosis

Most effective method removal of iron-containing impurities. Can remove ferrous and trivalent iron.

The water flow passes through a fine-mesh membrane. The membrane holes are of such a size that only water molecules pass through. Iron impurities, due to their larger size, cannot pass through the pores and remain on the mesh, after which they are drained through the drainage (the mesh does not become clogged).

Flaw system is that the molecules of chlorine and some other chemical compounds even smaller than water molecules. Therefore, reverse osmosis systems do not remove them, but let them through. To remove them, additional cleaning steps are required.

Ionic method

A filtration method that removes iron, manganese, and calcium. The filter uses an ion exchange resin that replaces iron with sodium and softens the water.

Disadvantages and features:

  • the filter can only be used at metal concentrations up to 2 mg/l;
  • the filter can be used if the water hardness is higher than normal;
  • The filter can only be used for water that is free of organic matter.

Chemical method (oxidative)

The method is usually used only in industrial water treatment plants.

Chlorine, oxygen, ozone and potassium permanganate are used for cleaning. These oxidizing agents convert iron into ferric iron, which is then precipitated and removed.

For apartments and houses there is a simplified filtration system - catalytic. Magnesium dioxide is used as a neutralizer, which oxidizes iron-containing impurities and accelerates their precipitation.

Ferric iron removal

Most systems are designed to remove ferrous iron from liquids.

Ultrafiltration membranes with a cell size of 0.05 microns (microns) are used against trivalent impurities. The membrane traps impurities, which are then removed into the drain by backwashing.

Biological method of deferrization

Designed to remove iron bacteria. They are usually found in water at iron concentrations in the range of 10-30 mg/l, but can appear at lower levels.

To remove them, water is treated:

  • chlorine or chelating agents;
  • bactericidal rays.

Reagent-free cleaning

The principle is based on the interaction of MnO2 with iron: during the reaction, an insoluble compound is formed, which precipitates. For cleaning, filters with membranes containing manganese oxide are used. Membranes need to be cleaned periodically. The filters also have an auto-rinse function that flushes accumulated particles down the drain.

Ozone cleaning

A generator set is used for filtration. Inside it, the oxygen is cooled to +60º, dried, and supplied to the ozone generator. The resulting gas then passes through a stream of water, purifying it of iron and enriching it with oxygen.

Disadvantage of the method: Such installations are expensive and are not beneficial for purifying large quantities of water (because ozone quickly decomposes).


The method is based on the effect of oxygen. Pressurized air is supplied to the water tank from the well.

Oxygen oxidizes ferrous iron, releasing it into sediment, which is then washed into the drain.

Aeration systems are relevant for low iron concentrations (up to 10 mg/l).

Home cleaning without filters or installations

If you need to remove iron from a small amount of water (a bottle, for example), you can proceed according to this scheme:

  1. Let the water sit for at least 1 night. Impurities will settle to the bottom, after which the water will need to be filtered through a fine-mesh mesh.
  2. Boil the strained water.
  3. Freeze a container of boiled water.

After this, the water will get rid of most of the impurities and will become more suitable for drinking, even if it previously contained a high concentration of iron.

If additional cleaning is needed, activated carbon can be used. It needs to be wrapped in cotton wool and used as a filter: pass water through it.

Filters using strong oxidizing agents

To purify water from iron for a private home, the easiest way is to use filters. There are units on sale with different operating principles.

Catalytic iron removers

One of the most common methods of water treatment both for industrial scale and for small objects (private houses, dachas, cottage villages).

Installations can have a capacity from 0.5 to 30 m³/h. There are also more powerful industrial cleaners.

The filter is made of fiberglass or stainless steel. A bulk filter layer-catalyst is used inside.

The most common brands of catalysts:

  1. BIRM.
  2. Green Sand.
  3. AMDX.
  4. Quantum.
  5. Pyrolox.

average cost household model - from 8000-8500 rubles. The catalyst layer needs to be periodically replaced. The average cost of 1 bag (BIRM brand) is about 3,500 rubles.

Reverse osmosis filters

Reverse osmosis filters are complex water treatment units of compact size, which are often installed under sinks in both houses and apartments. In reverse osmosis devices, water is purified in several stages, sequentially passing through 3 containers:

  1. Capacity with activated carbon and polypropylene: purifies water from solid particles up to 0.5 microns in size.
  2. Container with coal: filters organic and chemical impurities (metals, petroleum products), up to 1 micron in size.
  3. Container with a membrane, cells 0.0001 microns in size.

After passing through all 3 containers, the flow is divided into 2 separate ones: purified water and a concentrated solution of filtered impurities. Pure water It is fed further into the water supply of the house, impurities are drained into the sewer.

The most common household filters of this type are:

  1. Atoll.
  2. Aquaphor.
  3. New water.
  4. Osmo barrier.
  5. Geyser Prestige.

The average cost of household models (enough for a house with a family of 3-5 people) is 7500-8000 rubles.

Filters using ion exchange resins

Ion exchange filters are arranged in the form of 2 containers made of plastic or steel. Each of them has free space (top) and a part filled with reagents (bottom).

The advantages of such filters include:

  • high degree of purification;
  • quiet operation;
  • rare replacement of the filter filler (may be required once every 7-10 years).

Among the disadvantages - relatively high price: the cheapest filters will cost 17-22 thousand rubles. Also a disadvantage is low productivity: household models can filter on average up to 0.5 m³/h.

Electromagnetic filters

In such devices, filtration takes place in several stages:

  1. The flow is treated with ultrasound (to improve the efficiency of the next stage);
  2. Electromagnetic cleaning is carried out (iron compounds are retained by a magnet);
  3. The purified stream passes through a mechanical fine-mesh filter, which retains the remaining solid impurities.

The cost of filters of this type starts from 10-12 thousand rubles. They should be used only in cases where the main impurity in the water is iron. If, in addition to iron, there are other unnecessary impurities, it is better to use other types of filter systems.

Electrochemical aeration filters

Reagent-free filters differ in design from the systems listed above. They consist of a compressor that pumps air and a container of water. Can be used with an average iron content of up to 30 mg/l.

The cost of models with minimal productivity (up to 1-3 m³/h) starts from 25-28 thousand rubles. The average maintenance-free service life is about 5-7 years.

Very often, the biggest headache for the owners of country houses is the water that is drawn from wells and boreholes for domestic needs. Because it seems clean at first glance, after some time it suddenly turns brown and acquires a strange taste. This suggests that there is a large amount of iron in this water. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how water is purified from iron from a well or well.


Five steps to make your water free of iron

Many people have heard that water with a high concentration of iron is dangerous. Many people even know a few simple ways reduce its concentration. But how effective are they, what is the quality of the water after the operations performed. Therefore, we invite you to go through five stages with us, which may seem difficult to some. But this approach will make it possible to improve water quality.

Stage No. 1 Check

So, where should we start? First of all, you need to find out whether the water from the well needs treatment. Maybe she's already clean on her own. You cannot do such an analysis on your own. Of course, if a yellowish film floats on the surface of the water surface, or brown sediment has fallen, then there is no doubt. But if no signs are visible, this does not mean that there is no iron in the water. Therefore, water from the well must be taken to the laboratory at Vodokanal.

What can a laboratory test determine? Only one thing – iron concentration. And here I would like to make a small digression and talk about the hardware itself.


First, iron has many beneficial functions in the human body. For example, DNA synthesis cannot take place without it, it is a regulatory element of cellular metabolism, hemoglobin is 60% of iron. But everything that has just been listed applies only to divalent iron. All other iron compounds are harmful to humans.

What does the World Health Organization say about this? A reputable organization has established a maximum limit for the presence of divalent hydroxide in water. Its value is 0.3 mg/l. If the analysis shows a value below this standard, then there is no need to deferrize the water. Otherwise, this must be done without fail.

But there is one more point. High Fe concentration is accompanied by increased rigidity water mass. And this is a serious factor that affects people’s lives:

  • the service life of household appliances is reduced;
  • Shut-off valves and other devices installed in the water supply network often fail;
  • the taste of food changes;
  • furniture deteriorates;
  • Clothes washed in such water take on a peculiar dirty color.

So, at the first stage you need to decide on the quality of the water. And if it does not comply with SanPiN standards, then the issue of deferrization of water from the well will have to be addressed. That is, you will need to select a filter.


Stage No. 2 Deciding what to filter

The modern market offers a fairly serious selection of filters for various purposes. But they are all divided into three groups:

  1. Filters that remove iron that is dissolved in water.
  2. Devices belonging to the category of multifunctional equipment. That is, with their help, water is purified from iron, plus its softening (hardness reduction).
  3. Complex filtration equipment. It purifies not only Fe, but also other impurities: organic, pesticides, manganese and others. Plus, some models have an aeration function, that is, cleaning water from hydrogen sulfide.

For country houses, it is very important to decide for what purposes deferrization will be carried out. That is, the water will be used for domestic needs or in the form of technical water. In each case, choose your own certain type filters.


Stage No. 3 Selecting a cleaning method

This stage is based on the choice of cleansing method. There are two options that are conditionally defined. This is a reagent and non-reagent method.

Let's start with reagent-free, because it is used only if the water from a well or well is not too contaminated with iron hydroxide. There are several filters that differ from each other in the cleaning method.

Catalytic loadings

Let's say, if the filter is a sealed housing through which water passes, then special preparations are poured into it, which capture ferric iron, discarding it into sediment. That is, iron oxidation occurs in the loads.

AS/MS, Pyrolox or Birm sorbents are used today as loadings. The most important thing is that, in addition to the main enemy, these drugs also trap other impurities: hydrogen sulfide, manganese and others.


Reverse osmosis

For private houses with water supply from wells and boreholes, this filter is the best option. Purely structurally, it is a sealed housing, divided into two halves by a special membrane. The latter has holes so small that nothing except water molecules can pass through them. That is, the output is practically distilled water, which does no harm or good.

Many consumers note several unpleasant aspects associated with the use of reverse osmosis filters:

  1. Very low throughput device. That is, to gain even 1 liter, it takes about 5 minutes.
  2. For this filtration unit to work effectively, it is necessary that the water pressure in the water supply is not less than 3 bar.
  3. In order for water that has undergone reverse osmosis to become drinkable again, you need to additionally install a mineralizer. Today the manufacturers themselves have solved this problem. They combined coarse and fine filters, reverse osmosis, and a mineralizer into one installation.


Electromagnetic cleaning

Not all experts consider this option for purifying water from iron from a well in country house before drinking the most effective. But such filters are available on the market. Their operating principle is based on impact electromagnetic field to divalent iron, which turns into trivalent iron. That is, from the invisible to the visible: flakes, plaque, sediment, etc.

The most important thing is that such a filter is equipped with a special chamber filled with quartz sand. It is on this that the sediment settles.


An ancient method of cleaning. Essentially, this is the process of oxidizing iron with the help of air. There are two options here:

  1. Non-pressure. This is when water splashes from above a closed tank, falling down. Small drops are saturated with oxygen, which enters into an oxidation reaction with a divalent substance, turning into a trivalent one. The latter falls in the form of sediment to the bottom of the tank, and after accumulation is discharged outside. In some installations, a special filter element is provided for this purpose, which collects sediment.
  2. Pressure. The technology here is different. The air is pumped into the water filled into the tank using a compressor.

Video description

The video shows a method of free-flow aeration of water:

Reagent method

This purification option is used mainly in cases where water analysis has shown a high content of both iron and other impurities. From the very name of the method we can immediately conclude that its action is based on chemical reaction with the addition of special reagents. There is also a lot of technology here. Let's look at each briefly separately.

Adding Oxidizing Agents

This technology is mainly used on an industrial scale. To do this, add one of these substances to the water:

  • NaOCI – sodium hydrochloride;
  • KMnO4 – potassium permanganate, also known as potassium permanganate.

There is a technology that uses ozone as an oxidizing agent. As usual, ferric iron precipitates and is removed outside the containers and reservoirs.


Here is the same option with the addition of special reagents to the water. Usually it is aluminum sulfate, inkstone and others. That is, a chemical reaction occurs between the reagents and the divalent ferrum, which forms a trivalent substance.


Ion exchange

For this purpose, so-called ion exchange filters are used to purify water from iron from a well. Purely structurally, this is a housing filled with ion-exchange resin granules.

The essence of purification is that the resin cations easily exchange places with divalent metals. Therefore, metal impurities easily adhere to the resin, remaining inside the filter. The most interesting thing is that there is a fairly simple way to clean the resin itself. To do this, simply wash it with hot water.

Ion exchange filters belong to the multifunctional category; with their help, you can clean water from other contaminants, plus they soften water masses.


Stage No. 4 What the market offers

So, having dealt with the question of how to purify water from iron from a well, let’s move on to market offers. In fact, the market is oversaturated. A huge number of well-known and little-known brands advertise their products, assuring that they perfect option. But you shouldn’t rush even to famous brands right away, because the filter is a complex device. And it will have to be selected according to the parameters of the water coming from the well. In this case, you will have to take into account the required daily volume, plus the consumption mode. That is, it is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

What to do - look for specialists who will explain everything. The simplest thing is to contact a company that sells famous brands. Surely there is something for you in the proposed model line. For example, Aquaphor, Geyser and others are leaders in this area.


It should be added that leading companies offer a large list of services that make both purchase and installation easier. Eg:

  • they come to your call and determine both the installation location of the filter device and its type;
  • some companies offer free water analysis;
  • the device itself is also delivered free of charge;
  • This service also includes installation and training in terms of proper operation;
  • service on favorable terms.

The most important thing is that for many a budget option Filters for purifying water from iron from a well are a priority. So here’s our advice – don’t skimp on this. Not all cheap filter devices can effectively remove impurities.

Video description

The video shows the installation of a filter for purifying water from iron:

Stage No. 5 Purchasing the required filter

So, final stage– this is the purchase of a filter for iron removal. What we have:

  • We have water analysis from the well on hand;
  • the filter has been selected, and you have a good understanding and now understand the difference between devices that remove iron from water and multifunctional units;
  • selected specifically for your home effective method purifying water from iron;
  • The company’s specialists explained to you how to handle the filter and when it needs service.

All that remains is to purchase the filtering equipment you have chosen.

Briefly about the main thing

In this article, we examined the question that concerns many people: how to purify water from iron. And we walked with you through the five stages of choosing a filter for iron removal. The path, frankly speaking, is not very simple, because you will have to understand quite complex issues. This is why many companies offer free services by determining the filter type with additional service analysis of water from a well.

You can often observe the following picture: clean water comes out of the tap, clear water, but after settling a little, it becomes cloudy and acquires the color of rust. This indicates that it contains a large amount of iron impurities. Purifying well water from iron will relieve you of this problem, make the liquid safer to drink and increase the service life of your plumbing fixtures. This article presents a range of various methods deferrization, which depend on different criteria.

High iron content is harmful to health and has a detrimental effect on plumbing

There are four main types of iron compounds in water, each of which has its own characteristic features and differences:

  • Elemental Fe 0 . When it enters a liquid medium, it turns into ferric iron, which means the process of rust formation begins. It is because of this type of iron that water often has a brown, cloudy color when standing.
  • Divalent Fe 2. This type In fact, it always immediately dissolves in water, and no visible signs of its content can be seen.
  • Trivalent Fe3. This form of iron is most often found in the form of various compounds, and therefore precipitates.
  • Organic iron impurities. Usually present in water in the form of various components chemical elements, including colloidal and bacterial.
Helpful information! As a rule, several types of iron are found in water at once, which must be taken into account when purifying water from a well from its impurities.

Signs of the presence of iron compounds

In order to determine the content of this element in water, you need to pay attention to several signs:

  • As already mentioned earlier, ferrous iron dissolves in water, and therefore it is impossible to see it in a stream of water. However, if you take tap water into a container and let it stand for some time, an unpleasant brown sediment will be clearly visible at the bottom.
  • Ferric iron makes itself known in the form of unpleasant-smelling, dark yellow water. If such water is left in a container, it will become lighter in color and the iron it contains will precipitate. This phenomenon is most common in city apartments in centralized water supply systems.
  • The presence of bacterial iron compounds in water can be seen by a thin oily film on the surface.

Thus, the presence of iron in water is indicated by a yellow or brown color, sediment, an unpleasant sharp metallic odor, as well as an iridescent film.

Below are various options purifying water from iron from a well in a country house to drinking water.

Purifying water from a well from iron: various methods and technologies

There are a number of different cleaning methods, each of which is good and effective in its own way.

Purifying water from a well in a country house to potable condition using sedimentation method

This method is the simplest in conditions suburban area, where it is possible to place an additional tank, the volume of which should correspond to the volume of daily water consumption by the residents of the house. Optimal purification of water from a well in a country house to drinking water is possible only if all installation and operation requirements are met.

Such a solution has a number of advantages, for example, fairly low costs and ease of implementation, as well as the possibility of using purified water even in the event of a shutdown, and additional purification from hydrogen sulfide.

The disadvantages are incomplete removal of iron, as well as the need for constant cleaning of sediment accumulated at the bottom of the container, and control over the water level in it.

Helpful advice! To clean the liquid faster, you can supply it to the tank using a special sprayer - this is what happens additional process aeration.

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Aeration method

This method provides more complete purification of water from a well than the previous method. The principle of its operation is quite simple: contact of water with air is ensured, where iron impurities react with oxygen. Thus, the element oxidizes and passes into the trivalent state, while precipitating. It is for this purpose that a special filter is installed at the outlet of the container, which traps particles and prevents them from passing further through the water supply. An aeration system for removing iron from water is an excellent and inexpensive choice for a summer residence.

There are two types of such a solution:

  • A non-pressure option, which involves the installation of sprayers, and, if desired, to increase the efficiency of the design, a compressor is installed in the container itself, which additionally enriches the water with oxygen.
  • The pressure method involves the flow of water under high pressure into a special column, where the jet pressure itself and the action of the compressor ensure the most effective cleaning.

The advantages of this method are, first of all, its environmental friendliness.

The disadvantages are the need to frequently clean the container and filter from accumulated contaminants, still not complete elimination of iron and the dependence of the technology on the availability of electricity, which in conditions of poor power supply suburban areas is quite a significant disadvantage.

Ozonation process

This process is deferrization using the introduction of special oxidizing agents. They began to gradually abandon chlorine as a similar element, since one or another part of it still remains at the output and has an impact Negative influence on human health.

This method is not very suitable for self-installation, since special equipment is quite expensive, and quite complex calculations, which are very difficult to perform without proper knowledge.

Ion exchange method

Such a solution involves installing a special filter with free sodium ions, which, when reacting with water, are replaced by iron impurity ions. This method It’s quite simple, and also convenient, because such a filter can even be installed in the space under the sink.

Reverse osmosis method

This method is rightfully considered the most effective among all methods of purification from impurities. Such a filtration installation is capable of retaining iron for molecular level even in dissolved form.

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However, such a solution requires the installation of an entire structure, which includes pre-filters for purifying water from iron to prevent rapid clogging of the main membrane, as well as mineralizers that restore water after it has been completely desalted.

Application of reagents

This solution is most often used in industry, since it requires serious subsequent cleaning from chemical compounds. However, it can also be used for private homes, for example, using sodium hypochlorite. The principle of operation of the reagents is quite simple: when they react with impurities, they form an insoluble precipitate, which does not enter the outlet water using the filtration system.

Drawing conclusions

Purification of water from a well from iron - necessary solution for any home, since purified water will preserve your health and extend the life of your plumbing. To do this, choose one of the options presented above, based on your needs and financial capabilities.

Well water purification system (video)

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Water obtained from natural sources at the dacha does not always meet all quality standards, and before using it for drinking or cooking, it must be additionally purified from various impurities, including iron. Let's consider how such cleaning can be done using filters.

The dangers of excess iron in drinking water

Iron is one of the most common metals in nature, and it gets into due to soil erosion. Due to their small size, iron particles weigh little, so they are easily transported with the flow of water and fall into drinking wells and sources.

It is almost impossible to visually determine the presence of an increased amount of this metal, but it is easy - it has a distinct metallic taste. But excess Fe is harmful not only from the point of view of unpleasant taste. This leads to the accumulation of rusty stains on dishes and plumbing fixtures, which are difficult to clean off even with aggressive agents. detergents, on washing and dishwashers, and also scale quickly forms in the pipes, the washed clothes remain with yellowish-red spots. Harm to health is expressed in liver damage, an increased risk of problems with the cardiovascular and genitourinary systems and decreased immunity.

Water in apartments undergoes serious cleaning and disinfection before being supplied to consumers, but even this is not always perfect quality. For liquid from a well at the dacha, the filter becomes the only obstacle and experiences serious stress.

To avoid having to spend money on updating cleaning systems too often, you should immediately purchase devices with high power and a good margin of safety, designed for heavy loads.

Methods for deferrizing water

Iron can be found in water in several forms:

  • connections with others, does not precipitate;
  • divalent, water-soluble, precipitates when reacting with oxygen;
  • trivalent, is insoluble in water, gives it a yellowish color, and upon reaction with oxygen forms a precipitate in the form of flakes.

Depending on the predominant type of iron and its concentration, the following will be effective: different methods water treatment The valence and amount of iron in water is determined using laboratory tests; accurate results cannot be obtained at home.

Filtration methods for ferrous iron

The following cleaning methods are effective against this form of metal:

  1. . The essence of the method is that special ion exchange substances in the filter cartridge react with impurities contained in the water. Sodium systems are usually used for water purification. The method is effective when the amount of iron in water is up to 3 mg/l; at higher concentrations it is practically ineffective.
  2. Reverse osmosis. The essence is the passage of water under pressure through a partially permeable membrane from a solution of higher concentration to a solution of lower concentration. The diameter of the membrane pores is smaller than the size of the iron atoms, so they cannot pass through it and are washed down the drain. This method is effective at iron concentrations up to 15 mg/l. However, reverse osmosis filters remove not only Fe, but also other substances, some of which are useful and necessary for the body. Therefore, it is recommended to subject filtered water to additional mineralization.
  3. Aeration. Actually, this option cannot even be called cleaning. By interacting with oxygen, divalent iron simply turns into trivalent iron, which is easier to remove. There will be a usual settling of water in an open container. In addition to this method, water is also divided into many small jets by fountaining or shower-like devices; use injectors or ejectors for water-gas dispersion; a stream of air is passed through the water under pressure. But how independent method For deferrization of water, aeration is rarely used; usually it is only one of the stages of multi-stage purification.

You should choose a filter only after a laboratory analysis of the water, since only this can show how many of these or other substances it contains, and what type and power of purification system is needed.

Methods for removing ferric iron

The water purification methods mentioned above are effective for the trivalent form of the metal only at low concentrations. At high level contents are used, retaining impurities simply due to small size cells.

We purify water without special devices

If there is no purification system at hand, and water of acceptable quality is needed, then you can only use several simple, but not 100% effective methods.

Homemade filter

To do this, the bottom of a large bottle with a volume of 4-5 liters is cut off, and a small hole is made in the lid. Next, place in layers from bottom to top:

  • fabric, gauze, cotton wool;
  • charcoal;
  • washed river sand.

The filtration rate will be low, the water will still have to be boiled, but in the absence of more advanced devices and such homemade design will be useful.

Prolonged boiling

With this method everything is simple - Boil the water for at least 10-15 minutes. At high temperatures iron compounds precipitate. But although the water is purified, scale quickly forms on the walls of the boiling container.


The water is frozen in any suitable container by about half, after which discard the unfrozen remainder, defrost the ice and use for drinking or cooking.


Water leave in a container with the lid open for about a day, after which, carefully, so as not to stir up the sediment, approximately 70% of the water is drained for use, the remainder is used for household needs

Types of filters for high iron content

The easiest way to filter is using a traditional filter jug. They pour it into its upper part and wait until it passes through the membrane into the lower container. This option is simple and convenient; the jug can be placed in any convenient location, the filter is easy to change, and it is quite cheap. The only drawback is the small volume of the jug (only 2-3 liters).

Pitcher filters should be washed periodically warm water with a weak soap solution to remove sediment from the walls.

Another technically simple and convenient optionuse of a compact faucet attachment. As a rule, such a filter uses an adsorbent or ionic mesh filter that removes not only iron, but also hardness salts and chlorine compounds. Because tap water is pressurized, the filter materials are denser than those used for jugs. Such nozzles are used only for cold water taps; they have a filtration resource of about 1.5-2 thousand liters on average. The efficiency of such filters is approximately the same as that of jugs.

The most advanced option is filter systems of 1-5 stages, installed under the sink and capable of providing water treatment speeds of up to 2.5 liters per minute. Obviously, the more filters, the more diverse methods of purification the water is subjected to, and the higher its quality at the output.

The resources of such filters are 4 - 25 thousand liters, and individual stages can be restored (albeit not to the original resource) and reused.

All methods of water filtration remove not only iron from it, but also other chemical and mechanical impurities.

A little about filter manufacturers

There are quite a lot of companies producing water purification systems, but we will focus only on some of the most common ones.

  1. Aqualine (Taiwan). The company specializes in household filters with systems, components and replacement elements for them. The product is popular due to good quality at reasonable prices.
  2. Aquafilter (Poland). Produces reverse osmosis filters, both household and industrial mainline ones. Good quality products, certified in many countries around the world.
  3. Aquafilter (USA) . The assortment includes a wide range of household filters - from the simplest mechanical ones to complex multi-stage ones with electronic system control.
  4. Aquaphor (Russia). It produces jug-type filters, faucet attachments, multi-stage sink systems and all kinds of replacement and component products for them. In addition to them, the range includes regenerators and mineralizers for enriching water with useful elements. The company is one of the leaders in production water treatment systems Russia, sells its products to another fifteen countries.
  5. Barrier (Russia). It produces filter jugs and replacement cassettes for them, flow-through filters (for washing), components and consumables.
  6. Geyser (Russia). It compares favorably with a low price and a long product life. It produces household and industrial water treatment systems in the form of jugs with filters, membrane devices, multi-stage under-sink units, and mainline purifiers. Filters not only remove chlorine, iron, various salts and other chemical impurities, but also bacterial purification.

The first few liters after installing a new cartridge in the filter will definitely be cloudy and blackish. This is normal, this is what particles of coal dust look like that were shaken during transportation.

Water purification at the dacha, video

Excess iron in water is not a sign that it cannot be used in everyday life, only need . The market is rich in offers of various filtration systems, and all that remains is to choose the appropriate one based on your needs based on laboratory water analysis.

Iron removal from water has its own specifics and features.

Iron in water can be oxidized 3-valent and dissolved 2-valent. The total concentration of 3-valent iron oxidized in water and dissolved 2-valent iron gives the total iron content in the water analysis.

Water located deep underground has no access to oxygen. As a rule, this is typical for wells. All iron in such water is in a dissolved 2-valent state.

IN well water, which comes into contact with oxygen from the surrounding air, iron is partially in an oxidized 3-valent state and partially in a dissolved 2-valent state.

If you have tap water, then there is no need to do a water analysis to select filters. In addition to the increased content of 3-valent iron from rusty water pipes, there will be no other harmful impurities in the water.

This filter has a number of advantages compared to main filters. Main filter with replaceable cartridges has a porosity of more than 5 microns. The cleaning fineness of the washing filter with a Titanium membrane is 0.1 microns. Once clogged, conventional cartridge filters begin to allow mechanical impurities and iron particles to pass through. The flushing titanium membrane accumulates all contaminants on its surface and if it is not washed long time, it will simply stop letting water through, but at the same time provide a one hundred percent guarantee that consumers will not receive dirty water. The membrane is flushed in a fraction of a second by turning the ball valve.

Purifying water from iron in a well

If it is necessary to remove iron from well water, then a storage tank is first installed in which the iron is oxidized and completely transforms into the 3-valent state. This water can then be supplied to a pumping station for further purification using a Titanium membrane. There are also schemes for purifying water from a well using iron removal filters.

Purifying water from iron in a well

If you have country house with seasonal residence, where there is a well with a high iron content, instead of an iron removal filter, you can install a storage one plastic container. Once in such a container, water with a high iron content comes into contact with air, as a result of which the iron oxidizes and precipitates. Near plastic container is installed pumping station, which supplies water with oxidized 3-valent iron to the washing Titanium membrane. This cleaning scheme can be easily drained and preserved for the winter until the next season.

Equipment selection

Unlike many companies involved in the installation of water treatment equipment, the Integrated Solutions company offers a flushing Titanium membrane as the main element of the water purification system. The use of such membranes can significantly reduce the cost of a water purification system, increase reliability, service life, and reduce operating costs. And most importantly, improve the quality of water purification.

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