Is it possible to build a block house in winter. Masonry of aerated concrete blocks in winter

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IN general outline the rules for laying AEROC blocks do not differ from the rules for laying blocks from other manufacturers. In low temperature conditions, it is recommended to use special dry mixtures with additives that prevent the possibility of freezing. In addition, one should take into account the shorter shelf life of the mixture, as well as the need to heat the bonded surfaces of the blocks. It is mandatory to protect the masonry from wind and precipitation. It is not recommended to lay blocks in temperatures below -10ºC.

Winter adhesive mixtures AEROC

Conventional AEROC adhesive mixtures are suitable for use at +5°C. and higher. If the temperature drops below, it is necessary to use winter adhesive mixtures. These mixtures contain special additives that ensure setting even at low temperatures. Winter mixtures are suitable for use at air temperatures down to -10°C. Packages with winter mixture are marked with a snowflake.

Preparing the mixture

    If possible, store packages with the mixture in a heated room

    use warm water (preferably 20-40°C, maximum 60°C) and mix the mixture in a warm room

    temperature ready mixture must exceed +10°C

    the preheated mixture must be used within 30 minutes

Please note that the time for using the mixture prepared with heated water is shorter, since with more high temperatures the mixture hardens faster. It is not recommended to add water to the hardening mixture to improve the properties of the mixture. When cooling, you need to add freshly mixed warm mixture to increase the temperature. Overcooling of the mixture should be avoided both in the mixing container and in the masonry, which requires maximum protection from the wind. Wrapping the mixing utensils in insulating material will also help stop the cooling process.

Preparing winter mixture

It is acceptable to prepare a winter mixture from regular AEROC glue using Sakret AF additives. The AF additive must be added in a proportion of 200-250 ml per 25 kg bag of adhesive mixture. You should first prepare the mixture using warm water and then add the additive, stir thoroughly again.

Wall masonry

    AEROC blocks used in masonry work, as well as fittings, must not be wet, covered with drizzle or snow

    the blocks should be preheated to a temperature of at least +1°C. Only dry, preheated blocks guarantee the required adhesion (absorbency)

    from the moment the mixture is applied to the blocks until their final installation, no more than 5 minutes should pass.

AEROC blocks, packages with adhesive mixture and fittings must be protected from wind and precipitation during masonry work. It is also necessary to protect the horizontal surface of the masonry. At temperatures below 0°C, the horizontal surfaces of the blocks to be glued together should be heated with a heater, radiator or blowtorch. The applied mixture can be opened for a maximum of 5 minutes, preferably an even shorter time.

How to Avoid Cold Damage

Damage caused by cold occurs when blocks are repeatedly completely wet and freeze. AEROC blocks have a guaranteed frost resistance of 35-50 cycles. A dry block of racks is resistant to temperature changes, therefore, in order to avoid damage caused by cold, it is necessary first of all do not allow the blocks to get wet during construction work in winter time .

  • Blocks stored at a construction site, wall masonry, as well as horizontal surfaces of panels must be protected from the effects of precipitation, which means covering them with waterproof materials, such as film, during precipitation.
  • It is necessary to remove accumulated snow from the surface of the floors before the onset of a thaw to avoid wetting the lower rows of masonry walls with melt water.
  • Snow itself does not pose a danger to the blocks, but the water formed when the snow melts should not get inside the masonry.
  • In a closed box at home during the interior works it is necessary to ensure that sufficient air exchange is provided in the building, and humidity does not condense on the inner surfaces of windows or cold concrete surfaces. Moisture accumulated on internal surfaces should not penetrate into the wall masonry.

Compliance with the above rules is not difficult for builders, and if construction work is carried out correctly, winter period wet AEROC products will not go through a single freezing cycle.

Can I put it on glue?

It is very important in the summer to carry out the arrangement of the foundation, which must completely harden before the onset of the first stable frost. Only in this case can winter masonry technologies be successfully applied.

You can carry out masonry in the frosty season, following certain rules.

Low temperature conditions can complicate construction works, which are associated with hardening cement mortars Therefore, during the cold winter period, it is necessary to warm up the aerated concrete, and also use special anti-frost additives. Experienced specialists in construction industry It is recommended to combine the use of chemical and physical methods of protection with work on heating the stacked blocks and mortar.

Using winter glue or additives

The standard consumption rates of such an adhesive composition with a thickness of 0.2 cm are significantly reduced compared to conventional cement mortar, which makes it possible to obtain an optimal level of thermal conductivity.

Qualitative winter glue is characterized by high adhesion and moisture resistance, and also has frost resistance, therefore it can be used in the filling process and for leveling the surface.

The adhesive composition is based on Portland cement and fine-grained sand. A special feature is the addition of polymer additives that improve adhesive properties and ductility, as well as modifiers that minimize the risk of cracking.


Winter adhesive mixtures in subzero temperatures should be used within the first thirty minutes after dilution hot water 60 o C. A properly prepared adhesive composition should have a temperature of 10-20 o C. For blocks adhesive composition applied using .


Masonry in frost requires mandatory cleaning of aerated concrete from snow and ice. The blocks also need to be preheated.

For this purpose, you need to build a frame base around a pallet with building material, cover the frame with a film or fire-resistant awning, and then warm it up using heating elements or a heat gun. It should be noted that insufficient or poor-quality heating of aerated concrete sharply reduces the final strength of joints, which is caused by the crystallization of water, which accumulates in the pores of the building material.

To sum it up:

  1. When laying in frosty conditions, it is necessary to use winter adhesive for aerated concrete or anti-frost additives in regular glue.
  2. The adhesive mixture is diluted with hot water strictly according to the instructions, which must be read on the packaging.
  3. Blocks need to be heated immediately before laying.

Placed on cement-sand mortar, to which special anti-frost components must be added in winter.

When making interfloor ceilings in winter, anti-frost additives should also be added to concrete.

What temperatures can you work up to?

Not all antifreeze additives produced today by domestic and foreign manufacturers, comply with GOST 24211-2003.

High-quality winter glue for construction aerated concrete walls allows construction work to be carried out in temperatures down to minus 10-15°C.

With the same indicators, you can use masonry mixtures intended for the construction of aerated concrete walls in conditions low-rise construction at negative temperatures.

Using standard, or so-called “summer” masonry mixtures with the addition of the anti-frost additive "Antifrost" allows you to guarantee construction work down to a temperature of minus 15°C.

Not too noticeable increase in price winter construction due to the purchase of special additives and adhesives can be compensated by a seasonal decrease in prices for aerated concrete blocks.

Useful video

If you still decide to build in winter, be sure to check out the proposed video story. You get a few important advice from a professional builder.

Building a house from any material is a troublesome and slow task. Previously, in addition to technological needs, work had to be interrupted during the winter cold. Modern technologies allow for construction work all year round, but subject to simple requirements:

  • calculation of materials and sequence of work taking into account low temperatures;
  • security construction crew heated utility room;
  • bringing additional lighting to the area (taking into account the short winter day).

At the base of the foam block - cellular concrete, brought to a foamed state. Lightweight porous material with good sound-proofing and heat-saving characteristics, which practically does not shrink the walls.

But foam blocks have a high moisture absorption rate. When water freezes from low temperatures, air pores relieve internal stress, which makes foam concrete frost-resistant (up to 35 freezing/thawing cycles). All that remains is to ensure that the ends of the blocks are covered and no water gets on the surface, which can destroy the top layer.

In winter conditions, the composition of the solution or adhesive mixture is more important for foam blocks. The basis of the solution is cement, which begins to lose its properties at 5 0 C, and is completely unsuitable even at -5 0 C. It is important that before the onset of such temperatures the solution gains at least 30% strength, then it will be able to resist loads. Further strength gain will occur after thawing, and if before this time the foam block is loaded beyond the permissible limit, the solution will not withstand it and will crumble. Note that “heating” additives to concrete are designed to speed up the process of gaining precisely this 30%, and not all possible strength.

A way out could be to erect a frame-film tent over the building and use special glue for installing foam blocks. Additions and additional structures increase the winter construction budget.

A house made of foam blocks requires insulation and external cladding. For any type of insulation, it is important that during installation it does not pick up moisture from the air. Any hanging systems (siding, porcelain tiles) are not afraid of low temperatures. Only finishing with “wet plaster” will have to wait until the weather warms up.

As for houses made of foam blocks, strength brickwork depends on the quality of the connecting cement mortar. During operation, the temperature of the heated chemically cement must be at least +5 0 C (heating with hot water is not allowed - cement loses quality). Another option is the freezing method, when rubble concrete is used (heated to +2 0 C) and high rates of work. This is necessary so that even before freezing the seams are compacted under the weight of bricks from the upper rows. It is important that during the laying process the bricks are cleared of ice and snow.

Installation features rafter system and styling roofing materials does not exist. There are only some types soft roof, which cannot withstand low temperatures at the time of installation. Such tiles are heated until the bitumen softens and glued together using technology.

During the winter construction holidays, the developer has a better chance of finding a free team of high-quality masons who will work without undue haste while looking at the next project (even taking into account very long breaks). very coldy and snowfalls). In addition, in winter, almost all building materials are sold at large discounts, and their choice is much larger.

If the construction site is located in an uninhabited area, then in winter the issue of protecting imported materials is especially acute. If staged delivery is not possible, then someone must always be present on site. For transporting materials or approaching the site, for example, concrete mixers, frozen winter road much more convenient.

Features of building a house from aerated blocks in winter.

The features of aerated concrete blocks include them high ability absorb moisture and are relatively fragile. If during the thaw period aerated concrete blocks are saturated with water, then when they freeze they become completely covered with mini-cracks. Therefore, during winter construction, when there is thaw or rain, the entire building made of aerated blocks must be waterproofed.

If it is planned to install concrete in a house made of aerated blocks interfloor covering, then it is necessary to build reinforced belt. Used in the process a large number of concrete, which means it is subject to requirements regarding the appropriate grade and the use of chemical reagents that delay hardening.

The aerated block is destroyed over time by atmospheric precipitation, so finishing of the facades is necessary. But blocks from the manufacturer most often arrive damp and require long-term drying. Then the building is covered with a roof and left to settle and dry for up to a year. In addition, in the case of gas blocks, it is recommended to first perform interior decoration so that all moisture evaporates from the blocks before the outer cladding.

Aerated concrete - no best material for winter construction, and if it is still chosen, then the blocks need a high grade, and for laying it is best to use “warm” concrete.

The use of ceramic blocks in winter construction

Like any other material from the “building stones” category, ceramic blocks are very frost-resistant (up to 50 freezing/thawing cycles). But for their installation you also need a cement mortar with its requirements for speed and hardening temperature. Convenience consists in the presence of a tongue-and-groove system for more tightly connecting blocks in masonry without the use of mortar (only horizontal seams are connected with mortar). In addition, in Lately special adhesive solutions for ceramic blocks, laid on the surface of the block, not falling into its holes and not requiring a full seam.

If cement mortar is used, it should be “warm”, with fillers made of pumice, sand or perlite. It will cost more, but it is energy efficient finished house the result will be higher.

Ceramic block is a very young material (it is about 30 years old), so it has not yet been possible to test its durability. And here thermal insulation characteristics have already been researched. If a block 38 cm thick is used in construction, then such a wall does not require insulation. For more thin walls Plastering is sufficient, but it can only be done in the warm season.

Manufacturers of ceramic blocks still do not recommend laying walls from this material if the air temperature drops below +5 0 C.

Winter wood construction

This is perhaps the only material that has a lot of advantages for winter construction.

Wood harvested in winter contains less moisture, which means it is not susceptible to mold and rot, and there are no active insects in it. The drying process is replaced by a process of uniform freezing and is stored in the tree until spring (thaw). permissible percentage humidity (12-20%). Dried this way wood material more durable and has no cracks.

During the production of rounded logs and various types The timber is coated with impregnations that protect against fire, moisture and rodents. But after the walls are erected, the impregnation must be repeated. When constructing in winter, it is better to postpone re-treatment until the onset of warm weather.

Shrinkage period wooden houses is different, but for laminated timber, for example, it is minimal (about 2 months), so a house built in winter must be finished in late spring - early summer. For log house Shrinkage may take up to 12 months.

Carpenters prefer to build wooden houses in winter also because it is easier to cut corner locks in frosty conditions, and when the weather thaws and the wood swells and dries out, their geometry does not change and significantly fewer cracks appear.

Wood is a “living” material that is susceptible to rotting when exposed to moisture. Therefore, if wood material brought to the site in the cold and will lie there for a long time, then you will need reliable protection from getting water on it during a thaw or rain.

Construction of a house from sip panels in winter

Houses made of sip panels are construction based on wooden frame and particle-oriented boards. Its construction does not require so-called “wet” processes (cement mortars and plaster). Even the foundation for such houses can be piled, which does not require pouring mortar. Houses are going to construction site from factory blanks corresponding to the dimensions and layout of the house, like a designer set.

In cold weather, construction is distinguished by the use of “winter” polyurethane foam and well-frozen, and therefore more durable, wood (in the summer, in the heat, the frame can dry out). Even if you use wood with a humidity of up to 30% for the frame, during construction it will have time to give off enough moisture to meet the standard. In winter, there is less precipitation in the form of rain, and there is a greater chance of building walls and covering them with a roof without getting the structure wet.

A house made of sip panels does not shrink, so Finishing work(especially internal) can be started immediately after the completion of the main construction. In winter, workers will bring less dirt into the room. If for external cladding (mandatory for frame houses) mounted technologies will be used (not plastering), then they can also be carried out before the start of the active construction season. This will allow you to significantly save on the purchase of materials.

If the foundation for sip panels is laid in the fall, and the house is built in the winter, then by the beginning of summer it will be possible to move into it!

Winter construction from wood concrete

Wood concrete is wood concrete, so it has all the positive traits wood, enhanced by the positive properties of high-grade cement.

For private construction, blocks with good load-bearing and thermal insulation properties, where a 30 cm wall without insulation replaces a brick one, but 1 m thick. Keeping in mind that “cold bridges” are located in the places of interblock seams, when laying it is better to use special mixtures based on expanded perlite.

Chips included in wood concrete coniferous species wood and chemical additives provide this material with good frost resistance.

The speed of construction of walls made of wood concrete is very high, but when purchasing the material, it is necessary to purchase halves of blocks (wood concrete is difficult to saw). In 1-2 months the house will be ready, which in the winter version will not allow the wood concrete blocks to gain excess moisture.

When finishing a house made of wood concrete, it is important to “catch” the moment when the blocks in the masonry have dried out, have not yet been saturated with spring moisture, and you can carry out external facing works. This is because for finishing you need to use plaster or decorative concrete, having good adhesion to wood concrete. And such work is carried out only in the warm season.

While talking about winter construction from various building materials, we didn't touch one important moment: laying the foundation. The opinions of experts are unanimous that it is best to install it in the fall, when the soil is softer and the conditions are most favorable for the concrete to gain full strength. Of course, depending on the composition of the soil, for frame, foam concrete or aerated block houses it is possible to build a pile foundation (with varieties), which does not require concrete mixing and certain temperatures to gain strength. Pile and monolithic slab foundation Can also be installed on frozen ground. But laying a deep-seated belt requires digging a trench in frozen ground, insulate the formwork and pour heated concrete, and this is an additional investment of labor and finance.

From our review we can conclude that any building material can be used to construct buildings in winter. Wood and its derivatives are most suitable, but ceramic blocks and gas blocks “prefer” the warm season.

CONSTRUCTION FROM AERATED CONCRETE IN WINTER To the question “Is it possible to build with aerated concrete in winter,” the manufacturers of this universal building material unanimously give an affirmative answer. Laying blocks in the autumn-winter period is allowed, and low temperatures do not in any way affect the quality of the masonry. To begin construction, despite the vicissitudes of the weather, you will need a special adhesive designed for use in temperatures from +5 to -15 °C. If you decide to build a house from aerated concrete in winter, then under no circumstances use standard glue. There are other types of glue, thanks to which a house or some other building can be built even at temperatures down to -20 °C. Construction from aerated concrete in winter has a number of features and rules - follow them, and the quality of the masonry will not suffer. But winter construction still has disadvantages - this is more high price compared to summer jobs and more long term laying blocks. From an economic point of view, laying aerated concrete in winter is not the most profitable solution. Laying aerated concrete in the cold season Have you decided to build a house from aerated concrete in winter? Then you should familiarize yourself with the technology of laying blocks in the cold season. Is it possible to lay aerated concrete in winter without knowing specific features? Under no circumstances, otherwise the house will not last long. Before laying aerated concrete at a temperature less than zero, it is necessary to warm up the blocks - this must be done directly during construction. The blocks must be watered with hot water, the temperature of which is about 40 °C. The glue that joins the blocks must also be diluted with hot water, otherwise it will quickly harden. Dilute the glue into plastic container and be sure to cover it with a lid to slow down the cooling. Before laying aerated concrete in winter, be sure to warm up the blocks. The blocks must be covered with a banner made of dense material. The blocks can be heated using a heating element or similar equipment, while the banner must be pressed so that hot air does not escape outside. Completely “seal” inner space This is unlikely to happen, but heat loss should be kept to a minimum. Only after warming up can you begin winter construction aerated concrete house! Warming up takes about an hour. A house made of aerated concrete blocks takes much longer to build in winter than in summer - that’s a fact. How to store aerated concrete blocks in winter Do you want the masonry of aerated concrete in winter to be of the same quality as in summer? Then you should take care of creating the storage conditions that are necessary to preserve technological characteristics. In case of long-term preservation, for example, more than 3 weeks, it makes sense to store the blocks in their original packaging; there is no need to open the aerated concrete completely or partially. Storing aerated concrete in winter is possible directly on the street; it is not necessary to remove the blocks indoors or under a canopy. The upper part of the original packaging completely protects the blocks from moisture. 2 weeks before the day on which the laying of aerated concrete is planned, the packaging must be removed, leaving the upper part. This time is enough for the accumulated moisture to come out of the blocks. If winter masonry aerated concrete will begin in the near future, and long-term preservation of the blocks is not planned, in this case you can immediately remove side part packaging so that the blocks dry out. Leave only the top part, which protects the blocks from precipitation. Storing aerated concrete in winter is possible with complete preservation technological properties material. So, you can build a house from aerated concrete in the winter if you don’t have the opportunity to wait for the construction season - the construction will just go a little slower and cost more.

Aerated concrete is very popular construction material. There is no point in talking about this, just remember the statistics. After all, in Ukraine, more than 25% of buildings are built from aerated concrete. And this despite the fact that there are many others wall materials: brick, ceramic block, foam block, etc. And all thanks to the amazing physical and technical characteristics of this product.

Construction of a house from aerated concrete in construction season(from spring to autumn inclusive) is not particularly difficult. But what if you need to build a house in winter?

Let's start with the fact that it is better to avoid such situations. Despite all its many advantages, aerated concrete does not withstand winter well on an open construction site, as it is highly hygroscopic. Moisture absorbed into the pores of the material when negative temperatures turns into ice and expands, causing cracks to form.

But if the situation requires it, you will have to build walls from aerated concrete in winter.

Features of masonry in winter

Make sure there is a spacious, dry area near the construction site. closed room, preferably heated. This is where the gas block should be stored. Under no circumstances should you leave it outside in the cold.

An additional problem is the rapid freezing of aerated concrete mortar and adhesive at temperatures below +5 degrees Celsius. Therefore, you need to use only frost-resistant glue.

Although it costs approximately 15% more than simple adhesive for aerated concrete blocks, thanks to frost-resistant additives it can be used even at temperatures of -15 degrees.

The gas block itself needs to be warmed up before laying. To do this, build a frame around the pallet and cover it plastic film or tarpaulin. Warm up the air inside the frame using any of the available devices:

  1. Fan heater;
  2. Heat gun;
Glue for aerated concrete should be poured into a container with a tight-fitting lid. When mixing, dilute the glue with hot water.

The first row of aerated block is placed on a cement-sand mortar. It is used mainly for laying out the first row and filling grooves with reinforcement. Don't forget to add antifreeze modifiers to the solution.

It is impossible to work with glue at temperatures below -15 degrees. Even if the glue hardens normally, the seams will suffer due to crystallization not chemically bound water in the pores.

You can buy a high-quality gas block in the Trivita online store -


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