Ant farm: customer reviews. Ant farm (formicarium) and harvester ants Ant farm life

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Reviews of the ant farm confirm that this design becomes more popular every year. Users get the opportunity to see the life of an anthill from the inside. This whole world of insects resembles another civilization, where everyone is engaged in a certain business. This cannot be observed in ordinary anthills, since most of the ants are not on the surface, but in the ground.

What it is?

Reviews of which are given below are a home anthill consisting of a tank filled with a special gel composition or sand. This design allows you to observe all the processes occurring in the family. The scientific name of such a device is formicarium. Despite the fact that this is a relatively exotic product for the domestic market, its popularity is growing day by day.

As customer reviews indicate, an ant farm is a kind of home nursery. The maintenance of the structure does not require special attention and costs. In the process of observing the inhabitants, you get a complete picture of the formation and arrangement of the life process of insects. Stationary versions or compact versions for the office are available for sale. This thing will be a very original gift for an adult or a child.


There are several among them, there are even peculiar Amazons who kidnap individuals from other settlements and make them their slaves. But an ant farm with harvester ants is a colony in which insects build their own mycelium from leaves, which serves as the main source of food. They build their homes from the same material. In nature, gigantic representatives are known, reaching up to 40 millimeters in length.

Ants are primarily divided into gatherers and hunters. The second category needs protein foods and carbohydrates, which contribute to the passion for hunting. This process is quite interesting and exciting. With the help of sensitive antennae, insects pursue prey. After finding a treat, individuals mark the path with their abdomen, which makes it easier for their brothers to find the path to food. In the formicarium these moments can be clearly observed.

Gel ant farm with ants

Reviews about similar design require special attention. Subsidiary farm is an anthill with a special substance that contains all the necessary nutrients. The disadvantages of such a farm include limited sizes, since they are standard. In such a formicarium you can observe not only the life of insects, but also the process of housing construction.

Typically, a settlement contains from 20 to 100 individuals. In such a design, there is an increased level of humidity, so preference should be given to dry technologies. It is not recommended to place the anthill under straight lines sun rays or near heating devices. Optimal temperature to ensure the normal functioning of insects is an indicator of 15 and above degrees Celsius.


The gel ant farm (reviews confirm this) does not require additional food supply. Otherwise, the insects will simply stop working. In other configurations, it is recommended to provide the colony with proteins for larvae and carbohydrates aimed at feeding adults. For this purpose, crickets and other similar types of food insects are purchased. Can be added as food egg white, boiled meat, shrimp. Street views It is better not to feed the population, as they may be contaminated with pesticides.

As carbohydrates regular will do sugar or syrups based on it. Fresh fruits, marmalade, marshmallows and other sweets are added to the diet. Some types of ants require special seed food. There will be no problems purchasing it; one pack is enough for whole year(meaning analog food for parrots or canaries). Food should always be fresh and in required quantity. The inhabitants of the formicarium will figure out for themselves what and how much to eat.

Types of Ant Farms

Reviews indicate several main popular types of settlements: vertical screen, horizontal formicarium and combined variations. In addition, home anthills are distinguished by the type of fillers. In this capacity, soil, sand, clay, gypsum, wood, gas cement, and alabaster are used. All materials have their disadvantages and advantages. In the domestic market, practical gypsum is most often used, and aerated concrete is used abroad. The main element of the farm is the arena, which serves as the main part for the above-ground life of the population. Here pets find food and water, and also set up a dump. As a rule, the far corner of the site is allocated for it.

As reviews indicate, the Antplanet ant farm is a real work of art. By showing ingenuity and imagination, you can build a real kingdom. For example, parts of colonies with aphids are organized, which the ants will “milk,” or modules imitating a natural forest, where insects can build an anthill that is as similar as possible to its natural counterpart. Do not be afraid of the apparent difficulties in organizing and arranging the structure in question. In fact, the formicarium is a completely clear organism with well-functioning self-regulation.

Maintenance and care

The main individual in the colony is the queen. All insects of the same family are born from it and are relatives. The main role of the uterus is the birth of new goosebumps. She is not only fed, but also protected. There are large colonies with several queens. You should not introduce insects from different families into one farm, as this will provoke hostility between clans. Any anthill has a unique smell that is responsible for a certain genus, even if the ants are of the same species.

For centuries, people have loved observing the lives of tiny insects like ants. This is not strange, because their behavior is characterized by incredible hard work, responsibility and teamwork. The extraordinary world of these tiny creatures has its own orders, laws and relationships. However, if representatives of this species appear in the house, the reaction of a normal person is obvious - it is necessary to get rid of the insects, as they will begin to harm food, get into clothes and bite family members.

True, not all people do this - on the contrary, some of them specifically breed ants in their home anthills. The question arises: for what? Everything is very simple - to monitor the behavior, life and characteristics of these amazing babies. Ant farms will be a particularly valuable find if there are children in the house. The fact is that kids are very interested in nature and are ready to study everything that surrounds them. For this reason, creating such a house with ants will satisfy the curiosity of every child.

When wondering how to make an ant farm, pay attention to different types such structures. There are three main varieties in use these days:

  • soil-sandy;
  • gel;
  • mud.

Ant farm - description

The ant farm is a home anthill, which consists of a container with a special gel, sand or other filler. This design makes it easy to monitor the behavior of the ant family. Scientifically, an ant farm is called a formicarium. Such exotic products appeared in the domestic space relatively recently. Nevertheless, they enjoy decent popularity and are of interest to a large circle of people.

Ant farms are a unique version of exotic pets that are perfectly adapted to growing in captivity and do not require special care. But following the lives of tiny creatures is very interesting and funny. In addition, everyone will be able to see the development of the colony from the very first days.

Today, formicariums can be seen in offices and other institutions. Many modern people trusses are installed on work tables, as their dimensions remain very compact. Someone uses such structures as original gift for important people. In any case, ant the farm is a very interesting exhibit, and its inhabitants are the most amazing, beautiful and hardworking creatures that you can watch for hours on end.

Home anthill - a unique world of insects in your home

In nature you can find a wide variety of ant species, which are radically different from each other. external features and habits. For example, the Amazon rainforest is inhabited by Amazon ant colonies, which know how to rob and destroy anthills of other species, devouring their larvae. Captured insects quickly turn into slaves and spend the rest of their lives caring for the Amazons.

There is also leaf cutter ants who build their houses inside myceliums. Having strong jaws, they freely cut leaves into small pieces and bring them to the mycelium. They use the cut leaves to build their houses and use the greens as food. Under natural conditions, there are real giants whose dimensions exceed 4 centimeters.

Mostly similar insects can be divided into two groups:

  • hunters;
  • gatherers.

Representatives of the first group they need to constantly look for protein foods and carbohydrates, so they pay great attention to searching for other insects. Animals spend a significant part of their lives hunting. With the help of special locators - antennae - ants pursue prey by smell. If one ant from a huge colony finds syrup or fruit, returning back, it leaves marks using its abdomen so that other relatives can also find their way to fresh food. You can watch such unique moments in your home ant farm.

In its turn, forager ants lead a completely different lifestyle. The main component of their diet is the seeds of plants such as poppy, rapeseed, and millet. However, once they find foods that are high in protein, they won't pass them by. For this reason, they can eat dead insects or boiled chicken (if we are talking about a domestic anthill). They do not hunt living insects, and any attacks can only be explained by a defensive reaction. These animals are characterized by a unique colony structure. It consists of special warehouses containing seeds and other food, birthing rooms, dining rooms and rooms for caring for young animals. Taken together, this design looks very funny.

Features of the life cycle of ants

Within the same family ants can be divided into several separate castes. Among them:

  • scouts;
  • worker insects;
  • soldiers;
  • nurse ants;
  • queen.

A small percentage of total number colonies are scouts. Nevertheless, all types of ants have them, and their activity is very important and consists of discovering unfamiliar territories and searching for new sources of food.

Working class consists of the most hardworking individuals who lead construction works, move food, sort warehouses and carry out work on cleaning the anthill. Soldiers are characterized by larger sizes, a large head and a powerful jaw. The role of nurse ants is obvious: they raise the young, feed the larvae and the queen.

The uterus is the main individual of an ant colony. Absolutely all inhabitants of one anthill are children of the same queen. That is, they are all brothers. The queen's main goal is to reproduce. Other representatives of the species bring her food. Some colonies may have two or more queens.

Each ant farm has its own unique smells. Even each individual ant has a unique smell, so individuals of the same species can be at enmity with each other.

If you are going to make a formicarium, believe me, the kids will just be delighted. They will examine the structure of the colony and quickly make the insects their favorite pet. In addition, the presence of an anthill in the house will allow them to get to know nature better and temporarily forget about harmful technological innovations. By observing the behavior of such tiny creatures, they learn a lot of fascinating facts about nature and the animal world. And for adults, the formicarium will be an excellent way of relaxation, which will allow you to unwind after a hard day at work.

What types of domestic anthills are there?

There are many varieties of formicaria. Among the most common:

  • vertical display;
  • horizontal;
  • volume;

There are also combined options.

In addition, ant farms, which can be made at home, may differ in filler. Sand, earth, clay, gypsum, aerated concrete and wood are used as materials. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most suitable solution It is considered to be gypsum. At the same time, in Western countries, ants are grown in aerated concrete filler.

An important component of a home anthill is the arena, where insects spend a significant part of their above-ground life. There they look for food, water and organize landfills. As a rule, such a part of the colony is located in the farthest corner of the formicarium, where the insects carefully lay out the garbage in one pile.

If you use your ingenuity and imagination, you can make not just an anthill, but also a real work of naturalistic art.

If you have the necessary experience, you can construct a biomodule with a colony of aphids, where insects will lead life as if in natural conditions. Also, many people create high-quality imitations of forests where animals will feel at home.

And even if the procedure for building a formicarium may seem too complicated, do not despair. If you follow the basic rules and subtleties, you will be able to make a truly elegant home anthill that will decorate your home.

Comfortable conditions for breeding ants: feeding features

In the formicarium it is necessary to ensure optimal temperature regime. It is important to maintain temperatures at level 22-26 degrees Celsius, while the humidity should not fall below 70-90 percent. It is also important to arrange effective system ventilation.

Like any other insects, ants need two types of food: protein and carbohydrate. Forage insects (crickets, mealworms and others) can be used as protein food. They can be bought at any pet store. If you can't find any insects, you can replace them chicken meat, egg whites, fresh or boiled shrimp and other products. When feeding, it is important to pay attention to the quality of food. Outdoor insects can be poisoned by various chemicals, so it is best not to use them.

Regarding carbohydrates, then everything is very simple here. You can use ordinary sugar, previously diluted with water. In addition, you can give your animals fructose or glucose. Insects consume fresh fruits with a special appetite, such as grapes, pears, apples, oranges and tangerines. Great solution marshmallows or marmalade will become, but experienced owners of home anthills do not recommend using industrial sweets.

It is important to note that representatives individual species completely abandon all of the above-mentioned products and give preference to seeds. There is little hassle with them - a pack of canary food will be the most suitable solution. In any case, you will always find something to feed small pets.

It must be remembered that food for ants must remain fresh and nutritious. The insects will decide everything else, including the amount of food consumed, on their own.

When growing ants at home, it is enough to do basic rules care for these tiny creatures and monitor their condition throughout their natural life life cycle. In this case, the home anthill will develop fully.

If you decide to make ants your pets, then you are a very unusual person, because keeping these small insects at home is not at all easy. Their home cannot be an ordinary bank; they will have to work hard and make the house according to all the rules. You will learn how to properly build an ant farm, or formicarium, after reading our article.

How and where to choose the right ants

The first step is to select insects to keep. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Make a purchase in pet stores (usually online stores). There you will additionally be offered a complete list of materials necessary to create a comfortable ant home. This option is, of course, very convenient, but there are also disadvantages - high price and the risk of ants dying during transportation, especially if the store is located in another city. In addition, in most cases in such places ants are sold without a queen, which is responsible for reproduction. This means that your farm will last about two months until all its inhabitants die.
  2. Find an anthill in a park, garden or forest and recruit pets yourself. You can even get the soil they are used to. But ants caught in this way will also not be able to reproduce. Therefore, it is best to find an anthill during the mating flight and catch the queen. Such an anthill is easy to notice: these insects have wings and accumulate en masse on the surface in order to fly away to create new colonies. By placing the queen in a formicarium, after some time you will receive a full-fledged colony. The main thing is to wait until the larvae mature, the farm will gradually fill with ants and begin to live its own life.

Important! You should not destroy the anthill in search of the queen; by doing this you will not only harm nature, but also doom this colony to extinction: only the queen bears offspring. In addition, after the creation of a new colony, the queen’s wings disappear, and given the huge horde of insects, it will be quite difficult to distinguish her.

Preparatory stage

When you have decided where to get the ant family, start preparing their home. This is very important stage, since, in addition to providing insects with everything necessary for their life, it is necessary to ensure the complete tightness of the formicarium. Otherwise, the pets will crawl throughout the house.

The first step is to prepare a container into which the filler will later be placed to ensure vital functions. According to experienced specialists, the best option- these are two glasses that are fastened together by a frame, and the filler is poured between them. Making such a container will require a little time and some skills.

How to build a formicarium

Now let's proceed directly to the construction of the farm. I must say that this is a very interesting and exciting process where you can use your creativity. Below are the most commonly used models of ant houses.

Important! Before starting work, you need to take a closer look at the life of ants. Information can be gleaned from books, found on the Internet, or simply asked by experts on keeping these insects at home. This knowledge is important for achieving success in this business!


To make this housing option, you need to select two plastic jars with tight lids (glass containers can also be used). Their size should be such that one fits freely into the other and there is still some free space left.
Next, do the following:

  • In a smaller jar, close the lid tightly and place in a larger container;
  • pour a soil-sand mixture in a 2:1 ratio between the jars;
  • take a small stick, make a depression in the filler, place the ants there and the work will begin to boil;
  • close the outer jar with a lid, but first make small holes in it for ventilation;
  • very soon the insects will dig tunnels for themselves, and you will be able to observe their life;
  • food for ants is placed on the lid of the inner jar.

Important! Do not use paper or fabric as covers; ants can easily gnaw through such materials and spread throughout the house.

With gel filler

This type of formicarium is very convenient, since the gel is universal material, in which you can dig tunnels, raise offspring, and even use them as food. Pet stores sell a ready-made gel composition made from seaweed. It is made colored (usually blue) and transparent. But you can make the gel with your own hands.

DIY gel

To do this, take:

  • food gelatin (15 gram package) – 3 pcs.;
  • hot water – 1 l;
  • flat transparent plastic container with lid.
Pour half of the gelatin over hot water and dissolve completely by stirring, then add the rest of the water. Pour the resulting composition into the prepared container and place in the refrigerator. Wait until the gel hardens, then take it out and warm it to room temperature. Now you can make a hole and move residents there.

Ants in a farm with gel

Insects feel great in the gel farm: they dig tunnels, feed, and so on. This is perhaps the best formicarium option for busy people. His main feature is that ants do not need anything to drink or eat; their source is the gel.

And when the gel runs out, just add a new portion. Such manipulations can be carried out as many times as desired.

Did you know? Ants engage in animal husbandry by raising aphids, which provide them with sweet nectar. Just imagine a herd of aphids grazing peacefully under the supervision of ant guards!


To make this type of formicarium, you will have to tinker, but this is where you can show your Creative skills and decorate the ant farm to your taste.

You will need the following materials and tools:

  • a piece of aerated concrete;
  • a piece of glass;
  • thin flexible tubes (3 pcs.);
  • finishing putty;
  • transparent construction silicone;
  • strong knife;
  • sandpaper;
  • acrylic paint;
  • pieces of transparent plastic (can be cut from a plastic drinking bottle);
  • a piece of durable plastic for making a lid.

Once you have prepared everything you need, you can begin the manufacturing process.

Our step-by-step instructions will help you with this:

  1. On a piece of aerated concrete of the selected size with a simple pencil draw a sketch of future chambers and tunnels, and then use a knife to cut out indentations approximately 1.5 cm deep in their place.
  2. On back side we make three small round recesses and cut narrow channels from them to the top of the future formicarium. This is a preparation for moisturizing. Now lay the tubes along the channels, and round holes close transparent plastic using putty as glue.
  3. Make holes for ventilation on the narrow side surfaces, and cut two holes on the top that will be connected to a system of chambers and tunnels (these will be exits for ants in the future).
  4. Carefully coat the entire surface with putty, close the tubes well to moisturize. After the putty has dried, sand the surface well. sandpaper, paint.
  5. On the top edge, create an arena for the ants to come to the surface, where there will be a drinking bowl and a feeder, for which you can use small pebbles or other natural materials.
  6. Make an upper glass aquarium where the formicarium will be placed. To do this, you need to cut the glass to the size of a piece of aerated concrete: four side ones, which will be 10-15 cm higher, and the bottom. Then you need to cut holes in the narrow side surfaces where you made ventilation holes in the aerated concrete. The last stage The glass blanks will be glued together using silicone.
  7. Now place the formicarium inside the aquarium and start making the lid. You can make it at your own discretion, the main thing is that it closes tightly and has ventilation holes.
Video: DIY gypsum ant farm Now all that remains is to find appropriate place to permanently host an ant farm and run residents.


Caring for ants does not cause much trouble, because the ant colony is a self-regulating system.

Did you know?These amazing insects belong to oldest species on the ground. The most interesting thing is that ants now look exactly the same as they did a hundred million years ago!

The main thing in this matter is to follow fairly simple rules:

  • use sweet compounds or specialized feeds as food (except for keeping in a gel farm);
  • don't forget about hydration soil mixture, for which every week place a wet cotton swab on the lid and change it when it dries completely (for gel farm there is no need to do this);
  • the temperature in the room where the formicarium is located should not fall below +15 degrees Celsius;
  • do not allow sunlight to enter the ant house, because they love the dark;
  • Be sure to remove dead individuals using a cotton pad, this will help avoid disease.


You should also know what not to do when using formicarium:

  • close the lid tightly, insects need air to breathe;
  • the holes in the lid for ventilation should be of such a size that pets cannot escape from you;
  • do not allow strong cooling, otherwise you will be in sleep mode;
  • ants are contraindicated in extreme heat, which will lead to the death of insects;
  • do not shake or drop the formicaria;
  • do not pour water, the ants cannot swim and will simply die.

In conclusion, let’s say that by creating a formicarium with your own hands, you will make a unique specimen, thanks to which you will be able to observe the life of your unusual pets.

Sometimes a person becomes very interested in learning how hierarchical insects such as bees and ants live, as well as others: termites, wasps, and so on. An interest in such types of insects can arise at any age. And, in order to satisfy his interest, a person begins to read a lot or watch films or watch these insects, but he only greatly regrets that he does not see the entire life of an insect colony. In such cases, if a person is very interested in learning how ants live in natural conditions and seeing what it all looks like, from the inside he can make his own anthill or, as they call it now, start an ant farm.


The first thing you should start with is making an ant incubator. The incubator is made either from a test tube or from a syringe. Half of the container that you have chosen for the incubator (test tube, syringe) is filled with water and covered with cotton wool. Now the last and most important step is to add the queen ant to the incubator. To do this, you need to catch her, this can be done either after summer or simply by pure chance by finding the queen in the forest or in a clearing, and generally in the area where ants live. After the queen is placed in the incubator for a week, she will lay eggs, after which she needs to be fed. The queen eats what ordinary ants also eat, but at this point in her life it is better to feed her with the food in which large volume contains protein. These could be small larvae, cockroaches, bloodworms or moths. You should not put a lot of food into the incubator, as it quickly deteriorates and can lead to the death of the incubator's inhabitants. You can keep a family in an incubator to the very limit, gradually expanding the incubator with the help of tubes with an arena and a formicarium.

But sooner or later, the family still needs to be moved to a formicarium; for this, a transparent container, either plastic or glass, is taken and the natural habitat of ants is imitated in it using filler.

Types of formicaria

1. The first type of formicarium is made using gypsum and alabaster with natural chambers and passages imitating an anthill. Chambers and passages are either carved or imprinted by pouring plaster and alabaster.

2. The second type of formicaria is ground. Soil such as sand and graphite are ideal for ants and anthills because they are their natural habitats. The only inconvenience of such a farm is limited to visual observation of ants. (first picture)

3. The third type of formicarium is helium. I want to say right away that many who keep ants consider it the least suitable for keeping ants, since it is impossible to fully feed, water and clean the formicarium in it, and according to those who kept ants in the gel, sooner or later the death of the family occurs. But who knows, maybe everything will be different for you. You can make a gel at home from gelatin or by purchasing a special gel in a store. It should be taken into account that despite the fact that sellers claim and it is written on the packaging of such a gel that it is not necessary to feed the ants, this is not true. Yes, the gel is capable of supporting ants for some time, but they require protein food and vitamins, which the gel cannot fully provide. Therefore, it is better to feed the family with small insect larvae, pollen, sugar or honey syrup.

4. The fourth type of formicarium is a combined formicarium - it is usually made using several containers connected by tubes.

5. The fifth type of formicaria is considered to be those anthills that are made of rubber and other polymeric substances, but in most cases such formicaria are toxic to ants and lead to the death of families.

In conclusion, I would like to highlight three basic rules and conditions that are necessary for keeping ants:

1. First an important condition Maintaining an ant farm requires good ventilation.

2. The second formicarium needs to be moistened and watered by the ants, this is done using special tubules through which water must be released once every two days, it is also necessary to place a test tube with water in the formicarium and cover it with cotton wool, then the ants themselves will be able to drink and partially wet their home.

3. The family needs to provide fresh food and clean the feeder.

Before starting a colony of ants, collect detailed information and you will be able to make your own ant farm. Well, if for some reason you decide to start an ant farm, you can wait until spring to release your colony into nature.

When it comes to ants, we think of small black insects that sometimes fly and love sugar. But this is only a superficial idea of ​​these amazing living creatures.

The article will not talk about a couple of annoying bugs, but about creating a full-fledged formicarium with your own hands.

Types of ants there are different ones. But no matter what species is chosen for breeding, the same rules for creating a cozy anthill apply to everyone. Where to start?

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How to make a formicarium for ants?

As you can see from the photo, this is a special aquarium, an ant farm. They are different sizes, formats, with different contents. Can be used as a primer sand. The ants will use it to build nests, create passages and an arena.

Perfect fit finely sifted natural sand. You should stop using garden soil, as it contains various bacteria and chemicals. It is acceptable to use plaster. It is poured into a special mold, forming passages and burrows. After hardening, the formicarium will be ready.

The third option is to use special gel. Insects will use the gel both for construction and as food.

Features of keeping domestic ants

An important component of a happy life for ants is moisture. Its level varies from 80 to 90 percent.

Lack of moisture is tantamount to the death of the entire anthill. If there is excess moisture, fungus and mold can appear, which is also destructive. If perspiration appears on the walls of the formicarium, this is a sure sign that you need to stop moisturizing for a while.

The required level of humidity is determined practically.

For drinking You can put a small saucer or a tin bottle cap in the anthill. The ants will use this water to humidify their home and build new tunnels. It is important to remember that only filtered water can be given to ants.

In the vast majority of cases, suitable for ants room temperature, order 25 degrees Celsius. If the room is cool, this will slow down the development of the ant farm. In such cases, it is advisable to use special lamps or heating pads. A terrarium thermometer will help you track the correct temperature level.

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Ants feel best when moderate lighting. It is advisable to darken not only the chambers, but also the entire formicarium.

Insects will also get used to open lighting, and quite quickly, but for comfortable life It's better to leave them in the shade. Especially harmful effects sunlight affects the larvae. Adults are also not recommended to be exposed to ultraviolet radiation for a long time.

If for some reason the owner needs lighting for a formicarium at home, experts recommend using moon-colored lamp. Such a lamp will be able to warm ants in a cool room and will not cause them stress.

What to feed the ants?

Contrary to popular belief, sugar is not the best food for ants. Protein source Worms and cockroaches may appear. To provide carbohydrates, make honey water, diluting 1:1. It is important to remember that such water can ferment quite quickly, and this is harmful to insects. As solid food suitable for ants: pieces of vegetables and fruits, bread crumbs, dead insects and mixtures for parrots.

Like many living things, ants hibernate. Insects become inactive, refuse proteins, and rarely leave their nests. During this period, you should change your approach to caring for the formicarium with your own hands. The temperature must be maintained between 0 and 10 degrees Celsius. The aquarium can, for example, be placed in the refrigerator.

Periodically, but not so often, you need to moisten the soil. Hibernation lasts 1-2 months. After this period, you need to bring the formicarium into the heat again and gradually warm it up to the usual temperature. The warming process may take up to 7 days.

Here's how to make your own ant farm. At proper care, the owner can get a very interesting and developed ant world. It is interesting to watch him, he is interesting to both children and adults.


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