You can grow mushrooms from mycelium in your garden. How to grow porcini mushrooms in the country Planting porcini mushrooms in the forest

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Hello! I have long dreamed of getting a harvest of champignons or porcini mushrooms directly from my garden - it is not always possible to go to the forest for such gifts of nature. I guess that the process is not simple, hiding many pitfalls. Therefore, I would like to know more - how to grow mushrooms from mycelium in the garden?

Today, many summer residents grow a variety of mushrooms right at their dacha. This is profitable - you can provide for yourself, and sell the excess - and does not require special costs strength Once a powerful mycelium has been formed, the summer resident receives a good harvest every year.

Of course, for this you need to know how to grow mushrooms from mycelium in the garden, when to do it and a number of other subtleties.

When and where to plant mycelium?

Stock up on the mycelium of the mushrooms you want to grow in advance. It can be purchased in many country stores - the cost is not too high, but the purchase allows you to save a lot of time and effort that will be spent trying to obtain mycelium by hand.

In general, mushrooms can be planted at any time from May to September. But it is better to avoid hot months - it will be difficult for the mycelium to gain a foothold. In addition, when planting mycelium in September, it is not a fact that you will be able to get a harvest in the same year. Therefore, the end of April and the beginning of May can be called the most suitable time.

The optimal place for growing mushrooms is a shaded area under dense coniferous or deciduous (preferably not fruit!) trees on the north side of the house. A house, a canopy or other barriers will protect the land from excessive sun and warm southern winds, ensuring a good harvest.

Let's start landing

Having chosen a suitable area, dig a hole about 30-40 centimeters deep 50-70 centimeters from the tree. Its area depends on the amount of mycelium and how many mushrooms you want to get. The bottom of the pit is covered with forest substrate - old leaves, sawdust, pine needles. Optimal layer- at least 20 centimeters. The mycelium itself should be laid on top of it. To do this, it is mixed with local or forest soil. The proportion is different for different mushrooms and types of mycelium, but is always indicated in the instructions. Add the mycelium with soil to the substrate, water it generously and cover it with straw or pine needles.

Maintenance is as simple as possible - you need to water the soil as it dries. The first harvest can be obtained next year, and the mycelium will reach full strength in 3-5 years.

Porcini They call it the king of the forest, because even the youngest specimens look quite impressive due to their thick stem and fleshy cap. Unfortunately, in Lately Fewer boletus mushrooms are found in forests. This happens both due to climate change and due to the fact that some mushroom pickers do not collect correctly, which damages the mycelium and reduces yields.

If you don’t have time to go into the forest and look for boletus mushrooms, this does not mean that delicious forest mushrooms will have to refuse. You can easily grow them in your dacha if you use useful tips and growing instructions given in our article.

The value of porcini mushrooms is explained by their rarity. Unlike russula and other common species that can grow almost anywhere, boletus requires special soil and climatic conditions for the development of fruiting bodies.

Note: When planning to grow mushrooms in the country, be prepared for the fact that they will have to create the same conditions as in the forest. IN in this case you will be able to harvest a rich harvest throughout the season without leaving your summer cottage.

First of all, you should make sure that the fruiting bodies have enough moisture. If the humidity level drops below 60%, they dry out, even if there is enough moisture in the soil itself.

No less important role plays and temperature regime. Spores germinate already at +9 degrees, but for normal development of fruiting bodies they require heat - from +19 to +27 degrees. That is why the boletus collection season most often occurs in early, warm autumn. Under such conditions, fruiting bodies can germinate and develop within 30 days.

Figure 1. Growing boletus in the country

Accordingly, if you manage to create similar conditions in your own summer cottage, you can save time and effort by picking mushrooms directly in the garden (Figure 1). In addition, when planting boletus mushrooms, you will be absolutely sure that you are collecting edible specimens, and not poisonous look-alikes, which are very skillfully disguised as real porcini mushrooms.

How to grow boletus mushrooms in the country

Temperature and humidity conditions are far from the only condition successful cultivation boletus at the dacha. Since in nature these mushrooms are found mainly in pine forests, birch, oak and aspen groves, you should try to reproduce similar conditions at home.

Note: The choice of wood plays an important role because it is the tree species mentioned above that have a positive effect on the growth and development of the mycelium.

It is advisable to plant in those areas of the site where similar trees grow. Preference should be given to coniferous species, since they not only promote the development of mycelium, but also have an antiseptic and antibacterial effect, destroying pathogens.

It is important that the boletus mycelium does not tolerate proximity to fruit trees and does not take root at all. Therefore, if there are no oaks, aspens, pines or birches on your site, simply place the mycelium near any wooden building, preferably from coniferous species. Naturally, you can’t count on huge harvests in this case, but you will be able to collect enough boletus mushrooms to eat.

How to grow porcini mushrooms in a cellar at the dacha

The advantage of growing boletus mushrooms is that they practically do not need special conditions lighting. Accordingly, you can cultivate them even in the basement of a private house.

Such growing conditions will allow you to obtain absolutely complete porcini mushrooms. The only difference will be that due to the lack of sunlight, the caps of such boletus mushrooms will be slightly lighter than those grown in the forest (Figure 2).

To grow porcini mushrooms in the cellar, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. The floor, walls and ceiling must be concreted to prevent pathogens from getting into the mycelium. In addition, it is advisable to whitewash the walls with slaked lime to prevent the spread of infection indoors.
  2. In the basement it is necessary to arrange high-quality natural or supply and exhaust ventilation, with which you can regulate the temperature in the room.
  3. The optimal temperature for growing porcini mushrooms is considered to be +12+15 degrees. In such conditions, not only will the mycelium germinate, but the fruiting bodies will also develop evenly.
  4. The basement must maintain a stable humidity level of 80%. Only in such conditions will porcini mushrooms be large enough and fleshy. If the room is too dry, containers of water placed around the perimeter will help increase the humidity.

In addition, it is advisable to equip all ventilation openings mosquito net so that insects that could damage the crop do not accidentally get inside.

Figure 2. Growing boletus in the basement

When the room is ready for planting, you need to additionally prepare equipment and tools for cultivating boletus mushrooms. First of all, you will need a substrate. Its composition can include sunflower husks, dry corn stalks and sawdust from deciduous or coniferous trees. Only sawdust cannot be used as a material. fruit trees, since the boletus mycelium does not get along with them.

Note: The substrate must be treated before use. hot water and dry. Only under these conditions will you be sure that the soil will not be infected with pests or pathogens.

You will also need porcini mushroom mycelium, and it is better to use not self-prepared material, but products produced in a special laboratory. You can also use mycelium brought from the forest, but in this case there will be no exact guarantee of a positive result.

You can grow mushrooms in the basement in ordinary boxes or flower pots filled with substrate. Naturally, this process also involves direct sowing of the mycelium, which can be carried out in several ways. Since each of them has its own characteristics, we will look at the main ones in more detail.

Planting mushrooms using mycelium

If the vegetation on your site is quite diverse and includes not only fruit trees, but also coniferous and deciduous trees, you can easily try to grow boletus mushrooms using mycelium brought from the forest (Figure 3).

Note: The mycelium should be planted only under the tree of the same species under which it grew in the forest. Otherwise, it will not take root and the harvest will not work.

To plant boletus mycelium in your own summer cottage, follow these instructions:

  1. In the selected area under the tree, remove upper layer soil within a radius of 70 cm from the trunk.
  2. The depth of the removed soil layer should be 26-28 cm.
  3. We fill the resulting depression with a nutrient substrate. It should include soil removed from under the tree, some leaves and pine needles, as well as the bark of the tree under which the mycelium will grow.
  4. The mycelium is laid out on top of this mixture and sprinkled with a layer of sand and pine needles.

Figure 3. Growing from mycelium

After this, the area just needs to be watered with a watering can and you can expect the first mushrooms to appear.

Dilution of the solution

If you don’t know how to properly remove mycelium from the soil in the forest, you can easily prepare a special planting solution from overripe porcini mushrooms or their caps.

To do this, you need to finely chop the overripe boletus mushrooms, add a tablespoon of flour and the same amount of gelatin to the mixture. Then add water to the mixture, mix it thoroughly and water the soil around deciduous or coniferous trees. In this case, from such a mushroom mixture in the soil, mycorrhiza (fungal root) is formed with the root system of the tree, and the first harvest of boletus mushrooms can be harvested in two years.

If you use only caps, they need to be washed and filled with spring or rain water for a day. After this, the water is drained and the caps are ground until smooth. Unlike sowing with a solution, when using the pulp of their caps, the soil under the selected tree must be loosened, watered with water that remains after soaking the caps, and after absorbing the moisture, distribute the pulp evenly and sprinkle it on top with loose and light soil. Next, the planting site needs to be watered regularly, but moderately. When using this method, mushrooms germinate much faster than when sowing with a liquid solution.

Burying mushrooms in the area

If you have collected big harvest forest mushrooms, you can always leave a few young specimens to create your own bed. To do this, young porcini mushrooms need to be finely chopped and the pulp buried in the ground near a coniferous or deciduous tree on the site (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Planting a mushroom bed

After this, the area must be watered abundantly. On average, one tree should require about 40 liters of water. However, you should be prepared that you should not expect a quick harvest when using this method, since the first young mushrooms will appear only in the next season. At the same time, the obvious advantage of this method is its high efficiency in combination with minimal costs labor.

Growing porcini mushrooms from mycelium

Much more effective method Growing porcini mushrooms on the site is a method that uses special mycelium produced in the laboratory. Such mycelium can be planted in a garden bed as early as May, and sowing work can continue until September.

The technology for growing porcini mushrooms from mycelium is as follows:

  1. Choose a well-lit and moderately humid area under the tree. In this area you need to remove the top layer of soil. As a rule, one packet of mycelium is designed for an area of ​​3 square meters.
  2. At the bottom of the formed hole we lay out a layer of pine needles, leaves and tree bark, under which the mycelium will be located. It is important to take into account that the layer of such a substrate should be about 10 cm thick. Sprinkle humus on top of the substrate.
  3. Remove the mycelium from the package, mix with clean sand and distribute evenly over the substrate. It is also advisable to sprinkle it with a layer of humus on top, since otherwise planting material can wash away rainwater. On average, the top layer of humus should be 4.5 cm.
  4. The sown area needs to be watered. To do this you can use like drip irrigation, and a minimal watering can.

In the future, it is necessary to ensure that the plot does not dry out, and the harvest can be harvested from such a bed within five years.

Reproduction by spores

This propagation method is suitable for those who have already managed to grow a few boletus mushrooms on the site. To increase the colony of porcini mushrooms, you should use their spores. To do this, you need to leave one mushroom so that it is overripe. After this, all the pulp should be selected from its cap (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Growing boletus from spores

It should be finely chopped with a knife or passed through a meat grinder to form a paste of uniform consistency. Place this mass in a jar or bottle, add 3 teaspoons of sugar, 20 grams of yeast and fill with spring or rain water. The mixture should be kept in a warm place for about 2 weeks.

After this, dilute 150 grams of gruel in 10 liters of water and filter through several layers of gauze. The resulting liquid just needs to be watered onto the soil around the tree or in the strawberry beds. In order for the spores to penetrate deep into the soil, after such a peculiar sowing it is necessary to additionally water the area. Using this method, the harvest will appear in about a year.

What to do to make the mycelium take root

It often happens that even if all technological recommendations are followed, the mycelium does not take root on the site.

To speed up the process of its engraftment, follow these tips:

  1. If you are going to bring mycelium from the forest, choose mycelium that grows near the types of wood that you plan to use for planting on your own site.
  2. When using the sowing technology from overripe boletus mushrooms or their caps, the mushrooms should be soaked immediately after harvesting. No more than 10 hours should pass from the moment of collection to soaking, since both the mushrooms themselves and their spores quickly decompose. It will not be possible to grow a mushroom bed from frozen boletus mushrooms.
  3. When soaking the future seed material It is advisable to add sugar or alcohol to the water, as these substances contribute to the rapid establishment of the mycelium. When using alcohol, it is first mixed with water (3-4 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) and only then in ready mixture lay out the hats. If you use sugar, then for 10 liters of water you will need 50 grams of granulated sugar.

Planting can be done from May to September. If the procedure is carried out later, the mycelium most likely will not take root, since it will not have time to grow and strengthen before the onset of autumn frosts. In addition, it is advisable to treat the area where you will plant boletus mushrooms disinfectant solution to destroy pathogenic microorganisms in the soil.

How to grow porcini mushrooms in open ground

Despite the fact that many summer residents prefer to grow porcini mushrooms in boxes or pots placed in the basement, cultivation in open ground(Figure 6).

The success of this enterprise depends on several factors:

  1. Choose an area with little shade. It is desirable that the light be diffused: this way the fruiting bodies will develop more evenly.
  2. The soil must be kept moderately moist at all times. If you do not have the opportunity to regularly water the area, install a drip irrigation system on it.
  3. To improve the quality and quantity of the crop, it is advisable to add a growth activator to the soil in the spring.
  4. In order for the mycelium to form high-quality mycorrhiza with the root of the tree, it is advisable to plant the mycelium no further than half a meter from the trunk.

Figure 6. Cultivation in open ground

In addition, to prevent the mycelium from drying out, it is better to plant on a cool day, from May to September. It is also important to remember that it will not be possible to grow porcini mushrooms in open ground near fruit trees. Only forest coniferous or deciduous species are suitable for this purpose. If there are no such plantings on your site, you can always sow mycelium near wooden buildings or stacked logs.

An effective way to plant porcini mushrooms in a summer cottage is shown in the video.

Perhaps every amateur gardener would be interested in growing mushrooms in the country or in the garden.

You can, of course, go to the store and buy what they offer there. But the selection of mushrooms on sale is very limited, and they are not always fresh and tasty.

You can go into the forest and pick mushrooms in their natural habitat. But you can only find what grows in this forest, plus the success of the event greatly depends on the weather; after all, no one waters wild mycelium, for example, porcini mushroom, in a drought.

In addition, not everyone has a forest nearby, while most people visit their dacha regularly.

Mushroom cultivation is a topic that is becoming more and more popular every year.

Each mushroom always grows only in certain conditions. Some mushrooms, such as morels or dung beetles, like warm temperatures. open areas and glades, others, for example, white ones, most often grow in the shade of trees.

Most mushrooms consist of 90% water (in tinder fungi - significantly less), so the most important condition for their successful development is high humidity.

In the scorching sun, any mushrooms dry out very quickly, so, as a rule, it is better to choose a place for growing them in a summer cottage or in a garden that is shady and as moist as possible.

At the same time, we should not forget that mushrooms still need light; it sets the direction of growth of the fruiting bodies. Without light they also grow, but worse irregular shape and colors.

Light is not needed for the development of mycelium or mycelium, so royal mycelium or overgrowing blocks and stumps can be kept in complete darkness (for example, in a basement).

So, the ideal place for planting most mushrooms is the shade of trees in the garden, the north side of the house or barn.

If there are difficulties with the availability of such places, you can create a similar area yourself using a shading mesh, agrofibre, or just a piece of slate.

You also need to remember that mycorrhizal mushrooms: porcini, boletus, saffron milk caps, chanterelles and many others grow only in symbiosis with certain trees.

Boletus will never grow under a cherry tree, and garden entoloma will never grow under aspen or poplar.

For saprophytes (oyster mushrooms, champignons, honey fungus, shiitake, reishi and others), the proximity to a particular plant does not matter.

Good mushroom harvest when using a special solution

One of the ways to obtain fungal seed material is to prepare a spore solution (spore suspension). To do this, you need to take the mushrooms (it’s better if they are slightly overripe), break the caps and soak them in water for a day.

Mycorrhizal mushrooms are best collected under the trees under which they are planned to be grown. garden plot.

There is also a method for activating spores using yeast. Any yeast is added to the sweetened water in which pieces of mushroom caps are soaked to cause fermentation.

Subsequently, areas that are promising for growing the selected type of mushroom are watered with this solution.

Mushroom seed, spores, fall into the ground with water, where they germinate and form a mycelium when successful outcome Events.

Method of growing spores

Mushrooms reproduce both vegetatively (using parts of the mycelium or mycelium) and sexually: using spores.

Fungal spores are microscopic and are produced in huge quantities; different types can produce hundreds of millions or even billions of spores.

Therefore, it makes sense to use this method for growing mushrooms in your own summer cottage.

The simplest option is to simply scatter pieces of caps or peel mushrooms of interest in suitable place garden or vegetable garden.

The spores can be collected to be transported to another location or stored for future use.

To do this, place the opened mushroom cap on a sheet of paper or foil and leave for 12-24 hours, after which the cap should be removed.

The resulting spore print must be dried at room temperature, then can be folded into plastic bag for storage.

In the future, spores from the leaf can be scraped off with a sharp object and used to prepare a solution or simply scattered in a suitable place in the garden.

Spore prints can even be made on clothes that are used as work clothes in the garden, so the spores will constantly disperse throughout the area.

There is a possibility that some of the sown spores will germinate and form a mycelium. The more caps or spores used for sowing, the higher the chances that they will grow.

Reproduction by mycelium

A very effective method is the propagation of mushrooms by mycelium. Unlike sowing spores, this method gives a more predictable result.

The mycelium of many mushrooms can now be purchased at garden stores or via the Internet: oyster mushrooms, champignons, shiitake, winter honey fungus (flammulina) and others.

You will also need a substrate for growing. Champignons love compost, which is made from straw and bird droppings or cow dung.

The cooking process is quite labor-intensive. With oyster mushrooms everything is much simpler: it can be grown on straw, sawdust, hemp and even cardboard.

A simple way to organize a “mushroom bed” is as follows.

In a suitable place (shaded and moist), a shallow (10-15 cm) hole of the required length and width is dug.

Cardboard pre-soaked in water is placed on the bottom, a layer of mycelium is poured on top, then there is a layer of soaked straw or sawdust (you can mix these components), then again a layer of mycelium, and so on.

The bed can be covered with cardboard while the substrate fouls.

Caring for a mushroom “plantation” involves periodic watering by sprinkling, especially in the hot season.

The substrate should always remain moist, but not wet.

How does the mycelium take root?

Wild saprophytic mushrooms (purple row, oyster mushroom, winter honey fungus, fungus and many others) can be propagated by pieces of mycelium brought from the forest.

The necessary conditions Mycelium development is food and water.

Food for fungi that live on dead wood can be leaves, sawdust, straw or cardboard.

Having found a mushroom of interest in the forest, you can take part of the mycelium from which it grows, bring it to the site and plant it in wet sawdust or on soaked cardboard, cover it with a layer of sawdust or cardboard on top.

The mycelium should not dry out during transportation from the forest, so it is advisable to immediately put it in a plastic bag and plant it as quickly as possible.

If the outcome is successful, after some time the mycelium will begin to grow in a new place and master the substrate offered to it.

Growing boletus and honey mushrooms

The real (or ordinary) buttercan is a mushroom widespread in the Northern Hemisphere.

Prefers sandy soils and grows exclusively in symbiosis with pine. It grows in any pine plantings, it loves young pine trees, so when planting or having pine trees in a summer cottage, it makes sense to try growing boletus.

Everyone will benefit from such a neighborhood: the trees, the mushrooms, and the owners of the dacha.

The best way is to sow spores by watering with a spore suspension or scattering pieces of mature mushroom caps under pine trees. It is unlikely that it will be possible to grow boletus from mycelium or part of the mycelium.

You need to be careful when growing honey mushrooms in your summer cottage.

This fungus can even attack young healthy trees.

Unlike the autumn honey fungus, there are its harmless brothers:

  • winter honey fungus (flammulina),
  • summer honey fungus,
  • poplar honey fungus (Agrocybe).

These fungi are saprophytes and feed only on dead wood.

They can be grown on stumps, sawdust ( hardwood), straw and so on.

The easiest way to propagate honey mushrooms is with mycelium, if you can purchase it. For infesting stumps or logs optimal choice is mycelium on sticks.

In a piece of log (it is advisable to use deciduous trees, the wood must be fresh and clean, without rot or rottenness), holes of a suitable diameter are drilled in a checkerboard pattern.

As a rule, a drill with a diameter of 9 mm is suitable for standard mushroom sticks on furniture dowels.

Sticks with mycelium are placed in the holes and covered with plasticine or soft clay.

It is undesirable to use garden varnish, as it contains substances that inhibit the development of fungi. During the period of fouling, hemp should be placed in damp place with a constant temperature, for example, in a basement.

You can simply lay it in the shade, but be sure to monitor the moisture content of the wood and periodically moisten it by sprinkling.

After becoming overgrown with mycelium, the stumps are dug in (at ⅔ height) in a shady area of ​​the garden. It is also advisable to keep the soil around them moist.

Features of care and harvesting of oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushroom is perhaps the most common and accessible mushroom to grow even at home.

The simplest way grow oyster mushrooms yourself - buy ready-made mushroom block.

There are many such advertisements on the Internet. Detailed instructions on cultivation can be obtained from the seller.

In the purchased block, 4-5 cuts are made evenly (if they do not already exist) about 5 cm long, after which it is placed for incubation in a dry, warm room (+18 +20°C), light is optional.

Or similar conditions must be provided outside: dry shady place. After overgrowing with mycelium (usually 14-20 days), the block is sent for fruiting.

For the formation of oyster mushroom fruiting bodies, high humidity, good air exchange and sufficient low temperature(+10 +20°C, depends on the strain), so best time Autumn is the best time to grow this mushroom outdoors, when nature itself creates suitable conditions.

There is also high-quality oyster mushroom grain mycelium on sale, which can be used to infect stumps (similar to honey mushrooms) or create “mushroom beds” next to vegetables or trees.

Suitable substrates include straw, sawdust from deciduous trees, sunflower husks, corn cobs, and cardboard.

The main condition is that the substrate must be kept moist and in the shade or at least partial shade.

Relatively low price and the availability of oyster mushroom mycelium make it possible to conduct a variety of experiments on growing this mushroom in a summer cottage.

It is advisable to cut oyster mushrooms for consumption before they become overripe.

In such mushrooms, the edges of the cap completely unfold, a brown border appears on them, and a light spore powder is formed.

How to grow chanterelles

Yellow chanterelle (real) is a symbiont mushroom. For successful fruiting, the formation of mycorrhiza with a certain tree is required.

Most often these are oak, beech, spruce, pine, and birch.

If you have any of these trees on your site, you can try to sow chanterelle spores by scattering pieces of old mushrooms or watering the soil with a prepared spore solution (suspension).

The chances of growing yellow chanterelle from mycelium or mycelium are very low.

Growing porcini mushrooms (boletus)

The dream of every amateur gardener is to grow porcini mushrooms on personal plot.

But it's not that simple. Boletuses are mycorrhiza-formers and bear fruit only if they create a symbiosis with suitable tree.

It is known that the pine white fungus (Boletus pinophilus) forms mycorrhiza mainly with pine, but also with spruce, oak and beech.

The spruce porcini mushroom (Boletus edulis) has the greatest preference for spruce, pine, birch and oak.

Success can be achieved by collecting wild adult or even overripe mushrooms and sowing the spores under trees of the same species under which they were collected.

White, which is found under a pine tree, makes sense to plant also under a pine tree, and so on.

You can sow spores by scattering pieces of mushroom caps, preparing a spore suspension and watering the soil with it, you can also scatter spores from a collected and stored spore print.

Growing boletus mushrooms from mycelium or by transferring mycelium most likely will not work.

Boletus (redhead)

Boletus (boletus, redhead) is a name that unites several species of the genus Leccinum.

All of them are mycorrhizal fungi.

Red boletus forms mycorrhiza with aspen, pine boletus - only with pine, yellow-brown boletus - with birch, oak boletus - with oak.

Having the listed trees on the site and having found the appropriate type of boletus, you can sow spores from the collected imprint, scattering pieces of old mushroom caps or preparing a spore solution.

Using mycelium or mycelium is unlikely to be successful.

How to grow boletus

The boletus is also a symbiont. As you can guess from the name, it forms mycorrhiza with birch.

There is information that this mushroom grows in large quantities in young birch trees, so when planting birch on your site, you can try sowing boletus mushrooms.

An advisable method is scattering spores, watering with a spore solution, or scattering pieces of overripe mushrooms or peelings under the birches.

Growing saffron milk caps

The most common species found in our forests is pine saffron.

This mycorrhizal fungus, which is “friends” with pine and prefers sandy soils.

It is even found in pine plantings, so if you have pine trees in your summer cottage, you can try growing this species.

Spruce camelina forms mycorrhiza, respectively, with spruce.

It is advisable to breed saffron milk caps using spores, pieces of old mushrooms, cleaning or watering the soil with a spore suspension.

We recommend you find out:

Growing mushrooms in the country is a rather exotic activity that can significantly improve your well-being.

Mushrooms can be called a unique product. However, we use them infrequently, since they grow seasonally and for a fairly short period of time.

Anyone can grow mushrooms in their dacha. This activity is quite exciting and interesting. In addition to this, mushrooms will always be available and will be able to appear on your table whenever you want.

Growing mushrooms in the garden has many advantages

There are many benefits to growing mushrooms these days. Firstly, it becomes possible to provide yourself, your family, relatives and friends with this product throughout all year round. Secondly, such cultivation allows you to improve your financial income quite well.

IN last years a large number of enterprises regularly buy mushrooms from private owners. This fact is a guarantee that if you start such cultivation, you are guaranteed not to lose anything. Moreover, this business does not require significant financial investments. Therefore, if you have time and a sincere desire, then it’s worth a try.

Some ways to grow mushrooms in the country

First of all, it’s worth understanding what methods of growing mushrooms exist. own dacha. The most common method is to use existing developed mycelium.

If you have been picking mushrooms in the forest at least once, you may have noticed that mushrooms mainly grow near trees, where they permeate the soil with their mycelium. This means that it is enough to take this mycelium and transfer it to your dacha. This method is the easiest and therefore the most popular.

The mycelium can be moved with a piece of wood

How to properly transfer mycelium? First of all, you should take part of the mycelium and very carefully transport it to your dacha. You should not try to dig out the mycelium in its entirety. After all, in this case, mushrooms will stop growing in this place.

In order for the mycelium transported by you to country cottage area, fruited, must be created certain conditions. Similar preparation involves choosing an area that should be prepared for growing certain varieties of mushrooms.

When an area has been selected, a special moisturizing layer, a substrate, must be laid on it, on which mushrooms will begin to grow in the near future. Straw and sawdust can be used as a substrate.

Thanks to them, it is possible to create conditions for the development of mycelium that are similar to those in the family. The mycelium must be placed at the planting site and covered with straw. Two to three weeks after these steps you will be able to get your first harvest.

An equally common way to grow mushrooms in the countryside is to move an old tree or chock infected with mycelium from the forest. This method also does not require special effort, however, it is still worth paying attention to.

A possible problem is that when using this method, you can transfer to your summer cottage not only the mycelium of edible mushrooms, but also conditionally edible and also poisonous ones. After transporting a tree containing mycelium from the forest, it must be placed in a place prepared for this purpose.

The mycelium can be moved along with the old stump

In addition, it is worth monitoring the growth conditions of mushrooms. It is necessary to make them as favorable as possible.

If your site already has a log or tree in a rotten state, then they can also be used for growing mushrooms. First, you will need to make holes in the wood with a drill, into which you can later insert the mycelium. Then all that remains is to regularly and thoroughly water the tree and collect the mushroom harvest on time.

A similar action can be carried out with old stumps (subject to their availability). However, this option is more complicated. It is necessary to ensure that the tree from which the mycelium will be taken and the tree in which it will be laid are of the same species. If this condition is not met, mushrooms will not grow in most cases.

Mushrooms can be grown from spores

There is also a way to grow mushrooms using spores. There are quite a lot of options in this situation. For example, you can use dried caps of old mushrooms. For this purpose, you need to prepare the area, crumble the caps and scatter them evenly.

Next, you should moisten the soil and wait for the harvest. It also happens that mushrooms begin to grow from spores of fresh mushrooms. In this case, the soil should be prepared and moistened, and then pieces of mushroom caps should be spread over its entire area. After a few days, these caps must be removed.

Growing porcini mushrooms in the country

The porcini mushroom is rightfully considered the king of mushrooms and is valued by many mushroom pickers. However, growing this type of mushroom is not very profitable, and therefore only amateurs engage in such cultivation.

The main problem in growing porcini mushrooms is that their symbiosis with forest trees is quite complex. Their mycelium literally grows together with the roots. Due to this, mycorrhiza is formed. Despite the fact that the mycelium of porcini mushrooms can easily grow in the absence of trees, such conditions are not acceptable for mushrooms. They cannot grow in them.

Before you start growing porcini mushrooms in your summer cottage, you should create optimal conditions for their growth. Such conditions will allow mycorrhiza to form. For such purposes, areas where deciduous or coniferous trees. The best option will be the use of young groves, plantings or natural forest areas. However, other conditions will also apply.

Porcini mushroom - the king of mushrooms

The growing method is not too complicated. First, overripe porcini mushrooms need to be filled with rainwater (that’s what it is) and left for 24 hours. After this, you need to strain this composition, as a result of which you will receive water that you need to water the areas you have chosen for growing mushrooms.

Now the pieces of mycelium that were dug up in advance will need to be transferred to the chosen location. The mycelium will need to be placed in small depressions, then moistened and covered with grass bedding. If the weather is damp, the mycelium will need to be moistened only at the time of planting it in the ground. If rains are rare, then the planting site will have to be periodically sprinkled with water. In this case, watering is not needed. It is very important.

It is necessary to place the caps of newly ripened mushrooms on the litter loosened under the trees. After three to four days, the litter should be moistened, after removing the mushroom caps. It is worth noting that you can also plant pieces of dried caps, but in this situation you will need to place them under the litter.

If you wish, you can plant only that part of the mushroom that is located under the cap. In this case, the tubular part should initially be separated and crushed. The resulting pieces should be about two centimeters in size.

A plot of coniferous soil is perfect for growing porcini mushrooms

Given that high-quality execution You of all operations and favorable weather for mushroom growth in next year You will have a small harvest of porcini mushrooms. In this case, it is even possible that the harvest will be expressed in one or two porcini mushrooms. However, this is an acceptable result. Next year the harvest will be more significant.

If the above method seems too complicated to you, then you can go another way of growing porcini mushrooms. To begin with, you will need caps from old mushrooms that are already decaying and have a greenish tint on the bend. Wormholes are not a hindrance in this case. The main thing is that the tree species on your site and the trees under which you will collect the mushrooms needed for growing match.

When the caps are collected, you need to put them in a bucket and fill them with ordinary river water. If there is none nearby, then tap water will do, but you need to let it sit before pouring the contents of the bucket into it.

In addition, it is recommended to add potassium permanganate and sugar in a small amount to the bucket (one cube is enough). Next you should stretch the caps. You need to do this manually until you get a homogeneous mass that resembles sour cream in consistency.

Mushrooms can be grown from old caps

Before planting, you will need to let this mixture sit for at least an hour. It is best to start sowing in late summer - early autumn. If the weather is favorable, the sowing period can be extended.

There is one more important point. Before you start growing mushrooms, you will need to remove the top layer of soil around the selected tree. Moreover, the removal process must be carried out carefully. Can't be destroyed root system trees.

After the top layer of soil has been removed, you will need to pour half a bucket of the mixture onto the roots of the tree and return the removed layer to its original place. The next step will be watering. Each tree requires five buckets of water. The tree trunk should be watered evenly on each side.

Such planting will give results no earlier than in a year. If next summer it won't rain then mushroom place will require additional watering. The volume is similar - five buckets of water per tree.

In practice, one such mycelium allows you to harvest one bucket of porcini mushrooms per season, which, of course, is an excellent result.

Growing champignons in the country

Champignon is a fairly popular mushroom. As practice shows, it can be grown in the country without any problems. In addition, there are many ways to grow it, to suit every taste.

Growing champignons in a container is quite expensive.

You can use the container method. Its essence lies in the fact that special wooden containers, pre-treated, are used for cultivation. by special means, preventing the growth of mold fungi.

The main disadvantage of such a system is that it is quite high price components. This point is especially relevant when assessing the costs of equipment used for loading and unloading compost into containers and for covering with special soil. The containers themselves are also not cheap.

The method of growing champignons in the countryside, called the regimental (or Dutch) system of growing these mushrooms, stands apart. Main disadvantage this way - a great opportunity for pests to spread on the shelves. Water flows through the tiers, taking pests and diseases with it.

Champignons can also be grown in beds that can be placed underground. The optimal places for this method of cultivation are mines, poultry houses, and unused vegetable stores. With this method, pre-prepared compost should be laid on the floor or on a polyethylene film.

This method is not popular due to a number of disadvantages when using it. These include the following factors: manual formation of beds, a significant likelihood of subsequent contamination of the compost, inconvenience of growing rooms.

Growing champignons in the garden has its own difficulties

When growing champignons directly at the dacha (in a selected area, or in basement) it would be optimal to use a bag system. This option allows you to expand the options for the premises and conditions for growing mushrooms.

Moreover, in terms of financial costs This method is much less demanding than the previously indicated methods. The advantage of the bag system is convenient pest control. In case of infection, it is enough to throw away the contaminated bag.

The rest of the bags will not be affected by this problem. The main negative aspect of this method is the abundance of manual labor. It will be necessary to fill bags with compost, carry them, and apply top soil.


Growing mushrooms in the country is an activity that requires a high-quality approach and an investment of effort and financial resources. However, this does not make it any less exciting or profitable.

Boletus quite deservedly bears the title of king of mushrooms, because just remember how tasty and aromatic potatoes become when combined with it, how fragrant the soup with porcini mushrooms is, and simply fried with onions, boletus gives your taste buds a lot of pleasant sensations.

For people who do not like quiet hunting, or those who are not used to relying on luck (you don’t know whether you will get enough or not), we offer you to acquire your own mushroom kingdom right in your dacha.

Growing porcini mushrooms in garden beds

Quickly, within 1.5-2 months, you can acquire garden boletus mushrooms by purchasing dry powdered mycelium at a garden store. For mushrooms, choose a shaded area under trees. Make a pit here 30 cm deep and 2.5-3 m in area, the bottom of which is covered with a 10 cm layer of fallen leaves or tree bark.

Place the same layer of manure humus or soil from under the trees on top. Then sow 20 g of dry mycelium mixed with 1 liter of sand or dry soil evenly on the prepared “bed”.

Cover the future mycelium with plant debris on top (3 cm layers), and hide all these layers under garden soil (3-5 cm).

Now all that’s left to do is water, preferably by drip, immediately after sowing, and then add water in the absence of rain. A mycelium from a bag will bear fruit for up to 5 years.

Where can I get porcini mushroom mycelium other than the store?

This method takes longer, but has the right to life. To get planting material, go on a “silent hunt”.

Choose mushrooms (worm-like ones are also possible) that grow under one type of tree, for example, if you plan to plant boletus mushrooms under a birch tree, then cut them for planting only under white-trunked beauties.

You will need several dozen mature porcini mushrooms, from which you need to cut off the hymenophore (the spongy layer under the cap) and twist it through a meat grinder. Then dilute the minced boletus with water (1/2) and let the solution brew for several days.

During this time, the pulp will float to the surface, and the spores you need will sink to the bottom. Carefully pour off any that float or skim it off with a spoon. Then add water to the previous level and repeat this procedure.

As a result, you will receive a saturated suspension of spores, take 1 tbsp. l. Dilute this concentrate, gelatin and potato starch in 10 liters of water and water the tree with it within a radius of 3 m once a week. You can’t count on a harvest in the near future, best case scenario it will appear only in a year. And do not forget to water the garden mycelium on dry and hot days in spring and summer (until the mushrooms grow). Watering duration is 10-20 minutes.

How can you fertilize porcini mushrooms?

Ordinary coffee grounds will serve as an excellent fertilizer and growth stimulator for “domesticated” mushrooms.

In addition to the fact that it will almost double the growth of boletus mushrooms, it will also protect them from mold, various fungal diseases, midges and moths.

It is better to add 15% natural ground coffee to the sediment from the aromatic drink and enrich mineral complex. The norm for applying such fertilizing is 1 tbsp. l. per 1 m 2, that is, 2 liters of soil must be mixed with coffee grounds and scatter evenly on the mushroom “bed”.

Another option is to mix 3 tbsp before planting. l. grounds with 100 g of royal mycelium.

If you have a fairly dry summer cottage or you are not sure that you can regularly water the mushroom “plantation,” add hydrogel (3 g/m2) to the soil when planting mycelium.

It’s good when not only vegetables grow in the garden, but also... mushrooms. Previously, it seemed exotic, but now more and more summer residents dream of having their own mushroom meadow.

Oyster mushrooms, honey mushrooms, and shiitakes grow on a cellulose substrate, so a fresh stump or a bag filled with sawdust or straw will do for them.

At the beginning of May, drill several holes 5-7 cm deep and 3-5 cm in diameter in a fresh stump or log. Fill them with mushroom mycelium (sold in garden stores). Place in the shade and water periodically. True, you will reap the harvest only next year, but you will receive it until the wood turns into dust (3-4 years).

Fast way

If you want mushrooms this season, you will have to work hard. Scald a bucket of sawdust with boiling water and cool. Fill a transparent plastic bag with them, mixing them with the mycelium packaging. Make holes for ventilation and leave in dark place at a temperature of + 15...+20 degrees, for 2-3 weeks. When the sawdust is covered with a white coating, inspect the bag and, in places where fungal germs are visible, make slits through which they will continue to grow. Keep the package in a place where direct contact does not reach Sun rays, spray regularly with water. Then the bag will bear fruit for up to three months, after which you will have to prepare a new one. And the contents of the old one can be used as fertilizer.

Forest trees in the garden

Saffron milk caps, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms and porcini mushrooms need fertile soil or compost.

In June, remove a 15 cm layer of soil with an area of ​​30x30 cm around a mushroom growing in the forest. On the site, take a damp place shaded by trees, dig holes 15 cm deep, throw a couple of handfuls of compost into each hole and lay the brought soil with mycelium on top. Cover with hay and water generously. If the mycelium was intact, you will collect the first mushrooms this year. If the lump of earth has crumbled, they will appear only by next summer.


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