Paste meter-long wallpaper. How to glue meter-long wallpaper: detailed instructions

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Non-woven wallpaper is considered almost the best option For self-finishing walls in any room. They do not deform after gluing, have a thick and stable base, are hygroscopic and practically harmless. But only if all the rules of use are followed, you can count on their long service life.

Coating features

Non-woven wallpaper is always wide (roll width is 106 cm). This means that you will have to make fewer joints, and the more important each connection is, because it will be very disappointing to fail the whole thing due to elementary inattention. This wallpaper is heavy and structural, has a dense texture, so it can mask defects various surfaces. Low sensitivity to light avoids fading - the surface does not fade. The internal structure guarantees good air permeability; the fabric can absorb a limited amount of moisture without deforming. Vinyl or, especially, paper solutions do not have this advantage in principle.

Non-woven wallpaper is also attractive because it:

  • can be repainted many times without losing their visual appeal.
  • They are resistant to mechanical damage and perfectly resist destructive external influences.
  • They tolerate wet cleaning well.
  • They are practical when carrying out renovation work; they can be glued even in small rooms.
  • No soaking required during dismantling.

Required tools and materials

Before gluing non-woven wallpaper, you need to:

  • remove the previous coating (if any);
  • cover the unevenness with putty;
  • thoroughly prime the walls;
  • Turn off the power supply and remove the external housings of the sockets.

Important: take care of a high-quality primer, otherwise you will not be able to guarantee the adhesion of the wallpaper to the wall.

To work you will need:

  • roller;
  • moderately wide brush;
  • container for glue;
  • roulette;
  • stationery sharp knife.

Measurements and adjustments are carried out using a level and a long ruler. You will also need a simple pencil, a sponge, cotton cloth, water and, of course, the required amount of wallpaper and non-woven glue in the required volume. If planned big renovation, and not just wallpapering, be sure to take laser level, not hydraulic. A five-meter tape measure is better than a three-meter tape measure because it is much more practical. The roller should have a long pile, and it is advisable to buy a plastic spatula with soft edges. This will allow you to roll the wallpaper properly.

The sponge should be made of foam rubber. You will also definitely need a soft brush; you can use it to smooth out the pasted wallpaper if any unevenness appears. A useful accessory is a mesh that makes it easier to clean the rollers from excess glue. In addition to the rubber spatula, another narrow one with a metal blade will be useful. You also need to prepare two buckets: one for glue, the other for clean water(it is better to use plastic ones).


The first step in preparing for gluing non-woven wallpaper is to inspect the surfaces. The easiest way to glue it is on paper, clean concrete, drywall, particle boards and plaster, but only if these surfaces are perfectly flat and in good condition.

Important: the coloring of the rough surface must be uniform and match the tone of the wallpaper itself, otherwise it will shine through, which will ruin the entire aesthetics. If newspapers are pasted on the wall, they will definitely have to be removed. Any defect is removed, dirt is cleaned.

Even the paint must be cleaned off; if necessary, fine finishing of the rough layer is done sandpaper with medium grain. Then the surface is primed. The quality of non-woven wallpaper allows it to be glued end-to-end, and the joined sheets almost make it impossible to see the seam.

The rules for working with non-woven wallpaper imply that they need to be glued from the corner. From there they measure a meter in length, and draw a line exactly vertically for orientation. Next, checking with a level, such lines are placed on the entire wall. Since the typical roll width is 106 cm, there is excess material - this allows you to make the joints at the corners clearer.

Then comes the turn of working with the wallpaper itself. It’s best to cut all the pieces at once.

An important nuance: before “cutting”, measure the height of the room at different points in increments of 20-30 cm, and if the walls are even slightly uneven in height, take this into account when cutting.

A large design can look very attractive, but it must be selected with the utmost care, without missing the necessary coincidence during the marking process.

A margin of 10-15 cm in height does not always help with very high altitude ceilings, so the length of each piece should be greater than the height of the room. It is best to cut on the floor itself, for this they spread plastic film; quality linoleum or laminate just needs to be washed and dried. Rolls are rolled out front side down, measure the strip with some room for adjustment and mark it with a knife. Along this notch, the canvas is folded so that the ends of the bent fragment and the main panel are on the same line. Once you are sure of this, you can cut the wallpaper with a special knife or paper scissors.

After rolling out subsequent sheets, they immediately check how accurately the drawings fit. The most convenient way to control this is by paying attention to some clearly visible part of the graphics. Only after everything is combined should you work on the next piece. Attention: for non-woven wallpaper, use only specially designed glue, which is poured into a container of water in a thin stream, while stirring constantly. The mixture should settle, then it is stirred again and lumps are removed. This completes the preparation.

Important: it’s absolutely forbidden to glue new ones onto old wallpaper, and it’s not even a matter of the special properties of the non-woven material. Over many years of use, wall coverings inevitably absorb grease and soot, dust and soot, allergens and industrial emissions. Therefore, there is only one correct way - to clean the base to a perfectly smooth rough surface, and then prepare everything as described above.

Do I need to apply glue to the walls?

The correct answer is simple: you won’t be able to stick non-woven wallpaper if you smear it with glue. So it is absolutely necessary to smear the walls with glue, and only them. But if any of the strips are already coated, then there is no need to cover the wall: just remove the excess glue that comes out at the joints with a soft cloth. Important: glue is applied only to the strip that is currently being worked on, and not on all canvases at once.

The primer may not be used only in one case: the wallpaper is not initially intended to be used for a long time, and they are only a temporary solution, for example, until a move or a more suitable wall covering becomes available. If you do not prime, you may find that the adhesion of the material to the surface is insufficient. It is for this reason that canvases often fall off suddenly, as if by themselves.

It is recommended to start pasting from the door or window openings and move deeper into the room, and not vice versa. Always coat the wall not exactly according to the width of the roll, but with some margin. Particular care should be taken to apply stickers near baseboards, in corners, on corners and in places with a complex configuration, for example, where pipe outlets are located, electric meters, hanging furniture, and wall hangers are located.

Unlike ordinary wallpaper, non-woven wallpaper can be glued to PVA. The fact is that their dense, heavy structure makes standard wallpaper adhesives insufficiently effective, but ultimately you should follow the manufacturer’s instructions. As it is written in the instructions, this is how you should do it. If you add polyvinyl acetate glue to wallpaper (its consumption will be 150 g for each liter of base adhesive mass), the coating will adhere more firmly.


Overlapping non-woven wallpaper is glued in the corners, this allows you to visually cover various irregularities and deviations from the norm. Plastic corners are placed at the corners and attached to the walls. Attention: do not go too far into adjacent walls. The technology implies that after dipping the roller in glue, it must be passed along the mesh, and only when the excess composition has been removed can it be passed along the wall. It should be glued from above; to do this, take the canvas by the edge and apply it to the wall. Then the roll is smoothly brought down, the canvas is smoothed from the center to the edges with a special brush or roller. You can also use a plastic spatula, but it requires caution.

Make sure not only that the joints are not visible, but also that there are no bubbles or folds anywhere. Attention: after gluing several strips, all subsequent seams are carefully rolled out with a roller. If there is an extra piece left at the bottom, it is cut off, but not immediately, but only after the canvas has dried. On external corners The wallpaper is glued with an overlap of 5 cm. Then a ruler is applied to the middle of the strip and a through cut is made along it with a knife.

It is better to glue meter-long wallpaper end-to-end, but do not stretch the fabric too much or smooth it too much. A thin strip can easily break, but there is no way to fix the problem. Attention: Always use brand new glue every time. The one left over from the previous renovation or from yesterday is completely unsuitable.

There is no difficulty in gluing non-woven photo wallpaper, but still this work should only be done if you have sufficient experience and knowledge. The drawing must be adjusted with an error of no more than 1 mm. If you have never glued wallpaper at all, you should not take on such a task. It is better to choose the option for painting; it is easier and more reliable to use.

The simplicity of gluing wallpaper onto drywall is only apparent, and without sufficient preparation, even its flat surface will not simplify the task. All visible metal fasteners must be covered with an anti-corrosion agent. Must use acrylic primer, suppressing the development of mold colonies. Important: do not use too much wallpaper glue, otherwise the plasterboard sheets may become wet and deformed.

To prevent the base from showing through, installation should be carried out not on the drywall itself, but on water-based paint in white tones. Please note that it is not advisable to glue the wallpaper overlapping in this case. Regardless of the base, it is worth turning off the electricity in the entire room, because wet glue is an excellent conductor of current.

You can cover the walls with non-woven covering in the corners of the room without the help of specialists, but you need to be even more careful than when working with the main space. You should not apply the canvas in equal parts to both walls, because such a strip will almost certainly stretch and break. If you put a point in the narrowest part of the panel and draw a vertical line through it, the markings will be more accurate.

Sometimes they still dare to glue non-woven wallpaper onto glass wallpaper. To assess whether it’s worth the risk at all, look at how much of the relief pattern is applied to the intended base. In principle, it is impossible to permanently stick a new layer on top of a convex ornament. Never glue interlining onto paper backing., because it cannot cope with such a large load.

Some non-woven wallpaper is textile; its outer layer is formed from various fabrics, for example, silk. It makes sense to choose linen; it is practical and relatively inexpensive.

A jute covering will help to mask even quite serious defects in the walls, and felt is used when you need not so much to decorate as to insulate a room and protect it from extraneous noise. You can paste non-woven wallpaper onto painted walls with your own hands, but this will require careful and precise preparation.

There are such ways:

  • Use a spatula to scrape off all the previous coating and then prime the base;
  • Sand the paint with sandpaper to create bonding points.

The first option is more familiar and reliable, and in terms of labor intensity, the methods are approximately the same. Moreover, in the first case you will not make a mistake by creating the wrong roughness in the wrong place, so the second method should be left to professionals who know all the intricacies.

In fact, gluing wide non-woven wallpaper yourself is no more difficult than narrower samples. There is no particular need to even carefully measure and calculate door and window openings; it’s better to just buy more material, so that it will certainly be enough. Remember, if you make a mistake, you will have to urgently purchase additional coverage, and it will not always be possible to match it to the tone of the one already used.

We must strive to ensure that the wallpaper lays without seams. Those home craftsmen who can achieve this effect can consider themselves almost professional repairmen. To avoid creating a seam, work with glue carefully; it should not get on the front surface. Of course, in order to avoid seams, you need to purchase a special coating that is glued end-to-end and not overlapping.

Hot-stamped wallpaper with a bright pattern looks good only in those rooms where there is enough sunlight. In a darkened room (corridor, pantry) they are completely inappropriate. Please note that most of these wallpapers do not have an ornament and are intended for further use. DIY painting. Important advantages of hot stamping are that it does not accumulate static electricity and is not susceptible to water ingress.

To learn how to glue non-woven wallpaper, see the following video.

What to do if they bubble?

It happens that certain problems arise when covering walls, and then you need to act immediately to correct the defect. It is quite simple to stick non-woven wallpaper without bubbles, you just need not to skimp on the glue, but use it exactly as specified in the instructions. Then no difficulties will arise.

Non-woven wallpaper is an element of decorative finishing of walls and ceilings, which is on everyone’s lips and has a wide range of applications. practical use. Often, this category includes both pure non-woven wallpaper and wallpaper with vinyl coating, which is applied to a non-woven base. This is no coincidence, because the base is the most important working element of the decoration. It depends on its component correct order performance of work and category of related materials.

Characteristics and preparation for do-it-yourself gluing

Non-woven wallpaper is non-woven material consisting of more than two thirds from cellulose fibers with the addition of synthetic binder fillers. Characterized by a low degree of hygroscopicity and higher strength than wallpaper on paper based. Consist of several layers. The working part of the wallpaper has smooth surface. The front side is made with various embossing and can have a foam structure.

The width of non-woven wallpaper, in the most popular versions, is 0.5 and 1 meter. But there is an intermediate option - 0.7 meters. In fact, these numbers are not entirely accurate. Each size range has a small allowance. For meter-long non-woven wallpaper it is seven centimeters. A standard 10-meter roll usually has a slight excess in length.

Non-woven wallpaper is divided into two types:

  • for painting;
  • with complete coverage.

A textured pattern runs along the front surface of the non-woven wallpaper for painting. The canvas itself has a white or slightly yellowish color. In other cases, the color, pattern and composition of the coating can be very diverse.

The main factor when choosing wallpaper width, are the spatial characteristics of the room, such as: the surface area of ​​the walls on which the wallpaper is supposed to be glued; the presence of volumetric projections, niches, door and window openings.

But since general principle Since the gluing is the same for canvases of any width, you can consider the option of meter-long wallpaper.

How to glue non-woven meter wallpaper

Wallpapering begins with preparing the surface of the walls.

With order preparatory work and oral recommendations can be found in the video presented here.

Calculation of the required amount of wallpaper for pasting

In order to optimize your purchase as much as possible, you need to measure the length and height of the walls, in the area of ​​which there are no door or window openings. At standard height For a room not exceeding 2.5 meters, one roll of non-woven wallpaper is enough for four meters of the perimeter of the room, provided that the design or pattern on the front side does not require combining adjacent canvases. Selecting a pattern reduces the yield of full-length cuts. One roll produces three whole sheets. The remaining parts will be useful for pasting sections of walls partially occupied by window and door niches.

When purchasing wallpaper glue, you should make sure that it matches the selected type of material. Non-woven base much heavier than paper, and when gluing wallpaper with your own hands, it would be wrong to rely on universal adhesive mixtures, recommended by the manufacturer for all types. It is worth making sure that the annotation contains a specification: for non-woven wallpaper.

General principles and features of work

There are “canonical” recommendations on how to hang non-woven wallpaper on a wall, based on the ideal data of the decorative material and perfect parameters of the room in which the work is carried out. But for gluing non-woven wallpaper with your own hands, professional experience will also come in handy. There are no contradictions between them, only small amendments taking into account local characteristics.

For example: it is not a fact that the distance from floor to ceiling, along the entire perimeter of the room, will be a constant value. Therefore, first of all, you should measure the height of the room at all corner joints of the walls. The larger indicator is taken as the main one. And pasting the walls should begin closer to this place, from the ceiling. This point is especially important if you are going to hang non-woven wallpaper with a matching pattern. The video shows one of the gluing methods, from a whole roll. This method is quite relevant, but not always convenient.

It is easier to operate with a pre-prepared cut. The required number of whole canvases is cut to the size of maximum height. The selection of a cut with a rolling pattern is carried out by correct alignment of two cuts. The cut sheets, laid with the working side up, are placed in a common stack on the floor surface. Depending on the coating, the floor is cleaned or covered with plastic film.

It is believed that to glue non-woven wallpaper, it is enough to apply glue only to the wall. But for those who are trying to do this work for the first time and with their own hands, it will not be superfluous to treat the working side of the canvas with glue. This will give the performer additional time (the glue tends to dry and be absorbed into the surface) and will make it easier to move individual sections of wallpaper along the wall plane in the process of aligning the joints.

Question about preliminary or subsequent installation of fillets, should be decided directly on site. There are a number of reasons why ceiling fillets, it is more productive to install after wallpapering.

Non-woven wallpaper - how to glue?

The aesthetics of the general background of wallpaper that is glued end-to-end does not depend on the direction luminous flux, so it is not at all necessary to start gluing from the window. The starting line can be slopes doorways or a vertical mark of the edge border, made by hand, using building level or plumb line. If you plan to start gluing meter-long non-woven wallpaper from the corner, then you should make a three to four centimeter overlap on the adjacent wall. The overlap is overlapped with another sheet, after which a vertical penetrating cut is made in both sheets with a stationery knife, the excess is removed, and the joint is neatly placed in the cut line.

Gluing non-woven wallpaper from the ceiling is all the easier since all non-woven materials do not curl and practically do not wrinkle. Holding the panel by the upper edge, you should align it along the previously marked line (first cut) or bring it to the edge of the previously glued one. Having correctly placed and pre-smoothed the upper third of the wallpaper sheet, you need straighten the rest and lower it freely, aligning it with the edge of the previous one. After ironing the resulting joint, use a rubber roller to roll the canvas along its entire length, from the middle to the edges. Excess adhesive that appears is removed immediately with a dry cotton cloth.

Non-woven wallpaper is high-quality, environmentally friendly safe material, used for pasting ceilings, walls in apartments, country houses, office and public spaces.

Models are available with different textures and reliefs, with the possibility of painting.

Due to the thickened structure, small surface defects can be hidden. Let's consider step by step instructions, how to hang non-woven wallpaper with your own hands, what glue to choose, the technique for gluing hard-to-reach places.

Why non-woven wallpaper?

Non-woven fabric is environmentally friendly

Non-woven wallpaper is available in two types: consisting entirely of non-woven wallpaper and on a non-woven base with vinyl covering. They compare favorably with acrylic and other types due to their advantages:

  • are produced on the basis of cel
  • yulose fibers, environmentally friendly;
  • have beautiful textured surface imitating plaster or having a pattern;
  • most often produced for painting with acrylic or water-dispersion compositions;
  • easy to clean, does not absorb odors;
  • do not support combustion.

Even a beginner can hang such wallpaper well, but the technology for performing the work has its own nuances that need to be studied before starting pasting.

Calculating the number of rolls

The number of rolls depends on the area of ​​the room

Standard sizes non-woven wallpaper: width 1.06 m, length 10 m, 12.5 m or 25 m. With a length of 10 m, the roll area is 10.6 sq. m., at 12.5 m - 13.25 sq. m., with a length of 25 m - 25.4 sq. m.

Before you go to the store, you need to calculate the area of ​​the room. To do this, use a construction tape to measure the length and height of each wall and ceiling, if you will be covering it. We multiply the indicators of each wall and multiply by the number of surfaces to be pasted.

We calculate the area of ​​one wall and all surfaces to be pasted.

Room height 2.5 m, width 3 m, length 4 m.

3 m* 2.5 m* 2 walls=15 sq. m.

4 m*2.5 m*2 walls=20 sq. m.

15 sq. m + 20 sq. m =35 sq. m. (wall area).

We subtract the area of ​​window and door openings.

Knowing the area of ​​the walls, you can determine required quantity rolls according to the table. Table taking into account the size of wallpaper in a roll: width 1.06 m, length 10 m.

Ceiling height up to 2500 mm. Ceiling height 2500-3000 mm.
Room area, sq.m.Number of rolls, pcsRoom area, sq.m.Number of rolls, pcs
10 3 10 5
14 4 14 5
20 5 20 7
24 5 24 8
30 6 30 9

If the wallpaper needs a pattern selection, then for every 6 rolls you need to buy another roll, since as a result of the adjustment there will be a lot of trimmings.

Glue selection

Choose compositions strictly for non-woven wallpaper

When choosing an adhesive, be sure to check that it is written on the pack that this adhesive composition is suitable for gluing walls with non-woven wallpaper.

Let us consider in the table the most common types of adhesives for non-woven wallpaper and their characteristics:

Glue brandCharacteristics
1 MetylanIt is made on the basis of methylcellulose and contains additives that improve adhesion to the surface. Has antifungal protection. Resistant to temperature changes. The adhesive is slippery, so you can move the wallpaper if it is applied incorrectly.
2 QuelydGlides well, has antifungal protection, and is easy to apply to the surface. Has low consumption.
3 KleoIt is produced on the basis of modified starch and includes antifungal additives. It is manufactured in three types: Optima, special and professional. The latter is suitable for pasting in hard-to-reach places.
4 PUFASIt has high adhesion, is transparent after drying, and does not require special preparation of the walls. Available in 5 types, suitable for manual application and use in wallpaper-lubricating machines.

When choosing a glue, you need to pay attention to the following indicators:
  • density and structure of wallpaper;
  • surface quality;
  • glue consumption.

Before pasting, the surface of the walls must be leveled, all depressions and cracks must be eliminated, as air bubbles and peeling may form in them. It must be diluted strictly following the instructions.

Surface preparation

do-it-yourself process begins with preparing the surface.

Old wallpaper needs to be removed, even if it is firmly attached. When we apply glue to the wall, old layer will start to lag. To remove the wallpaper well, moisten it generously and rub it over the surface with a wet cloth. We wait about five minutes, pry it with a spatula and remove it.

Remove the box from the outlet

We carry out visual inspection walls. The surface should not be greasy or rust spots, which tend to appear through the wallpaper.

To remove dust from the wall, wipe it with a damp cloth. We close all depressions and cracks with putty.

We remove baseboards, boxes from sockets, switches. To prevent glue from getting inside, seal the space with masking tape.

If the corners are crooked, it is better to invite specialists to level their surface. If this is not done, unevenness in the open space will be obvious.

We prime the wall with the composition deep penetration or wallpaper glue diluted with water to a more liquid consistency than required for wallpapering.

How to dilute glue

Make sure there are no lumps

According to the instructions on the label. Pour water into a container of sufficient volume room temperature, then add the dry mixture. The amount of glue should correspond to the area of ​​the wall, taking into account the primer and pasting.

You need to follow the dosage and stir well so that there are no lumps. Leave to swell for the time specified in the instructions.

If the finished glue is too thick, you can add a little water and mix.

Leave a margin of 2 - 3 cm

We measure the height of the room from floor to ceiling or decorative molding, add 2-3 cm as a margin to compensate for unevenness in height. Measure the required length and cut off the first strip. We cut the following strips depending on whether the pattern needs to be combined. We mark the top and bottom on the inside so as not to confuse them when pasting.

If you select a pattern, you need to number the stripes in order to glue them in a certain sequence. Signing the wallpaper with a simple pencil, thin line in the corner so that the mark does not appear on the front side.

To cut the strip evenly, you need to measure the size, bend along the marking line so that the sides coincide with each other. We use a spatula along the fold line so that it becomes clearly visible.

Cut the material with a spatula or sharp kitchen knife. If you cut with scissors or a utility knife, the cut line may be uneven.

Marking the wall

Can be glued from any angle

Since non-woven wallpaper is glued end-to-end, it doesn’t matter whether you start from the window or from the other end of the room, but you need to start from any corner.

First you should step back a little and mark a vertical line. For correct marking, you can use a plumb line or a building level.

Then we measure the width of the wallpaper and make a vertical mark on the other side.

How evenly the first strip is pasted will depend general form rooms.

Instructions for wallpapering

Let's look at how to properly hang non-woven wallpaper. Important rule: We only cover the surface of the wall with glue, there is no need to smear the wallpaper. For more information about the process, watch this video:

To prevent electric shock, we turn off the electricity and properly insulate the wires, because the contacts in sockets and switches are without covers.

Pasting the first strip

Apply glue using a roller or a thick wide brush in a strip slightly larger than the width of the canvas.

Instructions for wallpapering

We take the first strip by the upper end. Place it 2 cm above the baguette and align it with the vertical mark. If you stick it incorrectly, lift it from the bottom and move it in the right direction.

If the wallpaper lies along a vertical line, press it against the wall and begin gluing it. It is convenient to smooth non-woven wallpaper with a rubber roller or a special spatula. From the center we move up, then to the sides and down. We make sure that all air bubbles come out.

Trimming wallpaper under the baguette

Immediately after pasting the strip, cut off its upper part. To mark the cut line, draw along the strip of wallpaper under the baguette with a blunt spatula. We press the wallpaper slightly under the baguette and squeeze out excess glue and air. Cut along the line with a sharp spatula or utility knife.

In order for the wallpaper to adjoin the baguette beautifully, you need to cut along its very edge at the place where it joins the wall. The spatula should lie on the wall, and not at an angle; we use a knife to trim according to its mark.

The knife should not be lifted from the surface to prevent jagged edges from forming on the cutting line. Do not bring the knife to the end of the spatula, move the trowel forward, then continue cutting.

Excess glue should be removed immediately with a slightly damp, clean cloth.

Second and subsequent stripes

Attach the canvas to the wall coated with glue

Apply glue to the wall. We apply the canvas, holding it by the top edge. If you need to join the picture, we move the wallpaper so that the elements match.

The canvas should lie tightly butted against the previous strip. If you glue it overlapping, the joint will protrude, and with further painting it will be very noticeable.

We carefully monitor the tight fit of the wallpaper at the junction of the panels. We additionally go through this area with a roller or spatula.

Pasting corners

The ideal option is when the corners in the apartment are even, but this rarely happens. If the corner is covered by furniture, you can paste it over without prior leveling, but if it is visible, it is better to level its surface yourself or invite a specialist.

There are two options for gluing corners:

  • glue the whole strip, wrapping it on both sides. This option is only suitable if the corners are straight. If the corner is crooked and lumpy, the wallpaper will be overtightened in some places, and wrinkled in others. IN uneven corner the edge of the canvas will shift from the vertical plane and will lie crookedly;
  • cut the strip and join the wallpaper in the corner. We make the markings with a small margin, cutting off the excess after sticking. The wallpaper should extend approximately 2 cm onto the adjacent wall. The allowance will depend on the angle of the curve. The greater the curvature, the larger the allowance should be. But at the same time, there should not be a large overlap, as it will be too noticeable.

Smooth out the corner properly

Instructions for pasting a corner:

  1. Mark using a plumb line or building level horizontal line, which we will use to guide us when gluing wallpaper.
  2. We coat the corner on both walls with glue so that there are no gaps anywhere.
  3. We paste the strip on one wall with a slight overlap on the adjacent surface. Then we glue the second strip, laying it out as far as possible along the vertical line of the corner.
  4. Then we apply a metal ruler as close to the corner as possible. With a sharp knife We cut two layers of wallpaper at once under the ruler. The top strip will disappear immediately. To remove the bottom strip, bend the top strip. Then we coat the joint with glue and press down the folded edge.

After the wallpaper has dried, we cut holes in it for sockets and switches. We install the linings on the body. Turn on the electricity.

Covering the area behind the battery

The most difficult thing is to cover the wall behind the radiator. This work is always left for last; they begin it after pasting the remaining surfaces in the room. Watch this video for more details:

You can hang wallpaper by removing the battery

There are two ways of pasting:

  • dismantle the battery by installing plugs on the walls. For such work you will have to invite an experienced plumber. After the battery has been removed, the wall needs to be primed. When the primer is dry, cover the niche with wallpaper. It is advisable that the joint be located in the center of the radiator, then it will be invisible. We cut the top of the canvas under the window sill according to the same principle as under the baguette. We install the battery in place;
  • cover the surface without removing the radiator. This will require patience and skill.

Instructions for covering the area under the radiator with non-woven wallpaper:

  1. We cut the strips to the size of the desired area.
  2. We make vertical cuts at the locations of the fasteners.
  3. We coat the wall with glue so that it flows behind the battery. Very thin layer You can coat a strip of wallpaper.
  4. We wrap the cloth behind the battery and smooth it with a rag. To reach hard-to-reach places, you can wrap a rag around a stick and smooth out the wallpaper behind the radiator.

If these manipulations are too complicated, you can paint the surface under the battery, glue heat-reflecting material, or decorate it with a special perforated panel.

Nowadays, meter-long non-woven wallpaper is gaining relevance every year. This is not surprising, since hanging such wallpaper will be at least 2 times faster than standard material. You don't need any special skills to hang this wallpaper. It is important to level the concrete walls very well, otherwise the joints will be uneven. As soon as the walls are leveled, you need to wait until the putty dries, prime it, and then stick the wallpaper.

After the wall is prepared according to the rules, you need to apply pre-prepared glue to it.

Advantages of this type finishing material are obvious:

  • Gluing takes little time;
  • Doesn't leave much waste;
  • After work, there are fewer joints.

All this cannot but affect the quality of work and appearance. But, despite the advantages of wide non-woven wallpaper, there are still suspicious people who buy ordinary wallpaper, believing that gluing it will be easier, faster and better. In fact, working with non-woven wallpaper is quite simple. The main thing is to properly prepare the walls and glue them with your own hands and it will turn out flawlessly.

It is important to remember that for this type of wallpaper a special glue is used, which can be purchased at a specialized store.

After the glue is applied, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Take a piece of wallpaper and adjust it to the height.
  2. Start gluing the canvas along the marked line on the wall surface.
  3. We turn the other side of the canvas at an angle.
  4. Immediately begin smoothing the wallpaper from top to bottom, expelling air bubbles.

For smoothing, tools such as a rubber spatula, a wallpaper roller or a piece of clean thick fabric are well suited. Once the smoothing is completed, it is necessary to trim off the excess wallpaper at the ceiling and at the lower baseboard. It is convenient to cut with a sharp stationery knife, and use a metal spatula as a guide. If wet wallpaper They are cut poorly, you can wait until the material dries.

For those who have decided to glue wallpaper themselves for the first time, we recommend reading the following material:

Self-gluing of non-woven wallpaper end-to-end

Pasting using butt technology will be completed fully if the walls have been carefully leveled. When the walls are perfectly smooth, the non-woven fabric is glued end-to-end to the second sheet to be glued, without overlap.

The butt gluing process is carried out as follows:

  1. Special glue is applied to the wall.
  2. The canvas is glued end to end.
  3. As soon as the joint is made, it is necessary to urgently expel the air.
  4. It is forbidden to achieve a joint by stretching the canvas; when the wallpaper is dry, there will be gaps between the canvases.
  5. The excess near the ceiling and floor is cut off with a stationery knife.

Experts recommend using one small trick. If you can’t glue it end-to-end, then you can glue it with an overlap of about 3-4 cm, and after the wallpaper has dried, use a sharp utility knife to make a through cut in the place where the canvases intersect. In this case, both sheets are cut at once. After the cut is made, the trimmings must be removed, the joint should be lubricated with glue, and the blades should be straightened, resulting in a smooth, neat joint.

Even more useful tips to achieve an ideal result in wallpapering:

How to properly glue non-woven wallpaper in the corners of a room

The first method is used when covering a room with wallpaper with a pattern.

This method involves gluing the canvas strictly from the corner with an overlap of 2-3 cm over the previous canvas. This method allows you to hide defects in the case of a crooked corner. The second method is ideal for non-woven wallpaper of the same tone, a material without a pattern.

Step-by-step execution method

  1. The canvas is glued from the corner.
  2. Both canvases are cut with a stationery knife.
  3. The excess is removed.
  4. The joint is coated with glue.
  5. The canvases are carefully aligned.

This technique cannot be used when gluing wallpaper with a pattern, since cutting it will destroy the structure of the pattern. It is also important to apply the glue correctly; there should be no more or less of it, just enough so that the canvases can adhere to the wall. On concrete wall and an equal amount of glue is applied to the drywall, but the composition is not applied to the canvas at all. As you can see, pasting wide wallpaper is very simple, just a little time, patience and the result will impress you. At least, gluing non-woven fabrics is much easier and faster than ordinary narrow wallpaper.

Is it possible to glue non-woven wallpaper onto old wallpaper: expert advice

If a person bought non-woven wallpaper and plans to carry out the repairs with his own hands, then he will be interested in learning a few nuances, for example, information about which surface is best for gluing the finishing material.

Non-woven wallpaper can be glued to different surfaces, among which:

  • Porous concrete;
  • Plaster;
  • Drywall, etc.

You should not glue non-woven wallpaper onto paint, as it will peel off; you should also not glue canvas onto old wallpaper. Craftsmen say that old paper wallpaper has a tendency to bubble after re-pasting, which will not have a positive effect on the result of the work. It’s clear why you can’t paste wallpaper and paint over old wallpaper, so the best option is to remove the old coating, prepare the wall and paste it with good, high-quality non-woven wallpaper. Pasting this type Wallpaper should eliminate the possibility of a draft, in addition, you need to turn off the air conditioner and start gluing from a window or corner.

Is it possible to paste wallpaper on non-woven wallpaper: expert recommendations

As mentioned above, glue non-woven wallpaper onto old surface Not recommended. The result may not be pleasing. Interior finishing specialists recommend working with a previously cleaned and prepared wall.

Craftsmen like to work with this material, and they note the following advantages of non-woven wallpaper:

  1. Long service life.
  2. The canvas does not stretch, does not dry out, and does not deform.
  3. Easy to stick, easy to remove.
  4. The canvas has different relief and patterns, which makes it possible to play with the design of the room.
  5. Wallpaper increases sound insulation.
  6. Improves fire resistance.
  7. The canvas allows air to pass through well.
  8. Environmentally friendly composition.

To make the repair easy, experts recommend that before starting work, you read the rules, which describe in detail what you should pay attention to and what you should not do. Knowing the rules, everyone can glue it correctly; no special skills are required in this case.

Home craftsman: rules for gluing non-woven wallpaper

Before unpacking the wallpaper, you need to check for defects. Next, experts recommend studying the icons and their descriptions located on the wallpaper. Carefully read the rules for preparing walls. If you plan to stick thin non-woven wallpaper, then you need to prepare the surface in the same way as when gluing vinyl wallpaper and thin paper wallpaper. Next, you need to correctly calculate the amount of material used. When cutting fabrics, you must follow the technique, then you will be able to avoid a lot of expense. You need to buy glue specifically for non-woven wallpaper and before diluting it, you should carefully read the instructions. The glue is applied not to the canvas, but to the wall; we must not forget about this nuance.

When working, you should only use quality tool, wallpaper spatula, which:

  • Smoothes out wallpaper;
  • Removes excess air;
  • Removes excess glue.

You should only work during the daytime, when you don’t have to turn on the lights, this will avoid electric shocks while wallpapering near sockets. Cold air currents should also be avoided. To install the border, you need to use special glue. If the canvas is smooth, then you can glue the border onto the already glued canvas, but if it is embossed, then you should first glue the border, and then begin work on pasting the room.

A metal ruler and a sharp knife work well for trimming.

The room should be warm and dry, optimal temperature indoors 22 degrees. In order to glue the area around the socket, you must turn off the electricity, remove the socket, stick the cloth, cut out a cross inside and trim the corners. You need to work with glue as carefully as possible, you should not smear a lot of glue, and you should also avoid getting glue on the front side of the wallpaper. It is better to glue it end to end, since when gluing it overlapping, the result will be terrifying; the wallpaper is very dense. It is necessary to glue very quickly, as the glue dries quickly.

How to glue non-woven wallpaper (video)

Meter wallpapers remain a curiosity for most domestic users, although they differ from ordinary ones rolled products only 1 meter wide. Thanks to this feature Finishing work take less time and effort, but the task becomes more difficult if you have to work alone. In this case, it is important to know how to glue meter wallpaper one person.

If speak about positive aspects this material, the following stand out in particular:

  1. A small number of joints. To finish one room, you will need half as many strips, so you will have to worry less about the correctness of the joints. It also gives the impression of a monolithic coating.
  2. Speed ​​of work. Wide fragments cover a large area; it is easy to calculate that it is easier to glue three strips than six.

But there are also some disadvantages:

  • The material requires a perfectly prepared base.
  • High consumption. Wide wallpapers are more expensive, so if a small strip is not enough, you will have to pay for a whole additional roll.

On a note! Typically, wide wallpaper is applied by two or three people, but you can do it yourself if you work quickly.

If a person has already had to glue ordinary half-meter wallpaper, then he can cope with meter-long canvases

Preparatory work

Before gluing wide wallpaper, you need to carry out a number of procedures, which include preparing tools and surfaces, as well as calculating the required amount of material.

How to calculate wallpaper footage

Correctly carried out calculations will save money and also save you from making a second trip to the store or ordering additional material on house. The first step is to calculate the perimeter of the room. To do this, you need to measure the length of adjacent surfaces and multiply the result by 2. Let's say one wall is 3 m long and the other 4 m. This means that the perimeter of the room is 14 m. Since we are talking about meter-long wallpaper, it will take 14 strips to cover the wall.

Now you need to find the largest distance from the floor to the ceiling and multiply it by 14. For example, the height is 2.5 m, multiply by 14, it turns out 35 meters. This is the minimum amount of material. If the room has windows, doors, a balcony, etc., it is better not to subtract their dimensions during calculations, this way there will be a supply of material left.

Some people think that it is not necessary to tape off the area behind the furniture, since the wallpaper will not be visible there. Here the decision is only up to the home owner, but it is important to remember that when rearranging, bald spots will appear on the wall. A bulky cabinet that won’t move until it’s renovated doesn’t need to be covered with paper.

When calculating the amount of material, it is recommended to take into account 1-2 rolls of stock. They may be required not only during pasting, but also after. If there are children or animals in the house, then damage to the wallpaper is a matter of time. So that later you don’t have to look for the same ones to replace the area or completely re-glue, it is better to immediately purchase a supply.

Surface preparation

When gluing meter-long wallpaper, the most difficult stage is the preparatory stage, as is the case with any other types of these products. If the apartment goes major renovation or finishing after putting the object into operation, then all of the following measures must be carried out during work on the ceiling. So, you need to do the following:

Wallpapering should only be done on clean and well-primed walls.
  1. Remove the front panels from all sockets and switches and carefully seal the resulting holes.
  2. Remove all fasteners from the walls: screws, nails, dowels, and so on.
  3. If there is coating on the walls, you need to remove it. As a result, not even a small fragment of finishing material should remain.
  4. Check if the walls are level. To do this, apply a building level to them at different points.
  5. For minor distortions, it is sufficient to use finishing putty; for severe distortions, plastering may be required.
  6. Wait for the material to dry and sand the area.
  7. Before gluing wallpaper on the walls, it is necessary to treat the coating with a primer. This material will increase adhesion and save on glue. The drying time for the compositions varies, but usually it is several hours.

Required Tools

To carry out the work you will need:

  • wide brush, roller or brush for applying glue;
  • capacity and construction mixer for preparing the composition;
  • ruler, level, stationery knife, marker or pencil;
  • rubber spatula and roller for ironing wallpaper;
  • a rag to remove glue residue.

To paste walls with wide canvases, a generally accepted wallpaper tool is used.


Step-by-step instructions on how to glue wallpaper alone:

  1. Prepare the adhesive according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Use a level and a pencil to mark the top border.
  3. Fold a small part of the strip to form a corner.
  4. Place the material against the wall and press firmly.
  5. Iron the pasted wallpaper rubber spatula, moving from the center to the edges. You can also use a roller to get the air out.
  6. Using a metal spatula and a utility knife, trim off the excess.
  7. Inspect the strip and make sure it is completely stuck to the base.

Damp wallpaper is difficult to cut, so in some cases you will have to wait.

Regardless of the width of the canvas, the room is covered according to the same pattern


The glued sheet must be butted against the adjacent one. If there are pictures on the wallpaper, then it is important to adjust their height. During gluing, the strip must be smoothed at the same time and ensure that it does not move away from the previous one. In this case, it is forbidden to stretch the material to achieve joining; after drying, it will shrink back and there will be a gap.

The joints are rolled with a special roller; an attempt to forcefully pull the sheets together at the seam will lead to the appearance of a gap after drying

On a note! If you need to glue non-woven wallpaper, you can move it along the surface for 10 minutes after pasting. If you use another type of wallpaper, then you should choose an adhesive without additives that accelerate drying.

If the joint does not work, you can overlap the wallpaper and then cut off the excess using a utility knife. The remaining unglued side should be coated with glue and ironed with a rubber roller.

Wallpaper joining with overlap and trimming

Pasting in hard-to-reach places

Now let’s talk about how to hang wallpaper for one person in the corners, behind the radiator, above the doorway. It is better to arrange them at the main stage of pasting. To do this, leave a small overlap (about 2 cm), which will overlap the adjacent wall. To hang wallpaper behind and under the radiator, you need to cut the material into small pieces and select a pattern. After this, the pieces are glued to the wall, as described above.

A simple way to cover the wall behind a radiator

Another difficulty that you will have to face is covering the area with sockets. If at the preliminary stage the front panel was removed and the voltage was turned off, then you just need to glue the strip, not paying attention to the hole, and then use a knife to cut through the wallpaper. If you get uneven edges, that’s okay, the front panel will hide these imperfections. In case of door jambs it is necessary to glue the canvas with a margin of 5 mm. After smoothing, the excess length is trimmed or covered with a casing.

It is advisable to cut holes for sockets and switches after the canvas has dried

Before working with meter-long wallpaper alone, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with some expert advice:

  1. There should be no drafts in the room, suitable temperature regime– from +5 to +25 C. In addition, it is also quite difficult to work in wet rooms, so preparatory stage it is necessary to ventilate and carefully close the room.
  2. If gluing is planned in the cold season, then it is better to turn off the radiator. If it is not possible to do this, it is recommended to reschedule the work while the central heating is turned off.
  3. Most adhesives are universal, but when choosing, it is better to ask the seller what type of products this composition is suitable for. This will help fix the wallpaper on the surface better.
  4. If immediately after pasting, defects are noticed, in particular uneven joints, it is necessary to lift the canvas with a spatula and correct the problem. It is very important not to pull the stripes.
  5. After gluing, sometimes difficulties arise with cutting the material. To do this, use a stationery knife or scissors. You need to press the excess part with a spatula and run a knife along the markings. In the case of scissors, you need to bend the edge along the markings and cut it off.
  6. If there are uneven cuts at the top or bottom of the wall, you should not try to fix it. As practice shows, this will lead to bad consequences. It is better to purchase skirting boards that will hide imperfections.

If ceiling fillets are not provided, then the perimeter can be cultivated using a frieze


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