Folk remedies for spider mites on cucumbers. Effective measures to combat cobwebs in a greenhouse

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Spider mite on cucumbers it is almost invisible due to its small size and lifestyle (it lives on the inside of the foliage). This inconspicuous pest causes enormous harm. As a result of its vital activity, plants die: they become stained and dry out. A web is one of the obvious signs of an insect.

Body size is up to 2 mm, the color is often greenish, sometimes yellow and brown individuals are found. Spider mites live on cucumbers only in conditions acceptable to them: dry and warm air. In winter, insects do not die, but hide in the soil (upper layers), manure, and leaves that have already fallen. In addition, any greenhouse corner is suitable for wintering. The cucumber mite spreads in the wind, which is facilitated by the small size and light weight of the insect.

Habitat signs

Females have a greenish-yellow color, size up to 0.5 mm. Males are smaller (approximately 0.4 mm)

The pest reveals itself by the fact that its vital activity leads to changes in the structure, shape and color of plant leaves:

  • Light dots are detected, which later develop into spots. Such changes first become noticeable with inside leaf.
  • The appearance of an almost barely visible cobweb.
  • Change in foliage color - it turns yellow.
  • The plantings are far behind in development.

Features of wrestling in different conditions

When thinking about how to save cucumbers, as well as other crops, you should consider different methods impact. The method of growing the plantings is also taken into account.

Cucumbers grow on open ground

An important feature: after the harvest has been harvested, the remaining plants are destroyed. Other recommendations:

  • The soil is dug up before new sowing. This is usually done from autumn until frost.
  • Weeds are regularly removed as they provide a suitable environment for initial development insects
  • As the plantings grow, they are inspected. If affected areas are found, they are removed and then destroyed. Moreover, it is better to burn leaves with signs of pest activity.
  • The rule of crop rotation is followed: cucumbers should be alternated with other plants, for example, tomatoes, cabbage.
  • In case of significant damage, when obvious signs of tick habitation (webs) are noticeable, the bush is treated with drugs (pesticides, insecticides).

Cucumber leaves affected by spider mites. In case of significant damage, obvious signs of pest habitation (web)

Rules for getting rid of pests in a greenhouse

The greenhouse is characterized by the most suitable conditions for ticks to live. This insect prefers to settle in places with a dry microclimate, so the main measure to combat it in a greenhouse is to increase the humidity level to 70% or more.

Other measures:

  • Regular change of soil (top layer). This measure is implemented after the harvest has been harvested.
  • If a spider mite has settled on cucumbers in a greenhouse, after harvesting the trellises are treated at high temperature using a gas burner.
  • Smoke bomb treatment.
  • Application of phosphate fertilizers.

What difficulties can you encounter when getting rid of a tick?

The task is complicated by the small size and weak signs of the appearance of the pest on initial stage plant infections. In addition, this insect species reproduces rapidly. Over time, the pest develops resistance to certain drugs; some drugs even show ineffectiveness even at the first use.

To get rid of spider mites on cucumbers, you need to apply the treatment several times. Often, even spraying the product twice does not produce results, the reason for this is the high reproduction rate.

If the plant is severely affected, the effectiveness of the drugs is reduced, since the web takes on a significant part of the moisture, protecting the mites. It must be remembered that only using a large amount of the product will give good results, savings in in this case will lead to the spread of the disease. Sometimes a pest can only be destroyed with a concentrated solution, which can negatively affect human health.

Tools Overview

When thinking about how to treat cucumbers, it is recommended to pay attention to a number of preparations: Plant-Pin, Etisso, Actellik, Fitoverm. The choice of product should be made taking into account the degree of infection of the plantings, since not all active ingredients differ single level effectiveness against spider mites.

Plant Pin

The active compound is butoxycarboxim. Destroys various pests, but copes better with the task of cleaning plants from mites and aphids. The release form is unusual - sticks. They are buried in the soil next to the seedlings. The release of the active substance occurs during watering of plantings.

This product is intended to protect indoor plants, however, manifests itself as effective in greenhouse conditions. The main advantage is the residual effect, which lasts for 1.5-2 months. after initial use. Once you start treating plants, you can expect positive results already on day 2.


The active substance is dimethoate. Release form: sticks. They are used in a similar way as previously in the case of the product of the brand considered: when watering, the substance is released and penetrates into root system, from where - to the ground part of the plant. The residual effect lasts up to 8 weeks. To treat a larger area, more sticks are used.

Produced in liquid form. The product is offered in ampoules of 5 ml. This amount is enough for a water volume of 1.5 liters. The drug is sprayed over the plants. Considering high level toxicity, all manipulations are carried out wearing protective gloves and a gauze bandage.


When thinking about how best to deal with spider mites on cucumbers, you should consider different means. One of the most effective is Fitoverm. His main drawback– rapid adaptation of pests to the effects of the active substance (aversectin C). To avoid this, it is better to use Fitoverm alternately with other products. The drug is offered in the form of an emulsion, container volumes: 2 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml and 5 l.

Home Remedies

The fight against small spider mites on cucumbers is also carried out using available substances that are often at hand.

Popular means:

  • Hydrogen peroxide (3%). You will need 2 tbsp. l./1 l of water. The frequency of spraying is 3-4 times, the interval between procedures depends on the air temperature: at +20 degrees, re-treatment is performed after a week, at +30 degrees – after 3 days.
  • Turpentine. The substance is poured into containers previously buried in the ground. The fumes will kill the tick. To prevent them from affecting the plants, the containers are periodically covered with woven material.
  • Tobacco dust is sprayed over the plants.
  • Ammonia (1 tsp) is diluted in 1 liter of water. Spraying is carried out according to a similar scheme as in the case of peroxide.

Affected areas of plants can be washed with soapy water. A short exposure to UV rays helps remove mites; to do this, a lamp with the appropriate characteristics is directed at the plants.

Plants that negatively affect pests

In addition to the main means of treatment, you can use natural methods:

  1. Peeling of garlic, onion. To prepare the infusion you will need 200 g of raw materials, 10 liters of water.
  2. Dandelion leaves (400 g), 10 liters of water. After combining the components, they need to be left for 2 hours.
  3. Sorrel root (300 g), a bucket of water. The recommended preparation time for the infusion is 3 hours.
  4. Pre-dried yarrow (1 kg), 2 liters of boiling water. Having combined the components, they are left for 40 minutes, after which they are added ready-made product into a bucket of water. The duration of preparation of the infusion is 2 days.

Biological products

If there are spider mites on cucumbers, what is the best way to fight them? To do this, use products that are safe for plants and humans:

  • Vertimek – contains the substance abamectin. Known for its effectiveness.
  • Aktofit: active substance – aversectin. Provokes the death of spider mites.
  • A number of drugs based on one substance avertin: Akarin, Kleschevit, Agravertin.

Tips for summer residents:How to fight cucumber mite

The tick provokes unpleasant diseases. In order not to have to decide how to deal with it, it is necessary to take into account the living conditions of this pest. At certain conditions The reproduction process becomes more intense: comfortable temperature, low level humidity.

Most gardeners ask the question: what is a spider mite on cucumbers and how to fight it? It is resistant to chemicals and other means of influence. Therefore, it is necessary to choose measures for effective and safe fight with this pest.

On hot days, summer residents are faced with the problem of spider mites appearing on cucumbers. It is tiny in size, but causes enormous damage to young plants. Small insects can destroy plantings in just one week. Seedlings in a greenhouse can die even faster.

Confrontation is easy, but you need to know effective ways control and methods of penetration of mites onto plants.

In order to identify methods of combating mites, you need to know how they penetrate the plant:

  • the insect crawls from the ground after wintering, when the soil is already warm enough to attack young plants;
  • weeds surrounding plantings are often a breeding ground for spider mites;
  • seedlings for greenhouses, as well as greenhouses, can be a gateway for entry.

Spider mites can not only spoil cucumber plantings, but also infect them with gray rot. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent its occurrence.

What does it look like?

Spider mites can be found both indoors and indoors. The insect is characterized by its small size, as a rule, the female is no more than 0.5 mm, and the male is even smaller. Its size does not exceed 0.3 mm. There are voracious individuals that manage to feed on young leaves and their size is 2 mm.

The tick's body shape is elongated. The color of the female is red with an orange tint. In one season, females lay 8,000 eggs. After a few days have passed, the egg will become a sexually mature inhabitant of the garden. If you do not speed up the process of pest control, then there is a risk of being left without a harvest.

Pest danger

The spider mite is engaged in sucking juice from the cells of cucumbers. By these actions, he brings the death of young plants closer. After a tick attack, cucumbers cannot resist infections.

Many gardeners are concerned that the tick can threaten human health. This is a myth because this pest is only harmful to crops. The only thing that the pest will bring is damaged nerves when searching for a remedy against it.

Signs of fruit damage

It is important to recognize insect damage to cucumbers in time and take effective measures. The main signs by which a gardener determines the presence of spider mites include:

  1. The leaves become white ( Read also: ).
  2. Cucumbers are covered with uncharacteristic white dots.
  3. The plant is covered with cobwebs, and pests accumulate in its upper part.

The web serves as a means of moving the tick through the foliage. Special attention should be given to the lower part of the foliage. Damaged plants stop growing, and leaves that have been attacked by mites become yellow.

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Means of struggle

When choosing anti-spider mite products, you should consider the location where the plantings are grown. Because the choice of method of getting rid of pests depends on this.

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse

The insect that destroys plantings often predominates in greenhouse conditions where the air temperature is high. Therefore, the main recommendation for preventing mites is to raise the humidity to 70%. There are other recommendations:

  • regular replacement of the top layer of soil, which is carried out after each harvest;
  • use of phosphate-based fertilizers;
  • After harvesting, the trellises are treated in the greenhouse under the influence of high temperature, a gas burner is used for this.

Cucumbers in open ground

In order to avoid the penetration of mites to young plants, it is necessary to take care in advance of the place where the cucumbers will be planted. Tips for open ground include:

  • Before new sowing, the soil must be dug up; many gardeners carry out this process in late autumn.
  • Removing weeds, which are often home to small insects, including ticks.
  • It is important to follow the rule of crop rotation, that is, alternate cucumbers with other crops, such as tomatoes or cabbage.
  • There is a need for regular inspection of plants; if they show signs of spider mite damage, then the leaves are burned so that the insects do not move on to other plantings.
  • If significant mite damage is visible on plants, then it is recommended to use effective means: pesticides and other chemicals.

Difficulty getting rid of ticks

Most gardeners complain about the difficulty of finding mites due to their size, as well as weak signs of the presence of pests on cucumbers. In addition to the small size of the pest, it multiplies rapidly and develops resistance to many substances used.

If the plant is significantly damaged, the effectiveness of the drugs used decreases, since the web takes on part of the liquid, which serves as protection for the mites.

It is important to remember that saving on a product to get rid of spider mites will not lead to results, so you need to treat plantings with cucumbers as much as possible.

Review of professional products

If a gardener is thinking about how to process cucumbers, you need to pay attention to the following types drugs:

Do you use special preparations for spider mites?


  • Plant Pin. The drug is based on butoxycarboxim. The form of release of the drug against aphids and mites is unusual, since it is a stick. They need to be buried in the ground next to the seedlings. When watering cucumbers, the active substance is released. One of the main advantages of the product is its residual effect, which extends for another 1.5-2 months. Positive results after treatment will be noticeable on the second day.
  • Etisso based on dimethoate. Release form: sticks. After watering, the substance enters the soil and then into its upper layer. The effect of the product lasts about 8 weeks. If you need to treat a larger surface, then you should increase the number of sticks used.
  • Aktellik. This type of product is produced in ampoules of 5 milliliters. This amount is dissolved in one and a half liters of water. The drug must be sprayed over the plants. Due to the high degree of toxicity, plant processing work is carried out with gloves and a protective suit.
  • Aktofik. Another drug aimed at combating spider mites. It can be purchased at a specialty store. However, you need to carefully read the precautions, as well as the method of application to plants.

Folk remedies

Experience from gardeners has accumulated many recipes aimed at combating spider mites. To the most effective methods traditional methods of fighting include:

Video tips: how to get rid of ticks using folk remedies

Prevention of ticks

As soon as one tick is noticed, others will appear behind it, so it is necessary to take measures to prevent the appearance of these insects. The first thing to do is to remove the leaves affected by the mite and weeds around plants.

Leaves, as well as weeds, must be removed from plantings, since they become a haven for harmful insects.

Spider mites can appear unexpectedly. However, if you know the rules and techniques for combating these insects, there is a chance to save the cucumber harvest. Gardeners use both proven traditional spraying methods and use products purchased in the store. The choice depends on the degree of pest reproduction and the condition of the cucumbers after a mite attack.

Spider mites are one of the most dangerous pests for cucumbers. This insect is unpretentious to climate conditions, reproduces quickly and is capable of destroying plantings within 1-2 weeks from the onset of infection. The presence of a tick can be determined by the characteristic white web that spreads throughout the bush. They do not cause harm to humans, but they can not only destroy the entire planting in a short period, but also spoil the quality of the harvest. From the article you will learn what spider mites look like and what measures exist to combat them.

Description of the pest

Spider mites (Tetranychinae) are harmful insects of the arachnid class. It has a rounded body up to 2 mm in size. Males are slightly smaller than females and have a more elongated body shape. The color of the spider mite depends on the region where it lives and feeds; it can be milky, red, yellow or green. In winter, the color changes as the insects stop feeding on the sap. They are usually found in regions with warm and dry climates, live on the lower parts of the plant, but during the period of active reproduction they spread to the entire planting. They move around the site with the help of wind, animals, through other plants or clothing.

They feed on plant sap and slow down the process of photosynthesis, inhibiting their growth and fruiting process. They prefer agricultural crops, especially cucumbers, regardless of their stage of development. During their life activity, they leave a characteristic web in which a colony of pests is located. If you don't take it on time protective measures, an insect within one month can lead to the death of all plants in the immediate vicinity. In addition, when infected with this pest, the risk of gray rot and other infectious diseases increases significantly. Read about gray rot on grapes.

Manifestation of spider mites on a cucumber

Under microscope magnification, you can see small bristles all over the body, which are necessary for the mite to attach and move around the plant.

Life cycle

After a short mating period, females lay eggs on plant leaves. In 3-4 weeks of life, they manage to leave several hundred new individuals. At all stages of development, ticks feed on plant sap, which they need for growth and normal functioning. Air temperature directly affects the rate of pest maturation. In warm climates, the egg stage is shortened from 2 weeks to 3-4 days. The optimal temperature for the development of insects is 23-30 degrees.

Life cycle of a spider mite

IN winter period insects go deeper into the ground and also climb into the upper parts of the premises, where they fall into suspended animation and are activated only during spring warming.

Signs of defeat

Determining whether cucumbers are infested with spider mites is not difficult. Characteristic signs appear from the first weeks of active life of insects. You can notice the pest by the following symptoms:

  • small white dots appear on the back side of the leaf blade - puncture sites through which the mite sucks out plant juices;
  • a transparent and thin web forms on the stems and vegetative parts of the plant;
  • the leaves begin to wither, turn yellow and curl. Read why cucumbers turn yellow.
  • the growth of cucumbers slows down, the fruiting process stops;
  • after 1-2 weeks the bush dies completely.

When there are a large number of insects on one plant, they become visible to the naked eye, especially on a sunny day and in the early morning, you can notice active swarming of mites on the leaves of cucumbers.

The presence of spider mites is indicated by thin webs on leaves and fruits.

Spider mites are carriers of many dangerous infections for plants. Often, along with their appearance, outbreaks of black leg or gray rot are observed.

How to get rid

The fight against spider mites is possible using traditional methods or synthetic drugs. The choice of product depends on the degree of infestation of the plant and the number of insects on the site. In the later stages, the landing can only be saved with the help of chemical additives. He will talk about preparing the soil in the fall.

Traditional methods

Homemade solutions are recommended for use for prevention, as well as in the early stages of mite development (when white spots appear on the leaves). They are completely safe for humans and do not affect the taste of the fruit. The following traditional methods are used:

  • Spraying with hydrogen peroxide. The solution is prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons of 3% peroxide per 1 liter of water. Treatment should be carried out 3-4 times a week;
  • Acetic acid. For 10 liters of water you need 2 tablespoons of vinegar essence. Treatment should be carried out in the morning or evening 2 times a week. Allows you to get rid of most garden pests;

Acetic acid is used in the fight against spider mites

  • Mustard. Used as a preventative and primary remedy. To prepare the product, you need to pour 60 g of powder with 1 liter of water and let it brew for 3 days. The resulting mixture must be diluted with water and each bush thoroughly treated. Particularly effective in greenhouses;
  • Laundry soap solution. It is necessary to prepare a warm soapy solution and wash each plant, especially the lower part of the leaves. The remaining foam is suitable for tillage. The product is ineffective when there are a large number of ticks;
  • Using tinctures of other plants. To combat spider mites, an infusion of potato or tomato tops, as well as marigolds, are used. Before use, they must be washed in warm water and let it brew in warm water for up to 2 days. The resulting product is applied to the affected cucumber bushes or the soil is treated.

A solution of laundry soap is effective in the fight against spider mites

When using other plants as a pest treatment, you need to make sure that they are not infected with any disease. Otherwise, it will only worsen the infection.


Spraying seedlings with insecticides is the most effective and reliable way fight against spider mites, and. Today, all drugs are safe for fruits and do not affect their taste. The treatment should be carried out several times, and the higher the air temperature, the more often the product must be applied. Read about cucumber diseases in.

The following general-purpose insecticides are considered the most effective:

  • Karbofos;
  • Iskra-Bio;
  • Bitoxibacillin;
  • Aktofit;
  • Etisso;
  • Fitoverm.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening after sunset. This will avoid evaporation of the drugs. During processing, you should follow safety rules - wear personal protective equipment (gloves and a respiratory mask). During the process, you must follow the dosage and method of use described in the instructions for the drug.

Karbofos is one of the most effective means in the fight against spider mites

If you regularly use the same insecticide, the insect gets used to it, developing natural immunity. In case of frequent spider mite infestations, the drug should be changed every two years.

Preventive measures

Effective and competent prevention – The best way avoid spider mite infestation. It comes down to the following rules:

  • you need to observe crop rotation, change the area for growing cucumbers every two years;

Soil preparation before planting crop rotation

  • Before planting, you need to disinfect not only the seeds, but also the soil;
  • observe agricultural techniques, maintain optimal temperature air and humidity;
  • remove plant residues, get rid of weeds. In spring and autumn, carefully dig up the bed;
  • Every 3 weeks it is recommended to place the phytoseiulus mite near the planting of cucumbers. It is a natural enemy of the pest and is capable of destroying a large number of its eggs and larvae;
  • when infected, quarantine must be observed, since adults are transmitted from garden tool and clothes.

In order to notice an infestation in time, you need to regularly inspect cucumber bushes for characteristic signs of insect activity. Pest control is much more effective in the early stages.



  1. Spider mite – dangerous pest for seedlings and adult cucumber bushes. It can completely destroy an entire planting in 1-2 weeks.
  2. White dots on bottom side leaves and cobwebs on the bushes - characteristic features infection.
  3. To combat insects, you can use folk remedies and insecticides. Chemical drugs are more effective.
  4. Competent prevention allows you to prevent infection with spider mites and.
  5. During illness, it is necessary not only to regularly carry out treatment, but also to observe quarantine at the site.

Numerous plant pests never cease to keep gardeners in constant tension, forcing them to look for new ways to fight for the harvest in the garden or on the farm. summer cottage. They are no exception, affecting cucumber plantings with particular activity.

If for some reason the spider mites are not destroyed, you can expect them with full confidence for the next season: they overwinter there, in the greenhouse, in the upper layers of the soil, in the corners, in manure, under the unharvested foliage of plants.

Signs of infection and damage caused

Spider mite – small insect 0.2 - 0.5 cm in length, without antennae and wings, has 4 pairs of legs. Color – pale green or greenish with a yellow tint. Males are slightly smaller than females and have a more elongated body shape.

On the spoiled cucumber plantings As a result of tick activity, the following signs appear:

  • light, almost white dots (with large lesions - extensive spots) on the back of the leaves;
  • the plant looks sick, entangled in a web along which ticks move;
  • slow growth;
  • the leaves gradually turn yellow.

Spider mites can also provoke the development of gray rot, which affects the entire aboveground part plant and inevitably leading to its death.

If the pest is not stopped, harvesting is out of the question. There will simply be nothing to collect.

How to fight

Traditional methods

Old, well-known methods of exterminating plant pests mostly involve the use of improvised means, which are always safe for humans and will not harm seedlings due to the absence of chemical components. Here you can use ordinary products that are always available at home, or simple pharmaceutical preparations.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. You will need 3% peroxide (2 tablespoons) and 1 liter of water. Spraying is carried out 3-4 times with a break of 1 week at 20 degrees or 3 days at 30C. This treatment can destroy the entire family of spider mites.
  2. Vinegar. For 8 liters of water take 2 tbsp. l. essences, everything is mixed. Spray the cucumber seedlings generously with this product. It also helps against cruciferous fleas, aphids, and codling moths.
  3. Sulfur-tar soap. Dissolve 100 g of soap in a 10-liter bucket and spray plant flowers 2-3 times a week. You can also prepare the following solution: 40 g of soap per liter of water.
  4. Ammonia. Spray the plants in the same way as the recipe with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, prepare the following mixture: 1 tablespoon ammonia for 10 liters of water. It is useful to treat the leaves on both sides not only to remove mites, but also to saturate the plant with nitrogen.
  5. Dry (powdered) mustard. Brew 60 g of powder in 1 liter of water, let it brew for 3 days in a tightly sealed container. Dilute the resulting tincture with 3 liters of water and spray the cucumbers with it. Spider mites are very afraid of the smell of mustard.
  6. Iodine. Helps fight, among other things, for plants that have already been affected by disease. Treatment is carried out by spraying cucumber vines on both sides with a solution of 10 parts water, 1 part milk and 7-10 drops of iodine.
  7. Laundry soap will also help against these insects. Wash the plants with warm soapy water. The remaining foam does not need to be removed. You can also spray the cucumbers with a soap solution. The method only helps with a small number of mites.

The drug Fitoverm is also very effective in the fight against spider mites, but not quite folk way, but not yet chemical. This is a kind of biological insecticide created on the basis of the vital activity of soil microorganisms. The product does not contain chemicals and is therefore absolutely harmless to humans. The fruits can be safely eaten 2-3 days after processing. Fitoverm perfectly helps to get rid of both spider mites and many other garden pests, without making them addictive. Does not cause burns to plants after use.

Duration of action of Fitoverm:

The solution must be prepared in accordance with the instructions on the package; it must be used immediately (do not store). Usually just 2 treatments (1 per week) are enough to get results. If it is not possible to obtain the drug, it can be replaced with 80 g of sulfur or 100 g of bitoxybacillin.

Chemical methods

Last treatment It is forbidden to use chemicals less than 2-3 weeks before fruiting. A more precise interval between spraying and collection is indicated on the packaging of each specific insecticide, as well as its dosage and frequency of use.


Preventing a problem is always much easier than getting rid of it, so simple preventive rules will always help avoid painful pest control or crop loss:

  • carry out timely weeding (mites can also live on weeds in a greenhouse);
  • plant among the cucumbers, especially in the corners of the greenhouse, “unloved” plants of mites (dill, etc.);
  • immediately remove and burn affected parts of plants;
  • alternate planting cucumbers and tomatoes in the same greenhouse annually;
  • follow all the rules of care (watering, weeding, loosening the soil, fertilizing, removing leaves, preventive treatments folk remedies and etc.);
  • after harvesting, completely remove plant remains and destroy them;
  • promptly inspect plants during their growth and development;
  • maintain humidity in greenhouses;
  • dig up the soil after harvesting;
  • maintain a distance between the beds or plant cucumbers alternately with other plants (ticks do not like to move far).

It should be noted that these measures will help get rid of mites not only on cucumbers, but also on such, in many ways similar plants like tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, etc.

What it is?

Spider mites are orange, red, green-yellow or milky-transparent pests. As a rule, the size of one individual does not exceed 1 mm, but larger specimens are also found - up to two mm. The insect feeds on the sap of the plant, so once in the greenhouse, it immediately looks for juicier and tastier cucumber vines. Having drunk all the liquid from the foliage, the pest kills the crop: the bushes begin to dry out, then get sick and die.

Because the nutrients concentrated on the lower part of the leaf, the mite prefers to settle there. Arachnids try to take up as much space as possible, leaving behind small marks of a light white hue, which subsequently take the form of white stripes. After only 3 days, the female pests lay about 400 eggs, and after a week, the colony of insects will increase significantly, accordingly, they will need more food and the pests will begin to attack neighboring plants. The main sign of infection at this stage is the web enveloping the cucumber lashes.

Pest control on cucumbers

Fight it quite difficult, but quite doable. The following groups of necessary measures can be distinguished:

  • Prevention;
  • combating local infection or damage to foliage at the initial stage;
  • combating mass plant damage.

Biological and chemical preparations

For control when the insect colony has already increased significantly, it is better to use chemicals. It should be borne in mind that this pest is not an insect as such, so it is not advisable to use insecticides against it.

Arachnids can be destroyed using acaricidal drugs, which are conventionally divided into the following groups:

Please note that all commercially available acaricides have a third hazard class. This means that they are practically harmless to mammals.

However, when using them, compliance is required elementary rules security: respiratory system must be covered with a respirator, gauze bandage or piece of cloth. During the procedures, wear clothes that cover the body as much as possible.

All work to destroy ticks in open ground is carried out in calm weather. This is explained by two reasons: processing accuracy and protection against accidental ingestion of the product. Besides, during treatment activities It is also necessary to take care of the safety of the environment:

  • Do not carry out work during the flowering period, since acaricides have toxic effects on bees;
  • do not allow the drug to get into open waters, since acaricides pose a danger to fish.

To combat spider mites widely used and biological agents(for example, Fitoverm). The drug also has a third class of hazard and when working with it you must follow the same safety rules. But unlike akiricides, herbal remedies can also be used during the growing season. Already after two days after treatment with Fitoverm, you can begin harvesting, while when spraying with conventional acaricides - only after a month.

The main problems that arise during the fight

It is quite difficult to fight this scourge.. This is explained by two main reasons:

  • Ticks develop stable immunity to the applied chemical preparation;
  • these arachnids reproduce quite quickly.

Moreover, the pest is usually localized on the back side of the leaf, which makes it difficult to detect. Therefore, treatment of plants with acaricides must be carried out repeatedly.

The fact is that sometimes female ticks, even before death, manage to lay eggs that will not fall under the action of the killing drug. Even if you spray the plants at the time when the first females begin to feed, this will not stop the development of the population.

In addition, experienced vegetable growers claim that it is during this period that it is almost impossible to destroy a colony of pests. This is explained by the features mite reproduction: the highest fertility of females is observed just at the initial stage of plant damage. The number of eggs in one clutch can reach 300 pieces, and if you consider that incubation period lasts only 7-36 days, you can imagine how fast the population is growing. Therefore, even if 90% of the mites are destroyed, there is a high probability of rapid restoration of the colony due to the remaining individuals.

It is a large dose of the drug that has a detrimental effect on all individuals, without exception. . During use chemicals some specimens develop immunity, so small doses are not lethal for them.

Spider mites on the site

Spider mites on cucumbers in a greenhouse

In addition to the main methods, the following are used:

  • After harvesting, remove upper layer soil and fumigation (disinfection) of the greenhouse structure. With the onset of spring, the procedure is repeated before planting.
  • The trellis is burned with a gas burner.
  • Fertilizers containing phosphorus are applied.

Fighting with folk remedies

  • Spraying with soap solution;
  • colonization of the territory by the fungus Entomophthora adjara;
  • planting flowering plants.

Why are spider mites dangerous on cucumbers?

The mite can cause the appearance of gray rot, which affects the entire above-ground part of the bush. Moreover, not only the leaves, peduncles and cucumber vines are at risk, but also the fruits themselves.

What to do?

Affected parts of the crop must be removed. It is also necessary to stop watering for several days, add nitrogen-containing fertilizers, and sprinkle spots on plants with ash.

The fight against spider mites begins with taking preventive measures. If the necessary agrotechnical measures are adequately carried out and all recommendations are followed, the risk of crop damage is minimal. Therefore, there is every chance to grow and harvest a rich harvest without loss.


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