The name of the flowers is country life. The tallest and longest-flowering perennials

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Perennial flowers have many advantages, and one of them is that they do not need to be planted every spring. And this, tell me, is not a little, since in the spring there is already quite a lot on your site earthworks. With the help of perennial flowers, beautiful flower beds are created that retain their decorative appearance for at least five years. Later, some flowers grow greatly and require replanting or removing part of the bush to plant it in a new place.

Most of the perennials are able to survive our winters and only a few require digging up, since their homeland is more southern areas. Therefore, to create beautiful flower beds you need to know about the perennials themselves - what they look like and what they need for good growth. We’ve already talked about them, today we’ll talk about perennials.

This plant tolerates the dry months of summer well and is resistant enough to cold snaps so as not to freeze out in the winter months of the year. It is absolutely not demanding on the soil and does not require any particular complex care. It is planted to decorate garden plots; it looks good in rock gardens and when decorating borders.
Compositions created using allisum look good next to ground cover plants, since they complement each other.

Allisum inflorescences have pleasant aroma and have rich, bright colors. It should be planted in areas where there is often sun, and for the first time after planting it is necessary to water the plant more often so that it successfully adapts to the new place.


This type of perennial has flowers of various shades. They can be:

  • Purple;
  • Blue;
  • Red.

But this perennial grows only in southern regions In Russia, in its northern regions it exists only as an annual plant.


Planting these flowers is quite simple, since the tubers are not buried deep, only 5 cm. The soil in the flower bed where anemones grow should be light so that air can penetrate to the roots of the plant. If the soil is not fertile, then the flower will need to be fed once a month with complete mineral fertilizer.

Pansy (viola)

This is a fairly popular plant, but in our country it is not a perennial, since it cannot survive harsh winters. But its remarkable flowers delight us already in early spring and therefore it is planted through seedlings. The splendor of viola flowers is colored in various shades of summer:

  • Snow-white;
  • Blue;
  • Black;
  • Yellow;
  • Two-color.

They are planted on sunny places and water as the soil dries out. If the summer does not indulge in rain, then watering is done more often, preventing the flower from dying. To prolong flowering, faded buds are cut off so that the plant does not waste time ripening its seeds.

This flower has always attracted gardeners with its appearance. exotic look. This perennial plant has many varieties that differ both in growth height and in the color of the blooming flowers, which are collected in beautiful panicles.

The requirements for cultivating this flower are proper care:

  • Flowers are planted in partial shade;
  • The soil should be rich in humus;
  • Watering in the absence of rain should be regular;
  • Peduncles that have bloomed require removal.

Also, if the plant is not planted in the southern regions of Russia, then for the winter they should be cut off and the astilbe rhizome should be covered with any covering material.

Perennial asters (September)

These are responsive and non-demanding great care flowers are often in demand when decorating not only personal plots, but they can often be seen in urban flower beds in various cities. Caring for them is simple:

  • Timely watering;
  • Applying potash fertilizers twice a season;
  • Pruning trunks for the winter to make it easier for new young foliage to grow in the spring.

The flowers are rich in shades from soft lilac to burgundy, from pale purple to almost blue, and there are also varieties with magnificent white flowers. Adult bushes require replanting approximately every 6 years.

The leaf blades of the plant have a smooth oval shape with a shiny surface. Blooming buds are pink. Responds well to full mineral supplements and with good care forms beautiful rosettes. Bergenia is planted in various flower beds, decorating the foreground with it. Looks beautiful in flowerbeds with rocky areas, as well as in borders.

There is one peculiarity of bergenia - in the spring its rosettes should be treated with any drug against fungal infection so that the plant does not die from the disease.

This is a fairly common plant with creeping ground cover green branches. It is not a whimsical plant, which, if its growth is not limited, quickly grows over the entire width of the free territory. The leaves are small, leathery, dark green. The flowers, which bloom in May, are beautifully shaped and blue in color.

When all the flowers bloom, the green carpet turns blue. It is so unpretentious that it does not even need timely watering; hyacinths and heucheras will be successful neighbors in the flowerbed.

This is an erect plant 60 cm tall, with a green stem at the end, the end of which is strewn with blossoming yellow flowers. Among this plant there are varieties with healing properties.

Loosestrife prefers sunny places without shading. He also needs:

Loosestrife does not need shelter for the winter.

In order for hyacinths to bloom and grow well, they require constant feeding with fertilizers. To do this, the first application of fertilizer begins when the first shoots appear. When the foliage is removed and loosened, dry fertilizer for bulbous plants is applied. The second feeding takes place at the moment of budding of the hyacinth. At the time of vegetative growth and flowering, the soil around the plant should not dry out completely.

There are different varieties of delphinium:

  • Persian;
  • Large-flowered;
  • Hybrid.

When planting delphinium seedlings or seeds, you need to leave a small distance between the bushes - this is done so that the bushes look dense.

Also, for good growth, regular watering, loosening and weed removal are necessary. So that the plant does not get sick powdery mildew, watering should be done on the ground, without affecting the leaf plates.

This is not a problem plant that does not require constant care for its plantings. The appearance of the arched inflorescence is strewn with white or pink flowers. The main thing for this plant is right place planting, as it prefers partial shade.

If the gardener takes the time and fertilizes the place where the plant grows, it will respond with more powerful growth of the bush.

This is exactly the plant that can tolerate any unsightly weather. The survivor is not threatened by harmful insects or bacterial diseases. To create a good green carpet, this plant needs a minimum amount of sunlight. Therefore, it is usually planted where there is no chance for another plant to survive.

Using this plant they decorate:

  • Rocky slopes;
  • They decorate tree trunk circles;
  • Complement various landings tall growing plants.

They replant it at any warm time of the year, moving it to a new place with a lump of earth.

It is a low shrub that produces edible berries after flowering. There are a lot of varieties of honeysuckle, so the various plantings of honeysuckle on the site can be limited to varieties with edible fruits.

The shrub is unpretentious and takes root well on any soil of the site. The main thing that is vital for the shrub is an abundance of sunlight and protection from cold winter winds, which can freeze the plant in the cold season.

These charming flowers decorate vertical garden interiors. Their huge flowers of various shades burn like lights among the foliage located on stretched trellises. Clematis has a number of advantages:

  • Clematis can withstand winter cold;
  • Long flowering period;
  • Unpretentiousness in cultivation;
  • Durability.

Planting clematis on permanent place We must take into account that he loves sunny places. If you expect to plant several bushes in a row, then you need to retreat 2 m from the previous bush. It tolerates good proximity to tagetes, which protects clematis roots in extreme heat.

These gentle creatures prefer places with high humidity and lack of direct sunlight. Therefore, they look good under trees in the back of the garden. If the summer is consistently hot, then watering the plantings is inevitable. You should also fence off the area that is reserved for growing lily of the valley, since it tends to grow beyond measure.

To propagate lily of the valley, you just need to dig up a rhizome with one growth bud in the spring and plant it on a new plot of land. After which you need to ensure that the soil does not dry out. In the first year after transplantation, the lily of the valley will increase root system, and on the second the first flowers will appear.

Nowadays, many varieties have been developed that have flowers with different shades of color. Daylilies are planted in small holes dug at a distance of 50 cm from each other, with the root collar buried a couple of centimeters.

This plant needs regular watering and fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers during the formation of the leaf mass of the flower.

Perennial lupins

This is very decorative flower, possessing beautiful flowers collected in tall candles. The shades of colors are quite different:

  • Burgundy;
  • White:
  • Lilac:
  • Pink;
  • Blue.

The leaves also have an attractive shape, their outline reminiscent of a child's hand with outstretched fingers. The plant is not picky about soil, but, like all other perennials, it will not refuse feeding with high-grade mineral fertilizers. Prefers acidic soil. If the soil on the site is not acidic, then it can be acidified with pine sawdust, which will be used as mulch around the plant.

There are many varieties of milkweed and therefore you can always choose something that suits the taste of the gardener. The main thing is to choose the right place for it. And it loves the sun very much; in the shade its flowers will not be decorative enough.

The plant practically does not need watering. All you need is timely pruning of dried flowers to give the bush an attractive shape.

This perennial comes from the hyacinth family. This is one of the first flowers to appear in early spring. It pleases with its flowering, when there are practically no other flowering plants around, standing out beautifully against the background of the dark earth. This flower does not refuse to grow in sunny areas and requires watering. Many varieties propagate by self-sowing.

Very often people grow the following varieties of muscari:

  • Turgenevsky (light blue);
  • Racemose (purple);
  • Armenian (blue with a white border around the edge of the petal);
  • Cluster-shaped (white and blue).

Daffodils look very beautiful with tulips, not only in spring bouquets, but also next to each other in a flower bed. They usually bloom in May, and delight with their flowering throughout the month. There are varieties with early and late flowering. You can choose varieties in a flower bed of daffodils in such a way that, replacing each other, they will delight us with their appearance and aroma for a long time.

The shape of the flower also differs depending on the variety of daffodil. Flowers are:

  • Tubular;
  • Small-crowned;
  • Onkeleform;
  • Terry;
  • Cyclomenes;
  • Large-crowned.

To plant such beauty, no special skills are required. They are planted in autumn or early spring, buried into the ground three times the height of the bulb. Then you only need regular watering and fertilizer for the bulbous plants. It will be beautiful if you plant each variety separately, creating mini flower beds with flowers of different shapes.

Nivyanik (chamomile)

The large heads of white daisies are very pleasing to the eye. It is easily propagated by dividing the bush. To do this, in the spring, an old chamomile bush is dug up and divided into parts, each of which will contain both roots and growth buds. Not deep holes are dug in a new place or in an old one, but slightly separately from each other, so that there is room for young bushes to grow. Further care consists of watering, loosening and removing faded inflorescences in a timely manner.

Nielberry plantings should be located in sunny places in the garden, as it will not bloom in the shade. Chamomile is replanted every 6 years.

Peonies are beautiful flowers that bloom in May. Flowers are found in various shades of pink, burgundy, and white. Recently, peonies have even been bred with yellow flowers. In one place, a peony can grow up to 50 years. They should be planted in sunny areas, since the peony will not bloom in the shade.

Over time, young bushes grow greatly and therefore, when designing a path, this must be taken into account and planted at a certain distance from each other. You shouldn’t overfill them with water, as this can cause rotting of the plant’s root system.

There are so many different varieties that have a wide variety of flower colors. The varieties also differ in height, there are:

  • Ground cover roses;
  • Curb;
  • Park;
  • Floribunda;
  • Climbing, etc.

With the help of a rich variety of rose varieties, you can make a beautiful rose garden that will fill the entire garden with its aroma.

These flowers are planted only in sunny places; they require timely watering, pruning, and covering their bushes for the winter.

This plant resembles chamomile in its appearance, but differs from it in various shades of flowers. Rudbeckia grows on any soil, but only on nutritious soil will the bush develop better and the flowers will be large in size.

Rudbeckia can grow in one place for up to five years, after which it should be replanted. As the young growth grows, it is worth removing it, as it is prone to strong reproduction in different directions of the site.

Thanks to scientists, many new varieties with more magnificent flower caps have appeared. They vary in color and greatly decorate the flower beds of flower lovers.

If the soil on the site is too heavy, it can be diluted with a handful of coarse sand. When transplanting phlox to a new location, the root collar is buried three centimeters. Prefer sunny areas, since without sunlight the plant will not bloom.

Perennials for Beginners

Photo gallery of perennial flowers for the garden

Beautifully decorated flower beds are considered a decoration for any garden plot. And to make plants happy every year, it is better to plant plants that do not require regular replanting or additional sowing.

With the help of such flowers you can create real masterpieces from flower beds through successful combinations of plants different varieties. There are a huge number of varieties of perennial flowers; they can differ in size, shape, etc.

Garden perennial flowers have many advantages:

Advice! To save on seedlings and seeds, they can be collected from perennial plants.

Perennial garden flowers

Let's look at some perennial garden flowers, photos and names, which even a beginner in floriculture can handle growing. They come in a huge variety: tall, short, long-flowering, bulbous, etc.


Alyssium is used to decorate rock gardens, borders, and flower bed compositions. It is resistant not only to heat, but also to low temperatures. This plant is not too capricious and can take root in any soil. Alyssium has fragrant flowers that are brightly colored.

It should be planted in fertile soil in places that are well lit by the sun. It needs to be watered moderately and well fertilized at the initial stage of development. Alyssium is combined with stone fence slabs, paved paths and decorative stones.


Blooming anemones display shades of red, blue and purple, with flower diameters ranging from 60-80 mm. In cold regions, this flower is grown as an annual plant.

Planting anemones is quite simple: tubers are planted in moderately fertile soil to a depth of 5 cm. These flowers prefer areas well lit by the sun. To ensure the growth of plants and their high-quality flowering, it is necessary to plant them in breathable soil. If the soil is infertile, then it should be fed with fertilizers; in this case, it is best to use a complex mineral mixture, which is introduced twice during the summer season.

Advice! For bouquets, it is better to choose anemones that have not yet fully blossomed; they usually have a faint color.


Pansies are one of the most popular flowers; they are also called viola. These low flowers have many bright colors: blue, yellow, with red splashes, white, black. The most favorable soil option is fertile clay soil. Together with sun rays Such conditions will increase the flowering period of pansies. However, they require frequent feeding; for this it is best to use ammonium nitrate and superphosphate.

Advice! In order to prolong the flowering of pansies, it is necessary to pick off seed pods and wilted elements in a timely manner, as they take away energy from the plant.

There are plants that grow from bulbs and live for several years; some perennial bulbous garden flowers with photos and names are presented below.


Colchicum is very similar to crocus, but differs from it in larger flowers and a pleasant smell. One bulb can produce up to four flowers. They can bloom for about three weeks. Colchicum is absolutely unpretentious to soil and care and can feel comfortable both in the shade and in the sun. This plant is used in the design of alpine slides and ordinary flower beds.


Hyacinths love feeding. All their care involves the periodic use of fertilizers. To get beautiful, full-fledged flowers, you need to introduce dry fertilizer into the soil immediately after germination. The second feeding will be needed when the buds appear; it is supplied under the root system in liquid form. Fertilize the third time after the hyacinths have bloomed.

This type of bulbous plant requires regular watering, especially during the period when the bulbs are taking root, the soil should always remain moist. Once the sprouts appear, you can water them less often, but this should be done regularly. But, despite all the difficulties associated with caring for these perennial garden flowers, their photos are very attractive to summer residents.

Most gardeners prefer to choose plants for their garden plots that will delight them with beautiful flowers throughout the entire summer, and possibly part of the fall. Let's look at the most common perennial, long-blooming garden flowers with photos and names.


Asters are very common in garden plots as a living border or to decorate the edges of flower beds. This flower is unpretentious and blooms until the very beginning of frost. The palette of aster colors is very diverse; they can be dark purple, white, lilac, dark pink. She feels comfortable in partial shade or sun. There must be regular watering and periodic fertilization. Asters feel best on light, permeable soils. They have a pronounced floral aroma.

Astrantia large

Astrantia is a low perennial plant (height about 75 cm). It blooms throughout almost the entire summer - from June to August, the flowers can have shades of pink, white, and cream. To increase the duration of the flowering process, faded buds should be removed in time. Astrantia is unpretentious to soil and can grow in partial shade or sun. It can not be replanted for 5-7 years.


Clematis can be classified as a large, long-blooming perennial garden flower. It has a large number of varieties, which are characterized by large beautiful flowers of various shades. Most of them bloom all summer, as well as in May and September. For example, the variety "CardinalWyszynki", which has large red flowers.

The "Alba" variety is a vine up to 5 m high with white-blue or light purple flowers. "WarscwaskaNika" is characterized by bright purple flowers.

If you need low-growing plants to decorate a flower bed, then you can choose an option from low-flowering perennial garden flowers, photos of which are presented below.


Periwinkle is classified as a creeping plant species. It quickly grows in width and looks like a carpet. The leaves are dark or light green in color. Sometimes they may have golden or beige spots. Periwinkle loves partial shade and regular watering. He is not picky about the quality of the soil. It is recommended to trim it regularly. Goes well with primroses, scillas, and hyacinths.


Omphalodes, also called navelworm, is a low-growing ground cover perennial flower. In nature, they are found in the Caucasian forests and southern Russia.

IN middle lane not stable. Omphalodes has bright blue flowers, which are collected in corymbose inflorescences. He loves semi-shaded areas with loose soil.

Oak sage

Oak sage has weak medicinal properties, but it looks beautiful on personal plots. It blooms from about June to August and is resistant to temperature changes. Sage has bright purple flowers, which allow you to create interesting color combinations with other plants. It feels comfortable in any soil, prefers partial shade, and reproduces by self-sowing.

Low flowers will look good with matching tall plants. Listed below are some tall perennial garden flowers with photos and names.

Large-flowered flax

Flax blooms for a record long time from April to October, its small flowers create beautiful caps and are constantly renewed. Flax is not picky about soil, it does not need special care and fertilizing. It can grow without transplantation for 4-5 years. The color range ranges from pale pink to bright blue. The plant usually grows up to 70 cm.


A garden plant very similar to a sunflower. It has quite high growth- 140-150 cm in length, over time they can form entire thickets. Flowers yellow and orange color, bloom profusely in June and July. The plant is unpretentious to the soil, does not like too wet soil, and loves sunny areas. Flowers should be planted at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. Heliopsis look good as living borders.


Basil grows up to 2 m in height, has openwork leaves - their upper side is shiny, and the lower side is covered with fluff. The flowers are very small, light-colored, but collected in large inflorescences that from a distance resemble light clouds.

Using a combination of various perennial garden plants and flowers, you can decorate your garden plot, and all this beauty will last for several years and will not require labor-intensive care. When creating a flower bed, you should choose flowers that bloom at the same time and combine well with each other in growth and color.

Lungwort begins to bloom very early; immediately after the snow melts, flower stalks appear from the ground and small, cute flowers open. Lungwort flowers are initially bright pink, gradually changing their color to blue-violet before wilting. Lungwort blooms from April to May , the flower stalks lengthen and form a lush bush, on which you can see both pink and blue flowers at the same time.

The name of this flower “lungwort” speaks for itself; it is the earliest honey plant, to which many bees flock. The lungwort has others popular names- honeydew, bear grass, bee grass, honey grass, honey grass.

19 Mar 2019

The imperial hazel grouse is a large-flowered species from the genus Fritillaria, which is part of the lily family. There are about 150 species of hazel grouse, but the tallest and brightest of them is the imperial hazel grouse. It is easily distinguished by its straight, tall stem covered with lily leaves. A long peduncle forms on the upper part of the stem; it ends in a green tuft of leaves, under which large bright flowers- bells.

Blooming hazel grouse look solemn and elegant; their flowers come in yellow, orange and red-orange colors. . Fritillaries often play a starring role in a flower bed, placed in the center or in the background as the tallest plants.

12 Jan 2019

“Vanka impatiens”, “light”, this is the name of balsam, this folk flower is grown at home on the windowsill and in the garden, in a flower bed, in flowerpots or in balcony boxes. Balsams - perennials, but come from the warm tropics, so they are planted outside as annual flowers, which delight with abundant and long-lasting flowering all summer long without rest.

29 Dec 2018

Tuberous hybrid callas different varieties can be grown as indoor flowers in pots and as garden flowers. Graceful calla lilies flowers framed by lush greenery are a wonderful decoration in the house and in the flower bed. The feces will bloom for at least a month, and the bright greenery will remain until autumn, but then the tuber of the plant goes dormant until spring.

Tuberous callas should not be confused with rhizomatous white or Ethiopian calla lilies . White callas come from Africa, where they grow along the banks of rivers and reservoirs, preferring damp areas, so this species has its own requirements when growing.

Tuberous calla lilies are basically hybrid plants created from two species - Eliot's calla lilies and Remenni's calla lilies. Varieties of calla lilies can have leaves of a single green color or with white speckles, as well as their flowers, or rather, the bracts have different colors - yellow, pink, lilac, violet with an iridescence of several shades.

30 but I 2018

Orange lilies are one of the oldest varieties, as many natural lily species have naturally orange flower colors. For example, tiger lily or lanceolate lily , grows in wildlife in China and Japan, where the sweet bulbs of this plant are eaten. The wild flowers are bright orange with dark specks and very attractive. There are several in the culture interesting varieties lilies, the ancestor of which was the tiger lily.

Terry tiger lily has an original shape of flowers with up to 30 petals; as the flower opens, the first rows of petals bend back, the last row The petals almost do not open, so this lily has no stamens with anthers. The flowers on the peduncle look straight, and since this plant is quite tall with a stem 100-120 cm high, the flowers are clearly visible. The terry lily blooms at the end of July. The color of the flowers is peach with dark specks on the petals.

16 Oct 2018

Sedum prominent (Sedumspectabile)- an ornamental perennial plant with erect stems, lush green leaves and large inflorescences at the tops. This plant is a member of the fall flower group, but sedum remains attractive all season long. In spring, a bluish-green rounded bush is formed from young shoots and leaves; by the end of summer, the shoots rise to a height of 50-70 cm and numerous small flowers begin to open on large inflorescences.

22 Jul 2018

Chamomile flowers They are associated with the suns; in the center of the flowers there is a yellow circle, it is framed by long petals like rays. There are many plants with inflorescences similar to daisies; they may vary in size and color, but the structure of daisy flowers is similar. Collected here the most beautiful views daisy flowers:

Nielberry has inflorescences with the classic appearance of daisies- a yellow button in the center and a row of white narrow petals. Nivyanik is often called garden chamomile. Large white daisies look beautiful in the company of bright flowers - poppies, bells, cornflowers; these flowers are a real symbol of Russian nature.

07 Jun 2018

Kochia, annual cypress or "crown grass" This is what our grandfathers called this plant and was grown mainly for knitting brooms and panicles. When were kochia varieties created with compact beautiful shape, this plant was appreciated by gardeners and flower growers began to use it for landscaping and decorating flower beds.

Kochia looks great in a flower garden, on a lawn, among stones or along garden paths , single green bushes look impressive or in a group, in a linear planting like a miniature green hedge. Kochia is a surprisingly flexible plant that fits harmoniously into any garden composition, as a background for bright flowers, as landscaping among stones and statues in a rock garden or on an alpine hill, as a green border in a flower bed or along a path.

Kochia is an annual herbaceous plant, reaches a height of 50-100 cm, forms an erect lush bush with cylindrical shape. Numerous branches of kochia are covered with thin long leaves, like needles, so this plant is often compared to miniature coniferous trees.

16 Apr 2018

Cute spring liverwort flowers will not leave anyone indifferent. Real name of the plant blue coppice (Hepatica). Liverwort blooms in early spring in April-May, in deciduous forests, when the trees have not yet covered with leaves, so the flowers have enough sunlight.

In the forest, the liverwort often coexists with goose onions, corydalis, lungwort, and anemone. These spring flowers represent the purity of spring nature. In the forests of Russia in the European part, the noble liverwort or blue coppice grows. The heavenly color of flowers attracts with its purity.

Genus Liverworts includes about 10 species of herbaceous evergreen plants with rhizomes. Interesting name This plant was given back in the Middle Ages, when healers believed that plants similar in shape to any organ could heal it. Since the liverwort has three-lobed leaves similar to the shape of the liver, the plant got its name.

09 Mar 2018

As soon as the snow melts, freeing the ground, open areas meadows, hills, and bright spring flowers appear on the edges of the forest. Nature in spring gives a wide variety of primroses - snowdrop, white flower, lumbago, hellebore and many more types of flowers, each of them has its own charm.

Of all the spring flowers, they give a sunny mood adonis flowers, many people call this plant adonis for bright flowers like lights flashing in the meadows. Adonis has many more popular names - Montenegrin, yellow flower, golden flower, heart flower, hare poppy, hairy flower, field dill. Several types of Adonis grow throughout Russia; they can be placed in the garden in the company of other spring flowers.

Adonis is known as medicinal plant, it contains special substances - glycosides, which help the heart function and calm nervous system. The collection of the medicinal herb Adonis is carried out in the spring during the flowering period - from April to May. You can find tablets and infusions from Adonis at the pharmacy, but take any medications It is necessary only under the supervision of a doctor, as this plant is considered poisonous.

With spectacular fresh flowers that always delight you with their bright colors and juicy greens. Plants highlight and refresh the area, attract attention, and make the yard cute and homely.

A special place among flowers is occupied by tall perennials that bloom all season. They not only retain their decorative properties for a long time, but also serve as a natural background for other plants in a multi-tiered mixborder, favorably shade trees and shrubs, and are grown in the form of a monoplant, as a large border or a flowering screen under buildings.

Like all perennials, such specimens are frost-resistant, quite unpretentious in care and grow for years without replanting.


The spectacular cornflower, 1.5-2.1 m high, is characterized by unusual inflorescences resembling small fluffy clouds, which, depending on the variety, are lilac, violet, light pinkish, yellow, white or lilac.

This plant blooms most luxuriantly in the hottest time, in July - August.

The perennial works well in shrub or herbaceous borders, is ideal against dark foliage, and also looks very beautiful in group plantings and as a tapeworm. Basil goes well with meadowsweet, columbine, astrantia, gravilate, molinia, phlox, brunerra, astilbe and especially with miscanthus.


The willow-leaved sunflower (helianthus) is also incredibly pretty. This plant grows to a height of 2.0-2.8 m, so it is clearly visible from anywhere in the garden. In appearance it looks like a small palm tree due to its oblong stem and long narrow leaves. Its saucer inflorescences are golden yellow with a brown core and resemble small charming sunflowers.

Helianthus usually blooms from late July to September.

The flower looks especially interesting on the shore decorative pond, reflected in the water surface. It can be chosen as a monochrome high border or planted in containers. This perennial is also effective in the background of mixed borders, as well as against the background of linden, viburnum or maple foliage. Helianthus goes well with irises, echinacea, kirengeshoma, peltiphyllum, butterburs or asters.

Stock – rose (mallow)

The incomparable hollyhock (mallow) will add charm to your country house. It reaches a height of 1.3-2.6 m. The main decoration of the plant is its very beautiful and large funnel-shaped flowers. The colors of the inflorescences are pink, dark purple, snow white, bright red, yellow and purple.

Mallow blooms almost all summer, from June to August, and some varieties until mid-autumn.

The rose stem looks ideal in mixborders, as well as as a monochrome flowering hedge against a wall or fence. Rudbeckia, phlox, cosmos, buzulnik, and cornflower will be good neighbors for mallow.

Another attractive representative of tall, long-flowering perennials is meadowsweet (meadowsweet), which stretches up to 1.5-2.2 m, less often up to 3.0 m. Its numerous snow-white or pink flowers They gather in large panicles, usually blooming from July to August. Meadowsweet produces a pleasant honey aroma. In addition, this plant attracts with its large decorative foliage up to 30-40 cm in size, often with unusual golden-pinkish streaks.

Meadowsweet looks most beautiful as a tapeworm, as well as in any group plantings against the background or. As it grows, it forms rather dense thickets. This plant is also useful for its medicinal qualities, and is also known for repelling midges and mosquitoes.


The spotted window sill will please the eyes of the owners and guests. This beautiful plant rises 0.7 - 1.6 m high and is characterized by original burgundy stems and elongated whorled leaves.

The perennial blooms in the second half of summer in the form of large shield-shaped baskets, which are lilac, violet, pale lavender, and less often white. Interestingly, after the baskets bloom, the plants acquire a silvery-white color and, in the form of dry bouquets, even retain their decorative properties.

The plant looks impressive when planted around a pond, near buildings and, as well as in the background of group areas. The sapling is ideally combined with rudbeckia, astilbe, helenium, phlox, echinacea and various tall grasses.

Veronica (gourd)

The flowerbed will be interestingly transformed by the honey-bearing Speedwell, which is widely known for its medicinal properties. Its height usually varies from 0.5-0.7 to 1.2-1.5 m. The plant is easily recognizable thanks to its spiky tall stems and elegant narrow inflorescences-tassels with many small blue or bluish-purple flowers.

Veronica blooms almost all summer.

In gardening, gourd is used only in group plantings in flower beds and mixborders. At the same time, it matches perfectly with other yellow and white specimens, and also serves as a beautiful background for smaller plants.


The queen among perennials is the charming rudbeckia (glossy, dissected, shiny, etc. types). The height of this wonderful plant varies from 50-80 cm to 2-3 m. Rudbeckia is extremely decorative and is distinguished by bright, large basket inflorescences up to 9-15 cm in diameter. The marginal petals are painted in a solid golden-yellow color scheme, and the middle flowers are yellow, dark brown or even purple-black.

Rudbeckia blooms for an average of 50 days, usually in August-September. Its pinnately divided or entire leaves are also very showy, oval shape, up to 25 cm long.

The flower goes well with both annuals - calendula, marigolds, cosmos, etc., and with perennial flora - nymph, helenium, gaillardia, monarda or heliopsis.

The picturesque helenium will not leave you indifferent. This beautiful plant will grow on average 0.8-1.6 m and attracts with single inflorescences-baskets with a convex center, reminiscent of a huge daisy. Their warm shades, depending on the variety, can be red, yellow, orange or even red-brown.

Different varieties of helenium bloom very profusely, in the summer and until October, on average 45-60 days.

It looks very pretty in group and single plantings (especially on the lawn), near a fence or buildings, near ornamental shrubs, as well as in the background of the flower bed. Helenium harmonizes most naturally with phlox, asters, saplings, rudbeckia, delphinium, sedum, heuchera, goldenrod, etc.


The Przhevalsky buzulnik (ligularia), which rises 1.5-2.0 m above the ground, will add originality to the garden. Its flowers are small, yellowish in shade, collected in delicate and narrow inflorescences - “candles”. Also decorative are its graceful carved heart-shaped leaves, which change color over the course of the season from green to purple-crimson.

Ligularia blooms for a very long time, on average 60 days, usually from June to August.

This perennial is convenient to use not only in a flower bed or in large mixborders, but also as a beautiful screen that masks unsightly areas. It also grows well near artificial ponds, ideal for a rustic country style or for decorating a “wild” garden. Buzulnik combines most beautifully with hosta, mountain weed, Rogers, bergenia, rudbeckia, gaillardia, and lungwort.


The beautiful and honey-bearing monarda (fistula or double) reaches a height of 80-150 cm. Its very spectacular narrow flowers are collected in capitate inflorescences, which are bright red, white or lilac-pink in color.

The plant blooms for about 45 days in the summer, from July to August, surrounding itself with a pleasant fragrant aroma of mint, which repels midges.

This flower is grown everywhere - near borders, in group mixborders, on and even in containers. Ideal neighbors for monarda would be phlox, snapdragon, goldenrod, rudbeckia, nasturtium, sapling and heliopsis.

Daylily (tall varieties)

Giant varieties of daylily, which can grow up to 1.2-1.6 m, will picturesquely decorate your favorite flower bed. Its flowers are large (7-15 cm), funnel-shaped, very beautiful, mostly lemon yellow, pinkish, dark crimson, reddish. brown or orange.

This wonderful sun-loving perennial blooms profusely from June to August.

Solitaire daylily is beautiful on a green lawn, and in group plantings it creates spectacular accents in a natural flower garden, in borders, in winter garden, near the front area, in the flowerbed in rustic style, as well as in plantings around the pond. It looks great against the backdrop of trees or bushes like hydrangea and viburnum. Daylily also goes well with many annuals and perennials, especially geranium, marsh iris, Rogersia, hosta, astilbe, loosestrife, meadowsweet, phlox, etc.

The pretty and lush phlox paniculata (paniculata) will become a bright pearl of any home flower garden. Its inflorescences are large and unusually showy, mostly pink, purple, lilac, silver, crimson and dark purple.

This popular plant with many leaves grows 0.5-1.6 m and blooms from mid-July until autumn.

Phlox paniculata is effective in monoculture, as well as when decorated in the front area. But its main living environment is mixed plantings. In mixborders, paniculata looks great with bulbous plants, loosestrife, astilbe, sapling, meadowsweet, daylily, bluebells, aconites, monardas, rudbeckia, echinacea, anemone, gentian, asters, helenium, as well as nivaria and yarrow.

Thus, tall charming perennials They will be a stunning decoration for a flower bed and a beautiful background for other flowers. And thanks to their long flowering, these plants will delight their owners for a long time with their delicate colors and fragrant aroma in summer and autumn.

Most people who start a dacha understand perfectly well that it should not only be a place to work and grow crops, but also a corner where you can take a break from the noisy city and enjoy beautiful views of nature and the site.

Almost every amateur gardener is well aware that one of the foundations of landscape design of a summer cottage is flowers. At the same time, you need to understand that beautiful flowering flower beds, of course, can be made with your own hands. However, in doing so, you need to be guided by certain recommendations and principles. Otherwise, you risk getting just a motley set of colors, which will be quite tasteless and dull.

Let's see how best to create certain compositions, and also consider the main varieties of perennial and annual flowers for the garden with names in photos and pictures.

Flower garden design

It must be said that the owners of plots prefer flowers for their dachas that do not require movement and are unpretentious to the weather, not only in May, June, July and August, but also in early spring. However, even before that, you will need to understand several important things, including such as choosing the right and suitable place for flower beds and flower beds, with the condition that different plants fit each other well in design. Now let's look at the main types of flower beds that you can choose for your summer cottage and garden.

By the way! Very a good option The flower beds are also arches made on the site.

Beautiful country flower beds

If we consider the types of flower beds for flowers in the country, then among the most common of them are the following:

  • Diamond-shaped.
  • Round (the most common).
  • Figured, the shape of which often depends on the surrounding topography.
  • Strict square.

If we consider the height of the flower beds, then I would like to mention, first of all, flat and raised above the ground. Moreover, they do not rise by that much: a maximum of 0.2 meters. Along the edges of such flower beds can be additionally decorated using various finishing materials, including silicate and ceramic brick, natural stone, sidewalk curb.

Original multi-level mixborder

Specialists in landscape design and planning call mixborders special types of flower beds in which several flowers and other plants of different heights are used. It is traditional to arrange mixborders against the background of any flat structural or decorative element, be it a brick fence or a plank fence.

Such flower beds may change somewhat throughout the season, since one flowering plants new ones are gradually coming. The planting scheme for such flower beds can include both perennials and annuals. Moreover, decoration can be done using a combination of these two types of colors.


If we talk about lawn-type flower beds, it should be noted that they are, at first glance, a somewhat unorganized planting. It rather resembles a forest clearing or small area natural meadow. On the other hand, the beauty of a lawn flower garden lies precisely in its natural beauty. Perfect for lovers of wildflowers (cornflowers, white and red clovers, immortelle, forget-me-nots, poppies, daisies). The peculiarity of such a flower bed is that all these flowers are very unpretentious and require practically no care.

Flower arches

The basis in such cases is special artificial structures made of wood or metal. As a rule, you need to plant different types of climbing plants. Examples include: climbing rose, decorative bean, clematis, ivy, virgin grapes, and so on.


This type of flower garden is a special strip of flowers, usually not wide (from 30 cm to one and a half meters). They can be placed along paths and parking lots, along the perimeter of the house (along the blind area) or next to the terrace. As a rule, when decorating a ridge, annuals are used, which form peculiar stripes. Shades can be used either contrasting or complementing each other. The height of plants can be either small or medium.

Perennial flowers for the garden

When thinking about what flowers to plant in the garden, consider this option. According to their growth, these flowers are divided into three main categories: low-growing, medium-growing and tall. Let's briefly look at each of them.


Unpretentious perennial flowers for the garden include several popular types. These are, first of all, large-flowered flax, oak sage, cinquefoil, soft mantle, gypsophila paniculata, geranium, gentian, dwarf phlox and some others. They do not require strict daily care and can be safely recommended for planting summer cottage. They can be used when arranging flower beds or mixborders.

Medium height

If we talk about the growth of such plants, then it is, as a rule, 0.3-0.8 meters. They are quite universal, and such a significant difference in size makes them suitable for almost all types of flower beds.

Noting the names of medium-sized flowers for the garden, I would like to highlight the following types:

  • Day-lily.
  • Rhodiola rosea.
  • Yarrow.
  • Astilbe.
  • Monarda double.
  • Cornflower.
  • Paniculate Phlox.
  • Peony (choose later varieties).


This group of perennial flowers for the garden includes several of the most popular names. Their height starts from 80 centimeters, which, on the one hand, somewhat limits the possibilities of their planting, and on the other hand, on the contrary, makes them more unique compared to their lower counterparts. Popular types:

  • Tricyrtis purple beauty.
  • Stock rose.
  • Helenium hybrid.
  • Vasilisnik.
  • Veronica longifolia.
  • Willow sunflower.

Remember! Such plants can be used for flower beds, as well as for flower beds.

The use of perennials in a summer cottage is justified for many reasons. One of them is that setting up a beautiful, well-formed flower garden, especially a mixed border, can take a lot of time. Often we are talking about several years. Therefore, perennial plants will come in handy precisely for such cases.

Rules for caring for country flowers

Despite the fact that most country flowers do not require care to the same extent as more fastidious ones garden plants, their cultivation requires following certain rules. In addition, it is advisable to pay attention to reviews and advice from experienced gardeners.

Most gardens or summer cottages grow flowers that bloom twice a season. So, such plants need to be pruned after the first flowering. You need to trim the stem at a height of 0.1 meters, if we are talking about lupine, Lychnis chalcedony, larkspur, catcat, leopard, terry cornflower, sage, balsam tansy. The only exception is the small petal. This plant is pruned by 1/3 and then fertilized.

An interesting feature is possessed by those plants whose flowers and leaves can reach large sizes and, accordingly, have considerable weight. Such plants need to be supported with supports. As a rule, a rod made of metal, wood, or even bamboo from old fishing rod. To create additional support, the flower stem is tied to a rod. To do this you will need a piece of ordinary rope.

Bushy plants that like to grow wide also need special structures that could act as additional support. To do this you can:

  1. Make a frame from wooden planks small section.
  2. Drive in several small posts and tie them with strong cords.
  3. Use special supports that can be purchased at the appropriate supply store for summer residents and gardeners.

It is necessary to pay special attention to solving such a problem as pruning old, dry or wilted leaves and other parts of the flower. If the plant has already faded, it must be trimmed or completely removed when weeding the flower garden. Not only does this make the flowerbed ugly, but it also takes away, to one degree or another, the strength and energy of the plant, which could be used for its restoration or subsequent flowering.

When thinking about care, we often would like to know which flowers are the most unpretentious in garden conditions and suburban area. So, among the many flowers for the garden, we can highlight the following:

  • Annuals. Sylvia, calendula, petunia.
  • Perennials that love shade: tulips, ferns, snowdrops, clematis, lilies of the valley, kirkazon, tenacious.
  • Perennials that prefer sun: bellflower, mallow, lupine, lily, carnation, peony.

As we have already noted, a very important condition for maintaining and planting certain country flowers is their unpretentiousness. It is this circumstance that should be taken into account before choosing which flowers to plant at the dacha, since landscaping a dacha plot is not so simple, and one would not want all the work to be wasted.

It so happens that in some publications, especially in specialized magazines, from time to time hidden advertising of one or another new-fangled variety may appear. This is done in order to increase the sale of flower seeds of certain varieties. Perhaps they look attractive. However, given the difficult conditions, as well as the lack of opportunity to regularly care for flowers in the country, purchasing such seeds or already ready seedlings is not always justified.

What to choose for the garden: perennials or annuals?

Click to enlarge the picture:

Both subgroups of colors have certain advantages. It cannot be said that some of them are better, and some, on the contrary, worse. Simply, they are designed for slightly different tasks.

So, if we are talking about annual plants, then we can definitely say: in those cases when the flowerbed needs to be decorated as soon as possible so that the first results become visible, then it is definitely necessary to make a choice in favor of planting annuals. The first of them begin to bloom a little more than a month after planting. The flowering cycle of many of these plants is quite long, and they will delight you from spring until the time when the first frost occurs.

On a note! It is worth noting that the flowering period of a significant number of perennials is usually very short.

Don’t forget about the advantage of annuals for the garden, as the opportunity to experiment a little. The fact is that sometimes a flowerbed may not work out the first time, especially for inexperienced gardeners. But there is no need to be upset: it helps to gain valuable experience. In addition, already this same year you can plant new flowers, which will most likely be more successful.

Speaking about the advantages of annual flowers, we must not forget about the advantages of perennials. Of course, their growth and formation is not as fast as in annual plants. In addition, they usually require more careful care. On the other hand, having grown such a plant once and caring for it properly, you can enjoy its beauty for several years.

Remember! In addition, we must not forget that you will be forced to sow annual flowers every year.

Annual flowers for a long flowering period

Let's analyze the most popular of the wide list of annuals that grow in summer cottages.


First of all, let's look at zinnias, which also have an alternative, popular name— majors. They have a characteristic thick stem. Zinnias are known, among other things, for their excellent immunity, which makes it immune to many diseases. In addition, they are resistant to drought conditions, so nothing bad will happen if you water no more than once every 7 days. However, if possible, it is still better to water them regularly. A wide range of colors will delight lovers of variety in colors.


One of the favorites of all our summer residents is marigolds. Their beauty is easily explained due to the variety of shades: from yellow to terracotta and even brown. They are often planted along borders, making a kind of “path”. They do well both with frequent rain and with infrequent watering.

Be careful not to plant marigolds in shady areas as this may result in lack of color. Try to provide the marigold flower garden with enough sunlight.


Variety of shapes and beautiful appearance makes you immediately fall in love with petunia. At the same time, it is not as forgiving as marigolds or zinnias in terms of resistance to dry weather. So, if you are unable to provide your petunias with regular watering, it is better to refrain from planting this flower.

Of course, there are other annuals for the garden. However, their list is truly huge, and it is simply impossible to consider even a small part of them in one article. Therefore, we have mentioned only the most common of them.

Common Perennials

The most popular among all types of perennial flowers in the country are peonies and dahlias. Available different ideas how to decorate your garden with these noble plants.

By the way! Any specialized online store offers huge selection any flower seeds.

Reproduction of the mentioned perennial peonies is carried out using tubers. The flowering period begins in July. The color range, on the one hand, is not very wide, but on the other, it is simply chic, since it includes such rich colors as pink, burgundy and white. Outside the flowering period, the bush itself can also perform decorative functions.

As for dahlias, they bloom later, starting in late August and early September. Common colors: yellow, purple, red and white.

Clematis are also an excellent choice. They can additionally decorate a fence, arch or. Their small flowers will decorate any cottage. They bloom from June to October.

What you need to know about bulbous flowers

Almost all bulbous flowers are perennials. One of them is crocus. Already in March it begins to appear from under the melting snow. As a rule, flowering begins simultaneously with the appearance of the first leaves. On the other hand, it cannot be said that the crocus a long period flowering.

Remember! Majority bulbous perennials have a short flowering period.

An absolute hit among flowers propagated using bulbs are tulips. When compared with crocuses, it should be noted that tulips are a little more picky about the conditions of care. But with its widest color scheme they can fascinate literally anyone.

In addition to unpretentious crocuses, as well as slightly more capricious, but the most beautiful tulips, you need to remember about other perennial bulbous flowers, which have long become a kind of “classic” in dachas. We are talking, first of all, about hyacinths, lilies and daffodils. Moreover, in addition to the fact that they are all a real decoration for any country flower garden, all such flowers have a wonderful aroma.

Growing flowers in flowerpots

Some examples of flowers with names and photos are presented here (click to enlarge):

Flowers placed in flowerpots are not always a substitute for more traditional flower beds. Hanging pots or flowerpots can perfectly complement flower beds that are more familiar to us. Especially interesting option they can appear in cases where there is not much free space on a summer cottage for arranging flower beds. Vases various shapes are, among other things, very practical solution. In addition, to change the overall composition you will only need to replace one or two pots or swap them around. What flowers can be planted in flowerpots at the dacha?

The first thing that comes to mind is geranium. Moreover, it is enough unpretentious flower is a lush pelargonium. Also worthy of attention are double and semi-double asters, which, by the way, love plenty of sun.

Often those flowers that seem to be more common in flower beds can be grown in flowerpots. Examples include dahlias or pansies, as well as some varieties of violets and asters. They can be used to decorate a place next to a bench, next to a porch, near a terrace. For greater convenience, it is sometimes customary to place flowerpots on stands, especially when it comes to voluminous and bushy types of flowers. Other examples (photos are clickable):


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