Educational technologies. As part of the implementation of the lecture course, educational technologies such as lecture-visualization are used

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Lecture - visualization

This type lectures are the result of a new use of the principle of clarity; the content of this principle changes under the influence of data from psychological and pedagogical science, forms and methods of active learning.

Psychological and pedagogical research shows that visibility not only contributes to more successful perception and memorization educational material, but also allows you to intensify mental activity, penetrate deeper into the essence of the phenomena being studied (R. Arnheim, E.Yu. Artemyeva, V.I. Yakimanskaya, etc.) shows its connection with creative processes decision-making, confirms the regulating role of image in human activity.

Lecture - visualization teaches students to transform oral and written information into visual form, which forms their professional thinking by systematizing and highlighting the most significant, essential elements of the learning content.

This process of visualization is the collapsing of mental contents, including different types information in a visual way; once perceived, this image may be deployed and serve as a support for mental and practical actions.

Any form of visual information contains elements of problematic content. Therefore, a lecture - visualization contributes to the creation of a problem situation, the resolution of which, unlike a problem lecture where questions are used, occurs on the basis of analysis, synthesis, generalization, condensation or expansion of information, i.e. with the inclusion of active mental activity. The teacher’s task is to use forms of visualization that not only complement verbal information, but are themselves carriers of information. The more problematic the visual information is, the higher the degree of student’s mental activity.

The preparation of this lecture by the teacher is to change, redesign educational information on the topic of the lecture session in a visual form for presentation to students through technical teaching aids or manually (diagrams, drawings, drawings, etc.). Students can also be involved in this work, and in this regard they will develop appropriate skills and develop high level activity, develop a personal attitude towards the content of training.

Reading a lecture comes down to a coherent, detailed commentary by the teacher on prepared visual materials, which fully reveals the topic of this lecture. The information presented in this way should ensure the systematization of students’ knowledge, the creation of problem situations and the possibility of resolving them; demonstrate different ways clarity, which is important in cognitive and professional activity.

It is best to use different types of visualization - natural, pictorial, symbolic - each of which or a combination of them is selected depending on the content of the educational material. When moving from text to visual form or from one type of visualization to another, some information may be lost. But this is an advantage, because... allows you to focus on the most important aspects and features of the lecture content, to promote its understanding and assimilation.

In a visualization lecture, a certain visual logic and rhythm of presentation of educational material are important. To do this, you can use a set of technical teaching aids, drawings, including the use of grotesque forms, as well as color, graphics, and a combination of verbal and visual information. The dosage of use of the material, the skill and style of communication between the teacher and students are important.

This type of lecture is best used at the stage of introducing students to a new section, topic, discipline. The problematic situation that arises in this case creates a psychological mindset for studying the material and developing visual information skills in other types of learning.

The main difficulty of a visualization lecture is the selection and preparation of a system of visual aids, didactically sound preparation of the process of reading it, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of students and the level of their knowledge.

Lecture for two

In this lecture, educational material with problematic content is given to students in lively dialogical communication between two teachers. Here, real professional situations of discussion of theoretical issues from different positions by two specialists, for example, a theorist and a practitioner, a supporter or opponent of a particular point of view, etc. are modeled.

At the same time, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the dialogue between teachers demonstrates a culture of joint search for a solution to the problem situation being played out, with the involvement of students in communication who ask questions, express their position, form their attitude to the lecture material being discussed, and show their emotional response to what is happening.

During the lecture, the two of them use the students’ existing knowledge necessary to understand the educational problem and participate in joint work, create a problem situation or several such situations, put forward hypotheses for their resolution, develop a system of evidence or refutation, and justify the final version of the joint solution.

A two-person lecture forces students to actively engage in the thinking process. With the presentation of two sources of information, the students' task is to compare different points of view and make a choice whether to join one or the other or develop their own.

The high activity of teachers at a lecture together causes a mental and behavioral response from students, which is one of their characteristic features active learning: level of involvement in cognitive activity students is comparable to the activity of teachers. In addition to all this, students receive a clear understanding of the culture of discussion, methods of dialogue, joint search and decision-making.

The special task of this type of lecture is to demonstrate the attitude of teachers to the object of statements. Shows personal qualities the teacher as a professional in his subject area and as a teacher more clearly and deeply than any other form of lecture.

Preparing and delivering a lecture together places increased demands on the selection of teachers. They must be intellectually and personally compatible, have developed communication skills, the ability to improvise, have a fast reaction rate, and show a high level of mastery of the subject material, in addition to the content of the topic under consideration. If these requirements are met when conducting a lecture together, students will develop a trusting attitude towards this form of work.

One of the difficulties of conducting a lecture together is the usual situation for students when the lecture is conducted by one teacher, which is typical for the types of lectures described above; information comes from only one source. The two positions offered by lecturers sometimes cause rejection of the very form of teaching. Because requires students independent decision, which point of view to adhere to and justify your position.

The use of a lecture together is effective for the formation of theoretical thinking, nurturing the beliefs of students, and also, as in a problem lecture, the ability to conduct a dialogue develops, and as already noted, students learn the culture of discussion.

Lecture with pre-planned errors

This form of delivering a lecture was developed to develop students’ skills to quickly analyze professional situations, act as experts, opponents, reviewers, and identify incorrect or inaccurate information.

The teacher’s preparation for a lecture consists in including in its content a certain number of errors in content, method or behavioral nature. The teacher brings a list of such errors to the lecture and introduces them to students only at the end of the lecture. The most common mistakes made by both students and teachers during a lecture are selected. The teacher presents the lecture in such a way that errors are carefully hidden and are not so easily noticed by students. This requires special work by the teacher on the content of the lecture, a high level of mastery of the material and lecturing skills.

The students' task is to mark any errors they notice during the lecture and name them at the end of the lecture. 10-15 minutes are allotted for error analysis. During this analysis, the correct answers to questions are given - by the teacher, students or jointly. The number of planned errors depends on the specifics of the educational material, the didactic and educational goals of the lecture, and the level of preparedness of students.

Experience in using lectures with pre-planned errors shows that students, as a rule, find planned errors (the teacher checks the list of such errors). Often it also indicates errors that were unwittingly made by the teacher, especially speech and behavioral ones. The teacher must honestly admit this and draw certain conclusions for himself. All this creates an atmosphere of trust between the teacher and students, the personal inclusion of both parties in the learning process. Elements intellectual game with the teacher they create an increased emotional background and activate the cognitive activity of students.

A lecture with planned errors performs not only a stimulating function, but also a control one. The teacher can assess the level of preparation of students in the subject, and he, in turn, can check the degree of his orientation in the material. Using the error system, the teacher can identify shortcomings, analyzing which, during discussion with students, he gets an idea of ​​the structure of the educational material and the difficulties of mastering it.

Errors identified by students or the teacher himself can serve to create problematic situations that can be resolved in subsequent classes. This type of lecture is best given at the end of a topic or section of an academic discipline, when students have formed basic concepts and ideas.

Lectures with planned errors cause high intellectual and emotional activity in students, because students use previously acquired knowledge in practice, carrying out joint work with the teacher academic work. In addition, the final error analysis develops students' theoretical thinking.

Lecture. The word "lecture" comes from the Latin "lection" - reading. The lecture appeared in Ancient Greece, received its further development in Ancient Rome and in the Middle Ages. The lecture form of education in Russia was first introduced at Moscow University, where at first lectures were given in Latin, German, French, and since 1767 - in Russian. A university lecture is the main link in the didactic training cycle. Its goal is to form an indicative basis for students’ subsequent assimilation of educational material.

In the educational process, a number of situations arise when the lecture form of teaching cannot be replaced by any other.

A lecture in the educational process performs the following functions:

informational (statement of necessary information);

stimulating (awakening interest in the topic);

developing (evaluates phenomena, develops thinking);

orienting (in a problem, literature);

explanatory (aimed at forming basic science concepts);

persuasive (with an emphasis on the system of evidence);

systematizing and structuring (knowledge in a given discipline;


If we integrate modern ideas about the features of the lecture form of teaching, we can determine its specifics as follows.

A lecture is one of the forms of educational organization in which the teacher systematically, consistently, predominantly monologically presents and explains educational material on an entire topic, and students listen and write down the content of the lecture, and in some situations ask questions to which the teacher answers.

The following types of lectures are distinguished.

For general purposes: educational, propaganda, educational, educational, developmental.

By scientific level: academic and popular.

For didactic tasks: introductory, current, final-summarizing, introductory, review, lecture-consultations, lecture-visualization (with a reinforced element of clarity).

According to the method of presenting the material: traditional, problem-based, lecture-visualization, lecture for two, lecture-provocation, lecture-press conference, lecture-conversation, discussion, lecture with analysis of specific situations.

From the point of view of classifying teaching methods according to the degree of awareness of the perception of educational material, we correlated the types of lectures existing according to the method of presentation of the material as follows.

Table 7









press conference


press conference

analysis of specific situations

Currently, along with supporters of lecture-based presentation of educational material, there are “opponents” of lectures as the main form of education at a university, claiming that:

a lecture accustoms one to passive perception of other people’s opinions, inhibits independent thinking, while “the better the lecture, the greater this probability”;

the lecture discourages the habit of independent study;

lectures are needed only when there is a lack of educational literature;

Some students manage to comprehend the material presented, while others only mechanically write down the lecturer’s text.

At the same time, experience shows that refusing lectures reduces the scientific level of students’ preparation and disrupts the consistency and uniformity of work throughout the semester. Therefore, the lecture still remains the leading form of organizing the educational process at a university. The above disadvantages can be largely overcome by a rational combination of traditional and non-traditional forms of lectures in the educational process. Let us briefly dwell on non-traditional forms of organizing lectures and some features of their construction (organization).

A problematic lecture begins with the formulation of problematic questions, with the identification of a problem that must be solved during the presentation/study of the material, and the problem hidden in them does not require a solution of the same type, and there is no ready-made solution scheme in past experience.

The problem-based lecture ensures the achievement of the following didactic goals:

  • 1. students’ assimilation of theoretical knowledge;
  • 2. development of theoretical thinking;
  • 3. formation of cognitive interest in the content academic subject and professional motivation of the future specialist.

The success of achieving the goal of a problem lecture is ensured by the interaction of the teacher and students. The main task of the teacher is not only to convey information, but to familiarize students with the objective contradictions of development scientific knowledge and ways to resolve them. This shapes students’ thinking and causes their cognitive activity. In collaboration with the teacher, students gain new knowledge and study the theoretical features of their profession. In our opinion, we can highlight the following features of the problematic lecture.

The information (new knowledge) obtained at the lecture is introduced as unknown to students and is assimilated as a personal discovery, which creates in students the illusion of a “discovery” of what is already known in science.

The student’s knowledge is approaching search knowledge, research activities, in which the student’s thinking and his personal attitude to the material being learned are involved, thanks to the formation of an educational problem.

During the lecture, students' thinking occurs through the teacher's creation of a problem situation before they receive all the necessary information that constitutes new knowledge for them.

Consequently, the components of the problem situation are the object of cognition (lecture material) and the subject of cognition (student), the process of mental interaction between the subject and the object will be a cognitive activity, the assimilation of new, unknown knowledge for the student, contained in the educational problem.

The educational material in a problem lecture is presented in the form of an educational problem, which has the logical form of a cognitive task, noting some contradictions in its conditions and ending with questions that objectify this contradiction. A problematic situation arises after the discovery of contradictions in the initial data of the educational problem. For a problematic presentation, the most important sections of the course are selected, constituting the main conceptual content of the academic discipline, which are important for future professional activity and the most difficult for students to master.

Educational problems should be accessible in terms of difficulty for students, take into account the cognitive capabilities of students, be based on the subject being studied and be significant for the acquisition of new material and personal development - general and professional. To control students' thinking during a problematic dialogic lecture, problematic and informational questions prepared in advance by the teacher are used.

Requirements for the questions of the problem lecture:

  • 1. the question reflects the result of a previous mental analysis of the conditions for solving a problem, separating the understandable from the incomprehensible, the known from the unknown;
  • 2. indicates the desired problem and the search area for an unknown problem situation (for example, a method of analyzing conditions, solving a problem, etc. that is still unknown to students);
  • 3. puts this unknown in the structural place of the goal of students’ cognitive activity and thereby turns out to be a factor in managing this activity;
  • 4. is a means of involving the student in dialogical communication, in mental activity together with the teacher to find a solution to a cognitive problem.

The educational problem and the system of subordinate subproblems, compiled by the teacher before the lecture, unfold at the lecture in the live speech of the teacher, where an oral presentation of material of a dialogical nature takes place. Using appropriate methodological techniques (posing problematic and informational questions, putting forward hypotheses and confirming or refuting them, asking students for help, etc.), the teacher encourages students to jointly think and discuss, which can begin directly at a lecture or seminar.

Dialogical communication can be built as a live dialogue between the teacher and students during the lecture at those stages where it is appropriate, or as an internal dialogue (independent thinking), which is most typical for a lecture of a problematic nature. In internal dialogue, students together with the teacher pose and answer questions or record questions in notes for later clarification during independent assignments, individual consultation with the teacher or discussion with other students, as well as at a seminar. Dialogical communication is a necessary condition for the development of students’ thinking, since thinking is dialogical in the way it arises. Consequently, the higher the degree of dialogicity of a lecture, the more it approaches the problem and the higher its orienting, teaching and educational effects.

Using a combination of problematic and informational questions, the teacher can take into account and develop the individual characteristics of each student.

Thus, a lecture becomes problematic if the principle of problematicity is implemented in it and two interrelated conditions are met:

  • 1. implementation of the problematic principle in the selection and didactic processing of content training course before the lecture;
  • 2. implementation of the problem-solving principle when developing this content directly in the lecture.

The first is achieved by the teacher developing a system of cognitive tasks - educational problems that reflect the main content of the academic subject; the second is by constructing a lecture as a dialogical communication between the teacher and students. Teacher’s communication style during a problem lecture:

The ability for independent thinking is formed in students through active participation in various forms of living things. verbal communication. For this purpose, lectures of a problematic nature must be supplemented with seminar classes, organized in the form of discussions and dialogical forms of independent collaboration students.

Problem-based lectures provide future specialists with a creative understanding of the principles and laws of the science being studied, activate the educational and cognitive activity of students, their independent classroom and extracurricular work, assimilation of knowledge and its application in practice.

Lecture-visualization is the result of using the principle of visualization, the content of which changes with the advent of new forms and methods of active learning.

Psychological and pedagogical research shows that visibility not only contributes to the successful perception and memorization of educational material, but also allows you to intensify mental activity (R. Arnheim, E.Yu. Artemyeva, V.I. Yakimanskaya, etc.) through building relationships with creative processes of acceptance decisions, confirms the regulating role of image in human activity.

During the visualization lecture, students transform oral and written information into visual form, which helps to highlight and systematize the most significant elements of the discipline. The process of visualization is the collapsing of different types of information into visual images, which, when perceived and expanded, can serve as a support for mental and practical actions. There are various types of visualization - natural, pictorial, symbolic - each of which or their combination is selected depending on the content of the educational material. When moving from text to visual form or from one type of visualization to another, some information may be lost. But this is an advantage, because... allows you to concentrate on the most important aspects of the lecture, promoting its best understanding and assimilation.

Information in visual form, as a rule, is problematic in nature. The visualization lecture thus contributes to the creation of a problem situation, the resolution of which, unlike a problem lecture where questions are used, occurs on the basis of analysis, synthesis, generalization, condensation or expansion of information, i.e. with the inclusion of active mental activity. The teacher’s task is to use such forms of visualization that not only complement verbal information, but are themselves carriers of information.

We highlight the following important features preparation of lecture-visualization:

Preparing a lecture requires the teacher to modify the lecture material into a visual form for presentation to students through technical teaching aids or manually (diagrams, drawings, drawings, etc.).

The reading of a lecture (narration) is transformed into a coherent, detailed presentation (commenting) by the teacher of prepared visual materials that fully reveal the topic of this lecture.

Information should be presented in such a way as to ensure, on the one hand, the systematization of existing and newly acquired knowledge by students, the anticipation of problem situations and possibilities for resolving them, and, on the other hand, the use of different methods of visibility.

A certain rhythm of presentation of educational material and visual logic are important. For this purpose, a complex of technical teaching aids is used: drawing, including using grotesque forms, as well as color, graphics, a combination of verbal and visual information.

Lecture-visualization is best used at the stage of introducing students to a new discipline, topic or section.

Lecture-provocation. The provocative lecture is designed to develop students’ skills to quickly analyze professional situations, act as experts, opponents, reviewers, and identify incorrect or inaccurate information. A provocative lecture causes high intellectual and emotional activity, since students use their existing knowledge in practice and carry out joint educational work with the teacher. Features of constructing a provocative lecture.

It is necessary to include a certain number of errors of a substantive, methodological or behavioral nature into the content of the lecture. The teacher selects the most common mistakes made by both students and teachers (specialists) and presents the lecture material in such a way that the mistakes are carefully hidden and not obvious to the students.

Requires additional and even creative work teacher over lecture material, high level of lecture skills.

During the lecture, students mark the errors they notice in their notes and name them at the end of the lecture. 10-15 minutes are allotted for analyzing errors: correct answers to questions are given by the teacher, students, or together. The number of planned errors depends on the specifics of the educational material, the didactic and educational goals of the lecture, and the level of preparedness of students.

Elements of an intellectual game with a teacher create an increased emotional background, an atmosphere of trust between the teacher and students, and activate the cognitive activity of students. A lecture with planned errors performs not only a stimulating function, but also a control one. The teacher can assess the level of preparation of students in the subject, and he, in turn, can check the degree of his orientation in the material. Using the error system, the teacher can identify shortcomings, analyzing which, during discussion with students, he gets an idea of ​​the structure of the educational material and the difficulties of mastering it.

Errors identified by students or a teacher can become the basis for creating problematic situations that can be resolved:

at seminar classes

at the problem lecture (see above).

This type of lecture is best given at the end of a topic or section of an academic discipline, when students have formed basic concepts and ideas. In our opinion, a provocative lecture is ideal for developing professional skills within highly specialized disciplines by senior students.

Lecture for two (dialogue). Educational material with problematic content is taught to students in lively dialogical communication between two teachers. Here we simulate real professional situations of discussion of theoretical issues from different positions by two specialists, for example, a theorist and a practitioner, a supporter or opponent of a particular point of view. The high activity of teachers participating in the dialogue evokes a mental and behavioral response from students, which is one of the characteristic signs of active learning: the level of involvement in the cognitive activity of students is comparable to the activity of teachers. Students also gain a clear understanding of the culture of discussion, methods of dialogue, joint search and decision-making.

Features of organizing a lecture together.

A joint search for a way out of an ongoing problem situation, with the obligatory involvement of students in communication, asking questions and expressing their attitude to the lecture material.

In the process of lecture-dialogue, it is necessary to use the knowledge available to students to announce the educational problem and further work together: putting forward hypotheses for its resolution, developing a system of evidence or refutation, and justifying a joint decision.

A two-person lecture requires students to actively engage in the process of thinking, comparing and choosing a point of view or developing their own. Possibility of negative reaction from students.

demonstrating the attitude of each teacher to the object of research allows you to see the professional and personal qualities of the teacher

Intellectual and personal compatibility, the ability to improvise, and the speed of reaction of teachers ensure a trusting attitude towards this form of work.

Using a lecture together is effective for the formation of theoretical thinking, the development of students’ beliefs, the ability to conduct dialogue and the culture of discussion.

Lecture press conference. The form of holding a press conference is taken as a basis, taking into account some features:

The teacher announces the topic of the lecture and invites students to writing ask him questions on this topic. Each student formulates questions within 2-3 minutes and submits them to the teacher.

The teacher sorts the questions by semantic content within 3-5 minutes and proceeds to presenting the lecture material.

The material is presented in the form of a coherent presentation of the topic by the teacher, during which each question asked is not analyzed separately.

At the end of the lecture, the teacher conducts a final assessment of the questions as a reflection of the knowledge and interests of the students.

Activation of student activity at a lecture and press conference is achieved by specifically informing each student what the distinguishing feature this form. The need to correctly pose a question activates mental activity, and waiting for an answer to one’s question concentrates the student’s attention.

It is believed that a lecture or press conference is good to hold at any stage of studying a topic or section of a discipline. At the beginning of studying the topic, the main goal of the lecture is to identify the range of interests and needs of students, the degree of their preparedness for work, and their attitude to the subject being studied. With the help of a lecture-press conference, the teacher can create a model of the audience of listeners - its attitudes, expectations, capabilities. This is especially important when a teacher meets with first-year students, or at the beginning of a special course being taught by a group curator, when new disciplines are introduced, etc.

A press conference lecture in the middle of a topic or course is aimed at attracting the attention of students to key issues of the discipline being studied, clarifying the teacher’s ideas about the degree of mastery of the material, systematizing students’ knowledge, correcting the chosen system of lectures and seminars for the course, and can act as a form of intermediate control of students’ knowledge.

The main purpose of the press conference lecture at the end of the topic or section of the discipline being studied is to summarize the results of the lecture work, to identify prospects for applying theoretical knowledge in practice as a means of mastering the material of subsequent academic disciplines or in future professional activities. Several (2-3) teachers from different subject areas can take part as lecturers at a press conference, for example, when conducting review lectures for university graduates.

A lecture-conversation or “dialogue with the audience” is the most common and relatively simple form of actively involving students in the educational process, known since the time of Socrates. It involves direct contact between the teacher and the audience by attracting students’ attention to the most important issues of the topic, determining the content and pace of presentation of educational material, taking into account the characteristics of students. The effectiveness of a lecture-conversation in group learning conditions may be reduced due to the impossibility of involving each student in a two-way exchange of opinions, even with a small group size. In our opinion, listeners can be attracted to participate in a lecture-conversation using:

puzzling students with questions of an informational and problematic nature,

finding out the opinions and level of awareness of students on the topic under consideration,

the degree of their readiness to perceive subsequent material.

Questions are addressed both to the entire audience and to students personally. To save time, it is recommended to formulate questions so that they can be answered unambiguously. Questions can be either simple (focus on the problem) or problematic (discussion).

Taking into account disagreements or unanimity in answers, the teacher builds further reasoning, while having the opportunity to present the concepts of the lecture material in the most convincing way. Students, thinking through the answer to the question, have the opportunity to independently come to conclusions and generalizations proposed by the teacher as new knowledge and feel the importance of the topic under discussion .

Lecture-discussion. In a lecture-discussion, the teacher, when presenting the lecture material, organizes a free exchange of opinions, ideas and views on the issue under study in the intervals between logical sections. This form of training:

enlivens the learning process,

activates the cognitive activity of the audience,

allows the teacher to manage the collective opinion of the group, using it to persuade and even overcome possible negative attitudes and erroneous opinions of students.

The effect of the lecture-discussion is achieved when correct selection questions and topics for discussion, which are determined and compiled by the teacher depending on the didactic tasks and characteristics of the audience. A successful discovery is often the transition to a discussion and analysis of specific work situations or real professional tasks with further conclusions.

The advantage of a discussion is that students are more willing to agree with the teacher’s point of view than during a lecture-conversation, in which the teacher practically pushes students to accept his position on the issue under discussion. Negative point Students may lack the ability to discuss and highlight the main thing, and as a result, the general confusion of the situation.

A case study lecture is similar in form to a discussion lecture, in which questions for discussion are replaced by a specific situation. It can be presented orally or in the form of a short and succinct video containing information sufficient for discussion. A discussion of a micro-situation can also be a prelude to a further traditional lecture and can be used to create an intriguing effect, focusing the audience’s attention on the material being studied. Micro-situations are discussed by the entire student audience, and the teacher activates its participation with questions addressed to individual students and the presentation of different opinions; directs in the right direction and unobtrusively leads to a collective generalization.

To the above, we add that the effectiveness of a lecture depends not only on how meaningful it is, but also on the personal and oratorical abilities of the lecturer. Among them, we highlight the following: eloquence, diction, confidence and persuasiveness of speech, logic and culture of speech, charm, tact, intelligence and intelligence of the lecturer. In addition, during the lecture it is extremely important to continuously maintain a high level of student motivation (Table 8).

Table 8. Continuous support of a high level of student motivation during lectures

Lecture stage

Purpose of the stage

Techniques and methods of stimulation positive motivation students

Theme formulation

Focusing attention, stimulating interest in the topic

Creating a problematic situation, showing contradictions and putting forward problems related to the topic of the lecture

Formulation of goals and objectives

Showing the structure of the lecture and its significance

Convincing students of the theoretical and practical significance of the lecture content

Reporting new information

Formulating tasks and maintaining students’ cognitive interest, changing intonations, logical accuracy and clarity of presentation of content with elements of improvisation

Generalization and systematization of the lecture content

Deepening students' understandings and involving them in dialogue

Creating a discussion situation, encouraging students to comprehend and generalize the content of the lecture

Ultimately, the constant change of objects of attention, both among lecturers and listeners, forms a stable cognitive interest and favorable conditions for independent mental work.

As part of the implementation of the lecture course, the following are used: educational technologies, How lecture-visualization, lecture-conversation, interactive slide lecture.

The lecture-conversation is used as the main educational technology when studying the first two sections: “History of the formation of press services in Russia”, “Regulation of the activities of press service specialists: legislative, legal and ethical aspects”. An interactive slide lecture is used when studying sections of the course “Structure and principles of organizing a modern press service at an enterprise” (3rd topic), “Forms, methods and practices of a modern press service at an enterprise” (4th topic), “ News management and information management of reputation (enterprise image)" (5th topic), "Types of special events in the work of press services" (9th topic). Lecture visualization as the main educational technology is used when studying the sections “Types of mass communication media used in the activities of press services” (6th topic), “Types of working documents in the work of press services” (7th topic), “Media text "(8th topic).

During practical classes, when analyzing independently completed practical work Technologies such as brainstorming and group discussion are used. One of the practical classes, “Types of special events in the activities of the press service,” is conducted in the form of a business game - organizing and holding a press conference on a given topic.

When planning educational technologies for use in the implementation of the discipline “Organization of the work of the press service at an enterprise,” we proceed from the following understanding.

Lecture - visualization

This type of lecture is the result of a new use of the principle of clarity; the content of this principle changes under the influence of data from psychological and pedagogical science, forms and methods of active learning.

The preparation of this lecture by the teacher consists of changing and reconstructing educational information on the topic of the lecture session into a visual form for presentation to students through technical teaching aids or manually (diagrams, drawings, drawings, etc.).

Reading a lecture comes down to a coherent, detailed commentary by the teacher on prepared visual materials, which fully reveals the topic of this lecture. The information presented in this way should ensure the systematization of students’ knowledge, the creation of problem situations and the possibility of resolving them; demonstrate different methods of clarity, which is important in cognitive and professional activities.

It is best to use different types of visualization - natural, pictorial, symbolic - each of which or a combination of them is selected depending on the content of the educational material. When moving from text to visual form or from one type of visualization to another, some information may be lost. But this is an advantage, because... allows you to concentrate attention on the most important aspects and features of the lecture content, promote its understanding and assimilation.


A lecture-conversation, or “dialogue with the audience,” is the most common and relatively simple form of actively involving students in the educational process. This lecture involves direct contact between the teacher and the audience. The advantage of a lecture-conversation is that it allows you to attract students’ attention to the most important issues of the topic, determine the content and pace of presentation of educational material, taking into account the characteristics of students.

The lecture-conversation is based on dialogical activity, which is the simplest form of active involvement of students in the educational process. Dialogue requires constant mental tension and mental activity. Whereas during the traditional form of a lecture class, students most often mechanically write down educational information presented monologically by the teacher.

Interactive slide lecture - a form of lecture implementation in which the lecturer’s “live” speech is supplemented with video materials visualized on the screen using a video projector, computer controlled. The lecture uses visual, effective images in the form of tables, diagrams, diagrams, graphs, ranked series, photos, video slides, etc. Using the MS Office "Power Point" software application, the teacher has the opportunity to quickly access necessary information, viewing in the mode required at the moment - speeding it up, or, conversely, slowing it down; “look forward” or go back. The ability to return to a viewed slide and provide additional explanations helps to understand the educational material.

Images are just one of the tools for conveying information. During a slide lecture, the student perceives information simultaneously using visual and auditory analyzers. This combination of information received creates favorable conditions for understanding and mastering the material being studied.

Group discussion- used to develop a variety of solutions in conditions of uncertainty or controversy of the issue under discussion by defusing interpersonal tension; definitions of motivation for participation and encouragement of each person present to express thoughts in detail; revival of associations previously hidden in the human subconscious; stimulation of participants; providing assistance in expressing what participants cannot articulate in a normal setting; adjusting the participants’ self-esteem and promoting the growth of their self-awareness.

Group discussion includes four stages:

- contact- acquaintance, establishing relationships and a friendly atmosphere;

- orientation to the problem - creating work tension, setting up a group solution, getting to know the problem;

- search for a solution - high level of motivation and activity, group unity, retention within the problem;

- finding and formulating decisions - collecting opinions, identifying opposing blocks, forming a step-by-step solution, recognizing the contribution of each participant, identifying and overcoming difficulties, monitoring the correctness of formulations, the emergence of new ideas, step-by-step generalization and correction, highlighting key points, making a decision.

« Brainstorm» - one of the most popular methods of stimulating creative activity. Allows you to find solutions to complex problems by applying special discussion rules.

The method is based on the assumption that one of the main obstacles to the birth of new ideas is “fear of evaluation”: people often do not express interesting, innovative ideas out loud for fear of encountering a skeptical or even hostile attitude towards them from managers and colleagues. The purpose of using brainstorming in classes with students is to eliminate the evaluative component in the initial stages of creating ideas.

Criticism is excluded: at the stage of generating ideas, expressing any criticism of the authors of ideas (both one’s own and others) is not allowed. Those working in interactive groups should be free from the fear of being judged on the ideas they propose.

Free flight of imagination is encouraged: people should try to liberate their imagination as much as possible. It is allowed to express any, even the most absurd or fantastic ideas. There are no ideas so awkward or impractical that they cannot be expressed out loud.

There should be a lot of ideas: each participant in the session is asked to present as many ideas as possible.

Combining and improving the proposed ideas: on next stage participants are asked to develop ideas suggested by others, for example by combining elements of two or three proposed ideas.

At the final stage, selection is made best solution, based on expert assessments.

The results indicate that, provided correct application With this technique, interactive groups often generate more meaningful ideas than individuals.

Brainstorming makes it possible to combine very different people; and if the group manages to find a solution, its members usually become staunch supporters of its implementation. Currently, the brainstorming method can be effectively used in the process of teaching students, including not only to stimulate the learning activity of students, but also to improve the moral climate in the student group.

Business games - a form of recreating the substantive and social content of professional activity, modeling systems of relationships characteristic of a given type of practice. Conducting business games is the deployment of special (game) activities of participants on a simulation model that recreates the conditions and dynamics of production. An educational business game allows you to set the subject and social contexts of future professional activity in training and thereby model more adequate conditions for the formation of a specialist’s personality compared to traditional training. A business game creates a special emotional mood for players, which helps to intensify the learning process (according to research, participants in business games learn about 90 percent of the information). Business games require students to have theoretical training in the field of the discipline being studied.

Related information.

Lecture-visualization teaches students to transform oral and written information into visual form, systematizing and highlighting the most essential elements of the content. This type of lecture classes also implements the didactic principle of accessibility: the ability to integrate visual and verbal perception of information.

The process of visualization is the collapsing of various types of information into a visual image. As you know, difficulty in perceiving material is caused by the presentation of abstract concepts, processes, phenomena, especially of a theoretical nature. Visualization allows one to largely overcome this difficulty and give abstract concepts a visual, concrete character.

Any form of visual information contains elements of problematic content. Therefore, a visualization lecture contributes to the creation of a problem situation, the resolution of which, unlike a problem lecture where questions are used, occurs on the basis of analysis, synthesis, generalization, condensation or expansion of information, that is, with the inclusion of active mental activity. The main task of the teacher is to use forms of visualization that not only complement verbal information, but are themselves carriers of information. The more problematic the visual information is, the higher the degree of student’s mental activity.

The methodology for conducting such a lecture involves preliminary preparation visual materials in accordance with its content. Preparation of a lecture by a teacher consists of changing, reconstructing educational information (all or part at his discretion, based on methodological necessity) on the topic of the lecture lesson into a visual form for presentation to students through technical teaching aids or manually (diagrams, drawings, drawings, etc.) . P.). The main difficulty in preparing a visualization lecture is the choice of a system of visual aids and a didactically sound process of reading it, taking into account individual characteristics students and their level of knowledge.

When giving such a lecture, the teacher comments on the prepared visual materials, trying to fully reveal the topic (or prepared fragment) of this lecture. The information presented in this way should ensure the systematization of students’ knowledge, the creation of problem situations and the possibility of resolving them, which is important in cognitive and professional activities.

It is best to use different types of visualization - natural, pictorial, symbolic, each of which or their combination is selected depending on the content of the educational material. When moving from text to visual form or from one type of visualization to another, some information may be lost. But this is an advantage, as it allows you to concentrate attention on the most important aspects and features of the lecture content, facilitating its understanding and assimilation.

In some cases, it is possible to involve students in this work (for example, instruct some of them to prepare visual materials for sections of the lesson topic, which they then comment on together with the teacher during the lecture). In this case, students will develop appropriate skills, develop a high level of activity, and develop a personal attitude towards the content of training.

In a visualization lecture, a certain visual logic and rhythm of presentation of educational material are important. To do this, you can use a set of technical teaching aids, drawings, including the use of grotesque forms, as well as color, graphics, and a combination of verbal and visual information. What is important here is the dosage of using the material, the skill of the teacher, and his style of communication with students.

This type of lecture is best used at the stage of introducing students to a new section, topic, discipline.

Basic interactive methods studying at university

Lectures at interactive training

In the practice of teaching at universities, lectures remain one of the standard forms of teaching theoretical foundations any academic discipline. In the educational process, a number of situations arise when the lecture form of teaching cannot be replaced by any other.

The lecture performs the following functions:

Informational (states the necessary information),

- ·- stimulating (awakens interest in the topic),

- ·- educating,

Developmental (evaluates phenomena, develops thinking),

Orienting (in the problem, in the literature),

Explanatory (aimed primarily at the formation of basic concepts of science),

- ·- persuasive (with an emphasis on the system of evidence).

Interactive lectures are lectures that combine aspects of a traditional lecture and interactive forms of learning: discussions, conversations, case studies, slide demonstrations or educational films, brainstorming, etc. The following types of interactive lectures are distinguished.

Table 1.

Types of lectures.

Lecture for two (binary lecture) - this is a type of reading lectures with problematic content in the form of a dialogue between two teachers (either as representatives of two scientific schools, or as a theorist and practitioner). Required: demonstration of a culture of discussion, involvement of students in the discussion of the problem.

Lecture with pre-planned errors- designed to stimulate students to constantly monitor the information offered (search for errors: content, methodological, methodological, spelling). The listener’s task is to mark the errors noticed in the notes during the lecture and name them at the end of the lecture. 10-15 minutes are allotted for error analysis. During this analysis, the correct answers to questions are given - by the teacher, students or jointly. The number of planned errors depends on the specifics of the educational material, the didactic and educational goals of the lecture, and the level of preparedness of the students. This type of lecture is best given at the end of a topic or section of an academic discipline, when students have formed basic concepts and ideas.

Problem lecture- in this lecture, new knowledge is introduced through the problematic nature of a question, task or situation. At the same time, the process of student learning in collaboration and dialogue with the teacher approaches research activity. The content of the problem is revealed by organizing the search for its solution or summing up and analyzing traditional and modern points of view.

A problem lecture begins with questions, with the formulation of a problem that must be solved during the presentation of the material. Problematic questions differ from non-problematic ones in that the problem hidden in them does not require the same type of solution, that is, there is no ready-made solution scheme in past experience. The lecture is structured in such a way as to cause a question to arise in the student’s mind. Educational material is presented in the form of an educational problem. It has the logical form of a cognitive task, noting some contradictions in its conditions and ending with questions that this contradiction objectifies. A problematic situation arises after the discovery of contradictions in the initial data of the educational problem. For a problematic presentation, the most important sections of the course are selected, which constitute the main conceptual content of the academic discipline, are the most important for professional activity and the most difficult for students to master. Educational problems should be accessible in their difficulty to students.

Lecture - press conference. The form of the lecture is close to the form of holding press conferences, only with the following changes. The teacher names the topic of the lecture and asks students to ask him questions about this topic in writing. Each student must formulate the questions that most interest him within 2-3 minutes, write them on a piece of paper and hand them over to the teacher. Then the teacher sorts the questions according to their semantic content within 3-5 minutes and begins to lecture. The presentation of the material is not structured as an answer to each question asked, but in the form of a coherent presentation of the topic, during which the corresponding answers are formulated. At the end of the lecture, the teacher conducts a final assessment of the questions as a reflection of the knowledge and interests of the students. A lecture-press conference is best held at the beginning of studying a topic or section, in the middle and at the end. At the beginning of studying the topic, the main goal of the lecture is to identify the range of interests and needs of students, the degree of their preparedness for work, and their attitude to the subject. With the help of a lecture-press conference, the teacher can create a model of the audience of listeners - its attitudes, expectations, capabilities. A lecture-press conference in the middle of a topic or course is aimed at attracting the attention of students to the main points of the content of the subject, clarifying the teacher’s ideas about the degree of mastery of the material, systematizing the students’ knowledge, and correcting the chosen system of lecture and seminar work for the course. The main purpose of the lecture-press conference at the end of a topic or section is to summarize the lecture work and determine the level of development of the learned content in subsequent sections. A lecture of this kind can be given at the end of the entire course with the aim of discussing the prospects for applying theoretical knowledge in practice as a means of solving problems of mastering the material of subsequent academic disciplines, a means of determining one’s professional activity. Two or three teachers from different subject areas can participate in the lecture-press conference as lecturers. It is possible to conduct this type of lecture as a scientific and practical lesson, with a pre-set problem and a system of reports, lasting 5-10 minutes. Each speech is a logically completed text, prepared in advance within the framework of the program proposed by the teacher. The totality of the presented texts will allow us to comprehensively cover the problem. At the end of the lecture, the teacher summarizes the results independent work and student presentations, supplementing or clarifying the information provided, and formulates the main conclusions.

Lecture – visualization. This type of lecture is the result of a new use of the principle of visualization. The preparation of this lecture by the teacher consists of changing and reconstructing educational information on the topic of the lecture session into a visual form for presentation to students through technical teaching aids or manually (diagrams, drawings, drawings, etc.). Reading a lecture comes down to a coherent, detailed commentary by the teacher on prepared visual materials, which fully reveals the topic of this lecture. It is best to use different types of visualization - natural, pictorial, symbolic - each of which or a combination of them is selected depending on the content of the educational material. This type of lecture is best used at the stage of introducing students to a new section, topic, discipline.

Lecture-conversation, or “dialogue with the audience,” is the most common and relatively simple form of actively involving students in the learning process. This lecture involves direct contact between the teacher and the audience. You can invite to participate in the lecture-conversation various techniques, for example, activating students with questions at the beginning of the lecture and during its course, as already described in the problem lecture, questions can be of an informational and problematic nature, to clarify opinions and the level of awareness on the topic under consideration, the degree of their readiness to perceive subsequent material. Questions are addressed to the entire audience. Listeners answer from their seats. If the teacher notices that one of the students is not participating in the conversation, then the question can be addressed personally to that listener, or ask his opinion on the issue under discussion. To save time, it is recommended to formulate questions so that they can be answered unambiguously.

Lecture-discussion. Unlike a lecture-conversation, here the teacher, when presenting the lecture material, not only uses the listeners’ answers to his questions, but also organizes a free exchange of opinions in the intervals between logical sections. Discussion is an interaction between a teacher and a student, a free exchange of opinions, ideas and views on the issue under study. During the lecture-discussion, the teacher gives individual examples in the form of situations or briefly formulated problems and invites students to briefly discuss, then brief analysis, conclusions and the lecture continues.

Lecture with analysis of specific situations. This lecture is similar in form to a lecture-discussion, however, the teacher does not pose questions for discussion, but a specific situation. Typically, this situation is presented orally or in a very short video or filmstrip. Therefore, its presentation should be very brief, but contain sufficient information for assessing the characteristic phenomenon and discussion. Listeners analyze and discuss these micro-situations and discuss them together with the entire audience. The teacher tries to intensify participation in the discussion with specific questions addressed to individual students, presents different opinions in order to develop the discussion, trying to direct it to the right direction. Then, relying on correct statements and analyzing incorrect ones, unobtrusively but convincingly leads listeners to a collective conclusion or generalization. Sometimes a discussion of a microsituation is used as a prologue to the next part of the lecture.

Video lectures. The teacher's lecture is recorded on videotape. Using the nonlinear editing method, it can be supplemented with multimedia applications illustrating the presentation of the lecture. The undoubted advantage of this method of presenting theoretical material is the opportunity to listen to the lecture at any convenient time, repeatedly turning to the most difficult parts. Video lectures can be delivered on video cassettes or CDs. The video lecture can be broadcast via telecommunications to training centers directly from the university. Such lectures are no different from traditional ones given in the classroom.

Multimedia lectures. To independently work on lecture material, students use interactive computer training programs. These are tutorials in which theoretical material Thanks to the use of multimedia tools, it is structured in such a way that each student can choose for himself the optimal trajectory of studying the material, a convenient pace of work on the course and a method of studying that best suits the psychophysiological characteristics of his perception. The educational effect in such programs is achieved not only due to the content and user-friendly interface, but also through the use, for example, of testing programs that allow the student to assess the degree to which he has mastered the theoretical educational material.


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