Optimal storage temperature for potatoes. How and where to store potatoes in an apartment

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Among the most common vegetables stored in the cellar, potatoes stand out. It is stored in the cellar in winter for various purposes - both as an edible product and as a planting material for spring planting.

The construction of a cellar on a plot or under a house, in a garage with a basement or any other outbuilding pays for itself many times over, taking into account the preservation of a crop of any volume in the required condition throughout the winter.

How to store potatoes in the cellar correctly, how to choose the right variety, how to arrange the room and place the crop - these are the main questions that interest home garden owners when storing produce in storage.

Potatoes are the simplest vegetable in the human diet, which is why people have long tried to stock up on some supplies for the winter.

Potatoes are very demanding in terms of storage conditions, since they contain a lot of water and starch. Root crops are subject to spoilage and rotting if the room is too hot or cold, as well as in conditions of increased dampness. Experts say that all varieties are suitable for storage.

The difference between them is different dates storage:

  • Varieties Rocco, Aurora, Khozyayushka and Pirol are early and mid-season varieties that do not store for a long time. Shelf life - 3-5 months;
  • The varieties Atlant, Kolobok, Slavyanka, Zhuravinka, Adretta, Sovet, Zdabytak and Scarlett are mid-late and very late varieties that can be stored much longer than other vegetables, until spring.

The following requirements are imposed on root crops to be stored: potatoes must be mature, with intact skin, clean and dry, without sprouts.

Before storing any variety in storage, it is necessary to prepare the tubers, for which the following is done:

  • Potatoes are dried on fresh air, in the sun, for several hours. Ultraviolet light can kill pathogens, which facilitates longer storage;
  • It is necessary to carefully sort through the entire crop, discarding damaged tubers. It is also important to choose root vegetables that are approximately the same size. Medium varieties store well.

When harvesting different varieties, the percentage of potato harvest preserved in the desired condition increases significantly. Before storing potatoes in the cellar, you need to create optimal conditions for vegetables so that they do not spoil.

At what temperature are potatoes stored in the cellar so that they do not sprout or rot is the most important question that worries any owner of a personal plot.

How to ensure optimal conditions for the harvest:

  • the temperature of storing potatoes in winter inside the storage is from 2 to 4 degrees Celsius - this will prevent the potatoes from sprouting and freezing;
  • Maintaining humidity around 70-85% helps protect stored crops from mold and mildew. Additionally, the bottom of the cellar is lined with a layer of crushed stone and pebbles.
  • absence sun rays inside the cellar is one of the most important conditions for stored potatoes, since exposure to light produces solanine in the tubers, which makes the crop unsuitable for consumption. This is determined visually green peel and pulp of root vegetables.

If you do not comply with the recommended temperature and humidity parameters in the room, the crop will spoil, sprout and rot. If the cellar is too warm, the potatoes will sprout. Many owners are concerned about the question of why potatoes become sweet. If you lower the temperature to 0 or below, the starch in the potatoes will turn into sugar.

Such sweetness indicates freezing of root vegetables. Vegetables with such a taste become unsuitable for cooking. If you allow the room to freeze, then all supplies will become unsuitable for consumption.

Harvest safety can be achieved by carrying out comprehensive measures. These measures will reduce the likelihood of potato rotting and other crop diseases.

Those who are deciding how to store potatoes in winter will need to take the following measures:

  • treatment of the internal surfaces of the room, twice with a weekly interval. Experts recommend whitewashing with a mixture of 150 grams table salt, 2 kg of lime (slaked), 10 liters of water and one kilogram of copper sulfate;
  • regular cleaning and checking of the ventilation system and other equipment that is made in basements along with supply and exhaust system cellars;
  • periodic ventilation of the cellar;
  • drying everyone wooden elements and pallets, and after that they must be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate.

A cellar of any size intended for storing potatoes requires the arrangement of bin compartments. Making them is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the sequence of actions.

In compartments, potatoes are stored in nets, bags or boxes.

  • The box is placed in such a way that there are gaps of 2-4 cm between the slats, which will ensure high-quality ventilation;
  • from the bottom of the box to flooring about 0.2 m should remain;
  • I leave 0.3 m between the walls and the surface of the box;
  • there should be a space of at least 10 centimeters between the boxes themselves;
  • the box must extend more than 0.6 meters of free space from the ceiling.

Storing potatoes in a cellar in this form compares favorably with other storage methods by the ease of installation of boxes according to any specified sizes, dividing them into separate sections, which allows sorting by variety and storage purpose. The harvest box has become widespread among owners of small cellars.

Storage without a cellar

There are cases when the arrangement of an underground storage facility is not possible, and harvested Potatoes need to be stored without a cellar. Then the most convenient and most common method is to arrange a collar.

Burt is an oblong mound of potatoes, which is covered with a layer of earth by 0.5-0.7 m, straw by 0.8 m, and on top - thermal insulation material, making enclosing structures from boards on the sides.

Dig a vertical pipe vertically, which will serve ventilation duct, and small ditches are dug around the perimeter to drain water. Such storage facilities are solely temporary.

When the amount of collected products is large enough, an ordinary hole in the garden is used for the pile. To do this you need:

  • in an area with not too loose soil, dig a hole measuring 1.5-1.7 meters. Straw is placed at the bottom, filling the potatoes not to the very top;
  • the crop is covered with a layer of straw, boards, filled with soil to the top, raking up a layer of soil with the onset of frost;
  • In urban conditions, potatoes can be stored in winter on the balcony by arranging a box in which the box with potatoes is placed. Such storage can accommodate up to 300 kg;
  • the gap between the walls, bottom and box is insulated with polystyrene foam or sawdust, which can maintain the temperature within acceptable values;
  • old things, preferably warm ones, are piled on top of the structure. This arrangement can insulate a box on the balcony.

Storage rules

The main requirement for storing potatoes in the cellar is strict adherence to temperature conditions. You definitely need to make a thermometer in the room, and as soon as it starts to display an elevated temperature, you need to take urgent measures to reduce it. For this purpose, place containers with ice, bottles with cold water which will allow you to quickly reduce the air temperature.

When there is frost outside the window, the temperature inside also cools. There are several ways to preserve potatoes; in particular, you can cover them with straw and heat the air with a small heater. Most upper layer potatoes can be 1.2-1.3 meters.

Storage in nets, bags and bulk

One simple and common way is to store potatoes in the cellar in nets or bags. This contributes proper ventilation inside the bag, where air can circulate between the tubers, preventing fungus and mold. Nets and bags are placed on special pallets, sprinkled with a layer of straw on top for better heat retention.

Potato crops are stored in bags as often as in nets, since this is not only convenient and practical, but also safe for environment. Burlap is natural material, which itself allows air to pass through, protecting supplies from wind and cold.

To protect against hypothermia, bags are placed on racks or pallets, placed in a circle or lying 5 rows up, but not higher than 3 meters. After laying, it is better to cover the crop with straw, hay or warm clothes. Such insulation allows the crop to be stored longer, especially if it is gradually reduced by opening and removing parts for food.

Good afternoon to all readers!

Not a single family can live without potatoes in winter. It is not profitable to buy it in winter, so many families stock up on this valuable and nutritious vegetable for the winter. It is important to properly organize the storage of potatoes: for this you need to prepare the tubers and find a place for storage. Today we'll talk about

How to Preserve Potatoes

The potato harvest finishes forming when its tops begin to dry out. A month before the tops die, the tubers become full, starch and other dry substances accumulate in them. Potatoes that are better ripened have excellent taste.

Potato harvesting time

It is very important to harvest the potatoes on time. If you are late with the deadlines, she may develop rhizoctonia, which significantly reduces the shelf life of vegetables. No less dangerous for tubers is fungal disease.

Early collection harvest does not guarantee that the potatoes will overwinter well, since their skins will not ripen.

Potatoes can only fully ripen in southern regions countries. In the northern and central regions they rely more on the weather. It is better to dig it up in sunny, dry weather so that it has time to dry in the open air.

Rainy weather is not suitable for harvesting. Potatoes will not only lose their attractiveness, but they will also have a shorter shelf life.

Regardless of the weather, planting dates and characteristics of potato varieties should be taken into account.

Early varieties Potatoes are harvested in July or early August. The most suitable time for collection mid-season varieties– mid-August. Potato mid-late and late varieties They are dug in late August - early September.

There is no need to leave potatoes in the ground any longer - in rainy weather they will pick up a lot of moisture and will rot and hurt more. And in drought it will become soft.

The best varieties for winter storage are table varieties with yellow flesh. Different varieties It is better to store potatoes separately, in different boxes.

Preparation for storage

Two weeks before harvesting, it is necessary to cut off the potato tops. This will help the tubers ripen; they will not be injured when digging up.

Store-bought or dug up potatoes must be dried (1-3 weeks). It will dry better outside, so you need to dig it up on a sunny day. But the tubers should not be left in the sun for more than a few hours - they may turn green.

Then the potatoes are dried in a dry, ventilated room (garage, house, barn). When the vegetables are dry, they need to be sorted.

For long storage Green, rotten and damaged potatoes are not suitable.

Spoiled tubers cannot be stored together with good ones. Medium-sized tubers without blemishes, well dried, are suitable for long-term storage. For medium shelf life, the largest potatoes are suitable. Spoiled tubers are stored the least.

I would say that this is the most important stage for good preservation of the crop. The less you now regret throwing away some low-quality tuber, the less later throw away the rotten potatoes from the cellar.

Especially during a bad harvest, we just want to put more potatoes into storage, neglecting the quality. Don’t do double work—remove bad tubers right away and don’t store them.

You can’t put potatoes into storage right away. After harvesting, it breathes for some time, its peel ripens, and the wounds heal.

Immediately lowering the tubers into the basement, the heaps will heat up, since heat is released when the potatoes breathe.

Storing potatoes in the cellar

The best place to store potatoes is a basement or cellar. In a cool and dark room, the harmful substance solanine is not produced. It is very toxic to humans. As a rule, it is found in green tubers. You can't eat them. To prevent potatoes from turning green, it is necessary to observe the heat and light conditions.

The cellar in which potatoes are going to be stored must be dry and clean. In summer the storage room needs to be whitewashed.

Lime mortar: 2-3 kg of lime per bucket of water and add 100 g. copper sulfate.

The optimal temperature in the cellar for storing vegetables is 2-3 degrees, humidity 80%. The temperature in the storage is reduced gradually.

If in the basement there will be subzero temperature, the potatoes will freeze and be sweet. At temperatures above 3-4 degrees, the tubers will begin to germinate.

Potatoes should be stored in bins; they allow air to pass through well. It is filled no higher than 1-1.2 meters, covered with burlap or an old blanket.

Drawers are good for storage; they can be placed on shelves or on top of each other. But you can’t place them directly on the floor; you need to raise them no less than 20 cm.

Boxes are prepared before laying potatoes:

  • cleaned and repaired if necessary
  • dried
  • disinfected with lime solution

If you put a few apples in boxes, the potatoes will not germinate.

Mint, dried leaves of rowan, wormwood, elderberry, and fern will protect against tuber germination.

To prevent the tubers from freezing, the storage boxes are covered old cloth. To insulate and absorb excess moisture, you can put straw or sawdust on top of the shelter.

Several times during the winter, the potatoes need to be sorted and rotten, frozen tubers removed. This can be done when you take vegetables for meals. At the same time, you need to ventilate the cellar - vegetables breathe during storage and condensation may form. For this purpose, an exhaust hood or ventilation pipe must be provided in the cellar.

High humidity is a bad companion for preserving potatoes in winter.

If you have too many potatoes and they don’t fit in the cellar, they are placed in a hole in the garden.

Potato pit

For the pit, choose an area away from groundwater. The soil on it should be dry and dense. An ideal pit is 1.5 meters deep and 2 meters wide. Special grooves are made to drain rainwater. The bottom of the pit is covered with straw.

After filling the potatoes, leave a small space on top (up to 0.7 m). Then they cover it with straw and put dry poles or boards on top. After this, the hole is slowly, in several stages, covered with earth.

Storage at home

Residents of city apartments can store vegetables on the balcony. On glass loggia Simply covered with blankets, potatoes in a bag can be stored until the outside temperature drops to -10°C. But it’s better not to risk the harvest and build a small storage facility in a warmer place.

You can make it yourself from thick plywood or tongue and groove boards. To prevent the box from allowing moisture to pass through, it is painted or lined with plastic or linoleum. Size may vary, see your needs.

The potato storage box should have a second bottom and a double lid. The voids need to be filled. To do this, you can use insulation, polystyrene foam or sawdust. The walls on the sides need to be insulated; they are also made double. You end up with a box within a box with a distance of about 5 cm between the walls.

To maintain a constant temperature, you can use two 15-watt lamps. Thanks to the thermal relay, they will turn on automatically. If it is not possible to install it, a thermometer is attached to the wall of the box, and when the temperature drops, they are turned on manually.

When exposed to light, potatoes can begin to turn green and release toxic substances. To avoid problems, it is necessary to cover the tubers with a dark cloth or paint the lamps with black or brown paint.

A box for storing harvest can be made from an old refrigerator. To do this, you need to put it with the lid up and you will get a finished chest. With additional shelter, such a box will withstand up to -20°C.

If you wish, you can transform it on top into a sofa - and there will be storage inside)

When there is no balcony, potatoes are stored at home in dark place. At the same time, its shelf life is not long - no more than a month. Otherwise, it will become sluggish or grow.

In the pantry, tubers can be stored in boxes and bags. It is best to put beets along with the potatoes, they will absorb excess moisture. With this storage method, a third of the container is filled with beets.

Absorbs excess moisture well wood shavings or straw. You can use it to pour boxes of potatoes.

Cold storage

You should not store potatoes in the refrigerator so that they do not lose their taste. At low temperatures, the starch contained in potatoes turns into sugar, so the tubers change their taste. Potatoes will become soggy and rotten in the refrigerator. In addition, the size of the refrigerator does not allow storing a large number of tubers.

If you kept potatoes in the refrigerator for some period, they should lie in a warm room for several days so that their taste returns.

Storage in a barrel

U Potatoes can be stored in a barrel in the ground. Suitable for this purpose metal barrel large volume. A dry place on a hill is prepared for it. A hole is dug 10-15 cm larger than the diameter of the prepared barrel. The outside of the barrel itself is wrapped with a layer of roofing felt to enhance waterproofing. The roofing material is secured with a thin wire so that it does not slip while lowering the container into the hole. The walls of the barrel are lined with thick cardboard. At the bottom, on small blocks, you need to place plywood with holes for water drainage. In order for the air to flow well, a piece of the old hose should be pulled out from the barrel.

The prepared barrel is carefully placed in the pit. The resulting gaps are covered with earth under the neck. The area with the barrel is protected from precipitation, a canopy made of boards is installed, and drainage ditches are dug nearby.

You can store seed potatoes this way. It is very beneficial to store it together with beets.

Storing seed potatoes

Gardeners need seed potatoes for sowing. It is very important to preserve it until spring. Strong, healthy, ripened tubers are suitable for storage.

Unripe potatoes are laid to ripen for 12 days. Also, the tubers should be dried in the fresh air, preferably under a canopy.

Seed potatoes are stored at a temperature of 2-3 degrees. The temperature in the basement is reduced gradually, 1 degree per day. A month before planting, the temperature is gradually increased.

It is better to store potatoes unwashed.

In some cases, it is stored after it has been washed.

How to store washed potatoes

Its presentation is much better. If you are going to store the tubers in this way, then you need to wash the potatoes very carefully so as not to damage the skin.

Washed tubers are dried and laid out thin layer(no higher than two potatoes), covered with straw or old rugs.

After 2 weeks, the vegetables are sorted out and placed in the cellar, sprinkled with birch ash.

Why do potatoes turn black during storage?

If you violate the rules of cultivation and storage, the potatoes may darken:

  1. Excess nitrogen in the soil
  2. Applying fresh manure to the ground
  3. Irrigation violation
  4. Cleaning at the wrong time
  5. Poor preparation for storage.

Potatoes turn black inside if the soil contains excess nitrogen during growing. Or before planting potatoes, the soil was fed with fresh manure.

Fresh organic fertilizers I don't like this vegetable. Producing large amounts of nitrogen, it is susceptible to fungal diseases. Dark spots appear on tubers affected by scab.

When potato tubers form, they need the optimal amount of moisture. If there is a lack of moisture, the potatoes overheat; if there is too much, they suffocate due to lack of oxygen.

The reason for the darkening of potatoes can be their untimely harvesting. If it is harvested ahead of schedule, the flesh may darken. When dug up late, the tubers overheat, releasing carbon dioxide.

If the potatoes do not have a cooling period before storing them, they will quickly spoil.

Video about storing potatoes

Useful tips!

In order for potatoes to be well preserved until spring, you need to prepare them well.

I wish your harvest to last as long as possible!

Sincerely, Sofya Guseva.

Other useful articles.


To enjoy your favorite root vegetables all winter, you need to ensure proper storage of potatoes at home. We will tell you how to properly arrange a practical storage for fruits in the cellar or on the balcony.

Despite the fact that potatoes are not a perishable product, they need to be provided with suitable conditions for long-term storage. If you are wondering why your favorite root vegetable is rotting or turning green, then most likely you have not followed the rules for storing vegetables for the winter. The main condition for normal storage in an apartment or cellar in winter is that the chosen place should be cool and dark.

Conditions for long-term storage of potatoes

The ideal storage temperature for potatoes is about +2 ... +3 °C. If the conditions are created correctly, potatoes will be able to lie in the underground or any other place for a long time, retaining all their vitamins, beneficial and taste qualities.

Why can’t we allow temperature conditions to constantly change when planting root crops? If potatoes “survive” severe frosts, they will become limp and acquire a sweetish taste. If the temperature in the cellar or apartment is too high, shoots will begin to grow from the root crops, and the potatoes themselves will become deformed and wrinkled. Another important point, which should not be forgotten - optimal humidity. Acceptable level– about 90%. If you deviate from this indicator, rot may appear on the tubers.

Studying suitable methods When storing potatoes in an apartment or in specially created warehouses, do not forget that not all varieties of this vegetable are suitable for storing in the basement. It is best to choose medium and medium late varieties. These are Ufimets, Lyubimets, Asterix, Adretta.

Mid-late vegetable varieties

Also remember that the length of storage largely depends on how and when you harvest. So, root vegetables should be collected after the tops have dried. Finding out if a vegetable is ready is quite simple - dig up a few tubers and check the degree of ripeness. If the skin is difficult to remove, the root crop is ready for planting. A week before harvesting, it is recommended to mow the tops, which will protect the tubers from diseases. It is best to dig up the crop on a fine day, using a pitchfork or shovel. When performing work, be careful not to damage the tubers - damaged root crops should not be stored in the cellar.

Technology and phases of potato storage - what do you need to know?

In order for root vegetables to lie in the basement or on the balcony without problems, without getting sick or spoiled, it is very important to know about the five phases of storing vegetables. The bookmark layout is as follows:

  1. Drying. First you need to sort the tubers: put crushed and diseased fruits in a separate container, clean them of soil residues. After this, we dry the wet root vegetables in the cellar at a temperature of no more than +17 °C for one to two weeks.
  2. Treatment phase. The treatment period lasts about 18 days - during this time, root vegetables should be stored underground at a temperature of about +20 °C and a humidity of about 95%. During this period, the potatoes will strengthen and existing damage will heal.
  3. Cooling period. At this time, the temperature in the storage area should be reduced to +4 °C, and it should be reduced by 0.5-1 degrees per day.
  4. Technology of permanent storage in the cellar. This period will continue until the sale of root crops or their subsequent preparation for planting. It is necessary to ensure a constant temperature, air humidity should not exceed 90%.
  5. The last phase is heating. Chilled potatoes can quickly become sick and simply become damaged. Therefore, before unloading root crops into boxes, you need to raise the temperature to +10-15 °C.

First of all, prepare the room for planting root vegetables. The complex of work carried out will reduce the risk of rot or any other diseases. You need:

  • Treat the room correctly. Whitewash the walls of the room twice at weekly intervals. To do this, you need to prepare a mixture of 150 g of salt, 2 kg of slaked lime, a bucket of water (10 liters) and 1 kg of copper sulfate.
  • Check ventilation system. If it is not working well, be sure to clean the hood to ensure proper ventilation of the room.
  • Finally, the cellar needs to be ventilated. Potatoes can be stored underground in several ways: in boxes, bags and in bulk.

Let's study each of them in more detail. This will allow you to choose the option that suits you best. If you decide to put tubers in boxes for the winter, then the technology here will be as follows:

  • In order for the contents of the boxes to be ventilated, the distance between the slats of the container should be about 3-5 cm.
  • It is best if the container is made of pine or spruce. Why choose this particular wood? And all because the needles contain substances that inhibit the development of bacteria and fungi.
  • The distance from the floor to the bottom should be approximately 20 cm, between the box and the wall - 30 cm.
  • The space between containers is at least 10 cm. This arrangement will prevent diseases and pests from “running” from one box to another.

The main advantage of boxes is that you can quickly build them with your own hands in different variations. For example, the container can be divided into sections, which will allow the tubers to be sorted into varieties when storing. To ensure that the fruits release less moisture during storage, it would be correct to sprinkle them with sawdust or peat. If the temperature in the basement does not exceed +2 °C, and the humidity is about 90%, sand should be poured into the storage area with vegetables.

Container with sections

Storing potatoes in winter period can also be carried out in grids. This method also has its advantages. Air penetrates and circulates freely. Thanks to this, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing diseases. Nets should not be placed directly on the floor - it is better to place them on top of pallets. And to keep warm in winter, cover them with straw.

If you want, use bags - this option is considered the most practical. The main thing is to use bags made of natural fabric - in this case they will allow air to pass through, warming the root vegetables from frost. To further protect the potatoes from the cold, the bags should be placed on wooden rack, and on top they are covered with old things or hay. By the way, this option is also suitable for planting tubers in an apartment.

The filling in the cellar can also be done in bulk. This technology is considered the easiest. To do the job correctly, you only need to take two steps:

  • Potatoes are poured into bins; the height of the “mountain” should be no more than a meter.
  • Root vegetables are covered with old clothes or fabrics.

The disadvantage of this method is the difficulty of adjusting and checking the temperature inside the heap of fruits, the large occupied area, which can lead to the appearance of fungus and rot. And don’t forget to regularly check your supplies in the cellar, sorting through the potatoes and selecting rotten fruits. By the way, seed potatoes are stored in exactly the same way.

If you are unlucky and don’t have a summer house, you will have to store root vegetables in your apartment. There are several options here. So, the storage place should be dark and cool. Should be avoided plastic bags that do not allow air to pass through. If you decide to store root vegetables under the sink, use a wicker basket or large plastic container.

But it is best to store potatoes on the balcony using wooden boxes. When the loggia in the apartment is not glazed, the container will have to be insulated with foam plastic, and after filling the potatoes, simply cover the box with old things - a jacket or fur coat, you can use an old blanket. Thanks to this, you can retain heat inside the box, protecting vegetables from frost.

Storing potatoes on the balcony

To prevent tubers from sprouting, place a few mint leaves or apples in the container along with the potatoes. This will ensure the safety of the fruits and protect them from spoilage.

You can also purchase a household thermal container to store fruits in your apartment on the balcony. It is a double bag made of durable fabric. The product is insulated using padding polyester and equipped with a system electric heating, which automatically maintains the required temperature conditions. Thanks to this, vegetables will be able to survive frosts with temperatures down to –40 °C. You can control and regulate the temperature using a thermostat with a screen.

How do fruit growing conditions affect storage?

You need to understand that the shelf life of tubers largely depends on the conditions under which the vegetables grew. If the summer was rainy and cold, this will lead to losses during storage of fruits. Vegetable growers have found that if during the growing season soil moisture increases to 85%, the shelf life of root crops can be halved.

Potatoes grown on light sandy loam soil will last longer in the cellar than those planted on loamy soil. The shelf life of the fertilizer that was used for fertilizing is affected. If the plant has been oversaturated with nitrogen fertilizers, it copes with diseases worse. The same applies to fruits that were deficient in potassium during cultivation.

To prevent various things from affecting your fruits during storage, be sure to remove the affected tops before digging up this root crop.

Potatoes can be considered the main ingredient for any dish. And any housewife knows a sufficient number of recipes for its preparation. Thanks to the resourcefulness and far-sighted plans of Peter the Great, potatoes boldly settled in Russia. Having in its arsenal a lot of useful vitamins and useful substances, such a delicacy rightfully deserves respect and love from both adults and children. So that the whole family can enjoy their favorite treat long time, he needs to create everything the necessary conditions For proper storage. For this it is worth knowing that optimal temperature for storing potatoes is +2 degrees Celsius.

Currently, there are many ways to store potato tubers. It all depends on the financial capabilities, knowledge and ingenuity of the owner. Especially the winners are those who have their own land plot in the village or a private house- the problem of where to store potatoes immediately disappears. As for thrifty urban housewives, they have to look for ways to save potatoes for the long winter days.

What you need to know before storing potatoes

Potatoes are not perishable products, but failure to comply with storage standards ( high humidity and dampness, temperature changes or sunlight) makes it capricious, which results in its rapid deterioration. The main condition for all owners remains the same - the storage space must be dark and cool. Sunlight has a detrimental effect on the tubers, causing them to turn green and secrete a glucoside that is toxic to the human body.

Each owner has his own storage temperature for potatoes, but ideally it is about +2 to +3 degrees Celsius.

Only within a given framework can it stand for a long time, retaining all its properties and vitamins. Another important factor is high humidity in storage. The acceptable level is 87-91%. Deviation from the given norm will have a negative impact on the potato as a whole.

Temperature conditions for storing potatoes in winter and summer

The tuber harvest usually occurs in the summer season. Skilled farmers manage to plant potatoes twice during the spring and summer ( in early spring and mid-summer) and get a double “catch”.

In both the first and second cases, the question of storage remains the same - how to protect it from winter frosts and summer heat.

The storage temperature of potatoes in winter and summer remains the same - from +2 to +3 degrees. Why should it be permanent? Because when it freezes, it becomes sweet and lethargic. At high temperatures, the tuber begins to “breathe” more, consuming starch. The shoots grow, causing the potato to become deformed, giving up all the juices to the latter.

The freezing temperature of potatoes during storage is -1 degree. IN in this case the starch contained in it turns into sugar, so the frozen tuber will give off a sweet taste when cooked, which will ruin the dish.

Cellar storage conditions

Before placing potatoes underground, they must be cleared of last year's boxes, debris and other property. Drying and airing won't hurt either. Experts also recommend whitening the walls and ceiling of the room with lime to prevent the formation of mold. Since the storage temperature of potatoes requires a certain degree, it is necessary to take care of ventilation in advance (in extreme cases, install forced ventilation) or caulk all cracks and holes in the walls and ceiling. It would also be a good idea to regularly ventilate the cellar through open doors.

Before storing them in the cellar, the tubers must be sorted out: leave whole ones, remove spoiled ones or those cut with a shovel when digging. Prepare special lattice boxes or racks. Your favorite delicacy should be laid in a layer no thicker than 30 cm to ensure air access to the lower tubers. The storage temperature of potatoes in the cellar should be within 2-3 degrees above zero.

Storage in an apartment: principles

If you don’t have a dacha or an extra cellar, then you have to keep the potatoes at home. The best place The balcony is used for storage - this place in any apartment is equipped specifically for such purposes. Experienced keepers advise doing the following before storing potatoes:

Check last year's box: replace damaged waterproofing film;

Make sure that the walls and bottom of the box are lined with foam;

Clean the exhaust pipes from dust and dirt and install them in a box;

Depending on the size of the box, prepare blue lamps for heating in cold weather;

Check the functionality of the thermometer;

Clean old nets (bags are not recommended).

The temperature for storing potatoes on the balcony depends on how well and reliably the owner has insulated the box and how often he will heat the box.

Storage in special refrigerators

Sometimes it turns out that in apartments the balcony is combined with the main living space, and a private house is not equipped with a basement or other similar structure. Potatoes don’t even want to listen to this kind of excuse and require proper storage space. Fortunately, the solution is quite simple - purchasing special refrigeration chambers, in which the optimal temperature for storing potatoes is set to 3 seconds. This equipment will only be affordable for wealthy citizens. But it's worth it, since you can solve the eternal problem with storage space once and for all.

The advantage of special refrigeration chambers is that in such devices you can store not only potatoes, but also other vegetables. They do not require installation of ventilation, airing, or special conditions for operation and repair. You just need to install this camera at home and switch it to a convenient temperature mode for storing potatoes.

Storing potatoes in vegetable stores

This option is ideal for those categories of citizens who grow and sell potatoes in large volumes. Since storing such large supplies at home becomes problematic, we have to choose vegetable storage facilities. These specialized premises are equipped with universal heating and cooling devices, ventilation systems, which allows you to store potatoes and other vegetables and fruits in large quantities for a long time.

Thanks to the automation of processes, the temperature for storing potatoes in a vegetable storehouse is optimal: from +2 to +4 degrees.

The main condition for accepting tubers for storage is to sort the potatoes into good ones (which are suitable for long-term storage) and defective ones (rotten, cut, limp, diseased, etc.).

Emergency potato storage equipment

Many novice summer residents plant their entire garden with potatoes without hesitation. The logic of some is clear - this is a nourishing and tasty product, which is in the first place for all housewives when preparing food. And only when storing it do they ask a logical question: “What is the storage temperature for potatoes?” For the above-mentioned crop, the conditions for saving for economic purposes are quite extensive and range from +2 to +12 degrees Celsius. Therefore, when yields are high, craftsmen simply dig a hole (depth - 2 m, width - 2 m). The bottom of the pit is covered with 50 cm of dry grass, then the potatoes are covered with an approximate layer of 1 m, covering the top with a small layer of the same dry grass. The top 50 cm is left to be filled with earth and covered with tin. Before the onset of frost, the tin is removed and the hole is filled with earth. To prevent water from getting into it, it is necessary to ensure drainage of wastewater by covering the top with a sheet of slate or tin. The earth will provide warmth for the tubers, and the temperature of storing potatoes in the pit in winter will be about +3 degrees.

Some nuances

Every housewife knows that minimum temperature Potato storage should be from +2 to +3. But if the goal is simply to preserve the tubers for 1-2 months, then the degree level can be increased to +12.

In order for potatoes to germinate faster (for planting the latter), it is necessary to provide them with heat (+14 +18) and humidity. In this case, you will get excellent seed material.

At low humidity (less than 60%), the volume of potatoes decreases. To do this, you simply need to transfer the fruits to a more humid place.

When storing in the cellar, do not regularly shift good potatoes from place to place in search of the damaged. This can inadvertently damage or hit entire tubers, which will subsequently become unusable. It is better to take care immediately when storing optimal layer tubers, so that later it is easy to identify spoiled fruits.

The best storage spaces from the experts

Every owner wants whole year have fresh and beautiful potatoes. But for the latter to remain so, he needs to create the right conditions storage Including the storage temperature of potatoes should be +2 degrees. One of the very first and most the best devices To preserve tubers in their original form, there is a cellar. Its history goes back to the distant past, when people discovered that vegetables are stored much better in an ordinary pit than on a protected surface of the earth.

Over time, the cellar has been improved, and its functions today are much broader and richer. The temperature for storing potatoes in the cellar is optimal; it will ensure long-term preservation of the fruit.

The most beloved and delicious root vegetable quite unpretentious in care, cultivation and processing. If you follow simple requirements for storing potatoes, they will delight all family members with their presence on the table in the form of various dishes.


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