Mistakes of applicants during interviews and their solutions. Common interview mistakes

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So, you've finally been invited for an interview. But what do you need to do and how to behave in order to get hired?

In principle, the answer is relatively simple, but many candidates behave in exactly the opposite way. Employers look at them and are amazed.

So, what are the top mistakes job seekers make in interviews?

If you observe the behavior of applicants during interviews, you can quickly compile an impressive list of mistakes that they make. It seems that applicants are very creative people, just not in the right places.

So, let’s list the main 20 mistakes potential employees make atinterviews . Try not to repeat them.

Mistakes applicants make during interviews

1) Being late for an interview.

Being late for an interview is a very common mistake many job seekers make.

Calculate your time in advance so that you have at least 10 minutes left before the interview begins (including time for orientation, getting through security, etc.).

2) Inappropriate appearance.

Create a favorable impression of yourself! Dress for the interview in office style, be neat and tidy.

Even if a company employee is dressed more casually, you will still look advantageous.

3) Appear for the interview with accompanying persons.

This is one of the most ridiculous mistakes you can think of. Nevertheless, there are job seekers who do this.

Understand: the interviewer does not need “bodyguards” or “witnesses.” The employment process is completely individual.

4) Lack of knowledge of any information about the company - a potential employer.

Not knowing information about the company is one of the main mistakes candidates make during interviews. About Usindicates the candidate’s disinterest and passivity.

Moreover, going into an interview so unprepared is essentially bad taste.

Not only should you not ask what the company does, but by your answers and questions you should demonstrate that you know quite a lot about the company and came to the interview absolutely consciously. And that this is the company you want to work for.

5) Uncertain behavior of the candidate during the interview.

Showing uncertainty in an interview can ruin your chances of getting hired, even if you are, in fact, a qualified candidate.

Therefore, take courage and boldly go to a meeting with a potential employer. In any case, no one will “eat” you there.

6) Interrupting interviews with cell phone conversations.

Turn off your phone before the interview so that no one (especially other employers) will disturb you. Otherwise it will not only be a mistake, but also a sign of disrespect.

7) Inability to talk about your advantages as a specialist.

While still at home, analyze your experience, strengths, skills, education, etc. Think about yours in advance answers to employer questions.

Only then can you say that you are fully prepared for the interview.

8) during an interview, “neither fish nor fowl” type of behavior, dismissive attitude.

Nobody needs indifferent candidates. In such cases, the recruiter thinks: “Why did this person even come here?”

Therefore, if you this company and job vacancy are initially uninteresting, it’s not worth wasting your time or anyone else’s.

9) The candidate has no understanding of what kind of job he wants to find.

An interview is not the time to figure yourself out. And the employer will not help you with this.

Decide on yours first goals and then send itsummary .

1 0) Obsession with money.

No (even the most generous) employer wants employees who work solely for money.

So don't ask a question about salary at the very beginning of the interview: this will be a serious mistake. Find out more about yourself first work.

11) Incorrect behavior of the candidate during the interview, failure to comply with business ethics.

Be friendly and respond appropriately. Act as you would like others to act towards you.

12) Inflated self-esteem, arrogance, self-confidence.

It is clear that such people are unlikely to arouse sympathy, and not only at an interview. It is unlikely that an employer would want such a person to appear on their team.

13) Irritated reaction to questions.

Employer questions during an interview indicate his interest in you. Even if the question is provocative, it may be a test, so respond calmly in any case.

14) Excessive frankness of the candidate during the interview.

Answer the interviewer's questions honestly, but also do not say too much that could harm you.

15) Verbosity.

Speak clearly and concisely. Then, during the allotted time for the interview, you will be able to discuss many more issues.

16) Absence.

The absence of questions to the employer indicates the candidate’s disinterest. A big “minus” during an interview.

17) Fussiness.

Be calm and collected during the interview. Vanity will only do harm.

18) Criticism of former bosses.

Good bosses have long been included in the “Red Book”. But, nevertheless, when you criticize your former boss at an interview, it looks ugly from the outside, even if you are right three times.

So we can say that to criticize former employers forbidden.

19) Lie.

It doesn't matter that it's just interview. The deception will sooner or later be revealed, and it is unlikely that you will be forgiven for it.

20) Lack of feedback.

After the interview, send the interviewer a short letter of gratitude for your time. If you agreed at the interview to call the recruiter back a certain number, be sure to do this.

Remember how you behaved at your last interviews, which of the above errors committed and take note for the future.

Let’s not argue, the interviewers themselves do not always behave appropriately; they take various “liberties”, mistakes, stupidities and simply strange actions during interviews. But in any case, you don’t need to rely on this, especially since only you are responsible for your own actions.

And one more note.

Even if during the interview you realized that this the job doesn't suit you, and have lost interest, still behave with dignity. So that the employer, in any case, has the most favorable impression about you.

P.S. Detailed tips Read about how to find a job during a crisis.

Never be late for an interview, this is... The best way ruin your impression. Think in advance about what clothes to wear to the interview, what hairstyle to wear and what makeup to wear. The best option– office suit, dull cosmetics, neat hairstyle and haircut.

Some come to the interview accompanied by a “support group” - with girlfriends, boyfriends or spouses. As a rule, the employer reacts negatively to this - after all, he should talk with the person himself, and not with the company. The candidate looks extremely unconvincing workplace, if he is poorly oriented in the activities of the chosen enterprise or company. Before the interview you need at least general outline study this information and be able to demonstrate your knowledge and awareness.

Learn to act confidently, but persuasiveness should not border on looseness. The ability to talk about yourself as a specialist with certain experience and knowledge will be appreciated by the employer.

Before the meeting, be sure to turn off mobile phone. Talking on a cell phone is regarded as disrespect for the interlocutor and bad form when communicating.

Show your sincere interest in the positive results of the interview, do not take the position of “I don’t care, don’t accept it, it’s worse for you.” If a person is not interested in this job in advance, who will take it? There is no point in emphatically demonstrating excessive interest in payment; no one needs employees who work only for money.

It is unacceptable to indulge in long stories about your previous trips in search of work, and even more so to speak negatively or mockingly about other employers. You should not show irritation or impatience if too many questions are asked during an interview. On the contrary, this indicates that they are interested in the candidate. You need to answer questions calmly, confidently, clearly and without unnecessary emotions or verbosity. During the interview, also ask the employer questions - this will create an impression of you as an interested and intelligent employee.

Don't burn ships

After the interview, be sure to thank the employer for their time, even if it turned out that this job was not for you or you were not suitable. You need to leave a lasting positive impression of yourself, behave with dignity. Who knows how life will turn out, and perhaps in the near future we will have to remember the same enterprise, company and the same employer?

You have an interview scheduled... How to pass it successfully (See How to pass an interview successfully)? Of course, it is necessary to prepare in advance for the interview (See Preparing for an interview), come up with a story about yourself (See Tell me about yourself at the interview), think through the questions that you will ask at the interview (See Questions asked to the employer at the interview), think through the answers to frequently asked questions (See Frequently Asked Interview Questions). It would seem that everything has been done and nothing will interfere with success. It turns out - no! There are several most common mistakes that applicants make during interviews. More than one candidate has failed the interview not because he is a bad specialist, but precisely because of these unfortunate mistakes.

So, the most common mistakes during an interview.

Mistakes during an interview. Avoid general phrases and superficial characteristics of your past work.

Using lengthy answers will only reduce your chances of successfully passing the interview. The recruiter needs specific information. After all, he needs to determine whether you really correspond to the position for which you are applying. For example, when asked to talk about your achievements, you should not answer in monosyllables: “I participated in the development of many business projects,” or “Thanks to me, the profit of the company where I worked increased by 25%.” Confirm information concrete examples, explain exactly how you achieved the desired results. Your answer should last 2-3 minutes and contain as much specific information as possible.

Do not overwhelm the interviewer with specific information regarding your previous work..

Emphasizing personal acquaintance with prominent politicians, major businessmen or other famous people.

This tactic is especially common among applicants for middle management positions and sales managers. Even if you have famous friends or relatives, during the interview you should not emphasize close relationships with them or casually mention famous names in conversation. The point is that there is a simple psychological rule: the more insignificant a person is, the more he strives to show his closeness to the greats of this world. In addition, the interviewer will most likely doubt the professionalism of an applicant who behaves in this way. Any recruiter knows that a professional high level always confident.

It's a completely different matter if the interviewer asks you a specific question. For example: “Who did you maintain business contacts with while working for previous work? Here you can confidently name famous names. This will only increase your chances of success.

Don't forget to turn off your mobile phone.

Before starting the interview, be sure to turn off your cell phone. Remember: nothing annoys an employer more than a sudden phone call, which came from the applicant's pocket. Well, if, because of the excitement before the upcoming interview, you suddenly forgot to turn off your cell phone and it suddenly rang, turn it off and quietly hide it. And under no circumstances answer the phone during an interview. Good luck!

Information for the applicant (those looking for work): Post your resume so that the employer can find you: add resume for free | create a resume online for free

Note to the employer: To increase the efficiency of searching for candidates who meet the requirements of the vacancy, it is imperative post a vacancy:

We on the site provide assistance in finding and obtaining work for a long time and noticed that most people make two main mistakes during interviews. Keep them in mind and you can make a better impression on your employer or HR than other applicants.

Mistake #1: Not being prepared to answer behavioral questions

In Western culture, it is not customary to stay in one place of work for a long time. In the USA and English-speaking countries, good specialists always strive for career growth, choose more profitable terms labor. The only exceptions are Japan and South Korea, but even here, when promoting to a higher position, you need to undergo an interview and testing.

Behavioral questions are a common HR technique that is especially popular in large companies. Based on the applicant’s answers, the HR department employee draws up general impression about a person, his ability to communicate and speed of reaction.

At an interview you may be asked:

  • “Tell us about any unusual situation at your previous place of work. What did you do?
  • “Have you ever worked with a difficult client or colleague? How did you cope?
  • “What mistakes did you make in your work? What did you do to eliminate their consequences?

Or the HR employee will inquire about any other situation. Your task is to talk about your actions, feelings, and experiences. When answering a behavioral question, it is important not only WHAT you say, but also HOW you say it.

What you need to talk about:

  • How did you perceive the current work situation;
  • actions aimed at solving the problem;
  • results and conclusions.

Key points that an HR specialist will pay attention to:

  • your reaction to the question posed;
  • coherence and clarity of speech;
  • logic and persuasiveness of the story.

The mistake most job seekers make is that they get confused when they hear this question. If you appear embarrassed, slur your words, or refuse to answer, you will be judged accordingly.

When interviewing for their first job, we recommend that young professionals prepare in advance a story about an incident from their student, school, family life. Remember what situations arose in educational practice and how you solved them. Any experience is important. The main thing is to be able to talk about something beautifully and coherently.

When answering a behavioral question, build a story according to the scheme - situation, action, result. We recommend that you prepare answers to the most common behavioral questions, speak them out and be able to give a beautiful answer.

Mistake #2: Perceiving an interview as an interrogation

The second common mistake when applying for a job is to assume that you are only required to answer questions from an HR specialist. But this is a fundamentally wrong approach. An interview is not an interrogation. Your task:

  • establish a trusting relationship with the employer’s representative;
  • conduct a conversation during which both parties learn useful information;
  • make a good impression.

At the company's office you are greeted by people with whom, if the interview results are positive, you will work every day. Therefore, first of all, set yourself and the personnel department employees in a friendly, positive mood. Prepare counter questions for employer representatives that will help you have a useful and interesting conversation.

Key condition successful interview- establishment positive attitude. If the conversation is relaxed and easy, you will receive undeniable advantage from HR specialists and increase your chances of getting the desired position.

I’m sure it’s no secret that the first step towards your goal is a well-written resume. Today, there are many recommendations available for everyone on how to write it, so we won’t dwell on this, but move on.

The next stage of interaction is a telephone introduction and an invitation to a personal meeting with a recruiter. Important tip- Always have with you a pen, a notepad and several questions prepared in advance, the answers to which can help you understand how the offer meets your expectations. By clarifying the details and filtering incoming offers, you can significantly save your time and the recruiter’s time.

Here we come to the most difficult and interesting stage— an interview at an agency or directly at the employing company.

I would like to note right away that the interview begins from the moment you cross the threshold of the office. There are a huge number of recommendations on how best to behave at a meeting, in terms of appearance, necessary accessories, unacceptable tardiness, handshaking, non-verbal behavior, clarifying questions at the end of the meeting, etc.

3R Recruitment Company consultants conducted a small study. To begin with, we have identified the 8 most common mistakes that are the main reason for an employer to reject a candidate. And then we turned to recruiting managers with 1.5 to 6 years of experience in the field of recruitment with a request to rate these points in terms of their importance.

1. So, in first place in importance among the mistakes made by candidates and leading to subsequent refusal, HR managers named opaque motivation and exclusively material interest, when the only reason for changing jobs is money. This approach undermines trust in the employee, since it can be concluded that the person can at any time move to where they pay more. In addition, the greatest interest for the employer is the employee who clearly understands the picture of his further development, identifies the priority areas of the company and positions that allow him to get closer to the desired level professional development.

2. The second reason for refusal was the lack of logical explanations for the reasons for the candidate’s job change, especially if they happened frequently.

3. Third place went to an unkempt, repulsive appearance. It's no secret that each company has its own "format" of the ideal candidate, and the more informed you are about the employer's expectations, the greater your chances of making a favorable impression at the interview. Before appearing for an interview, you must understand what appearance welcome to the company where you are going to get a job. As it turned out, many companies actually refuse an applicant, citing his unkempt appearance.

4. HR managers named the fourth most important mistake as “arrogant behavior, an undisguised demonstration of the perception of the recruiter (recruitment agency) as an unnecessary intermediate link and, as a result, disrespect for the interlocutor.” No matter how super-pro you are, it’s high time to come to terms with the fact that in almost any self-respecting company there is an “entry filter” as a recruiting agency (regular partner) and/or recruiting manager. And demonstrably dismissive behavior on your part is unlikely to help you get through this stage in considering your candidacy for a position that interests you.

5. Next error— “lack of a clear understanding of the prospects/direction of one’s further professional development. And the higher the status and position for which you are applying, the higher the significance of this item. For graduates and young professionals, a certain vagueness and openness to everything new, a willingness to quickly master new directions, are acceptable.

6. In sixth place were errors such as “avoiding contact with the recruiter (unwillingness to make eye contact, stiffness)” and “incorrect statements addressed to the current employer/superiors/partners/colleagues,” respectively. In such a situation, the candidate first of all discredits himself by demonstrating a lack of loyalty to the employer. The extreme degree of such behavior is the disclosure of confidential information, trade secrets of the company.

7. “Abundance of socially desirable answers, clogging, stereotyped thinking” - this is how HR managers described error No. 7. This often occurs with an immature life position, large quantities recommendations and reading material on how to properly conduct an interview. But it will not be difficult for an experienced recruiter to use projective questions and various cases (“case” - a case from practice) in order to bring you to the “ clean water" This is where a trap that you have created for yourself may lie in wait for you.

8. And finally, the last place in importance is occupied by such errors as “lack of knowledge about the employing company,” when a candidate who came for an interview at the company is not familiar with general information about her, and “low self-esteem, inability to highlight one’s personal contribution within the team/department/company.” This happens when an applicant, talking about his professional experience, speaks “on behalf of the team”, using pronouns plural: “we succeeded, we did it,” etc. On the one hand, this can be regarded as a teamwork skill, but an experienced recruiter will always ask the question: “What have you personally done?” or “How do you evaluate your personal contribution to the company?” If a candidate cannot answer this question, it means that his contribution to the work was insignificant or that he performed the function of a simple performer without thinking about the role of his position in the company.

Listing all the above mistakes that candidates make and which subsequently lead to denial of employment, I would really like to this information helped you better understand the aspects of the recruitment process that you should pay attention to when preparing for an interview. Of course, competent work on mistakes will help reduce the likelihood of failure and achieve success in the future!


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