Features of Dutch technology for growing potatoes. Planting and growing potatoes using new technologies

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  • Pashukov Sergey Alexandrovich, Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Moscow State Mechanical Engineering University
  • Chkhetiani Artem Alexandrovich, PhD

The article reveals modern technologies for cultivating potatoes and provides their analysis.

  • Domestic potato harvesters: history of creation and design analysis
  • Environmentally friendly ways to supply energy to park facilities
  • On the issue of the influence of varietal characteristics of potato tubers on damage during harvesting
  • On the issue of the main directions of innovative development of agricultural machinery
  • Global trends in the development of agricultural machinery

Currently, potatoes in terms of their economic importance in Russia rank second after grain. In connection with the transition to market relations in Russian Federation The area for planting potatoes in the public sector has sharply decreased. Currently, potatoes are cultivated mainly on farms, personal and subsidiary farms. In addition, the production of potato harvesting equipment has sharply decreased. Therefore, today the problem arises of analyzing modern technologies for cultivating potatoes and further improving potato harvesting equipment.

Currently, several basic technologies are used for growing potatoes: Zavorovskaya, Gryadovo-tape, Shirokoryadnaya, Grimmovskaya, Dutch. Let's look at them in more detail.

A feature of the Zavorov technology is the preliminary cutting of ridges (in spring or autumn) to create a loose structure in order to create optimal conditions for the development of potatoes and the possibility of harvesting with combines. It should be noted that ridge planting allows you to loosen the soil and destroy weeds through inter-row cultivation long before the emergence of potato shoots. Autumn cutting improves the freezing and looseness of the soil, so it is used in the Central Chernozem region for the production early potatoes. Spring cutting is used in moisture-rich areas on loamy, soddy-podzolic and gray forest soils. The undoubted disadvantage of this technology is that during the maintenance process, the soil between the rows is repeatedly compacted by wheels, which leads to deterioration in the growth of tubers and the formation of lumps, which significantly complicates combine harvesting.

Ridge-belt technology is used in arid (Krasnodar Territory, etc.) and waterlogged ( Far East) areas. A voluminous ridge accumulates moisture during dry periods, and when heavy rains dumps water into furrows. This technology makes it possible to increase the yield of commercial potatoes by 10-30% higher compared to Zavorovskaya. Potato planting is carried out using a KMS-3A potato planter, and harvesting is carried out using a converted KPK-2-01 combine harvester. It should be noted that when harvesting with combines, the separator receives 30-40% less soil than with ridge planting.

Wide-row technology is most effective on heavy loams, especially in conditions of insufficient or increased moisture. In the Central non-chernozem zones of Russia, both drought with temperatures of about 30 degrees and high humidity, when the potatoes get wet, are possible. A tall and wide ridge is less affected by environment than ridges, therefore, in these conditions, it is advisable to effectively plant potatoes on ridges up to 30 cm high, with a row spacing of 90 cm. In hot weather, such planting retains moisture better and the soil warms up less, and when high humidity On the contrary, the ridges transmit moisture more intensively. At the same time, the soil layers located below the tubers are not destroyed or flooded even during heavy rains. On sandy loam soils, this technology involves the use of potato harvesters with passive working bodies, and on loamy soils - with active working bodies.

Grimm technology is used on heavy, rocky soils. Availability significant amount stones in the soil reduces the marketability of grown products, eliminates mechanized potato harvesting due to numerous damage to tubers and significant costs for processing potato heaps. Therefore, in these conditions, a potato cultivation technology is used with preliminary separation of the soil layer in which the potato tubers are placed. A special feature of this technology is that in the spring, before planting, a special machine - a stone remover - separates stones and lumps from the soil, placing them in previously prepared furrows. Next, the potatoes are planted with a two-row potato planter and harvested with a two-row combine. However, after planting potatoes, any tillage operations are completely excluded in order to avoid the removal of stones from the rows into the tuber zone.

Dutch technology is used on medium and heavy loamy soils. A special feature of the technology is that in the spring the soil is continuously milled to a depth of 12...14 cm using a vertical milling cultivator. Then the potatoes are planted, and after 12-15 days, high-volume beds are formed using a horizontal milling cultivator. In this case, a trapezoidal ridge is formed using a milling four-row ridge former with the following parameters: height 23-25 ​​cm, width at the base 75 cm, at the top 15-17 cm. The top layer of soil at the top and on the sides of the ridge is compacted and smoothed by the casing of the ridge former, resulting in the creation of a stable surface for herbicidal film. The volume of soil in the ridge makes it possible to maintain an optimal supply of moisture for a long time even during dry periods, while at the same time the height and shape of the ridge make it possible to avoid excess moisture due to waterlogging. To control weeds, repeated passes with the ridge former are possible until the plants reach 20 cm.

Thus, our analysis shows the advantages and disadvantages various technologies harvesting potatoes in different regions Russia and points to the need for further improvement of potato harvesting equipment in the Russian Federation.


  1. Vereshchagin N.I. Integrated mechanization of cultivation, harvesting and storage of potatoes / N.I. Vereshchagin, K.A. Pshechenkov. – M., Kolos, 1977, 352 p.
  2. Handbook of Potato Growers / Ed. M.B. Uglanova. – M., Agropromizdat, 1987-207p.
  3. Uglanov M.B., Ivankina O.P., Pashukov S.A., Voronkin N.M., Chkhetiani A.A., Khripin V.A. Potato digger for working on heavy soils. // Problems of mechanization of agrochemical services Agriculture. 2011, No. 2011. pp. 75-78.
  4. Uglanov M.B., Ivankina O.P., Pashukov S.A., Voronkin N.M., Chkhetiani A.A., Zhuravleva O.I. Justification of the main parameters of the modernized ploughshare of a potato harvester. // Problems of mechanization of agrochemical services for agriculture. 2011, No. 2011. pp. 140-146.
  5. Uglanov M.B., Ivankina O.P., Pashukov S.A., Voronkin N.M., Chkhetiani A.A. Field studies of an experimental potato digger with self-oscillating shares. // Agricultural science of the Euro-North-East. 2012. No. 2. P.64-68.
  6. Uglanov M.B., Ivankina O.P., Pashukov S.A., Voronkin N.M., Chkhetiani A.A. Improving potato harvesting equipment by modernizing the ploughshare. // Fan-science, 2011, No. 1. P.14-16.
  7. Uglanov M.B., Ivankina O.P., Pashukov S.A., Voronkin N.M., Chkhetiani A.A. Theoretical determination of the cutting force of an improved digging ploughshare for a potato digger // Bulletin of the Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy. 2012. No. 1. P. 143.
  8. Chkhetiani A.A. Increasing the efficiency of the digging working parts of a potato harvester: abstract of thesis. ... candidate of technical sciences: 05.20.01 / Chkhetiani Artem Aleksandrovich - Moscow, 2013
  9. Chkhetiani A.A. Increasing the efficiency of the digging working parts of a potato harvester: dis. ... candidate of technical sciences: 05.20.01 / Chkhetiani Artem Aleksandrovich. - Moscow, 2013. 160 p.

Potatoes owe their popularity to the ancient inhabitants of southern America, who discovered the tubers at the beginning of our era. wild plant. For a long time, the earthen apple, as the inhabitants of the settlements called it, grew on its own. It was only in the 12th century that potatoes began to be planted in the fields and new varieties were gradually developed.

Specimens of the plant came to Europe, and then to Russia, already in the 18th century and did not immediately find their well-deserved vocation. Because of his beautiful blue flowers Potatoes are used as a decorative decoration in gardens and parks. Today it is difficult to overestimate the importance of this vegetable for nutrition; the popularity and variety of dishes made from it are simply off the charts.

Potatoes are a tasty and healthy food that saturates the body and supplies it with many essential vitamins and microelements. According to the amount of potassium content tubers are equated to meat and fish products; starch, present in large quantities in potatoes, is needed for normal operation our body.

Despite the fact that many gardeners and summer residents consider themselves experts in the field of growing potatoes, new methods of planting and care are emerging. Obtaining a high yield in their garden plots requires considerable physical effort; some older people refuse to cultivate this vegetable. By combining scientific knowledge and practice, potato lovers have found many new ways to make their work easier.

Choosing a place in the garden

Preparing and germinating tubers before planting

What soil is best to plant potatoes on?

  • The plant loves loose, air-rich soil. Areas intended for planting potatoes are dug up in the fall, but not leveled with a rake or harrow. In order for rain and melt water to drain away from the beds faster in the spring, special grooves are dug for this purpose.
  • For planting potatoes in heavy soils clay soils, they are separated in the fall by ridges, which contribute to the rapid drying of the soil in the spring, and also hold snow on the surface more strongly and help destroy pests.
  • In the spring the earth once again dig up, harrow before grinding. Make sure that potatoes are planted in the soil normal humidity, since watery soil leaves unprocessed layers, and overdried soil leaves blocks, which is unacceptable for obtaining good harvest.

The best of them is considered to be manure., and especially that obtained by using peat as bedding for livestock. The amount of fertilizer is calculated at the rate of 6 to 10 kg per square meter of crop area. Manure is introduced into clay soils in the fall along with digging. If fertilizing is carried out in the spring, then the manure should be rotted in special heaps or pits. Leave organic fertilizers You can’t put them on the surface, as they dry out quickly and go to waste.

If there is a shortage of organic matter, it is added directly to each hole when planting potatoes. Fertilizing is in the area of ​​direct nutrition of the roots and works even better than fertilizing the entire area as a whole.

For fertilizing the soil use decomposed peat. But its effectiveness is much lower than when mixed with slurry. Peat composts with manure are used poultry mainly in autumn period or clean droppings at the rate of 2–4 kg per square meter.

River silt is used as organic fertilizer, aerated and dried in summer period or the sapropel plant, which lives in large masses in bodies of water.

Mineral fertilizers for potatoes

Organic matter decomposes slowly and during the first period of growth of a potato bush it remains without significant feeding. For such purposes, they add to the soil mineral fertilizers.

Sandy soils enrich nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, phosphorus is used in black soil areas and forest plots. They are added in the spring under a shovel.

Ammonium nitrate is introduced in the amount of 1–2 kg, urea up to 1.5 kg, potassium chloride 2–4 kg, and nitroammophos 3–4 kg per 1 sq. m. m.

New methods of planting potatoes

Planting method under black non-woven fabric

The area is dug up, the necessary organic and mineral fertilizers are applied, then covered with dense black film. Mark the places for planting potatoes and make cross-shaped cuts, opening the edges. Use a hoe or hoe to make holes to a depth of 10–15 cm and place the tubers there. This method of planting avoids the growth of weeds; the soil under the blanket retains moisture and does not require additional watering. In autumn, the above-ground parts of plants (tops) are cut off and the film is revealed. Potato tubers are collected from shallow depths.

Method of planting potatoes under straw

This method is the least labor intensive of all. Digging up the garden is not done either in the fall or in the spring. In an area cleared of large weeds, use a hoe to longitudinal furrows to a depth of 10 cm at a distance of 70 cm from each other. The potatoes are laid out in these grooves every 40 cm. With a hoe, soil from the row spacing up to 5 cm thick is poured onto the tubers. These rows are covered with straw or hay on top with a layer of up to 30–40 cm. It is fashionable to use fallen leaves, then the layer is made 20 cm.

Potatoes do not require watering or hilling during the entire growing season. Straw mulch is added to the areas where the roots emerge to the surface. This coating decomposes and supplies the soil and plant roots with essential substances. Worms, bred in large numbers under the mulch, naturally ventilate the soil with their moves, which contributes to a high potato yield.

Weeds don't grow with this growing method. Harvesting tubers comes down to pulling them out of the straw layer in the fall. No further digging is required, since this method is based on the theory that digging breaks the natural structure of the soil. Planting potatoes under straw gives good results.

Planting potatoes in a barrel or bag

This method, in addition to reducing labor intensity, also saves space in the garden. When planting space is limited, growing plants in bags gives good results.

It consists in cutting off the bottom of the barrel and placing it on the ground. Below is a layer of soil with organic fertilizers in the form of peat composts. Several potato tubers are placed on it in any order. When the first shoots appear, they are covered with soil again. This is done every time until the layers reach the top of the barrel or bag. Produced sufficient watering so that the earth does not dry out. Sometimes the end of a watering hose with holes is directly buried in the barrel and thus the bush is watered.

Growing potatoes is based on the fact that new roots branch off to the sides of the trunk and the formation of tubers occurs along the entire height of the barrel. If you follow the correct technology and gain experience over time, you can get up to 60 kg of potatoes from one container.

Mittlider method

This planting method came to us from American scientists who believe that potato yields increase if the plant is given a lot of free space for development and growth.

The bushes have on wide beds at least half a meter. Passages between rows are made from 0.75 to 1 m. The beds are surrounded by a roller of earth to a height of 10–15 cm. Such sides will save moisture and reduce the number of weeds. If the garden is supposed to be placed on a sunny slope, then instead of beds, boxes are made, which are filled with soil ideal for growing.

The Mittlider method requires constant watering of the bushes, but hilling of the potatoes is eliminated. Plants are fertilized three times a season. Harvest at proper cultivation reaches half a centner per hundred square meters.

The next unconventional method of growing under a hood

The soil is prepared as usual, dug up and fertilized in the fall and spring. Using a shovel, a hole of normal depth (20 cm) is made, and its width is 1.3 by 1.3 m. Potato tubers are laid and covered with a suitable sized cap. After emergence of seedlings in The top of the hood opens, and the shoots head towards the sun. Through the hole, the soil is moistened and the bushes are fed and fertilized. No need to hill up.

With this method, potatoes ripen half a month faster than usual and the yield is high.

Mikhailov method

Tillage is carried out in a standard manner. A marking grid with cells of 0.75 by 0.75 m is applied to the area. Holes are made at intersections, organic fertilizers are placed in them, several tubers are placed on top and everything is sprinkled with earth.

When the first sprouts appear, two or three of them are left to grow vertically, and the rest are bent to the ground in the form of rays in a circle from the center and sprinkled with earth. This is how a large bush is formed that can bring a rich harvest.

Option according to Gülich

This method consists of a large distance of 1 m between the bushes in the garden bed. Manure is poured into the holes and planting material is placed. An earthen roller is made around the hole. When sprouts appear from the ground, they are sprinkled with soil directly in the center of the bush. The shoots deviate to the sides, this is done several times. It turns out additional education strengthening stolons in the axils of sprinkled leaves.

Formed multi-tiered high-yielding bush.

Planting using the Dutch method

The potato field is marked in a special way. Two rows of holes are located only 40 cm apart from each other. The distance between such double rows is 1.2 m. Potatoes are placed in holes, and a pile of earth is poured on top, thus the depth of placement planting material increases.

Placing two rows close to each other increases quality drip irrigation while saving water, since the hose is located close to two rows at the same time. Wide row spacing allows convenient to care for plants. At higher elevations, potato bushes receive 70% more rays and the aeration of the piles is much better. The mole cricket affects the root system less, and pests are practically absent with this planting method.

There are many methods for planting potatoes in the ground; it is difficult to list them all. But if you choose one of the most common innovative methods, you can increase productivity with at the lowest cost labor.

Potatoes are the most common crop in the world that grows in the area temperate climate. Suitable soil for planting tubers is sandy loam, peat and medium loam. If the site has heavy clay soil, podzolic or very wet soil, then such a place is not suitable for potatoes.

The most favorable crops, after which growing potatoes will bring a good harvest, are pumpkins, legumes, corn, cabbage, beets, and peas. It is not advisable to plant potatoes after tomatoes, sunflowers and other crops of the nightshade family. In addition, growing Dutch potatoes and other varieties at home is not recommended in one area for more than one year.

Before planting potatoes, it is necessary to prepare the soil; for this, all weeds and stumps are removed, the soil is dug up to a depth of 30 cm. It is advisable to enrich the soil with manure, complex fertilizers and nitrogen-containing fertilizers. In spring, ridges about 13 cm high are formed on the ground, which will help the ground warm up faster, creating good access to moisture and air exchange.

Foreign methods of growing potatoes on the plot

There are many ways to grow potatoes, but they all have one main principle- a certain distance between the bushes so that they can receive enough sunlight. Therefore, regardless of whether potatoes are grown in bags or in open ground, this vegetable needs light. This is the only way its above-ground part and tubers will actively develop. Here are the most famous methods of growing potatoes that came to us from abroad. Also see the article: What green manure can be grown after potatoes?

This technology was developed by Dr. Mittleider. He plants tubers in rows 50 cm wide. Between them there are quite wide passages, up to 1 meter wide. To ensure that the garden bed retains moisture and is free of weeds, earthen rollers are placed along the perimeter of the entire plot. If there is a sharp slope in the garden, then potatoes are planted in long boxes that are filled with fertile soil. According to the Mitlider method, regular watering is carried out and seasonal feeding, without hilling. Thanks to this method, the planting area is significantly reduced, and the yield increases and reaches up to 600 kg per hundred square meters.

The agricultural technology is as follows. Using this method, the planting area is divided into squares for each bush. The square has a roll of manure, which is mixed with soil. It is in it that potato tubers are planted, top down. After the tuber sprouts and stretches out, their lower part is sprinkled with earth, forming a small mound. However, the soil must be poured in such a way that each branch is in a reclining position. When young leaves form on the shoots, the soil is added again, this procedure is performed several times. As a result, a potato bush with several tiers is formed. If it is provided with water and fertilizers, it produces a huge harvest. On average, about 16 kg of potatoes are obtained from one bush.

Many Dutch potato growers when breeding new varieties of this crop Special attention They pay attention to soil aeration, that is, they use loosening the soil and plant potatoes directly in the bulk ridges. It is also very important, when using this method, to follow the growing rules. This includes: fertilizing the soil, crop rotation, treating tops with pest repellents, choosing the best planting material. There should be a gap of about 70 cm between the ridges; potato bushes are planted 30 cm apart. In summer, the garden bed is watered three times. Using Dutch technology, about 2 kg of large potatoes are obtained from one bush, which have excellent taste and can be stored for a long time in winter.

Potatoes are a healthy, tasty food that fills the body with vitamins and beneficial microelements. The tubers of this vegetable contain as much potassium as many fish or meat products. The vegetable also contains a lot of starch, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

Even though there are various ways growing potatoes, their number increases every year. Since obtaining a good potato harvest requires a lot of effort and time, many gardeners refuse to cultivate this crop. However, after implementation scientific knowledge and practices, new varieties of vegetables and methods of growing them were developed, which made people's work easier.

If planting potatoes is done using a walk-behind tractor, then two methods are used - hiller and potato planter. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, but in any case, the distance between planting tubers should be at least 30 cm. Planting material is planted to a depth of 10-15 cm. In the first case, planting potatoes with a walk-behind tractor involves the use of a hiller, which is attached to it. Before work, the grip of the hiller's wings must be increased so that the potatoes are positioned correctly in the furrows. For this, you can use the Neva walk-behind tractor, from which the wings and stop are removed, or the Salyut, which does not require such manipulations. Be sure to attach lug wheels to the walk-behind tractor, which will not cause problems during planting.

The track width is at least 60 cm; tubers are placed in the finished furrows at the same distance. When the work is completed, rubber wheels are put on the walk-behind tractor, but the track size remains the same. After this, the rows are filled with earth. If a large plot of land is being planted, then a mounted potato planter can be used for the work.
This design consists of a transporter, disc hiller, furrower and potato distributor. Therefore, in one pass along the ground you can plant a large number of root vegetables

Even before planting potatoes with a walk-behind tractor in the country, you can attach a plow to it. With its help, the first furrow is fixed and planting continues. However, in this case, the potatoes must be immediately thrown into the rows, since at the end of the row the walk-behind tractor turns and makes a new furrow, covering the previous row with soil. Some gardeners do not know how to plant potatoes using this technique, but in practice such work is quite simple.

Potatoes that will be used for planting are selected and germinated in advance.
Next, the tubers are laid in rows directly on the ground and covered with straw on top. Its layer is no more than 70 cm. To ensure that potatoes under straw produce large yields, additional measures can be used. For example, a handful of earth is mixed with fertilizers and sprinkled on top. Manure or ash is used as fertilizing. This measure will help the tubers avoid many diseases. It is also advisable to sprinkle straw on top thin layer earth so that it does not fly away in strong winds.

Planting potatoes in straw has a lot of advantages, for example, the soil underneath is a little damp, as it holds moisture well. Straw also releases carbon dioxide, which potatoes need. After decomposition in the hay they actively reproduce various microorganisms and worms, which has a beneficial effect on the development of potato tubers. Another advantage of this planting is that it is a method without weeding and hilling the bushes. There will be fewer Colorado potato beetles on the surface of such soil.

Today, the technology of growing potatoes by seeds is new, but many gardeners are willing to use it. Before sowing the seeds, they are soaked in water for two days. It is also very useful to harden them.
For example, at night a plate with soaked seeds should be placed in the refrigerator, and left in the room during the day. In general, growing potatoes from seeds involves sowing them in boxes. To do this, in March or April they are filled with a nutrient mixture; for its preparation you need: peat, soil and fertilizers. Sprouted seeds are planted in rows of 5 cm between them and 10 cm between rows. Pour into the box on top minimum layer sand and compact it a little, water it well, you can just spray it.

Next, the boxes are covered with film or glass and placed in a warm place. If you have a greenhouse, then it will be the most ideal option. In just a week or two, the first shoots will appear. When they have 2-3 leaves, the seedlings are planted in separate pots, which must have drainage hole. Potato seedlings need to be watered and fed regularly ammonium nitrate. After the threat of frost has passed, potato seedlings are planted in open ground. To do this, dig holes 10 cm deep, place a little humus in them, and water generously. The stems of the seedlings are covered with earth in such a way that there are only three leaves on the surface. Many people don’t even know how to grow potatoes from seeds, but planting is very simple.

Planting potatoes in bags is considered the most interesting and unusual, because this method is new to many. However, abroad this method is known to many owners of large, suburban areas. But let’s try to figure out how to grow potatoes in bags.

This method is very simple, easy and accessible to everyone. For planting, any bags are used, for example, food bags or ordinary plastic bags. The next stage is soil preparation, for which soil and humus are used in equal quantities. Everything is mixed and placed in bags, but they need to be filled a quarter full. For example, if there are 10 buckets in a bag, then two are enough for planting. Potato tubers are placed in a bag of soil and sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. Before growing potatoes in bags, the root crops need to be sprouted and planted together with the shoots.

After planting, the soil is watered and the bags are placed in a sunny place. When the tubers sprout at least 7 cm, they are sprinkled with earth, leaving a little green part on the surface. After the sprouts have grown a little, they are again sprinkled with earth. This continues until most of the bag is filled. Harvest in late August or early September.

When potatoes are grown in bags, a person not only saves his energy, but also gets excellent harvest. After all, it is used for planting potatoes without digging up the ground, which is very profitable and simple. If you read online about growing potatoes in bags, reviews say that you can harvest a bucket of crops from one bag. This method is most suitable for those who have small plot and there is no free space for a potato plantation.

To obtain early harvest potatoes, no longer need to have open ground. After all, now we plant potatoes directly in wooden boxes. Two layers of paper are laid on its bottom and sprinkled with nutritious soil in a layer of no more than 7 cm. The planting mixture consists of sawdust and leaf humus. Next, the soil needs to be slightly moistened with a solution of ash and superphosphate. Tubers are placed on the prepared earthen bed, which should be checked in advance for rotting or damage.

So that growing potatoes in boxes gives big harvest, they must be placed on sunny place, but should be covered from the sun. It is very important to spray the tubers regularly warm water, perfect option– filtered water and even melted water. After the potatoes sprout, they can be transplanted into prepared furrows in open ground. Before planting the planting material, the soil is fertilized with humus. After planting the potatoes, sprinkle a layer of soil and humus on top. In such conditions, the tubers grow very quickly and produce crops ahead of schedule.

Some gardeners do not know how to treat potatoes before planting, so they manually select each root crop, so that after planting the tubers do not disappear, they are treated with a solution with manganese.

Late blight is a disease that reduces vegetable yields, destroys plants and is stored in the soil for a long time. The main signs of late blight are: brown spots, which are first present on the leaves, and then move to the tubers and stems, quickly affecting the entire bush. The disease is visible to the naked eye, so treating potatoes for late blight becomes necessary, especially after the first symptoms appear. If you dig up diseased potato tubers, you will notice that its surface has acquired a lead-gray tint, it feels slimy and soft to the touch, and a rusty tint appears inside the fruit. And if there is warm, humid or rainy weather, the disease develops even faster. To combat this disease, a whole range of measures is used.

There are several methods to combat late blight, but they all tend to use standard drugs. The question immediately arises: how to treat potatoes before planting and how to determine the degree of damage? To prevent disease, tubers are treated with special gentle preparations before planting. If the bushes are already infected, then use drugs more strong action, which reduce the growth activity of the late blight fungus and completely destroy it. A lot of useful information in the article: Green manure for potatoes: how to prepare the soil for planting this crop?

Find out more about interesting methods of growing potatoes in a tower, pit, barrel, bag. Learn to harvest in moss using new technologies.

Growing potatoes in a tower

To make such a device, you will need:

  1. Roll up the mesh to create something like a pipe with a diameter of 70 cm and a height of about a meter. Lay the straw down in a layer of 15 cm, pour compost 30 cm high on it. To prevent it from spilling out of the mesh cells, place straw on the sides as well.
  2. Place the potatoes on top of the compost in a circle with a distance of 15 cm between the tubers. Place them sprouts up, water this layer well with a watering can or hose sprayer.
  3. Sprinkle more soil on top with a layer of 40 cm, lay out the tubers, spill them with water, sprinkle with soil to a height of 8 cm. You can make such a “nest” even higher. On upper layer Place the potatoes not only around the circumference, but also in the center.
  4. As the root crops grow, you will need to add soil, so make a “tower” of such a height that when planting potatoes the compost will be lower top level mesh 15–20 cm.
  5. Potato sprouts, which are located in the lower layers of this structure, will break through the sidewall of this nest. The last row the tubers will begin to grow upward.

Growing potatoes this way has many advantages:
  • there is excellent drainage here, so the water will not stagnate;
  • the bed is well heated by the sun;
  • I won’t bother pests;
  • saving space;
  • There is practically no need to weed such plantings;
  • convenient to harvest.
There is enough in the compost nutrients for potato growth, but for the formation of tubers, it is better to add 1 cup of ash and 1 tbsp to this soil when planting 3 buckets of soil. l. crushed double superphosphate. During the growing season, you can periodically feed the potatoes with potassium humate, but with a weaker solution than is written in the instructions.

If you don’t have straw, replace it with moss; it perfectly regulates the water balance and prevents water from stagnating and the soil from drying out.

A new method of growing potatoes in a barrel

This method is also very original and has all the advantages that plants in nests or towers have.

To grow potatoes using one of these technologies, take:

  • low plastic barrel or plastic;
  • jigsaw or saw;
  • compost;
  • fertile soil;
  • sprouted potato tubers;
  • nitrophoska.
Then follow this plan:
  1. Mix compost with light soil, adding 1 tbsp to three buckets of this mixture. l. nitrophoska. If you have a tall barrel, cut it across the floors, remove the bottom, you will have 2 containers in which you can grow potatoes.
  2. If there is only one, you also need to saw off the bottom so that excess moisture escapes through the bottom. Or you can make a hole in the bottom without removing the bottom.
  3. Place soil 50–70 cm high in a container, lay the potatoes on top, cover it with a layer of soil 10 cm high. When the emerging shoots grow a little, add 5 cm of soil into the barrel. Do this several times during the growing season, as if hilling the stems.
  4. Keep the soil moist as it can dry out quickly.
  5. When it's time to harvest the potatoes, all you need to do is turn the barrel over and extract the fruits of your labors.

If you don't have such an unnecessary container, but have tires from wheels, they will also make an excellent vertical bed for growing vegetables. Place 2-3 tires on top of each other, pour fertile soil here a little higher than half, lay out the potatoes, and sprinkle 10 centimeters of soil on top.

If you have a tall barrel and tires without holes, then there may not be enough oxygen reaching the roots for them to grow. To fill this gap, make holes in the side of the container just above ground level.

Some gardeners build a ventilation device. They take an old hose, lay it at the bottom of the container in a spiral, and bring the upper end out. A pump is inserted into it, with which air is pumped into the container. To do this, you first need to make cuts in the hose.

In order for compost to ripen faster, it also needs air flow. To do this, when bookmarking it, place it on different heights tubes with holes, as shown in the following photo.

After all, to plant potatoes in vertical beds, you need compost, but it must be well-ripened, similar to crumbly black soil. If this substance contains undecayed plant residues, such a mass is not suitable for growing this root crop.

How to plant potatoes in bags: technology?

This is another one original way growing this vegetable. It is also suitable for those who do not yet have their own hacienda, but only have a balcony.

To implement this, you will need the following methods:
  • black garbage bags with a capacity of 120 liters;
  • synthetic thick bags;
  • fertile soil;
  • potassium humate;
  • potato;
  • water.
Proceed in this order:
  1. First of all, you need to germinate the potatoes. To do this, a month before planting, lay it out on a light windowsill and turn it periodically. You can put several potatoes in transparent plastic bags and make holes here. hang up.
  2. For more harvest, spray the root crops with potassium humate. Make sure that the potatoes do not dry out during the germination period. If you notice that this is not the case, spray it with water and cover it plastic film with holes.
  3. Pour soil into each bag or sack to a height of 35–50 cm, spill it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Place the tubers with the sprouts on top, sprinkle with soil.
  4. If you are growing potatoes in bags on personal plot, then make small cutouts on the side and bottom of each container for water drainage and oxygen access. If you placed bags and sacks on the balcony, then water your plants moderately so that excess water does not stagnate.

It is better to add a little vermiculite to the soil when preparing it, which will absorb excess moisture, and when the soil dries out, it will release water into the plants.

Also remember to hill up the potatoes, so when planting them, add enough soil to leave room to add it.

To prevent the soil from drying out, it is better to mulch it.

If you grow potatoes at home, you may encounter the problem of insufficient light, and the sprouts will stretch out. Therefore, place them so that there is enough sun and tie the stems to the supports.

Growing potatoes in a box, trash can, mat?

There are several more interesting methods that will answer the question of how to grow potatoes vertically.

For the following you will need:

  • mat;
  • metal grid;
  • wire;
  • pliers;
  • straw or moss;
  • fertile soil.
Measure a rectangle of reinforcement mesh of a suitable size, cut off the excess with pliers. Roll the workpiece into a roll and secure it on the side with wire. Using it, fix the Vietnamese mat outside this device.

Fill the container in the same way as you put compost in the nest tower. Also gradually place potato tubers along the edge at a distance of 10–15 cm from each other. Moisten the soil well.

This design will allow air to pass through, which is necessary for the growth of tubers. If the sprouts have difficulty breaking through the sides, help them by cutting out these areas of the mat.

Subsequently, it will be enough to remove it to reap a rich harvest of potatoes.

Such designs look original and simply amazing.

The following idea is also suitable for growing vegetables on the balcony or in the country house. To implement it you will need:

  • 2 large plastic flower pots of different capacities;
  • fertile soil;
  • potato.

  1. Make cutouts in a small pot and place it in a large pot. Pour in soil, water, spread the potatoes at equal distances, and cover with soil on top. If you take early ripening varieties potatoes, and within 2 months after sprouting you will be able to taste delicious young vegetables.
  2. To do this, it is not necessary to dig up all the bushes, pull out the top container, collect only large root crops, let the rest grow and continue to fill. Just don’t forget to water them after this procedure to restore the injured roots.
  3. If you only have one big pot, use a laundry basket or plastic trash can as an indoor one. If you do not have a pot, but only have such devices to prevent the tubers from darkening, first install a black one at the bottom of the basket plastic bag, and only then pour soil into it and plant potatoes.

If you have unnecessary boards at your dacha, make them vertical bed. To do this you will need:
  • four bars with a cross section of 5 cm;
  • boards;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • fertile soil.
Place four bars of the same size at the corners of the future structure, use self-tapping screws to attach the bottom 4 boards, thus securing the beginning of the structure. Then attach the next rows of boards horizontally to the bars. IN in this case, there are 6 of them.

It will be most convenient to attach three or four boards, then pour soil down, plant potatoes, and only then nail the remaining two rows of boards.

When it's time to harvest, simply tear off the boards of the first row, and the potatoes will literally fall out into your hands.

Interesting methods of growing potatoes

There are also many of them.

In Kobtsy

They say that this method of growing potatoes allows you to get up to 70 potatoes from one tuber! If you want to propagate high-quality seed potatoes, then use this method.

On the dug up soil, cut into squares with sides of 140 cm, in the middle of these rectangles make holes to a depth of 10 cm, plant potatoes here, 1 potato in each hole. Place on each square:

  • 25 g superphosphate;
  • 150 g of potassium salt and ammonium sulfate;
  • one bucket of compost.
It all gets mixed up. When the sprouts reach a height of 20–25 cm, place them on this fertile soil, sprinkle 8–10 cm of soil on top. The tops must be above the soil level.

As they grow, add fertile soil several times to form kobtsy, the height of which at the end of the season reaches 27 cm. They say that with such planting, you can get up to 15 kg of potatoes from each bush!

In the hole

  1. If the area is virgin, it is difficult to process it immediately. Use the following methods for growing potatoes to make your work easier and develop some of your garden space.
  2. Dig a hole 50 cm deep right in the virgin soil. At the same time, remove the upper part of the turf along with the weeds and put it in compost. Within 2 years, the roots of weeds rot there.
  3. Place humus or compost at the bottom of this hole, having previously mixed it with the soil. The layer of this soil should be 10 cm high. Water it.
  4. Grown seedlings need to be sprinkled periodically fertile soil, leaving the tops.

The hole must be dug on a small hill or where there is no stagnation of water, so that the potatoes do not get wet and rot.

Gülich method

Another way to quickly master the area. To do this you will need:

  • the soil;
  • shovel;
  • humus;
  • rake;
  • medium potato tubers;
  • roulette.
Description of the method:
  1. In the area allocated for this vegetable, you need to mark squares with a side of 1 meter. Of course, it is better to dig up the soil here. Pour humus on top, rake it from the middle into a roller.
  2. Place in the center of this ring loose soil, plant a large tuber here. As its stems grow, sprinkle them with humus from a roller, raking it up with a rake or hoe.
  3. Gradually, the sprouts will move away from the center to the edges in the form of rays. Thanks to hilling with humus, additional shoots will be formed, on which many potatoes will begin to form. From one such multi-tiered bush you can get up to 16 kg of root vegetables!
When talking about methods of growing potatoes for those gardeners who do not want to waste energy on digging up the ground or are just developing a purchased plot, we should also tell you about the following.

Moss bedding

To implement this method you will need:

  • sawdust;
  • potato;
  • reed leaves;
  • window frames or dense non-woven material.
Step by step landing:
  1. Place the squares directly on the undug area, sprinkled with sawdust. Place some moss on top and sprouted tubers on top of it. Sprinkle them with ash, put a thick layer of moss on top, and a few reed leaves on top of it.
  2. This method is excellent for growing early potatoes. If frost is still possible, then cover the planting material on top and window frames, placing glass bottles or bricks under them so that they do not crush the plantings.
  3. When the threat of frost returns has passed, remove the frames. If the summer is rainy, do not water the plantings. If it’s dry, then the moss needs to be moistened sometimes and stirred a little if it’s caked.
  4. Such potatoes are not hilled or weeded, since it is difficult for weeds to break through the thick layer of moss.
  5. When it's time to harvest, simply tear off the tops, rake aside the moss, which needs to be dried and can be used in next year. Clean potatoes will remain on the beds.

Almost according to Mittlider

To plant potatoes using this method, take;

  • boards;
  • bars;
  • screws or nails;
  • light soil;
  • turf;
  • cardboard;
  • sawdust;
  • sand;
  • nitroammophoska.

  1. Pour 1 tbsp into a bucket of sawdust. l. nitroammophoska, moisten with boiling water, cover. The mixture should remain in this form for 2–4 weeks. During this time, make boxes without a bottom from bars and boards. Their height is 40–50 cm, width 80–100 cm. The length is individual. Place overlapping cardboard or black film on the bottom to prevent grass from growing.
  2. Place these containers in a sunny place (or better yet, do it right away where they will stand), pour in a soil mixture consisting of 1 part sand; 1 part prepared sawdust; 4 parts fertile soil.
  3. Now you should plant the potatoes, cover them with 8–10 cm of soil, why hill up the sprouts as they grow, mulch the rows with straw or dried grass.

In crowded but not mad

  1. If you do not want to dig up a large area for planting potatoes, then use the following method of growing them.
  2. On narrow garden bed Make two grooves 50 cm wide, the distance between which is 20–25 cm, plant potatoes in them to a depth of 8–10 cm.
  3. When the sprouts reach a height of 15 cm, spud each with only one outside. You will form a trench in the middle; periodically pour the fermented infusion of weeds into it. But such fertilizing must be done after the soil is moistened. If the summer is hot, you need to water the plantings once a week.
  4. When you notice that weeds have appeared in the garden bed, pull them out, do not let them bloom, and place them around the potato bushes. These plants will act as mulch and organic nutrition for the main crop.

According to Mikhailov's method

  1. The following potato growing methods will also help you reap a rich harvest. Cut squares with a side of 1 meter, put humus in the center, place a large potato tuber on top of it, sprinkle with earth.
  2. When the shoots grow, leave the 4 central ones in a vertical position, hilling them up, and spread the rest horizontally, sprinkled with earth. To fix them better, you can tie them obliquely to the pegs.

We get two harvests

To implement this method of growing potatoes, you will need:

  • tubers;
  • shovel;
  • water.
Next, proceed in this order:
  1. When the soil warms up well, plant the germinated early varieties potatoes. At the end of June and beginning of July, collect large and medium-sized root vegetables from the bushes.
  2. Pour water into the holes and straight into this dirt, straightening the roots, plant the bushes. Spud them up. If it's worth sunny weather, cover with lutrasil. Usually after a week they survive and produce another harvest.

In order for the survival rate to be high, it is more advisable to dig up the bush without pulling it out completely, tear off large and medium-sized potatoes, and sprinkle the plants with soil again.

These methods of growing potatoes will allow you to get larger yields while using less effort and planting material. If you want to know how the Chinese method of growing potatoes is used, then watch this interesting video.

If you want to learn how to plant potatoes under straw, thereby eliminating weeding, watering, and making it easier to dig up root crops, then check out the following video.

The third will show what kind of potato crop can be in the bag if you follow necessary conditions growing this vegetable.

It’s not for nothing that potatoes are called second bread: this vegetable is used for preparing first and second courses, salads and baked goods. It appeared in Russia thanks to Peter I and has been grown in almost all regions for several centuries. He believes that there are no difficulties or secrets in how to grow potatoes, however, agronomists regularly offer gardeners newer and more advanced technologies for their production. Putting it into practice innovative techniques and remembering your grandfather’s recommendations, you can grow an excellent harvest of large and surprisingly tasty potatoes.

Eat certain rules potato agricultural techniques, which are used regardless of the method of growing it. Compliance with these rules increases guarantees of an excellent harvest:

Seed material is selected during the autumn harvest. They take seed tubers only from the strongest bushes, immediately sorting them by size. Medium potatoes are ideal for planting. Seed potatoes are not removed from the field; they are left in the sun until they turn green.

In the fall, the area is prepared for future potato plantings. It must be fertilized so that by spring the fertilizer has already rotted and started working.

Before planting, the nodules are germinated in a cool, bright place. To speed up germination, peat or sawdust is used to sprinkle the tubers. When the tuber has sprouted about 1 cm, it can be planted in open ground.

Potatoes treated with a 1% solution before planting resist diseases well. boric acid. Root vegetables are soaked in this solution for 20 minutes.

Potatoes are planted in soil sufficiently warmed by the sun. Usually this is the end of April - beginning of May. The distance between the rows is left taking into account the fact that you will have to hill up several times. There should be about 30 - 40 cm between the holes. Traditionally, a handful of stove ash is poured into each hole as a mineral supplement.

Lack of feeding, as well as its excess, can be detrimental to the plant.

Before the potatoes sprout, it is good to loosen the soil superficially. Usually a rake is used for this. This makes it possible to achieve earlier seedlings and destroy weeds before they come into force.

Hilling is recommended to be done twice. There is no need to be afraid to pour soil during this operation. Many even completely cover young shoots, protecting them from spring temperature changes. The first hilling is carried out when the green shoots reach 15 cm in height. This procedure is repeated a second time just before the bush blooms.


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