Watering the lawn after planting seeds in the spring. How often should I water my lawn after planting or laying? Automatic watering controlled by computer

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For most of us, rain is an annoying inconvenience, and we only wish it would end as soon as possible. However, plants, including grass, need rain. It may seem to us that he walked for an endlessly long time and probably wet the ground well. But the only way to be sure that this is really the case is to take a shovel and start digging. You may soon realize that only the top few centimeters of the soil are wet, and even this moisture will evaporate very quickly, and the earth will become dry again.

Why do we need water?

Like us, plants cannot live without water. Each plant cell is filled with a water solution that makes it strong and dense - and all plant systems, including the one that transports nutrients, need water to function. Without water, plants are not even able to eat, since they do not “eat” their food, but “drink” from the soil.

You may remember from school biology lessons that water supplies cells with dissolved substances. nutrients through a process called "osmosis". At one end of the plant, the roots absorb water, while at the other, leaves and other above-ground parts lose it. If the roots cannot obtain enough water, the entire process slows down and the cells begin to lose their density, which is visually expressed as wilting. Watering at this time usually cures the plant, although the tips of the leaves may not recover.

With a very prolonged lack of water, the cells lose contact with each other, and the plant reaches the point of “permanent wilting”, after which it will not recover, no matter how much water is poured. One of the problems with grass is that its root system is shallow and therefore it begins to suffer from drought earlier than other plants. On the other hand, the grass has a huge reserve of vitality, and it recovers quickly.

Do you need to water your lawn?

Usually there is sufficient rainfall for the grass, but sometimes there are long periods of drought that are dangerous for the lawn. A good lawn loses approximately 20 liters of water per square meter of surface each week in summer due to evaporation alone. Therefore, if you live in an area with low rainfall, it makes sense to purchase a drought-tolerant lawn mixture.

Feeding grass roots are mainly concentrated in the top 10 centimeters of soil. Naturally, in hot weather, moisture evaporates from this layer first. You can help the grass grow deeper roots, where it will retain moisture for a long time, if you pierce the turf every fall.

Nowadays, the need to conserve water is becoming increasingly urgent, which means that during dry periods, only new lawns should be watered.

How to water the lawn?

Water scarcity makes us think about ways to accumulate and preserve it. However, we are convinced that lawns can recover even after a long drought. Therefore, they are usually left to cope with water shortages themselves.

The only exception is new, recently laid lawns - they cannot be allowed to dry out. It's best to water your lawn in the evening so the water has time to soak in before it evaporates. And remember that a well-watered lawn and a well-watered lawn are not the same thing.

Sprayers (sprinklers). IN shopping centers available big choice sprayers, including stationary, rotating and oscillating (oscillating). Of course, using a sprayer is an extremely convenient form of watering, since you can leave it working and leave, but it is far from the most effective: when watering with a sprayer, a significant part of the water is wasted (especially on a windy day), and is mainly moistened upper layer soil. As a result, the roots of the grass stop growing deeper, which will not benefit it during the next dry period, and besides, the water from the top layer evaporates too quickly.

Garden hoses– most universal remedy, and if you just lay the hose on the lawn with the nozzle set to "fine stream", it will water the lawn better than a sprayer; it will just have to be moved to a new place every half hour. With this method, you do not need to water the lawn every day - the soil will get wet thoroughly and for a long time. Accordingly, the grass roots will tend to move downward, making your lawn more drought-resistant. Remember that 2.5 centimeters of water on the surface of the earth seeps to a depth of 10 centimeters if it is not prevented by evaporation.

Perforated hoses They look and act about the same as regular ones, but they are covered with small holes all over the surface and are usually made of a hard black material. Their advantage is that without any effort on your part they water a large area and to a considerable depth. Keep in mind that they need to be cleaned periodically as the holes become clogged.

Garden watering cans. You may already have them, but watering a large lawn with a watering can takes a lot of dedication. However, they are very convenient for watering small, drier areas.

There are several ways to help your lawn during dry periods without watering:

Feed your lawn and remove weeds regularly to keep the grass growing and to get rid of excess water users.

Allow the grass to grow taller than usual so that it shades its own roots, preventing water evaporation.

Leave the grass you cut when cutting it on the lawn - it will mulch the soil and retain moisture. This will help for a few weeks, but you shouldn't do it all the time.

A lawn that has suffered from a lack of water becomes yellow and spotted. Most likely, the grass will recover after the first rains, but during periods of drought it can become an easy victim of weeds and diseases.

Home " Proper watering of the lawn

Proper watering of the lawn

Published: 02/02/2018

Watering is one of the most important aspects of lawn care. Proper and timely irrigation will ensure beautiful view, stimulates plant growth and creates a favorable climate. With a lack of moisture, the growth process slows down, lawn grass turns yellow and begins to fade. It is necessary to water the lawn in spring, summer and autumn.

How do you know if your lawn needs watering?

If there is a lack of moisture, the grass itself will demonstrate this to you. It is better to get ahead of drying out by the first signs:

The grass began to curl; The lawn began to be trampled, the grass takes a long time to rise after being pressed down; When there is drought, the grass turns brown; The grass withers or turns yellow; Bald spots appear.

Wilting is most noticeable on older grass. The first to suffer from drought are common bluegrass and white bentgrass. Average soil moisture requirements for meadow grass and chaff. Fescue trees are the least demanding.

When there is a lack of water, drought-resistant grasses remain alive. If their leaves and root system dry out, the plants go into dormancy mode. When the soil is moistened, it begins to grow again. Even though the herbs survived, appearance their performance during drought leaves much to be desired. A yellowed lawn is unlikely to be pleasing to the eye.

When is the best time to water the lawn?

The most common question is: when to water - in the morning or in the evening? Each case has its own characteristics and subtleties.

Watering is best done in the early morning. In cool, windless weather, water evaporates less and the grass has time to dry before the heat sets in.

Daytime watering is also acceptable, but it is worth considering that in the scorching sun, wet grass can get burned: drops of water create a lens effect. Wetting the grass in the heat is called harmful watering; spots appear on the blades of grass. Therefore, cloudy days or autumn period when the sun is less hot.

Evening watering summer time It is recommended to do it between 16.00 and 18.00. This is due to the fact that the grass needs to dry out. If the grass cover stays wet all night, this can negatively affect its condition and lead to fungal diseases.

Watering the lawn. Features of watering the lawn and using various irrigation systems

No one needs to be convinced of the need to water lawns. Grass cannot live without water. An example of this in a dry year can be yellowed or even dead lawns along highways, near multi-storey buildings and in some parks. To prevent this from happening and for your lawn to delight you with lush greenery all season long, you need to establish optimal mode its irrigation.

What to water with? A small lawn without running water can be watered using a watering can. True, this work is quite labor-intensive and not everyone can do it. If there is a pond on the site, then you can water the lawn using a pump and hose. Having a water supply on the site will greatly simplify your task.

To water the lawn, you can use a hose with a nozzle for spraying water, but it is best to purchase special lawn sprinklers. With their help, you can water your lawn more evenly and efficiently, while saving your time.

Currently, you can find many different ones on sale. These are stationary sprinklers with a hose (or pipes) dug into the ground and nozzles that rise above the soil surface during watering. These are sprinkler nozzles with a swinging tube, sprinklers with a pulsating jet, spray hoses with a number of small holes along the entire length and even in the form of flowers or various shapes. The choice depends on your desire, financial capabilities, and also on the configuration of the lawn. For a large lawn, it is preferable to choose a stationary sprayer. For a small rectangular area, it is better to choose a sprinkler with an oscillating tube. For round or oval ones - with a pulsating jet, and for long narrow ones - hoses with holes.

Lawn. Care: watering the lawn

Grass, like all living things, cannot live without water. In our climate zone, there is usually enough rainfall to provide enough moisture for plants. However, during dry periods the grass cover needs additional watering.

A characteristic sign that a mature landscape lawn is suffering from drought is dry soil at a depth of 8-10 cm. In the absence of rain or artificial watering for a long time, the lawn will turn yellow, wither and may even die if it is sown with delicate moisture-loving grasses, for example, meadow bluegrass.

The death of lawns is an exceptional case; usually they come back to life after heavy rain. True, this can bring new problems. Weeds tend to be quite drought-resistant, and once the grass weakens, they quickly begin to take over the area.

In order to increase the drought resistance of your garden lawn, first of all, carry out various measures to strengthen the root system of the grasses. They will help the lawn survive even when you are powerless to help it.

In the fall, be sure to pierce the turf with a fork to avoid soil compaction;

cover the lawn with mulch;

Don’t cut the grass too short, but let it grow taller during dry periods;

Do not remove grass clippings from the lawn. This cover protects the soil from moisture loss;

Feed the lawn with fertilizers in a timely manner. For good development the root system of herbs is very useful when applied phosphate fertilizers;

Rake your lawn thoroughly at the end of each season.

During drought, water your decorative lawn regularly and abundantly; this will restore the necessary water balance in the soil. However, try to avoid overwatering to avoid waterlogging. Remember that everything is good in moderation, so overwatering is just as dangerous as underwatering. If you do everything right, your lawn will retain its fresh and healthy appearance even in sweltering heat.

Watering the lawn: how to water the grass correctly and with what water after planting and mowing

Even a person far from landscape gardening, when arranging a plot for the first time, knows that he will need to take care of it. Good timely care, in particular mowing and watering the lawn, ensures an even grass surface without damage. And while a beginner still attaches importance to mowing, irrigation is often considered an uncomplicated matter, and therefore unworthy of study. However, it is watering that solves many problems that distinguish an ideal lawn from a piece of land covered with withered greenery.

The lawn itself “tells” the attentive owner when it is necessary to turn on the watering equipment. If the grass has wilted and selected places began to curl, which means it urgently needs moisture. There are only two factors that influence how often you need to water your lawn - the depth of moisture penetration into the soil and the rate of its evaporation. They, in turn, depend on the type of soil, weather, location and time of existence of the lawn.

Irrigating the lawn immediately after seeding or laying

For quick and uniform germination of greenery, you need to water the lawn every day after planting, and when drought occurs, this even has to be done twice a day. How much watering is sufficient can be checked in this way: a lump of earth, clenched in a fist, should retain its given shape, but not crumble and not release moisture. To avoid the need for such a check in the future, it is recommended to record the time spent on the first watering.

Special sprayer with liquid flow meter

Excess liquid is just as harmful as its lack - fungus or moss may appear in the soil, and the seeds themselves may rot and die. Flooding a planted area with a direct stream of water is equally harmful. To avoid erosion of the ground and the appearance of stagnant water in depressions, it is imperative to use a hose nozzle with maximum dispersive ability.

After installation, the rolled lawn must be watered immediately, literally within the first hour. It is especially important to withstand this condition on a hot day - under the rays of the sun, the grass can become severe burn, which will lead to loss of appearance and the need for a long recovery. At the same time, it is not enough to water the sod roll - you need to significantly moisten the soil layer underneath it. Therefore, the site should be irrigated generously, at the rate of 20–30 l/sq. m.

Roll coating water immediately after installation


The glory of English gardens may not have been so great if it were not for the humid, typically island climate, which is favorable to the growth of grass. There, lawns do not suffer from their terrible enemies - drought and heat. In conditions middle zone In Russia, and even more so to the south, there is a constant loss of moisture on the lawn as a result of transpiration of water by the leaves of the grass, as well as direct evaporation from the soil surface.
Regular irrigation is essential for any lawn.
Evaporation increases with thinned turf cover and, accordingly, decreases with thick and powerful grass, which better shades the soil. Insufficient watering in dry weather is often the reason for the proliferation of weeds in the lawn. Turf cover on weakly limed soils acidic soils more sensitive to drought than alkaline ones. In dry weather, it is more often necessary to irrigate a lawn created on infertile sandy soils, as well as when the grass root system is poorly developed. A young lawn simply needs constant artificial moisture. But in principle, any lawn, so that the grass develops well and remains healthy and lush all season green color, you need to water regularly.

Watering without hassle

Imagine this: a summer evening after an unusually hot day. You are relaxing on a sun lounger on the terrace, drinking something cold. A mist of water rises above your lawn, and behind the fence the neighbor, sweating and exhausted, unfurls a long garden hose to water his lawn, yellowed from the heat. All this will become a reality if, even before starting your garden, you think about how to provide your grass with optimal conditions existence.
Trust the company?
You already have a plot of land, the construction of a house is nearing completion... What's next? If you decide that your garden should have an automatic watering system, now is the time to get to work. There are two possibilities. First: having thought about where and what devices you want to install, entrust the site to specialists and leave them to decide everything practical issues. In this case, your role will be limited to the grand opening of the tap. You can also try installing the system yourself. This is not as difficult to do as it seems, and in this case the elements of the irrigation system are selected individually, based on the size of the garden and needs.

How to properly water a lawn

Lawn watering systems

It’s nice to look at a beautiful well-groomed lawn and flower beds decorating it in different places. Particularly pleasing is the sight of fresh lawn greenery in summer heat when everything around is baking from the heat. To achieve this, you need to set up a lawn watering system.

After all, timely irrigation of grass is the basis for lawn care. Then the plants will be provided with everything necessary for normal growth, and a favorable water regime will provide the flower beds with long and lush flowering.

When is the best time to water the lawn?

So when is the best time to water your lawn? Many people prefer evening watering, believing that the soil has dried out during the day and the plants are thirsty at this time. However, this is a misconception. By installing irrigation systems in the evening and saturating the soil with moisture, you also leave the grass wet all night. This can lead to the development of mold and various fungal diseases. After all, you unwittingly create for them favorable conditions- warm summer night, excess moisture, water drops. Such diseases spread very quickly and will be difficult to get rid of. Better not take risks. The only exceptions can be very hot days, when the daytime heat reaches 40°, and the grass around simply burns in the sun, and even at night the temperature does not drop below 30°. Then evening watering will be completely justified.

The lawn can be watered after 9 pm, the moisture will be quickly absorbed into the soil, and the hot grass will not leave drops of water on the surface. In this case, you simply will not let the grass burn, and watering in the evening will be optimal.

Many people water their lawns during the day. Of course, this will not harm the lawn. However, during the day, strong evaporation of water occurs, and in order to saturate the soil with moisture, required quantity, you will need double the volume of water, since half will evaporate immediately. This is neither rational nor economical.

But the most favorable watering for plants is in the morning. Morning time days when nature is just waking up from sleep, there is a lot of bliss, there is no wind, silence and coolness. Water evaporates the least and mostly goes into the soil, and drops of water will soon evaporate from the leaves of grass and flowers as soon as the sun rises.

Automatic watering of the site, what you need to know first

If you live in your own house and have a garden plot with a lawn and a vegetable garden or a greenhouse, then one day you begin to realize that you are already tired of running around the plot with a hose and buckets. And you begin to wonder why - we wash the dishes in dishwashers, we wash clothes - in washing machines, we cook in multicookers, but do we need to keep the plants in good condition manually? This article explains what you need to do to get rid of non-productive wastage of time when working on your garden plot and how much automatic watering of your plot will cost you.

The need for automatic watering on the site

When discussing the placement of an automatic watering system on a site, you most often hear the phrase: “it’s expensive, we’ll water it ourselves.” As a result, after a month or two, the owner stops watering his plot and it turns into a green-yellow-brown piece of burnt-out steppe. Let's see if it's so expensive:

Firstly, a properly assembled irrigation system will work for at least twenty years, modern materials they allow it. Divide the cost by twenty; secondly, calculate the cost of your labor based on today's salary - two hours a day, five months a year for twenty years, this is exactly the amount you will save; thirdly, when you go on vacation for several weeks in the summer, you will not need to ask neighbors or relatives to water your greenhouse; fourthly, in many suburban villages there are often interruptions in water supply, and it is not possible to water weak pressure the entire plot, since the neighbors also water at the same time. Automatic watering area set for the night or early morning will water without problems or fill the storage tank with water at this time; fifthly, a lawn with manual watering will never achieve the same quality and uniform green color as with automatic watering.

Automatic lawn watering, automatic lawn watering in Moscow

The first sprinklers appeared about 80 years ago and were far from perfect. However, it was then that an automatic watering system arose and began to rapidly develop, without which it is difficult to imagine modern life. Irrigation of football fields and watering personal plot, moistening flower beds in parks and automatically watering lawns in Moscow - the system helps to significantly save time, uses water carefully, and moisturizes the soil evenly and efficiently. “First Irrigation Studio – Watering for Professionals” offers the design and flawless installation of automatic watering systems of any complexity, providing innovative equipment from leading manufacturers to individuals and municipal organizations.

About company

Methods for irrigating lawns, greenhouses, parks and gardens are varied; the choice of equipment depends on many factors and it is better to use the experience of professionals. The company's specialists are always ready:

Design an automatic irrigation system of any complexity (absolutely free); help you choose and buy equipment for automatic watering; deliver and produce high-quality installation equipment; reserve the ordered product and store it in the warehouse if prompt removal is impossible (free of charge).

The specialized company "Studio Poliva" has many years of experience; during this time, more than a thousand projects have been effectively implemented for entertainment centers, sports facilities, municipal grounds and private properties. In many areas of Moscow, a lawn watering system designed and installed by our specialists is successfully operating.

How much water is needed to water plants in the garden and vegetable garden?

Watering, like the East, is a delicate matter. After all, plants in the garden can die not only from a lack of water, but also from its excess. Please advise our readers how to maintain this delicate balance and not harm garden pets?

First of all, find in the literature the characteristics of the crops that you want to grow on your garden plot. After all, different types plants have their own requirements for the amount of moisture in the soil. The same amount of water may be optimal for some plants and excessive for others. Therefore, try to plant on separate areas plants of similar ecological groups, so that each species receives approximately the same amount of moisture when watered. Also, do not place a flower garden with moisture-loving species under large fruit trees, since they often take all the moisture from the top layer of soil, creating its deficiency for taproot plants herbaceous plants.

Which plants need water like air?

This group includes cultures living in containers. As for the vegetable garden, the most moisture-loving plants there are cucumbers and other pumpkins, as well as leafy vegetable plants - delicate salads and cabbage. If you do not have the opportunity to regularly water these plants, then it is better to avoid growing them. Instead, you can plant essential oil crops, most of which (thyme, lavender, hyssop, sage, catnip) easily tolerate temporary drought.

Which of the inhabitants of the ornamental garden loves water?

Most woody and herbaceous plants grown in the garden are quite moisture-loving. This is especially true for introduced species from humid subtropical and East Asian regions (Colchis ivy, bamboo, mock orange, St. John's wort). Although most of these plants are able to tolerate short-term moisture deficits, with regular watering they grow better and are more decorative.

Automatic watering

Creation of automatic watering systems

It’s not enough just to carry out landscaping – flower beds and lawns need constant care. First of all, it consists of timely watering of plants. You can, of course, do this traditional way, but why, if it has been used everywhere for a long time automatic watering. The presence of such a system in a personal garden is very convenient. All plant elements landscape design receive water in the required quantity - and practically no direct human participation in the process is required.

A parched lawn can become brown tint, become tough and brittle, or even die. On the other hand, excess water displaces air from the soil, leaving the grass without oxygen. In this case, it may rot. The secret to a great lawn is to always keep it optimally irrigated. You will achieve optimal results if you water it thoroughly but not frequently.

Signs of lack of moisture

In some climates, such as Northern Europe, irrigation is required very rarely or not at all. However, in warmer, drier regions, the grass should be watered regularly to prevent it from drying out. Here are some signs that your lawn is dry:

  • The grass changes color to light green and then begins to turn yellow
  • Grass stems curl and wither
  • Footprints on the grass do not disappear for a long time

When should you water your lawn?

The ideal time to water most lawns is early morning. The grass will dry the entire next day, and the water will not evaporate instantly, because... the sun had not yet warmed up the lawn. At the same time, night watering is even more economical option. However, you need to be careful with the amount of water. It should not envelop the grass stems overnight, creating a humid environment, because it ideal conditions for fungal growth.

How often and in what quantity?

In the absence of rain, the lawn should be watered twice a week in the amount of 10-15 mm of water per 1 square cm of lawn. If the grass regularly receives insufficient moisture, the root system comes to the surface where it gets more water. As a result, the grass suffers even more from lack of moisture. Use a rain gauge to check the amount of water reaching your lawn. In addition, it is necessary to adapt the water supply to the soil type of your lawn. Make sure that water has time to seep into the lower layers of soil during watering.

What equipment should you use?

The sprinkler system is simple and in a convenient way lawn irrigation. Sprinklers can be fixed to the ground, mounted on stands, or moved along the lawn as you water. And when you connect your sprinklers to an irrigation control program, you can even leave your lawn unattended for the weekend with the confidence that it will receive adequate care.

Streams groundwater do not at all provide normal soil moisture for high-quality growth. Therefore, it is impossible to do without human participation. Watering is directly related to plant metabolism.

Health, attractiveness and strength depend on the frequency of irrigation activities. Manual or - for is not so important. The difference is: how much money, time and effort you are willing to spend on it. How to water after sowing and which method to choose for this will be discussed in this article.

When to water?

Watering methods

As you know, soil moisture up to 10 cm deep is considered optimal for a lawn. Here they come to the rescue various methods irrigation.

Watering the lawn is carried out in three main ways:

  • basal;
  • intrasoil;
  • sprinkling.
Root and subsoil methods are more economical in terms of water consumption. Sprinkling can be done not only automatically, but also manually.

Refers to automatic systems root watering of the lawn. This method uses hoses with small holes from which drops of water flow directly onto. The drip system is almost completely hidden from the human eye.

Did you know? Fitness on lawn grass is more beneficial for the body due to its saturation fresh air and less stress on the joints.

Root moisturizing can be used not only in the morning, but also during the daytime. It saves time, water consumption and minimizes human intervention. The main disadvantage of this method of irrigation is the labor-intensive process of installing the system. But soon all the money and labor costs for the lawn will completely pay for themselves.

Sprinkling - simulating rain for irrigation lawn grass. Irrigation is sufficient for small areas of plantings manually from a watering can or hose sprayer. If the area is too large, it is advisable to install automatic sprinklers.
During sprinkling, not only the soil is moistened, but also the air space around the lawn. Main types:

This type of irrigation requires a water source such as a water tap or. In addition, you will need sprinklers and. From a cost perspective, manual sprinkling is the most affordable of all methods. To automatically water your lawn, you also need to purchase sprinklers.

They are also divided into types: stationary And portable. Their sprinklers can also be different: simple and movable. The former irrigate the surrounding soil unevenly, which is completely excluded if the sprinkler is capable of changing its position.
At good blood pressure A pulsating type of sprinkler is ideal for the system, allowing water to be absorbed into the soil more slowly. The more expensive type is retractable. It does not interfere with lawn mowing, as it is compactly hidden in the grass. For irrigation, the sprinkler is raised and works on the same principle as other types. In any case, sprinkling is not as expensive a method as drip irrigation.

Subsoil irrigation method is the most economical and expensive of the types. Watering system delivers water directly to the lawn root system and is suitable for placement on any terrain. But it is necessary to plan its installation and layout in advance.

Did you know? Lawn grass has phytoncidal properties, the ability to fight harmful bacteria.

Watering is carried out with hydraulic drills various designs or humidifiers in the form of perforated plastic pipes, placed in the soil.
Subsurface irrigation has a number of advantages, such as:

  • soil saturation with air;
  • hindrance to growth;
  • reducing the humidity of the ground air layer;
  • protection against the development of fungal diseases in lawn grass;
  • the ability for a person to carry out planned activities on the lawn during watering.

This irrigation method is mainly used in and slopes. Subsurface irrigation is the most expensive among all the types presented in terms of money, labor and time resources.
Irrigation measures for lawns ensure its attractiveness and normal existence. If you do not have enough free time for this, it is better to install an automatic irrigation system. Besides your time, it saves water resources and provides better soil moisture. But manual method Irrigation is known to be less expensive. Although sometimes saving is not at all appropriate.

In order for the lawn to be constantly green, grow well and thickly and, most importantly, be walkable on it, it must be watered correctly and regularly. The intensity of watering depends on many factors, for example, the type of lawn, time of year, air and water temperature. A lawn that does not need to be watered or mowed exists only in the dreams of gardeners, since any plant needs to be looked after. Careful care is required for both the seeded and rolled lawn, regardless of where it grows: in the country or on a plot near the house.

When to water the lawn?

The frequency of watering the lawn directly depends on the air temperature. To the question of when is the best time to do this, the answer is simple - during the whole summer season. The watering season begins from the moment the seeds are sown in early spring and ends only with the onset of cold weather.

A new rolled lawn must be watered immediately after laying the strips, and if the plot of land is large, then during the process of laying out the rolls.

Exact formula proper watering with the ratio of the amount of water and regularity there is no, since all components change depending on the size of the site, the type of grass and climate. For example, white bentgrass can dry out at the first increase in air temperature in summer if it is not watered twice a day (morning and evening), while fescue can easily tolerate drought and continue to grow immediately after watering or warm rain. People who do not have a lot of free time are advised to choose a variety of grass that is heat tolerant.

Approximate frequency of watering a lawn planted from seeds in spring and summer:

  • during severe drought and air temperatures rising to 30 degrees Celsius or higher, it is recommended to water the area daily in the morning and evening;
  • under the same conditions as described above, but for a lawn grown on sandy soil, the frequency of watering is reduced to once every 2 or 3 days;
  • in cool and windy weather, watering should be done at least once a week.

Note: in the fall, the lawn needs to be watered once every 10 days.

Rolled lawn even in hot weather Do not water more than 3 or 4 times a week. The soil should dry out well between waterings. A lawn made from rolls should be watered abundantly so that the soil is saturated with moisture at least 10 cm deep. Approximate amount of water for 1 square meter is 20 liters.

It is not recommended to water the lawn during the day in the heat, as drops of cool water can cause the plants to get burned. During the day, you can water the area only in cool weather or in the autumn. In the evening, it is recommended to water the lawn between 4 and 6 hours so that the grass dries out a little before nightfall, otherwise high humidity may cause a fungal disease.

Signs of lack of moisture

For healthy growth of lawn grass, it is important to maintain systematic watering. Flooding an area is just as dangerous as not watering it often enough.

The first signs that the grass is not getting enough moisture are as follows:

  • the lawn began to be “trampled down” (the grass almost does not rise after it has been crushed);
  • the grass begins to curl;
  • color changes from rich green to brown;
  • bald spots appear on the area;
  • the grass begins to wither or turn yellow.

Some varieties of plants remain alive even when the blades of grass have dried out, since their root system goes into a dormant state until the next watering. However, dried grass will not become young and green again. Lawn owners will have to wait for a new one to grow.

Additional care

There are several situations in which a lawn needs additional care in the form of watering, regardless of air temperature, namely:

  1. After each mowing, you must first remove all the cut grass using a rake, and then thoroughly water the area. This must be done in order to give the lawn a fresh and clean look, and also help plants recover after cutting.
  2. After fertilizing the grass with dry substances that are physically unable to be absorbed by the roots without moistening the soil, it is watering that helps the fertilizing be completely absorbed by the root system of the plants. When using fertilizers diluted in water, such as urea, additional watering is not necessary.

Can be used for irrigation different water: from springs, wells or directly from the tap, but you need to take into account that moisten the soil cold water(temperature below 11 degrees) is not allowed, as this may damage the root system. In the cool season, for example, in early spring, when the snow has melted after winter, the ground has dried out and the grass has begun to turn green, it is recommended to collect water in a large container and wait until it warms up to desired temperature, and only after that carry out watering.

If there are weeds on your lawn that cannot be eliminated by regular grass cutting, you can water the area with selective herbicides. Diluted chemical drug can only be used in dry, windless weather on those areas of the lawn where weeds grow. The substance must be diluted strictly according to the instructions, since a small dosage will not kill the weed, but a large dosage can destroy the lawn grass.

Lawn care after planting seeds

The most important component proper care After planting the seeds, the lawn should be watered in a timely manner. If you sow seeds and then do not moisten the soil for a week, the grass will die, since the seeds are located shallow in the ground, and due to the wind and sun open ground it will dry out immediately.

A newly planted lawn should be watered daily for the first 10 days. Within a decade, the grains will germinate, and the root system will be able to absorb moisture, located at a depth of several centimeters.

People who are unable to water recently sown seeds so often can use a trick, namely, cover the area with a film that can retain moisture for a long time. After the seeds have sprouted, the film can be removed, and the air-permeable covering can be left in place as long as it does not interfere with the growth of the grass.

You can also use compost to protect the area from the sun, but mulch can only be used for grass that has grown 7 or 8 cm in height. The area after sowing cannot be covered with mulch, as the seeds will not have enough sunlight and they will die.

The lawn can also be watered through the covering material by simply pouring water from above. One part of the liquid will roll down the material, but the other part will saturate the soil. But, for example, spunbond is unsuitable for irrigation. It protects seedlings from cold or heavy rains, so they cover the lawn with it in late autumn before the onset of winter.

An adult lawn is not as picky to care for as a young one, because for the life of the second important criterion is how many times it is watered. After planting, young grass should be moistened at least once a day or two. In extreme heat, the lawn should be watered daily in small portions. As soon as the grass grows up to 7-10 centimeters, you can begin to water the lawn generously.

How to water the plot?

You can water your lawn using a variety of means. The choice of equipment directly depends on what will be more convenient for the gardener to work with.

The means for watering are as follows:

  1. Garden watering can. The most affordable device with which you can independently water your lawn with any water. The watering can is well suited for caring for in small areas or for processing hard to reach places lawns that cannot be reached by a hose or sprayer.
  2. Garden hose. An easy-to-use and versatile device that can be used in conjunction with special spray nozzles. Using nozzles, you can gently water the area without damaging it. root system and without eroding the soil. The hose can also be used in independent form, without a nozzle, to do this, just slightly block the stream with your finger, achieving a splashing effect. The disadvantages include the fact that the hose needs to be moved across the lawn.
  3. Perforated hose. A special hose with many holes throughout its surface for watering. The hose needs to be placed throughout the entire area and simply open the water.
  4. Sprinkler. A device that converts a powerful stream of hose into raindrops. The use of the nozzle does not violate the integrity of the soil cover. It is not recommended to use in windy weather, as light drops of rain will immediately be blown away by a powerful air flow.
  5. Circular sprinkler. The device is installed on the site, and during operation it looks like a fountain.
  6. Rotating sprinkler. A device similar to a regular sprinkler, but with the ability to adjust the water flow. The irrigation distance also depends on the power of the jet. Often used to avoid flooding paths, porches, etc.
  7. Oscillating or oscillating sprinkler. A device designed for watering rectangular or square shape, as it allows you to adjust the range and intensity of the jet.
  8. Automatic waterers. The devices are used on large areas and are installed before laying or seeding the lawn, as they consist of underground pipes, hoses or sprinklers connected to a water source (large container, pump). There are two types of sprinklers: stationary and recessed. The former are visible on the surface of the lawn, the latter rise only during spraying.

For small areas, tools such as a hose, watering can and sprinklers are suitable, while for larger lawns it is better to use automatic sprinklers.

If you water and fertilize the area in a timely manner, it will grow thick and green lawn. A young lawn needs to be watered every other day; an established lawn needs to be watered once a week. temperate climate. In hot weather, the amount of watering should be increased as needed. You can water in the morning and evening, but the water should not be cold (below 10 degrees). In autumn, watering can be carried out during the daytime. You need to start watering the lawn with the arrival of spring, when the sun begins to get hot and there are no traces of snow left.


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