Help with solving a Rubik's cube. Rubik's Cube: basic rules and concepts

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The famous puzzle, which consists of several colored sectors combined into one cube, appeared in 1974. The Hungarian sculptor and teacher decided to create tutorial to explain group theory to students. Today this toy is considered the best-selling toy all over the world.

But success came to this puzzle only when the German entrepreneur Tibor Lakzi drew attention to it. He, together with game inventor Tom Kremer, not only launched the production of cubes, but also organized the promotion of this puzzle to the masses. It was thanks to them that competitions in high-speed assembly of Rubik's cubes appeared.

By the way, people who are engaged in assembling this puzzle are called speedcubers (“speed” - speed). It’s not difficult to guess that the high-speed assembly of a “magic” cube is called speedcubing.

The structure of the Rubik's cube and the names of rotations

In order to learn how to assemble this puzzle, you need to understand its structure and find out the correct name for certain actions with it. The latter is important if you are going to find instructions for solving the cube online. Yes, and in our article we will call all the action with this puzzle, according to established expressions.

A standard Rubik's cube has three sides. Each of which consists of three parts. Today there are also 5x5x5 cubes. The classic cube has 12 edges and 8 corners. It comes in 6 colors. Inside this puzzle there is a cross, around which the sides move.

At the end of the cross there is a rigid square with one of six colors. Around it you need to collect the remaining squares of the same color. Moreover, the puzzle is considered completed if all six sides of the cube have their own color.

IMPORTANT: In the original puzzle yellow is always opposite white, orange is opposite red, and green is always opposite blue. And if you take a puzzle apart and then put it back together incorrectly, it may never be able to be put back together.

In addition to the centers of the cube, the corners are the constant components of this puzzle. Each of the eight corners consists of three colors. And no matter how you change the position of the colors in this puzzle, the composition of the colors of the corners in it will not change.

IMPORTANT: The Rubik's Cube is solved by placing the corner and middle sectors to match the colors of the central sectors.

Now that we understand the construction of this puzzle, it’s time to move on to the names of sides and rotations and their designation in specialized literature.

In the process of solving a Rubik's cube, it may be necessary not only to move the sides, but also to change the position of this object in space. Experts call these movements interceptions. This is shown schematically like this:

IMPORTANT: If in the cube assembly algorithm you found, only a letter is indicated, then change the position of the side clockwise. If there is an apostrophe “’” after the letter, then rotate the side counterclockwise. If the number “2” is indicated after the letter, this means that the side needs to be rotated twice. For example, D2′ - rotate the bottom side counterclockwise twice.

Simple and easy assembly method: Instructions for children and beginners

The most detailed instructions assembly for beginners looks like this:

  • At the first stage of assembling this popular puzzle, we start with the correct cross. That is, from the fact that on each side of the cube the color of the edges and centers will be the same.
  • To do this, find the white center and white edges and collect the crosses according to the diagram shown below:

  • After the steps described above, we should receive a cross. Of course, the cross will not be correct the first time and you need to slightly transform the resulting version. If done correctly, it will be enough to simply swap the ribs with each other.
  • This algorithm is called “bang-bang” and is shown in the diagram below:

  • Let's move on to the next step of assembling the puzzle. Find the white corner on the bottom layer and place the red corner above it. This can be done different ways, depending on the position of the red and white corners. We use the “bang-bang” method described above.

  • As a result, we should get the following:

  • We begin to assemble the second layer. To do this, find four edges without yellow color and place them between the centers of the second layer. Then we spin the cube until the color of the center matches the color of the edge element.
  • As with the previous layer, to achieve this goal you may need one of several options:

  • After we have successfully completed the previous step, we move on to assembling the yellow cross. Sometimes he “gets together” himself. But this happens very rarely. Most often, the cube at this stage has three options for the arrangement of colors:

So, the yellow cross is assembled. Further action in solving this puzzle comes down to seven options. Each of them is shown below:

In the next step we need to assemble the corners of the top layer. Take one of the corners and move it into place using the U, U' and U2 movements. This needs to be taken into account. So that the corner colors are identical to the colors on the lower layers. When using this step, keep the white cube facing you.

Next build step
  • The final stage of assembling the cube is assembling the edges of the top layer. If you did everything described above correctly, then four situations may arise. They are solved very simply:

The fastest way. Jessica Friedrich Method

This puzzle assembly method was developed by Jessica Friedrich in 1981. It is conceptually no different from most known methods. But it focuses specifically on assembly speed. Thanks to this, the number of assembly stages was reduced from seven to four. To master this method, you need to master “only” 119 algorithms.

IMPORTANT: This technique is not suitable for beginners. You need to study it when your speed of solving the cube becomes less than 2 minutes.

1. At the first stage you need to assemble a cross with side edges. In specialized literature this stage is called "Cross"(from the English Cross - cross).

2. At the second stage, you need to assemble two layers of the puzzle at once. He is called "F2L"(from the English First 2 Layers - the first two layers). To achieve the result, the following algorithms may be required:

3. Now we need to collect upper layer fully. You shouldn't pay attention to the sides. The name of the stage is OLL (from the English Orientation of the Last Layer - orientation of the last layer). To assemble you need to learn 57 algorithms:

4. The final stage of assembling the cube. PLL (from the English Permutation of the Last Layer - arranging the elements of the last layer in their places). Its assembly can be done using the following algorithms:

Scheme for assembling a 3x3 Rubik's cube in 15 moves

Since 1982, when competitions for high-speed solving of the Rubik's cube appeared, many fans of this puzzle began to develop algorithms that will help correctly arrange the sectors of the cube with a minimum of moves. Today, the minimum number of moves in this puzzle is called "God Algorithm" and is 20 moves.

Therefore, it is impossible to solve a Rubik's cube in 15 moves. Moreover, a few years ago, an 18-move algorithm for assembling this puzzle was developed. But, it cannot be used from all positions of the cube, which is why it was rejected as the fastest.

In 2010, scientists from Google created a program with which they calculated the fastest algorithm for solving a Rubik's cube. He confirmed that the minimum number of steps is 20. Later, the Lego Mindstorm EV3 robot was created from parts of the popular construction set, which is capable of solving a Rubik's cube from any position in 3.253 seconds. He uses 20 stepper in his “work” "God's Algorithm". And if someone tells you that there is a 15-step diagram for assembling a cube, do not believe him. Even Google is not powerful enough to find it.

How to easily solve a Rubik's cube: Video

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How to forget about incomprehensible patterns and solve a Rubik's cube according to a pattern for beginners - read our article if you still cannot solve the puzzle without getting upset. Now we will try to tell and explain in detail how to do this in order to surprise yourself, friends and family.

What is a Rubik's Cube?

  • The original idea for the magic cube was to teach students mathematical group theory. So in the 1970s, the Hungarian architect Ernő Rubik created mechanical tool, which was a learning cube for understanding 3D models and moving independent parts.
  • Later a short time Great fame came to the magical patented cube. People of different professions and from different countries. So, in the 1980s the whole world knew about him, he won many competitions and was awarded all kinds of awards.
  • The mechanism includes an internal and external part. The internal one is a figure consisting of three connected cylinders. External – edges attached to the internal mechanism, which in turn consist of squares.
  • By rotating the edges of the faces in different directions, you can solve a Rubik's cube. Over the years, many people worked on the magic cube, as a result of which many techniques were created. Now there are even some algorithms, using which you can quickly solve a cube.
  • The cube consists of three elements: centers – 4 , angles – 8 and ribs - 12 .

Solve the puzzle

If you have set yourself the task of solving a puzzle, then after reading the article it will become easy. But if you don’t know how this most mysterious cube works, what it consists of and how it functions, the task becomes much more complicated.

You will learn below how to solve a Rubik's cube according to the scheme for beginners in Russian, but remember that you should not underestimate the complexity of the puzzle presented.

A regular 3x3 Rubik is a small mechanical 3D cube, the edges of which are painted in different colors (blue, green, white, yellow, red, orange).

Let's look at the components of the cube, piece by piece. Let's start with the central element, there is one on each side. It can be rotated around its axis, but each of them always remains in place in the “correct” position. There are slightly more corner elements - 8, and they have three different colors. We must not forget about the 12 ribs with several different colors located between the corners.

This results in only 20 particles that can be moved, and the solution to the problem depends entirely on knowing the correct change in their position.

If you start rotating one side, you can see the central elements, or more precisely, how they do not move, but the edge becomes where it should be, and the corner - in its place.

So, here are the basic elements of a Rubik's cube:

  • Cube centers– 6 pcs. This item has only one sticker of one color. The centers of the cube do not move relative to each other.
  • Cube edges– 12 pcs. The edge elements of the cube have two colors.
  • Corners of the cube– 8 pcs. The corner elements have stickers in three colors.
  • Rubik's Cube Faces– these are nine of its elements that can be rotated simultaneously.
  • Cube frame, on which the central elements of the faces are fixed. If you take the cube apart mechanically, the crosspiece and central elements will remain intact, and you can assemble the remaining elements on them.

There are a total of 20 moving elements in the Rubik's cube (12 edges and 8 corners), since the central elements do not move relative to each other, we did not count them. Although, of course, they can move on the frame around an axis.

Assembly sequence

  1. Cross of the top edge.
  2. The top edge is completely.
  3. Middle layer.
  4. Arrangement of the edge cubes of the last face in their places.
  5. Orientation of the side cubes - assembling the cross of the last face.
  6. Arranging the corner cubes of the last face in their places.
  7. Orienting the corner cubes of the last face and, as a result, assembling the last face and the entire cube.

Spin language

In order to understand the formulas used for assembly, you need to become familiar with the language of rotations.

The language of rotations is a special designation for the movements of the faces of the cube, with the help of which you can write down any algorithm, solution or scramble (a sequence of moves with which to confuse the cube).

  • F – front – front side
  • B – back – back side
  • L – left – left side
  • R – right – right side
  • U – up – top side
  • D – down – down side
  • Fw (f) – front side together with the middle layer
  • Bw (b) – back side with middle layer
  • Lw (l) – left side together with the middle layer
  • Rw (r) – right side including middle layer
  • Uw (u) – top side together with the middle layer
  • Dw (d) – bottom side together with the middle layer

There are also rarer movements that are almost never used in builds:

  • M – middle – middle layer located between the right (R) and left (L) sides
  • S – standing – middle layer located between the front (F) and back (B) sides
  • E – equatorial – middle layer located between the upper (U) and lower (D) sides

In addition to rotations of the faces of the cube, there are notations indicating changes in the position of the cube in space.

These movements are called interceptions:

  • x – the entire cube rotates away from itself along a plane coinciding with the right (R) and left (L) layers (F turns into U)
  • x’ – the entire cube rotates towards itself along a plane coinciding with the right (R) and left (L) layers (F turns into D)
  • y – the entire cube rotates clockwise in the horizontal plane (F turns into L)
  • y’ – the entire cube rotates counterclockwise in the horizontal plane (F turns into R)
  • z – the entire cube rotates clockwise in the frontal plane (U turns into R)
  • z’ – the entire cube rotates counterclockwise in the frontal plane (U turns into L)

Cube movements and interceptions are recorded in accordance with the following rules:

  • If only a letter is written, turn the side clockwise, as if we were looking at the face in the face
  • If there is a “’” stroke after the letter, we turn the side counterclockwise, as if we were looking at the edge in the face
  • If there is a “2” after the letter, rotate this side 180 degrees. If there is still a prime, for example U2′, then this means that in this algorithm it is more convenient to rotate U2 counterclockwise.

Formulas in Russian

Recording assembly algorithms (processes), as we have already said, is done using formulas. The faces of a cube in formulas are designated by letters according to the initial Russian letters of the names of the faces. Naturally, Latin notations are also used, but now we will focus on Russian.

  • F - facade
  • T – rear
  • R - right side
  • L – left side
  • B – top
  • N – bottom

You yourself determine which face of the cube at any given moment is considered to be the front face, that is, facing you. It depends on the current situation. You need to understand that the central cubes determine the color of the edge, which means that 6 cubes, even in a disassembled (messed up) Rubik's cube, are already in their places. A 90° clockwise rotation is indicated as follows: F, T, P, L, V, N. To indicate a 90° counterclockwise rotation, use a stroke: F', T', P', L', V', N'.

C – this letter indicates a rotation of the middle layer 90° clockwise. C’ – respectively, turn counterclockwise. A typical process entry might look like this: NPF'P'.

This formula is performed as follows:

  1. Rotate the bottom edge 90° clockwise.
  2. Rotate the right side 90° clockwise, that is, away from you.
  3. Rotate the front edge 90° counterclockwise.
  4. Rotate the right side 90° counterclockwise, that is, towards yourself.

We will talk in more detail about recording processes at the assembly stages. In addition, you will need formulas if you are interested in other ways to assemble the cube.

How to quickly and easily solve a Rubik's cube: main rules

  • It is necessary to rotate not only the color sectors, but also the cube itself.
  • You need to focus on the central figures.
  • IN original version yellow is always opposite white, orange is opposite red, and green is opposite blue.
  • It is necessary to move the middle and corner sectors, in accordance with the colors of the central figures.
  • Each new movement creates a new angle and center segment.
  • The centers do not change, no matter what confusing position you bring the cube into, there will always be white at the top, yellow at the bottom, green in front, blue in the back, red on the right, and orange on the left.
  • The rib elements have two stickers, and the corner elements have three.
  • Since the color fragments do not change their position, the cube will always be assembled in the same way.
  • There are ribs comfortable- looking left and right, and uncomfortable- located below or above. There are also ribs that stand still or under the cross.

Let's train! The first formula called "four"

  1. Find the Corner with the colors red-blue-yellow. Take the cube so that this corner is at the top right. Pay attention to the center of the cube, which is facing you (ours is yellow).
  2. R’ D’ R D – do this combination and look at the result. Our corner has gone down. The yellow (in our case) center is still looking at us - keep it that way.
  3. R’ D’ R D – do this combination again and look at the result again. Our corner jumped up, but now it's twisted with other colors.
  4. Conclusion: the corner jumps up and down and turns in different colors. If we do the combination 4 more times we will come to the original situation. Try it!

Putting the puzzle together

Stage 1: You need to collect the yellow cross on the top edge

  1. Attention! Not just a yellow cross at the top, but correct location edges taking into account other centers of the cube.
  2. Let's start with the Yellow-Blue rib. First, let's find him. We hold the cube with the blue towards us and the yellow towards the top.
  3. The first step is to lower the edge down so that it is on the bottom edge. In our case, make R.
  4. The second step is to align the edge that is now at the bottom with the blue center of the cube. Make D'.
  5. The third step is to lift the rib into place. To do this you need to do F2. Now our edge is in its place, but..
  6. A situation could arise where the edge is “opposite”; in order to turn it around, you need to do F U’ R U.
  7. Turn the cube with the next (red) center towards you and collect the Yellow-Red edge. Everything is the same. Then Yellow-Green and Yellow-Orange.
  8. You have collected several edges, and the next one is positioned in such a way that if we lower it, we will break the top. Combination: R’ D’ R – this is the same, just with the right side returning to its place.

Stage 2: Place the corners on the top layer in their places

  1. The result to be achieved at this stage. All corners and edges of the top face are in place.
  2. Let's start with the Yellow-Red-Blue corner. Keep the yellow center at the top and look for it. The first option is that our corner is at the bottom.
  3. The second option is that our corner is at the top. Let's take the cube so that the corner faces us and is to the right. We lower the corner down using the already known combination R’ D’ R D.
  4. Let's twist the bottom so that the desired angle is under its place, as in Fig. Then do R' D' R D 1 to 5 times until the corner is in place correctly. Further - next corner.

So, the strategy for the second stage: lower the desired element down, twist the bottom so that the element fits in its place, lift the element up into its place using one of the formulas.

Stage 3: Assembling the middle layer of the Rubik's cube. We put 4 ribs in their places in the middle layer.

  1. Result of stage 3. We need to place only 4 edges in their places.
  2. Let's turn the cube over. Now the assembled yellow edge is at the bottom, and the white center is at the top. We will keep it this way until the end of the assembly.
  3. Let's find an edge at the top that does NOT have a white sticker on it, for example, Green-Orange. Let's twist the center so that the Green sticker of our edge coincides with the green center.
  4. It is possible that the green sticker cannot match, then match the orange sticker with the orange center. Those. we have 2 options.
  5. U’ L’ U L, U F U’ F’ – the edge jumps down and to the left – into its place.
  6. U R U’ R’, U’ F’ U F – the edge jumps down and to the right – into its place.
  7. A typical situation is that the desired edge is already in place, but is rotated incorrectly. Then we do the formula from step 5, 6 - and “knock out” the edge from its place.
  8. Our edge will pop up and you can now do everything to put it in its place correctly.

The strategy for this stage: we look for the desired edge, by turning the top we position it correctly, using one of the formulas we put the edge in its place. We do this algorithm for all 4 edges. Attention! When assembling the second layer, the first layer (bottom) remains assembled!

Stage 4: Assemble the “wrong” white cross on the last layer.

  1. F R U R’ U’ F’ – 1, 2 or 3 times.
  2. Our goal is to collect a “white cross” (a cross is 5 stickers, except for the corner ones).
  3. The transition from the previous situation to the next is done using the SAME formula. F R U R' U' F'.

What to do!? I assembled 2 layers, but on the third layer I can’t achieve either situation. This shouldn't happen on a normal cube. This means that your cube was taken apart mechanically and put back together incorrectly. Disassemble the cube into parts, assemble it correctly and start again.

Stage 5. Making the “correct” white cross.

  1. The result to be achieved at this step. The upper ribs match the colors of the centers.
  2. Rotate the top layer so that any TWO edges match the colors of the centers from the middle layer. One of two situations can happen.
  3. Two opposite ribs fall into place (we have white-blue and white-green), the other two need to be swapped. R U R’ U R U2 R’
  4. Two collected edges stand at an angle, the other two need to be swapped in a combination, while holding the cube so that the corner* looks away from you and to the right R U R’ U R U2 R’ U.

Stage 6. Place the corners of the top layer in their places.

We have only 4 unassembled corner elements on the top face. Examine the cube; perhaps one of the centers is already in place. It doesn't matter how the corners are turned, only their location matters.

  1. U R U’ L’ U R’ U’ L – make this combination, and one of the cubes will definitely fall into place.
  2. One corner is in its place. The rest need to be swapped by moving each of them counterclockwise or clockwise
  3. Option 1. The three unassembled ribs are moved counterclockwise and fall into place. Hold the corner towards you and to the right U R U’ L’ U R’ U’ L
  4. Option 2. The three unassembled ribs are moved clockwise and fall into place. We hold the assembled angle towards us and to the left U’ L’ U R U’ L U R’.

A common question at this stage: THE FORMULA IS WRONG! This scheme has been around for many years, everything has been tested a thousand times, all schemes and formulas are working, we guarantee! Be careful before completing the formula; read under the formula what color you should hold the cube towards you. Please pay close attention to the previous tips.

Stage 7. Final! We turn the corners with the correct colors.

All the corners are in place, we just need to turn them around. It's very simple - one short formula will help us. Yes, the same “four” R’ D’ R D. At this step, only attentiveness is important, and you also need to hold the cube correctly.

  1. R’ D’ R D – hold the cube so that the corner faces you and is to the right. We do the “four” 2 or 4 times until the corner turns around.
  2. The corner turned. But the cube “collapsed” - don’t panic, that’s how it should be. Turn the top - now the next corner is in front of you. Attention!!! We always hold the cube itself with the red center towards us and the white center up.
  3. R’ D’ R D – the next corner is in front of you. We turn it around again in a “four”. If it happens that the next corner is already correctly assembled, then simply turn the top AGAIN and assemble the next corner.
  4. When you have turned all 4 corners the right colors, a small miracle will happen - the remaining elements of the cube will fall into place! Take your time, hold the cube correctly, and complete the formula until the end.

How to solve a Rubik's Cube

In a nutshell: if you remember 7 simple formulas of no more than 8 rotations each, then you can easily learn how to solve a regular 3x3x3 cube in a couple of minutes. This algorithm will not be able to solve the cube in less than a minute or a minute and a half, but two to three minutes is easy!


Like any cube, the puzzle has 8 corners, 12 edges and 6 faces: top, bottom, right, left, front and back. Typically, each of the nine squares on each face of the Cube is colored one of six colors, usually arranged in pairs opposite each other: white-yellow, blue-green, red-orange, forming 54 colored squares. Sometimes instead of solid colors they put on the edge of the Cube, then it becomes even more difficult to assemble.

In the assembled (“initial”) state, each face consists of squares of the same color, or all the pictures on the faces are correctly folded. After several turns the cube is “stirred”.

Solving a Cube means returning it from being stirred to its original state. This, in fact, is the main point of the puzzle. Many enthusiasts find pleasure in assembling "solitaire" - patterns .

ABC of the Cube

The classic Cube consists of 27 parts (3x3x3=27):

    6 single color centerpieces (6 “centers”)

    12 two-color side or rib elements (12 “ribs”)

    8 three-color corner elements (8 “corners”)

    1 internal element- cross

The cross (or ball, depending on the design) is located in the center of the Cube. The centers are attached to it and thereby fasten the remaining 20 elements, preventing the puzzle from falling apart.

Elements can be rotated in “layers” - groups of 9 pieces. A clockwise rotation of the outer layer by 90° (if you look at this layer) is considered “straight” and will be denoted by a capital letter, and a counterclockwise rotation is “reverse” to the direct one - and will be denoted by a capital letter with an apostrophe “"”.

6 outer layers: Top, Bottom, Right, Left, Front (front layer), Rear (back layer). There are three more inner layers. In this assembly algorithm, we will not rotate them separately; we will only use rotations of the outer layers. In the world of speedcubers, it is customary to use Latin letters for the words Up, Down, Right, Left, Front, Back.

Turn designations:

    clockwise (↷ )- V N P L F TU D R L F B

    counterclockwise (↶ ) - V" N" P" L" F" T" U" D" R" L" F" B"

When assembling the Cube, we will sequentially rotate the layers. The sequence of turns is recorded from left to right one after another. If some rotation of a layer needs to be repeated twice, then a degree icon “2” is placed after it. For example, F 2 means that you need to turn the front twice, i.e. F 2 = FF or F "F" (whichever is more convenient). In Latin notation, instead of F 2, F2 is written. I will write formulas in two notations - Cyrillic And Latin, separating them with this sign ⇔.

To make it easier to read long sequences, they are divided into groups, which are separated from neighboring groups by dots. If a certain sequence of turns needs to be repeated, then it is enclosed in parentheses and the number of repetitions is written at the top right of the closing bracket. In Latin notation, a multiplier is used instead of an exponent. In square brackets I will indicate the number of such a sequence or, as they are usually called, “formulas”.

Now, knowing the conventional language of notation for rotation of the layers of the Cube, you can proceed directly to the assembly process.


There are many ways to assemble the Cube. There are those that allow you to assemble a cube with a couple of formulas, but in a few hours. Others, on the contrary, by memorizing a couple of hundred formulas allow you to solve a cube in ten seconds.

Below I will describe the simplest (from my point of view) method, which is visual, easy to understand, requires memorizing only seven simple “formulas” and at the same time allows you to assemble the Cube in a couple of minutes. When I was 7 years old, I mastered this algorithm in a week and solved the cube in an average of 1.5-2 minutes, which amazed my friends and classmates. That’s why I call this assembly method “the simplest.” I will try to explain everything “on the fingers”, almost without pictures.

We will assemble the Cube in horizontal layers, first the first layer, then the second, then the third. We will divide the assembly process into several stages. There will be five of them in total and one additional one.

    6/26 At the very beginning, the cube is disassembled (but the centers are always in place).

Assembly steps:

    10/26 - cross of the first layer (“upper cross”)

    14/26 - corners of the first layer

    16/26 - second layer

    22/26 - cross of the third layer (“lower cross”)

    26/26 - corners of the third layer

    26/26 - (additional stage) rotation of centers

To assemble the classic Cube you will need the following: "formulas":

    FV"PVFU"RU- rotation of the edge of the upper cross

    (P"N" · PN) 1-5(R"D RD)1-5- "Z-switch"

    VP · V"P" · V"F" · VFUR · U"R" · U"F" · UF- edge 2 layers down and to the right

    V"L" · VL · VF · V"F"U"L" · UL · UF · U"F"- edge 2 layers down and to the left

    FPV · P"V"F"FRU R"U"F"- rotation of the ribs of the lower cross

    PV · P"V · PV" 2 · P"VRU · R"U · RU"2 · R"U- rearrangement of the ribs of the lower cross (“fish”)

    V"P" · VL · V"P · VL"U"R" UL U"R UL"- rearrangement of corners 3 layers

The first two stages could not be described, because Assembling the first layer is quite easy "intuitively". But, nevertheless, I will try to describe everything thoroughly and on my fingers.

Stage 1 - cross of the first layer (“upper cross”)

The goal of this stage: the correct location of the 4 upper ribs, which together with the upper center make up a “cross”.

So, the Cube is completely disassembled. Actually not completely. A distinctive feature of the classic Cube is its design. Inside there is a cross (or ball) that rigidly connects the centers. The center determines the color of the entire face of the Cube. Therefore, 6 centers are always already in place! First, choose the top. Typically, assembly begins with a white top and green front. For non-standard coloring, choose what is more convenient. We hold the Cube so that the upper center (“top”) is white and the front center (“front”) is green. The main thing when assembling is to remember what color is the top and what is the front, and when rotating the layers, do not accidentally turn the entire Cube and get lost.

Our goal is to find an edge with top and front colors and place it between them. At the very beginning, we look for a white-green edge and place it between the white top and the green front. Let's call the required element a “working cube” or RK.

So, let's start assembling. The top is white, the front is green. We look at the Cube from all sides, without letting go of it, without moving it in our hands and without rotating the layers. We are looking for RK. It can be located anywhere. Found. After this, the assembly process itself begins.

If the RK is in the first (upper) layer, then by double turning the outer vertical layer on which it is located, we “drive” it down to the third layer. We do the same if the RK is in the second layer, only in this case we drive it down not with a double, but with a single rotation.

It is advisable to drive it out so that the color of the paint turns out to be the color of the top down, then it will be easier to install it in place. When driving the RK down, you need to remember about the ribs that are already in place, and if some edge was affected, then you need to remember to return it later to its place by reverse rotation.

After the RC is on the third layer, we rotate the bottom and “adjust” the RC to the center of the front. If the RK is already on the third layer, then simply place it in front of us from below, rotating the bottom layer. After this, turn F 2F2 We put RK in place.

Once the RK is in place, there can be two options: either it is rotated correctly or not. If it is turned correctly, then everything is OK. If it is turned incorrectly, then we turn it over using the formula FV"PVFU"RU. If the RK is “kicked out” correctly, i.e. color from top to bottom, then you practically won’t have to use this formula.

Let's move on to installing the next rib. Without changing the top, we change the front, i.e. turn the Cube towards you with the new side. And we repeat our algorithm again until all the remaining edges of the first layer are in place, forming a white cross on the top edge.

During the assembly process, it may turn out that the RC is already in place, or it can be put in place (without destroying what has already been assembled) without first driving it down, but “immediately”. Well, good! In this case, the cross will come together faster!

So, already 10 elements out of 26 are in place: 6 centers are always in place and we have just placed 4 edges.

Stage 2 - corners of the first layer

The goal of the second stage is to assemble the entire top layer, installing four corners in addition to the already assembled cross. In the case of the cross, we looked for the right edge and placed it in front at the top. Now our RK is not an edge, but a corner, and we will place it in the front at the top right. To do this, we will do the same as at the first stage: first we will find it, then we will “drive” it to the bottom layer, then we will place it in the front lower right, i.e. under the place we need, and after that we’ll drive it up.

There is one beautiful one and simple formula. (P"N" · PN)(R"D" RD). It even has a “smart” name - . She must be remembered.

We are looking for an element with which we will work (RK). The top right corner should contain a corner that has the same colors as the centers of the top, front and right. We find him. If the RK is already in place and turned correctly, then by turning the entire Cube we change the front and look for a new RK.

If the RC is in the third layer, then rotate the bottom and adjust the RC to the place we need, i.e. front lower right.

Let's turn the Z-switch! If the corner is not in place, or is in place, but is rotated incorrectly, then turn the Z switch again, and so on until the RK is at the top in place and correctly rotated. Sometimes you need to turn the Z-switch up to 5 times.

If the RK is in the upper layer and is not in place, then we drive it out of there with any other one using the same Z-commutator. That is, we first turn the Cube so that the top remains white, and the RK, which needs to be kicked out, is located at the top right in front of us and turn the Z-commutator. After the RK has been “kicked out,” we again turn the Cube towards us with the desired front, rotate the bottom, place the already kicked out RK under the place we need and use the Z-commutator to drive it to the top. We turn the Z-switch until the cube is oriented correctly.

We apply this algorithm for the remaining corners. As a result, we get a fully assembled first layer of the Cube! 14 out of 26 cubes are still in place!

Let's admire this beauty for a while and turn the Cube over so that the collected layer is at the bottom. Why is this necessary? We will soon need to start assembling the second and third layers, and the first layer has already been assembled and is in the way on top, covering all the layers that interest us. Therefore, let’s turn them upside down to better see all the remaining and uncollected disgrace. Top and bottom changed places, right and left too, but the front and rear remained the same. The top is now yellow. Let's start assembling the second layer.

I want to warn you that with each step the Cube becomes more assembled view, but when you twist the formulas, the already assembled sides are stirred. The main thing is not to panic! At the end of the formula (or sequence of formulas), the cube will be assembled again. If, of course, you follow the main rule - during the rotation process you cannot spin the entire Cube, so as not to accidentally get lost. Only separate layers, as written in the formula.

Stage 3 - second layer

So, the first layer is assembled, and it's at the bottom. We need to put 4 ribs of the 2nd layer. They can now be located both on the second and on the third (now upper) layer.

Select any edge on the top layer without the color of the top face (without yellow). Now it will be our RK. By rotating the top, we adjust the RC so that it matches the color of some side center. We rotate the Cube so that this center becomes the front.

Now there are two options: our working cube needs to be moved down to the second layer, either to the left or to the right.

There are two formulas for this:

    down and right VP · V"P" · V"F" · VF UR · U"R" · U"F" · UF

    down and left V"L" · VL · VF · V"F" U"L" · UL · UF · U"F"

If suddenly the RK is already in the second layer out of place, or in its place, but incorrectly rotated, then we “kick it out” with any other one, using one of these formulas, and then apply this algorithm again.

Be careful. The formulas are long, you can’t make mistakes, otherwise the Cube will “figure it out” and you’ll have to start assembling again. It's okay, even champions sometimes get confused during assembly.

As a result, after this stage we have two assembled layers - 19 out of 26 cubes are in place!

(If you want to slightly optimize the assembly of the first two layers, you can use this.)

Stage 4 - cross of the third layer (“lower cross”)

The goal of this stage is to assemble the cross of the last unassembled layer. Although the unassembled layer is now on top, the cross is called "bottom" because in its original state this layer was at the bottom.

First, we will unfold the edges so that they all face up in a color that matches the color of the top. If they are already all turned up so that at the top you get a single-color flat cross, we proceed to moving the edges. If the cubes are turned incorrectly, we will turn them over. There can be several cases of edge orientation:

    A) all are turned incorrectly

    B) two adjacent ones are incorrectly rotated

    C) two opposite ones are turned incorrectly

(There cannot be other options! That is, it cannot be that there is only one edge left to turn over. If two layers of the cube are completed, and on the third there is an odd number of edges left to turn over, then you don’t have to worry about it any further, but.)

Let's remember the new formula: FPV · P"V"F"FRU R"U"F"

    In case A) we twist the formula and get case B).

    In case B) we turn the Cube so that two correctly rotated edges are on the left and behind, twist the formula and get case C).

    In case B), we turn the Cube so that the correctly rotated edges are on the right and left, and, again, we twist the formula.

As a result, we get a “flat” cross of correctly oriented, but out of place edges. Now you need to make a correct volumetric cross from a flat cross, i.e. move the ribs.

Let's remember the new formula: PV · P"V · PV" 2 · P"V RU · R"U · RU"2 · R"U(“fish”)

We twist the top layer so that at least two edges fall into place (the colors of their sides coincide with the centers of the side faces). If everything falls into place, then the cross is assembled, move on to next stage. If not everything is in place, then there can be two cases: either two adjacent ones are in place, or two opposite ones are in place. If the opposite ones are in place, then we twist the formula and get the adjacent ones in place. If the neighboring ones are in place, then we turn the Cube so that they are on the right and behind. Let's twist the formula. After this, the ribs that were out of place will change places. The cross is assembled!

NB: a small note about the “fish”. This formula uses rotation AT 2U"2, that is, we rotate the top counterclockwise twice. Basically, for the Rubik's Cube AT 2U"2 = AT 2U2, but it’s better to remember exactly AT 2U"2, because this formula can be useful for assembling, for example, Megaminx. But in Megaminx AT 2U"2AT 2U2, since one turn there is not 90°, but 72°, and AT 2U"2 = AT 3U3.

Stage 5 - corners of the third layer

All that remains is to install it in place, and then turn the four corners correctly.

Let's remember the formula: V"P" · VL · V"P · VL" U"R" UL U"R UL" .

Let's look at the corners. If they are all in place and all that remains is to turn them correctly, then look at the next paragraph. If not a single corner is in place, then twist the formula, and one of the corners will definitely fall into place. We are looking for a corner that stands still. We turn the Cube so that this corner is at the back right. Let's twist the formula. If the cubes do not fall into place, then twist the formula again. After this, all the corners should be in place, all you have to do is turn them correctly, and the Cube will be almost solved!

At this stage, it remains to either turn three cubes clockwise, or three counterclockwise, or one clockwise and one counterclockwise, or two clockwise and two counterclockwise. There can be no other options! Those. It cannot be that there is only one corner cube left to turn over. Or two, but both clockwise. Or two clockwise and one counterclockwise. Correct combinations: (- - -), (+ + +), (+ -), (+ - + -), (+ + - -) . If two layers are assembled correctly, the correct cross is assembled on the third layer and the wrong combination is obtained, then again you can no longer worry, but go get a screwdriver (read). If everything is correct, read on.

Let's remember our Z-commutator (P"N" · PN)R"D" RD. Rotate the Cube so that the incorrectly oriented corner is in the front right. Rotate the Z-switch (up to 5 times) until the angle turns correctly. Next, without changing the front, we rotate the top layer so that the front right is the next “wrong” corner, and again rotate the Z-commutator. And we do this until all the corners are turned. After this, we will rotate the top layer so that the colors of its edges coincide with the already collected first and second layers. All! If we had a regular six-color cube, then it is already solved! It remains to turn the Cube with its original top (which is now bottom) up to get the initial state.

All. The cube is complete!

I hope you find this guide useful!

Stage 6 - Rotation of centers

Why won't the cube assemble?!

Many people ask the question: “I do everything as written in the algorithm, but the cube still doesn’t fit. Why?" Usually an ambush awaits last layer. Two layers are easy to put together, but the third is not easy. Everything is stirred, you begin to reassemble, again two layers, and again when assembling the third, everything is stirred. Why might this be so?

There are two reasons - obvious and not so obvious:

    Obvious. You are not following the algorithms exactly. It is enough to make one turn in the wrong direction or miss a turn for the entire Cube to get mixed up. On initial stages(when assembling the first and second layers) an incorrect turn is not very fatal, but when assembling the third layer, the slightest mistake leads to complete mixing of all assembled layers. But if you strictly follow the assembly algorithm described above, then everything should come together. The formulas are all time-tested, there are no errors in them.

    Not very obvious. And most likely this is exactly the point. Chinese manufacturers make Cubes of varying quality - from professional championship cubes for quick assembly to those that fall apart in your hands at the very first spins. What do people usually do if the Cube falls apart? Yes, they put back the fallen cubes, and don’t worry about how they were oriented and in what place they stood. But you can’t do that! Or rather, it is possible, but the likelihood of solving a Rubik's Cube after this will be extremely small.

If the Cube fell apart (or, as speedcubers say, “gotten”) and was assembled incorrectly, then When assembling the third layer, problems will most likely arise. How to solve this problem? Take it apart again and put it back together correctly!

On a cube with two layers assembled, you need to carefully flat screwdriver or use a knife to pry off the lid of the central cube of the third layer, remove it, use a small Phillips screwdriver to unscrew the screw, without losing the spring attached to the screw. Carefully pull out the corner and side cubes of the third layer and insert them correctly color to color. At the end, insert and screw the previously unscrewed central cube (do not tighten too much). Twist the third layer. If it turns tightly, loosen the screw; if it turns too easily, tighten it. It is necessary that all faces rotate with the same force. After this, close the lid on the central cube. All.

Without unscrewing, you can rotate any edge by 45°, pry one of the side cubes with your finger, knife or flat screwdriver and pull it out. You just need to do this carefully, because you can break the cross. Then, one by one, pull out the necessary cubes and insert them back into their places, now correctly oriented. After everything is assembled color by color, you will also need to insert (snap) the side cube that you pulled out at the beginning (or some other, but side cube, since inserting a corner cube definitely won’t work).

After this, the Cube can be mixed and calmly assembled using the above algorithm. And now he’ll definitely get it together! Unfortunately, you cannot do without such “barbaric” procedures with a knife and a screwdriver, since if, after falling apart, the Cube is folded incorrectly, it will not be possible to assemble it by rotation.

PS: if you can’t assemble even two layers, then first you need to make sure that at least the centers are on in the right places. Perhaps someone rearranged the center caps. The standard coloring should have 6 colors, white opposite yellow, blue opposite green, red opposite orange. Usually the top is white, the bottom is yellow, the front is orange, the back is red, the right is green, the left is blue. But the relative position of the colors is absolutely determined by the corner cubes. For example, you can find a corner white-blue-red and see that the colors in it are arranged clockwise. This means that if there is white on top, then there should be blue on the right and red on the front.

PPS: if someone made a joke and not only rearranged the elements of the cube, but re-glued the stickers, then it is generally impossible to assemble the Cube, no matter how much you destroy it. No screwdriver will help here. You need to figure out which stickers were re-glued, and then re-glue them in their places.

Could it be even simpler?

Well, how much easier is it? This is one of the simplest algorithms. The main thing is to understand him. If you want to pick up a Rubik's Cube for the first time and immediately learn how to solve it in a couple of minutes, then it is better to put it aside and do something less intellectual. Any learning, including the simplest algorithm, requires time and practice, as well as brains and perseverance. As I said above, I mastered this algorithm myself in a week, when I was 7 years old, and I was on sick leave with a sore throat.

This algorithm may seem complicated to some because it contains many formulas. You can try using some other algorithm. For example, you can assemble a Cube using one single formula, for example the same Z-commutator. But collecting this way will take a long, long time. You can take another formula, for example, F · PV"P"V"·PVP"F"·PVP"V"·P"FPF", which swaps 2 side and 2 corner cubes in pairs. And using simple preparatory rotations, gradually collect cube, putting all the side cubes in place first, and then the corner ones.

There are a huge bunch of algorithms, but each of them must be approached with due attention, and each requires enough time to master.

How to solve a Rubik's cube

The Rubik's Cube is a famous puzzle toy designed and patented by Hungarian architect Ernő Rubik in 1974-1975. A few years after the start of mass production, in the 80s, the toy created a real “boom”, becoming the leader in terms of sales throughout the world.

The puzzle is still popular today. And although it can often be found on sale among children's products, calling this three-dimensional puzzle a toy would not be entirely correct.

Today, speed cube solving competitions are held all over the world. People of all ages take part, and nominations are divided by discipline (by the number of facets).

The current speed record for a classic 3x3x3 cube is less than 5 seconds! Impressive, isn't it? Especially when you consider that the average time to assemble a cube for an untrained person can take from several hours to several years.

To ensure that assembling the cube brings you only pleasure, and subsequently takes no more than 20 minutes, we suggest that you read the instructions, which will describe in detail the most common assembly algorithm. After this, you will not wonder: how to collect all the faces of a Rubik's cube?

First look

Before solving a Rubik's cube, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic elements that it consists of. This will not only help you better understand the principles by which it functions, but also understand the terminology so that in the future you can use formulas for quickly moving faces and cubes.

Let us remind you that this article will focus on standard or classic version 3D puzzle, 3x3x3 cube. In total, this design has 20 movable elements, conveniently located on the frame (i.e., a fixed base). Namely - 12 edges and 8 corners. The core or middle, central cube of a face (plane) is not considered a movable element. Already knowing only this fact, you can build a strategy for the first stages of assembly. After reading the article, you will not wonder how to solve a Rubik's cube correctly?

The ribs are not considered moving elements either, because... You won't be able to move them independently either.

The classic version of the 3x3x3 cube consists of 6 primary colors: white, yellow, blue, green, red and orange. But today, of course, you can find other options. Including edges that, after successful assembly, will form a whole picture (like a puzzle).

Essential elements

  1. There are 6 central elements of the cube or “core”, one for each side. They never participate in movement, so they are always in their place. If you don’t know how to solve a Rubik’s cube correctly, then we give you a hint: you need to start with the central elements, the cores. That is, the remaining elements of the puzzle must be built around correctly located cores. The colors of the central elements fully match the colors of the sides.
  2. Corner elements are cubes located in the corners. Total classic model puzzles (3x3x3) 8 cubes, each of which has 3 different colored sides, depending on which side it is adjacent to. For example, a cube at the junction of a white, green and red edge will consist of exactly these colors. Therefore, it is important to take this information into account during assembly. That is, make sure that each color of the corner element corresponds to the desired side - the central element (core).
  3. Edges - cubes that are located between the corner elements and consist of two different colors(depending on which edge they are adjacent to). In total, there are 12 of them in the 3x3x3 model. Therefore, during assembly, it is important to ensure that each side of the edge matches the color of the central cube (core).
  4. Side (layer) - the plane of a 3x3x3 cube, consisting of 9 cubes of the same color. In total, the classic cube has 6 sides of different colors.

The cube is assembled precisely by turning the sides. At the same time, we clearly see that by moving, for example, one side clockwise, the corner elements of the cube remain corners, and the edges remain edges. It is this information that gives us reason to believe that each element described above belongs to a specific type, which always remains unchanged. After turning the puzzle in your hands a couple of times, you can start thinking about how to solve a Rubik's cube using the knowledge you just gained about its basic elements?

Alternately assembling the cube

There are a huge number of different combinations and secrets for quickly assembling the cube. Most of them are suitable for professionals. For those who are just getting acquainted with the puzzle, we recommend starting with the most common method of alternate assembly.

With its help, the first (top layer) is assembled first, then the middle is built, and only then the bottom side. This method will help you better understand the principles of assembling the cube, it is easy to remember, and some of the formulas (especially for assembling the last, bottom side) can be used independently and subsequently solve the puzzle almost independently.

Rubik's cube: how to solve the first layer?

The first thing you need to do is select the side from which the assembly process will begin. Further in the article, all subsequent steps, formulas and tips will be described taking into account the chosen side. In our case, yellow, respectively, the lower, opposite layer for yellow will be white (this order is found in almost all models of the classic cube).

You are free to choose any other color, but to avoid confusion with the wording, we recommend doing everything strictly according to the instructions. Otherwise, at the last stages of assembly you will simply get confused with the colors.

Rubik's cube how to solve the cross?

So, the color from which the assembly will begin is chosen - yellow. Therefore, we begin to assemble the “cross”. To do this, find the yellow side of the disassembled cube, that is, the layer that will have the yellow color of the central element of the Rubik's cube. How to assemble it quickly:

There is no specific algorithm for assembling a cross. Therefore, it is best to try to do it yourself. It's not as difficult as it seems. If you are not able to assemble the cross yourself, then the next steps may seem too difficult for you.

If you fail to assemble the cross the first time, then leave the puzzle alone for several hours or even days, and then try to assemble the cross with renewed vigor. Please note that you will have to assemble the cross 4 times, that is, for each side of the cube.

Rubik's cube: how to solve the corners?

As soon as the cross is assembled, the following elements must be returned to their places - the corners. If you were able to cope with the previous task without difficulty, then solving this one will not seem difficult. When assembling the corner pieces, it is important to remember that it is not enough to simply put the yellow corner in place of the yellow one. It is necessary that each of the three colors of the selected corner matches the color of the core. In other words, the yellow side of a corner cube should be on the yellow side, the blue side on the blue side, and the green side on the green side. The algorithm will be as follows:

  1. Take the cube so that the cross you just completed is at the top (looking at you).
  2. Find the angle you need on the bottom layer of the cube. Wherein Special attention Pay attention to what color the other two faces of the selected cube are.
  3. Scroll the bottom side (in our case, the white side, since it is the opposite side of the yellow side) so that the selected corner is exactly under the place where it needs to be placed. That is, in parallel.

The yellow cube “looks” to the left.

  1. Turn the bottom side to the left (clockwise).
  2. Turn the side face on which you are supposed to place the angle “towards you”, that is, lower it down.
  3. Return the bottom edge to its place (the one we rotated in step 1), that is, turn it to the right.
  4. Return the side edge from step 2 to its place up.
  5. After the completed actions, the yellow cube from the “looking left” position will return to its rightful place.

By analogy with this method, return the cube from the “looking to the right” position.

If the desired angle is located below, that is, on the underside of the cube, then it will be necessary to first lift it and then return it from the “looking to the right” position.

Attention! If you can't find the yellow corner at the bottom, then it is at the top, just in the wrong place. In order to return it to its rightful place, you simply need to move it down and then return it from the "looking left" or "looking right" position according to the formulas.

The described steps for returning the corners must be repeated until the first layer is completely assembled.

Assembling the middle layer or letter T

As soon as the top layer is completely assembled, that is, all the corners and edges are in place, you can begin assembling the middle layer. The first thing to do is to return the cubes to their places so that they form the letter T. To do this:

  1. Turn the cube over so that the main color you have chosen (and already completely assembled) (in our case, yellow) is at the bottom.
  2. In the top layer (in our case with a white core), find the edge on which there are no cubes with white color (on all sides!).
  3. Rotate the top layer until the edges of this cube and the core meet and form the coveted letter T.
  4. As soon as you collect the first inverted T, you can move on to the next stage. Namely, moving the selected cube to its “place”. Therefore, the algorithm will differ depending on the initial position of the edge.

From its original position, the cube must be moved to the right

From its original position, the cube must be moved to the left

Attention! If you cannot find the cube you need (in our case, the one without white), it means that it is on the middle edge, but not in its place. Move it to the top layer and then return it to the T position.

Remember that you will have to repeat this step 4 times. That is, first make the letter T, and then return the edges to their places for each layer. After this, the first two layers will be assembled and you can move on to the next stage, which will help you understand how to quickly solve the cube to the bitter end.

Second cross

Before you solve the 3rd layer of the Rubik's cube completely, the first thing you need to do is solve the cross. By analogy with the initial step. But this is all complicated by the fact that this must be done in such a way as not to disturb or confuse the two just assembled layers.

The first thing you need to do is move all four edges of the cube that have White color to the top. It is also possible that the ribs will already be in their places. In this case, you can safely skip this stage and move on to the next one. For other cases in which it is still necessary to return the white edges to the top, we recommend using the following algorithms. They differ depending on exactly what position they are in.

If they are nearby:

If they are opposite each other

Attention! If not a single cube with white color is positioned correctly (this situation is not excluded), that is, they are not on the top side, then do not be alarmed. You just need to do any of the algorithms described above. After this, the white cubes will move to Right place. As soon as this happens, depending on the situation, repeat one of the algorithms described above.

Combining the ribs

Once the cross is assembled, it is necessary to correctly align each edge with the central cube of each individual side according to color, that is, with the core. This must be done sequentially, without paying attention to other elements, including corners. Even if they are positioned correctly now, do not be afraid that after this stage they will fall out of place.

To start:

  1. Take the cube with the cross you just assembled up and rotate this layer until at least two edges match the color of the other two sides, or rather their cores.
  2. Depending on which of the situations proposed below you can fit the edges into, use the algorithms described below.

If the side edges are located next to each other:

It is also possible that the side edges will be located opposite each other.

The final stage

After the described actions have been completed and the ribs are in place, the only thing left is to return the corners to their places. To do this, depending on each specific situation, you can use absolutely different methods and formulas.

We will use a universal algorithm that allows you to swap angles depending on the selected position. In this case, the remaining elements of the cube will remain untouched.

If you did everything exactly according to our instructions, then congratulations! You've just solved a Rubik's cube! You can also use the algorithms described above to come up with your own universal formulas that will help you quickly move cube elements from one position to another or assemble a cross.

Date of: 2012-11-20 Editor: Zagumenny Vladislav

Stage 1. Getting to know the Rubik's cube.
Names of Rubik's cube parts:
Rib parts or ribs– parts with two colors. The cube has a total of 12 rib parts, located in the middle of the ribs.

Corner parts or angles- These are parts with three colors. The cube has a total of 8 corner pieces located in the corners.

Central parts or simply centers– parts with one color. The cube has a total of 6 central parts, located in the center of each face. The central parts do not move and represent the colors of their edges.
Centers that are always opposite to each other:

White is the opposite of yellow.
- Orange is the opposite of red.
- Green is the opposite of blue.

Each side of the cube is designated by a Latin letter

R- right side - the right side of the cube
L– left side – left side of the cube
U– top face – the top side of the cube
D– bottom face – the bottom side of the cube
F– front face – the front side of the cube
B– back face – the back side of the cube.
Comment: the letter “i” after the letter of the face means reverse movement or counterclockwise motion when looking directly at the edge.

Very important
When performing the movements presented below, keep the cube completely turned with one side facing you, as shown in the figure. Dark grey colour in the pictures means that the actual color of these parts does not matter. Every movement is one fourth of a full turn 360 degrees.

Stage 2. Assembling the white cross.

Task: Holding your die with the white center on the top edge (U), you should form a white cross as shown in the picture below. Much of this stage is achieved through trial and error, but there are still a few tips.

Be sure to remember that you need to collect parts of the white cross in the following order - blue, orange, green, red.
Notice that the ribs in the picture above are combined with a top white center and a side red or blue center. This way you can easily determine that the ribs are in the right places.
Keeping the white center position on the top face, move the white and blue edge to the bottom face (D). Next, rotate the bottom edge until the white and blue edge is directly under the blue center. Now take the cube so that the blue center and the white-blue edge are on the right side (R).
Rotate the right side (R), until the white-blue edge is on the top (U) face above the blue center.
If your cube looks like the one below, then take the cube so that the orange center is on the right side and solve the side with the orange center in the same way.
If your cube looks like the one below, then follow the sequence below, making sure the blue center is on the right (R) face.

The remaining parts of the white cross are assembled in the same way.

If your die has a white cross the same as in the picture, then you can move on to stage 3!

Stage 3. Collecting white corners.

Task: take the cube so that the white cross is on the top face (U). Now you must collect the white corners and get a cube as in the picture below.

The corners will have one white edge and 2 edges of other colors.
If the corner is already on the bottom edge, then rotate the bottom edge until the corner is directly below where it should be. After this, your cube may look like one of the 3 pictures below.

Repeat the entire process for all four corners.
If the corner is located on the top face, then move it to the bottom face by following the sequence:

Now rotate the bottom edge until the corner is directly below where it belongs on the top edge.

If your white layer looks like the image below, then you have collected one third of the cube and can move on to stage 4.

Stage 4. Assembling the middle layer.
Task: Take the cube so that the completely assembled white layer is on the bottom edge. Now you need to assemble the middle layer, placing the side ribs in their places.

Pay attention to the vertical blue stripe (it can also be red, orange, green) - this is critically important.
Assemble such a vertical strip by rotating the top edge until the color of the edge on the top edge without yellow matches the color of the center of the edge. The color of the upper part of the edge on the top face determines the direction of movement of the edge, that is, in which direction this part should move.
1) If you move the edge in the same direction as in the picture, then follow the sequence of pictures below.

2) If you move the edge in the same direction as in the picture, then follow the sequence of pictures below.

Repeat these steps until all the side ribs are in place.
Comment: if one of the edges is already in place, but not correctly oriented, do one of the sequences presented above, and it will end up in the top layer. After this, follow the appropriate sequence to place the rib back into its place in the middle layer.

If the bottom two layers on your cube look like the picture below, you can begin stage 5. You're two-thirds of the way through!

Stage 5. Assembling the top layer. We get a yellow cross.
Task: Compare the state of the yellow side of your cube with the templates presented below. Next, follow the appropriate sequence.
Clue: The yellow parts on the top edge should not yet match the color of the side edges.
Step one: Let's collect the yellow cross.

Switch to step two and start collecting the corners of the yellow edge.

Follow these steps:

Option 3.

Option 4.

Step two: Make all the corners of the top edge yellow.

Take a look at the top face and compare the state of the cube with the options presented below.
If there are no yellow corners on the top yellow side, then you must take the cube so that the yellow side of one of the corners is on the left side of the cube. See picture.

If there is one corner on the yellow edge, follow the sequence below.

Option 3. If there is not a single yellow corner on the top yellow face, and there is also not a single corner that could be used in option 1(that is, all corners have edges on the right). Then take the cube as shown in the figure below. The yellow part of the corner should be on the front edge of the cube.

Follow the sequence below 1, 2 or 3 times to get a fully assembled yellow face. After each completion of the sequence, re-compare the state of your cube with the options described above.


If your cube looks like the picture, you can move on to stage 6!

Stage 6. Place the yellow corners in their places.


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