Rules for the composition of potted plants. indoor garden

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Some houseplants with ornamental foliage look better when set apart from other plants. But there are many indoor plants that can be used to create unique and amazing arrangements by combining plants of the same species or color in groups. There is an opinion that plants in groups grow even better.

To create unique compositions from indoor plants, not only your imagination is required. One of important requirements groupings of plants are the same conditions of maintenance and care. Only the correct grouping of plants will allow you to get a really bright effect.

The easiest way to create compositional groups from is to put several flower pots or other containers next to each other. The unity of the entire composition can be achieved by combining several flower containers of the same material or several flower pots of the same shape and color. Ideally, if the plants will be in harmony with each other.

A beautiful composition can be obtained from related plants, such as cactus or bromeliads. Compositions built on a combination of colors and shapes that harmoniously complement each other or contrast with each other look spectacular. Single-colored green leaves give splendor to multi-colored foliage, and vice versa, one green plant in the middle of bright colorful foliage has a calming effect. A tall plant, located between small ones, creates some tension in the group, and a plant with shoots hanging along the edges of the pot adds variety to strict forms.

Artful groupings can be created by combining leaf structures. So, fleecy and wavy leaves look very good along with smooth and shiny foliage.

Several plants in one container

The most common way to group potted plants is to plant them in a common container. In this case, plants retain moisture in the soil and air longer, occupy a smaller area, complement each other, hiding imperfections. Such compositions can often be seen in public and administrative buildings, offices. But also in apartments. flower arrangements in one pot make a strong impression. When creating a mini-garden in one pot, you should know what each plant needs.

The main thing is the same desires

When grouping indoor plants, their conditions of detention should be taken into account. So, a sun-loving cactus and a fern, which prefers shade, lives in the coolness of cyclamen and is thermophilic, cannot live side by side.

Also, in the same group there should be plants with the same care requirements. A drought-resistant cactus with a real cyperus water drink will never get along in the same pot. If you group the plants correctly, you will soon notice how much better they begin to grow. And there is nothing surprising in this. Each plant evaporates moisture, thereby increasing the air humidity for the neighboring plant and creating an ideal microclimate around itself. Such a microclimate is only beneficial for plants.

Planting in one container

Low bowls, any baskets and large containers are suitable for creating compositions from indoor plants. Look into Kitchen Cabinet. There you will find many things that are suitable for planting. When planting plants in a container, it is necessary to provide good drainage to prevent stagnant water, which leads to root rot. Plants should be planted at some distance from each other so that each of them has its own feeding area, in addition, they should not shade each other, otherwise stronger plants will overwhelm weaker ones. If they are too crowded, then there may be a danger of various rot and diseases.

There is one big disadvantage this method of grouping: in one container, the roots of one plant can intertwine or grow together with the roots of another plant. This means that you will not be able to take out (in case the container for this plant has become small or if the plant is sick) one plant without affecting the other. That is, in this case there is a risk of damage to the roots of another plant.

A group of colorful plants is able to enliven a colorless and featureless corner of the room. However, such a lively combination of purple guinura, hypoesthesia with pink spots on the leaves, silver pilea and striped calathea is far from suitable for any interior.

Caladium with unusually beautiful, very delicate, paper-thin leaves loves warm air and moisture. If you add it (B) and a ground cover pilea, you get a great composition.

grouping of flowering plants

A flowering plant gives any composition a special charm. It is preferable to choose plants with long term flowering. Flowers can either harmoniously complement the color of the leaves, or create a contrast to them. If you want to create a tabletop arrangement with decorative leafy plants instead of cut flowers, it will be enough to add just a couple of small flowers to enliven. In this case, you can choose plants with both long and short flowering periods, such as chrysanthemums or primroses.

Salmon begonia gives a special accent to this table composition. Together with graceful calathea leaves (A), climbing spur flower (D) and peperomia (B), it makes an ideal group.

A bright accent in this group is the flowering Kalanchoe (B). Undersized kleyera with variegated leaves(F), Fittonia (D) and Peperomia (E) form the base, over which the narrow-leaved codiaum is visible. A philodendron winds its way along the support.

This exotic group is made up of syngonium (A), climbing on a moss-covered support, aglaonema (B) with shiny dark green leaves, bright pachistachim (C) and tradescantia (D) with broad silvery leaves.

Creation of groups on contrasts

Many plants perform better in groups based on a sharp contrast of forms. In such groups, straight-growing plants with rosettes are advantageously combined, climbing plants with hanging ones.

In this well-thought-out group, the undersized pilea (C) and (B) form a stark contrast to the tall sansevieria (A), while the upward-looking peperomia inflorescences repeat the motif of the vertically growing leaves of the sansevieria.

A mirror adds depth to this sophisticated composition. A tall, refined hovea (A) covers a dense tangle of curly branches of the unilateral narrow-furrow (D) against a background of green-red Fittonia (B) and peperomia (C) with a yellow border on the leaves.

Translation: Lesya V.
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garden center "Your garden"

For lovers of indoor plants who are tired of the monotony, there is a variety option. indoor gardens is a combination of beauty, originality, fantasy. This article reveals the basic principles for the selection of plants, depending on their location. Ideas for creating mini-compositions are described, plant species that grow well in the proposed containers are proposed.

Plant selection principles

Given the basic rules of phytodesign, we can distinguish the following criteria for the selection of plants:

  • The size of indoor plants should match the size of the room. If the room is large, then small flowers will not be noticeable, and in a small room, large flowers and pots will further reduce the visual space.
  • When choosing a pot, you need to know what composition will be placed in it. If the pot does not match the number of plants, then the results will be disastrous. With excessive space, some types of plants may die, while others will spread into ugly forms. But in cramped quarters - a fight for survival will begin, the strongest will win.
  • In the far corner of the container, when forming the composition, you need to put the plants higher, in the foreground - lower, weaving plants or ampelous.
  • When buying plants, you need to inspect them and make sure that they are healthy: no damaged root system, no strange formations and damage on the leaves.
  • When compiling a composition, you need to know the conditions for keeping all plants. You can not combine plants that love the sun, and shade-loving. Also, it is worth considering temperature regime, selected colors, relation to moisture. If this is not taken into account, they will not get along together.
  • When combining plants with a large root system and a small one, it is better to put flowers in a large flowerpot in their respective pots, and cover with a ball of turf, moss or peat on top. And if desired, change one color for another.

miniature gardens

These funny little compositions will dispel sadness and tension just by looking at them. Many options with different small plants have been invented to create indoor mini-gardens:

  • Gardens in cups. These little masterpieces are made according to the general principle of planting. You need to pick up flowers undersized, miniature. Suitable for such compositions: Fittonia, Spathiphyllum Wallis, miniature phalinopsis, asparagus, pressed pilea, saline, confused Muhlenbeckia, legless selaginella.
Original miniature composition in a cup
Mini garden in a cup fabulous decor
Mini garden in a cup
  • Gardens in stones. Compositions of plants that are planted in stones instead of pots look unusual and original. For such purposes, rocks of stones are suitable, in which there are many pores, they are airy and light. You can take limestone, sandstone. These stones are relatively easy to give desired shape. To plant plants in them, you need to drill or gouge a recess (or several) inside, fill in the substrate and plant the plants. That's all. You can put it on a table, window sill, shelf - wherever you want, if only the plants feel good. That's just the plants must be selected correctly - not everyone will grow in such an unusual pot. If the stone is not large, the recesses are small, then they will do: young, stonecrop, lithops. Small cacti and saxifrage will also work. And if the sizes are a little larger, then you can take cyclamen, kotula, gerbil and the same succulents.

  • Orchards in bottles (glasses). These small compositions in a small glass container are perfect for the kitchen, living room or office. It is not difficult to make such compositions, except that it is inconvenient to place plants in a bottle. For such gardens, flowers are selected that grow slowly, do not require much care, do not need frequent watering and irrigation. Do not forget about the drainage layer - it is required. Suitable plants: undersized, dwarf succulents and cacti, miniature violets, mosses, dwarf ferns, fittonia, soleirolia, legless selaginella.

  • Shell gardens. Such small compositions touch with their simplicity and diminutiveness. Looks great on several pieces at once. Shell sizes may vary. Plants are planted with a small root system, slowly growing. You can take curly or ampel, then the compositions can be hung near the window. Such flowers are suitable: stonecrop, saline, young dwarf, mühlenbeckia, legless selaginella.

Shell flower arrangement

In addition to such miniature gardens, you can decorate compositions in an original way by using some natural materials in the form of pots.

For these purposes, suitable coconut shell, without pulp. Make several drainage holes, fill in the necessary soil mixture, plant a flower or composition. This flowerpot looks good both on the windowsill and hanging. You can plant different flowers, guided by the size of the pot and the needs of the flower itself. Orchids feel good in such flowerpots.

Hanging pot from coconut

Making such pots from stumps will take time, because you need to hollow out a decent recess inside, do drainage holes. But the result will be great: by combining the number of flowerpot stumps or the number of plants in one stump, you can get original and environmentally friendly compositions.

Flower arrangement in a stump

Thus, creating flower gardens, you can dispel everyday melancholy and monotony. A large number of proposed options will help to realize original ideas into beautiful compositions.

Plants have always served and serve as one of the most better ways decorate the interior and enliven the atmosphere in the house and on garden plot. For decor, you can not only use individual flowers, but also make a whole composition out of them, creating your own mini-garden.

Potted Mini Garden: Distinctive Features and Uses in Garden and Home Decor

Before you start creating such a garden, you need to be inspired by some initial idea. Perhaps the garden will be arranged in tiers and lined with beautiful pebbles. Perhaps, in addition to plants, interior items (a model of a house or a castle) will participate in the decoration. Or decor with multi-colored stones will highlight small trees. Here you need to use the most daring fantasies - even broken pots will be an excellent tool for design development.

A mini-garden is also different from ordinary window gardens. We can highlight the following features:

  • compared to plants on the window in the garden, there is always a flower and plant composition based on a certain plot, as well as improvised means, decorative figurines, special materials;
  • also the garden looks much more diverse and interesting than singly standing plants; it can be transformed, the scenery changed, and even individual plants can be transplanted;
  • compared to a conventional garden plot, a mini-garden is mobile and can all year round stay home and enjoy.

How to make a mini garden in a pot with your own hands

This work is created mainly at the expense of improvised means, and making it is not as difficult as it seems. Important have good mood, thanks to which the imagination will quickly tell you how to turn unnecessary things into a real home masterpiece at first glance.

We decide on the general idea and style of the composition

As already mentioned, before creating a garden, you need to decide what concept the future composition will have. You need to proceed from the available means and characteristics of plants. It is better to decide in advance exactly where the miniature garden will be located. Then it is easier to choose which flowers will be included in the composition - shade-loving or vice versa, in need of light, high or low, etc. When it comes to home use future work, you need to take into account the interior of the room - what tones prevail, what kind of illumination, features of the space of the room, furniture, etc.

Do-it-yourself mini-garden in a pot (video)

The number of ideas is endless, and here are just a few of them:
  • an island in the tropics;
  • mini-zoo (if there are animal figurines);
  • thematic garden dedicated to some kind of celebration (birthday, wedding anniversary, etc.);
  • alpine slides;
  • Japanese garden;
  • Amazonian jungle;
  • sketch by known history, song, fairy tale (it will be especially interesting for children);
  • miniature of your own country garden;
  • Chinese garden;
  • medieval castle with fields around;
  • a garden with tiers (like the Hanging Gardens of Babylon);
  • seasonal theme (spring, summer garden);
  • country-style garden and many others.

The easiest way to get inspired is to see the garden live at exhibitions, in the store or at a party. Photographs of finished compositions are no less effective. You can take everything best examples as a basis and create your own masterpiece. Also good source inspiration and ideas - a master class of professional florists. Of course, you can come up with your own unique version - this way it will be even more interesting to work.

Choosing a planting capacity for a mini-garden

To get started, it is important to choose the basis of the garden - the container in which it will be placed. For these purposes, almost any pot, bathtub, old sink and many other improvised means are suitable. Important, so that the vessel is high enough - preferably from 20-30 cm and as wide as needed. Orchards are usually carried out on a wide horizontal surface, so the width of the container has great importance.

The shape of the container can be any - round, oval, square, curved, etc. In appearance, ceramic products of warm colors will organically fit into the design (as well as the usual flower pots). However the choice of color and material is more a matter of taste. The only main requirement is the presence of holes to drain excess water.

The bottom of the tank is best decorated with pebbles and small gravel or other stones to provide drainage. Outside, the container can be beautifully decorated with colored stones, shells - here fantasy comes into force again. First, a solution is made from equal proportions of sand and cement, to which water is added until a pasty mass is obtained. The freshly prepared mixture is carefully spread on the edges of the container, then the decoration elements are stuck on and left to dry.

An interesting option is when a porous stone is used as a container., capable of passing moisture - for example, limestone, tuff, shell rock. They are usually used on summer cottages. Flower compositions in stones look more natural and interesting.

And perhaps the most original version- a garden in a bowl (small capacity). This variety will appeal to lovers of minimalism. You can plant the smallest plants, and make up decorative elements from small details (for example, a small house with a birdhouse).

Design options for a mini-garden in a pot (video)

Plants and mini flowers for a miniature garden

Perhaps the main criterion in the selection of plants for the future composition is not too rapid growth of flowers. The fact is that it is better not to transplant plants, cut off excess greenery too often, otherwise it harms both the appearance of the garden and its inhabitants themselves. It is also worth considering that if you decorate the composition with stones, then the roots of the plants must be unpretentious and strong enough to break through them.

Certainly, important factor- the decorative value of the plant, that is, how beautiful it will look in a pot. Here are some good tricks you need to know:

  • gelksina grows very well and gives a lot of greenery that will decorate the garden;
  • miniature roses, saintpaulias, streptocarpus will help make the garden bright and original - as if we have a miniature flower bed in front of us;
  • fittonia has small flowers of different shades - white, red, pink, green: this will give a beautiful color scheme in the garden;
  • dwarf spruce serves as an excellent prototype of a tree - it is better to plant it in a central place;
  • thick pachyphytum leaves emphasize exotic themes;
  • ivy will give the composition an original cover and graceful forms;
  • different types cacti, due to their diversity, will fit perfectly into almost any flower arrangement - in the form of a mini-palm tree, a tree or a cactus itself, if the garden, for example, has Mexican motifs.

Rules for composing, placing and planting plants

The rules for compiling a flower arrangement are associated with the design features of the garden. The main goal is to combine flowers favorably and emphasize the merits of each of them. Florists recommend proceeding from such general principles:

  • if main view the garden will be on one side, then it is better to plant large plants in the background, and smaller ones in the first;
  • if it is assumed that access to the container will be from all sides. then curly trees need to be identified in the center, and small flowers - along the edges;
  • to create dynamics, it is better to plant plants not one after another, but in cascades and not in a straight line, but in zigzags; perhaps you should come up with your own patterns;
  • very right decision will arrange a beautiful background and backlight for the garden to make it look as attractive as possible.

Making a mini-garden with decorative elements

decorative elements Gardens can be very diverse. They should not only harmoniously fit into the composition, but also favorably emphasize the dignity of plants, as well as create a pleasant mood for contemplators. The most can go different means:

  • decoration materials (sand, colored stones, shells, pebbles);
  • figurines of animals, people;
  • models of houses, castles, fences, arches;
  • details for creating natural landscapes (for example, rocky terrain, prairie, waterfall and more);
  • items home comfort(benches, chairs);
  • thematic figures (heroes of fairy tales, cartoons).

There can be a lot of ideas. When you have chosen the necessary decorations, it is important to correctly fit them into the design, and in the case of figurines, to strengthen them into the ground. You can simply dig in, or you can pre-attach them to a platform (for example, a house), which is strengthened in the ground.

Placement of a mini-garden and subsequent care

It is better to place the composition in the most big room in home. As for the garden plot, it is more correct to place a mini-garden on the main place - often it is located on the main road on the way to the house. If there are several garden pots, they can be placed right around the perimeter, or put in a row so that everyone is clearly visible from the main road. It is also important to consider which plants will grow - light or shade-loving.

Garden care requires more attention than a regular potted plant. If mostly planted unpretentious plants(cacti, succulents), then there are no special recommendations for care. If there are more demanding (decorative roses), then you need to carefully monitor the irrigation regime. When they fade, you need to remove the fallen petals, dig up wilted plants and see if neighboring bushes interfere with each other. It might be better to plant some of them.

How to build a mini garden in a pot (video)

It is very important to monitor the capacity - it can get wet due to watering, and be subject to wear. It is better to replace it in time when it becomes necessary.

Growing plants in mini-gardens has become one of the most massive trends in home floristry. It's not only great option for creating designs in the house and on the garden plot, but also a great hobby that cheers you up and allows you to enjoy your own creativity.

Flowers in pots and their compositions are an opportunity to create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth in any room with the help of the most common plants. Pot compositions allow you to solve many problems facing the designer who decorates a particular room. Just look at the photo potted compositions colors on this page to make it clear that such a solution allows you to effectively hide the existing flaws and emphasize the advantages.

It cannot be denied that an outstanding plant deserves a place in a separate vessel that can create a proper frame for it. But ordinary houseplants are not so outstanding, and for them, potted flower arrangements provide a number of advantages.

There are all sorts of ways to combine several pots into a group. The composition can be horizontal or vertical. Pots can simply stand side by side, or they can be collected together in some kind of open fixture, such as a metal jardinière or a large pallet. AT Victorian era multi-tiered metal stands were used to group the pots, including the popular corner shelves. These bookcases have passed into the category of antiques.

Plants can be modest or show a riot of color - there are no hard and fast rules. Grouping methods and types of pots can be both very simple and truly sophisticated. The main purpose of creating a potted group is to make part of the room more interesting with vibrant color.

Decoration of potted flowers

Using a certain design of potted flowers, you can correctly place accents and bring a touch of novelty to the already established design of the room. Key Features potted group in that plants and pots form a single unit, in which each plant usually has an impact on its neighbors. This may be a decrease in illumination, an increase in air humidity, or growth restriction.

Benefits of grouping: Imperfections can be hidden in a group. Plants scattered around a room tend to get damaged over time. lower leaves some species, such as croton, may fall due to dry air. The tips of palm and dieffenbachia leaves that are burnt in too bright sun should be removed. In addition, the unattractive appearance of the plant is often given by small inflorescences on long stems. There may also be a feeling of imbalance from a one-sided plant. These and other defects are unavoidable - the way out is to collect the plants in potted groups in which the bases of the stems, cut leaves and long peduncles are hidden.

In a group, plants are easier to care for. The ritual of caring for the many plants scattered around the room involves moving from pot to pot. When the plants are collected in a pot group, it is much more convenient to use a watering can or a sprayer. It's not that much of a time and effort saver, but there are other sources of time savings. Weak stems, lopsided growth and flexible inflorescences in single pot plants require garters, but in a group these wayward stems can often be supported more tall neighbors. In addition, the task of systematically cutting off browned leaf tips and other defects in the group is not so urgent, since there are many other leaves that can mask these imperfections.

In a group, plants develop better. Many plants have been found to benefit from being in a group next to others, compared to being grown in isolation. This is usually explained by the fact that a special microclimate is formed in the group. From the evaporation of moisture from the newly sprayed leaves and watered compost surface in the surrounding pots, the air becomes more humid. This increase in moisture helps to reduce drying and wrinkling of the leaves of moisture-loving plants such as openwork ferns.

In a group, plants tend to look better. A pot with an attractive plant can stand alone, or can be grouped with others. In a group, such a plant will create an interesting focal point. Most small-leaved and low-growing plants do not have a high degree of visual appeal, and when grown as individual plants, often appear nondescript. But in the potted group, they are able to take on three functions that significantly increase the decorative effect of the entire group as a whole. They can fill gaps between pots and in front of prominent plant specimens with greenery. In addition, flowering humble plant able to significantly decorate the composition in itself. soften the appearance of the leading edge of the containers in the pot group.

Compositions of potted plants and flowers and their photos

Compositions of potted plants can be made in various options and combinations. A standard arrangement of potted flowers can be applied in any room, but artistic grouping may require experience and knowledge.

Standard grouping. A standard pot group is a collection of plants in individual pots placed close together. In it, the main object of interest is plants, not containers. To create a pot group that looks like it was made by a professional decorator, use generally accepted design principles. In the basics section good design you got some idea about the principles of composition, and in the section on determining the place for plants about the best position for them. And now it's time to think about choosing pots for the group - the section on suitable containers will help with this. Too much variety in colors, sizes and shapes will spoil the standard pot group.

It's time to buy plants. Choose three or another odd number of plants. All plants in a group should have similar temperature and light requirements. There should also be a range of different heights and textures. Ornamental plants are usually chosen for a permanent base and a few flowering plants to add color to the composition.

Compiling a composition. If the pot group will be viewed only from the front and sides, then in accordance with general rule tall plants should be in the back, and smaller ones in the foreground. Straight lines should be avoided - for example, lower the height of the rear on the sides and provide height differences to create a sense of movement. The general form of the composition is a matter of personal taste; the wrong pyramid is popular. If the composition is to be viewed from all sides, taller plants are placed in the middle, surrounded by smaller plants. Once again, this general shape needs to be broken in order to provide dynamics.

A little warning. Hardly a rampage different colors, shapes and textures will give your potted group a professional look. The compositions created by interior designers are often quite restrained and may consist only of decorative leafy plants.

Art group. Designers sometimes create large and exotic potted groups filled with gorgeous plants in unusual containers. But the size, type and color of plants are not the main features of the artistic pot group. There are only two basic requirements.

First, pots are used, at least two different heights - this creates a sense of volume. Secondly, the selection of pots is no less important than the selection of plants - in the composition, both of these components should be decorative.

Planters are one of the main elements. In the composition shown above, the back planter contains a palm tree that is much taller than the rest of the plants. Smaller plants can be installed by lifting them with wooden block under the pot. It is very important that this top plant provides maximum decorative effect. The smallest pot contains a flowering pot plant, which is replaced when the flowers fade. The ampelous plant is grown in one of the middle vessels, and its stems fall freely along the base of the composition.

Potted group in a tray with pebbles

Potted group in a small tray with pebbles - great way growing those plants that need high humidity in a centrally heated room. If your uzambar violets do not grow well or, try putting them on a pebble tray. The height of the tray should be about 5 cm. If the tray will stand on the windowsill, make sure that it does not protrude too much beyond it.

Place 3 cm pebbles on the bottom of the tray. Group the plants on the surface of this layer.

A good place for a tray of pebbles is on the radiator shelf under the windowsill. Under these conditions, the humidity around the plants in winter period will be three times higher. Watering is a simple matter - water can flow freely from the pots into the tray. The water level should not rise above the surface of the pebbles.

Vertical arrangements of flowers in pots

Flowers in pots allow you to create compositions in various planar directions. Vertical arrangements of flowers are the most favorite technique of interior designers.

The vertical composition allows you to visually increase the height of the ceiling in the room and plant greenery in the most inconspicuous corners. Pot groups are almost always placed horizontally. However, one can easily arrange vertical composition capable of looking extremely impressive. The traditional version is represented by a corner shelving unit with a pot on each shelf.

In such cases, one variety of colorful ampelous plants is used, forming a column of foliage or flowers. A series of hanging baskets attached to each other can be used to create the same effect. metal or wooden stand with pots on different heights convenient because it is portable.

Flower arrangements of indoor plants in pots and their photos

Flower arrangements in pots can combine both one and several shades of flowering. Many flower arrangements of indoor plants are designed in such a way as to achieve almost continuous flowering throughout the year. Multi-component indoor flower arrangements require special care, in particular additional lighting in the winter and special dressings.

Multicolor group. Multicolor pot groups are just as popular as flower arrangements of this type - collection bright colors among the various foliage. Some designers, not without reason, believe that this is too catchy a way to use indoor plants. This is true if a multi-color group is mistakenly used in a room with a bright intricate pattern on the carpet, wallpaper, paintings, etc. In a simple room, however, a multicolored group can spice things up a lot.

Muted group. The dominant element is the foliage of plants. To ensure the predominance of green, plants with pinnate and whole leaves are used. To decorate the composition, you can include a few potted plants with pastel flowers, but the brightness and contrast should always be moderate. A muted composition looks good in front of patterned wallpaper or curtains; it also has a calming effect when placed near brightly colored or ornate pieces of furniture.

Single color group. Blue or white borders and covers of the same species of annuals are popular in some European countries. Although it is accepted in open ground, monochrome groups are rarely found indoors, unless, of course, this is a set of ornamental plants. One of the most popular indoor plant arrangements is a one-color indoor garden - a bowl filled with yellow daffodils or pink hyacinths.


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