Proper waterproofing of strip foundations. Effective methods of waterproofing different types of foundations

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Waterproofing strip foundation helps prevent the negative effects of moisture on the load-bearing parts of the house. Since the cement base has high capillarity, moisture penetration will lead to oxidation of the reinforcement, which can lead to distortions and shrinkage of the entire structure. In the article we will look at the structure of a strip foundation, as well as methods for waterproofing its main parts.

What is a strip foundation?

The structure of the strip base is quite complex, since the structure is a closed concrete contour located on a sand and gravel bed. To strengthen the base, a reinforcing mesh is used, which consists of metal rods. The structure can be located directly on the ground or on piles, which take on the static load created by the building.

For what purpose is waterproofing a strip foundation done with your own hands? It should be taken into account that the strength concrete base During operation, sedimentary, groundwater and capillary water will have a destructive effect. To prevent damage to building materials, it is necessary to implement a number of measures to drain water from the building. These include:

  • installation of a drainage system;
  • laying a waterproofing cushion;
  • waterproofing of load-bearing parts of the structure ( support piles, plinth, formwork).

Main types of waterproofing

After installing the strip base, it is important to ensure that moisture is “cut off” from the structure. To do this, use various waterproofing materials, namely:

  • Coating - insulation occurs using polymer or bitumen compounds that prevent moisture from penetrating into the foundation;
  • Rolled - materials with good water-repellent properties are suitable for finishing the base, pile-strip base ( load-bearing supports), as well as hydraulic protection of the foundation under a monolithic slab. The most popular among roll moisture insulators are roofing felt, polyethylene film, geotextiles;
  • Sprayed - waterproofing agents are applied to concrete structures using spray guns. Liquid solutions based on bitumen and polymer additives are used as a spray mixture;
  • Impregnating – mixtures of liquid consistency that easily penetrate into the structure concrete covering, filling all the pores. Thus, it is possible to prevent moisture from entering the foundation and destruction of the reinforcing mesh.

Horizontal waterproofing

Horizontal moisture insulation – complex construction work, which prevents moisture from penetrating into concrete structures from underground. This type of water protection is needed when constructing any type of foundation:

  • tape;
  • monolithic;
  • pile;
  • pile-tape.

How is horizontal insulation done? To provide reliable protection structures from the negative impact of groundwater, horizontal water protection is used. It literally “cuts off” moisture, which rises to concrete structures due to soil capillarity. To ensure quality work, you must do the following:

  1. Take care to lay a waterproofing cushion of sand and gravel. The layer thickness must be at least 25 cm;
  2. Do concrete screed with a thickness of about 10 cm, then postpone work until the cement has completely hardened (at least 12 days);
  3. Then they make calculations for breeding required quantity bitumen mastic, with which you need to treat the concrete strip;
  4. After this, the base is covered with roofing felt in several layers;
  5. Next, the formwork is installed to fill the second layer of screed;
  6. The final stage involves insulating the floor and laying the finishing coating.

To understand how horizontal waterproofing is done concrete structures, you can watch a video clip that describes the sequence of performing all the necessary work.

Vertical water protection

Vertical insulation of a structure from moisture involves treating exclusively the vertical parts of the structure, in particular the base, piles, etc. This procedure is recommended for use if there is a basement in the house. In this way, it is possible to prevent excess moisture from entering the underground space, from where it can penetrate into floor base first floor of the building.

How is vertical waterproofing of concrete structures done? IN in this case to ensure water-repellent properties of the foundation, you can use various methods processing:

  • plastering;
  • pasting with roll insulators;
  • spraying with bitumen compounds.

But before you make a calculation of the materials required for insulation, it is worth choosing best option for waterproofing. Experts recommend using two methods of waterproofing at once: coating and gluing. How to do it? If there is a feeder in the building, the work progress will be as follows:

  1. First of all, the working surface must be coated bitumen mastic;
  2. After this, cover the ground floor for the basement with technoelast (a type of roofing felt);
  3. When calculating rolled materials, keep in mind that they must be overlapped with a margin of at least 15 cm;
  4. To ensure sealing of seams, melt them gas burner, resulting in adjacent sheets sticking together.

The structure and nuances of treating a strip foundation with vertical waterproofing are shown in the video material.

Features of foundation and basement insulation with roofing felt

Waterproofing monolithic foundation most often done using roofing felt. It can be used either independently or in combination with bitumen solutions. When covering a concrete structure with roofing felt, several important rules must be followed:

  1. Moisture insulation under the slab begins with the application of a bitumen solution;
  2. The required amount of roofing material is calculated taking into account an overlap of 15 cm;
  3. After this, using a gas burner, the insulator is softened and placed on the working elements of the structure;
  4. When carrying out waterproofing work to finish the foundation under a monolithic slab, you can use special mastics to seal the seams.

Moisture insulation of the structure with roofing felt should be carried out using only quality materials. Ezoelast and tehnoelast insulators are considered optimal for protecting concrete bases. The process of laying materials is clearly demonstrated in the video clip.

Moisture insulation of pile-tape foundation

How to properly insulate in case of arrangement pile-strip foundation? The absence of a filer implies additional processing Not ground floor structures, and the load-bearing concrete parts themselves - piles. They take the maximum static load created by the weight of the structure itself.

Why is protection needed? support pillars? Under the influence of moisture, the supports begin to collapse over time due to corrosion processes occurring in the reinforcement of the pillars. To prevent distortion and subsidence of the base, additional water protection of the load-bearing parts is required. How to protect a pile-strip foundation without a basement?

  • Bored piles. Bored supports are concrete pillars, reinforced metal fittings. As a rule, they are installed in casing pipes, which do not provide the proper level of protection from moisture. During the construction of the structure, it is advisable to insert roofing material into the wells for the racks, which will play the role of formwork and waterproofing;
  • Screw piles. The elements of the concrete structure are represented by steel screws that are screwed into the ground. To protect them from corrosion, the spiral legs of the piles are treated with hydrophobic anti-corrosion solutions;
  • Driven piles. The supports in this case are reinforced concrete or wooden posts. To protect them, antiseptic and anti-corrosion treatment is required. Special impregnation and coating with bitumen will not be superfluous.

Do you need moisture protection for a sand cushion?

What are the functions of a sand-foundation cushion? A mound of sand and gravel that is often created during the laying process strip bases, performs two tasks at once:

  • Cuts off water from the structure;
  • Helps to distribute the load evenly.

Laying the pillow is prerequisite when constructing a basement in a house. As a rule, it is in this room that it is quite damp, which creates all the conditions for the accumulation of condensation under the floor and the proliferation of fungus. Is waterproofing of the pillow necessary in this case?

If the building itself is installed on soil with strong heaving, in the process of laying the sand cushion it is necessary to make a calculation required quantity waterproofer. It is laid on a layer of sand and gravel, which disrupts capillarity and the flow of moisture from underground into the concrete structure.

Moisture insulation of formwork

To answer the question whether waterproofing is needed for formwork or not, let’s consider its main functions. The design is intended to limit the space into which it will be poured. concrete mortar to form the foundation. In other words, the main function of formwork is to design liquid solution, which, when solidified, forms the required geometric shape.

To assemble formwork, as a rule, use wooden boards, which are hygroscopic. Because of this, structural elements may become deformed, leading to distortion geometric shapes poured concrete base. In this case, the answer to the above question becomes obvious: waterproofing for formwork is really necessary.

What types of insulators are used for finishing formwork? For guard wooden elements formworks can be used:

  • bitumen solutions;
  • hydrophobic impregnations;
  • water-repellent varnishes;
  • roll insulators.

When calculating the required amount of waterproofing agents, it is worth noting that for formwork processing the most budget option will be painted with bitumen.

Is insulation necessary for a strip foundation?

Why do they insulate concrete structures? There are three main reasons why it is necessary to insulate strip bases.

The foundation is the foundation of any building or structure. He's like anyone building construction needs protection. Waterproofing a strip foundation is a set of works that protects the foundation from the negative effects of a humid environment. Let's look at the most common types of waterproofing, as well as how and what to make it from.

Waterproofing any type of foundation is essential technological process performance of work, which protects the foundation from the negative effects of moisture. This work comes in two types:

  1. Vertical waterproofing - protection of the walls of the foundation itself.
  2. Horizontal waterproofing - insulation of one building material from another, having different coefficients of water resistance.

The drainage system also applies to horizontal waterproofing, but this separate species construction work, so we’ll talk about it later.

Waterproofing a strip foundation can be done in several ways, some of which can be done independently without involving additional work force. And some are only industrially, using specialized equipment.

Let's consider all types of waterproofing devices in order.

Bitumen coating

The cheapest, fastest and most common method consists of completely treating the foundation walls with special bitumen mastic. Thanks to its properties, mastic fills all microcracks and chips, preventing moisture from penetrating into the body of the foundation.

Bituminous coating waterproofing, as a building material, can be one-component (an ordinary bitumen block, requires heating), or sold in buckets, with special additives (the liquid state is obtained by chemical reaction, when mixing).

Waterproofing strip foundations in this way is done by applying the composition to the treated surface with brushes. Before starting work, the surface must be dusted and dirt removed using brushes.


  • does not require special skills;
  • speed of work;
  • cheapness.


  • re-treatment of surfaces after 5-7 years;
  • when processing in multiple layers, it requires a long drying time for the previous layer;
  • possibility of damage to the layer when backfilling the foundation.

The use of rolled building materials can serve as both a separate type of construction work and additional protection for the method described above.

Waterproofing the foundation with rolled materials is carried out using the following technology - on a mastic-coated surface, cut to size (with a small margin) sheets of rolled building material are applied. The work is done from top to bottom.

Before installation, the cut sheets must be rolled, leaving the top edge for heating. Using a burner (flute), the edge of the roofing material is heated and glued to the surface of the foundation. Next, gradually unwinding the roll and heating it, glue the entire sheet, smoothing it from the center to the edges. The next sheet is glued with an overlap of 7 - 15 cm onto the previously installed sheet.

When gluing two or more layers, the rule of dressing building materials is observed - the seam (joint) of each subsequent layer should be 20-40 cm from the seam (joint) of the bottom of the underlying layer.

All corners of the foundation are additionally armored with strips of the same rolled material, the sides of which extend 20-30 cm on each side of the corner.

Waterproofing a strip foundation in this way requires the use of an open flame, and therefore requires compliance with safety precautions: the use of a special burner, a proven propane gas cylinder, the use of personal protective equipment (goggles, overalls, gloves and shoes).


  • durability, up to 60 years;
  • availability;
  • easy maintainability;
  • cheapness.


  • not performed individually (requires a team of 2 - 3 people);
  • working with open flame.

The plaster mixture, which contains hydroresistant substances and components, must be diluted strictly according to the instructions placed on the packaging or issued by the seller. Using a regular spatula, the composition is applied to the surface of the foundation being treated. Before applying the solution, the entire surface must be beaten with a special plastic mesh. The mesh is secured with dowels.

  • not expensive materials;
  • speed of work.
  • coating durability 10 - 15 years;
  • possibility of microcracks;
  • not high water resistance.

Application of liquid rubber

Waterproofing with liquid rubber is carried out by applying it to a primed surface using brushes, rollers or a spray. Because, liquid rubber, is a ready-made building material, preliminary preparation does not require, except in cases where several components are used, which are mixed before use.

When using such compositions, you need to carefully consult the seller, since some types of these building materials cannot be stored. That is, after opening the package, you must use the entire volume.

  • durability, over 50 years;
  • ease of work;
  • high waterproofing qualities.
  • high cost;
  • To speed up the work process, a special sprayer is required.

Penetrating waterproofing

Using a sprayer, apply to the primed surface. special composition, penetrating into the concrete body to a depth of 10-20 cm. The composition is applied to the concrete in several layers.

  • durability 50-70 years;
  • simple work process;
  • high waterproofing properties.
  • high price.

Screened waterproofing

Waterproofing strip foundations of this type is very rare. The work process is that special mats are attached to the surface of the foundation (using mounting gun) or panels (inserted into locks located along the edges). On your own Impossible to perform; licensed specialists are required.

Horizontal waterproofing

Waterproofing with roll materials

It is used to protect foundations and buildings from the negative effects of capillary moisture.

A tape of material is laid on the concrete surface, with a protrusion of 5 - 15 cm beyond the edges of the walls of structures standing on it. The tape can be laid as a second layer of mastic or as separate element, without base and fastening.

Drainage system

Serves for drainage of soil or melt water, from the foundation.

Along the perimeter of the foundation, a separate trench is dug, with a depth below the bottom of the foundation, 20-30 cm and a slope towards the drainage basin or technical well. If necessary, sand is placed in the drainage trench. Afterwards, geotextiles are spread, extending 50-70 cm onto the walls of the trenches. The next layer is 5-10 cm of gravel (do not tamp!), on which it will lie drainage pipe, with a slope of 5-6 mm/1 m drainage pipe.

The required slope is formed by the layout of previously laid gravel. Then, a 20-40 cm layer of gravel is added, onto which the edges of the geotextile are wrapped (overlapping). Afterwards the trench is filled with soil.

Horizontal waterproofing of a strip foundation, made using this technology, will freely allow water to flow to the pipe for subsequent drainage, without clogging it.

If there is no water collector, then you need to make one - for example, by installing a well from concrete rings or a container of suitable size.


Before choosing the type of waterproofing, you should consult with a specialist, provided that it is not specified in project documentation. Waterproofing carried out in compliance with the technology will reliably protect not only the foundation itself, but also the structure built on it. An accurate calculation of building materials will help save money and minimize the cost of repair work in the future.

Do-it-yourself waterproofing of a strip foundation should be carried out only by specialists and only in compliance with all construction rules and regulations. There is an opinion that the foundation of a capital structure is not subject to negative impacts. This is wrong. The base systematically succumbs to processes of corrosion and decomposition after it has been completely poured and put into service. Waterproofing the foundation is extremely important, since without it the structure will shorten its service life several times. The first to provide negative impact, will groundwater, which penetrate the walls and basements of buildings. Systematic freezing of tape structures leads to a destructive nature.

You can do waterproofing yourself, without contacting special specialized companies. First you need to calculate the amount of material, study the laying technology, and select the appropriate material. A well-laid insulation must be continuous, without interruptions, regardless of what type it is: horizontal waterproofing or vertical waterproofing. So, how to make waterproofing.

Classification of materials according to laying technology.

Coating material

The base is bitumen, mastic. The view has a number of advantages:

  • Budget availability;
  • high rate of internal plasticity;
  • waterproof surface;
  • ease of operation, no need to have special equipment;
  • good adhesion.

Disadvantage: short service life. As practice shows, the average service life is no more than five years, after which fragility and elasticity are lost. Cracks appear on the surface, and the protection indicator decreases significantly.

Recently, a type of product such as waterproofing materials with various additives has been gaining wide popularity. polymer based. Thanks to the introduction of the polymer, the level of elasticity and adhesion increases, and the temperature spreads evenly over the entire surface of the material in the ground.

Procedure and technology

There is nothing particularly complicated; initially you need to carry out a quality preparatory stage. This is done like this: we clean the surface of all kinds of debris and moisture. Water on the walls is extremely undesirable during installation. Next, we treat the surface with a special primer. deep penetration. We wait some time for drying, after which we apply the waterproofing itself. Waterproofing mixtures It is recommended to apply with a paint brush.

Roll material

The basis is determined by the roofing material used for the foundation. As an alternative, you can use helastopley, aquaizol, which have related characteristics. To treat foundations without a basement, basement floors, upper floors, roofs, vertical and horizontal waterproofing are used roll type.

Types of material:

  • Adhesive: glued to the work surface using special mastics or glue;
  • surface: sticks on its own when heated to desired temperature. Needed special tool- gas-burner.


  • Easy to use;
  • duration of service life;
  • the strength coefficient is above average with an impermeability rate of almost 90%;
  • reliability.

When choosing a subtype of material you should Special attention pay attention to such an indicator as the degree of deformation. You can calculate it in a special table. The rolled type of material can be perfectly combined with the coating type.

Technological process. Initially, we prepare the surface and clean it of foreign objects. Apply a small layer of bitumen mastic. We wait ten minutes and glue the roofing material, heating it from behind with a gas burner. The overlap at the joints must be at least fifteen centimeters. We also treat it with a burner so that the material sets and water cannot penetrate inside. The roll type is suitable for both tape and monolithic types.

Sprayed material

The sprayed type is new to the construction market. The material is used for shallow shallow foundations, when covering the roof, and preventing the old waterproofing layer. Among the advantages, there is one disadvantage - high cost.


  • Duration of service life;
  • high adhesion coefficient;
  • ease of use;
  • no seam;
  • speed of hardening;
  • harmless to environment, lands;
  • minimal level of toxicity;
  • resistance to negative influence ultraviolet rays;
  • maximum elasticity.

Technological process:

  • Cleaning the surface with antiseptic liquid;
  • spray the liquid onto the coating;
  • if necessary, we reinforce with geotextiles.

Penetrating material

The latest word on the engineering market, but also the most expensive. The basis of the material is cement and quartz sand. The application method is very similar to plaster. There are two types of material on sale: for spraying and for coating type. Thanks to this molecular design, any external reagent, such as water, will be repelled and will not be able to perform a destructive effect.

The scope of application is quite wide, strip foundation or shallow foundation, for protecting food tanks, water structures, underground communications, etc. If a horizontal type of waterproofing is used, then the foundation high level groundwater (GWL) must cover the protruding surface by at least 30 - 35 cm from the ground.

Some features for waterproofing

Any type of waterproofing must be applied before pouring the foundation, not later. If for some reason you missed the opportunity to apply, then surface treatment after the construction of the structure will reduce the efficiency by 40 - 50%. The only thing you can treat well is the base.

Regarding the use of the method, the most effective would be a combination of horizontal and vertical together. As practice shows, one is applied first, and then the other.

  • Initially, isolate the foundation, clean it down to the base, and dry it if necessary. It is strictly forbidden to use water for cleaning. We clean the remaining soil from all the seams, after which we apply glue or a special cement solution to them. The final phase is sizing with bitumen;
  • Using a torch and the floating method we glue the roofing material. Press it tightly to work surface, carefully process the joints;
  • The layers are fused in stages, one on top of the other, with obligatory overlay.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated when waterproofing a strip foundation. No special skills or abilities are needed, the main thing is to follow the rules and recommendations described above. Important point: all corners must be turned roll method necessarily, and not in any other way. It is strictly forbidden to cut them to avoid damage. The final point in the work is drainage system. Is it necessary to do waterproofing? The answer is yes – yes, it is necessary. If the foundation is not dry enough or has residual moisture, then never rush to start gluing, as the effectiveness of such work will be reduced to zero.

At the construction stage of a building, many craftsmen make a gross mistake, which subsequently leads to a violation of the building's structure. This mistake lies in the insufficient and poor-quality arrangement of the foundation. This means waterproofing the strip foundation and basement, if any.

It is extremely necessary to complete this stage of work, since the impact of groundwater on outside the grounds are quite destructive. Especially considering that chemical composition groundwater can vary dramatically depending on the location of the house in relation to chemical or metallurgical industry facilities, agricultural activities, etc.

The lack of waterproofing on the external walls of the basement can lead to at least dampness in it

Important: the lack of waterproofing on the outer walls of the basement can at least lead to dampness in it. In the worst case, constant flooding and the resulting destruction of the premises will be its fate.

Waterproofing a strip foundation with your own hands is quite simple. The main thing is to understand the principles and technologies of performing work, and also to know about all possible types and types of waterproofing. About this in our material.

It is worth knowing that you can choose a different group of materials to complete the work. They are:

Depending on the type of materials chosen, waterproofing technology is also used.

Coating type insulation

For waterproofing the foundation belt type and basement, including in this case, bitumen-based materials or bitumen mastic are used. According to the type of materials, it becomes clear that the waterproofing of the strip foundation in this case is carried out by spreading mastic along the entire perimeter of the base.

To carry out work using mastic, it is necessary to perform a number of such actions:

  • Free the foundation (basement walls) from debris, dust and dirt;
  • Coat the surface of the outer and inner walls of the foundation with a deep penetration primer;
  • After the primer has dried, use a special brush (mastic brush) to apply the mastic in an even, continuous layer so that the waterproofing does not have any gaps.

The advantages of waterproofing using the coating method include:

  • Low cost of materials;
  • Ease of work;
  • Good elasticity of the finishing coating;
  • Excellent waterproofing properties of bitumen;
  • High adhesion of the coating to concrete.

However, such waterproofing also has disadvantages. The main one is the low service life of the material. Thus, the layer of bitumen mastic remains elastic and intact for only 6 years. Then it begins to crack, as a result of which groundwater still penetrates to the walls of the foundation. The problem can be solved by purchasing coating waterproofing materials with the addition of softening polymers.

In addition, the integrity of the coating layer may be damaged during backfilling of the foundation. Small pebbles can scratch the coating and depressurize it. They solve the problem by laying a protective layer of roofing felt or geotextile over the applied layer of bitumen.

Roll type waterproofing (adhesive)

Here, materials in the form of a roll are used to protect the foundation from moisture. It can be roofing felt, geotextiles, Aquaizol, Isoplast with Helastopley. Most often, such materials are used if it is planned to build a house without a basement. In this case, both horizontal insulation is used (coating the foundation plane before its contact with the walls) and vertical (applying rolled material to the base walls).

Roll materials are attached to the base of the building in two stages:

  • Adhesive (using bitumen mastic as an adhesive);
  • Floating (using a gas burner to melt the material and make it pliable).

The technology for installing waterproofing is as follows:

  • The foundation walls are cleared of debris and treated with a deep penetration primer;
  • After drying, the walls are coated with bitumen mastic and cuts are applied waterproofing material, pressing them well;
  • The waterproofing joints are overlapped by 15 cm, and to ensure a good fit, a torch is used to fuse the cuts together.

To the benefits roll waterproofing include:

  • Long service life;
  • Excellent waterproofing ability;
  • Easy installation;
  • High resistance to any type of mechanical impact;
  • Reliability of the entire structure.

But it is worth remembering that rolled materials for waterproofing based on fiberglass or fiberglass have less resistance to deformation in contrast to materials based on polyester.

Penetrating waterproofing

This type of waterproofing of foundation and basement walls is considered one of the most effective, but also expensive. Here the basis of the waterproofing material is special mixture made of cement, quartz sand and special plasticizing additives. The result is a plastic material that is applied by coating to the walls of the base and penetrates into all the pores of the base, forming crystalline solidification in the voids. They will push water away from the underground part of the building.

Penetrating waterproofing is widely used for treating the walls of basements and other underground tanks, and for treating foundations of any kind.

The advantages of this type of waterproofing include:

  • High quality insulation from groundwater exposure;
  • Excellent ductility during application;
  • High wear resistance of the finished coating;
  • Durability of the entire structure;
  • Resistance to aggressive environments.

The technology of waterproofing using penetrating mixtures is as follows:

  • The walls are completely cleaned and treated with a primer;
  • After the primer has dried, the insulating mixture is applied with a special brush or from a spray bottle;
  • The coating is allowed to dry completely.

Spray insulation

This method of waterproofing a strip foundation is one of the most modern. The method of applying insulation by spraying is widely used in roofing work, at repair work oh old waterproofing coating or to create a new first layer. In comparison with the mass of advantages, the sprayed mixture has one significant drawback - high cost.

The technology for creating a waterproofing layer by spraying is as follows:

  • The walls of the foundation or basement are cleaned of debris, dust and dirt;
  • The moisture protection agent is applied to the finished surface using a construction sprayer, forming a seamless, even coating;
  • For greater reliability, the sprayed mastic is reinforced with a layer of geotextile.

The advantages of this method of waterproofing are:

  • Long service life (50 years or more);
  • High adhesion properties of the material to concrete;
  • Simplicity of work, which saves labor costs and time on the construction site;
  • Absolutely smooth coating without seams or joints, which prevents the slightest ingress of moisture onto the surface of the concrete base;
  • Environmental friendliness and absolute non-toxicity of the material;
  • Excellent elasticity that resists any small inclusions in the soil;
  • High resistance to ultraviolet rays.

If the house is built without waterproofing the foundation

Important: waterproofing the base of a new building should be carried out during the construction stage. However, it happens that a house is purchased, but there is no insulation from moisture. In this case, it is possible and necessary to save the house. In this case, you need to act like this:

  • The house or basement is completely excavated along the entire perimeter of the foundation. Moreover, you need to start from the corners, moving towards the walls of the base, so as not to disturb the strength of the building.
  • Now you should clean all the walls around the perimeter from dirt and dust. This should be done exclusively without the use of moisture. It is important to free all recesses, cracks and pores of the base from soil, earth and dirt.
  • All cleaned cracks should be filled with special glue for tiles or cement mortar.
  • After the foundation or basement walls have dried, they should be treated with bitumen mastic.

Important: under such conditions it is better to combine vertical and horizontal insulation.

  • Rolls of roofing felt or other insulation material are cut into pieces the right size and using a special gas burner is applied to the walls of the structure with overlapping joints. The pieces are placed horizontally.
  • Now you need to apply another layer of material in the same way, but with a vertical orientation.

Important: at the corners of the building it is worth wrapping the rolled material and making overlaps. But, under no circumstances should you cut the waterproofing. This installation method will break the tightness of the foundation winding.

  • IN last resort form a drainage system and a blind area to drain water.
  • All that remains is to backfill the base with good compaction of the soil.

Do-it-yourself waterproofing of a strip foundation

Review of types of waterproofing material for strip foundations. Coating, roll, penetrating and other types of waterproofing.

This type of foundation is often used to give stability to an object on dry and heaving soil. It is represented by a concrete strip poured along the entire perimeter of the facility planned for construction. Due to the fact that the material used in the construction of the foundation can be destroyed by exposure to a humid environment, the main task for a specialist is waterproofing the strip foundation. There are several types and options for performing this type of work.

The need to waterproof the foundation

There is an opinion that the foundation does not undergo any changes during the operational period. Supposedly, it is resistant to rotting, decomposition and corrosion. In fact, the foundation built under the house requires additional protection V mandatory. Many people are interested in whether it is necessary to waterproof a strip foundation?

Water located in the soil thickness is able to penetrate into basements and even into walls located above ground level.

It is no secret that seasonal freezing of water in walls contributes to their destruction. A similar process occurs with upper areas object basics. A structure whose foundation does not have a waterproofing layer will not last long.

Types of waterproofing

When, at the time of design work, the option of constructing a strip foundation is selected, certain studies are required that will help in correct execution works:

  • the base should be below the freezing point of the soil;

  • the groundwater level is taken into account;
  • the requirements for the waterproofing coating may change taking into account the purpose of the facility under construction;
  • it is necessary to carry out a study of the area on the issue of a sharp increase in water levels during flood periods or during heavy rainfall;
  • An important factor is the force of soil heaving, which changes its level.

Any of these conditions may affect the depth of the foundation trench that must be dug and the application protective materials from exposure to moisture.

Based on the principle of location, the waterproofing coating applied to the foundation can be divided into horizontal and vertical. Each type has different implementation options.


This protection option is carried out before the construction of the foundation begins in order to prevent the penetration of drops of moisture from the thickness of the earth. It represents a special foundation, sometimes even somewhat larger than the perimeter of the future structure.

For a small-sized building, pouring a sand-cement screed in a ratio of 1 to 2 is sufficient. In the process of constructing a residential building, it is necessary to carry out intensive preparation:

  • Sand is poured and compacted along the bottom of the trench, the layer height of which should be from 20 to 30 cm;
  • the first layer of this pillow can be made of clay;
  • a screed is laid over the sand layer, the thickness of which varies from six to eight centimeters;
  • you need to wait two weeks for the solution to dry completely;
  • the screed is covered with bitumen, roofing felt is laid, and mastic is applied again;
  • The final stage is pouring another screed.

Once the solution has dried, you can begin to build the foundation. If we build the planned object from wood material, it is recommended to carry out the upper horizontal insulation of the base from water. Otherwise, moisture will penetrate the wood and cause rot.


The main difference of this type is that its implementation is possible not only during construction work, but also on the finished object.

In this case, specialists can use various materials– polyurethane mastic, rolled bitumen, polymer-based membranes. Each product differs in strength, service life, elasticity, application method and price.

Before making the final choice, it is recommended to determine the differences between materials for waterproofing and clarify their advantages and disadvantages.

Types of waterproofing

It is possible to install waterproofing on a strip foundation with your own hands, without the involvement of appropriate specialists. But before you get started, you need to decide suitable option protective layer devices, specify technological features works

The materials that can be used to waterproof a strip foundation in the ground are four groups:

  • coating;
  • sprayed;
  • roll;
  • pasting.

The entire technology for performing waterproofing work will depend on the final choice.


Mastic is used for coating. The main advantages of this method are:

  • acceptable price;
  • high level of elasticity;
  • excellent indicator of coating hydrophobicity;
  • ease of work;
  • good level of adhesion.

There are also certain disadvantages:

  • relatively short service life. After about six years, the mastic loses its elasticity, becomes brittle, cracks appear on the surface of the layer, and the degree of protection decreases.

But today the construction market offers a lot of options for coating compositions based on polymers, rubber, and latex. With their help, enhanced protective characteristics are created:

The workflow is straightforward. To begin with, the surface is cleaned of construction waste and dirt. After this, the base is treated with primers that have a deep level of penetration. As soon as the soil has dried, it is allowed to apply a waterproofing layer. The coating should be solid.


In such cases, roofing felt, isoelast, aquaizol and other rolled materials are used, which are divided into two types:

  • adhesive – attached to bitumen mastic or other compounds with adhesive properties. There are self-adhesive materials;
  • floating - to perform it you have to use additional equipment - a gas burner, a blowtorch.

The method is characterized by ease of execution, long operational period, excellent moisture resistance, reliability and good strength indicators against mechanical impacts.

Deformability and resistance to chemical compounds material are determined by its basis. Roll material on fiberglass or fiberglass does not have high deformation abilities and resistance to chemicals, but polyester has such qualities.

Rolled materials for waterproofing the foundation can be used in combination with coating materials.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  • prepare the surface, which must be dry and clean;
  • bitumen is applied;
  • roofing material is glued using the floating method;
  • The sheets of material at the joints are overlapped by fifteen centimeters and processed with a torch.


This waterproofing option is considered innovative. It can be used to construct any foundation during repair work of old coatings. There is only one drawback - the price, which is not acceptable for everyone.

The advantages are as follows:

  • long service life;
  • high degree of adhesion;
  • ease of work;
  • no seams;
  • fast hardening;
  • environmental cleanliness and absence of toxins;
  • UV resistance;
  • good degree of elasticity.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  • the surface is cleaned and coated with an antiseptic composition;
  • Seamless waterproofing coatings are applied using a special spray device;
  • as an additional measure, the surface must be reinforced with geotextile material.


An effective and expensive method of applying a waterproofing coating. Materials for this are usually prepared from cement, quartz sand and certain additives. The application method is similar to plastering work. But today on the construction market you can purchase compounds that are applied by spraying or coating.

With this method, special elements in the form of crystals are created in concrete voids that repel liquid.


A simple and effective method that perfectly protects against water. A trench is dug around the foundation to a depth of 50–60 cm, and a cushion of gravel or crushed stone up to five centimeters high is placed at the bottom. Then clay is poured in layers and compacted thoroughly. It will act as a buffer for moisture.

The main advantage of the method is its ease of execution. But for a residential property it can only be used as an additional degree of protection.

Features of the work

Waterproofing work to protect the foundation must be carried out during its construction, but if this condition is not met, it is allowed to carry it out later, although this will be much more difficult. You will have to dig out the entire foundation, working in sections, so as not to reduce the level of strength of the building. Start from the corners and complete waterproofing on sections of the walls.

It is better to combine vertical and horizontal types, alternating the sequence when applying the next layer.

Having excavated the foundation, we clean the base; it is not recommended to use water. Remaining soil is cleaned from seam areas and cracks.

The recesses on the foundation are filled with cement mortar or adhesive composition for tiles, then these areas are treated with bitumen mastic. Roofing felt material is fused, which will require a burner. The first layer is applied horizontally, overlapping the strips. The second layer of roofing material is fused vertically. The heat-treated strips adhere perfectly; the roofing felt at the corners of the house is not cut, but rolled up.

Simultaneously with the application of waterproofing, drainage is arranged and the blind area is poured.


The installation of a waterproofing layer on the foundation base is an important part of the design work and the actual construction of structures. Depending on the type of waterproofing coating, it is installed before work begins or after pouring the base. Difficulties in the workflow financial expenses and the period of operation of the building will depend on the selected materials and their correct application.


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