Proper disconnection of radiators. How to properly open the valves on a heating radiator

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The radiator valve allows you to control the flow of circulating coolant, including shutting it off in case of checking or flushing the batteries.

With this device you can turn off the radiators without crimping the main one heating system.

The principle of adjusting the temperature of heating radiators

It is directly related to the design features of this element and its installation. The crane is a ball with a through hole.

The operation of the crane is controlled using a handle fixed to the ball by a rod.

Important! For installation of the device you need to choose the location wisely so that turning the handle does not subsequently interfere with other devices of the heating system.

Valve and pipe diameters must be identical.

The device must be fixed in parallel as it is twisted using tow or special tape. They provide the mechanism additional protection from leaks. The correct installation is further verified by applying water pressure.

Photo 1. Ball valve device for adjusting the temperature in a heating radiator. Arrows indicate parts of the product.

Activating the handle promotes the movement of the mechanism around its own axis. Rotating the ball hole to pipes and pipe inlets makes it possible to circulate coolant through it, otherwise the fluid flow will be blocked.

The ball in such mechanisms can be fixed and movable. In the first case, it is attached to the rod so that it remains completely static. The tightness of such a connection is ensured bolts or disc springs.

A movable ball can move depending on the degree of water pressure on it. Due to this possibility, this type of mechanism is more widespread than the first.

How to open a tap

This is done to supply the maximum possible amount of coolant in order to provide the room with heat. To adjust the mechanism you need turn the handle parallel to its own axis and the pipe.

For convenience, there are protrusions on the faucet body indicating restrictions on the degree of its opening. This is done counterclock-wise.

How to close

With this action, the circulation of the coolant completely stops. This needs to be done when there is a need to reduce the radiator temperature to a minimum, for example, in the summer.

The device handle is in the “closed” position should form an angle of 90 degrees with its axis and the pipeline. According to the protrusions, the movement of the handle to stop the circulation of liquid must be carried out clockwise.

Reference. In both situations, in the absence of a handle, it is possible to determine the position of the tap by groove. If it is aligned with the pipeline and the mechanism itself, then its position is “open”, otherwise the fluid flow is blocked.

How to turn a jammed tap on a battery and adjust it

Often this situation arises if periodically, as a preventive measure, do not change the position of the mechanism or develop it. Before taking any direct action to repair the device, It's worth trying to do it by hand.

Attention! It is necessary to know in advance what the tap is made of, since the use of additional mechanical tools may cause irreversible damage to the mechanism.

Repair starts with unscrewing the fixing nut and removing the handle. The top of the stem is located under the handle.

Some device models have hexagon clamping sleeve which puts pressure on the seal. If the rod rotates only by applying force, then the bushing is fixed a little looser.

At the same time, the formation of small drips water at the top of the faucet.

Then with using an adjustable wrench The rod is developed with slow movements from side to side.

Important! Make more effort or speed up restoration work dangerous. This can lead to to the process of complete deformation of the ball or mechanism as a whole.

The final stage of the repair process is putting the handle back. A test turn of it to the protrusions of the permitted degree of opening allows you to determine whether it is possible to fix the pressure sleeve. The control knob is finally installed in place only after a positive test result and the mechanism has been checked for leaks.

To avoid further unpleasant consequences in the form of faucet breakdown, you should not use a device made of silumin, with the wall thickness of its pipes less than 2.8 mm. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to products with a high level of quality, manufactured by European or Turkish manufacturing companies.

Useful video

Watch a video that shows how to regulate the temperature in a radiator using a tap.

Now they turned on the heating... Now every 2 hours I change the dry diaper on the radiator to a wet one.... It's already getting boring :-))) Please advise - how does anyone deal with dry air in the apartment? Are these...steamers effective?...Well, it's such a joke that steam makes...We can't install air conditioning - we live in a dorm. And generally speaking. Is there such a device that ventilates the air, ionizes it, removes dust, and generates steam? Ok...And so that it doesn't have to be mounted into the wall with...


We have a Boneco humidifier, whether I need it or not, it’s hard to say - on the one hand, the air is, of course, humidified, but on the other hand, it closed door very quickly the atmosphere becomes like in a greenhouse - humid and hot - even grow orchids :). Now I turned it off and turned on the ventilation - we have a supply-and-exhaust type, with output to the street and distribution throughout the apartment.

Emergency measure:) Turn on the shower in the bathroom hot. Humidity rises very well, but not for long. In general, a humidifier solves the problem.

Independent teenager: 3 rules and 4 steps to responsibility
...Step 1. Give your teenager a task. Step 2. Show confidence that he can handle the task assigned. And at the same time, don’t be upset if he fails; because this is how he will learn the most valuable lesson. If he doesn't solve the problem you set, it will be a learning experience for him. Step 3: If your teen does fail at an assignment, step back, express your sympathy, making sure it is sincere, and then let the consequences teach you a lesson. Step 4. This step is the most important: assign the teenager the same task a second time, because this conveys hidden information to him: “You are so smart that you are able to learn. People learn from their mistakes, and you can too. I'm sure you can learn a lesson from...


"It's normal that as a teenager grows up you feel like you're losing control. That's how it should be: you won't have control anymore, the teenager will."
Who said this, excuse me? Why on earth would he have control?
“At the same time, you are creating a relationship where you can talk to your grown child as if he were a young adult.”
And sometimes you can talk to a five-year-old like that. And what?
“We suggest you set three rules that a teenager must follow.”
Great, what to do if the rules are not followed?
"Rule 1: Treat me with the same respect you treated me with when you were a student." junior school. In other words, I expect due respect from you."
Is this a teenager supposed to think that dad is the smartest in the World, despite the fact that he can’t help him solve the problem? Or is it enough to just say “revered” instead of “father”?
"Rule 2: I expect you to do your chores."
Which ones exactly? One of his friends has the responsibility to eat and sleep on time, the other chops wood, carries water, and free time digs a pond on the property.
"Rule 3. If you have average intelligence, then your grades in school should be at least average."
Truly! By saying this, the parent will prove that he himself has average intelligence.
“These three rules are supported by three messages that your behavior should convey to the teenager:
1. I love you.
2. If you have questions, ask.
3. I wish you good luck."
I’ll put another spin on the famous words of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev: a person who doesn’t love his children, forbids asking himself questions and doesn’t wish his children good luck, personally seems suspicious to me.
"A good luck wish is extremely powerful. It puts power in the teenager's hands, letting him know that he is responsible for solving his own problems on his own. It says, 'It's your problem. It's not my problem.' The soft way to say “this is your problem” is to wish the teenager good luck in his endeavors."

Ahhhh! Now everything is clear! This is not a wish for good luck, it is, translated into Russian, “on... off.” Brilliant! Not a single Russian will argue that this phrase really has “enormous power,” I would even say driving force.

“Jessica, given the way you are studying, it seems to me that you want to stay longer in the 8th grade. And, dear, I can only wish you good luck in this endeavor.”

You would have to be dumb to consider such a phrase less offensive than: “listen, you complete fool, if you continue like this, you damn lazy person, you’ll stay for a second year.”

“Oh no!” Jessica groans. She senses how frightened her parent is at the prospect of simply throwing up her hands and wishing her luck, and now realizes that she needs to do something about this situation herself.

And if you tell her everything in plain text, without sophisticated irony, then she won’t say “Oh no,” right?
Fine! Let's say she's already said, "Oh no." I understand that for every psychologist this will be a real discovery, but in my life I have seen many people, " new life" which began with the pronouncement of the sound "O" and ended with the pronouncement of the sound "t" just in this phrase "Oh no."

“If parents worry and worry about something, then by definition their children have nothing to worry about.”
Of course! In this case, if the parents have brains, the children should worry about something else. And it is precisely this concern about another matter (indirectly related to the parents’ original cause for concern) that is a good guarantee that the parents’ worries are in vain. Please note that this works even if the children do not yet share and do not intend to share their parents’ concerns initially (even if the parents stop worrying).

“And vice versa: by interfering with a teenager, you are transmitting a message to him: “I don’t think you will succeed, so I better intervene.”

And then why bother interfering if I don’t achieve success anyway??? If you intervene, it means you believe that I can succeed. And if not, then I won’t achieve it even with your intervention, it’s a no brainer. If it depended on my intervention whether you, Dad, would earn a million bucks, you can be sure that I would intervene. And you, dad, don’t exactly look like an idiot either!

"Step 1: Give your teen a task to do."

I’m already a teenager, and still haven’t been given any tasks. No, what a family! Dumb and dumber people rest.

"Step 2. Show confidence that he can handle the task assigned. And at the same time, do not be upset if he fails; because this is how he will learn the most valuable lesson. If he does not solve the problem you set, for him It will be a learning experience."

Uh.... not a fact. Repeatedly I had to deal with situations where there was an unsolved problem, but there seemed to be no learning experience. Paradox, the stalk is vigorous!

"Step 3: If your teen does fail at an assignment, step aside, express your sympathy, making sure it is sincere, and then let the consequences teach you a lesson."

Should I express sympathy to a teenager or myself? Let's say he didn't even start solving the problem. I don't quite understand why he suddenly needs sympathy. And what is meant by “consequences”? I set the task. If I had not installed it, the situation would have been exactly the same as now - no one did anything. Where did the consequences come from???

"Step 4. This step is the most important: assign the teenager the same task a second time, because this conveys to him the underlying message: “You are so smart that you can learn. People learn from their mistakes, and you can do it too. I I am sure that you will be able to learn from your mistakes."

Brilliant! The main thing is that it immediately becomes clear what to do when the teenager fails to complete the task again - go back to step 1!!! "There's a bast on the stake - start over!"

"The process of developing responsibility should not be a unemotional process. We must encourage teenagers by helping them draw strength from what they do well. This will help them cope with challenges in more difficult areas."

One teenager I know spat very far. Another could fart astonishingly loudly. Does this mean that by encouraging them to do this, parents can be confident that they will successfully pass the Unified State Exam?

New solar battery NeONTM 2 BiFacial from LG Electronics...

LG Electronics (LG) wins Intersolar Award for its innovative bifacial module solar battery NeON™ 2 BiFacial at Intersolar Europe, which takes place this week in Munich, Germany. This prestigious award has been awarded to the manufacturer for the third year in a row. The Mono X NeON™ battery was first awarded this award in 2014, followed by the NeON™ 2 in 2015. The NeON™ 2 BiFacial is the most efficient solar battery module to date...

There is no strength. Condey can't cope. Does anyone know when this bullying will end?

Who makes idiots out of children? Inclusion with the most unexpected...

IN Lately Complaints from parents from different cities have become more frequent that, due to poor performance at school, children are sent to psychological and medical commissions. There they are often given psychiatric diagnoses, which subsequently have a huge impact on the child’s entire future life. This is a trend of modern times, since a previously unsuccessful child is, rather, just a signal for more attentive work by the teacher and parents. Yes and learning programs for some reason they were composed in such a way that...


For 9 years, not to contact any independent psychiatrist and find out whether the child really has a disease or not!!?!. If not, take the appropriate conclusion and shut up any blatherings of academic achievement advocates with this conclusion. Mom there is just like a small child (they ordered it there, they recommended it there, they transferred it from there....) Before I had children, I was very flexible, compliant, and in conflicts I was inclined to give in. But now, when defending the interests of children, an iron grip, confidence and even arrogance comes from somewhere.

Was it that in the Soviet school they didn’t send you to correctional school? Ha! They sent it and didn’t ask the parents much. This is now all "wears advisory nature“, any inadequate person must be taught until he is blue in the face, if the parents don’t want to, you won’t get anyone out of the public school.

It is also necessary to follow the recommended dosage of washing powder, since increasing it affects the formation of scale on the heating elements. 3. The washing machine does not draw water. This may be due to insufficient pressure or incorrect placement of the water supply hose. You should check whether the water tap is closed. If little water flows into the drum, the problem is likely in the filter. drain pump. It must be cleaned periodically to avoid damaging the pump itself. Modern hoses with the AquaStop system are also prone to failure. In this case, the only repair method will be to replace such a hose. 4. The washing machine drum does not spin...
...Hoses most often leak at the junction with the body. In this case, it is enough to change the gasket. If the problem is in the powder dispenser, the only thing the machine owner can do himself is to clean it. Sometimes it happens that the door seal wears out and water flows out of the drum through the hatch. Once the leak has been located, it can be repaired using waterproof glue and a rubber patch and the cuff can be turned so that the damage is facing up. 6. The washing machine “jumps” and knocks. Knocking when the washing machine is operating most often occurs without serious reasons: the laundry is unevenly positioned inside the drum, a foreign object has gotten into the machine, for example, from pockets, the machine is standing on an uneven surface, the machine’s position is also uneven (not “level”)...

I just need to multiply by 4 and the batteries themselves cost money... The chief engineer said 7000 for installing one. It's really long and difficult, right? Is this what it's worth? Thank you!


Yes, but we didn't do that. We have old cast iron stoves, we screwed in the taps to turn them off in winter, and then my husband changed the battery himself. Only instead of ours they took Czech or Polish cast iron, it is smaller in size, half as light with the same level of heat transfer, and has already been tested for leaks at the factory. The installation itself took several hours, but my husband worked thoughtfully. We didn’t like the prices of dez and the quality of the work they performed (they nailed the hooks for the radiator in our kitchen so much that they demolished half the wall).

Go to REU (your management company) to see the secretary general director and write an application for drawing up an estimate for the installation of new batteries (quantity, where, etc.). The secretary will prompt you and register your application. Next the chief will call you. engineer will clarify the day and tell you the cost of services. If you are satisfied, pay at the bank, give the paper with payment to Ch. engineer. Then two or one kids come to you and do the work.
In my personal contract (albeit 3 ​​years ago), the plumber wanted 5 thousand for one battery, but according to the estimate it came out to 2400 rubles. (work, turning off the riser (preferably in the summer), bringing in tools (ha-ha, an adjustable wrench is also a paid procedure), sawing off an old battery, cutting threads, attaching taps, drawing up an estimate). I myself bought a battery and taps to shut off the water to the battery so that it could be removed and washed. I specifically persuaded the chief engineer to have the right plumber, the cat, do the work. wanted - 5000.
He did, he finished "for beer." I refused, saying that if he had immediately announced 2400, it would have been “for beer.”
The only problem is time, write an application, wait for the estimate, pay, return the receipt... On average it took me a week. True, they changed it on weekdays. But it's twice as cheap. Consider the benefit)))
Don’t be lazy to contact REU officially; you pay for all these services in your rent. I haven’t seen anyone among the workers lately even with the smell of beer. They arrive on time, clean, sober - But (habitually) they extort a bribe))) Refuse.
I’ve done two repairs like this, repairing everything - plumbing, electrics, I even had a welder - he welded a standing pipe (for beauty). Sometimes you get exhausted by running around on weekdays, but... They now treat the residents differently (they even talk kindly, they don’t hang up). I don’t seem to be scandalous, but so far it works out - I’ll use it officially (quieter and cheaper).

Poll from user virus In the faucets in your home, which side is the tap on? hot water(if it’s a lever, in which direction should it be turned)? left right in different rooms in different ways To answer the first question, did you have to go check, or do you remember? I had to check so I remember Current results Other polls Polls on the site


:) I had to check :) But when I use it, I immediately turn the single-lever tap in the right direction :)

Long story
Foreign standard - hot on the left
In the Soviet Deputies it’s the other way around
Our repairmen installed 4 mixers incorrectly, one of them with a thermostat, and it did not work at all in this form.
The one with the thermostat in the shower had to be redone by disassembling the tiles.
One, the one with hard eyeliner, above the bathtub, was left incorrect
Flexible hoses were installed in the sinks.

What is an American faucet??? Please explain in more detail.

DD please tell me. What ratio of hot water flow rate relative to cold water should be. I understand that everything is relative. But we use more hot water than cold water. Isn't this right? What to do in such a situation? You can change the meter or you can get by with checking it.


Our hot consumption is even higher than cold and we also spent a long time looking for the reason, I was very worried, did an unscheduled check, etc., because... I thought I was overpaying. Then it turned out that my “cold” meter was lying at low pressure (the test was done at high pressure), and showed an underestimated value. So try checking a cold meter yourself at low pressure.

10/22/2015 12:16:12, I’ll hide...

50/50. But this is wrong, ours is so hot that you don’t need to dilute it when washing dishes and nothing can be changed

10/19/2015 22:50:53, Bernadette

It's terribly cold at home:(*** Topic moved from the conference "SP: gatherings"


So there is no such plan, the heating is turned on when the temperature drops to 0 at night for 5 days, everyone is immediately turned on and that’s it)).

Yesterday evening I called the MOEK hotline, they said that yesterday they should have given it to everyone, and if there is no heating, complain and kick the management company. I just called my housing office, they swear it will happen today. But last year they only gave us access to our house after calling some hotline for the districts.

Please tell me which brand of battery should be installed so that it is easy to wash (without bells and whistles) and not from the upper price segment. Thank you :)


You definitely need to know technical specifications your home, so that you can then choose according to your taste and budget - cast iron or bimetal. As for a particular example, I installed bimetallic Sira, 600 rubles each. for the section, in March. There is a 5-section radiator in the kitchen 11 m2, and an 8-section radiator in the room 20 m2. This amount is more than enough for me, since it was hot here even with simple, cheap convectors. In addition to the radiators, 2 Bugatti ball valves were purchased for 550 rubles each. I wrote down everything that needed to be purchased (faucets) from the words of the plumber who installed the batteries. They worked together with a welder, it took only 3 hours. The installation cost 5 thousand rubles. For the point, I'm in Moscow.

It depends where. If you have a closed heating system ( a private house or your own boiler room in an apartment building) is one thing. Panels will do. Dia Norm, Imas. But if there is centralized heating, then this is completely different. Because in urban networks, batteries are more susceptible to rust due to poor coolant, there are strong water hammers, etc. For general heating systems, bimetal, aluminum, and cast iron are recommended. Royal Termo Twin, Combimetal, Optimal, Evolution

Folks, has anyone changed the taps on the risers? DEZ says that this is a paid procedure and names the price at 1000 rubles! and this despite the fact that the faucets were purchased from us!...what is the general procedure for replacing a faucet on a riser besides turning off the riser and draining the water?..I feel like some kind of sucker who is being scammed for money..


This, of course, is not according to official prices, but getting them to do it according to official... let's say, it's difficult.
If we ignore the tariffs, the price is small. Moreover, there really is something to work on. Because they will have to change the tap in the middle of the wiring. And this is not the same as replacing a faucet with a flexible connection.
The crane package should include a “coupling” and a “squeeze”.
A coupling is a “long nut”; a squeegee is a pipe, on one side of which the thread is cut for a nut, and on the other, several centimeters long, that is, long. By moving the coupling along this thread, you can adjust the total length of this bundle (squeeze coupling), adjusting it to right size in a rupture of a rigid highway.
As a rule, on the side of the vertical main there is a cut pipe with external thread, a faucet is screwed onto it (with its nut), on the other hand, if the thread in the faucet is external - a coupling, if internal - a bend (short thread), then, depending on the system. Like that. I couldn’t find any pictures, but I’m too lazy to draw :)
Advice: agree, but ask them to buy the necessary leads, barrels, nuts and couplings themselves. And keep in mind that the prices for all this are an order of magnitude lower than for cranes. That is, something like this: barrel, coupling - 10 rubles each, drive - 15, nut - 5.

Our riser taps were installed by workers who were doing renovations in the apartment, and DEZ plumbers charged 2 thousand rubles each for shutting off hot and cold water pipes, so your price is very affordable...

03/28/2006 11:32:23, NikitA

Why do they heat the houses so much, the radiators are just boiling water, the windows have to be opened, there is nothing to breathe in the apartment. (


We have been heating like this since the end of December. I even complained to the department, but they said that now nothing depends on them.
It’s still okay now, even if it’s colder.
But all the holidays, when it was zero outside, and we had boiling water on the radiators - it was terrible! The windows were opened - the children got sick from the drafts ((as a result, the air conditioner worked.

put regulators on the batteries

The situation is as follows: For the past week in a row, my neighbor from the bottom floor has been breaking in on me along with the plumber. Something is dripping somewhere and she thinks that we are pouring it on her. I invited my neighbor to come over and see for herself that everything was absolutely dry and nothing was dripping anywhere. We have all the eyeliner in plain sight, both in the kitchen and in the bathroom. She looked, but her motivation is that she doesn’t understand anything about it and she needs the plumber to look too. And I have brackets on my water meters so they don’t twist and...

An ode to our favorite feeding bottle (lots of letters and photos).

I used feeding bottles only when I needed to give my son water, tea, liquid porridge, and kefir. I bought Born free in large quantities at once - 260 ml, so as not to make an additive. I have several of them. My son ate everything at once. We had all polyethersulfone bottles, which do not absorb odors and in them the milk does not sour so quickly, according to my observations. The nipple has a classic shape. The transition is convenient for her, I was worried that Lesha, after breastfeeding, would not take a bottle...

We want to try to rotate the battery at an angle of 90 degrees, who has done this? Who was the name? Tell me please :) Thank you.


we unrolled it but in the summer.. now we need to turn off the riser and call a welder, they will cut it off and solder it as it should, only the walls will be black in this place..

They didn’t unwrap it for me, but hung it from under the window, it was done by local plumbers; if you have your own, then you still have to ask the DEZ for permission to drain water from them. They must turn off the system.

The child sticks out his tongue only to the right, he doesn’t even always stick it out, but puts the tip of his tongue on the right corner of his mouth and then leads it along the inside of his cheek. and does not stick out or retract the tongue forward and to the left. Has anyone had this? what could this be from? and what to do about it? Should I see a neurologist about this? or which doctor?


I imagine a neurologist would tell you :) Just don’t be offended. I soaked it even better - boys' testicles roll during the first time after birth. We were 5 days old, I took off my diapers, and they rolled off one after another. Well, that’s it, I think the timing was mixed up, he’s premature, the testicles are about to sink inwards. I grabbed him for this matter and began to call the doctor. You should have seen my son's eyes...
At the clinic they politely told me to let go of my belongings and move away from the child.
The next day in the morning I take off the diaper, and his tail has become so huge!!! How could I know that this happens before pee? At this point I didn’t waste time on trifles and called an ambulance. They didn’t have time to get there, because during the call Sashka peed and began to pee normal sizes. Apparently I wasn’t the first, because they didn’t even laugh...

maybe there is a tooth there, so she touches it with her tongue :)) Maruska also touches the tooth that is coming out))

The two stripes at the edges are the most valuable; they make white tubes. Center stripes will also come into play. Tubes with letters look good when woven and emphasize the unusual nature of the material. It is best to twist the tubes on a table with a rough surface. Place a knitting needle on one side of the paper strip at an angle of approximately 30°. If there is a limiter on the knitting needle, it should be located behind the table surface. Fold the corner of the newspaper at the same angle and press firmly. Right hand turn the knitting needle, gradually twisting the tube, holding the newspaper with your left hand. Place a little glue on the corner of the strip, roll it up to the end and let the glue set. Take out the knitting needle. Since we started rolling the polo...

in Leroy they say to take single-lever ones, not to take Bulgarian ones, but to take Italian ones. Tall ones for a kitchen sink with such a strange handle, should I take them? like the one in the link, but beautiful Or is it not necessarily a tall faucet? *** Topic moved from the conference "SP: Gatherings"

It’s very convenient, the higher the mixer in the kitchen, the larger the saucepan or baking tray, for example, you can wash)) I don’t know about the Italian ones, but before the renovation I had a Bulgarian one for 10 years - an excellent mixer (although it was with ordinary rotary taps)

Mommies, please advise where to turn: a friend’s son is 3 years old, the child was awl, 3 days ago he woke up and said his neck hurts, his head hurts to the left, turn to the right - it hurts, the child is always active, but these 3 days he lies there and every time he moves he hurts.. he can’t even get up to go to the potty on his own:-(where to run? She’s in the Moscow Region, she’s talking to the doctors there, it’s hard, where in the MSK and which doctor has he seen this already 2 times in 6 months... out of the blue Can’t stand it plz. ..


And we had this, I don’t remember the name of the disease, there was a surname in the name. They rushed us to the infectious disease ward and released us a day later. They make a “collar” for a week, nothing more, in my opinion. Yes, we had it against the background of ARVI, the lymph nodes became enlarged.

Myositis, most likely. My daughter had this happen recently, out of the blue. In the morning I went to the garden normally, but came back complaining about my neck.
We called an ambulance, they took us to the hospital to check for injury, took an x-ray, and diagnosed myositis. Plus, the lymph nodes came out, and the neck was a little swollen on this side.
We bought a special collar, my daughter wore it constantly for about 4 days, applied anti-inflammatory ointments, and gave her Nurofen. It all went away in 4 days.
In general, definitely see a doctor, a pediatrician.

Girls, I’ve changed Ilyich’s light bulbs to LED ones in most of the apartment. Already 6 months ago. Well, I keep an eye on the accounts. I’m registered on the website, I enter my readings, and I receive the amount to pay. And there are no changes whatsoever. Moreover, I don’t even understand where such sums come from. We live together, the lights don’t turn on at all until 18-19 pm, in the evenings I have two 4W diode sconces in my room, and the tabletop lamp on my computer is an energy-saving 11 W. There are 6 chandeliers in the kitchen. diode 4 w. In the hallway there are sconces with the same...


Our heated floor in a standard separate bathroom works at maximum, i.e. at 35 degrees, corridor + kitchen at 25. The computer and 2 TVs work periodically in the evenings, the lights are on, the stove, oven, microwave, kettle are available and in use. I usually turn on the washing machine, PMM and dryer after 23.00 (two-tariff meter), but on weekends the washing machine washes during the day. The bill is approximately 1800 rubles. Up to 2000 rub. When we were doing renovations, we read about heated floors, that they consume the most electricity when they heat up and reach the temperature you set. In maintenance mode - not much. Those. It’s just not possible to turn them on and off every day. I once remember calculating the cost of their work - it came out to 300 rubles. per month, if I'm not mistaken.

light bulbs - minimum. even Ilyich. But with diodes there is another problem - they shine poorly, weakly and directionally. you have to use them more or more powerfully.
But he eats everything else decently.
computer 14 hours a day? - already about 150 kW
thermopot in heating mode 50-100W, per month at a minimum this is about 40kW.
This is where it comes from in the end.

Nightmares occur at any age. But if adults can, through an effort of will, wake up, breathe a sigh of relief and quickly forget a bad dream, then it is more difficult for children.
...Very often parents confuse the concepts of fear and phobia. However, a phobia is a pathological form of horror that is almost impossible to overcome on your own without the help of a specialist. So, if your baby is afraid of water, he may cry during the bath, but you can still coax him into the bath. A child with a phobia begins to become hysterical with just one turn of the tap, and it is impossible to convince the baby to even wet his feet. “I’m so lonely” “When Lena was 2.5 years old, we went to a large shopping center. I turned away for a second to pay at the checkout, and when I looked back, there was no trace of Lena. The daughter was found quite quickly, but she was in shock. Since then the child has been replaced. Lena is afraid to be alone even in her room! She doesn't...

And now it breaks off without finishing the game. Not far from the hotel we saw what happens to those who violate parking rules. Police officers literally comb all the streets around the old city in a car and block the wheels of violators. Day four. Immediately after breakfast we planned to move towards Wroclaw. But before that, stop by two wonderful places: Świdnica to see the wooden Church of Peace, and Księż Castle. Judging by the photographs, the castle was good, but even better was the park around it, which autumn colors promised to look inimitable. But time passed, and the morning fog not only did not dissipate, but became even denser. This time the good motorway to Wroclaw came in especially handy! Moving to...


Interesting! Only about Breslau - this is not a German city. This is purely Slavic - even before the Poles, founded by Prince Vratislav. All of Europe was Slavic (Vends). The Germans later took it away and renamed it, but we weren’t vandals to burn everything in our path - that’s why the taste of the Slavic cities became so salty and metallic.

10/30/2013 20:52:43, Inna Dimitrova

I would like to change the batteries in the entire apartment (3 rooms = 3 batteries). I have no idea how much this pleasure will cost in today's times. We have the last, fourth floor. There is a desire to change the supply pipes from the attic. Is it worth doing? Which batteries are of high quality, and most importantly, “hot”? In Murmansk, in the north, we would like to install not Italian batteries, but something that gives off heat better. How to choose the battery size to match the size of the room? We have...


“not Italian batteries, but something better” - what’s that like :)? Have you studied the issue? When I was searching, I came across this article Perhaps you will find something useful for yourself. And here are useful questions/answers
Prices for installation: I’m in Moscow, my plumber and welder charged 5 thousand per point, that is, for the installation of two turnkey radiators I paid 10 thousand rubles. My choice - bimetallic radiators, cast iron does not suit the technical characteristics of our house. The number of sections is calculated according to the principle of 100W per 1 sq. m., but in the end I bought 11 sq. m. for the kitchen. - 5-section, per room 20 sq. m. - 8-section. I installed it in winter, so it’s already been tested - it’s very warm! but our Moscow winters have become warm;).

About the raclette grill. I'll answer your questions :).

I apologize - VERY Just haven’t been subscribing to topics lately, so I saw the questions in the Jaguar topic late and generally by accident. I responded only to those who wrote to the podnik. I'm not promoting anyone. Absolutely. I just wanted something like this for a long time. The question of price, choice and location was annoying. Until recently, I used a grill pan made from SP with ceramics - but I have no luck with pans at all, well, I haven’t come across a single successful one. I was going to order this square one from Clumsy... In...


Thank you so much for your feedback! We must take it, apparently. I also really love grilled vegetables, so I agree to this device just for them.

Honestly, is it really easy to wash? I love grilled salmon, I cook it in the microwave, but I hate washing it))

I'm going to buy a Blanco Nova 45S sink. But in the pictures it doesn't have a hole for the faucet. Who's drilling this hole? Can you do this yourself? Or will it be necessary to call a special technician? And one more thing: in all the pictures this sink has the wing (ribs) to the left, but I need to go to the right. It happens? It seems that while there is no hole for the mixer, you can turn it over, but then we return to the first question - how and when to make this hole? the sink is like this


The master did everything for us. I drilled a hole and made a hose about 2.5 m long.

24.11.2006 21:31:46, oxige

there is a place in the sink for a hole for the faucet, the circle is thinner than the rest of the granite in the sink. It is carefully knocked out and a neat hole is obtained. and there is a second place for the hole - if a second tap is needed. We have one for now, and then we’ll add another drinking water tap there... (we have a Blanco sink)

And residents of those regions where central heating radiators remain icy even in the most severe frosts, generally by “one”. Fortunately, here a variety of household appliances come to our rescue, returning heat to our home (in the literal sense of the word, in any case :-)). Today their choice is very wide. In this article we will try to highlight in detail the advantages and identify the disadvantages of certain heating devices. The choice of heating device is necessary...
...The principle of their action is the same as that of the Sun: they send heat rays that are absorbed by the surfaces of walls, floors, and furniture, which, in turn, give off this heat to the air. All the energy coming from the device almost completely reaches the person, warming him and not the air. ICO consists of infrared emitter in a quartz tube, fixed in a metal case, the front side of which is closed with a protective grille. Infrared heaters can be used not only in indoors, but also on the street, for example, on the balcony, in dacha gazebo or on the terrace of a country house. You can safely leave the stroller with your baby on the balcony, without fear that he will freeze, and, having arranged late autumn closing of the summer season, you will not feel any discomfort...

The other side of the financial issue is considered by psychologist Evgenia Zotkina. - When should young spouses start discussing financial issues in order to prevent conflicts on this basis? - Financial issues need to be discussed before marriage - where the family will live, where to get funds to support the family, who will be responsible for this. Different families exist according to different principles of finance...


It is very good that such a topic was raised. And it's even better that it's covered in such detail. Thanks to the author! Whatever one may say, money issues arise in every family. Alas, we are all dependent on the material component. “The main thing is that spouses have the same view on spending money, then conflicts on this issue will be minimized,” how accurately this is noted. If we talk about our family, fortunately, this is true. We grew up in families with approximately the same worldview, make-up and social status, so we immediately agreed on how to manage the family budget. We wish the same to everyone! :)

Due to excess light and heat, the dracaena leaves droop. Therefore, it is best to place the dracaena in partial shade, where diffuse rather than bright light is sufficient. When exposed to direct sunlight, the plant becomes sick and light, dry spots appear on the leaves. The best place The location of the dracaena, according to experts, is the western and eastern windows. The pot with dracaena needs to be turned from time to time so that the light evenly from all sides stimulates the growth of shoots. Variegated dracaenas require more light than solid green ones. Drafts are contraindicated for dracaena, as they cause leaf defects. If damaged leaves appear, they need to be trimmed. In winter, dracaena feels good at +12-15 ºС. Some species can withstand temperatures as low as +10 ºС. But here are the variegated dracaenas...
...Under natural conditions, dracaenas grow in humid climates, so they need regular spraying. In summer, it is recommended to spray plants 2 times a week. Before spraying, the water must be left to stand for at least a day. In winter, you should not place dracaena near central heating radiators. Some gardeners place a pot of dracaena on damp moss or moistened pebbles. From time to time, the plants are bathed in a warm shower, washing away dust from the leaves. The pot must be covered plastic film. If the leaves of the dracaena turn yellow and brown spots appear on them, then it does not have enough moisture in the air. Dry air in apartments and offices...


My Dracaena did not take root because of my cat. It’s no secret that many cats love to chew on Dracaena leaves. At first I scolded her for it, and then she took it and shit it right in the potty.

I recently bought myself a dracaena. Your article is very helpful. Thank you! Now I’m also thinking of giving my mother such a useful plant.

"Correct" blinds. Interior

If you want to attach blinds to the wall above the window, it is better that they are a little wider and extend about fifteen centimeters beyond the window. The distance between the floor and the blinds should be at least 5 cm. And one more important question that you need to decide before placing an order is in which direction will the blinds open and close? There are four options for the movement of the slats when closing the blinds: the slats move in the direction opposite to the control rope; the slats move towards the control rope; the lamellas move in both directions from the center; the slats move towards the center. And keep in mind: the right choice is dictated not only by your tastes...

Once again I was baking meat and thought: one side of the foil seemed to be matte, the other shiny. How to wrap correctly - which side should be on the outside? or not important? Thank you)

"Chainitsky" question

Not long ago on Russian market appeared original new product from Binatone - Magic Thermocontrol kettle, the color of the backlight in which changes depending on the temperature of the water in it: blue - up to 40 degrees, yellow - from 40 to 80, red - from 60 degrees and above. Pleasant “little things” and “non-trifles” True connoisseurs of green tea, of course, know that to brew it properly, you should not use boiling water, which, according to the Japanese, kills the taste, but very hot water (of course, in this case you should give preference not tap water rather than bottled drinking water or pre-filtered water). Some manufacturers of household appliances have adopted this: some kettles provide water heating up to 90 degrees (for example, BOSCH TWK 7301, Scarlett SC-1020 Karina). An interesting feature of the Krups FLF2 Aquacontrol kettle is the damper on the spout of the kettle...


Let me add some personal experience:
- iron kettles make a lot of noise when heating water.
It’s worth checking the sound right away in the store so that it doesn’t become an unpleasant surprise (like in our case, the squeaking sound when boiling can be heard throughout the entire apartment even with the doors closed).
- The body of iron kettles gets very hot. If there are children, then it is better to provide for this so as not to hide the kettle out of reach.
- there are enough programs for heating at 40,60,70,80,90,100 degrees... intermediate values ​​are simply not needed, but their presence increases the price of the kettle.

And finally, you can perfectly clean the kettle by boiling water with the addition of citric acid or vinegar. This method is perfect for both open and hidden heating elements.

01.06.2005 23:44:08

Sometimes the child’s legs and arms extend at the knee and elbow joints by more than 180 degrees. If you place the baby on his stomach, he will not bend his arms under his chest, but spread them to the sides. The child looks limp and spread-eagled. Asymmetry of muscle tone. With asymmetry, the tone on one half of the body is higher than on the other. In this case, the child’s head and pelvis are turned towards the tense muscles, and the torso bends in an arc. When a child is placed on his stomach, he always falls to one side (where the tone is increased). In addition, asymmetry can be easily detected by the uneven distribution of the gluteal and thigh folds. Uneven tone (dystonia). Dystonia combines signs of hyper- and hypotonicity. In this case, the child’s muscles are too relaxed, while others...

The sternocleidomastoid muscle is a steam muscle, located on the lateral surface of the neck. When the right muscle contracts, the head tilts to the right and the face turns to the left; when contracting with the left, it’s the other way around. If both muscles contract at the same time, the head tilts back and extends somewhat. Thus, with ICH, the head is tilted towards the affected muscle and turned in the opposite direction with a simultaneous deviation back. The shoulder girdle and scapula with severe torticollis on the affected side are higher, the back of the head on the healthy side is often oblique. Secondary changes with ICH include facial asymmetry. With moderate and severe degrees of ICH (II-III), the child may experience a delay in psychomotor development. As children who have undergone ICH grow, smoothness of the cervical lordosis is noted...

When your stomach hurts. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

We often hear stories from acquaintances and friends about how our stomachs are churning today or that there is “war” in our stomachs again or “a nightmare, how our stomach hurts today.” It is very important to understand that pain is a signal of danger. Abdominal pain can vary. But special attention should be paid to acute and extremely dangerous diseases manifested by abdominal pain. Most often, pain and discomfort in the abdomen are a sign of problems in the gastrointestinal tract. However, this is not always the case. Exist...


I usually have discomfort in my stomach after eating, heaviness appears, bloating(((True, I went to the doctors, they didn’t find anything. Now if I overeat or eat on the go and I start to feel discomfort, then I immediately start taking Redugaz. These taste good The tablets are mint and need to be chewed, so you don’t even need to write them down. They help quite quickly and prevent re-formation of gas.

Therefore, I will simply reprint the travel notes that I wrote on vacation. We decided to go to India because (and almost everyone already knows this) my husband is a passionate Indian... well, I’m also on board. The question immediately arose of where to take the child. Here my mother and Aeroflot came to the rescue. Mom agreed to take a vacation at her own expense for a month so that we could rest peacefully, and Aeroflot showed itself with best side, providing a very favorable fare for the flight Munich-Moscow-Delhi-Moscow-Munich. Moreover, on the way back I was even able to stay in Moscow for 2 full days. My husband never left the airport, because... he needs a transit visa, but he had no desire to get one, and he doesn’t like Russia. My preparations for vacation were somewhat overshadowed by the Indians’ demand that I take and present a test for...
...We were immediately taken to an air-conditioned room, where we left our shoes and cigarettes. These items are considered unclean by Sikhs. In return we received headscarves and a Sikh guide with a turban, beard, dagger, long hair on the back of my head and probably in my underpants, because... These 5 signs characterize the appearance of a Sikh. Before entering the temple, wash your feet in running water and wash your hands under the tap. In the middle of the temple there is an altar with a holy book from which the guru reads. Musicians are playing nearby. Visitors can receive containers of “holy water” for free; they can touch it only with washed hands, store it in a clean place, do not drink it, but only wet their forehead and hair. If water is no longer needed in the house, pour it into the sea or river, and “holy...

Masha and Dasha have been friends since infancy. They are very organic friends; there have never been any conflicts, not even quarrels. Masha is married, has an 8-year-old daughter, good income and good big flat. no one bothers anyone. Dasha found herself in difficult situation, left her husband with a 3-year-old baby (boy), and Masha took her in until all divorce and separation issues were resolved. Their duration is uncertain, but this really doesn’t bother anyone. Please Dasha live with Masha’s family for a year - for God’s sake. Food and housing 1...


I read everything and here is a question for everyone to fall asleep...
But it’s interesting, what if there was a situation. What if your father-in-law, for example, is not an alcoholic, but loves to drink, lives with you, he is old and in poor health, and at one time he helped you VERY much in your life, helped, and now the situation is that he needs to live with you and you have accepted him for a while. And you can’t tell him vodka - vodka blows the mind, he takes up a knife (only from vodka) - Would you keep vodka at home? Well, sometimes you want to your home after all...

If Masha and her husband love each other and agree on helping their friend, wouldn’t they go to a restaurant or a bench in the apple park to eat? But Dasha wouldn’t go quietly looking for accommodation options, slowly but surely...

Then a tanned young man “Ice Cream” cruised several times. What’s interesting is that it was always very fresh and hard, despite the wild heat. After swimming, I went to brush my teeth. For these purposes, we built a washstand from an inverted bottle with the bottom cut off. The cap acted as a tap, which was unscrewed and tightened as needed, the main thing was not to unscrew it completely - then the contents of the bottle would pour out onto the client’s stomach at lightning speed. Then Piglet woke up. He notified the entire coast of his awakening with a well-fed and life-affirming roar, and I hurried to take him out of the stuffy tent. Then followed a hasty undressing and swimming in the sea. The used diaper was put into a garbage bag, which, as the container was filled...
...Breakfast began with pies and coffee and continued with watermelon. The watermelon was cut in half and within half an hour, with the help of a spoon, I ate more than a kilogram of this divine delicacy. Sometimes there was still a little room left for the melon. At that time, Sanka was sitting somewhere nearby and gnawing on stoned pieces. From time to time we went for a walk. Most often, our route lay in the direction of civilization, boarding beaches, amusement parks and an endless row of stalls and cafes. The little one was placed in a carriage and covered with a sheet on all sides to create shade, which gave our procession a somewhat gypsy appearance. It was quite difficult to drag the stroller along the dirt road - the wheels were slipping and refused to turn. But, having passed two tent cities, we found ourselves on a laid out concrete tiles boarding house embankment...

Further, after consulting a methodologist, it is allowed to immerse the child under water. Gradually, the time of holding your breath reaches 12-15 seconds or more, which is an excellent workout for the lungs and heart. At the end of the lesson, hardening is carried out in a “cold spot”. To do this, open the tap with cold water (the temperature of the water in the “spot” should be 5-6 degrees C lower than in the bath) and, holding the child vertically, introduce him into the resulting “cold spot” (but not under the stream itself). cold water), turn your chest, back. First, four such eyeliners are made, one is added monthly, and by the end of the year, hardening in the “cold spot” is repeated 16-18 times. Only after three months of training can you try to bring your arms or legs into the stream. Children...
...Foam floats the size of Matchbox. To support the child's head, 2 ribbons 50 cm long are sewn to the cap at the level of the chin on both sides. These ribbons allow you to control the level of immersion of the baby's head in the water. The main rule is that the child’s nose and mouth are above the water. After 1 month of swimming in a cap, 2 foam floats should be removed weekly (one on each side). The last to be removed are the side floats. As soon as the baby learns to float on the water in a supine position in a cap without floats and without support from ribbons, the cap is removed; it is no longer needed. Third month of classes: mastering underwater diving. The technique is the same as when diving with manual support, but after diving, release the child...


7dynamic gymnastics and swimming for children
Dear Parents!!
I want to offer you my services as an instructor in dynamic gymnastics with children from 0 to 1 year old; in swimming and diving at any age. I will teach you how to work with children. Individual development of sports complexes and exercise equipment. Consultations on slings and hardening. Certificate -at RANS with the right to work as an instructor in dynamic gymnastics and swimming with newborns. It is possible for women to go to the child’s home in Moscow and Moscow Region.
tel 8 926 186 15 74
ICQ 236491607

01/19/2009 22:21:16, Elena555

Wonderful article. We have been swimming since birth according to these and other recommendations. We are already 2.5 months old, progress is obvious. My daughter really likes swimming. However, we learned to dive differently. Preparation 15 days, 5 days per stage, we dive at the end of the lesson: 1. We clearly say the word “dive” and blow in the child’s face with such force that he holds his breath; 2. we say “dive” and splash it in the child’s face, again so as to encourage him to hold his breath; 3. when you say “dive,” pour water on your head (not from the shower); on the 16th day, with the command “dive”, you can immerse the child under water. Every day we slightly increase the time spent under water (we focus on the child’s condition). Our little one is already swimming half a bath.

material updated 09.17.2012

In fact, friends, that warm thing that hangs under your windowsill and makes the house warm is called Radiator. As a plumber, your uncle should have told you this. But we will not break the stereotype, and in the future we will call it a battery.

So, how to replace the battery in an apartment.

First of all, you need to turn off the heating riser and drain the water from it. Otherwise, prepare to raise your voice to communicate with your neighbors below.

Turned off? Leaked? Amazing. Now let's look at the tools that we will need in the process. And here they are:

1) unipak 2) calibrator 3) flax (tow) 4) drill 5) tape measure (or level) 6) plastic keys 7) adjustable wrenches 8) scissors for metal-plastic 9) Swedish (gas wrench)

Not all. We will also need a hammer drill, with its help we will drill holes in the wall to mount the battery. In my case, I also used a press (for crimping press fittings):

The press is a very expensive thing (more expensive than the battery itself).

But! All the work can be done without it, if instead press fittings use compression fittings. In this case, adjustable wrenches are sufficient.

Polypropylene and copper are also used, but this also requires a special tool.

Battery, mounting kits, key

In the photo above you see the hero of the occasion - an aluminum battery (of course, it is not aluminum, there is some kind of Aluminium alloy), fastener kits and a plastic wrench with which we will tighten the plugs.

Here it is necessary to explain that the set of footings includes a plug, a bleeder (Mayevsky tap), and dowels with brackets for hanging the battery (mounting to the wall)
Sometimes all this is purchased separately.
By the way, this is exactly what you should ask in a store, a la:

“Darling, give me a set of fusers for connecting/fastening/mounting the battery.”

Well, it looks like all the preparations have been sorted out. Let's look at the one whose consideration is already a foregone conclusion:

Old battery

Let's get started.

We disassemble the connections between the pipe and the battery (you can also saw off it with a grinder if there are enough threads):

We remove the battery and tear off the old mount from the wall:

You can use a hammer. Specifically in our case, the fastening is fixed to the wall with metal dowels.

The above photo also shows that the threaded ends of the pipe are quite long. They must be shortened by first tightening the old nut to the end of the thread.

Cut off and unscrewed the nut.

If the pipe, when visual inspection good, then you can start installing the battery. If not, you will have to cut a new thread, and possibly replace the pipe/riser itself.

Now we tighten the futorki on both sides. The fittings have rubber gaskets, but sometimes I also coat the threads with sealant (sanitary silicone-based):

This is where we needed a plastic key (so as not to scratch the paint on the feet):

Let's take the connections:

We tear off everything unnecessary. Let’s figure out what to connect with what:

This is where our two adjustable wrenches came in handy.

And let's make it a rule when it comes to compaction threaded connection, this means sealing with flax and unipak, unless otherwise stated.

By the way, there was an incident: the owners of the apartment and their neighbors from below were almost flooded. All because of the fucking no standard layout Houses. Individual project. There are no riser diagrams. So sometimes you have to work by touch and by instinct.

We screw the assembled tee with fittings onto the pipe:

Paying attention. The fitting (which looks down) in our photo needs to be screwed in place, because if you screw it in advance, then most likely the wall will prevent you from screwing the “assembled” tee.

We take the battery, screw in the American taps, taps and fittings:

Let's make a few clarifications here.

1. For American women you will need a special key. But I successfully forgot it in the workshop. So I simply used an adjustable wrench. During the assembly of the battery, this moment was not captured, but when writing the article, I decided that the information would be useful. Therefore, as an example, I took a photo of another American woman:

Inside, two “teeth” are visible, to which the key for American women clings. But we will turn the handle of the adjustable wrench:

The main thing is not to overdo it and twist carefully. Because you can deform the American one and you will need a new one. The best thing, of course, is to have a key.

2. Ball valve. Why don't we install a thermostat, but install a ball valve?

A regular faucet is at least twice as expensive. But they will no longer be able to adjust the temperature. The ball valve can be used to close or open the battery. If you need to regulate, then install a thermostat.

Assembling the bypass (pictured on the right):

Bypass - a bypass pipeline for bypassing water past the heating radiator

We take a hammer drill. We make holes of the required size, having previously marked them. We insert the plastic dowels from the kit, push them into the holes made and fit the brackets there.

We hang up the battery.

The battery must hang at least 3 cm from the wall, at least 10 cm from the floor and window sill. Otherwise, what good will it do if it is pressed tightly against the floor and wall? There must be air circulation.

Do not forget to calibrate all metal-plastic tubes, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the rubber gaskets on the fitting.

We pressed in the fittings, hung the battery and tightened the American ones. It should look like the picture:

If there are faucets, but there is no bypass, we tear off the master’s hands. If the taps are standing before bypass - we tear off the master’s hands and call him some other nasty name.

The bypass is needed so that you can safely close the battery or reduce the heat supply. Then the main flow will go through the bypass and the neighbors will also be warm.

A little trick from Uncle Dretun for you to note:

If it turns out that there is no bypass, then at first force the master redo do it right, and then tear off his hands. Otherwise, expect guests in winter - freezing neighbors above and below. Because By blocking your battery, you will block the entire riser.

For this, allow me to take my leave and hit my forehead. See you soon.

Attention, gentlemen and ladies,

the fitting that looks down in our photo sometimes has to be tightened in place, because if you tighten it right away, then most likely the wall will prevent you from tightening the “assembled” trench.

valkoivo 14-11-2010 21:17

Gentlemen, a problem arose: somehow screw the battery in, otherwise it’s too hot in the apartment.
On the battery itself I found a valve that looked like a Mayevsky faucet, but in terms of functionality it’s unlikely. This is what it looks like:
I felt this thing with an adjustable wrench. Result: the inner part (square with a slot diagonally) does not move, the outer part (hexagon is very big size) turns very easily. I didn’t find any holes (like on Mayevsky’s tap).
Question: is it possible to use this valve to tighten the radiator so that it does not heat, or is it just for bleeding air?

Tank-032 14-11-2010 21:52

Judging by the photo, this is a tap (based on the principle) like in a samovar)))
That is, turn it 90 degrees and it is closed, or it is open and, in theory, should rotate in a circle (if there are no stops). seems similar)))
Why it doesn’t rotate is simple:
The years take their toll!!!
The cone could have stuck, so don't worry mom!!!

PS: I could be wrong, you should wait for experienced locksmiths, and they will tell you for sure)))

sobol75 14-11-2010 22:06

Actually, this thing is called a faucet. The line on top of the square shows the position of the damper. You need to twist the square. And the hexagon is a clamping nut. There is no need to twist it, just tighten it slightly clockwise

Spinning player34 14-11-2010 22:12

quote: Originally posted by valkoivo:

Or is this just for bleeding air?

This is a very ordinary plug valve; you cannot release air through it.
quote: Originally posted by sobol75:

You need to twist the square. And the hexagon is a clamping nut. There is no need to twist it, just tighten it slightly clockwise

You can tap the slegontsa on top of it to screw it, but only the slegontsa!! The mark across the pipe is closed.

Dark_monah 14-11-2010 23:53

yes, it should be bronze, there is a cone inside, everything could get stuck. risk - the direction of the gap in the cone. a hexagon - a clamp, under it - they also made a stuffing box.
Of course, if you turn the garbage often, it will leak.

ingener99 15-11-2010 12:10

quote: screw the battery somehow, otherwise it’s too hot in the apartment

Slightly loosen (by one or half a turn) the hex nut (do not remove it under any circumstances), pour WD-40 on top, tap it with a small hammer on all sides (without fanaticism) and try, while twisting, to move the square; as soon as it moves, turn it it many, many times. In this case, water may leak slightly.
Then set the risk at a certain angle in relation to the pipe (the more perpendicular, the less water will pass through, and therefore heat). And tighten the hex nut.
I can’t give any guarantees that all this crap won’t fall apart in your hands (due to old age) and start spewing boiling water. But I myself have done such things more than once... until I was lucky.

Ursvamp 15-11-2010 02:08

quote: Originally posted by ingener99:

Slightly loosen, etc...

Risk is a noble cause! If you're unlucky, everyone will have to make repairs.
Better call a plumber. He will install a faucet, a valve, and a Mayevsky... And you will always be in the right temperature live.

valkoivo 15-11-2010 09:59

Thanks a lot. I turned the square 90 degrees, loosening the nut - everything worked!

Boa 15-11-2010 22:38

I'm missing something! (c)... Oh, I’m afraid to touch such old taps, especially where I can’t turn them off myself...

x32 22-11-2010 12:17

It looks like you have a regular ball valve. twist the nickel plated crap. wherever it turns (no more than 90 degrees).
should spin easily

x32 22-11-2010 12:21

Better yet, call a plumber. boiling water is a very scary thing. especially in an apartment building.

Nikofar 22-11-2010 02:16

You do not have a valve, but a faucet-regulator (in other words, a control valve) with the automatic thermostatic head removed. Until you return it to its place, there is nothing to twist there.
For reference, explanatory picture:

estetes 22-11-2010 06:36

Where should you turn such a valve when the battery does not heat?

I will complement the respected Nikofar, a.
IMHO - If you have centralized heating from a city boiler room, you should not turn it on, but throw it away. The figure above clearly shows the structure of this tap. It gets clogged with all sorts of rubbish found in our public municipal heating networks, just once or twice. And in its pure state it has a small throughput. This can also be seen in the figure.
p.s. Perhaps the plumbers themselves twisted his head - because there is a suspicion that there is no jumper in front of the battery. Correct me if I'm wrong.

po4emu4ka 22-11-2010 12:27

quote: If you have centralized heating from a city boiler room, you don’t need to turn it on, but throw it away. The figure above clearly shows the structure of this tap. It gets clogged with all sorts of rubbish found in our public municipal heating networks, just once or twice. And in its pure state it has low throughput. This can also be seen in the figure.

How then to regulate?

Nikofar 22-11-2010 14:19

quote: Originally posted by kokon:

I will be grateful for the hint

In this state, as in the photo, the regulator valve is completely open.
If the protruding silver metal rod is pressed inward until it stops, the passage of the coolant through the tap will be blocked. If released, the rod should come back under the action of the spring and fully open the valve. Try rustling this rod back and forth, perhaps this shamanic influence will help and the movement of the coolant through the valve-regulator will be restored to an acceptable state.

If, in the form you have (faucet-regulator without an automatic thermostat), the heating battery is not hot enough, then the channel of the faucet-regulator is clogged with foreign inclusions and does not ensure normal circulation of coolant in the radiator. The valve-regulator should be dismantled, if possible, disassembled and cleaned, if the malfunction cannot be repaired, throw it away or recycle.

quote: Originally posted by po4emu4ka:

How then to regulate?

To manually adjust the coolant circulation in the heating radiator, you can install a valve valve. Structurally, it should be a “saddle” valve, and not a “ball” or “cone” valve. According to some information, most ball valves (as well as cone valves) are recommended to be operated in two extreme positions - “fully open” and “fully closed”. This is due to the fact that in intermediate positions these valves fail faster. Explaining why this happens is, frankly speaking, too much for me, sorry.

kokon 22-11-2010 20:52

Thank you! There really is no jumper, as the respected estetes noted
And the valve seems to be clogged - in the kitchen it seems to have cleared itself, as a result of manipulations with the stem, but in the room it remained as it was
By the way, the valves were closed with threaded caps, I didn’t even think that they should also have a “head” included in the kit

Leschij 22-11-2010 21:47

quote: And the valve seems to be clogged

If my memory serves me correctly, you have installed the Danfoss RTD model. As the respected Nikofar already told you, try pressing the rod and check the position of the adjusting ring. In your photo it is steel-colored, it should have a scale with divisions from 1 to 7, and position N (if my memory serves me correctly, this is a full flow of coolant) and there should be a dot on the body. To adjust, pull the ring up and turn it to the desired position.

kaka 23-11-2010 12:55

quote: Originally posted by Nikofar:

Frankly speaking, I'm at a loss, sorry.

I hope dear Nikofar will not be offended if I bend his “crowbar” a little.
The fact is that if it is not completely closed (or open), which is the same,
the locking parts begin to come into contact with the coolant and slowly corrode. Over time, this leads to either the faucet jamming or coolant leaking through the faucet, but “water wears away stones.” Like so.

Yep 23-11-2010 09:11

quote: Originally posted by Ursvamp:

Better call a plumber

quote: Originally posted by U_dav:

Oh, I'm afraid to touch such old taps

plus several buckets of hot water.
It is very risky to turn such old taps yourself.

kokon 23-11-2010 20:26

Leschij, everything is exactly like that! Thank you! I didn’t see the scale on the ring - the battery is poorly lit, so I shined it with a flashlight and set it as it should. The upper part of the room radiator is already hot as a frying pan)) But in the kitchen it turned out that it was not the valve - in the process of manipulating the rod, I turned the ring to the seventh position and did not notice

Leschij 23-11-2010 21:10

quote: Leschij, everything is exactly like that! Thank you!

You're welcome, I'm glad I could help. Regarding the thermostat, it is not included with the valve (if you have the opportunity and desire, you can purchase it separately) since there are several types of them, including those with a remote heat sensor. If it’s hot, you can adjust it with the cap; on its end there should be an indication in which direction to turn, - and +.

estetes 23-11-2010 22:33

You can also adjust it using the cap; on its end there should be an indication in which direction to turn, - and +.

Yes it is. But would kokon really not notice this? He wrote (post 17) about just a cap on a thread - sort of like a protective one. Strange...
quote: Originally posted by Leschij:

Regarding the thermostat, it is not included with the valve (if you have the opportunity and desire, you can purchase it separately) since there are several types of them, including those with a remote heat sensor.

Oh how! Live and learn...

Leschij 23-11-2010 23:40

quote: Strange...

This is not strange, in fact, it is called protective (protects the valve stem and valve pre-setting ring before installing the thermostat), but if you do not need an automatic thermostat, then the cap also performs the function of manually adjusting and closing the valve. By the way, in order not to close the valve cap, you need to tighten the cap quite a bit, literally one or two turns until there is slight resistance; if you tighten it all the way, you will completely block the coolant flow (which, by the way, very often happens out of ignorance) and the radiator will be cold again.

x32 24-11-2010 02:21

quote: Originally posted by kokon:
There really is no jumper

this means the heating season has begun for the neighbors too

Leschij 24-11-2010 19:06

quote: this means the heating season has begun for the neighbors too

You know, most likely there is still a jumper, or a two-pipe system (in which case there shouldn’t be a jumper). Although I wouldn’t be surprised if the system is single-pipe and without a jumper, and then with this one valve you can regulate the temperature throughout the entire riser. I encountered this myself, three years ago we moved to a new apartment in a new building, the first winter - of the three convectors in my room, two were closed all winter, it was hot. The second winter - the convectors throughout the apartment are barely warm and sometimes just cold. As it turned out, one of the apartments was renovated and the convectors were replaced without installing a jumper (one-pipe system), so when he was hot (and he is a polar explorer), he blocked them and the entire entrance was freezing. The same thing happened with hot water, in the morning, while you’re salting it, you’ll go nuts. Contacting the management company didn’t give me anything (they say the house is new and all that) - well, well. Having walked through the apartments where they were renovating, we found what I expected (radiators without jumpers, and in the bathroom they installed a heated towel rail without a jumper but with a valve and a thermal head. I asked who did it and accepted it - the manager, I went to them - you don’t want a scandal, redo it as normal. Within a week they redid it - now there are no problems with heating and hot water. This is how it happens, and believe me, these are far from isolated cases.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today I will continue the topic of central heating batteries. We will talk to you about the operation heating batteries. Almost everyone needs this topic, and my task is to help you understand this issue once and for all. So, I hope you have already read my article: . We will assume that the battery has been installed for you. What's next?

1. How to turn on the radiator correctly for the first time

Very important point is the first switching on of the central heating battery in your home. When a long period of time has passed, and the thermal power plant begins to supply water to our batteries, then usually the first water flowing through the heating systems is the dirtiest and rustiest. Imagine. You have just installed a brand new battery, one might say, off the assembly line, and suddenly a powerful stream of dirt is thrown in there. It is not surprising that many batteries become clogged precisely from the first such inclusion, and then we are surprised that out of 12 battery bends, only 8 are heated, the rest remain cold. To prevent this from happening, a jumper (bypass) is needed when installing the battery. If you have done the installation correctly, then set the position of the ball valves as shown in the figure:

In this case, the entire flow of dirt when turned on for the first time will go through the jumper, keeping your battery intact and safe. In this option, it is better to keep hot water running for several days. Of course, many are looking forward to when it will be turned on. However, my advice is, if you can’t wait a few days, wait at least one day. By the way, a detailed article on how to turn off the battery.

2. How to regulate heat in batteries

Suppose you put a battery of 10 bends in the room, and you feel good with it when it’s -20 degrees outside. But now, the cold has passed and now it’s been -2 degrees for several days. Hot water, as often happens with us, at the same temperature continues to flow through our pipes in a powerful stream and a gas chamber is formed in the room, from which there is no escape. In this case, the temperature regulator comes to the rescue. There are many of them in nature. In the picture below you see one of them.

What brand of thermostat should be is the topic of a separate article. And now it is important for you and me to understand the principle. The figure shows one of the simplest thermostats. It has a knob on top that you can rotate and set values ​​from 0 to 5:

5 - means that the entire flow of hot water will pass through the battery; 4, 3, 2, 1 - means that the regulator will reduce the diameter of the flow pipe, providing less hot water flow through the battery per unit time. Thus, at 4 the battery will be colder, at 3 even colder, etc.

If you want to disconnect the battery altogether, you can set it to “*” - the water current will be very small. Practically it will not exist:

Or you can just block Ball Valves on the battery. The effect will be approximately the same:

If you have 2 windows in your room and 2 radiators under them, then during installation it is advisable to install them wisely. For example, you need 20 sections for the entire room. Then it is better to put, for example, 12 sections on one battery, and 8 sections on the other. In this case, in addition to the regulator on each battery, you can completely turn off or turn on 8, 12 or all 20 sections at the same time.

3. Catalog of all kinds of heating thermostats

4. Very important information

Below we will describe situations when one or another inclusion of the battery may be undesirable, and sometimes unacceptable!

4.1.You cannot use the thermostat without a jumper

In point 2 we talked about the thermostat. However, you need to understand that experiments with a temperature controller are only possible with a jumper! If it is not there, and you reduce the diameter of the flow pipe, then the total flow of hot water through your apartment will decrease. Which of course is unacceptable, otherwise your neighbors will come to you!

4.2. The thermostat may become clogged

If you are using a jumper, but for some reason it was turned off for a while and the thermostat was set to position 5, i.e. provided a full flow of hot water only through the battery, as shown in the figure:

then everything seems to be fine. However, we must accept reality as it is. Even if we turned on the central heating radiators correctly for the first time, there is no guarantee that, for example, in a month or two a new mud flow will not pass through the pipes. But then, if the jumper is turned off, then the splash of dirt will go straight to your thermostat, which, in fact, is very sensitive to it. As a result, a blockage forms in the thermostat, and water will not flow into the battery at all. It won’t go into the jumper either, because you closed it. Therefore, in this situation, water will stop flowing through your apartment; in the house, through your heating riser, the water will also stop and begin to cool in the cold. As a result, a squad of evil neighbors, together with the chairman of the HOA or housing cooperative, is guaranteed to enter your apartment.

It is clear that switching on according to the above figure is similarly not acceptable for the regulator positions 4,3,2,1,*

4.3. The jumper must always be on

Make it a rule that it doesn’t matter whether you use a temperature controller or not, but the jumper should always be on. This way, you will always ensure hot water flow through your apartment. When does it make sense to turn off the jumper? For example, when you feel that the battery is clogged. Then you let all the water flow through the battery by disconnecting the jumper. Perhaps a more powerful stream of hot water will be able to push through the stuck dirt. But this needs to be done for a short time and only under your control - you cannot leave the situation in this form and go to sleep. The fact is that if the dirt cannot be pushed through, then a congestion will form again: water will not be able to pass through either the battery or the jumper.

4.4. During installation, the thermostat must be installed behind the jumper, i.e. directly in front of the battery

This is mega important, because if it is installed before the jumper, then when you first turn it on, dirt will definitely clog your thermostat, and you will start the heating season with a complete rewiring of the battery.

If the system individual heating calculated correctly, no regulators are needed: a stable temperature will be maintained in each room. But in multi-storey buildings after complete heating alterations, regulators can become very useful.

It is necessary to regulate the heat transfer of heating radiators for several reasons. First: it allows you to save on heating costs. In apartments in multi-storey buildings, payment bills will be reduced only if a common building heat meter is installed. In private homes, if you have an automated boiler that itself maintains a stable temperature, you are unlikely to need regulators for radiators. Unless you have old equipment. Then the savings will be quite significant.

The second reason why regulators are installed on heating radiators is the ability to maintain the temperature regime in the room you want. You need +17 o C in one room, and +26 o C in the other, set the appropriate values ​​on the thermal head or close the valve, and you have as warm air as you want. It doesn’t matter whether you have radiators in your apartment, whether the coolant is supplied centrally, or whether the heating is individual. And it doesn’t matter at all what type of boiler is in the system. Radiator regulators are not connected in any way to boilers. They work on their own

How to regulate radiators

To understand how temperature regulation occurs, let’s remember how a heating radiator works. It is a labyrinth of pipes with different types ribs to increase heat transfer. Hot water enters the radiator inlet, passing through the labyrinth, it heats the metal. This, in turn, heats the air around it. Due to the fact that modern radiators have specially shaped fins that improve air movement (convection), hot air spreads very quickly. During active heating, there is a noticeable flow of heat from the radiators.

This battery is very hot. In this case, the regulator needs to be installed

From all this it follows that by changing the amount of coolant passing through the battery, you can change the temperature in the room (within certain limits). This is what the corresponding fittings do - control valves and thermostats.

Let's say right away that no regulators can increase heat transfer. They only lower it. If the room is hot, install it; if it’s cold, this is not your option.

How effectively the temperature of the batteries changes depends, firstly, on how the system is designed, whether there is a reserve power of the heating devices, and secondly, on how correctly the regulators themselves are selected and installed. The inertia of the system as a whole, and the heating devices themselves, plays a significant role. For example, aluminum heats up and cools down quickly, while cast iron, which has a large mass, changes temperature very slowly. So there is no point in changing anything with cast iron: it takes too long to wait for the result.

Options for connecting and installing control valves. But to be able to repair the radiator without stopping the system, you need to install a ball valve before the regulator (click on the picture to enlarge its size)

How to increase the heat dissipation of batteries

Whether it is possible to increase the heat transfer of a radiator depends on how it was calculated and whether there is a power reserve. If the radiator simply cannot produce more heat, then any means of adjustment will not help. But you can try to change the situation in one of the following ways:

The main disadvantage of adjustable systems is that they require a certain power reserve of all devices. And these are additional funds: each section costs money. But I don’t mind paying for comfort. If your room is hot, life is not a joy, just like if it is cold. And control valves are a universal way out of the situation.

There are many devices that can change the amount of coolant flowing through a heating device (radiator, register). There are very inexpensive options, and there are decent ones. Available with manual, automatic or electronic adjustment. Let's start with the cheapest ones.

Valves or taps

These are the most cost-effective, but, unfortunately, the most ineffective radiator adjustment devices.

Ball Valves

Ball valves are often installed at the entrance to the battery and with their help they regulate the flow of coolant. But this equipment has a different purpose: it is a shut-off valve. They are needed in the system, but to completely shut off the coolant flow. In the event, for example, if the heating device leaks. Then the ball valves located at the inlet and outlet of the heating radiator will allow it to be repaired or replaced without stopping the system and draining the coolant.

Ball valves are not intended for adjustment. They have only two operating states: completely “closed” and completely “open”. All intermediate positions cause harm.

Ball valves are shut-off valves and are not suitable for radiator adjustment

What harm? Inside this faucet there is a ball with a hole (hence the name - ball). In standard positions (open or closed), he is in no danger. But in other cases, the solid particles contained in the coolant (especially there are a lot of them in centralized heating systems) gradually grind down and break off pieces. As a result, the tap becomes leaky. Then, even if it is in the “closed” position, the coolant continues to flow into the radiator. And it’s good if an accident doesn’t happen at this time and you don’t need to turn off the water. But if this suddenly happens, repairs cannot be avoided. At a minimum, you will have to change flooring, and what will need to be repaired in the lower room depends on how quickly the utility workers (or you, if you have your own home) shut off the riser. Yes, a ball valve can work in abnormal mode for some time, but it still breaks. And sooner rather than later.

For those who still decide to adjust the radiator in this way, it is worth keeping in mind that they also need to be installed correctly, otherwise “pleasant” conversations with the management company cannot be avoided. Since this method is most often used in apartment buildings, then we’ll tell you how to connect them with vertical wiring. Most often, the wiring is single-pipe vertical. This is when a pipe enters the room through the ceiling. A radiator is connected to it. The pipe leaves the second radiator inlet and goes through the floor to the lower room.

This is where you need to install the taps correctly: the mandatory installation of a bypass - a bypass pipe. It is needed so that when the flow to the radiators in the apartment is closed (the tap is closed completely or partially), water circulates in the general house system.

Sometimes the ball valve is placed on the bypass. By changing the amount of coolant passing through it, you can also change the heat transfer of the heating battery. In this case, for greater reliability of the system and the ability to turn off the taps, there should be three: two cut-off taps on the radiators, which will operate in normal modes, and a third one, which will be regulating. But there is one pitfall here: sometimes you can forget what position the taps are in, or the children will play. Result: the entire riser is blocked, cold in the apartments, unpleasant conversations with neighbors and the manager.

So It is better not to use ball valves for adjusting radiators. There are other devices designed specifically to change the amount of coolant flowing through the battery.

Needle valve

This device is usually installed in the heating system in front of the pressure gauge. In other places it does more harm than good. It's all about the structure. The device itself effectively and smoothly changes the flow of coolant, gradually blocking it.

But the thing is that due to the design features, The width of the passage for the coolant in them is half as large. For example, you have installed inch pipes, and they have a needle tap of the same size. But its capacity is half as much: the saddle is only ½ inch. That is, each needle valve installed in the system reduces the throughput of the system. Somewhat consistently installed devices, for example, in single pipe system will lead to the fact that the latest heating devices will either not heat up at all, or will be barely warm. Therefore, the often recommended single-pipe circuit with needle valves in practice leads to the fact that most radiators either do not heat at all or heat very weakly.

  • removing the needle valve;
  • doubling the number of sections,
  • by installing a device that has twice as large couplings (on inch pipes you will need to install a two-inch valve, which is unlikely to suit anyone).

Radiator control valves

Especially for manual adjustment of radiators intended radiator valves (taps). They come with corner or direct connection. The working principle of this manual temperature controller is as follows. By turning the valve, you lower or raise the shut-off cone. In the closed position, the cone completely blocks the flow. Moving up/down, it blocks the coolant flow to a greater or lesser extent. Because of this principle of operation, these devices are also called “mechanical temperature controllers”. It is installed on radiators with threads and connected to pipes using fittings, usually crimp fittings, but there are different types compatible with different types pipes

What is good about a radiator control valve? It is reliable, it is not afraid of blockages and small abrasive particles that are in the coolant. This applies to high-quality products whose valve cone is made of metal and carefully processed. Their prices are not very high, which is important for a large heating system. What's the disadvantage? Each time you have to change the position manually, which makes maintaining a stable temperature problematic. Some people are happy with this, others are not. For those who want a constant or strictly set temperature, they are more suitable

Automatic adjustment

Automatic maintenance of room temperature is good because once you set the control knob to the desired position, you will get rid of the need to twist and change something for a long time. The temperature of the heating radiators is adjusted constantly and continuously. The disadvantage of such systems is their significant cost, and the more functionality, the more expensive the device will be. There are some other features and subtleties, but more on them below.

Adjusting radiators with thermostats

For maintaining a constant set temperature in the room (premises) use thermostats or thermostats for heating radiators. Sometimes this device may be called a “thermostatic valve”, “thermostatic valve”, etc. There are many names, but one device is meant. To make it clearer, it is necessary to explain that the thermal valve and thermal valve are the lower part of the device, and the thermal head and thermoelement are the upper part. And the entire device is a radiator thermostat or thermostat.

Most of these devices do not require any power source. The exception is models with a digital screen: batteries are inserted into the thermostatic head. But their replacement period is quite long, the current consumption is low.

Structurally, the radiator thermostat consists of two parts:

  • thermostatic valve (sometimes called “housing”, “thermal valve”, “thermal valve”);
  • thermostatic head (also called “thermostatic element”, “thermoelement”, “thermal head”).

The valve itself (body) is made of metal, usually brass or bronze. Its design is similar to that of a manual valve. Most companies make the lower part of the radiator thermostat unified. That is, heads of any type and any manufacturer can be installed on one body. Let us clarify: you can install a manual, mechanical, or automatic thermocouple on one thermal valve. It is very comfortable. If you want to change the adjustment method, you do not need to buy the entire device. They installed another thermostatic element and that was it.

In automatic regulators, the principle of influencing the shut-off valve is different. In a manual regulator, its position is changed by turning the handle; in automatic models there is usually a bellows that presses on the spring-loaded mechanism. In electronic devices, everything is controlled by the processor.

The bellows is the main part of the thermal head (thermoelement). It is a small sealed cylinder containing liquid or gas. Both liquid and gas have one thing in common: their volume is highly dependent on temperature. When heated, they significantly increase their volume, stretching the bellows cylinder. It puts pressure on the spring, blocking the flow of coolant more strongly. As it cools, the volume of gas/liquid decreases, the spring rises, the coolant flow increases, and heating occurs again. This mechanism, depending on the calibration, allows you to maintain the set temperature with an accuracy of 1 o C.

Watch the video to see how the thermostat works.

The radiator thermostat can be:

  • with manual temperature control;
  • with automatic;
    • with built-in temperature sensor;
    • with remote (wired).

There are also special models for one-pipe and two-pipe systems, housings made of different metals.

Using Three-Way Valves

A three-way valve is rarely used to regulate battery temperature. He has a slightly different task. But in principle, it is possible.

A three-way valve is installed at the junction of the bypass and the supply pipe going to the radiator. To stabilize the temperature of the coolant, it must be equipped with a thermostatic head (of the type described above). If the temperature near the head of the three-way valve rises above the set value, the flow of coolant to the radiator is blocked. It all rushes through the bypass. After cooling, the valve operates in the opposite direction and the radiator heats up again. This connection method is implemented for, and more often with vertical wiring.


Adjustment of heating batteries is possible using different devices, but this must be done correctly using special control valves. These are manual regulators (taps) and automated ones - thermostats; in some versions it is possible to use a three-way valve with a thermal head.

In what case should I use what? In multi-storey apartments with central heating, a three-way valve and control taps are preferable. And all because the gap in thermostats for the coolant is not very wide, and if there are foreign particles in the coolant, it quickly becomes clogged. Therefore, they are recommended for use in individual heating systems.

If you really want automatic radiator control in your apartment, you can install a filter before the thermostat. It will retain most of the impurities, but you will have to wash it regularly. When you feel that the radiator has become too cold, check the filter.

In private houses, with battery regulation, everything is simple: what suits you best, then install it.

What is heating and why is it so necessary? The question is trivial, but requires an answer. Heating depends entirely on the climatic conditions of your residence. If it's freezing outside, then the heating turns on more power, if it’s warm, then vice versa.

Adjustment taps. Click on photo to enlarge.

Modern heating systems allow you to regulate the heat supply automatically. This mode strictly depends on temperature environment. Economic factors have a huge impact on heating systems: this is due to the development of technology and heating methods.

Control valve for heating - shut-off valve heat exchanger. It regulates the flow of water from heating radiators, which is a regulator: its quantity either decreases or increases. Control taps are the connection of pipes to heating radiators.

For autonomous heating control valves are used. For centralized heating systems - ball valves.

Regulating taps for heating radiators, types:

  • standard adjusting;
  • with thermal head.

Conditions for selecting control valves:

  • consumer requirements;
  • purpose of control valves;
  • its location on heat pipe diagrams.

Angled and straight are used to regulate water flow in the radiator manually.

Angle tap. Click on photo to enlarge.

Ball valves for heating radiators are made of polypropylene or brass, where the shut-off device is a ball.

For metal-plastic or steel pipes brass products are suitable. Polypropylene taps are mounted through a joint, then sleeve welding, for general connection to the heating system.

The heating regulator contains a pipe to eliminate leaks.

The standard for regulating heating radiator taps does not contain a temperature scale on the handle, so precise adjustment is impossible.

Thermostatic ones contain a head that acts as a regulator, and are installed on one- or two-pipe heating systems.

Types of control valves. Click on photo to enlarge.

The thermal head can be for manual regulation (depending on turning the handle manually) or automatic (the liquid expands at high temperatures and presses on the rod). The limiter on the thermal head is adjusted automatically. Accidental adjustment cannot occur.

A ball valve is a unit with 90 degree rotation that shuts off the supply of cold or hot water. The principle of operation and precision of execution cannot create an emergency situation in the heating system.

To open the ball valve, you need to turn the heating radiator regulator to the left, to close it - to the right. It is not allowed to leave it in a half-open state; the sealing ring may be damaged and water will leak out of the system. If a leak occurs, the unit must be replaced.

Ball valve. Click on photo to enlarge.

The cause of low water pressure may be a clogged valve. Eliminating the cause of clogging will be the installation of a hard filter.

Control ball valves are designed for cooling, heating and ventilation systems. This unit is a water flow regulator that occurs in the heating and cooling system.

Ball valves are very reliable in operation; with their help, a certain part of the heating network is protected, which saves consumers time and money when replacing or installing special equipment.

There should not be any air jams, because the entire work system may be disrupted because of this. For this purpose, air exhaust systems consisting of a conical screw are used.

They help remove air pockets from heating devices. Air enters through an opening on one side of the regulator and exits through an opening on the other side. When the regulator is closed, liquid is retained and does not flow out. This is facilitated by a cotter pin that fits tightly to the inner wall and has a calibrated hole. Adjustable taps can be opened by hand, a screwdriver or a special key.

Heating system setup, repairs

During the installation process using the rough adjustment method, it is necessary to correctly select the diameter of the pipes going to the wiring of the heating radiators. The temperature regime depends on the number of radiator sections. But coordinated adjustment can be made using control taps.

There are some subtleties for regulating the heating system:

  • on each of the heating radiators there must be regulators for precise and smooth adjustment; in this case, ball valves will not be suitable;
  • if you have your own boiler room, you need to determine the presence of the coldest room and hang a thermostat there, in
  • The taps must be screwed on so that the flow can smoothly decrease.

Ball valve: how to replace it with your own hands?

Its design differs from the faucets we are used to, and therefore you can get confused when replacing it. But it can be repaired very quickly: unscrew the nut, change the oil seal or valve axle, install the nut. To repair a ball valve, special training is required.

Difficulties and nuances of work

In the middle there is a small ball; it is fixed with great reliability from the influence of water pressure by special rubber saddles. The ball itself is hollow, and it is in this cavity that the mixing of hot and cold water occurs. Ball valves have a regulator handle in their body. Fixation occurs due to a nut on one side, and a bolt on the other.

Ball valve design. Click on photo to enlarge.

To repair a ball valve you will need several tools:

  • screwdrivers;
  • pliers;
  • hex wrench;
  • gloves;
  • used spare parts.

General provisions for removal:

Close shut-off breathers.

The screw must be held on the lever by swinging. Use a wrench to remove the screw and lever, being careful. A sudden movement can break it.

Rusty water limescale settle on the internal parts of the ball valve under the seal. The use of abrasive cleaning agents would be appropriate in this case. The cleaned parts of the tap are closed with a seal, which must be replaced.

The thread, which is revealed when the lever is removed, will begin to scroll along the slots using a screwdriver. Nearby hoses can be damaged if care is not taken.

Pour the remaining water into a container.

If the ball valve leaks, the method of troubleshooting will be completely different, deeper. After removing the seal, the ball is pulled out from its main attachment point. Fasteners are removed flat screwdriver, seals are replaced with new ones.

You can extend the life of the seals; this procedure requires special lubricant.

Assembly is performed in the reverse direction while maintaining the tightness of the seals.

If a crack is detected on the body or the water pressure weakens, the cracks are sealed with waterproof sealant.

It is applied twice thin layer, with cleaning of the lubrication points after drying. If ball valves have cracks, you need to prepare to replace them.

If it is found that there is no water pressure, we find a rod that connects the ball and lever into a single whole. Regulating movements help set the direction of the holes in the water supply pipes.

After carrying out the procedures, the shutter must be cleaned. If this does not help, replace the old cartridge with a new one. It must match the size and brand of the faucet.

Tap with adjustable valve. Click on photo to enlarge.

For heating, as well as for water supply, hot water supply, three-way valves are sometimes used, four way valves. This type of unit refers to shut-off valves and is made of steel, metal or brass. The control valves are located on the top of the device. The adjustment process is carried out using an oil seal on top or a nut on the bottom.

For quality control of heating radiators, there must be certain devices capable of mixing cooled water from the return pipe into the supply. Here there will be not a qualitative, but a quantitative regulation of the system using a valve that monitors the flow of water and its power or shuts it off.

Adjusting the heat transfer of heating radiators

The thermostatic head, adjusted by the throttle, will help maintain the comfort of living in the house throughout the heating season. The throttle, depending on the temperature regime, is adjusted manually. Changes in throttle flow do not stabilize the temperature immediately, but after 2-3 hours of adjustment, the heating radiator is highly inert. A simple thermostat is able to maintain the temperature background in the same way as an electronic one.

Thermostats installed on heating radiators help ensure long-term and accurate operation of devices and reduce energy costs. Electric thermostats are the most reliable and economical of all those that regulate heat transfer.

Control taps for heating radiators

Installation of regulators will not be necessary if the heating system has been designed correctly. At the same time, each room will maintain optimal temperature. But this is only true for individual systems. The heating system in multi-storey buildings requires adjustment, as its operation was disrupted during various alterations. This needs to be done for many reasons.

Types of control valves for radiators


The first is about saving money. Heating payments will be reduced when a meter is installed on the house. In individual houses, regulation will not be needed, since the autonomous boiler independently sets the temperature.

The next reason why you need to install a regulator is to maintain the air temperature in the room at the desired level. For example, in one room you should achieve +25ºС, and in another – +17ºС. To do this, set values ​​are set on the shut-off valves.

What equipment is better to install?

Ball valve

Type of ball valve

As a rule, this device of the American model is installed at the inlet of the battery and serves to regulate the flow of liquid. It is also used in case of radiator failure. Without stopping the heating system, the flow of coolant into the battery is blocked. Next, it is repaired or replaced. The principle of operation is to change the flow of coolant passing through the radiator.

It operates in two positions: fully open or closed. All other provisions are harmful. There is a ball inside the device.

If you put it in an intermediate position, large particles in the coolant will destroy the surface. Therefore, the tightness disappears. This will lead to big problems if the heating device breaks down.

Installing a ball valve requires a competent approach. The device, made of polypropylene, is mounted with a vertical single-pipe distribution. That is, there is a pipe coming from the ceiling to which the battery is connected. Its lower part opens into the lower apartment. With this connection, you need to install a bypass. It is needed for the continuous movement of coolant in the system when the valve is closed.

In some situations, it is better to install the valve on a bypass pipeline. In this case, several taps are used: two are installed to disconnect the battery, and one serves as an adjustment. But it is better not to use such a system. If you get confused about the positions in which the faucet is placed, the entire riser will be blocked.

Needle valve

What does a needle valve look like?

To make the device more useful, it is installed in front of the pressure gauge. It is made of polypropylene. The principle of operation is to change the flow of water by smoothly shutting off. It has a significant drawback: the throughput of the system is reduced by half, since the width of the coolant passage becomes smaller. This may lead to deterioration in the heat transfer of the heating device.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to increase the number of battery sections or the size of the needle tap itself.

Radiator control valves

Thermostat device

Taps for heating radiators are used for manual adjustment. Like all previous devices, they are made of polypropylene. The valve is turned to change the temperature in the room. If it is in the closed position, the coolant flow stops completely.

The operating principle of the American model device is to mechanically change the temperature. It is mounted on the thread of the heating device and connected to the pipes using fittings.

What are the advantages of such a valve? First of all, operational reliability. The material used to make the cone valve is polypropylene or brass. Its cost is quite high, but it is completely worth the money spent.

There are also negative properties. If there is a need to adjust the temperature, the process must be done manually, which is quite problematic. Those people who are not satisfied with this choose automatic devices of the American model.

Automatic thermostat

Everything you need to stabilize the room temperature at automatic adjustment, is to set the thermostat in the desired position. There is no need to turn the valve for a long time, since the adjustment proceeds without stopping. The only drawback of this model is the huge cost.

Sometimes a thermostat is called a valve. It has a lot of names, but the functions are the same. It consists of two elements: upper and lower. The first is called a thermal valve, and the second is a thermal head. All of them are made of polypropylene, which increases strength characteristics. Together they act as one device and are called a thermostat.

As a rule, many devices do not have a power source, except for models with a digital screen, where a battery is installed in the thermal head. They last quite a long time, since the current consumed is small.

So, the thermostat consists of two elements. The thermal valve itself is made of polypropylene. The lower part is universal. That is, several types of thermal heads can be used on one housing: mechanical, manual, automatic. It is very comfortable. If you need to use a different adjustment method, then just change the thermal head.

An automatic thermostat differs in operating principle from shut-off valves. Changing the position of the manual tap occurs by turning the handle. It has in its design a bellows containing a liquid or gas, the properties of which depend on the temperature difference. When heated, the contents of the bellows increase in size and press on the spring of the device. The mechanism reduces the coolant flow. When the liquid or gas cools, the pressure on the spring decreases, and the coolant flow enters the heating device. Each type of thermostat is capable of adjusting the temperature with an accuracy of 1 ºС.

Three-way valve

What does a three way valve look like?

Such devices are used very rarely to regulate temperature. It can be installed at the junction of the bypass with the pipe that comes from the radiator. To change the temperature, a thermal head must be installed on the valve. If the temperature near it rises, the movement of the coolant is blocked. All water is directed into the bypass pipeline. After cooling, the valve is returned to its original position. More often three way valves used in single-pipe systems.


What devices should be used in different heating systems? In multi-story buildings, it is recommended to use control valves and three-way valves. There is a large gap in the design of the thermostat, which will constantly become clogged with large particles coming along with the coolant. Therefore, they are used for individual heating.

If there is a need to automatically adjust the temperature in the room, then a filter should be installed in front of the thermostat. It will purify water from various impurities and provide normal work regulating device. In individual homes, you can use those devices that suit each person.

The air temperature in the room is regulated using various equipment. This should only be done with the correct control valves. These can be either manual or automated cranes. With a single-pipe heating system with vertical wiring, three-way valves can be installed.

Taps and fittings. Video

On how to correctly select taps and fittings for a radiator, see the video below.

Regulating valve for radiators

How to properly regulate the heat supply in the batteries and choose a suitable tap for the radiator, you will learn in the article.

Shut-off valves

The easiest way to regulate the temperature of a radiator is to install a shut-off valve at its inlet, which controls the supply of hot coolant from the heating system.

Ball valves with two extreme positions are most often used as shut-off valves - “open” and “closed”:

  • V open position the largest volume of hot heat-carrying liquid enters the radiator;
  • When the tap is closed, the coolant circulation stops completely and the radiator cools down.
Ball valve with two positions

It is undesirable to leave the ball valve in an intermediate position, as this will quickly damage it.

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This happens due to a change in the cross-sectional diameter of the valve passage channel.

Manual control valve The valve consists of a valve with inlet and outlet connections and a shut-off head installed inside cone type connected to a handle on which there is a graduated scale.

When the handle is turned in one direction or another, the shut-off head moves relative to the valve passage opening, increasing or decreasing the volume of incoming liquid.

Required temperature The radiator is installed by turning the adjustment knob according to the corresponding marks on the scale.

Advantages of manual valves:

  • simplicity of design;
  • reliability in operation;
  • low cost.

The main disadvantage is the need for periodic monitoring and manual adjustment of the valves.

The control unit includes:

  1. electronic temperature sensor;
  2. control circuit (usually microprocessor based);
  3. control panel with LCD display and buttons;
  4. actuating mechanism in the form of an electromechanical relay.

The process of temperature regulation with this device occurs in the same way as in a thermostatic regulator, but the movement of the shut-off valve head is carried out not by a thermoelement, but by the core of an electromagnetic relay according to a signal from the control circuit.

The temperature sensor and control panel can be remote, combined in one housing or separately. The regulator is powered from batteries or a household electrical outlet.

electronic thermostat

Electronic thermostats with microprocessor control have much greater functionality, allowing you to maintain the set temperature with high accuracy and program various modes work by hours, days, etc.

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How to adjust heating radiators in a private house

To warm air distributed evenly throughout the living space, it is necessary to bleed the remaining air in the radiators. If you do not take this into account, the room will not warm up effectively, and in one of the rooms where there is a radiator with air, it will be significantly colder. Bleed air from radiators carefully to avoid possible release of hot steam.

How to adjust the battery in the coldest room

Adjusting radiators involves opening and closing control valves to certain positions. If three or more radiators are connected to the boiler, then the valves on them open to different levels so that they warm up evenly. Before setting up the heating system, all valves on the radiators are opened. It is necessary to calculate which room is the coldest. It is from this place that you will need to start adjusting, opening the tap on the radiator completely. After the boiler is installed in the desired position, the room is well heated and the radiators in other rooms are moved on. Even if the radiators have already warmed up, it is not recommended to turn on the taps immediately, so that the room retains heat for a long time.

Ensuring stable and efficient operation of the heating system: adjusting heating radiators

A comfortable indoor microclimate during the cold season is largely ensured by the correct choice of heating scheme for the building, correct calculation of the power of the heat source and batteries, and high-quality installation. But it must be taken into account that the ability to control and regulate the operation of both individual elements (for example, a boiler, radiators) and the system as a whole is also important.

The main parameters characterizing the level of comfort in the house are air temperature and uniform heating of each room. To determine the value and monitor these indicators, thermometers or sensors can be used. Maintaining them at an optimal level is carried out, as a rule, with the help of shut-off and control valves, incl. taps, thermal valves, regulators of various types, etc., which can be installed on boilers, supply and return of the heating circuit and directly on each radiator.

It should be noted that the use similar devices allows not only to ensure a favorable indoor microclimate in winter, but also to significantly save fuel consumption.

The most common and accessible (even for apartment owners in multi-storey building with central heating system) maintenance option comfortable temperature in the house is the regulation of batteries. It begins to be carried out at the installation stage through the use of pipes of various diameters, and adjustments and adjustments are made after the launch and during operation of the heat supply scheme using the above devices. The principle of their operation is based on changing the power of coolant flow through the radiator.

Battery Regulation Options

You can regulate the temperature of the coolant in heating devices:

  • manually using ball valves, conical valves;

It must be borne in mind that ball valves have two operating positions “Open-Closed”, and attempts to install them in an intermediate mode lead to rapid wear of the device.

Figure 1 – Types of ball valves

Figure 2 – Cone valve for a radiator

  • using thermostats various types: mechanical (equipped with a thermostatic head, in which the sensitive element is a bellows, and control, in particular, adjustment is carried out manually); electrical (similar in principle to mechanical models, but the device changes the position of the valve automatically to ensure the specified temperature level); electronic (programmable, in which information about the controlled parameters comes from sensors, and adjustment is carried out smoothly according to a given program).

Figure 3 – Mechanical thermostat

Figure 4 – Electronic regulator for batteries

When choosing a temperature regime for a particular room, the following factors must be taken into account: the location of the room (corner, row, floor) and the frequency of its use; the number of openings through which heat leaks are possible (windows, doors); availability and quality of thermal insulation of enclosing structures and windows; outside air temperature; frequency and intensity of ventilation.

As a rule, the installation of taps and thermostats is carried out during the installation of the heating system. In this case, such devices crash into the coolant supply pipes into the batteries. The taps are usually installed vertically, and when using regulators, you must ensure that the thermal head is positioned horizontally. This is due, first of all, to the need to prevent the occurrence of stagnant zones around it, and secondly, to the ease of setting up the device.

To regulate radiators in one- and two-pipe circuits, regulators should be installed on each existing heating device. But in the case when there are several batteries installed in series in one room, it is allowed to insert one device at the entrance to the first radiator.

In most cases, the valve of the control device is mounted directly into the hole in the plug of the heating device. Therefore, when placing the latter in a niche, behind a protective screen or curtains, the use of mechanical and electrical thermostats is not advisable due to their obviously incorrect operation. In such situations, it is recommended to use electronic devices with a remote sensor that is capable of regulating batteries at a distance of up to 8 m from the valve.

First of all, it must be pointed out that in autonomous systems Radiator adjustments should be made before starting heating season, but not in full swing summer period due to the difficulty or impossibility of correctly choosing the optimal temperature regime.

In centralized schemes, during a heating shutdown, it is recommended to fully open the valve of the device, which avoids future clogging of the device or deformation of its damper.

Before adjusting the radiators, you should make sure that there is no air in the heating system. You can check this and fix the problem using Mayevsky cranes. It is also recommended to identify factors that influence the decrease in temperature in each room (for example, the presence of air conditioning, the need for frequent ventilation, etc.) and identify possible sources of additional heat radiation.

Sequence of actions when adjusting batteries

It should be noted that adjusting radiators in centralized systems heating boils down mainly to setting control devices to a comfortable temperature regime. In autonomous schemes, this process is more labor-intensive, because It is not only the batteries that need to be regulated, but also the boiler. In addition, if several heating devices are connected to a closed heating circuit (single and two-pipe systems with lower wiring), it is necessary to achieve a balanced heating circuit.

To solve this problem, at the initial stage you should determine the coldest room in the house, because... Battery adjustment will begin with this. To do this, all taps are closed, and after the radiators have cooled, the temperature in each room is measured.

In the found room, the shut-off valve opens completely, and after reaching the required level of heating, they move to another radiator, adjusting the position of the valve, which ensures a comfortable mode. After all the batteries have been adjusted, begin setting up the boiler regulators.

There is another (simplified) option. To do this, it is necessary to determine the exact sequence of location of the radiators along the flow of the coolant. Then in the first battery the tap or thermal head is opened, for example, by one or two turns, in the next - by two or three, in the third - by three or four, etc. If the temperature in each room meets the needs, the adjustment process is considered complete. Otherwise, the procedure should be repeated, increasing or decreasing the number of turns of the tap.


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