QMS processes: applied identification. Identification of organizational processes when creating a QMS: Theoretical foundations and analysis of practical implementation experience

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Process models. The next task after compiling a preliminary list of processes is to create process models that have the following properties:
  • clarity and completeness of the described process without duplication of information;
  • opportunities for process analysis by managers, auditors and project teams;
  • rational use of previously developed enterprise documentation that has proven its value in practice.
    Brief information the process can be described in an identification card (IC), a kind of process passport. The content and form of this type of document have been repeatedly cited in the literature and are used by many enterprises 2 . As an example, we give the following form of IR.
    1.Name and designation of the process.
    2.Process manager.
    3. Division (divisions are indicated, the activity or part of the activity of which is described by this process. This information determines the application of processes in the organization).
    4. Purpose of the process. A qualitatively defined task or result to be achieved through a process. Answers the question: “Why was this process created?” The purpose must be consistent with other processes and reflect the requirements of internal and external customers. For example, the purpose of the production process is to produce products that meet the requirements of regulatory documentation, corresponding nomenclature, volume, within a given time frame. For the documentation management process - providing users with regulatory documentation that is adequate, relevant, necessary and sufficient for the implementation of activities. A correctly formulated process purpose will help in determining process evaluation indicators.

    5.Process inputs and supplier processes.
    6. Process outputs and consumer processes. (Information (clauses 5 and 6) will be in demand when describing the interaction of QMS processes, for example, in the form of interaction diagrams, which is a requirement of clause 4.2.2c GOST R ISO 9001-2001, as well as for assessing the interaction between processes, which is advisable to carry out process managers for review of the QMS by senior management.)
    7.Process resources:

  • staff;
  • equipment;
  • methods and technologies;
  • measuring;
  • significant factors of the production environment.
    (The given types of process resources are not quoted from the text of the ISO 9001 standard, which identifies only human resources, infrastructure and the production environment, but do not contradict it. As already mentioned, the organization must carry out its own classification of resources. This list can be expanded to ten, adding time, finance, intellectual resources, etc., while assessing their need for process management purposes. a brief description of resources or links to existing standards.)
    8. Process evaluation indicators.
    The information presented in the IC provides an initial understanding of the process. Detailed description process, reflecting the sequence of actions, composition and content individual stages, one might say, is already customary to perform in the form of block diagrams (Scheme 3). This form of description of the process gives a clear idea of ​​the sequence of work, requirements for the implementation of stages, and responsible performers. It is quite informative and easy to use for mid-level personnel.
    The block diagram is drawn up taking into account following rules.
    1. A basic flowchart of the process is drawn strictly from top to bottom, which is a reflection of the simplest and most economical option process without any complications or deviations.
    2. Inputs and outputs are indicated by ellipses, stages (operations) by a rectangle, and a complication point by a rhombus. The rectangle contains the name of the stage (in verbal form), the performer of the stage.
    3. Basic flowcharts consist not only of stages (operations) of the process, but also contain questions that reveal the essence of the point of complication. If we answer “no” to this question, then the process follows the basic model; if the answer is “yes,” then the process becomes more complicated.
    4. To the right of the points of complications, process deviations are drawn. Without completing the variance work, you cannot return to the basic process model.
    5.The process flow diagram is placed on the left (see diagram 3). Opposite each stage there is information about the requirements for the method of performing work at this stage or a link to a regulatory document, as well as information about input and output documents and messages.
    6.When developing the first version of flowcharts, you can use a different color to highlight blocks of operations that do not exist, but which, in the opinion of the process manager, should exist.
    7. The resulting process flow diagram should be analyzed for compliance with the requirements. First, it should reflect the PDCA cycle (plan - do - check - improve actions). Secondly, the process must comply with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard and the internal requirements of the organization for the implementation of these works. Thirdly, it is advisable to agree on the flowchart with the managers of the consumer processes to take into account their requirements.
    8. A separate type of analysis of the process model - the presence and reflection of the necessary components in the block diagram effective management, including clear requirements for products and work performance, as well as actions in case of process deviations.
    Experience has shown that it usually takes several attempts before a satisfactory process flow diagram is produced. But this work is worth the effort. The result is a clear and adequate description of the process that can be used by:
  • process personnel - to familiarize themselves with the requirements and implement the process;
  • process managers - to check compliance and comprehensively analyze the process;
  • internal and external auditors - to check and assess compliance with the established requirements of QMS processes;
  • project teams - to improve and reengineer processes, as well as to implement various information systems enterprise management.
    Process evaluation indicators. Processes can be assessed in different ways. For the effectiveness of this assessment, it is important to link into a single system the goals of the organization, the assessment of processes, departments, each employee with a system of incentives and remuneration. For process evaluation indicators, you can use the following indicators:
  • effectiveness, i.e. the degree to which the planned result is achieved;
  • efficiency, i.e. the use of resources (time, costs) to achieve results;
  • process flexibility, i.e. the ability to adapt to changes.
    In general, process evaluation indicators characterize the quality of the process output (therefore, the names “quality indicators”, “quality criteria”, etc. are often used). They must be set and be adequate to the purpose of the process, the requirements of internal and external consumers, and the goals of the organization, including quality goals.
    The assessment indicators common to all QMS processes may include the following performance indicators:
  • fulfillment of planned indicators;
  • inconsistencies identified during internal and external audits that were not eliminated within the planned time frame;
  • consumer complaints (including internal consumers).
    Other indicators will be of a specific nature inherent in this process. For example, the number of product returns to suppliers for the purchasing process; quantity of defects - for the production process; number of new consumers - for marketing research.
    Evaluation indicators must be measurable values, calculated on the basis of data obtained from reliable sources of information. For indicators, it is necessary to determine not only the name, but also the units of measurement, standard values ​​with which the measured values ​​of the indicator will be compared, data sources, calculation formulas, and frequency of assessment.
    The standard values ​​for the evaluation indicator are established depending on the quality objectives and statistical data on the characteristics of the process for previous periods. In some cases, it is necessary to develop a methodology for collecting data and calculating an indicator.
    It is recommended that information specifying process assessment indicators be documented in separate documents for each QMS process. The intended title is “Process Monitoring Plan”. This document is reviewed at the same frequency as the organization's Quality Policy and Objectives. The decision to revise process assessment indicators can be made when analyzing the QMS. A representative of the QMS management (quality director) can approve monitoring plans.
    In order not to complicate calculations and reporting on process assessment indicators, initial stage implementation, it is recommended to accept that all developed indicators characterize the effectiveness of the process. If the assessment indicators are within standard values, then the process is considered effective. In case of deviations from the norm, you can calculate as a percentage how effective the process is. If the evaluation indicators of the process under consideration completely coincide with other processes or it is difficult to determine the result (output) of this process, and, consequently, the indicators of its evaluation, then the correctness of defining the boundaries of this process and its purpose in the QMS is checked. It may be necessary to make changes to the list of QMS processes, since the absence or “blurring” of the result (output) of the process contradicts the essence of the process approach: each activity should be aimed at obtaining a result that can be measured to be able to manage and achieve the overall goals of the organization.
    The described method for determining evaluation indicators is simplified and is suitable as a “test of strength” and testing the reporting mechanism for evaluation indicators. Other methods for determining evaluation indicators have been studied and described in works and can significantly supplement management experience using a process approach.
  • What is identification? This is a word taken from the ancient Latin language. Translated into Russian it means establishing identity, or in one word, identification.

    Identification in life of all life on Earth

    Identification. A complex and abstruse word. But if you look at it from the other side, then the property called identification is familiar to everyone from early childhood.

    All living beings have olfactory organs; they see, hear, taste and touch, that is, they scan the world around them. The results of this process through nerve endings enter the brain, where they are processed. And this is identification. Depending on its results, some conclusions are drawn and actions are taken. Identification or, in other words, comparison or identification is made even by a child in the womb. He recognizes her voice, identifies calm classical music, calms down to it or “goes wild” from loud sounds.

    In addition, everyone has their own name, surname, residential address, and, ultimately, their own appearance. And all this can be combined into identification objects.

    It can be argued that identification is a constant process that occurs in the brain.

    Identification concept

    IN modern world both the term “identification” and the process of identification itself are widely used, moreover, in many and completely different areas life.

    What is identification? This question has occupied the minds of scientists for quite a long time. The ancient philosophers Aristotle, Spinoza, G. Hegel, and scientists of later times, and our contemporaries, also studied this topic.

    The ancient Latin word identifico, literally meaning “identification,” has the root iden, the translation of which means that for a long time does not change. Taking this into account, we can formulate the concept of identification as a determination of the correspondence or similarity of something to an existing standard, taken as a basis and having certain parameters.

    At the same time, it is necessary to note the ambiguity of this word, which makes it possible to use the term in different areas, in each of which it has its own definitions, types and systems.

    Interpretation of identification in certain fields of science

    Identification as a concept was first used by the mathematician L. Euler back in the 18th century. Thus, in action research mathematical system, he determined and compared its kernels, and also made comparisons of the capabilities of transfer functions, that is, he identified them. Describing these processes, he used the word itself for the first time.

    The first use of the term in psychology, shortly after mathematicians, is attributed to S. Freud, who in 1899 conducted his research on this topic.

    Identification in psychology means comparison and verification of two or more objects. Their specific qualities and features are taken as the basis. And as a result, the establishment of similarity and analogy or divergence and dissimilarity.

    In chemistry, identification is the whole process. In order to identify an initially unknown compound, it is analyzed, its chemical and physical properties are studied, and then they are compared with known analogues.

    The term “identification” is also used in philosophy and sociology, economics and criminology.

    Division of identification into types

    To more fully understand what identification is, you need to understand its types. They depend on the area in which the event is being held.

    There are four main types of identification in forensics:

    • according to a display that has received a material fixation, for example, a tread imprint on the road;
    • to establish the ownership of a part of an object, for example, a piece of fabric, a fragment of a knife;
    • recognition from an image preserved in memory, for example, from a witness;
    • comparison of previously described signs with the signs of the allegedly found object.

    It is worth paying special attention to the types of identification that are used for a variety of products. Thus, thanks to consumer identification, unusable goods do not enter the market. Product-batch identification is considered very difficult, as it must determine the manufacturer of a given batch of goods. Identification is also carried out according to the product’s belonging to a certain assortment, it is called assortment. In addition, there is a qualitative one, which determines the quality of the product, and a varietal one, with the help of which defects are identified and the grade of the product is determined. Special identification is carried out in order to identify products that are prohibited for sale, for example, genetically modified ones.

    To determine identity, visual types of identification are mainly used (although there are others). The most common of them is when they compare the subject’s appearance and his image in the photo on the identity document.

    Use of identification in forensics

    Forensic identification is the performance of actions to identify a certain object or subject based on various characteristics that it has or has left, from large quantity similar objects or subjects. The purpose of such identification is to carry out investigative actions or crime prevention.

    Very often in criminal records the process of identifying a person or some object is carried out. Which is identification. In this case, the image preserved in the memory of the identifier is identifying. And a person or object that is identified is identifiable.

    The possibilities of modern identification in forensic science have greatly expanded, thanks to scientific developments in this domain. This not only increased the speed of solving crimes, but also greatly facilitated the work of criminologists.

    Forensic identification today is used in the newest ways. These include ordological identification, that is, identification using smell. Phonoscopy is recognition by sound left on a phone or other recording device.

    Genoscopic identification is identification using the study of DNA molecules. It helps to establish identities in many criminal investigations, when identifying those killed in disasters, as well as terrorist attacks.

    Identification applied to various goods

    In the field of trade, identification of goods is one of the most important actions necessary to determine their compliance with the submitted documentation, which reflects basic information about the product, as well as with available samples. During the identification process, goods are marked and labeled.

    Using identification, the authenticity of goods is identified and confirmed. And labeling and drawing up certain documentation prevents illegal products from entering the market.

    Identification of goods is carried out at each stage of production.
    There are microbiological, chemical-physical and organoleptic methods of identifying goods.

    Using a microbiological method, the presence of harmful microorganisms and microparticles in the product. The physico-chemical method allows you to determine the properties of the product. To carry it out, special devices and equipment are used. Although organoleptic methods have some degree of subjectivity, they are very quick and are also used for identification.

    Identification as a mechanism for accumulating and preserving information about a person

    Personal identification occurs by determining a person’s identity by a group of characteristics when comparing them.

    To identify a person, it is necessary to establish complete passport data. This includes the last name, first name and patronymic, date and place of birth. An identification code and other data are also used, depending on the requirements of the identifying party.

    Exist various ways identification. This may be a number that is issued for life (TIN). A number that may be changed due to changes in last name or other data. Or there may be several numbers; their presence together will facilitate identification.

    Identification can be centralized when all data is stored on top level. Can be distributed when information is stored where the subject is registered. In this case, information can be exchanged. With a hierarchical type of identification, information is available in all authorities from lower to higher.

    Variety of methods used for identification

    To identify certain objects, they are used various methods identification.

    The simplest method of unique names has been known since ancient times. It is thanks to him that cities, countries, planets, and so on have their special names.

    Many of the objects we encounter in Everyday life, have their own numbers. Their assignment is due to the method of identification using the numbers that make up the number, which is one of the most widely used.

    To identify products or documentation, methods are widely used symbols, which are divided into mnemonic, classification and mnemonic classification.

    To organize various objects and simplify collection necessary information a classification method is used about them.

    If the features of an object are identified according to certain standards described in regulatory or technical documents, then the reference identification method is used.

    If a certain object is identified by describing its qualities, characteristics, dimensions, then the descriptive method is used.

    Using different systems for identification

    To speed up and simplify identification, as well as eliminate dubious manipulations, many systems have been developed, the varieties of which depend on the scope of their application.

    The principle of operation is the device reading or scanning an electronic code.

    Its own identification system was developed for chain supermarkets, when the cashier brings the code printed on the packaging to the scanner and the system reads the name of the product and its cost.

    Thanks to the identification system, you can use electronic keys, passes and bank cards. Here the information is printed on a magnetic line and read by a special device.

    Identification is such a diverse concept in the modern world that it is very difficult to give a definite answer to the question of what identification is.

    The identification process consists of a number of successive stages.

    Preliminary Study - Isolation maximum quantity identification features of each of the studied objects.

    Comparative research - comparison of identified identification features, identification of similar and different ones.

    In a comparative study, characteristics are compared from general to specific. This sequence is the most optimal - if significant differences are established already at the stage of comparing common characteristics, this study allows you to exclude the object from the list of those being tested.

    Evaluation of results.

    The result forensic identification the output could be:

    1) about the presence of identity of the object;

    2) about the absence of identity of the object;

    3) about the impossibility of solving the identification problem.

    The conclusion about the presence or absence of identity can be categorical or probabilistic.

    A conclusion about the identity of an object can be made even in the presence of insignificant differences. As a rule, these differences are natural and can be explained.

    Identification studies can be of the following types.

    Object identification by ideal mappings.

    Establishing the whole object in parts. In such a study, the identifiable object is the object before it is divided into fragments; the identifying fragments are its fragments (shards, scraps of paper, etc.).

    Establishing group affiliation - assigning an object to a certain type, group (i.e. to a certain set of homogeneous objects). This type of research is also carried out when it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer about the identity of the object. One of the types of research to establish group affiliation is to determine a single source of origin of an object.

    Depending on the method of their preparation, samples for identification are divided into:

    experimental - samples obtained specifically for identification;

    free - samples that did not arise in connection with the investigation and the need for identification. The value of these samples is higher, since they usually contain more features.

    The form of identification can be procedural or non-procedural.

    The procedural form of identification is associated with the procedural action within which it is carried out (for example, during an inspection of a crime scene, a search, etc.).

    A non-procedural form of identification is carried out by an investigator (or, for example, a specialist) during a preliminary examination of evidence, checking criminal records, etc.

    Typically, an organization carries out from 6 to 40 or more different business processes. In this regard, all processes must be identified. Identification is necessary for subsequent process management to ensure of proper quality both intermediate results and the final (output) result of each business process and all its subprocesses.

    To identify a process, you first need to describe it. It is recommended to reflect the following:

    Full name of the process;

    Process code;

    Definition of the process, i.e., provide a formulation of the essence and content of the process;

    Purpose of the process;

    Process functions;

    Place of the process among other processes;

    The order of the process in the form of a flowchart or algorithm;

    Name the owner of the process - the person who carries out strategic planning and is responsible for resource support for the process;

    Name the leader (manager) of the process - the person responsible for operational (current) planning, conducting the process and achieving the planned results;

    Process standards;

    Process inputs;

    Process outputs;


    Measurable process parameters to be measured, controlled and controlled;

    Planned process performance indicators and some other characteristics.

    After describing all the processes carried out, they are classified. There is no official classifier or list of typical processes. Therefore, the manufacturer independently determines which processes are involved in his business process, classifies them and ranks them by importance in relation to their impact on the quality of the results (outputs). General requirements processes in relation to their quality and quality of outputs are formulated by GOST R ISO 9001-2001.

    Process ranking allows you to determine key, those. the most significant processes that have the greatest impact on the result of the activity (business process).

    In addition to the key ones, it is also advisable to identify critical processes. Critical processes are processes, deviation from the technology of which leads to a significant deterioration in the result of the business process. Consequently, when managing a business process, as well as its constituent processes, Special attention should be given to both key and critical processes (operations, procedures, etc.).

    In this way , process identification a documented or undocumented procedure that defines the requirements and rules for their implementation in relation to determining the composition and content of a set of activities to transform inputs into outputs and the resources and control actions required for this.

    Process identification implies an unambiguous and complete understanding of all input elements, required resources, control actions and their inherent indicators (parameters and characteristics) that influence the output indicators of the result (product) of the process.

    The interconnection of processes in an organization can be represented as a process landscape.

    Process landscape– a schematic description of processes (Fig. 1.18), the sequence of their implementation and interactions, displaying the composition of processes in accordance with the established classification of processes (management processes, business processes, resource management processes).

    Rice. 1.18. An example of designing a process model (“process landscape”) for a large corporation (using the example of JSC Russian Railways)

    After identifying the process and determining its relationships with other processes, decomposition (detailing) of the process is carried out.

    Process Decomposition– subprocess (operational) display of the process, which determines the sequence and interactions of various subprocesses (operations) during the implementation of the process (Fig. 1.19).

    Subprocess process which is integral part(operation, transition) of a higher level process.

    Rice. 1.19. An example of formatting the results of decomposition (detailing)

    process " Freight transportation» ( top level)

    The results of process decomposition and identification can be presented in the form of a block diagram (Fig. 1.20) and a process map (Fig. 1.21).

    Identification- This is the likening of a person to another individual, group or fictional character. Identification is a defense mechanism of the psyche, which is contained in the unconscious identification with an object, which causes anxiety or fear. Identification is translated from Lat. in the language “identificare”, as identification, the root “iden” means something that does not change for a long time. Given this definition, we can formulate the concept of identification as the similarity or correspondence of something to an existing sample, taken as a basis, having designated stable parameters. The mental defense mechanism can be situational, unconscious, in which a person likens himself to a specific other significant person, as a sample. The basis of this similarity is the emotional connection between people.

    Types of identification

    Identity in the narrow sense is the identification of a person with other people. There are primary and secondary identification. The primary one is the identification of the baby first with the mother, then with the parent whose gender corresponds to the child. The secondary one occurs a little later with people who are not parents.

    When identifying with a fictional character (from literature, film), insight into the meaning of the work of art, in which the individual begins to experience aesthetically.

    The identification mechanism begins to operate actively from childhood. The child gradually develops similar traits and stereotypes of actions, value orientations, and sexual identity matures.

    Situational identification often manifests itself in children's games. Situational identification examples: identification of a child with his parents, loved one, brother (sister). This identification is expressed in an intense desire to become like a significant person.

    Group identification is a person’s stable likening to a community and a group; it is reflected in the acceptance of the goals and values ​​of the group as one’s own; understanding oneself as a member of a group. The described concept is often found in engineering, legal, and criminal psychology, and serves as identification, recognition of some objects (people), assignment of these objects to a specific class, or recognition through comparison of known features.

    Social identification reflects the process of classification, perception, evaluation, and personality of oneself as an agent who occupies a specific position in the social circle. It is a way of comprehending one’s own belonging to community groups. Identification of a person as a biological individual with social groups makes him a social person and active personality, which allows him to evaluate personal social connections and use the term of belonging “We”.

    Personal identification is a set of traits that are distinguished by their constancy and allow one to differentiate a particular person from other individuals. Personal identification refers to a set of characteristics that makes a person similar to himself and distinctive from others.

    Personal identification (Self-identity) represents the unity and constancy of life-meaning attitudes, motives, goals of life of an individual who understands himself as a subject of active activity. It is also not a set of special traits, or a special quality that a person possesses. This is the person's self (true essence). It manifests itself in a person’s actions, in the reactions of others to him, and most of all in his ability to understand and maintain the history of his personal “I.”

    Types of identification also include ethnic identification. Ethnic is one of the most stable types of social identification. It is designated as the emotional result of the cognitive process of self-determination or a small group in social space, characterized by an understanding of personal belonging to an ethnic culture, as well as an understanding, experience and assessment of one’s position.

    Political identification is the identification of an individual with a specific life position. It is expressed as the unity of attitudes and orientations of a political subject, the coincidence of ways to achieve political goals, arises from the acceptance political roles and the emotional relationship between the individual and political force.

    Political identification is an attitude toward political leaders, institutions of power, and various issues related to politics.

    What is identification

    The definition of identification is the deep-seated need of the individual to establish coincidences and similarities with the object of veneration. A person who perceives the world as a system of mysterious phenomena and things becomes unable to independently understand the meaning of existence and the purpose of the world around him. Such a person needs a stable orientation system that would enable him to compare himself with a specific model. A mechanism of this kind was first developed in the psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud. He identified it based on personal observation of pathological cases, and later extended it to the “healthy” spiritual life.

    Sigmund Freud considered the identification mechanism as an attempt by a weak person (or a child) to adopt the strength of significant other individuals who are authorities for him. Thus, the individual's anxiety and feelings about reality are reduced. It has been established that the individual has a deep-seated need to constantly observe personalized samples in his field of vision. Applied also studies the types of identification mechanisms associated with the organization of various social movements and the manifestation of the charisma of political leaders.

    There are some identification methods that are used in different spheres of life (psychology, criminology, medicine).

    Identification methods include the study of such biometric indicators: fingerprints, face shape, retinal pattern, iris, uniqueness of voice, originality of handwriting and signature, “keyboard” handwriting, etc.

    Identification methods are divided into static and dynamic techniques. Static - formed on unique human properties, given from birth, not separate from the body. These are physiological properties - palm pattern, facial geometry, retinal pattern, etc.

    Dynamic - based on the dynamic (behavioral) characteristics of the individual. Behavioral characteristics are manifested in subconscious movements carried out by a person - speech, typing dynamics, handwriting. These dynamic characteristics are influenced by controllable and less well-controllable psychological factors. Due to variability, biometric samples must be updated when used.

    One of the popular methods is fingerprinting. Fingerprinting is based on the originality of the papillary patterns of each person's fingers. A special scanner acquires the outline of a fingerprint, which can be correlated with existing fingerprints in the database and identify a person. Another static method is identification by hand shape. To do this, measure the shape of the brush. Identification based on the uniqueness of the iris and the pattern of the retina is performed with a special scanner that is harmless to vision.

    Creating a 2/3D face is also a static method. Using a camera and a special program, facial features (contours of lips, nose, eyes, eyebrows, etc.) are highlighted. The distance between these indicators and other parameters are calculated. Based on the information received, an image of the individual’s face is formed.

    The dynamic method is to identify a person based on the characteristics of his signature and handwriting. In this method, the main thing is the stability of the uniqueness of each person’s handwriting (pen pressure, curls, volume, etc.). The handwriting characteristics are examined, then processed into a digital image and processed by a computer program.

    Another dynamic method is recognition by the dynamics of typing using keyboard keys (“keyboard handwriting”). The process is similar to the handwriting recognition method. However, here a keyboard is used instead of paper, and a certain code word is used instead of a signature. The main characteristic there is the dynamics of computer typing of this code word.

    The voice recognition method is a method that is very convenient in its application. It began to be used due to the widespread use of telephone connections and various gadgets with microphones. The problem with this method is the factors that affect high-quality voice recognition: noise, interference, errors in pronunciation, uneven emotional condition etc.

    Identification in psychology

    This concept in psychology describes a process where a person is partially or completely dissimilated (rejected) from himself. A person's unconscious projection of his own personality onto what and who he really is not: another person, a matter, an object, a location. This is identification, unconscious assimilation with another person, ideal, group, phenomenon, process.

    Identification is an important part of normal personality formation.

    Identification examples: identification of a child with his father, which means assimilation of his way of thinking and stereotypes of action, or identification of siblings who exchange information, constantly interact, as if separately they were not individuals.

    Identification may be confused with imitation. However, it is distinctive because imitation is a purely conscious imitation of another person, and identification is unconscious. It promotes the development of man until his individual path is laid out. When a better opportunity arises, it reveals a pathological character and subsequently leads to a suspension of development, although before that it contributed to development. This mechanism promotes personality dissociation, that is, the splitting of the subject into two personalities alien to each other.

    Identification concerns not only subjects alone, but also objects, phenomena, and psychological functions. The identification of psychological functions leads to the creation of a secondary character; the individual identifies himself so much with his most developed function that he moves greatly away from the initial bias of his own character, as a result of which true individuality passes into the unconscious.

    A similar outcome is regular in individuals with a developed primary (leading) function. This has some significance on the path of individualization of a person. The child's resemblance to the closest family members is partly normal because it is consistent with the original family identity. Here it is more appropriate to talk about identity rather than identification.

    Identification with loved ones, unlike identity, is not an a priori fact, but is formed secondary in a subsequent process. Individual starting from the initial family identity on the path personal development and adaptation encounters obstacles that require effort to overcome, resulting in stagnation of libido ( vital energy), which begins to search for a path to regression. Regression allows one to return to previous states and to family identity. On this path, any identification is formed, it has its own goal - to comprehend the way of thinking and stereotypes of action of another subject, in order to achieve a certain benefit or eliminate some obstacle, solve a problem.

    Collectivist identification manifests itself in collective activity, when the experiences of one group member are offered to others as motives of behavior that form them general activities. This means unity and the formation of relationships based on moral principles. It is most expressed in complicity and sympathy when a group member responds emotionally to the successes, happiness or sorrows of everyone. Collectivist identification is expressed through the recognition of equal obligations for oneself and others, manifested in the provision of support and participation, and the demanding attitude of others towards oneself.

    The psychological basis of collectivist identification is the individual readiness to act in collective activities, to experience, to feel others as oneself. This phenomenon prevails in the group of significant development, without paying special attention to the personal preferences of team members. Manifestations of collectivist identification mediated by value orientations joint activities, semantic attitudes become stable characteristics of each member of the team and cease to be dependent on subjective sympathies.

    Collectivist identification appears around preschool and school age during children's cooperation with each other.

    Narcissistic identification manifests self-projection onto the “I” as a lost subject if the detached libido is oriented towards the “I”, while the individual treats the personal “I” as an abandoned object and directs ambivalent impulses towards it, which, among others, include aggressive components.

    Gender identification expresses the integrity of the behavior and self-awareness of an individual, who identifies himself as one of the genders, and is guided by the requirements corresponding to his gender.

    Gender identification expresses one aspect of gender, which is defined as a person’s self-identification with a specific gender, as a sense of self as a woman, a man, or an intermediate state. It is worth remembering that gender identity will often, but not always, correspond to biological sex. Thus, a woman brought up in a certain environment may feel more like a man, and vice versa.


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