Proportions of expanded clay concrete for walls in buckets. Expanded clay concrete for construction work: proportions

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Expanded clay concrete is one of the types of lightweight concrete that has found widespread use in the construction of private houses in our country relatively recently.

Expanded clay acts as its filler. This material is used to build houses.

To calculate the estimate for the construction of a future house, you will need to find out how many pieces of expanded clay concrete blocks are contained in a cube.

Composition of expanded clay concrete

The main composition of this concrete includes the following components:

  • Cement.
  • Sand.
  • Expanded clay fractions from 0 to 20 mm.
  • Water.

Depending on the ratio of these components, concrete of different grades can be obtained.

As a filler, granulated clay is used, obtained by foaming in a special way, followed by firing. After hardening, it is covered with a dense shell, which gives the material the necessary strength.

When choosing material components, you need to take into account their caliber and humidity. If the composition will be used for screeding, then expanded clay can be taken in any size, and in the case of leveling the floor, only expanded clay sand must be used, and its grain size should not exceed 5 mm.

Sand is used to increase the elasticity and strength of future expanded clay concrete blocks.

Concrete plays the role of a binding component; Portland cement grades M400 and M500 are most often used. It does not contain plasticizing components, therefore it is not able to reduce the strength of the resulting blocks. But if heat treatment of the material is required, then alite cement must be added to the composition, which will ensure rapid hardening.

A soap solution is used as a plasticizer at home; it gives the composition plasticity and makes it easier to work with. If applicable liquid soap, then it should be added about 50 grams per 10 liters of solution.

Water is an integral component cement mixtures, usually indicate its approximate volume, then during the preparation of the solution, its quantity is adjusted.

The properties of the final product, its brand and density will depend on the proportions of the listed components.

Material proportions

Expanded clay concrete is divided into several grades, ranging from M50 to M250. Each of them has its own density, which is influenced by the dispersion of expanded clay. For M50 and M100, a composition with fine expanded clay is used, resulting in dense and heavy blocks.

Let us present the proportions of the contained materials for the most popular brand of expanded clay concrete 200 and 250.

The liquid must be poured carefully, focusing on appearance solution. The ideal consistency of the composition is when it is viscous, but at the same time plastic.

If you change the fraction of expanded clay, then by maintaining the same proportions you can get a new composition.

How many expanded clay concrete blocks are in a cube?

First you need to familiarize yourself with standard sizes this material. They are different, mainly depend on the country of origin, and can be:

  • length from 120 to 450 mm;
  • width – from 70 to 490 mm;
  • height - 190 or 240 mm.

Depending on the size of the blocks available in your city, the number of blocks per 1 m 3 is calculated.

For example, let's take standard domestic sizes of expanded clay concrete. They are equal: 490×290×240 mm. You need to immediately convert them to meters: 0.49 × 0.29 × 0.24 m.

First you need to find out the volume of one block:

V block =0.49×0.29×0.24=0.034104 m 3

Then 1 m3 should be divided by the resulting volume of the block:

N blocks per m3 =1/0.034104=29.3≈29 pieces.

The number of expanded clay concrete blocks is given with a margin, since the thickness of the joints was not taken into account in the calculations, since the material is laid on cement mortar during construction.

This is an approximate calculation algorithm, after which you can find out exactly how much expanded clay concrete there is per 1 m 3. Using this example, you can calculate the required amount of other building materials.

How many expanded clay concrete blocks can be obtained from 1 m 3 of solution?

Their calculation will be approximately the same as the previous calculations, with only one difference: the number of pieces of the material in question will be influenced by the density of the aggregate. The smaller the expanded clay granules, the more cement is required, and this will change the proportions of the material and increase the consumption of concrete. Expanded clay concrete shrinks slightly, so it can be neglected in calculations. During the work of pouring concrete solution into molds, a loss of material occurs - this is approximately 0.1% per 1 m 3. Be sure to take this into account.

Expanded clay concrete blocks are obtained by vibration pressing; after this process, dense and durable products with open pores and smooth edges emerge. Each form contains void formers. They occupy 25-30% of the block volume.

When calculating the net volume of expanded clay concrete for blocks with dimensions 490×290×240 mm, it turns out:

V block = V total -V voids = 0.49 × 0.29 × 0.24-34 × 30/100 = 0.034-0.01 = 0.024 m 3.

If the density of expanded clay concrete grade M200 is 1600 kg/m 3, then the mass of one block will be equal to:

m=V block ×ρ=0.024×1600=38.4 kg.

And 1 m 3 of expanded clay concrete solution of grade M 200 weighs 1600 kg, we get that:

N=1600/38.4=41.7 pieces, taking into account the loss of solution when filling the molds, we can assume that 1 m 3 yields 41 pieces.

The proportions of the expanded clay concrete mixture depend on the purpose of the material and the density of its filler. For those who want to calculate their costs in advance and find out how many blocks are contained in 1 m 3 of masonry or mortar, you can use the proposed calculation examples.

The composition of expanded clay concrete used in construction is regulated by the requirements of GOST 6133-99, which describes technical specifications for the production of wall stones. To obtain high-quality products, you must not only adhere to the proportions specified in the document, but also observe the optimal parameters for all technological processes.

And yet it is the quality and ratio of ingredients that is decisive. Therefore, this issue needs to be given the closest attention, both at the stage of production planning and when monitoring work.

Finished material and raw materials for it

Mixture componentsBinder

Cement is added to the expanded clay concrete mixture as a binder.

The requirements for it are quite strict:

  • Brand – not lower than M400. The use of a low-grade binder can lead to the formation of inhomogeneities in the thickness of the material and its destruction under its own weight.
  • The use of cement with pozzolanic additives must be coordinated with an experienced technologist. This is due to the fact that pozzolanic additives, when reacting with dust contained in expanded clay, form unstable complexes, which can reduce the moisture resistance of the finished material.

Composition with mineral additives that promote polymerization

The use of plasticizing additives is also undesirable, since they can reduce the strength of concrete blocks at the stage of primary hardening.

  • If planned heat treatment expanded clay concrete modules, then a small amount of alite cements, including silicates, can be added to the solution. In this case, the polymerization of the material when heated will proceed more actively.

Water requirements

It is characterized by the following requirements:

  • No solid inclusions.
  • No contamination with organic substances, oils, petroleum products.
  • pH not less than 4.
  • Sulfate content is no more than 1% by volume.

Sometimes it is necessary to subject the water to additional purification

In principle, in most cases either drinking water or process water. It is also possible to use open reservoirs as a source, but in this case the liquid must undergo primary purification to remove impurities and mechanical impurities.

Sea water should not be used to prepare expanded clay concrete mortar: the high salt content will certainly lead to the formation of whitish stains on the surface of the building stone.

Fillers and additives

However, the main component that determines the entire composition of the mixture for expanded clay concrete blocks is the aggregate. This ingredient is either expanded clay itself or expanded clay sand obtained by crushing.

Photos and characteristics of fillers

Expanded clay is one of the most popular materials used in the production of building blocks with high thermal characteristics.

It is characterized by the following:

  • Porosity - up to 70% of the total volume of the material.
  • The average pore diameter is 1 mm.
  • According to their shape, expanded clay is divided into gravel (round granules with a melted surface) and crushed stone (granules irregular shape, open pores are visible on the surface).
  • Material used for filling cellular concrete, must have frost resistance of at least 15 cycles. Permissible water absorption varies from 25% (for grades 400 and less) to 15% (for structural expanded clay concrete grades 700-800).
  • IN industrial production Expanded clay particles ranging in size from 1.2 to 5 mm can be used.

Expanded clay sand is usually obtained by grinding gravel or crushed stone in special mills. It should be noted that this material is characterized by high adsorption of water and cement, which leads to a slight decrease in the quality of the solution.

It is also possible to produce sand by firing clay raw materials in kilns.
For such a filler, excessive water absorption will not be relevant.
However, its price due to production costs is somewhat higher, so it is used infrequently.

Production method

Industrial installation

If you have the above ingredients and study the technique, you can make the material yourself. Naturally, in this case, the quality largely depends on the accurate calculation of proportions. We provide examples of the composition of mixtures in the table below:

Figures may change when using other brands of cement or aggregates that differ in density

The technique for preparing expanded clay concrete is quite simple:

  • Pour the required volume of water into the cement mixer. It is better to take a little less than what is needed according to the instructions so that the solution does not turn out to be too liquid.
  • We add cement and sand in the required proportions, constantly mixing the composition.
  • Next, we introduce expanded clay into the solution in parts, distributing it evenly throughout the entire volume.
  • As a result, we should get a fairly homogeneous mass, the consistency reminiscent of liquid dough.
  • If the fluidity of the solution is insufficient, you can add a little water and mix it again.

Mixing process in a mixer

Next, you can either immediately pour the material into the formwork for concrete products, or fill out forms for making building blocks. In the second case, we need to thoroughly dry the products, removing all moisture from them and ensuring strength gains. This is best done in special drying chambers.

Ready block

The composition of expanded clay concrete given in the article in volume fractions of each component, of course, is not the final version. To produce materials that differ in density and thermal conductivity, other ratios of cement, sand and aggregate can be used. However general scheme production remains unchanged, as evidenced by the video in this article.

Modernization of concrete production technologies has led to the emergence of a new material that meets all operational requirements (GOST 6133-99). Today at construction industry expanded clay concrete proportions and composition are increasingly being used, the proportions and composition of which, by and large, differ from the usual mortar only in the filler used, the role of which is played by expanded clay, not crushed stone. This material is lightweight and retains all the positive characteristics of concrete products. Low thermal conductivity allows the composition to be used in the construction of walls and ceilings.

To make expanded clay concrete blocks different densities, it is enough to clarify the ratio of the plasticizer, which gives the composition elasticity, and other components that affect the main characteristics of the future product.

What is expanded clay concrete made of?

Any specialist will say that the composition of expanded clay concrete invariably includes:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • fine expanded clay made from natural raw materials;
  • water without technical impurities.

Important! Waste water with indicatorA pH less than 4 is absolutely not suitable for these purposes. The same goes for sea ​​water, due to which finished surface a white coating appears.

In addition, the construction mixture may additionally include sawdust, ash and plasticizers.

A more accurate selection of the required composition of expanded clay concrete is carried out directly at the construction site. And here are some recommendations that will help you get the most effective mixture:

  1. To increase elasticity, use quartz sand.
  2. To finished design was resistant to moisture, it is recommended to add expanded clay gravel (without sand) to the solution.
  3. Portland cement marked M400 is a good binder, without plasticizing components.
  4. Cement increases the strength of the finished block, however, it is worth considering that in this case the volume of the building mixture will be greater.
  5. If the finished blocks will subsequently be subjected to heat treatment, then it is best to use alite cement.

If we talk about the size of CB raw materials, then:

  • For a composition of moderate density, it is best to use coarse expanded clay. Such solutions very often serve as a heat-insulating material.
  • Small expanded clay is suitable for the construction of load-bearing structures.

Healthy! Smaller expanded clay granules give finished material more weight. To achieve the “golden mean”, use a mixture of large and small “stones”.

The proportions for expanded clay concrete blocks directly depend on the type of work you plan to do.

Before preparing expanded clay concrete with your own hands, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. To obtain high-quality KB blocks, you cannot do without a concrete mixer.
  2. During the kneading process, a certain order in which the components are supplied is observed. First, water is poured in, then cement, then sand. Expanded clay is added only when these three components have been converted to a homogeneous mass.
  3. To increase the tensile strength, use reinforcement.
  4. A high-quality mortar is considered to be a mixture in which the cement “glaze” completely covers the expanded clay granules.
  5. Make sure that one batch does not take more than 7 minutes. If you stir the CB for too long, its quality will noticeably deteriorate. It is best to stop the concrete mixer as soon as the mixture reaches the consistency of sour cream and there are no lumps left in it.

Healthy! To check the readiness of the mixture, scoop up the mixture with a shovel. If the slide quickly spreads, this indicates that the CB is too liquid; if it is stable and not free-flowing, then you have achieved the ideal ratio of components.

Most often, the following grades of concrete are used for solutions:

  1. M50 – for partitions;
  2. M75 - used in the construction of load-bearing elements of industrial and residential facilities;
  3. M100 - if it is planned to build low-rise residential buildings, when insulating building envelopes or for landscaping monolithic ceiling floors and screeds.
  4. M150/200 – for load-bearing structures, as well as in the manufacture of wall blocks or panels. This composition can withstand temperature changes and chemical exposure.
  5. M200 - most often used to create light blocks and floors. This material is resistant to moisture and chemicals.
  6. M300 – for road surfaces and bridges.

If we talk about the proportions of expanded clay concrete for different types construction projects, then it is worth highlighting several “recipes”.

Expanded clay concrete mixtures in proportions

Depending on what exactly you are preparing the mixture for, the ratio and proportions of materials will differ.

For blocks

To produce KB blocks, mix:

  • Mix one part cement and 2-3 parts sand.
  • Achieve a homogeneous mass and add 0.9-1 part of water.
  • Stir the mixture again.
  • Add 5-6 parts of expanded clay.

If the expanded clay filler is too dry, you can add a little water to it. If high-quality sand is not available, it can be replaced with “Sand Concrete”.

For floor

If you plan to fill the floor with wet KB screed, then mix:

  • one part cement and the same amount of water;
  • 3 parts sand;
  • 2 parts expanded clay.

For these purposes, it is best to use expanded clay gravel in a ratio of 0.5-0.6 m 3 of expanded clay per 1.4-1.5 tons of sand-cement mixture.

For walls

To prepare the wall mixture, use the following “recipe”:

  • one part cement;
  • 1.5 parts of expanded clay sand (its fraction should not exceed 5 mm);
  • 1 part fine expanded clay;

For floors

For of this type use the following batch:

  • one part cement;
  • 3-4 parts sand;
  • 1.5 water;
  • 4-5 expanded clay.

Various components can act as CB fillers.

Placeholders for KB

It is not necessary to use only expanded clay or expanded clay sand as a filler for such mixtures. You can also add quartz sand or larger raw materials such as gravel. Expanded clay itself in this case is the basis. Based on this, there are several types of filler:

  1. Gravel is angular or round in shape.
  2. Crushed stone of irregular angular shape with a rough surface, open pores and sponginess.

Expanded clay itself bulk weight is divided into 12 grades, but based on the strength indicator, only two types are used (A and B).

In custody

Organizing the production of KB blocks at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. By following all the recommendations, you will receive light, durable and high-quality raw materials that can be used to build your house, screed the floor and much more.

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Widely used in domestic buildings, as well as multi-storey construction, expanded clay concrete has gained its popularity due to a number of advantages. Many of the advantages of the material are acquired due to the properties of clay, which is part of expanded clay. This includes small specific gravity, resistance to biological influences, fire resistance, durability, high-quality hydro- and thermal insulation. From here, a floor screed made of expanded clay concrete will provide solid foundation for any floor covering.

But there are also some negative aspects that complicate it independent use. For example, it is far from a quick period of time to carry out work, since concrete requires additional grinding to create a smooth surface. There are several types of expanded clay screed. This can be a classic pour, semi-dry or dry version. Each type is selected specifically for the construction project, the required load on the foundation, and the amount of floor unevenness.

Recommended for rooms with uneven surfaces and for insulating floors on the first floors of buildings. Equally well suited for interior and exterior work, for giving the floor the necessary slope, when installing a heated floor system. There are ready-made options available for sale. building mixtures based on expanded clay. Their use is advisable for high floor differences, up to 30 cm. But even such a solution can be made on your own.

Proportions for screed

Depending on the nature of the surface, it is selected required composition. The ratio of materials depends on the fraction of expanded clay concrete screed used and the expected loads on the base. IN classic version filling, so-called wet method, applies next proportion cement, water, sand, expanded clay – 1:1:3:2. In terms of weight, with a consumption of expanded clay of 0.5-0.7 m3, 1.3-1.5 tons of a mixture of sand and cement will be required.

Variations in the proportion of components allow you to prepare various brands expanded clay concrete. Thus, for M150 the cement-sand-expanded clay ratio is 1:3.5:5.7. Accordingly, the recipe for a mixture with the same components for M300 looks like this: 1: 1.9: 3.7. And for a similar brand of concrete M400 - 1: 1.2: 2.7.

Making expanded clay concrete with your own hands is not at all difficult. First of all, you need to choose the right expanded clay. It is a low-melting clay, processed thermally. The material is available in several forms:

  • expanded clay gravel – elements of regular round shape;
  • expanded clay crushed stone – large unformed fractions;
  • Expanded clay sand is a finely crushed result of processing expanded clay.

To prepare expanded clay concrete for the floor, only gravel with a fraction of 5-20 is used. Larger ones are used in a semi-dry or dry method. Expanded clay sand makes thin types of screeds less than 3 cm thick more durable and heat-intensive. According to recommendations, expanded clay must be soaked in water in advance, so that particles do not float up. Due to the hydrophilic properties of the material, its porous structure will quickly absorb a sufficient amount of water. The result will be a mass of gravel without visible accumulations of moisture.

Next, the ratio of sand and cement is added in portions with constant stirring. This continues until the expanded clay granules become cement-colored. The entire screed preparation process is easiest to carry out using a concrete mixer. In the absence of the latter, any spacious metal container, capable of containing the entire volume of expanded clay concrete.

Worth your time Special attention choosing a brand of cement for concrete. For reliable setting and high specific strength, it must be at least M400-M500. Quarry sand For the preparation of expanded clay concrete, washed clay is used. Pre-screened on your own. To achieve higher strength, acquire frost resistance and durability of the screed, many experts recommend the addition of plasticizers. The proportions of the additive are determined by the manufacturer of a particular composition and are indicated on the packaging. In addition to the ready-made purchased solution, you can make the plasticizer yourself using liquid soap or washing powder.

Water is added to the ratio of the screed solution at the rate of 200-300 liters per 1 m3. The proportion varies depending on the moisture content of the materials. The main thing here is to achieve the desired consistency so that the mixture spreads confidently as a rule. In case of excess moisture, a rare composition will be obtained in which the expanded clay will float and also prevent the formation of a flat surface.

Laying the mixture yourself

Consumption of expanded clay concrete depends on required thickness layer and the size of the floor area under the coating. Minimum thickness expanded clay concrete screed - 3 cm, which is one of its significant disadvantages, especially if there is small height ceilings.

Before using the mixture, styling is recommended waterproofing material and damper tape. This is necessary to prevent premature loss of moisture in the base, otherwise the monolith will not have time to gain strength. The tape, in turn, serves as a protector against contact with the wall and prevents possible temperature deformation.

The solution is poured along the level between the beacons from the corner of the room. Large irregularities are straightened out as a rule. Due to the rapid setting of the composition, the process must be carried out continuously and in a short period of time. It is worth noting the significantly shorter setting time of expanded clay concrete screed compared to concrete. After just two days you can walk on the hardened screed.

The surface of expanded clay concrete is far from mirror-like, so before finishing coat It is recommended to sand the base a little. Next, for the final result, a layer of classic cement-sand screed is poured.

Some experts use a simpler and less time-consuming method of leveling the floor using expanded clay. There is no need to prepare a solution here. Dry fraction expanded clay gravel or crushed stone is poured directly between the beacons onto the prepared base and leveled. Then you can immediately begin pouring the concrete leveling layer. Sometimes expanded clay is additionally shed with cement laitance.

Expanded clay concrete is a type of lightweight concrete, the main filler of which is expanded clay.

Obtained by special firing of clay, expanded clay has a porous structure. Thanks to this, concrete blocks are relatively light, but quite strong. They are mainly used for the construction of lightweight structures with a good margin of safety.

Composition and proportions

The main ingredients of expanded clay concrete: expanded clay (60%), cement (10%), quartz sand (30%). You will also need water to mix the solution. Sometimes plasticizers or special air-entraining additives are added, for example, saponified tree resin.

The fraction of expanded clay concrete is usually 5-10 mm. The smaller it is, the higher the strength of the blocks and the greater the weight. Therefore of this material There are several classifications, for example, by strength or thermal conductivity.

It is best to purchase ready-made factory blocks. They are manufactured according to certain SNIPs and GOSTs, have strict proportions, the mixture itself is thoroughly mixed on special equipment, and then formed into blocks using the method of volumetric vibrocompression.

With your own hands

But you can make it yourself with your own hands, either individual blocks or a monolithic structure.

To do this, all parts of the expanded clay concrete ingredients must be loaded into a concrete mixer in the following order:

  1. water,
  2. expanded clay,
  3. cement,
  4. sand.

Typically, water is 8-10%, but the moisture content of the expanded clay itself should be taken into account. If it was outdoors or was previously wetted for better adhesion, then less water will be needed than for pellets stored in a dry room.

The amount of water should be taken seriously. If there is not enough of it, the expanded clay will absorb it, and the mixture itself will turn out dry and falling apart.

In this case, water is added little by little to the desired consistency. If there is too much of it, the solution will be very liquid. In this case, you need to let it sit for a bit. “Raw” expanded clay concrete should have a consistency such that it can be picked up by hand, and all granules should be covered with cement mortar.

In addition to a concrete mixer, you will need a vibrating machine.

A steel plate must be placed in the mold and filled with the mixture. After ready block dry for 2-3 days. But ideally you should let it sit for about a week. If the blocks are dried outside in the heat, they must be sprayed with water to prevent them from drying out.

The steel plates are removed from the ready-dried block. They will acquire brand strength only after 30 days with regular moistening. A standard form requires 10-11 liters of mixture.


The main classification is by purpose.

There are types:

  • structural - used for the construction of bridges, load-bearing structures of buildings, overpasses, etc.;
  • structural and thermal insulation - mainly used in the construction of walls;
  • thermal insulation - mainly used as insulation.

They are also distinguished by application (partition and wall), size and shape.

The latter can be solid (monolithic) or hollow, in which blind and through holes may be present.


Septal and wall blocks Expanded clay concrete varies in size. But both are regulated by GOST 6133-99.

The wall dimensions are:

  • 390x190x188 mm,
  • 288x288x138 mm,
  • 288x138x138 mm,
  • 190x190x188 mm,
  • 90x190x188 mm.

The full-bodied weight reaches 26 kg. Hollow (slotted) is a little lighter, about 17 kg.

Dimensions of the septum:

  • 590x90x188 mm,
  • 390x90x188 mm,
  • 190x90x188 mm.

Its thickness is only 90 mm. Weight ranges from 7 to 14 kg (for hollow and full-bodied ones, respectively).

But almost any manufacturer can supply expanded clay blocks non-standard sizes to order.


Expanded clay concrete blocks have a number of characteristics, the indicators of which can vary dramatically from each other depending on the type and size of the blocks, as well as the presence of certain additives in them:

  1. Strength. The lowest values ​​are for thermal insulation blocks (from 5 to 25 kg/cm2). The highest are structural ones (from 100 to 500 kg/cm2). All intermediate indicators (from 25 to 100 kg/cm2) for structural insulation.
  2. Thermal conductivity. In terms of thermal conductivity, expanded clay concrete blocks can be compared to wood. And the less cement in the composition, the lower the thermal conductivity. But even heavy structural ones are much preferable to brick and ordinary concrete. If you use hollow blocks when building a residential building, it will be much warmer. Usually its indicator ranges from 0.14-0.66 W/m*K.
  3. Frost resistance. The lower the porosity of the material, the higher its value. So, for structural ones, frost resistance is up to 500 cycles, for structural and thermal insulation - 150, for thermal insulation - 15-50.
  4. Soundproofing. The higher the porosity of expanded clay concrete, the better sound insulation. For example, blocks measuring 590x90x188 mm, folded into a partition, provide sound insulation of up to 45-50 dB.
  5. Vapor permeability. Thermal insulation have more high vapor permeability(up to 9 mg/m*h*Pa) compared to constructive ones (3 mg/m*h*Pa).
  6. Water absorption. For expanded clay blocks this value is 5-10% by weight, but can be reduced by adding plasticizers.
  7. Shrinkage. Gives the same shrinkage as heavy concrete, namely 0.3-0.5 mm/m.
  8. Maximum number of floors of buildings. It is preferable to use structural and thermal insulation blocks for low-rise buildings. But structural blocks allow you to build buildings of 10-12 floors.

About the features, characteristics and application of different types of expanded clay blocks, watch the following video from the channel ForumHouseTV. You will learn a lot of interesting things.

At home

Advantages of building houses from expanded clay blocks:

  • As a material For individual construction Expanded clay blocks fit just perfectly. They retain heat perfectly, practically do not absorb moisture, which is why they do not freeze, perfectly protect against street noise, and are fire resistant. Due to its size, masonry is carried out much faster compared to brick. The only drawback is that the blocks do not always fit each other in size.
  • The financial side of such construction is also pleasant. Firstly, the material itself is inexpensive. Secondly, it allows you to save on insulation, since it has low thermal conductivity. Thirdly, due to its light weight, it does not require a solid foundation, which can also save money. But expanded clay concrete is used only in the construction of walls. It is not suitable for pouring a base because it does not have sufficient strength for this.
  • And due to almost insignificant shrinkage in the future you will not have to spend additional money on renovation work By interior decoration rooms.

Thanks to all these advantages, houses made of expanded clay blocks are very popular in Europe. But in Russia they are no less in demand. This is great a budget option. An analogue could be a house made of foam blocks.

Any construction begins with the development of a house project and drawing up a work plan.

Consider the following nuances:

  • Select the type of foundation. If basement is not provided, then you can stop at strip foundation. As soon as the foundation gets stronger and shrinks, you can begin building the walls.
  • Expanded clay concrete blocks are laid in the same way as bricks. But here it is important to maintain the same thickness of the mortar between the blocks. No differences, cracks or voids. All deficiencies are eliminated immediately as they arise.
  • For comfortable living in a house, the thickness of the walls should be at least 40 cm. Otherwise, additional thermal insulation will be required. In addition, over time, the structure still slightly loses its ability to retain heat at the proper level, which will affect the increase in heating costs. Therefore, additional insulation never hurts, but it is better to place it outside.

Thermal insulation

You can increase thermal insulation in the following ways:

  • It is possible to line expanded clay concrete blocks, but this method is expensive and is rarely used.
  • More affordable option - mineral wool. It is laid in 2 layers, with a layer of waterproofing between them. For vapor-permeable insulation, foil can be used.
  • Also as insulation (both external and external) inside) fiberglass can be used. But to work with it you will need a respirator and protective gloves.
  • If a choice is made in favor of polystyrene foam, then you should choose one with a higher vapor permeability rating. But it is important to remember that it is very popular with mice and other small rodents, and therefore must be walled up in concrete.


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