Wiring in a wooden house fire safety rules. Hidden wiring in a wooden house: PUE

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When developing an electrical wiring diagram for a log or timber cottage, one has to face many limitations and difficulties. To do it correctly, it is necessary to comply with a lot of SNiPs and PUE standards. Posting in wooden house must be absolutely safe from both an electrical and fire point of view. No matter what you treat wood with, it still remains a flammable material. Therefore, styling electrical wires in a building, it should be produced with the utmost care and in compliance with the relevant rules.

  • Basic requirements for wiring in a wooden house

    All wooden private houses are characterized by an increased fire hazard. The requirements for installing electrical wiring in them differ from those that apply to buildings made of brick or concrete. It is not for nothing that problems in the home electrical network are one of the main causes of fires in wooden cottages.

    When designing electrical wiring in a wooden house, it is better to relegate issues of interior aesthetics to the background, or even the third plan. The top priority here should be safety and once again safety. On the one hand, it is necessary to reduce the probability to a minimum short circuit and heating the wires, and on the other hand, to create a non-flammable barrier between the tree and potential sparks.

    If you approach the design creatively, you can interestingly integrate external electrical wiring into the interior

    There are a lot of SNiPs and GOSTs that regulate the creation of an internal electrical network in wooden building. But the main document is the PUE (Electrical Installation Rules). In the latest reaction, it was seriously tightened in the issue of organizing electrical wiring in rooms whose walls were built from wood. Therefore, if, when studying the norms, a conflict is revealed between different documents, then it is necessary to focus on the PUE.

    Options for laying electrical wiring in a wooden house

    You can install electrical wires in a wooden house:

    You can use VVG or PVS cables with the prefix “ng”. Only they have insulation that is not prone to the spread of fire. Another cable products V in this case worth avoiding.

    In cable channels

    Not all professional electricians now recommend using cable ducts in wooden houses. The wiring in them is not visible and does not spoil the interior with its appearance.

    However, for electricity supply lines, ordinary plastic boxes and baseboards cannot be installed along wooden walls. They are too flammable and everything is heading towards the fact that this method will be completely prohibited by regulations. If you choose cable channels, then only special non-flammable ones.

    It is easiest to lay electrical wiring in cable ducts; you just need to select the right elements


    The external option involves laying wiring in a wooden house along the walls on ceramic insulators. Typically, a double-braided twisted cable is used for this. And everything in the end looks quite beautiful both in the photo and in reality.

    However, there must be a distance of at least 10 mm between the wire and the wall of the house. Otherwise, an asbestos or iron gasket should be placed between them. But this will definitely not look elegant. This type of installation should only be used in utility rooms, for living rooms he doesn't fit.

    External electrical wiring looks beautiful, but in residential areas, especially if there are small children, it is better not to use


    Hidden electrical wiring in a wooden house is allowed only in metal pipes (copper or steel). The use of corrugations and any plastic channels is prohibited here. They are not able to completely stop the spread of fire. And in logs or timber walls even the slightest spark inside can cause them to catch fire.

    This option is difficult to do with your own hands and expensive. But the wires will definitely not be visible; they will all be laid inside the partitions and ceilings.

    It is better to entrust the installation of hidden electrical wiring to specialists. A mistake can be very costly

    Wiring installation

    Installation of internal electrical wiring in a wooden house is carried out in seven stages:

    • Marking on the walls of wiring lines and installation locations for sockets, switches, junction boxes, etc.
    • Drilling holes for electrical installations and cable channels.
    • Assembling an input panel with protection and an electric meter.
    • Laying and connecting electrical wires using terminals or soldering (welding).
    • Connecting switches and sockets.
    • Checking the insulation resistance.
    • General check of the system for short circuits.

    The given step-by-step instructions are standard and do not depend on the material of the walls and the individual characteristics of the electrical wiring diagram being created in a private house. However, wooden cottages have their own nuances:

    The first is all the passages of electrical cables through wooden external walls, partitions and ceilings are made only using metal sleeves (tubes). Even if cable ducts and ceramic insulators are used for open mounting, electrical wiring must pass through wood only with additional protection made of metal.

    Sleeves for laying electrical wiring in different rooms

    Second, it is recommended to avoid twisting the cores during connection. Such places are the most problematic in terms of safety and most often heat up. In a house made of logs or timber, the best and most reliable option for connecting wires will be a terminal one. You can also solder or weld them, but this is more difficult and takes longer.

    Terminal connection of wires in the junction box

    Third - if the electrical wiring is laid under the decor or suspended ceiling, then it must be mounted in metal pipes. Open laying is allowed only in uncovered places where the wires remain visible.

    Wiring under suspended ceiling better to hide in cable channels

    There is nothing particularly complicated. The main thing is to have skills in handling a screwdriver, drill and pliers. And then, in terms of complexity, independent electrical installation in your home is approximately the same as cleaning a chimney or building a heated greenhouse yourself without the involvement of hired workers.

    Network connection and commissioning

    After connecting the wiring, panel and sockets into a single network, it must be checked. For each line, an insulation resistance test must be carried out to ensure that the insulation resistance complies with the standards. Even a seemingly normal cable may have damage to the insulating braid that is invisible to the eye.

    Without resistance testing to identify problem areas impossible in the home's electrical network. This work should be delegated to a professional electrician. It is worth doing it yourself only if you have the appropriate electrical knowledge and equipment.

    A specialist should also be entrusted with the calculations of the cross-section of the cores and the RCD, and then invite a professional to perform a general check of the assembled electrical network before putting it into operation. There is no point in taking risks and experimenting with electricity.

    Inputting electricity into the house

    The wiring itself in a wooden house can be installed independently. However, the preparation of a proper electrical design and final inspection should be left to a competent electrician.

    Connection to the general village network is made by electricians of the sales organization. They will once again check whether everything complies with the standards and technical conditions, and only then connect the cottage to the power supply. And here there is one point - if they discover that the in-house electrical network was assembled in violation of the rules, they will simply refuse the connection. Everything should be ready from the beginning for their arrival.

    Options for connecting SIP to the intra-house network

    Safety measures for a wooden house

    Among the main errors in home electrical wiring wooden cottage are listed:

    • poor-quality connection of the cores (such contacts then begin to heat up);
    • the use of both copper and aluminum wires(it is strictly prohibited to connect them directly);
    • non-use of metal sleeves and junction boxes;
    • use of cables that do not meet the requirements;
    • incorrect selection of core cross-sections and parameters of protective devices;
    • using plastic corrugation when laying wires in wooden walls and behind decorations.

    Any of these mistakes leads to an increased risk of a fire in the cottage.

    The use of plastic sleeves is prohibited

    If there is even the slightest doubt about your own skills and knowledge, then electrical installation should be entrusted to a professional. WITH general construction everything is a little simpler.

    For example, there are step-by-step instructions for arranging a pile foundation with your own hands in the form of bored piles. It is enough to follow it and the foundation will be reliable. With electrical wiring, everything is somewhat more complicated.

    With electric installation work Also, do not forget about basic safety measures for their implementation. All tools used must have rubber insulated handles and electrical network must be de-energized.


    The owner himself can easily install the electrical network in the cottage. You just need to clearly understand that electrical wiring in a wooden house is not some nonsense. To properly design and assemble it, you must have the proper qualifications and certain experience. The slightest omissions will later lead to serious problems. To the arrangement of this intra-house engineering system it is important to approach it seriously.

    See also a video about errors when laying electrical wiring in a wooden house

    Read about our other materials:

  • In aspects of electrical installation wooden buildings- the most complex objects. We have prepared for you a set of rules for installing wiring in a wooden house, which discusses in detail issues regarding the choice of materials and cable laying systems, as well as the installation of installation products.

    1. Wiring in strict accordance with regulations

    The organization of an electrical network in a wooden house is second in complexity only to buildings on permanent polystyrene foam formwork. Laying on combustible substrates is allowed only in an open manner or with 100% localization of the conductor inside the protective shell.

    This requirement is not so strict for frame internal partitions with non-flammable filler. In the most correct version the passage of the cable through the frame racks is accompanied by the sheathing of the latter; in practice, most often the conductor is completely wrapped in corrugation or a metal hose, ensuring replacement.

    Open laying is also a good solution. A number of fittings and installation techniques are provided that make open wiring aesthetically acceptable and even add some color to the interior. In addition to plastic cable channels, it is possible to lay PV-1 wire wound on ceramic insulators and use non-recessed housing installation fittings. In cases of hidden installation, non-flammable cable grades are used: VVGng or KGng.

    Due to the complexity of installation, cable routing along the walls should be kept to a minimum. But for this you will need to thoroughly think through the laying scheme. cable lines.

    2. Wiring diagram for walls and ceiling

    In the most acceptable version of the electrical network around the house, each electrical point is connected along one straight line to the frame floor, ceiling or sub-ceiling, closed by a suspended or tension covering. All the main wiring is carried out along the technological cavity, hidden from view, although more often the lines simply stretch one at a time to the panel panel. Naturally, the bulk of sockets and switches should be placed on interior walls, and on fencing - only if necessary.

    A reasonable solution would be to run the lighting wiring from the switches to the ceiling, and lead the wires for connecting the sockets down to the floor. Due to its low load on the line lighting network can be organized using junction boxes that are inaccessible for maintenance. It is enough to connect the power line from the circuit breaker to such a box, and from it run a switching wire to the key and a power line to each lighting group.

    Lines of sockets and groups general purpose allowed to be combined into so-called garlands. It is important that no more than two wires are fixed on each terminal clamp of the sockets. Otherwise, each outlet and group is connected in hidden distribution boxes, and lines with particularly high loads from household appliances and heaters follow to the group shield without breaking.

    It is recommended to cover the cables that are collected on the wall near the panel panel with a decorative casing. When laying cables in groups, it is also recommended to separate the base with a non-flammable substrate, for example, a piece of drywall.

    3. Localization of conductors and branches

    For some reason the installation open wiring may not be acceptable. In this case, the task becomes much more complicated, despite the fact that the part of the wiring laid along the walls is only 15-20% of the total length of the lines.

    The possibility of hidden installation should be included at the stage pre-assembly log house According to the internal power supply plan, technological channels for the cable are made in the walls as they are laid. For this purpose, use either electric chisels or core drills. The approximate channel width is 30-50 mm.

    In cross section frame system outlet holes are drilled into the floor or ceilings. Installation of electrical fittings is possible using the recessed method; for this, the channel is found with a feeler gauge and a 60-80 mm hole is drilled in the solid timber using a core drill. Installation boxes for sockets and switches should be made of steel, preferably with a fiberglass liner.

    Pipe sections laid inside walls must be localized from environment. A smooth pipe is used for this: metal with a wall thickness of 2.5 mm or steel - from 1.2 mm. These values ​​are approximate, more exact calculation requires taking into account the load and voltage on the line, as well as the type and number of conductors inside the sheath.

    For branching power lines hidden in cavities frame structures, it is recommended to use metal boxes. For indoor installation Protection against wood dust of a degree of at least 3 is desirable, moisture protection is not taken into account. The entry of cable line sheaths should be flared or equipped with a restrictive ring or nut that does not allow uncoupling.

    4. Protective devices

    Electrical installation in a wooden house can be complicated by the design features of group and distribution boards. The difference is observed both in the method of mounting the housings and in the selection of protective equipment.

    The electrical panel housing must be installed on a non-combustible base. Therefore, under the central panels with ASU, it is recommended to cover the surface with tin, and when installing group panels, use linings made of textolite or fiberglass.

    It is convenient to connect group panels with the ceiling and floor using a cable channel, in which usually 3-4 lines are laid for each room. It is not recommended to place shields close to the ceiling or floor.

    Circuit breakers are selected according to the permissible continuous current for the cable on the outgoing line; the choice is always made towards a lower rating. Equipment that does not have internal protection from short circuit, as well as lines with a fixed maximum load ( ovens, air conditioners) are connected via circuit breaker with a nominal power consumption and a low response delay during overload (characteristics B and A).

    In wooden houses, it is customary to lay wiring according to a three-wire circuit, where the protective conductor is not connected to the neutral conductor. For this reason, the installation of differential protection against electric shock may be accompanied by false alarms. But a fire-diffautomatic device that monitors leaks in insulation will be very useful.

    5. Installation of installation products and fittings

    At the final stage, the finishing electrical installation is carried out. This is most easily done using non-recessed fittings. It is quite easy to screw it to a wooden wall with a pair of screws, after inserting it into the housing and connecting the wires.

    Much more time and effort is spent on installing hidden (recessed) fittings. For a tight fit of the frames it is necessary flat surface, so the logs are pre-ground with a plane. Next, a hole is made connecting the surface with the hidden channel. It is used as a centering tool when drilling an installation niche with a core cutter.

    It is characteristic that installation boxes can be embedded in the same way as in stone walls— by landing on alabaster. Otherwise, the area must be contained and connected to the cable duct with a non-flammable rigid sleeve.

    Private buildings made of timber and logs are distinguished by their visual appeal, comfortable living and environmental friendliness. But they are classified as buildings with an increased fire hazard, which is due to the flammability of wood. Therefore, wiring in a wooden house is carried out taking into account special requirements. They are set out in the Electrical Equipment section of Construction Norms (SNiP) and Construction Rules electrical installations(PUE).

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      Installation requirements and general work plan

      If you strictly adhere to the provisions of the PUE and SNiP, you can actually arrange a reliable and safe power supply system for a wooden house with your own hands. First, you need to familiarize yourself with the key requirements of these rules and regulations:

      • A competent, scrupulous calculation of the cable cross-section is required. Non-flammable material is used to insulate them.
      • It is advisable to install exposed electrical wiring.
      • Hidden wiring is not recommended for wooden structures. If you have to use it, you should work with cables in a metal pipe or in another sheath.
      • A protection device (RCD) and a circuit breaker are installed and connected in the distribution panel.

      Electrical wiring is divided into external and internal. The first is laid on the street and supplied to the home network through underground wells and channels or by air (overhang).

      External cables are usually made of wires with aluminum conductors, and only products with copper conductors are allowed to be used inside the home. Their connection is made in a special adapter called a sleeve. It goes from the electric meter on the outer wall of the building to the switchboard.

      Wiring in a wooden house is laid in stages. Experienced electricians advise adhering to the following sequence of work:

      • The total power of the equipment that is planned to be installed in the home is calculated.
      • A power supply project is being prepared.
      • The selection and purchase of switches, sockets, wires, and technical devices is carried out.
      • Power is supplied to the building, the circuit breaker, electric meter and distribution panel are connected.
      • The cable is routed throughout the house.
      • Lighting fixtures, sockets, switches are installed.

      IN last resort connect the RCD and set up a grounding system. After this, the do-it-yourself wiring is tested for operability and operational safety.

      Nuances of drawing up a power supply project for a wooden house

      Work should begin with receiving technical specifications at your local electricity supplier. Then they begin to calculate the total power of household appliances, lighting and other devices. This operation is easy to do yourself using the table below.

      After the calculations, an electrical wiring diagram is created. The procedure is simple:

      • A technical plan for the house is being drawn up. It marks the installation points of electrical appliances, lamps, switches, sockets, and other equipment.
      • To connect the equipment, a suitable type of cable is selected.
      • The wiring diagram shows the places where the distribution boxes will be installed. One such device is usually used for two adjacent (adjacent) rooms in the house.
      • The plan indicates the power of each electrical appliance (taking into account the starting force for installations with its own engine).
      • Equipment that consumes a lot of energy (ovens, heating boilers, water heaters) are combined into one group. A separate machine is used to connect them.
      • Less powerful devices (chandeliers, floor lamps, etc.) are collected in another group.

      The diagram marks the distances from the line along which the cable is laid to all window and doorways and removing electrical points from ceiling and floor surfaces. This is done so that later, if repairs are needed in the house, the likelihood of damage to the wiring is minimal.

      During the design process, you should adhere to several important recommendations.Electrical experts advise working according to the following standards:

      • The cable is laid at the top or bottom of the wall with a distance of 0.2 m from the ceiling or floor.
      • Installation switchboard made in the hallway of the house at a height of 150–170 cm so that children cannot reach it.
      • Turns of internal wiring are made at an angle of 90°.
      • For reasons of aesthetics and ease of use, all switches are mounted at the same height (0.8–1.5 m). They are usually fixed on the side where the handle of the doors leading into the room is located.

      Sockets can be installed at any height (PUE and SNiP do not stipulate this point). But the places for their installation should be thought out as competently as possible, taking into account the arrangement of large household appliances and furniture. Then, after the repair, you will not have to use extension cords to connect electrical equipment.

      Selection of wires, sockets, switches - the table will help

      The electrical network in a wooden house operates without accidents or failures if the cable cross-section is correctly determined, with the help of which lighting, special equipment and household appliances are connected. Many home craftsmen find this part of the work difficult. The table for selecting the diameter of copper cores for devices operating under certain loads allows you to cope with them.

      Section, mm Voltage, V
      380 220
      power, kWt Current, A power, kWt Current, A
      120 171,6 260 66,0 300
      95 145,2 220 57,2 260
      70 118,8 180 47,3 215
      50 95,7 145 38,5 175
      35 75,9 115 29,7 135
      25 59,4 90 25,3 115
      16 49,5 75 18,7 85
      10 33,0 50 15,4 70
      6 26,4 40 10,1 46
      4 19,8 30 8,3 38
      2,5 16,5 25 5,9 27
      1,5 10,5 16 4,1 19

      All electrical appliances have a technical passport or instructions for use. They indicate the loads they consume. Based on this information, it is easy to select the required cables.

      The safest wiring in a wooden house is obtained by using NYM copper products. They are easy to install and process, have good strength, and are equipped with additional insulation. Their only drawback is their high cost.

      A cable marked VVGng is more affordable. Its insulation is carried out using PVC (polyvinyl chloride) plastic compound, which does not support combustion.

      Switches and sockets are selected according to the type of electrical wiring (open or hidden), the magnitude (calculated) current, and the possibility of connecting them to a single-frame block. Cables with three cores and mandatory grounding are connected to these network elements. The latter ensures almost one hundred percent safety in the operation of household appliances.

      Input wire and machine – how to choose the right one?

      To determine the cross-section of the cable leading into the house, you need to calculate the total power (total rated load) of all available electrical devices and equipment. This is especially important if the wiring in a wooden house is being updated. That is, a complete replacement of circuit breakers and internal wiring is carried out.

      If you need to install a new input cable on a log house or residential building made of logs, you should contact the energy supply organization. Its replacement is carried out before installation and sealing of the electricity meter.

      If the building's network is designed for 380 V, a single-pole circuit breaker is installed at the input. For single-phase power supply (220 V), devices with 1 or two poles are used.

      Experts advise choosing a machine with a denomination that, when maximum loads does not turn off the current supply to the home, but breaks the electrical circuit. This eliminates the risk of a short circuit.

      It’s easy to decide on the type, characteristics and rating of the input circuit breaker (IA). First, the power of all electrical equipment in the house is taken. Using the formula P / U * 0.8, the maximum current indicator is calculated. Its value is multiplied by a special coefficient of 1.1 and the value at which the switch at the input is triggered is obtained (in most cases a 25 A fuse is used).

      The appropriate type of VA is selected based on the short circuit current (SCC). The formula used is: I = 3260 * S (wire cross-section in millimeters) / L (cable length in meters).

      The characteristics of the circuit breaker are determined by dividing the TKZ by the rated current. For individual housing construction, it is recommended to use devices of category C. They have proven themselves to be excellent when working in electrical networks with a mixed load.

      The VA is mounted after the meter. These two devices are mounted in the electrical panel on a DIN rail along with RCDs and circuit breakers. separate groups equipment, after which they begin laying cables throughout the home.

      Hidden and open wiring - features

      Outside, the cable, as noted earlier, is mounted in metal pipes, which are buried in the ground or through the air. The first method is more expensive, but truly reliable.

      Before internal wiring In the house, the installation points for the distribution board and boxes, switches, sockets, and lighting fixtures are outlined. The control panel is fixed at the selected location. Then the following actions are performed:

      • An electricity meter is mounted in the switchboard housing.
      • A VA is placed on the DIN rail, to which the neutral and phase are connected.
      • The input of the input machine is connected to the terminals of the metering device.
      • Switches and voltage relays for RCDs and individual power groups are installed on the rail.
      • All terminals of electrical equipment are connected by a wire to one core.

      They proceed directly to the wiring - hidden or open. The first is installed in cases where the decoration of the walls in the home is planned to be made as attractive and aesthetic as possible. It is ideal for newly built or completely renovated houses made of timber or rounded logs.

      Hidden wiring involves placing cables in special non-flammable plastic or metal (aluminium, steel, copper) boxes. The latter are laid between the facing of the vertical surface and its base.

      Wiring open type It is installed in houses that have been in use for a long time and when creating retro interiors in new buildings. It is done using:

      • Ceramic rollers that act as insulators. This method is optimal for homes with walls made of wooden logs.
      • Plastic channels for cables fixed on vertical bases. These mounting devices are available in different colors, which makes it possible to choose them for any cladding option.
      • PVC staples. This technique is rarely used in homes due to its unattractiveness. It is more suitable for wiring in technical, utility and utility rooms.
      • Corrugated pipes filled with cables to a maximum of 40%.
      • Special skirting boards equipped with a gutter. The latter has special fasteners for the wire.

      Important! It is advisable to equip passages through walls from one room to another with fire-resistant metal sleeves. And stretch the cables through them. In this case, the likelihood of a fire due to faulty wiring is significantly reduced.

      Popular methods of internal cable routing

      Open wiring is usually carried out using cable channels. Step-by-step instruction The execution of such an operation is given below:

      • The network laying line is marked (according to the existing design).
      • Remove the cover from the cable channel.
      • Attach the box to the ceiling surface or wall. Self-tapping screws are used for this. They are installed in increments of 50 cm. At the turns of the route, additional hardware is screwed in.
      • Distribution boxes are installed in the designated locations.
      • The electrical wiring is placed in the cable channels, the latter are covered with a lid, and the fasteners are snapped into place.

      Important! A small amount of cable should be left at the installation points of switches and sockets. It is necessary to connect the specified elements.

      The wires in the distribution boxes are connected to each other and to the terminals of sockets, circuit breakers, and switches. This part of the installation work is described in detail in the next section.

      When wiring is hidden, the cable is often “hidden” in metal pipes. The work algorithm is simple:

      • They make grooves in the walls.
      • Install distribution boxes (so that access to them after facing the vertical bases is free).
      • Installing pipes. If necessary, they are pre-cut. The ends of the products are cleaned and all burrs are removed.
      • The pipes are secured with clamps.

      The wiring is pulled through fixed metal channels. In distribution boxes, electrical conductors are twisted and insulated.

      Briefly about methods of connecting wires and the intricacies of the procedure

      The operation is performed by hand in one of three ways. United internal wiring is created:

      • Twisted.
      • Self-clamping Wago terminals.
      • Special caps.

      The first method is inexpensive and easy to implement. The insulator (4–5 cm) is removed from the ends of the cables. The wires are twisted together, soldered and wrapped with protective adhesive tape.

      Wago technology involves removing 1 cm of insulation from the ends of the wires and connecting them using self-clamping terminals. The latter are selected according to the cross-sections of the cables used.

      The third method requires the purchase of special caps, inside of which a conical spring is installed. The order of their use:

      • the wires are stripped and twisted;
      • cover the junction with the described product.

      When the cap is screwed on, the spring firmly clamps the electrical cable. And the plastic shell plays the role of an insulator.

      Nuance. The load capacity of the internal route being laid depends on the number of wire connections. The more there are, the less reliable the wiring is in operation.

      Final stages of work - little things left

      PUEs require that all household electrical equipment with a metal body (refrigerators and freezers, automatic washing machines, boilers, ovens) be grounded. This operation is easy to perform yourself:

      • Three reinforcing bars with a cross section of 3 and a length of 300 cm are cut.
      • A triangular ditch 0.3 m deep with sides 1 m is being dug in the courtyard of the house.
      • The rods are installed in the ground at the corners of the trench and connected to each other by welding and steel blanks.
      • An eye (loop) is attached to one of the rods. It is made of steel 10 mm thick.

      The eyelet is connected in the electrical panel to the grounding conductor. It has a yellow-green insulating layer.

      The residual current device is installed in the panel after the meter. It eliminates the risk of electric shock to a person if the latter breaks down on the body of household appliances. The RCD is selected based on two indicators:

      • Rated current. Its value is taken an order of magnitude higher than the characteristics of the circuit breaker installed in the circuit.
      • Leakage current. For residential premises with normal humidity purchase devices with a response threshold of 30 mA, for bathrooms, toilets and kitchens - 10 mA.

      After installation of all elements, the wiring is checked for safety of use and operability by specialists from certified electrical centers and laboratories. They conduct comprehensive tests:

      • inspect the wiring for correct installation;
      • measure the resistance of the “zero-phase”, grounding circuit and insulation;
      • check the operation of RCDs and automatic machines.

      The test results are recorded in the protocol. It must be presented to energy sales representatives who will come to seal the electric meter.

    In our time wooden houses– this is already the norm. Everyone wants to live in an environmentally friendly home, but at the same time modern man does not want to give up the conveniences of modernity. We are talking about lighting, the use of household appliances, computers, etc. All this will become possible only if we install it inside the house electric wires, install switches and sockets, distribution boards. When it comes to a wooden house, which is easily flammable and burns, special requirements are put forward for the installation of wiring, compliance with which is the key to the safety of all residents. Let’s figure out how to properly install electrical wiring in a wooden house and what must be taken into account. The material will help you evaluate your strengths and decide whether it is possible to do all the work yourself or whether you will have to call a professional for help.

    No. 1. Requirements for wiring in a wooden house

    Wood is one of those types of materials that ignite easily and burn well. can easily catch fire from a normal short circuit in the electrical circuit, so the process is to minimize the likelihood of a short circuit occurring, and if it does occur, to minimize the consequences. The following requirements are put forward for wiring in a wooden house::

    No. 2. Hidden wiring in a wooden house

    Electrical wiring in wooden buildings can be done in two ways:

    Exposed wiring consists of wires and cables with insulators attached to the surface of a wall or ceiling. This technique was popular at the beginning of the last century, but even today many prefer it to closed electrical wiring. There are several reasons for this: the wires are always visible, which allows you to quickly fix the problem, replace the damaged area, and in the case of wooden houses, open wiring is generally the only reasonable option. In this article we will talk about how to make open electrical wiring in a wooden house with your own hands.

    The problematic nature of electrification wooden houses lies in the flammability of wood. If hidden electrical wiring is installed in such a building, then the slightest malfunction, a “stray” spark or short circuit can cause a fire, and it will be almost impossible to find the source of ignition in time. To avoid such troubles, wires in log houses are laid open.

    The rules for the construction of electrical installations state that installation of open wiring in a wooden house should be carried out along the walls or flow. Laying wires inside the walls in this case is not only dangerous, but also technically difficult, since the channels for them need to be made at the stage of building the house, which means that you will need to carefully drill through each crown. Despite the prohibitions of domestic SNiP, many do this, creating potentially unsafe living conditions.

    Some consider exposed wiring a relic of the last century that disfigures the interior of the house, but this is only one side of the coin. In this article we will tell you how to make wiring not only safe and easy to use, but also aesthetically attractive. She could easily become interesting element design and highlight stylistic features interior

    Helpful advice: Open wiring is very convenient to use and control. Plus, it can be modified by laying new highways and adding several terminal installation devices.

    Wiring Requirements

    The requirements for open wiring in a wooden house differ from a similar system in, say, a brick or concrete building. Since wood is prone to fire, everything must be done possible measures protection. Wood can catch fire as a result of a short circuit or overvoltage in the network, which often happens in electrical cables. Based on this, all wires must be mounted so that they do not touch wooden surfaces. This is the first and most important rule for installing open wiring.

    In addition to maintaining the distance between the wires and the wooden wall, you must also ensure that these wires are insulated as much as possible. Choose products with containment or place them in special channels (casings, pipes, etc.). Despite the fact that the rules for installing electrical equipment allow installation without additional protective elements, it is still better to be on the safe side.

    Installation methods

    So, how can you attach a wire to a wooden wall without it touching it? There are several methods for installing open wiring, each of which provides safe operation. The main criterion for choosing a method is, perhaps, its aesthetic appeal and compliance with the style of the interior. Of course, there is also financial aspect, but when ensuring the safety of the house and the safety of residents, savings are relegated to the background. There are as many as five ways to arrange open wiring, so you can easily choose best option for your home.

    Porcelain insulators

    Installation of wiring on ceramic insulating rollers is a traditional, if not historical, method of electrifying wooden houses. Wires twisted together (twisted wire) are attached to porcelain blanks driven into the wall, resulting in a small gap between the wall and the wiring. This method is considered the most neat and beautiful, so such wiring can often be found in country or retro interiors.

    At the beginning of the 20th century, such a picture could be observed in every house and apartment, but then people discovered the delights of hidden wiring. Today, fashion is returning again, and designers are using porcelain rollers to create original interiors.

    Porcelain insulators are attached to the wall at a distance of 4 cm from the outlet, distribution box or switch in increments of 30-50 cm when mounted vertically. If the wire is planned to be placed horizontally, then the rollers are attached in increments of up to 45 cm, otherwise it will hang. When turning, use two insulators fixed at an angle of 45°.

    The twisted wire running next to the switch or socket and in the corners is tied with textile braiding, removed from excess sections of cable. This measure will prevent tension on the wire and extend its service life.

    But such open wiring has its drawbacks. Yes, twisted copper wire is quite expensive, especially considering that it should be double insulated. For this method, it is better to use a GPVOp or PVOP wire with the appropriate cross-section. The usual VVGng is also suitable, which costs an order of magnitude cheaper, but has lower protective characteristics.

    In addition, you will need to purchase special components for open wiring in a wooden house, which are also expensive: porcelain rollers, switches, junction box, sockets, etc.

    Good to know: Ceramic rollers are installed so that there are at least 5 dielectric elements per 1 m of horizontal area. Sockets and switches are installed taking into account the degree of their insulation. To get a beautiful and neat braided wire, after attaching to each porcelain insulator, you need to direct the twist in the opposite direction.

    Open Wiring Brackets

    The staples used for mounting are small plastic “hooks” that are nailed to the ceiling or walls. For this method, single-core copper cables VVng are usually used. You can also purchase NYM cable, a higher quality triple insulated product. The technology for installing open wiring is determined by the type of electrical cable.

    Good to know: NYM cables are more preferable for open wiring because they are reliably protected by several layers of insulating winding. You can also choose VVGng-LS - a flame retardant cable. Even in the event of a short circuit, it will emit little smoke. In the case of using a universal flat wire PUNP, it is necessary to place an asbestos or metal gasket between the wall and the wire. It should be 1 cm wider than the wire on each side.

    The use of brackets for installing open wiring is very popular because it is the fastest and most inexpensive way. However, it has one serious drawback - appearance Such wiring will be quite simple and unaesthetic, especially if several wires are laid in parallel.

    Corrugated pipe for open wiring

    Corrugated pipes are often used to install wiring not only in log houses, but also in houses made of brick or reinforced concrete. Thanks to a wide selection of pipe models with different diameters, you can hide several wires and cables in them at once. To fix the pipe to the wall or ceiling, use ties or clips.

    The main advantage of corrugated wiring is its non-flammability and inability to spread fire. This allows it to be used as additional insulation for electrical cables of any brand. Plus, it can be easily attached to any surface.

    However, this is not without its drawbacks. It is very difficult to lay such a pipe in a straight line - it tends to bend and twist. As a result, all bends and sagging spoil the appearance of the wiring. Also, dust constantly accumulates in the folds of the pipe, so it needs to be wiped regularly. This option is not very suitable for installation in a residential building due to its aesthetic unattractiveness, but due to the low cost of corrugation and its good protective abilities, many prefer to sacrifice beauty for the sake of practicality.

    Metal hoses, pipes and PVC pipes can also be equated to the use of corrugation, but unlike it, such products will be difficult to install on corners and bends.

    Cable channels for open wiring

    Cable channels are perhaps the most optimal way to disguise exposed wiring in the house. They allow you to safely lay cables, provide quick access to them if necessary, and at the same time do not violate the integrity of the interior design, or even emphasize it.

    An analogue of cable channels are special plinths, on the back of which there are grooves where wires are laid. A wide selection of textures, sizes and colors allows you to choose a model to match the interior, diverting attention from its shortcomings and possible finishing defects.

    Liquid nails, self-tapping screws and dowels are suitable for attaching cable ducts and baseboards. Since we are talking about installing wiring in a wooden house, in this case optimal solution There will be fixation with self-tapping screws or nails without heads. Before installing the cable channel, it is necessary to determine its cross-section. It should be such that all the wires fit freely and with small gaps. It is not recommended to “stuff” it tightly; it is best to purchase a model with dividing edges so that each wire is in its own groove.

    To make a list of necessary materials, and in addition to the cable channel, you will also need connecting fittings, corners, fasteners, sockets, etc., you need to draw as many detailed diagram open wiring in a wooden house.

    So, we have described the main methods of installing open wiring, and now you can choose the best option for your home. Of course, no one forbids combining them; on the contrary, this will allow you to achieve greater practicality and beauty. For example, under the ceiling you can hide wires in plastic box, and on uneven areas use corrugated tubes.

    Installation of open wiring

    In this chapter we will describe general principles installation of open wiring in a wooden house. Depending on the installation method you choose, the specifics may vary slightly. The first step is to draw up a detailed plan on which to mark the entire route of the wires, all sockets, switches and the power that the devices in each room will consume. Based on this, the cross-section of cables and wires should be selected. In each room to supply energy to lighting fixtures and the sockets need different cables.

    To work you will need the following tools and materials:

    • wires and cables;
    • switches and sockets;
    • plastic bushings;
    • extension;
    • distribution boxes;
    • metal sleeves and plate;
    • porcelain insulators, cable ducts, corrugated pipes (depending on the chosen installation method);
    • plastic staples;
    • circuit breakers and RCDs;
    • side cutters;
    • screwdrivers;
    • hammer;
    • file;
    • drill;
    • stationery knife;
    • spanners;
    • voltage indicator;
    • multimeter


    1. Prepare the places where switches, lamps and sockets will be fixed. Each of these parts must be installed on a metal base. To make it, cut a rectangular piece of the appropriate size from 2 mm sheet metal and nail it to the wall.
    2. Route cables and wires along the walls, ceiling or floor. To run wiring through the wall, you will need to drill a hole. Use a drill for this. But just push the wire through wooden wall he can't, because, as we already know, he shouldn't touch her. It is at this stage that you will need a metal sleeve. First insert it into the hole, and then thread the cable. The diameter of the hole should be slightly larger than the diameter of the sleeve. In this case, the edges of the sleeve should protrude at least 1 cm on both sides of the wall. To prevent sharp edges from damaging the cable insulation, cover them with plastic bushings.
    3. For a single-phase network, use three-core cables, for a techphase network, use five-core cables.
    4. After placing the wiring according to the diagram, route it and connect the wires to outlets, switches and lighting fixtures.
    5. Before connecting each of the branches to the distribution box, measure the resistance of the insulation, grounding, phase-zero loop and RCD. Also check that there are no short circuits in the branches.

    If you are not qualified enough, it is better to trust similar work specialists, otherwise you risk not only burning the wiring, but also putting your life in danger. Electrification is a serious matter that requires caution and great experience, so if you decide to do this yourself, follow all personal safety measures.


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