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Methods for destroying creeping wheatgrass: agrochemical, chemical and folk methods.

Wheatgrass on summer cottage? Can't withdraw? We will tell you how to get rid of the “creeping” conqueror of the earth forever.

Creeping wheatgrass: what does it look like in early spring, how does it reproduce, on what soils does it grow?

Wheatgrass is a perennial weed that quickly spreads across plot of land and causing great trouble to gardeners. Before we tell you how to deal with this noxious weed, let’s imagine it in all its glory. As they say, you need to know the enemy by sight.

  • (Elytrigia repens) - cereal herbaceous plant with a creeping branched rhizome, lying to a depth of 15 cm or more, quickly spreading over large areas. The root system of the plant can cover an area of ​​up to 3 meters
  • It has popular names: plover, dog's tooth, ponyry. The weed grows quickly and can reach a height of up to 1.5 m. Long linear leaves are green with a bluish tint. Has a flower in the form of an erect spike
  • The weed can grow on different types soils, even highly acidified ones. The ability of seed and vegetative propagation (in pieces of rhizomes), unpretentiousness, great resistance to drought and frost, rapid “conquest” of land, all this gives reason to classify creeping wheatgrass as the most malicious weed.
  • Wheatgrass seeds germinate already in March-May at a temperature of +2+4°. Pointed elongated ribbon leaves climb out of the soil, at the same time a powerful rhizome is formed, which quickly spreads and throws new plants to the soil surface

Wheatgrass: how to get rid of chemistry, herbicides, wheatgrass poison


Chemicals to combat green pests have proven their effectiveness and speed of action. Systemic chemical reagents penetrate the entire plant when sprayed and have a detrimental effect on the weed.

Important: The choice of herbicide should be based on the purpose of achieving the effect: complete removal all plants in a given area or selective exposure.

If you need to remove all the plants on the path or between paving slabs- herbicides are used continuous action. On lawns and large areas of garden crops, selective action drugs are used to individual species weeds.

Online stores and specialized gardening centers offer big choice chemical reagents to combat wheatgrass:

  • Roundup
  • Hurricane Forte
  • Agrokiller
  • Glyphos
  • Tornado
  • Ground
  • Fusilade Forte

IMPORTANT: Chemical methods the effects on wheatgrass are effective, but one should not forget that by removing the “annoying” weed from the garden with the help of herbicides, a person causes irreparable damage to the living soil and its inhabitants. Plants planted on such land for a long time will be exposed to these reagents. According to scientists, herbicides in one area should not be used more than once every three years.

When working with chemical herbicides, you should use personal protective equipment: goggles, respirators, gloves, thick clothing that does not allow the herbicide to come into contact with the skin.

Preparation Baikal EM1

New technologies in the fight against wheatgrass

Along with strong chemical herbicides, science is introducing new drugs that do not have a detrimental effect on the soil composition and its inhabitants. Biochemist scientists have found strains of microorganisms that can feed on organic debris.

These are so-called EM drugs. By treating the soil with these substances, the soil structure is not disturbed, but on the contrary, the balance of soil cover and microflora is restored without digging and other traditional agricultural techniques

When EM preparations are applied to the root system of weeds, they die as a result of EM fermentation. In addition, effective microorganisms are a wonderful microbiological fertilizer.

The following soil treatment preparations deserve attention:

  • Baikal EM-1
  • Shine
  • Renaissance
  • Tamir
  • EM molasses
  • Emix
  • Gumazat EM universal

Fighting wheatgrass in the garden: roundup

Herbicide Roundup

Roundup has received well-deserved attention in the fight against many difficult-to-control perennial cereal weeds, in particular, creeping wheatgrass. The new generation herbicide is characterized by many indicators that deserve the trust of gardeners.

High efficiency. Roundup completely frees the treated area from weeds

Safety. If the instructions for use are followed, the herbicide is practically not dangerous to people and environment

IMPORTANT: Roundup, due to its low toxicity, is included in the register of approved drugs by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Ecology of the Russian Federation.

Glyphosate, the active component of Roundup, has a systemic effect. After spraying weed the solution penetrates into all parts of the weed, reaching the root system 6-7 days after treatment.

Roundup is used to treat the soil before sowing and after harvesting to prevent the soil before next landings. To remove creeping wheatgrass, working solutions are prepared according to the attached instructions. The solution destroys both individual plants and dense grassy thickets.

Features of using Roundup

  1. The working solution is sprayed in dry, windless weather in the complete absence of dew and rain moisture on the leaves of the weeds.
  2. It is permissible to store the prepared solution for a week if the container in which the solution is stored is tightly sealed
  3. Do not pull out or mow weeds before applying herbicide.
  4. After treatment with Roundup, agrotechnical measures such as weeding, digging and loosening the soil should not be carried out for 5-7 days
  5. If the herbicide solution somehow gets on a crop plant, it should be thoroughly washed off with water.

Wheatgrass Remedy: Hurricane

Herbicide Hurricane Forte
  • Hurricane Forte— systemic herbicide of continuous action. Contains an active substance - glyphosate, which is considered an analogue of a herbicide Roundup with the same chemical reagent. Available in containers of different packaging, which is convenient for processing different sizes areas
  • To spray 1 acre of garden, dilute 20-40 ml of the drug in 3-4 liters of water. Used before pre-spring planting and after agricultural work in the fall
  • Completely removes such difficult-to-remove weeds as creeping wheatgrass, as it penetrates not only into the leaf part of the plant, but into the stem and root system. Hurricane Forte is a low-toxic drug and is approved for use. Safe for bees, the environment and people

IMPORTANT: When preparing the working solution, you must strictly adhere to the rules for preparing the drug, following the recommendations set out in the instructions.

Advice from the experts: for more effective death of the root system of creeping wheatgrass, add 100-150 g of urea per 10 liters of working herbicide solution. Ammonia nitrogen improves the delivery of the drug to the roots of the weed plant.

Green manure against wheatgrass

Ridding the soil of wheatgrass using green manure plants - organic method land cultivation. Sowing a site with green manure does not affect the ecology of the environment and the soil. The technique helps not only to remove weeds, but also to aerate the land cover and improve the soil structure.

The most common green manure plants:

  • Sarepta mustard
  • lupine
  • phacelia
  • buckwheat
  • clover
  • peas

Green manure is sown on land after shallow plowing (with a Fokin flat cutter, walk-behind tractor or cultivator) a month before planting or immediately after harvesting.

Green manure, growing, displaces weeds from the site. In addition, mowed and embedded green manure grass into the soil improves its quality, promotes natural aeration of the soil and its fertility. The sown green manure does not allow the wheatgrass root system to grow, and the soil will gradually be cleared of the malicious weed.

Remedy for wheatgrass on potatoes

  • Preparing a bed for potatoes in a summer cottage is not difficult. Many gardeners prefer ecological way destruction of wheatgrass in a small area: autumn digging of the earth followed by selection of rhizomes. Moreover, you should dig the soil with a pitchfork to avoid breaking the wheatgrass roots, which provokes new growth of the root system
  • But how to fight weeds in large areas of potato fields? This method will be very difficult. You can't do without herbicides here. Roundup, Tornado, Hurricane Forte- modern high-tech systemic herbicides, which are used by spraying on weeds according to the attached instructions for use
  • Late autumn tillage with reagents or after harvesting is effective. When spraying in spring, it is recommended to pre-sowing treatment of the area or 3-5 days before crop germination

Manual removal of wheatgrass in small areas: video

How to get rid of wheatgrass in strawberries?

Fighting wheatgrass in strawberry beds is problematic, but possible. Let's give some tips on how to do this.

  • If wheatgrass has infested the strawberry beds, you should defuse the plantings. It is recommended to remove old and weak plants. This helps improve ventilation between the strawberry bushes and makes it possible to dig up nearby wheatgrass. Then you should manually remove the weed along with the root system
  • If there is a large accumulation of wheatgrass, the weed can be treated with a systemic herbicide. IN in this case The spraying method will not work. The working solution should be applied to the weed carefully with a brush, making sure that the herbicide does not get on the strawberry leaves. It is best to apply herbicides in the fall after harvesting.
  • Fusilade Forte- a systemic herbicide approved for the removal of perennial cereals in strawberry beds. After treatment with herbicide, you should not loosen the soil for two weeks. During this time, the wheatgrass rhizome completely dies

IMPORTANT: Use herbicides for strawberries as a last resort; if possible, use other methods of weed control.

  • Strawberry row spacing should be covered with sawdust or straw, this covering will not allow weeds to break through
  • The cultivation method will help to destroy wheatgrass in strawberries, and other weeds. berry culture on mulching film. This method has found wide use among gardeners recently.

How to choose the right herbicides, video

How to get rid of wheatgrass in raspberries: herbicide

  • Creeping wheatgrass is a dangerous weed for raspberries. Since berry bushes are responsive to organic matter, the rows and inter-rows of raspberries quickly become overgrown with wheatgrass. The root system of the weed is tightly intertwined with the roots of the raspberry, and awls (underground shoots) can even pass through them. Therefore, it is difficult to remove wheatgrass from a raspberry growing area.
  • Wheatgrass can be removed by selective treatment with continuous herbicides: Roundup, Tornado, Agrokiller, Hurricane Forte. The working solution is prepared strictly according to the instructions. Weeds are treated with a brush over the surface of the above-ground part of the weed. In this case, you should pay attention so that the working solution does not get on young raspberry shoots

IMPORTANT: An alternative chemical control with wheatgrass is a method of mulching rows berry bushes sawdust, straw. Mulch prevents weeds from growing and keeps the soil moist.

How to deal with wheatgrass on the lawn?

  • Spring is considered best time to remove wheatgrass, as well as all weeds. If single instances of wheatgrass appear on the lawn, you should immediately remove them along with the roots, prying up the plant without damaging the roots
  • If this is not done right away, the fast-growing and ubiquitous wheatgrass roots will quickly take over a large portion of the lawn. In addition, there is a chance for the plant to ripen and disperse seeds onto the well-groomed lawn area. Then you will have to fight wheatgrass in other ways and it will take much more time.
  • Upon disembarkation lawn grass The soil should be completely protected from weeds. It is best to apply herbicides before planting grasses. But if wheatgrass, sow thistle, and dandelions suddenly grow on a well-groomed lawn, which are difficult to control manually, you should select selective herbicides. The drug has proven itself well for these purposes. Agrokiller

Fighting wheatgrass with folk remedies

Wheatgrass is such a nuisance to summer residents and gardeners that everything is used - both the latest chemicals and time-tested ones. traditional methods and funds. Let’s share the most common and accessible recipes for getting rid of this nasty weed.


Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda can be easily purchased at any supermarket or pharmacy. A rather aggressive reagent will help destroy single instances of wheatgrass and other weeds between the tiles garden path or recreation areas. To do this, you need to prepare a strong soda solution and spill it on the loose grass.


Sodium chloride or table salt It is also a cheap weed killer. Salt crystals should be scattered on weeds around planted crops. After watering, the salt will be absorbed into the soil and inhibit the germination of new weeds.


Burning, in the literal sense of the word, young wheatgrass with a blowtorch - effective method getting rid of the green enemy. It is a pity that this method does not remove the root system of perennial wheatgrass.

Killing weeds with a blowtorch: video

Feed grain

  • The method has found wide application in foreign countries. Sufficient testing and positive results give rise to the use of this technique for weed control
  • Feed grain is grain waste from the processing of corn, oats, wheat and other grain crops. Mainly used for making feed for livestock and birds
  • The mechanism of action of feed grain on weeds is the presence of a certain gluten, which acts as a contraceptive for weed germination
  • The method is applied in the middle of the season, when the cultivated plants have become stronger and have acquired a sufficient root system. Feed grain spreads around cultivated plants in a small layer and blocks the emergence of new weeds from seeds


The method of treating the soil with diluted ethanol before planting came to us from America. I'm afraid that our summer residents are unlikely to follow foreign advice. How can you pour such a valuable product into the ground? But the method has a right to exist. Moreover, as American farmers say, the area treated with this method will not be overgrown with weeds, at least in the current season.

Ethyl alcohol is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. The resulting solution is used to treat the soil approximately 30 days before planting. 11 liters of this mixture is enough to treat 2-2.5 acres of land.

Lemon acid

In 1 liter hot water dissolve 3 tablespoons citric acid. Weeds are sprayed with the solution in sunny, windless weather.


The principle of mulching is to completely hide access, sun and air to sprouted weeds and make it impossible for their seeds to hatch. Mulching material gives reliable protection from weeds to garden plants and flower crops.

The following can be used as mulching material:

  • polyethylene film or woven fiber
  • sawdust
  • expanded clay or gravel
  • crushed tree bark
  • mown grass
  • improvised material

To remove a large accumulation of wheatgrass in the beds, you need to be patient; it will take 3-4 months to wait for the result.

  1. To begin with, mark out the beds for growing garden crops.
  2. The surface of the marked earth is tightly covered with film, cardboard, old linoleum or dense material
  3. You can pour a thick layer of mown grass or straw on top
  4. After 3-4 months, the shelter can be removed and the soil can be cultivated.
  5. You can remove wheatgrass using this method in early spring when the plant just begins to emerge from the ground. You can also mulch areas with leeks for the winter.

Fighting wheatgrass in the garden with vinegar

For experienced summer residents The method of combating wheatgrass and other perennial weeds using a vinegar solution has long been known.

To prepare the herbicidal “Weed Killer” take:

  • strong vinegar (15-20%) - 3.8 l
  • table salt - 0.5 cups
  • any detergent- 1 teaspoon (for better adhesion of the solution)
  1. All components should be mixed thoroughly
  2. Wheatgrass is treated in the morning in dry weather.
  3. Spray the entire surface of the weed generously

Treatment with ordinary 9% table vinegar from a spray bottle also contributes to the death of leafy green weeds.

This treatment method is effective for eradicating annual weeds. In case of leek and other perennial herbs- the method is suitable only for removing the green mass of the plant. The root system of wheatgrass remains in the ground and after some time the young weeds will conquer new areas of land.

IMPORTANT: Vinegar is a rather strong reagent, so you should spray it carefully, avoiding getting it on crop plants.

Pumpkin vs wheatgrass

  • American Indians were the first to use pumpkin in weed control. They used corn and beans in joint plantings. Large pumpkin leaves covered the soil from weeds, and corn provided support for the growth of beans. An ecological and simple method should be adopted.
  • In an area filled with wheatgrass and other weeds, cut out pieces of turf measuring 30x30 cm at a distance of 1 m from each other. The turf is turned over with the root system facing up. Pumpkin is planted on the cut pieces
  • Weeds are cut down between the rows. This is done once, then large leaves pumpkins will cover the surface of the site and prevent weeds from growing. This method will free the borders of the site from weeds. To do this, seeds are planted along the fence of the site, and the lashes are sent towards the boundary

So what should you choose?

Let's summarize at the end. Gardeners are fighting wheatgrass in the following directions:

  1. mowing and weeding wheatgrass
  2. digging the soil and then picking out the rhizomes
  3. removing wheatgrass using covering materials and mulch
  4. chemical exposure on the weed with herbicides and other reagents

It is impossible to say for sure which method is better; each has its own pros and cons.

  • You will have to mow and weed the grass several times during the summer. This method is on a short time removes wheatgrass. After all, the creeping root of the plant continues to remain in the soil and grows rapidly further
  • Selecting rhizomes from dug up soil is a rather time-consuming and labor-intensive method of getting rid of wheatgrass. It's a shame that such tedious work will not guarantee complete destruction of the weed. Not all broken roots can be removed from the ground. Over time they will give life to new growth
  • Herbicides do an excellent job of destroying harmful plants. But, it cannot be guaranteed that the chemical reagent will not get on other garden plants, and with them on our table
  • Covering beds overgrown with wheatgrass with covering material and mulch is effective and safe method getting rid of weeds
  • Sowing green manure is an ecological way to get rid of weeds in organic farming

And at the end of the article - a bonus:

Correct tips: how to effectively control weeds on your property?

  1. Methods organic farming and Mittleider's beds - perfect solution weed control
  2. Spot application of fertilizing and fertilizers will prevent weeds from thriving. Fertilizers should be applied only before planting and in places where plants will grow. Random application of fertilizers only stimulates weed growth. In the future, seasonal scheduled fertilizing should be carried out.
  3. Early spring weed control: weeding and physical removal of weeds from the root system will help prevent the site from being neglected. Don’t forget about the glanders and rake in the future. Carry out sanitary weeding throughout the season
  4. Mulching is your reliable ally in the fight against weeds. Apply mulch in beds, flower beds, on paths between beds, in the trunks of fruit trees
  5. Using black film on beds with strawberries, zucchini, tomatoes and other crops will help avoid weed dominance
  6. Application drip irrigation- a revolutionary breakthrough in growing plants. The benefit of such irrigation lies not only in the economical use of water, but also in the targeted delivery of life-giving moisture to the right plants, leaving weeds to die without water
  7. The soil should not be left bare. You should immediately cover it with black film and plant it with green manure or cultivated plants.
  8. Annual rotation of crop planting helps eradicate weeds
  9. The predominant way to grow a plant is through seedlings, rather than through seeds.

IMPORTANT: We should not forget: achieving effective results in the fight against the most malicious weeds is possible only with systematic control, and not with their occasional destruction.

Victory over wheatgrass without chemicals - finally and irrevocably: video

Creeping wheatgrass is one of the most tenacious perennial weeds, a real gardener's nightmare. The roots of the plant reach 1.5 m in length and lie at a depth of 10–40 cm. In abandoned areas where wheatgrass is not controlled, the total length of the roots reaches 10 km per hundred square meters, and the weight is 40 kg. Every two to three centimeters there is a bud on the root, from which, under favorable conditions, a shoot (the so-called awl) sprouts.

At the same time, wheatgrass consumes twice more water And useful substances than most cultivated plants. Its roots release phenolic compounds into the soil, which slow down the growth of neighbors in the garden bed. The weed is frost-resistant and is not afraid of either drought or flood. There are cases when shoots sprouted from roots that had been under water for two months. But wheatgrass also reproduces by seeds, which remain viable for 5 years.

Wheatgrass and potatoes do not coexist peacefully in the same bed: the long thin roots of the weed pierce right through the young tubers. In addition, wheatgrass thickets attract worst enemy potatoes - wireworm.

Mechanical methods of destroying wheatgrass

The simplest, but very labor-intensive method of combating wheatgrass is ordinary weeding. The area is plowed or dug up, then the weed roots are removed from the ground with a pitchfork. True, with this method, many fragments of roots remain in the soil, from which young awls sprout. But if you weed the area regularly and carefully, then each time the weed sprouts will become weaker, until after 3-4 years they disappear completely. The extracted roots are burned in compost heap You can't throw them away.

Treatment of the site taking into account the life cycles of wheatgrass

Wheatgrass gains strength in the fall, starting in late September. In spring, strong young shoots grow rapidly, but by mid-summer this process slows down. In addition, the weed does not like shade, and in June - July the potato tops are so spreading and thick that they completely shade the soil in the garden bed.

By August, the wheatgrass ear ripens and the plant weakens. It is during this period that it is best to destroy it. After harvesting the potatoes, the vacated soil is loosened, pulling out the wheatgrass roots. In small areas, use rakes and pitchforks. Large vegetable gardens are cultivated twice with disc cultivators: first along, then across. In dry weather, crushed wheatgrass roots remain on top and dry out. Once again, this procedure is recommended to be carried out in October, before snow falls: then most of the weed roots will appear on the surface and freeze.

If you have poultry on the farm, in the fall you can use a homemade “herbicide”: spray areas especially clogged with wheatgrass with a concentrated solution of droppings (approximately 1:4). Such a product can burn out any vegetation, and before spring it will decompose and turn into first-class fertilizer.

In the spring, the area is again traversed lengthwise and crosswise with a cultivator: young shoots of wheatgrass are easier to destroy. On small areas weed germination can be stimulated. To do this, immediately after the snow melts, future beds are covered with ash or peat and covered transparent film. The soil warms up and the wheatgrass immediately begins to grow. The seedlings are weeded out, and the procedure is repeated again a week later. By the time the potatoes are planted, the weed roots remaining in the ground have weakened and do not pose a serious danger. Subsequently, until the tops close in the row, weeding is recommended to be done with a flat cutter.

Areas completely free of weeds can be fenced off with dahlias: these flowers drown out the wheatgrass.

Planting green manure

One of the main rules of organic farming: the land should not be empty. Immediately after the autumn harrowing, green manure is sown on the site. IN southern regions Before the snow, watercress, spinach, dill, and even carrots will still have time to sprout and ripen.

But if there is a lot of wheatgrass, then it is best to plant plants that can drown it out as green manure: rye or clover. In the spring, green manure is mowed and used for livestock feed or for mulching.


Good results can be achieved if you cover the loosened soil with black spunbond, cardboard or old linoleum. In the warmth, wheatgrass shoots will reach the surface, but without light and air they will begin to rot, beneficial microorganisms will join the process and earthworms. Within a year, most of the weed roots will rot in the protected area.

Another option: cover the beds after loosening in the fall, and remove the covering material in the spring. Some of the wheatgrass roots will rot, and the remaining ones will be much easier to extract from soft soil.

When fighting wheatgrass on potatoes, mulching with straw, hay, sawdust, weeded and dried weeds also helps. Some experienced gardeners They even advise not to loosen the soil deeply, but to periodically treat the beds with a trimmer, while mowing and chopping weed shoots. The roots of weeds, not receiving the products of photosynthesis, gradually weaken, and mulch is obtained from the green crumbs.

Biological products against wheatgrass

To completely destroy wheatgrass roots in a potato bed, the soil under a layer of organic mulch or spunbond is spilled with a solution of the Baikal-EM1 preparation. The effective microorganisms contained in it perceive any damaged plant as a nutrient medium. Therefore, the product is used immediately after loosening the soil. disc cultivator when wheatgrass roots appear on the surface. If the garden is heavily infested with wheatgrass, at least 2 liters of solution at a concentration of 1:500 is needed per 1 m² (a 40 ml bottle is designed to treat an area of ​​10 acres).

“Baikal-EM1” is especially effective in cases where potatoes are planted in virgin soil. Cut from the beds thin layer turf, folded in layers with the grass down, watered with a solution of the drug and covered with polyethylene. Bare areas of soil are dug up and planted with potatoes. Within a few months, the removed turf decomposes into compost.

"Baikal-EM1" is best used in the fall. Even if you simply water the loosened soil with the product and do not cover it with mulch, microorganisms will still process the damaged wheatgrass roots. In spring, the product in this concentration can be used no later than 15 days before planting potatoes. "Baikal-EM 1" can be replaced with the drug "Tamir".

Herbicides against wheatgrass on potatoes

Large plantations require the use of pesticides. The most famous herbicide for wheatgrass on potatoes is Roundup ( active substance– glyphosate). This systemic drug destroys all vegetation, but quickly decomposes in the soil. It is used either in the fall, after harvesting, or in the spring, 3–4 weeks before planting potatoes.

The drug is most effective at a time when the height of wheatgrass shoots reaches 10–15 cm: the plants begin to bloom, and the outflow of photosynthesis products to the rhizomes increases. To achieve mass seedlings, the area is harrowed shallowly (up to 5 cm). Grown wheatgrass is sprayed with Roundup (for 1 hundred square meters a solution of 10–25 g of the drug in 10 liters of water is required). According to the famous domestic theorist of organic farming N.I. Kurdyumov, with such a dose of pesticide, beneficial soil bacteria are almost not affected.

The treatment is carried out in calm weather, the beds with cultivated plants are covered with film, trees and bushes are fenced off with boards or sheets of corrugated sheets. Glyphosate, getting on a wheatgrass leaf, penetrates deep and reaches the roots through the vessels. After 8–10 days the weed dies.

It is prohibited to use Roundup or other herbicides containing glyphosate (Smersh, Hurricane, Tornado) in the fall to “dry” potato tops, since in this case the active substance gets into the tubers.

There are also specialized herbicides for the destruction of cereal weeds, including wheatgrass on potatoes:

  • “Antipyreum” (active ingredient – ​​hizalofop-P-tefuryl) – applied once per season;
  • “Lazurit Super” (active ingredient – ​​metribuzin) – can be used once per season, when the potatoes have already sprouted, but the height of the shoots does not exceed 5 cm;
  • “Centurion” (a.v. – clethodim) – one-time use is allowed at any time;
  • "Titus" (a.v. - rimsulfuron) - intended for processing potato beds after hilling;
  • “Fusilad Super” (a.v. – fluazifop-P-butyl) – is used in any phase of potato development.

All these drugs must be used strictly according to the instructions. When processing potato plantings, be sure to wear a protective suit, gloves, goggles and a respirator.

Creeping wheatgrass is a perennial herbaceous plant from the group of rhizomatous weeds. Wheatgrass has a high degree of harmfulness on crops due to increased moisture consumption and removal of elements mineral nutrition, as well as allelopathic effects of toxic substances released by the roots.

The main mistake of an agronomist is a mediocre attitude towards dusty fields. Many people do not rely on these fields great hopes obtaining high yields and relegating their importance to the background when making certain agronomic decisions. Wheatgrass, in turn, grows in loose and nutrient-rich soils.

Measures to combat creeping wheatgrass are divided into agrotechnical and chemical.

Agrotechnical control measures.

The golden rule of Terenty Semenovich Maltsev:

“A dusty field that is fallow must be cross-disced as deeply as possible in the fall, just before the frosts, so that sections of rhizomes do not have time to grow back. IN loose soil they freeze out in winter.”

In the spring, the “shilts” that emerge from the preserved rhizomes are disced. All summer, wheatgrass is not allowed to form leaves and stems. At the end of autumn, the field can be plowed without moldboard.

“With this technology for caring for fallow wheatgrass, it dies completely. Its rhizomes literally turn into humus over the summer. In a field where there was a lot of wheatgrass, steamed grain grows better than without the weed.”

Thus, we can conclude that wheatgrass will never be defeated by a separate agrotechnical operation and the problem must be solved by a set of measures.

Chemical control measures.

The main mistake of many agronomists and farmers is to rely on one pre-sowing treatment with general-killing herbicides in the fight against wheatgrass using the chemical method.

In my practice, there were treatments using three and four liters of glyphosate. Wheatgrass spots were also “ironed” by driving the sprayer back and forth several times. We even tried 10 liters. Unfortunately the effect of spring treatment the same in any dose. The wheatgrass dried out and grew back in the crops.

Accordingly, the principle of integrated control should be preserved and the second stage consists of treating the crop with a maximum dose of graminicide during the growing season. As you may have guessed, the fight will only be possible in the crops of dicotyledonous crops.

The final and most important stage This is an autumn treatment exclusively with isopropylamine salt of glyphosate acid. Why potassium salt is not suitable in autumn, you can read in the article

This treatment can be carried out both during desiccation and after harvesting the crop. I hope readers understand that rhizomatous weeds experience a drainage in the fall. nutrients into the root system and glyphosate will achieve its goal.


The methods of “suffocation” and “depletion” are an axiom in the fight against perennial rhizomatous weeds. If you have your own thoughts, considerations and methods for combating creeping infestation, please share them in the comments to the article...

And do not forget that creeping wheatgrass is the host plant of such a fungal disease as Pyrenophorosis / Yellow spot of wheat (Drechslera tritici-repentis) which can reduce yields from 20 to 50%.

There is no summer resident who has not encountered wheatgrass. This perennial weed quickly spreads across the ground and causes a lot of trouble for summer residents. Therefore, most of them are racking their brains about how to get rid of wheatgrass in the garden. That's what we'll talk about today.

First let's get to know the weed. Creeping wheatgrass is a grass that has a creeping branched root that can go deep up to 20 cm. It very quickly occupies large areas, thanks to its roots, since root system The plants cover an area of ​​about 3 meters.

Wheatgrass grows on any soil, it reproduces by seeds and pieces of roots, is resistant to dry and frosty weather, and is unpretentious. Its seeds can germinate in March. For this, only +3 degrees C is enough. These are all its “merits” that allow us to consider this weed malicious.

The fight against wheatgrass, as with all harmful weeds, should be carried out in several directions. It could be:

  • mechanical destruction (mowing and weeding);
  • digging up the earth;
  • mulching thickets;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • green manure plants;
  • folk methods.

It is impossible to say for sure which method is better and more effective. Each of them has positive and negative sides, and today we will try to dwell on each of them in more detail.


You need to mow and weed the grass several times during the summer. This method will allow you to remove wheatgrass only for a while, since most of the roots will remain in the ground and will continue to develop and spread.


Digging up the ground and then picking out roots from it is long and tedious. In addition, this method does not guarantee that you will forever forget how to deal with wheatgrass. You still won’t be able to completely remove the cut and broken roots from the ground, and after a while they will begin a new life.

But the amount of weed will certainly decrease, and if you are persistent and consistent, then positive results will come, although not as quickly as you would like.


This is enough reliable way get rid of the weed. Mulch stops access sun rays and air to growing weeds and prevents seeds from sprouting. It reliably protects the garden from unwanted vegetation.

Mulching material can be:

  • cellophane or non-woven fiber;
  • sawdust;
  • gravel, expanded clay;
  • mown grass, hay;
  • any available material.

Removing dense stands of wheatgrass takes time and patience. It will take about 4 months to achieve results. If you want to destroy it in the beds, then the order of work will be as follows.

  1. First of all, we mark out the beds for vegetables.
  2. We carefully cover the soil in the marked beds with weed-proof film or whatever we have on hand. Cover the covering material with a thick layer of straw.
  3. After 3-4 months, we remove the covering material and begin cultivating the soil.
  4. You can start getting rid of weeds by mulching in late autumn. Before winter, the areas are mulched, and by the time it is time to start planting, all that remains is to till the soil and remove the remaining roots.


If you are tired of unequal weed control and don’t know how to remove wheatgrass from your garden, then try using herbicides. In practice, they have long shown that they destroy weeds quite quickly and effectively. When sprayed, the reagents penetrate the leaves, spread along the plant stem, penetrate the roots and kill weeds.

Important! When choosing herbicides, you should know exactly what you want: remove all plants or just certain types of weeds.

If your goal is to get rid of plants on the path and clean it completely or clean the gaps between the tiles, then you should use continuous action preparations. Usually on large garden plantings, lawns use drugs with selective action on certain types weeds.

Today, retail chains sell various chemicals for gardeners who are puzzling over how to get rid of wheatgrass in the garden.

These are drugs such as:

  • Agrokiller;
  • Ground;
  • Fusilade Forte.

These drugs are low toxic and are actively used. The toxic liquid makes its way into the plant, and after a week it reaches its roots. The land is also cultivated for preventive purposes. The processing liquid is prepared according to the instructions. With its help you will get rid of weeds on your site.

Important! Asking the question: “How to destroy wheatgrass?” and armed for this chemicals to remove wheatgrass, sow thistle and other unwanted guests on your site, do not forget that by killing weeds, you are simultaneously harming the earth and its inhabitants.

Vegetables growing in such soil will continue to feel the effects of chemicals for a long time. It is believed that such drugs can be used in one place no more than once every three years.

Using chemicals Precautionary measures must be observed: wear clothing that will prevent the drug from coming into contact with the body.

EM drugs

Along with powerful herbicides that help fight weeds, new preparations have been developed that do not destroy the soil and its inhabitants. Scientists have identified microorganisms that feed on residual organic matter.

They are called EM-preparations (effective microorganisms). When treating the soil with these preparations, the soil does not lose its properties. Moreover, the soil and its microflora are able to recover without the use of traditional methods agricultural technology and digging. When EM preparations get on the roots of weeds, they die from EM fermentation, and the effective microorganisms themselves are an excellent microbiological fertilizer.

Among the EM preparations intended for soil treatment, we can particularly highlight:

  • Baikal EM-1;
  • Shine;
  • Revival;
  • Tamir;
  • Amyx;
  • EM molasses;
  • Gumazat EM-universal.

Green manure

With the help of green manure plants, you can defeat the annoying wheatgrass weed. This method of ridding the land of wheatgrass and other weeds is called organic cultivation. Sowing green manure plants on the site does not affect its ecological condition in any way. On the contrary, the area is cleared of weeds, and at the same time the soil improves and its aeration occurs.

Here are the most famous green manure plants:

  • phacelia;
  • Sarepta mustard;
  • rape;
  • lupine;
  • buckwheat;
  • peas;
  • clover;
  • rye.

The soil on the site should be shallowly plowed and green manure plants should be sown a month before planting. You can sow them after harvesting. The green manure will grow, preventing the wheatgrass root system from growing, displacing weeds from the garden and cleaning it. Mowed green manure and embedded in the ground have the ability to improve its quality, increase fertility and promote its aeration.

Folk remedies

All means are good to destroy creeping wheatgrass, and the measures to combat it are different. This and modern drugs, And folk remedies, which include:

  • soda;
  • salt;
  • blowtorch;
  • lemon acid;
  • vinegar.

Here are some of the most famous and easily accessible recipes.


Baking soda is sold in all stores. It is quite aggressive and can destroy individual bushes of wheatgrass, thistle and other weeds on the paths between the tiles. All you need to do is make a strong solution of soda and pour it over the grass.


Table salt – cheap way get rid of weeds. Salt should be sprinkled on the weeds. During watering, the salt will be absorbed into the ground and will significantly slow down the growth of young weeds.


It effectively burns out the wheatgrass in the garden over the entire surface of the earth, but, unfortunately, the root system suffers little from its effects.


Ethyl alcohol should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and the soil should be treated. This mixture (11 liters) can treat from 2 to 2.5 acres of land.

This method should be used a month before planting the garden. There will be no weeds in the area that was processed in this way during the spring-summer season.

Lemon acid

Take 1 liter of hot water, dissolve 3 tablespoons of lemon in it. Treatment of weeds with this solution should be done on quiet sunny days.


  • vinegar (15-20%) – 4 liters (a little less is possible);
  • table salt – ½ cup;
  • detergent (any) – 1 teaspoon (with it the solution will stick better).

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the herb is generously sprinkled. Treatment should be done in the morning in dry weather. The vinegar mixture is a rather aggressive product, so it must be used carefully so that it does not get on crops.

Of the many types of weeds, the most common is creeping wheatgrass. Measures to combat it must be carried out constantly, otherwise it can fill your entire area. It is called creeping for a reason; its rhizomes are capable of spreading in different directions, capturing more and more new areas for themselves. Methods for getting rid of this weed have been developed since ancient times. The peasants “combed” the fresh arable land with harrows, thereby dragging its roots to the surface and taking them to the side of the road, resulting in entire shafts of pulled out roots. That is why wheatgrass was also called harrow.

Since then, nothing much has changed, and gardeners are still trying to remove creeping wheatgrass from their plots. New control measures, of course, have appeared, but also old way is also actively used. It must be said that the presence of weeds also entails: Firstly, due to weeds in the soil, the consumption of natural moisture decreases, which means cultivated plants additional watering is required. Secondly, soil fertility is depleted - additional fertilizing is required. And, of course, weeds are carriers of diseases and pests that infect

Weeds are characterized by high seed productivity, which can long time stored in the ground. In addition, they are able to reproduce vegetatively and using rhizomes. The last of the listed methods of reproduction uses the photograph presented below, which is proof of this.

Wheatgrass likes to settle in moist, loose and humus-rich soils. It multiplies quickly on them, especially during the autumn rains and wet spring. During the hot period, when the summer is dry, it slows down its vital activity, at this time favorable conditions creeping wheatgrass is waiting. Measures to combat this weed are as follows:

In places with large concentrations of this weed, sowing rye helps a lot. But you will have to sow it two years in a row, but the soil will be completely rid of wheatgrass.

If you use a lawn on your site, then monitor the planting density; you should not leave bald spots, as this is where weeds appear. Try to buy quality planting material, without admixture Well, if wheatgrass has already appeared on the lawn, then systematic short mowing will help. The weed has grown by 5-6 cm, the lawn should be mowed immediately, usually this happens once a week.

It is easiest to remove wheatgrass in the spring, when the shoots are just emerging, especially if the weed has grown from seeds. The fact is that its rhizomes appear only after 2 months.

Here is another way to remove creeping wheatgrass. Control measures that suppress the weed are planting plants that will gradually survive it. Very often dahlias are used for this.

Well, the last method is a chemical effect on the weed. Drugs such as Roundup Ultra and Roundup Ultragun help get rid of weeds by 90%. They are quickly absorbed by plants, moreover, they can be applied after dew, and in the soil they decompose in a short time. It is especially effective to use herbicides during the period active growth wheatgrass. Optimal time- this is the period after harvesting, when the weed shoots grow again and reach 15-20 cm in height. But remember that herbicides should be used carefully so as not to harm crop plants.

I would like to note that wheatgrass, the photo of which is presented in the article, is endowed with healing properties. IN folk medicine it was used as a blood purifier and for diseases of the urinary organs and respiratory tract. Its rhizomes contain essential oil, triticin polysaccharide, organic acids, saponins and carotene. And confirmation medicinal properties This weed is our cats and dogs. Of all the plants, they choose wheatgrass to improve their health.


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