Calculation of door width. Standard and non-standard sizes of doorways for interior doors

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If you do not want to overpay 20-50 percent for non-standard interior doors, then you need to decide on the doorway in advance.

You need to start from the doors you like, the variety of which can satisfy even the most fastidious taste. Basically, doors are produced in standard sizes: 2 meters high and 60, 70, and 80 cm wide.

Less common is a standard with a width of 40, 55 and 90 cm and a height of 1.9 meters. The thickness of the door frames can vary in the range of 1.5-4 cm.

Table of standard opening sizes

Depending on the room, standard door sizes may be used.

This is how they usually put it:

  • in the bathroom and toilet, the height of the opening is usually from 1.9 to 2 meters, width 55-60 cm, depth 5-7 cm.
  • in the kitchen height 2 meters, width 70 cm, depth 7 cm.
  • in the bedroom or living room, the height of the doorway will be 2 meters, width 80 cm and depth from 7 cm to 20 cm.
  • if the bedroom door has double doors, then only the width will change: it will be either 2*60 cm or 40+80 cm.

After plastering works and leveling the walls, the depth of the doorway will increase accordingly.

Data dimensions doorways very difficult to overestimate. After all, if you did not take them into account in your calculations, you may encounter a problem when your door frame does not fit into the opening. And not every opening can be enlarged; sometimes this is impossible due to the specific layout or design of the wall. If this bearing wall, then you will also face a number of difficulties.

Even a simple wall from plasterboard it is not easy to reduce due to transfer metal profiles. IN in this case will have to pay extra for not standard sizes interior door.

There is also the opposite situation, when the doorway is much more doors. Here you will also overpay specialists when installing the door, for narrowing the opening.

An unpleasant situation may arise when, as a result of reduction, the platband cannot close the hole in the doorway. In this case, you will need to seal up the uncovered sections of the wall, glue wallpaper or lay tiles. It’s good if the room hasn’t been glued up yet, but if it has been, then everything will have to be re-glued.

Therefore, even at the project stage, you need to decide on the size of the doorways, then you won’t have to overpay for non-standard doors or redo the opening.

What you need to know to calculate a doorway:

  • height and width of the proposed door
  • door frame thickness
  • box width
  • width of platbands
  • the box will be with or without a threshold.

Suppose you need a door measuring 2 by 0.8 meters and 2.5 cm thick. To calculate the dimensions of the doorway, you need to add the dimensions of the frame to the dimensions of the door, plus an installation gap of 1 to 2 cm on each side.

Figure y shows a diagram of a doorway with a door and dimensions. Using these data, we can easily obtain the opening width of 800+30+30+10+10+4+2=886 mm or 88.6 cm.

You can find out the width of the frame on the website of the manufacturer of the doors you like.

  • with a threshold of 2000+30+30+10+5+3=2078 mm. or 2 meters and 7.8 cm..
  • without threshold 2000+30+10+5+3=2048 mm. or 2 meters and 4.8 cm..

Calculation of doorway thickness

Please note that the most common thickness is 7.5 cm and therefore many manufacturers adhere to this particular size.

If the wall is thicker or thinner than the box, then you will need to install an extension or cut the box lengthwise, respectively. Without these operations you will not be able

Watch a thematic video on openings for interior doors.

There is probably little that can be changed in renovating the interior of an apartment or private house without causing global devastation and without spending significant effort or financial resources so that it has such a practical and aesthetic effect as if you change the interior doors.

After all, no matter what beautiful wallpaper or flooring, leaving the room, the last thing that fixes our consciousness is the decor and quality of the door (canvas) with its frame. Therefore, such a final touch largely influences our perception of the design and comfort of the room as a whole.

Marking of door products

With the marking, which is the passport of the product, not everything is so simple. On the one hand, there are certain GOST designation recommendations, and on the other hand, the abundance of manufacturers sometimes creates confusion in general standards. It is not uncommon that doors manufactured using the same technologies and having visual identity can be named and labeled in different ways.

First, let's look at the state standard, which no one has canceled. So on making wooden internal doors for residential and public buildings still valid GOST 6629-88, according to which it is indicated (in order of positions in the marking):

Product type: D- door assembly, P- door leaf.

Fabric type: G- deaf, ABOUT- glazed, TO- glazed swinging, U- reinforced with continuous filling.

Height of the door with frame, in dm.

Width of door with frame, in dm. Additional letter indices: L - left door, N- with floating, P- with a threshold.

State standard index.

For example: DG20-10L GOST 6629-88 or PO19-7LN GOST 6629-88.

Despite the fact that any self-respecting manufacturer of door products still adheres to state standards, along with official model designations, entrances and individual factory codes. For example, one of Russian brands uses this identification, producing doors with a thickness of 40 mm and a height of 2000 mm:

Model name.

Type of canvas. DG- deaf, DOF- with milled glass, DOOF- with two milled glasses.

Opening width, cm.

Veneer color.

Opening direction.

For a version of such products, you can read on the packaging: "Stella" DG 60 Oak lion.

In the end, no matter how different any factory marking is from GOST, it is more important for you and me appearance, the structure and operational properties of the door, about which you will need to ask the seller in detail and carefully study the company passport attached to each product with its characteristics and installation instructions.

What do you have to deal with or what types of doors are there?

Doors to the apartment or Vacation home classified according to the following parameters:

Location in the building:

Input (external)

Interior (internal)

Number of canvases:



One and a half

Opening method:

Filling door leaf:


Functional purpose:

For residential buildings

For public


According to the material:





The market does not allow you to relax in your search suitable model, offering a seemingly huge variety of door products. However, upon closer examination, several main types of products can be distinguished:

For painting

Allows you to achieve complete color combination with the surrounding design. Supplied primed, completely ready to be coated with decorative interior compositions.

In this group of products, two subtypes should be distinguished - elite and budget oriented. The expensive segment of doors for painting is produced for the so-called hidden installation. After installation and tinting similar product, the presence of a passage in the wall can only be indicated by a protruding handle.

Budget models can be found in many public institutions, they are also widely used in “economy” apartment renovations and as temporary options. They are textured MDF coating on a timber frame. Their main advantage is the most low price among all door designs.


They are delivered to the retail chain ready for installation. In many ways, the design is reminiscent of the previous budget class. However, they have a stain-resistant coating laminated with a polymer film that can imitate any decorative material.

Can be filled with heat and soundproofing materials: corrugated cardboard, mineral wool, polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam. There are models with smooth or textured surfaces, as well as with profiled overlays made of pressed MDF.


They are the next, higher level in quality and appearance. The basis for them is the same frame MDF with different types of fillers. The thinnest sections (0.7 mm) of valuable wood - veneer - are glued onto the base, which are then varnished. The result is a complete imitation of a product made from massive material, but with less weight and an affordable price.

Made from solid wood

You probably shouldn’t once again praise products from completely natural material. In addition to all its advantages, such a door will add sophistication and comfort to any interior, if you are willing to pay for it high cost. However, one should not forget that wood is very sensitive to changes in humidity, therefore, for the long service of such elite products, mandatory control of the indoor microclimate is required.


Also refers to high price segment V market offers door products. They help in the implementation of special design delights, and are also ideal for installation at the entrances to bathrooms, showers, saunas and other places with high humidity. They come in transparent, translucent, matte, colored glass and with surface milling.


Serve good decision for exits to loggias, terraces, as well as for damp rooms, as a cheap alternative glass doors. They have excellent sound insulation and heat retention qualities. The surfaces of products can be laminated with films to suit any natural material

About dimensions and more. Standard sizes of interior doors

If you don't take into account non-standard approaches Some private customers, for whom the binding of door dimensions is based on subjective requests and desires, then most manufacturers focus on standard openings of typical buildings Soviet period. And why reinvent the wheel - from the point of view of the ergonomics of door products designed for the physiology of the human body, everything has long been invented and thought out.

At the same time, the share of individual requests (regarding product sizes) on the market is small, and therefore is successfully filled by the efforts of small private manufacturers, although they are much more expensive than standard models.

The ratio of the sizes of doorways and doors (door frame + leaf) according to domestic SNiP. From the tables below you can find out the size of the doorway for a door with a width of, for example, 80 cm.

Door dimensions, mm Opening dimensions, mm
Width height Width Height
600*2000 680-710 2050-2070
700*2000 780-810 2050-2070
800*2000 880-910 2050-2070
900x2000 980-1010 2050-2070
600*1900 680-710 1950-1970
550*1900 630-660 1950-1970
600+600*2000 1280-1310 2050-2070

The ratio defined by the DIN standard:

Door dimensions, mm Opening dimensions, mm
Width height Width Height
600x2000 700-740 2060-2080
700*2000 800-840 2060-2080
800x2000 900-940 2060-2080
900x2000 1000-1040 2060-2080
600+600*2000 1340-1400 2060-2080


First of all, when talking about the size of doors, both swing and sliding, any of us means the width of the door that we will use every day. In some places you need and want a wider one, but in others a narrow alignment is enough. Gostov's proven recommendations offer the following parameters:

For bathrooms - 600 mm,

For kitchens - 700 mm,

For living rooms - 800 mm.

If we consider real market products, then their range (adjusted to the needs of modern consumers) is somewhat wider:

For bathrooms - 550 mm And 600 mm,

For kitchens - 700 mm,

For living rooms - 800 mm And 900 mm.

Let us not undeservedly forget double doors, because they are the ones who often emphasize the special status of living rooms or passages to terraces. They are usually made up of the same standard fabrics in equal and unequal combinations, for example: 600+600=1200 mm or 600+800=1400 mm. Also for the “kopeck piece”, narrowed segments are used 400 mm - 400+400=800 mm or 400+800=1200 mm.

Height standards

If we start from the domestic “classics”, then they have been preserved in the proposals 1900 mm And 2000 mm, although now it is often found European standard -2100 mm. Higher products can also be installed - 2300 mm and even to the ceiling. It is clear that such “giants” are more convenient to use in a sliding version.

The thicker the canvas, the better?

Is it always like this? What does this parameter affect? Of course, massive thick doors perfectly highlight the interiors of living rooms, especially those made in the Empire, Baroque, and Renaissance styles, but thin screens and sliding partitions will be an excellent addition to passages to pantries or dressing rooms.

The thicker the door, the heavier it is (in its group constructive solutions and type of materials), therefore, the requirements for its hanging fittings will be higher; it may be necessary to install additional hinges, which in total will lead to an increase in the cost of the entire product. Therefore, the choice of canvas based on the criterion of massiveness, as well as on other parameters, should be based on rationality and optimality.

Typical products prevailing on the market have thicknesses in a range of sizes 30-40 mm. Already in this fork of parameters, you can most often find doors 35 mm And 40 mm, as well as with intermediate values 36 mm And 38 mm.

In addition to the indicated running dimensions, sliding MDF partition doors can be very thin - from 20 mm, but products from solid wood enterprises are unlikely to be produced with a base cross-section less than 40 mm(can reach up to 50 or more on special orders). It should be noted that doors made of tempered glass, whose thickness starts from 8 mm, have come to private interiors relatively recently, but are gaining popularity.

What else is good to know when choosing an interior door?

Taking measurements of the opening for purchase new door, please note that it must be at least 30 mm larger dimensions of the box along the top edge and width. The installation gap will be required to adjust the product using wedges, followed by fixation with polyurethane foam. Of course, this value is relevant for the opening that is correct in relation to the vertical and horizontal.

Most boxes are made thick 35 mm. Those. dimensions of the width of the product assembled with the canvas 800 mm will 870 mm (+35 mm*2). Similarly, the size increases in height, although you still need to take into account whether there is or is not a threshold.

Thick doors retain heat better and counteract noise from adjacent rooms.

Installing the box, before installation floor coverings, carefully calculate the level of the finishing surface. If the door starts to rest on the floor, then it is very difficult to trim it perfectly on your own, and this cannot be done with every model.

In conclusion, we can say that the interior door design, despite the apparent simplicity of the device, is quite sensitive to installation errors. Therefore, either its installation and configuration will take a lot of your time, or you will have to involve highly specialized specialists.

Doors in your home are extremely important, especially how they are positioned. The opening is no less important. You must be able to correctly calculate its dimensions.

Construction features

The opening itself implies the presence of empty space in the wall.

Doorways have their own construction features.

  • As a rule, openings already have parameters in accordance with certain standards, and doors are also selected according to them.
  • The openings were used when the previous door was installed. This means that almost each of them is the result of eliminating the previous door frame. But there are situations when it needs to be modified to certain parameters.
  • Openings can be cut into solid walls. Creating them in a wall made of wood or concrete is not difficult. It is recommended to first calculate whether the strength of the building will be affected.

From the above, the conclusion follows: identify required sizes opening is necessary, focusing on the doors being installed.

Differences in door types

The owner of the house should take into account that doors are classified into several types according to materials and functional values.

There are entrance doors, they have increased resistance to external influences, and interior, used to separate rooms. In any case, the door is inserted into the opening using a frame.

Both species, in turn, differ in several ways, separation according to which helps to avoid extra costs for the purchase of a new sample, its installation and installation.

  • By location in the building: external and internal.
  • By opening method: hinged, sliding (double-door coupes, for example), folding (“accordion”), rotating.

  • According to the material from which they are made: wooden, PVC, aluminum, steel, metal, iron, glass.
  • By number of canvases: single-field, double-field, one-and-a-half.
  • By number of sashes: single-leaf, double-leaf.
  • To fill the door leaf: blind and glazed.

Height and width standards according to GOST

It is important to pay attention to what parameters of the opening should be when installing the door or during construction. The average height is 200 cm, and in some cases - 230 cm, the minimum width is 60 cm, the average is 70 cm, the maximum is 80 cm. However, for extraordinary products the width can be 55 cm and the height - 190 cm. The box depth is 7.5 cm. The opening should be 5-10 cm larger than the door. This is necessary to leave room for wooden, metal or assembly seams.

Sound insulation and reliability of the door leaf depend on the thickness of the door. It, in turn, is determined by the depth of the opening.

This characteristic may have the following dimensions:

  • 3.5-4 cm for standard door;
  • 2-4 cm for a hanging structure;
  • 3.5-4.5 cm for a product made of solid wood, with quadruple sampling;
  • 4.5-5.5 cm for a door made of fresh wood.

If the owner of the apartment wants Fire safety was at its best, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the table with specific size ratios.

It is not necessary to rely on GOST standards, because there is an alternative - foreign products. They require specific opening parameters. To understand them, it is recommended that you read this table:

Important parameters for installation

Knowledge about the standards for the height and width of the opening is not enough.

It is important to take into account other nuances that will tell you what to do during installation.

  • The presence of unnecessary elements in the opening space, for example, partitions that will interfere during installation;
  • use when installing sheathing for walls or plasterboard frames;
  • need in plasterboard partition, which can be recreated if necessary;
  • wall material;
  • wall thickness;
  • width of the casing.

If you pay attention to the above points, you can avoid difficulties when installing a door for the entrance or between rooms.

How to calculate correctly

The optimal parameters of the door leaf must be calculated in advance. There is an easy way to carry out independent measurements. For this purpose it is taken door width, then the box thickness is added, multiplied by two. To the resulting calculations you need to add another 4 cm (parameters for gaps for installation and seams). When the height is calculated, the box thickness must be additionally added to it.

In the absence of a threshold, the thickness is added once, and in its presence - twice. But there are situations when you need to select a box that needs to be mounted in a previously used opening.

In this case, there is a certain action plan:

  • eliminate unnecessary elements at measurement points. You need to remove not only the previous box, but also the trim.
  • Tidy up the main wall. It is necessary to remove uneven surfaces. Then you need to measure the dimensions at their greatest and smallest place. Any indicator must be recorded.
  • Measure the dimensions at least at two different points in the opening, especially if it is corner.
  • Determine whether the opening requires adjustment, for example, when it warps or is too narrow.
  • Test the hardness of the cleaned surfaces. If necessary, they need to be strengthened.

Cleaning the end surfaces of the opening does not always go smoothly, especially if the opening has been used previously.

You can find out the height of the doorway with the threshold (in other words, with the lower bar, which is also a part of the frame) using the following formula: add two thicknesses of the frame to the height of the door leaf, then add a gap for installation of 13 mm for free operation of the door from above, as well as 5 mm of space for operating the door from below.

Calculation of the height of a doorway without a lower frame beam (without a threshold) is carried out according to a different scheme: the height of the leaf and the thickness of the frame are summed up, 1 cm of indentation from the finished floor is added to them for free operation of the door, 3 mm of indentation on top and 10 mm for the installation seam are added.

Another important nuance: measurements must be taken several times if a major renovation or remodeling has recently been done in an apartment or private house.

The wall is carefully examined and it is decided where it is safest to install the door. You should equally carefully examine the slopes on the sides to find out what their geometry is. It is possible that they may be curved or create other difficulties.

You won't be able to take measurements with just a tape measure; you'll have to use building level, as a last resort - a laser plotter. Measurements are taken on the opening side from bottom to top.

Installation features

There are some subtleties that will be useful both for measurements and for installation.

  • It is recommended to take measurements when the floor is covered with something. The thickness of the carpet, for example, will help determine whether the height of the door above the floor will change after installation is completed.
  • The sides of the opening should be parallel. To monitor this, it is recommended to periodically measure the clearance at different points: in the center, below and above.
  • You can measure the opening depth using a pair of rulers or a caliper. The minimum number of points for measurement is 3. This must be done at a distance of 20 cm from the bottom, top and central parts of the opening. You need to take the largest depth parameter as a basis. Using it you can find out whether it is necessary to use additional parts for the box. The depth of the box should not exceed the wall depth.
  • When the door frame is successfully installed, as a rule, there are gaps between the block and the wall. They can be eliminated using polyurethane foam, and then use the trim as the finishing touch.

If the apartment does not have furniture that is difficult to disassemble, you can reduce the opening and install doors 70 cm wide. To do this, you will need to build an opening from plasterboard, you need to increase metal carcass, but first you will need to remove the old door with the frame and trim the slope. Can be mounted vertical racks for the box, fill the free space with plasterboard.

This method is practical under suitable conditions:

  • The slopes are crooked and it is difficult to install a profile on them.
  • The plasterboard needs to be leveled on the plaster, and there is no need to reduce the wall depth.
  • The passage can be lowered by no more than 10 cm.

It is necessary to remove the layer of plaster at the installation site, and then take the necessary measurements for the frame.

Then you need to arrange the profiles so that they stand in an even vertical position. The size of the opening must be acceptable for installing the box. You need to cut several pieces from drywall and attach them to the wall using special glue and screw them to the profiles. They are connected to each other by jumpers, which help maintain the gap.

If the opening is too high, this may cause problems with the installation of the top trim. Suitable options– stick the wallpaper as low as possible or choose high capitals. The most effective solution– lower the upper border of the opening using gypsum plasterboard and wooden beams, and then cover with wallpaper.

Installation non-standard doors somewhat different.

The reason lies in the absence of boxes in these specimens, and therefore increased requirements for the quality of arrangement of the end opening sides. In addition, you will have to very carefully monitor the parameters of the openings.

  • The swing door can be installed on hinges. Please note: when the door opens, it tilts vertically in all directions by about 1.5 mm.
  • When installing a compartment, the width of the box should be 10 cm greater than that of the door.
  • A revolving door can move to the sides of the opening, but the gaps must be even around the entire perimeter.

The above samples do not have platbands that can eliminate defects. Every crack can ruin the aesthetics of any door, even the most attractive one. There are some difficulties when working with openings of pendulum and rotary specimens.

If you exceed the depth of the opening by 14 cm, there will be a need for offset installation patterns of fittings for fastening. If we are talking about sliding samples, then the opening thickness should be 2 times greater than the depth of the sash.

Benefits of Standard Values

Of course, the owner of the house is not obliged to adhere to standard values, but the standards have some merits that are worth paying a little attention to.

  • Huge variability. Most manufacturers create copies with standard parameters, so there is no difficulty in purchasing a door of the highest quality.
  • Saving. Unlike standard ones, extraordinary door leaves are more expensive. Unusual designs are ordered individually. As a result, there is a need for additional investment of money to create a new interior.
  • Easy to install. If the opening parameters comply with the standard, then fewer difficulties will arise during the installation process.

Differences in dimensions by type of house

It is worth noting some nuances of the sizes in different types buildings. Typically, in a Khrushchev or panel house, the wall thickness is 75 mm, and door frame made with appropriate thickness. But if this fact is ignored, difficulties will arise. There is a need to install another expander or remove an extra element of the box.

Doing this at home will not be easy. In new buildings, the typical opening height varies from 217 to 220 cm. This is due to the fact that most owners install a “warm floor” system, and the height of the opening upon completion of installation becomes close to the standard.

The opening is created in accordance with SNiP standards. For brick wall its height should be in the region of 188-225 cm, and its width should be from 63 to 176 cm. For a sample made of a monolith, the height is 187-225 cm and the width is 62-175 cm. At the opening from a log house or wooden slabs height – 185-197 cm, and width – 57-170 cm.

But if you deviate from the standard and expand the sample by a couple of centimeters, the foam seam will no longer be reliable. It is necessary that the installation foam be durable. Otherwise, it will not be able to relieve the installed door from gaps and help it withstand loads. You will have to reduce the width of the opening using wooden beam, the cross-section of which is 5x5 cm. There is another option - to use foam block and tile adhesive.

If the parameters of the box do not correspond to the dimensions of the walls, installing the platband will at least cause complications. In the worst case, installation is eliminated, and this will significantly affect the appearance of the door group. Therefore, measurements are taken at three different points. If the resulting parameters differ slightly from each other and are identical to the standard ones, there is no need to buy unusual doors. However, there is no guarantee that after installing a standard door, you will not have to install extensions or remove the longitudinal elements of the frame.

Most often, in buildings made of brick, the walls are far from ideal, and timber for addition is sometimes necessary. If you do not install this element, the platband will only distort the wall more, and this is best avoided, since the appearance of the room will suffer, not to mention the door composition as a whole. If we talk about new types of buildings, we need to mention shrinkage and other changes in geometry that may occur. Do not install the door too early. The wall may warp and the door may jam.

The longest shrinkage occurs in newly built wooden houses. When laminated veneer lumber dries out, there is a couple of centimeters of shrinkage per meter of the house, and when the log dries, it shrinks about 15 cm.

If you need to install an interior door, you must initially and then purchase a door leaf with a frame. In stores you can find both non-standard and classic models. You need to know what additional dimensions a doorway has for a door of 80 cm, so as not to make a mistake when purchasing an entrance group.

Every master should be able to calculate the size of the opening for an interior door 2000 by 800. Cloths made from MDF, chipboard, fibreboard, solid wood, have a running width of 60, 70 and 80 cm (single-leaf structures).

In multi-storey panel houses built in the Soviet Union, passages with a width of 80 to 100 cm are provided. This classic version. Standard characteristics are dimensions approved at the state level and supported by GOSTs. Advantages of standard dimensions:

  1. Wide variety of models. You can find the product you need in a specialty store.
  2. Low cost and good quality.
  3. Easy to install.

If it is necessary to purchase a pass-through system, the consumer wonders what opening is needed for an 80 cm interior door, so as not to carry out additional work during installation. To avoid mistakes, it is necessary to take into account the technological gaps and dimensions of the purchased product with the box.

How to calculate everything?

Before you start calculating the dimensions of the passage for interior design, the following parameters must be taken into account:

  1. Box width.
  2. Threshold, if there is one.
  3. Additional decorative elements.
  4. Box thickness.
  5. Height and width of the canvas.

For a door of 80 cm it is better to calculate without a threshold. Example: canvas size 2000x800 mm, box thickness 25 mm. The calculation begins by summing the thickness of the box and the width of the canvas. 25 mm must be taken twice, since the box is installed on both sides of the passage. You need to add 20-40 mm to the resulting amount. This is the technological gap required to carry out installation work. The result should be 870-890 mm - this is the width of the passage for the 80 cm model.

Important! It is necessary to pay attention to the material used to make the interior door. When choosing an array, the thickness of the box will be greater (+20 mm).

The threshold plays a role in calculating the height of the canvas. The height calculation is done in the same way. The thickness of the box is taken once and if there is a threshold, its height is added.

Before installing the product, you need to inspect the condition of the walls and correct any defects. Input structures cannot be fixed to shaky elements (plasterboard structures, pieces of wood covered with cement). When installing a compartment, the width should be greater than the aisle.

Table of standard opening sizes

To make calculations easier, you should use a ready-made table of standard sizes:

Opening Passage
Height, cm Width, cm Height, cm Width, cm
205,5-206 70-71 200 60
205,5-206 80-81 200 70
205,5-206 90-91 200 80
205,5-206 100-110 200 90
205,5-206 133-134 200 120 (two doors)
205,5-206 153-154 200 140 (two doors)

Here are the parameters of passages and entrance groups, which can be purchased at hardware stores. At the same time, the range of such products is large. You can install it yourself if you follow the instructions. If you do not have sufficient knowledge and experience, then entrust the measurements and installation process to specialists.


It is recommended to take measurements precision instruments, for example, a laser tape measure. In this case, it is worth taking into account the errors of the instrument. From correct calculation the quantity will depend additional expenses and scope of work. If the dimensions have been determined correctly, then installation of the structure will not cause difficulties.

As ordinary people, we are rarely faced with choice. interior doors. If such an opportunity occurs, most often we cannot choose the right interior door and correlate the dimensions of the door block, door leaf and doorway. In this article I will show you how to choose an interior door, including without seeing the door visually, that is, in an online store.

Selling doors in online stores

Selling doors through online stores has become commonplace in our time. On the one hand, it’s convenient, you don’t need to travel anywhere, a lot of stores are just a click away. On the other hand, there is no visual contact with the product and it is not easy to figure out the door sizes without a cheat sheet.

It’s good if there is an online consultation on the store’s website, and the price tag is formed without deception, taking into account all the elements of the door. Last time I dealt with the online store Unlike their colleagues, this store provides a complete door calculator taking into account all necessary elements, without which the door cannot be installed and function. Already at the first stage of selection, they explain to you that an interior door is not only a door leaf and a frame, but also hinges, a lock, platbands or platbands with additional components, the quality of which depends high-quality installation And long service life doors. Look at more information on the website, you will like it.

However, you cannot come to the store’s website without having any information at all about what kind of door you need. And here I do NOT mean the quality characteristics of the interior door:

  • The canvas is blank or with glass;
  • Door leaf made of solid wood or paneled;
  • If the canvas is paneled, then with what filler (cardboard or timber);
  • How is the canvas finished? natural veneer or film or MDF or other modern material;
  • Which door frame is offered for the door leaf, solid wood, laminated veneer lumber or MDF.

Here I am talking about choosing the right size door.

How to choose the right interior door size

To begin with, in order to speak the same language, let us remember that the interior door included in the kit is called door block. The door block consists of the following elements:

Door leaf. The moving part of the door, which performs the main function of the door, opening and closing;

Door frame. Consists of three or four slats. Two uprights, one top cross member and an optional element bottom bar- door threshold.

Door extensions. Special decorative elements that should cover the ends of the doorway, if they are wider than the width of the frame.

Door frames. Decorative strips, designed to close the installation gap between the frame and the opening.

Door latch or castle.

Door hinges. There are universal, right or left. Also collapsible or non-demountable.


Do not forget about the doorway, the dimensions of which are the starting point when choosing a door by size. Exactly, with correct measurement the opening begins right choice doors.

How to measure a doorway correctly

We sing in interior partition, intended for installing a door, is called a door. IN standard apartments it has standard sizes. However, you can always expand or narrow the doorway to accommodate the planned door.

You need to measure the doorway in three parameters: width, height and thickness.

Opening width need to measure by horizontal line from edge to edge.

Opening height. There are two points here. The interior door can be installed both before finishing the floor and after finishing. Both options have the right to be implemented. If the door is planned to be placed on a subfloor, then the height of the opening is measured from the subfloor to the top of the opening without gaps. If the door is placed on finished finishing floor, then you can take into account that the box should be 5 mm apart if the finishing is floating (laminate, board) and 2-3 mm if the finishing is monolithic (tiles). Usually this gap is taken into account when installing the door and it does not affect the height of the purchased frame.

Opening thickness. This value is needed to purchase extras. If the opening thickness is 75 mm, then this is the width standard box and no extras are needed.

Choosing a door by opening size

So, we have the dimensions of the doorway, how to choose the right interior door. Here's a little cheat sheet to help you. The gaps should be the following values

  • The gap between the canvas and the box should be 3 mm on each side;
  • Between the canvas and the finished floor 10 -15 mm;
  • Between the box and the subfloor 0 mm;
  • Between the box and the finished floor is 4-5 mm;
  • The installation gap between the frame and the opening is 20 mm on all sides except the threshold (if there is one);
  • The installation gap between the door threshold and the subfloor is 0 mm.

Reverse calculation of the opening width based on the width of the canvas

There are standard sizes of door leaves, which can be used to calculate the required width of the doorway. These are widths: 600/800/900 mm and swing 1200 mm. The height of the canvases is 2000/2200/less often 2400 mm. Box width 25 mm.

If we add up these values ​​and add to them all the gaps from the cheat sheet, we get that for a door leaf of 2000x800 mm, you need a doorway of 2100x900 mm (rounded up), a frame without a threshold.


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