Calculate the length of the stairs to the second floor with a calculator. How to calculate a comfortable staircase

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Rice. 1 General drawing of the stairs

  • Y - opening height - usually determined by the height of the floors of your house
  • X - length of the opening - depends on how much space you can allocate in your house for the stairs
  • W - width of the stairs - depends on how much space you can allocate in your home for the stairs
  • Z - thickness of steps - geometric parameter material (for example, boards) from which you plan to build the stairs
  • F - step protrusion - the distance by which the upper step will hang over the lower one
  • A - thickness of the string - a geometric parameter of the material (for example, pipes) from which you plan to make the string of the stairs
  • B - support thickness - a geometric parameter of the material (for example, pipes) from which you plan to make the staircase supports
  • H - height of the step above the string - vertical distance between the step and the string
  • D - size - the distance by which the step will hang over the support in the direction of rise
  • U - angle of inclination of the support to the vertical
  • C - number of steps - in how many steps will it be most comfortable for you to move from floor to floor

Function “Upper step below the floor of the 2nd floor: SP”

Rice. 2 Execution of the staircase with the top step below the floor of the 2nd floor

Depending on the relative placement of the structure and the floor top floor:

  1. The upper plane of the top step is flush with the plane of the floor of the upper floor;
  2. The upper plane of the top step is lower than the plane of the floor of the upper floor by the height of the step.

The choice of one or another mutual placement may depend on: the thickness of the interfloor ceilings, the desired relationship between the number of steps and their height, the length of blanks for stringers and the length of the opening, the desired angle of inclination of the stairs, or simply the tastes and preferences of the owner of the house. Please note that in the picture in which the upper step is below the floor of the 2nd floor, the thickness interfloor covering more than in the figure, in which the upper step is at the floor level of the 2nd floor. With the thickness of the ceiling, less height steps, the stringer simply will not rest against the ceiling (therefore, when demonstrating the second option, this thickness had to be increased).

Function "Black and white drawing:"

Rice. 2 Black and white drawing of a staircase

It is advisable to use this function in two cases:

  1. If you are used to working with standard GOST drawings, and, accordingly, better perceive graphics without color content
  2. If you are going to print the results of the calculator. Then you will spend less ink/toner and visual perception drawings on paper will be better. And of course this function used when printing on a black and white printer.

Function "Change lifting direction: LR"

Rice. 4 Type of stairs with different directions of ascent

A specific staircase, which is placed in a certain way in the house, can be approached from the side from two sides or only from one side - when the staircase is in contact with the wall. In the latter case, there are two options for placing the structure relative to the observer:

  1. Rise from left to right;
  2. Ascent from right to left.

This function allows you to visualize both of these options.

Calculation of metal stairs

The main result of this calculator:

  1. Information needed to make strings and supports
  2. Information required for making steps

According to this information, the parts from which the structure is assembled are made, and the frame of the iron staircase is also calculated.

All other drawings show the final appearance of the structure: after joining the strings, supports and steps with each other.

A special feature of this calculator is the implementation of two functions:

  1. Assessing the convenience of the stairs;
  2. Adjustment of staircase design.

Assessing the convenience of a staircase is carried out according to three criteria:

  1. Compliance of the design with the average stride length. According to this criterion, the sum of the step depth and the two heights should equal the average step length. The average human step length is 63 cm.
  2. Step depth. Comfortable step depth is from 28 cm. For a given opening length, the step depth can be adjusted by changing the protrusion. Calculation of steps metal stairs carried out thanks to a convenient calculator.
  3. The angle of inclination of the stairs. The optimal angle of inclination of the stairs is from 30° to 40°. At tilt angles from 20° to 30° and from 40° to 45°, the comfort level of movement between floors is significantly reduced. Inclination angles outside the above limits can significantly affect the speed of movement between floors and the level of safety of the stairs, as well as the amount of metal used in the work.

Based on the results of assessing a specific design, an indicator of the level of convenience is given for each of the criteria, and the staircase is assigned an overall level of convenience. The online metal staircase calculator evaluates whether the staircase meets well-known convenience criteria, but you should always remember that your staircase in your home should serve your purposes as effectively as possible. And if, in accordance with these goals, you need to build the most non-standard staircase in the world, also with your own hands - go for it.

If there is a need to improve the design of the stairs, the calculator gives advice on how to do this:

  1. Reduce/increase the number of steps;
  2. Increase the protrusion of the steps (if the depth of the steps is insufficient for comfortable walking);
  3. Reduce/increase the length of the opening.

After adjusting the design, the normalized parameters will become closer to the ideal, but it is possible that such adjustments will have to be made several more times.

Instructions for the metal ladder calculator

In order to calculate a straight metal staircase using this calculator, you need to know the height of the floor, the size of the space that you can allocate for the staircase, the materials with which you are going to build it, and, of course, the purpose of its use.

Before you start work, you need to carefully consider all the nuances: whether the staircase is adjacent to the wall, or in contact with elements of the interior of the house, and how this should affect the structure itself and the process of its construction. Possibly for selection correct option in size and design, you will have to use a calculator to calculate and compare several. Before you start processing the material, make sure that the detail drawings correspond to the ladder that is suitable for you and your purposes. When building, attach the parts to each other, and the staircase itself to the house so that you can guarantee the reliability and strength of the structure for decades.

Stairs with metal strings presented on our website can be divided into categories according to four criteria that depend on each other:

1. Length dimensions

A. Maximum length— all steps are located on one flight;

b. Average length - steps are placed on two flights;

2. Width dimensions

A. Maximum width - the steps are placed on two flights, the width dimension is regulated by changing the number of steps on the corresponding pair of strings;

b. Average width - the steps are placed on two parallel flights, the width dimension is equal to two widths of the stairs;

V. Minimum width - all steps are placed on one flight, the width dimension is equal to the width of the stairs;

3. Difficulty in manufacturing

A. Easy to manufacture - made from bowstrings and rectangular steps;

b. Medium complexity of manufacturing - made of bowstrings, rectangular steps and platforms;

4. According to the type of strings and the fastening of steps to them, stairs are divided into two categories:

A. On supports - the string is a solid beam to which supports for the steps are attached;

b. With a zigzag bowstring - the bowstring consists of many mutually perpendicular parts located horizontally and vertically.

In each specific situation, the floor height is already specified. Based on your own preferences, you can choose the level of convenience: either the convenience criteria are met, or the staircase is flatter, or steeper, etc. Having this information, we can talk about the number of ascents (steps and platforms) in a particular situation .

How to calculate a metal staircase using an online calculator with drawings?

Let's imagine that we have, for example, 13 climbs - steps and platforms. The design of a staircase is the shape of these rises (steps, landings) and how these 13 rises are placed relative to each other. Calculation of a metal staircase in our calculator is carried out using the following methods.

You can place all these 13 rises in one row along the length of the opening - “Metal staircase”, ““. In this case, your stairs will have a maximum dimension in length, a minimum dimension in width and will not be difficult to manufacture. You can calculate a metal staircase to the second floor using a convenient and intuitive program.

These 13 rises can be placed in 2 rows, rotated relative to each other by 90° (when viewed from above) - “ “, “ ” (for example, 4 steps on the lower flight, a platform and 8 steps on the upper flight). In these cases, your staircase will have an average dimension in length and an adjustable dimension in width. Calculating the steps of a metal staircase will help you correctly calculate the volume of material that will be needed to complete this work.

You can place these 13 rises in 2 parallel (when viewed from above) rows placed next to each other - “°”, “ ” (for example, 4 steps on the lower flight, a platform and 8 steps on the upper flight). In these cases, your staircase will have an average dimension in length and an average dimension in width.

The staircase is important practical element, allowing free movement between levels of the building. The comfort of the walker depends on the slope, height, length of the stairs and the parameters of the steps. Improperly designed ladders can cause serious injuries and bruises. Therefore, staircase modeling should include First stage carrying out precise calculations. How to calculate the parameters of the stairs yourself - read the article.

Whether it’s a staircase in an entrance hall or a private house, the health of the person walking depends on its safety and comfort. For example, on too steep stairs and not wide steps, you can slip, and if the riser is not high enough, it is easy for your shoes to catch on the step and lose your balance.

For independent calculations, today, they use formulas, computer programs, online calculators. When calculating the parameters of stairs, you should focus on GOSTs, “Standards and Norms of Construction,” which indicate the optimal values ​​for the construction of comfortable and reliable design any type, installation possibilities additional equipment, shields on spans.

How to calculate the stairs in a private house

If the house is under renovation, you should take into account how the dimensions of the room will change after completion. repair work. As an example, ceiling and floor finishes can affect the distance between floors. In addition, when making calculations, it is necessary to take into account the thickness ceiling. If this is not done, then the last step may create an overlapping riser that is too small or, conversely, too high, which will lead to stumbling during the step, slipping of the leading leg and, accordingly, injuries. In addition, the expected clearance height should be taken into account: insufficient height will force the walker to bend down while ascending and descending the stairs, creating discomfort.

An example of calculating the length of a staircase, the height and width of steps

The initial stage of calculation includes calculating the number of steps. To do this, take (the distance between the tiers of the finished floor of two floors) and divide it by the riser height selected from the optimal values ​​- from 12 to 20 cm. The resulting rounded value will be equal to the number of steps in the flight.

One staircase should have no less than three and no more than eighteen steps.

Knowing the height of the step, you can determine its width. To calculate the value, use the following example: x = 47 – y, where x is the width of the step, and y is the height.

The width of treads in curved stairs, in the narrowest part, should not be less than 140 mm

Based on the number of steps, a graphical projection of the horizontal length of the staircase is constructed.

In order to calculate the length of the march you need to:

  • Square the projection of the length of the stairs and add to it the distance between the floor levels;
  • Take the square root of the resulting value.

When making calculations for a staircase with a landing, it should be taken into account that the length of the landing should be more than 14 cm, and the width should be equal to the width of the flight.

Formula for calculating stairs: determining the angle of inclination

Calculate optimal angle The curvature of the stairs can be calculated using the formula: 2c + d = 580/660, where c is the height and d is the width of the step. When calculating the curvature of stairs with steps less than 14 cm high, the formula is suitable: c + d.

The angle of curvature for specific flights is calculated taking into account the number and height of steps.

The spiral staircase is an ergonomic and practical way moving from floor to floor. In addition, such a design can act as decorative element for high-tech, loft and minimalist interiors.

In order to calculate the diameter of a spiral staircase, you need to multiply the width of the flight by two and add the resulting value to the diameter of the base. To calculate the lifting radius, divide the width of the march by two and add the radius of the support to the resulting value.

In order for the staircase to be comfortable, its width should not be less than 800 mm: this will allow two people to comfortably move along the steps.

The number and height of steps for a spiral staircase are calculated taking into account that one turn of the structure ensures comfortable movement sufficiently tall man(the number of steps in a turn is equal to the length of the movement path divided by the width of the step).

To calculate the height of the riser, you need to add the average tread depth (20 cm) to the average height of an adult (1 m 80 cm) and divide the resulting value by the number of steps in one turn. The height of the stairs must be divided by the resulting value. This value will be equal to the number of steps in the spiral staircase.

What is needed to calculate the stairs to the second floor

The second floor can be reached by either a curved (spiral, corner, etc.) staircase made of metal or a straight (flight) staircase made of solid wood. Most often, for cottages and private houses, stairs with turns are used. The main advantage of such structures is saving space.

For calculation interfloor stairs you need to know the following quantities:

  • The height and length of the ceiling opening;
  • Width of the stairs;
  • Total number of steps;
  • Number of rotary and lower steps;
  • Desired configuration of steps;
  • Location of the entrance door.

In addition, it will be necessary to determine the position of the upper step relative to the second floor (below or level with the floor).

Stair calculator

The calculator is a program that allows you to calculate the most important values ​​for designing a comfortable and safe staircase.

Today, many sites related to construction offer their own versions of the online calculator, each of which has features that, first of all, relate to the interface and the way of demonstrating the result. For example, some calculators, after making calculations, provide a ready-made staircase diagram indicating all the necessary quantities. Such a drawing can be easily saved to your computer and printed. There are also online programs that allow you to calculate the cost of cleaning stairs (washing steps, supports) in residential and commercial premises, depending on their parameters. You can use the programs on devices with Android, iOS, and Windows platforms.

How does the online staircase calculator work?

Using the online calculator is quite simple: to make accurate calculations, you need to select the right type stairs (straight, U-shaped, L-shaped, etc.) and enter the initial characteristics of the room.

For the calculation you will need to specify the following required parameters:

  • The height and length of the opening;
  • Number of steps;
  • The desired configuration of the steps (tread width, overhang size, riser height).

In addition, depending on the selected type of staircase, you may need to enter additional data. For example, for a spiral staircase you will have to indicate the angle of rotation, external and inner diameter stairs, and for a design with a 180-degree turn - the width of the stairs, the total and number of lower steps. Some calculators are capable of calculating values ​​taking into account the characteristics various materials(wood, stone, reinforced concrete, etc.). For example, construction calculator Zhitova.

Most online calculators have visual prompts - pictures indicating the quantities that need to be entered.

Calculation of stairs: program for 3D modeling

Technical developments do not stand still: today we have the opportunity to obtain a 2 and 3D model of any object.

The computer method makes it possible to obtain an accurate two- or three-dimensional model of the future staircase, indicate methods of installing the staircase (SNIP system, welding, etc.), is suitable for recalculating the estimate, and will allow you to understand what the staircase will look like in the interior. The calculation method for all programs is based on compliance with GOST and standards.

Programs differ in interface language, the availability of data entry tools and staircase components (some programs may include in the model the type of riser, stringer, bowstring, railing, support pillars etc.), the ability to model stairs from various materials (wood, stone, reinforced concrete, etc.).

Some services provide opportunities online simulation: for example

Calculation of stairs (video)

Staircase design is important for any building: residential or commercial. The comfort and safety of its operation depend on the material of the staircase, the length of the flight of stairs, and the size of the steps. The size of the steps, the length and degree of the stairs are influenced by the dimensions of the room and the design of the stairs. Today, absolutely everyone can make the correct calculations with their own hands. For this you can use computer programs, Internet resources, construction formulas. Any method will give accurate data. All you have to do is choose the most convenient one! And the “Table of Recommended Parameters” will help you compare the obtained values ​​with the optimal ones and, if necessary, adjust the calculations.

Do you want to build two-storey house, but are you afraid that designing and calculating the stairs is too complicated and it’s impossible to do it yourself? There are several ways to calculate design parameters. Using one of the methods, this is simple and easy:

  • manual;
  • online programs for designing stairs;
  • engineering software.

For safe and comfortable movement along the stairs, the design parameters must be correctly designed and calculated.

To install a safe and convenient design, use regulations and GOST of the Russian Federation.

What parameters are calculated when designing marches

For a complete calculation of the stairs, we proceed from the existing, original dimensions and values ​​​​that should be calculated. The initial ones include the height of the room and the height of up to the 2nd floor, the width of the stairs, and the height of the railings. Calculations are subject to:

  • tilt angle;
  • height, width, thickness;
  • length of marches;
  • stride length;
  • stringer width;
  • number of steps;
  • quantity turning steps when rotated 90˚ or 180˚.

Exist Various types staircases for a private house, each of them has its own calculation. Marches are distinguished by material, supporting element and design. Depending on the material used to make the stairs, there are:

  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • reinforced concrete;
  • glass.

Tilt angle

The angle of inclination must be such that it is possible to move along flight of stairs it was convenient. Too much inclination will make the movement difficult - the person needs to lift his leg high. Too small will result in shallow steps. The larger the angle, the less space occupied by the structure, but the more difficult it is to climb it. The optimal slope of the stairs is within 30˚ – 45˚. Marches with an angle exceeding 45˚ are installed in places where stairs are rarely used. These are folding and attached options.

To calculate the slope, you need to know the step size. The model is considered safe and comfortable if the average step of a person is equal to the sum of double the height and its width (tread).

where x is the height of the step,

y – tread width,

z – step width.

The step size of an adult is 60 - 64 cm, minor deviations from this figure are allowed.

Tread width (depth)

Before calculating the stairs to the second floor, you should determine the depth of the tread. This is one of the basic values. The width should ensure a safe position for the foot while moving. If the value is small, the leg will slide down, which is dangerous due to falling; if it is large, it will fall through. In any case, walking will be uncomfortable. Optimal size steps range from 20 to 32 cm. When designing stairs, thinness is used, which makes it possible to save material. This is the overhang of the steps above the lower surface. For wooden stairs the overhang is no more than 3 cm, for reinforced concrete - 5 cm.

Step height

The width of the handrails is 10 cm, which is considered sufficient to sit comfortably on a horizontal surface and to secure the hand well.

Example of staircase calculation

For example, calculation of a straight staircase.

The step is calculated according to the formula:

where x is the height of the step,

y – tread width,

z – step width.

If the height of the step is 15 cm, the width of the tread is 28 cm, we get

2X 15 + 25 = 58 cm.

This step is close to the standard, so you can install steps with these parameters. If we increase the tread length to a comfortable 30 cm, we get optimal step– 60 cm.

We calculate the number of steps using the formula:

where a is the span length,

c – height of steps,

с – number of steps.

If the initial flight length is 2.5 m and the riser height is 15 cm, we get:

Round up to 17.

As a result, we got a staircase with a flight length of 2.5 m, a step height of 15 cm, a tread depth of 30 cm and 17 steps.

Calculators for calculating stairs

Calculators are called staircase design programs that allow you to independently calculate design parameters. All programs make calculations using similar formulas. The only difference is the way the result is displayed and the site interface. To calculate the dimensions, you must enter the initial data:

  • type of staircase - straight, U-shaped, L-shaped, spiral;
  • height and length of the march;
  • number of steps;
  • room height;
  • distance from floor to floor;
  • material (wood, metal, reinforced concrete).

Some sites contain detailed instructions, how to install the program and how to use it. The consumer is offered not only calculations, but also drawings and 3D images of structures. Design video wooden model link:

Some versions of the calculators request information about the color of the material, the direction of rotation, and the option of finishing the treads. After entering the initial data, you receive information about the consumption of materials, a drawing or a 3D image of the structure. Online calculator link


Just like for calculations, a program for designing stairs can provide assistance in this matter. The project takes into account:

  • the material from which the structure will be made;
  • type - marching (straight, rotary), screw;
  • bolted();
  • load on the march and railings;
  • dimensions of the room (height of the first floor, dimensions of the stairwell on the second level, length and width of the site).

Based on the data analysis, the type of staircase design is selected. The best option a single-flight straight staircase is considered. It is most convenient to use, easy to install, and safe. For clarity, make a drawing or sketch of the structure. When designing, the optimal dimensions of a safe ladder are taken into account:

  1. Minimum distance from landing the ceiling should not be less than 180 cm. Otherwise, the person will reach the upper level with his head.
  2. The minimum width of the stairs is 80 cm, otherwise it is difficult for 2 people to pass each other on it.
  3. The thickness of the boards should be between 35 - 50 mm.
  4. For convenience, the march has an odd number of steps.
  5. The longer the march, the stronger the fastenings should be.
  6. The load on the span should not be more than 220 kg, for railings the limit is 100 kg.
  7. All steps, except the winder ones, must be the same size (width, height).
  8. The shape of the handrails should be comfortable for the hand.
  9. When designing a bolted structure, side beams are not taken into account. The march is held on by something fixed in the wall.
  10. For spiral staircases to the second floor they plan the direction of movement - with a turn to the left or to the right.
  11. The width of the turntable should be the same as the width of the flight.
  12. Choose a load-bearing element - a bowstring or stringer.

The simplest design option is . They hold marches well. The materials for the bowstring are wood and metal. The advantages of wood are ease of use and accessibility. When installing, you don’t have to make a riser, which saves material. Disadvantages - over time, the wood dries out, it is difficult to attach it to the floor and in ceilings.

Models with stringers are more difficult to install, but look better. The length of the straight march stringer is calculated by the formula:

К= √(Н²+ Д²),

where K is the length of the stringer,

H – height,

D – length of the stairs.

Using programs for designing and calculating stairs, you can calculate design parameters for a private house. Regardless of the type of structure, the main operating conditions must be met - safety and comfort during movement.

Stairs are special engineering structures that serve to move people between levels of a room. And, since human safety directly depends on them, these systems require especially careful calculations in accordance with existing requirements and norms. We’ll talk about how to correctly calculate the number of steps in a structure and the distance between step elements later in the article, which contains detailed calculation instructions. high-quality photos and educational video.

The comfort and safety of the system depend on how correctly the calculations were made to determine its main dimensions

Correct calculation is an important step when building stairs

Moving up stairs requires a person to expend twice as much energy as when moving down flat surface. That is why it is very important to make the design not only safe, but also comfortable and convenient for long-term use. This goal can be achieved if the number of steps is calculated accurately and without errors.

Before starting construction, make a sketch of the structure on paper and make basic calculations, guided by generally accepted GOSTs and requirements

During the large-scale production of stairs at specialized enterprises, their compliance with established GOSTs and safety requirements is carefully checked. Therefore, calculations of these systems are carried out exclusively by qualified specialists with an engineering education.

If the structure is manufactured at a specialized enterprise, its calculations are carried out by professional engineers and architects

But what to do if you decide to make a staircase for your home or cottage yourself? Is it possible or not to correctly calculate the steps of the stairs, calculate their number and basic distances on your own? If you strictly follow the instructions below and existing GOSTs, then nothing is impossible.

You can even make such a magnificent staircase yourself if you apply maximum patience and effort to it.

Design characteristics of stairs

Before starting the computational work to determine the number of steps and their sizes for a staircase structure, first we will understand the definitions that we will need to apply.

The photo clearly shows the main parameters that must be determined before starting to manufacture the stairs

So, we need to calculate the following parameters:

  • depth of the step (tread);
  • tread height (riser);
  • step width;
  • thickness (if there are additional overhead elements);
  • number of steps in a march.

Now let's take a closer look at how the required values ​​are calculated.

The total length of the staircase depends on such quantities as the height of the room, the width of the steps and the height of the riser

Calculation of steps

The size of the steps is calculated using a special formula, according to which the safety and convenience of the design assumes that the sum of the height of the riser multiplied by two and the depth of the tread with the average step of an adult are equal.

Calculating a staircase structure is a rather labor-intensive task, so if difficulties arise, you can involve professionals to solve them

For normal straight marches

It is known that the step length of a person moving horizontally is 60–65 centimeters.

We get the formula:

2A + B = 60 cm (65 cm), where A is the segment between the steps, B is the depth of the tread.

For a comfortable placement of a person’s entire foot on a stair step, it is necessary that its width (depth) be in the range between 20 and 32 centimeters.

Calculating the basic parameters for ordinary straight marches is not difficult - it is enough to adhere to generally accepted standard values

However, when calculating the staircase structure for your home, you must also take into account the physiological characteristics of your family. For example, if there are children, elderly people or disabled people in the house, then make the width of the tread wider and the height of the steps small for more comfortable movement.

When calculating the size of steps, use a special universal formula

Advice: do not narrow the steps, as this will make the stairs less safe for movement and will make it difficult to descend.

If, due to some circumstances, you cannot make a wide enough step, then make a tread with an overhang over the lower surface. However, keep in mind that according to GOST requirements, such overhang should not exceed:

  • 3 cm – if the step is made of wood;
  • 5 cm - if the tread is made of reinforced concrete.

When building a staircase, you can always use ready-made drawings with all necessary calculations

All of the above applies to simple staircase systems. When designing a system with winder-type steps, it must be taken into account that the depth of the narrowest stepped part should not be less than 10 cm, and its overhang above the surface should not be more than 5 cm.

Calculating the size of treads for a conventional straight staircase system does not require special knowledge and can be done even by a beginner

For winder steps

To calculate the winder products, you will have to work more thoroughly, but first you should draw the future system on paper.

A staircase with winder steps is quite complex design, requiring preliminary accurate calculations
When constructing a system with winder steps, it is necessary to pay attention Special attention calculating tread sizes

Calculation of the number of steps

After the necessary calculations have been made, indicate the found values ​​on the finished drawing and then strictly follow your calculations when making the stairs.

If all calculations to determine the main dimensions of the staircase are performed correctly, then the finished system will be comfortable, convenient and functional

Video on the topic

The video below will help you get more full information on our topic.

Where to buy a ready-made staircase

If you do not have the proper construction skills to self-construction staircase system in your home, or you simply don’t have a lot of free time to carry out this work, take advantage of the offer of our online store “Super Staircase” and purchase a ready-made, high-quality and stylish staircase for your home.

Stylish and modern staircase from model range"Elegant" will become a real decoration of your home, price finished design only 50,390 rubles

Self-construction of stairs in own home should always be preceded by calculations and drawing up a project - an assembly drawing. Without this, it is simply impossible to build a truly comfortable, reliable and interior-decorating structure. When carrying out the necessary calculations, naturally, they are based on real conditions, that is, on the features of the location of the future staircase.

One of the basic parameters of any staircase is the size of its steps - their height and width. These quantities are not taken arbitrarily - they must obey certain rules, which are based on maximum convenience and safety of people moving along a flight of stairs. There are several methods for determining the mentioned parameters - using tables, using Socalled the "safety formula" stairs, according to the graphical construction of its profile. We offer the reader a calculator for calculating the size of stair steps. It needs some explanation, which will be given below.


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