Types of cement - which one is better. How to distinguish high-quality cement from a fake What kind of cement

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The question “which cement is better – Portland cement or Portland slag cement” worries many. However, it is quite difficult to find a definite answer: each of them has its own properties and has a specific purpose.

Let's consider all the pros and cons using the example of PCII/B-400 and ShPTsIII/A-400

  • Portland cement PCII/B-400 It is produced on the basis of limestone and clay and can have mineral additives in amounts from 21 to 35%. Scope of application – production of precast reinforced concrete by steaming with a concrete grade reaching M200. PC II/B-400 is also used in the production of monolithic reinforced concrete structures, airfield construction, construction of hydraulic structures (in fresh waters), in the implementation of work with quick stripping, in carrying out winter work(subject to additional electrical heating) in the production of asbestos-cement products.
  • ShPCIII/A-400 obtained by grinding clinker, granulated blast furnace slag and gypsum. Slag content – ​​21-60%. The more slag is used, the lower the activity of the cement. In comparison with PC, Portland slag cement has a slow increase in strength at first, but subsequently the hardening rate increases and by 12 months the strength reaches the PC value.

ShPC is characterized by low heat generation and high resistance to aggressive influences environment. This building material has found wide application in the production of conventional and reinforced concrete, hydraulic engineering construction, general construction works. However, it is not recommended for use in conditions of low temperatures, in the implementation of structures that will be subject to regular freezing and thawing.

To summarize, we can say that the PC is completely suitable for use in difficult climatic and technical conditions, where fast setting of the material is required. And here civil Engineering can be quite successfully carried out using ShPC.

IN Lately Portland cement is the most popular. Why is this cement considered better?

Arguments in favor of Portland cement

  • Complete absence or insignificant content of granulated slag.

Yes, indeed, slag may be present in the composition of ShPC, and its content can reach 60%. Due to this additive, the setting time of the cement increases. However, given the fact that granulated blast furnace slag is a waste product from metallurgical production, its presence gives ShPC such qualities as high corrosion resistance, workability, reliable protection from cracking and weathering, durability;

  • The setting time of Portland cement is shorter than that of ShPC.

This statement is absolutely true. Already on the second knock, the PC II/B-400 acquires up to 35% of the planned strength, while the ShPTs - only 25%. However, on the 55th day, ShPC is not inferior in strength to PC M500, while its structure becomes denser, which provides the material with high strength. However, the PC is unlikely to be able to withstand a load exceeding 540 kg/cm2.

  • Blast furnace slag is used in production to reduce the cost of the material.

It's a delusion. It is the blast furnace slag that reacts with the clinker and gives the ShPC high performance qualities, which the PC lacks.

Which cement is better - choose the right one

  • Quality. Quality of this building material confirmed by the international standard ISO-9000. This designation must appear on the packaging. It guarantees that you are looking at products that meet international standards quality. Moreover, the packaging must be double-layer paper, sealed without scratches or signs of tampering. Particular attention should be paid to the properties of the material (brand, presence of additives, etc.), as well as the shelf life. The longer cement is stored, the worse its quality. After 6 months of storage, the activity of this material decreases by almost 35%. It is also important in what conditions the material is contained. High-quality cement should flow freely through the palms and not compact into a lump.
  • Price. The price of cement directly depends on its brand. Good building material can't be cheap. Today, many unscrupulous manufacturers reduce the concentration of cement dust in order to reduce the price of their products. However, such actions negatively affect the quality cement mortar. Therefore, you should focus not on cost, but on the guarantees and reputation of the supplier.

Which cement is best for building a foundation?

Laying the foundation is the most important part in house building. Mistakes in its implementation can lead to the destruction of the foundation and even the house itself. The quality of cement has a huge impact on the quality of the foundation. Failure to comply with the proportions or the wrong brand of building material can lead to dire consequences.

According to professional builders For pouring the foundation of a residential building, it is best to use material of the M300-M500 grades. Considering the fact that for 1 m 3 of concrete to create a foundation you will need 490 kg of M400 cement or 410 kg of M500, then taking into account the cost of the material, you can independently determine which brand is more profitable to use. The use of low grade building materials is not recommended. For example, M200 cement is best suited for finishing.

By choosing heavy-duty cement grades (M600 and M700) for the construction of a small residential building, you will simply waste money.

After the brand of building material has been selected, you should Special attention pay attention to proportions. You should also take into account the type of soil on which the house will be built. On sandy and rocky soils, concrete M200-250 is used.

You should not buy material for future use. It loses its properties very quickly. It is best to calculate the required amount of cement and buy it immediately before pouring the foundation of the house.

Deciding which cement is best for building a foundation (M300, M400 or M500) is easiest based on technical specifications your project.

Cement is an important building material, which, like lime, gypsum or clay, is an inorganic binder. You need to know what grades of this material there are and what they are best used for in order to determine which cement is best. At the same time, the products must not only be of high quality, but also be well preserved for a long time.

Like other materials used in construction, cement has differences in physical and technical characteristics, which depend on the conditions of its operation.

Which cement to buy – bagged or loose?

Despite the constant development and emergence of new technologies, construction cannot be completed without the use of cement mortar. This material is sold in loose form and in bags. Therefore, the question often arises, which option is better and of higher quality? There is a clear answer to this question - the most best cement in bags. In addition, it is the one that can most often be found on sale. They produce packaged material both abroad and in the CIS countries. It is sold in construction supermarkets, at special bases, as well as at cement factories.

Cement packaged in bags is of high quality and is better suited for storage.

It is also much more profitable to buy cement packed in bags because it is easier to store. But at the same time, the room where it will lie must meet certain criteria. It should be well ventilated and not damp, otherwise the cement will harden. It is advisable not to store this building material for more than six months - after this period it loses its basic qualities.

Cement packaged in bags can be different types, each of which has its own marking, depending on the strength of the finished material.

Before going on sale, all products undergo a thorough check at the factory, in accordance with which the manufacturer puts a GO on the bag, the corresponding brand, trademark and telephone number for consultation.

To avoid mistakes, it is best to purchase cement from well-known manufacturers in the construction market who value their reputation.

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Main signs of quality

Visual signs of high-quality cement can be seen already during construction work:

  • the mass should be dark in color;
  • the cement should dry quickly and be in good contact with the tools;
  • there should be no dry matter during compression;
  • Cement should set within 28 days;
  • brickwork for which the mortar was used, when used quality material will be durable.

The quality requirements for cement in accordance with the established regulations are as follows:

  • drying time;
  • grinding fineness;
  • consistency of the solution;
  • proper storage of various types;
  • alkali content.

There are various brands of this building material, which have an individual composition and are used with for various purposes. To understand which cement is best suited in a particular situation, it is necessary to understand all types in more detail.

The main advantage of loose cement is its low cost.

Lumps most often appear in high-grade mixtures. To avoid water separation and enhance strength, an acceptable grind size should be around 350-380 sq.m./kg. In this case, the density of the dough is 25-26%. The cement should set within 4.5 hours, and hardening should usually occur in the third hour. If these requirements are met, then the necessary strength will be provided in the required time frame.

In accordance with SNiP 2.03.11-85, in order to avoid the appearance of cracks, the alkali content in cement should not exceed 0.6%. But in practice, you can effectively prevent a threat to strength if you stick to 0.7 - 0.72%. Storage conditions and shelf life, as well as the method of transportation, have a certain impact on quality.

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How to choose the best material?

If the material is manufactured in accordance with international standards, it must have an international certificate ISO-9000.

By external properties It is almost impossible for a non-professional to determine whether the cement chosen is good, so compliance with the declared characteristics must be determined in laboratory conditions. But at the same time, when purchasing it, it is still worth paying attention to some factors that will help you decide which brand of material is the best.

As mentioned above, the most acceptable option is pre-packaged building composition in bags. They should indicate the weight, manufacturer, GOST, brand of the product, as well as what additives are included in the composition, etc.

At the seller selling this product, the presence of documents confirming quality is required. If they are not there, this indicates the dubious origin of the material, which is not advisable to purchase.

Another important factor is price. When cement meets all requirements and has quality certificates, it cannot be cheap. It should be noted that its cost is approximately the same in all countries. But at the same time, delivery costs are also added to imported products. Therefore, if the cost of a foreign building material is low, there is reason to think that it contains components of poor quality, or the proportions were violated during the manufacturing process, there is underweight in the packaging, or the expiration date has long expired.

It is better to choose products that are produced by well-known brands that have an established reputation.

Cement is a binder, a building material that plays a key role in the formation of concrete mass characteristics. Perhaps cement is one of the few building materials that increase their strength characteristics in a humid environment. At the same time, cement is actively used in the construction of foundations. Mixed in correct proportions with water and fillers (crushed stone, sand, etc.), it allows you to obtain a durable stone monolith that can withstand enormous compressive loads. However, cement is different from cement: this material differs not only in price, but also in brand, as well as in its characteristics. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right brand of cement for the foundation, as well as pay attention to the date of manufacture and take care proper storage of this building material. If you have decided to make the foundation with your own hands and are at the stage of choosing cement for forming concrete, then this article will help you solve a number of issues that any individual developer periodically faces.

Which cement to choose for preparing concrete for the foundation

Depending on the composition and properties, several types of cement are distinguished. But the most popular was and remains Portland cement, which differs not only in its brand (class), but also in the presence of special additives that change the properties of the building material in one direction or another (with their help, the setting of concrete can be slowed down or accelerated, heat dissipation can change, resistance to exposure to an aggressive environment, etc.). What do the letter and numeric indices indicated on bags of cement mean?

Cement brand

If on concrete preparation You can use M100 cement, but when building a foundation, where the minimum acceptable grade of concrete is M200, it is better to use cement grades from M300 and higher. Perfect option– brand of cement for foundation M500, the price of which differs slightly from the price of M400.

Cement quality check

Considering that cement is a very (if not the most) popular building material, the number of companies involved in its production is quite large. You need to understand that many irresponsible manufacturers (they are the ones who often offer cementitious building materials in bags on which no information is indicated) add ballast substances to cement, which only worsen its quality. These additives can be ground compacted cement, mineral powder - anything! How to prepare concrete for a foundation from such cement is a question that no specialist can solve. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to buy high-quality factory material, so below we will give an example of cement analysis “on the knees” - methods that, after all, allow us to determine the quality of cement. Naturally, only laboratory tests will allow an accurate assessment, but this is already unnecessary for an individual developer.

  • assessment of the “freshness” of cement. If there is no manufacturing date on the packaging (it is better not to buy such cement at all), then first of all you need to check the degree of fossilization of the building material. This can be done by hitting the bag - the sensations should not resemble those of hitting a stone. It is also necessary to check the corners of the bag by touch, because... they turn to stone the fastest. Open the bag, you should find a homogeneous substance inside gray, which may differ in shades (from dark to light gray, maybe even greenish). Freshly prepared cement is fluid: it easily spills between your fingers. If you can make a snowball out of cement, which then easily crumbles, then this is a normal material. Did you find individual lumps in the bag? If they easily disintegrate under compression, then this only indicates that the cement has already had time to “sit down.” There is nothing wrong with this, but if the lumps crumble only when there is a significant impact on them, and they crumble into individual solid grains of sand, then it is better not to use such building material - it has already deteriorated;
  • assessment of cement composition. For analysis, we need sodium bicarbonate (for example, Borjomi) or sodium chloride bicarbonate (Essentuki No. 4 or No. 17) mineral water. We open the bottle, let the water “exhale” - we rid it of carbon dioxide. Next we put on latex gloves and use mineral water to mix cement paste from the test sample of cement. From the resulting dough you need to make a “cake” with a diameter of about 15 cm, with a thick central part (about 5 cm) and thin edges (up to 1 cm). The setting of truly high-quality cement is observed no later than 10 minutes, and the thickened part of the “cake” will heat up noticeably. It is also possible to change the shade of the cement paste - it acquires a blue-green tint. All this indicates that the cement does not contain additives - d0. On the contrary, if setting is not observed for half an hour or more, then you should worry. As a rule, this indicates the low quality of the binder and the presence of foreign impurities: the “cake” becomes covered with cracks when setting, hardens in fragments, and does not heat up. Just in case, we place the test sample in plastic bag and put it in a warm place for a day. If after 24 hours the sample has lost its shape and has significant cracks, then the cement did not live up to our expectations - it is better to get rid of it immediately...or use it at your own peril and risk. It is quite possible that the use of low-quality cement will subsequently result in the need to strengthen foundations with cementation and other expensive work.

A few words about storage and purchase

We have already said more than once that cement is a building material that is very sensitive to storage conditions. Far from ideal conditions(and this happens more often than we would like), the brand of cement, respectively, and its properties deteriorate over time. After a month of storage, it may turn out that the M500 brand is no longer actually such - it has become an M450. Over six months of storage, cement can lose a quarter of its original properties. And relying on a substance that has been stored for a year or more is very presumptuous! If you treat cement as a food product that has an extremely limited shelf life, then you will hardly have to doubt whether the brand of concrete obtained from it corresponds to the calculated values! We recommend buying only factory-made cement, which clearly indicates the manufacturer and marking, packaged in 4-layer (40 kg of cement) or 5-layer (50 kg) bags. First, decide how much cement you need for the foundation, because it is better to buy building materials from one batch, which guarantees the same properties for different batches. Think about your purchase a maximum of 2 weeks before you start preparing concrete.

As a rule, the cost of industrial cement is slightly higher than that of building materials of dubious quality. However, by purchasing factory-made building materials, you are protected from.

Many people who are involved in construction own home, I am interested in the question of which cement is better for the foundation. It's quite important aspect, since the quality of the foundation determines how long the building will last. This article will discuss the main nuances that should be considered when purchasing cement.

general information

Nowadays, on the shelves of construction stores you can find a huge number of various brands cement of domestic and foreign production, so many people simply do not know which cement is better for the foundation. When choosing, you should consider many factors, the main ones being:

  • strength;
  • compatibility with reinforced concrete structures;
  • type of construction;
  • weight of the future building;
  • best before date;
  • availability of quality certificates.

All these parameters affect the quality, strength and durability of the foundation, so they should be taken into account when purchasing materials.

What brand of cement is best for foundations? This question haunts many novice builders. Portland cement is considered ideal, since the solution prepared on its basis has high strength and excellent resistance to negative environmental factors. As for choosing a specific brand, it all depends on what type of building the foundation will be poured for.

If you want to build a base for drainage system, then the use of materials with low strength is allowed, and what cement is better for the foundation of a house? For residential buildings, you should choose materials whose strength is 2 times higher than that of concrete mixture. If you stick to everyone construction technologies, then the cement must have a strength of M400.

Review of the main brands of cement

Today there are not many brands of cement that are suitable for the construction of residential buildings. If you don’t know which cement is best for pouring a foundation, here is a list of acceptable brands:

  • PC M400 D0 is a binder mixture that produces high-strength cement that can withstand very heavy loads and is highly resistant to moisture and severe frosts;
  • PC M400 D20 - cement good quality and at an affordable price. Highly resistant to aggressive environmental factors;
  • PC M500 D0 is a high-quality cementitious mixture containing up to 99% cement content. Ideal for pouring foundations for heavy residential buildings and small industrial facilities;
  • PC M500 D20 is a material that, in its properties and characteristics, is almost completely identical to the previous one, but has less strength.

For the foundation on which non-residential buildings will be located, you can use other brands of cement made on a slag basis, but they are not suitable for heavy buildings.

Decoding cement markings

To understand which cement is best for the foundation, the manufacturer has absolutely no importance, you need to learn to understand the markings. In addition to the brand, the abbreviation may contain the following parameters:

  1. B - cement that hardens quickly. Used on construction sites with a limited construction period.
  2. PL is a plasticized binder that can withstand very low temperatures.
  3. SS is one of the varieties of cement that has increased resistance to negative environmental factors.
  4. NC - straining PC, having high stability to moisture and high strength after hardening. Used for pouring foundations in basement, for the construction of houses on difficult soils and reconstruction of buildings.

The ability to understand cement markings will allow you to avoid many mistakes during the construction process.

Types of additives in concrete

In order for the concrete or future foundation to be strong and durable, as well as to have high performance characteristics, it contains certain additives, which can be divided into the following types:

  1. Plasticizers allow you to mix the solution with less water, due to which the foundation will freeze significantly less during the cold season, will be stronger and more durable, and will not sag over time.
  2. used in construction for the construction of houses in cold regions. They allow you to work normally with cement in severe frost.
  3. Compactors help increase the strength of concrete and are used for the construction of thin walls.
  4. Strengthening accelerators are used for tight deadlines construction, when it is necessary for cement to gain its strength as soon as possible after pouring.
  5. Set retarders are used in cases where it is necessary to keep cement in a liquid state for a long period of time, for example, during transportation.

There are also universal supplements that combine all of the properties listed above.

Mixing concrete: optimal proportions of materials

Knowing which cement is best to fill the foundation with is not enough, since you also need to be able to mix it correctly. Good concrete must contain at least 25% cement, however, when preparing the mixture, you should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations indicated on the packaging. To prepare cement for the foundation, you should choose a grade from M200 and higher, since a smaller grade is not able to withstand heavy loads and is unsuitable for building houses.

A good PC, if chosen correctly, consists of one part cement, three parts sand and five parts crushed stone. As for water, its quantity depends on the brand of building material, however, the minimum volume is 0.4, and the maximum does not exceed 0.65. It’s worth noting right away that these proportions are only suitable if you use high-quality materials.

Kneading process

So, we have already figured out which cement is best for the foundation, as well as the optimal proportions of materials required to obtain high-quality and durable concrete. Now we need to talk about what technology should be used to knead so that ready mix turned out good. All work occurs in the following sequence:

  1. First, 4/5 of the water is poured into the concrete mixer.
  2. Then crushed stone or gravel is added.
  3. Cement and sand are poured.
  4. During the kneading process, the remaining water is added in small portions.

If you are constructing in a region with difficult climatic conditions and frosty winters or on a flooded plot of land, then, in addition to the main components, special plasticizers are also added to the concrete, which significantly increase its performance properties. They must be added at the very end of the batch, strictly adhering to the proportions specified by the manufacturer.

A few words about the price

We now already know which cement is best for the foundation of a house, but how much will it cost to purchase materials? It all depends on the packaging in which you buy the materials. Cement is sold in bags, big bags and by weight. The last option is the most profitable and will allow you to save a decent amount.

As for the average market prices on the CPU, then purchasing mixtures from famous brands having high quality and excellent performance properties, will cost approximately 4000-4500 rubles. The exact amount depends on the brand of the mixture and the presence of various additives in it that increase the cement’s resistance to water and frost. If you buy in bulk in bags weighing 50 kg, then you will pay approximately 230 rubles per unit.

Which cement manufacturers are better?

Which cement is best for the foundation of a bathhouse, and which manufacturers produce the highest quality mixtures today? It is very difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question, since both domestic and foreign materials are available for sale. Some experienced builders claim that American and European-made cement is better, however, given their high cost, the purchase of these mixtures will not be affordable for everyone.

Among Russian companies engaged in the production of cement, the products of the Novgorod and Borshchevsky cement plants, as well as such companies as Sebryakovcement, Mikhailov Cement Rusean and some others are in great demand. All these companies produce high-quality PCs of various brands according to affordable prices, so the foundation will not cost you too much.

The requirements for the binder when preparing concrete for pouring or assembling a foundation are high: the cement must have the correct strength grade, be suitable for reinforced concrete structures, be fresh and of high quality. Much depends on the type and weight of the building, for the foundations residential buildings PC M400 is considered the minimum; for temporary and lighter ones, a reduction in requirements is allowed. Checking the certificate and expiration date is mandatory in any case; preference is given to cement produced no later than 3 months; the material is not purchased in advance. Important technology standards include precise adherence to proportions, preparation and correct sequence loading components into the mixer, compacting concrete after pouring.

Preference is given to Portland cement; concretes with it have the required strength and resistance to external influences. The choice of brand for foundations directly depends on the type and purpose of the mixture construction staff. To fill the drainage base, it is allowed to use cement with a low strength grade (the final concrete is from M75 to M150), in all other cases the rule applies: the grade of binder must be twice as high as the expected grade of the concrete mixture. Taking into account the minimum allowable for foundation structures M200, the solution is mixed with Portland cement with a strength of M400 (about this brand of cement).

The maximum proportion of foreign impurities in the binder is 20%; their introduction reduces the cost, slightly reducing frost and water resistance. As a consequence, to suitable types cement for pouring the foundation include:

  • PC M400 D0 – can withstand loads of up to 400 kg/cm2 after curing, providing good durability, water resistance and frost resistance. Concrete based on it can withstand low temperatures, contact with ground and atmospheric moisture and exposure to aggressive environments. Cement M400 D0 is suitable for any type of foundation, including reinforced and prefabricated (it is used for mixing masonry mortar).
  • PC M400 D20 - combining fairly good resistance to moisture and freezing and a reasonable price. The best option for the construction of foundations for light residential buildings in the absence of serious soil requirements.
  • PC M500 D0 is recommended to be chosen when constructing critical objects; this brand consists only of cement clinker, the proportion of foreign additives (in in this case- gypsum) does not exceed 1%. This has a positive effect on frost and moisture resistance; the variety is considered elite. Its use when mixing concrete for the foundation will pay off economically during construction on problem areas(in particular, flooded ones).
  • PC M500 D20 is a similar brand of cement to the previous one, slightly inferior in terms of resistance to moisture and freezing (but not in strength), but in its characteristics it still surpasses M400.

Slag or pozzolanic based cements withstand the effects of sulfates dissolved in ground moisture well, but for laying monolithic or prefabricated foundations it is better to choose a different type. main reason– slow strength gain and low frost resistance. As a result, their use is permissible only on the recommendation of professionals and with the adoption of additional measures to protect foundation structures from frost heaving of soils. If there is the slightest doubt, it is better to choose Portland cement without impurities or specialized brands:

  • B is a fast-hardening binder, which is recommended for limited work periods.
  • PL is a plasticized variety with increased frost resistance. Its introduction allows you to save up to 8-10% of cement, but it is important to remember that it cannot be used with any other types except PC.
  • SS – special sulfate-resistant PCs.
  • NC – tensile cement. Concrete based on it has a compacted structure after hardening, preventing moisture from entering. NC is recommended to be chosen when laying the foundation of a house with a basement or erecting a monolith on flooded soils. They are also well suited for repairing and restoring existing structures.

Cements below M400 are allowed to be used in the construction of bathhouses and light panel or wooden one-story buildings on dry and stable soils. To eliminate mistakes, they start from the concrete grade; when selecting it, such criteria as the expected weight load (mass) must be taken into account load-bearing structures, including the foundation itself, roofing system, snow cover and objects in the house) and soil parameters (level of freezing, rising water, structural composition and homogeneity of the soil), timing of filling and hardening conditions.

Cooking proportions

The minimum acceptable grade of concrete for pouring a foundation is considered to be M200 (more is better); when concreting the foundations of residential buildings within 1-2 floors, M250 is most often chosen. The recommended proportions of components when preparing the M250 solution are 1:3:5 (cement, sand, gravel or granite crushed stone, respectively). The W/C ratio does not exceed 0.65, it depends on the expected grade of concrete: the higher it is, the lower the volume of introduced water, minimum 0.4.

Concrete grade Ratio (C:P:SH) Volumetric composition per 10 liters of cement for sand and crushed stone, l Concrete yield per 10 liters of cement, l
PC M400
M100 1:4,1:6,1 41:61 78
M150 1:3,2:5 32:50 54
M200 1:2,5:4,2 25:42 64
M250 1:1,9:3,4 19:34 43
M300 1:1,7:3,2 17:32 41
M400 1:1,1:2,4 11:24 31
M450 1:1:2,2 10:22 29
When using PC M500
M100 1:5,3:7,1 53:71 90
M150 1:4:5,8 40:58 73
M200 1:3,2:4,9 32:49 62
M250 1:2,4:3,9 24:39 50
M300 1:2,2:3,7 22:37 47
M400 1:1,4:2,8 14:28 36
M450 1:1,2:2,5 12:25 32

The indicated proportions are relevant when using the correct components: clean and dry quartz sand with a fraction size of at least 2 mm, washed and dried crushed stone with a strength grade of at least M1200. Important role The activity of the binder plays a role, reviews in this regard are clear: for the foundation of a house it is better to take cement no earlier than 1-2 weeks before the start of work, checking the release date and certificate is mandatory. Fresh powder has no lumps and is easily passed through your fingers.

If you doubt the integrity of the supplier, it is worth checking the quality of the material in advance: the correct cement sets well within 45 minutes.

In addition to the use of components required quality the sequence of their loading into the concrete mixer is observed. Recommended scheme: 80% of the total share of water → crushed stone → sifted cement and sand → the rest of the water in small portions. Most plasticizers or hardeners are added at the end with strict adherence to proportions. These include liquid soap(added along with the main portion of water), factory specialized additives, fiber, inhibitors, substances that affect the setting time of concrete. Their use requires caution; exceeding their proportion worsens the structure of the artificial stone.

Material cost

Products are sold in bags, big bags and in bulk; wholesale purchases are the cheapest. The prices in this case are:

Cement marking Manufacturer Price for 1 ton, rubles
With delivery within Moscow by cement truck pickup
PC M500 D0

JSC Lipetskcement

CJSC Belarusian Cement Plant

4500 4250
PC M500 D20 JSC Maltsovsky Portland Cement 4350 4100
PC M500 D0B (fast-hardening)
PC M500 D0N (standardized clinker) 4650 4450
PC M400 D0 JSC Maltsovsky Portland Cement

JSC Mikhailovcement

JSC Lipetskcement

4300 4150
PC M400 D20 4200 3950

When building a foundation on your own and delivering it using your own transport, it is more convenient to use bags (the proportions are easier to adjust to the measured weight). High-quality cement is offered by many domestic factories and manufacturers of dry cement. building mixtures: Novgorod Central Plant, Borshchevsky Central Plant (Lafarge), Mikhailovcement, Maltsovsky Portland Cement, OJSC Voskresenskcement, Mordovcement, Sebryakovcement, Rusean. The cost when purchasing it in packaged form is.


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