Garden house and extension to it. Extension to a house - the most interesting projects and main types of extensions (130 photos)

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If your home plan does not include an additional room, garage or other space that you need, you need a frame extension. The easiest way is to make an extension to wooden house. You don’t have to hire specialists, because if you have at least some construction experience, you can do all the work yourself.

What is it for?

Extensions are necessary when, while planning your home, you overlooked the need for any premises, or you did not have enough finances to build additional rooms, a garage or a bathhouse. When you need an extension:

  1. Do you want to expand the area of ​​your home with your own hands? You can complete a frame house as much as you like.
  2. You need a garage, but don't want to make it separate.
  3. You have long dreamed of a bright veranda or a summer dining place.
  4. A small bathhouse attached to a wooden house never hurts
  5. Do you want to have a utility room to store various things?

Once you have decided what exactly you will build, you must determine the following points:

  • Do you need an additional foundation for a new wooden room?
  • what kind of roof will be on your extension
  • will it have windows or additional doors
  • Do you need a supply of water, light and other communications to the wooden outbuilding?
  • how and with what will you carry out the insulation?
  • you will build with your own hands or invite specialists

Technology and step-by-step instructions

As the name implies, the basis of this building is the frame. However, even before installing the frame, you may need a foundation. It can be lightweight, columnar or strip foundation. Considering the moment of some shrinkage, it is better not to make fastenings with the foundation of the house already installed. Most often, a strip foundation is chosen. Its essence is simple: a trench is dug in which the formwork is installed. Poured concrete mortar, consisting of 1 part cement, 3 parts sand and 5 parts crushed granite. After the foundation hardens, the formwork is removed.

If construction takes place on unstable (for example, clay or loose) soils, it is necessary to allow some time for the foundation to settle.

The second stage of construction of the extension to frame house– installation of the frame. Its basis is wooden beams treated with protection. The wood must be treated with bioprotection against insects and fire protection, which prevents the wooden structure from burning.

  • external finishing
  • OSB sheathing (DSP, SML)
  • windproof membrane
  • insulation
  • vapor barrier
  • OSB interior cladding
  • interior decoration

Most likely, you will use 15 cm thick material for insulation. These are average values ​​for our region. Based on this, you will need lumber from the 150 line. The pitch of the frame posts will be 59 cm, where 60 cm sheets of thermal insulation material will fit perfectly.

Insulation of a new room

Insulation of a frame extension to a wooden house can be done different ways. The most commonly used insulation materials are:

  • foam sheets
  • mineral wool
  • liquid insulation
  • isover, ursa
  • mineral basalt types of insulation

The insulation of an extension is generally similar to the insulation of any frame house, however, there are also some peculiarities. Since in places where new frame walls are attached to existing walls, problems often arise. hard to reach places for insulation. As a result, cold paths appear there, nullifying all work on the general heating of the frame extension. To insulate such joints, you can use:

  • liquid insulation in the form of hardening foam

Jute is an excellent insulation material that needs to be caulked in the corners.

Be careful: if there is felt in the jute, over time there may be moths that eat this material. Choose jute that contains only plant materials - hemp or flax fibers.

Before laying jute, study the technology and be sure to use personal protection, at least closed clothing and gloves.

Liquid insulation is good because it is extremely easy to apply with a spray can into the most inaccessible places. The synthetic composition does not attract insects, its service life is several decades. Liquid insulation is attached to almost any surface and hardens very quickly.

Important: liquid insulation materials do not like ultraviolet radiation, under the influence of which they can change their structure and color. Do not work with this material in direct sunlight.

If you are insulating with mineral wool, it is better to overlap it. This way we will avoid cracks that allow cold to pass through. The insulation for a frame extension must be well fixed; for this, staples or glue are used.

If you decide to insulate a frame extension using foam sheets, then they are placed close to each other, fixed, and the joints are foamed. It is better not to use foam sheets for internal insulation, since the smell of construction chemicals may be present in the house for some time.

If you decide to add a bathhouse

With the addition of a bathhouse, everything is much more complicated than with an ordinary extension. The reason for this is the need to supply all communications. And if, as a rule, there are no difficulties with the light, then difficulties may arise with the drainage system and the supply of water to the bathhouse.

What to pay attention to:

  1. All materials for adding a bathhouse must be labeled “for indoors” high humidity" All wooden elements must be well processed.
  2. Water can come from inside the house (this often requires raising the floor or otherwise accessing laid pipes) or it can come from a separate water source - a well or borehole. Often the second method is simpler and cheaper.
  3. Wood for a bath should not release resins when heated, therefore conifers We don't use it.

Otherwise, the extension bathhouse differs little from an ordinary bathhouse, about the construction of which you can read.

Roof for a new premises

There are two ways to install the roof of a frame extension with your own hands. The first way is to establish a new building under common roof at home, and the second is the construction of a separate small roof (usually pitched).

You can use any roofing material, but by far the most common is regular 8-wave slate. Its length is 175 cm and it is laid with an overlap. Calculate quantity roofing material you can, knowing the area of ​​the future roof and the size of the overlap (it should be at least 5 cm, and better - 10).

To protect the place where new roof adjacent to the house, it is necessary to lay it with a galvanized iron apron. The iron sheet is bent at an angle that depends on the angle of the roof. The galvanized iron sheet should not be less than 30 cm in width.

One part of such an apron must be attached under the roof overhang, and the second must be attached directly to the slate of the extension to the house.

Important: Use only 100-120 mm slate nails, the ends of which are not bent, otherwise the slate will crack from temperature changes. We leave them as is or cut them with a grinder.

In addition to slate, you can use other roofing materials.

New room - new floor

After the roof is done, it's time to think in the field. We can also make it ourselves. In short, the construction of the floor is done in several stages:

  • subfloor
  • finished floor

The subfloor is arranged like this. A cranial block (5X5 cm or slightly less) is attached to the sides of the genital joists. Edged boards are laid on the block, the thickness of which should be 2-2.5 cm. The following layers: glassine, insulation, glassine again. The subfloor is a supporting frame for the finished floor, and also creates an air cushion for even greater insulation. After this, we begin laying the finished floor.

The finished floor can be of the following types:

  • wood
  • concrete

If you decide to go with wood, use a milled board. Very convenient are those that are connected by tenons in grooves. Dimensions can be as follows: 28-44x98-145mm. On the back side they have vents that provide ventilation and air circulation. The size of the vent is about 20 mm.

Also for wooden floor can be used: tongue and groove boards, which are sold with tongue and groove slats and tenons various forms(straight, segmented and trapezoidal).

Important: if you use a board to create a floor, the installation is carried out taking into account the annual rings on the wood. They must look in different directions!

After the finished floor, you can do the finishing.

Concrete floors are easier to make. After a layer of insulation and insulation, a concrete screed is applied. Finishing can be placed on top of the screed. You can make a screed with your own hands if you know the technology. However, the concrete floor has one drawback - it is cold. Therefore, it is worth thinking about a “warm floors” system in the extension if it will be a living space.

Ready-made tubes fixed to grid cells - a good move

Warm floors are done like this:

  1. First it fits concrete base or screed.
  2. A layer of thermal insulation (20-100 mm) is placed.
  3. Reinforcing layer
  4. The pipes of the water heating system are being laid. For fixation, they are secured with clamps to the cells of the reinforcing mesh. The pipe laying step should not exceed 3 cm.
  5. The next layer is the substrate under flooring.
  6. At the last stage we install the floor covering. It can be parquet, laminate, tiles, linoleum and others.

Except water warm home, you can make an electric one, which is even easier.

When the floor is ready, we install doors and windows. They are attached using self-tapping screws, spacers, nails and wedges. Installation is done by level.

You can read about wiring electricity to a new room. Wiring can be carried out both from outside the house, there and through common wall with an extension.

Internal insulation

The walls of the extension must be insulated not only outside, but also inside. For this, a superdiffusion membrane, foil materials and insulation are used.

The superdiffusion membrane is a modern insulating “breathing” product. Sometimes, in order to save money, they use it instead plastic film, however, this material collects moisture, causing mold to spread along the walls of the house.

Foil materials are applied to the wall with an overlapping aluminum surface and secured with conventional slats.

When choosing insulation, it is best to choose mineral wool or ecowool. They are functional, inexpensive and durable.

A layer of insulation covers a vapor barrier, which is covered with sheets of OSB, chipboard, plywood, lining, DSP, etc.

Next comes the interior finishing of the room. For an extension, you can use not a wooden beam, but also a metal profile. Exterior finishing may be different - you can select options and watch pictures and videos.

Extension to the house – perfect solution to expand the free space in any type of home. It is important that everything construction works can be done independently.

Of course, this will require certain construction skills and knowledge of work technologies, but there is nothing particularly difficult about it. The help of specialists may be required at the design stage of the structure, as well as when connecting communications inside the structure. In addition, certain problems often arise when legitimizing an extension with regulatory authorities.

The attachment can perform a variety of functions.

Most often, an extension is built to form additional room, summer kitchen, garage, veranda, terrace, canopy, porch. There are a huge number of options - everything will depend on personal requirements and wishes. Of course, building something will be very difficult from a technological point of view, but often all construction is done with one’s own hands.

The main thing here is to correctly construct the foundation, walls, roof, insulate and isolate the room from moisture, and also correctly attach the new foundation to the old one.

Types of extensions for country houses

Before starting any construction work, it is necessary to clearly determine the type of structure, because making an extension to a house is only possible if you have a clear plan and project. There are several of the most common types of extensions in our country:


This is the simplest and most cost-effective extension for country house. Main functional task similar design– ensuring the protection of people and things located under the canopy from sun rays, rain and other precipitation. Under such a canopy it will be good to relax in the warm season and have lunch, or you can park your car.


An important advantage of installing a canopy is that the construction of a foundation is not required, because the foundation will be support pillars(made of metal, wood, concrete). The canopy frame is attached to these supports.

Summer room

To form summer room will need more capital construction than in the case of a canopy. Such rooms are intended for relaxation in the warm season, gatherings, reading books, etc. Naturally, a foundation will be required.

It is recommended to use columnar or strip base, depending on the type of building material and the dimensions of the room. Boards are usually used to create walls, foam concrete blocks, frame panels. For better lighting, the walls and roof, entirely or partially, can be made of glass.

Summer room.

Such an extension usually has a lean-to or gable roof. It is recommended to use the lightest roofing material. Installation thermal insulation materials, as a rule, is not carried out, because such premises are not used during the cold season.

Living room

Before adding a room to the house, it is necessary to complete all the required calculations and draw up a project. In this case, a thorough approach will be required, involving the construction of a foundation, capital construction of walls and roofs, installation of waterproofing and thermal insulation materials, and supply of all necessary communications.

Warm living room.

Special attention is given to the insulation of the premises, so that one could live here in winter time without spending a lot of energy on heating.


As a rule, extensions are not intended to accommodate a kitchen. Such a structure must be capital, so it needs to be insulated as efficiently as possible.

Kitchen made of wood.

Such an extension can only be built correctly using a high-quality project created by professionals, because the kitchen needs all communications: sewerage, water supply, electricity, gas, ventilation system. This, of course, leads to serious financial costs, for which not everyone is ready.


Using an extension to create a garage is a very common trend in last years. The garage will require the construction of a strip or monolithic foundation, and for the construction of walls, foam concrete blocks or bricks are usually used.

Two garages.

The roof, in most cases, is made of profiled sheets or metal tiles, slate or roofing felt. Mandatory communications for the garage - ventilation system and heating.

Connection of an extension with a country house

Many people spend a long time choosing where to add a new room to their home, so that it would be easier to connect it with the main building. Here you have to choose from two options:

  • Independent building. In the event that difficult soil conditions are observed in the area (for example, heaving soils or high level groundwater), it is recommended to build an independent structure that will not be connected in any way to the main house. In this case, the extension and the main structure have no points of contact, so they do not depend on each other. In this case, the minimum possible distance is maintained between the two buildings, which is a technological gap that must be filled with thermal insulation and waterproofing materials.
  • Implementation of an extension to the structure of an old building. Such a solution involves a certain amount of labor, because construction will require compliance with all necessary technologies and carrying out many calculations and studies. First of all, you will need to properly build and insulate the foundation, which must be correctly connected to the base of the country house. This is usually done using reinforced rods. Using approximately the same technology, the walls and roof of structures are connected.

Features of roof construction for an extension to a house

The roof of an extension to a house can have any shape - here again everything will depend on the requirements and wishes of the owners. At the same time, most often country homeowners choose pitched roof, because it is simple to implement, easy to insulate yourself, it fits well with other types of roofs that the main structure may have, and also removes precipitation well, preventing the entire structure from experiencing additional loads.

To ensure that rainfall from the roof of the extension drains normally, the design of the roof involves installing a roof slope of 20 degrees or more.

In addition, special attention must be paid to installing the roof of the extension under the roof of a country house. If everything is done correctly, the wall located between the extension and the country house will be protected from water entering through the joint between the two structures. In addition, the roof of the extension must be extremely harmoniously combined with the roofing material of the main building and fit harmoniously into the exterior of the building, without standing out from the general background.

During the design process, it is very important to correctly calculate the load that the roof structure will provide. You should take into account the weight of rafters, roofing material and other structural elements, used in roof construction.

It is important to understand that the extension to the house is screw piles or pillars is not designed for too heavy loads, unlike monolithic or strip concrete foundation. You also need to insulate the roof (you can insulate it using any suitable thermal insulation materials, with which it is recommended to cover the top with waterproofing).

How to legalize construction?

Building an extension to an old or new country house is half the battle. Any additional premises erected on plot of land, it is necessary to document and obtain permission to carry out construction work from regulatory authorities.

An extension to the house can be done with your own hands; no one will force you to invite builders, but the homeowner must submit a well-drawn design of the structure to the employees of the regulatory services.

The procedure for completing all the documentation for an extension to an old country house usually takes from several months to a year.

An interesting point is that you can start collecting documents and obtaining a building permit after all the work is completed. This is permitted by current law.

At the same time, when reviewing documents, employees of the regulatory body may have some claims that will have to be mandatory correct (for example, the location of the structure relative to underground utilities or the use of inappropriate building materials).

Let's consider buildings to the house and not extensions

A pergola is the simplest structure and an excellent place to relax.

A barbecue is a great place for entertaining guests and celebrating.

Over time, owners of private country houses and cottages with year-round use are faced with the need to increase the usable area of ​​their home. For example, one of the reasons may be the birth of a child or simply the desire for space, since the available area is too small. The frame extension in this case is seen as one of the best solutions. The features of the construction of such a structure and the procedure for its legalization will be discussed in this short article.

Features of the extension

The great advantage of a frame extension is the ability to pair it with a house built from any material, be it logs, bricks, blocks or bars.

Design features in general view are presented in the diagram below, however, they are almost completely identical to the nuances of building a full-fledged frame house.

How to make a frame extension to a brick or wooden house?

To build with your own hands, you will need some set of tools. The figure below shows standard version such a set.

It is also advisable to have at least one assistant, since some work cannot be done alone, and working with someone is always more fun.

Pairing with the main house

Regardless of the quality of the foundation, due to the difference in the magnitude of the load that the cottage and the extension exert on the ground, there is still a possibility that over time they will move relative to each other. For this reason, experts strongly do not recommend a rigid type of connection between an extension and an old house; it is more advisable to use a connection similar in principle to a tongue-and-groove connection. To install it on the wall of a permanent structure, you need to fix two beams, and between them install a vertical beam, which is an element frame wall extensions. This type of connection will ensure leveling of mutual movements. Of course, you can use it instead of wood metal carcass, then all the embedded elements will also be metal. Or you need to use a bolt-on hinge.

However, the connection of the extension is not limited to just the walls; it is also important to connect the two roofs correctly. To do this, the rafters need to be connected at one end to the top frame frame, and at the other end they need to be fastened to the rafter system of the roof of the old house. The sheathing under the roof is mounted in such a way that the junction of the old and new roof found itself between the elements of the sheathing.

As a roofing material, you should only use one that has some degree of flexibility, e.g. soft tiles or corrugated sheeting with a wave height of no more than 10 mm. But slate or ceramic tiles are no longer suitable for these purposes.

Step-by-step instruction

1. Installation of the foundation

The first stage of construction is foundation work. Usually, a separate foundation is arranged for an extension, which must be connected to the base of the old house using special embedded reinforcement.

Of course, the most preferable option is the common foundation laid at the stage of construction of the first house, however, few of our compatriots look that far, which, however, in everyday life is quite understandable and understandable. When laying a new foundation, it is necessary to ensure maximum identity not only in shape, but also in the depth of both structures.

If it is impossible to achieve full solidity, then between the two foundations you need to leave the so-called expansion joint so that when the soil moves in the spring, cracks do not form on the walls of the extension and at the very foundation.

Strapping is the second stage of building an extension. The thickness of the walls of frame frames is usually 20 cm. They are rarely placed in extensions. living rooms, which allows you to reduce the thickness of the wall to 10 cm. Therefore, the diameter of the timber for piping and the cross-section of the vertical posts will also be 10 cm.

The figure below shows a possible installation diagram for the lower trim of the extension:

When assembling the frame, the greatest attention should be paid to fastening the racks. The figure below explains its features.

The upper harness is fastened according to the same principle as the lower one. The side view is shown in the figure below.

5. Sheathing and insulation of the ceiling

The ceiling, like the walls inside, is best covered with clapboard. This is the most favorable option from a price and aesthetic point of view. Pine eurolining will last at least 30 years, and even more with proper care. To insulate the ceiling, in order to save money, you can use expanded clay, pouring it on top in a layer of 10–12 cm.

Possible variant installation of the rafter system is shown in the figure below:

The process of fastening the roofing material does not differ in any nuances, except for one thing: the upper part of the sheets should be under the roofing material of the main building. To do this, you may need to remove some of the fasteners. An approximate diagram of the roofing “pie” is shown in the figure below.

The ultimate goal of any construction work is to create a durable structure in which living will be comfortable and cozy. The quality of the wall “pie” has the most direct and decisive influence on achieving this goal. When insulating the walls of a frame house or extension, you need to remember that properly installed vapor and wind insulation is the key to long service without loss of performance characteristics of any type of insulation. If you forget about this, the insulation will very quickly absorb moisture from the environment and become unusable.

If we consider the layers of the wall “pie” from the inside of the frame extension, then they should go in this order:

1. Internal lining,

2. Air gap (10–20 mm),

3. Vapor barrier,

4. A layer of insulation,

5. Windproofing,

6. Exterior finishing.

Traditional roofing felt or glassine can be used as wind protection.

The second option is more preferable, since it does not deform when exposed to high temperature environment. When installing vapor barriers membrane materials you need to place them smooth surface towards the thermal insulation layer, and the fleecy one towards the room. The fibers prevent condensation from forming on them, which prevents excessive wetting of the insulation.

Insulation of the building is one of the the most important factors comfortable stay there in the future. In fact, all the nuances concerning the insulation of a frame extension completely coincide with the insulation features full houses, built using frame technology. For insulation you can use the most different materials both traditional and more modern: ecowool, sawdust, basalt mineral slabs, extruded polystyrene foam and much more. From the point of view of speed and ease of installation work, perhaps, mineral slab insulation is optimal.
Such insulation must be tightly laid between the frame racks in several layers, but without kinks or pinches, which over time can lead to the formation of “cold bridges.” An important feature during the work is the need to shift the joints between the slabs relative to each other in adjacent layers. This principle must be observed not only when insulating walls, but also ceilings and floors.

Possible mistakes

Completing and redesigning an existing structure is always more difficult than building from scratch, so it is worth once again paying attention to possible errors in the process of constructing a frame extension.

The first and main thing is that many inexperienced builders rely on factory processing of all lumber. However, this is incorrect; before assembly, all frame elements must be thoroughly dried and treated with fire-retardant impregnations. Window frames and doors must be installed strictly level and secured to existing ones. vertical racks, that is, the dimensions of all openings must be calculated at the planning stage.

How to legalize an extension to a house?

When all the construction work on the construction of the frame extension is completed, many of our compatriots begin to think about the need to legitimize the resulting masterpiece of architecture. However, it is better to think about this before starting work, since the process of legalizing an unauthorized structure is a little more complicated, you will have to go to court, and besides, the result may not be in favor of the plaintiff and then you will have to demolish all the resulting beauty, and at your own expense. Of course, you can avoid going through the circles of bureaucratic hell and leave everything as it is, but this will entail the impossibility of selling, renting, bequeathing or donating the entire house, and not just an extension.

When applying to the courts, you will need a whole set of various documents, among which the most important are the following:

  • Certificate of ownership of the land plot;
  • Certificate of ownership of a residential building (dacha);
  • Certificate from the BTI;
  • Permission from the housing and communal services organization;
  • An extract from the house register about the number of registered citizens in the residential building;
  • Frame extension plan;
  • House project;
  • Control shooting of the extension on a scale of 1:500;
  • Consent of neighbors if the extension borders their site;
  • Epidemiological service report.

In some cases, you may need a photo of the site, residential premises and an extension to it.

Towards compilation statement of claim you need to take it with full responsibility, since the process can be lost due to mistakes made in it. Most courts will provide you with an application form and help you fill it out.

After filing a claim, you need to wait for a response, which should be sent by mail. To make sure that the application has been accepted, you can call back after 10 working days and clarify the information. It should be borne in mind that judges have only 2 legal reasons for rejecting a claim: the presence court decision regarding the legalization of this building or an incorrectly drawn up claim document. In the second option, you must submit a second application.

The municipality will become the defendant during the court hearing, and the owner of the house to which the extension has been made will, accordingly, be the plaintiff. If the court makes a decision in favor of the plaintiff, he will need to receive a payment receipt from Rosregistration for payment of the state duty and make the payment, after which the owner will be given all Required documents, legitimizing unauthorized construction.

As for other cash expenses, approximately 10,000 rubles will be spent on collecting all necessary information(consultations with lawyers, etc.), the price of the state duty is currently 500 rubles, 20,000 rubles costs an entry in the Urban Planning Cadastre, and about 60,000 more rubles will be required by specialists for a forensic construction and technical examination. Thus, in addition to direct construction costs, about 100,000 rubles will be needed for all bureaucratic delays.


Watch a video about how construction work was carried out on a frame extension to the house.

Insufficient space is a common occurrence in private homes. Therefore, changes have to be made to the building design. One way is to add a frame extension to the house.

When building an additional room, everything depends on its purpose. After all, different requirements are imposed on the veranda, kitchen, bathroom and additional living space. For example, adding another room can be compared in complexity to building a small house. There are increased requirements for thermal insulation of walls, foundations, ceilings and floors.

It will be easier with the addition of a summer veranda. This is a lightweight unheated building, the construction of which does not require a strong foundation. By and large, the design of a terrace comes down to laying the floor, erecting a roof and walls. However, sometimes home owners prefer a veranda in the form of a glass gallery. The main thing is that the extension does not stand out from the overall style of the house.

Requirements for the construction of an extension depend on its purpose

The difficulty arises with the bathroom and kitchen, especially when the water supply is already connected to the house and additional lines will need to be laid in the new premises. Problems may also arise with the heating system. Take care of communications before arranging the foundation, this will save you time and money in the future. As a last resort, mark (equip) exit points for heating and water pipes.

Regardless of what room you are going to add to the house, construction comes down to standard steps:

  • Design;
  • Pouring/arranging the foundation;
  • Construction wall frame and its lining;
  • Roof installation.

It turns out that adding an additional room to a house with your own hands is no different from building any other building. And the reliability of the entire structure will depend on the quality of the foundation. The statement is true for every building.

A frame extension attached to a wooden house, as a rule, is lightweight, therefore, there is no point in pouring a monolithic foundation a couple of meters deep. For an attached veranda made of wood or glass will be sufficient columnar foundation made of brick, stone or concrete.

To build an additional room, a strip foundation is often used

The foundation for a future building is selected based on its weight. Apply the following types foundations:

Tape. As a rule, it is used when the building is heavy. Carry out appropriate calculations at the design stage;

Columnar foundation. It is used when an extension to a frame house does not differ in weight (veranda, bathroom, summer cuisine);

Pile and pile-grillage foundations are complex structures made of reinforced concrete products, which have a considerable margin of strength and the same price. It is rarely used in the construction of extensions.

For the construction of additional premises, strip and column bases are mainly used. But many people prefer a strip foundation, the arrangement of which comes down to the following steps:

  1. 1. We apply markings to the ground in accordance with the project. It outlines the boundary of the attached room;
  2. 2. Along the marking lines, we dig a trench for the future foundation. Its depth should be the same as at the base of the house itself. The width is 15 cm larger than the future walls;
  3. 3. We fill the trench with crushed stone and sand 15–20 cm thick. This cushion must be moistened, compacted and covered with a layer of roofing material and similar waterproof materials. This will protect the foundation from groundwater;
  4. 4. We arrange the formwork - its height is equal to the height of the future foundation;
  5. 5. We install reinforcement in the trench to give the base additional rigidity;
  6. 6. Pour concrete. You can make it yourself in the proportions of 1 part cement, 3 sand and 6 crushed stone. But if the area is large, you can order the required volume of solution.

The trench is dug along the marking line

IN hot weather It is advisable to water the foundation. This will prevent microcracks from appearing while the concrete hardens. The base will gain strength within a month, but the formwork can be removed after 14 days.

Frame for walls - necessary materials and construction stages

As a rule, wood is used to create the frame. Stock up on timber (15*15 cm) and future floor joists (10*15 cm), the quantity depends on the size of your building. Besides wooden blanks, we will need insulation, vapor barrier and Consumables. The latter include anchors, screws, bolts, sealants, fire-fighting solutions and antiseptics.

Work on the construction of walls begins with the bottom frame. First we lay the beam along the wall of the building. Then we place the remaining beams along the perimeter of the foundation and fasten them to the base of the house using anchor bolts. We connect the beams together with metal corners or dowels. In the harness, at a distance of 50 cm, we make notches or gashes for future vertical posts.

We install the supports in the grooves prepared for them and fasten them with self-tapping screws; we additionally fix them with steel brackets and stops. After we finish installing the racks, we begin installing the top trim. Its assembly is no fundamentally different from the lower one. But above the strapping you will need to fasten a horizontal beam-beam to the wall, this is the future foundation under rafter system. We install racks under it, resting on the harness. We fix the timber to the wall with anchors.

After completing work with the top trim, we remove the jibs that support the racks. We add door and window frames to the frame “skeleton” of the extension. The basis future room interfaces with the house through a vertical beam-rack. It is attached to the building with anchor bolts.

Let's give the structure additional rigidity. To do this, we will cover the outside with plywood or boards. There are no strict requirements; the choice of material is yours. By and large, after erecting the roof, laying the floors and installing windows, we will get a summer terrace. In winter rooms we still have to work on insulation, but it is better to do this with a roof over our heads.

The roof over the extension can be erected single-pitch or gable. However, a roof with two slopes is characterized by weight and some complexity during construction. Therefore, a roof with one slope for an attached room is considered a completely worthy option.

The construction of the roof begins with the rafters: we place them with one end on the top frame, the other on horizontal beam, fastened to the wall of the house. We fix it with staples. Some difficulty may arise with the angle of inclination. But as a rule, it is thought through during the design process and is reflected in project documentation. We lay the rafter legs so that they protrude beyond the wall by at least 30 cm. This will protect the wall material from the effects of precipitation.

It is better to cover the roof of the extension with the same material as the main one

We will cover the roof of the extension with the same material as the main house. But under it you will need a sheathing, the frequency of which depends on the type roofing. For soft roof the sheathing should be almost continuous. You can even use plywood and its analogues. But for slate, corrugated sheeting or metal tiles, the distance between the sheathing boards does not play a big role. Sometimes, when the rafters are close to each other, they do without sheathing at all.

Before laying the roofing material, the frame of the future roof is covered with a layer of waterproofing. Its type depends on the coating. As with the construction of a regular roof, we begin laying the roof from the lower end of the rafters. We insulate the roof by laying it between the rafters mineral wool, polystyrene foam, etc., after which we sew them up with boards. At the final stage, using boards, we create a ceiling and decorate it finishing materials(plasterboard, gypsum board).

Insulation of the floor and walls of the attached room

Having finished constructing the roof, we proceed to internal work. They start with the flooring. First of all, we lay the floor beams - they lie on the foundation on top of the waterproofing layer. If you plan to use the room during the cold season, the floor must be insulated.

To do this, we sew boards from below to the joists. It is better to use a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. As a result, we should have “baths” between the joists, in which we will lay a vapor barrier, and insulation on top of it.

Foam plastic, mineral wool and their analogues act as a heat insulator. We spread another layer of heat insulation on top of them and cover it with plywood or floorboard. The subfloor is ready; in the future it can be improved using special coatings.

To insulate walls, the same materials are used in the same sequence:

  1. 1 TO external cladding walls using construction stapler we fix the vapor barrier;
  2. 2. Place insulation between the frame posts. If mineral wool mats (analogues) are used, mix them relative to each other, overlapping the seams, thereby eliminating possible heat losses through the joints.
  3. 3. After laying the heat insulator over it, stretch (sew with a stapler) a vapor barrier;
  4. 4. We cover the internal walls with chipboard, plywood, and plasterboard. Great option– lining, it’s on its own decorative material, not requiring additional finishing.

We complete the construction of the frame extension by installing windows and doors. But the premises are not yet suitable for use - interior decoration and communications are ahead.

Construction of a frame extension to a private house is a quick and economical way to increase the area of ​​your home. Nowadays, structures of this type are beginning to be in great demand, since their construction does not require special skills, and building materials can be purchased at any building materials store. If you strictly adhere to construction technology and correctly calculate each component of the extension, then it will serve long years without requiring major repairs.


An extension to a house has its own characteristics, which depend on its purpose, since different requirements are imposed on the kitchen, veranda, bathroom and additional living room. In particular, adding another residential space can be compared in complexity to building a small house.

There are special requirements for the foundation, thermal protection of walls, floors and ceilings. The construction of a summer veranda is much easier, because it is a lightweight, unheated structure, for the construction of which there is no need for a powerful foundation. IN general outline, the construction of the terrace is limited to the construction of walls, roof and floor. Although some homeowners prefer a glass veranda. The main thing is that the extension does not stand out from the overall style of the house.

Problems arise with the kitchen and bathroom, especially when the water supply system is already connected to the house and additional communications will need to be installed in the newly created premises. Problems may also arise with heating system. You should think about communications before building the foundation, this way you can save money and time in the future. At worst, you should equip or at least mark the exit points for water and heating pipes. Regardless of what will be added to the house, the process includes standard steps such as:

  • design;
  • construction of the foundation;
  • construction of a wall frame and its cladding;
  • roofing device.

It turns out that adding an additional room to a house with your own hands is no different from building any other building. And the strength of the entire structure will be determined by the quality of the foundation.


Work on the installation of an additional room in the form of an extension includes the design procedure, selection of materials, preparation of estimates, distribution of communications, connection with the house, arrangement of the space.

The creation of a project and drawing, as well as the calculation of an extension to any house (old or newly built, log, country house, panel, brick, wooden and others) begins after the type of structure and dimensions have been determined.

In turn, when choosing an additional room, you can choose the following: veranda, terrace, summer kitchen, living space, garage, porch, bay window, awnings. In this case, it is important to consider the condition of the adjacent walls and, if necessary, replace rotten areas. It is necessary to adhere to a single style.

The dimensions of the frame extension should not exceed 2/3 of the area of ​​the house. For example, the area of ​​the veranda is usually approximately 20% of the area of ​​the house. The main thing is not to disturb the exterior of the facade. To make changes to the structure of a residential building, permission from the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning is required. All necessary drawings are prepared.

Ready standard projects it is problematic to use, since it needs to be tied to the existing structure of the house and the condition of the soil. They take the basis, making changes of varying degrees of complexity depending on the needs of the customer, and as a result an extraordinary solution can be obtained.

DIY construction

You can build a frame extension yourself, the main thing is to follow the advice of professionals in this matter. Once ready detailed project future construction, you can begin construction. This process includes several the most important steps, which step-by-step instructions will help you get through.

Preparing the construction site and pouring the foundation

Before constructing the frame, you will need a foundation. It can be lightweight, columnar or strip, but in most cases a strip foundation is chosen as the base monolithic type, which is the most reliable and durable.

To create a foundation, you should perform the following actions:

  • you need to mark the area. Small pegs should be driven into the corners of the future building, tying a cord (fishing line) to them. This will allow you to clearly see the outline of the future foundation;
  • it is necessary to dig a trench (ditch). Its depth depends on the dimensions of the base of the main house. The width of the trench should be 150–170 mm larger than the future walls of the extension;
  • you should fill the bottom with fine crushed stone or sand in a layer of up to 15 cm, compact it thoroughly;
  • it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing directly on the cushion of crushed stone or sand;
  • on top of the waterproofing layer you need to arrange reinforcing mesh to increase the strength of concrete;
  • you need to fill the reinforcing layer 1/3 with concrete mortar, wait until the mortar sets, and then pour more mortar to 1/2 the depth of the ditch;
  • formwork should be installed. As a material for creating forms for laying concrete, you can use wood, metal, plastic, or a combination of them;
  • it is necessary to fill the upper part of the foundation and allow the concrete to dry. Depending on the weather, this will take about 14 days;
  • after the solution has completely dried, it is worth removing the formwork and performing external waterproofing using rubber or roofing felt.

Important: the foundation of the main structure and the extension must be common, therefore, even before the stage of pouring the concrete solution, it is necessary to decide on the joining method. If construction is carried out on unstable soils, for example, loose or clay, it is necessary to allow some time for the foundation to shrink.

Connection of a frame extension with the main structure

Regardless of the quality of the foundation, due to the difference in the magnitude of the load with which the house and the extension act on the soil, there is still a possibility that over time they will shift relative to each other. Guided by this, experts strongly discourage the rigid method of connecting the extension to the main house.

It is more rational to use an abutment similar in principle to a tongue-and-groove joint. To install it on the wall of a permanent building, you need to fix two beams, and between them place a vertical beam, which is a component of the frame wall of the extension. This method of connection will create conditions for leveling mutual movements. Of course, you can use a metal frame instead of wood; in this case, all embedded elements should also be metal. Otherwise, you need to make a hinged connection with bolts.

Construction of walls

After final leveling surface of the ground part, you can proceed to the construction of the walls of the frame extension. They are based on timber beams treated with protective components.

The process of constructing walls is represented by the following algorithm of actions:

  • you need to make the bottom trim. There are several ways to connect timber, but more often they use an inclined connection or use the half-board method. We fill the voids between the timber and the base with expanded polystyrene;
  • to give the harness extra strength corner connections must be secured using anchors or dowels. The timber is fixed to the base in holes made in advance;
  • floor boards are fixed to bottom harness in increments of 60–70 cm, it is better to fasten them using liquid nails or self-tapping screws;
  • The frame racks for the walls must be mounted on metal corners and screws. They must be placed at a distance slightly less than the width of the thermal insulation;
  • It is advisable to construct the upper frame only after all wall studs have been installed, so that by this time the structure has sufficient rigidity. The upper trim should be mounted in the same way as the lower one;
  • To strengthen the frame, you can put diagonal bars.

Having finished building the walls, it is necessary to install the floor sheathing on the prepared logs of the lower base. For this, it is better to use ordinary boards 40 mm high. Finish floor ( finishing coat) it is best to arrange only after cladding the walls and installing the roof.

Important: when constructing a frame base, it is necessary to use building level, since even a slight tilt can provoke deformation of the entire structure.


Even at the stage of assembling the walls, it is necessary to lay ceilings every 60–70 mm and fix them to top harness with help metal corners. At the same time, you can sew up the ceiling with sheets of thick plywood or boards, which will give the frame even more rigidity. After this, a layer of insulation must be laid on the rough structure of the floor.

If you plan to use flexible material for the roof, then another layer of sheathing needs to be mounted on the rafters to install a vapor barrier.

Insulation and finishing

After installing all elements frame structure You can start insulating the extension. As a rule, mineral wool, polystyrene foam or ecowool are used as insulation. The insulation boards are placed in several rows between the frame supports. Particular attention must be paid to the connecting points of the plates to avoid gaps. To do this, the insulation is shifted in different layers relative to each other.

Thermal insulation is laid between the ceilings and the floor in a similar way. For extensions, it is advisable to insulate the outside. It doesn't diminish usable area rooms and retains heat well. Once the thermal insulation is laid over the entire surface of the extension, you can begin installing vapor and moisture insulation. The material should be placed strictly with the fibers towards the cladding, and the smooth side towards the surface of the thermal insulation. To protect from winds, the outside of the extension is sheathed with film or roofing felt.

The walls of the extension need to be insulated not only from the outside, but also from the inside. For this, a superdiffusion membrane (film), foil material and insulation are used. Superdiffusion membrane is a modern insulating “breathable” material. To save money, plastic film is used instead, however, this material accumulates moisture, as a result of which mold forms on the walls of the house.


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