Homemade greenhouse from old window frames. Greenhouses From Window Frames: Self-Installation

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After renovating the house, all that remains is to replace the old window frames with new ones plastic windows. Well, what should we do with the old frames? What to do with them? If you have a small plot of land, make a greenhouse out of old windows with your own hands!

  1. The main condition for good growth plants this is light. The future place should be open; there were no trees nearby that would block the light of the sun.
  2. The second condition is the presence of loved ones groundwater to the surface. Our greenhouse is quite heavy (this, by the way, is a minus) and the close location of groundwater can simply flood our greenhouse.
  3. Third an important condition is the location of the edges of the greenhouse from east to west. This is done to ensure that the plants receive the maximum possible amount of sunlight.

By the way! A greenhouse made from old windows (frames) has the maximum possible light transmittance, which distinguishes this material for building greenhouses from many others (polycarbonate, polyethylene, etc.).

Plan the size of the greenhouse based on:

Main track. Will be used to approach plants for the purpose of maintenance and harvesting. Focus on a path about 60-70 cm wide. If it is smaller, then it will be uncomfortable for you to walk along it and you may end up touching plants with your feet.

Garden bed. Place for planting plants. Optimal size the beds are up to 1 m. But this size can be adjusted up or down based on what you are going to grow.


To protect the heavy structure from shrinking into the ground (and the greenhouse is made of window frames without a doubt - heavy) you need to build a strong foundation.

In addition to shrinking the frame into the ground, the foundation slightly insulates the greenhouse soil, protecting the plants from cool weather conditions.

Foundations may be different. Concrete, metal and brick. We will focus on the most common and reliable one, this is a concrete foundation, namely a strip or monolithic type.

Monolithic type concrete foundation don't do it often because high flow rate materials, which is very unreasonable today.

let's consider strip foundation more details Conventionally, the construction (installation) of a strip foundation can be divided into stages of work.

Preparing our old window frames

In order not to waste a lot of time, it is better to prepare old window frames for installation. What to look for?

Removing foreign elements that are not useful to us. Handles, canopies, latches, etc.

Replacement of cracked glasses with new ones. Everything here is simple and clear. We don't need glass falling into our cucumbers from the wind. We change cracked glass without looking at the new ones!

Removing old peeling paint. Ultraviolet does its job, but protective paint should always be there. It protects wooden elements from exposure to the sun, thereby extending its service life. For long-term use, you only need to paint the wooden elements every or every year. If the old paint holds up well, then you don’t have to remove it all, but just go through it superficially (disturb upper layer old paint) in a piece sandpaper. Thus, we increase the level of “adhesion” of the new paint to old surface. If in simple words To explain, we make micro-scratches with sandpaper, to which the new paint will cling. Also, keep in mind when applying the paint should not be very thick or, on the contrary, liquid (meaning dilution with a solvent). Which paint to choose? Yes, the simplest one, the same PF 115 will do. Please note that PF come with different numbers, so for our needs we need exactly 115 (there should be a note on the can that the paint is for exterior use).

I apologize for writing so much about painting. The experience of a painter and sandblaster in industrial mountaineering does not allow him to write just two words.

If the greenhouse elements are fastened (frame to frame) using screws, then the glass does not need to be removed. If you decide to fasten with nails, think again, if you haven’t changed your mind, remove all the glass! If you are too lazy, go get a bucket and collect the fragments in it. And then buy new glass to replace the broken ones.

Installation of the greenhouse frame

The frames are screwed to a special frame (skeleton). It can be made from timber or boards. If it is a timber, then the diameter should be 5x5 cm. If it is a board, then its thickness should be at least 4 cm.

Installing window frames on a wooden frame

There is nothing complicated here. Frames are attached to vertical posts frame. We start, of course, not from the middle, but from the corner, and move towards another corner. We foam the joints between the frames with polyurethane foam. It is better to use screws to attach frames to the frame. If you do this with nails, the structure may become loose over time.


For the roof, you can use film or polycarbonate.

The first is cheaper, the second is more reliable.

If you choose cheaper. Before each cold weather, we remove the film and put it on again in the spring.

Polycarbonate ideal option make a gable roof.

It is done in the same way as a greenhouse, first wooden frame, then polycarbonate is attached.

In this video, the owner built a small greenhouse from window frames. The roof was made from ordinary polyethylene film.

And in this video, the owner built a rather large greenhouse (greenhouse) from old frames. Gives advice and recommendations on how not to get confused during construction.

Photos shown here phased construction greenhouses made from window frames.

Here the owner shares his impressions after using the greenhouse for 1 year. You can see the complete arrangement inside.

☀ Good luck and all the best to you! ☀

Any gardener who wants to get a high-quality harvest builds a greenhouse on his plot. The simplest and most reliable option is greenhouse built from old window frames. You can build it with your own hands without special costs. The first question that arises is where to get window frames? The answer is simple: people who do repairs. Old windows can be purchased for nominal money or free of charge. Thanks to this approach, you will save a lot of money and build a structure that fits perfectly into your exterior.

Did you know?

How to build a greenhouse with your own hands from window frames?

  1. Creating a foundation and foundation options

Before laying the foundation, the area must be cleared. Mark the construction plan, having first leveled the ground. It is imperative to take into account the degree of soil shrinkage. The foundation is the basis of the structure. The choice of foundation will depend on how long the structure will last, as well as the required material from which it is constructed. If you plan a strong, durable construction made of metal-plastic windows, then it would be advisable to lay a brick foundation or fill it with cement. But if the structure is planned for one or two seasons, then it is enough to use beams. To wooden foundation not rotted, it can be wrapped in roofing felt.

  1. Construction of the frame

The frame of the greenhouse will be window frames. There are several options for attaching them:

  • Fastening with corners. Very reliable way, but it requires some skill and expense. The corners are attached between the frames with inside and are bolted, connecting the two frames together.
  • Fastening with self-tapping screws. A fairly simple method in which self-tapping screws are screwed into the base of the frame, thereby fastening its individual parts together.
  • Fastening with bars and slats. Thin bars or slats are attached along the perimeter of the greenhouse from the inside, which are nailed down. This design will be quite durable.
  • Clamps and wire. This assembly method is the simplest. The frames are attached by simply twisting the wire together. This type is suitable for a structure that is being built for one season.
  1. Installing a greenhouse on a foundation

Installing the greenhouse on the base is the most important point. The frame can be attached to the foundation by installing a corner and welding the parts together. If the base is made of timber, then it will be enough to attach the structure with bolts. The most important thing is to develop an action plan that will help you install the structure correctly. It is necessary not only to correctly attach the greenhouse to the base, but also to carefully connect the frame to each subsequent one, ensuring its stability.

  1. Roof covering

Covering is The final stage in the construction of a greenhouse. There are several ways:

  • Covering the roof with glass. It will be durable coating, but it significantly makes the structure heavier.
  • Covering the greenhouse with plastic film. The method is very economical and simple, and at the same time it will lighten the weight of the structure. To cover the roof with film, you will need to nail slats around the perimeter of the roof and make a sheathing. Polyethylene is easy to fasten with clamps or clamps.

After the frame is erected and the roof is stretched, the structure must be checked for strength. It is also very important that the greenhouse has proper ventilation. In such a structure, the vents of old window frames will perform this function. If there are gaps in the structure, they must be sealed. Suitable for this construction foam. The last important point is light transmittance. The greenhouse must allow light to pass through from all sides. After checking the functionality, you can start planting.

See also video: How to build a greenhouse with your own hands from window frames

Plastic products have replaced the old ones wooden windows, which may be useful in the country.

For example, if there is no finance to purchase a new greenhouse from modern materials, you can use old frames.

Greenhouses are small structures no more than 1.5 meters high, while the height of a greenhouse can reach 3 m. Compared to greenhouses, artificial heating is almost never used in such structures.

They are heated solar energy and natural biological heating (heat released during the decomposition of humus and manure). There are no doors in greenhouses, so to gain normal access to the crops being grown, you need to remove or open the side or top of the structure.

Greenhouses can be portable or stationary, but they are rarely used when growing adult crops (mainly seedlings).

Another difference between a greenhouse and a greenhouse is the ease of production.

Self-construction of a greenhouse requires financial costs and certain experience. The greenhouse cover can be polyethylene film or non-woven type material.

Sometimes cellular polycarbonate is used. In greenhouse designs made from do-it-yourself window frames, glass is mainly installed.

The frame may have different shapes(“house”, triangular, arched, etc.).

The material can be used:

  • fiberglass and metal reinforcement;
  • window frames;
  • wooden blocks;
  • polypropylene pipes.

Choosing a location for a greenhouse

The greenhouse assembly procedure takes little time.

First, you need to thoroughly select and prepare the site for its construction and select the necessary building materials.

Land plot on which construction will take place protective structure, must meet the following requirements:

  1. The area should be flat and dry. Stagnation of moisture is not allowed; the greenhouse cannot be placed in swampy areas, on slopes and in lowlands. If a greenhouse is built in a place where water stagnates, then drainage is required.
  2. Plants in a greenhouse require good lighting. Therefore, you should not place the structure near tall bushes, trees or objects. The optimal direction for placing the structure is west-east, but one of the sides should be facing south.
  3. The place should be protected from winds.
  4. It also provides availability of a water source. The frame should be protected from rotting by laying roofing material under the bottom. The boards can be tarred.

If you are thinking about it, you should know about choosing a place for construction and study our instructions.

A barbecue made from a gas cylinder - how to create a beautiful and functional barbecue design? The material contains photos and video instructions.

Form factor

The greenhouse can have any shape. It is easy to build such a structure in the shape of a pyramid, a stationary type with a foundation, or in the form mobile design, which can be rearranged to another place.

After the material for the greenhouse has been prepared, it is necessary to determine its dimensions. Optimal length for such an object no, so it will depend on the number and size of frames. But a very long greenhouse will not be convenient to use.

Also, the height and width of the greenhouse will depend on the size of the frames used.

The essence of the design of window frames

In essence, when constructing a greenhouse from window frames, products are used that are suitable for use, but must be disposed of from residential premises.

It will be easier to build such a greenhouse from old proportionate and identical frames, which can be found for free.

The video shows the design of a greenhouse made from window frames and other arrangement options.

Construction works

To ensure the necessary durability and strength of the greenhouse, a foundation is built, which can be columnar, strip, ready-made ( metal frame and lumber).

When building a foundation, you should follow general rules, if necessary, waterproof or insulate necessary materials. The main difference is the width of the foundation, which for strip base should exceed 10-15 cm.

For execution further work You will need long boards and bars, self-tapping screws for fastening frames, and bricks for building a foundation.

After the construction of the foundation, next steps:

  1. . For a tight fit, it is advisable to remove the paint from the frames and cover them with drying oil; it is better to first remove the glass and remove the metal fittings.
  2. Frame assembly. The standard frame consists of a stand, lower and upper trim. The frame is assembled, and the window frames are fastened with nails, self-tapping screws, and screws. For better reliability It is better to secure the frames from the outside and inside.
  3. Floor arrangement. The floor serves as protection against heat loss and dampness. It can be made by pouring concrete onto gravel using bricks. For dense and smooth surfaces, roll waterproofing material is suitable.
  4. Roof installation and shape. The best option is gable roof, but you can also make a single-slope structure.

Assembling the greenhouse frame

In the photo, a mini greenhouse made from window frames, made by yourself

Temperature in the building

It is advisable to maintain a constant temperature inside the greenhouse.

The following methods are used for this:

  1. Solar heating. This is the cheapest and most popular method, so for good heating the structure should keep the film or glass clean.
  2. Biofuel. This biological method heating the greenhouse becomes the most effective, it is economical and affordable, since heat is released during the decomposition of manure.

Application of biofuel

The earthen side walls of the structure should be finished with insulating material (foam plastic), the bottom should be laid with a layer of leaves, straw or peat chips.

The stuffing is done with layer-by-layer alternation of layers of foliage and manure. The larger the volume of the leaves, the lower temperature will be inside the greenhouse. Such simple methods will help on long time retain the heat that is released during fermentation.

Gradually the substrate will settle, so you should make a high layer. Then soil is poured onto the organic matter.

When using biofuels, it should be taken into account that manure can be different types and the ways to bookmark it are different:

This should be remembered

When constructing a greenhouse, you should be guided not only by the availability of free space on the site, but also by the parameters of the frames. You can order a frame made of plastic, but its installation will require special fasteners.

If the frame is long, it can be used as a single upper sash. Short frames can be placed across the frame to create several opening lids.

If the greenhouse will be used for a long time, then it is better to make it permanent. To do this, its body is laid out of brick.

The top cover of the frames can be removable so that it can be removed for the winter. If it is difficult to make a stone body, then you can use boards.

Particular attention is paid to the tightness of the structure, for which all parts are firmly attached, cracks and grooves are sealed for complete insulation internal space from natural environment. Care should be taken to support the upper doors, which should fix the frames in the open position.

Fresh and organic vegetables are always welcome “guests” on our table. Owners summer cottages They make a lot of effort to grow “their” cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. However, hard work alone is not enough. After all, to obtain high yields, it is necessary to create suitable conditions for seedlings to grow and develop. Therefore, a greenhouse is an excellent solution - you can build a structure with your own hands from inexpensive and accessible materials.

Today, many people in their homes are removing old window frames, replacing them with convenient and practical double-glazed windows. But such frames can be given a “second life” by using them to build a greenhouse or greenhouse. So, today we will look in detail at how to build a “house for vegetables” without significant costs.

Greenhouse from old frames: pros and cons

Before starting construction of a greenhouse, you should consider both the advantages and disadvantages of such a project. First, about the advantages:

  • Affordable project cost. Enough to collect required quantity unnecessary window frames left over after renovation, and you are provided with the basic material. This is much cheaper than using new blocks to build a greenhouse.
  • Quick installation. After the foundation has been poured and dried, all that remains is to assemble the frames into one whole - and the greenhouse, built with your own hands, is ready. This stage will only take a few days, but you should carefully prepare for it.
  • Set of available tools. A hammer and nails are all you need.

Helpful advice: if possible, it is better to use a power tool - a jigsaw and a screwdriver. If your household does not have these useful things, you can easily rent them.

“Disadvantages” of a greenhouse made from old window frames:

  • Constant maintenance of the structure. Old wood dries out and cracks form through which moisture and other things can penetrate. unfavorable factors from the environment.
  • Limited service life. If old window blocks, then their service life is quite short. True, such a “house” for vegetables and seedlings will definitely serve for 5 - 7 years.

Note! Old window frames - suitable material for the construction of a greenhouse for “home” personal plot. However, for growing, for example, cucumbers, on an “industrial” scale, it is better to choose a metal profile or steel pipes. Of course, this will cost much more, but the design will also be more reliable.

Greenhouse made from window frames for dummies

Before you begin construction, you should consider important details. For example, is it necessary to make a wooden frame or can this step be skipped? This will depend on the thickness and configuration of the assembled window units. With a significant thickness of the frames, it will be possible to do without a frame completely.

We stock up on materials:

  • Rubble and sand- for the foundation of a future building. Of course, you can build a greenhouse from window frames without a foundation, but the reliability will be questionable.
  • Boards and beams of different sections- for wall studs 50 x 100 mm, for corner studs - 100 x 100 mm.
  • Fittings- nails, door and window hinges, locks and handles on the door, steel cornice, antiseptic for wooden surfaces. When constructing a roof from steel sheets, you will have to purchase this material as well.
  • Old frames.

Required tools:

  • hammer
  • screwdriver - possibly electric
  • a circular saw
  • chisel
  • wood drills
  • level
  • square
  • roulette
  • piece of cord
  • polyurethane foam
  • screws

DIY greenhouse - drawings

Any construction begins with the design of the future structure. However, in our case, you just need to assemble the structure from ready-made modules. We carry out the following preparatory work:

  1. We lay out the window frames on a flat piece of land, choosing parts for the side and end sides. We achieve the most perfect compatibility"puzzles".
  2. We measure and record the results of the layout.
  3. Let's do detailed drawing on paper indicating all the parameters and dimensions of the parts.
  4. We are preparing three more drawings - the foundation, frame and roofing part of the future greenhouse made from window frames.

How to build a greenhouse from window frames with your own hands - step-by-step guide (with photos and videos)

So, after acquiring and preparing all necessary tools you can start working.

Step #1. Choosing a place for a greenhouse

The site for the building should be chosen taking into account the fact that the plants will require maximum access to sunlight. Therefore, there should be no permanent buildings or tall trees blocking sunlight.

If you are planning to build a greenhouse using film frames, you should choose a site that is not exposed to strong winds. Otherwise, the microclimate of the structure may be disrupted, which will adversely affect the plants inside. However, even a glazed greenhouse is not recommended to be placed in a windy area to avoid stress.

The soil must be dry and dense, since in a wet and swampy environment subsidence and subsequent deformation of the wooden structure are possible.

Step #2. Foundation for a greenhouse

The selected area needs to be cleared - remove debris, uproot roots, weeds and stumps.

We transfer the dimensions of the future greenhouse to the site and drive small stakes around the perimeter, between which we stretch a cord or rope. Now in each corner and near the sides you need to dig small holes up to 0.5 meters deep - at the level of soil freezing. Pour crushed stone into the holes (about 10 cm) and compact it.

Now the next step is formwork - we insert an asbestos-cement pipe (diameter 10 - 15 cm) into each hole, level it, and insert reinforcement. The structure should be strengthened in position with bricks and then filled with concrete. We assemble on the foundation lower crown made of timber and fastened with iron plates.

If you plan to build a greenhouse from window frames without a foundation, then you can simply make a frame from timber and lay it on the ground. For waterproofing purposes, you can use roofing material in which the beams are wrapped (pictured).

As a rule, concrete dries completely after a couple of weeks. After this, the plane under the greenhouse along the entire perimeter of the foundation can be laid out with bricks. This creates a flat surface, which greatly facilitates subsequent assembly.

Step #3. Assembling a greenhouse frame from window frames

The assembly of the structure is carried out in the following sequence: installation of pillars and a frame made of timber, to which we attach the window frames.

Important! If you plan to use timber rather than boards for the frame, be sure to take into account their thickness. After all, a beam that is too thin simply will not support the weight of the entire structure and can fall apart at any moment like a house of cards.

First, measure the width of the window frames. Along the perimeter of the foundation, we measure segments whose length exceeds the width of the frames by 5 - 7 cm and mark these places. At these points we fix the posts made of timber of the same height. Then we pull the thread over the pillars according to the level in order to correct the tops. If there are protruding parts, you need to cut them down.

We take the timber and lay it horizontally on the “tops”. Thus, “cells” for window frames are obtained. Now you need to install the frames, not forgetting the door and window, and securely strengthen all the parts.

Using polyurethane foam, we seal the gaps between the modules and the pillars. Professionals advise to putty or paint dry foam, which will avoid drying out.

Step No. 4. Making a roof

The roof can be single-pitch or gable - let's focus on the first option. First, we lay the boards on the wall frame under the support of the rafters. At the same time, it is important not to forget to mark the slots for installing the inclined beams of the greenhouse roof from the frames.

We place racks in each corner of the side wall - this creates a slope. Between the posts we place a block onto which we fix the front roof board. Place the side boards into the roof and attach them to the front board with screws. We make grooves under the rafter boards in the outer board, for which we use a template (the letter “P”, cut taking into account the width and height of the nest).

Now we pull the cord and check that all the rafter beams are in the same plane. Place on top roof covering- it is advisable to make it from cellular polycarbonate, glass or film.

Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you build a greenhouse from frames under film, then such a structure will not place excessive load on the foundation. True, polyethylene needs to be periodically watered with water to knock down dust and dirt. Many people prefer polycarbonate as a coating. All that remains is to attach the door and ventilation window and the structure is ready.

Greenhouses made from window frames: photo

There are many different greenhouses- small, large, single-pitched, double-pitched, arched. The photo shows different variants designs.

As you can see, a do-it-yourself greenhouse made from window frames is not such a difficult construction (even for “dummies”). Here it is important to carefully study all the details and carefully take measurements. And, of course, stock up on patience and tools - and things will definitely work out! After all, such a greenhouse can be equipped with a heating system, water supply, light and other amenities. Good luck with your work!

September 17, 2016
Specialization: professional approach to architecture, design and construction of private houses and cottages, new products on the market building materials and finishing. Hobby: growing fruit trees and roses Breeding rabbits for meat and decorative breeds.

Everyone is familiar with the problem with used building materials. What to do with old wooden window frames if metal-plastic has been installed throughout the entire house or apartment? If there country cottage area, then a mini greenhouse made from windows is an excellent use of this material.

Average new greenhouse made of polycarbonate with an area of ​​20 square meters will cost from 15 to 25 thousand rubles. A greenhouse made from old windows will cost a maximum of five thousand, taking into account the cost of building a foundation and purchasing new boards for the frame.

It is not necessary to build a monumental structure, you can limit yourself to a mini greenhouse. How to build such a greenhouse with your own hands? I offer two alternative methods.

Choosing a place to build a greenhouse

In the photo - a mini greenhouse, we attach the frames from above along the ridge, the slope is at least 40 degrees

We build a greenhouse in a well-lit open place so that trees and buildings do not provide shade. If the area is small, then we orient ourselves in such a way that the morning and afternoon sun illuminates the greenhouse, and the evening sun rays You can also donate.

We arrange the greenhouse lengthwise from east to west. In this case, the sun will reach the plants evenly throughout the day, and the sprouts will not bend.

If we build small greenhouse without installing a strip foundation, it is not necessary to take into account soil moisture. But when arranging a greenhouse of 20 square meters or more, when there are many frames, the foundation must be placed on a dry place.

Greenhouse dimensions and foundation structure

Even a shallow strip foundation for a greenhouse must be built in a place where there is no close occurrence groundwater. On my site, in two places at a depth of one and a half meters, the soil is already wet, and there the house used to be. So in this old house it was constantly damp. When wet, the foundation gradually collapses.

We choose a dry area, preferably with chernozem soil, under which there is a layer of sand. It is clear that not all of us are happy owners of fertile lands. Therefore, if the soil is clayey, then the soil for the greenhouse will need to be prepared before building the foundation.

A certain soil composition is required for a greenhouse:

  1. The bottom layer - gravel or crushed stone - is a drainage that will allow excess water to pass through and allow plant roots to breathe and prevent rotting.
  2. Next, a layer of sand is needed - all plants love light soils at the root lobes, which allow the thin growing root to form and grow unhindered.
  3. Only the last, top layer should be fertile. This is a layer of chernozem enriched with humus, pre-prepared leaf compost or a complex mineral fertilizers(nitroammophoska).

Greenhouse size

A small do-it-yourself greenhouse made from old window frames does not need a foundation. A frame made of boards or timber can be laid directly on the ground.

To prevent the boards from rotting, the lower frame must be treated with a protective wood primer or tarred. Roofing felt, which is used to wrap the lower square of the frame and rack, at a height of about 50 centimeters above ground level, is also suitable.

  • the most comfortable beds— one meter wide, they can be easily processed on both sides;
  • We make the path between the beds so wide that it is convenient to move around. If you don't plan to use garden wheelbarrow, That optimal width paths - half a meter;
  • The optimal width of the greenhouse is four meters. Three beds and two paths fit here. The length is arbitrary.

You can plan your future greenhouse in advance on paper. It takes a couple of minutes to make a drawing, but it will help you navigate the required number of frames and boards, and optimally lay out the required number of beds and paths.

Foundation structure

A foundation is necessary for a large greenhouse, since the mass of frames with glass is rather large. A greenhouse made from window frames is installed with your own hands on a shallow (50 - 60 centimeters) strip foundation, since the frame can shrink under the weight of the frames and the structure is deformed.

  • For a footage of 10 square meters, a foundation on pillars is also suitable. The number of pillars is calculated based on the number of window frames. Ideally, each frame should be supported by two posts;
  • you can make a foundation of concrete, brick, or use a ready-made welded metal frame;
    It's important to remember that brickwork Without a foundation, it “slides” over time, and it cannot be buried in the ground. Therefore, under brick pillars you still need to pour a concrete base.
  • in regions with severe frosts It is worth taking advantage of the natural warmth of the soil. Therefore, the greenhouse is buried into the ground by about half a meter or a meter, depending on the depth of freezing of the ground in winter;
  • a simple strip foundation is poured according to the usual scheme: trench, board formwork, concrete pouring, hardening, formwork removal.

The foundation must be covered with roofing felt before installing the frame. This will help further protect wooden parts frame from dampness.

A welded frame is much more convenient. Why? For the reason that, if desired, the greenhouse can be moved to another place. If we fill the foundation, then it is already a permanent building.

I think you will be interested, there is information regarding the assessment suburban area. So - when assessing real estate on a site, all covered buildings on the foundation are included in the total economic area for which tax must be paid. Therefore it is cheaper to cook frame foundation under a greenhouse, which is easy to disassemble before the assessment commission arrives.

Frame installation

Before making a greenhouse from window frames, all wooden parts must be treated with a primer deep penetration and also paint the wood. This will keep it from rotting. Carefully remove paint from all old frames and adjust the parts so that there are no gaps.

There is no need to remove the vents and hinges; they will be useful for installation and subsequent ventilation of the greenhouse in summer time. If the frames are different in size, then we group them so that the shorter ones fall on the ends of the greenhouse, and the taller ones cover its long part.

Doors will be installed on the sides and the missing height can be hemmed with boards, but along the length it is better to be continuous.

For the base of the frame, a 50x50 or unedged board, thickness 40 - 50 mm, no longer needed, as the weight of the entire structure increases. The board for the frame is preferable, since its width allows the frames to be securely fastened with self-tapping screws and will give our base additional rigidity.

Frame elements:

  1. Bottom trim - dimensions along the perimeter of the foundation. The bars can be fastened together metal corners with self-tapping screws rather than nails, this is more reliable. If the strapping is made of boards, then to give rigidity along the length, you can install one or two more boards.
  2. The racks are attached vertically to bottom harness. They are mounted in the corners, along the length and on the sides in increments equal to the width of the window frames selected for the greenhouse. The racks in one row should be lower than in the other - for a slope of 40 degrees. The difference in height of the racks is 30 centimeters.
  3. The top trim is the basis for the roof. A window frame greenhouse must have a slope angle of at least 40 degrees so that water can easily drain and accumulate in the film.
  4. It is not practical to install a gable roof on such a structure. A single-slope roof would also work.. In order for the film to be securely fastened, the pitch between the roof slats should be no more than 60 cm. For the roof, you can use plasterboard guides. They are lightweight and very easy to attach to wood with self-tapping screws.

All fasteners are made using wood screws only. Fastening with nails during operation does not stand up to criticism; in a year the entire structure will be swaying in the wind.

Fastening the frames to the frame

There are a few important nuances, which must be taken into account when attaching frames to the finished frame:

  1. The fastening step with self-tapping screws is 25 - 30 centimeters, no less.
  2. The joints between the frames must be sealed. Polyurethane foam or regular window putty will do. Additionally, you can lay insulating tape or a rubber seal.
  3. For reliability, the outside of the frame must also be attached with self-tapping screws; here the step can be more than 40 - 50 cm.
  4. For reliability, the frame can be secured from the inside with a board at the bottom. We also attach it to wood screws.

If there are few old frames, then the northern side of the greenhouse can be covered with a board or thick one. But it is necessary to paint the plywood, as it very quickly becomes unusable from rain and snow.

Roof installation

The roofing material is dense polyethylene film for greenhouses or polycarbonate. Glazing a roof is a thankless task. hail, heavy rain or a storm and you have to change the glazing, and the price of glass is now quite high.

  • The downside of the film is that this canopy will have to be removed for the winter, and the reliability leaves much to be desired. Advantage - suitable pitched roof, less work and consumption of building materials. The pitch of the lathing under the film is no more than 40 m, since it sags and rainwater accumulates in it.
  • Polycarbonate is more expensive than film, but it is a more reliable option and also allows you to install an arched roof.

It is better to cover a small homemade greenhouse with film; it is easy to remove for the winter.

Installation of a gable roof frame

The operating procedure is as follows:

  1. We install two load-bearing beams along the length, and we will attach the roof rafters to them.
  2. TO top harness We fasten the rafters, depending on the length of the greenhouse from three to six pieces.
  3. It is important to determine the angle of inclination of the rafters; it should be the same.
  4. We mount the rafters to load-bearing beam using vertical posts (trusses).
  5. Next, along the rafters we apply lathing from slats to secure the roof covering. For polycarbonate, the pitch of the slats is 60 - 80 centimeters, for film 40 - 50 cm.
  6. We fasten the roof along the sheathing. It is advisable to secure the film to the rafters with thin slats for reliability.

That's all, our greenhouse is ready, we can supply water and install electricity and lighting.


In the video presented in this article you can see the entire process of constructing a greenhouse from old window frames. If readers have any interesting suggestions and innovations, I invite you to discuss them in the comments.

September 17, 2016

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