Homemade shower at the dacha with your own hands. Do-it-yourself country shower made of corrugated sheets

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Owners summer cottages They are trying to supply water to the house and provide basic amenities. You can build a summer shower at your dacha with your own hands, either temporary or permanent - the type of future structure is selected depending on individual needs.

Before you build a shower in your dacha with your own hands, you need to competently carry out the design, determine the location of the future structure, and select materials. The room should be uncrowded, as comfortable and convenient for use as possible.

Selecting a location

In order to ensure rapid drainage of water, it is optimal to install the shower on a flat or slightly elevated area. You should not choose a site located in a deep depression or in a hole.

To avoid water stagnation, choose the right place for construction summer shower

The optimal location for a country shower would be an open area, well lit by the sun, located at some distance from other buildings. In this case, the barrel will naturally heat up under the sun, ensuring the supply warm water. This condition can be neglected only if it is planned to build a shower stall with heated water.

At the same time, the site where construction will be carried out should not be too far from the house - after water procedures It is advisable to get from the shower to a warm room as quickly as possible.

Size calculation

When building a country shower, the following parameters are used as standard:

  1. height - 200–300 cm;
  2. length - 190 cm;
  3. width - 140 cm.

An example of drawing up a drawing of a summer shower

The indicated dimensions are very convenient because, taking into account the thickness of the walls, the building will ultimately have an area of ​​200x150 cm - this is a completely waste-free option when using boards standard sizes. As a result, 100x100 cm will be allocated for the shower stall, and 600x400 cm for the changing room.

Required tools and materials

You will need the following tools:

  • roulette;
  • corner;
  • level;
  • hammer.

In addition, you need to stock up on nails and a ball of twine. Separately, you need to purchase a tank, as well as pipes, a couple of taps and a shower divider. Brick, iron or plastic sheets, wooden boards, for the construction of the frame - pipes.

Tools needed to build a shower in your country house

For foundation pouring and construction of brickwork, a certain amount of cement, sand and concrete will be required, and for final finishing - insulation materials, paint, plaster, hooks for clothes, shelves for bathroom accessories and other accessories.

Options for shower designs for a summer residence

The simplest option for a summer residence is compact portable shower, which is suitable for one-time water procedures, has a standard volume of 20 liters and is designed to supply water for 10 minutes. The operating principle boils down to filling the reservoir with water and then heating it in the sun, after which the portable shower is mounted to a height of 2 meters and is ready for use.

Portable shower

An open shower also has a simple design, the installation process of which boils down to the following steps:

  1. attaching a branch water pipe to the wall;
  2. connecting a pipe and a watering can using a hose;
  3. fixing the watering can holder;
  4. installing a screen.

A common option for a summer cottage is the so-called change house with a shower, the design of which involves the presence of a solid modular container or a collapsible frame block.

Options for a stationary summer shower for a summer residence

Installation of this structure is quite simple - the territory is marked, the top ball of soil is removed and leveled, a cushion of sand and gravel is created, on top of which boards are laid. A block assembled on site or a ready-made structure is installed on the soil prepared in this way.

Of course, the most durable shower will be a stationary shower, but its construction will require more effort and time.

Preparing the base

It is much easier to erect a frame structure than a permanent structure - depending on the type of structure chosen, the stages of preparing the site for construction will differ.

For a temporary structure, it is enough to simply remove 10-15 cm of the top layer of soil from the site to level it, and then fill it with sand.

For a country shower, you will need to lay a foundation, the depth of which is determined by the materials used for its construction. For example, for a brick shower, a foundation with a depth of up to 30 cm will be sufficient.

Foundation for the construction of a capital summer shower

The foundation is laid in the following sequence:

  • pegs are driven into the outer corners of the future shower;
  • a cord is stretched around the perimeter;
  • a place for pipes is prepared (a log or branch wrapped in roofing material is laid);
  • concrete solution is poured.

Advice! The formwork equipment will allow you to extend the period of operation of the shower - it is recommended to increase the level of the entire foundation by 10 cm, raising it above the ground using boards reinforced with stakes and spacers.

Drain pit equipment

The pit volume is usually more than 2 cubic meters. m, while its walls must be strengthened in order to avoid possible scree. The drain is located a few meters from the shower, but not under the building itself or near its walls - this will lead to the destruction of the foundation in the future, as well as the appearance of unwanted odors.

Example of equipment for a drainage pit for a summer shower

The drain must be laid with a waterproof layer - roofing material, hydroglass insulation, PVC film or concrete screed(reinforced with metal mesh).

Attention! A common mistake is to use clay as an insulating material, which erodes and soon clogs the drainage ditch.

Installation of a frame for a temporary shower stall

If for a capital structure it is fulfilled brickwork, then for a temporary one a frame is usually installed: metal or wood. In the latter case, the wood should be treated with special impregnations that will protect it from insects and moisture, preventing the formation of fungus and mold.

Wooden frame for summer shower

  1. Markings are made - a rectangle is marked directly on the ground, the sides of which correspond to the dimensions of the future country shower.
  2. Wooden beams are installed, the width of which reaches up to 10 cm.
  3. Bandaging is carried out - starting from the top, the structure is securely fastened with bolts, after which the beams that form the basis of the shower walls are connected.
  4. Walls are installed, for the construction of which you can use either boards, slate or plastic panels.
  5. The pipes are being laid out - the water supply is installed so that the pipe outlet under the shower hose is higher than the level of the head (this will provide the necessary pressure for water movement). The drainage is discharged into a sump tank or into a specially equipped septic tank.
  6. The tank is installed - a threaded outlet is made, a tap with the appropriate nozzle is installed, after which the barrel is lifted up and secured.

Suitable as a tank for a country shower plastic container, which can be purchased at a specialty store, or another barrel available on the farm. It is desirable that it be flat and proportionate to the area of ​​the building so that the weight is evenly distributed over load-bearing structure. Its volume is selected at the rate of 40 liters per family member, but the barrel should not be too heavy - its maximum volume is no more than 200 liters!

Solar water heating tank

Advice! So that the owner of the dacha does not have to carry water to the tank himself every time, it is possible to equip it with automatic filling.

Lighting and ventilation of a country shower

When doing the wiring yourself, it is important to follow all electrical installation rules and adhere to safety precautions. Separately due to high humidity Care should be taken to insulate the wiring.

Window for summer shower ventilation

Interior shower decoration should be made of moisture-resistant materials: plastic panels, pieces of linoleum, oilcloth, etc. If wood is used, then each individual board is covered with hot drying oil.

The concrete floor is usually covered with gratings made of plastic or wood, and rubber mats are laid on top. It is quite convenient to equip a small changing room directly in the shower. To prevent water from getting into it, the floors in it are slightly raised by a couple of centimeters - this can be easily achieved by additionally installing a tray.

Internal structure of a summer shower

Concerning exterior finishing, then similar materials that have already been used for decoration will look harmonious country house and other buildings on the site.

To use the shower not only for summer period, but also in colder seasons, it is recommended to insulate it with polystyrene foam, which is placed in inner space and covered with PVC film on top. The walls are usually painted or plastered, covered with clapboard or siding.

How to build a summer shower in the country: video

Types of summer shower: photo

Many people in summer time prefer to leave stuffy city apartments and spend time on suburban areas. However, the absence of such a benefit of civilization as a shower can significantly spoil the impression of even the most best vacation Outdoors. The solution to this problem is an outdoor shower, the construction of which is the subject of this article.

General information

Building an outdoor shower yourself is not at all difficult, and you don’t even need to spend a lot of time on it.

All you need is:

  • Prepare a tank of suitable volume;
  • Make the frame of the future shower stall;
  • Cover the frame with any sheet material.

The main part of the work is making the frame. If you know how to work with welding machine, That the best option there will be a frame made of profile pipes. This material is inexpensive, strong and quite durable.

Advice! If it is not possible to make a shower from pipes, you can use it for these purposes wooden beam, pre-treated with an antiseptic.

Below we will look at how to build a summer shower from pipes.

Construction Features


So, to build an outdoor shower from profile pipe you need to prepare the following materials:

Selecting a location

Before starting construction, you need to decide where the country shower made from a profile pipe will be located.

The following requirements apply to the site for future construction:

  • It is advisable that the shower be located on a hill, which will improve the flow of water. If there is no such place on the site, you need to dig drain hole.
  • The place should not be shaded, which will allow the water to quickly heat up in the sun.
  • If there is a well on the site, the distance from it to the future shower should be at least 8 meters. In addition, the shower should be located at a sufficient distance from the foundation of the house.

Project preparation

Any construction, as you know, begins with the preparation of a project, and the construction of a summer shower is no exception. At the design stage, it is necessary to determine the size of the future structure and its design.

Most often, summer showers have the following dimensions:

  • Height - 2 -2.5 m.
  • Length and width – 1.5 m.

Of course, you can change the dimensions if you wish. For example, many increase the area of ​​the building and equip it with a locker room. The latter can be separated from the shower with a curtain or partition.

Preparing the base and drainage pit

Construction should begin with your own hands by preparing the drainage pit and foundation. The size of the pit depends on the number of people living. The pit should be located close to the booth itself, for example, behind it.

The bottom of the pit must be filled with sand and gravel, and the walls are lined with stone or brick. When the pit is ready, you need to make a foundation with a drain.

The work is carried out in this order:

  • First of all, you need to prepare the site - remove debris and grass.
  • Then it is laid so that it goes into the hole at an angle. It is best to place the drain in the center of the shower stall.
  • Next, you need to mark the future site and make formwork from boards or other material along the contour.
  • After this, the bottom of the formwork must be covered with a layer of crushed stone and compacted.
  • Then supports are installed at the corners of the formwork. To do this, the pipes need to be driven 20-30 centimeters into the ground. The racks can be positioned vertically or at a certain angle, as shown in the diagram.
  • After installing the racks, a metal reinforcing mesh should be laid, which should rise slightly above the surface of the crushed stone.
  • To complete the work, you need to fill the formwork with concrete.

Frame making

When the concrete hardens, you can make a frame for a summer shower from a profile pipe. Since the concrete screed will not be subjected to heavy loads during operation, it is not necessary to wait 28 days for the concrete to gain grade strength.

The manufacture of the frame begins with the construction of a frame for the tank. To do this, you need to connect the racks along the perimeter, as well as diagonally. Then the racks must be connected with cross members located on three sides, which will add rigidity to the structure.

At this point, the frame for the shower from the profile pipe is ready, now you can start arranging it and covering it.

Shower arrangement

The arrangement of the shower begins with the installation of the tank. It is desirable that the container be flat and wide. In specialized stores you can purchase a special tank for a summer shower with installed fittings.

If the container has enough surface area, it can serve as a cabin roof.

Otherwise, you will first need to lay the roofing material.

  • A fitting should be cut into one of the walls of the tank, which will face the cabin.
  • After installing the tank on the roof, a ball valve and shower head are attached to the fitting. The water supply is regulated by a ball valve.

Advice! To make the water heat up faster, the tank should be painted black.

Shower - outbuilding, which must certainly be on every summer cottage. On hot summer days, even the simplest, unsightly-looking country shower turns into an unusually popular device, for which all household members line up. This much-needed household item can be made quite simply. When developing the design of your shower, rely on the dimensions of a standard profile sheet, the parameters of which are 960 by 1500 mm.

To work you will need the following tools and materials:
steel profile pipe rectangular section 30 by 20 mm;
three profile sheets of the size indicated above;
plastic tank equipped with a valve and water sprayer;
self-tapping screws;
anchor bolts;
welding machine and electrodes for it;
cement, crushed stone and sand;
boards for formwork construction;
plastic sewer pipe;
primer and paint for metal;
vinyl shower curtain.

Operating procedure
1. Cut the profiled pipe into bars of the required length, based on the dimensions of the future shower stall 960 by 960 by 2000 mm

2. Weld two rectangular frames from a pipe measuring 9960 by 2000 mm.

3. Install the frames in parallel and connect them at the top and bottom using four 96-centimeter pipe sections by welding. As a result of your work, you should end up with a shower stall frame - a parallelepiped with ribs 960 by 960 and 2000 mm.

4. Reinforce the three side walls of the cabin with pieces of profile pipe - to do this, weld one piece into them parallel to the floor at a distance of 1 m from the ground.

5. Make a roof for the soul - strengthen a welded platform on top (cross-shaped or other shape) on which a water tank will subsequently be installed.

6. Once the shower frame is completely assembled, sand all seams, prime the pipes and paint them.

7. After the paint has dried, use a drill and screws to attach it to the frame on three sides. profile sheets. Attach the sheets at a height of 15 cm from the ground; the gap formed at the bottom will ensure ventilation of the shower stall and prevent the appearance of mold and fungi in it.

8. Dig a hole for wastewater, lay a sewer line to it plastic pipe, build the formwork of the required size.

9. Mix the concrete and pour it into the formwork. Smoothing the surface of the solution, form a slope for easy water drainage. After the concrete has completely hardened, disassemble the formwork.

10. Place the shower stall in its designated location and secure it to the concrete anchor bolts.

11. Install and secure on top of the shower plastic tank, place all its fittings inside the booth.

With my own hands. Let's look at the simplest and most accessible ways to construct such a necessary building.

We often spend our summer at the dacha in order to be closer to nature for some time, away from noisy highways and the speed of the metropolis. But the holiday will not be entirely pleasant if we do not have the opportunity to take an invigorating shower, which allows us to wash away dirt and dust, and also makes us fresh and clean on a hot summer day.

Building an outdoor shower yourself is not so difficult, despite the fact that there are many options for its implementation, some of which are quite simple and do not require serious investments, both time and money. So let's get started.

Ready-made building for a summer residence

If you are too busy a person, or too lazy to build a shower and you have in cash, then you can simply buy ready product. Or order a frame from folk craftsman, and install the tank yourself. And that’s it, you can use this wonderful device!

If warm water is enough for you, you don’t have to use electric heating devices for this. In hot weather, it is enough to install a container of the required volume from available material above the booth, paint it black so that there is better heating by the sun's rays.

The tank will heat up more quickly if you place it in a transparent box made of glass or plastic. Such a structure will allow you to provide yourself warm water even in cool weather, the main thing is that the sun is not hidden behind the clouds.

This option will be the simplest and most convenient for lazy people and money-lovers.

Open design

An outdoor summer shower built with your own hands is suitable for quickly washing away accumulated dirt. This design very simple and easy to assemble from scrap materials.

This open device will help strengthen the body and increase immunity.

It is best to make such a summer shower with your own hands near some wall, installing a supply pipe with a tap on it and. To protect yourself from prying eyes, you can attach a curtain. This requires a pipe arc bent with curtain loops.

This is possible if your summer cottage has running water. If there is no water supply, you can attach a suitable container to the wall and you can take water procedures.

It is also necessary to protect the building wall and floor covering from the destructive process of water. You can line the wall with water-repellent material and put it on the floor fake diamond or other material. Just the material should not be slippery, otherwise there may be a risk of injury.

If the constructed outdoor shower is located next to the developed site, then no equipment is needed - the water used will evaporate and be absorbed into the ground.

How to build a shower in your country house with your own hands?

To begin, select a suitable and empty place in your dacha to install a new building. If you rarely use the shower, the wastewater can be poured directly into the ground.

But in case of frequent washing, you need to think about draining large quantity water to a specific place. If there is a septic tank, then wastewater can be directed there, of course, if the volume of the tank allows.

After earthworks, you can make the frame of a summer shower with your own hands, which must be solid (strong), because it needs to withstand the weight of the tank. The frame can be made from:

  • boards (bars) reinforced with metal corners;
  • steel angles or pipes.

A metal structure will be more durable, but will require annual painting to eliminate the possibility of corrosion, whereas wooden frame much easier to do.

Do-it-yourself summer shower - drawings for construction:

The material for the walls can be any available means:

  • wooden lining;
  • plastic panels;
  • flat slate and much more.

Look at the photo of a DIY summer shower:

The inside of the cabin will become more beautiful and stronger if it is lined with plastic clapboard, the floor is made of boards in the form of a lattice, treated wood material from splinters

Consider the erosion of the soil under the shower over time. You can install a plastic or iron tray with ebb for the floor.

Or the simplest option is to pour a layer of crushed stone under the floor.

Look interesting video how to make a budget summer shower in the country:

P.S. As you can see, it is possible to build a shower for your dacha yourself and you don’t need to buy one expensive materials, you can use what is available.

So, you have decided to arrange your dacha wooden shower with your own hands - where to start? Of course, from choosing a location for the shower and designing it. The next step will become .

After this, they proceed to the construction of walls. When this stage is over, you can start installing the floor, roof and installing the door. Well, now about each of these stages in more detail.

Choosing a place for a summer shower cabin made of wood with your own hands

Before you make a wooden shower with your own hands, you need to carefully choose a place for it. If the water in the shower tank is heated only from the sun, then the place for the country shower should be located only on the sunny side.

The water tank must be located under the influence sun rays as long as possible during the day, especially in the morning. In this case, the water will warm up to comfortable temperature. It is advisable that the sun also illuminates the shower stall. In addition, it should be located in such a way that it is not blown by winds.

Also, before making a shower out of wood, the place where it will be built must be equipped with a water supply and drainage system.

For normal operation summer shower requires high-quality drainage and quick disposal waste water. By placing the garden shower in an elevated position, good water flow is naturally ensured. In the heat, the load on the summer shower increases significantly.

It is necessary to take into account the possibility of not only supplying clean water, but also the installation of a concrete receiving well for wastewater. To do this, you should equip a drainage hole with a volume of about 2 m. If a summer shower requires a small flow of water, then you don’t have to make a drainage system. Water after swimming will be absorbed by itself, even if there is waterproof clay in the area under the soil layer.

If a family consists of 2-3 people, then several tens of liters of warm water will be enough to take a shower. For 4 people or more, the amount of water required for a shower increases to several hundred liters.

If you make your own wooden shower with additional heating, you need to place it away from a residential building.

When constructing, you should remember the nature and properties groundwater. If the garden has sandy soil, then in the depths it is usually underlain by clay rock. Then the used water from the shower can easily seep into the soil up to the clay layer, and then it will flow into the aquifer or local reservoir. In this case, there is a danger of wastewater getting into well water.

How to make a shower out of wood: design

Before you make a wooden shower, you need to draw up its design. To do this you need to decide on the size future design. For good jet pressure, it is necessary to place the container with water at a height of 2.5 m. Great importance has the convenience of a cubicle so you can shower comfortably at any time. If the dimensions of the booth are at least 2 X 1.5 m, then inside it you can place a clothes hanger, a shelf for soap, etc.

When arranging a summer shower made of wood with your own hands, remember that the dimensions of the internal space in the stall must be at least 100 x 100 cm, so that you can freely raise your arms or bend over without bumping into the walls.

The cabin must have a shower compartment and a changing room protected from water, the width of which is usually at least 60 cm, so the internal space of the cabin for a summer shower cannot be less than 160 X 100 cm. It is advisable to design a structure of 190 X 140 cm. These parameters should be added add more wall thickness, resulting in 200 X 150 cm.

How to make the foundation of a wooden shower for a summer house with your own hands

To build a wooden summer shower with your own hands, you do not need a special foundation. The installation technology implies strict adherence to the strict verticality of the frame posts and a strong connection with the strapping. In this case, the supports should rest tightly on the pads. Compliance with these rules is mandatory, since a heavy tank of water will be installed at the top. After determining the dimensions, it is necessary to make markings, marking a rectangle on the ground with dimensions of 170 x 110 cm or 190 x 140 cm. The height of a summer country shower can be 2.5-3 m. small area support it will not be stable enough. To avoid the structure overturning, it is recommended to install a pile or. It is easy to erect, but it can reliably hold the shower under wind and other loads, since the 200-liter water tank has significant weight. Can be used as foundation material metal poles, metal or asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of 90-100 mm and a length of 1.5-2 m. After this, four wells with a depth of 1-1.5 m must be drilled in the ground at the corners of the shower. Pipes or pillars should be inserted into them so that each of them rose above the ground level by at least 30-50 cm. Then, at the corners of the foundation from the pillars, you need to lay hewn timber with a cross-section of 100 X 100 mm.

When constructing a wooden summer shower for a dacha with your own hands, the ligation of the pillars can be done in the form of a closed strapping, starting from the top.

This foundation design is a rigid frame. It is more convenient to assemble it on the ground, and then fasten it with long bolts.

The strength of the structure is ensured by the coincidence of all axes. In addition, fastening must be done using long bolts. In this case, a water barrel with a volume of about 200 liters can be installed on the roof of the shower. A shower stall is considered the most stable if there are six foundation pillars under it. Under columnar foundation you should dig six holes measuring 20 X 20 or 30 X 30 cm and a depth of 40-50 cm. The dimensions and depth depend on the structure of the soil. The holes must be filled with cement-sand mortar mixed with pebbles or gravel.

The places for the shower frame are ready. The base of a wooden shower frame for a dacha with your own hands should be made waterproof, with a slope towards the drain, which is connected to the used water drainage system. Between the pits it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil to a depth of 20 cm, and along the edges of the resulting pit it is necessary to strengthen the formwork from boards or plywood.

The recess under the shower can be covered with roofing felt or PVC film, but it is better to concrete it, forming a kind of waterproof pan to prevent silting of the ground under the country shower. After this, the bottom of the hole needs to be filled with sand, spilled with water, compacted, and then filled with mortar so that the platform rises 10 cm above the ground and covers the space for the foundation.

From a pan that has a slight slope, water will flow into the gutter, so the slope must also have a drainage gutter. The drainage of water from the summer shower must be organized into a special drainage ditch (septic tank) located on the site or outside it. Water must be drained through a pipe laid in a trench with a certain slope towards the drainage pit.

You can create a wooden shower with your own hands strip foundation up to 30 cm deep without a monolithic concrete platform. To give the future design the correct geometric shape, it is necessary to check the equality of the diagonals of the foundation using a rope or thick fishing line. After this, you can proceed to digging a trench 30 cm X 30 cm. The foundation should be poured concrete mortar prepared from 1 part cement, 3 parts clean sand and 5 parts of fine crushed stone (5-20 mm).

Before preparing the solution, the sand must be thoroughly sifted. The solution must be poured into the dug trench. When it has completely hardened, use a level to check the horizontalness of the foundation.

If there are any unevenness, they must be leveled using cement-sand mortar. If you plan to constantly use the shower, then it is necessary to pour under the foundation concrete pad or lay it out of brick in the form of a rectangle. Concreting the foundation site should be done with a slope to the side sewer pipe, and place a wooden grate on top.

How to make the walls of a wooden shower cabin for a summer house with your own hands

When building the walls of a wooden shower stall with your own hands, you should take into account that with high humidity, the wood can begin to rot, so it should be treated by special means against rot. It also has a number of advantages: it is an environmentally friendly, visually attractive and quite durable material.

If it is not possible to make the entire cabin out of wood, then you can use wood to build load-bearing pillars. The remaining parts will be easier to attach to wooden posts than to metal pipes. The construction of shower stall walls should begin with the installation of a rigid frame.

For a slate frame you will need four cast iron pipes, but you can use any other available material. For pipes in concrete or brick foundation You should prepare the holes, insert pipes there and concrete them for strength. When cement mortar completely dry, you need to proceed to installation slate sheets. For such a booth you will need three sheets of slate. They should be attached on three sides directly to the prepared frame.

There will be a door on the fourth side. The frame for the booth can be made of metal corners. Its two elements are the lower and upper “circles” made of metal corners. For them you can use corners 30 x 30 mm.

The third element of the frame is the connecting “circles”: pieces metal fittings with a diameter of 12 mm and the required length. For greater structural strength, the lower “circle” of the frame should be concreted into the base. It is recommended to supplement the vertical reinforcement with several wooden blocks to make it easier to attach the material used to cover the cabin.

Do-it-yourself wooden shower posts are best sheathed on both sides wooden clapboard. Such walls will reliably protect the building not only from cold, but also from heat. Since frame pillars are usually located at a distance of approximately 1 m, it is not necessary to erect an intermediate frame.

Horizontal strips can be attached directly to corner posts. For these purposes, slate, sheet asbestos cement or other materials should be used. Plastic and metal are allowed, but not recommended.

To install the simplest version of a summer shower cabin, you will need boards and bars to construct the room, as well as bricks and cement to lay the base.

After marking and preparing the base, the bars should be attached to the foundation using brackets and anchors, then sheathed with boards or clapboard. Along the perimeter, the bars must be tied in three places.

When building a shower cabin from wood with your own hands, it is recommended to choose a 100 x 100 mm beam for constructing the frame.

After laying the foundation and external piping, it is necessary to make a bandage inside the frame, which will serve as joists for the shower floor. Rigid elements (mitters) must be made between adjacent pillars, which must be installed in the thickness of the wall itself. Most often, the walls of a summer shower are arranged in the form of shields made of quarter-planed boards.

The construction of a summer wooden shower must be approached thoroughly. To give the entire structure the necessary stability, it is necessary to concrete the bases of the beams or dig them into the ground. Before this, they should be tarred or coated with machine oil. In addition, they can be wrapped in roofing felt. This is done in order to prevent the wood from rotting in the ground. Support pillars on top should be connected to each other by a bandage made of the same timber. This will give strength to the entire structure, which can withstand weight up to 200 kg. After this, you can begin the bottom bandage, which will become the base for the shower floor.

The walls should be upholstered wooden planks, having previously treated them with drying oil, which will prevent rotting of the wood. It is recommended to insulate the walls using polystyrene foam or one of modern insulation materials made of foamed PVC.


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