Growing an oak tree from an acorn yourself at home. How to grow an oak tree from an acorn

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It’s good that I haven’t read a single article about how to grow an oak tree, but I only read them today (a month later). If you squeeze out 100 tips, recommendations and instructions from the 20 most popular articles according to Yandex on the topic of growing oak, then I completed and followed no more than 10 and nevertheless, despite all my “illiteracy” in this matter, my result is better than most “scientists” and is 100% germination. A similar idea was voiced on one of the sites: “In the summer of 2000, we happened to observe a very interesting scene. Two high-ranking officials of the Forest Service system, inspecting the painstaking oak plantings and comparing them with the much more cheerful-looking abundant self-seeding, quipped: “Hmm, now we know which oak tree will grow better - the one that doesn’t.” touched by a person's hand."

So in our life it is very important to BELIEVE and ACT, and if you always count, plan and wait for the right moment, you will not achieve anything. As my former boss said, “the main thing is to act!” And if you want to grow an oak tree, then take it and grow it, and treat all advice calmly and without unnecessary emotions - these are only tips written by people who can make mistakes.

Why oak? Because among the ancient Slavs it was considered the most important tree and symbolized power, strength, reliability and hardness, and in Feng Shui oak is also a symbol of strength, as well as growth and advancement. At the same time, in Siberia (and I now live in Novosibirsk) oak trees practically do not grow and oak groves cannot be found. As a result, a scarce tree is all the more interesting to grow. The idea itself was inspired by a book about Peter the Great, which reminded me of a trip to the Voronezh region, where the great reformer protected the oak groves he had chosen, which were later supposed to be used to build ships for the empire.

So, let's begin!

Step #0. Buy a pot or tub in which the oak trees will actually grow. It is very difficult to choose them because it is not clear (at least to me) what exactly should be bought. Big? Small? How deep? What material? Are there many small ones and many large ones for transplantation? When should I replant? Do you need to plant each one separately or can they all be planted together? Etc. and so on. I remembered the principle that I was taught at stock trading seminars in Malaysia “Don’t analyze, analyze until you paralyze!” Thus, the only criterion for choosing a pot was its attractiveness. Saleswomen in local stores were slightly surprised when I told them that I was looking for a pot for oak trees and thought that I would listen to their advice :) Having found big pot self made I started shopping. After haggling for about 5 minutes, I managed to reduce the price from 1200 rubles to 1000 rubles. A bag of expanded clay was immediately purchased for 50 rubles, which provides ventilation.

Step #1. You need to find any place where oak trees grow. I chose the forest near the botanical garden of Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. Anyone can go there at any time.

Step #2. I took with me a box for acorns, 4 large bags for the ground, a backpack, on the way at the hardware store I bought a garden trowel and gloves so as not to spoil the whiteness of my own hands, as well as a bottle drinking water. When going to the forest, remember that there is no air conditioning or insect nets, so I recommend wearing or taking with you a sweatshirt or windbreaker with a hood that will protect you from mosquitoes and midges.

Step #3. Finding, evaluating and collecting acorns. In all the articles that I have read, they write that acorns should be collected at the end, or, as a last resort, at the very beginning of spring. I collected genetic material on July 13, 2013, in the midst of the cold Siberian summer.

The websites also say that acorns are sensitive to cold and may not survive cold winter. Here it must be said that last winter in the former Novonikolaevsk was very cold, and December turned out to be the coldest in the entire history of observations with the thermometer swinging all month between -43 and -47 degrees (I remember waiting 3 hours for pizza to be delivered to my home... there were hard times...). Nevertheless, all 40 acorns I eventually selected grew and the cold did not stop them.

Another irrelevant piece of advice that you will find on all sites concerns the selection of acorns, during which it is recommended to take only whole nuts (are they nuts? or is it what?) and not to take bitten or damaged acorns. Among my acorns there were many damaged, with dried roots and bitten, and no matter what, they all grew, so don’t worry about integrity, but take quantity.

Step #4. Soil selection. If you read the “correct” websites, you will learn so much about the “correct” soil and fertilizers that you won’t even be able to implement everything in practice. Fortunately, I didn’t read these tips and decided that since oak trees grow here, the soil is suitable for them. As a result, I collected four bags of soil from under oak trees, taking them from different places in the forest upper layer. Hungry mosquitoes even bit through Chinese gloves for 27 rubles 50 kopecks, but what can’t you do to achieve your goal!

Step #5. Disembarkation. I had no idea how to plant them, but I decided to just do it as it happens in nature. I still don’t understand why all the sites recommend planting acorns 3 cm deep into the soil. This is not what nature intended! After all, a fallen acorn lies on the surface of the earth, and then germinates normally. So I just laid the seeds on the surface and pressed them lightly into the ground so that there was contact. Later I poured 1 cm of sand, leaving them access to direct sun rays. This was done so that the acorns would not be washed away when watering.

The planting density is high in the hope that at least one out of 40 acorns will germinate (as a result, every single one grew).

Step #6. Watering. I don’t know how often I watered and I don’t know how much water is needed either. I poured about a liter jug ​​every 3 days. If it rained, the schedule shifted. There was no system or order, but I felt the ground every day.

Step #7. Rejoice at the first shoots. It’s nice to feel that it was not in vain that you carried a bucket of earth from the forest and that your idea is becoming a reality. There is clearly more joy than from a new MacBook with Retina. The sprouts appeared unevenly, but in waves throughout the whole month. They say that many “Toropyshki” throw away or dig up their plantings of acorns without waiting for the first shoots, so my advice is to be patient. The difference between the first and last sprout was a whole month.

Step #8. Document your experience. To my surprise, there are a lot of people on the RuNet who have grown oak or are interested in this issue, and there are articles with real practical experience few. The existing articles are similar to each other, but there are few of them with photos and details. Write what you did, share your experience, help your compatriots, because the progress of society is based on this.

Step #9. What to do next? There are several options. plant everything in the country house and in the yard under the window, plant each sprout separately in large pots, distribute to friends and acquaintances (every second of those to whom I told about my oak trees showed interest in expropriating part of my property). However, given that everyone tells me that oak trees will not survive in one pot and they will all die, I have a desire to conduct just such an experiment. They can’t all die - the strongest will survive.

For example, it was interesting for me to watch how the very first oak tree spread wide leaves as soon as it hatched (in the photographs it is the darkest). A couple of weeks later, the young oak trees grew twice as tall as the first oak and began to block its sun, after which the old man released a tall stem and now plans to take over the palm and a place in the sun.

In the meantime, I plan to keep them all in a pot on the balcony. Maybe I’ll bring it home in late fall. If anyone has specific experience in the same situation, please share.

Step #10. To plant a tree. But I’m postponing this point until next year.

Subsequent entries on this topic.

Always placed horizontally in the ground;
- for intensive growth, the seedling needs abundant watering.

When landing in open ground You can plant acorns immediately after collecting them. You can also plant acorns. When selecting acorns for planting, pay attention to their appearance. Dead acorns of black or gray, live – brown.
When choosing a place for a future spreading tree, do not forget that oak loves the sun.
You can feed the soil a little with humus.
If you are going to plant acorns in the spring, you can stock up on them in the fall. But it should be remembered that acorns should not be overdried during storage. Therefore, it is recommended to keep them at a temperature slightly above zero. For example, in the refrigerator. To avoid drying out, the acorns are placed with wet shavings. In this case, you need to make sure that the acorns do not become moldy or rotten.
Acorns that have overwintered in natural conditions are also used for planting. They are collected in the spring, choosing “hatched” acorns. It is necessary to take into account that the root sprouts first, and only then does the sprout develop. Therefore, when collecting overwintered acorns, it is better to dig them up with.
When autumn planting It should also be remembered that an oak tree always develops a root first. Therefore, be patient while waiting for the first sprout.

The powerful oak root system develops quite quickly. This must be taken into account when planting acorns in a pot.
Young oak trees must be transplanted into open ground before they reach three years of age. This is done in the spring, before the leaves of the young oak tree appear. When transplanting annual seedlings, do not cut off the root. When landing on permanent place of two-year-old plants, you can cut off the root at a distance of about 20 cm from the remains of the acorn.
Oak trees grow quite quickly. It is advisable to regularly weed young shoots, and then the seedlings will accelerate their growth.
Oak- a very beautiful and majestic tree with powerful energy. It beautifies any area and brings strength and peace to those who need it.

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  • how to grow an oak tree from an acorn

There are two ways to grow an oak: using seedlings - small sprouted trees, and from acorns - trees grown from a seedling.

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To germinate young oak, it is important to choose good ones. As planting material, it is better to use the fruits of oaks that grow in areas similar in climatic conditions to the region where the tree will grow, and not from Turkey, for example.


Collect a few acorns you like. They should be dense and have no cracks or external damage to the crust. Give preference to fruits with a uniform color; the shade should not be too dark or light. The presence of a cap is not necessary; it does not participate in the development of the sprout.

Rinse the acorns warm water, this will wash away the mold spores.

Place the acorns in water. Those fruits that immediately surface will most likely not germinate.

Place a small piece of cotton cloth or bandage in a saucer and pour water into it. Place acorns in a saucer. Make sure the water doesn't dry out. After 2 weeks, the acorns will produce a small root and a young shoot.

Plant an oak sprout in a pot of soil. Choose special soils, do not use soil for succulents, soil with a high sand content, etc., oaks do not grow well in such an environment. Make a small depression and place the sprouted acorn and sprinkle lightly.

Beautiful and long eyelashes- an undoubted decoration of a girl. They give expressiveness to the look and are also able to visually enlarge the eyes. Just consider the fact that folk remedies cannot give quick results. Therefore, you will have to diligently carry out the procedures for several months.

You will need

  • Essential oils, aloe juice, vitamins A and E, medicinal herbs, cotton pads, a bottle of used mascara.


Try to regularly make masks for eyelash growth. Most of them are similar to an oil mixture. However, please note that neither burdock nor castor oil should be left on the eyelashes overnight. Otherwise, you may find swelling in your eyes in the morning, which you are unlikely to be happy about.

Mix burdock and castor oil in equal proportions. Then add a few drops of aloe juice and vitamin E. Next, apply the resulting composition to eyelashes. You can use a cotton swab or a clean mascara brush for this. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes. After this time, wash with warm water.

Massage your eyelids. It is very useful for both eyelash growth and skin. Therefore, it will be very good if the massage is done regularly, preferably every day. You can use various cosmetic and massage oils. Apply oil to pads ring fingers. Then massage with point movements from the outer corners of the eyes towards the inner ones. Thus repeat the procedure several times.

Make a compress from the decoction medicinal herbs. You can take cornflower, chamomile or calendula. In order to prepare a decoction, take 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials and pour a glass hot water. Place the container on the stove and bring to a boil. After 30 minutes, turn off the heat and cool. Next, strain through a sieve or cheesecloth folded in several layers and squeeze out the remainder. Soak two cotton pads in the broth and apply to the eyelids. After 20 minutes, wash your face with cool water. boiled water.

Prepare an oil mixture for eyelash growth. It can be stored in the refrigerator for several months. To make it convenient for you to apply the product to eyelashes, take a bottle of used mascara. Wash it thoroughly to remove any remaining makeup and dry it.

Landscape design summer cottage, park, country house, the city sidewalk will be perfectly decorated with oak; planting and caring for the tree is of interest to many amateurs and experts. Oak is a broad-leaved tree whose geographic distribution ranges from temperate to equatorial latitudes. In addition to all the power of sound, oak deserves a kind of sacred relationship. This tree was raised by ancient peoples, they believed in the power of its energy and power. Indeed, the appearance of the oak tree symbolizes fertility.

An oak can be grown from a planted acorn, but it is much easier and faster to buy a ready-made seedling.

Colorful color filling of wood in different times year allows whole year receive aesthetic pleasure, therefore, the owners of even the smallest land plot They try to emphasize their status by growing this tree.

Types of oak and places of their distribution

There are many varieties of oak, each continent has its own type. For aesthetic purposes landscape design, mainly use the following types:

  • English oak;
  • sessile oak;
  • red oak;
  • Mongolian oak;
  • chestnut oak, and others.

As we see, natural zoning binds this species flora To fertile soils, with moderate water and temperature balance. For example, it cannot be found in Australia, Africa, or Antarctica.

Species differences lie in the color and shape of leaves, chestnuts, the texture of the bark and crown of the tree. Consequently, pedunculate oak has shiny green and even yellowish leaves. The tree trunk is covered with grey-brown, cracked bark. Grows in Europe. Sessile oak has leaves with a pale green color, chestnut green. Grows in European countries. Red oak is characterized by dark green to brown-brown leaves, smooth gray bark, and brown-brown acorns. The habitat of red oak extends to temperate latitudes. Mongolian oak has dense, light green leaves, light brown acorns, and gray bark. Grows in countries Far East. Chestnut oak has gray bark, dark green leaves and a grayish acorn. This tree is not only broad-leaved, but also evergreen.

Oak: planting and care

Planting and caring for an oak tree is a painstaking task. Before planting an oak tree, select favorable place for his growth. The tree does not tolerate constant wind pressure, waterlogged soil, or acidic habitat. Coniferous trees inhibit its growth, obscure light, and create an unfavorable acid-base balance in the soil. Therefore, taking into account the parameters of an adult tree, it is necessary to select a well-lit, windless, fertile area for it. You can plant an oak tree from an acorn and an oak seedling.

Growing a tree from an acorn begins with choosing the right raw materials. The acorn must be collected from a completely healthy tree and have a coherent, elastic structure. In addition, it is necessary that there is no emptiness inside, this will indicate that it is either dry or spoiled.

You can check the emptiness by hanging the acorns or dipping them in water. Visually, they should be without any damage and not make a sound when shaken. A bad acorn won't live to see spring planting, will not germinate when autumn landing. It is best to collect planting materials in mid-autumn. Mature seeds have a sufficient supply of microelements necessary for growth.

You can plant the seeds immediately. To do this, you need to take soil from the place where acorns were collected, as well as leafy matter. Oak does not tolerate heavy frost, therefore, when planting seeds in the fall, it is necessary to protect it as much as possible from frost and excess moisture. The acorn must be buried at a depth of 4 - 6 centimeters, and air circulation and air temperature must be ensured with earth-leaf mass. The tree planting area should be covered with a layer of rubber or other material to prevent waterlogging of the soil. You can plant an acorn in the spring.

It is better to plant in warm soil before the trees begin to green up. At the same time, it must be stored in a cool place, avoiding negative temperatures air, a cellar is perfect for this. It is necessary to ensure that the acorn is in a moderately ventilated area and does not become moldy. Both plantings must be monitored to ensure that rodents do not damage the seeds.

Growing a tree from an oak seedling can be done in both spring and autumn. Care is no less important. The main thing is to save everything the necessary conditions growth and survival of the seedling, provide loose, nutritious soil.

There is also the option of transplanting a ready-made seedling dug up and brought from the forest. It is important to take into account that oak grows slowly in the first years. At this time, the root system of the tree is strengthened, and the above-ground part grows after 1.5 - 2 years. Therefore, when digging up a ready-made seedling, you must not damage the stem root, since it is very long.

Along with the seedling, you need to take the soil where it grew. This will allow it to settle down better and receive the necessary nutrients.

Wood and leaf mass should be added to the hole for the seedling to provide a loose soil structure and increase air circulation, as well as ammonia fertilizer. In the first years, the sprout needs additional fertilizer and moisture. But you should be moderate with watering.

Tree care

It is not easy to plant an oak; like any plant, it needs care. Decorative pruning or artificial formation of the trunk - it all depends on personal aesthetic needs.

In addition, oak needs constant lighting. Therefore, a young tree sprout should not be in the shade big trees or herbs. You should regularly remove weeds and weed the area where the seedling grows. Additional moisture and fertilization are necessary in the early years and during the dry season. It is necessary to constantly fluff up the soil. In addition, it is important to prevent any diseases of the young shoot.

It is less resistant to powdery mildew, which can damage and young tree. This fungal disease It affects both leaves and stems of the tree and is carried by fungal spores. To prevent this disease, it would be good to treat the young seedling with a solution copper sulfate. And if there is a clear threat, a solution of foundationalose and colloidal sulfur is used.

In conditions of excess moisture, there is a place for mulching the tree trunk area wood shavings, or peat. The same actions are carried out on winter period, for frost resistance of the tree trunk. It is better to insulate young trees by treating them with garden varnish and additional wrapping fabric materials. In addition, you should protect the oak tree from harmful insects. These can be oak longhorn beetle, moth, leaf roller. For prophylaxis, solutions of Decis and Kenmix are used.

Useful characteristics of oak

In addition to aesthetic pleasure, oak shades from the sun, produces a huge amount of oxygen, and absorbs carbon dioxide, which is especially important today. It provides food for many birds and rodents, participates in a variety of biogeochemical processes, is an environment-forming factor, regulates the acid-carbon balance of the atmosphere, and participates in biochemical processes of soil formation.

have long been known healing properties oak bark, acorns and foliage. It is widely used in folk medicine. Decoctions from oak bark are used for various dental diseases to strengthen gums, to stop bleeding, for healthy hair, to relieve any inflammatory processes, for gastrointestinal diseases, disorders, and other functional disorders of the body. The same use applies to tree leaves. Even some medicinal, cosmetic, and hygiene products contain oak bark extract.

The recreational value of oak is known for the existence of a number of protected areas where ancient trees are protected and new plantings appear.

Oak grows up to 50 meters and lives for about 500 years or more. His greatness is voiced in many legends and myths.

Some believe in him magical properties, the power of the energy of this tree. Oak is a long-lasting addition to any green space that will be admired for generations.

Any man, as you know, must raise a son, build a house, and that is why gardeners often wonder how to grow an oak tree from an acorn. This is due to the deep symbolism associated with this type of tree. It is not for nothing that oak has long been considered a symbol of wisdom and masculinity and will be the object of pride of any man. For several decades, the tree will become a source of pride and can easily become a family secret place.

Those who are wondering how to grow an oak from an acorn should very carefully choose the material for planting. First you need to look at the tree. It should have a powerful trunk and a wide-spreading crown. This individual produces the strongest and hardiest fruits. After this, you should start choosing suitable acorns. They need to be collected in early spring. The best ones are those that have survived the winter and retained their healthy brown tint. Anyone who wants to grow an oak tree from an acorn at home must remember that color is the main parameter of fruit health for seedlings. Also Special attention should be applied to sprouted acorns. The chance of survival for such people is several tens of times higher.

The next stage is preparing the acorns directly for planting in the ground. To do this, they must be washed with running water and soap. This will kill any mildew or incipient mold. In this way, you can protect the young tree from various diseases at the initial stage of development.

Gardeners wondering how to grow an oak tree from an acorn will benefit from knowing that it is very sensitive to soil choice. The tree loves fertile forest soil and will not be able to grow in clay or sandstone. It is best to collect soil for planting in the forest. Ideal option will collect soil from under the tree where the acorns were collected.

Trees can be planted in separate pots or directly outside. However, for those who are interested in how to plant an oak tree from an acorn, it will be incredibly interesting to follow the whole process at home. When planting, you should remember that the root system of this plant develops incredibly quickly. That is why the pot chosen for the tree must be spacious enough. The acorn should only be placed vertically in the soil. The pot should be filled with fertile soil about two-thirds, then place the seedling and then fill the remaining space of the container with soil.

Oak trees love water very much. That is why it is necessary to water the acorn every day until the sprout appears. After this, it is very important to maintain constant humidity in the pot and loosen the soil to speed up the germination of the young tree.

Anyone who knows how to grow an oak tree from an acorn can say that timely transplantation of the tree into the ground is very important for its growth and development. The most favorable time for this is spring, before the oak tree begins to bloom its leaves. There is no need to prepare a hole for transplantation in advance. It is enough to make a small hole and carefully plant the tree in it, trying to protect the roots from damage. The remaining free space must be covered with earth.

This material is dedicated to patient people who want to know how to grow an oak tree from an acorn. This can be done at home, but it will require the lion’s share of perseverance and clear step-by-step instruction. We will provide it to you, the main thing is not to deviate from the plan.

How to grow an oak from an acorn - step-by-step instructions

We tell you in detail how to grow from a nondescript acorn oak Houses.

Stage No. 1. Selection and planting of acorns

At this stage, it is necessary to select only specimens suitable for germination and prepare everything for them.

Collect acorns

1. It is necessary to collect material in early or mid-autumn. It is important to pick them from the branches of mature trees before they fall. Discard all spoiled, wormy and damaged specimens.

2. An acorn suitable for germination is brownish in pigmentation with a greenish tone. However, the final color varies depending on what type of oak we are talking about.

3. Experts assure that for home germination It is better to take a material that can be easily detached from the cap.

4. It is worth understanding that the cap is not part of the acorn. This is a kind of protection. Some people think that when detached from it, the material is damaged, but this is not the case. The main thing is not to break the acorn itself.

5. Since it will not be possible to grow an oak from an acorn without planting material, take a device at home in advance that will help remove the fruits from the branches.

6. For all tree varieties, acorns ripen in the fall. But some species, for example, American red oaks, produce acorns once every 2 years. When selecting, take this into account. It is better to remove material from an ordinary (pedunculated) oak, the acorns of which appear in early to mid-autumn.

Do a water test

1. Now proceed to the so-called floating test. Fill a bucket with water and pour out the resulting acorns. Time it for 3 minutes and evaluate the result.

2. Specimens that float on the surface are not suitable for planting and must be excluded. Also not suitable soft material and acorns without shape (crushed).

Hibernate Acorns

1. Otherwise, this process is called stratification. Specimens suitable for planting need to be dried. For this purpose, the material is first placed in a strainer and then transferred to towels.

3. Place the package in the refrigerator and wait 1.5 months. This period is allotted for germination, so the interval can be increased.

4. Don't forget to check the material. In the nutrient medium, that is, sawdust, the acorns will begin to slowly germinate. But the bag should not be too wet or, on the contrary, dry. Moderate humidity is what you need.

Watch the germination

1. You should not assume that absolutely all specimens will germinate. However, most of them will definitely grow while in the refrigerator in wet shavings.

2. The shell breaks through the end of the root at the beginning of winter or late autumn.

3. But even if the root has not appeared on the surface, the acorns will still be ready for planting after 40-45 days. They must be handled with care.

Prepare the cups, plant the material

1. Before you grow an oak from an acorn, you need to plant the material. At home, plastic disposable glasses or pots with a diameter of 5 cm are used for this purpose.

2. Pour high-quality garden soil into the containers so that about 2-3 cm remains from the edge of the pot.

3. With extreme care, insert the acorn, root side down, into the soil, after making a hole with your fingers.

4. When using disposable cups, you need to make holes at the bottom of the dishes (on the sides). This move will prevent stagnation of moisture and rotting of the material.

Take care of your seedlings

1. You need to water the seedlings until you see liquid flowing out of the bottom of the cup (through the holes you made).

2. Keep an eye out for future oak trees. Situations in which the soil dries out should not be allowed. Water as often as the soil requires to maintain moderate moisture.

3. Seedlings should not be taken out into the cold. It is advisable to keep the cups with seedlings on the windowsill on the south side to provide light from winter sun rays.

4. Since it is not possible to grow an oak from an acorn in a short time, take this into account when carrying out the procedure at home. You won't notice any crazy growth because the main root is just starting to develop in the soil.

Stage No. 2. Transplanting seedlings

First and very important stage passed You can even grow an oak tree from an acorn at home, but it will require patience. Let's explore the next steps.

Select seedlings for transplanting

1. Observe the growth of seedlings. When they become crowded, transplant them into a pot of larger diameter. Wait until the seedling gets stronger, after which you can move it into open soil.

2. You can find out that a plant is ready for planting by looking at some signs. Let's study them in order.

3. The height is from 10 to 15 cm, small leaves are visible, the roots of white pigmentation look solid and strong, the main root is large and noticeably grown, the age of the seedling is 3-8 weeks.

Choose a drop-off location

1. Since it is impossible to grow an oak from an acorn without transplanting it into open ground, after a long stay of the seedling at home, it is time to choose a place for its further development.

2. The growing area plays a role vital role. Root system An adult tree is spreading and large. Accordingly, he needs a spacious area. By choosing the right landing zone, you will not crowd the tree in the future.

3. It is important that the place is sufficiently illuminated by the sun. Also, oak will feel good away from pipes and water supply, paths, etc. Eliminate any risk of uprooting the tree if you suddenly need to perform construction works Location on.

4. When the small seedling gets stronger and turns into a full-fledged tree, it will cast a lot of shade. If it is required to cover a house, then plant it in the southwest or west. This move will create shade in the summer and reduce its area in winter.

5. The presence of vegetation is of no small importance in choosing an area for planting a seedling. Different types take each other's sun, moisture and other valuable resources. There is no need to plant an oak tree with a lot of other plants, otherwise it will not grow.

Prepare the landing site

1. Since growing an oak tree from an acorn is not always easy, at home, think and choose appropriate place. Clear it of turf, making a platform with a diameter of 1 m.

2. Dig up the ground, going 25-30 cm deep. Break up large pieces of soil. Moisten it regularly until it rains. Only after this can the tree be planted.

Dig a hole

1. In the center of the prepared area, dig a hole with a diameter of 35 cm to a depth of 70-80 cm.

2. Calculate the depth based on the length of the seedling’s root. It is important that it fits completely.

Replant the tree

1. Carefully move the seedling and make sure that the root fits perfectly. Fill with soil and compact it a little. After planting, be sure to water the plant.

2. Make a slight slope from the soil away from the seedling. The point is that water should not be allowed to stagnate near the trunk. Otherwise, the tree may suffer.

3. Place small pieces of bark around the tree so that they form a circle with a diameter of 30-40 cm. The bark should not touch the trunk. This way the soil will remain moist for a long time and weeds will not sprout.

Stage No. 3. Caring for a growing oak tree

Previously, we looked at how to grow an oak tree from an acorn. Now let's study the next steps at home. Follow the instructions provided.

Protect the tree

1. A young seedling often suffers from herbivores, as it is an excellent source of food. Squirrels, mice, hares, etc. feed on leaves and young shoots.

2. To protect the seedling from such a misfortune, build a chain-link fence through which animals cannot reach the tree. Also be careful when choosing pesticides.

Irrigate the tree in dry weather

1. Due to its sufficiently long root, oak can feed on moisture that is deep in the ground.

2. However, during the dry period, the young tree needs timely feeding. Otherwise, the oak will feel great during the rainy season and winter.

3. Install drip irrigation for seedlings; the system perfectly delivers moisture to the young tree.

4. In 1-2 weeks with drip irrigation spend no more than 30 liters. Irrigate the seedling using this technology during the hottest period for 2 years.

5. As soon as the tree begins to actively grow, gradually reduce the intensity of irrigation.

6. Install the watering system so that water accumulates around the seedling and does not fall on the table. Otherwise, rotting will begin.

Watch the tree grow

1. Now you know how to grow an oak tree from an acorn. To do this at home, follow simple instructions. As the tree grows, the root will go deeper into the soil.

2. Therefore, you no longer need to worry so much about the seedling. Eventually the tree will grow, the animals will not be able to harm it. Even in summer, the oak tree no longer needs to be watered.

3. Continue to monitor the tree for several more years. During particularly dry periods, water it occasionally.

4. In the future, you can forget about caring for the tree. It will begin to bear fruit only after 20 years. Depending on the type of oak, this can happen after 50 years.

1. In autumn, even seedlings shed their leaves. Don't panic and stay calm when you see yellow leaves. With the onset of spring, everything will be restored.

2. As mentioned earlier, be sure to fence the young tree to prevent rodents and other wild animals from harming the growing oak tree.

3. Before growing your own tree, collect acorns from a beautiful, healthy oak tree. Inspect it in advance.

4. Ready seedlings keep it at home until warm spring days arrive. Then care for the seedling and systematically water it during the dry period.

Before you grow an oak tree from an acorn, choose a suitable one planting material. Next, follow the simple instructions at home. Don't doubt it, you will succeed. Please be patient as the procedure takes a long time.


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