Make your own pendant lamp. DIY lampshade for a chandelier made of threads and balloons

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A chandelier in any room is no longer exclusively a lighting device. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this is the piece of furniture that is the main decoration in any room.

Of course, a DIY chandelier will be especially valuable thing. This will not only highlight the special taste of the home owners, but also their creative mind.

Despite the fact that if you decide to make a lampshade with your own hands for a chandelier, you will need to spend quite a lot of effort, because the process requires special concentration - surely the work time cannot be considered wasted, since the work will bring incredible pleasure and will even leave a pleasant aftertaste, and in the future you will definitely want to repeat this kind of work again.

If you are thinking about how to make a chandelier, then you have probably already seen that today you can use a variety of materials for this, and sometimes completely unusual ones. For example, very often the lampshade for a chandelier is made of wood or glass.

However, if you want something even more incredible, then you can also use cardboard, wooden skewers, and even wine bottles. The choice here depends solely on the ideas that the creator has, as well as on various kinds of wishes of the apartment owners.

In addition, a chandelier from scrap materials must also be created taking into account the overall interior of the room.

Chandelier made from plastic spoons

Disposable spoons, which most people are used to using exclusively for picnics, can actually also be one of the simplest and yet easily accessible materials for creating an interesting chandelier option for any room.

If you look at a photo of a chandelier of this type, you will be struck first of all by the variety color range, and in the future it will be easy to understand that the material will last a long time.

In addition, in order to create such an interesting piece of furniture, you will need a minimum of financial and material investments.

What materials will be needed?

  • Any empty bottle made of plastic. The only condition is that its volume cannot be less than five liters.
  • Any plastic spoons. Their number depends solely on the chosen size of the future chandelier.
  • Glue that allows you to glue plastic together.
  • A socket from an old, no longer working chandelier.

The process of creating an original chandelier

Prepare plastic bottle. First of all, you need to get rid of the label and bottom, and also dry it properly.

Remove the spoons from the plastic and use a knife to remove any handles that are not needed. The only thing you need to do is leave a couple of centimeters above the so-called “scoop” level.

Glue the blanks to the base of the prepared bottle. On the “tail” that remains, you need to apply as much as possible. more glue and then press it to the surface.

It is very important to continue to cover the entire bottle in this way directly in a circle until the entire prepared perimeter is “occupied” with plastic spoons.

It is best to arrange them in a classic checkerboard pattern and move them slightly together.

This way it will be possible to reduce the number of “free spots” to a minimum.

  • The shade is removed from the old prepared chandelier and placed in a dried bottle.
  • If desired, decorative ones can often be done in a similar way.

That's all. All that remains is to install the chandelier in the chosen location, and also check its operation by connecting it to the power supply.

One more interesting option chandelier is a chandelier with decorative butterflies. It is worth noting that when going to almost any master class on making a chandelier, designers always offer to learn how to create it, which is not surprising, because it can fit perfectly into almost any interior of the room.


Besides the fact that this option looks truly luxurious and expensive, even a child can do it with the help of an adult, so its popularity is easily explained.

DIY chandelier photo


An irreplaceable lighting fixture in the form of a chandelier can be found in every apartment. The modern assortment of chandeliers is extremely rich, so choosing this item creates many problems. We will tell you how to choose the right chandelier or make it yourself in our material below.

The purpose of chandeliers is the same for all types; they all perform the function of a lighting device. Distinctive features types of chandeliers - shape and design. Model ranges are represented by a large variety of them, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the common varieties.

Ceiling chandeliers

Ceiling-type lighting fixtures are compact, which is very important in rooms with limited high ceilings. The lampshade can be adjacent directly to the ceiling or recede a short distance. Compact chandelier models can be made from a wide variety of different materials. Modern designers A noble combination is often used: wood and glass.

Pendant chandeliers

An elegant and stylish variety of lamp models is used to decorate rooms with high ceilings. With this technique, due to the hanging chandelier, the room will become more comfortable. They are often used for zoning rooms. Bright lighting in one of the zones allows you to get a mysterious twilight where it is needed.

Classic style chandeliers

Classic version lighting fixtures can be found everywhere. Their popularity is justified by the variety of designs. With the help of such a chandelier you can solve the problem with lighting in the room. By thus introducing an accentuating moment, you can enhance any interior.

Crystal chandeliers

The nobility and exquisite shine of crystal will emphasize the sign of good taste and tell about the wealth of the owners. The ideal solution during the arrangement modern interior In the classic style, you can safely call crystal chandeliers. Thanks to this option, the room acquires a unique shine and beauty.

Eco chandeliers

Use environmentally pure materials in the manufacture of lamps allows you to get closer to nature. This approach to interior design is considered very popular today. IN modern society There is a whole army of fans of eco-style design. To make chandeliers, valuable types of wood, straw, leather and other natural materials are used.

Pros and cons of different types

The disadvantages and advantages of this or that type of lamp depend on the room where they will be placed.

  1. It will look appropriate in a room with a low ceiling hanging option lamp;
  2. You should not use chandeliers of complex designs in the kitchen; if they get dirty, they will be difficult to clean;
  3. Massive chandeliers look good in spacious rooms. The miniature version will be lost against the background of the overall interior;
  4. To create twilight, it is better to select darkened shades;
  5. If zoning a room is required, use several types of lamps;
  6. It is appropriate to place pendant chandeliers with bright lighting in the kitchen, living room and dining room; this option is not suitable for the bedroom.

Chandeliers with colored shades can influence the mood of the people in the room. For example, yellow and green color calms, red excites, and blue depresses.

How to make a chandelier with your own hands

Skilled craftsmen claim that anyone can make a chandelier with their own hands. Using simple recommendations and illustrative examples, you can build a lighting fixture in a few hours. There are many variations of shades for chandeliers, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular ones.

Necessary materials:

  • cable with lamp sockets;
  • insulating tape;
  • glue gun or glue;
  • materials for finishing the lampshade;
  • scissors and other auxiliary tools.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Using an old lampshade, you can make a chandelier by finishing it with paper of any color. Using your imagination, you can build original version lamp for a children's room or bedroom;

To prevent the paper from catching fire, during operation it is necessary to use LED bulbs.

  1. Using natural materials, you can create a masterpiece. A chandelier made of branches, combined with candle-shaped light bulbs, will fill the room with warmth and comfort. You can use chains as attachments to the ceiling - this will give the structure a special look;

  1. Fans of eccentric styles will love the chandelier option made from wine bottles. Surely no one will have such a chandelier; by experimenting with the idea, you can get an amazing version of the lamp for the kitchen;

Instead of bottles, use cups, zinc buckets and unusual shape banks.

  1. Lately it has been popular to make lamps from scrap materials. The most unusual material may become wooden clothespins. They need to be divided into two halves. Attach with glue gun to the base of the lampshade. If desired, the surface can be painted or varnished.

Expert verdict: experimenting with different methods and materials for manufacturing, you can get an unusual result. Original chandelier with a minimum of costs it will be worthy decoration both modest and sophisticated home interiors.

Currently, beautiful chandeliers are available to everyone; the assortment can amaze any imagination. When following the advice, do not forget to take into account your own taste and the opinions of designers. Whatever the choice, even a hand-made chandelier will delight the eye and attract admiring glances.

We invite you to watch the video on how to do it beautiful chandelier from threads with your own hands:

Give the room a unique and original design Decorative details will help in arranging the interior. A DIY kitchen chandelier is an extraordinary detail, made taking into account your own wishes and preferences. Making this element will not be difficult, but at the same time you will have to work a little.

Master classes on making chandeliers

To make a chandelier with your own hands, you can use various material and manufacturing technique, depending on the person’s imagination. There are several traditional and simple options, which can be made from improvised materials and which will bring new colors and emotions to the kitchen interior. Homemade chandeliers are becoming increasingly popular, which is explained by the opportunity to transform your home without spending almost a penny.

As a rule, such materials can be found in the house:

  • threads;
  • paper;
  • plastic dishes;
  • newspapers;
  • disks;
  • plastic bottles, etc.

Chandelier made of threads

It's pretty simple and affordable way, the materials for the implementation of which are available in every home.

You will need:

  • balloon;
  • cotton threads (color selected to match the style of the interior);
  • PVA glue.

Manufacturing technique:

1. At the first stage, you need to inflate a regular balloon.

3. The ball is wrapped with threads so that there are no gaps. The work requires some time, so you should be patient, as the end result will undoubtedly please you.

4. The product must be left to dry completely for at least 1 day. To check the strength of the structure and make sure that the future chandelier will not lose its shape, the ball in it needs to be deflated and then inflated again.

5. When the structure has dried and the threads have become hard, the ball bursts and is carefully removed.

6. A hole is cut under the light bulb, into which the socket with the wire is lowered.

The process of making a lampshade from threads

A DIY kitchen chandelier is decorated with additional decorative elements. These can be butterflies, flowers, scraps of fabric, etc.

Lamp made from a plastic bottle

There are two ways to make a chandelier from plastic bottles. Let's start with a non-standard option.

To complete the work you will need:

  • plastic bottle 5 l;
  • disposable spoons;
  • glue;
  • cartridge with wire.

Necessary materials

Manufacturing process:

1. First, the bottom of the bottle is cut off.

2. In the spoons, we separate the handles from the scoops, which we will need to make the structure.

3. After preparing the adhesive mass, apply it to the scoops, which are attached to the ribs plastic container. In this case, we attach the upper scoop with an overlap; it should be in the middle of the two lower ones, with the convex side outward. Gluing should start from the bottom level. This way the entire perimeter of the bottle is worked out.

4. When the structure is dry, install the cartridge through the neck of the bottle. The result was a beautiful chandelier, appearance resembling fish scales. The product can be left in its original form or painted in any suitable color.

Making a lampshade for a chandelier

The second way to make a chandelier involves using the following materials:

  • plastic bottle 2 l;
  • cotton threads;
  • glue.

We cut off the bottom part of the bottle, approximately 3 cm. We wind a thread soaked in glue onto the rest of the bottle horizontally and carefully, from top to bottom. As a result, we get a beautiful and stylish lampshade that can be used separately. You can connect such parts in several pieces.

On video: chandelier made from a bottle and plastic spoons.

Beads as a base

The work of creating this type of chandelier is quite difficult and requires special care and consistency.

To create a product you need to prepare:

  • beads or beads;
  • basket frame;
  • nylon threads;
  • wire.

Manufacturing technique:

1. First of all, you need to make a blank in the form of a wire ring.

2. The workpiece must be attached with wire to the frame.

4. After drying, the cartridge is threaded and comfortable work the chandelier is hanging.

5. Beads or beads are threaded through a thread from the basket to the ring. The decoration itself, that is, the number of beads and threads, can be anything, based on personal preferences. The entire basket is decorated in the same way around the perimeter.

The process of making a chandelier from beads

Before decorating the chandelier, you must first install the socket. Also, for convenience, you can hang the structure on a hook, which will make the work much easier.

The chandelier can be hung on a hook

On video: handmade bead chandelier.

Wood construction

This is very beautiful way decorate the kitchen, in addition, use natural material will only do good.

It is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • strips for door trim, 30-45 cm – 12 pcs.;
  • glass jars, 1 liter for lampshades – 6 pcs.;
  • paints (white and wood colors);
  • self-tapping screws;
  • sandpaper;
  • Seaming machine

The work consists of the following steps:

1. Using sandpaper, we achieve absolute smoothness of the planks.

3. The wood is painted wood color.

4. You need to build from boards regular hexagon and secure the structure with self-tapping screws.

5. The cartridge is fixed to the hole in the cover.

6. We paint the cans white or any other color, then we roll them up with light bulbs inside. A beautiful and stylish chandelier is ready.

On video: unusual ideas for a wooden chandelier.

From wooden sticks

A country style chandelier will decorate any kitchen. To create an original lampshade you will need:

  • kebab sticks;
  • organza ribbon;
  • glue.

The basis of the design are sticks, which are laid out around the perimeter of the square and fastened with glue. The work is quite painstaking. You also need to ensure that the sticks lie flat for the symmetry of the future chandelier. The upper part is sealed with cut sticks so that they do not protrude. Don't forget to leave room for the lampshade.

After complete drying, we begin to decorate the product. The protruding edges of the sticks are decorated with multi-colored organza ribbons. On last stage The lampshade is hung on a hook and the cartridge is secured in it through the hole left.

On video: option for making a chandelier from sticks.

From disks

In order to do this original lamp, it must be assembled correctly. Materials used:

  • round planks different thicknesses– 2-4 pcs.;
  • stands made of wood or metal;
  • disks;
  • magnetic start;
  • bulb.

The planks should be slightly larger in diameter than the disks. In the largest board you need to drill a hole into which a magnetic start with a switch is installed, after which it is connected to the lamp. Discs are strung onto the lamp in the right amount, on which the height of the chandelier will depend. Racks are mounted around the disks and the upper part of our structure is secured.

1. First you need to remove your old lampshade and wash it thoroughly.

2. Clean the surface sandpaper and cover with primer.

3. The glue is diluted in the required proportion with water. The resulting mixture is carefully smeared on a napkin with the image, and then applied to the lampshade.

4. Using a piece of fabric, you need to slowly smooth out the pattern, removing air and other imperfections.

5. At the final stage, we use varnish to consolidate the result.

On video: decor of the lampshade using decoupage technique.

For those who want to add a little creativity to the kitchen interior, designers offer many bold and good decisions. The chandelier can be made from an old meat grinder, into which a cord is threaded, from a grater, assembled spoons, muffin tins, as well as old pans in which holes are made using a drill. Such products look very bold and elegant, decorate the interior and focus on important details.

If desired, adding a little imagination, the structure can be built from almost any material and in any style. Such creativity, made with your own hands, will delight and bring warmth and homeliness to the overall atmosphere.

Ceiling chandeliers are lighting fixtures that perform two functions simultaneously. Firstly, they are used to organize the main lighting in the room. Secondly, devices are one of the main elements decorative decoration premises.

Numerous manufacturers offer equipment different designs, but it’s not always possible to find something really worthwhile that fits into general interior rooms. In other situations, the cost of the chandelier you like may be too high. This is why many people are interested in how to make a ceiling lamp with their own hands.

Hand-made products will be unique and original, thanks to them you can express your taste and character. Making such devices yourself is not so easy. The work requires a certain imagination and perseverance. On the other hand, a ceiling chandelier can be created from improvised means and objects that have become trash for you.

Choose any materials for production - wood, plastic, metal or glass. Chandeliers constructed from wine bottles, wooden skewers or straw look very original. To summarize: the choice of material for homemade lamp completely depends on the imagination and idea that arose in the head of the apartment owner.

Types of lighting fixtures

The final stage of any repair and construction work will be the purchase of lighting fixtures. Often the main one is a ceiling chandelier, installed in the center of the room, provided its geometry is correct. There is a wide range of lamps on the market, differing in design, shape, principle of operation and even the presence/absence of certain structural elements.

Today, all people want to save money, so it will be important to use a chandelier with energy-saving or LED lamps. It is advisable to choose products with partially or completely closed shades in which the lamps are hidden. Due to this, you will protect the ceiling structure and be able to protect yourself in the event of a light bulb explosion (the fragments will remain inside the lampshade).

If you still like a chandelier with an open arrangement of bulbs, then inspect it and make sure that after installation the light flux will be directed downwards. There is also a simple rule - than simpler product, the easier the subsequent installation.

Another point that should be taken into account when choosing a chandelier is the purpose of the room and its dimensions. In spacious rooms with high ceilings, volumetric lamps should be installed hanging type. For small rooms, saving space is required, so focus on flat (flattened) options.

Conventionally, ceiling chandeliers can be divided into two main types:

  • classic hanging;
  • flat with placement as close as possible to the ceiling.

And the latter are divided into two subcategories - built-in and overhead. Overhead lampshades are considered the best solution for bathrooms, corridors and kitchen premises. The presence of a separation platform ensures their rapid cooling and high fire and electrical safety.

Recessed luminaires are also called spotlights. They are often installed (more correctly, built in) into furniture, dropped ceilings or arched structures. Manufacturers provide a wide variety of shapes, colors and design solutions for both traditional and flat luminaires.

Finally, in addition to design features the lamps themselves, the type of light sources used is distinguished:

  1. An incandescent lamp is one of the most common and simple options. The cheapest possible light source. When exposed to mechanical stress, it quickly fails due to the vulnerability of the structure, and burns out relatively quickly (in the case of continuous operation, it can burn out in two or three days).
  2. Energy saving lamp daylight- one of the best varieties housekeeper The advantages of the product are related to efficiency and long service life. Along with LEDs, it is the most common light source in developed countries.
  3. An LED lamp is an expensive product, the popularity of which is increasing every year. Coefficient useful action exceeds 90%, and in the case of high-quality devices reaches 98%. They are characterized by a longer service life and increased reliability.

An example of a homemade lamp

Let's consider one of the most simple examples DIY ceiling lamp.

For production we will need:

  • plastic bottle 5 liters;
  • plastic spoons - their number depends on the size of the bottle that will become the frame;
  • quick-drying glue for plastic;
  • sharp knife;
  • cartridge with wire.

First, prepare a frame from a plastic bottle. Remove any labels from the item, rinse it and dry thoroughly. After this, feel free to cut out the bottom. Cut off all the handles from the plastic spoons, but so that small pieces of 2 cm remain.

Glue the resulting scraps with “scoops” onto the base of the frame made from a plastic bottle. To do this, we just need the remaining pieces of the handles, which need to be poured generously with glue and pressed tightly to the surface (the convex part of the scoop should face outward). Cover the container in a circle until the entire surface is hidden. Ideally, the spoons are placed in a checkerboard pattern and then shifted to ensure a tight fit and no visible areas.

The sockets with wiring can be removed from an old chandelier, then installed and fixed in a new product by pulling it through the neck of the bottle. A decorative bowl can be decorated with the same blanks using glue and placing them on the neck.

To make sure the product is working, at the final stage, screw a light bulb into the lamp and connect it to the power source. If successful, all that remains is to install the chandelier on the ceiling.

For more stylish design and change colors you can paint plastic spoons. This will increase the originality and attractiveness of the product.

Style selection

In addition to the points listed in the first chapter of the article, when choosing a chandelier you need to focus on a specific style. This is also true for those cases when you decide to make the product yourself. Comfort, coziness and how pleasant it will be to be in it depend on the interior created in the room.

The ceiling chandelier is the main element of decor, therefore, with a competent approach, the perception of the environment will improve, but with a careless approach, it will completely deteriorate. As you know, “breaking is not building”, therefore, to ruin the interior, it is enough to choose the wrong style.

Decide in advance on the design of the future lamp. The most common styles for chandeliers are high-tech, modern and Provence.

High tech

This includes products made of glass and metal. Modern appliances fit perfectly into the bedroom design and living room. Externally, the chandelier may look chaotic (with a random arrangement of decorative elements). Great option for people seeking to modernize their apartment or a private house, but not wanting to make something too complicated. Any errors made during the manufacture of the chandelier may look like an original design solution.


In accordance with this style, devices are made of glass and wood. The ceiling lamp is characterized by perfectly smooth and clear lines and has the correct geometry.


The most complex design, which is suitable for people who understand the principles of hand-made. Various fabrics, colorful ribbons, beads, and embroidery can be used to decorate a chandelier. The lamps are delicate and suitable for creating a romantic atmosphere. A Provence style lighting fixture is suitable for decorating any living space.

Installation materials

For ceiling mounting lamps will be required certain materials and tools:

  • the lamp itself;
  • junction box;
  • screwdriver (curly);
  • switches;
  • as an alternative - dimmers (rotary toggle switch to adjust brightness, turn on/off a light bulb);
  • wires;
  • electrical tape;
  • indicator (tester);
  • pliers;
  • connecting blocks.

Ideally, electrical wiring should be laid using connection blocks. If such products are not available, then twist the bare ends of the wires using pliers and hide them under a thick layer of electrical tape. The connections can also be placed under polymer caps. Make sure the wires are tightly wrapped around each other.

When laying the cable, pay attention to the material from which it is made. It is advisable to twist aluminum with aluminum or copper with copper. When wires made of two different materials come into contact, gradual oxidation will occur, leading to burnout and loss of contact.

Sequence of work

Before installing the ceiling light, determine the phases of the wires. To do this you will need an indicator screwdriver or a special probe. If you attach work surface to the phase conductor, the light bulb will start to glow. Otherwise, the wire belongs to the zero phase.

Next, you need to determine the phases on the wiring of the lighting fixture. Plug two wires into the outlet, but never touch the third one. If there are several bulbs on the chandelier, then about half of them will light up. Leave any wire in the socket and insert a third one instead of the second one. The second half of the bulbs should light up. Thus, the wire that is constantly in the socket (and when connected in turn with the other two turns on the light bulbs) is the zero phase.

Attach the lamp to the ceiling. To do this, use both a classic hook sticking out from the ceiling and a mounting rail (included in most modern devices). If there is a hook from an old chandelier, it is advisable to dismantle it.

Connecting lamps

If you need to connect a floor lamp or chandelier with a two-core cable, difficulties should not arise at all. Simply connect the ends of this cable to the two ends of the wiring. If the lamp consists of several parts and there are more wires, then they should be twisted correctly in pairs, subsequently connecting to the desired core electrical wiring in the apartment.

A three-core cable indicates the presence of two normal and one neutral phases. Follow the scheme described above to find the zero phase. After this, connect the device to the house wiring.

Traditionally, the zero phase on the lamp has wires with blue insulation, while the normal phase has brown, black or red insulation. If there are several blue wires, then they need to be connected in pairs, and then connected to the zero phase. Proceed similarly with other colored parts.

Products with four cores are much less common. The latter is intended for grounding and is usually colored yellow-green. It should be screwed to the lamp body using a regular screw. Be sure to insulate all connections.

For the manufacture of ceiling lamps You can use any materials with your own hands. The main thing is to choose the style and shape in advance and navigate the installation location. Also, before starting work, it is advisable to draw a sketch of the future product. Everything else is limited to your imagination.

Connecting homemade lighting fixtures is carried out according to the same scheme as purchased ones. Using our instructions, you can easily connect ceiling chandeliers with two, three or even four wires. The main thing is not to forget about safety rules and ensure complete insulation of the wires, excluding short circuits.

Every woman wants to bring originality and comfort to her home. One of essential elements decor - a chandelier can transform any interior, and if created with your own hands, it will give it an atmosphere of homely warmth and comfort. In this article we will tell you how to create a chandelier at home, original ideas with photos and videos - to help beginning craftsmen.

Materials for creating a chandelier with your own hands

Almost any available material is suitable as materials for making a chandelier:

  • paper, gift wrapping and cardboard;
  • textiles and knitwear;
  • ropes, ribbons and threads;
  • wood and glass;
  • wire, feathers and beads.

You can use an old chandelier as a frame or buy suitable rings and stands from stores that sell materials and tools for handicrafts.

Advice! It is very important to choose the right one color scheme materials for the future chandelier. Lampshades made of light and transparent materials, suitable for dark room, and for light colors you can use denser materials. Using materials in yellow, orange and red shades will add warmth to the room, while blue and green materials will make the room colder.

Option 1 – Shabby chic chandelier

An original chandelier can be easily made from an ordinary metal office paper basket.

Materials used:

  • metal waste basket;
  • spray paint in delicate or pastel shades: pink, peach, beige, cream, lilac, mint, jade;
  • a strip of linen textile in a contrasting or matching paint color;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • socket with a light bulb.


  1. Drill a hole in the bottom of the basket for the electrical wire.
  2. By using spray paint paint the basket inside and out.
  3. Then insert an electrical wire with a socket at the end into the hole.
  4. Fold a strip of fabric 8cm wide and then secure it with a glue gun around the top of the basket lampshade.
  5. Decorate the textile border with a bow and fabric roses.

Advice! If desired, the border can be decorated with beads, decorative glass pebbles, and shells.

Option 2 – DIY chandelier in Art Deco style

For the living room or bedroom, you can make a simple and effective chandelier from silk fringe in the form of a cascade.

Materials used:

  • 2 wooden hoops of different diameters
  • white silk braid with long thick fringe
  • white acrylic paint
  • fishing line
  • glue gun
  • scissors
  • socket with light bulb


  1. Paint the hoops.
  2. Cut 3 identical pieces of fishing line, each about 50 cm long, then use them to attach the smaller hoop to the larger one in 3 places, so that the distance between them is 5 cm less than the length of the fringe. The remaining ends of the fishing line will then be used to attach the chandelier to the electrical cord.
  3. Using a glue gun, glue the silk braid with fringe, first around the perimeter of the smaller hoop, and then around the perimeter of the larger one. Where the fishing line is attached, do not apply hot glue directly from the gun as this may melt the fishing line. It is better to first apply a little glue to the paper, and then, after cooling, carefully glue the places where the fishing line is attached.
  4. Using the free ends of the fishing line, secure the chandelier to the power cord with the socket.

Advice! The top edge of the chandelier can be decorated with pearl or transparent beads using a glue gun. Instead of white fringe, you can use silver. If the fringe is not thick enough, it can be laid along the hoops in 2 layers. A cascading chandelier will look very interesting if the fringe is attached to wooden base in the shape of a square.

Option 3 – DIY chandelier in country style

Using the frame of an old lampshade, you can make a beautiful chandelier by simply covering it with lace or guipure.

Materials used:

  • metal frame from a lampshade of any shape;
  • strip of lace fabric, guipure;
  • threads to match the fabric, needle;
  • cord;
  • scissors;
  • socket with a light bulb.


  1. Measure the circumference of the lampshade at its widest point.
  2. Cut a rectangle 4-5 cm longer than the circumference of the lampshade and 8-10 cm wider than the height of the lampshade.
  3. Connect the piece into a ring, sewing along the short ends.
  4. Pull the part onto the frame.
  5. Hem, bending, the bottom edge.
  6. Gather the free upper edge of the new lampshade, carefully distributing the folds and securing them with a cord.
  7. Attach the lampshade to the electrical cord with the socket.

Advice! If necessary, the frame can be refreshed by painting from an aerosol can in suitable shade. Instead of lace fabric, you can use openwork knitwear or thick knitwear in light colors with stripes or with a braid or bump pattern.

Option 4 – DIY chandelier in Tiffany style

American designer Louis Tiffany used stained glass technology to create his modernist lamps. Using simple materials and tools, you can make your own exclusive Tiffany-style chandelier.

Tiffany style lamp made from a plastic bottle

Materials used:

  • 5 liter plastic bottle;
  • sealant;
  • silver or gold paint;
  • paint on glass 5-7 shades that combine with each other;
  • marker;
  • scissors;
  • socket with a light bulb.


  1. Cut the plastic bottle in half. To create a chandelier lampshade, we use the top part of the bottle along with the neck.
  2. Using a marker, mark the surface of the plastic lampshade into 6 equal segments, drawing vertical lines from the neck to the bottom edge.
  3. Each segment should be painted symmetrically in the Art Nouveau style: you can depict flowers, leaves, grapes, dragonflies, drops, using any image of a Tiffany lamp as a basis.
  4. Cut the bottom edge of the bottle along the contour of the pattern applied to the surface.
  5. Draw the entire surface of the lampshade, including the bottom edge, along the contour of the design with sealant, making sure that the lines are neat and not thick. Give it time to dry.
  6. Carefully, using a thin brush or ear stick, cover the surface of the contours applied with the sealant with silver or gold paint.
  7. Fill the voids in the design with glass paint, randomly combining color shades.
  8. Carefully cut off the neck of the bottle.
  9. Insert the power cord with the socket.

To make chandeliers with your own hands, using your imagination, you can use any materials, creating unique lamps V different styles. For safety reasons, use energy-saving light bulbs for their operation.

DIY thread chandelier - video

DIY chandeliers - photo


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