Schemes of houses and cottages for minecraft. How to build a beautiful house in Minecraft

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This article will tell you how to build houses in minecraft without extra costs, fast and beautiful. Economical home you will be able to brag to your friends, as well as players on the server. In addition, your friends will be perplexed at how little resources and time you spent on it. You can start construction in a single game, and then transfer your creation to multiplayer.

How to build a beautiful house in minecraft

Many people love tree houses. Living in a tree is convenient, but this house is not very spacious. Most often, such huts are made in the jungle or on dense trees. Such a house does not require any skills or hard-to-get resources at all; on the contrary, during construction you can get some wood. You can use a tree house as a temporary one, because sooner or later you will get tired of it or you will need more space for chests and other things.
If you are very lazy and too lazy to build anything, then you can live in a cave or mountain. Digging out a room is not so difficult; in addition, during the creation of such housing you will be able to extract some resources (coal, iron, etc.). Decorating such a house is as easy as shelling pears and, moreover, you don’t need to think about appearance. A cave or mountain can serve as both temporary and permanent place for housing. Expanding such a home is a piece of cake.

Another home for lazy people can be an NPC village or some temples in the jungle and deserts. All these buildings are quite large; there is definitely enough space for a couple of chests. With the discovery of such structures, again, valuable resources can be discovered, and in some cases, diamonds.
In addition to banal huts and caves, you can build beautiful houses in minecraft made of wood and cobblestones. There will be no costs in terms of resources, but you will have to spend a little of your precious time. These houses look very nice from the outside, they have windows and enough space for chests, stoves and other necessary things.

One of the last simple houses can be called houses made in the form of boxes. Many will agree that boxes made of earth look disgusting; sandstone is the solution. There are quite a few types of it, but to get it in sufficient quantity, you will have to delve into the desert area. Our box should look relatively nice, so we'll make windows and decorate the outside.

The last house in our article was the sphere, or ball. This house, as you can see, is made entirely of glass; building such a miracle will not be easy. Firstly, you need to dig up a sufficient amount of sand, and secondly, get fuel to melt it into glass. These types of dwellings are best built in the air; with this arrangement, it will be difficult for griefers to break it. This house can be awarded the title “most difficult and costly”.

Today, almost everyone has already tried their hand at Minecraft. This game is attracting more and more fans, which in turn makes it even more diverse. After all, everyone brings something new to the game. For example, you can take a house - a classic structure in which a character can live and spend nights in safety. It consists of four walls, a door and a ceiling. But players quickly realized that they could approach the issue more creatively, because this is exactly what Minecraft itself is aimed at. So now you can build the most various houses, which will be different from each other, will be individual and unique. What kind of houses can you build in Minecraft? You can copy the building by following the instructions, or simply create your own unique house based on those you have seen.

Building base

When you study various options In order to determine what kind of houses you can build in Minecraft, you will be able to allocate certain areas for yourself that will differ from building to building. The first thing you should pay attention to is the foundation, because it significantly strengthens your home. And if you don't want it to fall apart very quickly, you better ensure it reliable basis. It is best to make it from concrete blocks, but here you have the right to decide for yourself. Without foundation or on wooden base the building may turn out to be more beautiful, but at the same time less reliable and durable. It is from the foundation that the science of what kind of houses can be built in Minecraft begins. After all, depending on the chosen foundation, you will be able to further think about what your home will be like.


If you ask yourself the question of what kind of houses can be built in Minecraft, then first of all you imagine the facade of the building, that is, its walls. They are the ones that catch your eye at first glance, and after them you begin to consider other elements. The joy of playing Minecraft is that you have no restrictions on what you can build your house from. Naturally, you can stick to reality and build walls from stone, wood and other popular materials. They also look quite stylish, and when correct design can make an incredible impression.

But at the same time, no one is stopping you from making walls from any other materials that would not be possible to use in reality. Some people do this solely out of originality, others use other materials to achieve special colors that cannot be obtained with dyes. So, you already have the basic elements of the house, walls and foundation, which you cannot do without in Minecraft. We build a house, however, so that it matches reality as closely as possible and provides all the functions of a real building. So it definitely needs a roof.

Creating a roof

If the walls gave you little room for imagination, and the foundation even less, then you can quite recoup on the roof. Let's say you planned Minecraft in your world. big house which will have many rooms and possibly many floors. But the entire structure will still end with a roof, which is not so easy to make. But the variability at this stage is really impressive.

You can use a wide variety of resources and installation techniques to achieve a truly unique and inimitable structure. In many ways, the roof will distinguish your house from the buildings of other players, and it does not matter what version of the game you have, the newest one or the classic one - “Minecraft 1.5.2”. You now know how to build a house, the main stages have been studied, but it remains empty. You will have to work a little more, but then you will be able to demonstrate it not only to your friends, but to the whole world.

Interior and exterior decoration

Building a house is one thing, but bringing it to life, making it outstanding is something completely different. Therefore, you will have to be patient and decide on your priorities. You may even have to create a full-fledged work plan so that the result is beautiful and quality house, who will not be ashamed to show others where he himself will be pleased to be. Therefore, arm yourself with dyes, colored wool, as well as other decorative elements and make your home unlike any other.

We furnish the house with furniture

But any house is just walls, floor and ceiling, until its owner fills it with furniture and other interior items. Here you can craft almost everything, from a bed to a TV; you can hang pictures on the walls that will depict objects from the game, as well as your character. It is furniture that is the final stage of building a house, because without furniture a house remains an empty and lifeless building, but with proper furnishings it begins to glow with new colors. This will allow you to get on the Internet, and perhaps someone will use your home as a model.

A house in Minecraft is not only protection from hostile mobs, but also a reflection of the individuality of the player himself. Some people like large and majestic buildings, while others like small and cozy ones.

To build beautiful house, we don't need much. Of course, not all players have imagination that helps when designing, but there is good way overcome this factor - simply take as a basis real houses from life. You can find such pictures using a search engine on the World Wide Web. This will help you choose required blocks and don’t worry about decorative elements or the design of the house as a whole.

Now let’s move on directly to the construction of our future home. 15 steps await you to learn all the intricacies of construction in Minecraft. Begin!

We will build a designer two-storey house with huge windows around the perimeter and a swimming pool in the courtyard.

The first step is to place the blocks along the contour of our future house, or, as the builders say: “let’s lay the foundation”:

So, we have decided on the foundation. Now we will build walls from blocks, in our case they will only be a support for the roof and a support for the glass.

We have reached the third step. Large volume glasses can protect us from wind, snow, rain and other elements. We make glazing:

Now it's coming very important point- roof laying. She may be different types- make it to your own taste. Be patient and get started!

Our house is beginning to take its final shape. We move inside the house, and since it will be strange to walk on bare ground, to put it mildly, we begin laying out the floor. After racking our brains a little, we select the appropriate blocks. It turned out well.

The sixth step involves inserting windows in the attic - now it will open beautiful view to the world around us.

Let's move on to landscape design. We will lay a small nice path around the house.

More than half is already behind us. But is a house good without a pool? Let's build it!

Now let's fill it with water:

Now let's add a gazebo to the house with open roof for the relaxation of owners and their guests:

We will protect the resting place with a small mesh fence:

The twelfth step involves laying a path around the pool and various decorations.

However, we forgot to build a staircase to the 2nd floor. Let's go and do it!

Our summer room We will equip it with small sofas, light blocks and even a fireplace.

The final step will be to install light poles for illumination.

At this point, the construction of the house is completed.

The interior environment is up to you. But let's give some practical advice:

  • Combine colors to avoid bad taste.
  • Observe size and proportions.
  • Do not build “boxes” - square houses of the same type.

That's all we wanted to tell you. Good luck with your other builds!

Do you dream of creating impressive buildings that will be remembered by Minecraft players, but don't know where to start? Below you will find many ideas and a ton of inspiration for implementing your plans, finding the necessary resources and developing your creativity. Just get started from the first step!


Part 1

Buildings and structures

    Build a labyrinth. You can build an underground labyrinth for yourself or people on the server. If you want to make it scarier, run the Herobrine mod and activate it in the maze. We are not responsible for the result of your fright!

    Build a Temple named after Yourself. Make a temple to worship yourself! Sure, you can build a temple or church to worship anyone or anything, but it's also fun to build them to perform rituals for yourself.

    Build a highway. Clever Minecraft players have figured out how to use the minecart system to build a highway. Experiment with creating your own scenic highway or look for plans like this in a search engine.

    Build a castle. Of course, the first thing you build in Minecraft is a shelter... so what better proof of your mastery of the game than building an epic castle? Its construction in hard to reach places, for example, on Mt.

    Build a farm. Killing mobs to get resources is useful, but boring. More in an interesting way is the breeding of mobs. On the Internet you will find many instructions for such breeding, so you can choose the option that is right for you.

    Build a sky fortress. Start taking off and building your grand sky home! It can be not just a house, but a whole castle. You don't need tutorials to build this great building, just creativity and some skills!

    Build a museum. Building museums is fun and easy. Find suitable pictures or official plans of real museums on the Internet!

    Make miniature games. For example, you can create your own version of Five Nights at Freddy's or Clash of Clans!

    Get into pixel art. Pixel art will help you create your own character or even a video game hero.

    Part 2

    Worlds and Environments
    1. Adventure Time! Once upon a time, Bilbo Baggins went on a journey, and now it’s your turn. Build a complex world with all the trappings of fantasy, be it a forest infested with ghosts or mountains full of dangers. When you're done, you can go on your epic hike and write about your adventures.

      Build Pirates' ship and island. Build a large island with a tavern, a pirate port and a ship sailing the open sea! You can also erect interesting structures on it, for example the Temple of Doom.

      Build spaceship and create the Universe itself. Use obsidian blocks in Creative mode to create a huge black space, then use plugins or codes to generate huge planet-like spheres. Then you can create a habitable spacecraft that travels between planets.

    2. Build a volcano. Make a huge volcano filled with lava. Bonus if you can build yourself a villainous lair inside a volcano. Glass can be used to contain lava and keep your shelter light.

      Create large trees with buildings inside. Build the trees, like in Avatar or on Luna Sacred, a moon of the planet Endor in Star Wars, to the largest possible scale, then fill in the roots, trunk and branches with houses and passages. Then invite your friends over for an Ewok-themed party!

    Part 3

    Utility models and inventions

      Build a train system. You can use the tracks, carts, red stone system and in-game physics to build completely automated system trains You can do this in a mine, or even build an actual train and train station for the people visiting your world.

      Build an elevator. You can use red stone and command blocks to build elevators in your buildings. It's surprisingly easy to do and you'll find plenty different instructions in the Internet.

      Build a sorter. Using hoppers, you can create systems that sort your items quickly and efficiently. This is useful not only in the mines, but also in your shelter. Information about the construction various types Such systems can be found on the Internet.

      Build Street lights. Using switches daylight With a converter, you can build photosensitive street lights that turn on when it gets dark. Use this to protect players and important paths from aggressive mobs at night.

      Build a mob trap. Mob traps are often large, cunning devices that catch and automatically kill mobs, usually by drowning them. There are many different designs to suit any budget, so you will definitely have plenty to choose from. Many master classes can be found on YouTube.

      Build a trap for griefers. Have you been harmed by griefers yet? Let's start building a trap for them! Look for instructions - there are many ways to do this!

    Part 4

    Inspiration from real world

      Build replicas of national monuments. Create intricate, detailed replicas of famous landmarks, monuments, and other structures. Set them up so that your players or friends can travel around the world in just a few minutes if they wish.

      Recreate the setting from your favorite TV series. Take inspiration from your favorite TV series and create your own version of the setting. You can, for example, build a school, like in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Finn's tree house from the cartoon Adventure Time.

      Recreate your city or area. Recreate the neighborhood where you grew up. Build your school, local parks, your home and other places where you spent time.

      Recreate the setting from your favorite book. Use your imagination to the fullest and recreate the setting of your favorite books - for example, the Lonely Mountain from The Hobbit or Moominvalley. Let your imagination know no bounds!

      Recreate your room. Take one room and recreate it on a large scale. Make one block equal to 5–10 centimeters. As a result, the doors will be as tall as a skyscraper. If you want, you can build yourself a house within these walls and live like Gulliver in the land of giants!

    Part 5

    Crazy stuff

      Make cannons for mobs. On the Internet you can find many plans for building such a cannon. Explosive objects using redstone and TNT launch sheep straight into the world of Aether! Why shouldn't cows fly?

      Build a TARDIS. You can use command blocks to create the famous device from Doctor Who, the blue police box that is much larger on the inside than on the outside. you can find useful guides on YouTube and all over the Internet.

      Build the Titanic. Build yourself a replica of the Titanic and then have fun on board with your friends. Of course, you can also make a regular cruise ship. It might even be safer!

      Get into pixel art. You can transport yourself back to the world of 8-bit characters like Mario or Zelda and use Minecraft to create huge pixel art objects! Show creativity and create an environment that you and your friends will enjoy. 8-bit music (chiptune) will add a special twist: welcome to the nineties!

      Make a working game or computer. If you're a truly unique person and are willing to spend a decent amount of time, figure out how to make working computers and other complex mechanical devices. On the Internet you can find examples of 3D printers, working computers and even the game Pac-Man!

First we build the frame of the house:
1. Place five pieces of sandstone in a row:

2. Add a connecting cube and install 5 more:

3. Now again the connecting cube and 5 more and the same thing again:

4. Where the entrance should be, remove the middle connecting element:

5. Install in the corner of the house, 4 more on the walls:

6. Place one unit of blue wool on the connecting element between the walls, 3 glasses on it (How to craft glass):

7. Place 1 more blue wool and one regular cube on the glass, place 2 more on both sides:

8. We continue to build up the sides of the house: we place 3 more wool on the walls and one on the connecting elements of the frame:

9. Place the cubes on the remaining edge of the house to the level of the already built column and connect them with the letter “P”:

10. Fill from top to bottom with three cubes of blue wool and nine glass:

11. Place 3 glass, 1 blue wool and 1 sandstone on the connecting stone nearby:

12. We decorate the entrance: we lay out 3 pieces of blue wool, connect them with the letter “P”, then frame it with sandstone, the next top row - we alternate it with 1 cube, 1 blue material and complete it.

13. We make other walls and their connections in the same way as the first:

14. Cover the ceiling with sandstone, leaving a hole of 1 cube for the stairs:

15. We build the second floor in the same way as the first:

16. Cover the roof with blue wool, leaving a hole for the pattern:

17. Making a pattern from white, blue and pink wool:

18. Place another layer of blue wool, stepping back from the edge by 1 element, and another layer on top, also stepping back from the edge by 1 element:

19. Our house is ready!

Beautiful home for a family

1. We make the frame: 9 cubes of smooth sandstone, followed by 4 cubes of dark oak boards and 4 dark oak steps to them, then another 4 pieces of smooth sandstone - this is one wall.

2. We make 2 steps from dark oak and put another 13 pieces of smooth sandstone - this is another wall.

3. We finish the frame with white sandstone: 17 and 15 for other walls:

4. We make the floor from dark oak boards:

5. We make the left and back walls (without steps) with white quartz blocks - 6 in height:

6. Front of the house:
- to the left of the steps we place smooth sandstone - 2 blocks wide and 3 high, and white quartz on them - 2 wide and 7 high;
- at the bottom we leave a space 2 blocks wide and 3 blocks high for the window (glazed), exactly the same hole 2 blocks higher (glazed);
— we build up the wall with white quartz in a stepwise manner.

7. Building a balcony:
— we put 5 boards of dark oak, with steps on them to make a partition:

8. Working on the right wall:
— fill the right of the steps with white sandstone 3 by 4 pieces;
— on the right we leave a window (glazed) 1 element wide;
- at a distance of 3 blocks from the corner with the back wall, we make a window 2 blocks wide and 5 blocks high (glazed), at the bottom of the window there are 2 pieces of white material;
— we build up the wall with white quartz up to the height of the back wall.

9. We make the floor of the second floor from dark oak boards:

10. We finish the entrance to the house, completely cover it with a white element, leaving space for a window (glazed) and a door, to the right, above the entrance, add quartz.

11. Next, we complete a wall 3 blocks wide to the top point of the facade; lay out the back wall in steps 2 blocks long:

12. We connect the centers of the two walls with dark oak flooring material:


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