Slate is smooth for paths. DIY slate paths at the dacha

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How to apply or use?

There would be slate and time.

  1. Use it as formwork, for example, for borders of paths in the country. It turns out nice and neat. This is from personal experience.
  2. Fill it, mix it with concrete, lay out paths or pave the area. I didn’t have that many broken ones, but my neighbors have had paths like this for a long time, so this is also a proven method. But from what happened once, we flooded the floor in the garage. Advice = first soak the slate pegs in water.
  3. You can fill and fill up puddles, especially old ones, such as often happen at the gate.
  4. You can cut it, but cut it while wearing a respirator, because this dust is harmful, and lay out the edges around the beds in these strips or along the fence so that animals, such as hares or stray dogs, do not run through possible holes or cracks. You can make such beds in the form of boxes, they turn out neat and it’s convenient to work with humus later. You can make low, narrow beds like this and plant strawberries in them. Or borders around trees.
  5. If there is long waste. Then you can wrap tree trunks with them for the winter, tie them with wire so that hares do not chew the bark.
  6. Finely stuffed can be used to make drainage in a trench under a vineyard.
  7. It can be a good way to relieve stress. Chopping slate into small pieces by hand in a respirator or mask is not a quick process. But the smaller the crumb, the better more options crafts. But you can also make a lot of things from small crumbs. Yet again fine crumbs mix with cement and make some figures for the dacha, something like large jugs, waterfalls, you can then paint them. Can be done alpine slide. You can build a monolithic grill. You can make paving slabs at least in the form of bricks, if there are no special molds.
  8. You can do facade tiles. But for this you will need square blanks or you can make them yourself. For the composition you will need to mix: cement M 500, DO, with grade 500 without additives, clean sand, preferably river sand, finely packed slate, water, a plasticizer or superplasticizer, iron oxide pigments - these are dyes for concrete.
  9. Can be used for roofs in the manufacture of birdhouses.
  10. You can also engage in such creativity as Maria Arsenina. She used slate in her works, the paintings are not sold cheaply, see these masterpieces for yourself here

When was the roof replaced? country house, then the question arose of what to do with the filmed old slate. It is clear that part of the slate was no longer suitable for covering even a barn, but part of it was still quite suitable as a working material. The only thing is that now there are modern materials and I don’t really want to use the removed used slate, but the toad sitting somewhere inside prevented me from throwing it out. A neighbor helped and took most of the usable slate. But neighbors are different and you cannot always count on their help in using used materials. So, if the toad sitting inside you does not allow you to throw away the old slate, then it can be used as follows.

Alternatively, break it down into smaller components and fill the paths.

Can be used instead of boards for beds or "borders" of flower beds, burying them half (approximately) in the ground. Before this they can be painted desired color. Since the slate sheet is quite large in size and it takes too long to bury it entirely, and this is not necessary, then “sawing” into pieces the right size Made using a grinder. Unfortunately, when cutting, slate becomes very dusty, so take care of a respirator (or at least a cotton-gauze bandage) and glasses.

However, it is worth remembering that slate is not the most environmentally friendly pure material(a rather harmful thing), so it is better to use it for fencing flower beds and it is better not to use it for beds.

Pieces of slate were used to fence raspberries, rose hips, and horseradish. These shrubs and plants grow roots quickly. At the raspberry root system superficial, it is enough to bury the slate 20-30 cm deep.

Pieces of slate can be used to fence garden beds or flower beds; slate can be painted if someone thinks that natural look its not very attractive.

Old slate can be used when constructing formwork for the foundation. Or use it to protect your compost heap.

Those pieces of slate that are more or less large can be used to make a kind of underground fence to strengthen the edges of the beds, as well as to limit the shoots of raspberries, plums and generally all garden plants, which are capable of reproducing by underground shoots.

In order for the protection to be effective, you need to dig a groove around the entire perimeter, place overlapping pieces of slate in them, and cover them with earth. You can leave a couple of centimeters of slate sticking out above the ground. With such a fence there will be no more problems with extra shoots that have to be uprooted.

If there are more or less intact pieces, they can be used for underground fencing of raspberries, cherry trees, plums - in general, all plants that are prone to reproduction by underground shoots. Dig a ditch around the perimeter of the protected area, at least two bayonets deep, vertically install pieces of slate into it, with an overlap - so that there are no gaps through which rhizomes can grow. Cover with earth (the slate sheets may protrude slightly above the surface of the earth, indicating a line of protection). After this, you will not have to uproot raspberry or cherry shoots throughout the entire area.

Asbestos, which is part of slate, is absolutely safe in its bound form. Now, if you are sawing it with a grinder, then it is advisable to do it with a good respirator. In addition, there are two types of asbestos. The one that is mined in our country is less dangerous (dust that gets into the lungs is removed with fewer problems), and the asbestos dust that is formed when car pads wear out is truly an environmental disaster. So use old slate without fear for your health.

Is your roof leaking? Do not immediately throw away the old slate. It is often repairable. Restoring the coating will require a little effort and skill - reviving the material is quite simple.

Traditionally, slate is roofing material. It is popular due to its many advantages - hardness, durability, inexpensive, not afraid of fire, not subject to corrosion, etc. A roof made from it residential buildings, outbuildings It turns out durable, low noise. All these beneficial features The craftsmen appreciated it and decided to use it for other purposes.

Here are a few unusual ways slate applications:

The sheets are used for summer cottage for the construction of a reliable fence. Wild and neighboring animals do not consider a regular chain-link mesh as a barrier. But it’s much more difficult for them to deal with slate.

To strengthen the fence, the sheet is cut so that after installation the height is enough for a spade to fit onto the mesh, and then it is deepened into the ground by 40 cm, and the earth is compacted on both sides. Additional fastening slate sheet no need.

If a foundation is to be built, then asbestos cement sheet suitable for formwork. It's better if it's flat. It is quite difficult to waterproof and insulate wavy foundation walls.

The curved edges of the sheet are trimmed, holes (if any) are sealed with sealant and roofing felt. A stick support is nailed to each piece of slate. When installing such formwork, the joints are tightly connected.

What to do and where to use the fragments

They even benefit from slate fragments. The tree trunk is covered with strips of roofing material and secured with wire. In such a shell, the bark will definitely survive in winter - it is too tough for hares and other rodents. Very small pieces can be reduced to fine crumbs by breaking them with a hammer. They sprinkle it garden paths, floor in technical rooms.

Use of broken slate

Slate, which has served for many years but has retained its properties, is being renewed. The roof is given an attractive look with paint. Many believe that it will last a maximum of a year. This is true if you choose the wrong coating.

Today, domestic and foreign industry offers wide choose paints on silicone or acrylic base, designed specifically for materials made from asbestos cement. The compositions form durable coating, immune to mechanical damage. In addition, they prevent asbestos particles from entering the atmosphere.

Carrying out roof painting work

Paint by hand with a brush or using sprayers. Apply two layers, the second after the first has dried.

Where to use old slate

To ensure that the coating applies evenly and lasts longer, it is recommended to use a high-quality primer.

Another indispensable condition for a good result is preliminary preparation surfaces for painting.

Over time, the surface of the slate becomes overgrown with moss, covered with a dark fungal coating, and dirt and debris accumulate on it. Before painting, all excess is removed.

You need to be careful when cleaning your roof. To avoid deforming the sheets, choose soft shoes. It is safest to step in places where the sheathing slats run. Be sure to use insurance.

For cleaning, use hard brushes with metal bristles, which are quite effective at scraping off all excess. You can pre-moisten the slate with water - then things will go faster. The process will speed up if you use a drill with a brush attachment.

Dirt is washed off with water from the sludge, avoiding places where there are holes and cracks, otherwise the insulation or frame will be damaged. Cleaning is carried out in sunny weather when water quickly evaporates from the surface. Further work carried out only after complete drying roofing.

Before and after cleaning the roof from moss and dirt

Replacing old with new slate

If cracks have formed on the roof, they are eliminated with a special mortar. To prepare it you will need:

  • PVA glue;
  • cement grade not lower than 300 (1–2 parts);
  • fluffed asbestos (3 parts);
  • water.

Mix cement and asbestos, add PVA glue diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio, achieving the consistency of sour cream. Cracks are rubbed with this construction mixture. Instead of homemade solution use ready-made products– for example, “Hyperdesmo”.

Before repairs, the roof is cleaned, degreased with white spirit, and treated with a primer (1 part PVA mixed with 3 parts water). It is better to seal cracks on a cloudy (not rainy) day so that the solution does not dry out prematurely.

In case of major damage, the slate needs to be replaced - completely or partially. But before installation it is important to inspect rafter system, which due to leaks can be damaged by fungus or rot.

In order to properly repair the roof, most often you have to remove the slate. To remove unusable sheets, the master will need three more assistants (two people are on the roof, two more are below). It is also necessary to build a ladder from the roof to the ground from the boards.

Here is the dismantling algorithm:

  • Remove nails from slate. To do this, use a nail puller, under which a strong iron strip is placed so as not to crumble the roofing. The strip is placed under the heel of the instrument.
  • The dismantled sheet is tied with ropes and lowered down the ladder. Below, two assistants accept the sheet, remove the ropes, and put the dismantled sheets in a stack.

When performing work, it is important to observe safety precautions. It is advisable that those working at heights have insurance. You cannot throw sheets down - people may get hurt.

Obviously, slate can be brought back to life if you try. And if you approach the matter with imagination, then even at the end of its service life it will be useful to a skilled craftsman as a roofing covering.

You will learn more about roofing work with slate from the video.

(3) Comments

Natalya - Reply

After reading the article, I thought: wasn’t it in vain that we removed the old slate from the roof, maybe we should have cleaned it and painted it? but now I know one more thing useful application old slate! During dismantling, the slate was stacked in small piles in an area where nothing grew except the nasty wheatgrass. In fact, it didn’t grow because of him. The slate lay there for about 2 months, and when it was moved into one large pile, I saw it. that wheatgrass is extinct! So you can use slate as a covering material from unwanted vegetation on the site!

Nikolay - Reply

To be honest, I have never seen slate painted. And old slate can always be used on the farm, to cover a barn, for example. To replace the slate, it is better to break it slowly so as not to suffer.


How to crush wave slate?

Broken slate

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Why are we so sure of this? Because we pay them for it!

April 16, 2017
at 11:32 The company works at roofing systems- covers houses and various buildings. As a result, there is a huge amount of waste in the form of broken slate. Can it be used somewhere as a building material?

April 16, 2017
at 12:28 Sometimes I used broken slate when pouring the foundation. I crushed it and sprinkled it a little at the bottom of the hole into which the concrete was poured. It’s just clear that you don’t use a lot of it this way. You must also remember that it contains asbestos.

April 17, 2017
at 7:53 The same thought also arose at first about adding it to the foundation, but the contractors for capital construction They flatly refused to take it, only if there were some outbuildings and then only on one floor. And his carriages and a small cart.

April 17, 2017
at 11:49 That's right, it contains asbestos. So if you use it, just pour it all into concrete so that there is no asbestos dust. For example, fill the paths. Theoretically, it is possible during casting paving slabs as a filler instead granite chips, but for this you need to first crush, again, clouds of harmful dust.

April 17, 2017
at 17:25 I was in the barn, when I was pouring the floor, I used a lot of broken slate. The first layer was made from this; before pouring the concrete, the slate was crushed a little more using improvised means and compacted. We managed to save a good amount of concrete. And there is less garbage in the yard.

April 21, 2017
at 6:18 I watched a neighbor on the corner doing repairs with his son. First, the roof was covered with metal tiles. The removed slate was broken into pieces and they began to pour the foundation for the fence. They laid the pieces of slate into the formwork carefully so that it would not stick out anywhere later.

What can be made at the dacha from the slate left over from the old roof?

And as they were being laid, they filled it in. The foundation is in excellent condition, five years have passed, I walk by and take a special look - not a single crack, and yet the fence was laid out of sand-lime brick.

April 22, 2017
at 0:11 The main thing in such a foundation is to make sure that the slate does not peek out. Also, the durability of the foundation will depend on how crushed the slate is. The smaller the pieces, the better. And the main thing is that the asbestos will not harm since it is concreted.

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Use of old slate sheets

Slate, being a traditional roofing material, Lately was forced out more modern materials for roofing, such as metal tiles and bitumen tiles. However, it is too early to write him off. After all, how many more benefits can be derived from old sheets of slate!

The remains of shiver sheets are ideal for fencing a house area.

Slate for fencing

Small remnants of shiver can be used as shelves in the cellar.

There are many options for giving a second life to used slate. For example, most summer cottages are fenced with a mesh (chain-link), through which dogs or hares can easily penetrate. Old slate will help you solve this problem. The sheet, which has a length of 175 centimeters, must be cut in half and dug 40 centimeters into the ground, overlapping the chain-link, after which the ground must be compacted.

That's all, the slate does not need further fastening. Thus, you have created an excellent barrier not only for unexpected guests, but also for the roots of weeds that will not be able to penetrate either to you or from you. In other words, old slate can be used in the form of fencing, which can be painted if desired.

Slate for shelves in the cellar

Often shelves for supplies in cellars become unusable. Often in this situation old slate is used. You can proceed as follows: in the corners of the cellar you need to lay out wall-racks (half a brick), which should have a length equal to the width of the slate sheet and a height of 90 centimeters.

You can also use slate to fence beds.

We put slate on top, in the waves of which we lay metal rods or reinforcement, build formwork from boards along the edges and fill it with mortar (crushed stone, sand and cement). Everything must be done in one step so that we can form a monolithic layer of concrete. You will get a wonderful, durable shelf, under which there will be space where you can place boxes or any other container. The thickness of the solution must be at least 10 centimeters.

If the cellar area is large enough, the shelves can be built using two or three sheets of slate, both in length and width; stand-walls are laid out only at the joints. It is enough for slate sheets to overlap the ends of the supports by 6 centimeters. Compared to boards, the use of slate, in in this case, much more economical and much faster. After the concrete solution has hardened, there is no need to remove the slate; it can simply be whitewashed or painted.

If you are just going to build a cellar, then you need to calculate its dimensions based on the dimensions of the slate so that it extends onto the supports at the distance indicated above. If sheets 175 centimeters long are too small for you, then you can use sheets that are 250 centimeters long.

The shelves must be built immediately, since in the further construction of the cellar walls they can be used as excellent scaffolding. In the place where the hole is planned, we also use old slate, put formwork on it with approximate dimensions of 80x80 centimeters and, having reinforced it, fill it with concrete mortar no more than 15 centimeters thick. After some time, it will be possible to punch or cut out the hole itself in the formwork. Here is another example of where you can put formerly used slate sheets.

Slate for foundation

If there are no funds and there is a desire to save money, or maybe there is simply nowhere to put the old slate, it can be used for the construction of foundation formwork. But I would like to immediately note that such a foundation will be difficult to insulate and waterproof in the future, since it is embossed. Of course, if you have smooth slate slabs, then the design will not be inferior to a product made from boards.

So, in order to build formwork for the foundation, you must first clean the trench and plan the surface.

Slate sheets can be used for foundation formwork. This will save a significant part of the family budget.

If your slate is not solid, it needs to be trimmed by trimming the edges. If there are holes in the slate, they must be sealed, as an option, with sealant, and then these places must be protected with roofing felt. Attach a support (in the form of a stick) to each piece of slate.

Often the support is secured with nails, in this case the main thing is that the slate does not burst, so there is no need to hammer the nail all the way to the head. Then we install the formwork in the trench, and it is necessary to tightly connect the joints. The resulting seams are best protected with roofing felt or tarpaulin, or can be sealed with sealant. On last stage When constructing formwork for the foundation, you must ensure that the structure is not tilted, after which you can carefully secure the formwork. That's all, your structure is ready for pouring mortar.

Slate for gardeners

Old slate also found its use among amateur gardeners. For example, it is widely used to protect grape plants. To do this, it is necessary to make a trench no more than 20 centimeters deep and no more than 50 centimeters wide. After which a fascine is placed in it and stapled to the ground, the top of the trench is covered with old slate, and the cracks are covered with earth to protect the plant from drafts. Also, if there are long slate wastes, gardeners often use them to protect tree bark in winter period. The pieces of slate surrounding the trunk are secured with wire. This way, hares will not be able to harm your tree.

If you are the owner of a private house with a vegetable garden, then old slate can be used as cladding compost pit. From small pieces you can make a low fence for flowers, paint it in bright colors and get a great decoration for your site. You can beat the sheets with a hammer into small pieces, resulting in something similar to gravel, which is good for covering paths, entrances and even the floor in technical buildings.

In what way and using what tools can you grind corrugated slate for a path?

During rains, water does not accumulate on such coatings and dirt does not form.

There are many ways to reuse old slate. Take sheets of slate, add some imagination, and you will probably end up with something useful. As a last resort, give them away to those who want them, maybe they will be useful to one of your neighbors.

Asbestos-cement materials are quite in demand in construction. However, the scope of their use is not limited roofing work. Many consumers do not even realize how diverse the ways of using such products are.

Among multifunctional materials, flat slate stands apart. The use of the material is relevant in such areas as laying roofs, garden paths, creating ventilating facades, various outbuildings, cladding wooden house and much more.

Application in horticulture

Garden paths and fencing of beds made of flat slate are especially popular among summer residents. If, as a rule, there are no problems with paths, then with beds everything is not so simple. However, the use of asbestos cement sheets greatly simplifies the process of carrying out similar works and reduces labor costs to a minimum.

In addition, this material is not destroyed under the influence of organic substances with which the beds are in constant contact. Made from asbestos cement sheets, they are aesthetically pleasing, very attractive in appearance and, no less important, extremely easy to install. If you dig them deep, you can create effective protection from the bear.

Slate beds in the garden have a certain disadvantage - this is the presence of heat exchange between the two sides of the sheet. For this reason, the soil warms up, causing water to evaporate faster.

High beds made of asbestos-cement sheets need to be watered much more often.

Installation of beds

For this type of work, sheets 1.75 m long are used - they are very easy to divide in half. To prevent the structural elements from creeping apart, they are fastened together using scraps of metal corners, say, aluminum. Fastenings are constantly exposed to water and organic matter. To avoid rapid corrosion, they must be painted.

The resulting slate beds are raised above the surface by only 10–15 cm, so the soil has the opportunity to warm up well. Similar device has another advantage. Deepening the walls by 20 cm does not allow the roots of other vegetation to penetrate into the bed.


There are gardeners who believe that since the sheets are thick, there is no need to create trenches. However, in this case, the risk of splitting it is quite high - the cause could be a pebble, a thick root, or an ordinary rusty nail caught under its lower edge.

Asbestos slate in the foundation

Formwork from makes it possible to obtain good foundation, on which there are no nicks or cracks. For arrangement permanent formwork a certain order has been established.

The first duty is to clear the trenches under external walls And internal partitions walls of the future structure, and the surface is leveled. Where doorways are planned, soil is not dug up. To level the bottom of the ditch, it is covered with sand and filled with water, then thoroughly compacted. Welded reinforcement is placed in the trench, which is sheathed with asbestos-cement sheets.

Foundation cladding with inside on fittings is usually simple. The only thing you need to know is. In the sheets, holes are drilled in advance in the intended sheets and they are attached from the inside to the supports in the form wooden planks. Self-tapping screws or nails are used as fasteners.

To avoid damage to the material, the fasteners are not deepened to the cap - under high pressure it can crack.

The outer part of the foundation is erected in the same way.

The space created between the foundation walls is filled with crushed stone in several layers and reliably concreted. The floors are poured with concrete and a basement is built.

Foundation finishing technology

  1. The cleaned surface of the base is dried and coated with a water-repellent mixture. For this it would be suitable, for example, bitumen mastic with solvent.
  2. Installed wooden frame made of boards, the upper edge of which is flush with the line of fastening of the sheathing. The boards are placed in increments equal size sheet - about 60 cm.
  3. If the foundation needs to be insulated, insulation is placed between the sheathing elements.

5. Finishing of the foundation begins from the corner of the building. On some of the sheets, it is necessary to drill holes for ventilation before laying. For this they use electric jigsaw. Fastening to the sheathing is carried out using screws through drilled holes. Their caps are hidden under fastening layouts.
6. When processing corners use metal corners. The edges are bent vertically by 1.5 cm, after which the corners are bent in the center at an angle of 90⁰. They are fastened with self-tapping screws through drilled holes.
7. Finally, the flat slate plinth is covered with a layer of acrylic paint using a spray gun. Formed at the same time protective film:

  • protects the surface from the growth of moss;
  • reduces the level of water absorption and, conversely, increases the frost resistance of the material;
  • prevents the release of asbestos dust into environment;
  • doubles the service life of the cladding;
  • decorates the surface, giving it a more aesthetic appearance.

The construction of the foundation of the house would be incomplete if a blind area for protection was not built around it. Its creation begins after the completion of the plinth sheathing, before rainy weather and cold weather sets in. In this case, the structure effectively protects the area around the foundation from getting wet, and, therefore, from subsidence and heaving from frost in the future. A blind area made of flat slate becomes an excellent complement to a base sheathed with the same material.

Therefore, owners of their own plots very rarely throw away even used materials. Obsolete materials and aged things often find new uses - for example, as elements landscape design.

When dismantling dilapidated buildings, there are usually no questions regarding the material of the walls. further use. Most outbuildings are built of wood, which is excellent for firewood. But not everyone can imagine using used slate from a roof.

What to do with old slate removed from the roof

If removed sheets slates are in relatively good condition, that is, they do not break under, they can be used again in the same capacity, for temporary or seasonal buildings. For example, install a canopy over a poultry yard where chickens or other food are kept during the warm season Domestic bird, and cover it with used slate. You can cover firewood stored in woodpiles and intended for winter with pieces of slate to protect them from rain.

Slate is also used to cover gaps in other dilapidated walls, if the building itself is not yet intended to be changed. To do this, the sheet is simply leaned against a wall in which there are holes or boards torn out. If, for example, the roof of the bathhouse is also made of slate with a suitable wave and there are a lot of holes in it, and it is not yet possible to completely cover it, pieces of old slate can be a great help. All holes found on the roof must be covered with pieces of slate so that the waves of material fit into one another. It is simply not possible to cover holes in a dilapidated roof with whole sheets - the old covering may not be able to withstand their weight.

Is it possible to use broken slate?

If removed from so old that without special effort breaks into pieces right in your hands, and you can find a use for it. Rarely found suburban area, on which a vegetable garden would not be planted. Pieces of slate can be used to make an excellent frame for garden beds. The pieces are buried in the ground along the entire perimeter of the bed so that their upper edges are at the same level, and they themselves form a continuous strip around. If desired, the slate can be painted in any desired color.

Even very small pieces of slate, which seem to be of no use, can be used to fill paths in the garden, or as a base for a floor laid from boards in a barn or garage. Slate chips are used to fill ditches or holes on the site.

Reading time ≈ 10 minutes

To improve your property, you don’t have to spend all the money in the world on it. Today we will look at economical options with photos of paths in the country between the beds, which you can make with your own hands. Despite the low cost, such paths will greatly increase the aesthetics and convenience of the garden.

Path made of stones and saw cuts.

Features and Requirements

Garden paths can be considered as the final, final element in the landscaping of the site, thanks to which the garden becomes harmonious and holistic. Paths in the garden and between the beds perform a number of functions:

  1. Practicality, convenience. Moving along neat paths, keeping your shoes clean, is much more pleasant and comfortable than walking on the ground (especially during rain).
  2. Comfortable care of flowers and beds. Neatly designed paths greatly facilitate access to vegetation on the site.
  3. Territory zoning. With the help of paths, the garden can be visually divided into different functional zones.
  4. Aesthetic appeal of the site. An area with paved paths looks much more well-groomed, clean, and attractive.

Path design ideas

Paths can be from soft material(gravel, crushed stone, crumbs, pebbles) and hard (concrete, natural and analogue stone, brick, tile). These materials are standard in the design of garden paths. But to arrange paths, you can use a lot of other non-standard materials that you find on the farm. Making paths using improvised materials will cost several times less.


Usually there are trees on a summer cottage that need to be cut down. But you can breathe a second life into them and create budget, original paths. To design such a track you will need standard set tools that you most likely already have. The path itself will look unusual and very decorative, especially if the cuts different sizes will be paved in a chaotic manner.

U of this coverage there are several disadvantages - instability to moisture, rot and insect damage. As a result, such a path may not last long.

Garden paths from saw cuts.

The blanks need to be made in a round or semicircular shape, up to 10 cm high. The diameter of the cuts can be completely different - from 5 cm to half a meter and even more. The saw cuts must first dry thoroughly - you cannot pave the path from wet saw cuts, as the round pieces will deform and crack over time. Next, the round pieces need to be treated with an antiseptic solution, dried again and covered with a layer of bitumen to protect them from water (only the part in contact with the ground can be treated).

Car tires

This is another material at hand, using which you can cheaply design garden paths. One of the important advantages of such a path is the safety of injuries when wet, that is, when it rains, walking along the path made of tires will be completely safe. But it is worth considering that for some, the type of track from car tires will seem unaesthetic.

In the photo below we see what a wide main path in a country house can look like from scrap materials - tires - created with your own hands:

Garden path made of tires.

You can also make narrow paths from tires to move between beds and plantings:

A narrow path made from tire tape.

The tire manufacturing process is as follows:

  1. Using a jigsaw, the tires need to be cut into sidewalls and rings. Instead of a jigsaw, you can try to do the procedure sharp knife, but the process will take more time and effort.
  2. Next, the ring needs to be cut across the width to create a kind of tire tape. In the same way, cut the required number of ribbons.
  3. Next, you need to dig a trench up to 15-20 cm deep, level and compact the soil. Place a small layer of crushed stone on top, and if the soil is loose, add a layer of cement-sand mortar.
  4. The tire strips need to be aligned. To do this, their edges need to be nailed to wooden slats.
  5. Then the canvas can be laid out on concrete or gravel base. If the track consists of several tapes, it is advisable to maintain a gap of 2-3 cm between them for effective drying and air exchange.

Video: simple DIY tire paths.

Gravel, crushed stone or pebbles

These are standard materials used to design garden paths. The cost of gravel is low, but the length of the paths is significant, and the budget for the material will increase. The installation technology is no different from previous options.

For gravel paths, it is imperative to create borders, since over time the pebbles will spread into the beds.

Gravel garden path.

Planning and marking

Even if you plan to create paths from improvised materials, you must take into account several factors:

  • composition and type of soil on your site;
  • potential loads on paths;
  • frequency of use (seasonally or all year round);
  • depth of groundwater;
  • terrain, elevation changes.

Important! Paths with a soft type of surface (pebbles, crumbs, etc.) require the installation of curbs. They not only strengthen the edges and increase the service life of the path, but also protect plants from trampling and prevent the path from becoming overgrown.

To make using the paths truly convenient, it is necessary to observe a number of nuances when arranging them:

  • Draw a plan or design of paths to ensure they allow for movement throughout the area.
  • For the main alley, choose a width of about 1.2-1.5 m.
  • For secondary paths, a width of up to 1 m is sufficient.
  • Paths on the periphery and between plants may not exceed 50 cm.

Marking and preparation of the site.

Advice: it is best to start arranging garden paths from the widest, main path, then move on to secondary paths and only at the final stage design the passages between the beds.

Pegs and rope must be used to mark the area. When marking, do not try to make the paths perfect vertically and horizontally - such a design will look unnatural. On the other hand, avoid paths that are too winding and confusing, as they will be inconvenient to use.

We hope that our selection of photos of economical options for paths in the countryside between the beds has inspired you to get creative and make your own. Paths made from improvised materials, beautifully and neatly designed, are not much inferior in appearance to purchased materials.

Video: ideas for garden paths from scrap materials.

Is your roof leaking? Do not immediately throw away the old slate. It is often repairable. Restoring the coating will require a little effort and skill - reviving the material is quite simple.

How to use

Traditionally, slate is a roofing material. It is popular due to its many advantages - hardness, durability, inexpensive, not afraid of fire, not subject to corrosion, etc. The roof made from it on residential buildings and outbuildings is durable and quiet. Craftsmen appreciated all these useful properties and decided to use them for other purposes.

Here are some unusual ways to use slate:

Sheets are used on a summer cottage to build a reliable fence. Wild and neighboring animals do not consider a regular chain-link mesh as a barrier. But it’s much more difficult for them to deal with slate.

To strengthen the fence, the sheet is cut so that after installation the height is enough for a spade to fit onto the mesh, and then it is deepened into the ground by 40 cm, and the earth is compacted on both sides. The slate sheet does not need additional fastening.

If a foundation is to be built, then an asbestos-cement sheet is suitable for formwork. It's better if it's flat. It is quite difficult to waterproof and insulate wavy foundation walls.

The curved edges of the sheet are trimmed, holes (if any) are sealed with sealant and roofing felt. A stick support is nailed to each piece of slate. When installing such formwork, the joints are tightly connected.

What to do and where to use the fragments

They even benefit from slate fragments. The tree trunk is covered with strips of roofing material and secured with wire. In such a shell, the bark will definitely survive in winter - it is too tough for hares and other rodents. Very small pieces can be reduced to fine crumbs by breaking them with a hammer. It is sprinkled on garden paths and floors in technical rooms.

Use of broken slate

Painting old slate

Slate, which has served for many years but has retained its properties, is being renewed. The roof is given an attractive look with paint. Many believe that it will last a maximum of a year. This is true if you choose the wrong coating.

Today, domestic and foreign industry offers a wide selection of silicone or acrylic-based paints designed specifically for materials made from asbestos cement. The compositions form a durable coating that is impervious to mechanical damage. In addition, they prevent asbestos particles from entering the atmosphere.

Carrying out roof painting work

Paint by hand with a brush or using sprayers. Apply two layers, the second after the first has dried. To ensure that the coating applies evenly and lasts longer, it is recommended to use a high-quality primer.

Another indispensable condition for a good result is preliminary preparation of the surface for painting.

Carrying out roof cleaning

Over time, the surface of the slate becomes overgrown with moss, covered with a dark fungal coating, and dirt and debris accumulate on it. Before painting, all excess is removed.

You need to be careful when cleaning your roof. To avoid deforming the sheets, choose soft shoes. It is safest to step in places where the sheathing slats run. Be sure to use insurance.

For cleaning, use hard brushes with metal bristles, which are quite effective at scraping off all excess. You can pre-moisten the slate with water - then things will go faster. The process will speed up if you use a drill with a brush attachment.

Dirt is washed off with water from the sludge, avoiding places where there are holes and cracks, otherwise the insulation or frame will be damaged. Cleaning is carried out in sunny weather, when water quickly evaporates from the surface. Further work is carried out only after the roofing has completely dried.

Before and after cleaning the roof from moss and dirt

Repair and replacement of slate

Replacing old with new slate

If cracks have formed on the roof, they are eliminated with a special mortar. To prepare it you will need:

  • PVA glue;
  • cement grade not lower than 300 (1–2 parts);
  • fluffed asbestos (3 parts);
  • water.

Mix cement and asbestos, add PVA glue diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio, achieving the consistency of sour cream. Cracks are rubbed with this construction mixture. Instead of a homemade solution, use ready-made products - for example, "Hyperdesmo".

Before repairs, the roof is cleaned, degreased with white spirit, and treated with a primer (1 part PVA mixed with 3 parts water). It is better to seal cracks on a cloudy (not rainy) day so that the solution does not dry out prematurely.

In case of major damage, the slate needs to be replaced - completely or partially. But before installation, it is important to inspect the rafter system, which, due to leaks, can be damaged by fungus or rot.

Dismantling slate

In order to properly repair the roof, most often you have to remove the slate. To remove unusable sheets, the master will need three more assistants (two people are on the roof, two more are below). It is also necessary to build a ladder from the roof to the ground from the boards.

Here is the dismantling algorithm:

  • Remove the skate.
  • Remove nails from slate. To do this, use a nail puller, under which a strong iron strip is placed so as not to crumble the roofing. The strip is placed under the heel of the instrument.
  • The dismantled sheet is tied with ropes and lowered down the ladder. Below, two assistants accept the sheet, remove the ropes, and put the dismantled sheets in a stack.

When performing work, it is important to observe safety precautions. It is advisable that those working at heights have insurance. You cannot throw sheets down - people may get hurt.

Obviously, slate can be brought back to life if you try. And if you approach the matter with imagination, then even at the end of its service life it will be useful to a skilled craftsman as a roofing covering.

How and where to use old slate: painting, replacement, cleaning, repair

Don't rush to throw away your old slate. At a minimum, it can be restored using cheap construction mixture, prepared with my own hands. A

Where and how can you use old slate?

Some homeowners often wonder what they can do with old slate? Considering its main use, some use it as a roofing material for secondary outbuildings, dog houses, birdhouses, etc. Slate is a rather fragile material that has a limited service life. However, you can use old slate for other purposes; for this you need to show imagination and ingenuity.

Old slate can be given a second life.

There are quite a lot various options its applications, many of which are quite widespread. Despite this, many people choose to throw away their used material. What can be done and what to adapt used slate to is described below.

What is important to know

The main disadvantage of used slate is the release of asbestos in the form of dust. Some types of asbestos are harmful to health: inhaling such dust can cause lung cancer. However, not all asbestos is dangerous to humans.

Slate production process.

Slate is made from asbestos fibers, water and cement. But 2 types of asbestos fiber can be used in production:

Domestic manufacturers use only chrysolite fibers, which are absolutely safe for the human body. But European manufacturers use dangerous amphibole fibers, which are very harmful to health. And despite the fact that the sale of slate with amphibole fibers is prohibited in Europe, it continues to be produced and sold to third countries. Therefore, when purchasing roofing material, try to avoid European manufacturers. It is strictly not recommended to reuse such slate.

Only after making sure that the material is safe can you reuse it.

Various fencing

The slate sheet is quite large in size, which allows it to be used as a full-fledged fence. To do this, you should dig the sheets vertically to a depth of about 50-60 cm. It is not recommended to dig it in at shallower depths: large leaf has a high windage capacity, so there is a high probability that the slate will simply be blown away by the wind. It is also recommended to support the sheets after installing them. Naturally, such a fence will not protect the area from human encroachment, but will make it impossible for various animals and small rodents to enter it.

Slate is great for fencing garden beds.

Although slate can be used in the absence of other fences, best result protecting the area from penetration will be achieved by installing it in addition to chain-link fences, gratings or wooden fence. During installation it may be necessary to cut the sheet. This is quite simple to do; you need a grinder for this. When cutting, it is recommended to generously moisten the cut line with water - this will significantly reduce dust emissions. Work should be carried out only in a respirator. If slate is used in conjunction with other fencing, it makes sense to cut the sheets in half. The height of the sheet is 1.75 meters, when cutting it in half it comes out to approximately 85 cm (taking into account losses), it should be added in drops when installed at a shallower depth (the windage has decreased) - 20-30 cm.

Slate sheets cut to height can be used to fence beds. It is worth noting that raspberry and blackberry thickets on the site are often fenced off with slate. Any gardener knows that raspberries grow very quickly (like a weed), filling the entire garden. Since reproduction occurs from root shoots, it is necessary to fence underground part. The depth of the fence should reach 1 meter.

This option can include the creation of fences for trees for the winter to protect them from hares gnawing on the bark. In addition to digging in the pieces, they should be additionally secured with wire or polyethylene twine and tied around the tree.

It is worth remembering that slate holds paint perfectly. The fence can be given any color or patterns drawn. If you spare no expense on wheels for the grinder, you can make the fence shaped (wavy, cone-shaped, etc.) by cutting out the desired pattern.

Slate furniture

Using slate not for roofing, you can arrange auxiliary rooms.

You can use leftover slate to make a box for a compost pit.

In addition, a classic example would be the production of pallets for various lightweight materials in a cellar or barn. Slate has excellent moisture protection and water resistance, which will not allow wood or paper to become damp.

Another way to recycle old slate is to make shelves. To build shelves in a basement, shed or garage, you need to lay out the side posts from brick. A sheet of slate is placed on top of them. To ensure a tighter fit of the sheet to the stand, it can be secured using cement mortar, left over from the masonry.

In a similar way, it is used to make outdoor shelving. To do this, when laying the supports, make several laying sheets of slate on different heights. In this case, it is important to ensure that the sheets do not touch the brick, but are in the cement mortar.

Application in construction

It’s worth starting with the fact that slate will be an excellent material when creating formwork. Moreover, the installation of such formwork is much simpler and cheaper than wooden formwork. Especially when building foundations for various objects. In this case, thanks to the slate formwork, the part of the foundation protruding from the ground will have beautiful wavy edges.

Uneven broken pieces of slate can be used to make paths in the garden.

Slate can be used as decorative paving slabs. To do this, you first need to cut it into even small (20-30 cm side) squares. Then one of the sides, which will be the bottom of the tile, must be leveled. To do this, all the depressions of the “waves” should be filled with cement mortar. It is important to ensure that the plane is level. Cement must be used at least grade 500. Installation of such tiles is carried out in the same way as regular paving tiles. If desired (for greater convenience), you can fill the “waves” with cement on top, however, if the tiles are joined correctly, there will be no problems when walking on such a surface.

Slate can be used to make wonderful paths between garden beds. To do this, it must be stuffed into small pieces (with sides of 8-10 cm), then mixed with cement mortar and the resulting mixture poured over the paths. In a similar way, you can pave the area or fill in the puddles that often form in front of the entrance gate.

Slate is perfect for construction drainage system. To do this, it is cut to length and laid out on the bottom and sides of the trenches. To prevent the bottom from sagging and the sides from crumbling, they are made on a cement “lining”.

Slate can be used in the construction of foundations for auxiliary buildings. For example, a barn, garage, woodshed, etc. To do this, it must be crushed as finely as possible (ideally to crumbs) and added to cement or concrete mortar, with which the foundation is poured. This will not reduce the strength of the foundation, but will save mortar.

Another use is to create cast posts and figures. The slate sheet is also crushed to make crumbs. After which this crumb is also added to the cement mortar, which is poured into the required forms.

Old slate can be used to line compost pits in vegetable gardens. In this case, it is important to secure them to the sides and make a mini-foundation.

Another option is paths made from pieces of slate. To do this, the slate is crushed into small pieces and poured onto the path. Then the layer of broken slate should be leveled so that its thickness is in the range of 3 to 5 centimeters and compacted. Such a path is quite durable, there will be no dirt on it, and rainwater will seep through it perfectly.

It should be noted that the process of crushing slate allows you to relax, let go of anger and take a break from unpleasant thoughts, which will have a positive effect on your condition. mental health. If you wish, you can beat the sheets specifically for relaxation, but this must be done only in a respirator.

Where can you use old slate (video)

Some homeowners often wonder what they can do with old slate? Given its primary use, some use it as a roofing material for secondary outbuildings, dog houses, birdhouses, etc.


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