How many liters of milk does a goat give per day and other questions about milking. How much milk does a goat give? How to feed a goat to increase milk yield

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Goat milk is similar in composition and properties to cow milk, with the difference that it contains more calcium, fat and protein. The productivity of dairy breeds depends on how long and how much milk a goat produces per day.

With an average life expectancy of animals of 10 years (rarely up to 16), the period of economic use is 8 years.

At good care, proper conditions and proper nutrition Domestic goats live up to 14-15 years, but with maximum use after 6-7 years, the productivity of animals sharply decreases. Until this age, the goat is profitable; its further maintenance becomes ineffective, since the same amount of feed is consumed, and the number of matings and milk yield is much less.

At this age, it is better to slaughter her for meat before it becomes old and tough.

Important. You can start milking the animal after the birth of the offspring (the first mating is carried out in a year and a half). In dairy goats, milk production can last up to 11-12 months, while 7-9 for others.

Productivity Factors

The milk yield is influenced by the following:

  • age and breed;
  • diet and health status;
  • number of lambings and care.

Table 1. Productivity depending on goat breeds

BreedMilk yieldFat contentFertilityLifespan
550-650 l per year4-5% high11-13 years old
600-900 l per year5,4% up to 4-5 kids per lamb9-10 years
1000-2000 l per year4,7% 2-3 kids per lamb8-14 years
800-1000 l per year4,2% up to 4 kids per lamb13-16 years old
up to 900 l per year5-7 % 3-4 kids per lamb9-10 years
800-1200 l per year3,7% from 3 to 510-11 years
500-1000 l3-4% average7-8 years
Mergelskaya500-800 4% average8-10 years

Daily milk yield of a goat

When raising purebred livestock, the average milk yield is 5.2-6.2 liters per day for 8 months (less often up to 11). But ordinary village animals grazing near the house give only 2.5-3.3 liters for six months.

Milk yield is affected by both the number of milkings and milking options.

First milk delivery

After lambing, dairy goats immediately begin to be milked. For kids kept separately, milk is separated from the total milk yield, and the remaining product is sent to the owner’s table or for processing.

Video - What to expect from goat milking

Goats of other directions are kept together with young animals and begin milking after they reach 3-3.5 months, when the kids no longer need it.

Some breeds can produce so little milk that it is only enough for their offspring.

Number of milkings per day

Milking is most often practiced in the morning and evening in the first 4 months, but milking three times a day is also possible if the milk comes in well. When the amount of milk decreases, only morning milking is carried out. In addition to the breed, the amount of product is also influenced by the animal’s diet.

How to feed

The menu of a lactating goat should consist of silage, pasture grass, feed, hay and be balanced. Their number varies, taking into account the productivity of the goat, its age, and physiology.

The animal is released 60 days before lambing. 7 days before the launch, the volume of feed is reduced, leaving straw, up to 1 kg of hay, mineral supplements, and water.

This is especially important in the nutrition of highly productive goats, which are quite difficult to breed.

Important. After starting the animal, the nutritional value of the feed is increased. In the last stage of pregnancy, a poor-quality or unbalanced diet can cause miscarriage, the birth of weakened or dead babies.

At the first goat, the nutritional value during the gestation period is increased by 10%. With a milk yield of 800 liters per 300 days of lactation, the menu of a dairy goat in winter should contain feed (per day):

  • coarse – at least 3 kg;
  • concentrates – 1 kg (350 g per dose).

Menu of a queen of the same productivity during pasture feeding in summer:

  • grass – 5-7 kg;
  • hay – 500 g;
  • concentrate – 700 g.

Approximate dietary norms for lactating dairy animals with a live weight of 50 kg, a daily milk yield of 4 liters and a fat content of 3.8% are presented in the table below.

Table 2. Approximate dietary norms for goats

Type of feed1-3 months, kg3-8 months, kg9-10 months, kgDead wood, kg.
hay1,4 - 1,4 1,4
silage1,5 -
1,6 -
oat waste0,4 -
0,4 0,8
compound feed0,3 0,4 0,4 -
sunflower cake0,15 -
grass meal0,1 - 0,1 0,1
green food- 10,0 - -

Feed distribution rules

When distributing feed, the following rules must be followed:

Milk synthesis may be limited due to lack of water, which in turn leads to inflammation of the udder.

In addition, it is necessary to maintain the water temperature at least 1 degree. The same applies to watering goat kids and uterine uteruses.

What to feed to increase milk production

To ensure normal digestion, you should give 1-3 kg of roughage per day:

  • The goat readily consumes hay from small forest and meadow grass, the daily norm is 2.1-2.6 kg.
  • Half of it can be replaced with twig food (the nutritional value of branches is commensurate with meadow hay as 2: 1).
  • The nutritional value of concentrates is 2.6 times greater than that of hay.
  • Barley, bran, oats, corn – 0.9-1 kg.

Grain and cake are fed finely crushed, it is better to moisten the bran a little with water so that their dust does not irritate the respiratory system, causing sneezing and coughing. Concentrates are given in mixtures.

Juicy food (potatoes, silage, root vegetables) is given instead of pasture in stalls or when pastures are burned.

It is the main milk extractor and digestive improver.

The daily intake of juicy food consists of:

  • chopped turnips, beets and carrots – 3.2 kg;
  • boiled potatoes – 1.3 kg;
  • silage – 2.4 kg;
  • cabbage, tops – 3.6 kg;
  • table waste, potato peels, food scraps, which can be pre-flavored with crushed grains and bran;
  • salt – 10 g.

In addition, in the second half of pregnancy, bone meal or chalk should be fed in an amount of 20 g.

Video - How to increase the milk yield of goats

Food delivery and milking mode

To increase milk yield, the animal is fed 3-4 times. When distributing feed three times, the best time is considered to be: 6-7 hours, 12-13 hours, 18-19 hours with equal intervals.

Important. Violation of the eating schedule leads to a decrease in milk yield. They milk after distributing feed.

The feed is given in the following sequence: when dispensing all types of feed at the same time, first it should be concentrate, then juicy food, and finally roughage. Every next view food is given after the previous one has been completely consumed. Silage and kitchen scraps are fed early in the day when goats are moving a lot, and highly digestible food is fed in the evening.

Approximate schedule for food distribution and milking:

  • morning – distribution of feed and root crops, milking, watering (about 4 l), haylage;
  • lunch – delivery (to choose from): root crops, silage, swill from food scraps; milking; 2 brooms or haylage;
  • evening – distribution of feed, milking, watering (about 4 liters);
  • night – haylage and broom.

Nurseries, buckets, feeders, troughs must be cleaned of residues every time.

How to milk a goat correctly

First, the udder must be wiped with a clean cloth soaked in an aqueous solution of iodine and dried.

Before milking, an udder massage is necessary. The milk should be milked completely, without leaving a drop. This must be done with confident movements at equal intervals and force.

At the end of the process, the massage is repeated, and the nipples are treated with Vaseline. In addition, it is necessary to milk strictly at the same time.

Milk yield after childbirth

After childbirth, the uterus produces colostrum for several days - a yellowish liquid with an unpleasant taste, but high in proteins, antioxidants and immunoglobulins. It can be fed to the goat itself, kids, and other weakened animals.

Why milk yield decreases or milk disappears completely

The volume of milk production decreases in two cases:

  • Stress. His goat experiences changes in his place of residence - moving, and surroundings - milkmaid, owner, animals. In this case, lactation will be restored after some time, if you treat it well.
  • Diet. Violation of nutritional value, menu balance and feeding regimen leads to a decrease in milk yield. To fix this, just review the diet and feed at the same time.

Milk may disappear completely due to mastitis. In this case, the udder or lobe hardens, increases in volume, compactions are possible, the overall temperature rises, and there are clots or blood in the milk.

It happens that mastitis occurs secretly, then you should ferment a little milk in a transparent container and if mucus, blood or clots appear in the sediment, then the disease can be considered confirmed.

The causes of mastitis are:

  • milk residues in the udder during milking;
  • bacterial infection after lambing with weakened immunity;
  • violation of hygiene during milking;
  • external damage to the udder.

Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian. This usually consists of prescribing antibiotics (oxytocin), massage and pain relief for the udder.

Video - Mastitis in goats

Why does milk smell?

Milk, like all dairy products, can quickly absorb foreign odors. Therefore, the goat should be milked not in the barn, but in a separate room or on the street. Animals also need a walk so that they are ventilated and do not stink.

The inseminating goat must be kept separately.

Important. If you have a closed milking machine, there is a greater chance that foreign odors will not appear.

In addition, there are breeds of goats whose milk does not smell at all. These include:

  • Russian white;
  • Toggenburg;
  • Gorky;
  • Saanen;
  • alpine;
  • Cameroonian;
  • Mingrelian

The breed should also be selected taking into account the volume of milk production, the regionalization of the breed, the number of kids per lambing and the exterior.

Breeds of dairy goats

Dairy goats are among the oldest animals domesticated by humans. For centuries, humanity has been working to improve the performance of this or that breed in general, and odorless milk in particular. These types are discussed below.

Russian white breed

The breed was formed over several centuries by the method of popular selection. These goats are accustomed to the Russian climate, hardy and unpretentious. They are most widespread in the north-west and center of the country (Leningrad, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Ivanovo regions).

The animals are well developed, large (goats - 60-70 kg, goats - 45-50 kg), with horns. They have strong bones and regular physique. White wool with almost no undercoat. The skins are used to produce chevro and morocco.

Gorky dairy breed

Active goats with short hair, white-gray color without undercoat. Distributed in the Ivanovo, Vladimir, and Nizhny Novgorod regions.

They tolerate heat and cold well. The breed came from the Russian White. The weight of the goat reaches 70 kg, the uterus - 65 kg.

Saanen goat

The breed was bred in Switzerland in the 19th century and appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 20th.

Goats white, without horns, short-haired. Goats have a mass of 60-83 kg, goats - 90-110 kg. Animals were used to breed new breed species, for example, Russian, Gorky.

The breed from Switzerland took part in the creation of the British, Czech, noble and other breeds. In the Russian Federation, it is distributed in Altai, Kostroma, Leningrad, and Vologda regions.

Compact, peaceful animals weighing (45 kg goats and 60 kg bucks) with short brown hair with white spots. Without horns, with a large udder. You can read more about the Toggenburg goat breed in.

A hardy breed adapted to cold and mountainous terrain, it is found in the former CIS countries.

Short hair different colors- from white to black, sometimes two-color. The average weight of animals is 75-80 kg.

ears The breed appeared in Russia recently - at the end of the 20th century. Long-eared animals with heavy brow ridges have a mass of 75 kg for a goat and 125 for a goat.

They are distinguished by their stubborn and cocky character, restlessness and curiosity. Since they come from Africa and Asia, they are demanding of warmth.

The breed was developed in Spain. Goats have very short ears, a well-developed udder, and a calm, affectionate disposition.

The weight of the goat is 65, the female goat is 69 kg. Thick fur of various colors - brown, black, white, red, spotted.

The breed was bred by Georgian peasants in the first half of the 20th century. Goats are of lowland and mountain type.

They have crescent-shaped horns, coarse hair without undercoat of different colors - red-brown, roan, gray, white, mixed. The weight of the goat is 43, the weight of the goat is 54 kg.

Animals of dairy breeds are quite large in size with a small head on a long neck. They have a deep and wide chest, a voluminous abdomen, thin skin with shiny short hair. The udder is smooth, hairless, round or pear-shaped, full, elastic, without hardening. The lobes are developed evenly, the large nipples are directed slightly forward and in different directions.

Important. After milking, folds form on the udder and it falls off. If this does not happen, it means there is a lot of subcutaneous fatty tissue in it, and the goat will not give milk in the expected amount.

The veins should pass from the udder into wells located in the abdominal part. The productivity of the animal depends on the wider and more powerful the veins and wells.

You should not buy a goat if:

  • udder small size or saggy;
  • there are 3-4 nipples (the norm is 2);
  • nipples are very small or very large;
  • asymmetry of the lobes and nipples is observed;
  • two holes in one nipple (norm 1);
  • tightness;
  • nipples are placed closely or, conversely, strongly directed in different directions;
  • non-functioning one of the udder lobes.

In order not to be deceived by the age of a goat or buck, you need to pay close attention to their teeth.

An adult animal has only 32 of them:

  • 8 incisors and 6 molars on both sides - from below;
  • 6 molars on both sides - on top.

Newborn kids have only hooks - the rudiments of the first 2 incisors. After a week they form into incisors, and after a month all the other incisors grow. After a year, these baby teeth begin to be replaced by permanent ones:

  • 1st pair at 16-17 months;
  • 2nd pair at 2-2.5 years;
  • 3rd pair at 3.5-4 years.

After 4 years, it is difficult to determine the exact age of the animal by its teeth:

  • if at 4 years the incisors were in the form of wide spatulas, then at 5 years they become oval;
  • at 6 years old, gaps form between them;
  • at the age of 7, the teeth become thinned out, severely worn out, loose and begin to fall out;
  • at 8 years old they fall out easily, some leaving small stumps.

With such a chewing apparatus, the animal cannot eat normally and becomes unprofitable for further economic use.

Video - How to determine the age of a goat

Domestic goats are raised for meat, milk, fur and leather. Those who are going to engage in goat breeding are primarily interested in the question of how much milk a goat can produce over a certain period and which breeds are the leaders in these indicators. Let's figure it out together.

At what age do goats start producing milk?

Like all animals from the mammalian class, goats produce milk in post-lambing period, because its main purpose is feeding offspring. It is formed when certain hormones begin to act. It stays in the udder until the nipples begin to become irritated.

Find out more about the features of lambing in goats.

You can milk milk only at the beginning of lactation. The duration of this period is from 5 to 9 months, most often 7. For representatives of dairy breeds, the lactation period can extend for a year. After this, the milk runs out, and in order to get it from the female again, it is necessary for her to become pregnant again and give birth.

The best age of a goat for the first mating is 1.5 years. According to experienced goat breeders, by breeding a young female during this period, you can achieve the highest and most stable milk yields. However, you can start breeding a female even after she reaches the age of 1 year.

Can there be milk without lambing?

The udder develops in females even before birth. And in some dairy breeds, it is even filled with milk. But it is prohibited to milk an animal before lambing. This can only be done to help the animal if the udder is bursting and it is full.

Important! Premature milking has a detrimental effect on the development of the udder, the goat itself, and, accordingly, on future milk yield.

What does milk yield depend on?

Goat milk yield depends on several factors:

  • age;
  • period of life;
  • number of births;
  • health status.

Which goat breeds produce the most milk?

Goat breeds are divided into 3 types: dairy, meat and downy. Dairy breeds are the most popular among farmers.

The best among them are:

The first is considered a record holder for the number of milk yields - it can produce up to 1 thousand liters of milk per year and up to 6 liters per day. And the most productive of them can even boast 3 thousand liters per year.

Up to 1 liter can be obtained from the Toggenburg breed. From the Nubian and Alpine breeds you can realistically expect 800-900 liters per year, from the Russian White and Megrelian - 500-600.

Did you know? Due to the fact that a goat's pupil has the shape of an elongated rectangle, it can see within a radius of 340° .

How many liters of milk does a goat give?

Ordinary goats, not related to dairy breeds, are capable of producing up to 3 liters of milk. You can expect 14-20 liters per week from dairy animals, up to 50-55 liters per month (in summer period- 60-80). The annual capacity of ordinary goats is approximately 400 liters.

At what age is the best productivity?

Usually the goat produces the largest volumes of milk after the second or third, and sometimes fourth pregnancy. That is why experienced goat breeders advise not to be upset if for the first time a domestic thrush has only 2-3 liters per day. Its real productivity can only be judged in the first 4-5 months after the second or fourth lambing.

How many years does a goat milk?

Maximum lifespan domestic goat- 15 years. But she will be able to consistently produce high-quality milk until she reaches the age of 12, but only with excellent feeding and care. There are exceptions when goats lived up to 20 years, and their lactation lasted up to 18.

Before the female turns 5 years old, her productivity will increase. It will begin to fall after 7 years. It is from this period that the animal experiences a deterioration in the condition of the chewing apparatus and tooth loss. As a result of these processes, the cattle will eat less and, accordingly, produce smaller volumes of milk.

Why did the goat start giving little milk?

If you notice that the goat has begun to produce less milk than usual or it has disappeared completely, then you need to know: these problems are caused by several reasons.
The first and main reason is violations in the keeping of animals. You should check whether the room where they live is warm enough, whether it is well ventilated, whether there is dirt or high humidity. Dampness is especially dangerous for goats. The temperature should not be lower than +8-10°C. Check that there are no drafts in the goat's coop.

Also, a decrease in milk can occur when the milking regime and hygiene rules during this procedure are not followed. Daily milking should be carried out strictly in certain hours. Before the process, you must wash your hands to prevent infection from entering the animal’s skin.

Another factor influencing the productivity of a female is. It should be stable, without sudden changes.

And, of course, the productivity of a thrush depends on the state of its health. Even small microcracks in the nipples can lead to a decrease in milk supply. Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor the health and condition of your pet’s udder.

How to feed to produce more milk

The productivity of a domestic horned animal can be increased with a special diet. It is known that goats are quite picky eaters and can be content with a meager diet.
However, during lactation it is worth introducing into their daily menu the following products:

  • chopped vegetables, including tubers and;
  • grain, including oats;
  • turnips and fodder root crops;
  • hay from non-coarse components that were cut in the flowering phase, including chamomile, clover, ;
  • young twigs and dry brooms.

Prerequisites for good lactation are drinking plenty of fluids and taking vitamin-mineral complexes.

Please note that when feeding, the emphasis should be placed not on the amount of food, but on its balance. Otherwise, the animal will gain weight, and milk, on the contrary, will decrease.

Video: experience of increasing milk yield with nutrition

Did you know? In 1906, during the World Congress of Children's Doctors in Paris, goat's milk was recognized the best substitute breast milk. According to nutritionists, it is absorbed by the human body 5 times better than cow milk. The product is wonderfully suitable for feeding almost all mammals.

How many times a day should I milk?

Goats should be milked three times a day: morning, afternoon and evening. Some also resort to milking twice a day. After 5 months of lactation, when milk begins to decrease, you can milk only in the morning. The highest fat content and best quality morning milk has.

In each specific case, the animal itself will suggest which milking mode is optimal for it.

How to milk correctly

In order for milking to be successful, several months before lambing you need to start preparing the animal for it. Preparation consists of massaging the udder, washing it warm water and cutting the fur around it. Immediately before lambing, these procedures should be stopped.

After giving birth, the goat will need to be milked. It is better to keep babies separately from their mother so that they do not damage the udder. They need to be fed milk for up to 3 months. Although representatives of non-specialized breeds usually wean children only at three months of age.
Milking involves stimulating the udder and irritating the nipples. In the first week, the goat will need to be milked 5 times a day, and all the milk will need to be fed to the babies. After 7 days you can milk three times, and 4 times a day. After a month the milk will need to be diluted boiled water, and gradually expand the diet of the offspring by introducing hay and mineral supplements. At this time, the mother can be milked twice or thrice a day - this will depend on the condition of the udder, its softness and pliability.

In order not to frighten the goat, you should give it a good drink before milking, talk to it affectionately, and place pieces of apples or bread nearby. Show as much care as possible for the animal, as this cattle is very sensitive and becomes strongly attached to its owner.

Important! The cattle must be accustomed to the fact that the person who milks them comes at the same time, preferably at regular intervals. If a person is 3 hours late with daily milking, then milk yield is reduced by 0.5 liters.

Before you start milking, the udder should be massaged well to improve its blood supply. Then wash with warm water and dry with a soft natural fabric towel.

There are several ways of milking: from the side, “Moldavian”, combined. Each goat breeder can choose the most suitable one for himself. The process is no different from milking cows - the nipples are squeezed with a fist or fingers, alternately from top to bottom.
There are several rules for milking:

  1. Perform smooth, soft, rhythmic movements. Sudden movements can frighten the animal, so they are prohibited. A change in rhythm leads to a decrease in milk supply.
  2. It is tedious to approach the animal only with clean hands and clean clothes.
  3. Drain the first streams into a separate container - they contain a lot of bacteria.
  4. After completing the procedure, the udder should be massaged again and lubricated with Vaseline.

Video: the process of milking a goat

How much milk does a goat give? Goat farming for beginners. Milk the goats after lambing. Goats are odorless. What determines the milk yield of goats? Why does goat's milk smell?

With this article we are opening a new section on our website.

I would like to introduce you

famous goat breeder - Alexander Vasilyevich Sosnovsky!

He will talk about how to get goat milk yield of 7 (and even more!!!) liters of organic milk per day. Are you saying that this can’t happen?

He will also tell you how to raise healthy kids, who at 9-11 months become mothers themselves and delight their owners with generous milk yields -

So, over to Alexander Sosnovsky.

For more than ten years, before purchasing goats, we kept a cow. There were two of them. We are used to working hard in the summer, preparing food, so that in the winter we can live a calm, measured village life. The cow's milk yield suited us quite well. We received 25 kg of milk per day from her in the summer. This milk was obtained exclusively from green pasture grass.

Over the years, our bodies have ceased to absorb cow's milk well, and we have wondered how to get out of this situation so as not to create health problems for ourselves in old age. Our thoughts turned towards the goats. The only alarming thing was that there was an opinion among the people about specific smell of milk, to the point of inedible.

Our first experience as beginner goat breeders.

The saying that a goat is a poor man's cow didn't bother us too much, because... We were primarily interested in the question own health, not status in society. Without thinking twice, we bought two adult dairy goats from the same herd. They did not have any documents confirming their belonging to any breed. Outwardly they were similar to the white German improved.

In general, I think that at present it is too early to talk about purebredness, because... This issue is not controlled by anyone, and there is no strict accounting of breeding goats on private farmsteads. This issue is very serious and should be under strict government supervision. Therefore, reading private advertisements for the sale of “breeding purebred” goats always makes me smile. An ordinary schoolchild can now “draw” a certificate. I understand perfectly well that all goats that are brought to us from abroad are accompanied by documents indicating that they belong to one or another breed. But this is the case if the animals are purchased from certified breeding farms. All other options must be considered with great caution. A goat may be highly milk-producing, but there is no point in asserting the purity of the blood.

One goat was 5 years old, and the owner was going to slaughter this goat over the winter, because, according to him, it was already unpromising, and its maximum daily milk yield was just over four liters. The second goat was a year younger and her age was four years.

I bought these goats in the last ten days of December. The goats were pregnant (pregnant). One goat was supposed to lamb in March, and the second in April. Having assigned each goat a cage (by that time we had already sold the cow), we began our first steps in a direction hitherto unfamiliar to us. We had enough hay and other food for the winter, just like for one cow, so we fed our goats plenty and variedly.

We live right next to the forest and went out into the forest almost every day. That year, the winter had little snow, and the goats happily ate blueberries, lingonberries, willow branches, buckthorns, gnawed bark and ate branches from fallen pines.

Milk the goats after lambing.

On March 27, one goat lambed.

The goat, which was about five years old, gave birth to triplets. Two goats and a female goat. The goats were discarded as unnecessary, and we began to feed the goat plenty from the bowl. On the second day after lambing, we again continued hiking in the forest. Every day the woman in labor increased her milk yield. This made us happy.

A month later, our goat was already producing more than five liters of milk per day. We were at a loss, because... the previous owner did not reach such a figure. The goat was feeling good, and this reassured us. At the end of May, the milk yield of this goat was already 7.1 liters of milk per day. Milked in exactly six hours. This milk yield lasted for about two weeks, while the grass was growing and contained a huge amount vital energy and a structured liquid we call juice. » How to milk a goat correctly? Proper milk distribution means high milk yield.” — .

With the onset of hot days and the age of the grass, milk yield began to slowly decline. In October, being pregnant again, she gave 5.3 liters of milk per day. That year, we milked 1550 liters of milk from this goat in 11 months. IN next year her the annual milk yield was already 1680 liters.

Goats are odorless. Why does goat's milk smell?

The milk was very tasty. Everyone who came to us and tried it drank it, thinking it was cow's milk. When they found out that we no longer had a cow, we were very surprised that milk was not at all what people say about it.

I don’t know about anyone, but our goats have no unpleasant odor there was no milk. The milk of some goats may have a specific taste and aftertaste that is not pleasant to everyone. All this is very individual. In the same goat, in different periods lactation, the taste of milk may vary. This is especially felt before launch. Before the dry period, when older goats are sitting in the womb and need more nutrition, the body of a pregnant goat begins to work slightly differently than that of a single goat. Are starting to develop nutrients, necessary for the growth and development of fruits, and the hormonal background of the body changes significantly. Perhaps this affects the taste of the milk.

In addition, waste substances from the fetuses sitting in it enter the blood of a woman in labor, and her body must disinfect and dispose of all this. I was talking about pregnant goats.

But there are goats whose milk taste leaves much to be desired throughout their entire lactation. If we assume that the milk of pregnant goats acquires an unpleasant taste due to the disposal of waste from the fruits, and the goat’s organs do not have time to efficiently utilize all this, then it turns out that in a goat that has a persistent unpleasant taste of milk, the organs also work poorly.

Taste and smell goat milk depends not only on the breed.

Such poor-quality functioning of organs is inherent in goats of the pure Saanen breed. The standard defines the taste of Saanen goat milk as ACCEPTABLE. I attribute this solely to human intervention.

By creating a high-milk breed, man violated the primordial relationships of all the internal organs of the goat and forced them to work in sweatshop mode. Such interference cannot go unnoticed. Saanen goats in their litters give the highest percentage of hermaphrodites, the taste of milk, I repeat, is acceptable. And all because this breed was bred a long time ago and is constantly subjected to "improvement".

Later breeds that are "improved" by humans will also give birth to hermaphrodites and will lose the taste of milk that they now have. It's a matter of time.

Try to understand this and explain the taste of your goat's milk . When keeping a goat sloppy, the milk will smell of manure and goat grease . These are external odors that are transferred into the milk at the time of milking. In all other cases, genetic engineering is to blame. Our goats did not change the taste of their milk when changing food.

What determines milk yield in goats?

Analyzing this (and subsequent) experience, I boldly assert that the expression “A goat is a poor man’s cow” is nothing more than a myth created to justify the poor quality of keeping and feeding the animal.

Milk yield directly depends on the amount of feed, its quality and the ability of the animal to process huge quantities of feed units, which form the volume of these milk yields and maintain good health animal throughout the entire lactation period. “What to feed a goat in winter?” — . A strict schedule when working with animals is required! Any failure of it affects milk yield in the direction of its decrease. The expression: “Milk is on the tongue of a cow” equally applies to a goat.

Maximum annual milk yield from one goat ours was 1780 liters. Maximum daily milk yield from one goat ours was 7.3 l/day.

Annual yield from one goat ours was 1780 liters. Daily milk yield from one goat ours was 7.3 l/day.

We can talk about all this next time, but I warn you that all this will require dedication. Those who are relaxed can stand aside and watch how they overcome top bars. All this trouble will result in receiving high results in milk yield, good health of pets, obtaining strong, highly productive offspring with a reliable prospect of high milk production in the future. For this it is worth working hard, strictly following the prescribed schedule! Self-discipline never hurt anyone. Good luck to everyone!

A goat is a fairly clean, comfortable animal that does not require special care requirements. It is very often kept at home to produce milk, meat and fluff. In order for the goat to perform all its duties efficiently, it is also important to create conditions for its comfortable living.

A goat produces approximately 2.5 liters of dairy products per day, and over the course of a year this figure will be 650 liters. Fat percentage – 4%. These animals are characterized by one feature - they quickly adapt to any climate conditions. Thanks to this quality they have gained such wide popularity all over the world.


The breeding process of this breed takes place in Switzerland. The size and weight of the goat are in many ways inferior to the previous option. The height of the animal is 72 cm. Its weight is 50 kg. The coat color is brown, there are two white stripes in the muzzle area.

This breed is classified as hornless, but sometimes you can feel small horns. The length of the hair reaches 20 cm. The physique is typical for dairy breeds, quite fertile. The amount of milk per day is 2.1 liters, and per year – 800 liters. Fat content – ​​4%.

Russian white breed

It has already become clear from the name that these animals were bred in Russia. Then they became widespread in Belarus and Ukraine. These domestic animals are characterized by high milk production rates. They can produce 1.8 liters of milk per day, and 500 liters per year. Fat content of the product is 4.5%.

These goats have white hair, their body is squat, their heads are small, they have roses that are curved back and big size. Characterized by high percentage birth rate, their weight is 50 kg.

Gorky dairy breed

The presented type of domestic animal was obtained as a result of selection of local breeds with Saanen goats. These pets are characterized by white coat color, which is still short.

The goat’s body weight is approximately the same as the previous version, 45 kg. The amount of milk is worse compared to the previously discussed options. In ducks it is possible to get 1.4 liters, and in a year - 500 liters. The fat content of the resulting milk can reach up to 5%.

Nubian breed

This type of animal is impossible for many to breed due to its high cost. This is more of an exotic breed. They were brought to Russia not so long ago from the USA. Well, the homeland of these goats is Africa. It is not recommended to engage in content for people who do not have specific experience.

The reason is that animals are very demanding of their person. It is necessary to specifically select food that she will like. In addition, she is not able to adapt to different conditions weather, does not tolerate frost well. Has a wayward character. But it can boast of delicious milk, which is used to make wonderful cheese.

It has high productivity, for which it can bear about 3 babies. Goats have a very delicate body structure, it is light and thin. The height of the animals reaches 90 cm. The legs are slender, the nose has a hump, and there are also drooping ears.


This breed was obtained through long-term folk selection. Cochemiran animals took part in its creation. In ancient times, this breed was highly valued. To purchase it, it was necessary to shell out a fortune.

The body weight of the Orenburg goat is 40-45 kg, although individuals weighing 100 kg can be seen. The amount of milk per day is 0.7 liters, and per year – 250 liters. Fertility can reach 30-40% of twin births. This breed is characterized by the presence of horns. The body structure is strong, the bones are well developed, the legs are low and very strong.


This goat breed is famous not only for its tasty milk, but also for its excellent down production. The body structure is very large, strong, has a straight back, wide croup and a long body. Skin are distinguished by their softness.

They have thick hair. The length of the down can reach 10 cm. autumn time animals have very lush hair. Its color can be gray with brown or dark tint.

The milk production of goats is also at a satisfactory level. After the kids have been conceived, the goat can be milked for another 2 months. Goats produce approximately 1 liter of milk per day, and 360 liters per year. The fat content of products reaches 3.5-8%.


This type of pet was brought from the USA. According to external prizes, it is characterized by different coat colors, has a straight muzzle, medium-sized ears that are set straight.

For many years distinctive feature Its color is considered to be what distinguishes it from such breeds as the white Saanen and brown Toggenburg.

The video shows how much milk a goat gives per day:

This type of goat is very productive. You can get up to 4 liters of milk per day, 1200-1600 liters per year. Fat content is 3.5%. This milk has a distinctive pleasant taste.

As you have already noticed, each goat breed has its own milk production. These characteristics are very important to know when considering getting a pet. In addition, for each breed of goat, milk has a different taste, despite the fact that it is influenced by the food used in the animal’s diet.

Keeping dairy goats on a private farm is not only profitable, but also simple. Compared to cows, these animals do not need at great expense money for care and food. In addition to tasty and healthy milk, they provide dietary meat, fat, wool, fluff and skins for dressing. Many people ask the question: how much milk does a goat give per day? The answer is in this article.

The process of milk appearing in the udder is called lactation. In dairy breeds it occurs much earlier than in fur breeds - after reaching sexual maturity (from 5 to 9 months). Even a small udder will soon begin to fill with milk. On average, lactation lasts 7-9 months a year. For example, if a goat is due to give birth in March, then milk yield can be obtained before the end of autumn.

Norms of daily milk yield of goats

How much milk does a goat give? Ordinary mongrel goats are no different high level lactation. The maximum daily milk yield is only 1.5–3 liters per individual. Purebred breeds dairy direction have reduced down quality, but can produce up to 8 liters of milk per day.

The champion among all goats is the Saanen goat, bred in Switzerland. In one lactation season they are capable of producing up to 1000 liters of high-quality milk.

There are a number of signs by which you can determine the quality and size of an animal’s lactation:

  1. A symmetrical rounded udder that does not have an unpleasant odor or external defects;
  2. Healthy shiny eyes;
  3. Dense, shiny coat;
  4. Widely spaced hind hooves;
  5. Well developed chest and straight back;
  6. Dense, slightly rounded belly;
  7. Polled (lack of horns).

How many times should you milk a goat?

You can start the preparation process a month before the start of lambing. On average, milking should occur 2 times a day - morning and evening. To prevent the animal from experiencing painful sensations, you need to gradually begin to massage the udder. Milking can be done within an hour after lambing is completed. Avoid getting the first streams of milk into the bucket - they are not sterile and are unsafe for human health.

Don't forget that the goat needs to be kept clean, especially its teats. They should be washed 1 or 2 times a day with warm soapy water.

To improve the goat’s well-being, it must be given warm, digested water with sugar to drink. It is necessary to “milk” a young goat daily up to 4 times a day.

In order for the animal to behave calmer and not interfere with the milking process, give it a clean drink. cold water, place a piece of apple or carrot in front of the muzzle (can be replaced with any other sweet root vegetable).

What and how to feed a goat to increase milk yield

First feeding. A correct and balanced diet is the key to obtaining good milk yield with high fat content of milk and its excellent taste. For achievement good result It’s not enough to just turn goats out to pasture – they need good nutrition, additional vitamins and minerals.

For lambing animals, it is necessary to select the highest quality and nutritious feed. In this case, the ratio of roughage grass feed to grain feed (oats, barley) should be 3:1. It is best to give cereal feed to goats in the morning, before going out to pasture - this will help strengthen their body. In addition, to increase milk yield, you can steam the bran and use it in the diet.

The following products help increase the amount of milk per day:

  • Apples, zucchini, pumpkin;
  • Young tree branches;
  • Herbal decoctions with the addition lemon juice, rosehip, or milk mushroom;
  • Sweet water steamed with dried fruits.

Second feeding. The optimal evening menu for goats is juicy root vegetables ( daily norm– not less than 2 kg). They can be introduced into the diet raw or boiled. Based on bran or cereals, you can prepare a vitamin mash-compound feed for goats.

Increasing the percentage of feed in an animal's diet directly affects the amount of milk yield.

How to choose a dairy goat

Correct selection of an animal is the key to obtaining maximum milk yield per day. When choosing a goat, you should pay attention to factors such as:

  • Breed of animal (the best in this category are Saanen, Russian, Mingrelian, Gorky and Nubian goats);
  • State of health (in a healthy and cheerful animal, lactation lasts several times longer, while a weakened and sick animal may not produce milk at all);
  • Heredity, how many liters of milk does a goat produce - the mother of young animals (if she has large milk yields, then most likely the offspring will inherit this feature);
  • Individual characteristics.

It is best to buy goat kids at the age of 5-6 months from experienced goat breeders. It is recommended to make a purchase during a personal visit to the farm, where you will have the opportunity to take a good look at the small goats and their parents. At this age, the animal already has a skeletal structure similar to that of an adult goat. 2 nipples should be clearly visible between the legs (vestigial ones are allowed). A healthy young animal is active, eats well and exercises a lot.

Goat breed Milk yield, liters/day Features of care and maintenance Advantages Flaws
Saanen From 8 to 12 Large animals that require a lot of space Record milk yield, long lactation, fertility, high taste of milk, tolerates frost well, 75% of offspring are polled from birth High price of young animals
Russian white From 3 to 4 Unpretentious to living conditions Very fat milk – 5.5%, fertility Gives a small amount of fluff - up to 150 grams per year
Anglo-Nubian From 3 to 4 Males have a strong odor and cannot be kept with females Full fat milk Need a lot of space
Tottenburg From 6 to 8 Full-fat milk, long lactation, climate resistance Demanding on living conditions and quality of feed
La Mancha Need increased comfort in the stall Compact, does not require much space High milk yield, lack of odor, flexible character You need to make sure that your diet does not include buttercups, spurge, or aconite.

Video: How much milk does a goat give?

Goat's milk is not only tasty, but also useful product. Proper maintenance and quality care is the key not only to good health of domestic goats, but also a guarantee of receiving large quantity milk. Particular attention should be paid to the milking technique and the animal’s diet, ensuring that it is complete and balanced.


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