How much a cast iron bathtub can weigh and its design features. How much does a cast iron bath weigh?

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A cast iron bathtub is a great choice for a relaxing bathtub.

This container retains the heat of the collected water well and has excellent stability due to its heavy weight. It is the last parameter that is worth talking about, paying enough attention to. After all, many people are interested in the question, how much does it weigh? cast iron bath. This is especially true for the most common sizes: 150x70 and 170x70.

The fact is that for many, the significant weight of these products is a disadvantage. This attitude is mainly caused by difficulties during delivery and installation. During the Soviet Union, a standard cast iron bathtub measuring 150x70 weighed approximately 120 kg. Now this figure has decreased significantly due to the use of new technologies in production. Moreover, some foreign models can compete with domestic ones, overtaking them in weight by 20 kg (to a lesser extent).

However, you shouldn’t get too excited about such models, since they have one significant drawback for our people - a small depth, which is about 35 cm. It may not be very comfortable to fit in such a container.

Relationship between weight and size

As we found out, the weight is determined by the size of the product. Of course, the thickness of the walls also plays a role, but the main influence is still the size. Therefore, let’s consider what the approximate weight may be for certain standard sizes cast iron bathtubs:

  • 150x70 cm – 80 kg;
  • 160x70 cm – 85 kg;
  • 170x70 cm – 120 kg;
  • 170x80 cm – 140 kg.

Of course, the given parameters are indicative and may differ for each manufacturer, taking into account the manufacturing conditions: the raw materials used, the equipment and technologies used.

Impact on other aspects

If the choice falls on a cast iron bathtub, then it is necessary to take into account the load that it will create. And it will consist not only of the weight of the product itself, but of the water collected in the bowl, as well as the person who will be in the bathroom.

These data should be taken into account when installing a cast iron bathtub on a specific floor. Thus, for concrete floors, the weight of a bathtub, water and a person does not represent an excessive load (320 kg). Another thing is a wooden floor, which can withstand up to 250 kg. In this case, it will be necessary to carry out additional measures to strengthen the ceiling.

The most common format of cast iron bathtubs is rectangular shape. Unfortunately, the material does not allow making a product, for example, in the shape of a star. However, due to the use of original design ideas You can get a custom model. For example, apply curved lines, add chrome handles, change the color, and so on. And even though such decisions may affect how much the product weighs, aesthetic pleasure will be ensured.

Even the coating, or rather its thickness, affects the weight of the model. In general, this indicator is very important when choosing. The enamel of the product should be uniform, smooth, without “concentrations” of color.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's also consider some of the advantages of cast iron bathtubs:

  • strength - due to the large weight of the products, it is ensured reliable protection from vibrations, which do not pose a danger to humans, but they may well change the geometry of the joints, which can lead to the spread of moisture and fungus;
  • long time maintaining the water temperature allows you to enjoy the water procedure for as long as possible;
  • the noise of falling water is not as strong as in the case of steel samples;
  • ease of care - no special products or manipulations are needed, regular periodic care with final wiping dry is sufficient;
  • durability – the service life of the product can reach 25 years, even more.

Among the disadvantages, the main one can be identified - weight. It necessitates additional costs during transportation and installation, because assistants are needed to move a cast iron product, especially given its fragility.

One of the parameters of a cast iron bathtub is its weight.

Below we will look at the sizes of bathtubs and their weights, as well as the weight of imported and domestic products.

Pros and cons of weight


In some cases, the large weight of the bath can be a plus:

  • The cast iron bathtub is very stable and does not require additional frame as for an acrylic bathtub. It is the weight of the bath that gives it this quality.
  • Cast iron cannot be thin, so the weight of the bathtub is large, but this gives the bathtub such qualities as absence of vibrations and noise absorption, so the bathtub does not rattle from water, as is the case with a steel bathtub, and the connections in it do not become loose.


But sometimes weight can be a disadvantage:

  • The main disadvantage of weight is transportation and installation of the bathtub. However, this is done once and in the next 10-25 years you won’t even think about it.
  • The bathtub cannot be installed on wooden floors in a private house, at least without additional reinforcement. But again, the problem can be solved, or if the bathtub is installed in an apartment, it is not significant at all.

Cast iron bathtub Roca Newcast 170×85

Dimensions and weight of bathtubs

The approximate size and weight ratio of cast iron bathtubs can be described by the following table:

The weight of a typical old Soviet bathtub measuring 150x70 cm is approximately 94 kg, 170x70 cm - 114 kg.

Foreign manufacturers

Consider the weight foreign manufacturers using the example of Jacob Delafon and Roca:

Jacob Delafon

Model Soissons:

  • 1500x700 mm / 88.1 kg;
  • 1600x700 mm / 90 kg;
  • 1700x700 mm / 99.2 kg.

Model Repos:

  • 1700x800 mm / 117.8 kg;
  • 1800x850 mm / 134.5 kg.


Model Haiti:

  • 1500x800 mm / 79 kg;
  • 1700×800 mm / 86 kg.

Model Continental:

  • 1500x700 mm / 73 kg;
  • 1700×700 mm / 78 kg.

Domestic producers

Plant "Universal", Novokuznetsk

The weight of the smallest bathtub from this manufacturer (Caprice), measuring 120x70 cm, is 69 kg.

Nostalgia model:

  • 1500×700 mm / 94 kg;
  • 1700×750 mm / 114 kg.

OJSC "Kirov Plant"

Model Prestige:

  • 1500×700 mm / 90 kg;
  • 1700×750 mm / 99 kg.

As you can see, the weight of bathtubs of the same size 150x70 cm varies from 73 kg (Roca Continental) to 94 kg (Nostalgia of the Novokuznetsk Universal plant)

You might be interested to know about the sizes corner baths or sizes of cast iron bathtubs.

Cast iron clawfoot bathtub Jacob Delafon Cleo 175×80 cm


The weight of a cast iron bathtub is not such a big problem, which, however, can be solved quite simply, but it also has undeniable advantages. However, the choice is yours, especially on this moment he is simply huge!

Quick answer: it depends on the size of the bathtub itself.

It is believed that cast iron bathtubs are something from the Soviet past, when the average consumer did not really have a choice. Today, most buyers prefer to purchase bathtubs from other materials - less heavy and much cheaper.

However, you shouldn’t be surprised by this, because such a bathroom has a number of advantages.

  • Firstly, it is the durability and phenomenal strength of this bathroom item.
  • Secondly, the service life of such a bathtub is actually unlimited and everything depends only on how to care for it.
  • Thirdly, cast iron maintains the water temperature at the same level for a long time, preventing it from cooling.

There are only two disadvantages: high price and weight. Let's talk about the second parameter in a little more detail.

As an example, let's look at the most popular versions of cast iron bathtubs and find out how much they weigh. The first numbers are length/width, the second are weight.

  • 150×70 cm: 80-90 kg.
  • 160×70 cm: 85-95 kg.
  • 170×70 cm: 95-110 kg.
  • 150×75 cm: 90-100 kg.
  • 160×75 cm: 95-105 kg.
  • 170×75 cm: 110-125 kg.
  • 150×80 cm: 100-110 kg.
  • 160x80 cm: 105-115 kg.
  • 170×80 cm: 125-140 kg.

These are approximate data, since the final weight depends directly on the bathtub model you have in mind.

How much can a cast iron bathtub weigh and its design features?

Home >>> Headings >>> Plumbing >>> How much does a cast iron bathtub of the USSR weigh?

Cast iron bath USSR

old USSR baths
production until the 70s-80s weighed about 200 kg
those that are later lighter - about 100 kg.

How much does a cast iron bathtub 150x70 USSR weigh?
HF, VChM (modernized) and VChM1 (modernized with mixer) the weight of the cast iron bathtub 150x70 cm was 102 kg,
the deviation from the norm was no more than 4 kg.
VCMO (modernized lightweight) and VCMO1 (modernized lightweight with mixer) already weighed 98 kg with the same 150x70.

How much does a 170x75 cast iron bathtub weigh?
for example - Cast iron bathtub 170×75 Station wagon Nostalgie without handles manufactured by OJSC "Universal Plant" (Novokuznetsk, Russia) bathtub weight 110.5 kg

How much does a cast iron bathtub 170x75 USSR weigh?
VCh, VChM (modernized) and VChM1 (modernized with a mixer) measuring 170x75 weighed 118 kg. Deviation up to 5 kg.
VCMO (modified lightweight) and VCMO1 (modified lightweight with on-board mixer) - 117 kg. Deviations 5 kg.

How much does a cast iron bathtub 180x75 USSR weigh?
With a bathtub length of 180 cm, the weight should have been around 125 kg. Tolerance 5 kg.

How much does a cast iron bathtub 120x70 USSR weigh?
Sitz baths with a length of 120 cm and a width of 70 cm weighed 90 kg (error tolerance no more than 3.5 kg).

For example
Cast iron bathtub 150×70 Universal Classic manufactured by OJSC "Universal Plant" (Novokuznetsk, Russia) bathtub weight 92 kg

Some people still have a cast iron bathtub installed in their apartment or house. Some users are looking for a cast iron bathtub due to its characteristics. Is a cast iron bath really that good? Few people thought about how much such a bath weighed before they had to dismantle or install it. All these nuances will be discussed in the article.

Should I choose a cast iron bathtub?

The answer to this question can only be obtained if you weigh all the pros and cons of such a product. Some manufacturers are still producing cast iron bathtubs, but in most cases they are design solutions. Steel and acrylic bathtubs have become very popular, but cast iron bathtubs are not inferior to them in strength. large quantity positive qualities. Among them it is worth noting:

  • significant service life;
  • high strength;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • accumulative features;
  • noise absorption;
  • ease of maintenance.

Some cast iron bathtubs have served their owners for hundreds of years. more years. At the same time, they require little restoration and can serve for the same amount or more. It is quite difficult to damage a cast iron bathtub. This can be done with an enamel bathtub, but the design itself is highly durable. In terms of strength, cast iron bathtubs are inferior to steel and acrylic bathtubs. They can be damaged by a falling heavy object. And in this case it is not only about paint coating. A cast iron bathtub takes longer to heat up than a steel bathtub, but it also retains heat longer. This is explained by the density of the metal, as well as its thickness in a cast iron bath.

When filling a steel bathtub, noise is heard not only in the apartment, but also among the neighbors above and below. There is no such drawback with a cast iron bathtub, since it perfectly absorbs sound waves. The cast iron bathtub is resistant to various chemical substances, so it is easy to wash and keep clean. The main disadvantage of this design is its weight, which differs depending on the size. The surface of such a bath is quite slippery, so you need to step into it carefully. The shape of such a bath may also be out of date.

Weight and dimensions

The weight of a cast iron bathtub directly depends on its size. Maximum length of a modern product is 2 meters and can accommodate a tall person. The maximum width can reach 85 cm. But such extreme dimensions are rarely used, so the width can be chosen from 70 cm, and the length from 120 cm. The most popular models are containers with a length of 1.5-1.7 meters. This is enough for a person with a height of up to 1.9 meters.

Note! There is the option of sitz baths, which are less comfortable, but can be used in limited space.

Sometimes such products are used if there is a need to move the bathtub to accommodate a washing machine or dryer.

The standard weight of a cast iron bathtub, which was manufactured in the Soviet Union, is 110 kg. The dimensions of this container are 1.5x0.7 m. Carrying such a structure is very difficult. The mass of modern products is somewhat different from this standard. But this does not affect ease of use and service life. The wall thickness of modern products is approximately 10 cm, which is sufficient for minimal thermal conductivity. If you need to install a smaller bathroom, it is important to know that the weight will be reduced by 10 kg if one of the sides is shorter. Reverse counting is also fair. This means that a bathtub with dimensions of 1.6 x 0.7 meters will weigh approximately 130 kg.

Note! It is worth saying that an acrylic bathtub of the same dimensions will weigh four times less.

If you purchase a cast iron product manufactured by a foreign company, then you can count on less weight. This is due to the fact that the wall thickness of such products is smaller. The depth of the structure is also different, which can be only 35 cm. This is worth considering if you already have the habit of bathing in a standard bath, since its depth is 10 cm greater. A problem may be delivering the product to the required floor. This is easier to do in those houses where there is a freight elevator. In a normal case, it will have to be lifted along landings, around railings and other obstacles. It will take the help of several people to achieve results.

What to look for when purchasing

When buying a cast iron structure, you need to pay attention to several nuances that will be the key to the long service life of the bathtub. One of the first things to consider is size. It must be suitable for a specific room. In this case, it is worth making a certain gap, that is, choosing a bathtub model that will be slightly smaller than the maximum dimensions that would fit in the planned location. This reserve will allow you to compensate for uneven walls and corners in the building.

The selected model must be carefully examined from all sides. It is worth paying attention to the color of the enamel and its integrity. If there yellow spots, then it is better to refuse such a purchase. Damage may have been caused during transportation, which may subsequently cause corrosion of the bathtub from exposure to moisture. Attention must be paid to the smoothness of the surface. To do this, just run your hand over it. If there is roughness, then you should take a closer look at another model. Roughness may be a sign of the beginning of enamel destruction or a sign of poor quality production.

Advice! If the plans are to install the bathtub not against the wall, but in the middle of the room, then screens will not be used.

It means that Special attention it is worth paying attention to the bottom from the outside of the structure so that there is no rust on it and there is good processing surfaces.

For greater safety when using, it is better to pay attention to cast iron products whose bottom is not smooth, but has ribs or notches. It is more difficult to slip on such a surface, which means the likelihood of injury is also lower. There are product options with handles on the sides. This supplement will be very useful for older people. There are times when two identical models are sold at different prices. It’s worth asking the seller what the catch is. Usually it lies in the quality of the coating. In this case, it is better to spare no expense and purchase a more expensive product, since its service life can be 10 times longer than that of a model with a lower price tag.

Some bathtub models will require additional purchase of legs. The classic design is triangular shapes, but they are suitable when the floor surface is flat. If this is not the case, then it is better to buy legs that can change their level. They are usually stilettos of a certain length with nickels at the ends. There is also design solutions for legs under the bath. In this case, they can be of any desired shape. The video below explains which material is best for a bathtub.

Famous manufacturers

One of the foreign bathtub manufacturers that is in demand is Roca. The company began its journey in Spain and continues to conquer the global community. The advantage of products from this company is a special approach to the manufacture of the bottom, as well as enamel with titanium additives. It is resistant to various types of influences. good reputation The French bath manufacturer Jacob Delafon also has. Their highlight is their great depth and width. Some products have holes for handles and additional modules, for example, hydromassage.

If you want to have products from domestic manufacturer, then you should pay attention to the Novokuznetsk Universal plant. The plant's assortment includes about ten various models bath The Portuguese plant Recor can be considered a manufacturer of luxury bathtubs. You can find mind-blowing products in the assortment various forms and design. There are baths with antique finishes. The weight of the structures from this manufacturer is approximately 150 kg. As budget decision You can consider baths from the manufacturer Aqualux. Production capacity are located in China. At the same time, the quality of the products is at a fairly high level. Bathtub sizes are standard with a width of up to 70 cm.

Note! The information sheets indicate the size of the bathtub, which is taken along the outer edges. Inner space somewhat less.

Bathroom care

To clean the bathtub, it is advisable to use household chemicals. At the same time, for more long term services ideal solution There will be the use of cream formulations that do not contain abrasives. Although good enamel is able to withstand mechanical stress, but if you overdo it, it can be destroyed protective layer, and the bath will quickly fail. If rusty streaks appear from the faucet, they must be removed immediately, because over time they can become so ingrained that this will be impossible to do. It is definitely important to look at the composition of the cleaning agent. Usually the manufacturer indicates whether it can be used for an enamel bathtub.


As you can see, the popularity of cast iron bathtubs is not only not falling, but, on the contrary, is growing. This is especially true for home and bath design projects. Only cast iron bathtubs can be safely placed away from the wall. Thanks to its weight, it will remain stable and will not tip over when the user enters or exits it. The overflow hole for cast iron bathtubs can be located on either the narrow or wide side. Everything will depend on where the mixer will be located

Until a certain time, cast iron plumbing had no competitors. After all, this material has high strength and reliability. The only thing that may confuse the buyer is the weight of the cast iron bathtub.

There are some parameters to consider before purchasing. For example, the shape and size of the product. However, the main factor influencing the choice is weight. After all, the ease of transportation and installation depends on it.

In Soviet times it was extremely popular. Typical product sizes at that time were 150x70 cm and 170x70. The weight of Soviet cast iron baths was their main disadvantage. At the moment, this figure is much lower, which is due to modern manufacturing technology.


Let's consider the classification of Soviet cast iron products based on width and length.

The 140x70 cm model is most often installed in small spaces. The maximum weight of such a bathtub is 80 kilograms, and the capacity is 150 liters. However, this option is not suitable for an adult who wants to enjoy lying in warm water. After all, here you can only take a sitting position.

The following model is suitable for standard room. The weight of a cast iron bathtub 150x70 is 95 kilograms.

It is quite rare to find products with dimensions of 160x70 cm. To take a bath, it is enough to take about 170 water. In this case, the mass is 100 kilograms.

A more modern layout requires the installation of an extended structure. That is why a product with dimensions of 170x70 cm is ideal for such a room. What is the weight of a 170 cm cast iron bathtub? This parameter is 119 kilograms, and the capacity is up to 180 liters.

By individual order Large baths are often produced. The size of such a structure is 200x70 cm. This model is only suitable for large areas.

If we compare Soviet baths with modern products, then their mass became significantly less. For example, the weight of a cast iron bathtub is 150 cm domestic production 20 kilograms more than modern model. However, weight reduction is most often associated with savings on materials. This leads to a decrease in heat capacity and strength.


There are several main modifications of Soviet fonts. For example, corner structures are produced only at large enterprises. After all, production requires additional capacity.

Oval fonts are most often made on special legs. Such models are not adjacent to the wall.

The standard option is a rectangular bathroom with typical dimensions. It has rounded corners inside the bowl and high stability.


Soviet products, in addition to their dimensions, have Additional features. In particular the coating. After all, the quality of enamel affects the duration of operation and appearance during this period. Standard value thickness enamel coating one millimeter is considered. Besides, inner side The product is completely smooth, without cracks or chips.

The reliable design has the correct geometric shape. There are also no uneven edges, corners or folds. Safe Operation is ensured by installing special armrests and handles. Besides, additional processing bath with a special solution prevents corrosion.

The choice of colors is quite modest. Only now have technologies emerged that make it possible to bring any idea to life. IN Soviet period the white model was the most common option.

Which material is better?

During the Soviet era, cast iron was a popular material for the production of bathtubs. However, now they are made from various raw materials. In addition to cast iron, steel and acrylic are used. Each option has negative and positive sides. For example, steel is a fairly plastic material, which makes it possible to manufacture a bathtub of any configuration. The surface of cast iron is often porous, which leads to the accumulation of dirt and rust. This disadvantage is absent in steel models.

The weight of a cast iron bathtub is significantly greater than that of a steel bathtub, so its installation can be done alone. However, due to its small mass, the structure is unstable and needs support. The latter most often acts as a wall. Unlike a cast iron bathtub, this model heats up and cools down quickly.

The acrylic hot tub is made from plastic synthetic material. Such raw materials are absolutely safe and hygienic. However, acrylic construction is most often not rigid enough. This indicator is regulated by the number of reinforcing layers. Therefore, to evenly distribute the loads, the bottom and sides of the bathtub are additionally reinforced.

The advantage of this model is the ability to maintain temperature for a long time. For example, a cast iron bathtub cools by one degree after five minutes. While in an acrylic bathroom such changes occur only after half an hour.

In this case, the acrylic font is easily damaged. Experts do not recommend using various chemicals to clean the product. It's better to give preference special means, which are intended specifically for such surfaces. By the way, small defects can be eliminated by polishing. Tools for this procedure are sold in hardware stores.


Relatively recently, specialized departments could not surprise with a wide range. At that time there were two manufacturers. Moreover, domestic and imported manufacturers differed not only in cost.

The weight of a 170 cm cast iron bathtub made in the Soviet Union exceeds its foreign counterpart by almost twenty-five kilograms. However, this is not a significant disadvantage. After all, such a difference is due to a decrease in quality and thermal conductivity.

In addition, the depth of imported models is only thirty-five centimeters. This is often not enough for the average person.

Domestic products are more durable, but the choice of bathtub shapes is small. Either it's foreign. The variety of design solutions, additional accessories and coatings is amazing and significantly increases the cost of the design.


Soviet cast iron baths have a number of advantages. In particular, the font is quite easy to care for. At the same time, the coating retains its original appearance for a long time. The use of household chemicals and temperature changes are acceptable here.

Manufacturers always provide a long guarantee for such a bathtub. It can be used for 25 years. The significant weight of the cast iron bathtub 170x70 eliminates most of the vibrations. For humans they are practically invisible, but they have negative impact for the tightness of joints.


The large mass of the structure is its main disadvantage. For example, the weight of a 150x70 cast iron bathtub can be more than 100 kilograms. This creates certain difficulties during transportation. Therefore, you will have to use the services of several assistants, which leads to additional costs.

The disadvantages of such a product include an insufficient variety of shapes. Cast iron fonts are made rectangular or oval. It's connected with labor-intensive process casting Relatively recently, designs have appeared that have an angular configuration. However, the cost of this option is quite high.


Installation should begin with placing the bathtub indoors. It must be turned over in advance in order to secure the leg parts. To do this you will need brackets and a set of tools. Next, install the siphon and drainage system. In this case, the structure must be located at a certain inclination to drain hole. You can adjust its position using the support part and the building level.

The contact points between the structure and the wall should be treated with a special protective composition. This must be done to ensure the tightness of the joints. Do not forget about installing a water shutter mechanism. After which you can begin to secure the outlet pipe.

In addition, grounding must be provided. After all, cast iron is a conductor of electricity. Before starting use, it is better to fill the bathtub with several liters cold water. Only after this can you fully enjoy water procedures.


For some, the weight of a cast iron bathtub 170x70 can be an advantage, for others it can be a serious disadvantage. It all depends on the preferences and wishes of the users. Therefore, it is worth thinking through some details in advance, because the bathtub is most often used for decades.

Until a certain time, cast iron plumbing had no competitors. After all, this material has high strength and reliability. The only thing that may confuse the buyer is the weight of the cast iron bathtub.

There are some parameters to consider before purchasing. For example, the shape and size of the product. However, the main factor influencing the choice is weight. After all, the ease of transportation and installation depends on it.

In Soviet times, cast iron bathtubs were very popular. Typical product sizes at that time were 150x70 cm and 170x70. The weight of Soviet cast iron baths was their main disadvantage. At the moment, this figure is much lower, which is due to modern manufacturing technology.


Let's consider the classification of Soviet cast iron products based on width and length.

The 140x70 cm model is most often installed in small spaces. The maximum weight of such a bathtub is 80 kilograms, and the capacity is 150 liters. However, this option is not suitable for an adult who wants to enjoy lying in warm water. After all, here you can only take a sitting position.

The following model is suitable for a standard room. The weight of a cast iron bathtub 150x70 is 95 kilograms.

It is quite rare to find products with dimensions of 160x70 cm. To take a bath, it is enough to take about 170 water. In this case, the mass is 100 kilograms.

More modern bathroom layouts require the installation of an elongated structure. That is why a product with dimensions of 170x70 cm is ideal for such a room. What is the weight of a 170 cm cast iron bathtub? This parameter is 119 kilograms, and the capacity is up to 180 liters.

Large-sized bathtubs are often produced to order. The size of such a structure is 200x70 cm. This model is only suitable for large areas.

If we compare Soviet baths with modern products, their weight has become significantly less. For example, the weight of a domestically produced 150 cm cast iron bathtub is 20 kilograms more than that of a modern model. However, weight reduction is most often associated with savings on materials. This leads to a decrease in heat capacity and strength.


There are several main modifications of Soviet fonts. For example, corner structures are produced only at large enterprises. After all, production requires additional capacity.

Oval fonts are most often made on special legs. Such models are not adjacent to the wall.

The standard option is a rectangular bathroom with typical dimensions. It has rounded corners inside the bowl and high stability.


Soviet products, in addition to dimensions, have additional features. In particular the coating. After all, the quality of enamel affects the duration of operation and appearance during this period. The standard thickness of the enamel coating is one millimeter. In addition, the inside of the product is absolutely smooth, without cracks or chips.

The reliable design has the correct geometric shape. There are also no uneven edges, corners or folds. Safe operation is ensured by installing special armrests and handles. In addition, additional treatment of the bathroom with a special solution prevents corrosion.

The choice of colors is quite modest. Only now have technologies emerged that make it possible to bring any idea to life. During the Soviet period, the white model was the most common option.

Which material is better?

During the Soviet era, cast iron was a popular material for the production of bathtubs. However, now they are made from various raw materials. In addition to cast iron, steel and acrylic are used. Each option has negative and positive sides. For example, steel is a fairly plastic material, which makes it possible to manufacture a bathtub of any configuration. The surface of cast iron is often porous, which leads to the accumulation of dirt and rust. This disadvantage is absent in steel models.

The weight of a cast iron bathtub is significantly greater than that of a steel bathtub, so its installation can be done alone. However, due to its small mass, the structure is unstable and needs support. The latter most often acts as a wall. Unlike a cast iron bathtub, this model heats up and cools down quickly.

The acrylic font is made of plastic synthetic material. Such raw materials are absolutely safe and hygienic. However, acrylic construction is most often not rigid enough. This indicator is regulated by the number of reinforcing layers. Therefore, to evenly distribute the loads, the bottom and sides of the bathtub are additionally reinforced.

The advantage of this model is the ability to maintain temperature for a long time. For example, a cast iron bathtub cools by one degree after five minutes. While in an acrylic bathroom such changes occur only after half an hour.

In this case, the acrylic font is easily damaged. Experts do not recommend using various chemicals to clean the product. It is better to give preference to special products that are designed specifically for such surfaces. By the way, small defects can be eliminated by polishing. Tools for this procedure are sold in hardware stores.


Relatively recently, specialized departments could not surprise with a wide range. At that time there were two manufacturers. Moreover, domestic and imported manufacturers differed not only in cost.

The weight of a 170 cm cast iron bathtub made in the Soviet Union exceeds its foreign counterpart by almost twenty-five kilograms. However, this is not a significant disadvantage. After all, such a difference is due to a decrease in quality and thermal conductivity.

In addition, the depth of imported models is only thirty-five centimeters. This is often not enough for the average person.

Domestic products are more durable, but the choice of bathtub shapes is small. Either it's foreign. The variety of design solutions, additional accessories and coatings is amazing and significantly increases the cost of the design.


Soviet cast iron baths have a number of advantages. In particular, the font is quite easy to care for. At the same time, the coating retains its original appearance for a long time. The use of household chemicals and temperature changes are acceptable here.

Manufacturers always provide a long guarantee for such a bathtub. It can be used for 25 years. The significant weight of the cast iron bathtub 170x70 eliminates most of the vibrations. For humans, they are practically invisible, but have a negative impact on the tightness of the joints.


The large mass of the structure is its main disadvantage. For example, the weight of a 150x70 cast iron bathtub can be more than 100 kilograms. This creates certain difficulties during transportation. Therefore, you will have to use the services of several assistants, which leads to additional costs.

The disadvantages of such a product include an insufficient variety of shapes. Cast iron fonts are made rectangular or oval. This is due to the labor-intensive casting process. Relatively recently, designs have appeared that have an angular configuration. However, the cost of this option is quite high.


Installation should begin with placing the bathtub indoors. It must be turned over in advance in order to secure the leg parts. To do this you will need brackets and a set of tools. Next, install the siphon and drainage system. In this case, the structure must be located at a certain angle to the drain hole. You can adjust its position using the support part and the building level.

The contact points between the structure and the wall should be treated with a special protective compound. This must be done to ensure the tightness of the joints. Do not forget about installing a water shutter mechanism. After which you can begin to secure the outlet pipe.

In addition, grounding must be provided. After all, cast iron is a conductor of electricity. Before starting use, it is better to fill the bathtub with several liters of cold water. Only after this can you fully enjoy water procedures.


For some, the weight of a cast iron bathtub 170x70 can be an advantage, for others it can be a serious disadvantage. It all depends on the preferences and wishes of the users. Therefore, it is worth thinking through some details in advance, because the bathtub is most often used for decades.

Pros and cons of cast iron baths

Let's look at the main advantages of cast iron bathtubs:

  • High strength and durability;
    The weight of a cast iron bathtub compared to other bathtubs practically eliminates vibrations, which may be invisible to humans, but can disrupt the tightness of the joints of the bathtub and walls, which leads to moisture penetration and the development of mold and mildew;
  • Cast iron can maintain water temperature longer than steel, but not as long as acrylic.
    In addition, there is no noise of falling water jet when filling the bathtub, which is typical for steel bathtubs;
  • Simplicity and ease of care. The enamel of cast iron bathtubs is of high quality, which allows it to withstand high temperatures and household chemicals;
  • The service life of a cast iron bathtub is practically unlimited; various manufacturers provide a guarantee for their products ranging from 3 to 25 years.

Important: the actual service life of a good cast iron bathtub usually reaches 25 years or more.

The main disadvantage of a cast iron bathtub is its weight, which is not only an advantage. The weight of such a bathtub can be 120 kg or more, which necessitates the need to pay for the services of movers when transporting it.

Useful: As an example, you can compare a cast iron bathtub with an acrylic bathtub: the weight of cast iron bathtubs ranges between 80 and 150 kilograms, while acrylic bathtubs weigh on average only about 30 kilograms.

In addition, the attractiveness of cast iron bathtubs is reduced by the small variety of sizes and shapes available in the range.

Dimensions of cast iron baths

There are several standard sizes of cast iron bathtubs:

  • The length of the bath can be 120, 150 or 170 centimeters;
  • The width is most often 70 or 75 cm.

Other characteristics that a cast iron bathtub has may depend on its size: how much it weighs, wall thickness, etc.

Important: European standards for the height of the bathtub are 40-42 cm without taking into account the legs, for deeper models - 40-46 centimeters.

Bathtub with handles

In addition to the classic form, there are also cast iron shaped bathtubs, equipped with special handles to increase comfort. To increase safety, special anti-slip notches can also be made at the bottom of such baths.

The modern market offers a wide range of cast iron bathtubs of different classes and prices. For example, a cast iron bathtub of a higher class may have the same weight as a cheaper analogue, but higher quality enamel is used for the coating, which will retain its original appearance for many years.

Useful: there is also big choice Chinese fake models European manufacturers at lower prices.

Purchasing a cast iron bathtub

In order to facilitate the selection, installation and use of a bathtub, you should decide on a number of issues:

  • Required bath size (taking into account personal wishes and room dimensions);
  • In case of replacement - what was the weight of the old cast-iron bathtub;
  • What shape of bathtub is required;
  • The amount that can be spent on buying a new bathtub.

After this, you can go to a plumbing store or place an order in an online store, which often offers a wider range of plumbing fixtures of similar quality.

In addition, having chosen a model, you don’t have to go shopping and look for it in stock - just call and decide without leaving home where exactly the bathtub will be purchased.

Having chosen a model, it is recommended to clarify its various characteristics, as well as clarify the delivery conditions for the purchased bathtub, which is quite heavy. It is also advisable to find out whether it is possible to remove the existing one, taking into account the considerable weight of the old cast-iron bathtub.

Cast iron bath USSR

old USSR baths
production until the 70s-80s weighed about 200 kg
those that are later lighter - about 100 kg.

How much does a cast iron bathtub 150x70 USSR weigh?
HF, VChM (modernized) and VChM1 (modernized with mixer) the weight of the cast iron bathtub 150x70 cm was 102 kg,
the deviation from the norm was no more than 4 kg.
VCMO (modernized lightweight) and VCMO1 (modernized lightweight with mixer) already weighed 98 kg with the same 150x70.

How much does a 170x75 cast iron bathtub weigh?
for example - Cast iron bathtub 170×75 Station wagon Nostalgie without handles manufactured by OJSC "Universal Plant" (Novokuznetsk, Russia) bathtub weight 110.5 kg

How much does a cast iron bathtub 170x75 USSR weigh?
VCh, VChM (modernized) and VChM1 (modernized with a mixer) measuring 170x75 weighed 118 kg. Deviation up to 5 kg.
VCMO (modified lightweight) and VCMO1 (modified lightweight with on-board mixer) - 117 kg. Deviations 5 kg.

How much does a cast iron bathtub 180x75 USSR weigh?
With a bathtub length of 180 cm, the weight should have been around 125 kg. Tolerance 5 kg.

How much does a cast iron bathtub 120x70 USSR weigh?
Sitz baths with a length of 120 cm and a width of 70 cm weighed 90 kg (error tolerance no more than 3.5 kg).

For example
Cast iron bathtub 150×70 Universal Classic manufactured by OJSC "Universal Plant" (Novokuznetsk, Russia) bathtub weight 92 kg

What nuances need to be taken into account

Many buyers believe that cast iron bathtubs are heavy. And for many this becomes a serious drawback and a reason to think about it. When choosing plumbing fixtures, many factors are important, and weight is no exception. Cast iron can be shaped into any shape, but it can be so heavy that transportation becomes a very difficult process.

Typical designs in size 150x70 during the Soviet Union weighed about 100-120 kilograms. Currently, such products are produced not only here, but also abroad. Such analogues weigh much less. How much does a 170×70 cast iron bathtub weigh? The difference between domestic and imported developments can reach up to 20 kilograms.

But manufacturers from foreign countries often try to save on material. Including such characteristics as thermal conductivity and strength, and overall quality.

The sizes of bathtubs made in foreign countries are often smaller than we would like. For example, a depth of 35-37 centimeters is often found. For average people, this space is clearly not enough.

In Novokuznetsk they produce models that have the same weight as in Soviet times. And the depth reaches 45 cm.

Each manufacturer develops its own the lineup. Take, for example, the Jacob company.

  • REPOSE2915-00: holds 119 liters of liquid, weighs 139 kilograms, measures 170x80;
  • PARALLELE2948-00: holds liquid up to 82 liters, weight is 18 kilograms less, dimensions: 170x70;
  • MELANIEE: designed for the same 82 liters. Weighs 90 kilograms, dimensions: 170×70.

Are there other important indicators?

The bathtub always has an impact on the materials it comes into contact with. Overload is not only related to the dead weight of the structure. We must also take into account the person who is inside along with the water.

For example, we take a bath weighing up to 100 kilograms. The water in it weighs half of this figure. A person weighing up to 100 kilograms can be accommodated inside. The weight of a cast iron bathtub in this case will reach 700 kilograms.

We take into account the area of ​​1.1 meters squared. The support area is slightly larger - almost 2 meters. It turns out that for one square meter the pressure is approximately 320 kilograms. If the ceiling is concrete, then this value can be called acceptable.

150-200 kilograms is the weight that structures can withstand for wooden base. A cast iron bathtub can also be placed on wood, but additional reinforcement will be required. Many manufacturers have learned to make much lighter bathtubs, while at the same time having sufficient strength. The wall thickness is at the level of 1 centimeter, but the heat capacity remains at a normal level.

The most common shape is a rectangle. It is clear that in this regard, cast iron does not provide very wide scope for imagination and the implementation of design ideas. But you can choose any color scheme, set of accessories.

From time to time, updating requires the coating of such bathtubs, made of enamel. During operation at work surface Chips and cracks inevitably appear. When purchasing a bathtub in a store, you need to separately ensure that the material is free of chips and smudges, places where there is too much color or it is too bright.

Cast iron - about the disadvantages and advantages

What advantages do such products have? There are only a few of them.

  1. Easy and extremely simple care. The enamel coating initially retains high level quality. Because even household chemicals, temperature changes do not harm the coating.
  2. Manufacturers always provide a guarantee for any product. It can range from 3-25 years.
  3. The water does not make noise during typing, which is often the problem with steel products.
  4. Water stays warm in cast iron longer than inside steel. But acrylic in this case is a clear leader.
  5. Thanks to the serious weight, most of the vibrations that may occur during operation are eliminated. For a person they are practically invisible, but this is often the reason why the tightness at the joints is broken.

Cast iron bathtubs can actually last up to 25 years or longer.

Still, it is the weight indicator that can become not only an advantage, but also a disadvantage. The structure can weigh more than 100 kilograms. Because of this, transportation becomes much more difficult, and movers have to pay more.

Acrylic bathtubs can weigh a maximum of 30 kilograms, and cast iron - ranging from 80 to 150. In addition, specialized stores do not offer as many shapes and colors as we would like.

More details about sizes

  • 170, 150, 120 cm are the most common lengths;
  • as for the width, it is in the range of 70-75 cm;

A cast iron bathtub has a whole set of characteristics, which may depend on the size. In particular, we are talking about wall thickness, weight, and so on.

There are standards in Europe for height. Deeper models should have a height of 40-46 cm, standard ones excluding legs - 40-42.

Some more features

There is not only classic version. You can purchase models in which the design is equipped with additional handles to increase convenience. In addition, there are models with special mats on the bottom to prevent customers from slipping.

Issued different models bathtubs made of cast iron, both in class and in cost. At the same time, the materials remain the same, the appearance may be the same. But, for example, higher-class designs use a higher-quality enamel coating. It is able to maintain its appearance for many years.

In China, the production of counterfeits of models from Europe has been launched. They have lower prices.

What you need to know when buying cast iron bathtubs

It is necessary to take into account a number of nuances in order to make the right choice.

  1. What size should a bathtub be? It is important to take into account not only the dimensions of the room, but also the personal wishes of buyers.
  2. If new bath purchased as an alternative to the old one - you need to remember what the weight of the old model was.
  3. What form is needed in this case?
  4. What are the financial possibilities?

It should be borne in mind that in online stores the choice can be much greater than on regular shelves. Online stores are also convenient because you don’t have to spend a lot of time visiting real sales offices to place an order - just contact the managers by phone.

Only when choosing is it recommended to clarify as many characteristics as possible. It is also worth asking about the terms and conditions of delivery. If you have an old bathroom, you need to ask if the store employee can remove the old model.

What to do with the installation

This process consists of several main steps:

  1. The bathtub must be brought into the room before installation begins.
  2. The leg parts are secured using brackets; you will also need a set of bolts. The main thing is to turn the bathtub over in advance so that the lower part is at the top.
  3. Siphon and drain-overflow designs - installation of fittings is carried out on next stage. There should be an inlet in the bottom hole. At the lower end of the tee it is necessary to screw in a flanged pipe. It is then inserted into the socket of the siphon.
  4. It is not necessary to tilt the bathtub itself towards the drain hole. But you need to use a level to correctly calculate the levels for the slope. To drain most efficiently, you can adjust the part where the support is located. In addition, this will help make the bath itself more stable.
  5. It is necessary to treat with special sealants the places where the bathtub is adjacent to the wall. The main thing is that it fits against the wall as tightly as possible.
  6. After this, the parts of the sewer and drainage fittings are connected together. A water shutter mechanism is installed on the outlet valve. It is to this part that we then attach the outlet pipe.

It is important to pay special attention to grounding. To do this, one end of the wire is connected to a special lug located on the surface of the housing, and the other to a PE bus or to a potential equalization system. On last stage The bathtub must be filled with water. This will allow you to check how strong the connections are. Then you can remove the drain plug and inspect each joint.

Before the operation process begins, it is recommended to fill the structure with 5-7 liters of cold water, and then lower them. And only after that you can move on to hot water normally.

Chips of enamel and cracks on the surface are unacceptable. Fastening elements, legs and the bath itself - required elements in any set. Before paying, be sure to check how complete the package has been sent. For some, the heavy weight of cast iron bathtubs can be an advantage, but for others a serious disadvantage. It all depends on the specific wishes, preferences and requirements of each buyer. If you don’t take them into account in advance, you may end up in serious trouble later. After all, it is very difficult to replace a bathtub; it is bought for at least a few years.

Of course, this issue can be resolved, but then additional costs cannot be avoided. It is better to take into account all the factors in advance, then no questions or problems will arise. And the bathroom will delight buyers for a very long time. Sellers are always happy to provide consultations and talk about the features of a particular product to make the choice easier for their customers. They are ready to offer further Maintenance if necessary.

Dimensions and weight of the bath

The main parameters that affect the weight of a cast iron bathtub:

  • length;
  • width;
  • depth;
  • Wall thickness;
  • metal density.

Typical bath sizes:

  • length – from 120 to 200 cm in increments of 10 cm;
  • width – from 70 to 85 cm in increments of 5 cm;
  • depth – 35-60 cm.

It is worth noting that previously products were produced with thicker walls and high density metal Modern technologies make it possible to produce fonts with a smaller casting thickness, but they consumer properties don't get lost. When figuring out the weight of the bathtub, you need to take into account the year of manufacture. For example, in search of an answer to the question of how much a 150x70 cast-iron bathtub made during the Soviet Union weighs, you can find information that the mass of the product is 105-110 kg. The new hot tub with the same dimensions weighs less.

Let's consider how much a 170x70 cast iron bathtub will weigh, as well as products with the same width and a different length:

  • 150x70 – 80-90 kg;
  • 160x70 – 85-95 kg;
  • 170x70 – 95-110 kg;
  • 180x70 – 115-135 kg.

Weight of a cast iron bathtub with other parameters:

Weight, kg
Length/width, cm 75 80 85
150 90-100 100-110 110-120
160 95-105 105-115 115-125
170 110-125 125-140 135-145
180 130-150 145-165 160-180

Given standard sizes cast iron bathtubs are typical for domestic products. Imported plumbing items, as well as products with unusual shapes, may have a different weight. It must be indicated in the technical passport. Foreign baths are usually lighter and less deep.

Note: The weight of a cast iron bathtub is especially important to consider if the home is located in apartment building no freight elevator. In order to deliver a heavy, large-sized hot tub up the stairs, it will be necessary to use at least four loaders, and they will have to unfold it and lift it over the railing.

Advantages and disadvantages of a cast iron bathtub

Cast iron bathtubs are characterized by many advantages, including:

  1. Durability. The font can last more than 25 years, provided correct operation and adequate care, since the alloy is very resistant to deformation and damage.
  2. Noise absorption. Thick cast iron walls absorb the sound of flowing water and vibration.
  3. Sustainability. Considering how much a standard cast iron bathtub weighs, it's understandable that it won't easily be accidentally knocked over or moved out of place. It can support people weighing over 100 kg. There is no need to install a special podium to prevent bottom deflection, or use additional fasteners.
  4. Heat retention. Plumbing cast iron retains high temperature water for a long time. The liquid in the bath remains warm enough for 30-40 minutes.
  5. Easy to care for. The surface of the bath is covered thin layer enamel that repels dirt. Cleaning the bath is easy. Almost any type is suitable for this detergents. The enamel retains its noble shine for a long time.
  6. Affordable price. Bathtubs made of cast iron are relatively inexpensive - from 12,000 rubles. But you can find exclusive copies for 350-400 thousand rubles.

Disadvantages of cast iron baths:

  1. Difficulties with transportation, installation and dismantling due to the heavy weight and large dimensions of the bathtub.
  2. Limited number of molds due to the peculiarities of cast iron casting technology.
  3. Risk of damage to the bathtub enamel due to impact with a heavy object.
  4. Warming up the metal when adding water to the bath takes a certain amount of time.

A cast iron bathtub is not a suitable option for old houses with weak ceilings. They may not be able to withstand the weight of the font, the water collected in it and the person.

Features of choosing a bath

The main parameters that should be considered when purchasing a cast iron bathtub are the size, as well as the quality of the coating and casting. Let's look at them in detail.

Bath size

The dimensions of the bathtub must correspond to the size of the bathroom and the needs of family members. First of all, you need to measure the room, decide where the font will be located, and accurately calculate the area available for its placement. Recommendations for selection:

  1. A sitz bath, 70 cm wide and 120 to 140 cm long, is suitable if the bathroom is very small. It is convenient to use as a shower tray. In addition, you can bathe children in such a container. The main benefit of a sitz bath is that it frees up space to accommodate other items.
  2. Standard medium-sized hot tubs (150x70, 160x70) are optimal for most typical apartments. Their filling capacity is 160-175 liters. This volume is enough for a person of average build to carry out the procedures comfortably.
  3. Increased dimensions (170x70, 170x75) of bathtubs require more free space. They will be comfortable for a person with a large build.
  4. Large bathtubs (more than 180x80) can be installed in spacious rooms with solid ceilings, since the weight of such containers exceeds 150 kg.

In addition to conventional bathtubs, cast iron corner bathtubs are produced, the sizes of which vary from 90 to 200 cm. Their sides can be equal or asymmetrical. At first glance, it seems that such a bathtub helps save space. But it occupies almost the same area as a rectangular one. The “bonus” is the freeing up of one of the corners of the room.

Bathtub coating and casting

The quality of coating and casting directly affects the lifespan of a cast iron bathtub, as well as the ability to maintain its cleanliness. Main nuances:

  1. The surface should be smooth without bumps or depressions. It's worth checking out the outside. Its smoothness speaks volumes high quality casting
  2. Conscientious manufacturers cover outer walls powder enamel. This is necessary to protect the cast iron from deformation. On outside There should be no chips, scratches or cracks.
  3. Signs of high-quality enamel are smoothness, shine, uniform color, thickness from 0.8 to 1.2 mm. Lumps, bulges, roughness, waves are defects, such problem areas quickly succumb to corrosion.
  4. If there are children and elderly people in the house, it is better that additional coatings with anti-slip and antibacterial effects are applied to the enamel.

Other criteria

Other criteria for choosing baths:

A good quality cast iron bathtub can last for several decades. It is inexpensive, retains the heat of water for a long time, absorbs noise and is easy to clean. But, when deciding to purchase a font from this durable material, it is necessary to take into account its large weight, especially if the housing is in an apartment building.

Weight of cast iron bath

The main disadvantage of a cast iron bath is also its advantage. Heavy-duty cast iron bathtubs are stable, durable and reliable. After installation, the device “sits” firmly, and no gaps or gaps appear between the bathtub and the wall. Of course, if the bath needs to be transported to upper floors multi-storey building, then doing this is not entirely convenient. It is impossible to handle the transportation on your own, so you will have to hire a team of movers or ask friends for help.

The Soviet method of manufacturing the device made it possible to make cast iron bathtubs durable, but heavy. Thanks to the use modern technologies in production, the weight of the container has become significantly less. The weight of the standard model of this device, measuring 1.50 × 0.70 meters, is 120 kilograms. Even the smallest specimens, with a capacity of no more than 40 liters, weigh about 80 kilograms. Note that the same size acrylic bathtub will weigh about 30 kilograms, which can be easily transported and even carried by yourself. Many buyers are also interested in the question: “How good are bathtubs made of cast iron?”

Modern containers, which are produced by foreign companies, weigh about 20 kilograms less than models made in Soviet times. This is due to the fact that on the market for such materials, you can often purchase a fake made in China, the production of which significantly saved on the materials spent. Counterfeits do not have the required strength, stability, thermal conductivity, etc. technical characteristics, unlike original products.

In addition, imported bathtubs have miniature sizes, which are not always convenient for the consumer. In particular, the depth of such products can be only 37 centimeters, which is not entirely convenient for bathing procedures for the average person.

It's important to know what some companies do quality material, which boasts its technical characteristics. Therefore, when buying a cast iron bathtub, you should pay attention to the manufacturer. For example, the Spanish Roca bathtub has excellent technical characteristics and appearance. Dimensions similar designs They are different, on average the depth of the container is 42 centimeters. In general, you need to look only for a manufacturer that has been proven for a long time. An imported product can be of high quality - made from thin material, as a result, it will not be heavy during loading and light during transportation and installation. The thickness of the metal usually does not exceed 1.0 centimeters.

Advantages and disadvantages of cast iron baths

The advantages of cast iron products include:

  • reliability, strength and durability. A well-installed product stands securely on supports; separate fastenings are required only in some cases. Products,
  • made of cast iron, resistant to deformation and subsidence;
  • the water in a cast iron product cools much longer than water in a steel container, but water in an acrylic bath takes about twice as long to cool down as in a cast iron bath;
  • the enamel covering the cast iron product looks quite aesthetically pleasing and attractive;
  • the coating is resistant to chemicals and therefore does not require special devices for care;
  • the cost of cast iron bathtubs from Soviet and modern times is quite acceptable for most consumers.

Of course, in addition to the advantages, any product has unique disadvantages.

The disadvantages of cast iron containers include:

  • when filling the bathtub with water, it will take some time to warm it up, since cast iron is a cold metal to the touch;
  • The enamel coating is not impact resistant enough. It is very easy to break off a piece of coating from a cast iron product. That is why the bathtub must be protected from significantly strong impacts and from heavy objects falling into the container;
  • a cast iron product is a little inconvenient to transport and install;
  • Since cast iron casting is a complex process, it is almost impossible to create a structure of a geometrically even shape.

Dimensions of cast iron baths

How much a cast iron bathtub weighs depending on its size is a question that interests many. The weight of products directly depends on the dimensions, which are generally accepted and standard. Since Soviet times, manufacturers have been making products with lengths of 120, 150 and 170 centimeters. Modern manufacturers make bathtubs from 80 to 180 centimeters long. The consumer can choose the product that is convenient for him and ideally suits the interior design.

The width of the bathtub in most cases is 70-75 centimeters. Modern companies produce products with a width of 60 to 80 centimeters.

The depth of the product is usually 40-50 centimeters. Modern manufacturers offer to purchase models whose depth reaches 60 centimeters. Bathtubs are distinguishable by weight, depending on the thickness of the walls.

A few examples of cast iron bathtubs:

  1. The Novokuznetsk plant produces Nostalgie. The weight of the product is 114 kilograms, and the dimensions are 170x75 centimeters;
  2. The Kirov plant produces “Laguna-Lux”, whose weight is 104 kilograms and dimensions 150x70 centimeters;
  3. "Roca Continental" weighs 73 kilograms. Dimensions are 150x70 centimeters;
  4. "Jacob Delafon" - standard bathtub dimensions 170x70. Weight is 121 kilograms.

Cast iron bathtubs practically do not differ in shape, but manufacturers manage to add a few of their own touches. On the market you can buy hydromassage, seated and simple baths. In the range of these products you can even find colored ones. The enamel covering the surface of the product varies from beige to blue color, but some manufacturers present to the public products painted in absolutely any color.

As already mentioned, all design solutions can be easily applied to a cast iron product. For example, the manufacturer Kohler managed to release a corner-shaped bathtub, which seemed impossible for all manufacturers previously.

Of course, designer models cost many times more than simple models standard dimensions. Perhaps in the future, consumers will be able to choose products of absolutely any shape and size.

Restoration of a cast iron bathtub, how to make it can be found in our publication on the website.

You can read about how to select and install a water heater in this article.


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