A dream I had from Saturday to Sunday. The meaning of individual plots

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Dreams from Saturday to Sunday are a mystical guide that helps you figure out your plans for the near future and see how events will develop. The dreams and desires that you so strive for come true in your dreams. And the correct interpretation of what you see will help you understand whether your aspirations will come true. Have you become a participant in bright positive events, felt joy and satisfaction with everything that was happening, had fun from the heart and forgot about the problems that concern you? Expect good and quick changes in life. Try to remember all the details of the dream, especially the words of other people. Such information may become prophetic for you.

You became an active participant in a grandiose event, traveled or had fun at a carnival - remember all the events. Soon you will have a new pleasant acquaintance with “useful” nice person. It is this person who can radically influence your destiny: a new business partner, a loved one, etc.

Why do you have dreams from Saturday to Sunday? Very often it helps to awaken the subconscious and reveal completely new talents and abilities in you. Notice what you did and how you felt. Little tips can be the impetus for a new activity in life.

A dream on a day off is a kind of test of your psychological state. Everyone sees exactly what they dream of and strive for. A romantic nature seeks and finds love, a workaholic decides complex tasks, and tired people bask on the golden sand by the sea. True, it is necessary to interpret a dream from Saturday to Sunday correctly: these events do not necessarily have to come true exactly. They help you understand that it is time to “stop”, take a breath and correctly prioritize your life.

Is your dream painted in dull colors, and the events caused anxiety and a feeling of depression? Don't be upset, the dream doesn't bring anything bad to your life. It’s just that the next weeks will not bring you any bright events, everything will proceed “smoothly” and without any special emotional turmoil. The subconscious is trying to tell you: take control of your life, manage it and devote more time to your psychological state.

The Bright Sun is the patron saint of Sunday dreams

Why do you have dreams from Saturday to Sunday, do they come true or not? This is always some kind of warning about future events. Our Sun has powerful energy and is the patron of dreams on the weekend. Solar dreams are a direct hint from the Universe that you have gone astray from the right path, have lost vital energy and you may lose excellent chances in life. The star illuminates our path and encourages us to become happier. Be careful and remember such dreams. They will tell you how to solve accumulated problems, get rid of unnecessary connections, and give joy to loved ones.

  • Pay attention to the people who are involved in the dream, they can help you decide difficult situations, become reliable friends or life partners.
  • But a beautiful and memorable dream is a sign of the beginning of a happy streak in life, sometimes this indicates new job, happy win or pleasant trip.
  • A gray and expressionless dream where you are lost in the forest or in the city is evidence of waste of energy and loss vitality. The Sun encourages us to reconsider our behavior: to become more active, decisive and fearless.

Do dreams come true from Saturday to Sunday? As a rule, events seen at night develop very dynamically, and their implementation takes 12 hours (until lunch).

Very often, in such dreams, the Universe reminds us of our closest and dearest people, pushing us to get closer and take active action. If you see friends, call them and make an appointment, they have new ones interesting ideas or they will simply help you find peace of mind.

Dream from Saturday to Sunday - why do you dream?

Can’t interpret your dream and make a correct forecast for the future? Find out which events foreshadow changes and which warn of dangers. Remember, Sunday dreams come true very quickly, so be extremely careful:

A dream from Saturday to Sunday about love. Perhaps the most accurate and even prophetic. But they should not be interpreted literally. The sun tells us what secret thoughts your partner has. Saw betrayal or found out bad news about your loved one - perhaps in life he is hatching a plan to deceive or cheating on you. Ah, he’s just not your person and right now you can break off such a relationship, avoiding pain and deception. If you see a new lover who is sincerely interested in you, a new pleasant acquaintance awaits you. An old friend who shows sympathy for you - pay attention to him, such a person can hide his brightest feelings.

Dream from Saturday to Sunday about a wedding. Very often he turns out to be a prophet. Just don't rush things. You have been given a valuable hint: pay attention to how your other half behaves. If she is embarrassed or upset and runs away from you, you are too assertive and risk ruining the relationship. You are happy together, you receive gifts - your relationship is harmonious and soon you will create a strong and happy family.

Dream from Saturday to Sunday about career and work. A dream from Saturday to Sunday, which talks about troubles at work, can become prophetic. If you see that nothing is working out for you, your plans are falling apart - maybe someone is trying to trick you or your boss is not with you. You should be more careful to avoid conflict in life. If you dreamed about your previous job, you are remembered with tenderness and appreciated as a professional. Paper money, documents you sign, salary increases - can predict profit. You climb the stairs, occupy a new office, or you are given a desk - your career will go uphill, and you will have new opportunities to express yourself.

Dream from Saturday to Sunday about relaxation and entertainment. Reflects your desire to relax and gain vital energy. Pay attention to the events: a peaceful atmosphere - your holiday will be successful, bright emotions and impressions await you. Quarrels, conflicts with loved ones, dark water, rain - postpone the trip for a while and solve pressing problems.

Dream from Saturday to Sunday about dead people. Dreams about dead people. The dream must be remembered! It doesn’t mean anything bad; on the contrary, they want to warn you about minor troubles and possible problems. In some situations, close people will give you a hint and help you avoid unpleasant events.

What dreams from Saturday to Sunday mean is always a help to the dreamer and a real hint on how to change your life for the better. So be careful and accept the help of the Universe.

Numerological horoscope for the number of the day - 23

2 gives the opportunity to cooperate with other people, gives faith in good deeds. 3 is cheerfulness, the ability to discard the old negative experience to step forward in faith. It's time to show innovative thinking and expand your interests. Any complex matters and problems can be solved if you use intuition and the ability to introspect.

The 23rd will allow you to adapt to any unusual situation that arises. You can be flexible in your mind to appreciate prospects that seemed too far away.

Despite the fact that today everything that is possible and what is not has been repeatedly proven or, conversely, disproven by science, people continue to believe in the prophetic properties of dreams. In this article - a little about whether dreams come true from Saturday to Sunday.

Interpretation of dreams from Saturday to Sunday

Esotericists attribute to dreams that occurred on such a night, special meaning. This is due to the fact that Saturday, according to astrology, is under the protection of Mercury. And this planet, in turn, personifies wisdom and experience. In addition, Saturday is considered a day of happiness, solar energy and warmth, as well as during the day of all kinds of festivities.

But it is worth considering that it is on this night that you can see the sincere emotions of the people around you towards you. If you see a gloomy dream with familiar relatives present in it, it means that these people are interfering with the fulfillment of the dreamer’s plans or are not jealous of him with white envy. If the dream is joyful, bright and colorful, then you should take a closer look or remember the faces of its other participants. It is these people who will help the sleeper in realizing his hopes. And they are the ones who help him overcome life’s adversities. And not for the sake of profit, but only because they have warm feelings for him.

In addition, poorly remembered, gray or negative dreams that night may indicate boredom in a person’s life, poor condition health and lack of vital energy. Seeing similar dream, you should seriously think about taking a long vacation. Positive dreams, spoiled, foreshadow new bright acquaintances and many positive emotions. In addition, they may indicate that a person has great potential and even talent that is finally ripe for discovery.

Regardless of what dreams a person sees from Saturday to Sunday, Saturday is a day of energy accumulation. On Saturday evening, it doesn’t hurt to think about how he sees his future and what he can do to ensure that this future develops exactly as a person needs. Simply put, you need to quickly complete old tasks and identify new goals. And also at least roughly think about how to realize these goals.

Are dreams prophetic from Saturday to Sunday?

It is difficult to say with certainty that Saturday's dream comes true on Sunday. Of course, you can have a prophetic dream from Saturday to Sunday, but with the same probability you can have it on any other day of the week. This means if we talk about the exact translation of dream events into life. But a tendency has also been noticed that if you don’t tell anyone about the dreams you had that night, then they very often come true. And exactly on Tuesday.

To remember a dream, do not look out the window in the morning. You should not go to bed hungry, look in the mirror before going to bed or swear - this will attract trouble. If you need to find out whether you will stay with a specific person, you should say before going to bed: “Monday with Tuesday, Wednesday with Thursday, Friday with Saturday. Sunday, which one do I like? have a dream? Let me, God, see someone with whom I can live forever.” Whoever dreams in a dream will be the one sleeping with him.

What do dreams from Saturday to Sunday mean, according to scientists?

Scientists believe that the content human dreams depends solely on what the events of the past day were. In addition, a person often projects his fantasies, illnesses and accumulated problems into dream images. The interesting thing is that no matter how ridiculous it may sound, in a dream you can actually find a solution to a particular problem. So Mendeleev is just one of those who, consciously or unconsciously, used this method.


Dream Interpretation of Prophetic Dreams

In order to understand whether your dream is true, you must pay attention to when you had it. There are days and even weeks in the year when almost any dream comes true, and there are those when even the most seemingly “prophetic” dream is actually empty.

Dreams in the annual cycle

It's time for prophetic dreams - Christmas time. Christmas time is the period between Christmas (January 7) and Epiphany (January 19). At this time, their deceased ancestors (“parents”) come to believers, and a special place must be set for them at the festive Christmas table (on the afternoon of January 7th). “Parents” then suggest fate in a dream. Therefore, a dream you have during Christmas time always comes true, you just need to solve it correctly. Christmas days are holidays, but at this time a person is in wait for devilry, which walks freely on earth, because, as Maria Semyonovna explained, “Jesus was born, but not yet baptized.” So the girls at Christmas time tell fortunes about their suitors and their fate, and the unclean one gives them the answer. He doesn’t lie, he tells the truth, but it’s just a sin to invite the unclean. He just doesn’t do anything, then he’ll take his toll. Therefore, if anyone has been guessing at Christmas time, then they need to repent. Not only on Christmastide, but on any holiday you can dream about prophetic dream, but it must come true before lunch (before noon) holiday. That’s what they used to say in the old days: “A festive nap is before lunch.” A prophetic dream occurs on the third day of every month, and on the twenty-fifth the dream will be empty.


Friday is a special day, on Friday our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. So on Friday Mother Friday, the holy martyr of Paraskeva, walks the earth, mourning the Savior. Holy Friday everyone more for women It helps seamstresses and women in labor if they observe the day - they don’t sew, don’t knit, don’t wash on Friday. And you don’t need to start any business on Friday - they will turn out to be a failure. On Friday, all dreams are true, everyone can predict fate. But 12 Good Fridays are especially revered; dreams for these days are the most accurate. These Fridays are called “temporary”.

Temporary (nominal) Fridays

1st - in the first week of Great Lent.

3rd - on Palm Week.

4th - before the Ascension.

5th - before Trinity Day.

These twelve Fridays are also called nominal because each of them has its own name, for example, Annunciation Friday, Assumption Friday, etc.; Each of them is associated with some event from Old Testament history, as, for example, about the first Friday it was said in the ancient books that “on the first Friday of the month of March, Adam transgressed the commandment of God, and was quickly expelled from paradise,” etc. Each of On Fridays, some special grace is attributed, for example: “Whoever fasts on the first of these Fridays will be delivered from sudden death.” If a person observes Fridays, that is, fasts and abstains from housework, then after the sixth of 12 Fridays, St. Friday will appear to him in a dream and reveal half of his future; after the twelfth Friday she will tell him his whole future.

Other days of the week

From Sunday to Monday I have all sorts of dreams, some may be prophetic, some may be empty. From Sunday to Monday they make wishes for sleep.

* From Monday to Tuesday – empty dreams.

* From Tuesday to Wednesday – dreams come true.

* From Wednesday to Thursday – empty dreams.

* From Thursday to Friday – dreams come true (usually within three years, but can come true earlier).

* From Friday to Saturday - empty dreams.

* From Saturday to Sunday – the dream can come true before lunch.

However, one must keep in mind that visionary dreams are always true and that if symbols are repeated in a dream, then, regardless of the day of the week, such dreams are prophetic. The day on which the dream occurred is only auxiliary knowledge.

Times of Day

A day dream will almost always be empty (except for visions) because it refers to the past. During evening or night sleep, the soul just begins to move away from the body, so prophetic images are replaced by bodily images. It is especially difficult to make out such a dream; it often turns out to be empty. The most reliable is a morning dream, because the soul has already moved away from the body, has forgotten the impressions of the day and sees the phenomena of the heavenly world.

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Sunday morning dream

Sunday morning dream

Dream - I'm in a wedding dress

I am 42 years old. I'm not going to get married (not to anyone). I broke up with my friend (we lived in a civil marriage for 16 years) in January of this year. I am currently actively looking for a job. That is, the problem is also in material terms, as I have been looking for a long time and so far without results. And today I have a dream - I’m in white wedding dress, it is beautiful, the material is like a crimpline (such material used to be in use, about 30 years ago), long, classic cut. It suits me and I like it, although one of my friends said that the dress is not very beautiful. I’m in a hurry to go to my wedding, and with that friend with whom we broke up not long ago (with whom we lived for 16 years), for some reason I’m at a friend’s house, it seems like I have to go to the wedding itself from her, and somehow everything doesn’t work out. I forgot my shoes at home, my friends offer me old ones to wear, or slippers, I try to call my mother and tell her to take the shoes. Then I’m riding on public transport in this dress and a coat thrown over it, I think, I’ll get everything dirty by the time I get there. I see a friend somehow briefly (future husband), I think, well, they decided to get married after all... Well, that’s all, I woke up. Is this for a career change?

A dream with a sense of reality of what is happening

I’m sleeping in my apartment and suddenly I clearly hear steps. I wasn't scared, but I'm trying to figure out who it could be. Fits ex-husband, who in life causes me strong negativity and crouches in front of the sofa. I calmly want to ask why he appeared late at night, but I can’t open my mouth and say it, and because of this I wake up.

Dream about a dog

I’m sitting in the village and where we used to have pigs and cows, a girl went there, I looked, and in that girl’s place a dog appeared and wanted to tell me something, and I sort of started talking like a dog and then I picked her up and took her out into the street. And she has a shovel in her paws, I ask what happened and she raised her paw to the top, I say that there is God and then some guy says no, there are god-like birds, they are drowning her out, her ears hurt, I took this dog in my arms, hugged her and I think we’ll call the doctors and help . And my whole body woke up in pain.

Dream about Russia

Saw lucid dream about the fate of Russia. The burning sleigh added up to the numbers - 2015. I perceived these numbers as a year.

Dream about work and strange things

I dream that I come to the office, where I do piecework work one-time. I give up the job, they offer me to work permanently, but I refuse. Then suddenly it’s a restaurant, but I’m in the kitchen and talking with the chef, he gives me a piece of meat so that I give it to the waiter or someone unknown. I give a piece and see that my hands are hairy like a man’s and the hair falls straight onto the piece of meat.

I feel uncomfortable. I try to brush off the hair and turn my hands so that the bare inner surfaces are visible. It seems like they can get away with everything))), then I suddenly stand in front of the mirror and they ask me to brush my teeth with a special paste - I rub my teeth, they become white as snow. Then suddenly my old lover writes to me on social networks some nonsense incomprehensible from one word - like "dirt. Night. VKontakte." And for some reason I see this on the screen of a new phone.

I work from home as a freelancer!

Dream about a naked son

Hello. My mother had a dream as if she saw her son in an empty bright room, he stands against the wall silently, completely naked and without any genitals at all, there is only a scar in this place, there is no blood, and his genitals are sewn on his shoulder. She asks him what happened? And he answers her, this is who I am now. What could this mean? Thank you very much in advance!!!

Dream about brother

I remember the dream from the moment: I break the ice with my hands in order to save my brother (my brother died three years ago), I look for him with both hands, I find him, I pull him out only to the knee, he kisses me, smiles. Help me explain please!!!

Dream about owls

I ask you to explain the interpretation of the dream: I live in panel house, I go to the window, and there, like in THOSE times, the refrigerator is outside the window. And in the refrigerator there are one or two owlets sitting on three shelves. And they are not afraid. And I have a desire to feed them.

Dream within a dream

Dream: I'm trying on different dresses. I like them. It seemed like she was going to take something from them, but... I woke up. It was in my dream that I thought I woke up. Then everything is as usual. All my usual actions are as if in reality. I'm about to leave the apartment, I open it front door and I don’t even have time to take a step when a (gray) cat rushes at my feet. She intended to run into the apartment, but I somehow managed to block her path with my feet... And I woke up for real.

In general, I didn’t let the cat in. Although I was a little scared from surprise. And the sensations were very real.

I have long noticed that I dream of cats as a sign of trouble: quarrels, squabbles, illnesses for me or my loved ones.

I would be very grateful for interpretations.

Dream involving an ex

I dream of a table made of untreated boards - the former behind it, his ex-wife, daughter and girlfriend of ex. Wives. I'm also at the table. The ex's daughter cries, throws herself on her dad's neck and asks him to stay, because in the dream he has to go on a date with new woman. My ex's wife and her friend are silent, I start feeding my daughter, they take the plate away and feed them themselves. The one in the white shirt is silent guiltily. So we all sit at the table

Dream about the deceased

I dreamed about my dead husband mom's friend. His face was that of the young TV presenter Yuri Nikolaev. He worked as a key maker. My 9 year old son ran to him and shouted to him, don’t tell me my secret. This morning I woke up and it turned out that it was deceased Uncle Volodya’s birthday. What does it mean?

Dream about a cat

I saw my cat in a dream. She is neutered. In a dream, she cuddles up to me, I stroke her back, I understand that cats need to be chased away in a dream, and suddenly I notice that she begins to kitt. This is where I wake up.

Dream about a common-law husband

Why do you dream of a common-law husband in a dream?

Today in a dream I saw myself, my real common-law husband and my ex (we lived together for 15 years), we were in the bathhouse. I saw the real one - lying at the bottom of the pool with pure water dead, and his entrails next to him (Brrrrr). I didn't see any blood. And the ex stands in the distance and watches.

And a few days ago I saw how the real one and I were lying on the couch and wanted......

Do something, and the ex sits in the hallway on the sofa and, again, watches and does not leave.

The ex has some kind of power. I left him for a little less than two years. There were and are “knowledgeable” people in the family too.

Dream about murder

I dreamed at night that a child was killed. It was a man, I don’t know him, and then it was as if the mother of this child was running after him, and he was running away from her and she was screaming “murderer, hold him, he killed my child,” and then it was like this woman, like me. A couple of people caught him and are trying to hold him. This all took place in some building. And suddenly he takes out a pistol and starts shooting indiscriminately into the crowd. First at these men who tried to hold him back. Then for the rest, everyone ran and screamed. I bent down and lay down on the floor. He calmed down a little, but was still scary. And he saw me, but didn’t do anything to me, as if he was waiting for me to start screaming, and then he would shoot at me. But I silently crawled to another place, and there with my friend I hid behind a curtain, in one word there was fear in a dream and blood.

A dream that has been tormenting me for a long time

I had this dream back in 2000, when I was in 11th grade. So... I dream that I am on another planet, there are a lot of flowers around me and they are not the same as on Earth, but what’s interesting is that there is silence all around. I was dressed in a long robe, gray. My head was egg-shaped and there was no hair. Then I found myself in the middle of the tower, next to me there was a cauldron in which dark-colored water was bubbling. I hear a voice that tells me that I must go to Earth. I really don’t want this, I say that I don’t want to go there, there is a lot of deception, cruelty, a lot of evil. But no one listened to me..... At some point, I felt that someone grabbed my head in the back and sharply pushed it in front of my face into boiling water. I already saw myself from the outside. In a ball of fire in the fetal position. I descended from the sky to Earth, I heard voices, but I don’t remember what they said. The ball slowly descended to the surface of the water. Or rather, in the lakes. When the ball sank completely into the water, the ball disappeared. And I ended up in the water naked. I looked like a person, like an ordinary girl with long hair. I saw many horses on the shore, they were grazing there. There were tents. I understood that these were military men who stopped for a rest.......... A young man came out of one tent. It was probably 1660 or 1663 (Russia). Then I found myself in a different period of time. I saw my next rebirth, it was probably 1800 (France). I'm in fluffy dress and a young man is standing with me. Then I saw myself in the present time, who I am now. I'm standing in the bathroom, and I feel eyes on me. The bathroom door was open and young people with whom I had met, but did not develop a long-term relationship, were looking at me. Then I saw among them one person unfamiliar to me, his face was blurry, I could not see his facial features. Then I found myself on the steps of the stairs. The stairs led to the university. A girl stood next to me, I knew that her name was Tatyana.............. And then I woke up. When I woke up, I already knew that I would go to university and that my friend from university would be called Tatyana, the most interesting thing is that this is what happened. And if so, then should I believe everything else that I saw in my dream?


Sunday morning dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Sunday morning dream. By clicking on the link Interpretation of sleep under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations, written free of charge by the dream interpreters of our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams mean, Dream on Sunday morning, or what it means to see Dream on Sunday morning in a dream.

Dream on New Year's Eve

I dreamed of a man with whom I broke up. It's like I'm in his house, talking to his sister. He is present, but does not interfere in the conversation, but listens carefully. I don't remember the essence of the conversation. His sister handed me the baby, I took it and saw a pink blanket (I thought it was a girl). I was a little surprised, but didn’t mind.

Dream about a funeral

I dreamed of the funeral of two people: a woman and a man. I didn’t see the woman dead, I only knew that it was her funeral, the table had already been set for the funeral dinner, and I kept worrying about when it would end, because I had to bury a man, and for some reason in my dream the dead should not meet. Then some nonsense: a man rose from the coffin, gave me his cross from his hands, something else, and he walked and talked about something (I don’t remember what), and when the woman’s wake took place, he was again in the coffin . They drove him down the street through the mud in a truck. The street really exists, only now it is paved. Maybe someone can interpret this dream?

Baptism dream about betrothed

It is customary to guess at baptism. Before going to bed, I asked my betrothed to appear to me in a dream. As a result, I dreamed of a man with whom we lived for five years, but broke up two years ago.

One of the reasons was his reluctance to earn money. In a dream, he wants to bring me back, but I understand that he has not changed at all and I refuse.

Now in reality, both he and I have relationships with other people. What does this dream mean? Is he really my destiny?

Dream about your ex

I dreamed about my ex in a strange role today. He came to some old lady to have sex with her. The lady was in white ballroom clothes. She was lying on the sofa. The lady was very fat and almost without hair. My ex took off his clothes and started having sex with her. And I stood in the same room and watched this. Then this lady was no longer there, but three young girls appeared. Me, my ex and these three girls went to bed. I also had sex with two of these girls. I noticed some strange stains on the sheet. Then I saw when my ex stood up that his underpants were dirty. He peed in his pants, which is why there were stains on the sheets.

I wanted to change the sheet. The girls got up and went into the next room. Some young guys, their friends, were waiting for them there. I stayed in the room with my ex, but not for long. Then I went out somewhere, and when I returned, my ex was no longer in the room. Young guys from next room they said that he was taken to intensive care, he became ill. And the girls told me that they were surprised that I was dating someone like that. I didn’t know what to do, where to look for my ex. I started calling his brother at home.

Next picture. In one room I, my ex, his brother and his wife. My brother's wife's face is covered with a thick layer of powder. In a bucket on the floor, I saw dark red, cropped locks of hair. They were wet and smelled like hair dye. It was the hair of the woman my ex is now living with. And my ex says that he doesn’t want to be with her anymore, because he has already experienced everything decent that can be with her and doesn’t want any more decent things.

What would it mean to dream about your ex? Thanks for the answer!

Dream about a deceased grandfather

From Saturday to Sunday I had a dream. In a dream, I went to visit my grandparents, approaching their house, at the fence I saw a very strange young man, who stood calmly at the gate and looked down somewhere, while he did not pay attention to passers-by. Approaching the gate, the late grandfather noticed me and joyfully walked up to the gate and opened it.

I was glad to see him too. We hugged and I asked him how his health was. He replied that everything was fine and asked why I didn’t come to them over the weekend. I said that it didn’t work out for me, and he said. What a pity. Then I went into the house and started helping my grandmother in the kitchen. When I went outside, I saw that someone had set fire to the gazebo and fence. Seeing the slightly open gate, I realized that it was the same young man who did it.

I got angry and asked my grandmother to give me a hose to put out the flames. They gave me a hose and I started to extinguish it and put it out. At the same time, when I first saw the flames it was cloudy, when I started to extinguish it it started to drizzle. And when I just finished stewing, it started heavy rain and began to rejoice and dance, and then saw that her parents were approaching the house. This is where I woke up!

Despite the fact that there was nothing terrible in the dream, for some reason I woke up and felt very restless and scared in my soul. By the way, the flame was not big!

Dream about the late dad

I dreamed about my late dancing dad. He danced in his parents’ apartment, in their room. danced cheerful dance like Kalinka-Malinka. And I sat on his couch and watched. At the end of the dance, he said that he was placing his foot incorrectly and for some reason his grandmother, his mother, did not tell him about this, as if she had already died.

Dad died a year and a half ago, grandmother survived him by six months.

Dream about a pregnant woman

In my dream I saw a young woman I knew in the last stage of pregnancy in my kitchen. I was very surprised by her condition. Then, near a cafe on Mount Ai-Petri (this is in Crimea), I saw a white Mercedes minibus parked. A pregnant woman is the owner of a cafe; she said that she bought this minibus from a mutual friend.

Dream of rainbows

I see myself outside the city, observing the familiar panorama, only the familiar bridge looks much more ancient and powerful (on strong bulls, with pointed arches). I feel that someone is silently looking over my shoulders with me. I turn around and see my young old man in rags, with a staff. He smiles and silently says: watch, or you’ll miss it. I turn my gaze back to the city and this is where a fantastic picture opens up: impossible rainbows bloom over the city. These do not exist in the physical nature we are familiar with - these are rainbow-concentric rings; rainbow-vertical pillars; rainbow-semicircles in dozens of layers... The colors are simply unearthly, the brightness and clarity amazes the imagination. I look shocked and start moving towards the city... I don’t remember anything else.

Dream of Eternal Life

Until my father’s fortieth birthday, I had a dream: again all the funeral troubles, preparations for the funeral dinner. I’m working in the kitchen and across the corridor I see the coffin with my father’s body in a military ceremonial uniform, that is, exactly as it was. Suddenly the deceased sits up in the coffin, looks around and, sportingly easily, jumps out of it (dad left paralyzed, completely immobilized). Amazed by what I saw, without attracting anyone’s attention, I rush to help, because dad suddenly falls again. I approach and see: he is already lying in a civilian light suit in the fashion of the 50s, at an age when I had not yet been born. Very fair, very young, about 25 years old. Confused, in response to my outstretched hand he says: I’m uncomfortable, I’m here... I cleaned myself (points to myself). I find the afterbirth children's place like after giving birth, I take him and carry him out of the house and into the garden. Followed by funeral dinner, where my young dad sits at the head of the table, more alive than anyone else alive! He laughs and flirts with his grandson, my son, asking cheerfully: boy, do you know me? Kostya doesn’t recognize him, but dad introduces himself: it’s me, your grandfather...

Sleeping with a cigarette

I had a dream that I was smoking a cigarette while lying in bed, while the ashes fell on my chest. I don't smoke in life, if that's important.

Dream about spiders

I dreamed of two spiders. They appeared one by one, the first one crawled along the wall, he was light-colored with two large paws, I hit him with a jar of mayonnaise and killed him. And only then a second one appeared nearby and on the floor. I woke up in horror and fear.

Tsunami dream

You know... Sometimes I have dreams...

Today I had nightmares again.

People were running from a big wave,

Among the ringing eerie silence,

Bringing roars and terrible blows...

What was it? It's hard to make out...

The gates opened before me,

Houses, trees turned to the ground...

She rushed back! The bridge moved back

Water and sky closed in whirlwinds...

I stopped. The horror has receded...

A moment. Thought. And now the road is visible.

The wave has risen, there is not much time...

I’m running forward, I’m already exhausted...

People to meet. And there is anxiety in the eyes.

I see a hole, God knows who lived there!

I dive down, there are small children...

We seem to be alone in the whole world...

Crazy fear exposed all feelings

And catches souls in tricky nets...

I came to my senses. There are still people there...

I look out, the waves are very close,

I call, I scream, they are dangerously low...

They shout back, but their hearts are warm...

I understand... And I break down... Slimy...

We hear a roar... It's scary and dark.

The guys froze, clung to me... Quietly...

Did they really survive and the trouble passed us by?

I can’t believe it... And it’s still creepy...

We remain silent and listen... And again very quietly...

Sometimes I have such strange dreams.

Or does sinfulness speak to me in my heart?

Or is it my naivety-serenity?

What to expect today in the form of that wave?!

What does inevitability want to tell me?

Dream about stairs

I dreamed of a room that looked like a palace inside with white columns. I go down the steep stairs from the 3rd floor, but I just can’t get down. I fall on the steep stairs, but continue to go down.

Having gone down, I call my loved one. He answers the 2-3rd time and says that he couldn’t find the phone because he was blind.

Thank you very much for your help! I would be very grateful for your answer!

Dream about mom

My sister had a dream about her a month after my mother’s death. As far as I know, deceased relatives should not be dreamed of before 40 days, so I am worried. The dream looked like this: my mother was saving her drowning sister from a pond, she (the mother) herself, at the same time, looked unusually beautiful, she was in her age, but seemed very young... Another important thing is that after she pulled her sister ashore, she herself remained in the water. Afterwards, she told her sister to take care of herself. I myself have never dreamed of her

My sister now lives far from home, but I had to move to my mother’s apartment and live here... Maybe this is important

Dream about an ex

Feelings are all as if in reality, sensations, touches! I dreamed of people with whom I have not communicated for a year, among them ex-boyfriend, in reality, he is already married, in a dream he hugged me, in front of his wife, complained that family life he doesn’t like being with her, he’s bored........ Why is this...???

And on the same night, I dreamed of my pets: a cat that disappeared recently, a dog that had already died (and some other animal, but I can’t remember


Why do you have a dream from Saturday to Sunday or on Sunday, just in the morning?



In general, it wouldn’t hurt to look in a dream book... well, from Saturday to Sunday, I heard that dreams come true in a year...

Personal Account Removed

dreams from Saturday to Sunday are usually empty dreams

Sasha Ivanov

A beautiful dream, that's all.


Dreams for Sunday cannot be told to anyone. If your child told you his dream, keep it secret.

Sleep is a natural physiological state of rest, during which our body rests, the brain is freed from unnecessary information, and the subconscious gives subtle clues that we often neglect.

What do dreams from Saturday to Sunday mean?

Dreams on Sunday are patronized by the Sun, so They are usually called sunny, light, kind. Hard to imagine Negative influence bright star to the sacred, but the Sun carries its own special essence and power. It protects us, breathes life into us, gives us spiritual and physical forces, useful abilities and skills.

Therefore, a “day off” dream from Saturday to Sunday is a mysterious advisor and good guide into the world of our experiences and worries. It is worth treating it carefully, paying attention to the emotions and signs received at night and trying to extract the most useful and necessary from them. Often dreams on Sunday night help awaken previously hidden emotions, knowledge and talents. A solar dream does not bring any troubles or pain.

Interpretation of sleep from Saturday to Sunday

Usually dreams are interpreted simply: having seen a certain object or phenomenon in a dream, people try to find and recognize it direct meaning. This approach is not entirely correct. Even the ancient Hindus knew that when interpreting dreams one should take into account the day of the week, because each of them is under the influence of its cosmic patron.

The embrace of Morpheus, unlike other days, hides its own special meaning. When interpreting it, you should focus on the emotions and sensations that you experienced at night. Only then can you open the dream book and try to find an explanation for some of the details.

For example, if you dreamed:

  • Something good, kind, pleasant, after which you woke up in high spirits. Wait for great news good decision long-standing problem, long-awaited guests. Perhaps people close to you will please you with something special.
  • Something dark, gray, confusing, and you woke up confused and confused. The star makes you understand that the time is coming to start fighting, go towards your goal, become bolder and more decisive.

Accept with gratitude the prompts sent by the Universe this night. Dreams from Saturday often help you understand that you have strayed from the right, honest path, forgotten someone or something and lost sight of it. Try to remember the dream, be careful when evaluating and analyzing it, Don't miss your chance, notice the sunlit road.

Don't miss the signs and hints:

  • The people who were in your dream are not random. They can become your faithful good friends, life partners, assistants and advisers.
  • Wild animals, dangerous characters that on ordinary days carry a negative meaning, on this night they become shapeshifters. For example, a snow leopard or a snow leopard eating prey in a Sunday dream means your quick victories over your enemies. But not problems in a close circle, as if they were a dream another day. report imminent changes for the better in life.

A correctly deciphered “weekend” dream will tell you how to solve accumulated problems, find a way to to the right person, get rid of complex relationships and connections.

Does a dream come true from Saturday to Sunday?

Our ancestors spoke about such a dream: “It’s before lunch!” This famous expression hides the secret knowledge and observations of people, after all sunny dreams and the truth usually comes true within 12 hours. That is, until about Sunday lunch.

Interesting! If early on Sunday morning you dreamed of a meeting, a date, guests, a good deed done, the dream will come true in the very near future.

But you should not take the kingdom of Morpheus lightly. Often a dream for Sunday comes true on Monday or even Tuesday. Postponement occurs, especially if the weekend night falls on the dates 2, 20, 22 and 25.

Meanings of solar dreams

Remember! These dreams most often carry information which concerns your life and the lives of loved ones. The most precious thing in a person's life. Try to remember the sensations, emotions, images and symbols you dreamed about. They will help you correctly understand and interpret the vision.

In a dream from Saturday to Sunday I dreamed...

  • Relationships, love, .

Often it turns out to be a dream. But pay attention to his behavior, perhaps something is bothering him and you don’t notice it. If your partner and you are absolutely happy, make plans, and do not experience discomfort, you will be able to create a strong family in the near future. If in a dream you saw someone who was interested in you, perhaps a new hobby will appear in your life or one of your new acquaintances is not indifferent to you.

  • Family, loved ones, children, parents.

If positive events occurred in a dream, expect victories and pleasant achievements. For example, your children will make you happy good results school competitions. I dreamed of a gloomy story, try to analyze the relationships in the family.

Scientists are confident that sleep is one of the most common human states, during which the body has the opportunity to rest, and the brain and subconscious mind have the opportunity to free themselves from unnecessary information accumulated over time. last days. And one could completely agree with this, if not for the endless number of stories about mysterious and mysterious stories associated with the kingdom of Morpheus. This is also the appearance in a dream of deceased relatives who warn of danger or give useful advice, and prophetic dreams that come true within a short period of time, which is called “one to one,” and ordinary objects that tell you what exactly to expect in the near future.

Interpretation of dreams

As a rule, dreams are deciphered in a standard way: with the help of dream books, interpreting the meaning of the object seen in the dream. And this often helps. However, more qualified dream interpreters know that during interpretation one should take into account not only the main meaning, but also the day of the week. Even the ancient Hindus knew that each of the seven days is under the influence of a certain planet, which makes the dream come true with lightning speed or remain unfulfilled. This information is still used today. For example, it is believed that a dream will definitely come true. And in dreams seen from Sunday to Monday, you can find an important solution to a problem hanging in the air. A special place in this list is given to night vision, which occurs from Saturday to Sunday.

The role of sleep from Saturday to Sunday

So, what do dreams from Saturday to Sunday mean? This one belongs to the category of light, “sunny”, creative dreams, which talking about yours internal state, dreams and romantic mood or its complete absence. It is possible that such lightness is ensured due to the influence of the warm Sun, which is the patron saint of this day and strives to warm everything.

Our ancestors considered the dreams seen during this period to be insignificant and did not pay special attention to them. "Sunday Nap Before Lunch"- our grandmothers said, blithely brushing aside any dream seen from Saturday to Sunday.

This meant that if the vision was fulfilled, it would be before 12 noon.

If before this period nothing that the dream prophesied came true, then the dream was safely forgotten.

In fact, such a frivolous attitude towards Sunday sleep was not an invention of our ancestors, but a reflection of their centuries-old wisdom. The fact is that the Sun, under whose influence Sunday is, really has an esoteric effect on all living things: it imparts light, pure energy to any entity along with its subconscious. Accordingly, the dreams seen this night will be warm, bright and kind. They saturate a person with physical and spiritual energy, setting him up for a solution. important issues and successful movement along the path of life.

The only thing a person can do is to gratefully accept the information sent to him by the Universe and try to get the maximum benefit from it. However, this does not mean at all that Sunday dreams do not come true and you should not listen to their meaning.

Specific meaning of dreams

Remember, a Sunday dream comes true before lunch, and therefore you should not neglect the information or warning received, since it can come true much faster than, for example,.

The events seen in the Sunday dream are not interpreted in a standard way according to the dream book, but have a special meaning and carry a hint that will help to successfully resolve the issue.

  1. Leopard eating prey. Dreamed of on any other night, this animal promises troubles in the family or at work, as well as squabbles, gossip and quarrels. A similar dream seen on Sunday night suggests that all these unpleasant surprises are worth waiting for. But you will find the strength to overcome them and successfully resolve all the problems that arise.
  2. A deer running towards. A deer running towards you in a dream is a warning of impending troubles. And, only if you dreamed from Saturday to Sunday, the dream indicates that you missed something important and are trying your best to turn the omission into good. But no need to worry! This mistake will not have a significant impact on your life, and everything will work itself out.
  3. Cockroach. A cockroach seen in a dream is a symbol of a rich visitor, a lot - to a friendly and fun company guests. And an insect dreamed of from Saturday to Sunday promises immediate significant changes in your life in better side.
  4. Cuckooing cuckoo. If you saw a cuckoo cuckooing in a dream, this symbolizes long life, a flying cuckoo dreams of a fire. And a cuckoo seen in a dream on Sunday warns of an imminent illness and perhaps even the death of your pet. However, on time Taken measures capable of preventing a tragic outcome.
  5. Change your name in a dream. If you are a girl and change your name in a dream, this means that you may not get married for a very long time. But having a similar dream on Sunday night warns you that you need to look around more carefully, because your destiny is very close. If you miss this chance, you may remain alone for a very long time.
  6. Diamonds. These stones promise quick mutual and very strong love. Diamonds seen on Sunday night will be a warning about possible difficulties on the path to happiness, which you will definitely find no matter what.
  7. Write on paper. This dream tells the sleeper that someone is tarnishing his reputation behind his back, pretending to be a friend. Writing on paper in a dream on Sunday night means soon exposing a gossip and restoring justice and impeccability of one’s own reputation.

It happens that Sunday dreams do not come true until lunch, and then they do come true on Monday or Tuesday. This also happens sometimes. IN in this case Tuesday will be the deadline. An extension of the period can be expected if Sunday falls on the 2nd, 20th, 22nd, 25th of the month.

No less important aspect in the interpretation of dreams, regardless of the day of the week and month, your intuition is also important - the subconscious will definitely tell you whether this information whether it's important to you or not. A psychologist talks about this:

In most cases, people decipher dreams in a standard way, interpreting the meaning of an object seen in a dream with the help of dream books. However experienced interpreters dreams know that in correct decoding night dreams vital role plays day of the week. Since ancient times, people have known that each day is under the influence of a certain planet. It is this influence that makes the dream come true very soon or remain unfulfilled forever.

People still successfully use information about the connection between dreams and the days of the week. And a very special place is given to dreams seen from Saturday to Sunday.

A dream seen on the night from Saturday to Sunday is a kind of conductor, helping the dreamer find out how events in his life will develop in the near future. All your desires and aspirations are realized in such a dream. And having correctly deciphered what you saw, you will understand whether these expectations will come true.

If in a dream you had fun from the heart, forgetting about all the hardships, participated in bright and positive events, felt joy and satisfaction - in the near future your life will change for the better. In order for the interpretation of a dream to be as correct as possible, try to remember it in every detail. Special attention you should pay attention to the words of other people that you hear in a dream - this information may turn out to be prophetic.

A dream in which you traveled, had fun at a carnival, or took part in a grandiose event means that you will soon meet a pleasant person who will have a huge impact on your destiny. Perhaps it will be a good friend, a new business partner, or even a lover.

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday often come true, helping the dreamer discover new abilities and talents, and awaken the dormant subconscious. Try to remember what you did in the dream and what emotions you experienced - these clues can push you into real life to a new interesting activity.

How to interpret a dream?

Any dream that a person sees on the weekend is a kind of checking his psychological state. In such dreams, a person usually sees what he dreams about most. A very tired person relaxes on the sand by the sea, a romantic finds love, and a workaholic solves complex problems.

However, when interpreting a dream, you should understand that the events that occur in it will not necessarily come true exactly - what happens in dreams simply helps you think about life and set priorities correctly.

It is quite possible that the dream was painted in dull colors, and the events that took place in it caused you anxiety and a feeling of depression. In this case, there is no need to worry too much - such a dream does not bring anything bad, but it does mean that the next few weeks will flow calmly and monotonously, without bringing any bright events into your life. In this way, the subconscious tries to convey to the dreamer that he should take a more active part in his own life and begin to manage it, as well as pay more attention to his psychological state.

The patron planet of dreams that occur on Sunday is the sun. Such dreams are always a warning about events that will happen in the near future, a hint from the Universe that you may miss good chances in life because you have lost your way and lost vital energy. Try to remember these dreams as accurately as possible - when correct interpretation they will help and get rid of accumulated problems, become happier and find your path in life.

  • Pay attention to the people you see in your dreams - in reality they can become good friends or life partners, help find a way out of difficult situations.
  • A dream in which you get lost in unfamiliar city or in the forest, encourages you to start taking control of your own life, becoming more decisive, bolder and more active.
  • A beautiful, vivid dream foreshadows the beginning of a white streak in life. Perhaps you will change your job, take a pleasant trip, or win the lottery.

Usually the dream you saw on the night from Saturday to Sunday comes true within 12 hours (before lunch). Most often, with the help of such a dream, the Universe pushes people to take active action and calls for closer relationships with family. If a person dreams from Saturday to Sunday, call him, talk, make an appointment. It is likely that a conversation with him will help you find spiritual harmony.

Dream from Saturday to Sunday: meaning

Dreams on Sunday night tend to come true very quickly, so it is extremely important to interpret them correctly. The interpretation will largely depend on the theme of your dream.

  • About love. These dreams are the most accurate, perhaps they can even be called prophetic. If you saw a loved one cheating in a dream or learned some unpleasant things about him, most likely in reality he is really cheating on you or wants to deceive you. It is also likely that this person is simply not right for you, and the dream is a warning that it is better for you to break off relations with him now, thereby avoiding many troubles. If you dreamed of a stranger who showed genuine interest in you, you will have a pleasant acquaintance in the near future. A dream in which an old friend shows you sympathy calls for you to pay attention to this person in reality - most likely, he has more than friendly feelings for you.
  • About the wedding. Dreams of this kind often turn out to be prophetic. Pay attention to your significant other's behavior in their sleep. If you are both happy, smiling and receiving gifts, in reality your relationship is quite harmonious and will soon end in marriage. And if your loved one is upset or embarrassed, trying to run away from you, the dream warns that your excessive assertiveness can harm the relationship.
  • About work and career. If you yourself dreamed that there were troubles at work, plans were falling apart and everything was falling out of your hands - this is a call to be more careful. Most likely, your enemies are planning something against you, or the authorities themselves are dissatisfied. A dream in which you see your previous place of work means that you are highly valued there as a professional and are remembered with warm feelings. If you dream that your salary has been increased, this is a sign of profit. The dream in which you sign some papers has the same meaning. If in a dream you move to a new office, receive a desk as a gift, or climb the stairs, the dream foreshadows career growth.
  • About rest and entertainment. Such dreams are a reflection of the dreamer’s desire to rest and gain strength. Pay attention to how events develop in your dream. If the atmosphere is pleasant and peaceful, and the dream left pleasant impressions, in reality your vacation will also be successful and leave many good memories. But dreams in which there is rain, clouds, dark water or quarrels with loved ones encourage you to put aside thoughts of relaxation for a while and start solving pressing problems.
  • About the dead. Dreams about people who have left this world need to be remembered in as much detail as possible. There is no need to worry - such a dream does not portend anything bad, on the contrary - they are trying to warn you about possible troubles and help you avoid them.

The dream you see on Sunday night always contains a hint on how to change your own life for the better. You just need to be more careful and use the help of the Universe.


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