“Dream Interpretation of the return of a Beloved one dreamed of why one dreams of the return of a Beloved One in a dream. I dreamed that my ex was an alcoholic

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The range of interpretations for what it means to dream that your ex has returned is quite wide. Each dream book offers an original version of what was seen in a dream. Knowledgeable people they say that this symbol never appears in night dreams just like that. It always contains a forecast for the future in any of life spheres or the key to understanding yourself.

Miller's interpretation

Miller's dream book very restrainedly explains why you dream that your ex has returned. What you dreamed about is nothing more than a reflection of memories and secret desires. The symbol in any manifestation means that feelings for your chosen one have not yet faded away, and you continue to think about him even in a dream.

Subconscious Games

In Veles' dream interpreter there is another explanation for why one dreams of the return of the chosen one. The lover you dreamed about often thinks about you. This does not mean that what you saw in a dream will be exactly repeated in reality. Nevertheless, such a plot deserves attention and detailed decoding.

A psychoanalytic dream book will tell you why events from the past are often reproduced in dreams. In this way, the subconscious tries to figure out where nostalgia ends and a serious intention to start all over again begins.

Actions and circumstances

Various situations play out in dreams important role in interpretation. Dream books offer the most common of them:

  • I happened to see a former loved one return home - it’s time to correct past mistakes;
  • Kissing again after a long separation means a considerable surprise awaits you;
  • Flirting after separation in a dream casts doubt on a new relationship;
  • When a returning loved one hugs you, you can hope for support in reality;
  • Ex-husband invited on a date - loneliness, problems with children, poverty;
  • If the ex returned home and stayed, the desire to improve the relationship is mutual.

In dream books there are other explanations of why this or that plot is dreamed of; then they are discussed in more detail.

Kiss from night dreams

If you dreamed that you were together again and kissing selflessly, many dream books advise not to anticipate events. The likelihood that the plot will repeat itself in reality is very low. Seeing your ex come back and kiss you often happens as a sign that the man has already arranged his personal life.

When you dreamed that your ex had returned, the Wanderer’s dream book advises you to be vigilant and especially beware of flatterers. You will have to be disappointed in some of your friends and have to deal with the consequences of their unseemly actions.

Interpreting why you dream that your ex has returned, Eastern dream book I am more optimistic. If you want your ex to come back in reality and not in a dream, now is the time to take the initiative.

About the most intimate

Usually dream books are not inclined to attach importance to erotic fantasies in a dream. The exception is dreams where a man who is significant to you appears.

If you dreamed that your ex came back and you are having sex like the good old days, the English prediction promises a return to traditions, a good relationship with elderly relatives, meetings with childhood friends, a passion for history.

For those in a new relationship, intimate details about how the ex got back hint at dissatisfaction and a desire to constantly compare the past with the present. A serious quarrel is brewing.

The universal interpreter warns that the one you dreamed of may still be interested in you, but exclusively sexual. Restoring a spiritual connection is problematic.

Just like in a melodrama

Many women happen to dream that their ex-husband has returned to his family and is crying. The sorceress Medea claims that the hero of the dream really regrets his mistakes.

If you dreamed of not just the return of a reveler back to the family, but also unpleasant moments of marriage, the Esoteric interpreter is forced to admit that the departed husband left a bitter experience. The ballast of negativity prevents a new marriage.

Wait for news

Regardless of which of the exes returned in a dream: a boyfriend, a husband or a lover, the past will certainly make itself felt, the birthday book assures.

Other completely unpredictable bright events may occur in the near future. Often the symbol foreshadows unexpected news, one way or another connected with this person or your common past.

If he communicated his intention to start over by phone or letter, know that this is his true secret desire.

Security measures

Interpreting what the symbol means in a dream, the oracle of Sorceress Navi warns that the ex-boyfriend has not returned alone: ​​he is dragging behind him a seemingly long-forgotten problem.

The Chinese interpreter reminds that the more positive emotions the dreamer experienced during the “viewing”, the less chance she has of a new romance.

Hasse's dream book offers a unique interpretation of the dream, meaning that one dreams that the lover is once again inflamed with passion. It is possible that this guy started a love spell.

I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend wanted to come back, that he liked me very much, but it was not he himself who said this, but his friend, in front of him. That is, they are both standing in front of me, and his friend is talking about everything. For some reason I was very happy, I don’t know. They looked at the photos on his phone, there were a lot of photos with a friend of whom I was jealous, they deleted some. The building was evacuated and they both ran away. I didn’t even have time to answer them. After the evacuation, I walked along the railroad tracks and wanted to call him, but I didn’t remember his number, only the first 3 digits. Please help me understand what this means.

My daughter’s father dreams that he wants to return, for my daughter’s sake I seem to agree, but I doubt the dream. Then his current wife appears in the apartment and wants to deal with me, but I fight back by verbally shaming her with the past, and she seems to be ashamed and worried. I see his son with very large and strange eyes, like a doll. I decide not to interfere with them, wisely understanding that inside himself in his soul he wants to be with her. It's like I want to bring them together again. I’m leaving, dressing my daughter, and on the way I meet a guy with a narrow head, but painfully close with his friends, and I ask him to stay and come with me, begging him not to communicate with the guys he was with. He seems to agree, for some reason I return to the apartment where my ex is, and he lies and asks his girlfriend to give me the keys to their apartment. She hands me a bunch of good keys, I put them in my bag, realizing that they began to trust me and brought me closer to myself.

I dreamed that the guy came back to me. He cheated on me in reality. In the dream, my mother tried with all her might to prevent this.

My niece dreamed that my ex-husband came back to me. What is it for?

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

A dream is a kind of signal that a person receives. As a rule, our dreams feature unfamiliar, familiar and strangers or their images. Unmarried girls very often young guys can dream about it, and among them are former boyfriends. Therefore, most representatives of the fair sex are often interested in the question of why the ex-boyfriend dreams? We can confidently say that if a girl sees in a dream young man, then she undoubtedly has certain feelings for him. This is a signal that even the slightest bit means something for a girl. As for ex-boyfriends, the situation here is somewhat different.

Every person constantly dreams throughout his life. Everyone sees them differently. Whatever the dream, it leaves an indelible impression in the memory. Sometimes these night stories frighten, delight, alarm or bewilder. Often a person is surprised to note that dreams come true completely or partially. In some cases, they can warn about future events, joys and sorrows. And if you can interpret them correctly, then you can avoid unwanted events in life or reduce their negative impact to a minimum.

What does it mean to see your ex-boyfriend in a dream?

In reality, a chance meeting with a former lover is an ordinary thing that we cannot influence. But why does the image of a former boyfriend pop up in a dream, especially when a new stormy romantic relationship takes place in a girl’s life? Scientists say it's all about the psychological aspect. Sometimes a certain life situation may resemble events from the past, or the girl is still having a hard time breaking up with her boyfriend. Most girls are sure that the former young man appearing in a dream is sure sign that he continues to think about her. However, this theory has no confirmation.

Often, dreams project a person’s secret thoughts and desires, demonstrating the development of events that could take place in reality under a certain set of circumstances.

Psychologists advise all girls who never tire of exhausting themselves with the question of why their ex-boyfriend dreams, not to take dreams too literally. After all, it is possible to correctly and correctly decipher a dream only when all the details and nuances are compiled into a single picture. Therefore, the one in the dream is nothing more than memories of him. Even if the girl didn't see him long time, something in her environment may remind her of him, or one of her acquaintances may have mentioned him the day before.

When a relationship with a guy ended a long time ago, and he still continues to haunt the girl in her dreams, this indicates that she, especially morally, is not ready to put an end to this story and end the affair. IN in this case, it is best for a girl to free her thoughts from this difficult burden, which does not allow her to fully enjoy her current life without a partner. Perhaps, at the end of the couple’s relationship, a certain understatement remained, or even worse, resentment. For this reason, the subconscious tries to let go of unpleasant emotions, but the mind does not allow it to do this.

In addition, the appearance of a former lover in dreams can prove the fact that the girl is on subconscious level constantly compares his current relationships with past ones that ended, looking for the shortcomings of the current partner. In most cases, practice shows that such a development of events does not actually lead to the desired outcome and does not end well for both partners. Perhaps a girl should stop constantly comparing her current partner with her ex, but, on the contrary, look for more positive aspects of him that she likes than negative ones.

So why does a young girl dream about her ex-boyfriend? In order to get a comprehensive answer, you should

immediately after waking up, write down the basic moments of your dream as accurately as possible. An important point will be an analysis of your own psychological state after sleep.

Often in her dreams, a girl can see her ex-boyfriend with a new chosen one, a female person familiar or unfamiliar to her. It is logical that she will immediately have a question about why her ex-boyfriend dreams about another girl. These dreams can also be easily and simply explained.

Ex-boyfriend and another girl

These kinds of dreams can say a lot about the character of the girl herself and the depth of her experiences. Another one next to ex-boyfriend- this is a rival who makes a girl not only jealous, but also feel some self-doubt. These dreams indicate that at the subconscious level the girl continues to consider the young man, despite the breakup, to be her property. Often such dreams occur when a guy has started a new relationship after a breakup, and the girl still continues to build illusions about a possible reconciliation with him.

However, a former lover in a dream with a new passion may be a signal that soon a new person will appear in a girl’s life who will help her forget all past grievances and hardships and begin to look at life in a new way. In any case, if after sleep the girl continues to be tormented by doubts or she still feels guilty about the breakup, she should definitely meet with her ex-partner, talk and put everything in its place. Psychologists say that such a step is guaranteed to relieve thoughts from obsessive ideas, and the soul from worries and doubts regarding past relationships.

Kissing an ex-boyfriend in a dream

Often after a breakup, no matter how painful it may be for both partners, a girl sees herself in a dream next to her ex-boyfriend. At the same time, the dream may be accompanied by a passionate kiss. After waking up, the girl, as a rule, becomes perplexed and tries to give herself an answer to the question and figure out why she dreams of her ex-boyfriend kissing me. It is worth saying right away that such dreams are caused only by the work of the subconscious. In addition, such a turn of events provokes a hidden or obvious longing for to a certain person and relationships with him. In this case, we are talking about a former chosen one.

But you should not have any illusions about a kiss in a dream and firmly believe that in reality the same kiss will certainly happen again. Perhaps the ex-boyfriend still has feelings for the girl and the dream could be prophetic. But in order to find out, you should meet and have a heart-to-heart talk with him. In addition, a kiss in a dream with a former lover can directly indicate that the young man has long forgotten about the girl and is making new plans for life. In addition, there is a widely accepted version that similar dream may indicate that the ex-boyfriend continues to have exclusively sexual interest in the girl.

A frank conversation with an ex in a dream and a desire to renew the relationship

After a breakup, a young girl can often have a dream that her ex-boyfriend wants to resume the relationship. Sometimes dreams are so colorful and realistic that a girl can for a long time try to interpret them and get an answer to the question of what the ex-boyfriend dreams about who wants to return.

Thus, if a girl in a dream clearly saw the guy with whom she was once associated serious relationship, this most likely does not mean a meeting with your ex at all, but only your own emotional experiences. During a breakup, a girl may feel

Undoubtedly, being a couple, the girl completely trusted her chosen one and relied entirely on him in everything. After the breakup, she continues to count on his help and support in difficult situations, as well as help in solving difficult life issues. This dream most likely once again proves the fact that the girl has not learned to live in a new way and make decisions on her own without the participation of her partner. Her partner’s opinion is still vitally important to her, albeit on a subconscious level, as is his presence in difficult moments. The girl wants him, and not anyone else, to listen to her and give her useful advice. Despite the fact that the couple’s relationship has ended, the girl does not completely let go of her partner, since she needs his reliable shoulder, help and protection in life. Psychologists say that as soon as a girl lets go of the past and starts a new relationship, such dreams will not bother her.

In order to ultimately analyze what the ex-boyfriend is dreaming about and come to correct conclusion, you should engage in introspection. First of all, the girl must honestly answer herself whether she has let go of her ex-lover and past relationships. If the answer is yes, then dreams starring your ex are vivid moments of memories from the past.

If the ex-boyfriend still appears in her thoughts and does not allow her to forget the past, then dreams are the work of the subconscious, which sends signals that the girl still hopes for reconciliation and renewal of the relationship. In this case, we can say with confidence that the partner, although ex-partner, still means a lot to her and remains an important person for her.

With the firm goal of eradicating such dreams, psychologists recommend letting go of thoughts, and with them the past, and tuning in to new life. A new relationship with a new person can be a fresh breath of air, which will help you put an end to the past and start life from scratch.

Why do you dream about your ex-beloved boyfriend?

Quite a lot of time has passed, my personal life has long been playing with new colors, and suddenly I have a dream with my ex-boyfriend in the leading role. Why would this be and what is it for? Girls are impressionable and active people, and without delay, they go to dream books for answers.

What if you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

Dreams about an ex-lover may mean that in real life the woman is not satisfied with her current love relationship or even the lack thereof. This may also mean that she still experiences old feelings, but does not admit it even to herself.

Sometimes it happens that despite a long separation, an unbreakable spiritual connection remains between people who once separated. In this case, a dream about your ex a loved one foreshadows a date with him in the near future in reality.

She dreams that a former friend of her heart gives something to the dreamer, but there is nothing under the gift wrapping - this is a symbol of the insincerity of the current partner. If the gift is bright red, then this completely marks his betrayal.

In order to interpret a dream as accurately as possible, you need to remember all its details, including the most insignificant ones at first glance. Perhaps the essence of the message from the subtle worlds encrypted in night vision is hidden in the little things.

To see an ex-boyfriend in a dream who asks for forgiveness - old grievances have not yet completely passed and periodically remind themselves. Most likely, this is the result of an unresolved painful situation that is played out by the subconscious over and over again.

A dream in which a former beloved guy appears in the company of his new girlfriend promises the dreamer a new interesting acquaintance, which in the future will flow into a very significant relationship.

If you dream that your ex-boyfriend wants to start all over again and renew a long-broken connection, it means that soon some people or objects will remind the dreaming girl of days gone by. Such a dream should not be interpreted directly - in reality, the guy in the dream may not even remember the dreamer.

What does it portend?

In a dream, the ex-boyfriend bursts into tears - perhaps something bad is happening to him in reality or will happen soon. If the friendly relationship has been preserved, you can tell him about your dream and try to warn him.

A dream filled with happiness and joy, where the separated couple seemed to never say goodbye, may mean that oblivion is close - the unpleasant aftertaste from the negative events of the past will finally dissipate and will soon disappear completely.

If the separation occurred due to the death of a guy, then seeing him in a dream means that some kind of trouble awaits. Seeing a former loved one walking away symbolizes liberation from outdated attachments, and the readiness to let new love into the heart.

Whether a particular dream was interpreted in a positive or not so positive way, it is important not to take everything too seriously. Any dream book is just a collection of assumptions of its compiler. And an assumption is not yet a statement.

In trying to figure out why your ex-beloved boyfriend is dreaming, you can turn to dream books or psychology and find many various options interpretations of the same dream. Isn’t it better to try to understand for yourself what your own subconscious wanted to say? You just need to listen to your inner voice.

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Why do you dream about your ex-husband returning - interpretation of the dream from dream books

Clarify the dream for interpretation

Miller's Dream Book

If your ex-husband returned to you in a dream and you have an intimate relationship with him, this may mean that very soon the consequences of past mistakes will come knocking on your door. Perhaps old wounds will be reopened; a conflict with a person you have long forgotten about is not excluded. On the contrary, a kiss from your ex-spouse portends a pleasant surprise.

Vanga's Dream Book

ex-husband returned in a dream

Your ex-husband has returned and in your dream you have a wonderful relationship, which means that in reality you have finally let him go. Just a nostalgic meeting with your ex is a sign that you want him back.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

dream interpretation ex-husband returned

If your ex-husband returned in your dream, empty troubles await you, a trip that will bring nothing but disappointment, the illness of a loved one, or the bad consequences of your not very reasonable actions.

Freud's Dream Book

dream interpretation ex-husband returned

The ex-husband has returned - such a dream speaks of troubles with the current lover. You experience groundless jealousy and suspicion.

Loff's Dream Book

I dreamed that my ex-husband returned

In your dream, your ex-husband returned to you - this means that you are fixated on the past, which does not allow you to enjoy the present and plan for the future. Your thoughts scare away new love and do not allow you to see the opportunity for the development of a new relationship, which may very well be waiting for you very close.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

what does it mean if your ex-husband returned in a dream

If your ex-husband returned to you in a dream today, then a major quarrel with your current partner awaits you. Perhaps you are unconsciously showing signs of attention, flirting, with another attractive man. It is worth reassuring your significant other and assuring him that your feelings for him are unchanged.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

ex-husband returned according to dream book

Your ex-husband returned in a dream - a sign that illness awaits your current lover. And you yourself may be too suspicious and jealous of him or doubt your choice of a partner in principle.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

dream interpretation ex-husband returned

Your ex-husband is back and loves you again sexual attraction, this promises you a surprise, but you don’t know if it’s pleasant. If at the same time he marries you again, get ready for big troubles.

In a dream, the ex-husband returned, people also dreamed about it


Many people have experienced such a state when, upon awakening from sleep, it is impossible to move. You can’t move a single limb, your body seems to be paralyzed.

Nowadays, people endowed with special gifts - psychics - can explain a lot that is connected with the world of dreams.

Why do we see people in our dreams who are no longer with us? Why can we talk in a dream with a person whom we have never known and could never know in reality? Why do the dead disturb our dreams?

German scientists from the Max Planck Institute conducted an experiment on dream control in which subjects were told before falling asleep.

Some scientists believe that dreams serve as preparation for threats in real life. The brain simulates anxiety so that the dreamer can cope with it in reality. There are claims that such training helps humanity survive.

It turns out that in order to get enough sleep, it is not at all necessary to have super knowledge or super abilities, like Napoleon, who only needed 4 hours to sleep.

Difficulties and problems at work, worries, irritability, anxiety, nervous breakdowns; ultimately it all spills over into our dreams.

Unfortunately, each of us has to deal with nightmares from time to time. A bad dream is not the most favorable phenomenon, because sometimes it becomes the cause of insomnia, which entails a number of problems.

Nightmares do not arise on their own; the reason lies deep in the subconscious - a person cannot solve the problem, he worries about his loved ones.

It is believed that not only restful sleep, but also human health, internal and family harmony depend on the correctly chosen place and arrangement of the bed.

It happens that you need to get a good night's sleep, at night or during the day before important event, but I don’t want to sleep at all. You can use these tips.

So each person can independently check whether 8 hours of sleep is enough for him, paying attention to his well-being. If during this time you feel that your strength has been restored, then you should stick to this schedule.

Psychologists identify 6 reasons why babies don’t sleep at night.

Dream interpretation

Death is the most serious event in our lives. The appearance of someone who has already died in our sleep cannot be called an ordinary, meaningless dream. If a dead person appears in our dream.

It turns out that in a dream, a person’s soul partially leaves the body, with the possibility of moving to those levels where the souls of the dead are located.

You should take a closer look at the number if you had an ordinary, unremarkable dream, and suddenly a number stuck in your memory.

To determine on which days prophetic dreams occur, you should know the well-known divine holidays. Dreams can be prophetic on these days and on other days. More details about prophetic dreams All dates of the month can be found here.

Has it ever happened to you that in a dream you are running from someone, suddenly you fall into an abyss and after flying for some time, you wake up? It was not exactly a dream, but reality.

Funny video about man's best friends. or the best alarm clocks? =)

Sleeping from Sunday to Monday means renewal and the onset of a new stage in life.

Why do you dream that your ex has returned? Dream books interpret this dream in completely different ways. However, they all agree that such a plot will not just happen. In any case, what you see in a dream is very important, as it allows you to understand what awaits the dreamer in real life.

Gustav Miller's opinion

Why do you dream that your ex has returned? Professional psychologist believes that this is how your memories and inner dreams take on an image in the subconscious. Most likely, you still feel something for your former lover, and in a dream this is reflected as a renewal of the relationship.

Depths of your soul

If you want to know why you dream about something like this, then you may be interested in the interpretation of the dream in the Veles dream book. There is a possibility that your old lover is often visited by memories of your relationship. Of course, there is no guarantee that the dream is a direct indication of your future together. But still it should not be ignored.

And the Psychoanalytic Dream Book will tell you what events that happened long ago mean in a dream. According to him, this is how an unconscious mechanism works, with the help of which a person’s mind can separate nostalgia from the desire to return a loved one.

Your actions

Why do you dream that your ex has returned? In order to correctly understand what you saw in a dream, it is recommended to remember the details of the events you dreamed of. This is what you most often dream about:

  • an old lover came home - a favorable time to “clean up the tails”;
  • kiss him - you will be very surprised;
  • flirted with each other - your current man is in some way inferior to the previous one;
  • cling to your former love with your whole body - in real life he will help you;
  • ex-husband calls you to a restaurant - to poverty, troubles for children and loneliness;
  • came home and stayed - you want him back.

However, these are not all the reasons why the ex came back in the dream. Below we will consider other options for deciphering dreams.

Kisses in the night

Why dream of kissing your ex-lover? Alas, it is unlikely that the dream will one day come true. As a rule, such a dream occurs if this man has already found a new lady of his heart and is happy with her.

Did you dream that your ex came back? The Wanderer's Dream Book recommends being careful and staying away from those who deliberately flatter the dreamer. And some of her acquaintances will greatly let her down, forcing her to deal with the consequences of their vile actions.

The Eastern Dream Book offers a more positive interpretation of what was seen in a dream: in order to recapture the heart of a departed man, you need to take the first step yourself.

Sex with your ex

As a rule, interpreters do not interpret dreamed sexual adventures in any way. But they need to be given attention if the partner in the dream is not a stranger to the woman.

In the case when you dreamed of sexual intercourse with a previous chosen one, then English dream book I am sure that you will begin to adhere to conservative views. You can also make friends with elderly relatives, meet old friends, or begin to study events of the distant past.

Why else could someone dream like this? It is possible that the dreamer’s current partner does not fully satisfy her in bed. Because of this, she mentally constantly compares it with the previous one. This could lead to a huge scandal.

However, as he says Universal dream book, the guy you dreamed of might really want you back. But only to your bed. But there was no mutual understanding with him, and there never will be.


In a dream, your ex came back, crying in front of you, repenting of leaving you? If you believe the Sorceress Medea, then he really repents of what he did.

Did you dream that your husband returned from a spree or other bitter moments of life together? According to Esoteric dream book the sleeping woman cannot find a new man, because she is afraid that everything she suffered with the old one will repeat.


Dream Interpretation of Imeninnikov believes that the past will resurface in a woman’s life if in a dream she again won the heart of a departed man.

Why do you dream that your ex has returned? In the near future, something will happen that you do not expect at all, but will remember for a long time. Most likely, you will learn some news related to your former chosen one or something that was present during your relationship with him.

In a dream, a lover wrote or called with the goal of returning everything, then in reality he also wants this.

What to protect yourself from

If in a night vision the ex has returned, then Sage Navi advises checking whether his motives are so pure. It is quite possible that some troubles that you have already forgotten about may return with it.

Why do you dream about the return of your Beloved in a dream according to the dream book?

The dream book interprets the return as the fact that maybe you will see it in public. The dream signifies the presence of a stable connection between you.


Video: Why do you dream about the return of your Beloved?

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Did you dream about the return of your Beloved, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about the return of your Beloved in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    I dreamed about my man who returned from prison (he really had a trial in real life and he just disappeared) in a black cloak, smiling, and suddenly phone call and a voice in a strange telephone, Mr. So-and-so, come back, you haven’t finished your business. He’s about to leave, but in parting he says, I’ll be back. But I seemed to go out with him and already saw him and myself in black, I don’t know where the cars were going.

    I dreamed of my young beloved man! who is not around now, he is away, and I dreamed that he arrived earlier temporarily, I was very happy and kissed him, and in surprise he smiled restrainedly in response and did not even hug me! and for some reason I remembered that he he was dressed in a red leather vest and a white shirt! I really liked his appearance! something like this

    hello, my husband is now in prison, I recently had a dream as if he had returned and we were living in my grandmother’s house ordinary life and after some time, in the same dream, his friend came to me and said that very soon he would be there

    My boyfriend and I broke up, but we still love each other. And then I dreamed that he returned, we both cried with happiness, hugged each other, kissed each other. It was... indescribable. I miss him very much.

    The dream was as follows, we had a fight with my beloved, he blocked me on a social network, blocked all my numbers. I called him, but he was rude to me and when I woke up in the morning, I saw that he wrote to me and everything was fine

    I was in the yard hanging laundry and suddenly my loved one ran up to me and began to ask for forgiveness for doing this (he went to another one). He and I began to get up and kiss each other and I told him that I had forgiven him everything and that’s all. I was waiting for him. That’s the whole dream.

    A year ago a guy left me for someone else and I love him very much! And in a dream I dreamed that we were all sitting in some company and his girlfriend was there too. Then Kostya was his name, he wanted to talk to me and asked me to leave with him. his girlfriend went with us, but he stopped her and asked her to stay where she was, and when we were alone he started kissing me! He said that he wanted to start over and of course I agreed! when we returned back his girlfriend was no longer there! I love my ex very much and want him back! please tell me why I had this dream.

    I dreamed that I had a child and he was already about a year old, and he was constantly growing rapidly until about three years old, and then he suddenly became a year old again. And so the whole dream. Then I see my friends at my house and turning my head I see that my ex who went to the army has already returned. (I still love this man in real life and will wait for him from the army) I hug him and put my foot on him he me hugs and kisses my knee and we sit and chat. I feel the happiest at this moment

    Two weeks ago, my beloved left for the army. The relationship before the army could hardly be called serious. We broke up half a year ago. But after the separation, right up to the army, there was something incomprehensible. We were either together (I felt that he wanted to be with me), or right in front of me hugs with others. I miss him very much now. And then I dreamed about him. I come to his sister’s dacha. (I visited them very often before the army). I sat down at the table and suddenly he came out... He started hugging. But neither I didn’t say a word. I was taken aback and didn’t understand how this could happen. After all, there hadn’t even been an oath yet, and he was at home. The dream ended.

    From Thursday to Friday of last week I dreamed that my ex-beloved brought me gifts (things) that I had given him earlier. In the dream there was a feeling that he was provoking me to return him

    Recently I broke up with my beloved boyfriend. I'm very worried about this. But 5 days have already passed since that time, and I only had a dream now. And so bright, real... In it we made peace and made love, and it was so pleasant, such euphoria! (In the dream, I realized that we were separated and was very glad that he was with me) What could such a dream mean? Thank you very much in advance.

    10 years ago, the girl I loved left me and for a hundred years I still love her, is this what I think or love, but the feelings still remain, and I dream about her sitting in my arms and we kissing, what should I do?

    I dreamed that the guy I like returned from the city where he had now left and we were walking through the park. Not cold. Evening. My dog ​​and I are going to look at the room in which we are going to live in our dream. He leads my dog ​​on a leash. Then one dog appears behind us. Big and seemingly kind, then a few more with the owners. I'm worried that my dog ​​might bite them. There are a lot of dogs. I take my boyfriend's leash because I'm nervous. And then, when we already go forward and find ourselves in a clearing in front of the forest, I see that it is not my dog ​​on a leash, but some other one. The guy is standing nearby.

    a lot of people, a feast, as if they were preparing for my wedding, and at the end he comes back, sits tired at the table, I come up and speak and put my hand on his hand, he looks at me with a hitch in his eyes

    Hello. a little background. My ex and I broke up two months ago, and we haven’t communicated since then. During this period we crossed paths 5 times, and once we just passed by.
    And if we talk about sleep, then the dream was colorful. I dreamed about how we were together again and everything was fine, we were happy and talking.
    But, after a while, I realize that I am making a huge mistake, that I contacted her again. And that nothing good will come from this. And that I gave my word that there would be no more relationship with her. This dream still haunts me, because she is, not to say, indifferent to me, but I have no feelings for her. I don’t know about her, although she has a boyfriend.

    I dreamed that my former loved one returned to me... A relationship arose again, in which everything was fine..... In this dream, we were happy.
    In real life, we broke up a year and a half ago, after dating for 9 months. Sometimes we communicate, but rarely, because now this person doesn’t live in my city for work, but he still comes periodically.
    please interpret my dream...)

    Yesterday there was a quarrel with my loved one and we said goodbye (. And today I dreamed that he suddenly, unexpectedly came to me with friends, as if nothing had happened, to make peace. I was very happy. The friends are unknown to me. Two men and a woman, which then did not participate in the dream. I began to prepare a meal and peeled the dirty carrots and potatoes.

    my husband is in prison in reality, in general I dream that my daughter and I are at his parents’ house, I go out into the street and see that my husband has broken in from prison, I run up, we hug and kiss, then we sit on a bench and I start arguing with the neighbors from - because my Doberman dog ran out and was scaring their children, I closed the gate and saw that I had three dogs, my Doberman was sitting in the enclosure, my parents’ dog was also in the enclosure, and the third dog ran up to me and licked my face

    I had a dream in which we were with my beloved, who is not with me now, we were walking hand in hand and in front of a traffic light he stopped and said that he wanted me and asked me to return to the apartment, to spend that day together

    I dreamed that an ex-boyfriend, with whom we broke up rather badly, wrote me a poem with an apology, wrote how he loved me and wanted to take it all back. After we find out that he will soon go into the army, I promise to wait for him, we see each other periodically after his departure and everything is even better than before

    I dreamed that I was sitting on the bed with my ex-man and clarifying some points, not in a raised voice, but just a conversation. And then we started hugging. And it’s like they’re already together again. We walk along the road and meet someone’s wedding. And we discuss our personal life together. Something like this

    my boyfriend left and didn’t make himself known for several days, and today I dreamed that in the middle of the night he came to me, tired and cold, asking for forgiveness, and in a dream I forgave him and everything was fine with us, a few days before he left, I dreamed about him cheating with my friend

    I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend, his return to a relationship with me, that he realized all his mistakes and was trying to correct them. Even in the same dream, I woke up and was afraid that I was dreaming everything and now everything had disappeared, but no, everything remained as before. But then I woke up for real. It turned out like a dream within a dream.

    8 years ago I broke up with my man. Now he lives with someone else and I live with someone else. Today I dreamed that he was offended by the one with whom he lives and he came to me. I was very beautiful and was trying on or choosing outfits - dresses, sundresses... then his current one came, looked for him with her eyes - he was hiding behind the curtain (in the classroom for some reason) (we didn’t study together at school) and cursed. I laughed and said that he shouldn’t be offended. (He’s much older than me. And older than her too. He went out and followed behind. Then I see her drunk and the child next to her, but she doesn’t want to see this boy. Then explosions and me I'm running away...

    We’re on a break in our relationship... we haven’t communicated for a week now (and this is the second time I’ve dreamed about him coming back.. In the dream he explained to me why he left, I beat him, called him names, it seemed like I even cried because of what he had done to me pain..He wanted me back, that’s all I remember.

    in general, this is my favorite person, I recently lost complete contact with him, the only thing left from sleep is pain in the morning and many many tears, but this is the most happy dream in my life his name is also Oleg if that helps

    Good afternoon, Tatyana. I had a dream that my boyfriend returned from the army. He was wearing a crimson or, as they also say, maroon beret. I was very happy because I waited for him. The fact is that my young man was not actually drafted into the army this summer and was postponed to the autumn conscription. Why was this all a dream? What to fear?

    Hello! I dreamed that we met my first boyfriend (I only had two relationships), he apparently left his girlfriend, who he has now, and we communicated so warmly, but I felt that he was somehow trying to keep his distance from me . A year ago, we had a situation related to correspondence and his girlfriend pushed our heads very hard, we quarreled to smithereens. From then on, we didn’t even say hello when we crossed paths. And in a dream I ask him the question “What did you tell her?” he answers me “I said that I just couldn’t forget that situation and in general I always remembered you.” And he also told me that he wants to be with me and doesn’t want to rush. I hug him, I feel his smell and warmth when you hug someone and say that I have wanted this for a long time. It was so sunny outside, nice and pleasant. And for some reason we went to the house where my second young man lives. I just remember that the inside of the house was different. Not his. I don’t remember further, unfortunately. But I woke up with such a good aftertaste, that is, there was nothing particularly unpleasant) What confused me was that my first and second boyfriend were best friends and we always walked in the same company. At first I was friends with one and dated another, then I broke up with my first, on his initiative, and two years later I began dating another, who had always been my friend, and after breaking up with the first, they stopped communicating. IN Lately The first young man periodically looks for an approach to the second, but somehow they don’t even manage to cross paths. In general, this is a very confusing story... I hope for your help! Thanks a lot

    I saw my room in the warm Tanakh, so I am in it and suddenly he comes into the room, he is so cheerful and joyful, he says something as if we had never parted, as if nothing had happened, although we parted very badly, he sits on the bed somewhere me calls to go to old apartment where we lived before, I don’t remember what happened, but in the end I see that he went there alone and then I don’t remember the dream, but then a few days later I dreamed about it again, but everything was completely different there, like horrible dream I saw that he felt bad and had a lot of problems, why I don’t understand these dreams, we don’t even keep in touch after the breakup, but it’s already over more than a year

    Hello! I had a dream, a former lover came back to me. In the dream he was sad, we were hugging. Then the guests came, we were sitting at the table having fun and then he left the table, I went up to him and he confessed to me that he loves someone else (with whom he now lives) and does not know how to make peace with her, because she left him. Afterwards we walk down the street in the direction of her house. Walking with my ex, I understand that we are going to her so that he can make peace with her, I’m annoyed, but I still go with him. Approaching the house, I wish him good luck and leave. in a dream I endure this action very painfully, but I can’t do anything. Tell me what this could mean

    Good night Tatyana! It was not me who had the dream, but my dear grandmother. A week ago my beloved and dear person Alexey left me, I’m taking the loss very hard and I can’t come to terms with the fact that the man kept lying and doesn’t love me. My grandmother called my mother today and said that she dreamed that Lesha came to our house, something happened to us in the room he said to his mother, and then he took me by the hand and we, holding hands tightly, left the apartment. What could this dream mean, please tell me?

    U menja rebjonok ot ljubimogo cheloveka s kotorim mi vmeste bili 13 let on jenat nashemu malchiku vsego 4 goda posle rojdenija rebjonka cherez god on usheol navernoe ispugalsja vse-taki odno delo prosto svjaz odno delo uje rebjonok… segodnja vo sne ya uvidela what on v kostjume s galstikom ochen predstavitelnij vernulsja govorit ya prishel ya ljublju vas i vse takoe Who eto mojet znachit?

    I was sleeping in my room, I woke up, I saw that all my friends had gathered at my house and my beloved had arrived from another city, they were sitting talking, laughing, he looked at me and called me with his eyes, I left the room, and there it’s empty, there’s no one and nothing, it’s dark and the windows are broken, I went back to my room, I turn around and see that they’re still sitting there, I went out to them again, and again there’s nothing there... (my boyfriend really left for another city a few days ago)

    At the moment my husband is in prison. I dreamed that he came, we were walking, suddenly out of nowhere there was a lot of water. He followed it. The next day we were going somewhere. My husband left and I moved on. I saw that he was carrying a large bag. It turned out he was released only for a while and he is returning back to prison. What is it for?

    I recently had a guy in prison and two weeks later I had a dream that they called me from an unknown number and asked me to come to his house. When I approached his house I saw him in the window, then he came out of the house, hugged me and said “now everything will be fine” after He told me that he had tattoos on his back and on his forearm, there was a cobweb on the back of the ball, and on the forearm of a snake there was a sun and a heart, after which the dream was interrupted.
    What is all this for?

    I dreamed that I had recently married a man and was living in an apartment with him. ex-wife and his two children and my mother are right there. I haven’t seen him for a couple of days. He comes and is very happy to see me, we kiss and hug. Then my mother tells me that I need to feed my husband and I ask what he will have. He tells me some dish from the restaurant. Then he says that he will not allow his woman to cook it. And we leave. Then we hug, kiss and he says, that his wife’s apartment and we need to move out. But I’m not upset

    I dreamed that I recently married a man and live in an apartment with his ex-wife and his two children and my mother is right there. I bathe his boy, about 10 years old, after sleeping. I haven’t seen my husband for a couple of days. He comes and is very happy to see me , we kiss and hug and I feel strong feelings love and joy. Then mom tells me that I need to feed my husband and I
    I ask what he will do. He tells me some dish from the restaurant. Then he says that he will not allow his woman to cook. And we leave. Then he hugs, kisses and I experience very strong feelings of love and joy, I constantly hold him in my arms. He says that it’s his wife’s apartment and we need to move out. But I’m not upset, I know that he’s rich.
    Then my mother tells me, admiringly, that when we were leaving, she told him to behave properly in the evening, and he answered her that it was no longer her concern.
    In my life, I know this man quite a bit, he is married and tries to communicate with me. He is rich, not very young compared to me, but handsome. I don’t know his wife. We haven’t communicated with him for three days.

    my friend and I walked along shopping center, I was naked, we went up the elevator quite high and went out and bought something. some guy was next to us, we ended up on the street, the earth just collapsed from under our feet, I found myself in a hole. there was very big snake, she wanted to bite me, but I grabbed her and killed her. Then we found ourselves at home, the door opened and my boyfriend came in. He’s only supposed to come back from a business trip in November, he’s in the military. we hugged and then I woke up

    hello, I dreamed that my beloved blocked my contacts and I couldn’t call or write to him, I woke up and got scared at night and checked my phone. what does this mean please answer

    I had such a dream and it doesn’t give me any relief. Can anyone help me figure it out? I dreamed that my lover, whom I love very much, came to me in real life, he also has a wife and a son, and I have a husband and a daughter. All this was also in a dream, he arrived in a work car (he works as a truck driver) and he came to my mother-in-law and he parked the car near her house, we sat in the car. And then something happens that I don’t want, my husband returns from prison (he is in prison now) and he is not alone, but with the cops and asks his mother where the keys to his house are, and here I am with my lovers and he didn’t look at the mench very well , then I'm tired of it

    I had a very painful breakup with a loved one, he left forever, today I dreamed that he returned with flowers, he really wanted me, those around me were afraid that I would forgive him

    the girl with whom we have been communicating for 4 years came back, we crossed the river together, there was a bed, the keeper changed - before she had long blond hair that was short in the dream, she was somehow completely different, not the same as I knew her before. Then in the dream she disappeared. on the eve of her departure on exactly the same day from Thursday to Friday, I had a dream about how she left me

    I dreamed that the person I love wanted to resume communication, in fact, he persistently wrote messages to me. The fact is that in real life a couple of days ago I stopped communicating with this person, but I didn’t want this, the circumstances turned out that way and at the moment it was the only way out. He also did not expect this and did not want to stop communicating.

    An old woman whom I know leaves me, and then they have a quarrel, then my wife goes unnoticed somewhere for one night, then returns to the room, and my parents and relatives and many other people were also there

    To me, the person I love in reality (we can’t be together), wrote in a dream that I’ll come in an hour, open the friend zone! I asked something else, he replied that he didn’t know, maybe I was waiting for another person, I answered that I was waiting for him! A dream with positive emotions, joyful for me, but I really hope, but I wonder what if it doesn’t come true!

    Good afternoon. I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend, whom I still love, was leaving the school where I studied, I was sitting in the car, he came up to me and said that he didn’t care. I start crying and telling him about my feelings

    I dreamed that a man who is not with me now and lives with another family flew to my city, we walked together and made joint plans for life. It was very warm and beautiful on the streets. In a conversation I asked why he liked me, the answer was neutrality.

    my common-law husband is actually in prison. then I had a dream that he returned home without warning and much earlier than expected. He arrived on some kind of motorcycle, I saw him for the first time. I had no things with me except a new phone. which some girl bought for him while he was in prison, in the dream they were talking about some 15 days, but I still didn’t understand what those days were. in the dream he changed a lot after prison, he was very cold towards me and constantly shouted at me, although in real life we ​​have a very warm relationship. in a dream he constantly called me by name, he did not make any kind words or movements in my direction. I dreamed that we were walking down the street and a girl met us and she said to him: “Where did you go, why don’t you write? You’re finally free, I’ve been waiting for you!” He began to say that he didn’t know her and she was confusing him with someone, a scandal broke out between us, and he admitted that while he was in prison, he registered on a dating site and wanted to leave me. which is what he did in the dream. got on a motorcycle and drove away from me. and I stood looking after him and for some reason I let him go very easily... although in our lives everything is the other way around, we love each other very much, and none of us can let someone go so easily. please help me figure it out, I love my husband very much and I’m afraid of losing him

    I had a dream that a red bear was chasing me. it was so; At first I dreamed of my parents’ house, where my dad scolded me, and then said let’s go have a serious talk. we went out to some beach, it was already dark, but we didn’t swear or talk about serious topics, we started running kite, we laughed and talked about something, but I don’t remember what, but we had fun, we joked and then fell on the beach and lay looking at the sky. Dad said he loves me very much! my dad is alive. then we found ourselves in the room lying on the carpet, I got up and walked around the house and went out into the yard, there were a lot of dogs there, they were barking and playing. I returned back to the room from where I had left. Dad and my daughter (already born in real life) were lying on the carpet, she was coloring a picture. I lay down next to my dad on the carpet and smiled at him. He wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by an animal roar. it was a bear, I was sure that he would not get into the house, since there are many dogs in the area, but he made his way and began to hunt me. I got scared and ran away from him. he chased me, but when I opened the door from the room, I found myself in my house (my parents live separately, my daughter and I live in a dorm, so it turned out to be outside the door) I ran to my floor and rushed to my door, but it was locked. To my happiness, the door to the adjacent corridor was open through which I can get to my place. a light red bear chased me and growled, I felt terrible fear, I hid from him in the toilet, he sniffed but passed by. I ran out of the toilet and ran to my apartment, he smelled me and chased me. the door was open, so I easily entered my apartment, quickly closing the door with a lock. but the bear did not calm down, he began to growl even louder, scratched my door and tried to break it down. there were strong knocks on the door. I woke up from them and from fear. please tell me what does this mean?

    A few weeks ago I dreamed that my loved one returned to me, he stood in the doorway, exhausted, I was glad that he came, in the kitchen stood by the window my mother and sister and a big black Cast-iron pan with leftovers, this dream was prophetic... I don’t remember more details, we have now parted with the person, but I’m waiting for him, and I want him to return. Please write what the dream is about.

    I dream that I’m at home, my family is near me and then my older brother comes in with my ex-boyfriend, I’m shocked, but inside I’m happy, it looked like they were friends (they don’t know each other in real life), and my mother tells me, they will talk now (my brother and him), and then he will explain everything to you, then they leave again, and I remain sitting on the sofa and being in shock, after that they return and my brother begins to swear that I deceived him and says: “Where is the death of Koshchei?” I say: “in the egg, and the egg is in the duck, and the duck is in the bear...” my mother supported me and then the dream stopped, that the ex was heading in my direction...

    Good afternoon. I dreamed today that it was my birthday, I woke up and was going somewhere. I go out into the yard, and he is sitting in his car and seems to be waiting for me (although he has been living in another city for a year and a half). I approach in bewilderment, I can’t believe my eyes. He comes out smiling, I say are you back? He says yes. And at this moment the feeling inside: this best gift for my birthday, now we are together forever. I ask how and why? I say it's a wonderful surprise. He says something like he was bored. I say and I am very. I tell you how life was without him, he talks about his plans, or rather ours. By this time we are already arriving home. An unforgettable night together, in the morning we go to meet the dawn, it’s so warm, we laugh, it smiles at me.
    When I wake up in the morning I think: in fact, my birthday is in winter. But in my dream I felt warm. Very warm.

    First, I went with Kotya into the room from the camp where we met, but it was a room from the summer shift and I didn’t know Kotya then. Every time I dreamed that the sunset had just begun and it was still warm, I was in my favorite gray sweatshirt and black pants, and Kotya was in his favorite tracksuit (also gray). We are 12 years old, just like when we met. I told him: “Get in.” and showed him to her upper bed (the iron from which the bed is made, like in reality, is red, and the bedspread is yellowish with a pattern). Kotya climbed up, I followed him, and as I like to do, I lay down on him, and he began to stroke my head. I was happy, but every time after 2-3 minutes of this happiness I wake up ((((

    Hello, I dreamed that a guy came from the army, although he should not have, I dreamed for the second time that he returned from the army, only the dreams are different, the last time I dreamed that we were standing in the corridor, waiting for classes, each with his group, and I see him, although I understand that he should be in the army, I came up and gave him some advice about studying and walked away. The first time I dreamed that I returned from the army, although again I understood in the dream that his term of service had not ended, we were returning from school by taxi, fell asleep on my shoulder and felt how happy I was.

    Hello! A couple of days ago I had a not entirely pleasant conversation with the man I loved. He had a fight with me. This is not the first time. We love each other, but there are reasons why we are not together. Before the dream and until now we have not spoken on the phone. I dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday. It was as if he had come to my home, to my parents’ house (my parents don’t know him, only my mother heard about him). I ask my brother where he is.. He is in the bathroom, not just thinking about where to be as an answer. It’s like he’s sitting down at the table, I open the refrigerator to feed him, but it’s leaking, but there’s still food that, in my opinion, is normal. He eats. And his parents seem to give him their car so that he can go to his home. I don’t see the process itself either. I just know about it. He left and returned, as if because there was a lot of gas in the car. I’m asking what you pressed so that gas went into the car’s interior, because this shouldn’t happen... Why the dream.. help me understand. Thank you!

Since ancient times, people have attached great importance dreams and built many theories about their interpretation, trying to see signs from Higher powers and look into your future. And now, during the exact sciences and high technology, many have not lost faith in the mystical nature of dreams and in the morning they look for the interpretation of remembered dreams in dream books. Meanwhile, science has also made great progress in studying the nature of sleep, and modern psychologists and psychotherapists are confident that the world of dreams is a reflection of a person’s subconscious, his experiences, thoughts and feelings. Therefore, psychologists, along with dream interpreters, can explain to people far from mysticism and science why in our dreams we see nightmares, return to our childhood, or meet former lovers.

Both psychologists and dream interpreters pay especially much attention to dreams about former loved ones, since, unlike dreams about everyday things, they always have great meaning for a person and say a lot about his feelings and experiences. A dream involving a former lover can help the dreamer deal with accumulated emotions, take a more sober look at current love relationships, and sometimes look into the future. Let's consider how dreams about former beloved men/women are interpreted by psychologists and dream interpreters.

Why do you dream of a former loved one from a psychological point of view?

Most psychologists agree that the appearance of former passions in dreams is always evidence that the dreamer, deep down in his soul, was unable to end the relationship with the person he dreamed of and “let go” of him. Resentment, anger, disappointment, guilt, or vice versa, the hope of renewing a relationship overwhelms the soul of a person who has experienced a failed romance, and therefore in dreams he sees a visual embodiment of his desires and emotions.

To understand why a former loved one dreams, psychologists recommend Special attention pay attention to the plot of the dream and the behavior of the former passion in it, since it is the dreamed events that are a reflection of accumulated experiences and subconscious desires. The feelings with which a person wakes up after such dreams also matter.

According to psychologists, dreams in which a person sees himself and his ex-lover together, happy and in love, indicate that there is still hope in his soul for the restoration of relations. They talk about this especially clearly with a former passion or the scene of reconciliation with him. Most often, people see such dreams when the cause of the breakup was their own temper or pride, or the separation occurred due to external circumstances. And despite the fact that the separation actually occurred, on a subconscious level the dreamer has not “put an end to” the relationship and cannot get rid of the thoughts that he made a mistake and lost his “soul mate.”

And here dreams in which a former loved one appears unhappy, poor or remorseful, means that the dreamer cannot forgive him for any offense and wants the ex-lover (lover) to regret the separation. As a rule, such dreams are dreamed by people who were deceived or insulted by their ex during a breakup, or by those who have inflated self-esteem and believe that any person of the opposite sex should consider a relationship with them as happiness. A dream of a former loved one humiliated or asking for forgiveness in this case is a visually expressed subconscious desire to take revenge for a broken heart.

Should be interpreted in a similar way dreams where misfortune happens to an ex-lover. Psychologists believe that dreams of an ex-passion getting sick/getting into an accident/dying are often seen by people who feel strong anger towards their ex and dream of taking revenge on him for the pain he caused. However, in this case there are exceptions - sometimes such dreams are dreamed by those who feel for some reason obligated to take care of the well-being of their ex. For example, a woman who lived with her alcoholic husband for many years and initiated a divorce, finally tired of constant drinking bouts, may believe that her ex-husband will completely get drunk without her and get into trouble and, out of habit, worry about him. In such situations, dreams are a manifestation of subconscious fears and anxieties for a person, the psychological connection with whom has not yet been broken.

For a person in a new love relationship, to see both former and current partners in a dream
- this is a serious reason to think about the appropriateness of a new romance and the sincerity of your feelings for your new partner. According to psychologists, such dreams are seen by people who subconsciously compare a new loved one with an ex, yearn for the past and try to understand how correct their choice is. However, you should not break off relations with a new partner because of one such dream, because almost every person can think once or several times about the advantages and disadvantages of a new friend in comparison with an ex. But if such dreams are repeated regularly, and the former loved one appears in them much more better light than the current partner, this means that in the dreamer’s soul there really are regrets about the past, and his new relationship is just a way to escape from the loneliness that came after the breakup.

A separate category of dreams about former loved ones are dreams in which these people give the dreamer some advice, suggest solutions to problems and exit from difficult situation. As a rule, such dreams are seen by people who have managed to maintain friendly, trusting relationships with their former loved ones. In such situations, the dreamed ex-lover (beloved) is the voice of the person’s subconscious, which is trying to convey its conclusions to consciousness. The fact is that the human brain works and processes all the information received during the day, and often the brain “gives out” the result of understanding and evaluating the information received in the form of dreams.

Why do you dream of a former loved one from the point of view of dream interpreters?

At the moment, there are several dozen dream books, and almost all of them contain detailed interpretation dreams about former loved ones, often interpreted in different dream books vary. Below is the meaning of dreams in which we see former loved ones, from the point of view of the most popular dream books.

Freud's Dream Book

According to the dream book compiled by the “father of psychoanalysis” Sigmund Freud, if a woman dreams of her former lover, she may soon break up or quarrel with her current partner. Moreover, with a high probability, the cause of the quarrel will be the man’s jealousy, caused by the woman’s habit of often remembering her ex.

For single girls and boys, dreams involving ex-lovers, on the contrary, are considered good sign, since they foreshadow an acquaintance with an interesting person of the opposite sex.

Dreams that involve sexual relations with a former partner indicate dissatisfaction, hidden desires, etc. A person who regularly has such dreams needs to learn to accept himself and convey his desires to his partner.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga believed that dreams about everything related to the past symbolize regrets and empty suffering for the past, which is no longer possible and does not need to be corrected. Dreams involving a former loved one are a symbol of sadness, suffering and pointless efforts made to bring back the past. Also, such dreams can be a harbinger of separation from your current partner or the emergence of any circumstances that will interfere with a new romance.

The only dreams about a former loved one that Vanga called a good sign were dreams in which the ex-lover (lover) looked happy and joyful. Such dreams mean that the dreamer was able to forgive all the grievances of the ex-passion and put an end to the completed romance, and soon a new relationship awaits him, more harmonious and happy.

Miller's Dream Book

Dreams in which a former loved one is present is a sign that soon some event will occur in the dreamer’s life that is a consequence of the breakdown of that relationship. If the plot of the dream involved having sex with an ex-passion, it means that in reality the dreamer will face a conflict either with the former loved one himself or with someone from his environment.

For a girl to dream of her own fight with her ex-lover is a signal that she should take a better look at her current partner, since he has a passion for it. Also for the fair sex bad sign Dreams about breaking up with an ex-boyfriend are considered, because they predict that her next relationship will end in a breakup.

But a kiss with a former lover, according to Miller’s dream book, is a good omen - such a dream foreshadows a very joyful event that will have a positive impact on the dreamer’s future life.

No matter how you break up with your ex-man, whether good or bad, sooner or later he comes into your dreams, and sometimes getting rid of his image can be very difficult. And sometimes you want it that way!

Especially if he didn’t leave behind any bright memories; in reality, a truly beloved man has been sleeping next to him for a long time, and dreams about his ex are frightening in their realism. So today we’ll talk about why, what and why we dream about ex-men, and most importantly, how to “smoke” them out of our dreams.

If you're just dreaming ex-man

The appearance of a former man in dreams does not always foreshadow any specific events. We have an overly developed associative memory, so things like this can arise because we watched a movie that we once watched with an ex-lover or ex-husband; casually noted how our child looks like ex-husband; met one of our mutual friends on the street or visited places the two of us had visited. It is not at all necessary that when faced with any of these factors, our mind will start screaming: do you remember how it all happened?! The subconscious will do everything on its own, turning a fleeting memory into a dream and developing it, sometimes into a completely fantastic plot. And we ourselves may not even attach importance to the fact that this or that factor is somehow connected with the ex-man.

Most often, former lovers appear in the dreams of those who constantly have reminders of these people before their eyes - gifts, souvenirs brought from a joint vacation, etc. By the way, this is why it is not recommended to keep tangible reminders of past relationships in a visible place - by entering our dreams, ex-men seem to slow down the likelihood of developing a new relationship. It is clear that you should not throw away photographs and gifts, but putting them in a distant drawer is a good solution, especially if the relationship with this man was difficult and ended in a painful breakup. If you yourself, without worries and without a twinge of conscience, abandoned this man, then things that remind you of him are not a hindrance to a new relationship.

Another reason why your ex-man may be dreaming is his memories of you. If he repents of the breakup, if he regrets that he could not maintain the relationship with you, then, whether you want it or not, you will see dreams about him regularly. Most often, this happens when, after breaking up with you, a man was unable to establish his personal life if things didn’t work out for him. In this case, you will continue to see him in your dreams, at least until he finds a woman who will evoke more intense emotions in him than you.

The reason for the “empty” appearance of an ex-man in your dreams can be a purposeful memory, as well as any conversations about him.

If an ex-man kisses you in a dream


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