Standard ceiling height in the apartment. Standard ceiling height in a private house: dimensions, features and recommendations Minimum ceiling height in an apartment

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When building a private house, the owner must be guided not only by his preferences, but also comply with current regulations. This is especially true for room heights. for various purposes. The height of the ceilings is also important in apartments, because it affects the comfort of living and the possibility of design decoration rooms. AT different eras construction works different norms. The indicators also differ depending on the purpose of the room. We will tell you what is the optimal ceiling height in a private house, apartment, and also describe what it depends on and what should be the height of the bath from floor to ceiling.

As for the height of the ceilings in the apartment, these standards are regulated by a document called SNiP, in particular its series 31-01-2003. You can read more about this indicator in paragraph 5.8 of this document.

It says here that the minimum height of a room or ancillary space is determined by:

  • its type and purpose;
  • construction region.

Important! Room height standards exist to ensure optimal natural air circulation in housing and a favorable microclimate.

To find out which climatic region a particular place belongs to, just refer to SNiP under the number 23-01-99. The entire territory of our country is divided into climatic regions, taking into account the average monthly temperature, air humidity and the direction of the prevailing winds. The territory of the Russian Federation is divided into 4 climatic regions. All of them are additionally divided into 16 districts. Zone ІA is considered the coldest.

Depending on the climatic region, the following norms for the height of the premises apply:

  1. In the territories belonging to zones IA, IB, ІG, ID, as well as VA, the minimum allowable height from floor to ceiling is 2700 mm.
  2. In all other zones, the norm is 2500 mm.

Residential regulations

Today, new apartments with high ceilings are not often found. This is due to the fact that at the moment there are rules according to which optimal distance from the ceiling surface to the clean floor in the apartment is taken equal to 2400-2800 mm. Designing apartments with a height of less than 2.4 m is prohibited. A lower indicator will not only adversely affect the microclimate in the room, but will also not allow a person to feel comfortable in a low room.

These regulations do not apply to construction individual houses. If desired, the owner of such a building can equip rooms with a height of 3000-3500 mm. But in pursuit comfortable room do not forget that high rooms take longer to heat up and require significant heating costs.

Today, the following norms for the height of residential premises are in force:

  • children's room, bedroom, living room and office - at least 2500 mm;
  • kitchen - also not less than 250 cm;
  • if mezzanines are installed in the corridor or hallway, then under them the optimal distance from the floor to the ceiling surface is 2100 mm;
  • ceiling height in a private house with an attic can be reduced indoors with pitched roof twice (that is, the junction of the wall and the sloping ceiling should be at least 1.4 m-1.6 m from the floor).

The extreme maximum value for this parameter in private buildings is not specified. Most often, rooms in houses are made no higher than 3200 mm, and in buildings of the last century - 4000 mm.

Norms for non-residential premises

When designing non-residential premises are guided by the following standards for this indicator:

  • public buildings and sanatoriums - not less than 3000 mm;
  • auxiliary premises and corridors - at least 1900 mm;
  • production shops and dry cleaners - at least 3600 mm;
  • the height of the technical floors depends on the engineering communications passing there, but should not be lower than 1600 mm;
  • Kindergartens, schools, medical institutions - at least 3000 mm;
  • offices, shopping centers and administrative institutions - at least 3 meters.

Standard ceiling height in houses

Apartment buildings built in a certain era have a different parameter for the height of the premises. Moreover, the difference depends on the purpose of the structure and the time of its construction. For apartments built in different parts of our country, the same dimensions are characteristic.


Such apartments belong to the old housing stock and are characterized by impressive dimensions. This era is characterized by a lack of savings on space and materials, because mass housing construction was not observed. The distance from the ceiling surface to the floor in such apartments is 3300-3600 mm. On the ceiling, there is often decor in the form of stucco and decorative cornices.

Advice! To adjust the parameters of high "stalinok" install suspended or stretch ceiling. As for painting, wallpapering or whitewashing, they are inappropriate in such apartments.


In the era of Khrushchev's rule, the task was to provide housing for every family. Since the project implementation timeframe and costs were rather limited, small-sized apartments were designed. On average, the distance from floor to ceiling was 2480-2600 mm, but in northern latitudes built apartments with a height of at least 2700 mm.

Important! The ceiling surface in Khrushchev is not decorated with suspended structures that steal valuable centimeters. For visual expansion space it is recommended to use light glossy Decoration Materials.


Houses built during the Brezhnev era are distinguished by their improved size, because after the mass construction of the "Khrushchev" small apartments it's time to think about the comfort of housing. The apartments are distinguished by spacious areas, each room has a separate entrance, the kitchen is quite spacious, there are built-in cabinets and mezzanines in the corridor. As for the altitude, in Brezhnevka this parameter is 2600-2700 mm.

Block and panel houses

Active cocking of panel and block houses began in Khrushchev times. The distance from ceiling to floor in the first panels built was 2500 mm. At the same time, the layout of small-sized Khrushchev houses was completely preserved.

In the 80s, they began to build new block and panel apartment buildings with an improved layout. Here the height of the rooms is in the range of 2650-2750 mm. The layout of the apartments was radically different from the Khrushchev buildings, and the height of the house exceeded 5 floors.


There are no exact norms regarding altitude outbuildings. Buildings for household purposes may differ in this parameter depending on the region of construction and the purpose of the premises. A shed for storing utensils and tools is made 1900 mm high. If it is necessary to store large items, the distance is increased to 2000-2200 mm.

Ceiling heights for utility rooms

Each apartment has ancillary facilities. These are places where a person does not stay permanently, that is, he does not sleep, does not cook or eat. When designing them, they are also guided by certain standards.


In apartments and private houses, the bathroom is arranged under the same ceiling as the living rooms, so the height of the room is directly related to the standard height of the rest of the apartment or house. If the bathroom area is small, and the distance from floor to ceiling is significant, then the room seems disproportionate and uncomfortable. To correct this shortcoming in the bathroom, suspended or stretch ceilings are mounted at the right distance from the floor.


Want to know the exact height of the ceiling in the bath, the standard is 2300 mm. Usually, this parameter is observed during the construction of a one-story detached building. The height of the ceiling in the bath less than 2200 mm is unacceptable, because it leads to poor circulation of heated air.

Attention! More precisely, the distance from floor to ceiling in the bath is determined taking into account the number of shelves and total number rows.

However, if the bath is made very high, then the room will warm up for a very long time to required temperature. Another disadvantage of too high a bath lies in the significant costs of raw materials or electricity for heating.

How to calculate ceiling height

To independently determine the optimal distance from the ceiling surface to the clean floor in the room, the following rules are followed:

  1. For living rooms and other premises of permanent residence of a person, this parameter is selected taking into account the growth of the tallest household. A height reserve of 1 m is added to its growth. A reserve of free space above human height is needed to protect against inhalation of dusty and very dry air, which circulates a meter from the ceiling.
  2. When determining the height of the rooms, do not forget to take into account the cost of heating. A high room takes longer to heat up and requires high costs for heating the coolant.

Interesting fact! With an increase in floor height by 30 cm, the cubic capacity of the house increases by 30 m³. As a result, for the device autonomous heating powerful expensive equipment is required.

  1. In multi-storey private houses, a significant distance from floor to ceiling requires the construction of an overall staircase, which takes up a lot of space. usable area. To save space, you can make a steeper staircase, but it is not safe to move along it.
  2. When calculating this parameter, consider the area of ​​individual rooms. So, a high ceiling in a small room looks disproportionate and causes an unpleasant feeling in the people who are there. Too low ceiling surface in a spacious room makes it visually even lower.

When is it allowed to break the rules?

When erecting individual home You may not comply with current regulations regarding room heights. However, do not forget that this often leads to undesirable consequences in the form of big expenses on materials and heating of the house or unfavorable microclimate in housing.

During construction apartment buildings and public buildings, designers and builders are obliged to comply with the current norms regarding the height of the premises.

When buying and building an apartment or a private house, new owners pay attention to the height of the ceilings. The perception of space in the room and a comfortable stay in it depend on this parameter. When creating an interior, the height of the ceilings in an apartment or house above average allows the owner to create a multi-level ceiling suspension structure or hang a luxurious chandelier.

Ceiling heights in apartments

Regardless of when it was built multi-storey building, the standard ceiling height in the apartment is in the range from 2.5 to 3.2 meters. The minimum distance from the floor to the ceiling, which, according to experts, does not cause a feeling of pressure and discomfort, is 2.5 meters. AT residential buildings built in Czech standard project, the height is 2.6-2.7 meters and this parameter is optimal.

Currently, the average ceiling height in an apartment in new buildings is never less than 2.5 meters and usually ranges from 2.6 to 2.8 meters, which is quite enough to create a comfortable environment and a sense of coziness. In newly built buildings belonging to the elite housing segment, this figure reaches 3 meters. When buying real estate, you need to pay attention to quality ceiling, since if there are irregularities on it, they will need to be eliminated, and this will lead to a decrease in the distance between the floor and the ceiling of the room.

The cost of an apartment with high ceilings is more expensive than the same square, but with a lower ceiling, and this can be justified economically. For this reason, experts are confident that the optimal height, both in terms of price and comfort, is approximately 2.7 meters and recommend focusing on this indicator when purchasing real estate.

High ceilings in an apartment located in a new building, of course, allow you to embody original design ideas when creating an interior.

Existing standards for ceiling heights

There are no height standards for ceilings in buildings of different purposes. Usually there is a lower limit for this parameter for premises, below which construction is not allowed.

To date, the height of the ceilings by SNiP provides for the following:

Apartment design with high ceilings

standard height the ceiling in the apartment does not always allow the owner to design it in accordance with his own preferences. When the house has high ceilings, this is always considered an advantage, because in such rooms there is more light and air, and there is no feeling that you are in a closed space.

Rooms with high ceilings - the design may be different, as they are both small in area and large.

The design of the apartment with high ceilings, at least 3.7 meters, allows you to embody the wildest fantasies when creating an interior. For example, under the base floor, you can place an additional attic floor and place sleeping place. On the second tier they put a bed or equip a library.

To avoid the feeling of emptiness, the design of apartments with high ceilings allows you to make, if not a full-fledged floor, but a cozy seating area, the entrance to which is created in the form of a staircase with small steps.

Apartment interior with high ceilings and large area involves choosing massive large furniture as furnishings. The main thing is not to visually overload the decor of the premises, because otherwise the feeling of large space and light will disappear without a trace, spoiling it.

As a rule, the design of a room with a high ceiling is done in a loft style, which emphasizes this advantage and involves the organization of hidden places for storing things, effectively organizing the surrounding space. Some owners of such apartments choose modern style.

In rooms with high ceilings, there is enough space where you can dream up, which is confirmed by the photo on the site. For example, it is possible to make beautiful figured arches or lay out original doorways. Also used are various decorative elements. If desired, you can create stretch or suspended ceiling multi-tiered structures without taking a significant height of the room. There will be no problem with how to set the ceiling level in a room with high ceilings, a few centimeters will not affect the overall perception of the space. Read also: "

The standard height of the ceilings in the apartment is a very convenient value. If you have typical apartment, then you always know exactly what the height of the ceiling is in it. When buying an apartment, a house, or independently carrying out construction, each owner takes into account that this is not enough important point- ceiling height. This indicator is one of the main ones, and not only how the space will be perceived, but also the possibility of implementing various design ideas in interior design, choosing one or another way of finishing ceilings depends on it.

Normative documents regulating the height of ceilings

Ceilings today often act as elements decorative design, therefore, in addition to the minimum set of operational characteristics defined by the standards (height standards, environmental friendliness, safety), they must have other additional qualities. These include:

  • heat resistance;
  • waterproofing;
  • the ability to absorb and reflect sound;
  • resistance to mold, fungus, etc.

Beyond Compliance sanitary standards great importance given to the convenience and installation of not only the ceiling, but also lighting devices.

The device technology of the surface in question is also subject to control, therefore it is regulated by the relevant rules and documents.

Previously, to save space, buildings were built in such a way that the distance from ceiling to floor was no more than 2.4-2.8 m. According to modern rules construction according to SNiP, ceilings having a height ( h) less than 2.4 m cannot be designed in residential buildings. However, the standard ceiling height in an apartment of 2 m 50 cm is not always appropriate and convenient. It significantly limits the design possibilities, creates a feeling of oppressive space.

If you decide to build a house yourself, do not limit yourself to standard indicators, do not save on space. It is worth making spacious rooms (with h\u003d 3-3.5 m), then you can use a variety of designs in decoration.

According to the standards h ceilings for individual rooms is determined by the following indicators:

  • living quarters, kitchen - 2.5 m and above;
  • corridor - at least 2.1 m;
  • boiler room with a heat generator - 2.2 m or more;
  • basement - at least 1.6 m.

However, h Ceilings in one room can vary greatly. For example, for an attic on the top floor under a roof structure, the ceiling height parameter may be significantly less than the established standard. Then max h ceiling space in such a room should occupy at least 50% of its total area.

The height of ceilings in such structures is also regulated by SNiPs and includes different standards for individual rooms:

  • public buildings, sanatoriums - 3 m;
  • industrial premises, dry cleaners - at least 3.6 m;
  • additional premises, passage corridors - at least 1.9 m;
  • for attic floors it is possible to lower the ceilings at an angle. Then must be observed technical requirements and functional purpose of the room, and the maximum height of the ceiling space should be at least 60% of total area premises;
  • for floors technical purpose the indicator is set individually depending on several factors: the purpose of the premises, the equipment installed in it, utilities;
  • for premises where only engineering Communication- not less than 1.6 m;
  • for offices and administrative premises - at least 3 m.

Standard ceiling height

For typical high-rise buildings, the minimum ceiling height is determined by the type of building, as well as the time of its construction. Apartments located in different parts countries are identical to each other not only in terms of layout, but also in standard ceiling heights, which can vary slightly by several centimeters.

This is perhaps the only version of buildings that are distinguished by a large scale. The ceiling height in such houses is approximately 3-3.5 m. Previously, ceiling spaces were often decorated with stucco elements to give the room additional comfort and harmony.

From the name it is clear that these residential buildings were built in the time of Khrushchev. They are represented by standard five-story buildings in which Russian families have been living for several decades.

These apartments have the following features:

  • the height from the floor to the ceiling space is small (a person with a large stature can easily reach the surface of the ceiling with his hand);
  • The area of ​​the apartment is also small. So, the kitchen is 6 m², rooms - 12-14 m².

The standard height in Khrushchev is 2.5 m, but due to the low ceilings, such apartments have some advantages:

  • less money spent on heating bills;
  • ceiling structures are presented reinforced concrete slabs overlaps, therefore, are durable.

Similar apartment buildings began to be built in the 70s of the 20th century. Average Height the ceiling in the rooms of such apartments is 2.5-2.7 m, and the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire housing reaches 80 m.

These values ​​make it possible to implement many design solutions without the need to spend large sums of money on repairs and decoration. With a floor-to-ceiling distance of 2.7 meters, you can lower the ceiling space by no more than 20 cm. Therefore, even complex suspension systems or two-level tension structures.

Their initial construction took place in the 80s of the 20th century. These houses are characterized by a large number floors, spacious rooms and kitchens. The height of the ceilings in block buildings is 2.65-2.75 m.

Ceiling decoration allows you to use many different techniques.

In modern new buildings, apartments are distinguished by a variety of layouts. In the real estate market, you can find both luxury and economy class apartments. The main differences between them are the area and the degree of comfort, which are directly related to the height indicator. For example, if this is a small studio apartment, then in order to save money, when determining the height of the ceiling surface, its permissible minimum in the living room is used. As a rule, it does not exceed 2.7 m. Large luxury apartments boast ceilings of 2.8-3.2 meters high.

Repair of apartments with high ceilings is best left to designers. They will help you choose the optimal distance from the floor to the surface. decorative design, which will express the advantages of finishing, and hide the disadvantages of the layout.

Provides your home endless possibilities for the development of imagination. Here you can already choose absolutely any layout and height of the rooms. Usually, the architect helps to decide on the last indicator.

In order not to create a feeling of emptiness, and the room was cozy and comfortable, ceilings should be made no higher than 2.9-3.2 m.

You can finish the ceilings in private houses different ways. Under wooden beams most often installed stretch fabrics or suspended ceiling structures. Often used combined options. With reinforced concrete ceilings, it is allowed to use almost any method of finishing - from traditional painting to the installation of complex systems.

On a note! Decide on the view decorative finishes necessary in advance, then it will be easier to choose the optimal ceiling height.

Outbuildings and premises

For such premises, there are no strict restrictions on h. It is defined functional purpose buildings. For example, for a sauna or bath, it is better to make the distance from the floor to the top smaller in order to reduce the time to warm up the room.

For a garage, h must be such that the transport for which the building is intended fits freely in it.

In addition to the standard indicator h, regulated by the relevant documents, when choosing an apartment for living or when building a private house, it is also necessary to take into account the optimal ceiling height, which is convenient and comfortable. It depends on:

  • growth of people who will live in the apartment / house. From the outstretched arm of a person to the ceiling should remain at least 30 cm;
  • area of ​​the room. If this is a large hall, the indicator in question can be from 3.5 m, a kitchen or dining room of 20 m² - 2.8 m. This method of determining the optimal height is only suitable for a private house, when you can draw up a project even before its construction. Despite the fact that the cost multi-level design it will be more expensive, it will be much more comfortable to live in it;
  • remaining distance from floor covering to the ceiling structure after the completion of the repair. For example, installation of tension and suspension structures together with warm floors in an apartment can take up to 20 cm in height.

When determining the ceiling height in your apartment, consider your own preferences. Some people feel comfortable with a minimum height of 2.5 m, while others find 3 m comfortable. Also, do not forget that ceiling height plays a decisive role in interior design. With a sufficient distance from floor to ceiling, you can install not only ceiling lights, but also other original lighting devices, as well as mount complex multi-level structures.

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The issue of ceiling height is one of the most important when building your house or buying an apartment.

And the relevance of this issue is fully justified.

After all, the comfort of spending time in the room from the psychological side depends on the height of the ceiling.

We often hear from homeowners with low ceilings that the ceiling is “pressing”.

There is no space and freedom, which are so necessary for a person.

A high ceiling is an opportunity to hang a large chandelier.

Create a stretch or layered plasterboard ceiling decorating your home.

It should be noted that the regulations for various kinds rooms are not set to standard parameters.

Documents stipulate a lower height limit.

It is forbidden to build less than this value.

  1. Residential premises and kitchens, including (kitchen-dining rooms) during the construction of houses in climatic zones 1A, 4A, 1B, 1G, 1D - 2.7 meters. If the building was built in any other climatic zone, then the minimum figure can be 2.5 meters.
  2. In corridors, halls, front, mezzanines, the minimum ceiling height is determined by the safe movement of people and is equal to 2.1 meters.
  3. Kitchens and living quarters, which are located on the attic and upper floors buildings where there are inclined enclosing structures, the minimum height may be less than the normalized one. However, the design is less than the norm should not exceed 50% of the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.
  4. In the boiler room where heat generators are installed - 2.2 meters or more. In the basements of residential buildings, it is forbidden to arrange boiler rooms in principle.
  5. In the transverse walls of basements and technical undergrounds, the opening height is allowed 1.60 meters. In this case, the threshold should not be more than 30 cm.

For public buildings, the norms are somewhat different:

  1. In public spaces and living rooms health resorts, the minimum ceiling height should be 3 meters or more. Residential premises located in public buildings of a different type must have a minimum height in accordance with the SNiP standards for residential premises.
  2. In baths, saunas and bathing and recreation complexes that are designed for 100 people or more - 3.20 cm or more.
  3. AT industrial premises dry cleaners and laundries - at least 3.6 meters.
  4. In corridors and separate auxiliary rooms, depending on what space-planning solutions are used and technological requirements are imposed, it is permissible for the ceiling height to be less than the standard one. But, in any case, it cannot be less than 1.90 meters.
  5. AT public buildings, with a total capacity of 40 people, the indicator can correspond to the height of the floors in the building where the room is built. Exactly the same standards are provided for the premises in which enterprises are located. retail, whose area does not exceed 250 square meters. meters.
  6. Ceiling heights in attic rooms, provided that the functional and technological requirements are observed, under an inclined ceiling can be reduced. The area of ​​the ceiling, having a height less than the standard, should not exceed 40% of the total area of ​​the room. In the lowest part of the inclined section, according to SNiP, the indicator should be at least 1.3 meters if the slope relative to the horizon is 30 degrees, and 0.8 meters if the slope is 45 degrees. If the value of the slope of the slopes is 60 degrees, then there are no restrictions.

In office and other administrative premises, the ceiling cannot be less than 3 meters.

Offices are the only exception. small area located in non-administrative buildings.

The minimum value in such offices is taken as in residential buildings: 2.5 - 2.7 meters.

If the value of the angle of inclination is intermediate, then the minimum height is determined by interpolation.

Ceiling heights and ergonomics

Ergonomics issues are very important and therefore they are now paying a lot of attention.

And a special place is given to the height of the ceiling.

If the minimum value is regulated Building Regulations and Rules, then ergonomics is responsible for the optimal development of parameters.

Ergonomics is tasked with calculating the parameters of the room in such a way that a person feels in it with maximum comfort.

Everyone knows that if the ceiling in the room is low, then a person has a feeling of some pressure.

At the same time, indoors with very high structures the person also feels uncomfortable.

In such a room, he feels like in a well.

In order for a person to feel maximum comfort in any room, it is necessary that this room be built in accordance with certain ergonomic requirements:

  • it should have plenty of fresh air;
  • it should have sufficient natural light;
  • humidity conditions in the room should be optimal.

And it will be possible to comply with all these requirements practically only with the appropriate dimensions of the room and the height of the ceilings in it.

Dürer was the first to substantiate the optimal height.

Then the research was continued by the famous German architect Ernst Neufert.

It was he who, by virtue of his profession, was the first to undertake the development of modules with ideal parameters.

When drawing up the norms of SNiP, its calculations were also used.

What we have in practice: measurements in residential premises

In a room with such a ceiling, a person should not have the feeling that he is hanging.

Let's see how things really are in the apartments that are currently available in the vastness of the country.


These apartments are called so because they were built in the 30s and 50s of the last century, when Soviet Union led by Joseph Stalin.

In Stalin's apartments:

  1. The height of the room is 3 - 4 meters.
  2. These are light large apartments with spacious rooms, bathrooms and kitchens. The corridors in them are wide, and the door and window openings are large. We can say that these apartments are one hundred percent consistent with the requirements of ergonomics.
  3. The stalinkas were built reliably and soundly. They were built with a soul for people and did not save on materials and space.

By the way, it should be said that before the revolution, apartments were built with ceilings of 4.5 meters.

So high apartments did not appear in Russia under Stalin.

Already from the name it is clear that such housing was built during the reign of Nikita Khrushchev.

These are the same five-story buildings in which more than half of the population of our country lives.

These apartments have their own distinctive features:

  • the height of the structure in such an apartment is very small (person tall easily reach the ceiling with his hand);
  • the area of ​​​​such an apartment is very small: the kitchen is only 6 square meters, rooms of 12 - 17 squares (bathrooms, as a rule, combined).

Many people think that the ceilings are very low.

In such apartments, the standard measure is 2.5 meters.

And if a person can reach the ceiling with his hand, then either the floor is raised, or a suspended structure is arranged.

However, due to the low ceilings, such apartments also have undeniable advantages:

  • much less energy and money are spent on heating an apartment, respectively;
  • unlike stalinok, the ceilings in such houses are reinforced concrete, that is, there is a guarantee that the wooden beams will not rot.

Apartments in new buildings

Now builders use different standard during the construction of apartments.

After all, if the room in the apartment is 3 meters or more, then this is an apartment of the "elite" class.

And it's not for everyone.

Most budget apartments have a parameter of 2.7 meters.

This, of course, is more than in the "Khrushchev", but less than in the "Stalin".

Design subtleties

It very rarely happens that a person wants to visually seem that his room is low.

You always want the opposite - so that the room visually looks higher.

To do this, certain design methods are used to raise the ceiling visually.

It can be painted in a cold light tone.

Such shades tend to move away visually.

These are pale green, gray-blue and light blue colors.

The pattern that passes from the walls to the ceiling surface also enlarges the room.

It can be wallpaper, for example.

Or a two-tone stretch fabric.

Very effective mirror design.

With her, it’s generally impossible to tell if the room is high.

Ceiling height is a parameter that affects not only the price and maintenance of housing, but also how the person who is in this room feels.

Comfort, coziness and atmosphere in the room depend on this parameter.

Video about the height of the ceilings in the house:

This parameter is also decisive when a designer chooses interior solutions.

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With the help of light and color, you can visually enlarge or reduce the space.

Ceiling height- actual question, since not only the possibility of implementing design projects, but also the comfort of the room as a whole depends on this value. On average, this parameter ranges from 2.4–3.2 meters. Minimum Height the ceiling is defined by SNiP as 2.5 m. Such ceilings are typical for Khrushchev. In new buildings, their minimum height is 2.6 meters. And in luxury houses it can be more than 3 m.

Standards and Practice

Despite the fact that the standard ceiling height of 2.5 meters is practically never found in new houses, this does not mean that after buying an apartment in a new building, a happy newcomer will not receive rooms with low pressure ceilings. If the quality of construction leaves much to be desired, the ceiling surface will inevitably require additional alignment, which can save a lot of space. Therefore, the standard practical conditions in a number of new buildings - different concepts.


No one normative document and no standard establishes the only correct parameter. The SNiP indicates only the minimum ceiling height. Below this parameter, construction is unacceptable. SNiP makes the following recommendations:

  • In living rooms and kitchens, the lower figure is 2.5 m. For climatic regions 1A, 1B, 1G, 1D and 4A - 2.7 m.
  • In corridors and halls, the ceiling height must be at least 2.1 m, which is determined by the safety requirements for the movement of people.
  • Attics and rooms with inclined enclosing structures are allowed to be built with a height less than the standard one. The standard in this case determines the percentage of room space with low and standard ceilings. Ceilings with a lower height should occupy no more than half of the room.
  • The height of the lowest part of the attic ceiling cannot be less than 1.3 meters if the slope is 30 °. With an increase in slope to 45 °, the distance from the floor to the ceiling of the SNiP is not standardized.
  • For public buildings, SNiP establishes a standard of 3 m.
  • Residential premises located in public buildings are equipped in accordance with the recommendations developed for apartments.


If a minimum distance from floor to ceiling is determined by SNiP, then ergonomics is engaged in the development of optimal parameters. The tasks of this science include the calculation of the parameters of the room, which will allow a person to feel as comfortable as possible. It's no secret that in a room with a low ceiling there is a feeling of pressure. It will be uncomfortable high room small area. Here a person feels like in a well.

A comfortable room must meet the following ergonomic requirements:

  • Sufficient amount of natural light.
  • Sufficient fresh air.
  • Optimum humidity.

Compliance with these requirements largely depends on the size of the room and the height of its ceilings. Optimal Height ceiling was first substantiated by Dürer. Further research was carried out by the German architect Ernst Neufert, who developed modules with ideal parameters. These and other studies were subsequently taken as the basis for the norms of SNiP.

Ceiling design

Ceiling lighting

The design of the ceilings in the room determines not only the stylistic direction of its design, but also the atmosphere of coziness and comfort. In the store you can find a lot of finishing materials for ceiling surfaces.

The specific choice of finishing option will be largely determined by such a parameter as the height of the ceilings.

Ceiling tiles

Ceiling tiles are well suited for rooms with low ceilings. It is distinguished by a variety of design, excellent performance and practically does not hide the space of the room. The advantages of this material include ease of installation.

This ceiling finish becomes a great alternative to modern options.

Nevertheless, tiling may differ in several "surprises", which are far from always pleasant. The tile is not able to hide significant surface irregularities. In addition, at large differences its sticker will cause a lot of difficulties, and it is almost impossible to guarantee quality in such conditions. There will always be a chance that the tile will simply peel off.

An uneven ceiling can be pre-leveled, but in this case, the tile loses its main advantage as a finishing material for a room with a low ceiling. The leveling layer will “eat up” those very carefully stored centimeters of space.

Suspended structures

Suspended structures - modern way transform the room and make the design of the room unique. They allow you to do without pre-training base surface. Installation of suspended ceiling structures of any type is carried out on profiles, so they reduce the height of the ceiling. Suspended structures can have any configuration and several levels. In the space hidden by them, you can hide communications and lighting devices.

It is generally accepted that for a room with low ceilings it is better not to use hanging options. However, this is not entirely true. A single-level design with the minimum possible distance from the base surface to the profile allows you to diversify the design of the room, make it stylish and beautiful.

If the room has a high ceiling height, you can realize absolutely any design idea. Suspended structures allow you to create any shape and configuration, including very complex ones. Such a design move allows you to solve a lot of everyday problems - increase the sound insulation of the room, zone it, hide communications, "play" with lighting.

Tension structures

White and black backlit

Tensile structures are ideal for large spacious rooms. This finishing method today is the best in ceiling design. Cloths are distinguished by a variety of textures and colors. Any pattern can be applied to their surface. Multilevel design tension structures has no restrictions, except for the designer's imagination. The height of the ceilings in the room is the most important parameter choice of such structures. For rooms with low ceilings, use them with care. Here will be appropriate single-level ceilings, located approximately 5–10 cm from the base.

If the ceiling height allows, you can diversify the interior as you like. Three- and four-level designs with a complex configuration look good in large rooms and living rooms. arched and tent structures allow not only to hide any unsightly communications, but also give the room an unforgettable atmosphere, a very special flavor.

Color solutions

The ideal ceiling design is not only right choice finishing material, but also a well-chosen color scheme. Modern finishing materials are very diverse color solutions and invoices. The same version used in different rooms, can give a completely different effect.

Most often used design in light colors - white or pastel shades. Its advantage is the ability to visually expand the space if the ceiling height is low. White ceiling surfaces allow you to use almost any color in the interior. This solution is ideal for decorating a room in classical style. Embodiment in the interior of non-standard design idea may require the design of the shelf surface in other shades.

Behind the curtain lighting

When choosing a color, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • The lower the ceiling height, the lighter its surface should be. It is desirable to make the floor as dark as possible, and choose the color of the walls in the range between these colors. Such a solution will visually expand the space.
  • When disproportionate high ceilings their color should be dark to black. Otherwise, there is a feeling of a deep stone well, which is uncomfortable to be in.
  • Warm shades look best in dark rooms, and cold ones look best in light rooms.


Ceiling height is a parameter that affects not only the cost of housing or its maintenance, but also the well-being of a person in the room. It provides coziness, comfort and a pleasant atmosphere. The same parameter will be decisive when choosing design solutions interior finishes.


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