Growth stimulator Epin: instructions for use for seedlings and indoor plants, how it works, advantages and disadvantages of the product. Instructions for using the growth stimulator Epin for tomato seedlings

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Today, many fertilizers and biostimulants for plants have been developed. The use of such biostimulants allows you to grow strong, healthy seedlings of flowers and vegetables, reduce stress on indoor flowers under unfavorable conditions. Epin Extra is considered one of the most popular anti-stress drugs among gardeners.

The drug Epin was so popular among gardeners that it began to be massively counterfeited by unscrupulous manufacturers. Naturally, this affected the quality of the drug. In 2003, they stopped producing a drug called Epin and began producing the drug Epin Extra. This was done to avoid counterfeiting of the drug.

Today, only the drug, produced and sold under the name Epin Extra, is considered an original biostimulant that will help reduce the influence of adverse factors on plants. Gardeners need to pay attention to the packaging of the growth stimulant to avoid buying counterfeits.

Epibrassinolide is the basis of the drug Epin Extra. This is a phytohormone obtained synthetically. It helps the plant activate and increase its own defenses in the fight against adverse factors. If there is a fungal or viral diseases, the healing process when using the drug is much faster.

The growth stimulator Epin is also called an anti-stress drug. This means that plant immunity when exposed to unfavorable factors increases significantly. Plant crops survive natural phenomena such as droughts, rainfalls, frosts and temperature changes much more easily.

The use of the anti-stress drug Epin provides plants with:

It should be remembered that the immunostimulant Epin does not fight pests and diseases. It activates the defenses of the plant itself, making it stronger and more resistant to adverse factors.

Epin is available in plastic ampoules . The volume of the product can vary from 1 ml to 2 ml.

Preparation of working solution

To start using the stimulant, it should be diluted in boiled or filtered water. Water directly from the tap is not used, as it is too hard for this. To use such water, it must first be softened, for example, by adding vinegar. The water/Epin ratio is selected depending on the method of processing seeds or plants.

Soaking seeds and bulbs

To treat seeds of crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, onions, parsley, zucchini, peppers, 4 drops of growth stimulator per 100 ml of water are enough. For carrot, beet, and celery seeds, 3 drops of Epin per 100 ml of water is enough. Flower seeds are also treated with a solution of 4 drops of the drug per 100 ml of water. Bulbs, cuttings and rhizomes of plants are soaked in 3 drops of Epin dissolved in 100 ml of water.

The seeds are wrapped in cloth, a cotton pad or a paper napkin and dipped into the working liquid. The liquid should only slightly cover the seeds. Soaking of seeds is carried out for about a day. Keep Epin and plant bulbs in the solution for about a day or indoor flowers.

Spraying treatment of young seedlings is carried out in this way: Epin Extra for seedlings is dissolved in water; for this, take 14 drops of growth stimulator and 400 ml of water. Before picking, or one day before or after transplanting, strengthened seedlings are sprayed with 14 drops of adaptogen dissolved in 200 ml of water.

Potato tubers are processed before planting. The rate of spray solution is as follows: per 50 kg seed material take 0.5 liters of water and 2 ml of Epin. Tubers are processed once. Adult garden crops such as tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, potatoes, flower bulbs and any fruit and berry crops They are treated with the drug in the following ratio with water: 2 ml of immunostimulant is taken per 10 liters of water. Strawberries, shrubs and trees are treated when the first buds and leaves appear in the spring. The growth stimulator consumption rate for such treatments is 2 ampoules of Epin per 0.2 liters of water.

The phytohormone has proven itself well in caring for the queen of the garden - the rose. For the best effect, roses are treated 3-4 times during the growing season. The first treatment is carried out immediately after removing the shelter, which was formed for the winter. The second and third treatments take place in the summer to combat unfavorable natural factors. The fourth treatment is carried out a week before sheltering in winter, but only if frost has not yet occurred. The consumption rate of the drug is always the same: 1 ml per 5 liters of water.

When roses are treated with a phytohormonal preparation, flowering occurs 10 days earlier than usual. Gardeners prefer to treat perennial plants for this effect. flowering plants natural development stimulator.

The anti-stress agent is successfully used on perennial flowers. To help perennials survive the winter, proceed as follows. Stimulator Epin for flowers in the garden is diluted in a liter of water, adding 10 drops of the product. This spraying treatment will perfectly help prepare perennial decorative deciduous flowers for winter.

The stimulant is also used on coniferous plants. In spring, especially when it comes early, when the sun already burns so much ultraviolet rays the crown of coniferous trees, while the roots remain in the frozen ground and do not receive proper nutrition and moisture, yellowing of the tree needles occurs. To help coniferous tree to restore its needles to emerald shades, Epin's solution is used in this case. To do this, take 1 ml of the product and 5 liters of water. Spraying the crown is carried out in cloudy weather.

The same composition is prepared for rapid growth of green mass and root system of the tree. If the gardener is on his own personal plot If he wishes to replant an already mature coniferous tree, he should follow the same recipe. The use of the solution will certainly contribute to the speedy adaptation of the green pet to the new place.

If there is a weakening of the plant after an attack by pests or as a result fungal disease, you should spray it with the following solution: take 14 drops of anti-stress drug per 200 ml of water. Treatments must be carried out until the plant is completely cured.

The interval between treatments of all crops should be no more than 14 days, since it is after two weeks that the effect of the drug is reduced to zero, the active substance of the drug is broken down. Root system plants do not absorb the immunostimulant drug, so treatment with the drug is carried out only on the plant leaf.

After the working solution has been prepared, it can be stored for no more than 2 days and always in a dark place. If under some circumstances the solution was stored in the light, its shelf life is reduced to 24 hours.

After various treatments cultivated plants biostimulator strengthens them protective functions, they are better able to withstand adverse factors environment. The ovaries of tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers stop falling.

It may be difficult to find an apartment, house or office space without indoor plants . No matter how unpretentious this indoor flower no matter what, he still needs full and regular care.

Increasingly, to care for indoor plants, gardeners use phytohormones, which accelerate the healthy growth of plants, help effectively rehabilitate plants after suffering stress, build immunity to unfavorable living conditions, and also help painlessly endure a transplant or change of living conditions, for example, moving to a new room.

Epin is more often used for garden plants, but it can also be successfully used for indoor flowers, using a growth regulator and full development of the plant. The use of Epin for indoor plants will greatly facilitate the process of caring for house plants.

At home, when working with the phytohormone Epin to treat indoor flowers, you should follow several simple rules:

  1. When spraying plants with the drug, you should not eat, drink or smoke;
  2. You should thoroughly wash your hands, rinse your face and rinse your mouth after handling the drug;
  3. The immunostimulant should be stored away from medicines, in places inaccessible to children and pets;
  4. ampoules with anti-stress medication should be stored away from fire.

If an anti-stress agent is used for indoor plants, its use can accelerate the growth and development of flowers. However, you should not use any other growth promoting drugs, as this may lead to an unpredictable chemical reaction.

The methods of using a growth stimulator for indoor flowers are the same as for garden plants. This drug helps indoor flowers to painlessly endure transplantation and adaptation to a new place. It should be remembered that the use of Epin does not exclude full care, since only with proper and competent maintenance of a houseplant will it delight the gardener with its splendor throughout the entire growing season.

On shelves today garden stores You can find a lot of plant care products that accelerate the growth of crops and protect against pests and diseases. Such drugs should not be neglected when trouble has already overtaken the room or garden plant. But still, to activate natural processes in the plant itself, awakening its protective forces and immunity, you should pay attention to the drug Epin Extra.

The phytohormone Epin belongs to hazard class 4. This hazard class includes drugs that have virtually no harmful effect on humans and beneficial insects, in particular, bees. One of the advantages of this drug is that Epin does not harm the environment. However, minimum precautions should be taken working with such a plant immune system stimulator.

When purchasing an anti-stress drug you should:

  1. Pay attention to the release date and expiration dates. Typically, the shelf life of the stimulant is 3 years from the date of release.
  2. See if Epin is stored correctly at the point of sale. If the display window is exposed to sunlight, you should refuse to purchase, since the drug under such storage conditions has most likely lost its effectiveness.

For home use and one-time processing, it is worth choosing ampoules of the smallest volume. This is usually 1 ml or 2 ml. The cost of such a volume of immunostimulant can vary from 10 to 25 rubles. Epin is a fairly popular drug; you can buy it at any store that sells gardening items.

Biostimulator of the plant immune system Epin is a drug, the use of which will help to avoid and prevent many troubles that arise when growing home flowers and garden crops. The action of this drug is aimed at the healthy development and growth of various green crops, while also exhibiting protective functions.

The special effect of the drug is felt in stressful situations: plants respond painlessly to unfavourable conditions environment, climate change, drought or excess moisture, as well as frost. The use of Epin throughout the growing season has a beneficial effect on various horticultural crops, as well as indoor flowers.

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» Tomatoes

Strong, healthy tomato seedlings are a guarantee big harvest. To improve the quality of seedlings, it is customary to use growth stimulants. The leader among such drugs is Epin extra. It is used for processing any agricultural crops, as well as in flower care and gardening. The article presents detailed instructions on the use of this drug for tomatoes.

Epin is a plant hormone, an analogue of a natural crop biostimulator. The active substance is a solution of ebiprassinolide in alcohol 0.025 g/l. Shampoo is added to the composition to ensure good adhesion of the stimulant to the leaves of the plant.

Epin is not considered a fertilizer; it does not additionally nourish plants and does not improve the composition of the soil. This drug is an adaptogen with an anti-stress effect. That is, it helps crops develop immunity to adverse natural phenomena such as drought, rain, and frost.

In addition, Epin performs a number of other functions:

  • promotes fungal resistance(scab, downy mildew, fusarium) and pests;
  • rejuvenates old plants. This occurs due to the stimulation of shoot formation;
  • reduces dangerous concentrations of nitric acid salts and radionuclides in fruit pulp;
  • promotes rapid rooting of seedlings after picking and transplanting plants to an open plot of land.

The stimulant is contained in ampoules of 1 ml and in bottles of 50 ml and 1 liter. It has a pronounced smell of alcohol; foam forms when preparing the solution.

The absence of foam when diluting Epin indicates that you have come across a fake stimulant. Treatment with such a product will not only be of no benefit, but may also harm the plant.

Mechanism of action

Epin is a phytohormone that promotes the interaction of plant cells. When it gets on the plant, it starts and corrects the processes of growth, photosynthesis, flowering, and fruit formation.

Advantages and disadvantages of Epin compared to other means

  • is not a fungicide for plants, does not push them to grow, bear fruit, or build up root mass;
  • Under the influence sun rays active substance evaporates easily;
  • activates the plant's defenses, but does not fertilize them, there are no useful microelements in the composition;
  • spreads quickly by plant.

Instructions for use

The consumption rate of the drug for each type of crop is different, so you need to use the existing recommendation on the packaging. Epin can be used at any stage of plant growth. It is suitable for seed treatment during the growing season, during flowering and fruiting. The stimulant completely dissolves in the plant within two weeks, so after this time the treatment can be repeated.

Preparation of working solution

Epin is diluted with filtered water, since the use of highly alkaline water reduces the effect. For supporting optimal acidity you can add water to it citric acid at the rate of 0.2 g per 1 liter of water. Store the prepared preparation for no more than 24 hours in a dark place.

Timing and method of spraying seedlings

  • soaking seeds before planting in the ground. Consumption - 2 drops per 100 ml. This solution is enough to treat 10 - 15 g of tomato seeds. Such pre-sowing preparation will stimulate seed activity and increase disease resistance;

  • phase of two to four true leaves. Consumption rate: 1 ampoule per liter of water. It is good to combine Epin with Athlete. As a result of the treatment, the quality of the seedlings improves, they do not stretch out and do not suffer from blackleg fungus;
  • during a dive. It is advisable to treat the seedlings several hours before picking. Dilute 3 drops per 100 ml of water. Thanks to treatment with this solution before picking, seedlings can more easily withstand stress in case of possible damage to the roots;
  • when planting in the soil in the garden. Consumption rate: 1 ml per 5 liters of water. As a result of spraying, the acclimatization period of tomato seedlings and rooting time are reduced, resistance to late blight and Alternaria is increased;
  • during the period of bud formation and flowering. Consumption rate: 1 ampoule per 1 liter of water. Spraying at this stage helps preserve the ovary of tomatoes;
  • in unfavorable weather conditions, treat once every two weeks. Consumption: 1 ampoule per 5 liters of water. Use before predicted soil frosts, during heat and lack of moisture, when affected by diseases and pests.

Safety precautions when working with the product

  • carry out all work in a gauze mask, thick gloves and safety glasses;
  • do not treat plants in windy weather;
  • for working with Epin food containers cannot be used;
  • after processing is completed wash your hands thoroughly and face with soapy water;
  • can't be distracted by smoking breaks and eating when working with the drug.

Compatibility with other drugs

Interacts well with most fungicides, insecticides and plant growth stimulants. It can be used with chelated fertilizers as a foliar application.

Providing assistance in case of poisoning

Epin is a drug of the third class of danger. It is practically harmless to humans. But in case of accidental contact with the skin or inside the body, a number of actions must be taken.

If the stimulant comes into contact with the skin— wipe the contact area with medical alcohol or chlorhexidine. Next, rinse with water large quantities.

What to do if swallowed:

  • drink half a liter clean water, induce vomiting, take activated charcoal;
  • seek advice from ambulance, dictate the name of the drug, active substance, hazard class.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store the drug in a dry, dark place, away from food, medications, out of reach of children and pets. Do not allow the drug to freeze. Shelf life: 3 years. The diluted stimulant must be consumed within 24 hours.

In conclusion, we can say that Epin is a multifunctional biological product. It will help grow strong seedlings of tomatoes and other vegetables and allow you to obtain high yields. Harmless to humans, animals and the environment. Therefore, it has become a popular drug in plant growing.

Epin extra

Every experienced gardener knows the very common Epin Extra fertilizer. It is used to treat seeds before planting in the soil, and is sprinkled on indoor flowers, seedlings, and plants as a growth stimulant. How to use it correctly epin extra, not everyone knows. Soaking seeds in a solution of epin affects germination and awakens active growth and provides protection from negative influence environment. Let's try to figure out together what epin is for plants and how to use this drug when soaking seeds.

What is the drug Epin

The drug mainly contains epibrassinolide, a hormone produced by plants. But somewhere since 2003, instead of Epin, the drug “Epin Extra” began to be produced, which contains all the same active substance epibrassinolide, but synthetic and more High Quality. You can also find the drug “Epibrassinolide” on sale, which is identical in composition to its analogue.

Available Epin extra in ampoules of 1 ml containing a solution of 0.025 g of epibrassinolide in alcohol.

What is Epin extra used for?

Many factors influence the plant. Some of them can cause metabolic disorders, i.e. slow down or negatively affect development and maturation.

To reduce the harmful effects, various stimulants or regulators are used. This drug allows plants to adapt after planting and reduce stressful state caused by illness or negative external factors. The spectrum of action of the drug is very wide:

  • seeds germinate faster;
  • adaptation and development of the root system when picking and planting seedlings;
  • impact on fruit growth;
  • increase in harvest volume;
  • stimulating root growth;
  • protection from the effects of adverse and stressful situations (frost, salinity);
  • increasing immunity to diseases such as scab, late blight, fusarium, downy mildew, bacteriosis, etc.;
  • rejuvenation of old plants by stimulating the growth of lateral shoots;
  • restoration of damaged stems and leaves;
  • reduction in the level of heavy metals, radionuclides, nitrates, pesticides.

The drug can be used in several ways: soaking seeds and bulbs, surface application or watering the soil.

Preparing seeds before soaking in epin

Growing vegetable seedlings is a rather troublesome, but interesting task. Many gardeners prefer to do it themselves rather than buy ready-made plants. And not just because it's cheaper. By growing seedlings at home, you can control the entire process and achieve optimal results.

In order to get seedlings, it is not enough to simply plant seeds in the ground and wait for them to germinate. So that tomato seedlings are of high quality, viable and produce good harvest, it is necessary to carefully prepare the seeds before planting.

Proper preparation of seeds for sowing seedlings is carried out in stages. Each of them helps the plant become stronger, more resilient and healthier.

Before you start soaking the seeds, you need to sort them. Seeds brought from the store or collected with one’s own hands last summer are carefully examined. Those grains that appear small, flat or deformed are rejected. You only need to leave large seeds that contain enough nutrients so that the tomato grows strong.

How to prepare an epin solution for soaking seeds

To soak vegetable seeds, add four to six drops of Epin-Extra to one hundred milliliters of warm boiled water. Leave the seeds in the solution for a period of eighteen hours to a day.

To soak celery, beet and carrot seeds, prepare a solution of three drops per one hundred milliliters of water. Soak the seeds for 24 hours.

For soaking seeds flowers, add four drops of the drug to one hundred milliliters of water. Soak the seeds for eighteen to twenty hours.

For soaking cuttings make a solution of one ampoule of the drug per two liters of water. Keep the cuttings in the solution for 24 hours.

The difference between Epin and existing analogues

"Epin" is more effective means compared to its counterparts on the market today, as it has a completely different effect on plants. For example, " Kornevin" or " Heteroauxin» forcibly stimulate plant growth, while extra activates the natural processes of plants, thereby increasing its protective functions.

Thanks to this, the plant has a more gentle effect, since there is no forced start of the flowering period.

Epin extra is a popular, effective remedy that stimulates the growth and development of plants and has an anti-stress effect. It contains special components that protect seeds, seedlings and adult plants from the harmful effects of the environment.

About ten years ago, you could find a similar drug called Epin on store shelves. However, due to numerous fakes, its production was discontinued and replaced by Epin Extra, more advanced and of higher quality. So be careful and don't buy a fake.

How Epin Extra works, instructions for using it for seedlings, what it advises, what is the use for indoor plants, adult garden and vegetable crops - we will talk to you about this important topic for many gardeners today.

What is this product?

This is an artificially synthesized plant growth stimulator, similar to natural biostimulants. The product is used for soaking seeds and spraying green spaces.

The drug has a pronounced adaptogenic, anti-stress effect. Activates and stimulates the plants’ own defenses, helps strengthen their immunity to aggressive environmental influences, such as sudden changes in air temperature, frost, drought, heavy rains, etc.

According to observations, all plants that were treated with this product increase their yield by more than 15% compared to untreated ones. In addition, fruit-bearing crops ripen faster.

In addition, according to the instructions attached to the package, after treatment with Epin extra, seeds, bulbs and tubers germinate faster, seedlings and cuttings take root better. The drug stimulates the active development of the root system. In addition, after treating old plants with the product, the growth of young shoots is stimulated.

Very important property for all gardeners and gardeners is to reduce the level of harmful substances in fruits: nitrates, pesticides, heavy metals. The level of which decreases due to regular processing of crops before the appearance of ovaries.

Thus, we can confidently state that epin extra for plants is an effective remedy for full development and health. Moreover, both for garden, vegetable and house plants, as it has a wide spectrum of action. Let's talk in more detail about how to use it:

Instructions for use for seedlings

As we already mentioned at the beginning of our conversation, the drug has a protective effect on young vegetation and adult specimens, protects them from aggressive environmental influences, protects them from pests and diseases. Accelerates the germination of crops, activates flowering, etc.

To soak the seeds, prepare an aqueous solution: 1 to 3 drops of product per 100 ml of water. Seeds are kept in solution different time. This depends on the crop and determine the length of soaking using the directions and recommendations available on the package. The approximate average holding time is from 4 to 6 hours.

Epin extra for seedlings is used after three true leaves appear on the seedlings. As soon as this happens, young plants are sprayed with an aqueous solution: 5 drops of product per half liter of settled water. It is better to spray the day before transplantation, or carry out the procedure immediately after it. It is advisable to use a fine spray (spray).

In order to increase the resistance of young green spaces to adverse weather conditions (frost, drought, lack of sunlight, prolonged downpours, etc.), spraying is carried out every 7 or 10 days until they get stronger.

Processing of vegetable and fruit crops

For example, during the flowering period, as well as before the onset of frost, they are sprayed with a solution: 1 ml of the drug per 5 liters of soft, settled water. A solution of the same concentration is used for treatment, treating fungal infections and preventing, for example, late blight.

For preventive purposes, plants are sprayed with a solution a week after planting or transplanting. Also received in early spring, after the final melting of the snow.

Duration of exposure of the drug to fruit and vegetable crops about two weeks. After this period, it is completely removed from their structure.

Experienced gardeners use Epin-extra to increase potato yields. For this purpose, pre-planting treatment of tubers is carried out using a solution: 8 drops of the drug per 250 ml of water. Treatment is carried out one day before the intended planting. An important condition The effectiveness of such treatment is to carry it out in cold weather. After exposure to the drug, potato yield increases by approximately 20%.

Epin extra - use for indoor plants

Epin-extra gives no less positive results when used for indoor plants. The drug is used to treat seeds for rapid germination and is used when transplanting adult plants. After transplantation, they quickly take root in a new place and their stems do not stretch. Increases the resistance of home flowers to external negative impacts. Old or wilted plants are rejuvenated, come to life, and their active flowering begins.

In addition, green pets have increased resistance to disease and begin to bloom earlier. Moreover, flowering is always abundant and long-lasting. The drug also removes harmful substances from plant tissues.

To treat indoor flowers, Epin Extra is used as follows:

When transplanting, as well as during their propagation, an aqueous solution of the drug is used to soak cuttings, tubers, bulbs and roots. For this purpose, prepare a solution of the following concentration: 0.25 mg of the drug per 2 liters of water.

To spray young and adult plants in order to increase their flowering, as well as to prevent diseases, prepare a solution: 7 drops of product per 200 ml of water.

Before picking young cuttings into separate pots, a day before, they are sprayed with a solution of the same concentration (see above).

With the onset of spring, when the plants produce new young shoots, they are sprayed with a solution: 0.25 mg of product per 5 liters of water. The same concentration is used to treat indoor flowers when the first buds begin to appear.

In stressful situations: cold indoor air, drafts, diseases, pest damage, as well as withering or damage to the plant, treat with an aqueous solution of the following concentration: per 100 ml - 7 drops of the drug.
Spraying is carried out weekly until complete recovery.

In the fall, before the dormant period, spray with a solution: 7 drops of product per 200 ml of water.

Precautionary measures

When carrying out work with Epin Extra, be sure to protect your hands with gardening gloves and wear a gauze mask on your face. After work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, open areas body and rinse your mouth with warm water.

To date, this universal remedy It is considered the most effective when caring for garden, garden and house plants. The drug does not pollute the soil and does not pose a danger to beneficial insects.

Its use really gives wonderful results. Use Epin Extra, and after receiving the results, share with us your impressions of this product. Good luck, dear gardeners!

Epin for plants is an analogue of natural biostimulants, created not by nature, but by man. It enjoys well-deserved attention among those who cultivate various crops in gardens and vegetable gardens, as well as among lovers of indoor plants. In addition to its growth-stimulating effect, Epin also has an anti-stress effect and is an adaptogen. All crops that have been treated with Epin activate their own defenses, increasing immunity to dry weather, serious temperature changes, hail and downpours, and late spring frosts. Crop productivity after using Epin increases by 15%, and fruit ripening goes faster for 1-2 weeks.

When purchasing a drug, you need to know that its correct name marked on the package is Epin-Extra. Epin was discontinued a long time ago, but Epin-Extra was created with an improved composition and protection against counterfeiting - it received a state patent. Therefore, you only need to purchase Epin-Extra, and everything else is counterfeit.

Below is a list of beneficial effects that the use of the drug will give for various garden, garden, and indoor plants:

You can use the drug different ways, but pre-planting treatment of seedlings shows the greatest effectiveness. The product is completely safe for animals, nature, and humans, and therefore you can use Epin without fear not only in cultivating flowers, but also in growing vegetables and fruits.

Having purchased Epin, it is important to store it correctly, exclusively in a dark place. At daylight the destruction of its active component begins. Also, the product will be destroyed if alkaline substances penetrate into it, so when making a working solution it is important to use only clean boiled water. To improve the properties of Epin, you can even slightly acidify the water by adding a little acetic, citric or boric acid.


The drug is a concentrated mass of a substance created through nanotechnology. It's called epibrassinolide and is completely synthetic but safe for plants. This component is responsible for the active occurrence of biochemical processes in the vegetative mass of crops, protects them from early aging, diseases, bad weather conditions, that is, it is an immunostimulant and adaptogen. Naturally, even Epin will not be able to revive completely diseased plants, but the drug can help cope with less severe crop problems.

Instructions for use

The product is available in ampoules of 0.25 ml (about 40 drops). 1 ampoule contains approximately 5 liters of water (a standard solution that is suitable for most crops). There are some features of preparing a solution from this fertilizer:

  • Once dissolved, the drug will retain beneficial features only 2 days, but it is best to use it immediately after production.
  • The solution must be mixed very thoroughly.
  • Store the solution in the sun, or allow it to remain for a long time in open place it is forbidden.
  • If storage is necessary, diluted fertilizer should be placed in a cool and dark place.
  • The solution consumption for different crops is not the same, so you need to carefully read the data below.
  • The frequency of treatments is once every 14 days; more frequent spraying simply does not make sense.
  • All treatments should be done in the evening, after the influence of direct sunlight has ceased.
  • The drug is safe, but it is still better to wear gloves when using it.

Epin is most suitable for young plants, for seedlings, as well as for those crops that have experienced stress due to exposure to adverse weather conditions or pest invasion or disease infection. Before the treatment procedure, you need to remove all damaged branches and shoots, if possible, collect pests and their larvae, loosen the soil, apply fertilizer, etc. When spraying, we must not forget about working on all parts of the plants - branches, leaves, including their lower part. You can complete irrigation of plants when the desired result is achieved - after an increase in yield or recovery. IN for preventive purposes garden and garden “pets” can be treated three times during the growing season.

Consumption of the drug for pre-planting, pre-sowing treatment:

During the growing season, all crops can also be treated with Epin, the rate for preparing the solution is standard, the consumption is until the leaves and shoots are well wetted. Irrigation times are as follows:

  • Tomatoes – the beginning of budding, then the flowering phase of the first cluster
  • Potatoes – budding
  • Cucumbers – the appearance of the 2-3rd leaf, then budding
  • Root crops - emergence of seedlings
  • Eggplants, peppers - budding, then flowering
  • Onion sets – 4-5 leaf phase
  • Cabbage – full leaf rosette phase
  • Flowers - appearance of buds
  • Fruit, berry plants– budding. Then after another 20 days.


The cost of 1 package of the drug (1 ml, 4 ampoules) is approximately 13 rubles.


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