Growth stimulants for plants. Plant growth stimulants at home

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The flowering phase of hemp is the period of formation and maturation of inflorescences, which, after drying, turn into a finished product. In nature, cannabis begins to bloom after passing through the vegetative stage, when daylight hours are reduced to 14 hours or less. This signals to the plant that winter is approaching and its death. It begins to form buds, which, after pollination, produce seeds necessary for procreation. However, it is worth understanding that all of the above applies to photoperiod varieties of cannabis. Autoflowers begin to bloom on their own when they reach a genetically determined age.

Reasons for delayed flowering

Sometimes it happens that the flowering phase is delayed or does not occur at all. This can happen for a number of reasons:

  • Not stable genetics;
  • Strong temperature changes during the growing season;
  • Incorrect light regime of marijuana, in which the day lasts very long;
  • Returning the plant to the vegetative stage - revega;
  • Severe stress on the plant;
  • Lack of complete darkness at night.

How to speed up flowering of cannabis?

Changing the light mode for autoflowering

If your autoflower is in the vegetative stage for several weeks longer than stated by the manufacturer, then this is a clear sign that flowering is delayed. The same can be said about a photoperiod plant, if after changing the light regime to 12/12, preflowers do not appear on it for 2 or more weeks.

What to do in such a situation? It is necessary to stimulate the beginning of flowering. This can be done in several ways.

When growing an autoflowering strain, growers most often set the light regime to 18/6 or 20/4 throughout life cycle. It is possible that the genetics of the hybrid turned out to be unfinished or that the gardener is dealing with a unique phenotype that has poorly “assimilated” the ruderalis genes. In this situation, professional cannabis growers recommend switching the plant to a 12/12 light mode so that it thinks that winter is approaching.

Light insulation of photoperiod varieties

You should worry about delayed flowering of a photoperiod variety in mid-August. As a rule, at this time, all cannabis of this type is already forming inflorescences, actively increasing their mass. If this does not happen, then urgent measures need to be taken.

The so-called “Light Isolation” method will help. It consists of blocking the light falling on the plants, which gives them a clear signal that cold weather is imminent. The plant is covered with a dark garbage bag, cardboard box or an agrofibre bag. However, from a safety point of view, this is not always justified, because bags located in a field or forest greatly attract attention. Agrofibre is more suitable option, because it is able to pass air through itself in sufficient quantities, and also does not give off solar glare. It is very important to understand that without air access, hemp can begin to rot. Therefore, you should definitely take care of ventilation.

You can completely close the marijuana from light for several days or daily for several hours. If you settle on the second option, then do this better in the morning before sunrise or in the evening before sunset to extend the dark period of the day. After the formation of inflorescences begins, covering the plant is no longer worth it. Its flowering is unlikely to stop.

If the camera grows under open air in a pot, then there is no need for this method. You can simply bring it into the room to create a suitable controlled light regime.

Use of chemical flowering stimulants

In grower's stores you can find special substances that can stimulate the flowering of cannabis. These include:

  • Hormones;

They can be used to stimulate flowering in combination with the methods described above or separately.

Fertilizers to start flowering

In specialized stores you can find many fertilizers for the flowering stage of marijuana with a high concentration of phosphorus and potassium. These two chemical element can help the grower encourage the plant to flower. Even if they are not as effective as hormones and inducers, they will certainly provoke the plant to start flowering and have a positive effect on the future harvest.

Some gardeners also talk about the positive properties of natural organic fertilizers. For example, bird droppings are often used outdoors to speed up flowering.

From ready-made solutions the most popular are monophosphates and superphosphates. They are considered the most effective. also in Lately The nutritional component Ripen is gaining increasing popularity.

Flowering stimulants

A great example comes from General Hydroponics. It is great for hydroponic systems and soil. It contains a biological activator that is capable of delivering nutrients to those plant cells where they are lacking.

Laboratory studies have proven that when it is used, the activity and intensity of growth increases by 20%. The size of the foliage increases, which has a positive effect on the process of photosynthesis, and the ability to absorb nutrients also improves. Bio Bloom stimulates the flowering process in lagging plants by activating the production of missing hormones. It also strengthens the immunity of flora representatives, making them less susceptible to diseases and the vagaries of nature.

*All information provided is for informational purposes only and does not constitute guidance or a call to action.

**Please be reminded that the use of marijuana seeds as seed material(growing hemp for the purpose of obtaining a plant) is prohibited by the Criminal Code Russian Federation. You can read more about the law.

You can often notice that in adjacent areas where there are flower beds, they look different. Some plants delight with their bright, lush inflorescences and abundance of colors, while in other beds the flowers look dull, they are lost among the weeds and dried leaves. This difference is explained different approach owners of plots to care for plants. What should you do to ensure that your flower garden always pleases you?

Regular feeding

In addition to the usual work of weeding plants, clearing them of weeds and faded buds, and creating compost, regular feeding of plants is very important. Well-rotted compost of perennial weeds and other garden waste will provide nutrition to your garden and improve soil quality. Add compost to your plantings and cover with fresh mulch, and you won't need to use chemical fertilizers. If you don’t have compost, feed the flowers with a special floral chemical fertilizer. It is important that it contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements. The ratio of the main elements - nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus should be equal to 5:5:5 or 10:10:10. Flowering plants actively respond to the application of fertilizers with a high phosphorus content. Here the ratio of the main elements is 5:10:5. Regularly alternate organic and chemical fertilizers. Chemicals use strictly according to the instructions on the package. Otherwise, you may do more harm to the flowers than good. Start fertilizing perennials in early spring immediately, as soon as the first shoots hatch. Annual plants and bulbous crops require light feeding in mid-summer. Never feed perennials and ornamental grasses in the fall, as such feeding stimulates plant growth, and they should already be preparing for winter to go dormant.

Good watering

Good soil preparation and mulching of the flower garden require regular, frequent watering. If the soil is bare and dry, water little and often. The roots of the flowers grow deep and the soil remains moist even in the heat. Mulching the surface around plants helps retain moisture. If you can't water everything at once, water individual plants to keep your perennials looking vibrant. They require mandatory watering once a week during the growing season. Good watering must be careful and careful during long period so that the water seeps down at least 40-50 cm. Provide the plants with continuous water absorption once a week. After the water dries on the surface of the earth in dry weather, the roots growing down look for deep water. With shallow watering, plants with deep roots survive drought better than plants with roots close to the surface. Water not only by sprinkling, use other methods as well. For example, you can use a hose and place it under a layer of mulch in your garden beds. Protect plants from excessive wetting of leaves, this will prevent the development of fungal diseases on them. Do not use cold water from the water supply. The best water for irrigation – warm water from a pond or container, warmed up during the day in the sun.

Be gone, garden pests!

Well-growing strong flowers are less sensitive to pests and diseases than those growing in bad conditions. Although sometimes, even regardless of good garden maintenance, some plants are affected by insects or fungal diseases. In industrial nurseries, pesticides are usually immediately used to combat them. But your planting volumes are not comparable to industrial ones. Therefore, before declaring war on pests and diseases, try doing a few chemical-free activities first. For example, spray your plants with water daily with a hose, trying to wash away pests. Soap spraying of plants destroys some soft-bodied pests upon contact with them. Such spraying covers the eggs of pests and destroys them. Spraying also fights powdery mildew, a mold that covers the leaves of many plants with white fluff in summer and autumn. If you still have to resort to chemical method struggle, then strictly follow the directions and instructions on the label. If they are not suitable for your application, you may harm yourself or your plants.

Remove trash

To strengthen your plants for the next growing season, collect any debris in the fall and get rid of spores and pest eggs on hanging, wilted flower heads. Start cleaning and clearing your garden in the fall after the cold weather sets in, when annuals wilt and perennials begin to wilt, and early flowering plants. Remove annuals from the soil, shake off as much soil as possible from their roots. Remove spent flower heads as they may cause self-seeding. After the seed heads ripen, cut them off along with the stems. Shake out the seeds to prevent them from ending up in the compost or mulch where they might germinate. Trim the tops of perennials. At this time they usually Brown. Although you can leave the tender shoots that arise as a result of self-sowing before winter. Most ornamental grasses look stunning in the fall and good in the winter, turning white and drying into a floral bouquet. The dead branches, leaves and seed heads of many perennials and ornamental grasses provide decorative display throughout the winter. They also provide food and shelter for birds. Wait to prune plants until very early spring. Enjoy natural appearance garden Place all trash in compost heap, large - cut into pieces or pick to help the hard parts rot. In winter, plant branches help retain snow. Garden flowers are preserved better under a blanket of snow. This is another reason not to rush into pruning old branches until early spring. In the fall, you can partially cut off the branches, leaving a couple of dry stems that will hold back the snow and create comfort for the plant.

Winter protection

In areas where frosts often give way to thaws, perennials can wake up and begin to grow. This is dangerous for plants, as they risk dying during the next cold snap. They can be saved by maintaining snow cover for winter months. Help perennials stay warm. Cover them in the fall with pruned branches, spruce branches, oak leaves, shredded bark, as well as shavings or a thick layer of mulch early winter after the soil freezes. Protective covering inhibits deep freezing of the soil, strengthens the plant in the ground and keeps the soil from compacting. The cover will need to be removed at the end of winter.

Tamara Barkhatova

At the fruiting stage of plants, a flowering stimulator is as necessary as basic fertilizers. The use of such drugs will significantly increase productivity, both for indoor plants, and for industrial cultivation.

How to use flowering stimulants

Flowering stimulants are actively used in progressive plant growing to form ovaries, increase the number of inflorescences, and, accordingly, increase productivity. They are natural and synthetic, but identical in composition. Completely different results are obtained from the use of one or another product, and all phytohormones act differently on the plant during its development.

To get a positive effect from the use of drugs, it is important to follow the instructions for using the substance.

  • Plant growth and flowering stimulants are used as follows;
  • for rapid germination, seeds are soaked in a solution with the addition of a stimulating agent - for example, Epin Extra;
  • during vegetative growth, the use of various additives in addition to the main fertilizer for the growing season is not recommended;
  • The final stage of care during the flowering period will be watering the plant with the appropriate composition to produce abundant fruit.

Retardants for indoor plants

Houseplants and flowers need feeding and timely care no less than their garden and garden relatives. During the period of formation of ovaries, they need careful care and attention; without additional vitamins, plantings will not be able to bloom and bear fruit effectively. Several conditions are important for intensive flower production: lighting, age and necessary reserves. nutrients. If these conditions are not fully met, the addition of phytohormones will promote the rapid release of the ovary, flowering and formation of the fruit.

The color design stage is important point for the body. Seedlings need enhanced nutrition, which differs in composition from the fertilizer used during the growing season. A large number of Nitrogen supplied during seed planting and germination prevents flower development during bud opening. It is necessary to focus on phosphorus supplements, but this is not the only accelerator needed for active flowering. Therefore, the creators of stimulating substances are developing original formulations of drugs that will help to obtain rich ovaries, then full-fledged flowers, and abundant fruiting.

Flowering stimulants for indoor plants containing sugar become faithful assistants in the birth of flowers. Some of them, for example, Top Max, immunostimulant, Fish-Mix bioflora enhancer, consist of organic oils and plant extracts that increase the number of ovaries. These and preparations similar in composition help to increase the future harvest, promoting growth, strengthening the immune system, and the formation of new buds.

Flowering and fruiting of plants

Hormones that cause the formation of future flowers include florigen and vernaline. The first of them, according to researcher Chailakhyan, consists of two elements important for flowering: gibberellin and anthesins. Gibberellin is necessary for those plants that need a long light period to bloom. The second type stimulates the flowering of other types of vegetation, for which the length of daylight is not important. The phytohormone vernaline, according to scientists, is needed for biennial plants that remain overwintering at low temperatures. It is produced in germinating seeds or in the tips of mature plants. But the amount of their own phytohormones in plants is negligible. Therefore, artificial feeding is very important during the period of preparation for flowering and fruit formation.

Vitamin mixtures help increase productivity. Their composition includes, along with sugar, sulfur, potassium, magnesium, and other minerals that influence the formation of fruits.

Flowering and fruiting stimulator helps:

  • speed up the process of fruit ripening;
  • strengthens the immune system and increases the content of vitamins;
  • improves the taste of the fruit.

When choosing stimulating substances that promote color formation, priority remains with organic compounds, because they are least harmful to representatives of the flora.

Phytohormones formed as a result of metabolic processes in the body affect the growing season, the flowering phase and productivity. These are natural stimulants, the usefulness of which cannot be denied. The task of plant growers is to provide timely assistance weak individuals who lack their own vitamins by introducing artificial preparations into the soil.

Do indoor plants need growth enhancers?

The consumer decides whether to buy flowering stimulants or not. If you have exotic flowers on your farm that find it difficult to adapt to new conditions, then the use of generators is quite justified. It is important to remember to follow the instructions for use and adhere to the recommendations contained therein.

Modern plant growing widely uses stimulants for those individuals that do not have time to mature in Russian open spaces. The main condition that will help to obtain abundant formation of inflorescences: the treatment should not be carried out at the very beginning of flowering, so that there are no empty ovaries.

When used regularly, stimulants that cause abundant flowering and fruit formation bring tangible benefits and provide:

  • quick harvest with open ground before the onset of rainy and cold weather;
  • when growing crops in closed ground accelerate the ripening of those crops that ripen late;
  • increase the vitamin content, thus improving the taste of the crop.

By causing increased synthesis of chlorophyll and other pigments, stimulants accelerate the process of catalyzing growth and flowering, giving leaves and flowers a rich color.

The benefits of using phytohormones are obvious and undeniable. They are the basis for the active life of plantings, the energy charge that provides them essential vitamins and microelements.

Admire blooming garden- one pleasure! But in order for flowers to delight their owners throughout the gardening season, you need to work hard and provide the plants with proper care. Let us recall the main nuances of floriculture.

Flowers with their beauty and enchanting aroma lift your spirits and make the garden cozy and attractive. Each type of flower has its own care requirements, compliance with which will allow it to bloom more luxuriantly and for a longer time. But it is also useful to remember a few general rules flower science in the garden:

1. Choose healthy seedlings for planting

Weak plants in the first days after planting receive severe stress, therefore they do not take root well even in the case good care. They go to seed prematurely and don't waste extra time and energy in blooming. Therefore, they usually have few flowers, and they do not last long.

When buying seedlings, you need to make sure that they are healthy and strong. Strong plants even withstand better unfavourable conditions And improper care. When planting seeds in indoors it is necessary that they be provided with sufficient water and good lighting.

2. Plant plants in well-fertilized soil

Most flowering plants prefer well-fertilized, fertile soil. It contains many organic, nutrients necessary for the healthy development of flowers. Very beneficial effect on long flowering soil fertilized with compost and manure. These fertilizers help good growth root system, vegetative development and abundant flowering. However, some plants (such as lavender) prefer to grow in poor soils and dry areas. Therefore, when preparing the soil, it is important to take into account the conditions under which the flower grows best.

3. Provide plants with vegetative growth

A large plant with a powerful branched stem produces more flowers. It is recommended to cut off excess buds from young seedlings to obtain better flowering. In this case, they will not waste energy and strength. After pruning, you need to feed them with nitrogen fertilizers and compost. Removing excess stems, branches and ovaries will allow the plant to quickly gain strength for new flowering.

4. Provide regular meals

If you fertilize plants correctly and regularly, their flowering will become more luxuriant and longer. First, it is necessary to introduce nitrogen fertilizers into the soil, which ensure the vegetative growth of plants, and then potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, which promote the growth and development of the root system and flowers.

5. Ensure proper watering

In spring the plants bloom well, and in summer heat Not everyone succeeds. To extend the flowering period, plants need to be provided with additional watering, as well as spraying with water from a spray bottle. This will provide sufficient moisture to the plant and create more comfortable conditions for flowering.

7. Shade plants if necessary

In the shade, the air temperature is lower than in the sun, so less moisture evaporates. Not all flowers like to bloom in the open sun. It is necessary to shade flowering plants in a timely manner. Shade for flowers can be provided by planting tall plants next to them.

8. Use mulching

Mulching is an excellent protection for plants from drying heat. It allows you to retain moisture and warmth in the soil in the fall, and in the summer it retains moisture and coolness.

9. Trim flowering shrubs regularly

Flowering shrubs bloom up to three times a year throughout the season if the climate is favorable and proper care. The main thing is to promptly remove the color after the plant has finished flowering. Shrubs that bloom once a year are recommended to be carefully pruned at the end of flowering, ridding them of excess. Lush bushes covered with leaves will also look very attractive.

10. Use phosphorus fertilizers during the second flowering

Timely pruning is carried out simultaneously with the application of fertilizers. The second bloom is a little less fabulous than the first, but still beautiful. During the second flowering, it is not recommended to apply nitrogen fertilizers, since the plants do not have enough time for vegetative growth. It is advisable to use phosphate fertilizers, improving flowering. In this case, the color appears on short stems (their number is small), which require less nutrients.

11. Use consistent fit

Stepped sequential landing is useful bulbous plants, blooming once during the season. In order for the garden to remain in color throughout the summer, it is necessary to use this planting method: the bulbs are planted in batches with a week or two-week break. If you plant early varieties mixed with late ones, you can also extend the flowering season.

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Sergey Razuvaev 04/07/2014 | 4253

It turns out that the flowering of these plants can be accelerated not only by grafting the “savage” with a cutting of a cultivated variety, but also in other fairly simple ways.

Seedlings of citrus crops bloom in the 10-15th year of life. However, this process can be accelerated. Most reliable method, as is known, is the grafting of a cutting (bud) from a fruit-bearing plant into the crown of a “savage”. If the operation is successful, flowering can be expected in the 2nd year. But there are other methods to speed up the flowering of citrus fruits.

For example, tree crown formation. That is, the creation of branches of the fourth and fifth order, on which flowers appear and then fruits.

To do this, pinch each branch after the 3rd or 4th leaf and break out all the shoots that subsequently try to sprout from the last buds on this branch. Then new branches are also pinched after the 3-4th leaf. And so on. In addition, you need to break out branches growing inside the crown (thickening it too much), as well as “wen” - powerful vertical shoots. As a result, we get a beautiful and dense spherical crown. Forming it is useful not only for seedlings, but also cultivated plants(see picture).

The initial formation of the crown usually takes 3-4 years, so this period can be considered as the time before flowering.

Can give the branches of the plant a horizontal position and even bend them to the ground(improvising with rope or weights). This also leads to faster fruiting. Like constriction of skeletal branches(0-2 orders) soft wire. Or - slice of bark ring. On a branch, for example, of the 2nd order, you need to cut the bark into a ring approximately 10 mm wide and install it in place, but upside down reverse side. Tie the top with insulating tape. It is removed a few months after fusion. In this case, you can already next year expect flowering on this branch.

Another method for accelerating the flowering of citrus fruits is keeping them in winter time at a temperature of 4-6ºС; Moreover, with the onset of spring, with the activation of growth processes, the reproduction process often starts. The same effect can be obtained by keeping the plant in extreme conditions(infrequent watering, hot conditions, lack of replanting or transshipment for a long time, etc.). Under such conditions, the plant’s self-preservation mechanism is activated, i.e. it urgently tries to produce offspring to preserve the species, and it blooms. In my practice, a one-year-old grapefruit seedling bloomed (see photo).

I cut the plant “to a stump” in order to graft a cultivated cutting onto its roots. But later I decided to root the cut top part of the grapefruit. This technique also achieves the effect of reducing the flow of nutrients, as when constricting skeletal branches and cutting the bark into a ring. Six months after rooting, it began to bloom. The flower successfully formed an ovary, which at the initial stage of development darkened and had to be removed. This is not surprising, because the plant was very small and it could not grow fruit.

In all cases, fertilizing with phosphorus-containing fertilizers (preferably complex, with a predominance of phosphorus) has a beneficial effect. Or feeding with superphosphate (5 g per 1 liter of water) against the background of regular complex feeding. It is best to fertilize (once every 7-10 days) in spring and late summer; it is during these periods that citrus fruits are most likely to bloom. If you want to put these methods into practice, do not forget that if there is a lack of leaves (less than 20 per fruit), the plant may become depleted and even die.

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