DIY transformer table diagram. DIY transformable coffee table

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Many modern apartments can't boast large area. Therefore, we often have to give up some pieces of furniture. This state of affairs significantly reduces the quality of life. But is this really necessary?

It turns out not. Multifunctional furniture comes to the rescue. Moreover, you can make it yourself. A transforming table, for example, will fit perfectly in the kitchen, living room or even bedroom. There are so many options that you can easily choose exactly what you need.

In this article we will talk about how you can make a transforming table with your own hands. Let's discuss what the designs and functionality are.

What are they?

Such tables are most often called folding tables. Depending on the functional purpose they are:

The most popular option is the transformable coffee-dining table. Making it with your own hands is not that difficult. It will be much cheaper than in the store, but it will look no worse. This option is very convenient because when guests arrive, with one movement of your hand you turn an inconspicuous coffee table into full-fledged place for a friendly feast.

Handmade transformable dining table can be placed in the kitchen. Unfortunately, in old houses these rooms can only be compared to a mouse cage. A minimum of furniture fits there, and in order to place a full-fledged table for big family, there is no question at all. Folding design will allow you to increase the table area only at the moment when the whole family gathers for dinner. The rest of the time, the structure will take up minimal space.

A table combined with a storage system most often consists of several drawers covered with a tabletop. By rotating the latter around its own axis, you can significantly increase the surface area and obtain a full surface.

A square or round transforming table is most often used as a personal workplace. It is quite simple to build such a structure with your own hands. Here, in general, nothing should turn, change shape or unfold. To turn such a table into a full-fledged place to work, just raise its tabletop to the desired height. For this they use special mechanisms, most often purchased. You can equip such furniture with additional drawers or shelves. It will be very convenient to store various small items there.

Design Features

To make a transforming table with your own hands, you should think about what the main ones will be made of. structural elements. There are only three of them, but each of them is very important:

  1. Folding device. It is the quality of this element that will determine exactly how the structure will unfold and how easy it will be to do it. There is no need to “reinvent the wheel”. It is this part of the future table that is best purchased from a trusted manufacturer.
  2. Frame. Depending on the functional purpose, it can be made of glass, metal, wood or plastic. To ensure that the transforming table serves you for many years, it is best to choose wood. This material is quite durable and relatively inexpensive. If something breaks over time, the part will be easy to replace. Plastic tables certainly weigh a lot less. But oh long service life there is no need to talk here.
  3. Legs. This part of the structure is designed to withstand the greatest loads. Moreover, when unfolded, it only increases. Solid metal or wooden legs will provide your creation with the necessary stability. Thick glass supports are also good.

Types of mechanisms

To make it yourself transformable coffee table turned out to be not only beautiful, but also functional, it is necessary to choose the right transformation mechanism. They are like this:

  1. Double decomposition. This is the simplest option, in which the tabletop consists of two halves placed one on top of the other. To unfold it, you need to fold back the top part.
  2. Application of inserts. This option is the most popular. The tabletop simply stretches in different directions, sliding along special guides. An additional part, previously hidden in special fasteners, is placed into the resulting space.
  3. Swivel mechanism. Enough complex design, at which the main table and additional elements do not form a single whole. Here you will need basic knowledge of mechanics and special guides.
  4. Automatic mechanism. Several additional surfaces are placed under the main tabletop. When the top part starts to move, it will move the rest of the parts. They go up and are installed in their places automatically. Often such tables have 2-3 layout options. The design may use a gas lift or several springs.

Making a folding table

Many people decide to build a transforming table with their own hands after they get acquainted with the assortment of stores and find out average cost such products. Whichever model you choose, self-production will cost you approximately 3 times less.

The process consists of the following stages:

  • Selecting the type of folding mechanism.
  • Development of a project sketch.
  • Cutting and cutting out structural parts from solid laminated chipboards.
  • Approximate fit.
  • Assembly of the main frame.
  • Installation of the folding mechanism.
  • Installation of supporting parts.
  • Fastening the table top.

To ensure that drawings are as accurate as possible, they are best made using special programs. These can be found quickly and free of charge on the Internet. The simplest drawing programs are elementary and intuitive. Mastering them will take you several hours. But then you can not only produce high-quality drawings, but also calculate exactly how many materials you will need. The programs also allow you to create a cutting map, so you don’t have to spend extra.

If you don’t have special carpentry tools in your home, cutting according to the drawing can be ordered in the same workshop where you plan to purchase laminated chipboard sheet. This service is inexpensive, and all you have to do is drill holes in the in the right places and assemble the structure together. Just choose the materials good quality- and your creation will be no different from its salon counterparts.

Folding table for the kitchen

To make such a table, thick laminated chipboard. This transformer is considered a leader in saving space in the kitchen. When folded, it looks like a narrow shelf mounted on the wall. To get a full-fledged table, just lift side part and install it on the stand.

Before starting work, it is worth making a drawing of the future table or drawing a small sketch. The design itself consists of only a few parts:

  • main part of the tabletop;
  • additional lifting part (it can be either rectangular or semicircular);
  • one or two legs and struts to strengthen them.

Manufacturing process

From the prepared laminated chipboard we cut out two parts of the tabletop: one stationary, the other lifting.

Additionally, we cut out the base panel. It will be mounted on the wall, and, in fact, the entire structure will be supported on it. Its dimensions are approximately 20 x 30 cm, but can be larger. It all depends on the size of the table.

We will also need a retractable panel that is attached to the main one and supports the lifting tabletop in the open state. It can be cut in the form of a right triangle from whole piece Laminated chipboard, or can be assembled from separate slats.

We connect the stationary and lifting parts of the tabletop to each other using a piano hinge. It should look like a book.

Using butterfly loops, we install a triangle-support with an acute downward angle on the mounting base. When folded, the triangle should be parallel to the base, and when unfolded, it should be perpendicular.

We apply the wall panel to its location, level it and securely fasten it.

Using special hooks, we hang the main part of the shelf-tabletop simply on the wall directly above the base.

Ready. To fold the table, simply turn the triangle support to the side and lower the movable part of the tabletop.

Transformable trestle table

If you are planning to make your own transforming table for a schoolchild, we suggest doing it in an industrial style. Such furniture is very popular today, although it looks a little rough. This style includes a transforming trestle table. Its advantage is that as your student grows, you can easily change the height of the tabletop.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The work begins with the manufacture of “goats”. To do this, you need to take 8 identical pieces of board and fasten them in pairs in the form of triangles.
  2. To make the structure strong, the legs must be equipped with jumpers. It is best to make two of them: bottom and top.
  3. As a result of all your efforts, you should end up with four strong trapezoids of the required height.
  4. Now, using horizontal jumpers, connect the trapezoids to each other. You now have “goat” legs.
  5. A hole needs to be made in the middle of the upper part of each trapezoid. A screw will be inserted there to adjust the height of the table top.
  6. Fasten the upper ends of the screw together using a strip.
  7. Now all that remains is to cut and strengthen the tabletop.

To give a more presentable look, a trestle table can be stained, varnished or painted. As your child gets older, you can gradually remove the screws and raise the level of the tabletop. Thus, the student will not hunch over and maintain an even and beautiful posture.


There are many ways to make a transforming table with your own hands. All of them are designed for different tastes and skill levels. Choose the one that suits you best and get started.

How to make If the area of ​​the apartment is small and when buying new furniture there are difficulties with choosing a place, then items with multifunctional characteristics are indispensable in such a situation. Transformable products are very popular now.

There are such models on sale, but they are very expensive. Therefore, you can make a transforming coffee table with your own hands. This piece of furniture when folded is a coffee table, and when unfolded it turns into a large dining table.

Transformer table manufacturing technology

Materials and tools:

  • chipboard sheets;
  • transformation mechanism;
  • pipes 20x20 mm;
  • bolts 8x60 mm;
  • metal corner;
  • building level;
  • nuts;
  • washers;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • loops.

How to make a transforming coffee table? First of all, you need to purchase a product transformation mechanism in the store. Now on sale various options such devices different manufacturers. The choice is quite large.

The device has in its design a special gas lift or springs, with the help of which the model is transformed. These elements ensure a fairly soft and smooth running of the product.

A simpler device is a spring-based one. This option is more durable and reliable. IN finished product it will look more aesthetically pleasing, since the spring is located inside the mechanism body and is not visible when the transformer table is assembled into a magazine or dining version.

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Table project development

You can make a project for a future product in a specialized computer program. This work can be performed by anyone familiar with a computer. In this case, you can layout the instance in three dimensions.

Knowing the dimensions of the transformation mechanism, the dimensions of the future model are selected in both versions. When the project is ready, you need to purchase the necessary materials.

To complete the model you will need chipboard sheets. Sheets of required sizes can be cut to order in a specialized workshop. When the sheets of appropriate sizes are ready, they need to be placed on a flat surface, possibly on the floor.

It is better to choose a chipboard thickness of 22 mm for making the structure. The dining table top will be made from such a sheet. It is precisely such loads that the transformation mechanism is designed for.

The model body can be made from sheet Chipboard thickness 16 mm. In the workshop, the edges of chipboard sheets are processed.

Then you need to purchase tools to assemble the model.

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Assembling the table structure

First, the frame is assembled. The frame of the product is mounted on confirmations. To do this, use a strong drill.

Then marks are made on the chipboard sheets using a marker.

After this, a transformation mechanism is installed in the frame. It is first necessary to install springs, with the help of which the model will unfold and ensure its smooth movement.

The transformation mechanism must be installed using the end-to-end method. The weight of the device is quite large, so the structure must be durable.

After this, the device is secured. To ensure that the fastenings of the product are not visible, installation of overhead legs is provided, which will hide all additional parts.

After this, mark the places where the fasteners will be installed.

Then in necessary places drill holes for installing bolts. After that strong drill prepare a special place where the bolt heads will be hidden.

The device is fixed to the model frame using bolted connections. The walls of the product are connected to each other using bolts.

After installing the device, they begin to fix the legs of the product. The legs must support the weight of the entire structure, which is 40-50 kg. In addition, they must withstand the weight of the objects that will be on the table. Therefore, the legs are fastened to each other using ties.

After this, the legs are screwed to the structure. Preliminary for correct installation the legs must be marked accordingly. The horizontality of the structure and compliance with right angles should be controlled using a building level.

Drill holes to install the legs. They must be installed on metal bushings.

Then they begin to install the countertop. It must be assembled very carefully, since the tabletop transformation mechanism must be reliable and allow the tabletop to unfold evenly.

Then marks for the holes are made. Fastening elements will be installed in these holes.

After this, the product is installed. Adjust the folding mechanism of the tabletops. Drill holes for installing countertops.

Using screws, a small table top is attached to the structure. Then holes for fastenings are made in the same way and a large tabletop is installed in its place.

The transformable coffee dining table is ready.

This structure must be very strong to withstand all loads.

After making the model, it is necessary to check how the transformation mechanism works. If there are any errors in the operation of the mechanism, you can adjust it.

A transformable coffee table made using this technology will ensure the creation of a durable and reliable design, having long term operation.

I have long dreamed of a transforming table; in our Khrushchev-era buildings it cannot be any other way. All rooms are always filled with furniture and all sorts of things. I wanted to somehow reduce the amount of furniture, but not lose functionality. I found the answer to this question a long time ago in transformable furniture, but it was expensive to buy, and I didn’t dare make it myself.

There was a period when I collected all the materials and was already planning to make a table, but when faced with the first problem - making or buying a transformation mechanism - I immediately abandoned the idea. And I suddenly returned to the idea of ​​assembling a transformer table with my own hands - the living room was undergoing renovation, it was assumed that after the renovation a 350-liter aquarium would move into the room, and it was clear that we were talking about being in this room full table it couldn't be anymore. An old dream of a transformable table popped up in my head and everything started spinning.

Description of the master class

  1. Selecting a table transformation mechanism.

    I selected a suitable mechanism for transforming the table. First I chose how the table would be laid out, I really liked the Acrobat mechanism, but it is not supplied to Russia. Well, the only alternative available on the market was the mechanism of the following principle:

    This mechanism is produced both in Russia and there are analogues from Europe and China. Supported the Russian manufacturer! The mechanism comes with springs or a gas lift, which are needed to help unfold/fold the table - for a softer ride. Without a doubt, I chose the option with a spring, because... how simpler design, the more reliable it is. In addition, the spring is hidden in the mechanism body and is not visible when unfolding the table, unlike the gas lift which is too noticeable.

  2. Designing a transformer table.

    I made a layout of the future table in the PRO100 program. I used this program for the first time in my life, I figured it out in 1 evening. I made the layout in about 2 evenings. I took a picture from the Internet of a similar table as a standard and calculated the dimensions myself. It turned out to be nothing complicated. Many recommendations were sent in advance of the purchase of the mechanism, I was guided by them when calculating the sizes.

  3. Cutting and edging laminated chipboard.

    I ordered cutting of chipboard. In fact, there is an application for the PRO100 program that makes a cutting map, but since... I was too lazy to search and figure it out - so I made a cutting map manually and quite quickly.

    There are also third-party elements on my map, because... I ordered another cabinet with the table. These extra elements are marked on the map with an X. The color of the laminated chipboard was wenge, the thickness, as recommended by the manufacturer of the transformation mechanism, was 22mm. The tabletop should be at least this thick. The mechanism is designed for such a load; the table body itself can be made from 16 laminated chipboards. But order 2 sheets different thicknesses not everyone will do it with a lot of scraps) I ordered edging immediately with cutting, table top PVC edge 2mm, the rest is melamine standard edge.

  4. Initial fitting of parts.

    I brought sawn and framed chipboard. I bought all the necessary hardware for assembly. I tried to fold the elements to exhale and make sure that I had not made a mistake with the sizes. Everything worked out, I was right with the sizes.

  5. Assembling the table frame.

    We assemble the table frame into confirmations using a special drill. We mark on dark-colored chipboards using stickers. This idea came suddenly after I tried to apply markings with a pencil on a dark laminated chipboard: nothing was visible and the pencil reflected and glare. The sticker solved the situation - the markings are accurate and there are no traces of glue left on the chipboard. In addition, the solution is quite cheap.

    Well, the actual assembly of the table frame for confirmations:

    We will fasten the mechanism through the end-to-end method, because The weight of the mechanism is impressive - 8 kg. every. There is no need to be afraid because... We have everything calculated and the overhead legs will hide all the technical holes and fastenings. We make markings for fastening the mechanism in the same way

    Drilling through holes under the bolts and then using a Fosner drill we prepare a place for the bolt heads to recess them.

    Well, we bolt the mechanism. You shouldn’t be afraid of the number of bolts, they are all necessary, they fasten the walls of the table together even more firmly and make them self-supporting.

  6. Assembling the transformer table legs.

    Assembling the table legs. The legs must be very strong to support the weight of the table (which is approximately 45 kg) and the weight of the dishes on it. Therefore, it was decided to fasten the legs together with ties.

    Screw the legs to the table. To do this, you need to very accurately mark the leg fastenings. To keep things simple, I drilled in place. We will install it on these metal bushings

    For them, we drill holes in the legs according to the mark.

    This is the position in which all the legs were screwed. The legs hide all the technical holes in the table frame.

  7. Assembling the tabletop.

    The tabletop must be assembled with particular precision, because the tabletop folding hinge must be strong and ensure smooth folding/unfolding of the tabletop. When I bought it, I doubted the hinges and for good reason. In principle they work, but it’s hard to hold the hinge in its sockets, and the screws that are supposed to do this don’t do the job. Therefore, I advise you to look at other hinges for the tabletop. Marking holes in countertops:

    Assembled the countertops

Make a transforming table- an excellent alternative to bulky furniture in small apartments.

Economical, functional and comfortable they are release space for various things (books, computer, etc.) and space for outdoor games in children's room.

Model a number of transformable tables are so wide, that can satisfy the most demanding taste.

Types of transformers

Furniture, which most often acts as a transformer:

  • sofa;
  • table;
  • cabinet;
  • rack;
  • chair(child, etc.).

Some examples transforming tables:

    • -transformer

    • Round transformable table

    • Table- sofa bed

    • Computer table transformer

Important! When choosing a transformer Special attention You should pay attention to the safety of the product to eliminate any possibility of injury during assembly and disassembly of the structure. Sharp edges and protruding metal elements are not allowed.

What can you make a transforming table from?

  • Tree
    The most advantageous and easiest to make are made of wood. For this, simple solid wood and sheet wood panels (plywood, chipboard, MDF, fiberboard) are used.
  • Plastic
    Possible for a transforming table, but not a very aesthetic option.
  • Metal
    The tables are strong and durable, have various decor options, and are made from hollow structures.
  • Glass
    A more complex option would be to use tempered glass to make transformable tables. Such tables are aesthetically pleasing, safe and have an original appearance.

Chest of drawers

For making a small chest of drawers (4 drawers) necessary following:

Materials and accessories

  • handles for all boxes (including two false ones) – 6 pieces;
  • wheels furniture - 8 pieces;
  • supports for wheels – 8 pieces;
  • loops ombre - 4 pieces;
  • loops and hinges for table top;
  • guides ball (400 – 2 sets, 450 – 4 sets);
  • dark colored wood boards for the tabletop, external side legs (on wheels), internal side legs, the middle wall (between the drawers), the bottom of the chest of drawers, the walls of the drawers and 2 long walls along which the upper false drawers will slide to the sides;
  • wood boards light color for the front of the drawers (+ 4 fake drawers on both sides) and the back of the chest of drawers. The length of the back wall is equal to the length of two drawers. The remaining space on both sides of the chest of drawers is occupied by a long wall along which false drawers move;
  • thin wood board For bottoms all boxes.


  • pencil, square, roulette;
  • jigsaw or a hacksaw for wood;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • hexagons;
  • drill with various attachments (including a 15 mm Fostner cutter);
  • minifixes(for eccentric couplers) – 40–50 pieces;
  • European confirmed screws – 50–60 pieces;
  • self-tapping screws(14 mm – 20 pieces, 30 mm – 50 pieces);

Drawings with dimensions

Stages of work

Step 1. We draw and cut out all the details of the future chest of drawers.

Step 2. On the side walls we draw and attach retractable ball guides(400). On the middle wall we screw the guides on both sides.

Step 3. Screw it on average wall exactly in the middle of the bottom of the chest of drawers.

Step 4. We fasten the side internal walls, back wall and bottom of the chest of drawers.

Step 5. Collecting all the walls boxes, screw the handles to front sides(including fake ones).

Step 6. We attach two corners of all drawers to the inner ones (which will be inside the chest of drawers) 2 balls from the guides (along which our boxes will roll).

Step 7 We screw the guides (450) onto the wall for false boxes and reverse side false boxes. We attach the long walls to the side ones internal walls.

Step 8 We screw furniture wheels to the bottom of the chest of drawers and to the side outer legs.

Step 9 Fastening outside false boxes to the outer legs of the chest of drawers and push them into folded position (we place it next to the functional drawers).

Step 10 Let's get started tabletop. We fasten the three parts together using loops

For lunch this design is enough for a table complex. Most often, a chest of drawers is used when it is not possible to purchase a kitchen or dining table or when making huge transformable table (more than 2 meters long).

Second option chest of drawers differs not only in size (700 x 900 cm when folded, 2100 x 900 cm when unfolded) and the number of drawers, but also mechanism transformation.

Side inner walls maximum laid out at a distance of the length of the false boxes.

Tabletop when unfolded it consists of 3 parts – left, middle and right. When folded, the left side rests on average

The table top rotates 90 degrees.
Right part goes down on the back wall of the chest of drawers (hangs parallel her), and the parts stacked on top of each other form the upper surface chest of drawers

Wheels are attached for ease of movement of our chest of drawers, but they are not required. When the table top rotates in working condition, it falls into positional

Interesting idea portable folding transforming table - ironing board built into the cabinet - is presented in this video:

Current housing is often disappointing due to its small size. To stay with the necessary items, the owners try everything available options to prevent space shortages. Additional area helps to obtain universal interior elements, one of which is a do-it-yourself transforming coffee table.

This type furniture blends well with any room. The transforming table has a huge number of images, based on what properties it should perform.

Differently this type tables are called folding tables. And they can be:

  • table - storage;
  • lunch and magazine;
  • magazine workers.

The storage table stands out with its original design. Its elements are two or three drawers and a table top. And they open it by rotating around its axis.

The most common is considered to be a dining and coffee table, since over time, the number of acquaintances and friends as guests increases, which cannot be said about the dimensions of the place of residence.

Such tables are very inconspicuous and do not require a huge amount of free space. On a normal day they look like coffee tables, but on a holiday they transform into comfortable table for lunch. A few simple movements will be enough and 5-7 people will fit behind it.

To create a transformer table with your own hands of a magazine-work type, use a different type of tabletop. There is no need to completely unfold it or change its shape. This type of transforming table transforms into a desk and takes on the required height. For storage stationery additional boxes included. Also, the table can take different positions, depending on the order of the fasteners.

The versions with a smooth mechanism are the most convenient to use. They allow you to turn any corner of your home into a workplace.

Types of transforming tables

This type of apartment accessory is available in many types, depending on the table transformation device:

There are 1-2 additional surfaces that are located under the tabletop. At the moment the main part begins to move, additional elements also begin to move. This type of table has several layout variations, and it may include gas lift and springs “considered the most reliable variation.”

Very interesting view. During unfolding, the additional and main elements do not become one. Special metal guides are used to build such a table.

Using inserts

The most popular type of tables. The design features a tabletop that diverges during transformation. Additional tabletop elements can be placed on the sides or in the center.

This model consists of two surfaces that fold on top of each other. To decompose, you just need to remove the top part.

Decomposition design

Since it affects ease of use, you should not spare money when purchasing. Such tables should not need large quantities effort to open them, movements should be light.

Changing the height and area of ​​the tabletop is inherent folding tables, which have complex automatic device.


Of course, they play the role of support, and therefore are required to withstand a large load, which increases during the expansion of the table. Thick glass supports performed very well; they themselves are quite heavy and can support large weights. If the folding table is intended for the living room, then it will be ideally suited glass legs.

For classic interiors, wooden supports are more suitable, as they can also withstand considerable loads.

To construct a transformer table with your own hands, the drawings will be extremely useful. It is also recommended to study what types of countertops there are, since the material they are made of affects the entire design of the furniture as a whole.


The strength of the frame affects the period of operation. Materials from which frames are created: with plastic parts, wood, metal.

The most reliable are wooden and metal frames, they handle a lot of folding and unfolding well. Plastic components make frames cheaper, but with less use time. But you can think about such a variation if the transformation of the table is not frequent.

What is needed to make a transformable table

After becoming familiar with the cost of transforming tables, a huge number of people decide to build such a piece of furniture themselves. A whole table can be purchased for 15,000 rubles. At self-creation saves up to 5,000 rubles.

Project price:

  • Fasteners – 50 rubles;
  • Layout device – from 3,000 rubles;
  • A set of self-tapping screws and self-tapping screws – from 200 rubles.
  • Chipboard panels for legs and tabletops - from 500 rub.
  • Creating a transforming table will cost $100.

To construct, you must complete the following steps:

  • select a layout device;
  • create a project;
  • cut out parts from the laminated chipboard panel;
  • fit parts;
  • install the frame;
  • install table supports;
  • put a tabletop.

For more quality work It’s better to use a special program on your computer.

It will not only help you draw a projection of the future table, but will also create a cutting map and calculate the quantity necessary materials. This program is very easy to use, allowing you to create a project within one or two days.


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