Fence posts made of ceramic bricks. Brick post for a fence: calculations and masonry technology

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The land plot is traditionally surrounded by a fence. The fence is made from different materials. One option is a fence with a base of brick pillars with spans of corrugated sheets, forged elements, wooden picket fence or brickwork. Such a fence looks solid, it reliably protects the territory and is decorative in its decoration.

The brickwork of the pillars is quite simple for self-made, if you become familiar with the technology for constructing such supports. Let's consider the details of this type of construction work.


Fence with brick pillars provides the necessary level of security from unwanted intrusions into the estate. Spans of corrugated sheeting or brickwork, supported on brick pillars, can add impermeability and reliability protective function fencing.

Forged and wooden spans will add external lightness to the structure, while maintaining the required level of insulation from the external environment.

Brick supports are durable and weather resistant. They are sufficiently resistant to increased payload for the installation of massive gates with an automatic sliding or mechanical swing device.

To extend the life of the poles, they need to be covered with caps made of metal or concrete. Here it is worth considering that concrete caps have a greater variety of shapes, but they themselves are destroyed by changes in temperature and humidity.

Metal caps better isolate the brickwork from moisture.

Fencing on brick pillars, while providing a sufficient level of protection, is more affordable than a full fence brick fence. The types of bricks, masonry patterns and span material provide great scope for decorative creativity when designing such a fence. Brick pillars can be safely equipped electric cable to organize lighting for individual supports, which will be convenient for owners and serve as additional decor.

Types of structures

To build a fence with brick supports, you need to decide on the type and height of the structure. Optimal height the supports are selected about two meters, then the pillar is laid out 1.5 bricks wide, together with the seams this is equal to 38 centimeters.

If necessary, you can increase the height to 3-4 meters, then it is better to lay the bricks in two or more bricks. In this case, the size of the pillar will be about 50 by 50 centimeters. The span width ranges from 2.5 to 6 meters, the dimensions are selected according to the relief or the composition of the fence.

The type of foundation depends on the type of structure: strip or point. For spans made of lighter materials, a point foundation is chosen under brick columns; for heavier ones, a strip foundation is chosen.

Spans made of corrugated sheets are the most common option.


  • This fence has a simple appearance and is easy to install.
  • You can choose the one you need color scheme.
  • With such spans, geometric hoods look beautiful.
  • It is convenient to install the gate.

A strip foundation is made for this type of fence. You can choose point supports, but wear resistance and decorative qualities will be reduced.

For a fence with forged inserts, you can also use both the first and second options for supports. Of course, forging gives the fence artistic value and emphasizes the well-being of the owners. A strip foundation with several rows of bricks will add solidity to the fence. The airiness of the structure appears when strip foundations are abandoned, but the durability functions are retained, reliable protection and decorativeness.

The fence can be made entirely of brick or torn decorative stone, such fences are made on a reinforced foundation; they reliably isolate the territory of land ownership. For decorative effect perform combined fences.

After choosing the type of fence, we begin to select the material.

Selection of materials

The material for spans is selected according to the degree necessary protection: For better insulation- corrugated sheet or brick, for a decorative effect - metal forging; in rural farmsteads, wooden or metal picket fence, as protection from cold winds and unwanted intrusions.

The fence material must be in harmony with the architecture outbuildings and the general concept of site design. Classic mansions look harmonious with wrought iron or stone fences. It is better to fence a house in an ethnic style with a fence using a wooden picket fence. In areas where it is contained Domestic bird or other living creatures, solid fences made of corrugated sheets would be optimal.

In modern minimalist trends, it is better to use a fence with a minimum of decor. Simple and elegant. Such fences are decorated with spans of special glass or plastic.

Bricks for columns are selected based on general design fence For the first two or three rows you will need an ordinary clay brick, then use a hollow one or the same as in the bottom row. To enhance the decorative effect, the columns are laid out with clinker bricks or facing bricks of the desired color in various combinations.

Embossed brick gives greater expressiveness to the architecture of the fence. Decorative finishing can only be applied to front side fence, and leave the inside in the form of simple brickwork. This will provide significant savings.

According to the number of pillars, steel pipes are purchased, which will become the vertical axis for reinforcing the brickwork. It should be taken into account that the support reinforcement for gate and wicket posts is purchased with a reinforced profile. Reinforcement will be required to strengthen the foundation; its quantity is calculated based on the need for a strip or point arrangement.

You will need construction fillers: cement, sand, crushed stone or expanded clay. You will need to stock up on boards for making formwork. Since brick absorbs moisture very well, and when it freezes it destroys the structure of the material, then everything brick structures will have to be protected from soil moisture, so waterproofing material will be needed.

Quantity calculation necessary materials produced according to the length of the fence, the pitch of the brick supports and their size.

For a standard column of one and a half bricks, 2 meters high, 110 bricks will be required.

Laying technology


  • The first step is to mark the outline of the fence using twine. Pegs are driven in at the locations of future supports. For pile foundation According to the marks with pegs, using a drill, a hole is made 30-35 centimeters wide and 80 centimeters deep for sandy soil, and for clay soil - up to the freezing layer plus 20 centimeters.

IN middle lane Russia is best to maintain a depth of 1 meter or 1 meter 20 centimeters. A bucket of crushed stone is poured into this hole and compacted. Formwork is made according to the diameter of the pit; it can be rolled from roofing felt required diameter handset. A steel pipe is inserted into this formwork and filled with cement mixture.

A mixture of cement and sand is made in a ratio of 1: 5 or 1: 6, for plasticity you can add a little liquid soap. The solution should be neither liquid nor dry, so add water gradually. The upper part of the foundation is poured into formwork along the width of the column. For a strip foundation, a trench 50 cm deep and 40 cm wide is dug between the pillars. The bottom layer is strengthened with a cushion of crushed stone, formwork made of boards is installed along the trench and filled with mortar.

  • After pouring the foundation, brickwork begins no earlier than 2 weeks later. The surface of the foundation is covered waterproofing material so that the brick does not absorb moisture from the soil. Here you can use roofing felt, but more modern material is a bitumen-based waterproofing agent.
  • Embedded corners, ears for gate canopy are welded onto a steel pipe, or transverse pipes are welded to secure the span material - picket fence, corrugated sheet or forging.

  • Next stage works – brickwork. Here you need to pay close attention to the quality of the solution and its thickness. To test, place a little mortar on the brick; it should not spread. Bricks are laid according to the masonry pattern with ligation through a row around steel pipe. The first and second rows are laid with regular full bricks; for the next rows, lightweight hollow bricks can be used.

  • A layer of cement mortar 1 centimeter thick is applied to the waterproofing, and bricks begin to be laid on this layer; each brick is tapped with a rubber hammer to compact it. To ensure uniform adhesion to the mortar, the brick is first dipped in water. It is better to measure each row with a tape measure, since a shift of even a few millimeters in each row can lead to a skew of the post or an expansion of several centimeters.

Each side should be regularly checked with a level to avoid deviations from the vertical.

  • If desired, you can do decorative finishing seams, usually in cement mortar add dye or textured chips and after finishing the masonry, coat the seams separately. This gives neatness and completeness to the entire building.
  • After laying the entire column, the middle part around the pipe is filled with mortar, you can fill it with crushed stone and pour more liquid solution. The top is again covered with a waterproofing layer.

  • A cap made of metal or concrete is attached to the top of the structure. Manufacturers offer a wide variety of shapes, colors and materials for making such caps. A simple rectangular cap can be made from a sheet of metal yourself using a pattern. The color is selected according to the color of the fence design.

  • If the project involves combined masonry, then you need to carefully select the dimensions of the main and finishing bricks. If the brick pillar is finished natural stone, then after the masonry has dried, the finishing layer is applied.
  • The next stage is to hang the span material: corrugated sheets, metal grating, picket fence or laying out the span with decorative bricks.
  • The final type of work is the installation of gates and wickets, installation of lighting.

A few tips on doing masonry will help you do it well even for a novice master:

  • To ensure that the seams between the rows of bricks are of the same thickness, a metal rod of the required diameter is laid along the edge. The cement mortar is leveled over it, bricks are laid on top, tapped with a rubber hammer, then the rod is removed and laid on the next row.

Nowadays, very often, in order to isolate themselves from the encroachments of intruders and simply prying eyes, owners suburban areas erecting brick fences. Practice shows that building a brick fence with your own hands is not so difficult, compared to the same stone fence.

This is what a red brick fence looks like

Thanks to brick blocks Very affordable, strong and durable, brick fences can be found everywhere. In addition, on the Internet you can find many construction instructions, supported by photographs and videos, which explain in detail how to build a brick fence yourself.

Advantages of brick fences

Disadvantages of brick fences for a home

Let's look at how brick fences are inferior to other types of similar structures:

Differences between brick fences

When considering brick fences, we can identify several criteria by which they will differ:

Various types of fences made of brick blocks

Very often on personal plots you can see fences made not entirely of brick, but combined with other building materials. Such a device for fencing can significantly reduce the cost of the structure. And if you consider that brick goes well with all types of materials, then we can say that such combinations can make the fence more interesting and original.

An example of a combined fence made of decorative brick and forged fencing

Here is an example of the most successful tandems:

  • Fencing with brick pillars and wooden canvas;
  • Fence with brick pillars and forged canvas;
  • Fence with brick pillars and corrugated sheet.

Combined fences can make the site unique, and the fencing design less cluttered. Since combinations of materials significantly reduce the weight of the structure, the foundation for a brick fence can be columnar, which will save money.

Construction of a brick fence

In order to build a fence, you need to have some construction skills, as well as carefully study the process itself. So as not to lose sight important nuances, let’s break the entire construction process into stages and consider each in detail.

  • Preparatory work;
  • Foundation construction;
  • Decoration of the fence.

Preparatory work

In order not to be distracted by trifles and speed up the construction process, it is best to take care of the availability of all the necessary equipment and materials in advance.

On preparatory stage often carry out fence projects in order to more clearly imagine what the structure will look like, as well as to more accurately calculate the required materials and find out how many brick blocks are needed.

Foundation structure

As already noted, the foundation for brick fences is usually made of strip or columnar foundations. Which foundation is best depends on the specific case. Let us examine in detail the arrangement of a strip foundation.


Since this stage of construction is the most important, it is necessary to provide all the conditions for its start, including waiting for the foundation to completely harden. Usually they wait about a day, and in the case of the construction of powerful and high fences - two to three days. Let's discuss some of the subtleties of how to build a brick fence.

The brick fence is laid according to the standard scheme.

  1. The angles are drawn first. To do this, you need to have a building level at hand.
  2. Next, the construction of walls begins. The first row is laid directly on the base, or plinth. Its horizontal position must be carefully controlled, because the quality of subsequent rows will depend on this.
  3. After a certain distance - usually two meters - pillars are erected. The lower part of the fence provides for the design of the base.
  4. After installation, all that remains is to unstitch the seams and treat them with a special compound.

Decorating the fence

When the process of laying the fence is completed, you can begin decorating work, if the projects require this. If facing bricks were used for construction, then any finishing work can be completely excluded. This is because the fence is made of facing bricks red or yellow color looks great on its own.

Fence from white brick can be finished with natural stone or its artificial analogue, similar to torn stone.

In addition, you can experiment with different facing materials, creating an unusual and original design.

Fence from sand-lime brick can be combined with corrugated sheets or wooden structures that will fit perfectly together. By trying to combine various building materials for the construction of a fence, you can achieve not only improvements in the appearance of the structure, but also significant savings.

An example of a fence made of decorative bricks

A fence made of brick and corrugated board, for example, is erected much faster than a completely brick fence, and at the same time is not inferior in durability and quality.

The construction of a brick fence can be supplemented with forging elements. can completely replace the fence cloth. Also, forging elements can decorate only the upper part of the canvas. Fences made of yellow and red bricks are best combined with forged products.

Of course, the price of such designs will be much higher, however, its originality will be beyond praise.

The modern specialized market presents a huge range of various finishing and building materials. Among them are many of the latest developments and proven over the years, proven with best sides, high quality materials.

Brick is one such material. Despite a large number of"competitors", brick is still popular and in demand.

Due to its excellent technical and operational characteristics, brick is used in various fields of construction. IN Lately It has become very fashionable to surround the site with a brick fence. In addition to its aesthetically attractive appearance, a brick fence has many other positive qualities.

Advantages and disadvantages of brick fences

A brick fence has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages. However, the disadvantages of a brick fence are fully compensated by its positive qualities. The disadvantages of a brick fence include high price, and high costs effort and time to install the fence.

But at the same time, once you build a brick fence, you can provide your site with a reliable and durable fence for many decades.

There are a huge number of advantages of a brick fence:

  • Solid, aesthetically attractive appearance. Such a structure looks stylish and presentable throughout its entire service life. It should also be noted that brick goes well with various materials.
  • A brick fence perfectly protects home territory from prying eyes and the penetration of strangers.
  • High strength and durability of such fences. High-quality brick perfectly withstands precipitation and temperature changes over many years.
  • Simple and easy care. The entire complex of caring for brick fencing consists of periodic cleaning of various contaminants and treatment with special waterproofing agents.
  • A brick fence can be made in various ways.

All of the above suggests that brick fencing is a profitable investment. Money Once you have made such a fence, you don’t have to think about repairing and replacing the structure for many decades to come.

Classic fence

You can make a brick fence using various ways. This material opens ample opportunities for imagination and the embodiment of various design ideas. This can be assessed from the photo various options brick fences.

The most common option is a solid classic fence. Distinctive feature of such structures is the thickness of the masonry, height, and decorative elements used. In most cases, red brick is used to build a fence in this way.

Some owners prefer decorative masonry; this allows them to emphasize and complement the appearance of the building and the site. Decorative masonry of a brick fence is done using special facing bricks. This type of material does not require additional processing and is available in a large assortment and rich colors.

Forged brick fencing

This type of fencing refers to combined structures. Such fences look very elegant and original, and besides, they are distinguished by their special individuality. The highlight of this structure is artistic forging, which goes well with brick.

The special qualities and properties of bricks make it possible to perform original figures, and further decorate with decoration elements.

Fence made of chipped bricks

Crushed bricks have recently been in great demand for the manufacture of various fences. Despite the fact that the brick is in this case is not in full shape, its qualities remain at the same level and the fence turns out to be just as strong and durable.

Installation method similar designs standard, while the weight of the structure in the final result will be significantly less, thanks to full form bricks. However, the characteristics of the fence will be at the highest level.

Using chipped bricks, you can create various original and unique designs in a variety of colors and shapes.

Fence made of brick and corrugated board

Brick fences with corrugated sheeting are especially practical and attractive, while combining affordable cost and respectability.

The low cost of the fence is due to the use of corrugated board in the design. This material not only has a budget price, but is also quite easy to install, practical, and does not require special care, has high strength and reliability.

The dimensions of the brick pillars between the corrugated sheets can be completely different, as well as the color. A fence with brick pillars and sheets of corrugated sheets between them looks solid and original.

You can diversify and enliven a brick fence using various elements decor, for example, forged parts. The foundation for a brick fence is made of materials that match the color of the fence and the residential building.

Yellow brick fence

A fence made of yellow brick looks very impressive. In addition to the aesthetically attractive and original appearance, it should be noted that this yellow material goes well with a variety of decorative elements and bricks of a different color.

Thanks to various additional elements, a yellow brick fence looks very respectable and attractive.

Torn brick construction

An excellent alternative to traditional brick has now become torn brick. The use of such material opens up wide possibilities for the design of fences.

The material has excellent technical characteristics, high strength and, importantly, durability. In addition, it should be noted a large assortment of this material, variety of colors and shades.

When choosing the color of a brick, landscape design plays an important role. design decoration plot, as well as the home itself.

All of the above options are not the entire list of possible brick structures. When choosing a fencing model and installation, you just need to show imagination and skill. You can install a brick fence yourself, or use the services of experienced craftsmen.

Photos of brick fences

Today you can install a brick fence with your own hands at your dacha, having a simple set on hand ordinary tools, materials and following simple instructions. A brick fence is considered an elite-class structure that has won the trust of many people since ancient times. The advantages of a brick structure: strength, reliability, long-term service, resistance to adverse factors. It is also time-tested.

Blind fence

Despite the high cost, many owners of private houses prefer to have such a fence on their property because of its excellent aesthetic appearance. At the same time, the material has increased resistance to mechanical stress and extreme conditions weather.

There are many more options for building materials from which you can build a brick fence with your own hands. They all have their supporters, as well as advantages and disadvantages. In any case, such a structure will always look good, providing complete protection of the territory from illegal entry and other external factors.

Fence with forging elements

Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Continuous fencing

The next step is to determine the height and thickness of the fence. If it will only be used as a decorative element on your territory, then you can make it half a brick thick. Basically, fences are built with a thickness of 1.5 or 2 bricks, and often even 3. The height also depends on the purpose and requirements of the owners, but usually ranges from 0.5 to 3.5 m.

If the fence is sectional, then calculations for consumable materials and solution are carried out first for one section and post.

This figure can then be multiplied by the total number of sections and pillars, respectively.


Brick fences have been serving people for many years as a fence for complete protection, as well as decorative structure. They have excellent aesthetic and consumer qualities: strength, reliability, long service life, fire resistance, frost resistance.

Scheme of the strip base device

In addition, they can withstand heavy winds and other adverse conditions. weather. However, due to the high cost of the material itself and its masonry, combined fences are often built, which are much cheaper.

Basically they are the following types:

  1. With brick pillars. Quite an attractive option for lovers of forged products with a combination of stone. Massive brick columns with different architectural forms, connected by forged decorative grille all kinds of styles depending on the preferences of the owner. Such structures usually do not completely cover the area from prying eyes, which may be a disadvantage for some.
  2. . For this design, build brick fence posts with your own hands. They connect with each other profile pipes, on which corrugated sheeting is mounted. This type of fence is very simple to build and is much cheaper. Corrugated sheeting can be selected in various colors.
  3. Full brick fences. Classic fences, which can be either end-to-end. For the through type, the masonry of a brick fence is carried out so that in the structure there are through holes. The laying of brick pillars here also varies. Often wiring is made on them, on which.

Drawing of the fence base

Construction activities are carried out in stages: marking the territory, laying the foundation and the masonry process itself.


All lines and angles are built as even as possible. The distance of brick posts for a DIY fence depends on the width of the fence and is generally 3–6 m.


The foundation for a fence differs from the foundation of a house in that it does not require great depth, and the reinforced frame is made with reinforcement of a smaller diameter. is being built in several stages:

  1. After marking the area along the cords, a trench 20 cm deep is dug manually or with an excavator. To determine the width, you need to add the width to the two depths of the foundation brick wall.
  2. A drainage layer consisting of gravel and sand is usually added to the trench, which is carefully filled with water and compacted well.
  3. If there are slopes in the area, formwork should be built from boards according to the height of the structure. In this case, you should carefully monitor the position of the frame: it should be strictly vertical. The height of the base is usually 10–20 cm.
  4. After this, the bottom of the trench is 3 cm thick with a proportion of 1: 3: 3 cement, crushed stone and sand, respectively.
  5. As the concrete hardens, install metal carcass, consisting of reinforcement connected by wire, since welding is inappropriate here. Then the rest is poured.
  6. After this, the concrete must be periodically pierced with a metal rod to remove any remaining voids. The prepared base is left for about a week to achieve maximum strength. To protect it from adverse weather, it can be covered with rags. After this, the formwork is removed and the surface of the foundation is covered with waterproofing.

Ready base

Fence laying

For the construction of a brick fence, cement mortar is used using single-row masonry. Today, decorative masonry is very popular, when elements are laid in a special way, resulting in diamond-shaped openings. If the fence is large, then double-row masonry is used.

Masonry with reinforcement

To build a beautiful, functional structure, you need to strictly monitor the order of the masonry and make the correct dressing of the seams:

  1. First, you need to lay several rows of bricks on the foundation. At the same time, nails are installed in the corners as an order. Next, the mortar is applied to the brick row, and the excess is immediately removed. To ensure high adhesion, the material is pre-moistened with water. It is very important to ensure that the masonry is at the correct level by constantly checking it with a taut twine. In addition, you can build wooden frame and as construction progresses, move the horizontal board higher and higher. You also need to ensure that the solution is laid out in the same volume, and its excess is removed immediately.

Owners of country or city private houses sooner or later are faced with the need to fence their territory. Among the many options for arranging a fence, many choose brickwork as the main material. And there are many reasons for this. If you are thinking about choosing a material for making a fence for a private yard, country house or personal plot, then this publication is for you.

Advantages and disadvantages of building a brick fence

The obvious advantages of using brickwork to create a fence include:

  • long service life - a brick fence can easily be left as an inheritance not only to your children, but also to your grandchildren, because the masonry is made of quality material are not afraid of climatic manifestations and temperature changes;
  • during operation, a brick fence requires virtually no maintenance; if the material is high-quality and new, then no painting or any other surface coating is needed;
  • a brick fence is highly reliable and durable, capable of protecting the area not only from prying eyes, but also from any external manifestations (provided the fence is of sufficient height);
  • the ability to independently choose the height of the fence;
  • aesthetic appearance - a brick fence can not only become a reliable fence, but also decorate your landscape design, effectively completing the image of your architectural ensemble;
  • the ability to create a non-trivial design - simple brick panels can be diversified with decorative inserts, arches, columns (pillars);
  • The presence of variations in the design of a brick fence makes it an almost universal option for any stylistic design of the facade of a building.

But the coin always has two sides - brick, which means that a fence made of this material has disadvantages:

  • the rather high cost of both the material itself and the work required to install it (therefore, many owners of private houses with land plots choose the option of combining bricks with other, cheaper materials);
  • when using used bricks (in order to save money), the service life of the fence is significantly reduced;
  • To build a truly strong and durable brick fence, it is necessary to lay a foundation, which increases the duration of the work and the overall cost.

Classification of brick fences

Fences consisting of brickwork in one modification or another are divided according to the following criteria:

  • type of foundation – strip (most often used) or columnar (used only in case of small masonry thickness) foundation;
  • the thickness of the brickwork varies from half a brick to three bricks (it is important to understand that its reliability, strength and durability directly depend on the thickness of the fence);
  • the height of the brick fence is a relative value, but usually ranges from 50 cm to 3.5 m (the higher the fence, the greater its thickness should be to ensure the necessary stability);
  • the presence of pillars (largely depends on the length of the spans and the ideas of the site owners about the beauty of the fence);
  • the type of material with which the combination is carried out (if any).

Let's take a closer look at possible options combining bricks with other materials. To make the fence more original, and sometimes to reduce its cost, speed up installation work, you can use combinations with the following materials:

  • brick and metal forging;
  • wooden picket fence, boards or lattice made of wood;
  • metal picket fence or sheet material, metal profile ( a budget option in combination with brick pillars);
  • combination building bricks with decorative, chipped (“torn”);
  • in rare cases you can find a combination of brick and stone masonry (quite expensive fencing).

Brick and metal forging

In combination with metal forging, brick looks luxurious. Forged elements can be used exclusively as decoration for a solid brick wall or be an integral part of it, acting as a material for canvases or intermediate links.

Metal forging elements can be different shapes and sizes, be located on the fence canvas in different ways, depending on this, there are three types of brick fencing design:

Parapetny. Forged rods and decorative elements(height metal structures no more than half a meter, as a rule). The fence turns out to be not only beautiful, but also reliable from the point of view of the possibility of strangers entering the site;

The base is combined with forging elements. The base can have a height from 30 to 150 cm; metal forged structures various modifications. Most often, through such a fence you can see what is happening in the yard or on the site;

Brick pillars plus forged elements. The main part of the fence is made of forging, placed on a base no more than 30 cm high, while brick is present only as part of pillars or columns. Often when constructing brick pillars, a metal fittings(to give the structure greater strength and reliability).

Combination of brick and wood

The combination of brick and wood does not always reduce the overall cost of the fence. Only if you already have wood in stock and need it, which is called “attachment” to benefit. Usually the combination of brickwork and wood elements is due to the need to create harmonious image the entire architectural ensemble with local area. If wood is used in the facade of the main building, other buildings or landscape design elements, then it would be logical to use it to create a fence for the site.

If part of the fence itself wooden elements This type of wood is not encountered very often, but the use of wood for making gates and even gates to a brick fence is a very popular phenomenon. Brick in many ways symbolizes the city and even industrial style, and beautiful wood carvings or intentionally aged boards seem to soften the image and balance the overall picture.

Choosing a brick color palette to create a fence

The modern range of building materials is amazingly diverse. Rich color palette bricks, especially façade cladding bricks, may cause some confusion for owners of private homes who want to fence off their plots. From snow-white and light gray to dark brown and burgundy, brick as a material for creating a fence can both support the overall color scheme and become an accent element in the image of the entire building and the surrounding area.

One of the most popular ways to choose brick for fencing is to replicate the material used for the façade of the main building. Using bricks of the same color for the house and the fence leads to the creation of a harmonious image of the entire ensemble. Most often you can find brick in almost all shades of red, with a predominance of reddish shades. It is not for nothing that the name of the red-orange color appeared - it is often called “brick”.

Brick of all shades of yellow and orange looks no less impressive, but at the same time more restrained...

A wine-colored or marsala-colored brick looks luxurious. As a rule, a fence with such color scheme becomes an accent element of the architectural ensemble.

Gray brick is usually chosen if the building and landscape design of the area are made in modern style and even with an urban slant. If concrete is actively used in the design of a plot or yard, then a brick fence of any shade gray will look more than appropriate.

Bricks for fencing a private yard or summer cottage can be chosen according to color garden paths and platforms (patios), if they are also made of this building material. At the same time, the facade of the main building (house) may differ not only in color, but also in the material itself.

Brick, as a building and facing material, does not require subsequent painting or any other coating. Provided it is used new material. If a used brick is used to prolong its expected service life, protective covering won't hurt. In some cases, painting is necessary to create a balanced image of the entire ensemble - the home and the area around it.

And finally - a few original ideas

The fence “with perforation” looks original. The brick is not laid out in a continuous pattern, but in a checkerboard pattern. As a result, the fence has holes through which you can partially see what is happening on the street and in the yard. The fence turns out to be less durable, more decorative, but still capable of protecting the territory from external influence(except for prying eyes).

A low fence made of brick can serve as a garden bed or flower bed. As a result, the area is decorated original element landscape, and it is easier for plants to provide the care that is necessary for each specific crop.

In some cases, the fence provides not so much enclosing as decorative function. As a rule, a low fence is present inside large areas to fence off the functional segments of the site. Such zoning not only brings order to the clear demarcation of a yard or personal plot into sectors, but also decorates the landscape. A low brick fence can serve as a border - to delimit areas of garden paths and flower beds or beds.


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