We build from wooden hollow blocks with insulation. Wooden brick

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The usual brick walls, which can be seen in multi-storey and private construction, are losing their inviolability and relevance. During construction residential buildings Building blocks made from lightweight concrete are increasingly being used.

Such products have greater thermal insulation, are much cheaper than solid bricks, and are easy to install. The building material is relatively light in weight, which significantly reduces the load on the foundation and, accordingly, allows you to save on pouring it.

The modern construction market offers the consumer several types of wall blocks. To avoid difficulties when choosing a material, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of wall blocks used in construction.

Foam concrete blocks

This is cellular lightweight concrete, the main component of which is a cement-sand mortar with the addition of foaming additives. According to experts, this is the most practical and affordable material for the construction of wall structures, enjoying steadily growing popularity.



    High strength combined with low density

    Low structural weight due to the cellular structure

    Excellent thermal insulation of interior spaces

    High degree of street noise absorption

    Fire resistance - the material does not ignite and does not support the spread of fire

    Resistance to wet environments

    Good frost resistance indicators

    Budget cost

    Foam concrete is subject to shrinkage over time, which should be taken into account during construction

    Heterogeneous structure: internal pores do not have the same size

    Difficulties with interior finishing - foam concrete is unable to hold conventional fasteners (nails, screws)

    Low bending resistance, easy to crack

The material is often produced in an artisanal way without following technology. It is almost impossible to identify a fake visually, so you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a manufacturer.

Aerated concrete material for the construction of walls

As in the previous case, gas silicate blocks have a porous structure. For production, a silicate base is used with the addition of binders and foaming additives.



    The exact geometry of each block, which simplifies the process of erecting wall structures and allows you to accurately calculate glue consumption.

    Presentable appearance.

    Ease of processing: you can cut aerated concrete with a regular hacksaw.

    High level of fire safety.

    Environmental safety: no chemically active or toxic substances are used in production.

    Large block size - allows you to reduce the time for building walls.

    Low strength - aerated block is not used in multi-story construction.

    After completion of work, shrinkage is observed up to 1.5 mm for every meter of height. According to this indicator, gas silicate blocks are considered the worst among lightweight concrete.

    Low frost resistance - only 10 cycles freezing/thawing. Therefore, walls made of this material definitely need additional insulation.

    Dependence on humid environment. Aerated concrete absorbs water well, which leads to destruction of the structure of the block.

In terms of thermal insulation, aerated concrete blocks are close to solid brick, so additional insulation is prerequisite. However, the blocks have minimal weight, which significantly reduces the load on the foundation.

Sand blocks made by volumetric vibrocompression

This is a universal option, equally used in multi-storey construction and the private sector. In the manufacture of building materials, a cement-sand mixture is used with additives included in the composition. Products are pressed in special forms and dried using infrared radiation.

To achieve optimal strength, blocks are stored at room temperature in well-ventilated areas.

For walls made of foam blocks, insulation costs will be significantly lower than for concrete or brick structures.

Heat block - a multilayer wall element with a facing layer

This composite material, having a three-layer structure.

The first layer is called the façade and is an imitation natural stone. The second is insulating and consists of high-density polystyrene foam. The third is the supporting one, made of expanded clay concrete.

Heat blocks appeared on the construction market relatively recently, but have already gained popularity among professional builders.

    High speed of wall construction. Each block is both a decorative and load-bearing structure and has a layer of insulation.

    Excellent thermal insulation performance. Block, thickness 42 cm, similar in performance to two-meter brickwork.

    Reasonable price. Good competition for gas and foam blocks.

    Light weight. You can save a lot on the foundation.

    Weight. The blocks are considered light, but laying stones can be done alone, weighing 24 kg, it will be difficult.

    Low resistance to dynamic loads. Not suitable for buildings tall more than 3 floors.

    Geometry. The correct forms are found only from trusted manufacturers. If the block is made by hand, problems are guaranteed to arise with installation.

High-quality heat blocks have absolutely correct geometry, so it is allowed finishing without additional leveling of the walls. When installing blocks, through joints are formed that require high-quality sealing.

If construction technology is violated, high thermal efficiency indicators will be reduced to zero.

Polystyrene concrete

The block is a monolithic structure, where the main component is high-quality cement. Used as filler quartz sand, foamed polystyrene, plasticizers that increase the strength and frost resistance of finished products.

    The best thermal insulation performance on the market. Allows you to save on heating interior spaces in winter.

    High strength. The material has high resistance against compression and bending, has virtually no shrinkage.

    Excellent vapor permeability. Walls made from such blocks have the ability to “breathe”, which is guaranteed to prevent the appearance of mold.

    Ease of installation. Blocks are easily exposed additional processing, have a large standard size and correct geometry.

    Frost resistance. The product can withstand up to 150 cycles freezing/thawing without loss of original properties.

    Direct dependence of quality on the manufacturer. Violation of manufacturing technology leads to the formation of internal microcracks.

    Difficulties interior decoration. The surface of the block has poor adhesion to plaster solutions.

    The porous structure “does not hold” nails and screws.

Polystyrene concrete blocks are considered a non-combustible material, but when exposed to high temperatures begin to release phenol, a substance harmful to human health.

Expanded clay concrete is a modern material originally from the 60s of the last century

The composition of such a block includes cement, expanded clay and sand, mixed in specified proportions. During production, the vibration pressing method is used, which provides the finished products with a fairly dense structure.

Despite the obvious disadvantages, expanded clay blocks are considered the most common building material in Russia.

Arbolite - a material made from wood chips and a mineral binder

Composite blocks created on a cement base with the addition of water, sand and sawdust. This ratio of components makes the block resistant to any aggressive environment, while finished goods have a high margin of safety.

    Thermal insulation. Analogs arbolite blocks There are no building materials on the modern market yet.

    Easy to install and manufacture. You can cope with the work on your own.

    Environmental Safety. The composition does not contain harmful or toxic components.

    Light weight. There is no need for a reliable and solid foundation.

    Reasonable price. It is considered one of the most affordable materials on the market.

    They are destroyed by prolonged exposure to a humid environment.

    Attract rodents.

    Due to its inclusion in wood, the material burns.

The blocks are not suitable for multi-storey construction, intended use: private sector.

Cinder block - it doesn't get any cheaper

The material attracts the attention of buyers with a surprisingly low price: production waste is allowed to be used in production. The products are compacted using the vibration compaction method, the main binding component being cement.

Unlike previous materials, cinder blocks are hollow and monolithic, which significantly expands the scope of their application.



    Absolutely non-flammable even with prolonged exposure to high temperatures.

    Long service life - at least 50 years without loss of original qualities.

    A wide range of. The variability of fillers allows you to select a product for any type of construction work.

    Easy to install.

    Possibility to make at home.

    Dependence on humid environment.

    It causes inconvenience when installing utilities.

    Low rates of sound and heat insulation.

    Absence environmental safety: Slag contains sulfur and acids that are harmful to health.

Given the significant disadvantages, cinder blocks are more suitable for the construction of utility buildings than residential buildings.

Ceramic block is a worthy replacement for hollow brick

An excellent alternative to regular brick. Blocks appeared on the market relatively recently, but are rapidly gaining popularity in the private construction sector. The block is based on baked clay; the finished products have a hollow, cellular structure.



    Absolute environmental safety.

    Excellent thermal insulation performance.

    Light weight.

    High level of vapor permeability.

    Reliable sound insulation of interior spaces.

    Ease of installation: the elements are joined with a tongue-and-groove locking connection.


    Unreliable ends.

    Relative fragility, which makes transportation difficult.

    Dependence on strict adherence to installation technology.

    Difficulties in interior finishing: the hollow structure will not “hold” screws and nails.

Difficulties may arise during additional processing: it will not be possible to split a ceramic block like an ordinary brick; you will have to use a grinder.

Thermally efficient blocks of Balaev

A relatively new building material, reminiscent of thermal blocks. The products have a three-layer structure:

  • filler;

Cement, water and expanded clay are used as the main components. During production, vibrocompression technology is used in combination with the pressing method. The result was a fundamentally new building material.

The material appeared on the market in 2009, so I didn’t have time to manifest myself on the negative side. However, obvious disadvantages include high cost.

Technical characteristics comparison table

Comparison of blocks by construction cost

Often, the price issue is key when choosing a building material. The chart above shows how the prices of blocks compare to each other as a percentage. The most expensive block of Balaev was taken as 100%.

Depending on the region of the country and over time, this ratio may change.

The cost of a block is not a key indicator. For example, Balaev blocks are the most expensive material, but do not require additional finishing or insulation. The final estimate for the work performed will be much lower than when constructing walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks.

Brief Conclusion

Ideal building materials do not exist in nature. Therefore, when choosing building blocks, you need to focus not only on the price of the product, but also on the scope of application and technical characteristics.

Let’s be clear right away – a small, warm house. As well as a bungalow, a hunting house, a gazebo, and a summer kitchen. When there is capital house, and it needs an extension or veranda, wooden modular briquettes... that is, bricks are just a godsend in in capable hands. As partitions, masonry made of wooden bricks also great option, as well as interior and interior partitions, niches, even “furniture” for the dacha.

Houses of two or more floors, in which wood bricks are one of the main materials, exist today, and receive mostly favorable reviews from people who lived in these houses during the winter. A house with wooden walls is much easier to warm up than a stone house, and it retains heat well. When choosing, we evaluate the heat-insulating properties of a building material first, along with strength and durability. This is understandable, because energy efficiency today is one of the main criteria for assessing a good home.

According to manufacturers, wood bricks have many of the advantages of real wood, and some qualities natural wood managed to improve significantly.

You can guess that for the production of wooden bricks, not only products in the form of finished timber are used, but also woodworking waste - broken timber, short cuts, etc. After all, the modular dimensions of the bricks allow this. Raw materials affect the price of the finished product, and it is known that wooden bricks are produced by many enterprises where the main product is serious lumber - calibrated logs and profiled timber. But in practice, the price of wooden briquettes is not always encouraging.

Wooden bricks are processed blocks of coniferous wood - spruce, pine, cedar, larch. The brick has locking grooves on all four sides, and they are computer-type. Modern equipment is high-tech, and its product - wooden brick - eliminates the error in the geometry of the lock fastenings. There is no need to talk about the importance of such precision for even, dense wall laying, everything is already clear. It is also clear that no mortar, no sealants or sealants are needed for brick and wood masonry. The brick is polished and fits groove into groove, so it is important to take this material only from trusted manufacturers. After all, inaccurate locks or loss of geometry as a result are not proper storage at an unacceptable level of humidity will negate all the benefits of assembling a “Lego set”.

The masonry is laid in rows, offset. Fixation of the locking grooves is ensured by tapping with a mallet. Dressing is required, as for all modular wall materials. The material is easy to work with, no special equipment is required. There is practically no shrinkage.

The range of sizes of wooden bricks is small, but available. The most popular “block” is 65*19*6 cm. The capabilities of the equipment and production technology can realize other sizes of bricks, almost any - at the request of the customer. This is a good plus that not all wall materials have. One of constructive solutions for walls made of wooden briquettes 65*19*6 cm - a frame with a sealant placed inside two rows.

All building materials have both advantages and vice versa. Wooden brick, how comparatively new material, it is easier to consider in a complex.

One of the main advantages is its pure composition and 100% environmental friendliness. Wood is environmentally friendly; as a home structure, wood heals, heals, and creates a comfortable microclimate. You can use 60 mm thick wooden bricks for internal cladding.

Wooden brick is processed with complete drying, and deformation of the walls is excluded both during the construction process and in further operation. It is important to store this material correctly, because moisture is the enemy of many building materials, and for bricks made of natural wood, water is simply a saboteur. The downside is the presence of handicraft products on the construction market, the shortcomings of which are revealed both during the laying process and during operation.

Making a brick from wood with your own hands is difficult, and impossible in the required quantity. Locking fasteners are complex, and it is impossible to make precise cut parameters without special equipment. You can only buy this material, and from a responsible manufacturer, with a guarantee of not only accurate assembly, but also proper storage and shipment. Improper storage leads to exceeding the permissible moisture level of wooden bricks, and ultimately to difficulties and inaccuracy in assembly and deformation of the structure.

The masonry technology is simple, the bricks are assembled like a construction set, without mortar or adhesive mixtures, “dry process”. Polished wooden blocks and grooves... the assumptions about good ventilation of the future facade, unfortunately, were justified by practice. The vapor permeability and breathing of the walls were excellent. There are reviews from owners about drafts blowing through the walls during strong winds.

Strength and load-bearing capacity are sufficient to build a house up to two floors, provided preliminary calculation for bearing capacity. But the stability of the resulting structure does not allow the construction of houses with a large number of floors without the use of a supporting frame or fastenings. The stability of the masonry is insufficient, and before starting construction, a design and load calculation are required. It is unacceptable to overload the load-bearing structures of such a house.

Good thermal protection of wood means saving energy resources in the future. For areas with cold climates this thermal protection is not enough, but for middle zone and southern regions, a house made of wood bricks will keep you warm in winter and cool in summer. Smaller houses are warmer. Precise assembly minimizes cold bridges, and wood is a warm material with good vapor permeability.

Excellent opportunities for implementing interesting architectural and planning solutions. New lines and shapes, unusual room configurations are possible. Global finishing is not required, since the bricks are sanded and have the advantageous texture of natural wood.

The walls look aesthetically pleasing, even presentable. Finishing is not needed either inside or outside (unless there is a need for additional insulation or frame). Many people love natural wood covered wax composition or odorless varnish, and wooden bricks in this form are very original. Hanging a picture or a shelf is no problem, it’s not aerated concrete.

One of the main advantages is that wood brick is a godsend for designers and architects who prefer non-standard solutions and eco-style. The combination with calibrated logs and profiled beams, clinker bricks, and natural stone creates an exclusive design with a high level of comfort and a cozy atmosphere in the home.

Ecology of consumption. Estate: House made of brick or wood? Probably, everyone who is planning to build a private house asks themselves this question at some stage, because both of these building materials have remained among the leaders among materials for building a cottage for many years.

However, now you don’t have to think for a long time when choosing what to build a house from. The ease of installation of brickwork with the reliability and environmental friendliness of wood is combined with a building material with an unusual name for many - wooden brick.

Construction from wooden blocks obtained from forest waste began in the USA more than 20 years ago. And although the craftsman who built his house in this way patented the technology, it did not receive much development due to the lack of a proven assembly method and proper equipment.

A modern version of wooden brick, which everyone chooses as a building material for their home. more people, was introduced and patented by Russian inventor Sergei Lichin in 2012.

Wooden brick is a block made from solid wood using high-precision equipment. On four sides of the block (on the ends and two masonry sides) there are special tongue-and-groove locks, which allow the bricks to be firmly connected to each other and prevent the appearance of gaps between the elements during operation. The length of wooden blocks can vary from 150 to 950 mm, the height from 100 to 150 mm, and the width from 45 to 70 mm.

The construction of a house made of wooden bricks is carried out according to the principle of hollow walls. This leads to another advantage of this building material - material consumption does not increase even when the thickness of the walls increases.

When installing walls, you can do without glue and fasteners, since the tongue-and-groove system is responsible for the strength of the structure. Building from such blocks is quite simple - the essence of the technology is the four-way connection of the blocks to each other.

It may seem that wooden brick is not such a necessary thing. Indeed, there is, for example, timber? However, wooden bricks have their own advantages.

  • Proper drying. Often wood material large section is not completely dried due to its dimensions, and the buyer has to pay for chamber drying. A relatively small block of wood dries in a shorter time.
  • Correct geometric shape . Also a consequence of properly dried wooden blocks.
  • No cracks during shrinkage of the house. The plasticity of the material will avoid cracks during shrinkage of the building due to the lack of internal stress in small parts.
  • Ease of transportation and installation. Small parts are easier to transport to the construction site. And to process them before installation, you won’t need to work with massive and expensive equipment.
  • No need to hire a whole team. Even one builder can handle the installation of wooden brick walls.
  • Aesthetic component. Façade finishing in any traditional sense is not required. But wooden blocks can be decorated with carvings and get a truly unique house with individual character.

In general, we can confidently predict that the number of houses made of wooden bricks will only increase. So is the number of houses built from different types of wood and wooden structures. published

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The debate among experts about which houses are better - wooden or frame - has been going on for a long time. We will talk about construction technology that successfully implements the main advantages of both types of houses.

Let us remind you that our magazine has covered the technology of building houses from hollow wooden blocks (HWB) more than once. In addition, we have already written about the use of DPB in the construction of a building using combined technologies. Today we bring to the attention of readers an article in which we will remind you what the DPB system is, including factory-made ones, and we will talk about new system wooden element structures (DEC, or Artidek) and its capabilities, which significantly simplify the process of creating walls, floors and even roofs, using the example of the construction of a house with a total area of ​​179 m2 by the Construction Concepts company.

Foundation for a house made of wooden blocks

The foundation of the house in question is pile-grillage, topped with a monolithic slab. To install it, holes with a diameter of 30 cm and a depth of 180 cm were drilled in the ground in increments of 90 ± 150 cm (depending on the load) and reinforcement cages were placed in them, which were then filled with class B15 concrete. Next, standard formwork was installed along the future grillage strips, and a reinforcement cage and, using concrete of the same class, they cast the strips themselves of different widths: 500 mm ± for external walls, 400 mm ± for internal walls and 300 mm ± for the porch. The height of the tapes is the same everywhere (400 mm). When the concrete hardened, the formwork was removed from “inside the house”, the space between the tapes was filled first with soil, and then with sand, and it was thoroughly compacted. Slabs of extruded polystyrene foam 50 mm thick were laid on the sand and covered with plastic film. Next, we created a two-layer frame for the future slab and, using concrete of the same class as before, cast the slab itself, 150 mm thick. On the resulting foundation, the builders erected the box of the house, combining four materials: foam concrete blocks, monolithic concrete, elements of the DPB and DEK systems. But before we talk about this process, let's figure out what both systems of building structures are.

Technology for building houses from hollow wooden blocks (HBB)

pros: Construction from wooden blocks, in our opinion, has the following advantages:

  1. the low weight of the elements (a 6 m long wall block weighs 35 kg) makes it possible to abandon the use of a crane and other heavy equipment;
  2. high factory readiness of elements, which determines both the speed of installation of structures and a high degree of their readiness for application finishing coating;
  3. Possibility of combining with others construction technologies;
  4. environmental friendliness of the materials used;
  5. absence of expensive membranes and films;
  6. vapor permeability of enclosing structures, which allows you to create the same microclimate in a house made of DEC as in a log house;
  7. high heat saving rates: if you use DEC with a width of 540 mm, then with an ecowool layer thickness of 450 mm, the enclosing contour of the house will have a calculated heat transfer resistance R0 = 11.8 m 2 *°C/W, which corresponds to the standards for a passive house.

Minuses: The technology in question has at least three disadvantages:

  1. some non-standard and unusual design;
  2. its reliability has not been tested by time;
  3. limited scope of application only to low-rise construction.

True, the first two shortcomings, as a rule, cease to be such over time.

1. Multilayer walls made of foam blocks - a 100-mm layer of sealant is sandwiched between walls 100 and 200 mm thick.
2. Using standard formwork, the builders cast concrete columns at the corners of the verandas, and then the crossbars connecting them to the walls. Further, using adjustable metal racks and standard wooden I-beams created a floor plane, on which a flooring of 18 mm thick waterproof laminated plywood was laid.
3, 4. A frame of strapping beams was laid on top of the walls, and a two-layer frame for a monolithic slab (3) and reinforcing beams with a cross-section of 250? 250 mm (the frame and beams rise above the slab reinforcement), and then, using class B15 concrete, the floor (4) was cast.
5. The brick external chimney rests on the monolithic ceiling of the first floor.
6. On the slab along the perimeter of the future walls they cast cement-sand mortar“paths” 250 mm wide and 30 mm high and laid waterproofing strips on them. The first row of DPB blocks was laid directly on the waterproofing layer and attached to the concrete with long anchor bolts. Each subsequent row of blocks was fixed to the previous one with capillary screws 250 mm long.
7. The building wooden blocks in the places where they were joined along the length were pulled together with polyester tape, which covered the embedded elements of the blocks being joined together. The gaps between the “stone” and wooden elements were filled with polyurethane foam so that it did not have to be trimmed.
8. When assembling walls using the DPB system, one of the corner blocks is installed first in place and the wall blocks are docked to its ends. Then the corner and wall blocks are pulled together using a special machine with packing tape, after which they are attached to the backing board or underlying blocks with cap screws installed in advance drilled holes. In this case, their heads are recessed into the body of the block, and the recess above the head is filled with polyurethane foam.
9, 10. You can reduce the airflow of horizontal joints in two ways: using, firstly, mounting foam (9), for which one worker tilts the still unsecured block, and the other fills the gap with foam, and secondly, the PSUL sealant, which is inserted to the central longitudinal groove each of the side lamellas (boards) of the block (10). This option is more expensive, but more reliable.
11. Wall blocks intended for corner zones, are delivered with already sawed under gusset the ends of the lamellas. When assembling, the two blocks forming the corner just need to be tightened with clamps, and then placed in a certain order in inner space blocks, cut pieces of bars with a cross-section of 45 x 90 mm and attach them to the side boards with self-tapping screws.
12,13. Zkovat (12) was blown into the wall cavity. In the grooves at the ends of the blocks forming window openings, inserted casing bars and attached jute strips (13) to the lamellas.
14. Work on the construction of the roof began by installing a ridge beam, and along the “stone” walls there was a glued triangular mauerlat, securing it with screw studs. Each DEC element was attached with self-tapping screws, first to the ridge, then to the Mauerlat.
15,16. To prevent the roofing elements from moving horizontally, they were tied together with polyester tape (15). The DEKs forming the roof outlets were secured to the cavity dowels inserted into the structures, and then the collected sloping wool was filled (16). 17.18. Along the slopes, with a pitch of 600 mm, a “perforated” counter-lattice (made of 40*40 mm bars) was nailed, which determined the height (80 mm) of the ventilated gap, and a flooring of OSB boards (17) was created on top. A continuous waterproofing carpet was created on the slopes; at the top of the roof, between the OSB flooring slabs, a gap (18) was left; it will be covered by a ventilated ridge created using construction methods.
19. Special attention the builders paid attention to tightness roofing structure. They coated the joints of the OSB boards with bitumen mastic and sealed the junctions of the roof ventilation elements with the flooring.
20-22. The walls were leveled from the inside using plaster (20). The gaps at the junction of the wooden elements with the “stone” and with each other were filled with foam (21). Internal partitions were erected from tongue-and-groove slabs 80 mm thick (22)
23. The walls enclosing the staircase opening were built two tongue-and-groove blocks thick.
24. Electric installation work carried out after completion of general construction and finishing works.
25. The outside walls were plastered, and then a decorative “fur coat” coating was applied on top.

We are building a house

Now that we have dealt with the DPB and DEK systems, let’s return to the story about construction, most of which is illustrated with photographs with captions. The frame of the house was built using a combined technology. The walls of the first floor, as well as partly in the attic, were built from foam blocks and made multi-layered to retain heat in the rooms: between the thin outer wall and the load-bearing wall internal wall placed a layer of mineral wool insulation. Every two rows the masonry was reinforced metal mesh. The first floor was crowned with a monolithic ceiling. For the walls of the second floor (more precisely, for the gables of the house), hollow wall blocks of the DPB system were used (with the exception of corner blocks).

The roof was assembled using roofing elements of the DEK system, which made it possible to install it in just two working days. Agree, such a high installation speed is another compelling argument in favor of this technology.

It should be noted that the roofing elements of the DEK system can be laid not only on “stone walls” topped with a special triangular mauerlat (as in the construction of this house), but also on those assembled from wall elements of the DEK or DPB system, for which in the lower part roofing elements DEK, even during their manufacture, a special docking unit is created.

How was DEK insulated?

Methods for insulating structures assembled from hollow blocks were improved along with them. So, initially, walls assembled from DPB were insulated with nothing more than air. Today, the authors of the technology have come to the conclusion that there is simply no better material for insulating DEC than ecowool. What explains this?

Ecowool consists mainly of short cellulose fibers with 12% addition of fire retardant ( boric acid), which allows the material to be classified as moderately flammable (flammability group ± G2), and with 7% ± antiseptic (borax and borates), which, by the way, protects not only the material itself, but also the wooden surfaces in contact with it from rotting, and also prevents rodents from making nests in it. Ecowool is made from waste paper without synthetic binders, so it is environmentally friendly, does not cause allergies and is quite cheap (from 1800 rubles per 1 m 3).

The fibrous structure gives the material remarkable qualities. Its thermal conductivity is ± 0.032+ 0.038 W/(m °C), which is not much less than the best mineral wool. Vapor permeability and soundproofing properties± high, but air permeability, on the contrary, is small. It is these properties that allow the constructed building to breathe, just like a house made of solid wood (logs, beams, etc.). It is also useful that, having absorbed even 20% of water (by volume), the material almost does not reduce its thermal insulation characteristics. Even if you wet it through, when it dries, it will completely restore its thermal insulation properties.

The disadvantage of ecowool is the same as that of all insulation materials - the inability to withstand mechanical loads, therefore it must be placed between two rigid structural elements (which is exactly what is ensured in the construction option using DEC). But how to place it in the resulting cavities? This can easily be done using mobile spraying units, in which the material is first fluffed up and then fed into the air with a stream of air. Right place via a flexible hose. At the same time, ecowool penetrates into all the cracks, covering the structure with a continuous carpet. During operation, it almost does not settle, which is required in in this case. The density of the applied material depends on the pressure of the air supplied with it, and depending on the area of ​​application, it can be changed from 30 to 70 kg per 1 m 3.

About communications

An undoubted advantage of installation load-bearing structures from hollow blocks is the ability to make communications invisible. In this case, it is best to lay electrical cables at the stage of erecting walls, ceilings and roofs before filling them with ecowool.

  • History of invention
  • What is wood brick?

There are not so many materials for the construction of wooden houses. But scientists are thinking about new products. So in America, a method of small wooden blocks was patented. Our compatriot improved and modified wooden bricks and even built such a house. Wooden brick may be an innovation that will change the way we look at wooden houses and make construction inexpensive and quick. What kind of material is this, and what kind of wooden buildings can be assembled from it?

History of invention

High technologies in woodworking and design have changed modern wooden houses. Among the most important, it can be noted, diversity architectural solutions, comfort, construction assembly time, reduced labor costs, etc. Domestic wooden houses, despite their high cost, are becoming more and more interesting to buyers. New technologies wooden house construction are interesting not only here, but also abroad: Europe, America, Japan.

It was patented in America more than 20 years ago new method when the walls are assembled from small wooden blocks. Waste from a local timber processing factory was used for production, and high tech weren't even used. But the inventor built a house from such bricks and the innovation was not developed further. There was no widespread publicity for a number of reasons:

  1. The assembly method was not worked out, it is clear that the author assembled the walls simply by selection, for luck;
  2. The purpose of such an assembly: to reduce the cost of personal construction without pursuing ambitious and greedy interests;
  3. It was not possible to introduce the technology into production due to the lack of proper equipment; we remind you that this was 20 years ago;
  4. No one bothered to promote this invention, and the technology caused mistrust among specialists.

IN modern world An analogue of the invention is already used in domestic and European industry, for example, the Baltic Architect enterprise began producing similar bricks in 2013. But the invention was truly patented in Russia by a simple architect who was looking for a method to simplify and reduce the cost of wooden house construction by Sergei Aleksandrovich Lichin in 2012.

What is wood brick?

Wooden bricks are made from solid wood on high-precision machines. The block dimensions can be from 150 to 950 mm in length and 100 or 150 mm in height. The design is a block profiled on four sides with comb-shaped locks in a wave-like shape at the ends of the edges and on two technical sides. The profile depth can be 45 or 70 mm.

This design makes it possible to firmly connect the parts to each other and not separate during operation. And comb-shaped locks prevent wind and cold air from penetrating inside, making the walls airtight.

The method of assembling the walls is also interesting, since for any wall thickness the material consumption will be the same.

What horizons does the use of wooden bricks reveal?

  1. Often, material with a larger cross-section is not completely dried, and the buyer overpays for chamber drying. The wooden brick parts are small and drying will take a short time. When purchasing small parts, you can expect that the buyer will receive chamber drying.
  2. There will be practically no internal stress in small parts, so the walls will not crack when the house shrinks.
  3. Dried bricks do not lose their correct geometric shape.
  4. Production is less expensive, since it is easy to select the required part of the array for production.
  5. For processing small wooden parts no need for expensive and massive equipment. And it’s easier to transport small parts to the construction site.
  6. There is no need to hire a large team to assemble a house. Even one master can handle laying small blocks.
  7. Small parts make it possible to assemble the wall yourself complex shape with multiple angles and slopes.
  8. Can be made from timber production residues.

Specifics of assembling log walls from wooden blocks

Assembling walls from wooden bricks can also be called an invention. The log house is made according to the principle of hollow walls. Installation takes place along a continuous multi-tiered chain, with binding. Wooden spacers with profiled ends are placed in the void between two walls. Spacers serve as a link between the outer and inner walls of the house. They are attached in a certain sequence and in necessary places.

The walls need to be assembled on a support beam, which is placed on the foundation. The first tier is attached to the beam using clamping bars. The pressure bars are connected to metal plates on which the tensioners are attached.

Tensioners in the design can be track or rod. They are mounted inside the structure and create additional vertical load. From below, the tensioner is attached to the foundation using anchor bolts. The tensioners are installed after the log walls have been completely assembled.

This new design provides certain qualities of a wooden frame:

  1. During installation there is no need to use adhesives, spacer insulation or fasteners. The tightness of the connection is ensured by comb profiles, and the vertical loads are adjusted by tensioners. They also add stability to the walls.

  2. There is no need to install additional frames under windows and doors, since the design is made of internal partitions and small wooden bricks creates a base of solid wood that will not sag or warp.
  3. If you increase the size of the internal void in the wall, the wall thickness will change from 300 to 600 mm. At the same time, the consumption of wooden bricks will not change.
  4. For production, you can use wood from any tree. And when assembling, for example, a sauna, you can make the inner part of the wall from expensive larch, and the outer part from pine. At the same time, the internal space reduces heat loss by 2-3 times, so any type of wood can be used for construction.
  5. The void in the hay provides an additional opportunity to easily hide wiring or water pipes. And even sawdust can be used as insulation.
  6. If there is a difference in temperature in the house and outside, a displacement of the inner and outer walls relative to each other may occur, as, for example, with a double beam system. But this will not happen when using wooden bricks, since a special gap in the profile of 10-20 mm protects the walls from deformation load. Another addition against deformation is internal struts near window and door openings.

Using high technology, you can virtually design any shape of a wooden block and assemble a house or bathhouse project from it. Wood blocks can be produced from waste from any wood processing industry. Several companies that have picked up the idea of ​​building houses from wooden bricks offer several options for this product. Differences can be in profile type, size, both in length and width, and there are no restrictions here.

Sennas made of wooden bricks can be additionally decorated with artistic carvings or left smooth by covering them with varnish. But the appearance of cracks and crevices, unlike profiled or simple timber You don’t have to wait, both outside and inside the house. And how durable such structures are can be found out a few years later, when production will be established in all cities and houses made of wooden bricks will be as popular as those made of timber.


What blocks are used to build the walls of a house and their brief characteristics

One of the most common types cellular concrete. It is characterized by closed pores, as a result of which it absorbs moisture very poorly. Natural materials are used in the production of blocks - lime, Portland cement, water and quartz sand. Aluminum powder is used as a gas generator.

After mixing the components in a certain proportion, the raw materials are placed in molds and loaded into autoclaves, where they are exposed to high-pressure water vapor. There they harden over a certain period of time and acquire their main properties - dimensional accuracy, low weight, and fairly high density.

In addition to autoclave hardening, blocks can be made from the same material by natural drying in the open air. In terms of their parameters, they are significantly inferior to the first.

Based on their purpose, the blocks are divided into:

  • thermal insulation;
  • structural and thermal insulation;
  • structural.

Their differences are in compressive strength, thermal conductivity and density.
Block sizes - 600x200-300x80-400 mm (LxHxW). The shape of the blocks can be different. For construction load-bearing walls blocks with groove/ridge surface relief are used. Partitions and secondary walls are built from ordinary rectangular blocks with smooth edges. U-shaped ones are used for installing reinforced belts and lintels over door or window openings.

A type of cellular concrete. It is made from sand, cement and water with the addition of foaming agents. In the form of loose foam, the raw material is poured into molds for finished blocks or into large-volume formwork structures. After hardening for 10 - 12 hours, the collapsible molds are opened and the foam blocks are removed for further hardening.

If the blocks are produced using cutting technology, then the massive block is kept in the formwork for several hours (4-10), then it is removed and the workpiece is cut into smaller blocks of appropriate sizes using special steel strings, chain or band saws.

In terms of its frost resistance density, foam concrete can be compared with aerated concrete, but it is inferior in strength and precision of shape. According to their properties, they are suitable for the construction of houses no higher than three floors. But in a monolithic reinforced concrete construction To fill the openings between the load-bearing parts of the frame, foam concrete is in great demand because of its lightness.

Ceramic blocks

They are made from the same material as ordinary bricks - clay and water. The blanks are fired in furnaces and receive a given hardness. But at a much larger size than regular brick, the blocks are almost half the weight. This is determined not only by the fact that the block has through voids, but also by the fact that when preparing the raw material, clay is mixed with sawdust or other flammable material. During the firing process, impurities burn out and the material becomes porous, and therefore lighter.

Standard dimensions of a ceramic block are 250 – 510x250-380x219 mm. Large sizes allow masonry to be carried out twice or even three times faster than brickwork. Lighter walls allow you to save on the foundation, and the porous structure saves on insulation.

Houses of any number of floors are built from ceramic blocks. Here the material is used for external and internal load-bearing walls, partitions, and filling openings.

Another type of block, relatively little known to non-specialists in the construction business. At its technical essence, wood concrete is a large-cell concrete in which seemingly incompatible materials such as wood and cement are combined. During production, wood chips are mixed with a cement-sand mixture, diluted to a semi-liquid state, and poured into molds.

This lightweight and durable material is used to produce:

  • thermal insulation boards;
  • mixtures for pouring into formwork on site;
  • masonry blocks;
  • large-format mounting blocks.

For the construction of buildings, blocks of the standard 500x300x200 mm are used, but other sizes can be found on sale - they are regulated by GOST 19222-84, but many manufacturers produce blocks according to specifications developed at the enterprise itself. But well-known factories strive to produce material in standard size, or a multiple of it - this facilitates and speeds up the process of building walls.

For the production of blocks, chips measuring 40×10×5 mm (maximum) are used. Some unscrupulous manufacturers use bark, shavings, and straw along with wood chips, or even instead of them. But such blocks do not meet the requirements for wood concrete and can only be used for the construction of utility structures.

In addition to the main raw materials, wood concrete also uses various chemical additives, increasing the strength and water resistance of products. These additives neutralize compounds present in the wood that prevent the mortar from adhering to the wood chips. As a result of chemical treatment, the tree receives a level of adhesion to cement no worse than that of crushed stone or gravel.

The most commonly used additives are:

  • liquid glass;
  • calcium chloride;
  • sulphate aluminas;
  • slaked lime.

In the industrial production method, the mixture is poured into molds and pressed using vibration. With precise dosage of components and the correct choice of vibration mode, the blocks are uniform in density throughout the entire volume. According to this parameter, two types of wood concrete are produced - structural, with a density of 500 to 850 kg/m3, and thermal insulation, unsuitable for load-bearing structures. Its density is in the range of 300 – 500 kg/m3.

Wall blocks made of expanded clay concrete are produced by vibration casting into ready-made molds. The raw materials are cement, expanded clay and sand or dolomite. A classic block, manufactured according to GOST 6133-99, contains up to 50% expanded clay and about 50% cement. Such blocks are used for the construction of walls and partitions, filling openings of frame structures.

The dimensions of the blocks are 390x190x185 mm or 390x190x90 mm, which allows construction to be carried out very quickly. The cavities inside the blocks act as stiffeners, reduce weight and increase heat-saving properties. One of the walls, perpendicular to the direction of the cavities, is solid, which allows you to reduce the consumption of the solution by laying the blocks in the wall with the holes down.

Depending on the fillers and the expanded clay/cement proportion, a standard block can weigh from 9 to 21 kg, density - from 500 to 1800 kg/m3. Blocks are used in load-bearing walls of houses up to 3 floors only with the installation of an armored belt and reinforced concrete frame. But the main scope of application is partitions, filling frames, fences, fencing, outbuildings.

Comparison of blocks used for the construction of walls

All types of wall blocks can be used in construction, observing certain restrictions inherent in one or another type. In order for the picture of which blocks to build a house to become clearer, it is necessary not only to talk about each type separately, but also to carry out a comparative analysis of them according to the main parameters.

The most significant characteristics are as follows:

Basic data on building materials is given in the table:

Block type Density, kg/m 3 Mass in the wall Water absorption,% Thermal conductivity, t/M*k Frost resistance Strength
Gas block
300 — 1200 100 — 900 20 — 25 0,1 — 0,4 35 0,5 — 25
Foam block
300 — 1200 100 — 900 10 — 16 0,1 — 0,4 35 0,25 — 12,5
Expanded clay concrete block
300 — 1500 900 — 1000 50 0,15 — 0,45 25 — 75 50- 150

500 — 900 300 — 700 75 — 85 0,2 — 0,3 25 20 — 50
Ceramic block
700 — 900 600 — 800 12 — 15 0,1 — 0,2 50 2,5 — 25


Strength refers to the ability to withstand external physical compression. The main indicator is the brand. It shows the maximum load in kg/cm2 that the material can withstand before failure begins. For example, M-175 shows that a load of 175 kg/cm 2 can cause material damage. For comparison, the brand of brick in multi-storey buildings must be at least M150, in single-story buildings - M100. Of the blocks, expanded clay concrete blocks have the greatest strength. The only problem is that these blocks are often produced in artisanal conditions and due to savings, not all manufacturers can provide the specified strength.

Frost resistance

The frost resistance of Mrz is indicated by a number that shows the number of cycles of complete freezing and thawing of the material that it can withstand before the destruction of the internal structure begins. As a rule, the material in the wall does not completely freeze even in severe winters, so the indicator can be considered relative. Level Мрз 35 is quite acceptable for middle latitudes. Most types of blocks correspond to this indicator.


Density is the weight of a unit volume of material, measured in kg/m3. The important parameter is that the pressure of the wall on the foundation depends on it, and, therefore, the need for a lighter or heavier foundation. It is best to use blocks with a density higher than 800 kg/m 3 as a material for the construction of load-bearing walls. On the one hand, the higher the density, the better the strength of the material and the walls built from it. But density also has a downside. The higher it is, the greater the thermal conductivity of the material, which means more funds will be required to insulate the house.

Thermal conductivity

Thermal conductivity - shows at what speed the heat flow is transmitted through the thickness of the material. The higher the thermal conductivity, the less heat it can retain in the house and the thicker the insulation must be installed on the walls. The warmest materials are considered to be aerated concrete and foam concrete. Almost all types of blocks have both thermal insulation, structural and structural options. Each variety has its own area of ​​application.

Moisture absorption

This parameter shows the ability of the material to absorb a certain amount of moisture. When compared with brick, this indicator for all types of blocks is not at the highest level. That is why walls built from all types of blocks need external finishing with facade materials.

But, even after comparing the data in the table, to make a final conclusion about what types of blocks are better for building a house, it is necessary to take into account such important parameter, as the cost of the entire process. In this case, it is necessary to take into account such significant cost items as the cost of the foundation, insulation, reinforcement, and external finishing. Sometimes cheaper units turn out to be much more expensive when the costs of their purchase and the costs of installation and additional operations are fully calculated.


You can determine which blocks are best to build a house from by studying all technological processes their installation and the phenomena occurring in the wall after construction. For example, attention is rarely paid to such an important thing as shrinkage. Among all the materials mentioned, walls made of aerated concrete and foam blocks are the most susceptible to this rather unpleasant, but predictable phenomenon.

Expanded clay concrete and ceramic blocks, which in this parameter are equal to ordinary bricks, practically do not shrink. Wood concrete has a very low degree of shrinkage, but only if it is of really high quality. This parameter is determined by the properties of the material, but if the masonry technology is violated, then shrinkage can be expected from any material, up to the appearance of cracks on the walls.

Foundation type

According to the type of foundation required for the construction of a low-rise building, all blocks require strip monolithic foundations medium depth. This is one of the most economical foundations, if you consider the cost of its installation in relation to strength and durability.

If you build walls from foam blocks and wood concrete up to 40 cm thick, you can make a grillage foundation on screw piles. But this type of foundation must take into account the type of exterior decoration. If it is made of facing brick, then the foundation must still be made as a strip or a solid concrete slab must be poured.

When laying walls, mesh reinforcement is done using all types of blocks; an armored belt is poured under the ceiling along the entire perimeter, above window and doorways- standard factory lintels or cast concrete.

Construction speed

Construction from blocks compared to brick is faster, even taking into account the time spent on additional operations in the form of masonry reinforcement.

Exterior finishing

One of the most expensive operations. Almost everything is used here known variants- from a “wet” facade with insulation, to a ventilated one and facing with brick, siding, lining. When installing external finishing, gas blocks and foam blocks require a ventilation space - the high vapor permeability of the materials requires the removal of excess moisture from the wall.

Expanded clay concrete and ceramic blocks are in best harmony with brick facades and plaster, they are most consistent with these materials both in terms of physical and chemical characteristics and technology of application.

Construction cost

You can determine which blocks are better for building a house by simply calculating the costs for the entire construction cycle. If we take the cost of brickwork from ordinary solid brick as 100%, then the cost of one meter of cubic blocks with external finishing homogeneous materials will be:

Obviously, the use of blocks is beneficial in any case - in addition to winning money, they give double advantage in construction time, which also results in significant cost savings.


General information

Wood and brick is a classic combination that builders have been using for a long time; in particular, lining a wooden house with brick is a common operation. In brick houses they often use wooden beams ceilings and other elements. But wood brick is truly a novelty on the building materials market.

True, in America, the method of assembling houses from small blocks was patented more than twenty years ago. Then waste from a timber processing factory was used to make them.

The inventor built himself a house from the blocks, but this innovation did not gain further distribution.

This is due to many reasons:

  • The method of assembling the structure was not worked out - the inventor assembled the walls using the method of selecting blocks.
  • It was not possible to organize the production of the material due to the lack of proper equipment.
  • The purpose of the development was to reduce personal construction costs.

As a result, no one began to promote this invention, since this technology did not inspire confidence among specialists. And in 2012, a Russian architect, looking for a way to reduce the cost and simplify wooden house construction, returned to the topic of using small blocks and came up with wooden bricks.

What is wood brick


The material in question is made from solid wood on high-precision modern machines. The dimensions of such blocks are as follows:

Externally, the block is a beam, profiled on four sides with a comb-shaped lock. The depth of the ridges can range from 45 to 70 mm.

As for the type of wood, it can be very different. This even allows you to combine panels from different species, for example, when building a bathhouse. The inner wall can be made of linden or larch, and the outer wall can be made of cheaper pine.


This material has many advantages.

Below we consider the main ones:

  • It simplifies construction, since you can lay the blocks yourself.
  • There is no internal tension inside the small panel, so the walls of the house will not crack.
  • Drying the material takes less time, thanks to which well-dried blocks do not lose their shape.
  • The transportation and unloading of blocks is simplified.
  • Small panels allow you to assemble walls of complex shapes.
  • Low price due to the fact that the blocks are often made from remnants of timber production.

Construction Features

The assembly of walls in this case is also a kind of invention - houses are built according to the principle of hollow walls. Assembly is carried out along a multi-tiered continuous chain.

Spacers with profiled ends are placed in the space between the two walls. Spacers connect the outer and inner walls of the house. Moreover, they are installed strictly in certain places.

The basis for assembling walls is the supporting wooden beam, which is installed on the foundation. The first crown of the walls is attached to the beam using pressure bars and tensioners, which can be rod or track.

In order for the house to be durable, it is necessary to properly perform the foundation and its waterproofing.
To do this, several layers of roofing material are laid on top of the foundation, after which a brickwork under a wooden house, which serves as a plinth.

From below, the tensioner is attached to the foundation with anchor bolts. Moreover, they are installed after the walls of the house are assembled.

It should be noted that when assembling such houses there is no need to use seals between the crowns or lay insulation, since the tightness is achieved thanks to a comb-shaped lock. Vertical loads are regulated by tensioners, which give the walls stability.

When building any wooden houses, it is necessary to comply with fire safety rules, especially when installing chimneys in a wooden house.
Metal or brick pipe in a wooden house should not touch walls, ceilings or other surfaces.

At the same time, the house turns out warm, thanks to double wall, and cute. Therefore, after erecting the box, you do not need to think about how to cover a wooden house with bricks or decorate the facade with other material.

The only drawback of this technology is that it can only be used for permanent buildings - houses, outbuildings etc. If you need a wooden extension to brick house, for example, a veranda, then for these purposes it is better to use traditional timber.

The fact is that a wooden veranda attached to a brick house with your own hands in most cases has a frame structure. But, even if you make its walls solid, certain difficulties will still arise when using blocks.

But attaching a brick structure to such a house will be possible without any problems. Moreover, there are several ways to connect a wooden house with brick extension. Most often, reinforcement is used for this, which is driven into the walls and then laid into the masonry, which allows you to obtain a securely connected structure.

Often, novice craftsmen are interested in how to do it. wooden extension to a brick house with your own hands?
This design can be made both on columnar and strip foundation.
In this case, adjacent elements are attached to brick wall dowel-nails.

This is, perhaps, all the basic information about wooden bricks and the construction of houses from them.


Wood bricks are promising modern material. Its main advantage is the cost-effectiveness of production. In addition, small blocks are more convenient to construct and provide more options for architects.

Get more useful information on the topic discussed can be found in the video in this article.


What are the features of wood bricks?

Wooden brick is a block that looks similar to ceramic brick. The block has almost the same dimensions and proportions, but there are locking connections on four of its sides, which are used for fastening. The blocks are well polished, their surface is smooth and shiny. All this makes it possible to abandon the façade cladding. The wall turns out to be extraordinarily beautiful; it literally shimmers in the light, like it’s varnished. The color of the wood can be different, it all depends on what kind of material was chosen for manufacturing. It is possible to combine blocks, but you need to pay attention to the strength of such a connection.

There is no need to use special means to attach brick to wood. This is one of the main advantages of the material.

The absence of gaskets and mortar makes the cost of the structure lower, but the strength is not the best. Therefore, experts do not recommend using blocks for the construction of massive and large buildings. But small country house or a gazebo will turn out beautiful and reliable.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden bricks

The wood itself is of high quality and durable material with excellent characteristics, but its use for making bricks is still controversial. Of the undeniable advantages of this material, it should be noted:

  1. The brick is resistant to deformation, which is made possible by strict control of drying and further processing.
  2. The cost of bricks is low, such a house will be inexpensive.
  3. Wooden bricks are made only from natural wood. It is environmentally friendly, has numerous beneficial properties, and creates an optimal microclimate in the house.
  4. During operation it does not emit any harmful or toxic substances at all.
  5. The thermal insulation characteristics of the house are not bad, although it should not be used in harsh climates; it simply cannot withstand such use.
  6. Assembly is quick; no mortar, connectors, gaskets or other fasteners are used during installation.
  7. The choice of sizes and shapes of bricks is varied; you can buy smooth ordinary material, but there are also beautiful bricks with decorative edges.
  8. It is possible to build a variety of structures, which is a clear advantage over frame houses.

Not everything is as rosy as it might seem: brick and wood also have disadvantages that prevent the blocks from being used so widely today. Among these disadvantages are:

  1. A house made of such material is suitable only for warm and temperate climate, it is completely unsuitable for cold areas. This is especially true for the harsh climate of the North, where ordinary log houses showed their best side.
  2. Construction requires a carefully drawn up project - otherwise the house will simply fall apart, its walls will not withstand all the loads. It is compiled by a professional designer, and this requires certain costs.

The disadvantages are not so numerous, but even the low cost of construction and the lack of need facade finishing rarely outweighs them. Experts advise looking for a completely different option for a large estate, for example, ordinary timber.

How are wooden bricks made?

Wooden brick is rectangular block, which in appearance really resembles a small ceramic block, its proportions are almost the same, but the dimensions can vary greatly. On four sides of the block, special locking grooves and tenons are cut out on machines, with the help of which fastening is carried out. Usually the width is about 7 cm, but the length can vary, ranging from 31 cm to several meters.

Is it possible to make wooden bricks with your own hands? They are produced only in workshop conditions, since you can provide them with your own hands required quality difficult.

For this, only the highest quality wood is used, most often these are pre-treated boards from pine, spruce, cedar, and larch is also used. Before starting work, all wooden blanks are placed in special bags, then placed in large drying units.

Precise control over the moisture level of the material is important, which should reach a value of strictly 12%. At home, such accuracy is almost impossible to achieve.

After that on special machines processing, milling of grooves and tenons is carried out. If necessary, decorative designs or edges are immediately applied to the front surface. Next, the bricks undergo grinding. It provides a beautiful and smooth surface, which is inherent only in natural wood.



Houses made of wooden bricks are free from all the disadvantages that appear in houses built from wood. natural humidity, and there are also environmental advantages over laminated veneer lumber.

Wooden brick has no deformation, shrinkage, or wall cracks. Wooden brick has high quality surfaces comparable to furniture quality.

Dry wooden brick has less weight than material with natural moisture. This fact makes it possible to simplify the design of the foundation and seriously reduce the costs of its construction.

The small weight and size of wooden bricks makes it possible not to use cranes, forklifts and heavy equipment during transportation and on the construction site.

So, do wooden bricks have no disadvantages at all?

Alas, of course, this is not the case. You cannot start construction without a well-developed project, otherwise the walls may simply fall under the influence of loads. It is also not recommended to build multi-story buildings and houses from it. large area- such structures will be unstable. Well, if your region has a harsh climate, then wooden bricks simply won’t suit you - the house will turn out to be quite cold.

Many home craftsmen will wonder - is it possible to make such wooden bricks at home? Experts are quite skeptical about such an initiative. After all, many specific and rather high requirements are imposed on the material, and even on the product itself, which are very problematic and sometimes even impossible to meet in a home workshop. And the plant has high-precision milling and grinding equipment.

Only allowed by professionals DIY installation wooden bricks, but with mandatory compliance following rules: the brick is laid in a row; compliance with the order is mandatory; the block is laid edgewise on the lock; Both the outer and inner rows require transverse ligation every 3 blocks.

In this case, the dressing material is the same as the one from which the masonry is made; the matching of the dressing with the bricks of the bottom row is not allowed. It must be regularly shifted by 0.5 bricks.


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