Stool drawing explosive diagram. Folding stool

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A stool is an integral element, a must-have fixture in any home. It cannot be called too expensive or rare a thing to be taken on. hand made, but a DIY stool is sure to be more durable and elegant than a standard product from any store. This is what we will talk about today.

As with any more or less serious work, you need to be well prepared to create a stool.

List of required tools

The first step is to prepare all the tools that may be useful to you. You need to prepare different tools, as we will look at various photos stools from which you can do the work yourself.

The list looks something like this:

  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • sandpaper, and ideally a grinding machine;
  • fine-toothed hacksaw;
  • pencil;
  • ruler or corner.

Materials for making a stool

In addition to tools, of course, you will also need materials for making a stool. Their list can be limited to the following points:

  • marker;
  • roulette;
  • beam;
  • slats;
  • plywood
  • foam;
  • textile;
  • buttons, nails, screws.

Possible stool options

Since stools are considered a fairly common option for seating, there are many varieties of them. We believe that it is necessary to consider the most convenient and popular ones in order to know for sure what you can make with your own hands.

The most popular options are below:

  • in the form of an ordinary chair;
  • a small stool suitable for balconies and for use as a stand. Often has a height of no more than 25 centimeters;
  • stool with soft upholstery. Reminds me regular stool in the form of a chair, but thanks to the presence soft upholstery, it is often used in modern kitchens;
  • folding option. The well-known folding stool on which grandmothers sit at markets, fishermen at fishing and summer residents at their dachas.

To dot the i's, we suggest you look at the photos of the stools that we have included in the classification.

The stool that we want to look at first is ideal for both the kitchen and glass loggia, where you can sit down to relax and drink tea. It will have crossed legs, fastened with timber for greater structural stability. The seat of the stool will be covered with fabric, under which there will be foam rubber. This soft stool will be the perfect seat in any kitchen.

Naturally, in order to do everything properly, it is not enough just to follow the instructions, you need to carefully study the drawing, which we recommend that you do.

Characteristics of the bars

To make a stool, we need to prepare the bars. Their characteristics will be as follows:

  • the length of the bars from which the legs will be made is 48 centimeters;
  • the location of the intersection of the legs is 24 centimeters from either side.

Making a wooden stool

Making legs and base

The first thing you need to tackle is the legs of your future stool. Let's get down to business:

  1. Take a pre-prepared timber and saw off 4 special pieces from it, the length of which will be 60 centimeters.
  2. Make cuts that will be directed at the correct angle of 45 degrees.
  3. Use a special miter box to saw off the legs, which can guarantee you absolutely accurate correct angle. This way you won’t waste valuable materials or redo work that was done incorrectly.
  4. After making four legs, they need to be fastened in pairs.
  5. Make special grooves located at the intersection of the legs. Keep the groove depth to half the width of the leg.
  6. When the grooves are made, the legs must be installed in them extremely accurately, without going beyond the boundaries. As a result, you will get a cross-shaped blank. Or rather, there will be two of them.
  7. It's time to work on the stability and strength of the future chair. To do this, you need to make a special beam that fastens the crosspieces of the legs together. The length of the beam will be the same as your future stool. And if you make a stool, the diagram of which was posted above, the size of the beam should be 60 centimeters.
  8. Prepare special grooves for the heads of the screws that will hold the fastening beam on both sides of the cross legs.
  9. Fasten the crosspieces together by screwing the groove to their centers with screws.
  10. Fill the grooves for the screw heads with wood filler so that the fastening points are not visible.
  11. But strengthening the legs in the area where they cross is not enough. You also need to fasten them with bars at the top. Similarly, use the screws (2 for each of the crosses) that secure the bars equal length on the parts of the legs located on top, cut at an angle of 45 degrees.
  12. Seal the screw holes to make them invisible.

The legs are ready and all you have to do is paint their base in the color you like best.

Performing sitting

When making a stool for the kitchen, a soft seat is something that must be present in its design. Luckily, it's not that difficult to make.

In order to make a durable seat, you need plywood. Its thickness is not too important, but a thickness of less than 12 millimeters is not recommended, since such a seat will be too flimsy.

Let's get down to business:

  1. Take a circular saw, a jigsaw or a good old saw and use them to cut a rectangular piece of plywood, the dimensions of which will correspond to the dimensions of the chair base. In our case, it is 60 by 40 centimeters.
  2. Take scissors and cut a piece of foam rubber the size of equal to size the seat itself.
  3. Next cut cushioning material. As for its size, it should exceed the size of the seat itself by about 30 percent. Such a reserve is made in order to allow future fastening of the material under the seat.
  4. Arrange the prepared materials in the following sequence: fabric, foam rubber, plywood.
  5. Fold the corners of the material under the lid of the future stool.
  6. Take the material that will serve as the upholstery for your chair. It must be placed on top of the seat, and with bottom side attach using special buttons. Buttons with plastic caps are ideal. They look quite aesthetically pleasing, while holding the material in place very securely.

Congratulations, the part you will sit on in the future can also be considered ready.

Assembling a wooden stool with your own hands

Finally, the few details of the future stool, your own production, have been assembled.

But by “assembled,” we mean they are manufactured. And now they have to actually be assembled so that the stool can be used.

Let's say right away that the work is very simple. All you need to do is attach the finished base to the seat.

  1. Take suitable screws.
  2. With their help, attach the seat to the base of the future stool.
  3. Use 2 screws on each side.
  4. If desired, you can mask the heads of the screws with wood filler.

Your kitchen stool is manufactured and ready for long, reliable service.

DIY folding stool

Everyone knows what a folding stool is, and this has been known, by the way, for a very long time. This indispensable assistant fishing, outdoors, this is something you can’t do without at the dacha. And instead of going to the market and spending money on a stool of suspicious quality, you can also make it yourself.

Stool: dimensions and drawing

The design of such a folding chair is painfully simple, but still, you need to use the drawings so that everything comes out clearly and without unnecessary snags. That's why we offer you the ideal drawing for your consideration.

Necessary materials

To create everyone necessary elements separately and assembling them into a single whole in the end, you will need the following devices:

  1. Completely identical bars in the amount of 4 pieces. Their parameters should be 47 by 4 and 2 centimeters in length, width, and thickness, respectively.
  2. Overhead pedestals with parameters of length, width and thickness - 32, by 4, by 2 centimeters.
  3. There are four crossbars under the seats. Dimensional parameters are the same as for the pedestals.
  4. The bars that will act as a seat. You also need four of them. The length is 35 centimeters and the thickness is 2 centimeters. As for their width, 2 bars should be 6 centimeters each, and another 2 should be 9 centimeters each.
  5. Bolts – 6 pcs. The length of the bolts should not exceed 4 centimeters including the head. The diameter should be 6 mm.
  6. Self-tapping screws of 45-50 millimeters.

How to make a stool from prepared materials

When all the materials and tools have been collected, you need to start making the chair.

  1. The very first thing you will need to do is place the axle bolts. They are attached to the legs of the chair, but not in the middle of each of them. This is a misconception about securing the bolts in the center. In this case, the stool will turn out to be high and will not differ in stability characteristics. It is recommended to drill the bolt holes towards the top of the legs.
  2. When drilling a hole for a bolt, do not forget that its head must be recessed into the hole. Consider this moment.
  3. Attach the crossbars under the seat to the upper ends of the stool legs using bolts. Please note that there are four crossbars, and two of them must be connected to the inner legs, and two more to the outer ones.
  4. If assembled correctly, you will have two hinged parts.
  5. These parts must be connected using wide bars for seating. But do not forget to leave small overhangs of 1.5 to 2 centimeters.
  6. The bars are fastened in the following way: one of the bars is attached to the ends of the internal crossbars, and another one is attached to the two external partitions.
  7. Now you need to install the pedestals. They are installed at a distance of 10 centimeters from the bottom of the legs. After correct marking and installation, they should be secured using pre-prepared self-tapping screws.
  8. Moving on to the next step, you will need to secure the middle bars. This operation must be performed slowly, having thought through and calculated all the points. This is because it is very painstaking work. How convenient and freely your future stool will be assembled/disassembled will depend on the correct installation of the bars. The middle bars are located similarly to the wide and outer ones, one for the inner and one for the outer crossbars.
  9. The height of the future stool will directly depend on the place where the internal bars will be connected. The ideal location for their fastening is 15-20 millimeters from the wide seat bars. If you follow this pattern for making the product, its height will be about 35-40 centimeters. Naturally, you can use other parameters based on your own wishes.

Suitable materials and a small nuance

In the process of making a folding stool, in general, you can use almost any type of tree. But it is mainly pine or birch that are recommended. By the way, a pine stool will have very little weight, which is convenient for carrying it frequently and for use on fishing trips and to the country. True, such a pine stool tends to quickly become loose and requires periodic tightening of the bolts holding the structure together.

There is another interesting design feature that will make an already convenient device even more convenient. You can attach a portable handle to the folding stool structure. This handle is attached between the inner legs. If you initially take bolts not 4 centimeters long, but 6-7 centimeters long, you can attach a very convenient handle for carrying the product between the inner legs.

Making a stool with your own hands. Video

At the end of our conversation, so to speak, to reinforce the work done, we offer you an entertaining video that tells you how to make a stool with your own hands.

The video describes in detail all the nuances and subtleties of making a high-quality, durable and reliable chair at home. After spending half an hour of your personal time, you will finally understand all the necessary operations and can get to work with confidence. It’s not without reason that they say that you can read it 10 times, but after seeing it once, you will probably know how everything is done.

A small wooden stool will find a use in every home. Children run around with great joy in these chairs. Sitting on such a stool is convenient for peeling potatoes and performing other “sedentary” work. However, not many people decide to buy a small stool due to the fact that there is always a more important waste of financial resources. Here, make a small one wooden high chair Almost everyone can do it with their own hands. To make it you will need a jigsaw and a little imagination.

Manufacturing of parts, grinding.


Preparing the material and necessary tools plays important role and saves time in the future. To make a stool we will need:
- hewn board measuring 800x200x25 mm (dimensions are approximate, you can proceed from what is available),
- 8 shiny screws (50-60 mm),
- sandpaper,
- jigsaw,
- screwdriver or screwdriver,
- paint and varnish on wood,
- tape measure, pencil and corner.

You need to start by marking the board. First of all, using a corner, a pencil and a tape measure, we mark a rectangular section without knots, 32-33 cm long. This will be the upper part of our high chair. Next, we mark two segments of 23 cm each - these will be the sides. Now it is advisable to give them some kind of curly pattern. You can use any objects that have a circle for this, simply outlining them with a pencil. But, this method involves an irrational waste of time. After all, you will have to mark the center and other dimensions in each side. Therefore, for the sides it is better to use a pattern pre-cut from thick cardboard or other material. It will allow you to easily and quickly mark a large number of sides. Just attach the pattern and trace it with a pencil.

By the way, the use of a figured pattern on the side not only gives them beautiful view, but also allows you to trim off all unwanted knots.
And immediately mark the jumper. It should be trapezoidal in shape and have sides of 230 and 220 mm. The width of the jumper is not important - from 80 to 120 mm.

So, has a marked board.

Important! You should not draw too thick lines - this affects the evenness of the trim. And the pencil is not so easy to erase.

Using a jigsaw we cut out all our parts. Evenness is important here. To trim the cut evenly, it is better to guide the tool blade not along the line, but to the side of it.

You can learn to cut evenly using unnecessary waste. So, let's cut out all the details.

This will give the product not only a beautiful look, but will also hide all possible irregularities in the cutting.
Next, we carefully sand all these parts with fine sand. sandpaper. It is most rational to carry out this procedure precisely at this stage, since when grinding finished design a number of inconveniences may arise. It is convenient to sand smooth surfaces by putting sandpaper on wooden block, on either manual machine for grouting putty. The main thing is quality, since after painting all defects will appear and be visible.
This is what sanded and unpolished sides look like.

So, it has the same parts, but ready for assembly.

It is advisable to carry out the assembly in this order:
- connect the sides with the jumper (1 screw on each side);
- place this structure on a flat surface and screw on the top cover (2 screws on each side);
- We strengthen the connection of the sides with the jumper (1 more screw each).

The chair is assembled! We check it again on a flat plane. If the stool is a little wobbly, then we tighten the legs until the product is completely stable.

Before painting, we check the product again for defects, and if necessary, erase them and pencil residues. Using a brush, we clean the stool from wood dust and begin painting.
Here “there is no comrade to taste and color”! You can leave the natural color of the wood by painting it with clear varnish. You can give the product specific color using a variety of wood paints, which are abundant in all hardware stores. In principle, one coat is sufficient for painting. But, if, after the first layer has completely dried, the surfaces are lightly sanded again with fine sandpaper and a new layer of varnish is applied, the shine of the product will noticeably increase.
Important! Poorly sanded ends absorb more paint and become darker.

This is what the finished chair looks like, varnished.

A stool is a fairly popular interior element. It is especially needed in large quantities when the owners like to receive many guests. Can be done.

The stool is universal and compact, which is why this type furniture today can be seen in any living space.

But if you are doing this work for the first time, you should know a few things:

  1. The most reliable type of connection is “groove-tenon”. But it should be used in cases where you already have carpentry skills. It requires precision when cutting grooves, otherwise the structure will not be durable, and the wood fibers will create creaking during operation.
  2. The stool is designed for constant movement. Therefore, the material for its manufacture must be selected so that it does not quickly “dishevel.” It should also hold fastening elements such as screws, nails or self-tapping screws well.

Both of these points need to be taken into account before making a stool, especially if a beginner takes on the job.

What to make a stool from?

Depending on the style of the interior, you can find chairs of absolutely any shape and material, even metal. For those who love something exclusive, you can choose a stone or glass stool. Although the most popular and available material there are still wooden stools left.

The simplest design of such a chair consists of a seat, 4 legs and connecting plates. You can make a stool using the following materials:

  • timber 3x30 mm, which will serve as legs;
  • two boards (14.5x30 cm, thickness - 2-2.5 cm);
  • plywood sheet (thickness 1.2 cm);
  • glue;
  • sandpaper;
  • acrylic varnish;
  • screws measuring 4 cm.

If you have such materials at hand, then you can safely start making a stool.

Selecting the right tools

Basically, the design of wooden stools is not complicated. The main thing is to stock up the right tool, namely:

  • fine-toothed hacksaw;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • construction meter and corner;
  • with a simple pencil;
  • drill;
  • brush under the varnish.

If you have basic knowledge of construction equipment, then one of the above elements can be replaced with an analogue. But it is better for a beginner to stick to this list to make it easier to complete all the work.

Instructions and action plan on how to make a stool

  1. The very first stage is preparing the support, that is, the legs. To do this, the timber is cut into four equal sections 43 cm long. The boards will be used to make a support for the “fifth point”, so it is cut into two pieces measuring 14.5x30 cm.
  2. The plywood will serve as a connecting strip. For this purpose, the sheet is cut into segments of 10 by 27 cm. After this, a groove is cut on the wide edges (1.2x5 cm), and it is necessary to maintain a distance from the edge of 3 cm, equal to the thickness of the leg. The resulting elements are assembled into a square, which will serve as a frame.
  3. Next, the plywood frame, seat and legs are connected.

To do this, you need to prepare holes in the appropriate places with a drill, where all the elements of the stool will be attached using screws. To make the adhesion more reliable, the joints can be opened with auxiliary glue. PVA is also suitable for this purpose. For wooden stools, it would be a good idea to work on the chamfer, or rather remove it. This will smooth out the edges of the parts, making the product look more presentable.

The tree has such a structure that when carpentry works with it, burrs form on the surface. In order to sand the stool, sandpaper is used, and experts recommend doing this in two passes. That is, first work with coarse-grained sandpaper, and then go over the top with fine-grained sandpaper. Grinding helps to remove not only burrs, but also gives the entire product a “leveled” appearance.

The final step is the opening with varnish. It is best if the varnish is applied in two layers. But only subsequent opening is carried out when the previous layer is completely dry.

When designing wooden stools, you should also remember personal safety. For example, shavings can get into your eyes or a hangnail can get under your skin. Therefore, you should think in advance about protective equipment: gloves, glasses, etc.

Second version of the stool design

It was described above how to make the most a simple stool. But there is also the option of more interesting cross-shaped legs and a soft seat. This is the model we will talk about next.

First, we prepare working tools and materials:

  • wooden beam with a cross section of 60 mm;
  • rail (3x6 cm);
  • sheet of plywood (thickness 1.2-1.5 cm);
  • foam material ( minimum thickness 10 cm);
  • fabric for covering the seat;
  • nails, screws, construction pins;
  • circular saw and screwdriver;
  • brush, stain;
  • varnish for opening or painting;
  • marker, pencil;
  • measuring tape;
  • miter box.

And again, the first step is to prepare the base of the legs. To do this, 4 pieces are made from timber, each 60 cm long. They make 45 degree cuts. Such work is performed using a miter box.

When the segments are ready, they need to be crossed together in pairs, that is, fastened in the manner of the letter “X”. For this purpose, you need to prepare grooves on each workpiece. The size of the excavation depth should correspond to half the thickness of the original timber itself. That is, if the thickness of the beam is 6 cm, then the groove is 3 cm. In this case, it is necessary to control that the legs are tightly fastened to each other and do not extend beyond the 6 cm mark, that is, the thickness. This should result in a pair of X-shaped structures.

For the stool to be stable, both crosspieces must be tightly fixed to each other.

To do this you will need a plank made from a piece of timber. The length of the bar should correspond to the size of the stool. IN in this case this is a length of 48 cm. In order to fasten both crosspieces with a bar, screws are needed. To make the product more presentable, small recesses are made for the fasteners. Upon completion of all work, these recesses will be hidden under a special filler or with the help of special plastic caps.

It is necessary to fasten the legs in the upper part of the cross. Two screws are used for each connection point.

The last point is to “hide” the screw heads. Also, the legs must be varnished or painted in any other chosen color.

But what is a stool without a seat? In the first case, a variant of wooden stools with a hard seat was presented. In the same case, a structure with a soft surface is made.

The seat will consist of a hard base and a soft base on top. Plywood is precisely intended for the lower case. Its recommended thickness is at least 12 mm, otherwise the structure will be too fragile and will not be able to fulfill its intended purpose.

IN in this example the base measures 40x60 cm. In general, these are the average sizes of wooden stools. This base is cut out of plywood using circular saw. The foam rubber must have the appropriate dimensions. A cushioning material is also used that will fix the foam rubber to the plywood. This means that it must have an area 30% larger than the base.

When covering the product, you should measure the height and width of the resulting seat. It should also be taken into account that the fabric must be attached to the plywood, which means that additional reserve must be made. It is best when the upholstery material at the corners of the stool does not have folds, so it will last longer without fraying.

In order to secure the fabric, buttons are used. They can be attached in two places: on the bottom and on the sides. If the buttons are the simplest, then they are used for the first fastening, but if there are decorative ones, then they are best placed on the sides. Although, for more reliable fixation, both of these methods can be combined. To ensure that the stool has a neat appearance, the covering is carried out only with the fabric stretched.

In fact, to decorate a stool, you can use absolutely any fabric or even leatherette. It all depends on the interior, the desires of the owner and his financial capabilities.

The last step in assembling such a stool is connecting all the elements into one structure. Using screws, the seat is attached to the resulting cross-shaped legs.

As is clear, assembling a wooden stool with your own hands is simple. All necessary materials and tools are fairly easy to find at home or even borrow from a neighbor. And at the same time, there is always the opportunity to accommodate all your guests at home, rather than running around your neighbors and asking them for spare chairs.

A stool is one of the popular and comfortable pieces of furniture. Unlike classic chair It is smaller in size and can be easily carried. But the main advantage that it has wooden stool, is a possibility self-made and design choice.

The latter affects performance and the labor intensity of production at home.

IN Lately A children's stool made of wood has become very popular. It has a simple design, ideal for a child. But besides this, such furniture can be used by adults - additional seating for guests, mobile wooden stools are often taken for fishing and picnics.

To analyze the qualities you need to familiarize yourself with popular types this type of furniture. Most often, do-it-yourself stools are made in the following shapes:

  • Children's version. Characterized by small in size, light weight. Required condition– absence of sharp corners. Recommended material of manufacture: solid board. The legs of the stool should have a maximum area of ​​contact with the floor for better stability.
  • Foldable design. It will be useful for hiking, fishing, and in the country. Making a folding stool is more difficult, but the result will be maximum comfort and mobility.
  • For the dacha. It is made from solid timber, then processed protective compounds. These measures are necessary to reduce the influence of moisture and sunlight on the material, since it will most often be outdoors.
  • Combined structures. You can make a step stool with your own hands or make a box instead of a traditional seat. The choice depends on the required functionality.

A homemade round stool has the best performance characteristics and is well suited as a children's stool. But it is not suitable for permanent sitting. Therefore, most often they opt for the classic rectangular or square shape seats.

The video shows how to make a classic stool:

Review of drawings

At the first stage, you need to decide on the sizes. Seat dimensions vary from 300*300 to 450*450 mm. If this children's version– 250*250 mm. The height directly depends on the height of the person and can range from 260 to 480 mm. In exceptional situations child chair can be 200 mm high. But this is rarely done. In some cases, high stools will fit at the bar counter.

There are many stool drawings - for beginners and professionals. In the first case, it is recommended to select simple designs. People with carpentry skills opt for folding or combined (ladder, box) assembly schemes.

All drawings are conditionally divided by complexity:

  • The number of parts varies from three to five. The more components there are, the more stable the structure will be. But this affects the complexity of production.
  • Material of manufacture. The easiest way is to make a stool, but in the future difficulties may arise with its operation - the influence of moisture and temperature changes will affect appearance and reliability. It is recommended to choose chipboard or timber, wooden board.
  • Available tools. To make a wooden stool, you will need a minimum of tools: a tape measure, a ruler, a wood saw, sandpaper, a drill or a screwdriver.

Selection of tools and materials

Before making wooden stools, you need to consider in detail the list of materials and tools. For a solid wood product you will need a minimum set. It is important to consider the original state of the material. The easiest way is to make it from plywood with your own hands, since it is easy to process, there will be no difficulties with painting, and there is no need to sand the entire surface.

The optimal list of tools: carpenter's square, tape measure, electric drill (screwdriver), pencil, grinder, confirmations with plugs, metal furniture corners, self-tapping screws. For processing chipboard sheets required electric jigsaw.

In addition, you need to study the properties of materials. You can make a stool from the following blanks:

  • Solid wood and beams. The best option for home production. Recommended thickness - up to 5 cm. Advantages - reliability, good aesthetic properties, durability. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to process; the product must be coated with varnish or paint.
  • Chipboard. Sheet thickness – 10 mm. For manufacturing, you will need three blanks measuring 400*300 mm (legs), 300*300 mm (seat) and 200*120 (lintel). Better to use moisture-resistant chipboard. It is from this that children's stools are most often made.
  • Plywood. In this case, you need to carefully choose the model. It is recommended to use sheets of the FSF, FSF-TV and FK brands. Thickness from 10 to 18 mm. The grade of plywood must be at least second. For production, a sheet with dimensions of 1250 * 1250 mm is sufficient. It is advisable to make a children's chair from moisture-resistant plywood.

It is not necessary to use only wood; structures consisting of several materials - timber, plywood, chipboard - will be convenient. It is important to have drawing skills to draw up correct scheme assemblies.

Manufacturing procedure

Is it difficult and how to make a stool with your own hands? First you need to decide on the drawing, choose optimal design. Next stage– preparation of material for manufacturing. Wood, chipboard or plywood must be dried and checked for defects. Then settles down workplace, Special attention is given to lighting.

As an example, we can consider how to make a stool from chipboard.

Production stages:

  1. Sheet marking. This is necessary for the formation of blanks. Beginners are recommended to make patterns from paper or thick cardboard. This way you can avoid sizing errors. It is important to consider the kerf width tolerances.
  2. Formation of blanks. The optimal tool is . The edges need to be sanded or grinder.
  3. Fastening components. Depending on the design, you can use the slotting method, joining with furniture corners or using wooden tenons. If the structure is made of wood with your own hands, you can use confirmations. This screw fastener secures various components well and improves stability.
  4. Painting and varnishing. The finishing surface can be matte or glossy. If it is important to preserve the original texture, use translucent or clear varnishes. Acrylic compounds are most often used.
  5. Additions. Often special shock absorbers are installed on the legs. They minimize the appearance of scratches on the floor and reduce noise when moving furniture.

It is impossible to imagine the interior decoration of a house or apartment without a stool. This is one of the simplest and most comfortable pieces of furniture. Most often they are purchased in furniture showrooms. However, you can make such a product yourself at home. This will require availability special materials and tools, as well as certain skills and knowledge.

How to make a wooden stool with your own hands

Ordinary wooden stools are considered simple view furniture. They can be quickly constructed in a short period of time.

Drawings and diagrams

First you need to make a sketch drawing of the future piece of furniture. In this case, it is necessary to accurately calculate all the dimensions of the stool. An approximate diagram is shown in the picture.

The drawers indicated in the diagram are boards or beams that are located under the seat and connect the legs together using tenon parts. This allows you to install reliable support for the seats. Legs are necessary to increase the rigidity and strength of the entire structure. They are located at the bottom of the legs or their middle.

They also provide a “groove-tenon” connection between the legs. The dimensions of these parts must also be taken into account.

To process the edges of boards, plywood and timber, a manual milling machine equipped with a set of different cutters is used. With its help, you can also drill holes or carefully select grooves and grooves on all parts.

In order to increase the smoothness of the wood, sandpaper is used. However, the easiest way to get by is with a grinding machine, which is equipped with several wheels of different grain sizes. This device will save time and effort.

As an alternative hand hacksaw It is preferable to use an electric jigsaw. It allows you to make neat and even edges of parts, and also saves time.

To tighten fasteners and make holes, you will need a screwdriver. It is necessary to select in advance a number of drills of various diameters and screwdriver bits. A drill can also be used for this purpose.

You need to have a sufficient set of clamps on hand. When gluing the boards into a single panel, you need to squeeze them as hard as possible and hold them certain time in this condition. This is exactly what they are needed for.

Other tools used include:

  • chisels;
  • hammer;
  • electric or manual plane;
  • roulette;
  • wooden ruler 50–100 cm;
  • thicknesser;
  • square for construction;
  • pencil;
  • wood glue;
  • self-tapping screws

The work involves following materials:

  1. Four carefully crafted smooth blocks for the legs. Their height is 48.5 cm, and their cross-section is 50X50 mm. They can be either straightened or narrowed down with cuts from the internal parts.
  2. 4 drawers and legs each, made of timber 44.1 cm long and 30x30 mm in cross section. You can only use 4 drawers of the same length and a cross-section of 30x60 mm.
  3. 30X30 mm timber for creating “crackers”, if they need to be made. These are boards, bars or metal products that are attached diagonally along internal corners under the seat and fixed to the legs and drawers.
  4. 2–4 boards 12–20 mm thick. Their dimensions should be 450X112.5 mm or 450X225 mm. It can be replaced with a plywood panel of the same thickness and with dimensions of 450x450 mm.
  5. Dowels (chops) made of wood for attaching the seat to its base. Their number is 4 pieces, length is 3 cm, and diameter is 0.8-1.0 cm.

Step-by-step instruction

The procedure is performed according to the following organism:

  1. If the seat is made from several parts, you need to glue the boards together. Their end sides carefully sand and treat with glue, and then connect together and tighten with clamps. It is necessary that the glue dries well.
  2. Move on to creating bars for the legs. They should have clear, smooth cuts, their length should be the same and range from 45 to 50 cm.
  3. Markings are made on the legs and an area for selecting joint grooves is found in order to install drawers and tenons of the legs in them. The holes are selected using a chisel or milling machine.
  4. They begin to work on the edges of the legs and drawers. Tenons are made on them, all dimensions of which are 1-1.5 mm smaller than the groove slots made for them on the legs. The tenons should fit into the grooves freely but firmly.
  5. The legs are knocked together in pairs, connecting them together with drawers and legs. Need to glue them tenon parts into the grooves of the legs. All resulting frames are tightened with clamps. When the products are dry, they are connected into a common structure using legs and drawers. After this, they are pressed again with clamps until they are completely dry. When this happens, all connections are secured using self-tapping screws.
  6. If the stool is equipped with crackers, they are attached to the stool legs and drawers.
  7. The seat is marked and fixed. For this purpose, you need to apply glue to the back panel side, lay it on the manufactured stool base, level it and press firmly. Then one hole is made in the corners through the panel. Their diameter should exceed those of manufactured dowels by 1–2 mm. Their depth should be 5 mm less than the length of the chops. Glue is poured into the gap, after which the dowels are driven in. The glue will begin to appear and will be wiped off immediately. The upper part of the chop is removed with a milling machine, and the cut area is sanded so that it becomes smooth. After this, the drawers together with the seat are tightened with clamps until the glue dries completely. Until this happens, the stool cannot be used.

Folding stool

A model like this is a little more difficult to find. However, use ready product More comfortable.

Required tools and materials

To work, you need to find a panel with dimensions of 1120x400x24 mm. Also in the design of a folding stool, equipment and materials are used such as:

  • 4 furniture butterfly hinges with dimensions 350x400 mm when opened;
  • wood glue;
  • self-tapping screws 15–20 mm long;
  • a stud with threads on both sides and end nuts measuring 250x8 mm for through placement, or a stud with blunted edges for fastening in blind grooves;
  • choppers or dowels 50X8 mm;
  • stain or tinting or clear varnish.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

The construction of a folding stool is as follows:

  1. A curved through hole 12 cm long and 20–25 mm wide is made in the upper part of the seat. These dimensions allow you to comfortably hold the product with your hand.. The hole is made with a milling machine or two are made, each 25 mm in diameter, spaced 120 mm apart. They are then joined together by removing the wood connecting them with a jigsaw. The edges must be processed so that they are smooth.
  2. Seat edges and internal sides The cracks are smoothed with a semicircular cutter or rasp, and then with sandpaper of different grain sizes.
  3. Move on to processing the manufactured leg bars. On two of them, where the outer frame will be located, a groove is made 180X8 mm and 42 mm deep. There will be a pin inside it. On the two remaining bars, through slots of 8 mm in diameter are made. A hairpin will go through them.
  4. The grooves are usually cut using a milling machine. It is also possible to first draw a line and drill holes there, which are then connected with a jigsaw. When working, the block must be tightly secured in a vice.
  5. The bars for the narrow internal frame must be carefully cut at the top at a 30-degree angle. It is necessary to complete this stage of work as accurately as possible. At the bottom of the legs, slightly curl the edges and corners.
  6. The crossbars placed between the legs are attached to choppers glued into the manufactured holes. The glue bridge is placed in its place, the legs are tightened with clamps until completely dry. After that, through outside legs are performed through holes, deepened into the end parts of the jumpers by 2-2.5 cm. The holes for the glue are carefully driven into the choppiks. There should be two fasteners on each of the jumper sides.
  7. On the back of the seat, mark the places where the butterfly loops are located. Then they are placed in the indicated place and outlined. At this place, a landing nest is found with a depth that matches the thickness of the loop. When fixing it, it should be flush with the wooden base surface.
  8. The loops are secured to the upper end sides of the legs. They are connected with self-tapping screws. Their caps should be located in the same plane with the loop surface. Then the other side of the loops is fixed in the sockets made for them on the back surface of the seat.
  9. In order to make the design neater, you should cover the pin with a wooden or plastic tube. Its length is 6.8 cm, diameter is 9 mm, and wall thickness varies from 0.2 to 1 cm.
  10. The pin is placed in a narrower frame through a decorative manufactured tube, and its edges are inserted into the grooves from the outer frame, which is wider. They will move along these grooves when unfolding and folding furniture.

Options for making covers for stools

To make homemade stool covers you will need the following materials and tools:

  • textile elastic 2–3 cm wide;
  • a piece of chalk or soap for marking;
  • pin;
  • fabric (10 cm more total area surface);
  • threads to match the color of the fabric background;
  • ruler;
  • sewing machine.

The lining is best made from soft, pleasant-to-touch textiles, which will better match the shape of the furniture. Foam rubber 3–4 cm high is used as a filler. The thickness of the filler for chairs should be 6–7 cm.


  • wool fabric;
  • thick or thin felt;
  • padding polyester;
  • unnecessary pieces of flaps.

Before starting to create the covers, you should draw textile patterns with soap, leaving an extension of 10 cm. The procedure consists of the following steps:

Other decor ideas

If there is a tapestry on the cover with an image in its middle, you can place a floral pattern with flowers. Due to the fact that the combinations of shades look dim, this option will not be pretentious, but stylish.

The seats can be decorated with embroidery on the cover. The type of tapestry will look nice big flower, made using satin stitch technique. An interesting option is an ornament along the perimeter or an abstract type of picture. They use strong, non-fading threads that will not wear out due to frequent washing.

Kitchen stools can be varnished or painted to match the seats. It is preferable to do this before sewing so that the item has time to dry on all sides. It is better to apply paint or varnish in two layers.

Knowing how to make a wooden stool with your own hands, you can create beautiful furniture and save money.


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