Technologies of social work with youth. Social technologies for working with youth

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"Technologies of social work with youth"


ChapterI "Problems and needs of youth"

1.1. Historical development of social work with youth

1.2. Regulatory and legal framework for social work with youth

1.3 Social problems and needs of youth

ChapterII “The role of social services in solving youth problems”

2.1 Social services in solving youth problems

2.2 Structure and tasks of social services for youth

2.3 Technologies of social work with youth

2.4 Experience Krasnodar region in the field of social work with youth




The term “social work with youth” has not yet taken shape in the system of social work in Russia. However, the specific social problems of young people make us talk about the need to develop social work technologies suitable for solving these problems. Among the most troubling problems for society, these include the spread of drug addiction, AIDS, prostitution, and the increase in criminal activity among young people, including minors. The problem of developing technologies for social work with youth is aggravated by the fact that, as a rule, young Russians are involuntary clients of social services. The culture of turning to social services to solve their problems among Russian youth has not yet been formed. All this taken together makes us pay special attention to the design of social work with young people.

The current state of Russian society has determined the social problems of young people. The study of these problems is most fruitful within the framework of combining sociological paradigms. For a long time The approach to defining deviant groups of youth that was dominant in Soviet (Russian) sociology of youth did not become constructive for building social work with young people. One of the tasks of this direction is to build theoretical models social work with youth based on a synthesis of sociological approaches to the study of youth.

The course work reveals the main social problems of various categories of youth, with special attention paid to youth at risk.

A special place is occupied by the topic of social work with youth in various spheres of society. This topic has not yet received sufficient development in the theory of social work in Russia, although the positions of social workers are being introduced in educational institutions and in the penitentiary system. However, this is not enough; it is necessary to understand the activities of a social worker in the field of leisure, education, and the penitentiary system to effectively work with young people.

Youth is a group of people from 14 to 30 years old. Young people have always been an active group of the population, most susceptible to the influence of various external factors. social environment. As part of society, young people are exposed to most social influences and experience the same difficulties as the adult population in self-determination, career guidance, employment, education, housing, social guarantees, medical care and insurance.

The problems of young people are aggravated by the psychological characteristics of the socialization of people of this age. This problem is closely connected with the beginning of the formation of a young man, with his leaving the primary family, attempts to independently socialize by joining various social groups, subcultures, movements.

An object - teenager's problems.

Item - technologies of social work with youth.

Target - studying social problems youth as a social community, studying the technology of working with various categories of youth, working with youth in various social spheres, the work of various social services, public organizations, the legal framework for working with youth.

Tasks: study the regulatory framework of social work with youth, social problems and needs of youth, the experience of the Krasnodar region in the field of social work with youth, offer the most effective methods and technologies in this direction.

I . "Problems and needs of youth"

      Historical development of social work with youth

Until 1920 In many countries, state youth policy was not allocated to an independent sphere and was limited to the protection of minors in the world of work. Caring for young people was perceived as Christian help for the poor. However, gradually it began to be seen as part of the state system aimed at resolving conflicts in society. In accordance with this, a system of youth supervision was built. Subsequently, the ideas of youth supervision and supervision evolved into the concept of youth assistance and support, and initiatives in this area began to be regulated by law.

In the 1920s in Soviet Russia, within the framework of state youth policy, the concept of state support for youth began to be developed. The Third Congress of the Russian Communist Youth League (October 1920; 1926 - Komsomol) was of decisive importance, declaring that the youth organization "Komsomol" had acquired special powers to represent the interests of youth and became the most important element of society in solving youth problems.

The Komsomol carried out the tasks of state youth policy, presenting current areas of state support for youth of all categories. This activity combined the unambiguous setting of public goals, a wide coverage of youth problems, and the combination of state and public mechanisms for solving large-scale problems.

During the Soviet period, there were 3 areas of support for youth that had legal support:

Labor and employment;



1.2 Legal framework for social work with youth

In modern state youth policy, the main Conceptual provisions are spelled out in the Resolution of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of June 3, 1993. No. 5090-1 “On the main directions of state youth policy in the Russian Federation”, which until January 2005. was the main document dictating state youth policy.

Objects of state youth policy:

Citizens of the Russian Federation, including persons with dual citizenship from 14 to 30 years of age during their stay on the territory of the Russian Federation, if this entails the responsibilities of federal government bodies;

Young families - families in the first 3 years after marriage, in the case of the birth of children - without limiting the period of marriage), provided that one of the spouses has not reached 30 years of age, as well as single-parent families in which the father or mother has not reached 30 years;

Youth associations.

Subjects of state youth policy:

State bodies and officials (by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 17, 2000 No. 867, the State Committee for Youth Policy was abolished, its functions were transferred to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation);

Youth organizations and associations;

Young citizens.

Principles of state youth policy:

The combination of state, public interests and individual rights in the implementation of state youth policy;

Involving young citizens to participate in the formation of policies and programs for youth;

Ensuring legal and social protection of young citizens;

Providing a young citizen with a state guarantee of a minimum of social services for training, education, spiritual and physical development, health care, employment;

Priority of public initiatives in comparison with the corresponding activities of government bodies and institutions when financing activities and programs related to youth.


Ensuring respect for the rights of youth;

Ensuring employment guarantees;

Promoting youth entrepreneurship;

State support for a young family;

Guarantees for the provision of social services;

Support for talented youth;

Creation of conditions for the physical and spiritual development of youth;

Supporting the activities of youth and children's associations;

Promoting international youth exchanges.

Implementation measures:

Adoption of special legislation and other legal acts, decisions of local authorities and management;

Making changes and additions to legislation and other acts;

Development and implementation of state youth policy of a comprehensive and targeted nature;

Creation of the Russian Fund for Federal Youth Programs for the organization and financial support of priority youth development programs, as well as the formation of similar regional and territorial funds;

Allocation of separate allocations in the federal and local budgets to finance activities in the field of youth policy;

Creation of state bodies for youth affairs and social services of various profiles.

In 1994, the Federal Program “Youth of Russia” was adopted. To create a mechanism for solving youth problems, provide budget funds for the development of priority areas of youth policy.

In 1998, a new Federal program “Youth of Russia for 1998-2000” was adopted. Its main part was the formation and strengthening of legal, economic and organizational conditions for the civic development and social self-realization of youth. The program provided for the formation of a legislative and regulatory framework, the development and phased implementation of a long-term lending system and other forms of support for youth in order to obtain an education, support business activity, housing construction, household. Also, the formation of a system of bodies for temporary and secondary employment of youth, development of entrepreneurship. Development of conditions for spiritual and moral education, civic and patriotic formation of youth.

In 2000, the target program “Youth of Russia (2001-2005)” was approved, aimed at creating and developing legal, economic, organizational conditions for the education of young people in a democratic society, market economy, rule of law, and personal self-realization of young people.

The tasks set by this program.

1. creating conditions for patriotic, spiritual and moral education, intellectual, creative physical development youth, realization of creative potential, support for the activities of youth associations;

2. formation of an active life position among young people, readiness to participate in the socio-political life of the country;

3. implementation of programs for social adaptation and increasing competitiveness in the labor market;

4. prevention of neglect, juvenile delinquency, drug addiction and alcoholism;

5. improving the demographic situation in society, strengthening the institution of the young family, assistance in solving housing problems;

6. development and support of federal and regional systems of information support for youth.

In 2005, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approved the program “Youth of Russia for 2006-2010”.

An analysis of the three previous programs allows us to notice that the first two programs are aimed at creating a legal framework and a system of social services, and the third and subsequent fourth clearly highlight areas of support and social protection for youth.

The youth social protection system in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has an approved structure with a mandatory minimum for a city or region:

1. comprehensive social service center (departments: social assistance at home, day care, temporary stay, urgent social assistance);

2. center social assistance family and children;

3. social rehabilitation center for minors;

4. social hotel;

5. social shelter for children and teenagers.

The youtha socio-demographic group identified on the basis of age-related characteristics of the social status of young people, their place and functions in the structure of society, specific interests and values.

There is no general consensus regarding the age limits of youth. In domestic science, the lower age limit is most often determined between 14–16, and the upper – between 25–29 years inclusive.

Young people as a socio-demographic group are heterogeneous in composition. It distinguishes different layers by age (teenagers, youth), by gender, by type of activity (students, workers), by place of residence (urban, rural), etc.

The uniqueness of young people as a special group gives rise to their vulnerability. Young people face, especially in conditions of unstable development of society, serious problems in education (its quality, accessibility), labor (low competitiveness, lack of practical experience, low wages, etc.), choice of sphere for self-realization (settlement factor, mistakes in self-determination, etc.), with inequality in leisure activities, in access to cultural values. Young people are vulnerable if they do not know how to lead a healthy lifestyle, have problems in relationships with parents and teachers, if they start a family without having their own home and permanent job, if they allow deviant behavior.

In modern Russia, the smallest share of the population (16%) is made up of children under the age of 16, and the share of young people 15–29 years old is almost equal to the share of old-age pensioners (25 and 21%, respectively). According to demographers, the population below working age will increase from 16% in 2008 to 18% in 2017. However, the number of people of working age will decrease from 63% in 2008 to 57.5% in 2017. That is, the number of young people will not grow anytime soon.

The situation of the younger generation in Russia is characterized by alarming phenomena and contradictory trends.

According to UNICEF, many young people face an uncertain future. For younger generations, differences in access to education are growing. The lack of educational and employment opportunities forces some members of the younger generation to migrate, which inevitably leads to weakening ties with the parental family, as well as to a number of other problems (where to live, how to find work, get medical care, etc.).

In recent years, new opportunities have opened up for Russian youth. However, increased freedom requires increased responsibility. Social work must confront the new risks facing young people.

UNICEF research in Russia shows that teenagers have begun to smoke more, drink alcohol and use drugs, which leads to a significant deterioration in health and an increase in mortality among young people. Almost 40% of boys and 30% of girls regularly drink alcohol. Over 10% of teenagers have tried drugs. On average, 32.8 teenagers out of every 100 thousand commit suicide. About 80% of HIV-infected people in Russia are boys and girls aged 15–30 years. They often face discrimination and negative attitudes even from health care workers. Social prejudice poses an even greater threat to them than the virus itself.

According to sociological studies conducted Russian Academy sciences, the class of rich people is formed primarily from relatively young enterprising people; their lifestyle involves the rapid separation of young families from the older generation. The middle class is far from monolithic: generational differences are clearly expressed in it. A line has emerged between older generations (“old Russians”) and young people, who, on the whole, have successfully mastered the new rules of the game. In middle class groups under 30 years of age, working in the private sector and living in megacities, the number of those who have adapted and have not lost out from the reforms is significantly greater than in the rest of the middle strata of the population.

Nevertheless, the well-being (primarily material) of this or that generation of modern Russians is very relative; there are striking intragenerational differences in status; in every age stratum there are haves and have-nots, successful and unsuccessful strata, marginal groups.

Social work technologies in a broad sense are necessary for all groups of youth. However, the most vulnerable and in need of social support are young disabled people, unemployed youth, young people with deviant behavior, graduates of orphanages, young families, young single mothers (especially minors), young people from large, low-income or dysfunctional families, young spouses who are divorcing , young parents (especially with disabled children), low-income students (especially from out of town), etc.

According to Federal service state statistics, the share of young people aged 16–30 years with incomes below the subsistence level (as a percentage of the total population of this age group) was 29% in 2000, 18% in 2005, and 18% in 2008. 13%. Moreover, the percentage of low incomes has always been higher among girls. And in general, youth problems are more acute for girls than for boys.

According to the results of research by the Center for Social Forecasting, young people generally assess their status positively and believe that they have benefited from the reforms. Opposite assessments prevail among 41–50 year olds. The predominance of positive assessments of their lives and everyday life among young people is a consequence of social stratification, which has been in favor of young people in recent years.

Young people are diverse in composition. The lowest scores are among the poorest youth. They are much more concerned about low status in society and poor family relationships than middle- and high-income youth. Material success also does not guarantee psychological comfort - among young entrepreneurs, the lowest self-assessments of how family relationships develop, compared to other groups of youth, are recorded.

The most significant for the formation and development of youth are family, parents, and the older generation. It is in the family that the main resources for self-help and mutual assistance are laid in the event of a difficult life situation.

Sociological surveys conducted in 2008 among Moscow residents revealed people's views on what family relationships between generations should be like (Table 4).

Table 4

People's attitudes about what relationships between generations in a family should be like



Distribution of answers* on average and by age group, % of the number of respondents, P = 1200


Youth, 14–30 years old

Middle generation, 31–55 years old

People over 55 years old

Mutual assistance between generations is necessary in a family, even if they live separately from each other

Younger people need to listen to the advice of their elders, but they don’t have to follow them in everything

Elders must respect the opinions of the younger generation

Family relationships depend not on age, but on the personal qualities of relatives

Relationships between generations in the family should be equal

You need to put all your strength into your children.

Relationships in the family depend on the specific situation and circumstances

Younger people should always obey their elders

Everyone (parents, children, grandchildren) should live as they want

* Respondents could indicate several answers, so their sum exceeds 100%.

As shown by the analysis of the data in Table. 4, there are differences in views on intergenerational relationships in the family between the grandparents and the generations of their children and grandchildren.

Young people and their parents demonstrate solidarity in their interactions. The discrepancies relate only to parents’ increased expectations of mutual assistance, as well as their negative attitude towards the fact that everyone in the family should live as they want. Parents most agree with their grandparents on one thing - the younger ones need to listen to the advice of their elders.

Interaction requires a coincidence of mutual expectations and mutual understanding. It is usually achieved when people are familiar and clear about each other's interests. The extent to which young people understand and are ready to support the interests of their parents is shown in Table. 5.

Table 5

The attitude of young people towards the interests of their parents

A summary of the results of this survey is the following judgments of students.

Intergenerational conflict is an eternal conflict in the relationship between “fathers and children”, since life does not stand still, people change, rules of behavior, values, etc. What parents could not even imagine is quite acceptable for their children. The conflict is based on different perceptions of the world between generations, their different upbringings, different principles and values, age differences, etc.

In every family, intergenerational conflict occurs according to different lines(“mother-daughter”, “grandmother-granddaughter”, etc.). Exaggeration of disagreements on both sides, unwillingness to compromise, radicalism, and misunderstanding between parents and children lead to conflict. A conflict arises when the older generation insists on the point of view that is characteristic of their age group, and the younger generation insists on an alternative opinion. They take different positions, no one wants to give in, and as a result, the dispute turns into a conflict.

Intergenerational conflict in one form or another is inevitable in any family. However, most often it worsens in families where the basic values, traditions, religion, etc. that unite people are absent, lost or forgotten, where everyone strives to dominate at any cost and does not respect other people’s opinions. Generational conflicts are most typical in an era of change, when fundamental norms and values ​​are transformed.

Conflict often manifests itself in the form of moralizing and imposing one’s beliefs. Each generation has its own views on life, since each of them developed in a specific historical time with its own specific events and cultural characteristics. This is where contradictions arise. They are associated with a faster pace of development of young people than before and their desire to understand the world from all sides, with attempts by adults to control the lives of young people, to overprotect them, including due to the fear of being left alone in old age. Children convince their parents that they live in a new century, which means they need to look at the world in a new way (not the Soviet way) and educate the younger generation.

The conflict arises due to the dominance of adults due to age. Older generation He perceives everything from the height of his years, accumulated experience, and tries in every possible way to warn his children and grandchildren from possible problems. Children see everything in a different light, considering themselves old enough to not need anyone's advice. With age, this opinion changes, because it becomes clear that at one time it would have been better to listen to the parents. The older generation considers itself more prepared to make decisions and does not always understand that the younger generation is better oriented in the modern world and can make better decisions. Young people learn the norms of their time more easily than adults. Parents, out of fear for the future of their children, try to tie them to their guidelines.

The low pedagogical culture of parents contributes to conflict. They usually try to convey the right ideas to their children (for example, about the dangers of smoking, especially in at a young age), but they don’t always know how best to do it. Adolescence and the formation of a child’s personality do not influence the way parents would like. Disagreements are also due to the non-participation of the older generation in some important areas of the life of the younger generation, including due to being busy at work. The conflict arises due to insufficient communication between close people, grows like a snowball, and as a result, generations in the family move away from each other.

In modern conditions, the new generation has weakened discipline and respect for elders. This is caused by the influence on adolescents of the street, alcohol, smoking, and reluctance to study. At the same time, they are sure that it is their parents who should give them money. In Russian society now much is copied from the West, including negative examples. Children and teenagers do not realize this. Parents try to fight with their children, but they do not understand them, consider themselves unnecessary, leave home, take the path of vagrancy, drunkenness, prostitution, and crime.

Intergenerational conflict in the family is not only a conflict between parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, but also a conflict between mother-in-law and son-in-law, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, etc. It manifests itself most acutely in the relationship between a young and parental families living in the same apartment. The conflict is caused by differences in their lifestyle, habits, needs, etc. Its expression can be enmity in the family, constant quarrels, etc. It is often veiled by everyday problems. The consequences of the conflict are quite serious, including physical injury. Currently, this is one of the most common types of conflict.

Conflicts can occur in any family, regardless of the gender and age of the participants. Complications in relationships can be caused both by the behavior of a son or daughter, and by the behavior of a father or mother. Intergenerational conflict in the family has two meanings - it is not only a conflict between generations, but also a conflict transmitted from generation to generation.

At all times, new generations have modernized social norms, which their parents with more conservative views could not accept. This gives rise to discontent and disapproval of the older generation towards the new one. Children will also never understand some of their parents' views on life. The current grandparents and parents were brought up in different generations, but were not particularly different from each other, since both of them lived in the USSR. It is difficult for elders to understand young people, their interests, life goals, a style of communication and self-expression, because in their time it was not or was not considered important.

Intergenerational contradictions can be resolved by starting with yourself first, establishing rules of communication and acting in such a way that everyone is happy. No one is to blame for the inevitable generational conflict; we just need to accept each other as we are, because there will always be disagreements between generations. People create conflicts themselves and can resolve them themselves. Sometimes parents do not approve of their children’s actions (marriage, change of job, university, etc.), they are too protective and try to make decisions for them. They love their children and take care of them, but problems need to be solved not with reproaches or an ultimatum, but with advice and suggestions.

In some families, intergenerational conflict occurs quite rarely. Parents adhere to modern views that are understandable to their children, who, in turn, are tolerant of parental demands. Young people are trying to build their lives in such a way that there are no conflicts either in the family or with others; They set themselves goals to be harmoniously developed, healthy, happy and put effort, will, and work into this. Parents provide young people with freedom of choice and material resources, provided that they do not forget about their most important responsibilities.

An interesting question is how much older people understand and share the interests of young people. As a 2008 survey showed, parents of teenagers have the lowest mutual understanding with their children among the adult generation - only 44% believe that they well understand and share the interests of their children, and these answers coincide with the point of view of teenagers themselves (44%).

Parents of students and working youth aged 18–24 also demonstrate agreement with the children’s answers, but of a slightly different kind: among them the largest number are those who, understanding the interests of their children, do not always share them (71%); A similar position is found among their children (77%).

Among parents of 25–30-year-old youth, the largest number are those for whom the interests of their children are alien and unclear (10%). Such misunderstanding is not reciprocated; rather, on the contrary, the young generation of this age is loyal to their parents.

Unfortunately, it is dysfunction and problems in the family that, as a rule, negatively affect young people and contribute to neglect, delinquency, and crime.

According to the Judicial Department of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the number of convicted persons aged 14–17 years was 148.6 thousand in 2000, 99.1 thousand in 2005, 73.3 in 2008 thousand people. Despite the decreasing dynamics (which also indicates the effectiveness of preventive work), these are huge numbers. Mostly teenagers were convicted of theft and robbery. But there were also those convicted of murder, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, rape, robbery, extortion, and drug-related crimes.

As of January 1, 2009, 8.8 thousand teenagers aged 14–17 years were in temporary detention institutions for juvenile offenders, of which 1.9 thousand were girls. Reports were sent to authorities and public organizations about these neglected and homeless offenders to eliminate the causes and conditions of their offenses, including those caused by the infringement of their rights and legitimate interests. Materials were also sent to the internal affairs bodies and the prosecutor's office, including to protect the violated rights of minors, including bringing the perpetrators (including parents) to administrative and criminal liability.

These and many other facts indicate that social work with youth is of enduring relevance.

Under social work with youth is understood professional activities to assist individual young people and groups of young people to improve or restore their ability to function socially; creating conditions conducive to achieving these goals in society, as well as working with young people in the community.

The main task of social work is to develop in young people the ability to solve their problems and adapt to changing social and economic conditions market economy, gain skills independent life.

Technologies for social work with youth include both emergency intervention from specialists and services (helpline, assistance in obtaining temporary housing, placement in a medical institution) and social and professional support (medical, legal, psychological, pedagogical). Accompaniment is seen as an integrative technology to facilitate the transition from external assistance to self-help and mutual assistance.

The process of working with a young client includes the following stages:

  • – analysis of the situation, highlighting pressing problems;
  • – diagnosis of forms of manifestation of these problems;
  • – drawing up a detailed description of problems and an action plan;
  • – design of technological approaches;
  • – creating space for their implementation;
  • – carrying out complex social therapy, consisting of supportive, health-improving or replacement therapy, person-oriented information, individual counseling, socio-psychological training, social patronage, rehabilitation, etc.;
  • – analysis of the progress and results of activities;
  • – making appropriate adjustments;
  • – monitoring the situation.

In relation to youth, the following areas of work are possible:

  • recreational, designed to involve young people in socially approved activities in free time, conducive to the development of interests, moral norms and spiritual values ​​(love for family, responsibility for one’s behavior, patriotism, etc.);
  • resocializing, focused on restoration, strengthening, development of social skills and interpersonal relationships through participation in the implementation of targeted programs, in the work of clubs, interest groups, sports, art, etc.;
  • psychocorrectional, promoting the development of self-awareness, self-esteem, and correction of one’s behavior.

Specialist youth services are designed to provide adolescents and young people with a wide range of health, legal, social and psychological services. The work of these institutions is based on the principles of confidentiality and accessibility. Today, more than 60 medical and social services for youth and over 20 youth information centers have been created in dozens of Russian regions. Here, adolescents and young people can receive advice and practical assistance on reproductive health and family planning, HIV (AIDS) prevention, including testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections. Youth media and educational programs "Peer to Peer" promote the dissemination of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle and the life skills necessary for this.

According to UNICEF calculations, $1 thousand invested in work with youth will support the creation of a medical and social service for 2.5 thousand adolescents and young people, or provide 1.5 thousand young people with information on HIV prevention, or train six specialists or volunteers methods of promoting ideas and models of a healthy lifestyle.

The following social services for youth operate in Russia.

Center for Social psychological assistance youth, designed to provide social, psychological and pedagogical assistance to young people experiencing crises, in various conflict situations, as well as to prevent deviant, delinquent and suicidal behavior among young people. The work technologies of the center’s specialists include psychological and social diagnostics, socio-legal and medical-psychological-pedagogical assistance, career guidance work, cultural and sports activities, counseling parents and their children, crisis therapy, etc.

Youth Information Center, intended to provide information and methodological services to executive authorities on youth affairs, organizations and institutions working with youth, various groups young people. Technologies used in the work of the center: legal advice, communication, mediation technologies, solving educational, professional, housing, leisure, personal problems of youth, analysis and forecasting of processes in the youth environment, etc.

Counseling Center for Adolescents and Youth, designed to provide accessible, qualified emergency, anonymous, free psychological assistance over the phone, regardless of the social status and place of residence of the applicant. Technologies of work - socio-psychological assistance to adolescents, their families and teachers, prevention and resolution of conflicts and other traumatic situations, crisis and post-crisis therapy, counseling (including on the characteristics of developmental psychology, spiritual, intellectual and physical development), mediation between clients and social services, as well as individual specialists (psychologists, teachers, lawyers, social workers, etc.), etc.

Shelter for teenagers, intended to provide temporary (everyday, psychological, emotional) living conditions for a minor who is alienated for objective or subjective reasons from favorable development conditions in the family, educational institution, or society. Technologies used to achieve the goals of the shelter include socio-psychological diagnostics, comprehensive (psychological, pedagogical, medical, legal, etc.) counseling depending on the specific causes of social maladaptation of a teenager, psychological assistance, pedagogical correction, medical and social adaptation and rehabilitation, social and legal assistance to minors and their parents, expertise in making decisions about the further placement of a teenager in a family, at work, in an educational institution, etc.

These and other technologies of social work with youth (adaptation of youth to changing socio-economic conditions, rehabilitation of young disabled people, social patronage, control and supervision of young people at risk, promotion of employment and social support for unemployed youth and graduates of educational, orphanage institutions, forecasting, design and modeling of work with youth, etc., as well as various innovative technologies) are implemented by social service institutions. Such institutions that deal with youth include a center for social assistance to families and children, a center for psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population and emergency psychological assistance by telephone, a social rehabilitation center for minors, a comprehensive social service center, a crisis center for women, etc. In addition, a family planning center, a teenage and youth club, a social and leisure center for children and youth, a youth labor exchange, a center for civic and patriotic education of youth, etc. work with young clients.

Of great importance for the effectiveness of social work technologies with youth is taking into account regional specifics and organizing work in the community. The Moscow City Law of September 30, 2009 No. 19 “On Youth” is being successfully implemented. This law regulates relations related to the implementation of the city’s state policy regarding youth. This policy is implemented as a system of measures aimed at creating legal, economic and organizational conditions, guarantees and incentives for young citizens to exercise their rights, taking into account age characteristics, as well as for youth participation in the system public relations and their full self-realization in the interests of society.

Providing state support for youth includes technologies for supporting them in the field of education and vocational guidance, in the field of health, physical education and sports, in the field of labor and employment, in the social and housing spheres.

The city target program defines the following set of activities for young people: a) promoting health and creating a healthy lifestyle; b) social protection; c) strengthening a young family and assisting in solving its problems; d) stimulating the actions of youth organizations aimed at solving urban problems, as well as instilling moral principles and civic responsibility among young people; e) legal education, stimulation of entrepreneurial initiative and improvement of the economic culture of youth; f) increasing the demand and competitiveness of young citizens in the labor market; g) support for talented and gifted youth and other activities.

The implementation of these and similar actions is entrusted to government institutions conducting leisure, sports and educational work with youth in the community, social rehabilitation centers for young citizens, centers for socio-psychological assistance, centers for vocational guidance and youth employment, city and inter-district prevention centers negative manifestations among young people, youth clubs. It is also expected that non-governmental non-profit organizations, including youth organizations, will participate in working with youth.

Personnel support for the implementation of technologies for working with youth is carried out through a system of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel working with young residents of Moscow, as well as through the publication of educational and methodological literature for training specialists in working with youth.

Of course, youth problems cannot be solved only through the efforts of social services, in isolation from the system of family support, education and health care, public order, cultural development, sports and tourism, and housing construction. Therefore, in modern conditions, it is extremely important to overcome the disunity of individual programs and departments dealing with youth.

  • With the support of the Program of the President of the Russian Federation (project MK-4433.2007.6) M. V. Vdovina interviewed 1,200 people; quota sample by gender and age; it represents men (48%) and women (52%) of three age groups: youth 14–30 years old (31%), middle generation 31–55 years old (35%), people aged 56 years and older (34%) . 49% are married; 28% were single and unmarried in the sample; divorced 8%; widowers and widowers 9%; 5% of respondents live in unregistered marriages. The majority have a college degree (42%) and some unfinished higher education(eleven%). 22% of respondents had specialized secondary education, 14% had general secondary education, and 12% had incomplete secondary education. The sample includes employees (24%), pensioners (24%), students (22%), workers (13%), heads of government and non-government organizations (10%), commercial workers (7%), housewives (3% ), unemployed (1%). By nationality and religion, Russians and Christians (Orthodox) predominate among the respondents.
  • Respondents could indicate several answer options, therefore their sum exceeds 100%.
  • 218 students of the Moscow Humanitarian University (61%) and the Institute of Business and Politics (39%) aged 17–30 were surveyed. The sample is random. The survey involved students of all forms of education, various specialties - “Social work”, “Journalism”, “State and municipal administration”, “Personnel management”, “Political science”, “Cultural studies”, “Translation and translation studies”. 64% of students aged 17–23 studied full-time and did not work anywhere permanently. The remaining 36% are evening and correspondence students (mostly 20–30 years old). They worked in various industries: healthcare, commerce and trade, services, television, education, law enforcement agencies, and public service. Also among the evening and correspondence students were unemployed and mothers on maternity leave. Age and gender characteristics of respondents – 33% men, 67% women; 88% of students are aged 17–23 years, 12% are aged 24–30 years. The survey was conducted by M. V. Vdovina.

In the 21st century humanity has entered into the realization that when solving any problems, a person will always have to reckon with the “external limits” of his environment, the “internal limits” of the person himself, the cultural heritage he has received, which he is obliged to pass on to those who come after him. New times dictate new forms of thinking, behavior and cooperation of people. Accordingly, the subjective factor must be developed and organized in a new way. The times we live in are times of dynamic change. All processes are developing quickly and very contradictorily. Americans call such a situation the word “challenge”, which is fraught with both certain opportunities and threats.

The destruction of a person’s connections with society, the impoverishment of his spirituality and culture is one of the root causes of the imbalance of the world, fraught with an increase in the possibilities of various kinds of explosions and disasters. Apparently, the pace of social progress, its value guidelines and spiritual principles largely depend on the solution to this fundamental problem facing the world.

The worsening of this contradiction leads to the degradation of personality, to increased apathy and despair of a person, to the establishment of false spiritual values, which ultimately gives rise to antisocial behavior, increasing aggressiveness, the emergence of military conflicts, ethnic hatred, terrorism, etc.

In its eternal desire for dominance over nature, over sociality, humanity (its bureaucratic structures) has so deformed the social and natural world that many people today do not feel satisfied with their lives, have not found their place in it, have experienced many injustices, but are unable to change nothing, they would like to realize themselves in a creative profession, but they are constantly forced to just earn money for a living. These are the cumulative data of many scientific studies, which indicate that creating a new culture of the 21st century. And new type social management on such a basis is impossible.

Under these conditions, fundamentally different methods of cognition and transformation of social reality are required - socio-technological who “master new methods, ways of achieving social results in accordance with the goals of society for a more complete use of human resources, reproduction vitality". This area of ​​social sciences answers the question of how to achieve more high results joint life activities of people.

The technological method of developing social space was first carried out by K. Marx in “Capital” when analyzing the level of development of productive forces and social determination. At the same time, he connects technology not only with the decomposition of the production process into corresponding operations and elements, but also defines it as an objective process of formation of social phenomena themselves.

The Bulgarian philosophers N. Stefanov and M. Markov made a great contribution to the development of this problem. Considering social technology from a multidimensional perspective, N. Stefanov comes to the following conclusion: “In the most general form, we can accept: social technology is an activity as a result of which the set goal is achieved target and the object changes activities… Social technology is a predetermined series of operations aimed at achieving some goal or objective.” In order for the activity to receive the right to be called technology, it is necessary that it be consciously and systematically divided into elements that are implemented in a certain sequence, therefore the author proposes to distinguish several procedures in the processes of social technology:

1. Determination of the goal that should be realized as a result of the use of this technology.
2. Construction of a system of criteria for selecting possible options.
3. Designation of the range of possible options.
4. Selecting the optimal option.
5. Implementation of the selected option.

M. Markov proposes to consider the technology of social activity in two aspects: as a system of knowledge about the organization of reality associated with the implementation of stages, operations, methods, actions, etc. on the formation of social phenomena, and how the technologization of this knowledge in the process of activity, which is expressed in labor actions people who meet the requirements of specific, specific social structures.

Russian academician V.G. Afanasyev notes that social technology is a unique mechanism for connecting knowledge with the conditions for its implementation in management.

The socio-technological approach is developing not only within the framework of general methodology, but also special sociological theories, including the sociology of youth, and the sociology of social work with youth.

Social work with youth is no less relevant than the problem of designing and introducing new technologies into material production. The importance of technology in social work with youth lies, first of all, in the fact that it makes this area of ​​human activity more rational, including only those processes and operations that are necessary to achieve the goal.

The first sign of technologization is the delimitation, separation, division of a given process or activity into internal interconnected stages, phases, operations. The meaning of this procedure is to accurately determine the requirements presented to the entity operating using this technology; in providing a normative (or close to optimal) measure of process development. The more accurately the degree of correspondence of the description of the process to its objective logic, the more realistic the possibility of achieving a high effect of activity. Because of this, those technologies that take into account the requirements of objective laws and, on this basis, orient the social subject toward appropriate actions, become viable. optimal solutions taking into account the achievements of science, a combination of traditional and innovative experience.

The second sign of any technology is the step-by-step nature of actions aimed at achieving the desired result. The sequence and order of execution of actions must be based on the internal logic of the functioning and development of this process. However, the implementation of the specified technology feature does not at all mean that the subject will be “shackled” by the established sequence. He always has the opportunity to “intervene” in the objective course of processes, change their order, establish one or another sequence and pace of procedures and operations depending on changing circumstances.

Some modern technologies (for example, in the production of crystals) make it possible within a few days or hours to obtain materials that nature has created over years and centuries. Social technologies that make it possible to “compress” have similar capabilities. social time. The emergence of technology - clear example the ability of an individual to dialectically combine the objective and subjective in achieving the power of a person who has mastered the laws of nature and social development.

And finally, the third, rather significant sign. Each technology provides for the unambiguous implementation of the procedures and operations included in it. This is a decisive, indispensable condition for achieving results adequate to the goal. The more significant the deviations in the actions of the subject from the parameters prescribed by the technology, the more real the danger of deforming the entire process and obtaining a result that does not correspond to the expected. For the technology of social activity, a much larger range of deviations is possible than for production technologies, but in both the first and second cases, deviations are possible only up to certain limits, beyond which, instead of creativity, subjectivity begins, leading to a decrease in management efficiency.

In the context of a crisis of spirituality and culture, the mechanism and technology of axiological analysis in the system of social work with youth (Fig. 1.), the essence of which is as follows:

  • determination of social values ​​in the general structure of social existence and social culture youth;
  • characterization of the structure of values ​​and the system of value attitudes of young people to all objects of the real world;
  • developing criteria for assessing social facts, phenomena, mental and objective actions of young people as a special socio-demographic group;
  • developing a mechanism for the formation and implementation of value orientations of young people, taking into account their focus on all social objects and processes;
  • establishing the nature of the connection between the social values ​​of young people of different orders, different levels and scales;
  • assessing the functioning of social systems, structures, various objects in terms of compliance with universal and local values;
  • determining the effectiveness of a particular activity of young people, and for young people from a humanistic perspective, determining pseudo-effectiveness or anti-effectiveness according to the same criterion;
  • characterization (including evaluative) of anti-values ​​(negative values), destruction of the value world of the individual, determination of trends in this direction;
  • determining the possibilities of regulating the value attitude of young people to the world in which they live, forming a system of values ​​in the process of progressive development of society and other social objects (including at the micro level).

Figure 1 – Mechanism and technology of axiological analysis of social work with youth

It is not difficult to notice that in this context, social work with youth can be considered as a technological mechanism of socialization. Socio-economic and political transformations in post-Soviet society are making adjustments to the process of primary socialization of the younger generation. There was a sharp differentiation of family incomes: the impoverishment of the majority, who were unable to adapt to market conditions, and the enrichment of the minority, who had developed clear defensive reactions and mechanisms for success in life. In these conditions, as sociological research in recent years has shown, social work with youth must be built on the principles of mobility and a differentiated approach, controllability and self-government.

Differentiated approach in social work with youth makes it possible to more purposefully analyze the characteristics of individual sociocultural and age groups of the younger generation, to delve into the specifics of their life problems. In practice, this requires the social worker to be aware of the diversity of positions and orientations of young people and groups, and to use (and, if necessary, develop) special technologies social work, taking into account the specifics of a specific category of young people.

The technology of social work with specific groups of youth should take into account three levels of differentiated approach: categorical(unemployed youth, street teenagers, young drug addicts, etc.), group(informal youth associations, yard “teams”, groups of “fans”, etc.), individual(the personality of a young unemployed person, a drug addict, etc., with their biography, education, character, etc.), each of which requires the social worker to have appropriate knowledge and skills.

Alas, in the conditions of globalization and modernization of public life, many traditional social technologies no longer work. Time requires social innovation, unconventional approaches to solving the emerging problems of the “era of change.” One of such technologies can be the technology of “mobile social work” or “social work on the street”. Social work on the street (streetwork) – a modern form of (“open”) social assistance to youth, focused on street problems; its goal is not only to prevent various kinds of negative processes among “street” youth, but also to strive by all means to promote the development of personal responsibility of children and youth, their self-determination through the organization of semi-open, but created on special didactic guidelines, club work. This form of work with youth is invaluable for the prevention of various forms of deviant behavior, youth aggressiveness, and asocial subcultures. The basic principle of the technology is the introduction of a social worker into the “get-together”, the establishment of friendly interactions with its participants in order to penetrate into the world of their interests and social attitudes, and on this basis a positive reorientation of the activities of an antisocial group, promoting its social integration and adaptation to social norms.

It was among creative youth that the idea of ​​self-organization and self-government was most fully comprehended; it was amateurism that became the social laboratory where the informal youth movement was born - diverse public subcultural and initiative groups, associations whose goal is to build a civil society. Let us explain that the development of subcultures, the very fact of their existence, is possible only in a socially mobile society with established democratic traditions in culture: free creative development of the individual and equality of interests and needs of the individual, regardless of social affiliation.

To all of the above, it is necessary to add others principles of organizing social work with youth:

  • organizational approach characterized by a focus on a variety of forms of work, projects that are considered and accepted by central and local administrative bodies mainly on a competitive basis, with the subsequent allocation of the necessary funds, control over their use and effectiveness;
  • step-by-step approach provides for the division of work into two main stages. The first is mainly associated with a deep study of the situation that has developed around the object of the chosen technology - a certain group of young people or an individual (client). At this stage, the most significant problems that require urgent solutions are identified. The final stage is the drawing up of a problem solving plan by the social worker or social service together with the client. The second stage is associated with the work to implement the planned plan, which provides psychocorrectional and/or other necessary social assistance, creating positive motivation in the client, and a way out of the current situation;
  • staffing selected technology by specialists with appropriate qualifications - psychologists, social educators, doctors, etc. The key figure in this case is the social worker as a professional who has special training to work with young people, who ensures the establishment of trusting contact with the client.

Thus, the formation and development of social work with youth should be based on the concept of reform, renewal of all aspects of public life and its consistent implementation. And state youth policy should be integrative character, with the maximum involvement of young people in the reform and renewal of society and their microsociety.

Youth, as a specific socio-demographic group of society, is characterized not only by age characteristics, but also by the place it occupies in the social structure of society, the characteristics of social formation, and its social purpose. It is the youth who act as the conductor of demographic, socio-economic, political and spiritual development, the determining factor in transformations that are adequate to the urgent needs and challenges of the time. The fate of the country, the future of which belongs to the youth, largely depends on how ready the younger generation is to take responsibility for the development of the state, how actively and constructively they will join social processes, and how proactively they will participate in solving pressing problems. All this predetermines the need to implement an effective youth policy.

Under the state youth policy refers to the activities of the state aimed at creating legal, economic and organizational conditions and guarantees for the self-realization of the personality of a young person, the development of youth associations, movements and initiatives. The foundations of state youth policy in independent Ukraine were laid by the adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the Declaration “On the General Principles of State Youth Policy in Ukraine” (December 15, 1992) and the Law of Ukraine “On Promoting the Social Formation and Development of Youth in Ukraine” (February 5, 1993). ).

The Declaration “On the General Principles of State Youth Policy in Ukraine” determined the place of state youth policy in the activities of the state, the main tasks and principles of its implementation. The main directions of state youth policy were the following:

Development and protection of the intellectual potential of youth,

Improving conditions and creating guarantees for young people to receive education, special vocational training and retraining;

Ensuring youth employment, its legal protection, taking into account the economic interests, professional and social opportunities of society;

Creating conditions for mastering the spiritual and cultural values ​​of the Ukrainian people and for the direct participation of young people in their revival and development, protection and reproduction of the environment;

Forming among young people a sense of national pride, patriotism, and readiness to defend the sovereignty of Ukraine;

Protecting the health of young people, developing their deep need for spiritual and physical development, taking other measures to ensure the preservation and strengthening of the gene pool of Ukraine.

The Declaration became the basis for the further development of youth policy, its legal framework and practical activities. The Law of Ukraine “On Promoting the Social Formation and Development of Youth in Ukraine” defines the general principles for creating organizational, socio-economic, political and legal conditions for the social formation and development of young citizens in the interests of the individual, society and the state. An important step in the development of the regulatory framework for youth policy was the adoption on December 1, 1998 of the Law of Ukraine "On Youth and Children's Public Organizations." He identified the features of the organizational and legal foundations for the formation and activities of associations of young citizens and state guarantees for ensuring their activities.

On June 21, 2001, the Law of Ukraine “On Social Work with Children and Youth” was adopted, which regulated the activities of authorized bodies, enterprises, organizations and institutions, regardless of their subordination and form of ownership and individual citizens, aimed at creating special living conditions, harmonious and comprehensive development of children and youth, protection of their constitutional rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, satisfaction of cultural and spiritual needs. This legislative act determines that the subjects of social work are authorized bodies (executive and local government bodies, juvenile affairs services, social service centers for youth, enterprises, institutions and organizations) and social work specialists.

Social service centers for youth and their specialized services are the main state-authorized bodies carrying out social work with children and youth. The objects of this activity are children, youth and members of their families, professional and other groups, and social groups. The following areas of social work are recognized: social, economic, educational, educational, cultural, health-improving.

Over the years of independence, more than 700 laws of Ukraine and about 800 by-laws have been adopted, which to one degree or another are aimed at solving youth problems. The country has carried out significant work to create a regulatory framework for youth policy, which is now one of the best among those operating in all countries of the post-Soviet space.

One of the main activities of social workers in the framework of work with youth is solving issues of social assistance, the provision of social services, prevention and rehabilitation of youth.

The main task of social work is to develop in young people the ability to independently solve their problems, adapt to new socio-economic conditions of a market economy, acquire independent living skills and participate in public self-government. The subject of this type of activity is social services for youth, which are a combination of state and non-state structures, specialized institutions for providing social assistance and protection of young people, supporting their initiatives.

The Ukrainian State Center for Social Services for Youth operates at the state level. At the regional level, there are 27 regional centers of social services for families, children and youth (CSSM) in Ukraine. At the local level, in each region there are district, city and city-district SMS centers.

Particular attention is paid here to such tasks as the provision of various social services, socio-medical, psychological-pedagogical, legal, information and other types of social assistance, counseling for children and youth. Moreover, all these types of social assistance to youth can be carried out in various forms ah: ophthalmic, correspondence, stationary, complex. Measures are also being developed and implemented to create conditions sufficient for the comfortable and successful life of various categories of children and youth; social preventative work among children and youth; a set of measures aimed at overcoming negative phenomena is applied; rehabilitation programs are being developed and implemented, the content of which is the restoration of social functions, the moral, mental and physical state of young people, adaptation to safe social and family living conditions, and also assistance is provided to children and youth who have been subjected to cruelty and violence from others and have found themselves in extreme situations; international cooperation is carried out, studied and disseminated international experience work on social support, assistance and protection of children and youth; cooperation is carried out with central and local authorities, enterprises, institutions, public organizations, individuals in resolving issues of social support and social development children and youth; assistance is provided to children's and youth organizations and individual citizens in their educational, cultural and physical development, participation in labor and socially useful activities.

Regional youth policy is important. The main forms and methods of producing state youth policy locally are basically common to all regions. Festivals, competitions, quizzes, Olympiads, mentoring and many other forms of promoting the social formation and development of youth have been tested and proven themselves since Soviet times, others (youth exchanges and labor centers, youth business incubators, development centers, “Helpline” services) etc.) have become widespread in Ukraine in modern times.

At the same time, the regional and administrative-territorial division of Ukraine, the specifics of individual regions require certain features in the approach to social work with youth. First of all, they consist in highlighting priority areas of activity of its subjects, their activity, which, in turn, is based on differences in local conditions, in particular, such as the demographic situation; regional ethnic and cultural traditions; the structure of the national economy and the financial and economic situation of the region; natural-geographical conditions; historical, etc., that is, they depend on factors that, to a greater or lesser extent, determine in a particular area.

In general, social work with youth refers to professional activities that provide assistance to both individual young people and groups of young people with the aim of improving or restoring their ability to function socially.

Two models of social work with youth can be defined - integrative and deficit.

The integrative model is social work in a broad sense, which should contribute to the socialization of youth. In this aspect, social work practically correlates with this type of professional activity, as social pedagogy. The implementation of this model is possible only through the implementation of a state-public cost mechanism, the use of significant financial, as well as human and material resources. Therefore, most countries with market economies choose a deficit model for the development of social work, focused primarily on socially disadvantaged segments of the population, risk groups, the disabled and lonely, as well as children and adolescents.

The main thing in social work with youth is their social protection. Researchers consider it in at least four directions.

1. Social protection of the process of formation and development of a young person’s personality. This direction is based on the proposition that the personality of a young person is formed and develops in accordance with objective laws produced in the process of human evolution and the sequence of stages of development. Therefore, social protection of the development process is aimed primarily at ensuring as much as possible a favorable passage for all young people through each stage of development, in which a certain set of tasks is solved, as well as a favorable passage through critical levels.

2. Social protection of the environment for the formation and development of personality. In this direction attention state institutions should be focused on the young person’s environment and those elements of it that contribute to or hinder the process of personality formation and development in the widest range - from environmental problems environment to social, economic and moral.

3. Protecting the rights of a young person. This is a special area of ​​activity of state institutions, aimed at legal support and regulation of both environmental influences and the very process of formation and development of personality.

4. Targeted social protection. Within this direction we are talking about at least two important points. Firstly, about targeted assistance to young people, families, organizations and public institutions working with youth, to solve specific problems, without which successful life is very problematic. In other words, we are talking about a short-term target program, when the young person himself is not able to solve the problem, or when the efforts expended to achieve the result call into question the result itself. Secondly, constant assistance to those who cannot do without it exists on the verge of poverty. In conditions of a general life crisis, this direction becomes especially important and relevant.

In working with youth in the conditions of modern Ukraine, the use of the latest foreign technologies in the field of social work with youth, which have received the general name “mobile social work with youth,” is relevant.

The essence of mobile social work is control over that part of young people who are not susceptible to going to either youth centers or counseling centers, showing a tendency towards deviant behavior and aggressiveness. The principle of mobile social work is the establishment of relationships and interactions in order to penetrate into the world of young people prone to crime.

In social work with youth, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of male socialization associated with the manifestation of aggression. In this aspect, the experience of organizing the activities of social workers with the “sublimation” of aggressiveness among young people, that is, transforming it into an expedient and controlled adaptive form, deserves attention. Possible here various solutions- organization of sections of American football, boxing, martial arts and the like.

Social work with youth is one of its most important areas. It requires scientific validity, creativity, initiative, perseverance, consistency, and coordination of the efforts of various departments dealing with youth problems.

"Technologies of social work with youth"


Chapter I “Problems and needs of youth”

1.1. Historical development of social work with youth

1.2. Regulatory and legal framework for social work with youth

1.3 Social problems and needs of youth

Chapter II “The role of social services in solving youth problems”

2.1 Social services in solving youth problems

2.2 Structure and tasks of social services for youth

2.3 Technologies of social work with youth

2.4 Experience of the Krasnodar region in the field of social work with youth




The term “social work with youth” has not yet taken shape in the system of social work in Russia. However, the specific social problems of young people make us talk about the need to develop social work technologies suitable for solving these problems. Among the most troubling problems for society, these include the spread of drug addiction, AIDS, prostitution, and the increase in criminal activity among young people, including minors. The problem of developing technologies for social work with youth is aggravated by the fact that, as a rule, young Russians are involuntary clients of social services. The culture of turning to social services to solve their problems among Russian youth has not yet been formed. All this taken together makes us pay special attention to the design of social work with young people.

The current state of Russian society has determined the social problems of young people. The study of these problems is most fruitful within the framework of combining sociological paradigms. For a long time, the approach to identifying deviant groups of youth that dominated in Soviet (Russian) sociology of youth did not become constructive for building social work with young people. One of the tasks of this direction is to build theoretical models of social work with youth based on a synthesis of sociological approaches to the study of youth.

The course work reveals the main social problems of various categories of youth, with special attention paid to youth at risk.

A special place is occupied by the topic of social work with youth in various spheres of society. This topic has not yet received sufficient development in the theory of social work in Russia, although the positions of social workers are being introduced in educational institutions and in the penitentiary system. However, this is not enough; it is necessary to understand the activities of a social worker in the field of leisure, education, and the penitentiary system to effectively work with young people.

Youth is a group of people from 14 to 30 years old. Young people have always been an active group of the population, most susceptible to the influence of various factors of the external social environment. As part of society, young people are exposed to most social influences and experience the same difficulties as the adult population in self-determination, career guidance, employment, education, housing, social guarantees, medical care and insurance.

The problems of young people are aggravated by the psychological characteristics of the socialization of people of this age. This problem is closely connected with the beginning of the formation of a young man, with his leaving the primary family, attempts to independently socialize by joining various social groups, subcultures, movements.

An object - teenager's problems.

Item - technologies of social work with youth.

Target - studying the social problems of youth as a social community, studying the technology of working with various categories of youth, working with youth in various social spheres, the work of various social services, public organizations, the legal framework for working with youth.

Tasks: study the regulatory framework of social work with youth, social problems and needs of youth, the experience of the Krasnodar region in the field of social work with youth, propose the most effective methods and technologies in this direction.

I. “Problems and needs of youth”

1.1 Historical development of social work with youth

Until 1920 In many countries, state youth policy was not allocated to an independent sphere and was limited to the protection of minors in the world of work. Caring for young people was perceived as Christian help for the poor. However, gradually it began to be seen as part of the state system aimed at resolving conflicts in society. In accordance with this, a system of youth supervision was built. Subsequently, the ideas of youth supervision and supervision evolved into the concept of youth assistance and support, and initiatives in this area began to be regulated by law.

In the 1920s in Soviet Russia, within the framework of state youth policy, the concept of state support for youth began to be developed. The Third Congress of the Russian Communist Youth League (October 1920; 1926 - Komsomol) was of decisive importance, declaring that the youth organization "Komsomol" had acquired special powers to represent the interests of youth and became the most important element of society in solving youth problems.

The Komsomol carried out the tasks of state youth policy, presenting current areas of state support for youth of all categories. This activity combined the unambiguous setting of public goals, a wide coverage of youth problems, and the combination of state and public mechanisms for solving large-scale problems.

During the Soviet period, there were 3 areas of support for youth that had legal support:

Labor and employment;



1.2 Legal framework for social work with youth

In modern state youth policy, the main Conceptual provisions are spelled out in the Resolution of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of June 3, 1993. No. 5090-1 “On the main directions of state youth policy in the Russian Federation”, which until January 2005. was the main document dictating state youth policy.

Objects of state youth policy:

Citizens of the Russian Federation, including persons with dual citizenship from 14 to 30 years of age during their stay on the territory of the Russian Federation, if this entails the responsibilities of federal government bodies;

Young families - families in the first 3 years after marriage, in the case of the birth of children - without limiting the period of marriage), provided that one of the spouses has not reached 30 years of age, as well as single-parent families in which the father or mother has not reached 30 years;

Youth associations.

Subjects of state youth policy:

State bodies and officials (by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 17, 2000 No. 867, the State Committee for Youth Policy was abolished, its functions were transferred to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation);

Youth organizations and associations;

Young citizens.

Principles of state youth policy:

The combination of state, public interests and individual rights in the implementation of state youth policy;

Involving young citizens to participate in the formation of policies and programs for youth;

Ensuring legal and social protection of young citizens;

Providing a young citizen with a state guarantee of a minimum of social services for training, education, spiritual and physical development, health care, employment;

Priority of public initiatives in comparison with the corresponding activities of government bodies and institutions when financing activities and programs related to youth.


Ensuring respect for the rights of youth;

Ensuring employment guarantees;

Promoting youth entrepreneurship;

State support for a young family;

Guarantees for the provision of social services;

Support for talented youth;

Creation of conditions for the physical and spiritual development of youth;

Supporting the activities of youth and children's associations;

Promoting international youth exchanges.

Implementation measures:

Adoption of special legislation and other legal acts, decisions of local authorities and management;

Making changes and additions to legislation and other acts;

Development and implementation of state youth policy of a comprehensive and targeted nature;

Creation of the Russian Fund for Federal Youth Programs for the organization and financial support of priority youth development programs, as well as the formation of similar regional and territorial funds;

Allocation of separate allocations in the federal and local budgets to finance activities in the field of youth policy;

Creation of state bodies for youth affairs and social services of various profiles.

In 1994, the Federal Program “Youth of Russia” was adopted. To create a mechanism for solving youth problems, provide budget funds for the development of priority areas of youth policy.

In 1998, a new Federal program “Youth of Russia for 1998-2000” was adopted. Its main part was the formation and strengthening of legal, economic and organizational conditions for the civic development and social self-realization of youth. The program provided for the formation of a legislative and regulatory framework, the development and phased implementation of a long-term lending system and other forms of support for young people in order to obtain an education, support business activity, housing construction, and household management. Also, the formation of a system of bodies for temporary and secondary employment of youth, development of entrepreneurship. Development of conditions for spiritual and moral education, civic and patriotic formation of youth.

In 2000, the target program “Youth of Russia (2001-2005)” was approved, aimed at creating and developing legal, economic, organizational conditions for the education of young people in a democratic society, market economy, rule of law, and personal self-realization of young people.

The tasks set by this program.

1. creating conditions for patriotic, spiritual and moral education, intellectual, creative physical development of youth, realizing creative potential, supporting the activities of youth associations;

2. formation of an active life position among young people, readiness to participate in the socio-political life of the country;

3. implementation of programs for social adaptation and increasing competitiveness in the labor market;

4. prevention of neglect, juvenile delinquency, drug addiction and alcoholism;

5. improving the demographic situation in society, strengthening the institution of the young family, assistance in solving housing problems;

6. development and support of federal and regional systems of information support for youth.

In 2005, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approved the program “Youth of Russia for 2006-2010”.

An analysis of the three previous programs allows us to notice that the first two programs are aimed at creating a legal framework and a system of social services, and the third and subsequent fourth clearly highlight areas of support and social protection for youth.

The youth social protection system in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has an approved structure with a mandatory minimum for a city or region:

1. comprehensive social service center (departments: social assistance at home, day care, temporary stay, urgent social assistance);

2. center for social assistance to families and children;

3. social rehabilitation center for minors;

4. social hotel;

5. social shelter for children and teenagers.

Social problems and needs of youth

Studying the real needs of young people for social services is key element when forming a system of their social services. According to research, young people need, first of all, a labor exchange, points of legal protection and legal advice, a helpline, and then - sexological consultation, a center for helping young families, a hostel - a shelter for teenagers who find themselves in a conflict situation at home. At the same time, young workers give preference to points of legal protection and legal advice, a youth labor exchange, and a center for helping a young family; students - helpline, sexological consultation, labor exchange.

One of the main problems of young workers is employment, well-paid and interesting work. The transition to a market involves a radical transformation of the incentives and motives of people's economic activity, the formation of the readiness and ability of the younger generation to live and work in new conditions. A study of the attitudes towards work of various categories of youth showed that for most young people it is very important to have interesting work, good relations in the work team, good conditions labor. This was indicated by 67 to 75% of respondents. Somewhat less importance is attached to the need to feel the stability of one's official position and the opportunity to demonstrate one's abilities - only 50% of respondents. Finally, the least important rating was given to the opportunity professional growth, career - 35%.

It is also understandable that students are nominating the “Helpline” as a priority center. This is caused by the increased conflict of modern life, often a lack of understanding in the family, school, and the inability to find real friends and simply communicate. Only 10-17% of respondents believe that the atmosphere in schools and colleges is normal and favorable; almost every second indicates a lack of understanding between teachers and students; 65% admitted that they do not feel spiritual closeness with any of the teachers. More than 50% are not satisfied with their status in the family: some complain of a feeling of loneliness, others of excessive guardianship from adults, and still others are dissatisfied with the need to obey their elders.

II. “The role of social services in solving youth problems”

2.1 Social services in solving youth problems

The solution to social problems arising in the youth sphere cannot be realized without organizing social work and developing the activities of social services for minors and youth.

Social work among young people is considered as providing the most favorable socio-economic conditions for the development of each young person, promoting the social development of the individual, acquiring all types of freedoms and full participation of individuals in the life of society.

When organizing the activities of social services for minors and youth, a whole range of measures is carried out. The task of creating and developing a complex of specialized services and institutions to provide adolescents and young people with a variety of medical, social, psychological, pedagogical, rehabilitation and socio-legal services is being solved.

Social shelters are created for children and adolescents experiencing domestic abuse and violence.

Since the beginning of 1992, on the basis of seven reception centers for minors, centers for the social rehabilitation of children and adolescents have been created, and shelters have been organized for children who have been neglected by their families and boarding schools. Work is underway to create services at reception centers aimed at the resocialization of adolescents with deviant behavior.

In addition, in a number of regions Centers (complexes) for social rehabilitation and adaptation of adolescents have been created, the functions of which have been significantly expanded. In addition to shelters, an educational unit, and a temporary isolation unit for minors, the Centers have created rehabilitation services (small production units, a children's hotel, a printing and sewing workshop, a greenhouse, etc.), and a psychological and health center.

Ensuring complete physiological and intellectual development personality, preparing the younger generation for an independent and working adult life objectively pose the task of creating an entire system of social services designed to deal with these problems, including psychological services. Currently, it is represented by psychologists in kindergartens and schools; family psychological service, organized in the form of city or regional psychological consultations; social service, the central figure of which is the social worker.

The basic activities of the specialists of these services are psychological-preventive, psychological-diagnostic and correctional work, as well as consulting activities.

The need for this type of social services is increasingly recognized by the population and the state.

The psychological counseling system distinguishes:

Age-psychological (monitoring the state of the child’s psychological development);

Family psychological counseling (providing assistance to the population on a wide range of family problems);

Psychological and pedagogical consulting for teachers and educators;

Consultative work of a social worker, whose functions include, first of all, the task of representing the interests and rights of the client in a wide social environment.

A specialist working in the field of social counseling must be fluent in the basic principles that were first formulated by V.V. Stolin on the material of family psychological counseling. He highlighted the following principles:

1. The principle of subtext analysis (the requirement to distinguish several layers in a client’s request-complaint and highlight ways of working with these layers).

3. The principle of stereoscopic diagnosis (it is in family counseling that it is most necessary to take into account the opinions of more than one side).

4. The principle of systematicity (identification of a systemic unit of analysis, be it individual consciousness, or a family as a whole, or an individual life path as a whole).

5. The principle of respect for the client’s personality (refusal of the attitude of redoing, re-education of the personality, attitude of acceptance, understanding of the client).

6. The principle of professional orientation and motivation of the consultant (distinguishing between friendly and professional relationships, searching and establishing the boundary where the client ends and just a person begins)

Until recently, the main areas of activity of medical institutions providing assistance to children and adolescents were purely medical problems. This includes sanitary and educational work among girls, their parents and teachers, carrying out preventive examinations to identify “at-risk groups” and patients, providing therapeutic and preventive care to girls and young women with gynecological diseases, etc.

However, a lot of problems in the intimate life of children, the right to which was denied by adults, makes today medical institutions add psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers to your staff, and open “helplines.”

Currently, centers for social assistance to families and children have been opened in many regions of Russia. Work with teenagers there is carried out by referral (through a “helpline” and counseling, when teenagers anonymously seek help from a specialist psychologist, gynecologist, sex therapist, etc.) and by attracting teenagers from schools, vocational schools, technical schools to the centers . The centers operate medical and pedagogical schools, where classes are conducted at a professional level with groups of teenagers on the problems of sexual behavior, reproductive health, the dangers of abortion and early sexual intercourse, the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, etc.

Adolescent health centers, family planning centers, and “Marriage and Family” consultations have also been developed, which provide advisory, therapeutic and preventive assistance on all issues of sex education for adolescents.

Family planning and sex education services are being actively formed and intensively developed in Russia. According to the WHO definition, family planning refers to methods that help individuals or couples achieve a specific goal: avoid unwanted births, promote the appearance of wanted children, regulate the intervals between pregnancies, control the timing of births of children taking into account the age of the parents, determine the number of children in the family .

As experience shows, in developed Western countries two main models of youth policy are being implemented.

Firstly, it is non-conservative, typical for the USA and some other countries. It provides state aid only to certain, least protected and “disadvantaged” categories of youth, with strict regulation of the procedure for spending funds and the categories of assistance received;

Secondly, social democratic, characteristic of a number of countries in Central and Northern Europe. It is based on the recognition of the state’s responsibility for the integration of all youth in society, and provides for a transition from assistance to certain categories of youth to social programs available to all young people who wish to do so.

2.2 Structure and tasks of social services for youth

In the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population of the Russian Federation,” a comprehensive system of social services for the population, including youth, provides for the provision of socio-economic, medical, social, psychological, welfare, legal and other social services to citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations (large families , single-parent families, families with disabled people, single and elderly people, orphans, the unemployed, people without a fixed place of residence, graduates of orphanages and a number of others).

Social service is an enterprise, institution, organization and others legal entities various forms of ownership, providing social services, as well as citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities in social services without forming a legal entity.

The system of social protection of youth in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has the following structure of social service institutions.

1. Mandatory minimum for each city, district, which includes:

Social Service Center (departments: social assistance at home, day care, temporary stay, urgent social assistance);

Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children;

Social rehabilitation center for minors;

Social hotel;

Social shelter for children and teenagers.

2. Additional network in cities and regions, which includes:

Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance;

Emergency psychological assistance center by telephone;

Rehabilitation centers for persons with disabilities

(including for children and teenagers);

Integrated youth centers of military-patriotic, cultural, leisure and sports orientation.

3. Republican, regional, regional, district, interdistrict institutions, which include:

Help centers for children without parental care;

Boarding houses: children's, psychoneurological, special;

Dormitories for people with disabilities.

When organizing social services for young people, it is very important to clearly define their tasks. Thus, the social rehabilitation center for minors includes four departments: diagnostics, social rehabilitation, day care and hospital.

The tasks of the diagnostic department include: identifying maladjusted children and adolescents, creating a data bank about them; identify and analyze factors of social maladaptation of children, its forms and stages; study the health status, characteristics of personal development and behavior of children and adolescents; develop individual programs for social rehabilitation of minors, a set of measures aimed at removing them from difficult situation and creating conditions for normal life.

The main objectives of the social rehabilitation department are: organizing the phased implementation of social rehabilitation programs for minors; restoration of lost contacts with the family, within the family; improving the interpersonal relationships of minors, restoring their social status in a group of peers, eliminating traumatic situations, developing communication skills with adults and peers based on moral standards; assistance in obtaining a specialty and work; provision of comprehensive medical, pedagogical and legal assistance; solving issues related to the placement of children and adolescents.

For example, the main task of the Moscow association “Pedagogical Search” is social and legal protection, adaptation and rehabilitation of graduates and pupils of orphanages and boarding schools. Employees and volunteers of the association help them settle in life, get housing, education, and find a job. In the House of Adaptation, teenagers learn the rules of social life, here life orientations in a working family are adjusted, and knowledge of moral, ethical and legal standards of life is strengthened. In the House they learn to cook, take care of their home and themselves. Applied arts workshops are open here, where teenagers perform different kinds jobs and can earn money.

2.3 Technologies of social work with youth

Social therapy is a branch of scientific knowledge focused on solving sociotherapeutic problems through overcoming anomalies in meaning and life orientations, social values ​​of subjects of public life (including youth), and their ideas about justice and injustice.

General technologies of social therapy include the following technologies:

Consulting – establishing contact through verbal communication, identifying client problems, assistance and interaction in finding their solution;

Art therapy is “art therapy” through the involvement of a young person in cultural and leisure activities, visiting various cultural and leisure institutions;

Music therapy is the socialization of an individual by turning to any musical culture, subculture, attending concerts, rallies, competitions, thematic discos, regularly listening to musical compositions;

Bibliotherapy is the impact on the individual’s consciousness in the process of forming meaningful life orientations through the selection of specialized literature;

Socio-pedagogical technologies - the active participation of a social worker (teacher) in the education of the client and the formation of his meaning and life orientations;

Creative technologies – involving young people in collective creative and constructive activities, promoting the development of individual creativity;

Logotherapy – (from the Greek logos – word, therapeia – care, treatment) treatment with words. Social logotherapy deals with the study of methods, means, ways of influencing (mutual influence) on people’s ideas about social processes, the meaning of life, and social values.

2.4 Experience of the Krasnodar region in the field of social work with youth.

In 1996, the Committee for Youth Affairs of the Krasnodar Territory was created, in 2007. renamed the Department of Youth Policy of the Krasnodar Territory. The Department includes the following Regional Youth Work Centers:

1. State institution "Krasnodar regional center for military-patriotic, search work and pre-conscription training of youth";

2. State institution of the Krasnodar Territory "Regional Center for Social Adaptation and Leisure for Youth";

3. State institution of the Krasnodar region "Center for Labor and Employment of Children and Youth";

4. State institution of the Krasnodar region "Regional cruising and sailing school"

The main areas of work of the centers and the Youth Policy Department are:

Organization of military-patriotic work among youth;

Assistance in temporary and permanent employment of youth, vocational guidance;

Promoting the resocialization of adolescents and young people who find themselves in difficult life situations;

Organization of leisure time for teenagers and young people in clubs at their place of residence and on courtyard sports and playgrounds;

Providing material support within the framework of regional and federal programs: “Gifted Children”, “Affordable Housing for Young Families”;

Organization of recreation and health improvement for adolescents and youth in summer period;

Organization and supervision of intellectual movements in Kuban within the framework of the work of the “What? Where? When?”, “KVN”.

State institution "Krasnodar regional center for military-patriotic, search work and pre-conscription training of youth."

The Center's activities are carried out in three main areas :

Search work;

Military-patriotic work;

Pre-conscription training of youth.

GU KK "Krasnodar Regional Center for Military-Patriotic, Search Work and Pre-Conscription Training of Youth" coordinates the activities of military-patriotic, search public organizations and military sports clubs in the implementation of these areas of work; participates in the development of regional programs, on the basis of which work is carried out to establish patriotic views and beliefs among young people, respect for the cultural and historical past of Kuban and Russia; organizes and conducts military sports competitions, games, hikes, excursions, demonstrations, military internships; work of military sports and health camps for children and youth of the Krasnodar region. The ultimate goal of all the work carried out by the State Institution "Krasnodar Regional Center for Military-Patriotic, Search Work and Pre-Conscription Training of Youth" is the spiritual, moral and patriotic education of youth, as well as perpetuating the memory of soldiers who died in defense of the Fatherland.

State Institution of the Krasnodar Territory "Regional Center for Social Adaptation and Leisure for Youth"

As part of the state youth policy, the Center carries out preventive activities among young people and provides a comprehensive solution to the problems of social adaptation of young people who find themselves in difficult life situations. The center has four branches and consists of two departments: the department for the implementation of social programs and the department for the implementation of youth leisure programs. The activities of specialists from the department for the implementation of social programs are aimed at preventing teenage neglect, illegal actions and antisocial manifestations in the teenage environment.

An important part of the institution’s work is work at the place of residence of adolescents, which includes:

Organization of work with teenagers and young people at their place of residence through the creation of a unified regional system of socio-club space (yard playground - club at the place of residence - youth center);

Carrying out the annual regional competition "Best teenage and youth club at the place of residence", a regional festival of clubs at the place of residence, regional meetings of clubs at the place of residence;

Organization of leisure activities for teenagers and young people at courtyard youth playgrounds in the summer. Conducting a review-competition of courtyard playgrounds and sports grounds at the place of residence.

State institution of the Krasnodar region

"Center for Labor and Employment of Children and Youth"

Specialists of the state institution of the Krasnodar Territory "Center for Labor and Employment of Children and Youth" have accumulated extensive experience in employing youth aged 14-30 years. Over the eight years of operation, the institution has conducted a comprehensive analysis of the state of the labor market in the Krasnodar region, as well as the capabilities of employers in providing employment for young professionals (graduates). We have also accumulated extensive experience in providing consulting assistance to young people when choosing a profession and finding employment. The main direction of the institution’s work is the employment of young people for permanent and temporary (seasonal) employment. According to the results of the analysis, in 2004–2006, 41,710 young people aged 14 to 30 applied to the branches of the state institution of the Krasnodar Territory “Center for Labor and Employment of Children and Youth” for the purpose of finding permanent and temporary work. Assistance in finding employment was provided to 28,148 young people, i.e. 67.5% of those who applied were employed. Of these, 4,930 people were employed for permanent work, 23,218 - for temporary work (in 2004, 13,870 people were employed in permanent and temporary work, in 2005 - 13,350 people from among the unemployed youth).

Temporary work during their studies gives young people not only additional income, but also production experience, knowledge of the laws of the labor market, the ability to communicate with the employer and behave in a work team. The acquired skills in the future greatly facilitate the young person’s search for permanent place work and accelerate its adaptation to the labor market in the modern economic situation. It is necessary to mention that the opportunity to earn money legally during study has a positive effect on the crime situation among youth and teenagers and leads to a decrease in the crime rate.

Need for temporary labor force has always been and is at the present moment: this various works, limited in time and volume, short-term projects, large public events, seasonal jobs (usually summer). During their studies, young people find work with flexible hours in the following specialties: promoters, sales agents, advertising agents, laborers, security guards, etc. During the summer holidays, students are offered work on the Azov-Black Sea coast in the positions of: waiters, sailor rescuers, animators, maids, administrators, tour guides, laborers, cult organizers, etc.

Among the partners-employers of the State Institution KK "Center for Labor and Employment of Children and Youth" are enterprises of the sanatorium-resort complex of the Azov-Black Sea coast, enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of the Krasnodar Territory, enterprises in the field of trade, public catering, service, light and processing industry.

Student labor groups.

The revival of student teams in Kuban began in 2001. It was then that 1,500 students were sent to agricultural work. In 2002, new profiles of activity appeared, the number of 47 student labor groups increased to 4,323 people. In 2003, the number of already 121 student labor groups amounted to 9034 people. The guys mastered work in the following profiles well:





In 2002, on the initiative of the Youth Affairs Committee, with the support of the Regional Youth Labor Exchange, the Krasnodar Regional Youth Public Organization "Headquarters of Student Detachments" was created. The formed staff of the Headquarters was engaged in searching for volumes of work for student labor teams, creating student teams on the basis of leading educational institutions of the Krasnodar Territory.

A sharp increase in the number of student groups became possible thanks to state support, the directions of which were approved by the decree of the head of the administration of the Krasnodar region dated March 18, 2004 N ° 263 “On state support for the activities of student labor groups in the Krasnodar region.”

In 2004, the number of student labor groups continued to grow, and the desire of students to test themselves, pass the test of vitality, and grow up earlier increased. 14 activity profiles of student labor groups appeared, the number of 241 groups amounted to 11,420 people.

In 2005, 13,520 people worked as part of 211 student labor teams of various profiles. In 2006, as of July 15, 106 units with a total number of 4,922 people were formed.

Since 2004, a unified register of student work teams of educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education has been formed annually, as well as a register of the scope of work, the organization of preferential medical examinations of students has been brought to the proper level, and widespread and constant state supervision and control over compliance is ensured labor legislation in relation to participants of student teams. There is widespread coverage of the activities of student labor groups in the media. Local government bodies of municipalities of the region have developed territorial programs to support the activities of service stations for 2004-2007. Student labor teams began to be involved in work financed from local budgets, and organizations that hired student labor teams began to receive support from local governments.

It was in 2004, for the first time after a long break, that the leaders of the student brigade movement in Kuban became part of the All-Russian student construction brigades "BAM - 2004" and "Solovki - 2004".

For more than a month, as the guys said, they had to do hard men’s work: digging trenches, laying cables, mixing concrete by hand. But the guys not only did not grumble, but on the contrary, they were glad, firstly, to get to such a picturesque place as Solovki, where everything is imbued with ancient Russian history and the spirit of Orthodoxy, and secondly, to make new friends who, as one, We worked and had a great time. At the end of the work, the VSSO participants were awarded diplomas and memorable prizes.

State institution of the Krasnodar region "Regional cruising and sailing school"

The state institution of the Krasnodar Territory "Regional Cruising and Sailing School" was created by decree of the head of the administration of the Krasnodar Territory No. 521 dated July 14, 2000 in order to improve the structure of organizing summer recreation for children and youth in the Krasnodar Territory as part of the implementation of youth policy. Purposes of creation Government institution Krasnodar region "Regional cruising and sailing school" are:

Organization of summer holidays for children and youth;

Fostering the spirit of patriotism, collectivism and partnership;

Formation of a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle;

Nurturing an active life position in children and youth.

The areas of activity of the State Institution of the Krasnodar Territory "Regional Cruising and Sailing School" are:

Organization and development of water and other types of youth tourism in the Krasnodar Territory: yachting, diving, rafting, phishing, spearfishing, yacht cruises,
horse tourism;

Organization of tours, excursions, hikes throughout the Krasnodar Territory and Adygea.

At the end of 2003, the institution reached the international level of cooperation. The Youth Affairs Committee of the Krasnodar Territory signed a cooperation agreement for three years with the French sailing association "LE GLENANT". The executor under the contract from KDM is the Regional Cruising and Sailing School. The form of organization and activity of the camps is based on the principles of work of international European youth sailing schools, which have half a century of experience in teaching young people to sail in the waters of the Mediterranean and Baltic seas, on the Atlantic coast.

In 2001-2006, three branches were formed in the cities of Temryuk, Taman, Slavyansk-on-Kuban. Each branch has its own specifics and focus of work, which makes it possible to expand interaction with youth public organizations and neighborhood clubs located in various regions of the Krasnodar Territory. There is constant contact with 28 districts of the region. Also underway Full time job with federations of sailing, rafting, diving, phishing of all levels - from city to all-Russian.

The Gelendzhik Sailing Center is the base site for various programs. In the city of Gelendzhik there are five local clubs that are part of the Sailing Center, which provide year-round free classes for young people. All clubs are involved in summer recreation programs for Kuban youth. The territory of the Krasnodar Territory, thanks to the unique combination of natural, climatic and geopolitical conditions, is the most promising place on the Russian coast for the organization and development of sailing. The mild Mediterranean climate allows you to conduct classes on the water from April to November, the average number of sunny days per year is 270.

The coast of the Azov Sea is very convenient for the initial training of trainees, since the sea is not deep, soft, and the shore is sandy. Here is the summer sports and tourist base of the Temryuk branch. On the Taman Peninsula there is a sports and tourist base "Mayak". This unique place is surrounded on all sides by various bodies of water: estuaries, lakes, ponds and, of course, the Black Sea, decorated with a strip of golden sand. The shallow depth of the estuaries and, as a result, the lack of waves allow even beginners to quickly learn the skills of sailing on dinghies, yachts and sailing catamarans.

In each region there are symbols that unite its inhabitants into a single formation, giving the right to be called by a single name and be proud of it. For the Krasnodar Territory, the main water artery of our region - the Kuban River - has become such a symbol. The city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban is located right on the Kuban River, where the base for summer sports and tourist recreation is located. The uniqueness of the summer holiday lies in the fact that the children go through tourist routes along the Kuban River, the Protoka River (rafting) and go out to the Sea of ​​Azov (sailing).


In the process of writing a course work on the topic: “Technologies of social work with youth,” the author studied the problems of youth, regulatory legal acts of youth policy of the Russian Federation and the Krasnodar Territory, the role of social services in solving youth problems, technologies of working with youth, as well as experience work of the Committee on Youth Affairs (Department of Youth Policy) of the Krasnodar Territory.

The practice of the Department of Youth Policy indicates a fairly professional, diverse organization of work with youth in the Krasnodar Territory, however, the organization of even more systematic, more regular work with teenagers and young people is required.

In each district of the Krasnodar Territory, specialists from the Youth Policy Department work to implement various areas of youth policy in the territory of the municipality. However, their efforts are usually not enough to reach all youth in a municipality. Hence the need to introduce a specialist position for working with youth in the administration of each urban and rural settlement, as well as the development of a larger number of youth centers and clubs in the area of ​​residence.


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