Taurus zodiac sign what flower. Taurus

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Any woman loves flowers. But it is not always possible to guess which flowers a lady prefers. In order to avoid getting into trouble and give a pleasant gift to a Taurus woman, you need to know exactly about all her preferences. What flowers does she like and what house plants will bring happiness to the house?

How to choose?

It would seem that there is nothing difficult in choosing a bouquet for a girl. But in fact, this is a whole science, because it can sometimes be very difficult to please the fair sex. Giving any first bouquet you come across is wrong. It is also wrong to listen to the opinion of the seller flower shop, who always banally recommends roses. Most the best option– choose a bouquet for a woman according to her zodiac sign. What flowers will a Taurus woman definitely like? Which bouquet would suit her birthday? According to the horoscope, women who were born under the sign of Taurus are considered romantic, sensitive and even sentimental people. Therefore, almost all flowers are suitable for them. These girls are ready to appreciate any bouquet, and especially one that was presented to them for no reason.

They can be equally impressed by a luxurious bouquet of roses or a modest bouquet of other flowers.

If you want to hit this woman in the very heart, then give preference to large flowers. For example, luxurious roses or gerberas. It is best to choose red flowers. After all, the main thing that Taurus women value is luxury and brightness. But don’t think that these girls are materialistic and will only be impressed by an expensive bouquet. This is absolutely not true. To impress a Taurus woman, you can buy her a modest, but very cute and unusual bouquet. For example, such beauties can be indescribably delighted by an unexpectedly presented bouquet of fragrant lilies of the valley or snowdrops. These women will definitely appreciate a bouquet that seems modest and inconspicuous.

Remember that the main thing for Taurus is sincerity and emotions. But what you shouldn’t give them are tulips and orchids, especially if the flowers are newfangled dark shades.

Such flowers will only worsen the mood of Taurus and will not please them at all with their appearance.

When choosing a bouquet for a Taurus woman, be sure to ensure that the packaging is not too bright, voluminous or pretentious.

Many people hide inconspicuous and inconspicuous flowers in luxurious wrappers, hoping that a woman will still like them. But Taurus can’t be fooled like that. If you have chosen luxurious roses, then you can give them even without a cover or give preference to transparent packaging. These women do not like tinsel and surroundings, packaging is not so important for them, and they may categorically not like too bright wrapping. Remember that Taurus values ​​luxury, style and modesty. If you manage to combine all this in one bouquet, then women born under the sign of Taurus will undoubtedly be pleasantly impressed by your taste and reverent attitude towards them.

Flowers and plants for the home

Representatives of the Taurus sign are quite indifferent to indoor plants m and home flowers. It cannot be said that these women are great lovers of gardening and are ready to grow huge plants on their windowsill. These women will not chase rare varieties of plants, but from indoor flowers, which can bring good luck and happiness into the house, they will not refuse.

In addition, this zodiac sign belongs to the element of Earth, and therefore Taurus simply needs to have something related to earth and nature in the house.

When choosing indoor plants for these women, pay attention to the fact that colors such as white, green, yellow and brown suit their energy. These colors help them achieve inner harmony, balance, calmness and help them be collected. Every Taurus woman can choose a plant for herself that will not just be a decoration in the house, but will also become a talisman that protects well-being and happiness in her home.

Taurus women always strive for financial stability, so they will not give up house plant, which will attract money to the house. Of course, we are talking about the fat tree or, as people call it, the “money tree.” This plant is completely unpretentious, easy to care for and it is best to keep it in your office near your desk.

To ensure that financial stability does not turn away from Taurus, take care and water “ Money Tree"You only need to do it yourself.

Sometimes representatives of the Taurus sign lack self-confidence. Despite their natural charm and energy, they are often shy, insecure and overly modest. To unlock their full potential, Taurus women should acquire a houseplant such as Kalanchoe. The energy of this home plant allows you to feel more self-confident, helps develop firmness, determination and helps you achieve your goals.

Another feature of this flower is that it has a calming effect on its owner. And this is exactly what hot-tempered Taurus needs, as it will help women resolve conflicts more peacefully and calmly. When a Taurus woman lacks determination and courage, she should get a houseplant like Persian cyclamen. This flower has amazing energy that helps create a unique atmosphere of comfort and warmth in the home. This plant is especially needed in the home of married ladies.

This flower will become not only a decoration for Taurus, but also a real talisman in their personal life.

Since women born under the sign of Taurus are calm and unhurried by nature, this kind of energy will suit them perfectly. indoor flower like a violet. The plant will help create coziness in the house and will give its owner the energy of peace and happiness. Violets come in a wide variety of colors and shades. But here's for the capricious Taurus will suit not everyone is a violet. Perfect option for Taurus it is a pure flower white, especially if the woman is already married and has children. The energy of this plant allows you to cleanse the house of negativity, gives peace of mind and eliminates unnecessary thoughts. Flowers blue and purple suitable for those Taurus who are busy creative activity. Such a plant can give inspiration and develop creativity.

But it is better to avoid flowers of pink and red shades. Their energy is so strong that it will prevent Taurus from realizing themselves in life.

If a woman lives in country house, then you definitely need to plant lilacs in the yard. This plant, with its unique energy, helps Taurus protect their feelings. Sometimes these women are ready to waste themselves completely, but this is not worth doing. The energy of lilac also helps Taurus women forget about old and unsuccessful relationships, an unsuccessful marriage and a difficult breakup. And the plant helps a woman easily enter into a new relationship, which is sure to be successful. When a Taurus woman has a bouquet of lilacs in her house, it gives the energy of love, happiness and stability. And this is the main thing that every woman needs in the life.

To learn how to choose the right flowers for a girl depending on her zodiac sign, watch the video.

Knowing that a person’s tastes and inclinations are greatly influenced by his zodiac sign, let’s try to trace how the constellation Taurus ( April 20 - May 20) influences the love of flowers. To do this, let's first remember that Taurus are peace-loving and calm people who love nature, and flowers are its most beautiful part. In their eyes, therefore, they serve as a symbol of harmony, beauty and comfort.

Houseplants in the life of Taurus

Most housewives strive to decorate their home with flowers. Taurus women are no exception. They are happy to do all the work related to caring for the flora. Indoor plants allow them to improve the atmosphere in the home and overall well-being.

Since this zodiac sign is the first earthly one among the zodiac circle, it is closest to the Earth and the material sphere in general. Therefore, its representatives are more suitable for low-growing and strong flowers, i.e., also close to the Earth. Low growth in this case symbolizes proximity to the earth's surface.

Taurus is also characterized by material stability and physical endurance, and appropriate indoor plants help enhance these qualities. They can be kept in the house as talismans for a prosperous life and improved health.

According to the horoscope, Taurus is best suited for Saintpaulia, Kalanchoe, begonia, cyclamen and primrose, which have many qualities characteristic of the character of these people. Women of this zodiac sign prefer delicate small plants that bloom beautifully and smell good. Among the non-flowering varieties, the most popular are ragwort and geogenanthus.

Favorite flowers for Taurus are undoubtedly violets or Saintpaulias. After all, people of this sign are calm and unhurried, and violet only enhances the feeling of calm and tranquility. To further increase the feeling of harmony that arises in its presence, you need to choose the right color of this plant:

  1. A universal option are indoor white violets. They help get rid of negative thoughts, reduce stress on nervous system and prevent nervous breakdowns.
  2. Pink or red flowers relieve excess feelings based on carnal instincts and the thirst for hoarding. They instill a sense of satisfaction, reduce physical needs and improve health.
  1. Violet with blue flowers creates an atmosphere of creative inspiration, and with purple - improves relationships and mutual understanding between family members.

This also applies to other flowering indoor plants that this representative of the Zodiac prefers.

The amulet flower for Taurus is Kalanchoe, which is distinguished by its fleshy leaves and small beautiful flowers. It protects against dark forces, conflicts and anger, helps development creativity. He is connected with his owner by unobtrusive beauty and strength.

It is believed that if a person born under this sign stands near a Kalanchoe and makes a wish, then he will gain more will and determination to achieve his goal.

Kalanchoe brings particular benefits to those homes where they talk a lot about unpleasant things, and they do it in a rude and irritated tone. The flower has the ability to neutralize the energy of anger and discontent, so that they will not affect the health of household members. Women of this zodiac sign, thanks to Kalanchoe, will be able to choose jewelry and clothes for themselves with great success, because among other things, the plant also improves taste.

Flowers as a gift for Taurus

Garden and wildflower species most suitable for down-to-earth Taurus are also short-growing. But the beautiful Venus, who rules the elements of this zodiac sign, has endowed many of them with sophistication, unique beauty, and a wonderful aroma.

According to the horoscope the most matching colors for Taurus are those that bloom in nature during the reign of the sign, i.e. from the end of April to the end of May. These are lilies of the valley, lilacs, daffodils, which best suit the slightly sentimental nature of Taurus. People of this zodiac sign always give preference to them.

Lilies of the valley, which the Celts called enchanted treasures, are most in tune with the energy of Taurus in their properties. The Moon, which is another patron of this sign, endows its representatives with dreaminess and a tendency toward illusions, which are combined in them with the desire for wealth. Lily of the valley also has lunar properties. Its symbolism combines emotional vulnerability and practicality, a craving for material wealth. Lilies of the valley and lilac are amulets for these representatives of the Zodiac; they are also endowed with the ability to materialize thoughts.

In addition to spring flowers, both Taurus men and women love beautiful, large garden flowers - roses, gladioli, chrysanthemums. Red color is desirable for them, but can be combined with white. Their aroma may not be too pronounced, but extremely natural.

Taurus who are passionate lovers of nature and flora, gladly accept flowers as a gift. But the bouquet presented in its quality must be impeccable, absolutely fresh, in no case disheveled, without unnecessary decorations. It cannot be flashy, but must be decorated with appropriate taste. After all, Taurus women quickly notice the slightest flaws. In general, we can say that they prefer classics in flowers and will appreciate a mono-bouquet of roses or tulips. Large white chrysanthemums may also suit their taste.

Among the low-growing, strong flowers that are well suited for this zodiac sign, gerberas are great for making bouquets. But bouquets of them should also be spectacular and stylish without an excess of accessories.

There are a number of flowers that should not be given to Taurus. First of all, this dark orchids and tulips. Women of this sign, under their influence, indulge in melancholy. They are also not recommended to give pansies.

People born at one time or another, under a certain zodiac sign, often have similar character traits, and even similar talents. People have long noticed that a correctly selected talisman in accordance with the zodiac sign can help a person become more successful in life, and a talisman can also help a person realize his plans and dreams in life.

Usually, stones and certain varieties of flowers, purely individual for each individual zodiac sign, act as talismans. Flowers are the source of life, so it is not surprising that certain types flowers can greatly affect the mental balance, and indeed the well-being of a person of a certain mindset.

People born under the zodiac sign of Taurus are usually calm and even a little romantic in life. Despite their outward detachment from other people's problems, Taurus are very sensitive to people's feelings and empathize very much, but, as a rule, they rarely show their emotions.

Taurus's talisman flowers help him find harmonious solutions problems, as well as gain peace of mind and balance. Since Taurus people gravitate towards a harmonious existence with themselves and nature, there are a number of types of flowers that will be a wonderful gift for them. Some varieties of flowers are good to keep in the Taurus house or grow on personal plot. You need to know exactly which flowers are suitable for a particular zodiac sign, since some varieties of flowers will help their owner, while others, on the contrary, can harm.

You can give a wide variety of flowers as a gift to Taurus, for example, bouquets of violets, lilies of the valley, lilacs, roses, gerberas, lilies, daffodils and forget-me-nots are perfect.

When considering the question of which flowers are suitable for Taurus, it is worth recognizing that almost all spring flowers that bloom early, as well as those that have large red, white or purple buds or inflorescences, are suitable for this zodiac sign.

Taurus is an earth sign, which is why so many different flower plants patronize it. To maintain mental and physical balance, it is very important for Taurus to keep indoor talismanic plants in their home. Flowers can attract love, happiness, material well-being and health, so don’t miss the opportunity and deny yourself a little blooming helper. Taurus is recommended to keep some indoor plants as talismans, which can bring good luck to their owners born under the zodiac sign of Taurus.

Indoor plants play an important role for Taurus, since it is indoor plants that Taurus can admire all year round, thereby stimulating your creative, mental and physical strength.

Among flowering indoor plants, violets, geraniums, lilies, some varieties of grapes, cyclamen, peperomia, begonia and gloxinia are especially suitable for Taurus. Another plant that, oddly enough, is ideal for Taurus is a cactus, especially a flowering cactus, since this plant can attract good luck in business and love for Taurus.

If you have to choose what to give Taurus a bouquet of suitable colors or a living indoor plant, it is better, of course, to give preference to indoor plants. Home flowers are also important for Taurus, so if possible, you should plant flowers in your garden. summer cottage or under the window in a flowerbed. It is best to plant lilac bushes, lilies of the valley and carnations, as these plants have the most beneficial effect on Taurus and will be faithful helpers in all everyday affairs.

In addition to fresh flowers, it is good for Taurus to have them in the house various elements decor with the image of a talisman flower. Despite the fact that Taurus, as already mentioned, is an earth sign of the zodiac, not all flowers suit them. Taurus is not recommended to receive as a gift or grow such types of flowers as: tulips, orchids, pansies, koleria, aechmea, agave, calceolaria and decorative pepper. Flowers play an important role in the well-being of Taurus, so it is important that such talismans are constantly present in the lives of people of this zodiac sign. Right choice and caring for a small indoor talisman flower will give Taurus strength for new achievements in all areas of life.

Of course natural world has always attracted the admiring glances of numerous researchers and specialists. Increasingly, superstitions are appearing in our world that plants or even animals can...

Every day we see many flowers around us - indoor, garden, field. Possessing powerful energy, plants can both help and harm. Knowing which flowers suit our zodiac signs, we can surround ourselves with the right energy.

Fiery Aries are purposeful individuals who constantly strive for leadership, therefore the flowers of this sign are bright red, burgundy, and tall orange. The thorny stem reflects the hot-tempered nature of Aries.

From room options Aries energy coincides with dwarf pomegranate, Japanese and Indian azalea, royal begonia, brilliant spurge, rose.

Azalea, for example, contributes to successful implementation creative projects. In the workplace, a flower puts you in a working mood and helps you reach an agreement in a dispute.

Royal begonia is an assistant to Aries in developing eloquence and building relationships with others. Detailed description We gave the intricacies of this flower in the article.

Aries plants symbolize advancement career ladder , spiritual development, reflect success and solidity. Therefore, those who want to build a career, learn to set goals and achieve them can turn to them for help.

It is advisable for Aries to avoid asparagus, lemon, orchid, arrowroot, and chrysanthemum.


Taurus is an earthly symbol ruled by Venus. He stands firmly on his feet, is down to earth, attaches great importance to the material side of life, which is why the flowers of Taurus are strong and low.

Significant choice for him:

will help Taurus detach themselves from the opinions of others and form your own view of the world. We described how to choose such a pet and care for it in the section.
  • Decorative flowering begonia will improve relationships with others.
  • Gloxinia absorbs negative energy, helps achieve financial well-being and stability, will support you in achieving your dreams and realizing your goals.
  • Violet strengthens family relationships, endows Taurus with wisdom, creates comfort in the home.

Taurus pets - symbol of prosperity and stability, so they can be recommended to those who strive for material well-being.

Taurus should avoid peppers and calceolaria, and it is also advisable not to grow agave in the house.


Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is friendly but changeable. Their plants have a large number of small leaves.

Asparagus, for example, must be in the house for those twins who fail to realize their dreams. It will help representatives of the sign who talk a lot but do little.

The flower is able to orient and direct to the right life path, find harmony with yourself. All you have to do is select the desired instance: various varieties we described in the section.

Fern is necessary for maximalists to make their demands on the world more realistic, as well as to smooth out worries about the past and present.

cleanses the atmosphere in the house from bad thoughts. The twins also feel comfortable next to ivy and tillandisia.

Twin plants protect friendship and promote good relationship with others.

Codium (croton) and arrowroot do not combine.


Cancers – watermark, whose flowers are distinguished by fleshy leaves and stems. They create comfort in the house and contribute to happy family relationships.

Fuchsia, for example, will help find mutual language between family members, especially from different generations. If the cancer is confused and cannot find a way out, the plant will suggest an alternative solution.

  • Manson's begonia keeps cancer away from melancholy, loss of strength and depression, and makes the atmosphere around more joyful.
  • Peperomia bushy will calm the energy of the dispute in the cancer, teach it to listen to the opinions of others.
  • Aloe will restore the biofield and mental health.

According to the energy of Cancer Monstera, ficus and oleander are contraindicated.

a lion

Fire lions, ruled by the Sun, need bright and aristocratic colors that reflect their character and promote creativity and high feelings.

Plants of this sign need a lot of light and are demanding of care.

Calla can bring harmony and inspiration to the home, as well as increase resistance to stress.

One of the most prominent representatives– Chinese rose, helps you see new facets in familiar things, is a flower of passion and emotion, a way to turn laziness into creativity.

Lions will also find harmony with gardenia, royal geranium and califa bristlecone. Camellia helps fight laziness and inaction.

Representatives of the sign should avoid croton, laurel and arrowroot.


Virgo is an earth sign whose patron is airy Mercury.

Plants of the sign symbolize practicality, intelligence and prudence.

  • Dracaena promotes academic success.
  • Monstera helps you look at the world more broadly and also structures your thinking.
  • Aloe protects against diseases.
  • Red poppies restore nerves, improve well-being and help you fall asleep.
  • Astra will help you get to know yourself better.

Birch trees (rhocissus rhombicum), asparagus, and philodendron are also suitable for a virgin. We described the latter in the article.

It is recommended that virgins keep bulbous plants and clivia cinnabar at a decent distance from themselves.


Libra flowers are bright and beautiful, as a rule, they have variegated leaves. So appearance Plants were endowed by Venus, while Saturn makes the stems strong and strong, thanks to which they maintain their posture.

Libra flowers are positive affect family relationships, between friends, in business, and also shape people’s taste.

  • Capsicum clears the atmosphere of envy and anger.
  • Pineapple brings change to life, makes people living by inertia stop and look at the world in a new way.
  • Fatsia japonica will help get rid of pessimism and gloomy thoughts.

Representatives of the sign should avoid growing echmea, begonia, and dracaena.


The water scorpio, ruled by Pluto and Mars, is in harmony with plants that contain a large number of moisture. Attractive in appearance, they have spines. Develop supernatural abilities, intuition and clairvoyance.

    relieves nightmares and dangerous thoughts.
  • Dracaena will help Scorpio from constant self-digging.
  • Common oleander will help get rid of bad habits.

It is better for representatives of this sign to refrain from growing hippeastrum, clivia and citrus fruits.


The patronage of fiery Sagittarius is exercised by Jupiter. The flowers of the sign are beautiful and original, directed upward and possess tall. They develop in Sagittarius a desire to travel and explore the world.

It is better for Sagittarius to stop indoor plants selection of citrus fruits, clivia cinnabar, schefflera and sansevieria.

Sansevieria, for example, cleanses the house of evil thoughts, creates a creative atmosphere and helps those receiving education. A description of the flower and its features can be found in the section.

Unsuitable aloe, cacti, ferns, ivy.


Capricorn is down-to-earth and has a conservative character, so representatives of the sign are suitable for plants that have a straight and strong stem, possibly with thorns.

Capricorn is a sign of a leader Therefore, its flowers protect your career and help you achieve success in your work.

Help and support for Capricorn can be expected from dracaena dereme and fragrant, ficus rubber, laurel, liviston, lithops, silver crassula, ficus benjamina.

It is better for Capricorns not to surround themselves with reeds, aster, jasmine, and bluebells.


Aquarius plants will help you take a fresh look at old problems and find a way out difficult situation, get rid of conservatism. The ruler of the sign is Uranus, so Aquarius plants are light, airy with a pleasant smell.

    helps Aquarians in finding their calling
  • Reo motley - in the fight against negative emotions
  • Dracaena Godsepha - in search of the right solution.

Other indoor plants of the sign include ragwort and arrowroot. The description of the latter is presented in the article.

Representatives of this sign should refrain from growing bulbous plants.


Fish plants are similar to algae, have beautiful flowers or a pleasant smell, less often - a strong stem, as a rule, it does not have a base. Contribute to creativity, beneficial meditation, intended for church ministers.

  • Siderasis Brownish helps fish calm their emotions, return from heaven to earth and begin to act.
  • Cyperus papyrus protects from lies.
  • Crassula moss forms aging.

Unsuitable bulbous plants, echmea and capsicum.

Whatever flowers are prescribed for you by your zodiac sign, correlate them with your individual preferences, and then you you can surround yourself with harmony, as well as find a source of strength and energy.


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