Total alexandra aquarius plant and stone. The magical properties of rock crystal

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All Aquarians are calm. They are idealists who try not to make mistakes all their lives. They love loneliness, it is difficult for them to make new acquaintances, so they have few friends, but they are all real. Aquarians do not like to fight, but they are capable of devoting themselves to one thing. Stones for this zodiac sign should help them open up to others and give them strength to solve problems.

What stones are suitable for Aquarius according to the horoscope?

There are several stones suitable for any Aquarius:, and. Some stones are more suitable for people born on certain days:

  • First ten days (21.01 - 1.02). Their patron is Venus. These people are characterized by romance, attractiveness and success in love. But they often fall into melancholy, their mood can quickly and for a long time deteriorate. Will make them more courageous and energetic, and.
  • Second decade (2.02 - 11.02). Mercury endowed his charges with a sharp mind, a sense of humor and justice. Gentle and slightly vain Aquarians will definitely achieve recognition. The best stones will be,.
  • Third decade (12.02 - 20.02). The Moon influenced them and made them humble and truthful. They value the truth highly, are easily disappointed in liars and leave them without regret. They achieve success through sensitivity and restraint. The best stones that can support their aspirations are, and.

Aquarius stones for women

For women, two gems will be most useful:

  • . Aquarius women have a craving for freedom, but by their own actions they often limit the freedom of those around them. will help a woman understand others more easily and join new groups. It will help increase motivation and desire to achieve the goal. It will be a good amulet for those who want to have a child.
  • . Loneliness and daydreaming are two character traits that prevent Aquarius from organizing his own life. The stone will help you correctly evaluate your chosen ones and choose the right one. This stone influences openness, helps to correctly express your feelings and care for others. It helps you not make mistakes.

Aquarius stones for men

Aquarius stone amethyst

Those Aquarians who do not part with a pebble will be full of optimism and strength to implement the most unusual plans. His energy is so strong that he will take away everything bad and leave no time for boredom. With his help, representatives of this zodiac sign will easily overcome all difficulties. Increased intuition will allow you to avoid many mistakes.

Aquarius birthstone aquamarine

The most noticeable effect on Aquarius is as a means for healing the soul. It will help you get rid of stress and fatigue after a working day, help you get rid of bad thoughts, evaluate your plans from the outside and do something really necessary.

The main effect of hematite on Aquarius will be that Aquarians will find their true calling. With hematite, Aquarius will be lucky at every turn.

Tourmaline stone is well suited for Aquarius signs. Tourmaline gives a positive charge of energy and symbolizes wisdom. Tourmaline also inspires new achievements and brings everything started to considerable success.

Jasper for Aquarius will be a wonderful amulet. Jasper nourishes its owner with positivity and protects from negativity. Since ancient times, jasper has been considered a stone of spiritual life.

Malachite teaches Aquarius to forgive and love. With malachite, Aquarius will be filled with spiritual powers. Among representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius, malachite can make talented people in the field of art or science.

For those born under the zodiac sign Aquarius, the almandine garnet is simply ideal. Stone garnet for Aquarius will bring a lot of cheerfulness, love of life, fun and happiness. Almandine garnet should be taken with you to important meetings and events - there the stone will prove its ability to keep the situation under control and resolve important issues. A special advantage of garnet stone is that it enhances love relationships.

For Aquarius, Labrador will be a good support for the immune system and a “magnet” for wealth. Labradorite also has a beneficial effect on the sleep of Aquarius and gives new abilities.

Aquarians are distinguished by their rebellious spirit and unconventional thinking. They also show their extravagance when choosing personal items, this especially applies to women. She will always strive to stand out, to express her individuality through personal items and clothing. The Aquarius talisman stone is not only a good helper for life path, but also has a beneficial effect on character, harmonizing and smoothing it, emphasizing its astral nature.

Sign mascot stones

For Aquarius, the horoscope stone is lapis lazuli, amethyst, opal, sapphire, garnet. These stones are basic and will suit most representatives of this zodiac sign.

This is the eleventh zodiac sign, in which the Sun is located from January 20 to February 18. The talisman stone must be chosen based on the decade in which they were born.

January 21 - February 1

Women who were born in the first decade are under the protection of Venus. It brings calmness to their character, makes them more sensitive and prone to romance, subject to changes in mood. But despite this combination of modesty and romance, people who were born on these days are attractive to the opposite sex. Stones that will give them energy and determination are suitable for them: aquamarine, serpentine, pearl, jade, jasper, obsidian, tourmaline, amber, garnet, aventurine.

February 2−11

Those born in the second decade are under the protection of Mercury. Thanks to its influence, representatives of the sign are characterized by such qualities as an excellent sense of humor, a lively, sharp mind, determination, and energy. They are insightful and wise. The following stones are more suitable for these people than others: turquoise, citrine, onyx, chrysoprase, amethyst, amber and lapis lazuli.

February 12−20

The patron of the representatives of the third decade is the Moon. People who were born during this period do not tolerate lies. They are without regret break up with people who deceived them at least once, because they prefer not to lie themselves. They have sensitivity and restraint. They need stones that will smooth out these character traits, making them more relaxed: hyacinth, zircon, chrysoprase, aquamarine, garnet, tourmaline, sapphire, alexandrite.

Properties of minerals

You can attract success in motherhood, career, self-realization and personal life by knowing which stones suit Aquarius women according to the horoscope better than others. These are precious and semi-precious stones:

  1. Topaz. Able to shelter the owner from unaccountable obsessions and fears. It is also suitable for passionate natures, since its main task is to calm, harmonize and purify thoughts, retain the passions that boil in the soul, give clarity and transparency of thoughts, protect the mind from depressive and negative feelings and thoughts.
  2. Aquamarine Representatives of this difficult zodiac sign will like it. And all because it has extraordinary properties. It can change color, depending on what mood the owner is in: if she is feeling well, she will be light blue, and if she is feeling poorly, it will be greenish. In amorous affairs, it will help the hostess get rid of unnecessary dreams, and will also make Aquarius, who are prone to idealization, more practical.
  3. Amber is a stone that bestows liberation and self-confidence, activity, vigor and vitality.
  4. Chrysoprase is a symbol of the successful completion of old affairs and new beginnings. It is needed by representatives of the fair sex who want to advance in career ladder. It gives its owner the ability to work, the ability to make quick decisions, clarity of thinking and determination.
  5. Pearl Since ancient times, people have been perceived as the guardian of fidelity and purity, prosperity and decency. Every married lady should have it in her assortment. It will help save the marriage, protecting it from unwanted reproaches, scandals and quarrels, give softness and femininity, make it more tender and compliant.
  6. Pomegranate is a symbol of success for a representative of this sign. It is a stone of love of life, clairvoyance and passion. It is generally accepted that it has a beneficial effect on women who are expecting a new addition to the family and helps them during childbirth. It helps unmarried ladies attract a man, have a betrothed, and start a family.
  7. Amethyst is a very favorable stone, which gives its owner sensitivity and insight, and will help cope with the dark side of its owner. He will help you overcome life difficulties, will protect representatives of this sign from scandals and quarrels, as well as from unnecessary waste of energy. It is capable of accumulating throughout long period store within oneself a certain energy of the owner. That is why it is recommended to wear it in bright and joyful moments of life. After some time, it will acquire the properties of a guardian. There is an opinion that it helps a young woman get pregnant faster.
  8. Rhinestone. Gives to his owner positive attitude and protects her from the evil eye. Can also be used to cleanse energy.
  9. Obsidian. This stone will help protect those Aquarians who are constantly in the spotlight from deceit, gossip, bad thoughts and emotions of other people. He takes the blow and absorbs all the negativity of strangers, maintaining peace and tranquility for his owner. It can also be used to solve complex tasks and problems. Helps get rid of bad habits.
  10. Quartz can be used as a talisman that will protect against accidents and also protect physical health and life. Light shades this stone can be used to develop your creativity or to attract love. Rose quartz will help overcome a creative crisis, give self-confidence, liberate, protect against negative thoughts and make its owner softer.
  11. Sapphire - good amulet for those who want to strengthen or improve their health. It normalizes the functioning of internal organs and will help cope with insomnia. It can be used against the envy and lies of others, and as protection against slander. Other shades of sapphire can be used to achieve peace of mind and wisdom, increase attentiveness and intuition, strengthen your inner world.
  12. Agate will protect its owner from damage and the evil eye, and will also protect against energy vampirism.
  13. Hyacinth The stone is indispensable on the road for those people who love to travel. It can maintain clarity of thinking and balance, and is useful during life changes.
  14. Lapis lazuli protects from negativity and brings good luck. It is generally accepted that it protects its owner from evil presence and unclean intent. It will help the owner to feel safe anywhere.
  15. Pomegranate- a talisman for hardworking, active and bright Aquarius. It will protect you from overwork and stress, help you quickly restore strength and maintain high productivity. It will help the owner become more sociable: their communication with others will become much simpler and easier, and will help them quickly establish contact with friends and strangers, as well as their significant other.
  16. Amazonite bestows youth on its owner, endows him with colossal vital energy and helps preserve beauty for a long time.

Jewelry depending on year of birth

A woman can also choose a stone according to her zodiac sign Aquarius based on her year of birth.

Aquarius, who were born in the year of the Rat, are well suited for amber jewelry. Such jewelry helps to attract sympathy for the owner of the talisman.

Quite massive and bright decorations suitable for the Ox. Lapis lazuli or emerald stones will favorably emphasize the dignity of the owner.

The carnelian stone will bring good luck to the Aquarius-Tiger. He will help you understand problematic situations and help you approach your goals. Amber is most suitable for rabbits. Its power will become several times greater if it is donated by loved ones.

Green peridot is suitable for the Snake and Dragon. Massive jewelry suits horses I, which have the properties of jewelry for energetic and passionate natures. These include amethyst, garnet and ruby.

Onyx and agate reveal the inner harmony of Aquarius, born in the year of the Goat, and opal - of Dogs and Monkeys. Emeralds, agates and rubies are suitable for roosters. But for the Pig the best option will become topazes. They will give long-awaited peace of mind and reveal human strength.

Unwanted stones

Some stones are contraindicated for Aquarius.

  1. Diamond. It makes the owner overly arrogant and stubborn. Women should not wear it if they do not want to become hard, cold and contemptuous towards other people. It develops pride and egocentrism in Aquarius.
  2. Turquoise especially contraindicated married women, since it can instill in them frivolity and frivolity, increase stubbornness, and in their beliefs it can lead to fanaticism.
  3. Citrine Aquarius has a dual effect. On the one hand, it enhances positive traits, expands the boundaries of his knowledge and makes him more purposeful and open. On the other hand, it also affects negative characteristics, taking them to the extreme. This stone should be handled with special care.

Types of amulets for Aquarius

In addition to knowing what stone Aquarius has according to the horoscope, you also need to take into account that they need to be framed in a certain frame and used in amulets a certain shape. Aquarians are recommended to wear the following amulets:

  1. A pendant that has the shape of the letter “F”. It should be worn in honor of the goddess of life Zhiva.
  2. You can use any amulets that relate to the element of air (butterfly, feather, etc.).
  3. The key will make a woman more confident, allow her to get rid of shyness and open up internally.
  4. The icon is a powerful talisman against troubles, illnesses and misfortunes.
  5. Ceramic or porcelain figurine of an angel. It helps develop intuition.

Aquarians are recommended to wear stones as jewelry. The frame must be made of platinum or silver. These metals are suitable for the water element. In this case, garnet, lapis lazuli, amazonite, agate, sapphire, quartz and others are especially preferred. It is necessary to choose jewelry based on the occasion, but you should not wear several at the same time. They can influence each other bad influence, and protection for humans will be minimal.

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The quietest and most romantic sign of the Zodiac. In the life of Aquarius there is no place for violent passions and heroic overcoming of imaginable and unimaginable difficulties. Aquarians are not inclined to fights and showdowns with enemies and friends by flaunting their ambitions and physical capabilities.
For representatives of this Sign, the main thing remains the ability to calmly carry out their work, while an important factor characterizing their behavior and inclinations is the ability to help people and maintain their own optimism.

Combination of birthstone and date of birth

  • Rose quartz. Most suitable amulet for a representative of the Sign who easily falls into melancholy and melancholy. The mineral present in the life of Aquarius helps the owner acquire inexhaustible optimism, faith in own strength and opportunities. The amulet will help to reveal the creative potential of the owner and protect him from various traumatic situations and protect him from accidents.
  • Sapphire. The stone awakens in a person a craving for new knowledge, for philosophy and reasoning about the meaning of life. Often, Aquarians suffer from their own spiritual inferiority, so the gem is necessary as a constant driver of the owner’s aspirations towards moral and spiritual self-improvement. In a difficult situation, the mineral will not allow the owner to fall into depression, will force him to concentrate all his strength on solving the problem, and will protect the owner from deceitful friends and false acquaintances.
  • Obsidian. An amulet from will prevent its owner from the presence of negative actions in his life, bad people, bad habits. The mineral will make Aquarius study and work harder and harder to achieve the desired goal. Although Aquarius should not get carried away with constantly wearing an obsidian amulet, the long-term presence of the stone in the life of the owner can deprive the owner of courage and determination.
  • Amethyst: is able to revive Aquarius’s faith in their own strengths, hope for a better future, and save the owner from hopelessness and melancholy. The stone will force its owner to become a winner and will reliably protect Aquarius from unfair competition, from rancor and his own stubbornness. Strengthens intuitive thinking and insight.
  • - will become reliable protection from evil witchcraft and internal diseases, will tell you a way out difficult situation and will help you get out of it correctly.
  • . A ring with a stone worn on the middle finger will help the owner with radical changes on the path of life, protect Aquarius from apathy caused by difficulties, and give strength to cope with changes that are not always pleasant and convenient.
  • . It will help you find true friends and prevent injustice from happening. Suitable as a reliable amulet for long and dangerous journeys.

Useful for improving relations with the surrounding society. The mineral promotes a more complete understanding of the desires and aspirations of other people and improves the family climate. It is believed that it will be useful to a representative of this Sign when trying to have children; the stone gives strength and develops the will to achieve a certain goal.

The mineral will help the Aquarius owner to realistically look at the strengths and weaknesses of her chosen one, will guide her on the right path, and will set her up for trust and tenderness towards her family and friends.


Lithotherapists affirm the urgent need for married Aquarius to have at least one piece of jewelry with this stone. IN in this case the frame does not matter, the main requirement is natural origin. The stone will help maintain a reverent family relationship with each other, and will curb the pride of the Aquarius woman, which so often prevents her from compromising when resolving controversial issues.


The stone is indispensable for maintaining fortitude, vigor and optimism. The gem will help preserve for a long time beauty and youth will force the Aquarius woman to engage more in charity work and selfless help to her neighbor.

What stones are suitable for an Aquarius man?


Different shades of gems manifest their qualities differently in the lives of representatives of this Sign. Thus, a black gem is able to attract the attention of the opposite sex to the owner, turning a not very emotional Aquarius man into a Don Juan who knows how to please the heart of his chosen one. Stones of yellow and white shades will give their owner kindness and simplicity in communicating with others. Gray stones will help you make true friends, protect Aquarius from unnecessary conflicts and petty quarrels, and protect you from other people’s lies and the machinations of ill-wishers.


The presence of a figurine made of a mineral or jewelry with this gem in the life of Aquarius will force the owner to engage in self-improvement and change his negative qualities to positive ones, which will attract success and material well-being into the owner’s life.


Jewelry with stones will become faithful assistants for Aquarius the innovator, inventor and reformer. will force the owner to complete the work he has begun logical conclusion, will give the necessary strength and optimism for this, teach you to absorb new knowledge and skills like a sponge.

Stones that are absolutely not suitable for Aquarius

All minerals belonging to Leo are harmful and destructive for Aquarius, both magically and physically. These are rock crystal, carnelian, topaz, zircon, opal, golden quartz, onyx, and chrysolite. Stones belonging to Leo make the life of Aquarius very difficult, overloading it with unnecessary emotions that are too strong for a representative of this sign. Gems tirelessly enhance negative properties character of Aquarius, contribute to his transformation into a fierce, stubborn fanatic and conservative.

Turquoise. It is very dangerous for a married Aquarius, as it can lead to the destruction of love happiness and family relations. Under the influence of the gem, the other half may grow cold towards his beloved, which will lead to numerous betrayals by the Aquarius woman’s husband.

The Aquarius woman is a complete mystery. It changes constantly. It can be completely different: cheerful and melancholic, kind and sarcastic, sentimental and irritable. Even in the style of clothing or the shape of her hair, she has no constancy, just as there is no consistency in her behavior or in the manner of conducting a conversation. And yet her main feature is her love of freedom. This woman trusts in life only personal observations and is guided by her own judgments. However, her love of freedom does not prevent her from remaining one of the most devoted and faithful signs of the Zodiac.

Money for an Aquarius woman is not the meaning of life. Therefore, wealth cannot conquer her, nor can tales of unearthly love. She is looking for a purpose in life, a job that will bring her pleasure, friendship and understanding.

To win this woman, you will have to love not only her oddities, but also her many friends. She is very difficult to understand. You just need to love. And never betray or deceive. After all, she might just leave and never come back.

Aquarius woman: which stone according to the horoscope suits this sign?

It should be bright and clean. He is what the Aquarius woman herself is. The Aquarius stone is lapis lazuli, garnet, amethyst, as well as sapphire, turquoise, aquamarine, zircon, and opal.

Born on frosty days under air sign Beautiful Aquarius is suitable for minerals in which the shimmer of the northern lights predominates: blue, light blue, lilac, crystal clear. Although dark colors are also present in the amulets of these mysterious representatives of the fair sex.

Aquarius is one of the calmest signs of the zodiac. For him there is no greater happiness than doing what he loves. Aquarians are distinguished by their insight and ability to understand what is happening around them. Nevertheless, their characteristic absent-mindedness often prevents them from achieving significant success.

Aquarius is a fairly stable winter sign. Rapid development and rapid movement are not for him. Dark Uranus, which rules this sign, determines the fact that Aquarius need not be afraid of even the coldest and most treacherous stones. There are simply no gems that can seriously harm representatives of this sign.

Most? Among them, we should highlight calm, shimmering and light minerals that can nourish you with their energy. Active fire gems are best avoided.

Amethyst is the key to peace and success in business

It's a mineral purple(the shade can vary from soft pink to deep purple). It is a symbol of calm, goodwill, and sincerity. Amethyst comes to the rescue in times of anxiety and emotional unrest. The mineral in a silver frame has a beneficial effect on establishing friendly contacts, conducting business meetings and career advancement.

What stones are suitable for Aquarius? Sapphire is an excellent healer and an effective talisman

This gem is a symbol of fortitude and noble aspirations. It will be an ideal talisman for those Aquarians who are overcome by a thirst for knowledge and the desire to achieve spiritual harmony. Sapphire can relieve insomnia, which is important for representatives of the described sign. But that's not the only thing medicinal property gem. According to the observations of our ancestors, sapphire can help with problems with the heart and blood vessels, diseases of the spine and skin, and alleviate the condition of patients with diabetes and rheumatism. If Aquarius chooses it as a talisman, he will receive a faithful assistant in the fight against envy and treachery. This mineral can also inspire inspiration and strengthen memory.

Topaz stone for Aquarius - indispensable assistant in good endeavors

This mineral will promote inner enlightenment. If Aquarius lacks prudence, topaz will come in handy. It has been noted that this gem is able to incline its owner to bright feelings and good deeds. It will also help those Aquarians who cannot find the strength to go their own way and not pay attention to the conflicting opinions of others. Topaz will help you gain optimism and confidence in the future. It can be called a good stone and a wonderful talisman.

Choosing best stone According to the zodiac sign, Aquarius will not go wrong if he chooses agate. This mineral is able to protect from danger and repel the insidious thoughts of enemies. they will also be powerless in front of agate. Their attacks will no longer be scary for sensitive and vulnerable Aquarius. Agate is a symbol of prosperity, longevity and good health. It is also considered the stone of friendship, restoring peace after quarrels.

Now you know which stones are suitable for Aquarius, and you can make right choice. Good luck!


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