Stencils for decorating barrels. How to decorate a barrel at the dacha and transform the area

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Even the most durable materials in the countryside fade and crumble over time. Plus, they most often show rust. The same applies to barrels. As a result, such containers become ugly and spoil the entire appearance vegetable garden You can, of course, throw away the old tank and buy a new one. However, this requires a lot of money. That is why it is better to go the other way - paint the existing container in Beautiful colors using stencils.

This type of activity will have double benefits: the barrels will also be given new life, and children will be able to take part in this exciting activity.

Ways to paint barrels in the country

To hide rust garden barrels for water, you can use one of the methods to decorate the area:

  1. Disguise it using available means.
  2. Paint or decorate the tank using stencils.

When choosing a camouflage method, you can use the following means:

  1. Cover with vegetation.
  2. Cover with moss.
  3. Create small containers from willow twigs.
  4. Paint it in protective colors.

If you like covering the tank with vegetation, you can plant small trees or bushes and attach the tank behind them. You can simply leave it on the ground or bury half of it in the ground. In this case, it is necessary to wrap the bottom with oilcloth to prevent rust on the walls.

Beautifully disguise and decorate a barrel or bucket

When choosing to create containers, the following work is carried out:

  1. All natural material is prepared in advance: twigs and branches.
  2. Dried willow branches must be soaked.
  3. The ends of the branches should be sharpened and placed in the ground at a distance sufficient to place the barrel inside.
  4. The weaving process itself begins with an imperceptible prying eyes sides.
  5. Weaving is carried out with a “snake”: the twig, as it were, slips from different sides under the supporting branches.

If you can’t get comfortable with the weaving technique, you can use painting the tank in khaki color, which will successfully hide the tank among the thickets.

Read also about garden crafts made from plastic bottles.

Decoration with coloring pages

When choosing a coloring, you need to know about its features:

  1. Only clean tanks should be used.
  2. Before starting work, cleaning is done with a special brush and emery paper.
  3. Only paints that can withstand natural conditions can be used.
  4. A solvent is required to correct the image.
  5. You need to use brushes: wide - for tinting and narrow - for drawing.
  6. A graphite pencil will allow you to make preliminary markings.

Decorate with acrylic paints

It is best to paint water barrels with acrylic paints:

  • They will create a bright and unique drawing.
  • Most resistant to weather anomalies.
  • Easy to apply and wash off.
  • Does not contain substances hazardous to children.

When coloring metal containers you must use the following sequence of actions:

  1. The tank is cleaned of rust and dirt.
  2. It is primed in an even and thin layer.
  3. Then the bonding paint is applied.
  4. After drying, the image is drawn with acrylic.

The main types of drawings will be the following elements:

  1. Vivid images of fairy-tale characters.
  2. Use of dropouts.
  3. Plastic bottles.
  4. Leaf patterns.
  5. Foam for installation.

As fairy-tale characters, you can use those that children like or those that you love. Such barrels can be installed near the children's area or in an open place.

When using screenings, it is necessary to have glue applied to the tank and the natural material itself. It turns out quite original design. Plastic bottles should be cut into different shapes and glued to the tank.

Leaves can be used as a stencil. They are carefully glued, and an aerosol is sprayed on top. Then the sheet is removed, but the image remains.

Foam can be used both in the form of patterns and as a basis for drawing a pattern on top.

Using stencils in the garden for garden barrels

Stencils or coloring books are perfect solution for those who don’t know how to draw or can’t come up with anything original. Their use is extremely simple, and the effect is excellent. You can create them yourself, using ideas from the Internet, or purchase ready-made ones in a special store.

Types of stencils

There are the following types of stencils to decorate a barrel or bucket:

  1. Consisting of many layers and one sheet.
  2. Dense and flexible.
  3. With and without glue.

Multilayer stencils allow you to use them a large number of time. Their main advantages include the creation of voluminous and large drawings. The disadvantages include such items as high cost and the need to use glue.

Single-layer stencils are intended for one-time use. The advantages include a minimum of time spent, a low price and the ability to create any design. But they cannot be used on plastered surfaces.

You will find all the information about crafts made from tires for the garden.

How to color

Dense and flexible stencils are used to create any image. They can be various types: in the form of plants, flowers, stars and other things. Their advantages include non-standard design and low cost, while their disadvantages include a short duration of use.

Stencils using glue are used as follows: first, the adhesive base is peeled off, and then it is applied to the surface of the barrel and carefully smoothed out. Those that do not have glue are lubricated with the composition and glued.

In the video - a do-it-yourself stencil:

How to make your own decor

When painting a barrel using stencils, you can use the simplest method - using natural material. To do this, perform the following procedure:

  1. All unique shapes and sizes of leaves, branches and other things are prepared.
  2. The barrel or tank is installed on a hill and against the wind.
  3. First, the container is painted with light green paint. The diagonals are drawn on top using a white tint.
  4. Natural material is applied and sprayed from a spray can.
  5. This is how all the work is done.

If you want to create something more beautiful and unusual, you can make your own stencils. To create them, you can use one of the options.

Option one: paint using templates

Using templates: For this you can download already ready-made types, offered on many sites. Then the stencil is strengthened with paper.

Option two

Pattern Thickness: You can choose how many layers the stencil will contain. After this the following is done:

  1. The design of the drawing is being thought through.
  2. It is being created.
  3. Copying occurs either onto one tracing paper or onto multiple ones.

Option three

Choice of material. If you want to create a stencil on paper based, That:

  1. Select the type of paper.
  2. The template is sealed using paper or packing tape.
  3. The drawing is drawn and carefully cut out.

If it is made of a plastic base:

  1. The image is applied to a plastic surface.
  2. The sample is cut out.
  3. All sharp corners are rounded.

Thus, you can make absolutely any stencil.

You will learn how to make a birdhouse with your own hands.

On the video - how to paint a barrel in the country:

How to paint a water barrel

After creating a suitable sample, you need to use it to decorate the barrel. The following amount of work should be carried out:

  1. The stencil is fixed to the surface using paint or tape.
  2. The paint is applied using improvised means.
  3. It should be as small as possible so that the drawing does not blur.
  4. The brush is stuffed or rotated over a stencil.

The simplest type of stencil is ready. For a more complex and voluminous pattern, you can use the following steps:

  1. Using an already painted stencil, you should add different shades of paint - from lighter to darker.
  2. The same sequence should be performed - from the center to the edge.
  3. If you use round patterns, you can make a different sequence - from the edge to the center.

Thus, using different technologies by drawing the same stencil, you can create real masterpieces on the walls of barrels.

Surely every summer resident has suburban area there are a couple of unusable barrels that used to be filled with water. As a rule, they are used to irrigate vegetation or store water in case of interruption of water supply, which often happens in places outside the city.

Such beautiful barrel it will look great on vegetable beds, and on the lawn, at the entrance to the house near the porch or in the garden.

This idea is very popular, since it does not require much effort and special financial costs.

Initially, you should select containers suitable for decoration. In general, barrels that hold 200 liters of water look more attractive because they can be painted with any patterns, both simple and complex.

To work with barrels you will need:

Empty and clean barrel;
A special brush designed for metal surfaces, sandpaper;
Paints that can repel water of different shades;
Brush with solvent and pencil.

A plastic barrel is the easiest to work with. Before painting it, the container just needs to be washed and dried well.

WITH iron barrel the rusty coating should be completely removed sandpaper or a metal brush. Next, the surface must be wiped with a cloth previously moistened with alcohol to degrease the iron.

After preparatory work before coloring, you can choose the desired image that will be placed on the barrel. These can be fairy tale heroes, flowers, people or animals.

To begin, create a sketch on a piece of paper, then move it onto the surface. Paint the barrel one tone, wait. While it dries, then use a brush to apply the outline of the image, which will later need to be painted with suitable paints.

With paints various colors You can put the handprints of all family members on the barrel. It will be creative and will remain in the memory for a long time.

The decorated barrel should dry well, after which it can be placed on a summer cottage.
As an addition, the barrel is decorated flower arrangements. Black soil is poured into the middle of the container and vegetation is planted.

How to decorate a barrel at the dacha, photo selection

Look at a selection of photos of how barrels are decorated at:

Today we will tell you how to beautifully paint a water barrel at your dacha with your own hands. We are not talking about standard painting in one tone, but about interesting decor, which in no time will turn this useful country accessory into original decoration garden plot. Master this step by step lesson Can be done by almost any summer resident: no special devices you don't need it - just paint and available materials.

This tutorial will focus on how to decorate a plastic barrel, but if your barrel is metal, you can easily apply these instructions to that as well. The only difference will be in the choice of coverage. If you don’t know how to paint a water barrel, take a standard one acrylic paint in cylinders. The label of each aerosol indicates what material it can be coated with. In our lesson we use paint for plastic, if your barrel is metal, take an aerosol for metal.

We will need:

Take the last item from the list of necessary materials with the utmost responsibility - be sure to protect your hands and eyes while working with the aerosol! It would be a good idea to wear a respiratory mask to avoid inhaling harmful paint fumes.

Before you start, find a tree with beautiful leaves. Take a large pair of garden pliers and cut a branch off of it. Pick a few different options. To really decorate your water barrel, you can use large Maple leaves or branches of several bushes. It is desirable that the stem be thin and the leaves large.

Place the leaves under the press for a few minutes until they are completely flattened and lie flat on a flat surface.

Wash the barrel and wipe it with a dry cloth so that there is no dust or lint on it. Then place it on oilcloth or newspaper to protect your summer cottage from paint spraying (it’s better to work outside so as not to stain anything).

With one hand we take a branch with leaves, and with the other hand we spray paint from a can onto the barrel. Freely move the branch as needed. If it is important for you to get an even pattern, lay the barrel on its side and place something heavy inside so that it does not turn. Place the leaves on the barrel and weigh them down with small weights and spray paint.

Do not try to apply paint in an even layer over the entire barrel - in this case Spraying will look beautiful. Light stains in combination with the silhouettes of leaves will give a beautiful picture.

Allow the decorated water barrel to dry upside down for several hours. Then it can be placed on a summer cottage - it will become worthy decoration and at the same time still the same useful object.

Surely every summer resident on his country plot has a couple of unusable barrels into which water was previously poured. As a rule, they are used to irrigate vegetation or store water in case of interruption of water supply, which often happens in places outside the city.

So that barrels covered with rust do not darken the overall landscape dacha area, in this case, we recommend ways to exquisitely decorate water containers with paints.

Such a beautiful barrel will look great both in vegetable beds and on the lawn, at the entrance to the house near the porch or in the garden.

This idea is very popular, since it does not require much effort and special financial costs.

We present to your attention technological sequence decorating barrels at the dacha with metal and plastic.

Painting barrels at the dacha

Initially, you should select containers suitable for decoration. In general, barrels that hold 200 liters of water look more attractive because they can be painted with any patterns, both simple and complex.

To work with barrels you will need:

Empty and clean barrel;
A special brush designed for metal surfaces, sandpaper;
Paints that can repel water of different shades;
Brush with solvent and pencil.

A plastic barrel is the easiest to work with. Before you paint it with your own hands, you just need to wash and dry the container well.

The rusty coating should be completely removed from the iron barrel using sandpaper or a metal brush. Next, the surface must be wiped with a cloth previously moistened with alcohol to degrease the iron.

After the preparatory work for painting, you can select the desired image that will be placed on the barrel. These can be fairy tale heroes, flowers, people or animals.

To begin, create a sketch on a piece of paper, then move it onto the surface. Paint the barrel one tone, wait. While it dries, then use a brush to apply the outline of the image, which will later need to be painted with suitable paints.

Using paints of various colors, you can decorate the handprints of all family members on the barrel. It will be creative and will remain in the memory for a long time.

The decorated barrel should dry well, after which it can be placed on a summer cottage.
As an addition, the barrel is decorated with flower arrangements. Black soil is poured into the middle of the container and vegetation is planted.

How to decorate a barrel at the dacha, photo selection

Look at a selection of photos of how barrels are decorated in the country.

How to paint barrels on the site with your own hands if a considerable number of them have accumulated and it is difficult or simply a pity to throw them away? The solution is simple - try, with the help of a few paints and brushes, to turn ugly rusty ruins into elegant elements decor. However, don’t let the condition of the barrels scare you. Even those in which cucumbers are planted or those that have long lost their formal appearance can be turned into wonderful elements landscape design.

Even the most old barrel can be made an integral part of the landscape - by choosing the decor in accordance with the style and color scheme summer cottage.

How to decorate a site using improvised elements

There is, perhaps, no such dacha plot where a certain number of old barrels have not accumulated. They are often used as reservoirs for storing water or used as a system for watering plants. If the appearance of these barrels leaves much to be desired, they can greatly ruin the overall beautiful appearance of the estate. But don’t rush to throw everything into the nearest landfill - you can make beautiful and eye-pleasing crafts out of them. To do this you will need to apply imagination and a little work.

To decorate barrels at your dacha you will only need paints, brushes and imagination.

Before you start work, get necessary materials and tools. This will help you not to be distracted during creative process. You will need:

  • enamel - any, for metal or wood;
  • spray paint cans;
  • brushes of different sizes;
  • solvent;
  • metal brush for cleaning the surface.

This kind of preparation does not require special expenses - many owners country dachas There is a small supply of open cans of paint that were left over from household work and are stored just “just in case.”

To prepare a barrel for painting, you should clean its surface from residues. old paint, from rusty deposits, then wipe with solvent.

If you need to decorate plastic barrel, it does not require such preparation - it is only recommended to wash it thoroughly and dry it.

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Barrel design development

The stencils will be ordinary tree branches and leaves. Such compositions look richer, but they take more time to create, since each layer of paint must dry.

When the preparation of the surface for work is completed, you need to figure out exactly how the barrels will be decorated in the country. Barrels in a dacha look quite advantageous as an element of landscape design; they contain images such as fairy tale characters, flowers, and geometric figures arranged in a pattern.

First you need to create a sketch of the future image on paper. Later it will be transferred to the surface of the barrel. It will need to be completely painted so that its entire surface is a uniform, soft color.

Apply the contours of the image onto such a base with a brush, checking the sketch. After that, paint them with paint, choosing the color as you wish.

The simplest design, which nevertheless looks very advantageous and pleasant, is a barrel at the dacha, painted in one color, dotted with the palms of family members - the owners of the dacha. To do this, each family member, including the smallest ones, leaves their handprints on the painted surface, having first dipped them in paint different colors. What is attractive is not only the creativity of the idea itself, but also the fact that this kind of memo will be pleasant for the whole family to contemplate for many years.

If the barrel to be decorated is used only to act as a design element and does not contain water, you can plant a small flower garden on top of it. Large stones are poured into the container and added on top suitable soil, where flowers or cucumbers are planted.

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The bright character on the barrel will attract the attention of kids, but just don’t forget to cover it with a lid for safety.

If you are not a professional artist, but nevertheless decided to not just paint a barrel for the garden in one color, but draw a rather complex pattern on its surface, first try to practice somewhere aside or make a stencil. It is also necessary to practice how to correctly apply paint to the brush, otherwise finishing work Unsightly smudges may result.

As for spray paints, they are not nearly as durable as enamel paints. But if you are going to design using a stencil, they are much more convenient to use.

First, the surface chosen for decoration is coated with a primer. When it is completely dry, it should be treated with the coloring agent chosen for the background. IN last resort draw small details.

If you plan to use the barrel in the future to store water supplies, you can paint it in dark color- this will ensure it warms up as quickly as possible. As an option, painting is done to match the house on the site. Often they are constructed from waste materials- boards, pieces of roofing felt - a roof that exactly replicates the one on the house.

If there are a lot of barrels on the site, you can use them to create original compositions, having previously painted them in accordance with the plan. The simplest thing is to imagine a couple in love from two barrels. One of them is painted blue, with big eyes in a cartoon style and a tie. The other one is painted pink, with eyes with long eyelashes and a white lace collar. You can install filled ones on top fertile soil basins and plant flowers in them - you get something like flowering hats.

Barrels painted in the same style, placed in a row along the perimeter of the site, look good. It is not necessary to create entire pictures on them - it is enough to paint the entire surface in one background color. Then, decorative elements are drawn on the background with another paint, which will harmonize with the background and at the same time be clearly visible - geometric figures, patterns, flowers.

Painted barrels at dachas can act as inexpensive decorative elements that will successfully complement the overall picture of landscape design.

You just need to be careful when designing the images on them so that they complete the overall composition of the site, and do not stand out from it.


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